Techno-Form questions

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Techno-Form questions

Unread post by SpiritInterface »

I have some quick questions about vehicle/machine form parameters.

1) what is the largest vehicle can they turn into?

2) do you use the empty weight for their mass?

3) how do you figure the vehicles carry capacity?

4) is there a limit on the kinds of machines they can turn into?
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Re: Techno-Form questions

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

1) The form is always the same size as the character. So if the character is six feet tall, he will turn into a six foot long vehicle. The sample forms given contradict this, however, so it would be up to the GM to make the determination.

2) The power as written makes no allowances for empty space inside the vehicle allowing it to be larger. Again, this would have to be a GM's call.

3) Carry weights are listed for the various sample vehicles. Otherwise, use the character's carry capacity when not a vehicle, which is his Superhuman PS.

4) I would say the vehicle would have to be familiar to the character, so alien spacecraft might be out.
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Re: Techno-Form questions

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

1) no larger than 20 tons big......or to say no heavier than a main battle tank. (opinion based on the text)

2) yes. scene they wouldn't have any cargo or fuel or ammo as part of their Techno-self.

3) when a vehicle-same as the normal capacity of the same type of vehicle. (opinion)

4) it says a robot form and a vehicle form. The robot form having the same basic shape as their Flesh & Blood self. So if a humanoid F&B self, than the base tech-form self will be also humanoid. I can also see a liberal GM letting someone take a non-humanoid or part-humanoid form.

4b) I would say that the character would, when their powers 1st manifest, the robot form would ether have some relationship with the character's interests. Or in the awakening event.

4c) I would say that if the char has no knowledge of a vehicle they wouldn't have it as their vehicle form.
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Re: Techno-Form questions

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

Note that only the basic Techno-Form is the same general size as the human form. Under Vehicular Transformations it states that in some cases the vehicle is half the usual size, with the examples given of jet, steamroller, and steam shovel. Many of the examples given are quite light for their volume such that the Main Battle Tank would probably be closer in dimension to light tanks like the M8 or 2S25 Sprut-SD, while the passenger bus makes more sense as a miniature double-decker. A cargo truck would be around the size of a single unit 3 or 4 axle truck such as a mid-sized dump truck, or could be a miniature tractor with a sleeper cab which can hook up to trailers not made via Techno-form. Those appear to be the three largest general forms available.

While the book states that the only limit on types of vehicles available is that the character has seen them before, it's worth noting that the character doesn't need any mechanical skills to do so, and they don't need to understand how a given machine works. That said I'd be leery of adding types of movement not otherwise mentioned; a powered aerostat like a dirigible is probably ok, but a hover tank or flying saucer is definitely giving a character a boost.
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Re: Techno-Form questions

Unread post by ITWastrel »

Curbludgeon wrote: That said I'd be leery of adding types of movement not otherwise mentioned; a powered aerostat like a dirigible is probably ok, but a hover tank or flying saucer is definitely giving a character a boost.

A boost perfect for jumpstarting space campaigns. The vicious green aliens took Ruby Rudolph, intrepid girl reporter and love interest of Captain Courageous! Technoman! You've been in their ship, your technopathic powers can replicate it. What do you do?

Plus, first person space battles where if the ship is destroyed, so is the PC... High stakes.
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