Most recent new publication?

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Most recent new publication?

Unread post by Steve Dubya »

What was the last "new" book Palladium released?

By "new" I'm here referring to the last publication of previously unreleased material, as opposed to something like the new AtB HC, which has more content than the original core, but said content was already published.
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Josh Hilden
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Re: Most recent new publication?

Unread post by Josh Hilden »

The new novels?

Lazlo RAW?

Garden of the Gods?

Dead Reign Hell Followed?

I think it's one of those but I haven't purchased a Palladium product since the end of 2008 so I'm not sure.
Josh Hilden
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Re: Most recent new publication?

Unread post by Warshield73 »

Go to the store and click "just released" and you can see everything released most recent at the top.

If you are looking for just gaming book it is Lazlo Raw or if you want a completed book the Dead Reign Hell Followed.
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