Cut & Paste New Editions???

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Cut & Paste New Editions???

Unread post by Achalon1 »

Ok, first of all I'm a 25+ year fan of Palladium. I love the material and have run countless adventures in Palladium's world. This is my favorite RPG company.

That said... What the hell is up with the Cutting and Pasting of new editions of old books?

Villain's Unlimited 2nd ed. really pisses me off. I've wanted a copy of this for years, but circumstances had prevented it. I figured the old characters would get overhauled into 2nd edition (at the very least) and really wanted to see how Palladium's take on the 2nd ed of some of these characters turned out. What a waste of money and excitement.... Most of the book was a direct cut and paste of 1st ed. A LOT of the characters stats don't even make sense in the 2nd ed rules, and they couldn't be bothered to update them???

Several of the books they've supposedly "updated" and even a couple of newer books just feel like they stopped trying. Is it really hard to read you're own material and update your own characters and settings? Just a stats update, that's all I was looking for in VU2ed, and.... nothing.

In the last few years it really feels like if someone at Palladium isn't really passionate about it, the book get some sort of half-assed treatment.

I'm still a huge fan of Palladium and their material, but this is how you alienate fans like me.
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Re: Cut & Paste New Editions???

Unread post by Quorlox »

I've also been a fan for awhile and have always been puzzled about the amount of direct content transfer between books.
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Re: Cut & Paste New Editions???

Unread post by Sureshot »

Villians Unlimited was a huge missed opportunity to update the characters fully to 2E. Hell one of the posters here even did the conversions for them if I am not mistaken before VU 2E went to print. For some odd reason they simply cut and paste the same 1E characters into VU 2E thinking we would not notice.
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