Making a character - Lego Lass

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Making a character - Lego Lass

Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

So, after running across a simply terrible Lord of the Rings Meme I decided in my next game one of the throw away villains I need to make is Lego Lass. My first thought was APS Plastic and then give her some sort of matter expulsion so she can throw out legos to torment the speedster of the group, but figured I'd see what others here suggest or would do to make that character.

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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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Lego Lass (as an ALOF): would make the Matter Expulsion's plastic bricks be perm. and maybe some sort of animate legos power, and some power that fuses the bricks together so they have an SDC value as a whole.

Maybe the Lego Lass has a house made of bricks fused together as her base.
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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aps plastic as you said or some such, but don't forget toy control
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

Unread post by Regularguy »

Daniel Stoker wrote:So, after running across a simply terrible Lord of the Rings Meme I decided in my next game one of the throw away villains I need to make is Lego Lass. My first thought was APS Plastic and then give her some sort of matter expulsion so she can throw out legos to torment the speedster of the group, but figured I'd see what others here suggest or would do to make that character.

My first thought was Gem Powers (with the quirk of keeping her gems housed in Legos) plus, say, Invulnerability (so she’ll have an always-on defense, not just varying powerups) and maybe Negate Super Abilities or Pause Temporal Flow (so she can toss stuff in the general direction of a speedster who’ll suddenly slow down like crazy, except this time it’s not a matter of gimmicks being housed in Legos; it’s just ordinary Legos).

But, leaving aside the idea of specifically tormenting a speedster, I kind of love the idea of an invulnerable Lego Lass having Mirror Mastery (and holding a mirrorlike silver Lego between her thumb and forefinger, for zapping and scrying) and Transmutation (so she can temporarily change any Lego into a mirrorlike silver Lego, as well as temporarily changing assorted cheap plastic stuff into poisons or explosives or teleportation devices — or a mirror that can let her create a temporary mirror copy of herself, who can apparently work permanent transmutations, which means she’d have as much silver or gold or platinum or whatever as she‘d like, and still she goes in for cheap plastic stuff at every turn).
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

Unread post by RockJock »

Here are a few.

Techno-Form, but into legos.

Swarm Self-but into lego versions of the character, goes well with say APS: Plastic.

Junk Yard, but with legos.....need another power to generation them, maybe something like Transmutation to turn a wall or whatever into legos, then manipulate the pieces.

OR....LIFE LEECH, when you step on one of her legos she sucks your life force away.....
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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Like Rock Jock, I would use a different power that is closer in mechanics than flavour - I was thinking APS: Force Field because of the ability to alter their shape and also throw blasts from their own body - this could be flavoured as the character 'rebuilding' their body blocks in different shape or throwing their blocks.
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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fbdaury wrote:Like Rock Jock, I would use a different power that is closer in mechanics than flavour - I was thinking APS: Force Field because of the ability to alter their shape and also throw blasts from their own body - this could be flavoured as the character 'rebuilding' their body blocks in different shape or throwing their blocks.

I was considering Gateways and either Divine Aura or Multiple Selves for a showy committed-to-the-bit performer. So she produces what looks like a Lego car when declaring her intention of having a real car, and her assistant obligingly arranges the substitution of the car they keep back at HQ; same thing if she pulls out anything they have ready to go (be it a toy raft stocked with toy food and a toy medical kit, or a toy astronaut figure complete with spacesuit and raygun).

Give her a moment, she could even announce that she’s putting together a Lego-brick representation of a teleportation portal — and then fire up a Gateway, while acting like the useless prop is doing all the work.

And maybe throw in a third power, like Create Force Field or Create Force Constructs, so she can have a personal defense up and running (and chalked up to a multicolored belt-buckle device or whatever) even while generating instant obstacles (as if from wacky toy-themed feats of gadgetry, but really just from her powers). So the idea is, if she can accomplish her latest goal while looking like her gear is doing all the work, great; but if she ever gets defeated and loses her gear, well, the ace up her sleeve is that she gets away anyway while you’re left with nothing but questions and a handful of Legos.
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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essentially this is turning into Yokai from Big Hero Six
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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Hmmm... more decisions, but thank you guys for the ideas.

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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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Let us know what you come up with.
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

Unread post by Regularguy »

Returning to this for a moment:

Regularguy wrote:Gem Powers (with the quirk of keeping her gems housed in Legos) plus, say, Invulnerability (so she’ll have an always-on defense, not just varying powerups) and maybe Negate Super Abilities or Pause Temporal Flow (so she can toss stuff in the general direction of a speedster who’ll suddenly slow down like crazy, except this time it’s not a matter of gimmicks being housed in Legos; it’s just ordinary Legos)

I guess I just realized, I’m not sure how Pause Temporal Flow is meant to work; the bit where one can pause individuals or vehicles as if they were frozen in time, completely immobile and invulnerable to all attacks — you know, like the indestructible birds that hang in mid-flight during a Temporal Slip? — makes me wonder: if a given lass isn’t out to freeze something as big as a vehicle, could she instead freeze a Lego in mid-air?
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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I actually went with a 'cheat' version of Create Force Fields where she was limited to lego items but I made them a lot stronger then they would normally be. Sadly she didn't get a chance to make her Lego car before they were able to knock her out/capture her.

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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

Unread post by matt.reed »

dang, got create forcefields and still got KO'd? tough fight
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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Well they're all level one and she had some REALLY bad rolls against a flying brick.

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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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...So bring her back after the court case where she gets acquitted, or she escapes. Level her up a bit to match the PC's levels.
As a recurring baddy.

or she has to do "community service" and bring her onto the team for a short while.....before they realize she leaching off of them for her own reasons.
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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Oh she's definitely coming back it depends too if the speedster manages to woo the character or not as tonight he's riding with her back to the police station to try and get info from her.

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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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So little update, in last night's game the Speedster has been trying to win over Lego Lass to their side as they were being driven to the police station and convince her to give up who hired her for her job and to join them and possibly the Super Hero group they're freelancing for.

The character is just getting started out as her powers just developed and this was one of her first 'real' jobs, so I have to decide now convincing he's in.

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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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Regularguy wrote:
Daniel Stoker wrote:So, after running across a simply terrible Lord of the Rings Meme I decided in my next game one of the throw away villains I need to make is Lego Lass. My first thought was APS Plastic and then give her some sort of matter expulsion so she can throw out legos to torment the speedster of the group, but figured I'd see what others here suggest or would do to make that character.

My first thought was Gem Powers (with the quirk of keeping her gems housed in Legos) plus, say, Invulnerability (so she’ll have an always-on defense, not just varying powerups) and maybe Negate Super Abilities or Pause Temporal Flow (so she can toss stuff in the general direction of a speedster who’ll suddenly slow down like crazy, except this time it’s not a matter of gimmicks being housed in Legos; it’s just ordinary Legos).

But, leaving aside the idea of specifically tormenting a speedster, I kind of love the idea of an invulnerable Lego Lass having Mirror Mastery (and holding a mirrorlike silver Lego between her thumb and forefinger, for zapping and scrying) and Transmutation (so she can temporarily change any Lego into a mirrorlike silver Lego, as well as temporarily changing assorted cheap plastic stuff into poisons or explosives or teleportation devices — or a mirror that can let her create a temporary mirror copy of herself, who can apparently work permanent transmutations, which means she’d have as much silver or gold or platinum or whatever as she‘d like, and still she goes in for cheap plastic stuff at every turn).

JEM Powers?!?!?!?! That is truely, truely, truely, outragous
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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Holograms are a power :D
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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I was told if I included Jem and the Holograms or Captain Planet they'd lynch me.... which leaves me free to bring in the bad guys from the COPS animated series!

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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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call their bluff, at least with Jem, have the heroes do a job involving them
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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Daniel Stoker wrote:I was told if I included Jem and the Holograms or Captain Planet they'd lynch me.... which leaves me free to bring in the bad guys from the COPS animated series!

Daniel Stoker

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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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I'm actually thinking of having Lego Lass broken out of jail/kidnapped by the Muscle for the bad guy to give them a trail to follow if they don't find my other clues.

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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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Could always use the Misfits... they aren't Jem, they're from Jem but they aren't Jem so no lynching, problem solved.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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Daniel Stoker wrote:I'm actually thinking of having Lego Lass broken out of jail/kidnapped by the Muscle for the bad guy to give them a trail to follow if they don't find my other clues.

Daniel Stoker

That might be fun.....having to go after them to take back who was taken. especially if it's a chase scene where they never quite catch up. So the baddies end up leading them to the hideout.
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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Daniel Stoker wrote:Well they're all level one and she had some REALLY bad rolls against a flying brick.

Daniel Stoker

By flying brick I'm guessing you mean "Dive-Bomber, Champion of Millions" and not a flying piece of mortar upside her head? That gives me a whole new power idea after the last few years: Matter Expulsion: Can of Soup (minor) - The character can create out of thin air and throw surprisingly effective soup cans to use as ranged attacks.
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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LOL, yeah it wasn't just a piece of masonry that took her out. :p

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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

Hmm, Read the WORM web serial.
Girl gets control of bugs(basically) and is both hero and villain. Very creative use of Control Insects and Arachnids[nightmare fuel to heroes].
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Re: Making a character - Lego Lass

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I'll have to give it a look.

Daniel Stoker
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