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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Aramanthus wrote:Your entry has a lot of merit. It fills a niche in the "Rfit's" setting that is needed. Please keep up the great work.

wow thanks
the coalition been a pain (really a bi$%H) but after that it will turn a boom for other weapon dealer in north America, no one knows they are been built in North America as well keeping travel cost down!!!1
if i many ask can you give more info really appreciated Aramanthus
sorry for my typo
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

gloem Bot 5 long range A.A.A robot vechile or golem 10 http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/ ... DoomER.jpg

gloem Bot 5 long range A.A.A robot vechile or golem 10 http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/ ... DoomER.jpg


The golem series were from golden age of man where the communist countries were play catch up with the western powers. They came out with really stopping gaps at the time but were imported version. They are well known robot vehicles and mainly used by small or staring security from in Europe, or stating mercenary out fists. They are aloe are starting robot vehicle to last line or second line unit were number mean everything or need fast glass cannon robot vehicles . Where quantity is quality said by Stalin form the old communist party in world war two. The golem fills the gaps form Russia to the Middle East to India to the Africa and many other parts of the world. They been around for a few months now and many love over the counter robot vehicle in Europe. But now thanks to NGR they are available in north and South America which will give N.A.T.O, A.M.C, N.A.A.T and N.A.M.E.S a huge boom in revenue both in Europe and North America. The main advantage was N.A.A.T and N.A.M.E.S could keep up with demands.
Golem heavy tank golem one and two

Response :

America in general will see as over the counter robot vehicle for the common mercenary started up groups or cannon flooder robot vehicle . Cheap easy to fix ( interchange parts!!!! This means + 20 in the field but in a simple shop repair area even low tech towns +35%). This will be a major boom for small towns where is the only options . Plus ammunition is everywhere and sold in larger amounts . This will always be common unit to buy for rookie robot pilots ( mainly level 1 to 3 ) . They can have no pilots too and cost extra still can be very useful in either labor unit or defended units . Easy access to get ,and cheap make even by cheap well hardware, but all MDC level !!!!

New lazo / lazo
Several units have arrived to act as non-magical combat units all models how is unknown . But many know now New lazo added for defined . one major use is the AAA MODEL BEEN ADD. Even the coalition is not aware of this .due to the fact that these units are the perfect abilities to hid in urban area and place no will even think to be at. Last there been adding magic features as well making even harder to get IFF . only lazo and new lazo are able to id one another .!!!

Northern gun
Has allowed to sell, repair and now adding in 6 to 9 months to make these model but as knock off version 30% less MDC all features are add, no magic ,and are excellent training wheels for young to no experience robot pilots that are begin to use. And keep the good toys back .

Coalition states /Free Quebec (F.Q) are seen only additional targets, but if the ever encounter a true golem AA A model unit. It wills another deadly wake up call. This unit can hide and shot even their best aircraft of the sky . simply but small . they are like sniper from the ground, in reality they will be a major headache for the collation.it will a repeat of history the USA empire face during the new cold war , to the point that grounds forces and orbital satellite systems for some time had to take out and not the air force job. For many 99% will self-destruct before give any value data

North America Black market (N.A.B.M)
will buy the cheapest units A.S.A.P , and will be mostly fossil fuel or battery powered units due the cost and to throw body at the enemy target to slow the police for name sake .

King dale :
will sell only the cheap models golem class ,ammo and will be seen as defends robot vehicle only

Tundra ranger
Will love the new robot vehicle addition and will only get battery powered units or best units

Tennessee Headhunters:/ G.A.W/. Wellington industries (W.I)
G.A.W. will get all model (any model ) repaired and maintain and will give GAW a new avenue for money for they will later add this training to other combat robot vehicles to labor units .

Air Superiority ,Inc.
Will get all golem and the main fossil fuel systems will be the cheapest and will only want it to cover base and airfield protections.

G.A.W/chipwells armaments
Will make loads of money as well other rival companies due to the fact the abilities to make these unit will just be a test run for some of the major weapon dealer for north America but will help others they will main work on fossil fuel systems unit and battery were from the golden age , GAW will be able to work more on nuclear powered units then chipwells armaments. Still this perfect for chipwells armaments low buttom budgets robot vechiles

El Paso & Ciudad Juarez
Look at balck market north America

south America:

They also getting all model for allied town and battery power units will be seen as second line combat units last all nuclear powered units will be add to family factions and military as well as main combat units .they will modified them to build them for anti- vampire combat units as well .

Europe :
N.G.R governments /Kingdom of Tarnow

Will be love and hated the golem combat units the first units were been deploy all over Europe ,Asia, middle east as rouge robot vehicles , and other counties that could only buy them would buy the battery powered units. At the time the nuclear version were only at Russia only. Again they flood the market where those nations could not get the new toys . however Kingdom of Tarnow doubles all mdc location due to magic abilities turning first S.D.C to M.D.C ,which very few know.it history will be known in NGR and will not let coalition know about it. And will later act like Ops long lost tech they were stopping gap tech ,which will work very well in rifts earth

Gloem Bot 5 long range A.A.A robot vechile or golem 10
http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 0d9f4d.jpg note this is not my art just identity each robot drone unit

golem Bot 5 or golem 10
is a true defend combat unit for AAA use but can function as a anti anything if need be ;many call a walking A 10 Warthog( it 45 MM heavy Vulcan gun is something not to mess with that what they call north America later in NGR troops), hidden mini missiles in legs and in main body( if been over run) a very good radar systems that gives a 360 degrees and radio/jammer or ECM Suite booster systems .they are rarely send outside a base for patrols but there been a few times still the lost is better than capture unit. It can function as a drone or robot vehicles as well.it box look make ideal to hide in city, town to urban area, making look like part of the building or bridges or squared structures as well.they can piloted or become a drone units as well or a borg .
1. Radar: 5 miles Weight add: add 100lds or recon unit 45 miles Weight add: 500lds
2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon , also add +3 attacks, +5 to dodge
3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems
4. Back Radio standard 5 miles, Weight add: 50 ld or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 100ld
5. External audio pick up: same as robots
6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional Weight add: 100lds
7. Ejection systems: add 100lds BORG
8. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 250 pounds
9. . Voice actuated locking systems
10. Complete environmental pilot or crew compartment Weight add: 100lds
11. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 50lds
12. . Nuclear powered N.A.A.T ONLY ,Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: for each add 1000 lds
13. N.A.AT ONLY Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 50 lds
14. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 100 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 95 M.D.C and third hit 90 M.D.C so on Weight add: 1000 ld.
15. .Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total, Male pilots get this at third level
16. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 600 pounds total
Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons
Recon unit can carry enery flares
17. U.S Military Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +5 auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!
18. This the can be heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well.
19. U.S Military V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting
Weight add: 100lds
20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight add: 100lds
21. A.I system can be added as well look at rifts source book one

Main body 350
Main body primary force field- 240 force field-150, emergency force field-100
[1] right 45 MM Upper Arms (2) 200
[1] right 45 MM Lower Arms (2)200
[1] left radar dome missiles Upper Arms (2) 200
[1] left radar dome missiles Lower Arms (2)200
[1] Upper Legs (2)200
[1] Lower Legs (2)200
[1] Feet (2)100
Head none
Reinforce cockpit compartment:200 for pilots ,Borg , AI unit
N.A.A.T primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
[1] These locations are small and difficult targets to strike, requiring the attacker to make a "called shot," but even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
[2] Depleting the Main Body M.D.C. will shut the robot down making it useless.. Note: All Power Armor locations are laser resistant. Each layer of armor is 100 MDC. A variable laser weapon must be reset every 100 M.D.C. or it will only do half damage. If a laser does enough damage to damage the next layer, it will only do half damage to the next layer if set to do full damage to the layer above.
[3] The force field will stop energy attacks and fast moving objects. Slow moving objects can pas through. It Regenerates one (1) M.D.C. per melee unless overloaded and then cannot be activated for 12 hours if overloaded. The force field pulls its power off of the power plant.
Statistical Data
Height 18 to 22 feet
Length 18 to20 feet
width 11 feet
Weight empty 3 tons ,Generators add 1 ton
Power System: Nuclear Fusion, average energy life is 25 years, 45 hour operation time commercial versions fossil fuel, 30 battery power systems
Cost Nuclear Fusion 5 million, 800,000 commercial versions fossil fuel, 1.2 million battery power systems
Black Market Cost: just add 30%

Speed Running 100 MPH ,Walk 2 to 5 MPH
Range: varies by systems fossil full run time 3 days!!!
Flight jump jet system in main body 500 feet max
Flying Range: none
Maximum Ocean Depth: 500 feet

Hand to hand: Use robotic P.S 60(legs only)

Weapons systems 45 MM heavy Vulcan gun
is really a knock off weapon systems that with design for a very deadly aircraft for both air to air combat to air to ground combat . it was the terror of the sky to any pilot . that weapon systems had a range of over 3 miles that is over 15,000 feet range . on top of that the damage was huge able to take down even glitter boy robot vehicle in one shot!!!! It the US heavy combat air superiority A 10 fighter till the end of the golden age of man .
Type 45 MM heavy Vulcan gun
DAMAGE this will be uised as the ammo and will throw off many coalition fores off in it intell in damage rating for a long time . and the cheap of all rounds to get and copied or AKA Konk off .
6d6 M.D.C one round ,frist gen ammo
1d6x10+12 M.D Two round Burst,
2d4x10+12 M.D three round Burst ,
3d4x10+12M.D four round Burst ,
4d4x10+12M.D five round Burst ,
5d6x10 M.D ten round Burst

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
45 MM heavy Vulcan gun
4d6 M.D ( max damage 24) blast radius 1 feet
1D4X10+8 M.D Two round burst,
1D6X10+12 M.D three round burst,
1D10X10 M.D four round burst,
2D6X10 M.D five round burst,
N/A MD six round burst,
5D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
N/A M.D nine round burst ,
4D6X10 0 M.D ten round burst ,
8D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,

H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius

45 MM heavy Vulcan gun
5d6 M.D (max damage 30)
1D6X10M.D Two round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D three round burst,
2D6X10 M.D four round burst,
N/A M.D five round burst,
3D6 X10 M.D six round burst,
4D6X10 M.D eight round burst,
N/A M.D nine round burst ,
5D6X10 M.D ten round burst ,

A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
45 MM heavy Vulcan gun
5d10 M.D( max damage 50 )
5D10 M.D( max damage 50 ) blast radius
1d10X10 M.D Two round burst,
4D4X10 M.D three round burst,
5D4X10 M.D four round burst,
4D6X10+10 M.D five round burst,
5D6X10 MD six round burst,
5D8X10 M.D eight round burst,

The "cartridge" energy weapon system
45 MM heavy Vulcan gun
1D10X10 M.D=100 M.D
5d4x10 M.D Two round Burst, 5d6x10 M.D
three round Burst 5d8x10 M.D four round Burst ,
5d10x10M.D five round Burst ,
10d6x10 or 1d6x100 M.D ten round Burst

Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single or shot -bursts later!!!!
45 MM heavy Vulcan gun 1D6X10 one round
2d6x10 M.D Two round Burst,
3d6x10 M.D three round Burst ,
4d6x10 M.D four round Burst ,
5d6x10 M.D five round Burst ,
and so to the max 10d6x10 or 1d6x100M.D ten round Burst

type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
Range 4 miles standard OR 21,120 Feet note one mile 5280 feet standard range
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300
Bonus:look above

Weapons systems hidden main body Mini – missile x 6

Type Mini – missile
Damage : varies
Range: varies
Rate of fire: one or any counts as one attack or all counts as one attack
Payload: 24 each
Bonus: varies

Weapons systems hidden hip Mini – missile
Type as above
Damage as above
Range as above
Rate of fire: as above
Payload: as above
Bonus: varies

Weapons systems hidden left shoulder S.R.M (arm) stands for short range missiles
Type short range missiles
Damage : varies
Range : varies,medium range missiles 10 miles , S.R.M (arm) stands for short range varies by missiles
Rate of fire: one or any counts as one attack or all counts as one attack
Payload: 20
Bonus : varies
N.A.A.T can use medium range 20 weight for each is 120 pounds,S.R.M (srm) stands for short range missiles 33 pounds

Weapons systems hidden lower leg Mini – missile X2
Type Mini – missile
Damage as Mini – missile as above
Range as Mini – missile as above
Rate of fire: as Mini – missile as above
Payload: as Mini – missile as above
Bonus: as Mini – missile as above
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

wow 20169
plz leave a reply thank you so much
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

bot 6 all purpose robot vehicle Golem Bot 6 or Golem Bot 151 http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/ ... DoomER.jpg

The golem series were from golden age of man where the communist countries were play catch up with the western powers. They came out with really stopping gaps at the time but were imported version. They are well known robot vehicles and mainly used by small or staring security from in Europe, or stating mercenary out fists. They are aloe are starting robot vehicle to last line or second line unit were number mean everything or need fast glass cannon robot vehicles . Where quantity is quality said by Stalin form the old communist party in world war two. The golem fills the gaps form Russia to the Middle East to India to the Africa and many other parts of the world. They been around for a few months now and many love over the counter robot vehicle in Europe. But now thanks to NGR they are available in north and South America which will give N.A.T.O, A.M.C, N.A.A.T and N.A.M.E.S a huge boom in revenue both in Europe and North America. The main advantage was N.A.A.T and N.A.M.E.S could keep up with demands.

Golem Bot 6 bot 6 all purpose robot vehicle or Golem Bot 151

Response :
America in general will see as over the counter robot vehicle for the common mercenary started up groups or cannon flooder robot vehicle . Cheap easy to fix ( interchange parts!!!! This means + 20 in the field but in a simple shop repair area even low tech towns +35%). This will be a major boom for small towns where is the only options . Plus ammunition is everywhere and sold in larger amounts . This will always be common unit to buy for rookie robot pilots ( mainly level 1 to 3 ) . They can have no pilots too and cost extra still can be very useful in either labor unit or defended units . Easy access to get ,and cheap make even by cheap well hardware, but all MDC level !!!!

New lazo / lazo
Several units have arrived to act as non-magical combat units all models how is unknown . But many know now New lazo added for defined . one major use is the AAA MODEL BEEN ADD. Even the coalition is not aware of this .due to the fact that these units are the perfect abilities to hid in urban area and place no will even think to be at. Last there been adding magic features as well making even harder to get IFF . only lazo and new lazo are able to id one another .!!!

Northern gun
Has allowed to sell, repair and now adding in 6 to 9 months to make these model but as knock off version 30% less MDC all features are add, no magic ,and are excellent training wheels for young to no experience robot pilots that are begin to use. And keep the good toys back .

Coalition states /Free Quebec (F.Q) are seen only additional targets, but if the ever encounter a true golem AA A model unit. It wills another deadly wake up call. This unit can hide and shot even their best aircraft of the sky . simply but small . they are like sniper from the ground, in reality they will be a major headache for the collation.it will a repeat of history the USA empire face during the new cold war , to the point that grounds forces and orbital satellite systems for some time had to take out and not the air force job. For many 99% will self-destruct before give any value data

North America Black market (N.A.B.M)
will buy the cheapest units A.S.A.P , and will be mostly fossil fuel or battery powered units due the cost and to throw body at the enemy target to slow the police for name sake .

King dale :
will sell only the cheap models golem class ,ammo and will be seen as defends robot vehicle only

Tundra ranger
Will love the new robot vehicle addition and will only get battery powered units or best units

Tennessee Headhunters:/ G.A.W/. Wellington industries (W.I)
G.A.W. will get all model (any model ) repaired and maintain and will give GAW a new avenue for money for they will later add this training to other combat robot vehicles to labor units .

Air Superiority ,Inc.
Will get all golem and the main fossil fuel systems will be the cheapest and will only want it to cover base and airfield protections.

G.A.W/chipwells armaments
Will make loads of money as well other rival companies due to the fact the abilities to make these unit will just be a test run for some of the major weapon dealer for north America but will help others they will main work on fossil fuel systems unit and battery were from the golden age , GAW will be able to work more on nuclear powered units then chipwells armaments. Still this perfect for chipwells armaments low buttom budgets robot vechiles

El Paso & Ciudad Juarez
Look at balck market north America

south America:

They also getting all model for allied town and battery power units will be seen as second line combat units last all nuclear powered units will be add to family factions and military as well as main combat units .they will modified them to build them for anti- vampire combat units as well .

Europe :
N.G.R governments /Kingdom of Tarnow

Will be love and hated the golem combat units the first units were been deploy all over Europe ,Asia, middle east as rouge robot vehicles , and other counties that could only buy them would buy the battery powered units. At the time the nuclear version were only at Russia only. Again they flood the market where those nations could not get the new toys . however Kingdom of Tarnow doubles all mdc location due to magic abilities turning first S.D.C to M.D.C ,which very few know.it history will be known in NGR and will not let coalition know about it. And will later act like Ops long lost tech they were stopping gap tech ,which will work very well in rifts earth

bot 6 all purpose robot vehicle Golem Bot 6 or Golem Bot 151
http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv23 ... 0d9f4d.jpg note this is not my art just identity each robot drone unit

Call heavy combat laborer robot was made as a heavy duty labor unit and heavy fire fighter unit as well. What no one was thinking adding weapon systems besides the mini missiles systems!!!!! The first mini missiles systems were fire retarded and later, knock gas, then heavy flash bang, and last military mini missiles. It weight can be seen as extreme heavy armored weighting 7 tons empty. But can take a wallop of damge ( no knock table only if get 250 MDC in one attack ). There been many reports of losing it rifle and picking up another rifle form a down robot vehicle and keep fighting!!!! This will be used as pilot robot vehicle or a drone unit.the arm and leg just weight is one ton each !!!It been used as a police unit in urban areas to close quarter combat, sniper unit or TAG unit , to heavy combat unit to escort duties . Main drawback lack of weapon systems, can have addon .

1. Radar: 5 miles Weight add: add 100lds or recon unit 45 miles Weight add: 500lds
2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon , also add +3 attacks, -3 to dodge or roll
3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems
4. Back Radio standard 5 miles, Weight add: 50 ld or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 100ld
5. External audio pick up: same as robots
6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional Weight add: 100lds
7. Ejection systems: add 100lds BORG
8. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 250 pounds
9. . Voice actuated locking systems
10. Complete environmental pilot or crew compartment Weight add: 100lds
11. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 50lds
12. . Nuclear powered N.A.A.T ONLY ,Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: for each add 1000 lds
13. N.A.AT ONLY Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 50 lds
14. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 100 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 95 M.D.C and third hit 90 M.D.C so on Weight add: 1000 ld.
15. .Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total, Male pilots get this at third level
16. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 600 pounds total
Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons
Recon unit can carry enery flares
17. U.S Military Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +5 auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!
18. This the can be heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well.
19. U.S Military V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting
Weight add: 100lds
20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight add: 100lds
21. Fire proof systems take damge to all heat only 10% damage ,ice attacks do 2%more damage.
22. A.I system can be added as well look at rifts source book one

Main body (starts at )770 to 1200 max
Main body primary force field- 300 ,force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 450 can add up to 200 M.D.C
Lower Arms (2) 450 can add up to 200 M.D.C
Upper Legs (2) 450 can add up to 200 M.D.C
Lower Legs (2) 450 can add up to 200 M.D.C
Feet (2) 200 can add up to 200 M.D.C
Head 200 can add up to 200 M.D.C
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 450 can add up to 200 M.D.C
N.A.A.T primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators (1)250 can add up to 200 M.D.C

[1] These locations are small and difficult targets to strike, requiring the attacker to make a "called shot," but even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
[2] Note that the Head is -3 in addition to normal called shot penalties to hit. Destroying the head will expose the pilot's head, leaving only the pilot's body armor helmet as its only protection. Note: The head is a small and difficult target to hit. Thus, it can only be hit when a character makes a called shot and even then the attacker is -3 to strike.
[3] Depleting the Main Body M.D.C. will shut the robot down making it useless.. Note: All robot /Power Armor locations are laser resistant. Each layer of armor is 100 MDC. A variable laser weapon must be reset every 100 M.D.C. or it will only do half damage. If a laser does enough damage to damage the next layer, it will only do half damage to the next layer if set to do full damage to the layer above.
[4] The force field will stop energy attacks and fast moving objects. Slow moving objects can pas through. It Regenerates one (1) M.D.C. per melee unless overloaded and then cannot be activated for 12 hours if overloaded. The force field pulls its power off of the power plant.

Statistical Data
Height 9 feet
Length 3 feet
width 4 feet
Weight 7 ton empty, Generators add 2 tons,after 700 M.D.C add 3% to weight for each 100 M.D.C
Power System: Nuclear Fusion, average energy life is 25 years ,
Cost Nuclear Fusion 2.9 million , only power systems,for every 100 M.D.C add 5% to cost
Black Market Cost: add 5d4 %

Range: varies
Flying Range: but 72 hours max flight systems over heat need 1d4 hour cool down time max speed 110 MPH
Running 20 MPH
Walk 1 to 10 MPH
Maximum Ocean Depth: 3500 feet, under water systems 10 MPH ,can walk up to 10MPH underwater!!!!!

Hand to hand: Use super natural 60
Weapons systems
Type Mini – missile
Damage : varies
Range : varies
Rate of fire : one or any amont or all all counts as one attack
Payload: shoulder 24 each plus two reloads take 15 seconds each reload total 48 to fire ,plus 48 to reload each side can trander from one shoulder launcher to another
Upper and lower legs Mini – missile launcher 5 each or , a total of 20 only
Bonus: 48 to use, systems carries flare and chaff as well each holds 48 plus reloads systems , due to smaller than a Mini – missile take one attack to reload 576 total !!!!

Weapons systems can installed no weapon into hull of robot vechile but just mini misslies but can carry weapon ssytems in hand like rifle and ammo attaement inside ,can connect weapon systems if they are beam weapons ,but beam weapon systems get 10 time the payload
Type any hand giant or man size rifle or pistol
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: varies
Payload: varies
Bonus: varies
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

This robot( this is not a golem series ) vehicle were from golden age of man where the communist countries were play catch up with the western powers. They came out with really stopping gaps at the time but were imported version. They are well known robot vehicles and mainly used by small or staring security from in Europe, or stating mercenary out fists. They are aloe are starting robot vehicle to last line or second line unit were number mean everything or need fast glass cannon robot vehicles . Where quantity is quality said by Stalin form the old communist party in world war two. This robot( this is not a golem series )fills the gaps form Russia to the Middle East to India to the Africa and many other parts of the world. They been around for a few months now and many love over the counter robot vehicle in Europe. But now thanks to NGR they are available in north and South America which will give N.A.T.O, A.M.C, N.A.A.T and N.A.M.E.S a huge boom in revenue both in Europe and North America. The main advantage was N.A.A.T and N.A.M.E.S could keep up with demands.
http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2 ... 2z2g7l.jpg

http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2 ... 2y8qyi.jpg

Response :
America in general will see as over the counter robot vehicle for the common mercenary started up groups or cannon flooder robot vehicle . Cheap easy to fix ( interchange parts!!!! This means + 20 in the field but in a simple shop repair area even low tech towns +35%). This will be a major boom for small towns where is the only options . Plus ammunition is everywhere and sold in larger amounts . This will always be common unit to buy for rookie robot pilots ( mainly level 1 to 3 ) . They can have no pilots too and cost extra still can be very useful in either labor unit or defended units . Easy access to get ,and cheap make even by cheap well hardware, but all MDC level !!!!

New lazo / lazo
Several units have arrived to act as non-magical combat units all models how is unknown . But many know now New lazo added for defined . one major use is the AAA MODEL BEEN ADD. Even the coalition is not aware of this .due to the fact that these units are the perfect abilities to hid in urban area and place no will even think to be at. Last there been adding magic features as well making even harder to get IFF . only lazo and new lazo are able to id one another .!!!

Northern gun
Has allowed to sell, repair and now adding in 6 to 9 months to make these model but as knock off version 30% less MDC all features are add, no magic ,and are excellent training wheels for young to no experience robot pilots that are begin to use. And keep the good toys back .

Coalition states /Free Quebec (F.Q)
are seen only additional targets, but if the ever encounter a true golem AA A model unit. It wills another deadly wake up call. This unit can hide and shot even their best aircraft of the sky . simply but small . they are like sniper from the ground, in reality they will be a major headache for the collation.it will a repeat of history the USA empire face during the new cold war , to the point that grounds forces and orbital satellite systems for some time had to take out and not the air force job. For many 99% will self-destruct before give any value data

North America Black market (N.A.B.M)
will buy the cheapest units A.S.A.P , and will be mostly fossil fuel or battery powered units due the cost and to throw body at the enemy target to slow the police for name sake .

King dale :
will sell only the cheap models golem class ,ammo and will be seen as defends robot vehicle only

Tundra ranger
Will love the new robot vehicle addition and will only get battery powered units or best units

Tennessee Headhunters:/ G.A.W/. Wellington industries (W.I)
G.A.W. will get all model (any model ) repaired and maintain and will give GAW a new avenue for money for they will later add this training to other combat robot vehicles to labor units .

Air Superiority ,Inc.
Will get all golem and the main fossil fuel systems will be the cheapest and will only want it to cover base and airfield protections.

G.A.W/chipwells armaments
Will make loads of money as well other rival companies due to the fact the abilities to make these unit will just be a test run for some of the major weapon dealer for north America but will help others they will main work on fossil fuel systems unit and battery were from the golden age , GAW will be able to work more on nuclear powered units then chipwells armaments. Still this perfect for chipwells armaments low buttom budgets robot vechiles

El Paso & Ciudad Juarez
Look at balck market north America

south America:
They also getting all model for allied town and battery power units will be seen as second line combat units last all nuclear powered units will be add to family factions and military as well as main combat units .they will modified them to build them for anti- vampire combat units as well .

Europe :
N.G.R governments /Kingdom of Tarnow
Will be love and hated the golem combat units the first units were been deploy all over Europe ,Asia, middle east as rouge robot vehicles , and other counties that could only buy them would buy the battery powered units. At the time the nuclear version were only at Russia only. Again they flood the market where those nations could not get the new toys . however Kingdom of Tarnow doubles all mdc location due to magic abilities turning first S.D.C to M.D.C ,which very few know.it history will be known in NGR and will not let coalition know about it. And will later act like Ops long lost tech they were stopping gap tech ,which will work very well in rifts earth

"This was created after talkin' to one of my friends about a crazy sci-fi world where the Soviets beat Germany in the second world war, then attempted to take their place and dominate the world, and the war carried on into the future."
Good old Soviet Russia!

Now in Color!

Drawn and scanned in, colored in Photoshop, about 2 hours totoal.

http://nullboss.deviantart.com/art/Sovi ... 0suit&qo=0

http://nullboss.deviantart.com/art/Sovi ... -178447482

1. Fossil fuel systems range 560 miles or time will be 72 hours of constant use or battery powered 7 days ,but N.A.A.T OR N.A.M.E.S use nuclear systems
2. Radar: Can identify 72 and track up to 32 targets simultaneously at a range of 30 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores and transmits data onto the Heads Up Display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet, as well as monitors on the control panel. It is linked to the targeting computer, weapon systems and radar.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in the tracking and identification of enemy targets. 30 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of+1 on initiative and +1 to strike when using long-range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat.
6. Radio Communications: Long-range, directional communication system with an effective range of 500 miles (800 km). The typical giant robot also has a directional, short-range radio
with a five mile (8 km) range, plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pick-up: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights: Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).
9. Ejector Seats: In case of an emergency, the pilot and crew can be instantly ejected (about 1000 feet/305 m) and parachute
to safety.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage is fairly self-contained, destroying most of the internal systems
With 3D6xlO M.D. Those within a ten foot (3 m) radius of the bot will suffer 6D6 M.D. from concussion and/or flying debris. It is very likely, 01-89% chance that the nuclear power system will rupture and spew forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: The robot's access hatch is sealed by an automatic locking system. A six-digit spoken code programmed to a specific person's voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key-pad is provided in case of system failure/override.
12. Complete reinforced, environmental pilot and crew compartment: The compartment can usually seat 2-6 people and is reinforced to protect the occupants from Mega-Damage.
It is airtight, pressurized and suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater (typically one-half to one mile/0.8 to 1.6 km depth) as well as outer space. The following features are included:
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, and
•Humidifier/dehumidifier automatically engages when needed.
•Can recalculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting too stale to breathe.
•Computer-controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Twelve hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 450 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magical fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielding.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted windshields when applicable.
13. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons
Model Type fossil fuel robot vehicle
Crew: one
M.D.C. by Location:

[3] Main body 275
[1] Upper Arms (2) 100
[1] Lower Arms (2) 100
[1] Upper Legs (2) 100
Lower Legs (2) 200
Feet (2)100
[2] Head 90
Reinforce cockpit compartment:none
[4] Russian Model force field Main body primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
[4] N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E.S primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators(1) 100
[1] These locations are small and difficult targets to strike, requiring the attacker to make a "called shot," but even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
[2] Note that the Head is -3 in addition to normal called shot penalties to hit. Destroying the head will expose the pilot's head, leaving only the pilot's body armor helmet as its only protection. Note: The head is a small and difficult target to hit. Thus, it can only be hit when a character makes a called shot and even then the attacker is -3 to strike.
[3] Depleting the Main Body M.D.C. will shut the robot down making it useless.. Note: All Power Armor locations are laser resistant. Each layer of armor is 100 MDC. A variable laser weapon must be reset every 100 M.D.C. or it will only do half damage. If a laser does enough damage to damage the next layer, it will only do half damage to the next layer if set to do full damage to the layer above.
[4] The force field will stop energy attacks and fast moving objects. Slow moving objects can pas through. It Regenerates one (1) M.D.C. per melee unless overloaded and then cannot be activated for 12 hours if overloaded. The force field pulls its power off of the power plant.
force field MDC 100 to 400 or 1d4x100 plus add 2 tons plus add 30% to cost

Statistical Data
Height 15 Feet
width 9 feet
Length 4 feet
Weight 3 tons empty add 2 tons with Generators
Power System: ONLY N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E.S Nuclear Fusion, average energy life is 25 years fossil fuel 48 hour run
Cost fossil fuel 100,000 fully loaded , Nuclear 1.2 million fully loaded
Black Market Cost: add 5d6%
Range: varies look above
Flight fossil fuel none , Nuclear speed 250 MPH height 2500 feet
Flying Range: MPH
Running 125 MPH max
Walk 2 to 30 MPH
Maximum Ocean Depth: fossil fuel can not , Nuclear yes 1000 feet

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 30

Weapons systems pick one type of rifle
Heavy Rifle AK 20 MM or Heavy Rifle AK 30mm OR Heavy Rifle AK 40 MM pick 20 MM OR 30 MM OR 40 MM
Type ballistic rounds MEGA DAMAGE FOR RIFLE 125
Damage Weapons systems these weapon systems are sold to allies and open market
First generation rounds this single round fire for one cannon MAINLY THIS ONES WITH MODEL B

20 MMcannon DAMAGE
3d4+2 M.D.C round ,
4D6 +4M.D Two round Burst,
6D6 M.D three round Burst ,
1D4X10+8M.D four round Burst ,
1D6X10M.D five round Burst ,
3D4X10+20M.D ten round Burst

30 MM cannon [b] DAMAGE
5d6 M.D.C round ,
1D6X10M.D Two round Burst,
2D4X10+10M.D three round Burst ,
2D6X10 M.D four round Burst ,
4D4X10 M.D five round Burst ,
5D6X10 M.D ten round Burst

40 MM cannon DAMAGE
6d6 M.D.C round,
6D6 M.D Two round burst,
9D6 M.D three round burst,
N/A M.D four round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D five round burst,
N/AMD six round burst,
N/A M.D eight round burst,
N/A M.D nine round burst ,
3D6X10 M.D ten round burst ,

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
20 mm
3d6 M.D ( max damage 18 ) blast radius
6D6 M.D Two round burst,
9D6 M.D three round burst,
N/A M.D four round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D five round burst,
N/AMD six round burst,
N/A M.D eight round burst,
N/A M.D nine round burst ,
3D6X10 M.D ten round burst ,
6D6X10M.D twenty round burst ,

30 mm
5d4 M.D( max damage 20) blast radius
1D4X10 M.D Two round burst,
1D6X10 M.D three round burst,
2D4X10 M.D four round burst,
1D10X10 M.D five round burst,
2D6X10 MD six round burst,
4D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
3D6X10 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4X10 M.D ten round burst ,
5D8X10 M.D twenty round burst ,

40 mm
4d6 M.D ( max damage 24) blast radius
1D4X10+8 M.D Two round burst,
1D6X10+12 M.D three round burst,
1D10X10 M.D four round burst,
2D6X10 M.D five round burst,
N/A MD six round burst,
5D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
N/A M.D nine round burst ,
4D6X10 0 M.D ten round burst ,
8D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,

H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius

20 mm
5d4 M.D (max damage 20)
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst,
1d6x10 M.D three round burst,
2d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d10x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
3d6x10 M.D nine round burst ,
5d4x10M.D ten round burst ,1d4x100 M.D twenty round burst ,

30 mm
4d6 M.D (max damage 24)
8d6 M.D 1D4X10+8 M.D Two round burst,
N/A M.D three round burst,
1D10X10 M.D four round burst,
2D6X10 M.D five round burst,
N/A M.D six round burst,
5D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
N/A M.D nine round burst ,
4D6X10 M.D ten round burst ,

40 mm
5d6 M.D (max damage 30)
1D6X10M.D Two round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D three round burst,
2D6X10 M.D four round burst,
N/A M.D five round burst,
3D6 X10 M.D six round burst,
4D6X10 M.D eight round burst,
N/A M.D nine round burst ,
5D6X10 M.D ten round burst ,

A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius

20 mm
6d6 MD( max damage 36 )
1D6X10+12 M.D Two round burst,
1D10X10+8 M.D three round burst,
N/A M.D four round burst,
3D6X10 M.D five round burst,
5D4X10+16 MD six round burst,
N/A M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst ,
6D6X10M.D ten round burst ,

30 mm
1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 )
2D4X10 M.D Two round burst,
3D4X10 M.D three round burst,
4D4DX10M.D four round burst,
5D4X10 M.D five round burst,
4D6X10 MD six round burst,
4D8X10 M.D eight round burst,
6D6X10 M.D nine round burst ,
5D8X10 M.D OR 1D4X100 M.D ten round burst ,

40 mm
5d10 M.D( max damage 50 )
5D10 M.D( max damage 50 ) blast radius
1d10X10 M.D Two round burst,
4D4X10 M.D three round burst,
5D4X10 M.D four round burst,
4D6X10+10 M.D five round burst,
5D6X10 MD six round burst,
5D8X10 M.D eight round burst,

The "cartridge" energy weapon system
has come along way with N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S as well. They found a way to combine both the magnetic coli systems and fire powered need to remove the limited range and give them the range need in the battle field. Also few will notice it an energy cartridge. This allows firing pure energy rounds at a target but also coming standard projectile as well so even if the being is resistance to energy attacks it will still take half damage to projectile rounds!!! Cheap and little weight it allows greater amount of payloads and damage as well from a 4 MM pistol or submachine gun or personal defense weapon, assault rifle to a heavy 120MM tank rifle round or higher!!! Knock off version will have half the range and weight add 50% cost 10% to 55% more.

20 MM

1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 ) one round
2D4X10 M.D Two round burst,
3D4X10 M.D three round burst,
4D4DX10M.D four round burst,
5D4X10 M.D five round burst,
4D6X10 MD six round burst,
4D8X10 M.D eight round burst,
6D6X10 M.D nine round burst ,
5D8X10 M.D OR 1D4X100 M.D ten round burst ,

21 TO 29 MM
one round 1D6X10 M.D=60 M.D
2d6x10 Two round Burst,
3d6x10M.D three round Burst,
4d6x10 M.D four round Burst,
5d6x10 M.D five round Burst,
and so till 9d6x10

30 TO 39 MM
one round 2D4X10 M.D= 80 M.D
4d4 x10 Two round Burst,
4d8x10 M.D three round Burst ,

40 TO 49 MM
one round 1D10X10 M.D=100 M.D
5d4x10M.D Two round Burst, 5d6x10M.D three round Burst ,
5d8x10 (or 1d4x100)M.D four round Burst ,

Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon

hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!
one round1d4x10
1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 )
2D4X10 M.D Two round burst,
3D4X10 M.D three round burst,
4D4DX10M.D four round burst,
5D4X10 M.D five round burst,
4D6X10 MD six round burst,
4D8X10 M.D eight round burst,
6D6X10 M.D nine round burst ,
5D8X10 M.D OR 1D4X100 M.D ten round burst ,

one round 5D10
1d10X10 M.D Two round burst,
4D4X10 M.D three round burst,
5D4X10 M.D four round burst,
4D6X10+10 M.D five round burst,
5D6X10 MD six round burst, 5D8X10 M.D eight round burst,
N/A M.D nine round burst ,

one round 1D6X10
2D6X10 M.D Two round Burst,
3D6X10 M.D three round Burst ,
4D6X10 M.D four round Burst ,
5D6X10 M.D five round Burst ,
10D6X10 M.D ten round Burst AT ONE TARGET

type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
Range 3000 feet
Rate of fire: Burst
Payload: 250 rounds per clip
Bonus/note/ penalties:look above plus will have 1d10 clips two type of rounds

Wilk's Laser bayonet
The Wilk's Laser bayonet grew out of the technology used for the laser scalpel. Adventurers wanted a hand to hand weapon that was more powerful than the average Vibro-Blade. The Wilk's Laser bayonet was the first attempt at this The Wilk's Laser bayonet projects a stable laser field eight inches (0.21 m) from the generator hilt The laser is projected in the visible light spectrum and resembles a magic energy blade or psi-sword. It is still considered experimental and sold with no warranty and a warning about safety.IN THIS CASE under rifle
Weight: 1 Ib (0.45 kg)
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per strike of the weapon.
Rate of Fire: As per hand to hand attacks.
Effective Range: Hand-held like any knife; cannot be thrown (automatic shut off feature).
Note: The laser knife cannot be used to parry any type of attack; it cuts everything it touches.
Payload: 30+lD4xlO minutes per standard E-Chip; unpredictable duration 1d6 minutes if disconnected only GM knows
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

well any comments ??
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

it that bad ?? guys ???
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs37/f/2008/ ... 462faf.jpg

http://kowbasher.deviantart.com/art/Rus ... echa&qo=31

Russian Mech Model Sheetby ~KowBasher
Digital Art / 3-Dimensional Art / Characters / Machines & Robots
©2008-2012 ~KowBasher

Finally seeing some results in my Cold War mecha game. It seems like such a long time ago I hatched up the original idea and drawings and to finally see it rendered out in 3d brings a smile to my face.

I'm not much of a modeler or texturer, but for a solo project I keep telling myself it's not bad for "stand-ins".

Was aiming for a 1500 poly limit for use as a game character in Torque Game Engine, but I am working on a higher poly version for use in a promotional video in the near future.

Modeled and Rigged in 3ds Max 2009
Textured in Photoshop CS3

This is the American model

1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average energy life is
15 to 20 years.
2. Radar: Can identify 72 and track up to 32 targets simultaneously at a range of 30 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores and transmits data onto the Heads Up Display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet, as well as monitors on the control panel. It is linked to the targeting computer, weapon systems and radar.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in the tracking and identification of enemy targets. 30 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of+1 on initiative and +1 to strike when using long-range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat.
6. Radio Communications: Long-range, directional communication system with an effective range of 500 miles (800 km). The typical giant robot also has a directional, short-range radio
with a five mile (8 km) range, plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pick-up: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights: Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).
9. Ejector Seats: In case of an emergency, the pilot and crew can be instantly ejected (about 1000 feet/305 m) and parachute
to safety.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage is fairly self-contained, destroying most of the internal systems
With 9D6xlO M.D. Those within a ten foot (3 m) radius of the bot will suffer 3D6x10 M.D. from concussion and/or flying debris. It is very likely, 01-89% chance that the nuclear power system will rupture and spew forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: The robot's access hatch is sealed by an automatic locking system. A six-digit spoken code programmed to a specific person's voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key-pad is provided in case of system failure/override.
12. Complete reinforced, environmental pilot and crew compartment: The compartment can usually seat 2-6 people and is reinforced to protect the occupants from Mega-Damage.
It is airtight, pressurized and suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater (typically one-half to one mile/0.8 to 1.6 km depth) as well as outer space. The following features are included:
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, and
•Humidifier/dehumidifier automatically engages when needed.
•Can recalculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting too stale to breathe.
•Computer-controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Twelve hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 450 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magical fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielding.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted windshields when applicable.
13. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff/smoke/ flash bangs/ launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
R.O.F : burst
Payload: 240 of each type
Weight add: 1 tons can carry 1d4 tons per legs and back or 3d4x10
14. Or energy Flare reduces weight by 1000 pounds payload: unlimited

Model Type
Crew: one N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E.S / N.A.T.O has a AI systems ,others 2 standard model
M.D.C. by Location:

Main body 700
Shield plating (2) Main body 600
Hands (2) 200
Shield plating Upper Arms (2)600
Elbow 125 (2)
Upper Arms (2) 240
Shield plating Lower Arms (2) 600
Lower Arms (2) 240
Shield plating Upper Legs (2) 600
Upper Legs (2) 240
Knees (2) 240
Shield plating Lower Legs (2) 600
Lower Legs (2) 240
Shield plating Feet (2) 600
Feet (2) 240
Head 240
Tracks (2) 200
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 240
Russian Model force field Main body primary force field-300, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100

N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E.S primary force field 420, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators 140
[1] These locations are small and difficult targets to strike, requiring the attacker to make a "called shot," but even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
[2] Note that the Head is -3 in addition to normal called shot penalties to hit. Destroying the head will expose the pilot's head, leaving only the pilot's body armor helmet as its only protection. Note: The head is a small and difficult target to hit. Thus, it can only be hit when a character makes a called shot and even then the attacker is -3 to strike.
[3] Depleting the Main Body M.D.C. will shut the Glitter Boy down making it useless.. Note: All Power Armor locations are laser resistant. Each layer of armor is 100 MDC. A variable laser weapon must be reset every 100 M.D.C. or it will only do half damage. If a laser does enough damage to damage the next layer, it will only do half damage to the next layer if set to do full damage to the layer above.
[4] The force field will stop energy attacks and fast moving objects. Slow moving objects can pas through. It regenerates one (1) M.D.C. per melee unless overloaded and then cannot be activated for 12 hours if overloaded. The force field pulls its power off of the power plant. when the The force field reach zero , then Shield plating is the first thing that takes damage and them the robot power suit.

Statistical Data
Height 37 feet
Length 15 feet
width 20 feet
Weight Generators add two tons , empty 35 tons
Power System: Nuclear Fusion, average energy life is 25 years, fossil fuel systems 48 hour
Cost Nuclear Fusion 1,000,000 fully loaded , fossil fuel systems 800,000
Black Market Cost:

Range: fossil fuel systems 48 hour
Flight 100 MPH
Flying Range:
Nuclear Fusion, 25 hours , fossil fuel systems 48 hour
50 MPH , Tracks 120 MPH on any flat surface
2 to 12 MPH
Maximum Ocean Depth:
Nuclear Fusion, average 1000 feet, fossil fuel systems must be equip add look rift source book one ,cost is have due to size easy to install
Weapons systems summary
• Standard AK 120 MM tank rifle or 135 MM tank rifle
• AK rail gun
• AK beam
• Bayonet beam or vibro blade : 2d4x10 reach 15 feet
• SAM’s systems ( surface to air missiles systems )
• SS systems ( surface to surface missiles systems )
• TAG missiles systems
• MDC Heavy machine guns

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 60

Weapons systems any rail gun all BUT the BOOM gun
Type varies giant size
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: varies
Payload: varies
Bonus/note/ penalties: varies

Weapons systems any beams weapon systems from 1d4x10 to 3d6x10
Type varies
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: varies
Payload: varies
Bonus/note/ penalties: varies

Weapons systems AK 120 MM tank rifle TO 135 MM tank rifle
120 MM 1d4x10
135 MM 1d6x10
Range 2miles
Rate of fire: single shot only
Payload: 120 rounds
Bonus/note/ penalties:

Weapons systems M.D.C Heavy machine guns they are found one in each arm and one in the left and right chest area total four carries M.D.C and S.D.C rounds
pick one
.50 Heavy Machine-gun
12.7 mm , Heavy Machine-gun
14.5 mm Heavy Machine-gun
20MM , Heavy Machine-gun
24.13 MM Heavy Machine-gun.
These are commonly found mounted on military vehicles.
( one word DAME )
Weight: 30-100 Ibs(13.5-45 kg).
Damage S.D.C: .50,12.7 mm and 14.5 mm Heavy Machine-gun .
Rate of fire burst:

7D6(1d4x10+2) per round. Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers
2d4x10+4 S.D.C Two round Burst,
3d4x10+6 S.D.C three round Burst ,
4d4x10+8 S.D.C four round Burst ,
5d4x10+ 10 S.D.C five round Burst ,
5d8x10+ 20 S.D.C ten round Burst

Damage :M.D.C.50,12.7 mm and 14.5 mm Heavy Machine-gun
M.D 50,12.7 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers

Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers
100 S.D.C OR 1M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
1D4X10 fourth round burst ,

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst,
2D4 M.D four round burst,
1D10 M.D five round burst,
2D6 MD six round burst,
4D4 M.D eight round burst,
3D6 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4 M.D ten round burst ,
1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D4X10 fourth round burst

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst,
3D4 M.D four round burst,
2D6+3 M.D five round burst,
3D6 MD six round burst,
4D6 M.D eight round burst,
4D6+3M.D nine round burst ,
5D6 M.D ten round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,

5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst,
3d4 M.D three round burst,
4d4 M.D four round burst,
5d4 M.D five round burst,
4d6 MD six round burst,
4d8 M.D eight round burst,
6d6 M.D nine round burst ,
1d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on

5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst,
5D6 M.D three round burst,
1D4X10 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst,
1D6X10 MD six round burst,
2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst,
1D10X10 M.D ten round burst,
1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst,

1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D
2D6 M.D Two round burst,
3D6 M.D three round burst,
4D6 M.D four round burst,
5D6 M.D five round burst,
6D6 MD six round burst,
8D6 M.D eight round burst,
9D6 M.D nine round burst ,
1D6X10M.D ten round burst ,
2D6X10M.D twenty round burst ,
3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,

2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D
4D4 M.D Two round burst,
4D6 M.D three round burst,
4D8 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10 M.D five round burst,
1D4X10+8 MD six round burst,
8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst ,
2D4X10 M.D ten round burst ,
4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst,

1D10X100 S.D.C OR 1d10=10 M.D
5d4 M.D Two round burst,
5d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst,
1d6x10 MD six round burst,
2d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
1d10x10 M.D ten round burst ,

2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D
4d6 M.D Two round burst,
6d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst,
1d6x10 M.D five round burst,
1d10x10 M.D eight round burst,
2d6x10 M.D ten round burst ,
4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
6d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,

5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst,
1d6x10 M.D three round burst,
2d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d10x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
3d6x10 M.D nine round burst ,
5d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst ,

14.5 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers

1d10X100 S.D.C TO 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
1D4X10 fourth round burst ,
1d6x10 for sixty round ,
2d4x10 for eighty round,
1d10x10 for one hundred round,
2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D 1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst,
2D4 M.D four round burst,
1D10 M.D five round burst,
2D6 MD six round burst,
4D4 M.D eight round burst,
3D6 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4 M.D ten round burst ,
1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D4X10 fourth round burst

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst,
3D4 M.D four round burst,
2D6+3 M.D five round burst,
3D6 MD six round burst,
4D6 M.D eight round burst,
4D6+3M.D nine round burst ,
5D6 M.D ten round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D6X10 fourth round burst

5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst,
3d4 M.D three round burst,
4d4 M.D four round burst,
5d4 M.D five round burst,
4d6 MD six round burst,
4d8 M.D eight round burst
,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,
1d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on

5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D 1D10 M.D Two round burst,
5D6 M.D three round burst,
1D4X10 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst,
1D6X10 MD six round burst,
2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst,
1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, ( if you roll a natural 2 to 7 on a D20) 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst,
5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on

1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D OR 6 M.D
2D6 M.D Two round burst,
3D6 M.D three round burst,
4D6 M.D four round burst,
5D6 M.D five round burst,
6D6 MD six round burst,
8D6 M.D eight round burst,
9D6 M.D nine round burst ,
1D6X10M.D ten round burst ,
2D6X10M.D twenty round burst ,
3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D6X10 fourth round burst

2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D OR 8 M.D
4D4 M.D Two round burst,
4D6 M.D three round burst,
4D8 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10 M.D five round burst,
1D4X10+8 MD six round burst,
8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst ,
2D4X10 M.D ten round burst ,
4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO

1d10 M.D.C =1000 S.D.C OR 10 M.D
5d4 M.D Two round burst,
5d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst,
1d6x10 MD six round burst,
2d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
1d10x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4x10M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
5d8x10 fourth round burst

20 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers

1D10X10 S.D.C OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
1D4X10 fourth round burst ,
1d6x10 for sixty round ,
2d4x10 for eighty round,
1d10x10 for one hundred round,
2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst,
2D4 M.D four round burst,
1D10 M.D five round burst,
2D6 MD six round burst,
4D4 M.D eight round burst,
3D6 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4 M.D ten round burst ,
1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst,
3D4 M.D four round burst,
2D6+3 M.D five round burst,
3D6 MD six round burst,
4D6 M.D eight round burst,
4D6+3M.D nine round burst ,
5D6 M.D ten round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D6X10fourth round burst

5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst,
3d4 M.D three round burst,
4d4 M.D four round burst,
5d4 M.D five round burst,
4d6 MD six round burst,
4d8 M.D eight round burst,
6d6 M.D nine round burst ,
1d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on

5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst,
5D6 M.D three round burst,
1D4X10 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst,
1D6X10 MD six round burst,
2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst,
1D10X10 M.D ten round burst,
1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst,
5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on

1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D
2D6 M.D Two round burst,
3D6 M.D three round burst,
4D6 M.D four round burst,
5D6 M.D five round burst,
6D6 MD six round burst,
8D6 M.D eight round burst,
9D6 M.D nine round burst ,
1D6X10M.D ten round burst ,
2D6X10M.D twenty round burst ,
3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D6X10 fourth round burst

the rate of fire can go up at cost of payload ,varies with recoil systems ,weight ,sights and user

Bullets for black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets.
1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetration portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Damage Range look above
Rate of fire: look above
Payload: 500 S.D.C and M.D.C rounds for each machine location total; areas four
Bonus/note/ penalties: look above

Weapons systems missiles systems
This is a copied version of the porcupine weapon systems from the U.S but simpler weapon systems but very effect. It combines a set of surface to air and a set of surface to surface missiles systems and last a set of TAG missile systems as well. It really a pre-rifts missiles systems cheaper to make, use, and brutally effective systems. This is how it works a tag fire in first stage missiles ,then it travels in any direction to using a combination of local sensory unit form enemy fire , optical /laser communication systems and other systems to a 35,000 feet getting data ,then either locks to one or fire more than one TAG missile system in the second attacks ( 2nd stage rockets kicks in one target )getting a +9 to strike and clamps down on the targets rears ,many are not aware they being targeted due the angle of attack(perception roll add fog of war ,combat stress ,focus on a target ETC, ,use horror factor table for penalties later will post them for easier use ). Either land or air target missiles range goes from 5 to 10 Miles, instead 5 miles it hits over five miles over the horizons, similar to the US old missiles systems but US are way ahead at that time. this systems negates standard chaff , flares, and even smoke ,but smoke with heavy particles or flash bangs still work both smoke with heavy particles and flash bangs nears the missiles get negative one for each . A target gets a negative -1d4+1 to dodge if become aware of missile.
surface to surface missile 2d4x10 M.D.C ,Blast Radius 35 feet 1d4x10
surface to air missile 3d6x10 M.D.C ,Blast Radius 20 feet 2d8x10
TAG missile system / Blast Radius none clamps down on organic and inorganic but not force fields
surface to surface without TAG missile systems 5 miles, +3 to strikes for any air targets
surface to air without TAG missile systems 5 miles,+3 to strikes for any ground targets
surface to surface with TAG missile systems 10 miles,+8 to strikes for any air targets
surface to air with TAG missile systems10 miles,+8 to strikes for any ground targets
TAG missile system 10 miles,add +5 to strikes for any surface to surface missile Or surface to air missile
Rate of fire:it use three (3) attack ,but you can fire one type of missiles and any amount in the last attack either going for air target or land target pick one ,but fire a SAM to ground target ( or vise verse) must be at least 3 miles or more or gets -12 to hit , still 1d4+1 negative to hit any .not design for that type of attack .
surface to surface 30 (reloads x3)
surface to air(reloads30( x3)
TAG missile system 40(reloads x5)
Bonus/note/ penalties:
Horror fator due to this attack

MDC for each
surface to surface 20
surface to air 15
TAG missile system 5

Shell-Shock Sources of Trauma/
Battle or the sound of battle: Horror Factor blow or hit other target next to (H.F.) 14
Bombardment of bombs/the sound of explosions( if survice hit): H.F. 14
Close combat seen other blow up AKA dead: H.F. 15
Facing this attack and awared of it : H.F. 15
Facing individual thius unit alone or all dead but the target (if none, H.F. 13).
other allied target can lock on to TAG missiles and get a add+2 to all from artillery to foot soldiers
Speed two stage systems for all 200 to 300 MPH first stage ,second stage mach 4 going for target
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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well any comments ??
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

well any comments ?? anyone??
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Hi many have email to see what up
Since I fell of the map
Well the dame thing happen my pc lost it
Mother board
Then my C and D and F drive fail
Now it seems again the Mother board
Or the graphic card
Every time I use the web browser
My PC freezes up check foe virus and other malware and found nothing
Took it to geek squad twice
Lost all data for RPG
So now you know guys

Aslo my two laptops fail replace part and a new gaming laptop had the wrong OS install and had to send that one back and pay to send it !!!! over 100 dollars but return was free
Been with a pc for weeks now
It will take some time to post thing up lost over 500USD!!!!
Thank you for your emails
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2 ... 6xfoqo.jpg
http://km33.deviantart.com/art/Heavy-Ex ... 9231&qo=78
Heavy Exosuitby KM33 artist comments :Titanfall inspired

part one

This will the main battle Heavy Exosuit 25 feet tall, the most advance smart armored systems ever made for 20 years before the glitter buy robot vehicle came out (really 39 years before the fall of man civilization) . These unit can act as one with the pilots train to act as one even when NOT in the mech. These unit AI systems mimic pilots training as one but on a higher level .plus these AI systems carry skills to help pilots need to get the mission done. One time the pilots die during mission but the AI systems mimic it skills and its own skills added finish and no one till it reach recovery point!!!This was rare but was done during mission operation where midline east would have gone to war with Russian forces and that would mean a major war clause to third war world at the time. Still the pilot carries a second medium combat unit to leave the unit for any reason from defense area, to act as decoy unit. Many conventional M.D.C from 40 MM rounds or less does no damage, but even heavy weapon from 41 MM to 135 MM tank rifle do have half damage!!!! However rail gun doing 45 or less do no damage as well due to the smart armored look at Special reactive amour: .the IFF system work very on friendly troops when in engage in heavy combat. Also it major asset the pilot , where the reinforce cockpit has a med unit to take care of it pilot but there been times that the pilots get out and use this systems for infantry or even civilian injury and where medical cannot come in time saving lives. This mech act as combat unit, recon unit, cyber warfare taking control over or robot units to shutting down vehicles and missiles.it even use Go recon to surveillance unit to combat the next the AI systems can be back up in the pilots suit but will extremely limited by suit .
Then add the pilots training is almost god light speed ,fire power ( look below on US military Elite’s Robot Pilots AKA THE Elite’s, or ACE robot pilots ). Give unmatched combat conventional, cyber warfare and can be drop from any altitude flight systems are good as well .
But there are draw back as well it armored it standard form the rest ,still it abilities make ideal for Para-trooper style but can go toe to toe been out number almost of the time . When the Indian, Russian and Chinese war called the SINO wars this unit stay heavy exo-suit made it clear it can handle all three power bloc but still. The last trick is the pilot’s suit is a small power suit to come out and fight as a foot medium solider as well.it was respect by army, navy ,air force in the US military able to handle four target per attack!!!
Last Heavy Exosuit can function under water extremely and even in space add + 1 to all in space ,the first true combat all-purpose Heavy Exosuit ,but the tech was still in its infancy . This will show 300 years later a terror full armed .
For each arm Heavy Exosuit can hold can make any well trained robot pilots to tank commander a very cold chill down their back . for it design not show how many weapon systems it can carry making a true juggernaut in combat able to attack four targets in one attack ,and able to at least to disable the target in one attack meaning if the pilots has a total of 6 attacks it can do heavy damage to destroying more than one target in 15 seconds !!! it stealth design to hid it weapon systems ideal from standard combat range to long range attacks to pint black making an attack are truly a horror . More than one time it grabs a target with to arms while with the other two firing all weapon systems and target blow ,and then to add insult to injury using the arms of the destroyed robot vehicle as a mace ( when this happens hand to hand robotic add 50% mare damage if the M.D.C of the arms used as a mace goes higher than on MDC ,it will shatter on target ). This is the one thing all robot pilots fear the most attack of all , and this if is done to team leader or squad leader it horror factor goes thru the roof among troops and even among Heavy Exosuit pilots. (GM HORROR FACTOR FOG OF WAR )
Heavy Exosuit was really ahead of it time even in chaos rifts earth, and the fall of man happen many were ready as RDF ( rapid deploy forces )units ,even NEMA was no awarded of these Special Forces.
Heavy Exosuit will be a true terror able to go from against major demon and able to go from M.D.C conventional weapon systems to rail guns to beam weapon systems making ideal the true best battle Heavy Exosuit.
But will not be able to stop the end of man civilizations and the few that are not destroyed will be hidden as record past to bunkers put in cold storage for later battle 99% will be aware of what going on when put to shut down mode and even super natural creatures cannot make passion on these due to the connection with pilots it make. Making them ideal to engage super natural monster of chaos earth and later recover by US military forces rifted to earth 300 years later but will get fully updated weapon systems and will make them MARK II Heavy Exosuit and will make the standard Heavy Exosuit as well !!!

U.S Elite’s Robot Pilots AKA THE Elite’s, or ACE robot pilots Many rogue nations and many other nations said it was a myth, to the Many rogue nations it was a joke. But that all changed when they face U.S mechanized Special Forces , and those who attacks them are to be afraid of these pilots . They have seen to attack up three targets, there tactics are simple hit two targeted with gun or beam combine as well, while waiting to hit the third target with missiles systems with mini-missiles , short range missiles , medium range missiles to long range missiles. When first seem in action it made many rogue nations’ s to see then as Special Forces /anti-amour / robot fighter gave a new meaning fear of god. That was a mouth full , and frozen Many rogue nations pilots know that fight was over for them , this was a terror to any with heavy Mecha weapons , robots , power amour even techno – wizards are afraid in combat even cyber warfare shutting down from robot , cyborgs and tanks . But something was also learn the hard way ,they will fight in groups of three to six and when their target is disable , or surrender , they go to the next target to finish mission A.S.A.P and even avoid conflict to hit targets . Many are learn by the barrel of a gun or rail gun there several types of robot elite’s fight in that area ( which is too late by that time). They will take any advantage in the fog of war, even if cost their lives if need be . but this was a false illusion leaving behind the mech and blowing up as if several cruise missiles hit these mechs .They have taken target more powerful like army unit of all types ( tanks, IFV ,APS even infantry units ), to large mercenaries company and have come on alive (but heavy damage thank to the drones of the time ). Something that is common to the Robot Elite’s Pilots is that they don’t show of or get cocky disposition. They will act like a regular robot pilot, and will only show what they do in combat. They saying is” action specks louder than words” and keep their principles. This has confuse Many rogue nations robot pilots, they are tough but are gentleman at all times, and something different from other been identify for there well matter and dress very well which has help their appearance and other situation. Which help talking with the opposite sex or making deals or getting the dates .these man and women are the true US elites . But are heavy costly to maintain run and even train but were need till the glitter boy power suit came to life but were still around .

Rifts earth 300 years later

(N.A.A.T ) had recovered this lost battle giant of earth past. However there tech was obsolete in armored and force field tech. there were only 26 in working condition and over 100 disable ,this allowed to be maintain and working order if need to be deploy and they were even old and using first generation weapon systems they’re true combat machine for earth past. The coalition never knew what hit them and other parties as well , still (N.A.A.T ) played safe for these unit were good to above the tech of rifts earth . But still were venerable due to armored ,during the coalition wars a new and better design came out of the shadows ,armored ,weapon systems, energy shield that out rival anything in rifts earth ,equal to phase world tech came out of nowhere. They were true ghost now but when seen the monster coming out it was decided to attack super natural demons at the end of the war and after . This led to confuse troops in the coalition armies to see them as angel of unknown tech and never was reported . This where the (N.A.A.T ) and coalition VANGUARD units here (N.A.A.T ) smash with another ,tech vs magic , still the suit took more damage than expected but was able to complete it mission and return . Only after the VANGUARD saw what these titans were doing that they step down ,but loss were felt in many area VANGUARD many 50% K.I.A ,but not realizing both side at the same ideas to stop demon at the very end of the coalition war and after as well . And then seen taking a good amount of The Minion of Splugorth by the boat load !!! The VANGUARD saw they were in the side ,and step down let this true titian tear apart these monster. Even later working a truth during the ending days of the war and seen the republican forces of North America , (N.A.A.T ) was shock to see these units and were sad at the position they taken and made enemies against them . the republican forces of North America]were shock as well and well train but don’t know these unknown force, even try to engage in espionage, infiltration ops fail so bad they (N.A.A.T ) made sure they were return to their main HQ but naked and didn’t take no tech of theirs !!! this was made clear stay away from each other and each party will avoid at all cost but if they meet at a point thing will get ugly for both sides and this something t both parties are avoiding at all cost . The republican forces of North America saw they are belter equip and are above anything they have too.

To the coalition, at first , (N.A.A.T ) , made sure to avoid combat using cyber warfare ,it work well many combat unit robot pilots thought it was possession via magic , and saw later to step down . Many techs we at a loss of this and not one of the eggs head thought of Cyber warfare. Even the hint of this are not even at thought but think only magic possession via magic and are working on counter measures.
coalition troop saw ;later something engaging monster and letting them know of enemy ambush. When this starting happening troops started to look the other way ,so any report have been dismiss as X-reason due to combat. (N.A.A.T ) espionage are making sure also stay this way ,99% very little action are taken .but that 1% (N.A.A.T ) act ,quiet to misdirect ,to mislead, or just get lost but making look as a top secret coalition should look away and drop the report . which works well for now and hope thief can maintain this way.

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles
2. Combat computer: add to pilots +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+8 dodge when in flight at max, also add +4 attacks, -1 to dodge in ground waking only ,
3. Laser targeting add to pilots +1 to all weapons systems
4. Radio standard 5 miles, or heavy Radio uses 30 miles
5. External audio pick up: same as robots
6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional ,can blind visual systems get -9 to strike / missiles system and targeting systems even T.O.W systems
7. Ejection systems: for giant size robot .
8. Self-Destruct systems note use four long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths , blast radius four times
9. Voice actuated locking systems
10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment
11. Thermo-imager:/ Infrared Optic System:/Ultraviolet Systems Optic /Night Sight /Adjustable Color Filters /Conventional Binoculars add to pilots range 3 miles + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine adds +3 to strike giant size robot . man size 100 pounds
12. AI Built-in Speech Translator: This AI systems unit works very similar to the portable unit. Several concealed speakers can be made to focus on one particular voice/person (range: 1000 feet/30.5 m) and have his words instantly translated (only a one second delay). The translator is fluent in the nine or so major known languages and can be programmed, by a technician, to add six others AI systems add 1d4x100. The audio translations are transmitted to the cybernetic ear/headjack and is loud enough for only the pilots to hear it. The AI systems also have a limited recording capability 2000 hours . The AI systems can activate the recorder varies methods . Maximum recording time is 2000 hours .hour and the recording disc can be re-used over again and again, with minimal audio distortion. The recording can be secretly played back in the ear of the pilot or transmitted over the radio or loudspeaker if available. Translations can also be transmitted over the loudspeaker.
13. Ultraviolet Signaler: The signaler is a small strip of ultraviolet sensors and another transmitter strip that can be adhered to a doorway, walls and so on, to create a beam of invisible light blocking that area. When the beam is broken by an intruder or vehicle, etc., it will send a silent signal to a monitoring device and/or trigger a video unit.
14. Electro-Adhesive Pad: This in the hand-knees ,feet device that will adhere strongly to any metal surface by means of passing a small current through two, metal electrodes. These pads are commonly used by astronauts and can be used in astronaut’s shoes, but mech pads are much more flexible and generally preferred for climbing add to pilots 1d4x10 plus pilots skills as well if no skills AI 1d4x10+ 20 %
15. Sound filtration system: this is an ear accessory that can be combined with a head jack and ear receiver, amplified ear, or ultra-ear. The filter will automatically react to potentially damaging sounds by filtering or plugging the ear. Sounds are muffled to protect the character from deafening or disorienting levels of sound such gunfire, explosions, heavy machinery, and painful sound waves
16. Motion Detector: The artificial hairs on the hand, or tiny hair-like wire on the mechanical prosthetic, are actually tiny motion detectors. The reliability of the detector is quite limited, but can be used to accurately assess wind direction and change, wind speed, and the rapid approach of large moving objects, which cause a disturbance in the air, such as a vehicle or aircraft. The latter ability is primarily useful in the dark because the speeding object must usually be within 5000 feet (150 m) to create a detectable air current, a range where it would be easily detected by vision and probably sound in daylight. Likewise, the motion sensors will detect the movement of somebody/thing moving nearby, within 400 feet , but only if the sensor hand is motionless or barely moving itself. The sensor can also detect sudden changes in air current and pressure caused by somebody opening a door or window, and can estimate speed of travel when inside an open-air (or open window) vehicle.
17. Amplified Hearing: AI systems of tiny sound amplifiers, microphones and receivers are built into the ear canal, enabling the character to hear almost inaudible sounds at 100 yards/meters away.
At 75 feet (22.9 m), sounds as quiet as one decibel, softer thana whisper, can be heard.
At 150 feet (45.8 m), sounds as quiet as 10 decibels, a whisper,can be heard clearly.
At 360 feet (110 m), sounds in the normal conversation range of 30 decibels can be heard as if the character was standing only a few feet away. This is the maximum range for eavesdropping on conversations;
Only sounds 70 decibels or louder can be accurately heard and location pinpointed from 500 to 7000 feet away (152.4 m to304.8 m).
The amplified hearing also enables the character to accurately estimate the distance and location of the sound source, and recognize specific sounds and voices at a add to pilots base skill of 35% plus 5% per level of experience. Bonuses: +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, +6 on initiative.
Note: Background noise, such as other conversations, traffic, machine noise, etc., as well as closed doors and wall, will decrease the range and clarity of what can be heard. GMs use your discretion.
18. Nuclear powered U.S Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max
19. Special reactive amour: able to deflect any physical attack range weapons (no damage) 240 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to ANY PART OF THE VECHILE . On the second hit is 235 M.D.C and third hit 230 M.D.C and the firth hit 225 and so on!!! Any weapon conventional M.D.C that does 40 MM OR LESS DO NO DAMAGE , WHILE 41 MM TO 135 MM WEAPON SYSTEMS DO HALF DAMGE !!!,BUT RAIL GUN OF ANY KIND DO NORMAL DAMAGE
20. Microwave Fence: Transmitter and receiver sensor posts emit an invisible, microwave curtain or fence that will light up and send a signal to the control unit when an intruder breaches its curtain. Stress evaluator that operates much like a polygraph machine, recording stress and anxiety (without attaching sensors) by monitoring the voice quality of its subject. A communications engineer O.C.C. or field scientist O.C.C. (and only those two O.C.C.'s) can use the device as a "lie detector", but the information is often difficult to read and open to interpretation. Even a positive reading cannot be declared absolute evidence of a falsehood. Chance of proper reading as a lie detector is 25% plus 5% per level of experience. Range between transmitter posts is 500ft (150m). Posts are 7ft (2m) high. Can effectively cover a 14 mile (22km) area.AI Systems get to add 60% to all

21. Any female pilot or partial Borg
get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total Arm shields ,Male pilots get this at third level add to pilots

22. U.S Military Advance A.I SYSTEMS E.C.C.M systems
similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!
General Military Program:
Includes radio: basic, mathematics:
basic (98%), pilot Robot, land navigation, and speaks/understands American, Spanish, ; all at 99%.
Also programmed for common human slang and behavior.
Espionage Basic:
Intelligence, detect ambush, detect concealment, cryptography, and first aid. All at 99%.
Espionage Spy:
Intelligence, tracking, photography, radio scrambler, and basic electronics.
All at 99%.
Espionage Thief/Rogue skills:
Intelligence (99%), pick locks
(99%), pick pockets, palming, concealment, prowl, and streetwise. All at 99%.
Pilot Related: All; at 99%.
Technical: Photography, computer operation, literacy in over 1d4x100 Languages. All at 99%.
Pilots skills if they have these skills get
+25% to all in addition to any other bonus
Mathematics Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience.
Computer Operation Base Skill: 40% +5% per level of experience.
Computer Programming: Base Skill: 30% +5% per level of experience. Requires:
Computer Hacking :15%+5% per level of experience.

A.I systems get the following 99%
additional +2% per level Neural intelligence rules, can go over 100%
Mathematics Base Skill
Computer Operation Base Skill: .
Computer Programming: Base Skill:
Computer Hacking
Help Pilots get additional
+20% + 1% per level
Against coalition attack in cyber warfare: must declare what going to effect get -4d4% , NGR -5d6%, japan -6d6 %,alien known -1d4x10 %, unknown alien tech 1d6x10 %, other like GAW or chipwell, NG -10% only
AI combat: only
starts with + 8 initiative when ECM systems are used first, if not +3 initiative even from behind or surprise attack + 2 to all remember look at Neural intelligence , Bonuses: 3 attack per melee, + 1 to strike, parry and dodge, . Neural intelligence rules

23. Flare/Chaff Launchers (4) -A modern addition, meant to improve mech survivability against missile weaponry. FOUR flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 4 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 2400
Weight add: 1 tons
24. Basic EVA systems (back up)
25. Motion: Detects movement and pinpoints location. Requires sensor placement and monitor screen. Range: 600ft (27.4m).
26. Special medical unit pod in Reinforced Pilot's Compartment
• Dosimeter: Picks up and measures radiation levels. Range: 3000 ft
• RMK Robot Medical Kit or "Knitter": A unique medical kit, developed with the mastery of Nano- technology, in which a half hundreds of tiny robots, about the size of a shirt button, are released and automatically seek out cuts in the skin. One sprays the wound with disinfectant, another sprays antibiotics, a third cuts away dead or infected flesh, while the other three surgically suture the cut closed. When the units are done, they simply turn off and are naturally flushed from the body (average life is one hour). They are reusable. Each IRMSS holds 500 surgical robots for 40 uses. Any cut is repaired, the tiny 'bots return to their carrying unit, refill their supplies and wait till activated again. Equal to a doctor suturing skill of 99%. Even effective against internal injury, broken bone, or severe wounds. But great for cuts, bruises, bullet and stab wounds.
• Compu-Drug Dispenser: A medical tool that is a combination computer, hypodermic gun, and chemical storage and dispensing unit. Can hold hundreds different measured shots of drugs. The operator indicates which drug and the amount, presses the gun portion to the patient's arm and injects the appropriate medicine into the individual.
• Heat: The AI systems can precisely measure hot and cold temperatures emanating from objects, areas, people by touch (if not too hot, like taking a person's temperature), or by placing the hand near the subject in question, such as a hot grill, engine, campfire, etc. This can be extremely useful in telling if an engine has been recently used, hot and therefore, how old a campfire may be, locating heat sources, detecting fever, etc. Range is limited to touch or about 5500 feet from the heat subject. Remember that touching something that is extremely hot will damage/burn the hand just as it would a normal damage by M.D.C any S.D.C NO DAMAGE

27. Portable Laboratory Reinforced Pilot's Compartment
• Microscope in a specially padded housing
• One dozen specimen slides and another dozen specimen trays for storage and transportation of item(s) for further analysis. A variety of vials, jars and test tubes.
• burners.
• Instrument tray with a variety of common tools such as scalpels, tweezers, pins, tape, needles, calculator, etc.
• refrigeration chamber which is about half the size of the incubation chamber.
• An insolation chamber. A special, airtight, scalable compartment about the size of the incubation chamber.
• chemical cabinet which holds several dozen chemicals commonly needed in the analysis of chemical structures
• Centrifuge Device.
• Dosimeter.
• Tape recorder
• Micro-computer.
• Mini-still camera, 35mm, 32 photo capacity
• Toxic analyzer, identical to the one used in the "portable bio-scan".
• Molecular Analyzer: This microchip based sensor is used for testing and analyzing impurities in the air. It can specifically identify any chemical, or strange and dangerous molecules, like the presence of gas, oil, pollution, or other chemicals in the air. Data can be transmitted as an audio report through one of the ear or computer implants. AI systems does enable one to track by 98%
• Protein Healing Salve: This is a special high protein chemical solution that comes in a tube like toothpaste. The salve can be applied to burns, cuts, and rashes to increase the rate of healing (doubles normal healing).

28. pre-Rifts measures used to control sound pollution.
A sound emitter is built alongside the skin of the suit . The emitter then sends out sound waves in exactly the opposite frequencies as the noises made by the suit , neutralizing them. Human ears cannot sense the sounds; additionally, special rubber soles and joints contribute to the reduced sound: the common prowl penalty is eliminated when using these two systems! Giant heavy suit get 1d4x10% add in prowl

29. NEW ADDED TO RIFTS EARTH ONLY cloaking system98% roll
Was thought only the small suit well that to many tech faction and again reverse engineer N.A.A.T pull it off and add to best tech to even rival phase world tech !!!
When the cloaking system is engaged there is still a 5% chance of locating the suit on radar and there is a distortion area like a blurry silhouette of the suit which can be seen by the naked eye. This is
especially true in close combat: 60% of suit being seen and attacked when within 1 feet , 19% chance within 10 feet (61 m), 10% chance within 300 feet (91.5 m) or beyond. It is virtually invisible to fast moving (100+ mph) aircraft even when flying at tree-top level.
Reduce range by half when underwater. Note: Add +5% to being seen by the naked eye when the bot is
Moving, fighting or in smoke or grit filled air — the sound of movement, fighting, and movement of vegetation and objects as the suit passes by them helps to reveal its nature and location. Add an additional-10% at night, (no night penalty when standing motionless). It is also invulnerable to infrared and thermo-imaging, motion detection, and sonar,. However, against many of the supernatural
Monsters that plague the islands, the cloaked systems are beyond detection except at close range. +2 on initiative when invisible, add to 3 to all range attack, + 4 for any melee attacks

30 feet
14 feet
15 feet
Starts at 5 tons
Back up kit weapon rifle, side arms one heavy weapon, sniper weapon system
Power System: look above
Cost: unknown
Black Market Costnone
speed :
Walking 2 to 12 MPH running up to 120 MPH, jump 30 feet ,with thrusters from 2 feet to 3500 feet , flight systems 300 MPH , can be drop from a height of 200,000 feet or as high as 40 miles from earth only thrusters, sea depth 4000 feet , under water speed 12 MPH ,surface 120 MPH
Space Mach 3.9 ,can make orbital drop from space to earth
Hands 125 each (4)
Arms(4) 275
Under arm weapon systems (1) to (4)max each 600 MDC
weapon systems 125 for all
Submachine pistol 100
Legs(2) 325
** Head /Main Body(1) 750
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment (1) 300
Force field 420
**Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the robot down completely, rendering it useless. Will blow up if go below zero!!!
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment
will be immune to 60 MM or less no damage to the Reinforced Pilot's Compartment however rail gun do full damage and any M.D missiles As well.
The hands are small and difficult target to hit. Thus they can only be hit when a character makes a called shot and even then the attacker is -3 to strike standing still , moving normal no combat -4, -9 in combat mode . Any conventional M.D.C from 40 MM or les no damage, and any conventional M.D.C from 41 MM to 135 MM do half damage however rail gun do full damage and any M.D missiles As well .
Rechargeable force-field note:
One of the most impressive features is the mega-damage capacity force-field generator that is an integral part of the overall system. The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial combat damage. The two drawbacks that the laser cannot be fired when the field is engaged and the recharge period for an M.D.C. depleted field is 2 hours. Depleting the 420 M.D.C. of the force field will automatically shut the field generating system down and all subsequent damage is subtracted from the body of the robot vehicle . A depleted force field requires a full 24 hours to regenerate to full capacity. Now minor damage (25 M.D.C. or less) will require eight seconds (8) and not hours to restore to full power. Also 90 MM or less does no damage but 100 MM do half damage to a 155MM tank rifle , beam or energy and rail gun doing 30 or less no damage , but 31 and up to full damage !!! Missiles do full damage as well. This due the combination of Japan , NGR and N.E tech were reverse engineer making a dearly combat machine .

Weapon systems summary heavy exo suit
• Robot P.S 60 robotic
Advanced Short-Range Air-to-Air Multiple Missile 200 systems but rifts chaos earth called scatter shot missiles or torpedo replace standard missiles either short range or medium range missiles
Modular, Interchangeable Forearm Units arm look below
20 MM cannon pistol type or 125 MM tank rifle later rail run or ATL systems or other systems but no glitter boy rail gun ,any rail dong 1d4x10M.D to 2d6x10 or 3d4x10 for each arm is possblie and rest the same but PAYLOAD : 400 bust for each arm
Anti-missiles beam systems
Horror factor 12 look below
P.S. 60: Inflicts 2D6 M.D. on a restrained punch, 6D6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or 2D6x10 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks). Kicks do 4D6 M.D. and leap kicks 1D6x10 M.D.
Blade 1d4x10 MD each arm
ONE arm With Blade P.S. 60:
Inflicts 5d10 M.D. on a restrained punch,
1d6x10 M.D. on a full strength punch,
or 2D6x10 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks).
Two arm With Blade P.S. 60:
Inflicts 1d10x10 M.D. on a restrained punch,
2d6x10 M.D. on a full strength punch, or
3D6x10 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks).
Three arm With Blade P.S. 60:
Inflicts 2d6x10 M.D. on a restrained punch,
3d6x10 M.D. on a full strength punch, or
4D6x10 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks).
Four arm With Blade P.S. 60: Inflicts
4d4x10 M.D. on a restrained punch,
4d6x10 M.D. on a full strength punch, or
5D6x10 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks).

Weapon description
The Advanced Short-Range Air-to-Air/ground Multiple Missile or ASRAAMM cannot not be recovered ,the closets are the coalition in book rifts and coalition navy book ..hint ...hint N.A.AT cannot get it hand on this for now .
Range: N 40 miles (24 km)
Mega-Damage: pick one
Short-range any type
Medium range missile any type
Rate of Fire:
One at a time or in volleys of two, three or four.or any counts as one attack
Payload :
48 Medium range missile per launcher total 96 Medium range missile , weight 60 pounds each or torpedo look below
96 Short-range missile per launcher total 192 , weight 20 pounds each or torpedo look below

Weapon description Leg Mounted systems (2): Hidden Attached to the side of the calves is torpedo launchers holding 24 torpedoes each.in back unit
Torpedo Type: Standard issue is an even mix of high explosive and plasma torpedoes.
Mega-Damage: 2D6xlOM.D. Plasma torpedoes, light 1d6x10, high explosive 2d4x10
Range: One mile (1.6 km) torpedo OR Short-range or Medium range missile ONLY look above
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, three or four.
Payload: Medium range missile 24 in leg ; Short-range 48 in each leg. In the Back 48 Short-range or , 12 Medium range missile weight 30 pounds each

Modular, Interchangeable Forearm and shoulders Units
For each arm Heavy Exosuit can hold can make any well trained robot pilots to tank commander a very cold chill down their back . for it design not show how many weapon systems it can carry making a true juggernaut in combat able to attack four targets in one attack ,and able to at least to disable the target in one attack meaning if the pilots has a total of 6 attacks it can do heavy damage to destroying more than one target in 15 seconds !!! it stealth design to hid it weapon systems ideal from standard combat range to long range attacks to pint black making an attack are truly a horror . More than one time it grabs a target with to arms while with the other two firing all weapon systems and target blow ,and then to add insult to injury using the arms of the destroyed robot vehicle as a mace ( when this happens hand to hand robotic add 50% mare damage if the M.D.C of the arms used as a mace goes higher than on MDC ,it will shatter on target ). This is the one thing all robot pilots fear the most attack of all , and this if is done to team leader or squad leader it horror factor goes thru the roof among troops and even among Heavy Exosuit pilots. (GM HORROR FACTOR FOG OF WAR )
Heavy Exosuit was really ahead of it time even in chaos rifts earth, and the fall of man happen many were ready as RDF ( rapid deploy forces )units ,even NEMA was no awarded of these Special Forces.
Heavy Exosuit will be a true terror able to go from against major demon and able to go from M.D.C conventional weapon systems to rail guns to beam weapon systems making ideal the true best battle Heavy Exosuit.
But will not be able to stop the end of man civilizations and the few that are not destroyed will be hidden as record past to bunkers put in cold storage for later battle 99% will be aware of what going on when put to shut down mode and even super natural creatures cannot make possession on these due to the connection with pilots it make. Making them ideal to engage super natural monster of chaos earth and later recover by US military forces rifted to earth 300 years later but will get fully updated weapon systems and will make them MARK II Heavy Exosuit and will make the standard Heavy Exosuit as well !!!

Weapon systems summary
Can carry only three different weapon systems per arm
1. High Intensity Laser Cannon /M.D.C flamer/ Blade beam and vibro-blade: all four arms standard issue
2. Type: Under forearm battle rifle pick one weapon systems one pick one for each arm 100 MM tank rifle or 125 mm tank rifle or rail gun look below ,A.T.L weapon systems
3. 20 MM Conventional M.D.C rounds this looks like submachine gun look above right arms
4. Or any type of hand held weapon systems

High Intensity Laser Cannon /M.D.C flamer/ Blade beam and vibro-blade: all four arms
For stealth purposes, the cannon are not mounted on outside turret but rather in a recessed arm compartment on the right side of the fuselage. Whenever the cannon is to be fired, the door to the compartment snaps open, closing again when the final weapon systems leaves the hidden compartment .
Each blast inflicts 2D4xlO M.D. per arm single shot
M.D.C flamer 1d4x10 per arm
Blade beam and vibro-blade 5d4 for beam and 5d4 for vibro-blade for each arm total 1d4x10 M.D and
Combine hand to hand and blade attack the following is for one arm attack!!!
• Inflicts 5d10 M.D. on a restrained punch, 2d4x10 M.D. on a full strength punch, or D6x10 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks). Kicks do 4D6 M.D. and leap kicks 1D6x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot.
Effective Range: 6000 feet (1830 m). For all three
Payload: Effectively unlimited

Type: Under forearm battle rifle pick one weapon systems one pick one for each arm
Seen in left lower arm under forearm battle rifle pick one 100 tank rifle MM or 125 MM tank rifle this
Weight: 1 TON not including ammo , each round 45 pounds each
Single rounds
100 MM tank rifle H.E.A.T 6D6 AP 5D6
updated rounds
2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds updated rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
100 mm -2D4X10 M.D( max damage 80) blast radius updated rounds

Single rounds

H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius updated rounds
100 mm -1d10x10 M.D (max damage 100)

A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius updated rounds
100 mm -3d6x10 M.D( max damage 180)

125 MM tank rifle H.E.A.T 1d4x10, AP rounds 6d6
updated rounds
2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds updated rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
125 mm -2D6X10M.D ( max damage 120 ) blast radius
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
125 mm -2D6X10M.D 2D6X10M.D( max damage 120 ) blast radius
A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius updated rounds
125 mm -2D6X10M.D mm -5d6x10 M.D( max damage 300 )

Rate of Fire:
Single shot only
Effective Range:
100 tank rifle MM 6000 feet
125 MM tank rifle 2.5 miles
Note: any armor that has a main body of 100 MDC or less crew and pilots take 6d6 S.D.C
Heavy Exosuit mounted, the mark II will have two Heavy M.D Machinegun of the main gun all guns are hidden
Heavy M.D Machinegun: below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800
later add two mark III has two Heavy M.D Machinegun: below

Damage: 4d8 short burst, 1d4x10+4 medium burst, 2d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
Rest the same look above

Type: Under forearm battle rifle pick one weapon systems two: pick one for each arm
Any rail gun
Damage: from 1d4x10 to 2d6x10 MD
R.O.F: burst
Range : 3000 feet to 6500 feet
Payload: solid slug type standard ammo 500 burst

Type: Under forearm battle rifle pick one weapon systems three : pick one for each arm
20 MM Conventional M.D.C rounds this looks like submachine gun look above right arms

Weight: gun system 125 pounds only ,ammo for every 400 rounds weight 75 pounds so 2500 standard rounds total 469 pounds!!!(Dame!!)
20 MM Conventional M.D.C rounds
1 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
1d4 M.D.C Per round
2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
5d4 M.D.C Per round
Burst 1 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
Five rounds burst short round 5D4 M.D.C
Ten round medium burst round burst 1D4X10 M.D.C
20 rounds long burst 2D4X10 M.D.C
40 round extended long burst 4D4X10 M.D.C
80 full melees burst 4D8X10 M.D.C

Burst 2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
Five rounds burst short round, 1D10X10 M.D.C
Ten round medium round burst 5D4X10 M.D.C
20 rounds long burst 5D8X10 M.D.C
40 rounds extended long burst 6D6X10 M.D.C
80 full melee burst 8D6X10 M.D.C

Rate of Fire: five round burst short round , ten round medium round burst, 20 round long burst , 40 round extended long burst , 80 full melee burst
Effective Range: standard range 4 miles
Payload: 2500 rounds
Note: it was learn that damage drops due to gravity of round and speed is lowered of rounds , reloads x6 for each submachine gun that’s 60,000 rounds ;total weight 5.9 tons
Type of round
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too, weight for rounds drops by 75% total weight 8 tons !!!!
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
A.I systems look for any type of missiles mini missiles to long range missiles with submachine gun , to shot missiles + 4 to strike while pilots dodge ,roll or try to take a hit the systems kick in but can change to attack mode due pits control, but pilots use weapon systems , can switch from tank commander to gunner if need be.

Optional weapon systems can be dual barrel ,man or remote control Under forearm battle rifle pick one weapon systems four: pick one for each arm
ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (New Babylon). Optional weapon systems This was one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-Clip in one single shot! The shortcomings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes two melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble). Also, they use up E-Clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it. Now adding it own nuclear powered systems and vehicles it can be mounted as a heavy weapon systems.
3D6x 10+20 M.D. per shot!
Rate of Fire:
Single shot only. Each shotempties an entire E-Clip! Later 3 per melee
Range: 6,000 feet (914 m)
Payload: 1 shot per robot vehicles or vehicles with nuclear powered hand to hand

Heavy exo suit Hand to Hand Bonuses from Combat Training
Three hand to hand attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
Body flip/throw — 1D4 M.D. plus victim loses initiative and one attack that melee.
Body block/tackle/ram — 2D4 M.D. plus a 90% chance of knocking opponent down (this will cause the victim to lose initiative and one attacks that melee). Counts as TWO attacks.
Kick attacks
+4 to strike hand to hand in addition to ANY OTHER bonus
+ 3 range weapons (machine gun ,rail , beam weapons only )
+ 3 to parry arms
+5 shield weapon pods
+ 2 to dodge ground
+ 2 to roll with punch, fall, or impact (explosion), reducing damage by half.
Critical strike same as pilot's hand to hand.
One additional hand to hand attack at level five.
One additional hand to hand attack at level ten.

in additional add the following
Combat computer:
add to pilots +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+8 dodge when in flight at max, also add +4 attacks, -1 to dodge in ground waking only ,

Laser targeting
add to pilots +1 to all weapons systems
Thermo-imager:/ Infrared Optic System:/Ultraviolet Systems Optic /Night Sight /Adjustable Color Filters /Conventional Binoculars add to pilots range 3 miles
+ 2 to strike in day operation /night time adds +3 to strike giant size robot . man size +2

Amplified Hearing:
Bonuses: +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, +6 on initiative.

NOTE Any female pilot or partial Borg
get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total Arm shields ,Male pilots get this at third level add to pilots

cloaking system
+2 on initiative when invisible, add to 3 to all range attack, + 4 TO ALL for any melee attacks



These US military can draw and shoot two handguns (or throw two knives) simultaneously at the same target, inflicting full damage from both weapons, but counts as one melee attack!
In the alternative, the two-gun attack can be divided between two different targets visible to the shooter and within his range of peripheral vision. The divided attack counts as one simultaneous melee action against two different foes. The shooter must roll two separate times to hit each target (roll to strike for each) and the bonuses to strike each are reduced by half.
Note: Parrying is not possible when two handguns are being used as paired weapons, but the character can dodge (which uses up one of his attacks) and counter by shooting.
this what makes them famous
Last edited by ZINO on Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Pilot's suit :
Was design to go act as all in one combat unit. Able to fight in small area where the Heavy Exosuit cannot go . As the Heavy Exosuit act as decoy to defend mode to search and destroy situations heavy infantry is need to cover each other and work as one. Many are seen as ghost engage when you have to knocking down the door at the enemy gates to recon, surveillance to heavy cyber warfare taking control of IFV , tanks, APC to robots make it look like an accident.

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/ ... 5ld6qq.jpg
http://km33.deviantart.com/art/Soldier- ... -338218082
left to right standard combat unit add 20 M.D.C to all location, middle close quarter combat and tactical unit for recovery of any type of package ,on the right side ECM /Cyber warfare combat unit are truly the most feared in any combat situation taking over from a weapon systems making look as it malfunction and used against the enemy troops or a major distraction
Features numbers 1 to 25 modification all will work even when in M.D.C Flex suit
Note on the following range drops by half and AI systems is on M.D.C Flex suit .
Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+8 dodge when in flight at max, also add +1 attacks, +3 to dodge in ground waking only
Self-Destruct systems fission block 6d6x10 rest the same
Electro-Adhesive Pad: add 50% to clinging ,look like running on side of the walls !!!
Sound filtration system: add +50% to prowl
Nuclear powered U.S Special Forces none look below
Rifts® World Book 33: Northern Gun™ One
Alternative Fuel Systems pages 101 to 102
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells . info
Standard Solid Oxide Fuel Cells weight 42 lds duration 1400 hours or 58 days
M.D.C shell 15 MDC
Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for tanks, power armor, combat robots, heavy energy weapons systems weight 221 pounds each unit duration 700 hours or 58 days
M.D.C shell 30 M.D.C
Dangers and Limitations MUST READ THIS BUY THE BOOK
Weight 31 POUNDS, duration 96 hours or 4 days for robots and heavy vehicles 144 hours for 6 days for any man size power armor, hover cycles, rocket bikes and light vehicles
However the jet pack runs on Nuclear powered
Special reactive amour: look below
Flare/Chaff Launchers (4) none
Basic EVA systems M.D.C Flex suit (back up)
Special medical unit in M.D.C Flex suit
RMK Robot Medical Kit or "Knitter": A unique medical kit, developed with the mastery of Nano- technology, in which a half hundreds of tiny robots, about the size of a shirt button, are released and automatically seek out cuts in the skin. One sprays the wound with disinfectant, another sprays antibiotics, a third cuts away dead or infected flesh, while the other three surgically suture the cut closed. When the units are done, they simply turn off and are naturally flushed from the body (average life is one hour). They are reusable. Each IRMSS holds 500 surgical robots for 40 uses. Any cut is repaired, the tiny 'bots return to their carrying unit, refill their supplies and wait till activated again. Equal to a doctor suturing skill of 99%. Even effective against internal injury, broken bone, or severe wounds. But great for cuts, bruises, bullet and stab wounds.
cloaking system98% roll
When the cloaking system is engaged there is still a 5% chance of locating the suit on radar and there is a distortion area like a blurry silhouette of the suit which can be seen by the naked eye. This is
especially true in close combat: 60% of suit being seen and attacked when within 1 feet , 19% chance within 10 feet (61 m), 10% chance within 300 feet (91.5 m) or beyond. It is virtually invisible to fast moving (100+ mph) aircraft even when flying at tree-top level.
Reduce range by half when underwater. Note: Add +5% to being seen by the naked eye when the bot is
Moving, fighting or in smoke or grit filled air — the sound of movement, fighting, and movement of vegetation and objects as the suit passes by them helps to reveal its nature and location. Add an additional-10% at night, (no night penalty when standing motionless). It is also invulnerable to infrared and thermo-imaging, motion detection, and sonar,. However, against many of the supernatural
Monsters that plague the islands, the cloaked systems are beyond detection except at close range. +6 on initiative when invisible, add to 3 to all range attack, + 4 for any melee attacks
pre-Rifts measures used to control sound pollution.
A sound emitter is built alongside the skin of the suit . The emitter then sends out sound waves in exactly the opposite frequencies as the noises made by the suit , neutralizing them. Human ears cannot sense the sounds; additionally, special rubber soles and joints contribute to the reduced sound: the common prowl penalty is eliminated when using these two systems!
Underwater Propulsion:
Similar to the jet thruster system, the bionic legs or lower back can have a propulsion system installed for underwater use. The system operates in the same manner as the Underwater
Propulsion Pack but has a fairly limited range unless the suit is also outfitted with an internal energy supply. Maximum Speed: 50 mph (80 km). Engine: Electric battery supply back up in legs or nuclear engine
H.U.D. Visor:
An easily removable face-plate with visor that attachesto the head of the suit . The visor blocks all regular vision but is attached to a multi-optics camera that relays visual data, equal to normal vision, directly to the visor. The visor has several split screens that can display, in addition to the camera generated view, radar information, compass direction, current time, pressure/depth, oxygen levels, floor plan grids, and maps.

Internal IV Feed: A device implanted in the suit torso of the character that
supplies liquid nutrients directly into the bloodstream. The individual has complete control over the flow of nutrients. Most recipients of the IV feed implant will be full conversion cyborgs or special
forces troopers. These characters will use the liquids for survival, when they are unable to stop to hunt for food. While the system holds only enough nutrients for 3 days, the trained soldier can
stretch that amount to last for a week to ten days, twice that time for suit. Note that the individual will be able to function but they will be uncomfortable from lingering hunger pains. After the 7-10 days
are over, the character will start suffering from the effects of starvation.
Maximum Depth:
Suit depth tolerance of up to 800 feet(224 m).
Maneuvering Jets: A dozen tiny maneuvering jets can be activated to give the diver better control and speed while in thearmor, making the swimming penalty only -10%.
Backpack System: ( under water operations ) Allows for the attachment of additional oxygen tanks (48 hours per tank; two tanks maximum), and watertight storage container.
Special-Ops Breathing Tank: ( under water operations ) A backpack style oxygen tank and rebreathe designed to fit securely with mountings on the back of the armor suit. When the rebreathe is engaged, it provides breathable air for up to 48 hours (which includes the
Suit’s standard 48 hour supply) and does not leave bubbles! The pack has 40 M.D.C.

Hands 25 each (2)
Arms(2) 100
Legs(2) 180
* Head : combat unit 35, close quarter combat 40 , ECM /Cyber warfare combat 75
Main Body (all) 225
Under armored (all)175
M.D.C Flex suit 100
Pack has 40 M.D.C (under water operations)
Built-in Backpack System air and sea systems 100
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment (1) 125
M.D.C Flex suit will be immune to 20 MM or less no damage to the M.D.C Flex suit however rail gun do full damage and any M.D missiles As well.
The hands are small and difficult target to hit. Thus they can only be hit when a character makes a called shot and even then the attacker is -3 to strike standing still , moving normal no combat -4, -9 in combat mode . To exo suit Any conventional M.D.C from 40 MM or les no damage, and any conventional M.D.C from 41 MM to 100 MM do half damage however rail gun do full damage and any M.D missiles As well .
If Main Body goes to zero all system will work till you hit M.D.C Flex suit that where all critical systems are and best to run hid at this point .

Height: Width: Length Add 12 inches
Weight add 10 inactive systems

Cargo: rifle , can hold on suit up 500 pounds ,this reduce by speed by 45% but will

Power System : look above

Cost: unknown
Black Market Costnone

Speed :

combat unit, close quarter combat, E.C.M /Cyber warfare combat,
40 mph (64 km) maximum. Note that the act of running does tire out its operator, but at a fatigue rate 20% less than normal, thanks to the robot exo-skeleton.

The integrated jet pack enables the power armor to leap great heights and distances. A height of approximately 15 feet (4.6 m) straight up or lengthwise is possible unassisted by the thrusters. A jet thruster assisted leap from a stationary position can propel the unit up to 100 feet (30.5 m) high and across without actually attaining flight or requiring a running start.

Power Jumping and travel:
Getting a running start will enable the individual to leap up to 300 feet (91.5 m) lengthwise. The height of the leap is controlled by the pilot and generally ranges between 20 to 50 feet (6 to 15 m), with 20 or 30 feet of height being the norm. By leaping, landing, and continuing to run a few
dozen yards/meters, and power leaping again, the pilot can attain and maintain, an impressive ground speed of 170 mph (272 km), even though light forest (speed should be reduced 40% through dense vegetation or hazardous terrain to avoid accidents).
Directional control is nearly total, but engaging the jet pack to avoid a collision or bad landing may slow one's speed. Also, the flight capabilities enable the pilot to stop in mid-air if necessary.

The rocket propulsion system enables them to hover stationary up to 200 feet (61 m) or fly. Maximum flying speed is 200 mph , but cruising speed is considered to be around 60 mph (96.5 km). Maximum altitude is limited to about 200 feet (61 m).

Flying Range:
The nuclear power supply gives the armor a decade of life, but the jet rockets get hot and need to cool after a maximum of 240 hours of continuous flight. Remember, traveling by power jumps cans Sensor Bonuses: +1 to strike is applicable to long-range weapon combat only. Hand to hand: +1 to parry and dodge, automatically + 2 to dodge while traveling by means of power jumps.
See Power Armor Combat Training in the Robot Combat section for other bonuses.

Weapon systems summary medium exo suit be aware of weight limit 500 pounds
1.Robotic PS 30: Inflicts 1D4 M.D. on a restrained punch, 1D6 on a full strength punch, 2D6 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks). Kicks do 1D6 M.D. and leap kicks 2D6 M.D.
2.Blades add Robotic PS 30
3. M.D.C Pump Rifle
4.M.D.C Pump pistol
5. Pump Grenade Launcher
6. Neural Stick
7. Particle Beam Rifle (1):
8. High-tech Arrowheads
9. Fire-breath System :
10.Nano Rail Gun
11. M.D Satchel Charge
12. Modular, Interchangeable Forearm Units
Forearm Vibro-Blades:
Extends Vibro-Blade:
Mini-Missile/Torpedo ( under water operations )
Triple-Barrel Spear Gun ( under water operations ):
Single-Barreled Forearm Laser ( under water operations ):
Double-Barreled Utility Laser: ( under water operations )
Plasma Torch:
Plasma Ejector:
Stun Blaster:

M.D.C Pump Rifle
The pump rifle is a new concept in mega-damage assault rifles that uses projectiles rather than energy blasts. Some have called the M.D.C Pump Rifle is a glorified grenade launcher or shotgun, but regardless of its dissenters, the weapon has become increasingly popular as the Triax Corporation becomes an ever growing force in the weapons market. The rifle fires high explosive pellets/bullets which are much smaller than the conventional grenade, but packs a wallop. Through high technology and Nano- miniaturization, these explosive rounds are fired at a great velocity, providing long range, and the comparatively tiny shells contain a powerful explosive charge. The blast is very concentrated, about one foot (0.3 m)or can go to 3 feet per round ( rules apply on the ground or air burst ), unlike a grenade launcher which affects an area five to twelve times larger. The M.D.C Pump Rifle is a bit heavy, but well balanced and dependable in combat. Later 300 years NGR will have remade these weapon systems . Has built in silencer systems to reduce noise and must under perception roll 15 or better .
Weight: 21 Ibs (9.45 kg)
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D., 1d4x10+8 two round burst , 2d4x10 +16 four burst
Rate of Fire: Standard, burst .
Maximum Effective Range: 1600 feet (488 m)
Payload: 16 rounds; loaded manually, one round at a time. A speed loader will load eight (8) rounds in four seconds (one melee action) or long clip 32 rounds or drum 64 or belt 128 rounds .

The M.D.C Pump pistol is a version of the pump rifle. Has built in silencer systems to reduce noise and must under perception roll 15 or better .

Weight: 5 Ibs (2.25 kg)
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. or 1d4x10+8 two rounds burst only
Rate of Fire: Standard, burst .
Maximum Effective Range: 800 feet (224 m)
Payload: 8 rounds; loaded manually, one round at a time. A speed loader will load all five rounds in four seconds (one melee action) or extend clip 12 rounds .

Pump Grenade Launcher
A RAPID FIRE pump-action grenade launcher with a laser. The weapon is somewhat reminiscent of the Coalition States' C-14 "Firebreather" and the TX-16 pump rifle 300 years later but weaker damage . It can fire a variety of grenades and is in wide service both in the military nations and by police units. The launcher can take a lot of punishment but still delivers rounds right on target. The range, damage and area of effect vary with each cartridge. Has built in silencer systems to reduce noise and must under perception roll 15 or better .

Weight: 10 Ibs (4.5 kg)
Mega-Damage: Grenade: look above . Laser: 1D4X10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Laser: Standard. Grenade Launcher: one aimed, or burst fired in rapid succession (burst or spray).
Maximum Effective Range: Grenade Launcher: 1200 feet (365 m). Laser:
2000 feet (610 m)
Payload: Laser: 30 shots per standard E-clip, 12 rounds for grenades

Neural Stick
(1): A built-in neural stick and a sidearm as well , typically a stun-gun, laser pistol or vibro-katana (3D6 M.D. with beam added 6d6 M.D ), are attached to the inside of the lower armor plates or with a belt.
Neural Stick Physical
1D6 S.D.C. plus P.S. attribute bonus (if any) when used a clubbing weapon. The stick can parry S.D.C. and M.D. weapons like vibro-blades.
Stun Damage:
Victims struck by the neural stick must roll to save vs non-lethal poison/attack and need a 16 or higher to save. A successful save means the victim loses one melee action from the jolt but is otherwise
unimpaired. A failed roll to save means the character is stunned: -7 on initiative, -5 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce melee actions/attacks, speed and skill performance by half. The character must save
each time he or she is struck.
Stun Duration: 2D4 melee rounds. The duration and penalties are increased 2D4 melee rounds for every hit by the stick, plus a cumulative chance of 15% per each subsequent hit that the character will be rendered unconscious for 1D4 minutes.
Limitations: The stick is ineffective against environmental M.D.C. body armor, power armor, and full conversion borgs, but is effective against M.D half suits, or body armor without a helmet (not fully environmental without the helmet attached). Partially reconstructed borgs, juicers and crazies are all +1 to save and the stun effect lasts half as long. No effect against robots, androids, and most supernatural beings and creatures of magic.

Particle Beam Rifle (1):
This is standard equipment stolen from for the Japanese SAMAS in pre rifts chaos earth . It is incredibly powerful, accurate, and lightweight for a heavy P-beam rifle (some would say cannon).
A pair of cables connects the weapon to the armor's nuclear engine, giving it an effectively unlimited payload! If the power cords are severed (each has 6 M.D.C.), the gun holds 3D4 charges before it is
Empty, however, a conventional E-clip can be used in an emergency, providing 10 shots per clip. Of course rail guns and other weapon scan be substituted as desired or necessary.
The item that looks like a targeting scope is actually a short-range laser (the power armor has special optics so a scope isn't required).It is used as an alternative to the lethal pounding that the P-beam gun provides.
Weight: 42 Ibs (18.9 kg)
Mega-Damage: Particle Beam: 1D6xlO M.D. per blast. Laser: 1d4x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (usually4-6). Each blast counts as one melee action. The laser and P-beam can be fired simultaneously.
Maximum Effective Range: P-beam: 6000 feet for both
Payload: Effectively unlimited when connected to power supply by cables. BUT 10 shots per standard E-clip.

High-tech Arrowheads
Although not too popular, there is a certain market demand for special arrow heads. Crossbows and bows and arrows are predominately used by scouts and military specialist, and others for espionage assignments and special missions. The crossbow and bow and arrow have a couple advantages. One, the firing mechanism requires no artificial energy supply. Second, the weapon is entirely silent. Third, it is extremely accurate in trained hands. Lastly, the weapon can be made by hand (carpentry skill is needed), if necessary.
Types of Arrowheads
All are suitable for either crossbow or conventional arrowheads.
Light Explosive: lD6x 10 S.D.C.
Medium Explosive: 1D6 M.D.C
Heavy Explosive: 2D6 M.D.C .
High Explosive: 3D6 M.D.C
Gas: Arrowhead shatters on impact, releasing a toxic gas that fills a ten (10) foot area (3 m). Tear gas costs 100 credits, tranquilizer gas (sleep/knockout for 1D6 minutes , paralysis gas (a nerve toxin, causing temporary paralysis for 1D6 minutes) . Everybody in the gaseous area must roll to save versus harmful drugs(15 or higher).
Smoke: No damage; creates a smoke screen covering a 20 ft (6m) area. comes in four colors: yellow, red, grey and black.
Flare: Emits a bright, sparking light; burns for 60 seconds.
Neural Disruptor: Works like a neural mace. See Rifts, page 205. ; Rechargeable and reusable 1D6
Times before breaking. Inflicts no other damage.
Tracer Bug: Transmits a radio signal that can be followed up to 8 miles (12 km) away. Battery powered, with a limited life of 72 hours of constant transmission. Arrow must stick into the target or fall on top of the object (without falling off). There is always a chance that the tracer bug arrow will
become dislodged and fall off (roll once for every half hour; 1-32% chance). Cost: 200 credits each. Inflicts normal one S.D.C. arrow damage.
Weight: Average 2 to 6 Ibs (0.9 to 2.7 kg)
Damage: Varies with type of weapon and arrowhead. See Rifts, page 32, W.P. Archery & Targeting for S.D.C. damage and effective ranges.
Rate of Fire: 2 to 8; see W.P. Archery & Targeting.
Effective Range: Varies with bow type; maximum is 700 ft (213m)
type of bows
Typical short bow:
Typical long bow:.
Typical modern composite bow: .
Typical traditional crossbow: .
Typical crossbow pistol: .
Typical modern crossbow:
Note: The modern bow weapons are products of high technology and are generally made of man-made materials, lightweight (2or 3 pounds), are very durable and accurate.

Modular, Interchangeable Forearm Units
Forearm Vibro-Blades: Each of the forearms has a large Vibro- Blades for slashing and parrying. CAD close assault and defense

Extends Vibro-Blade: Extends from forearm, does 2D6 M.D. add beam tech 4d6 CAD close assault and defense

Mini-Missile/Torpedo ( under water operations ) : Forearm launcher, one missile or torpedo, range one mile (1.6 km), typical damage is 5D6 M.D. or1D4X10M.D.

Triple-Barrel Spear Gun ( under water operations ): Range 200 feet (61 m), 2D6 S.D.C. or explosive or special spearheads (see the previous spear gun description for options). Additional spears may be carried and loaded by hand.
Single-Barreled Forearm Laser ( under water operations ): Blue-green laser, range: 1200
feet (366 m), 2D6 to 6d6 or 1d4x10 M.D., effectively unlimited payload, tied to armor's power source.
Double-Barreled Utility Laser: ( under water operations ) One barrel is a blue-green weapon laser( under water operations ), range: 1200 feet (366 m), 2D6 M.D., effectively unlimited payload, tied to armor's power source.
The second, smaller barrel is a precision laser tool that can be adjusted to inflict
1, 2 or 1D6 M.D., or 4D6, 6D6, or 1D4xlO S.D.C or . M.D; range: 20 feet (6 m) maximum. A pull out laser scalpel and flashlight are part of this package. .
Plasma Torch: ( under water operations ) A cutting tool that resembles a pistol. The large
Nozzle is the plasma torch. It can be adjusted to inflict 2D6, 4D6 or 6D6 M.D. cutting power; range: 10 feet (3 m) maximum. The small opening above it is a laser that can be adjusted to inflict 1,
2 or 1D6 M.D.; range: 60 feet (18.3 m). A light is built into the handle.

Fire-breath System :
A unique weapon consisting of a plasma discharge built into the suit mouth! An E-clip (in body compartment; can be easily replaced) powers the weapon. The plasma is discharged through the mouth, inflicting 1D4xlO M.D. (range: 500feet/152 m). (Horror Factor of 9)

Plasma Ejector: Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per single blast, dual blast inflicts 1D4xlO M.D. Maximum Effective Range: 200 feet (61.0 m). Payload: Battery has energy for 20 single blasts. Effectively unlimited with nuclear power supply.

Stun Blaster: S.D.C. Damage: 6D6 S.D.C. per single blast,1D6xlO S.D.C. per dual blast. (See AT-23 Police Stun Gun description in the weapon section). Maximum Effective Range: 500 feet (152 m). Payload: Battery has energy for 50 single blasts. Payload is unlimited when used with nuclear power supply.

Nano Rail Gun
Nano Rail Gun was spent years and huge sums of money in research of rail gun technology. Their goal has been to develop a weapon light enough to be used by regular infantry soldiers as well as SAMAS and cyborg troops. The Nano Rail Gun is their latest breakthrough in pre rifts earth by the US military , a rail gun that retains its knock-down power and damage capabilities, but is lighter and
More compact. Even the rounds for the weapon are made of lighter materials to reduce overall weight. The result is a squad support weapon which can be used by anyone with a P.S. of 10 (or higher). The main weight limitation remains with the multi-round ammunition container, so it is still often used as a one -man weapon; one carries and uses the gun, the other carries additional ammunition and assists in setting up the weapon. Thus, like all rail guns, it is most effective as a vehicle or bunker mounted weapon or placed in the hands of cyborg or power armor. Again ArmaTech will discover this weapon systems in rifts Japan book.
Weight: Gun: 28 pounds , rucksack 40 pounds , short clips 7 Ibs (3 kg), light ammo drums 20 Ibs , and heavy ammo drums 40 Ibs .
Mega-Damage: A burst of 10 rounds does 1d4x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Bursts and wild only.
Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet
Payload: A short clip holds 300 rounds . A light ammo drum holds 600 rounds . A heavy drum, like those built into the PR-3 rucksack, holds 2400 rounds of ammo ! Reloading a drum takes three minutes for the untrained, or one minute (4 melees) by those trained in the use of rail guns. A strength of 20 is required to handle the drum

M.D Satchel Charge
The standard issue explosive charge for the military is a 1 pound block of plastique with attached detonator packed in a canvas M.D satchel. The flip of a switch activates a 3 minute delay for the charge.
M.D. Damage: 3 D4xlO M.D. (blast radius of 30 feet/9.1 m).
Maximum Effective Range: The satchel charge is not very aerodynamic, but can be thrown a distance of 2D4xlO feet

Hand to Hand Bonuses from Power Armor suit Elite Combat Training
Two hand to hand attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
Body flip/throw: 1D4 M.D. plus victim loses initiative and one attack that melee. Possible only in battloid mode. Body block/tackle/ram: 1D6 M.D. plus a 70% chance of knocking opponent down (this will cause the victim to lose initiative and one attack that melee). Counts as TWO attacks.
Kick attack.
Leap kick; counts as two attacks.
+ 2 to strike. Hand to hand in addition to ANY OTHER bonus,note using cloaking system and using prowl and melee combat only double the attack and strike,roll, -6 parry , while in cloaking system
+ 2 to parry.
+ 2 to dodge in normal combat; +6 to auto dodge flying. cloaking system +9 auto dodge
+ 3 to roll with punch, fall or impact (explosion), reducing damage by half.
Critical strike, same as pilot's hand to hand.
One additional hand to hand attack at level six.
One additional hand to hand attack at level eleven

Don’t combine both Hand to Hand Bonuses from Power Armor suit Elite Combat Training And Heavy exo suit Hand to Hand Bonuses from Combat Training while pilots in Heavy exo suit

N.A.A.T Elite’s Robot Pilots AKA THE Elite’s, or ACE robot pilots Later N A AT Elites Robot Pilots AKA THE Elite, or ACE robot pilots in rifts earth

Type: man at arm
Setting: rifts chaos earth or phase world
U.S Elite’s Robot Pilots AKA THE Elite’s, or ACE robot pilots Many rogue nations and many other nations said it was a myth, to the Many rogue nations it was a joke. But that all changed when they face U.S mechanized special forces , and those who attacks them are to be afraid of these pilots . They have seen to attack up three targets, there tactics are simple hit two targeted with gun or beam combine as well, while waiting to hit the third target with missiles systems with mini-missiles , short range missiles , medium range missiles to long range missiles. When first seem in action it made Many rogue nations’ s to see then as special forces /anti amour / robot fighter gave a new meaning fear of god. That was a mouth full , and frozen Many rogue nations pilots know that fight was over for them , this was a terror to any with heavy Mecha weapons , robots , power amour even techno – wizards are afraid in combat even cyber warfare shutting down from robot , cyborgs and tanks . But something was also learn the hard way ,they will fight in groups of three to six and when their target is disable , or surrender , they go to the next target to finish mission A.S.A.P and even avoid conflict to hit targets . Many are learn by the barrel of a gun or rail gun there several types of robot elite’s fight in that area ( which is too late by that time). They will take any advantage in the fog of war, even if cost their lives if need be . but this was a false illusion leaving behind the mech and blowing up as if several cruise missiles hit these mechs .They have taken target more powerful like army unit of all types ( tanks, IFV ,APS even infantry units ), to large mercenaries company and have come on alive (but heavy damage thank to the drones of the time ). Something that is common to the Robot Elite’s Pilots is that they don’t show of or get cocky disposition. They will act like a regular robot pilot, and will only show what they do in combat. They saying is” action specks louder than words” and keep their principles. This has confuse Many rogue nations robot pilots, they are tough but are gentleman at all times, and something different from other been identify for there well matter and dress very well which has help their appearance and other situation. Which help talking with the opposite sex or making deals or getting the dates .these man and women are the true US elites . but are heavy costly to maintain run and even train but were need till the glitter boy power suit came to life but were still around .
General skills
Language Native 88%+1 per level
Literacy Native 40+5% per Level
Math basic /advance 45%+5% per level

O.C.C skills add 1d4x10% one-time only
Camouflage 20%+5% per level
Radio basic 45%+5%
Navigation: Land, Air, Water 40%+5% per level
Weapon systems 40%+5% per level
Sensory Equipment 30%+5%
Sign Language 25%+5% per level
Wardrobe and grooming 50%+4% per level
Hand to hand expert

M.O.S ground robot only very common
Wilderness survival 30%+5% per level
Pick one below
Pilot pick 4 ground Mecha (single sweater) all (4) robot combat elite
ALL Robot combat basic for any flying robot other type one type man size only for rifts earth
Pilot pick 4 flying Mecha (single seater) all (4) robot combat elite
ALL Robot ground combat basic (flying only) other type one type man size only for rifts earth
Pick two any land vehicles
Force march
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapons

M.O.S ground robot only very common
Wilderness survival 30%+5% per level
Pick one below
Pilot pick 4 ground Mecha (single seater) all (4) robot combat elite
ALL Robot combat basic for any flying robot other type one type man size only for rifts earth
Pilot pick 4 flying Mecha (single seater) all (4) robot combat elite
ALL Robot ground combat basic (flying only) other type one type man size only for rifts earth
Pick two any land vehicles
Force march
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapons

Pick one MOS Roll one time 4d6% add for MOS

M.O.S Air very common
Pilot 3 flying mecha (single seater) any fly robot combat elite pick two any land vehicles
Robot combat basic (land only) other type
Robot combat flying Robot elite
Force march
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapons

M.O.S space for rifts space or Phase world
Pilot 3 flying Mecha (single seater) any fly robot combat elite pick two any land vehicles
Robot combat basic (land only) other type
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapons
Zero G combat

M.O.S Sea Rift under the sea or south America ,rifts Japan ,few in North American
Pilot 2 sea Mecha (single seater) all robot combat elite
pick one Robot combat basic (land only) other type or Robot combat basic (land only) other type
zero G combat
Swimming 50%+5% per level
SCUBA 50%+5% per level
W.P harpoon & Spear Gun
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol

M.O.S Giant/heavy for Phase world/ OR NGR ,coalition
Pilot 1 OR 2 (G.M CHOICE) giant/ robot combat elite
Pick one Robot combat basic (land only) other type or Robot combat basic (land only) other type man size for both
Wilderness survival 30%+5% per level
Pick two any land vehicles
Force march
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapon

M.O.S specialized unit for Phase world/ OR NGR ,coalition or US military this is used for heavy exo-suit and powers armed suit
This train on three Robot combat full training any
Radio Basic (+ 10%)
Robot Combat: Elite pick three
Navigation (+15%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. of choice

O.C.C related skills 6 and add 1 at level 3,6,8,10,15 (ADD 5d6%)

Communications: any +15%
Cowboy: general only +15% land or air only
Domestic: any
Electrical: None
Espionage: any
Mechanical: any
Medical: None
Military: any
Physical: any
Pilot: by MOS only, any conventional only
Pilot Related: any
Rogue: any
Science: None
Technical: any
WP: any
Wilderness: MOS land or MOS air are allowed

Secondary Skills 4
• NOTE All get the following :Modify their Mecha(s)/robot(s) if they don’t have a weapon system on both sides in forearms , shoulder and hips, or backs as well in wing add 100 M.D.C to 200M.D.C To Main body and to arms , legs ,head, and to reinforce cockpit compartment and to main wings ( fins)100 M.D.C plus 30 % to all M.D.C locations,plus add a NGR force field of 100 M.D.C recover in 24 hour if depleted ,if not depleted recovers 10 MDC PER 30 minutes
• Abilities All get the following: if they stay in their filed of MOS and have to pilot a robot different, they get only +1 to all and weapons training. However if get on air to ground MOS they-3 to all .they will not black out, get dizzy, or loss sense of direction (where up or down).Immune to all type unknown mecha or techno mecha related. Will any do thing to improved combat abilities even use magic up gear add on and know latest mecha in their field of MOS. They also get the following. Each M.O.S get certain abilities which is as follows. Must have a cider jack to do the following
• Abilities All get the following: Add+ 2to P.P, P.S, P.E, M.E, All get the following (this is their trade mark) able to attack two targets and a third target in one attack. this how it work any weapon system that is direct line of sight can fire at tow different at the same time but divided it strike rolls, the third attack comes from in direct attacks it missiles systems lock on to the third target no penalties on the (that why no one wants to be last) add 2 attacks .and a horror factor /awe 8 add 1 level 3, 6, 9, 12, at level 15 add 1d4+1 who know what he is N.A.A.T Robot Elite’s Pilots .
• Abilities All get the following: able shoot rail gun or any projectile at 50% furthered and missiles only
• Abilities All get the following: Battle rage add another +2 attacks , strike (all type),add +1d4+1 to horror factor , -2 to dodge , roll ,parry, add speed to Mecha 50% for 1d20 minutes , Add Mecha take 2d4x10 damages to legs for non-flying Mecha , for flying or sea Mecha damage does to propulsion systems
• M.O.S ground robot / M.O.S ground robot only Add +2 strikes or parry, can make power Amour move a 30% faster, but mecha take 6d6MDC damage in legs, due to push mecha beyond it limits
• M.O.S Air /light the face saying “death from above “ if shooting at the head add +3 to strike or on call shots add+2, add +2 to dodge in the air only, if pilot has a P.P 19 or higher they + 2 auto dodge and any other add Bounces ,make surprises attack from they air +3 initiative( must be declared buy player) can make power Amour move a 30% faster, but mecha take 6d6MDC damage in legs ,due to push mecha beyond it limits
• M.O.S Sea Add +2 strike or parry, can make power move a 30% faster, but mecha take 6d6MDC damage in legs and flight engines systems due to push mecha beyond it limits , sea attack up and go back in the water must have at least 12 feet deep+3 to strike or on a call shots add+2, if pilot has a P.P 19 or higher they + 2 auto dodge add Bonus must be in the water ,make surprises attack from they sea +3 initiative( must be declared buy player),

equipment varies with location , they always have a second unit ready in time of peace, but in military operation they have 1d4+1 ready go
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http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2 ... 7bog41.jpg
http://universaleverything.deviantart.c ... -442879633

The second design is also low cost MDC overall to cover Non-Environmental M.D.C. Body Armor like The Wacom Bamboo Splash to give EVA and additional cover but not losing mobility and protection for cold or heat .this design was also a pre rifts design and updated for P.M.C (private military cooperation or modern mercenary units and allowed U.S special force to run operation under third pretext!!!) It cover the whole body and face ( I wonder why ) ;this Body Armor can be also just be bought as is and twice as much as flex suit !! it carries perfection from extreme cold or extreme heat .it was found out to be used for firemen and even artic conditions as well .the systems activates by itself light weight suit is love . during combat operation in a small town fight off demons it became clear why it such a good suit .the design can with stand all types emery attack ,normal fire do no damage that SDC but MD fire type as well as cold attacks do only 10% damage ,it pads also make sharp blades ( and claws attacks) do 10% damage. It reach zero they if body armor underneath take standard damage!!! This design was made by a long lost company call Armtech to give additional protection back in the day before the fall of mankind civilization. also additional feature it give protection for cold,heat even jungle environment and it love for those who are scouts ,special operation Men at arms even mages love too. Why you may ask it due to the fact it cover completely any type of Body Armor but for mages and Men at arms it provides no heats source even creatures of magic that have night /thermos visions cannot been seen !!! They can blend to the background easily given it a natural prowl abilities to the person. This design is been seen as a light to medium Body Armor for pre rifts amour survive the 300 years dark ages it is a testament of this suit of earth past !!!!

Main Body 90 covers the whole body
Weight: 4 lds.
Mobility: excellent no penalty a 4 feet to a six feet humanoid can easily fit
Cost: 5000 credits
Body Armor and heavy EVA overall Armor /helmets can add the following:
1. Standard issues Goggles Tinted, polarized, eye panel that darkens in bright light and lightens in the dark.
2. Available Upgrade: Heads-Up Display (HUD) with data displayed on the visor.
3. Built-in short-range radio communicator; range 5 miles (8 km) in most environments.
4. Available Upgrade: External audio speaker to communicate without having to remove the faceplate or helmet.
5. Available Upgrade: The helmet is designed with connectors to hook snugly to the collar of the jumpsuit to prevent dust and insects from getting inside the clothing or helmet. HOWEVER, this does NOT make it an environmental armor. The wearer does not have an airtight (Available Upgrade) uniform, nor an independent oxygen supply (Available Upgrade ) or air circulation system (Available Upgrade ).
He breathes the air around him and is vulnerable to gases, disease, radiation, and anything else in the environment unless use Upgrade .
6.Available Upgrade: Language translator.
7.Available Upgrade: Helmet light similar to a miner’s lamp. The light is usually mounted on the top or on one side of the helmet.
8.Available Upgrade: Head cam. A digital camera usually mounted on the top or on one side of the helmet. Can store up to 120 hours of video.
9. Available Upgrade: Gas mask/air filtration unit worn over the mouth and nose to keep out germs and contaminants.
10. Available Upgrade: Connectors from helmet to a small, independent oxygen tank; 60 minute air supply basic mode, standard model 48 hours. Ideal for naval crews, coastal patrols and explorers and sea going troops. Connects to a gas mask-style rebreathe apparatus or other look above. A connector unit and air tank worn and hips add another 24 hours each has MD of 20 on the back.
11. Recently in the magic community it was found out this this suit is base of natural MDC in flex armored and still adding additional MD protection for any mage simple easy to make and buy as well as fix!!! This is the reason why it the only know Body Armor to get a bonus 5d4+10 % to negate penalties to instilling 4 magical feature!!! And can carry up five PPE batteries FROM 50 PPE points TO 100 PPE points !!! The Wacom Bamboo Splash Non-Environmental M.D.C. Body Armor is the rage making look tech or traditional look, techno wizard are having a field day with this Body Arm
12. standard issues front pouch able to have addition for up 12 clips ,each clip for MD rounds or SDC rounds , each clip has 30 rounds and it has 30 MD or other items like hid a pistol with additional clips and other items
13. Basic EVA system for extreme cold/heated environment and resistance to cold / fire and microwave attack taking only 10% as well as blade and claws attacks doing only 10% blunt attacks like a mace do full damage . Hides heat signature due to design and gives a prowl of +25 for thermo /night vision if already prowl skills ,if not base prowl 60 % +1 per level when using this overall suit
14. Last standard issues MD battle rifle this design was use in pre rifts earth as a SDC conventional rifle turned to both type of rounds in SDC and MD!!! You have any rifle that was a 5.56 mm rifle look or a 5.56 AF 47 type
Type: MD or SDC 5.56 mm rounds

NATO Round, M4/M16
Single shot round
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D


5D4X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
Two rounds Burst 1d4 MD
three rounds Burst 1d6 MD
four rounds Burst 2d4 MD
five rounds Burst 1d10 MD
six rounds Burst 2d6 MD
twelve rounds Burst 4d6 MD

range :3000 feet
Rate of fire:
Single fire/aim or Burst

clip standard clip 20 rounds or larger 30-round magazine , now with the Minion War it can use a 60 round drum or 100 drum kit or ammo belt!!!
Cost 1500 credit

Type of M.D.C Materials

Bullets for black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets.

1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
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Part 1 of bone Soliders


The bone solider (AKA fossil solider , Bone Mage ,hunter mage, solider hunter now they are been called bone hunters ) as they are call now are a legend in demon kind, or demon hunter able to hunt ,track, stalk and kill as one or as elite fighting force. They are true bane of demon kind it is said that a demon hunter does not kill a demon must mean they are on their side. And thus that demon must be killed, is there some truth in this myth or saying? For they are a legend among demon and Dyvalian kind. But the rumors are true they came to in second Dark Age of mankind.
How they became about?
Greater Demons capture US military personal had them as slave while training into art the demon combat .for this demon had a good amount of demon troops but wanted to add additional slave troops for he saw the loss were going up .this in part thanks to NEMA and other human faction of the area . This demon train these slave troops and they trained one thing he made sure not to kill these troops but making better. They had Techno wizard, Soulmancy, I.P.S and last technology which they scavenge
, during this search for and collect (anything usable) from discarded waste. The slave kept secret the best of the best till it was time to strike.
As they refine their abilities and demon was force to use them they did well …actually too well. What the demon lord did not know was they somehow many contact and plan a trap attacking main Dyvalian kind and getting weapon from the humans that retreated from the field of combat ,sometime ignored Dyvalian kind each other attacking ( but was a few times). Still when finally a major attack from Dyvalian kind, adding a retreat the unknown demon lord fall into the Bone solider trap. Before he knew and could not understand was on all fours weak unable to fight but was wide aware of the situation. This is where we see the human unwilling to break turn to last remain demon troops. The bone solider knew part of the control was to take and reduce the demon troops P.P.E at half or less ,and there a few with little than 30% and going to combat this way ,was certain death at the time fighting the Dyvalian kind.
The bone solider told then these are your options fight them and go back to the way it was ( the demon troops didn’t want, or take the demon lord down and absorbed his P.P.E and kill him and be free. This was something the demons didn’t understand, they were awe at first. And then without think to hard they went after the demon lord during this time a Gargoyles of some kind open a rifts and end up in Europe to escape Dyvalian kind and human factions.
This is how the bone solider came to be, free from the demon lord and demon troops and went on to help NEMA and within a year and changed clear they are and got ready for the next wave!!!!
When the rifts stared to settle down The bone solider some high level bone solider went to cryo-sleep, and some went on better training and with time able to get equipment and made impoverment over the years that survive the second dark ages.
Men and women who find can peace and fulfilment living under the stars and working in concert with
Nature and able live in cities as well. If there are any common threads between them, it's that
All Wilderness Scouts share a love for nature, exploration and the unknown when leaving the city.
They are known to hunt dinosaurs, demon and even human as bounty hunter .what they are known as hunter by even Greater Demons or Lesser Demons as well. They are mainly Demons hunter but a hunter adapts, and well they can adapt to survive. What many are known is rumors and myths by many humans. There number were always few, but when they come they hunt, trade and offer services to an area for it wise to take for they always know something. It is rare for a town to say no and dangers to have hunter .Their ability are unknown to many ,fear even by Greater Demons and Lesser Demons, and are not known to many humans either(but few area in North America ). But what is known by few are they come the dark ages, they came in numbers (large number). Just like they came from the night, they disappear like the wind. The coalition have seen and been reported but what is not mention those in the filed like long range scouts and even within the coalition in the field have kept quiet even the most loyal to the coalition like CS Commando, CS Psi-Hounds/Dog Pack, CS EOD Specialist, CS Juicer, CS Military Specialist, CS Nautical Specialist, CS Psi-Stalker, CS Ranger/Wilderness Scout, CS RCSG Scientist, CS RPA Elite/SAMAS Pilot, CS Special Forces, during the Tolkeen war demon hunter were there but in moderate numbers ,ignored the coalition even the Vanguard as well . They even helping coalition and Vanguard hunting, attacking, flushing out demons, MD Beings, vampires and MD monsters and MD animals during the Tolkeen war. all coalition soldier of the Tolkeen war have kept quiet only calling those hunters for coalition states and that high commanded are not even aware of them only as hunters( or Conscript)!!! Many coalition soldiers will look the other way now many are mid to high ranking now .They are looking for signs of these demon hunters return it all began over 220 years earlier with the appearance of mysterious raiders clad in black and white skeletal armor. No one knew from whence they came, where they went, or why they attacked. Then they saw demon hordes dead by the thousands, The Republicans were the first to see, what these hunter can do, and when there was an inflation of dinosaurs they can level they plain field in weeks!!! What took NEMA taking months to clear a monster, demons or dinosaur infection demon hunter took care of it in weeks or days (for dinosaurs). For they bought time for N.E.M.A to regroup and survive as well the second dark ages till they were left(demon hunters). The Republicans were very aware they were humans and were getting help in many ways but when over it was better to let them go their way it was better that way.

These as hunter have become some kind of Megaversal coincidence, and became what they are today they combine all manner of weapons technological, magical, psionic and chi abilities!!! Making them deadly to demons or supernatural beings /monsters and rare commodity in rifts earth. Only now, as the Minion War erupts on Rifts Earth, are the demon hunter Knew the demonic invaders of the early years of the Great Cataclysm and Second Dark Age might have been demons and Deevils looking for new routes to strike at each other.

For the last year, rumors and conjectures about the demon hunter Coalition were little they staring show up 2-21-108!!!! Was there a sign or how did they know? They have been to do little damage and got to their knees of demons and Deevils all type. They are never alone and have among demons and Deevils for week’s even months then attack or made both side fight. They have made contact much time worth The Legacy Scout time which the character specializes in finding and exploring the thousands of ruins that have been buried under the shifting sands of time and swallowed by the wilderness.
They seek to unearth the trappings of the past so they may learn more of their human heritage.

There find major stepping stone for these hunter were able to find 291 years later a full Army, Marine and other US empire force teleported 291 .they instant recognized them and many hunter unit with their first generation bothers to their aid. They save time; resources and the loss of their brothers before any calamity hit them. Also it allow safe passage and training to settle in a safe area in the US and Canada and help the tundra rangers as well.

They know and keep it a secret Steel Tree Forest and been there for their training as well.

Homesteaders have been have this why has recently begun to grow in the aftermath of the
Tolkeen War. Refugees have been known to flee around and through Coalition territory to make new lives for themselves. The wilderness of the southeast is one of those places because it is far from CS influence and seems to be full of promise. Unfortunately, only perhaps 50% of those who set out for Dinosaur Swamp ever reach their destination and fewer than 25% of those survive more than a year in the swamplands( unless help by hunters or local residents or outside help like N.A.A.T or N.A.M.E.S )

Many mutant animals in Dinosaur Swamp see them as one of their own and as long as there no attack they a truce to this and exchanger of anything or just simple passing by.

The Geography of Char is where always go to trade and bring lots of good to area and are allowed to come and as long as there a truce and there never been a problem more asking for their services .

The reaction varies from one to another let break it down

Coalition Look above
Naruni Enterprise
love the tech but will not use near Coalition in the New west will use and Free Quebec same look above however they are running free using this tech.

NTSET Organization
Has kept a file open for they somehow many into Chin town and help when they over their heads but will never admit it either and these solider disappear just like they been called in, but been extremely care to hid this fact. And this is how the hunter solider as they are called

The Burb
Here they been very well and seen as a training ground Coalition and Dog body CAN NOT P[ICK THEM UP !!!! But sense they are looking for supernatural monster, demons, vampires, MD beings ,and have hunted criminals as well but not kill then!!!!

They bet hit hard by hunter when try to kill them and learn a heavy beat down and still don’t know what hit them .also the Psi-Battalion have kept quiet to high commanded for being slap around like a rag doll

Troop who seen what they are and what they done have look the other way and sure to keep theirs mouth shut or will end so place worst duty ever imagine and stay away from Psi-Battalion
For they still haven’t got it yet.

Tolkeen war
Here the demon hunter/solider(AKA Bone solider) went after demons and sub demons and Tolkeen hit squads and been very effective taking out their prey, and by the time Coalition come in ,it over

Cyber – Knights
Many have come to their aid and hunt fallen knights if allow by their leader but recently the civil war as the hunter see it at first will but once they see what is what then they will join

They recently known of these and try to capture however it seem they have lots of allies every time they get one and have lost more than they bargain for now they watch and see but will help then during the minion war in rifts earth and just maybe the key.

Erin Tarn
Has met these solider hunter as she called and escorted her and company but were confused at first thinking they were demons which they were wrong and bone solider know very well Erin Tarn history
Federation of Magic
Bone solider have several unit ready to do mayhem if need be and are able to get out too as well but will be willing to tell the coalition states where in order for them fight each other

Bone solider came in by droves to Lazlo 106 Pa at first they came and sacred a few of the local but stay clear of the high command due to the fact they also hunt dragons, getting lots of supplies from TW community and love when they come they have money and material for the rare items and required some crazy idea add to deadly combat prowess. Bone solider also came in Lazlo with Schematics and even Schematic of a Proven ,with Working Prototype Model and were Taking Time to build what they need to TW device and there were many work At Your Leisure to the point of getting Assisting Techno-Wizard's TW Construction!!!! But when they came they came in packs to get things done and knew to stay out of the public eye.

New lazo
Bone solider came in by droves to Lazlo 107 Lazlo was full and they didn’t want to call attention from other that the Lazlo also TW form New lazo to help and they had a lot of material will to shared but required to keep very low profile and were all very well rewarded ,many were getting the bone armored as a gift at the end which they were able to improved combat endurance and add 8 instead of for 4 magical features !!!!!

El Paso & Ciudad Juarez
They come to hunt and trained in urban combat clearing supernal monster hidden here and Doc Reids are very impress to handle vampires dens too, there they have dedicated Bone Vampire hunters

Many are seen and magic user with combat in mystic art and try to get picture videos and are aware they can handle themselves in a fire fight and magic fire fight as well which are very important

Manistique Imperium
look at NG and Mercenary

Northern gun
NG ask to train them to handle man demon hordes and have been very effective in scare the hell out NG troops and have made a point what they are facing which worries NG upper level they stared in 107PA
North America Black market

N.G.R governments
They are getting the feel of the areas and holding back but the desire to hunt and attack sometime have to hold back but many demand Gargoyle feel they being watch and for the first time feel as prey.
But for some reason not attacking which even worries them even more think it a Gargoyle rival faction

Kingdom of Tarnow
The Brodkil Empire have seen the full range of the bone solider have been shock even their elite military not in public yet have to the world still, any Brodkil that face is certain death and even Angel of Death had to come and aid them ,however bone solider have added technology that has been allow to use Naruni weapon and let me tell bone solider came and kick the door down making a name in an instant to The Brodkil Empire and to Angel of Death. Bone solider came running and knock the door down which are showing what they can do ,here out number but no out gun or out class they can go toe to toe

Golden Age Weapon smith
Bone solider came for certain vehicles and had the money to getting hummers, motorcycles, APC Bradly’s vehicles, and lots of Abrahams in 106 PA ,they made the staff afraid at first but saw not only were they human but down to earth and were here to trade

Vanguard look above

Merc town
look at NG and Mercenary , they are there trading urban combat looking ,hunting supernatural monsters and gangs they help clean the street to point that many Merc outfit enjoy have them around

Air Superiority,Inc ,
look above

Tennessee Headhunters
Many see and magic user with combat in mystic art and try to get picture videos and are aware they can handle themselves in a fire fight and magic fire fight as well which are very important. They see they have military training and Anti-demon skill. They the most ideal and paid is top salaries or trade

Combat Medical services:
Many see and magic user with combat in mystic art and try to get picture videos and are aware they can handle themselves in a fire fight and magic fire fight as well which are very important. Recently TW cyborgs with healing abilities are join and also heavy TW cyborgs

Rifts New West
Vampires are running for how effective they are and hunt cleaning certain areas and are making a name among folks and the Indians as well

Bandito arms ,Silverado (S)& Colorado baronies ,north east tribes( NET) , Southeast tribes (SET),Plains tribes( PT) , and Southwest tribes(SWT ,Small kingdoms ,The Great Trade Road, Phoenix,Demon busters Tundra ranger, Bandito Arms, The Chicago Network
Many see and magic user with combat in mystic art and try to get picture videos and are aware they can handle themselves in a fire fight and magic fire fight as well which are very important

Secret governments help sponsorship, Bone solider love TW weapons

They are checking any weapon TW systems and are going crazy with TW items here . Bone hunter don’t come with empty pockets ,the opposite fully loaded or very good trade

They come to explain what going on and why anti monsters are leaving

Look above

The Republicans
Look above

True Atlanteans
Don’t mind the id form Bone solider but at first they thought they were they were demons BUT WAS CLEAR up and working well

Sunaj Assassins and Minions of Splugortb
Bone solider have clash with them and mop the floor with them but Sunaj Assassins and Minions [/b for Time there an unknown hunter that preys on them and don’t realized that tangle with them in north America, but Bone solider are aware of these [b] Sunaj Assassins and Minions but don’t know Sunaj Assassins are also true Atlanteans as well.

wild Psi-Stalker s
they see Bone solider as brother and sometime instead of a fire they work things where the word and truth to hunt even greater threats have solve without a fire fight and instead of attacking but trading and helping area and end up avoiding conflict

Black market
Will work but no slave trade and demon related this left El Oculta Vampire and odd all Black market stop and listen for a bone hunter means business and major trade , El Oculta are on second of list to hunt , NTSET Organization either step back or ask for help when finding out there a Bone solider and high coalition commanded think they conscripts help NTSET Organization .And this is how both side want to keep that way as long as possible.

N.A.A.T /N.A.M.E.S/N.A.T.O : N.A.A.T was found by descendants of U.S military and N.E.M.A ,that rifts almost years later. They gave intel and what were the new power bloc of rifts earth at the time!!!!with convectional power and magical and Psi power were a small force to reckon with but realized that can fight but holding ground would be a problem. Instead hunker down start Recon to are found home base operation for long ,and short range operation. But also get new tech and use the manufacturing capability as well .Still limited so N.A.A.T ( North American Armored Transport ) was many for transportation add Bone solider capability add a new twist keeping quiet what they do. N.A.A.T was a little more than just know and N.A.A.T quickly N.A.M.E.S (North American Mercenary Escort Service ). N.A.M.E.S had grown enough not to depend on Bone solider units . The most powerful Bone solider were agreed to wake them up for N.A.A.T found over stasis pods for use to space travel and put them to use .while that want to stay around were teachers and N.A.A.T with N.A.M.E.S and other allies at the time . Bone solider got replace /or new equipment .many were from NEMA and are call Legacy weapons for those who handed down and later add TW ,last the 300 years been Bone solider from magical radiation and genetic modification they (Bone solider )gave the powers they have now. But recently Bone solider that we disable became the new Bone solider of North American . however they didn’t stop there many also went to Europe to help N.A.M.E.S and N.A.A.T as well ; Bone solider show the true colors as special forces . They are getting the feel of the areas and holding back but the desire to hunt and attack sometime have to hold back but many demand Gargoyle feel they being watch and for the first time feel as prey . Bone solider were able to hold the tie 100 to 1 odds and shock what they were able to do against Gargoyle ,but were sure to keep cover and making look N.A.T.O and other Merc units at the time !!! Gargoyle never knew what hit them !!!!!

In order to make your character it will broke in 19 parts
The Bone Hunters is powerful and weak at the same time and falls perfect if made right
Here how it done :

1. Bone Hunters Name they go by now
2. Description: tell how they came to
3. Hand to Hand Combat : what type of hand to hand combat they save during the @ dark ages
4. Psionic Powers: Major Psychic : Nuff said
5. Bone Hunters Bonuses: Nuff said
6. Bone Hunters Bonuses Nuff said
7. Bone Solider Special Aptitude Bonuses Nuff said
8. Hunters Skills and abilities Nuff said
9. Bone solider M.O.S type Nuff said
10. Bone Solider OCC skills Nuff said
11. This applies to Bone pilot Nuff said
12. Techno-Wizard Bionics Nuff said
13. Techno-Wizard Cyborg’s Bone hunter
14. Equipment Nuff said
15. body armor Nuff said
16. Rifts Earth Modern weapons Nuff said
17. legacy weapon : Nema weapons that were saved during the 2 dark ages
18. TW add on : Nuff said
19. Techno-Wizard Bionics Nuff said

Bone Hunters abilities

Type of Hand to Hand Combat
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to Hand expert
Hand to Hand: Assassin
Hand to Hand: Commando
Hand to Hand: Jujitsu
Hand to Hand: Karate
Hand to Hand: Kendo melees specialist

Hand to Hand: Commando
This style of combat is a quick and dirty form of martial arts available only to the Commando and Special Forces O.C.C.s. Note: Remember, the Commando O.C.C. receives a one-time bonus of +2D6 S.D.C. and +1 to ME. (focus and concentration), while the Special Forces O.C.C. does not (those are O.C.C. bonuses; not part of Hand to Hand: Commando). This hand to hand fighting style has been updated
to include an additional +1 on initiative bonus at Level Three.
1: Starts with Four attacks/actions per melee round; W.P. Paired Weapons, body flip/throw, body block/tackle and +2 to save vs Horror Factor.

2: +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact, and +3 to pull punch. Backward sweep kick: Used only against opponents coming up behind the character. Does
no damage; it is purely a knock down attack (same penalties as body flip) but cannot be parried (an opponent can try to dodge it but is -2 to do so).

3: Disarm (+1), +1 to automatic body flip, +1 on initiative.

4: +1 additional attack/action per melee and Karate kick attack. This is a conventional, karate-style kick. It starts with bringing the knee, folded, up to chest level, then the foot is completely extended. Does
2D6 damage.

5: Automatic dodge and critical body flip/throw.

6: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, parry and dodge, and +1 to body
7: +2 to damage, +1 to save vs Horror Factor, +1 to disarm, +1 to automatic
dodge and +2 to pull punch.

8: +1 additional attack per melee, jump kick, +1 to body flip/throw, and +1 to roll with punch/fall/impact.

9: Death blow on a natural 18-20!

10: +2 to save vs Horror Factor, +1 on initiative and +1 to strike.

11: +1 to disarm, +1 to pull punch and +1 to body flip/throw.

12: +2 to damage, +1 to parry and dodge, +2 to automatic dodge.

13: +1 additional attack/action per melee.

14: Automatic body flip/throw.

15: Critical strike on a natural 17-20.

Hand to Hand: Judo
This is a basic, modern style of martial arts common among the high-tech communities like the Republic of Japan, Ichto and Takamatsu. This is typically the basic hand to hand combat used by the
Armed Forces and police of the Republic.
Attribute Bonuses: +2D4 S.D.C., +1 to ME., and +1 to P.P.
1: Starts with four attacks/actions per melee round; +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +3 to pull punch. Basic & Special Moves: Body block/tackle, body flip/throw, break fall, disarm, roll with
punch/fall/impact, strike, parry, dodge, and pull punch are available at first level. All bonuses are cumulative.

2: +2 to parry and dodge, +1 to strike.

3: +1 to body flip/throw and body tackle; +1 to disarm.

4: +1 additional attack/action per melee round and Karate-style kick (2D6 damage).

5: Critical body flip/throw on natural 19 or 20 (double damage).

6: +1 to strike, parry and dodge; +1 to body flip/throw.

7: W.P. Paired Weapons and +2 to damage.

8: Jump kick and +1 to roll with punch/fall/impact.

9: +1 additional attack/action per melee round.

10: +2 on initiative and +1 to parry and dodge.

11: +1 to break fall and +1 to disarm.

12: Critical strike on a natural 18,19,20.

13: +2 to damage and knock out/stun on a natural 19 or 20.

14: +1 additional attack per melee round.

15: Automatic body flip/throw.

Hand to Hand: Jujitsu
This combat style is very pragmatic, using the philosophy of "whatever works." Techniques range from the assault of vital points, joint locks and throwing techniques. A trained master can reduce his or her
victims into helplessness even if armed with daggers, sticks and guns. Any advantage that can be gained will be used by a Jujitsu practitioner without a second thought of fairness.

Limitation: Characters of an honorable alignment cannot select this skill (i.e. can't be Principled or Aberrant).

Attribute Bonuses: +3D6 S.D.C., +2 to P.S., +1 to P.P.
1: Four attacks/actions per melee round to start; snap kick (1D6 damage), knife hand (2D4 damage), +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 parry and dodge, and +2 to pull punch. Basic and Special Moves:
Maintain balance, break fall, disarm, body block/tackle, body flip/throw, holds, roll with punch/fall/impact, pull punch, kick attack (2D4 damage), knee and elbow strikes (1D6 damage), and the usual
strike, parry and dodge.

2: +1 to strike, tripping/leg hook and backward sweep kicks.

3: +1 on initiative and critical strike from behind.

4: +1 additional attack/action per melee round and +2 to damage.

5: Palm strike (2D4 damage) and drop kick.

6: Critical strike on a natural 18-20.

7: +1 to strike, +1 on body flip/throw and +1 to disarm.

8: +1 additional attack/action per melee round and +1 to maintain balance.

9: Critical body flip/throw on natural 17-20.

10: Jump kick and leap attacks.

11: +1 additional attack/action per melee round and +2 to pull punch.

12: +1 on initiative, +1 to parry and dodge, and +1 to strike.

13: +2 to damage, +2 to pull punch, and +2 to break fall.

14: +1 additional attack/action per melee round.

15: Death blow!

Hand to Hand: Karate
There are a variety of different styles of karate. What follows is a variation of Japanese Kyokushinkai Karate, or "the School of Ultimate Truth." The focus of this martial art is on aggressive combat and striking power, especially the power to break through solid objects, as well as an emphasis on rapid strikes and speed. Training is very hard and competitive.

Attribute Bonuses +3D6 S.D.C., +1D4 to P.S., +2 P.E., and +2 to Spd.
1: Four attacks/actions per melee round to start; snap kick (1D6 damage), knife hand (2D4 damage); +1 on initiative, +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 to parry, +1 to dodge, +1 to break fall and +2
to pull punch. Basic Moves and Special Techniques: Break fall, body block/tackle, roll with punch/fall/impact, pull punch, kick attack (2D4 damage), karate kick (2D6 damage), karate punch (2D4
damage), knees and elbow strikes (1D6 damage), and the usual strike, parry and dodge.

2: +1 to strike, tripping/leg hook and backward sweep kicks.

3: +1 additional attack/action per melee round and +2 to damage.

4: +1 on initiative, +1 to disarm, and roundhouse kick (3D6 damage).

5: Power punch and palm strike (2D4 damage).

6: +1 additional attack/action per melee round and +2 to pull punch.

7: Power kick, wheel kick, and +1 to strike, parry and break fall.

8: Critical strike on a natural 18-20, critical strike from behind and death blow on a natural 20.

9: +1 additional attack/action per melee round and +2 to damage.

10: Jump kick and leap attacks.

11: +1 on initiative, +1 to parry and dodge, and +1 to strike.

12: +1 additional attack/action per melee and +2 to pull punch.

13: Death Blow!

14: +2 to damage, +2 to pull punch, and +2 to break fall.

15: +1 additional attack/action per melee round.

Hand to Hand: Kendo melees specialist
Kendo is a martial art developed around the art of swordsmanship. Consequently, it deals with balance, striking, parrying and slashing. Attribute Bonuses: +2D4 S.D.C., +1 to P.S., +1 to P.P. and +2 to Spd.
1: Four attacks/actions per melee round to start; knife hand (2D4 damage);
+1 on initiative, +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +1 to disarm,
+1 parry (punch attacks), +2 to parry with sword or staff (in addition to W.P. bonuses), +1 to dodge, +1 to break fall and +2 to pull punch.
Basic Moves and Special Techniques:
Disarm, break fall, roll with punch/fall/impact, pull punch, karate punch (2D4 damage Bone solider 4d4), kick attack (2D4 Bone solider 4d4), knees and elbow strikes (1D6 damage Bone solider 1d6),
and the usual strike, parry and dodge.

2: +1 to strike and paired weapons.

3: +1 additional attack/action per melee round and +2 to damage.

4: +1 on initiative, +1 to disarm, and +1 to parry.

5: Tripping/leg hook and backward sweep kicks.

6: Power punch and palm strike (2D4 damage Bone solider 4d4 ).

7: +1 additional attack/action per melee round and +2 to pull punch.

8: Critical strike on a natural 18-20, critical strike from behind and death blow on a natural 19-20.

9: +1 additional attack/action per melee and +4 to damage.

10: Automatic dodge.

11: +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, and +2 to break fall.

12: + One additional attack per melee and +2 to pull punch.

13: Jump kick and leap attacks.

14: Death Blow!

15: +1 additional attack/action per melee.

Psionic Powers: Major Psychic:

bone hunters are Major Psychic:
Gets eight psionic powers if ALL eight are selected from the same power category the they a specialty , otherwise six powers if selected from two or more psionic power categories: Healer, Physical or Sensitive and super
Base I.S.P.: M.E. attribute number +1d6x10 plus ME . Additional I.S.P.: 3D6+1 +M.E per level of experience. Needs a 10 or higher to save vs psionic attack Super-Psionic powers and gets a huge selection from the all other categories.

Bone Hunters Bonuses:
Immune possession, Horror Factor and mind control, immune types of mind control, hypnosis, and mind altering chemicals, and the act of seduction
+ 1to save vs magic at levels 3, 5,7, 10 and 13,
+ 1 to Spell Strength (the number others must save against when you cast a spell) at levels 4, 8, and 12. This applies to TW devises
+3 urban. +6 outside the city or jungle /wilderness of any type on Perception Rolls that involve magic or machines or their combination.
Magic/ P.P.E cost to power items are half the cost to any weapon and body armored, or vehicles
Magic Base 4d6x10+100 and for each level 4d6 +PE for each level
Bone solider get 1d4x10 SDC ( can turn MDC minor being ) and get 6d6 to hit point

Bone Solider Special Aptitude Bonuses : 300 years Generations of adaptation to living in Rifts earth the bone hunters have gotten the following this will help your M.O.S
01- 10
Sure Shot:
+4 to strike with all types of projectile and energy.
11-20% man size robot:
to Pilot skill and +25% to Specialty
Also +1d4+1 on initiative. + 1 to parry. and + 2 to pull punch when piloting one type of
man size robot .
21-30 % Giant size robot:
Also + 1d4+1 on Perception Rolls dodge and to roll with impact when
piloting one Giant size robot
31- 49% High Perception and Solid GUT Instincts
: + 1d4 +1 Perception
Roll s. Roll ID4 +1once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward.
51 -59% Quick Reaction Time:
+1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward.
51-60% Strongman:
+ 1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 1 to pull punch.
61-70% Fast Learner:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses
for it. add IQ if any and if IQ is higher than a 19 add one M.O.S if higher than 24 add two M.O.S add four but higher than a 30 or more add four plus IQ is any and to other skill as well for each level up add one extra skill for OCC Related Skills and Secondary Skills
71-80% Quick Reaction time: + 3 attack per melee and + 1d4+1 to dodge.
81-90% Fearless:
+ 1d4+2 to save Horror Factor for others . However. as a result,
the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.
9 1-00% Charismatic/Charmer or P.B:
+ 1d4+3 10 M.A... This character is especially likable and affable; females get 1d4+4
This can use against Demons and Deevils who have Charismatic/Charmer or P.B roll table %

Hunters Skills and abilities

Roll 5d6 and pick from that number and every other level pick one or two per level!!!

1.Lore: Dinosaurs

2. Lore: Swamps & Everglades

3. Trail Blazing.

4.Track Animals:

5.Track Dinosaurs.

6. Land Navigation:

7. Cross-Country Pacing:

8. Cartography

9. Roadwise

10. Spelunking:

11. Stalking:

12. Sign Language:

13. Environmental Awareness:

14. Natural Poison and Disease Resistance:

15. Empathy with animals.

16. Nero-Armor/weapon

17. Sense Ley Line and Magic Energy

18. Sense Ley Line Nexus:

19 . Sense a Rift:

20. Sense Magic in Use:

22. See Magic Energy:

23. Dimension Sense:

24. Night vision & See the Invisible

25. Abilities against Demons and Deevils

26. Hide Scent/ P.P.E/I.S.P:

28. Can cast spells

29. Genetic trait

30. Melees specialist

end of Part 1 of bone Soliders
Last edited by ZINO on Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:36 pm, edited 4 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Part 2 of Bone solider

Bone hunter abilities table

1.Lore: Dinosaurs.
A specialized skill uncommon in the rest of the country. It provides in-depth knowledge about living dinosaurs, in general, and the dinosaurs and other exotic creatures that inhabit Dinosaur Swamp, specifically. Range of knowledge includes the animals' habits, species, what they eat, where they are typically found, means of defense, the value of their meat, hide, teeth, claws, bones, etc., strengths and vulnerabilities, recognizing them by their tracks and dung, and so on.
Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience.
Bone Hunters can over base PPE x10 P.E so example bone hunter has 210 PPE base ,he or her can over PE 19 now 190 PPE plus base 210 the max is can hold is 400PPE!!!!!Anything over will Burn up similar to a juicer !!!! But in 1d4 Melee and blow up 6d6x10

2. Lore: Swamps & Everglades.
Another skill unique to the region of Dinosaur Swamp. It provides a deep understanding of the swamplands, their ecology, nature, hazards, wildlife and waterways, including the best methods of traveling the swamps and paths through them. Base Skill: 30%+5% per level of experience.

3. Trail Blazing.
Not only can the Swamp Stomper navigate the swamps and forests, but bone hunters can cut and mark trails through the wilderness for others to follow. Bone solider skilled at this. Base Skill: 45/60 +5% per level of experience.

4.Track Animals:
This skill enables the character to identify an animal by its tracks, scent, spoor, and habits. The individual can also follow the animal's tracks and other signs. This means he can also estimate how fresh the tracks are, what direction they are heading, whether the animal is hurt or sick, and guess its age. The habits and habitats of animals and animal behavior are also learned. Tracking humans with this skill is also possible, but is done with a penalty of - 20%. Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience. Demons add 40 %

5.Track Dinosaurs
For the bone hunters tracking dinosaurs is part of the character's Track Animals skill, and includes dinosaurs because they are a vital part of the local ecology. The bonus for tracking dinosaurs (+20%) is higher than the ability to track other types of animals because the character specializes in dinosaurs. This ability may be used for avoiding dinosaurs as much as it is to track them down. Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience(same as Track Animals).

6. Land Navigation:
Regional: This is specific knowledge about one particular region that they is known to frequent. It can be the character's home range, can adopted stretch of territory or favorite region for hunting and exploring. they extensive knowledge of the area enables him to find hiding places (+40% to Camouflage skill to conceal himself, a vehicle or inanimate objects, but only + I0% to Camouflage himself and others unless they are also some type of Wilderness Scout, Native American or Psi-Stalker). He can also travel at maximum speed when on the run without leaving much of a trail behind for others to follow (or leave a super-Obvious one if he desires to lead them on), or do general scouting without missing a vital detail, while covering twice as much ground as those in pursuit. Bonuses: When in that region, the character applies an additional bonus of + 10% to Land Navigation, Tracking (people and animals), and Prowling. Camouflage bonus noted above.
Range: bone hunters has a vast Regional knowledge is centered on one specific landmark, such as a particular lake, river, mountain peak, valley, village, ruin, or outpost. The home range extends for a radius of ID6x100+100 miles around the landmark. Add ID4x100 miles (16 to 64 km) for each level of experience the Pathfinder has remained predominantly in this region. No increase if he has been traveling or adventuring beyond that territory.

7. Cross-Country Pacing:
are known for pacing themselves for cross-country travel. This not only includes pacing their physical exertion and speed, but also pacing their food and water intake, enabling them to cover great distances on foot, horseback or by mountain bicycle for maximum speed at a pace that can be maintained for days. This skill combined with Regional Land Navigation also enables
them to accurately predict how long a trip will take (for them alone or with others in tow - the latter always taking twice as long) within 2d6xlO minutes, 6d6 hours if unfamiliar with the area . This makes them an excellent messenger between parties with no other form of communication. While
no substitute for a radio, or a jet pack equipped courier, them is able to cut across country avoiding roads and other well trafficked areas, in favor of little known back roads, hunting trails, waterways and shortcuts, often ensuring secrecy and safety for the travel. (Note: A scout never reveals
his most secret and favorite routes to clients or strangers accompanying him unless it is an absolute emergency.)
These guys come and go without anyone knowing how, when or where they've been. Once a bone hunters travels out of sight, he seems to simply vanish into the wilderness. On a bicycle, this skill enables them to achieve three times his running speed on level ground, and travel cross-country at twice normal running speed. They can maintain this maximum bike speed for a time equal to their
P.E.x2O in minutes without overexerting themselves. On foot, this skill enables the character to move at full running speed cross-country for a time equal to his P.E.x10 in minutes
without overexerting himself. Base Skill: 25% +5% per level of experience.

8. Cartography
the specialized art of mapmaking, cartography is one of the most important skills that a Bone solders learns. Characters with this skill can produce highly accurate maps with a wide variety of tools, including pen and paper, computer plotting and even advanced holographic displays.
(Computer mapping requires a character to have the Computer Operation skill .) The Cartography skill also includes the rudiments of mathematics. A character with the Cartography
skill has the equivalent of the Basic Math skill at a fixed base of 50%, plus any applicable bonus for an exceptional I.Q. attribute, or provides a bonus of +5% to Math: Basic if it is also selected as an O.C.C. Related or Secondary Skill. Base Skill: 30% +5% per level ofexperience.
A successful roll means the map is not only accurate and easy to use, but elegant and aesthetically pleasing. A failed roll indicates that some details are wrong, other details have
been left out, and the scale and specified locations are off by 1d4 miles. Base Skill : 34% +4% per level of experience.

9. Roadwise
This skill originated in the Rifts® Australia World Book but can apply anywhere in the world. In the Outback is still crossed with roads. Some are ancient, pre-Rifts concrete creations that have not been maintained since before the Apocalypse, others are patched and rebuilt roads, while others are new stone or concrete creations, trails and dirt paths. To the untrained traveler, they are no more than tracks in the dirt, barely suitable for travel; half disintegrated highways
that are little more than ruts cutting through the hostile landscape. But to those trained to see them as something more (in Australia that includes Outbackers, gangs, warriors and adventurers that roam them), they still have the capacity to speed travel and smooth out rides that would be difficult and slow without four-wheel drive vehicles. The roads also serve as signs and paths to the struggling wilderness communities scattered across the land. Follow a road, and sooner or later (usually
later), one is likely to come across a nearby town, shabby settlement, farm or outpost.
Characters with this skill can identify roads by name, use roads to help pinpoint their location, map out routes across the country, determine the safety of a road or region, find a shortcut and even predict
who or what is likely to be found along particularly notorious roadways and regions. The skill is not just limited to the old roads either, it also applies to the new routes that have been forged by continuous travel or built by regional communities. Note that the skill is most effective on
the character's home turf— the 200 mile (321 km) radius where he grew up (+20% for roads in that region). This skill is unlikely to be practiced by anybody outside of Australia. Base Skill: 26% +4% per
level of experience.

10. Spelunking:
The art of exploring and climbing underground cave systems. This skill enables the character to navigate a cave or underground ‘cave network, retain a sense of direction (including up and
down), bone hunters have a sense of the cave's depth, know how to make subtle markings and note formations to find his way out and to better navigate the cave(s) at a later date, as well as rock climbing. The spelunker can answer questions about a cave system, such as what it is called (if it is a named landmark), where it may lead, how deep it continues, what type of rock it leads through and so on. This skill also lends familiarity with the correct equipment needed to go spelunking, and how to apply it.
Characters without this skill have about as much chance surviving underground as they would climbing a mountain without information or equipment. Base Skill: 35% +5% per level experience. Add +25% if the
character also has the Climbing skill

11. Stalking:
The specialized technique of sneaking up on prey to kill or capture it Stalking is a companion skill to Hunting, however neither is a prerequisite for the other.
Stressing patience over speed, the act of stalking is a skill of physical and mental concentration in which the hunter slowly and quietly moves into position to get his best shot without the animal catching his scent, hearing a noise, catching a glimpse of movement, or being frightened. Note: Takes
1d4 melee rounds to get into striking position. Capturing the animal or killing with knife/melee weapon or bare hands: The hunter gets within range to lunge and strike, or grab or grapple the animal without causing it to startle and flee or attack before he is ready. This is the type of
move the Animal Channel and wildlife shows on TV depict when a naturalist grabs a venomous snake or crocodile (e.g.the Crocodile Hunter).
Bonuses: Stalking also provides the following bonuses as
+2 to entangle, leap on and pin/incapacitate/wrestle with
the animal.
+1 to strike on an aimed shot (includes bows and thrown
+5% to Prowl.
+5% to Camouflage.
+5% to Track Animal/ Dinosaurs.
+5% to Detect Concealment.
+10% to Detect Ambush.
+I0% to Detect Traps/Mines.
+1D4 to Perception (optional).
For Demons and Dyvalian kind add 40%, evil super natural beings +30% ,+20 evil characters (like a fallen cyber knight), any other type of evil alignment +10%, good alignment-40%, Selfish: alignment +15%
12. Sign Language:
Always concerned about noise, bone hunters have developed their own specialized form of Sign Language. Originally based on military hand signals, it
has grown in sophistication and has its own syntax and vocabulary that is virtually unintelligible unless one has been taught how to use it. While not a closely guarded secret, most
Dinosaur Hunters do not teach it to anyone except their apprentices or trusted companions. Considering how few people a Dinosaur Hunter truly trusts, this typically ensures that only a handful are taught the language. Base Skill: 35% +4% per level of experience.

13. Environmental Awareness:
Generations of adaptation to living in Rifts earth has given them a connection to their environment. This isn't a spiritual connection, but rather heightened senses of hearing and smell, quick reflexes, and the ability to read the warning signs around them. They are survivors in tune with the language of the forests and swamps. They know danger looms when they smell it in the air, or the forest becomes silent around them. To the Mutant Barbarians, the forest is a living, breathing organism. When the land holds its breath, it is a sure sign that danger is near. They can instinctively tell when an animal is frightened by a predator, and tell when a predator
Feels backed into a comer and ready to strike, or is likely to back off and go away. They recognize bloodlust in beast and man, and are rather like instinctive predators themselves, always ready to hunt, fight and kill to survive.

Heightened Sense of Hearing:
Range: 400 foot (121.92 m) radius.
Estimate distance: 45% +5% per level of experience.
Estimate speed and direction: 30% +5% per level of experience.
Recognize voices, or other sounds: 35% +5% per level of experience.
For Demons and Dyvalian kind add 40%, evil super natural beings +30% ,+20 evil characters (like a fallen cyber knight), any other type of evil alignment +10%, good alignment-40%, Selfish: alignment +15%

Heightened Sense of Smell:
Range: 100 foot (30.48 m) radius.
Recognize specific odors: 40% +5% per level of experience.
Track by scent alone: 25% +5% per level of experience
(+5% to follow blood scent) .
For Demons and Dyvalian kind add 40%, evil super natural beings +30% ,+20 evil characters (like a fallen cyber knight), any other type of evil alignment +10%, good alignment-40%, Selfish: alignment +15%

Alert and Ready:
Extremely difficult to surprise, as the character is likely to detect the smell (or hear a noise) of a person, vehicle, gun or machine/robot before it reaches him.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +1d4 +1 to dodge, +I to disarm, +5% to Tracking skills, +5% to Detect Concealment, +10% to Detect Ambush.
For Demons and Dyvalian kind add 40%, evil super natural beings +30% ,+20 evil characters (like a fallen cyber knight), any other type of evil alignment +10%, good alignment-40%, Selfish: alignment +15%

The character must be incredibly skilled with his weapons in order to hit a target when falling on a chute
or when trying to assault a beach front. They gain a special bonus to strike with any (pick one type)ranged or Melee weapon, thanks to their keen eyesight, training, target shooting practice and constant battle action. This means that the they gains +1 attack/action per melee round, +2 to strike on an Aimed or Called Shot, +1 to strike with a burst or spray, and +1 to disarm on a Called Shot when using any long-range weapon or firearm. The character can also make an Aimed or Called Shot from a moving vehicle , when running, swimming or parachuting without penalty.

Hold Breath:
is trained in how to hold his breath longer than the average person, so that he can maximize his air supply when jumping from high altitude or when skin diving (or S.C.U.B.A. diving). Most humans can only hold their breath for one or two minutes before dizziness will occur, unconsciousness
then occurs within two minutes and suffocation after another minute or two without air. They can
hold his breath for 6 minutes before dizziness occurs, extending his overall time limit.

14. Natural Poison and Disease Resistance:
Poison and disease are daily threats to anyone living in rifts earth.
Whether delivered through insect bites, animal stings, contaminated water, or improperly prepared food, there is no shortage of dangerous chemicals and microorganisms in day to day activities in the wilderness. After living with such conditions for generations, the population has adapted by developing a wide scale strengthened immune system. While it does not make them impervious to disease and toxins, they are extremely resistant to them. The bone hunters do not roll a standard twenty-sided die when making saving throws against poisons and disease. They instead roll percentile
dice as if they were performing a skill, and as a The character advances in level, their resistance improves. Base Resistance Percentage: 64% +3% per level of experience, plus a one-time bonus of + 1% for each P.E. attribute point over 20.

15. Empathy with animals.
Whether this is a strictly magical or psionic power is unclear but all have an affinity with animals similar to Psi-Stalkers and Simvan. Domesticated animals will always take an immediate liking to them and will do their best to please the hunter. This empathy automatically gives the character the ability to ride any horse (wild or tame) or any other non-predatory animal at a +25% bonus and/or work with any domestic animals. Wild animals, with the exception of felines and mutant or alien predators, will react to the Old Believer as if he was a fellow woodland creature and allow him to walk among them without fear. This ability enables the character to operate in the wild without causing animals to react to his presence — birds do not fly away, animals do not run, and therefore, do not indicate the approach of an intruder. Even watchdogs will not sound a bark of alarm at his presence. Note: The affinity with animals means that the character will hunt and eat meat only for food, never for pleasure, and feels sadness whenever he sees an animal in distress. Supernatural predators see the bone hunters as a threat. Psi-Stalkers and Simvan (the latter can be found in Germany, Romania, Poland and western Russia) will also see the bone hunters as a kindred spirit.
Recognize Supernatural Shape changers, particularly Russian Demons, Woodland Spirits, Demon Familiars, werebeasts, vampires, and witches.
Part of this ability draws on the character's expansive knowledge and understanding of demons and magic, which enables him to recognize common forms taken on by various demons. However, this ability goes beyond this and into the realm of some sort of sixth sense.
Whenever the Slayer is touched, even brushed, by a demon or spirit in a different form, the character instantly feels its demonic essence, although the exact nature of the beast will remain
unknown until he can see the eyes. By looking an animal or person in the eye (1000 feet maximum distance), the Slayer can tell exactly what type of supernatural creature it is, as well
as its approximate level of power (within one level). Base Skill: 56%+3% per level of experience (-1d10% to recognize witches one time roll). A failed roll means he knows the thing is more than human but
can't tell exactly what it is.
Demons add 40 %

16. Bone hunters -Armor/weapon
Range: Self or one other by touch.
Duration: One minute per level of the spell caster. Or Permeant
Saving Throw:
None for the user; onlookers must save vs a Horror Factor of 13. Demons for 15 of any type
M.D.C. of the Armor:
Temporary M.D.C. of the Armor 10 (cost 8)
Permeant M.D.C. of the Armor MD 25 points .
and /Or keep doing the spell over a few times for the max of P.E and divide by have on body Armor/weapon (so if you have a 24 P.E only 12 times on any body Armor/weapon)
But M.D.C. for vehicle equal to P.E ( so if you have a 24 P.E only 24 times on any vehicle main body )!!! And then can add Permeant add 115 P.P.E also can additional to a particular area of a vehicle
P.P.E.: Sixteen: for temporary (2) for 4 MDC (4) for 8 MDC (8) 16 MDC / or (16) for 25 MDC , OR Permeant add 90 P.P.E , to regenerate add 45 PPE total 115 PPE weapons or body armored or to vehicles or Within seconds, the character is covered with a mass of bones, skeletal fragments and putrid remains. This disgusting coating does not appear sturdy, but is, in fact, a barrier of Mega-Damage protection. Aside from that, the sight of this armor as it envelops its wearer is frightening to watch; roll to save vs Horror Factor 13 for Demons too . The armor also exudes a horrid stench, which will impair anyone within 100 feet (30.S m) unless they have a separate oxygen supply, no sense of smell, or arc supernatural predators.
Penalties from the stench are – 1d4+1 for demons others +3 to all combat maneuvers (strike, parry, etc.). At the spell's end, the armor is quickly reabsorbed into the earth. If cast upon another person, the recipient must roll a successful saving throw vs Horror Factor 13 to fight without impairment. Failure means a penalty of -3 to all combat maneuvers for the duration of the armor. They can apply this spell to weapons and added on body armored weight zero. If armored reach they can fall back and use there P.P.E reserves or P.P.E battery
Or recover MDC via Ley line or pumping P.P.E or dead if there are bodies in the ground or area they can absorb them to recover lost MDC but it varies from humans only 20 MDC Form ONE body , from a Demons minor 35 form a major 100 and Deevils, from dragon 200 , MDC beings of any type that has over 1000 or more
Also what few know is that you can have total of 8 TW features 4 for the original body armor and four for permanent bone armored!!!!And each armored can hold up six P.P.E Battery each can hold 100 P.P.E!!! OR TOTAL OF 1200 P.P.E!!!!!
Also you can add four TW features and when adding permanent Bone armor you can additional four!!! And have up ten five from first armored and then five from Bone armored total ten Base PPE for each Roll 1d10 for base PPE battery the max PPE for each battery is 100 PPE

Here are examples of vehicles and weapon

http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/ ... 6xvy2z.jpg
T-RAXby RyanLovelock
Traditional Art / Drawings / Sci-Fi©2013-2014 RyanLovelock

http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/ ... 73064h.jpg
http://ryanlovelock.deviantart.com/art/ ... -428310017
GAW Fast-Attack Vehicle /Bone Special Ops Dune Buggy
The GAW Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV) is a high speed, heavily armed, rugged off-road dune buggy-lik e vehicle designed for special operations applications. Its basic function is to augment the firepower and mobility of elite troops without sacrificing their ability to hide and maneuver covertly. And in so
doing, the FAV has expanded the capabilities of Special Ops personnel or bone solider .
FAVs are three-man, all-terrain vehicles that have a top road speed of 90 mph ( 144 km). The FAV Dune Buggy is rugged and can negotiate virtually any ground terrain. It drives over steep inclines, through roadblocks, over tank traps , sand, mud, ditches and trenches as well as other rough terrain and obstacles (up to 4 feet/l.2 m tall) that are impassable for most other military vehicles.
A fully-loaded FAV travel s cross-country at speeds varying from 25-60 mph (40 to 96 km), which on average is 50% greater than the off-road speed of the GAW-H998 Hummer

Armament for the FAY are both TW and conventional MDC weapons , aside from the driver's personal weapons, consists of a roof-mounted WI-GL80 " Predator" (or Super-Grenade Launcher), and a pair of mini-missile launchers. This impressive array of weaponry gives the three-man FAY crew the firepower of a heavy power amour suit or light combat robot, and enough firepower to engage much larger infantry units, enemy installations, soft-skinned vehicles and even light armored vehicles (such as an Iron Maiden APC- I0, Bradley IFV or Coalition APC). The FAV is also easy to transport; one can
be carried by a GAW-60 Blackhawk, or two by the GAW-47 Chinook, and the FAV can even be rigged to parachute from transport aircraft. Since it was first offered by Golden Age Weaponsmiths, the
FAY has been purchased for special operations units in many armies, including the Manistique Imperium, Ishpeming, Lazlo and Tolkeen , as well as by numerous mercenary (N.A.A.T and N.A.M.E.S and N.A.T.O as well as bone solider ) and bandit groups. These forces use the FAV in many roles, including reconnaissance, patrolling, security, light strike, infantry support, covert surveillance, covert infiltration, forward air control (using laser designators) and for standby combat search and rescue.
Model Type: GAW Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV)
Class: Fast Attack Vehicle Special Ops Dune Buggy.
Crew: Two, driver and gunner, plus 2-4 passengers.
M.D.C. by Location:
* Headlights (4) - 3 each plus bone armored
* Hardened Tires (4) - 4 each plus bone armored
* Roof Gun (typically a WI-GL80 Predator) - 50 plus bone armored
* Box Style Missile Launcher (I) - 10 each plus bone armored
* Exposed Rear Mounted Engine - 12 plus bone armored
** Main Body - 82 plus bone armored
* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit and require a Called Shot to str ike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -3 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.
Note Add TW and the plus bone armored and finally four TW more .
Note: This standard version not an environmental enclosure, the crew sits exposed to the elements, but does have the bene fits of partial cover and concealment. Shots directed at the crew suffer a penalty
of -2 to strike. plus bone armored, 35% will have a NGR Force field add 2 tons MDC 100 recovers 24 hours, and some will have 45% a NE Force field systems 420 MDC recovers as per rules , 50% will have additional Magical shield or Magical Force field!!

Maximum Speed: 120 mph ( 192 mph), off-road speed is reduced. A fully-loaded FAV travels cross country at speeds varying from 25-60 mph (40 to 96 km) depending on the difficulty
of the terrain .
Range : 1500 miles (2400 krn), due to its electric engine.
Statistical Data:
Height: 6 feet, 3 inches ( 1.9 m).
Width: 6 feet, 11 inches (2. 11 01 ).
Length : 13 feet, I I inches (4.25 m).
Weight: 2,750 Ibs ( 1,237.5 kg).
Cargo: None.
Power System:
Electrical engine. Nuclear power look below Cost: 270,000 credits.
Weapon Systems:
1.Roof Gun:
Grenade Launcher or a MDC .50 Caliber Heavy Machine-Gun. This has a 360 degree movement
This weapon may be replaced with a mounted laser or other rifle style energy weapons, but requires E-Clips or a separate Power pack or generator for power.
2. Box Style Mini-Missile Launchers (2):
These two box-mounted launchers on the sides of the FAV are used against lightly armored targets and infantry, both of these launchers are fired by the gunner.
Varies with mini-missile type.
Missile Type :
Can fire any standard mini-missile type , but GAW sells the FAV with six High Explosive (5D6 M.D. to a 5 foot/1.5 m blast radius) and six Fragmentation (5D6 M.D. to a 20 foot/6.1 m blast radius) mini-missiles.
Rate of Fire:
One at a time or volleys of 2, 4, or 6.
Effective Range:
About I mile (1.6 krn),
12, six mini-missiles per launcher.
3. Systems of Note:
Basic radio with 5 mile (8 km) range , passive night vision with 2000 foot (6 J0 m) range, and souped-up for fast turns and evasive maneuvers

http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/ ... 7rkc02.jpg
http://keltsacoi.deviantart.com/art/Bon ... -469561538
Bone weapons page 1 of 2by Keltsacoi
Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / Sci-Fi©2014 Keltsacoi
Some ideation bone weapon sketches for my form Language class at CDA.

Example of hand held weapons

http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/ ... 7rkcqj.jpg
http://keltsacoi.deviantart.com/art/Bon ... -469562491
Bone weapons page 2 of 2by Keltsacoi
Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / Sci-Fi©2014 Keltsacoi
Some bone weapon sketches for my form language class at CDA

So sorry no picture

Bone M2 Bradley
M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle This vehicle is equipped to carry seven infantrymen and three
crewmen. The troop compartment has six firing ports and periscopes to allow the men to fire from within the vehicle. It is equipped with a Heavy MDC 25mm dual-feed Chain Gun; there is also a
Heavy MDC machine gun and a twin launcher on the left side of the turret for launching missiles pod missiles. This vehicle has a stabilization system to enable the gunner to fire the 25mm cannon while moving cross country.

Crew: 3 driver, commander ,gunner + 7 infantry ,
Weight: 25 tons
6.4m (21 ft, 2 inches)
Width: 3.20 m (10 ft, 6 inches),
Height: 2.9 m (9 ft, 9 in),
Maximum Speed: 66 km/h (41 mph),
Maximum Range: 483 km (300 miles).

MDC by location
180 ( can add 100 MDC) MDC main body , plus bone armored
turret 60 ( can add 100 MDC) plus bone armored ,
MDC tracks 100 each(2) plus bone armored
plus bone armored, 35% will have a NGR Force field add 2 tons MDC 100 recovers 24 hours, and some will have 45% a NE Force field systems 420 MDC recovers as per rules , 50% will have additional Magical shield or Magical Force field!!

Weapon systems:
one heavy weapon rail gun the max damage 2d4x10
heavy MDC 25 MM cannon or heavy beam weapons like ATL-6 Look below ,
side one MDC machine gun or rail gun
5d6 MDCD to 1d6x10MDC .
pick one side mounted missiles Pod ( 100 MDC) Mini missiles 24 payload, 9 short range missiles, four medium missiles, or four long range missiles

Bone The Abrams MBT
was once a mainstay of the old U.S. Empire's mechanized armored force; quick, tough and well-armed, improving upon the tank was a relatively straightforward project
for the engineers of Golden Age Weapon smiths. The new Abrams is a fair match for Iron Heart's medium tank, and weaker than their Iron Hammer MBT, but still, for the cost, the GAW's Improved Abrams cannot be beat.
Model Type: GAW-M IA3 Improved Abrams Main Battle Tank
Class: Main Battle Tank.
Crew: Four crewmen, a Tank Commander/pilot/driver, gunner, loader/Operator/mechanic and communications officer.
M.D .C. by Location :
Cupola on Turret - 50 plus bone armored
Main Turret - 120 plus bone armored
Imp roved 120 MM Auto-Cannon - 50 plus bone armored
Modified .50 caliber Coaxial Heavy M.D.C Machinegun - 60 plus bone armored
Modified .50 caliber Cupola Machine-Gun - 60 plus bone armored
Box Style Missile Launchers (2) - 15 each plus bone armored
Track Treads (2) - 100 each plus bone armored
*** Main Body – 266 Base plus bone armored
Reinforced Crew Compartment 25 plus bone armored
• The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit (or shielded) and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -2 to strike.
•• Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6xIO+lO minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements ) plus bone armored, 35% will have a NGR Force field add 2 tons MDC 100 recovers 24 hours, and some will have 45% a NE Force field systems 420 MDC recovers as per rules , 50% will have additional Magical shield or Magical Force field!!

1. A 120 mm Auto-Cannon : The Abrams main gun fires explosive shells at visible targets (line up in the targeting sights and fire; but is only add a + 3 to strike if the target is "painted" with
a laser designator). The tank may also operate like an artillery unit, firing at a set of coordinates without actually seeing the target (-2 to strike ). The auto-cannon is built into the turret, and the turret can rotate 360 degrees and can aim up and down in a 90 degree angle, allowing the tank to engage low-flying aircraft and other types of flyers (however, it is -3 to hit flying targets moving faster than to strike over 650 MPH).The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment.
Frist generation

6D6 M.D . per High- Explosive (HE) round to a 10 foot (3 m) radius or ID4xl0 per Armor Piercing round to a 3 foot (0.9 m) radius, both rounds a e designed to take down other tanks, armored vehicles, giant robots and fortifications.
Second generation 120 MM rounds
This is first generation
120mm cannon firing either high-explosive or armor-piercing, discarding-sabot (APDS) solid shot.
Second generation 120 MM rounds
High-Explosive Rounds: 1D6x l0 M.D. to a 30 foot (9. 1m) blast radius.
APDS Rounds: 2D4x l0 M.D. (no blast radius).

Rate of Fire:
A maximum of gunner' s hand to hand combat numbers. plus one ,this system can fire two round burst as well
Effective Range:
5 miles feet ( 1828 m) for all rounds.
Payload : Heavy MD machinegun for the 120 MM main gun
The tank can carry up to 120 rounds; typically a mix of half and half, plus six smoke shells (covers a 40 foot!12.2 m radius), but may be all of one kind (plus smoke) or the other.
NOTE has a side mount
2.Heavy MD machinegun(x3) : or Grenade launcher or carries 2 Heavy MD machinegun and one 1 Grenade launcher
Damage : look Expanded Chart MD Machinegun below

Rate of Fire: burst counts as one of the tank gunner's hand to hand attacks per melee.
Effective Range: 3 miles
Payload: 6000 rounds , each
3. Box Sty le Mini-Missile Launchers (2) :
These two box mounted launchers have been added to the sides of the GAW Abrams for use against lightly armored targets and infantry .
Varies with type of missile.
Missile Type:
Can fire any standard mini-missile type, but GAW se lls the tank with six High Explosive (5d6 M.D. to a 5 foot/ 1.5 m blast radius) and six Fragmentation (5d6 M.D. to a 20 foot!6.1 m blast radius) mini-missiles.
Rate of Fire:
Volleys of I, 2, 4, or 6. Fired by the gunner.
Effective Range:
One mile (1.6 km).
Payload :
12 total. Each missile launcher holds six mini-missiles.
4. Heavy MD machinegun
5. SLAS: This device was a cutting-edge development of preRifts weapon technology. Inspired by early SOL (Strategic Defense Initiative) killer satellite systems, the SLAS consists of a multi-faceted laser system that could strike up 10 ten different targets simultaneously. The main difficulty in reinventing the SLAS was the need for sophisticated computer targeting systems: the SLAS works best as an automated defense system. At first sight, the SLAS looks like a mirror ball from a 20th Century disco, attached to a slim shaft. When activated, a hidden compartment slides to one side and the ball
rises 3 feet (0.9 m) above the turret, From there, the lasers can engage incoming missiles, or the gunner can override the automated system and engage a target with as many as live lasers simultaneously. The SLAS automated system has a base +3 to strike. It is great to shoot down missiles and to mow down lightly armored infantrymen who try to close in on the vehicle.
The weapon system is not perfect, however. For one, it needs to be mounted on a relatively stable platform such as a tank. A robot is too unbalanced for the SLAS to be used safely; the lasers might end up shooting the robot in the arms, feet or head! Also, the lasers are relatively short-ranged and
useful mostly as a defensive system. Finally, the automated targeting system can be over loaded by multiple targets
look at Rifts - World Book 9 South America book 2 page 181
6. Systems of Note:
Vehicular radio with 250 mile range, and passive night vision with 5 mile range .
Nuclear power look below range pilots endurance aslo Armament for the tank are both TW and conventional MDC weapons

Maximum Speed : [b]
60 mph (96 km) maximum, speed cross-country is typically 40 mph (64 km).
[b] Range :

500 miles (800 km) before requiring refueling.
Statistical Data:
Height: 18 feet (5.5 m).
Width: 12 feet (3.6 m).
Length: 36 feet(10.9m).
Weight: 40 tons fully loaded. medium weight
Cargo: Minimal storage space. just enough room for extra clothing, weapons and some personal items.
Power System: Conventional diesel engine for local defense or sell to other .Nuclear power look below
Cost : 200,000 credits .

17. Sense Ley Line and Magic Energy
Sense Ley Line: they are able to feel whether there is a ley line within the area of his sensing abilities, 5 miles per level of experience. He can tell whether it is near or far and follow the
feeling to the location of the ley line. Base Skill: 30% +5% per each additional level of experience.

18. Sense Ley Line Nexus:
Once the ley line has been found, the walker can follow the ley line to as many nexus points as it may have. A nexus point is where two or more ley lines cross/intersect. Base Skill:
40% +5% per each additional level of experience.

19 .Sense a Rift:
The mage will automatically feel the sensation of a Rift opening or closing anywhere within 100 miles of him. Increase the sensing range 100 miles (16 km) per each additional level of experience
Starting with level two. Although he cannot tell exactly where this Rift is, they are able knows if it is near or far and whether it is big or small.
Note: When actually on a ley line, they will know exactly where the Rift is located and he can sense one wherever it is, as long as it is on the ley line or a connecting line.

20. Sense Magic in Use:
The expenditure of magic in the form of a spell, Rifting, or Techno-Wizardry can be felt, if not seen, up to 1000 feet away per every level of experience. they will not know the location nor be able to trace it, but he will feel its energy and know that magic is being used in the area of his sensing range. Note: This does not include the use of psionic powers.

22. See Magic Energy:
The bone hunters sees magic energy/P.P.E. radiating from people, creatures, objects, and areas, as a faint aura whenever more than 10 P.P.E. points are present. The sensing ability is so acute that the Ley Line Walker can see things made invisible by magic and invisible things that are magical, including invisible dragons and other creatures of magic. This special sight occurs only when the mage desires to use it and focuses on seeing the magically invisible. However, the effort uses up one melee attack/action per round (15 seconds) that this special sight is willed in place. Note: Does not work on the spell,
Invisibility Superior. Range: Line of sight, about 1000 feet (305 m).plus 100 feet per level

23. Dimension Sense:
bone hunters are innately attuned to dimensions and dimensional energies. After only a few minutes of concentration (typically ID4minutes), a bone hunters is able to tell the type of dimension
(whether it's an Infinite, Parallel, or a Pocket Dimension), how dense the dimensional fabric is (weak, permeable, strong or impenetrable), if the dimension or world can support human life, whether it is
rich or poor in magic, artificially created (like a Pocket Dimension of a dragon or god), and any type of unusual characteristics of the dimension that might be evident, all just by "reading" a connecting Rift/dimensional portal linked to that dimension or by meditating shortly after arriving to a new world. Base Skill:
35% +5% per level of experience.
If they are not initially successful on either type of reading, he can try again 24 hours later or after he sets foot in the place. Furthermore, when reading a dimensional portal, will get
a sense if the Rift will soon close, if it was opened deliberately or is a random occurrence, and if random, how frequently it opens to this particular world (often, seldom, rarely). He can also sense any dimensional anomalies that may be attached to the portal and if any dimension spanning
monsters or especially demons are presently in or near the Rift. This information, however, is rolled separately under this Dimension Sense skill, and the player must indicate that his character is doing this aspect of the reading. The success ratio is -10% from the base skill percentage.

24. Night vision & See the Invisible
are a regular and can constant part if desire of the sharp vision. Night vision 100 feet .plus 100 per level

25. Abilities against Demons and Deevils
• bone hunters Able to blend among demons and Deevils and seen as one of them, hunter can walk to demon camp and know what stay and do. they been known to cause mayhem on both side to fight and fight the side they want spy ,get information and conduct assassination on demons and Deevils minor or major type but must be in bone Armor
• bone hunters have learn the abilities like chi to attack and make very goring attack by putting their will against a demons and Deevils kind but it has to be done by any melees weapon .this is how it works they bypass the massive amount of MD and hit the Physical Endurance (P.E.) so a sword strike hit is skin and dose 2d6 damage ( and add Physical Strength varies here) the reduce Demons and Deevils Physical Endurance (P.E.) : let say Physical Endurance (P.E.) 32 and get a damage it Physical Endurance (P.E.) drops to 21 and the demons and Deevils get penalties ( and even further add Physical Strength varies here)
• bone hunters Able to transfer to any range weapon doing x3 to any Demons and Deevils .it can be any SDC or MDC hitting the MD values ,any critical x() time 4 !!!!
• bone hunters Able to speak demons and Deevils 98%
• bone hunters Become MD being combine hot points and S.D.C to get total MDC ,no time limit

26. Hide Scent/ P.P.E/I.S.P:
70% +2% per level of experience. This is the ability to disguise one's own Scent/ P.P.E/I.S.P by making it smell like something else. For example: A bone hunters might try to make himself smell like another deer. The hunter can also try to reduce his Scent/ P.P.E/I.S.P to be indistinguishable in the back ground , but this is extremely difficult and has a penalty of -40% (if know to be in the area one technique is to be high up, that the Wind will sweep the scent up and away, out of the animals scent range). A failed roll means the Scent/ P.P.E/I.S.P is neither concealed nor disguised. Must wait 1d4 melees in order to try again

2 8. Cannot cast spells!!!!!
but can activate TW device use any magical devise unless otherwise roll up but . Can cast spells but apply rules from Techno wizard and lose 5d6% of P.P.E, also stand mage rules as well( very rare add +1d6 to PE),will be seen shaman females will get 2d6 PE , PP , ME and 1d6

29. Genetic trait ,rifts earth Magical Radiation exposure and 300 years of training
One from the golden age Humans of the future live longer and remain virile and youthful looking into what we, people of today, would consider age. Consequently, an individual in his thirties or forties
usually looks and feels to be in their twenties, 50-60 year olds to be in their mid or late thirties, 70•90 year olds to be in their forties or fifties, 100-120 year olds to look and feel like they were Bonus from Genetics Engineering g Augmentation: Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 70% of the last two generations to join NEMA or the US military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers
, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children. Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
Roll 1d8 and pick one or all so if you roll a 4 you pick four from 1 to 8 any one time Get +3
1. Intelligence Quotient
2. Mental Endurance
3. Mental Affinity
4. Physical Strength
5. Physical Prowess
6. Physical Endurance
7. Physical Beauty
8. speed

then roll one time
Roll 1d10 and divide by 2 to get one or all go for the high roll
01-10% + 1D6 2to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% 1d4+2 to I.Q. and +ID4 to M.E.
31-55% + 1D6 to P.S. and + ID4 to P.E.
56-75% + 1D4 to P.S. and + ID6 to Spd.
76-00% + 1D4+2 to P.B. and + ID4 to physical attribute of choice.

http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2 ... 7r26o0.jpg
http://macksztaba.deviantart.com/art/Fo ... -468714816

http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2 ... 7uoik9.jpg
http://benedickbana.deviantart.com/art/ ... -474795513

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/ ... 5lr2sj.jpg
http://benedickbana.deviantart.com/art/ ... -338866147

http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/ ... 7bobhk.jpg
http://benedickbana.deviantart.com/art/ ... -442873640

http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2 ... 7ru0a6.jpg
http://xday11.deviantart.com/art/Brains ... 79537&qo=0

the picture show a flex armored only with EVA and bone armored

30. Melees specialist:
reduce all type TW rifle, pistol range attack via 50% (unless modern rifle, pistol no effect) but
1) Bow types add additional 50% and tripled damage any demon or supernatural,
2) Any demons type quadruples the damage
3) Payload three times Archery and Targeting
4) Must have W.P. Archery and Targeting
5) Weapon Proficiencies (Ancient) pick 1d4+1 that are his or her favorites and add +4 to strike, parry, and throw
6) or general melee combat and only getting #5 and 7
7) All weapon add bone armored can add TW abilities


http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/ ... 7v40eg.jpg
http://benedickbana.deviantart.com/art/ ... bana&qo=19

http://benedickbana.deviantart.com/art/ ... -475423872

http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/ ... 7v1zeo.jpg

http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/ ... 5vd8f2.jpg
http://benedickbana.deviantart.com/art/ ... -355016414

Sharpshooting Specialty
W.P. Sharpshooting Specialty:
Sharpshooting is a combination of special expertise and trick shooting with a particular type of weapon, typically revolvers, pistols and energy
pistols, but sometimes includes rifles. It was first developed by Gunfighters and quickly adopted by the Gunslingers and Lawmen of the New West. This skill can be developed by any of
the Men at Arms O.C.C.s but is fairly uncommon among most, except for Gunfighters, Sheriffs and Gunslingers. W.P. Sharpshooting must be selected for each weapon type or category of weapon (revolver, pistol, energy pistol, rifle, etc.) inM which the Sharpshooting expertise is desired. This means if the character wants to be a specialist with revolvers, that's one
Sharpshooting selection at the cost of two O.C.C. Related skill selections, plus the W.P. selection (Sharpshooting can be applied to O.C.C. weapon skills, but not secondary skills). If
Sharpshooting is also desired for W.P. energy pistol, the skill must be selected again (at the cost of two O.C.C. Related skills).This process is repeated for each W.P. that the added benefits of
Sharpshooting is desired. Since each Sharpshooting selection costs the equivalent of two O.C.C. Related skill selections, even most Gunslingers and Gunfighters seldom have more than one
or two Sharpshooting specialties — most Men at Arms don't have any.

Restrictions & Conditions:

All bonuses and tricks are only possible with W.P.s to which the Sharpshooting skill has been added. Thus, a character with Sharpshooting: Revolver does not get the Sharpshooting bonuses
when firing an energy pistol. The Sharpshooting skill can be added to all modern guns,
from revolvers (six-shooters) to energy rifles, but does not include W.P. Heavy and W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons; i.e. it cannot be applied to rail guns, rocket launchers, mini-missile
launchers, bazookas, artillery weapons, vehicle or robot weapons, hand grenades, or explosives. Likewise, Sharpshooting cannot be applied to weapons that don't shoot, such as clubs, maces, knives, swords, axes, whips, or even spears, knives, bolas and other weapons that can be thrown. The Sharpshooting skill can be combined with the W.P Archery & Targeting skill, but is applicable only to the sling, crossbow, and bow and arrow.
Only the Gunfighter, Sheriff and Gunslmger,Bone hunter pick this skill O.C.C.s automatically get a few Sharpshooting skills among their O.C.C. skills, but any additional selections cost them two O.C.C. Related skills like anybody else.
Characters cannot trade in Secondary Skills for the Sharpshooting skill

W.P. Sharpshooting Bonuses:
All bonuses are in addition to the conventional W.P. bonuses. The Sharpshooter's "Aimed" Shot (applicable to both the single shot and the aimed burst shot): +1 to strike with a P.P. 20 and for every additional five P.P. points above 20, but the bonuses are only applicable when the appropriate type of weapon is used. Aimed shots only. No bonuses for shooting

The Sharpshooter's "Called" Shot: The Sharpshooter's "aimed" shot bonuses are NOT applicable when using this special "Called Shot." Instead the sharpshooter uses the following superior bonuses: +1 to strike with a P.P. 18 and for every additional three (3) P.P. points above 18, but the bonuses are only applicable when the appropriate type of weapon is used
and this special called shot counts as two melee attacks/actions.

Aimed shots only.
Quick Draw: +1 to initiative at a P.P. 18 and for every
additional four (4) P.P addition to other initiative bonuses. The Bonus Attack: +1 melee attack when using that specific weapon for the entire melee round.

Trick Shooting:
Most Men at Arms can pick one of the following tricks (or roll 1D6 for random determination), but the Gunfighter, Sheriff and Gunslinger O.C.C.s get ALL six!
1. Can fire a traditional two-handed weapon , like a rifle, one handed without penalty (normally the shooter loses all strike bonuses).
2. Can shoot over his shoulder by holding up a mirror and using the reflection to aim. Reduce the bonus to strike by half, unless a Gunslinger or Gunfighter who keep full bonuses to
3. Accurately shoot while riding a horse or a moving vehicle (normally a wild shot), but strike bonuses are half and a "called" shot is impossible (-8 to strike and strike bonuses do not apply).
4. Shoot accurately while standing on head or hanging upside down; all bonuses applicable at full.
5. Dodge, roll or somersault and come up shooting (normally a wild shot), no bonuses or penalties to strike; straight roll of the dice.
6. Ricochet shot! The shooter can bounce bullets, arrows, slings, and other fired projectiles (depending on the specific W.P.) off of one surface and angle the shot in such a way thatthe projectile ricochets/bounces off and hits a different/second target! Inflicts only one point of damage to the first surface and full damage to the second. Reduce bonuses to strike by half. This can also be done with laser weapons but the ricocheting surface must be mirrored or highly polished. Glitter Boys are excellent reflective surfaces for performing a rocochet laser shot. Particle beams, ion blasters, rail guns, mini-missiles and other types of weapons cannot be used.

Combat Notes Disarm: In hand to hand combat, the act of disarming is simply getting rid of the opponent's weapon; it does no damage. It can be used as a defensive move in place of a dodge or parry, or can be done as an attack/strike. In modern combat, the act of disarming may involve shooting an opponent's weapon out of his hand; it does no damage. The disarm move with a hand-held weapon like a sword, knife, staff or whip is a strike, and a hold or grappling maneuver that causes an opponent to drop his weapon or whatever he's holding. Using a gun to shoot a weapon out of an opponent's hand requires a called shot and careful aim (only the gunslinger can shoot to disarm on a quick draw). The maneuver counts as one melee attack/action. Disarming an opponent does not mean the weapon falls into the hand of the character making the disarm move. True, the item is forced out of the victim's grasp, but it is either knocked away or falls to the ground. Typically an opponent is disarmed on a roll of a natural 19 or 20, and is used as a defensive action. A few O.C.C.s get a bonus
to disarm.

To disarm , roll to strike as usual — high roll wins. A failed disarming attack does no damage, but means one's opponent remains armed, is probably mad, and ready to strike back.
Entangle: A defender can attempt to trap the weapon, arm or foot of an opponent. This is done instead of parrying or dodging, and counts as one melee attack/action. An entangle is successful if the defender rolls above the attacker's strike roll. It takes one attack and another roll to entangle to keep an opponent's arm or weapon trapped/pinned every melee round. In order to get free, the entangled opponent must roll a dodge against the entangle
roll; high roll wins. The character using the entangle move cannot attack without releasing his entangling hold.

Entangle with a whip or rope is a bit different in that it can be used at a distance to disarm or to ensnare and knock or pull an opponent down. Roll to strike as usual. Also see the Roping
skill. The Showdown: The classic Western showdown is a duel usually between two adversaries. However, sometimes one character will face 2-4 opponents, although this is not the traditional or proper way to do things.

A proper showdown: A gun duel between two characters, usually with revolvers or pistols (can be S.D.C. or M.D. weapons), but can be with a rifle or even knives.
First, one "calls out" (challenges) his opponent. This can be a courteous or angry challenge, and as simple as, "I'm calling you out," or an insult or threat with obvious implications for a
showdown, like, "You son of a ..., stand and defend yourself," or "You low down, cowardly polecat! It's time we see which one of us is the fastest gun." and so on.
Second, the character being "called out" must accept. If he doesn't, the gunman making the challenge must either convince him to accept (usually through insults and threats), back down,
or (try) to shoot him down in cold blood — i.e. in the back or without giving his would-be opponent a fair chance to draw. Third, when the challenge has been accepted, either a time is
set in which they will meet for the duel, or, as is more often the case, the showdown occurs then and there. A Showdown can be "called" anyplace and done indoors (often inside a saloon or gambling hall) or taken to the street. Courteous, noble and honorable shooters will take the fight to the street, an alley, or nearby field to avoid damaging property and injuring innocent
bystanders. Smart bystanders will take cover to avoid getting hit by any stray bullets or blasts.
Fourth, the two opponents take their places and face each other. This can be close quarters, 8-15 feet (2.4 to 4.6 m; usually indoors), or a more challenging distance of 20-40 feet (6 to 12.2
m), depending on the Duelists and the situation. Fifth, a showdown is typically a "quick-draw" contest, with the winner being the one who can draw and shoot the fastest. Unlike some movie dramatizations, more than a single shot is usually fired by each of the shooters, and can continue even if one or both Duelists are shot and fall to the ground. Sixth, a showdown is intended to be a duel to the death. Consequently, protective body armor, at least helmets and chest plates, are usually removed, and the first shot to actually hit each gunman does double damage. All subsequent shots do normal damage for that weapon.

Note: Cheating in a showdown by having snipers waiting outside, or using magic, psionic, or a force field to secretly protect oneself or to negatively affect one's opponent is considered the lowest of the low. Those who cheat will be loathed, even by Gunslingers and Bounty Hunters, as a complete and totally treacherous snake, which also means it's okay to shoot this pig down in cold blood! Until somebody decides to rid the world of this vermin, all professional gunmen (except for the most evil and vile themselves), including Gunslingers, Gunfighters, Juicers, Headhunters, scouts, mercenaries, soldiers, cowboys and lawmen, will treat the character like a leper, avoiding polite contact and business with him, snickering and making insults behind his back (often loud enough to be heard), spitting at his feet (a classic sign of disrespect and disdain in the west), and sometimes worse. The only thing that might ease the insults and foul treatment is challenging some of these people to fair showdowns, but it will not change the character's status of being a despicable killer and "pariah" even among murderers — such is the Code of the West.

Those who earn this reputation (even with one incident) will be despised, looked down upon (feared perhaps but never respected), and so branded for the rest of his life. Work with
Men at Arms will be hard (even impossible) to find — "we don't want your kind," and the individual is considered a fair target for all manner of degradation, robbery and murder. Furthermore, word of such treachery will spread throughout the New West with lightning speed. When the misanthrope is finally killed, he is usually spit upon and buried in an unmarked grave or left out on the open plains as food for the buzzards and insects. However force field are used in combat only but will stick to the rules mention before.
Bone solider M.O.S type

1. Communications Expert
2. Intelligence & Reconnaissance
3. Research Specialist
4. Spy or Undercover Agent
5. EOD/Demolitions Expert: Requires http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2 ... 7r37pl.jpg
http://haco1.deviantart.com/art/Dino-ar ... 120&qo=911

6. Soldier http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/ ... 7r6pzl.jpg
http://gunsbins.deviantart.com/art/Code ... 50627&qo=7
7. Sniper Soldier http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/ ... 7asi4n.jpg
http://benedickbana.deviantart.com/art/ ... -441389255

8. Scout
9. Pitman/Heavy Weapons
10. Point Man http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/ ... 7r3th1.jpg

http://fenris31.deviantart.com/art/Dino ... 120&qo=949
11. Medic
12. TW Borg

• TW Heavy Medical Borg!!! Main lost legs http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/ ... 7rd2r7.jpg
http://davidsequeira.deviantart.com/art ... -469222963

• TW light Medical Borg!!!( main female )
• TW Bone cyborgs
• Heavy combat full TW Magic cyborgs
• TW CQC Unit or TW close quarter combat partial cyborgs
• TW Giant Bone size
• TW Scout combat partial cyborgs

Bone pilot
Bone pilot Man size Bone robot
Bone pilot Giant Bone size
13. Transportation Specialist M.O.S

End of Part 2 of bone Soliders
Last edited by ZINO on Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Part 3 of bone solider

Bone Solider O.C.C skills

http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2 ... 660akb.jpg
http://artmagix.deviantart.com/art/The- ... 120&qo=441
The 10,000thby ArtMagix
Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / Sci-Fi
From left to right Communications Expert, Intelligence & Reconnaissance , Spy or Undercover Agent
and all will have and bone armoured add ,Note each arnour will have only fout TW features!!!!!

the picture show a flex armored WITHJ light flex add only with EVA and bone armoured and light body armred

Pick one M.O.S
Communications Expert

These bone soldier are communications unit to coordinate or alert area
Basic Electronics (+ 10%)
Command Robots (probes only)
Electronic Countermeasures (+ I0%)
Optic Systems or Surveillance System s (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+20%)
Radio: Scramblers (+10%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+20%)
TV& Video or Computer Programming (+ 10%)
Computer Hacking (+ 10%)
Cryptography (+20%)
Forgery (+ 15%)
Lore: Three of choice (+ 15% each).
Photography (+ 15%) and TV & Video (+ I0%)
One Communications and Espionage skills of choice (+ 10%).
Research (+20%)
Hand to Hand: Basic only
Base skill start at half

http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2 ... 7tnbd9.jpg
http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2 ... 7tnbd9.jpg
http://dendydm.deviantart.com/art/Brain ... -473059917

the picture show a standrad flex armored and light flex combine only with EVA and bone armoured and can a (but get rid off light flex combine) medium to heavy body armred and has a rail rial with TW abilties
Note each arnour will have only fout TW features!!!!!
and all will have and bone armoured add

Intelligence & Reconnaissance
Camouflage (+ 15%) City hunter
Command Robots (probes only)
Detect Ambush (+ I0%)
Detect Concealment (+ 15%)
Find Contraband (+16%)
Land Navigation (+16%)
Prowl (+10%)
Tracking (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+20%) .
Wilderness Skill: One of choice (+15%)
Computer Hacking (+ 10%) City hunter
Cryptography (+20%)
Forgery (+ 15%)
Lore: Three of choice (+ 15% each).
Photography (+ 15%) or TV and Video (+ I0%) City hunter
One Communications or Espionage skills of choice (+ 10%).
Research (+20%)
Hand to Hand: expert
Base skill start at half

http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/ ... 7qs1dz.jpg
http://pati-velux.deviantart.com/art/So ... -468241415
the picture show a flex armored and light flex combine only with EVA and bone armoured (on both flex )combine and light body armred
Note each armour will have only fout TW features!!!!!
and all will have and bone armoured add
Research Specialist
City hunter
Anthropology (+20%)
Computer Programming (+ 15%)
Computer Hacking (+ 10%) City hunter
Cryptography (+20%)
Forgery (+ 15%) City hunter
Lore: Three of choice (+ 15% each).
Photography (+ 15%) or TV and video (+ I0%)
One Communications or Espionage skill of choice (+ 10%).
Research (+20%)
Hand to Hand: Basic
Base skill start at half

http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/ ... 72v7qu.jpg
http://fenris31.deviantart.com/art/Clas ... 120&qo=906

the picture show a flex armored and light flex combine only with EVA and bone armoured and light body armred
Note each armour will have only fout TW features!!!!!

Spy or Undercover Agent
Command Robots (probes and Pups only)
Disguise (+20%)
Interrogation (+ 12%)
Imitate Voice s and Impersonation (+ 14%)
Prowl (+ 10%)
Seduction (+ 13%)
Streetwise (+ 14%)
Surveillance Systems (and Tailing) (+ 15%)
Tracking (+ 10%) or Concealment (+ 12%)
Computer Hacking (+ 10%)
Cryptography (+20%)
Forgery (+ 15%)
Lore: Three of choice (+ 15% each).
Photography (+ 15%) or TV video (+ I0%)
One Communications or Espionage skills of choice (+ 10%).
Research (+20%)
Hand to Hand: Assassin or Hand to Hand: Commando or Hand to Hand: Judo or Hand to Hand: Jujitsu
Base skill start at half

http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2 ... 7qyc1f.jpg
http://draken4o.deviantart.com/art/Foss ... -468535155

the picture show a flex armored only with EVA and bone armoured and light to medium body armred

the picture show a flex armored only with EVA and bone armoured and medium to heavy body armred
frontal armored and then body armed last flex suit
two heavy weapons built in add base exo-suit Weight: 60 pounds (27 kg). Bonuses: The exoskeleton adds the following bonuses to the attributes of the soldier who wears it: +12 to P.S., +14 to spd,
+10 feet (3 m) to the length and height of leaps, and reduces the rate of fatigue by 50%.
Mobility Penalties: Good; -5% to prowl, but only -5% to swim, perform acrobatics and similar physical skills/performance, and no penalty to climb

EOD/Demolitions Expert: Requires
Basic Electronics (+20%)
Basic Mechanic s (+ 15%)
Demolitions (+ 10%)
Demolitions Disposal (+ 15%)
Demolitions: Underwater (+8%)
Trap Construction or NBC Warfare (+5%)
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons
Hand to Hand: expert
Base skill start at half

http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2 ... 7r1gi9.jpg
http://hitsu.deviantart.com/art/bones-a ... -468680913
the picture show a flex armored only with EVA and bone armoured and medium to heavy body armred
can have the following built in add base exo-suit Weight: 60 pounds (27 kg). Bonuses: The exoskeleton adds the following bonuses to the attributes of the soldier who wears it: +12 to P.S., +14 to spd,+10 feet (3 m) to the length and height of leaps, and reduces the rate of fatigue by 50%.
Mobility Penalties: Good; -10% to prowl, but only -5% to swim, perform acrobatics and similar physical skills/performance, and no penalty to climb
Note each armour will have only four TW features!!!!!

Salvage (+5%)
Land Navigation (+8%)
Four Physical skill of choice. Any
Four Pilot skill of choice (+5%).any
Upgrade First Aid to Paramedic (+ I0%).
Law: General (+ 10%)
W.P. Four Ancient of choice e.
W.P. Four Modem of choice.
Hand to Hand: Assassin or Hand to Hand: Commando or Hand to Hand: Judo or Hand to Hand: Jujitsu

http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2 ... 7uk72g.jpg
http://keltsacoi.deviantart.com/art/Bon ... -474593992
Bone soldierby Keltsacoi
Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / Sci-Fi©2014 Keltsacoi
Sci if sniper with bones set as the design language. Originally did this for a class at CDA this summer.

Standrad flex combine and light flex combine and Note each armour will have only four TW features!!!!!
the picture show a flex armored only with EVA and bone armoured

Salvage (+5%)
Land Navigation (+8%)
Four Physical skill of choice. Any
2 Pilot skill of choice (+5%).any
Upgrade First Aid to Paramedic (+ I0%).
Law: General (+ 10%)
Two Communication (+ 10%), Espionage(+ 10%),
Horsemanship(+5%)pick one (+5%)
Detect Concealment(+ 10%)
Disguise. (+ 10%)
Wilderness Survival. (+ 10%)
Camouflage. (+ 10%)
Recognize Weapon Quality(+ 10%)
W.P. Four Ancient of choice e.
W.P. Four Modem of choice.

Hand to Hand: Assassin or Hand to Hand: Commando or Hand to Hand: Judo or Hand to Hand: Jujitsu
One heavy sniper weapons built in add base exo-suit Weight: 60 pounds (27 kg). Bonuses: The exoskeleton adds the following bonuses to the attributes of the soldier who wears it: +12 to P.S., +14 to spd,+10 feet (3 m) to the length and height of leaps, and reduces the rate of fatigue by 50%.
Mobility Penalties: Good; -10% to prowl, but only -5% to swim, perform acrobatics and similar physical skills/performance, and no penalty to climb

http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2 ... 7tcp6m.jpg

http://yasiddesign.deviantart.com/art/S ... -472564606

the picture show a flex armored and light flex combine only with EVA and bone armoured Note each armour will have only four TW features!!!!!

Detect Ambush (+ 15%)
Detect Concealment (+ 10%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Hound , Pup
Scout or Probes)
Find Contraband (+6%)
Intelligence (+ 15%)
Land Navigation (+ 14%)
Prowl (+ 10%)
Surveillance System &Tailing (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+ 10%)
W.P. Automatic Assault Rifle or Automatic Pistol
Hand to Hand: expert
http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2 ... 7qwi6u.jpg
http://vladgheneli.deviantart.com/art/B ... -468449814
the picture show a flex armored only with EVA and bone armoured andmheavy body armred or basic exo suit Note each armour will have only four TW features!!!!!
http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2 ... 7yuo5n.jpg
http://unspacy.deviantart.com/art/heavy ... a_recent=1
Point Man /Heavy Weapons:
Command Robots (Limited to one Combat Drone or Combat Hound to help carry heavy ammo drums, weapon s and gear. Basically function as the second man in a two-man fire team but if they have a high Physical Strength (P.S.) can be a one man team or basic exo-suit add.
Recognize Weapon Quality (+25%)
Sniper and Sharpshooting
Weapon System s (+ 10%)
W.P. Automatic Pistol or Revolver
W.P. Heavy Weapons (all)
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (including rail guns) (all)
W.P. Four of choice (any).
Hand to Hand: Assassin or Hand to Hand: Commando or Hand to Hand: Judo or Hand to Hand: Jujitsu

http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/ ... 7r3th1.jpg

http://fenris31.deviantart.com/art/Dino ... 120&qo=949

the picture show a flex armored only with EVA and bone armoured and medium to heavy body armred
Note each armour will have only four TW features!!!!!

Point Man
Skills as above but add the following
Detect Ambush (+ 15%)
Detect Concealment (+ 10%)
Hand to Hand: Expert
the picture show a flex armored only with EVA and bone armoured and medium to heavy body armred
can have the following built in add base exo-suit Weight: 60 pounds (27 kg). Bonuses: The exoskeleton adds the following bonuses to the attributes of the soldier who wears it: +12 to P.S., +14 to spd,+10 feet (3 m) to the length and height of leaps, and reduces the rate of fatigue by 50%.
Mobility Penalties: Good; -10% to prowl, but only -5% to swim, perform acrobatics and similar physical skills/performance, and no penalty to climb
They also have a massive combat shield will have 25 MDC but then add 50 MDC plus bone abilities look abilities plus 4 TW and total 8 features also carries 55% to have a NE shields 420 MDC plus Body armored 420 MDC from NE shields as well

http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/ ... 7rd2r7.jpg
http://davidsequeira.deviantart.com/art ... -469222963

TW Heavy Medical Borg!!! Main lost legs

http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/ ... 6yo2jf.jpg

http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/ ... 7ug1wc.jpg

http://migska.deviantart.com/art/The-sk ... -474400668

Advanced Mathematics (+ 10%)
Brewing (+ 15%)
Biology (+ 15%)
Chemistry or Pathology (+ 10%)
Field Surgery (+ 15%)
Holistic Medicine
Chemistry : Analytical (+5%)
Medical Doctor (+5%)
Hand to Hand: Basic

http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2 ... 6tmwx8.png
Man size Bone robot
http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs32/f/2008/ ... terian.jpg
Giant Bone size
Bone pilot

M.O.S.: The specialty of this O.C.C. is piloting the big robots like use of heavy ordnance
(i.e., heavy weapons).
Excavation & Rescue (+ 10%): giant size or man size
Pilot: Power Armor Basic (+ 10%): giant size or man size
Pilot: Power Armor Combat Elite: giant size or man size
Pilot: Robots Basic (+20%): giant size or man size
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite: : giant size or man size
Land Navigation ( 10%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+ 15%)
W.P. Heavy
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapon s (rail guns included).
Detect Ambush (+ 15%)
Detect Concealment (+ 10%)
Hand to Hand: expert

the Bone pilot
picture show a flex armored only with EVA and bone armoured and medium body armred can have the following built in add base exo-suit Weight: 60 pounds (27 kg). Bonuses: The exoskeleton adds the following bonuses to the attributes of the soldier who wears it: +12 to P.S., +14 to spd,+10 feet (3 m) to the length and height of leaps, and reduces the rate of fatigue by 50%.
Mobility Penalties: Good; -10% to prowl, but only -5% to swim, perform acrobatics and similar physical skills/performance, and no penalty to climb

http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2 ... 7uk70k.jpg
http://doppingqnk.deviantart.com/art/Po ... -474593924

TW Communication Command unit light
Bone cyborgs

Communications Expert M.O.S
M.O.S.: The specialty of this O.C.C. is piloting the big robots like use of heavy ordnance

http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2 ... 5uru99.jpg

Heavy combat full TW Magic cyborg’s heavy weapons systems
Man size Bone robot or Giant Bone size M.O.S
Bone solider O.C.C. Skills:
Language: Native Language at 96%.
Language: Other: One of choice (+20%).
Basic Electronics or Basic Mechanics (+ I0%; pick one)
General Repair & Maintenance (+ 15%)
Land Navigation (+ 15%)
Pilot: One of choice (+ 10%; excluding Robot and Power Armor
Radio: Basic (i 10%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+ I0%)
Weapon Systems (+5%)
Climbing (+5°;(l)
W.P Ancient Weapons: One of choice.
W.P Energy Rifle
W.P Modern Weapons: six of choice (may include W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons).
Hand to Hand: Expert.

http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2 ... 6ex6uo.jpg
http://benedickbana.deviantart.com/#/ar ... 60208?hf=1

TW CQC Unit or TW close quarter combat partial cyborg’s
TW BONE Melee abilities Man size Bone robot OR Giant Bone size
M.O.S.: The specialty of this O.C.C. is piloting the big robots like use of heavy ordnance
Ancient Melee pick CQC or long range Melee expert
Mainly Lost legs

http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2 ... 5pbeyy.jpg

http://benedickbana.deviantart.com/art/ ... -344853898

TW CQC Unit or TW close quarter combat heavy cyborg’s
Giant Bone size
M.O.S.: The specialty of this O.C.C. is piloting the big robots like use of heavy ordnance

Lost both legs and arms

http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2 ... 762hqu.jpg
http://jessedr1.deviantart.com/art/Cybo ... 120&qo=864

TW Scout combat partial cyborg’s:
Research Specialist M.O.S
EOD/Demolitions M.O.S
Scout, M.O.S
Transportation Specialist M.O.S
Have to loss an arm(1) or legs both or one

TW and Technology Construction

http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2 ... 5srqzl.jpg
http://benedickbana.deviantart.com/art/ ... -350654817

This applies to Bone pilot
Accessory Units are the most common bots in the world. Many players may already own and operate one. The typical accessory unit is a robot designed for human augmentation, not cybernetics, but a complete robot that requires a human operator. This includes power armor and robot vehicles of all kind. The best power armor or robot vehicles possess various computerized systems that enhance the human operator by giving him or her mechanical
superhuman strength, agility, and senses, such as radar, targeting, thermo optics, telescopic sight, and other optical and detection devices. The human, by piloting the hot, becomes a giant, super-powered, mega-damage being. The mechanical unit is a robot, but it is the human brain and body that directs and controls its every action. In many ways, this is the best of both worlds. The robotics engineers can focus all of their attention to the power and
capabilities of the robot body and not have to worry about the difficult problems of an artificial brain, because the human pilot is the robot's brain!

Construction Budget:
20 Million Credits

All that's left to do is design the actual robot body. Basically, there are three types of robot bodies: humanoid, animal, or vehicular (with an independent intelligence and capable of independent action; i.e., does not need a pilot to operate). Note: The character starts with two (2) attacks/actions per melee. The only way to increase the number of attacks or actions
per melee is to select the military or non-military physical program, with hand to hand combat training. Physical attributes can be increased beyond the Basic Physical Attributes described
under each robot type; see the various special features. Also note that all robots with an artificial intelligence are capable of speaking, including animals, insects, and vehicles. However,
unless the voice is enhanced, it sounds very synthetic.

Basic Humanoid (general costumes design)
The frame for this robot is approximately die size, shape and build of a typical human or humanoid, six to eight feet tall, two legs and feet, two arms and hands, one head (eyes, ears, nose, and mouth are optional depending on robot style). Other the general shape, the robot is clearly a robot.
Basic Physical Attributes: P.S. 14, P.P. 12, P.B. 6, Spd. 22(approx. 15 mph/24 km)
Size: Six to eight feet (1.8 to 2.4 m)
Light Frame: 300 pounds (135 kg) and 120 M.D.C. main body, 25 % head ,arms 30% legs 60% reinforced cockpit compartment not add
Cost: Two million credits.
Frame Reinforcement: Add 100 pounds and 100 M.D.C. points to the main body for each reinforcement done to the frame. As many as five (5) reinforcements can be done, but each
instills an accumulative skill penalty of -5% to prowl.
Cost: 500,000 per each reinforcement.
after that add four TW abilities and then the bone permanent armored or temporary bone armored, if permanent armored then add additional four more , add additional Bone armored to specific location and able to add force field from NGR ( add two tons or NE look up a few pounds )

Giant Humanoid
The frame for this robot is the shape and build of a humanoid, except that it is giant in size, ten to twenty feet tall.
Basic Physical Attributes: P.S. 16, P.P. 14, P.B. 6, Spd. 22(approx. 15mph/24kmph).
Ten to twenty feet (3 to 6 m) Light Frame: 1000 pounds (450 kg) and 200 M.D.C. main
body points. Cost: Four million credits for a bot up to 12 feet tall (3.6 m). Add 200,000 credits and 150 pounds for each additional foot (0.3 m) of height.
Frame Reinforcement:
Add 200pounds and 100 M.D.C. points
to the main body for each reinforcement done to the frame.
As many as five (5) reinforcements can be done, but each instills an accumulative skill penalty of —5% to prowl.
Cost: 800,000
credits per each reinforcement.
after that add four TW abilities and then the bone permanent armored or temporary bone armored, if permanent armored then add additional four more , add additional Bone armored to specific location and able to add force field from NGR ( add two tons or NE look up a few pounds )

Power Sources:
Bone pilot will have both systems installed but sometimes just Nuclear energy and TW batteries for man size but can have both ,giant robot can carry all systems
Nuclear energy is the most popular form of energy used in robots and high-tech machinery. The power system is surprisingly compact, clean, and has a long lifetime, even under constant use.
One Year: One million credits.
Two Year: Two million credits.
Five Year: 4.5 million credits.
Ten Year: 8 million credits.
Twenty Year: 15 million credits.

Techno-Wizard System
This is an energy system that utilizes magic with technology. The initial creation and powering of the unit is often time consuming and often it is impossible to find a mage who has the
expertise or sufficient P.P.E. to do the job. But these systems
are equal to nuclear power.
One Year: Two million credits.
Two Year: Four million credits.
Five Year: Six million credits.
Ten Year: 12 million credits.
Twenty Year: Not possible

Super-Solar Engine
This system utilizes a power source that collects sunlight into a super high-efficiency conversion engine and generator. This is an excellent, clean, power source with an indefinite life span. Of course, it is limited in that it must rely on a source of solar energy. Requires some form of locomotion, preferably wheels or hover system.
The system functions superbly while exposed to sunlight. A superior energy storage unit stores up to 8 hours' worth of power, during which time the robot operates at full capacity. After the
eight hour reserve is used up, the robot must recharge via solar/ light energy or recharge, from another source of electrical energy. Without a recharge an emergency reserve will engage itself. The emergency energy reserve has a mere four hour capacity. While the emergency reserve is engaged all unnecessary functions will be shut down. Speed is reduced to 80%, attacks per melee are reduced by half and no energy weapons can fire. At the end of the emergency reserve (4 hours), the robot shuts down completely. Many of the bots that utilize a super-solar system often combine it with a one or two year nuclear system. The combination
can extend the life of the nuclear battery to approximately five years, by switching back and forth from nuclear power to solar.
The nuclear and solar combination means that the nuclear power serves as the reserve and enables the TW Bone solider to operate at full capability and firepower at all times. Solar can be a good, reliable system if proper caution is used.
The Basic System Cost: Two million credits, complete with a special generator and recharge

Legs and Locomotion

Human Legs: A pair of bipedal, humanoid size legs and feet. Basic System Cost for the leg units: 350,000 credits per pair

Engines and Propulsion Systems
Fuel Injected Engine

Liquid Fuel:
Despite incredible technological advancements, liquid fuel engines are still likable, reliable and the most economical system available. The major disadvantages of this system
are the use of a limited consumable fuel that must be continually replaced, the need of containers to hold the fuel (gas tanks), and the weight of the fuel itself. On the other hand, gasoline type fuels are fairly cheap and easily attainable, especially in populated
regions. Liquid fuel requires an exhaust system that is not suitable for humanoid and animal type robots. Requires some form of locomotion, preferably wheels or hover system. Basic
System Cost with Fuel Tank(s): 50,000 credits. The player determines the size of the gas tank or tanks. Weight and size may be a problem for small robots. One gallon weighs 7 Ibs
(3.2 kg). A 70 gallon rectangular tank would measure approximately 48 x 20 x 18 inches and weighs 490 pounds (221 kg). Disposable auxiliary gas tanks is one possible solution; cost is
about 200 credits per 20 gallon (75.7 liters) capacity. Estimated mileage: 40 miles (64 km) to one gallon of fuel. Maximum
Speed: 200 mph (320 km).
Can run via Nuclear energy

Turbo Engine
Requires liquid fuel; conventional leaded or unleaded gasoline is suitable; high octane preferable. A fuel tank(s) is required. Estimated mileage: 40 miles (64 km) to one gallon of fuel.
Basic System Cost: 75,000 credits for liquid fuel (175,000 credits connected to nuclear or solar powered system. Maximum Speed: 260mph (400kmph).
Can run via Nuclear energy

Turbo-Jet Engine
Requires high octane fuel or a special mixture, such as those used for jet aircraft. Or can be linked to nuclear power source. This engine cannot be used for speeds under 100 mph (160
km), thus ground vehicles/robots will have to use a two engine system, with one for low speeds and the turbo-jet for high speeds and/or flight. The robot will obviously have some sort of visible hover propulsion system. Estimated Mileage: 20 miles (32 km) to one gallon of fuel. Or can be linked to nuclear power source (costs an extra 100,000 credits). Basic System Cost: 150,000 credits for liquid fuel (250,000 credits connected to nuclear or solar). Maximum Speed: 400 mph (640 km).

Hover Jets
Vehicle Type Robots

A super-sophisticated twin engine system, with bottom and rear jet thrusters for V/STOL capabilities. This unique propulsion system offers ground and air capabilities. The V/STOL means the robot can hover stationary above the ground, make vertical take-offs and landings (fly straight up and down), as well as engage in low altitude flight. The robot will obviously have
some sort of visible hover propulsion system. Estimated mileage with a liquid fuel is 50 miles (80 km) per one gallon. The Base Cost: 500,000 credits; requires at least four jets. Or can be
linked to nuclear power source (costs an extra 100,000 credits) Maximum Speed: 400 mph (640 kph). Maximum Altitude: 1000 feet (305 m). Can run via Nuclear energy

Hover Jet Backpack for Humanoid Frames
This can be a detachable backpack unit or one permanently built directly into a robot's back. Basic System Cost: 150,000 credits; can be linked to nuclear power source (costs an extra
100,000 credits); Maximum Speed: 400 mph (640 km).
Maximum Altitude: 1000 feet (305 m). Concealed Micro Hover System
A tiny and concealed hover jet system built into humanoid or animal robots. The hover jets are strategically located in the feet, rear, back, and chest. When not engaged, the jets are
completely unnoticeable. Basic System Cost: 500,000 credits;
can be linked to a nuclear power system for an additional 100,000 credits. Maximum Speed: 200 mph (320 km). Maximum Altitude: 500 feet (152 m).

Sensors and Optics
Basic Listening System:

Stereo hearing capacity equal to the best human capabilities, and a narrow-band radio receiver
enables the robot to hear/receive commercial radio (AM & FM); Range: 5 miles (8 km). Cost:30,000 credits.

Advanced Audio System:
Amplified stereo hearing; hears in the full decibel range, much like the cybernetic amplified hearing. Ultra-ear enables the bot to hear frequencies inaudible
to the human ear, like 3 dog whistle. Wide-band radio receiver (not transmitter) enables the robot to listen to commercial radio stations, citizen band (C.B.), police bands and other
radio transmission frequencies (Range: 50 miles/80 km with a retractable antenna, half range without). And universal headjack. Bonuses: + 1 to parry, + 2 to dodge, + 3 on initiative.
Total System Cost: 100,000 credits.
Note: The abilities of the advanced audio system can be purchased individually and
are identical to cybernetic systems, but cost 20% more. Bug Detector: A small device that picks up radio signals from surveillance listening devices (bugs). Range: 50 feet (15 m).
Cost: 30,000 credits.

Radar Signal Detector:

A tiny radar receiver which will alert the character with a silent alarm or pinging when he is being scanned by radar; 90% accuracy. Cost: 10,000 credits.

Wide Band Radio Receiver and Transmitter with directional capabilities.
Range: 300 miles (482 km) with a retractable antenna (150 miles without the antenna). Cost: 50,000 credits.
Radio Signal Scrambler System is linked to the radio system to send and receive coded messages. Cost: 10,000 credits.

Audio Recorder:
A audio disc recording system with external access. Contains 48 hours of recordable disc time. Of course, the one inch discs can be used repeatedly. Cost: 5,000.
Loudspeaker: Amplifies the robot's voice up to 90 decibels. Cost: 2,000 credits.

Single Voice Synthesizer:
Provides the robot with a completely human sounding voice; very pleasant. Otherwise the voice is very mechanical sounding. Cost: 5,000 credits.

Modulating Voice Synthesizer and Sound Analysis Computer:
Enables the robot to change the tone, base, pitch and frequency of his voice. The sound analysis computer is designed
exclusively to listen, identify, remember, and analyze sounds. 100,000 different sounds are programmed into its memory, including gun shots by caliber, engines, and other
sounds. It also has the capability to analyze, compare, match and remember 50,000 new sounds; 1 - 98% likelihood of identifying a person by voice pattern. Can imitate another
person's voice with 80% accuracy. Cost: 500,000 credits; illegal in Coalition States.

Inaudible Frequency Transmission:
The robot can speak/transmit sound frequencies inaudible to the human ear, but audible to other robots, borgs with ultra-ear, and beings with superior
hearing, such as mutant dogs. Cost: 150,000 credits.

Basic Robot Optic System:

A color sight system with an analysis computer for 3-D images; 20/20 vision. Cost: 50,000 credits.

Advanced Robot Optic System:
Includes color vision, 3-D analysis, passive night sight, infrared, and ultraviolet sight.
2000 ft (610m). Cost: 150,000 credits and can go up to 5 miles . Note: Infrared vision emits a pencil-thin beam of infrared light, invisible to the human eye, but visible to another infrared system, to illuminate its target in darkness. The narrowness of the beam limits the scope of vision to about a ten feet width (3 m). Night Sight is a passive image intensifier that electronically amplifies existing ambient light to provide a visible picture without emitting any trace light of its own.
Laser Targeting System:
A thin beam of light is emitted from the eyes or forehead or the weapon itself. When the light beam hits its target, a computer locks an and registers the
fire command.
Bonus: + 1 to strike when using a distance weapon. Not applicable to hand to hand combat. Likewise, P.P. bonuses do not apply to long-range weapons. Range:
4000 feet (1200 m). Cost: 50,000.

Targeting Sight and combat computer:
A special system that superimposes cross hairs for more accurate targeting. The computer recognizes 30,000 enemy targets, including vehicles,
robots, insignias, uniforms, and known monsters. An additional 2000 targets can be added to the memory. Bonus: +1 to strike. Range: equal to optic system; usually 2000 to
6000 feet. Cost: 500,000 credits.

Telescopic Vision:
Magnifies an image area like a gun's scope or binoculars. Automatic, self-focusing. Range: 6000 ft (1800 m), 20 feet (6 m) image area. Cost: 50,000 credits.

An optical heat sensor that converts the infrared radiation of warm objects into a visible image. This device allows the robot to see in the darkness, shadows, and
through smoke. Range: 2000ft(610m). Cost: 80,000 credits.

External Video and Audio Surveillance System:
A high-resolution video camera, often built into the eyes, but can be a separate system, relays images directly to the robot's optic scanners and these images can be recorded as a record of events. A video receiver and transmitter system enables the robot to receive video transmissions for viewing and/or recording. The images are recorded on a six hour, three inch, video disc that is slipped into a slot in the skull or chest. The disc can be ejected at will. Range: 40 miles (64 km). Cost: 500,000 credits; outlawed by the Coalition.

Built into the eyes, head, shoulder(s), or chest. A 90 degree arc up and down and 180 degree rotation is standard. High-powered light beam used to illuminate an area like a
flashlight or used as a beacon. Range: 300 feet (91.5 m).Cost: 1000 credits.

Bio-Scan Medical Survey Unit:

A computer system designed to monitor the life signs of biological life forms. Sensors are built in the robot's hand or must be removed from a concealed
compartment and attached. Monitors vital signs, such as respiration blood pressure, brain waves, and body temperature. A computerized medical system tied into the Bio-Scan computer
will indicate trauma to the brain and nervous system, blood loss, presence of drugs or other unnatural agent in the blood stream, and coma condition. Cost: 350,000 credits.

Motion Detector and Warning System:
Registers vibrations in the air, indicating movement. A collision warning system
will sound an internal alarm to warn of an impending collision/ impact. Range: 60 feet (18 m). Bonus: Adds +1 to initiative and +1 to parry and dodge. Cost: 75,000 credits.

Sensory Antenna:
Registers vibrations in the air, indicating movement, as well as having touch and heat sensor. The antenna enables the bot to maneuver, even in total darkness,
by feeling his way around.
Range: Touch, usually six to twelve feet (1.8 to 3.6 m). Bonus: Blindness penalties are
half and adds +1 dodge. 5 M.D.C. per antenna. Cost: 120,000 credits.

A small, but sophisticated radar system usually used in human and animal size robots. Can identify up to 30 targets and simultaneously track 10. Rate of travel, direction,
and location are indicated. Range: One mile (1.6 km). Cost:200,000.

A much larger and sophisticated radar system, suitable for ground and air surveillance. Can identify up to 96 targets and simultaneously track 48. Range: 50 miles (80
km) and is able to detect a cruise missile-type target flying as low as 500 feet (153 m). Cost: 600,000. Ideal for giant and vehicular robot types.

Standard Damage for Robot Hand to Hand: The damage numbers that follow are standard for most robot systems and do not have to be purchased.
Restrained Punch: 4D6 S.D.C. plus P.S. bonus.
Full Strength Punch: 1D6 M.D.C.
Kick: 1D6 M.D.C.
Leap Kick: 2D4 M.D.C.
Stomp (giants only): 1D4 M.D.C.
Body Block/Ram (at high speeds, 50 mph or more): 1D6 M.D.C.
Double M.D.C damage for giant robots, 20 feet or larger. Some of the weapon features add to the mega-damage.
Power Punch: This is a special combat feature that increases the mega-damage of a punch, but counts as two attacks.
Cost: Add 1D6 M.D.C. to full strength punch: 100,000 credits.
Add 2D6 M.D.C. to full strength punch: 250,000 credits.
Not applicable to kicks.
M.D.C. Knuckle Spikes or Retractable finger blades:
Four sharp spikes protrude from the knuckles. Adds 1D4 M.D.C to the punch of human size bots or 1D6 M.D.C. to the punch of giants. Cost: 100,000 credits, add 20,000 for retractable spikes.
M.D.C. Animal Features:
Claws, fangs, tails, etc. are all features typical of robot bots, but they can be applied to humanoid robots as well.
Small Claws: One M.D.; cost: 60,000 credits per pair.
Medium Claws:
1D6 M.D.; cost: 100,000 per pair.
Large Claws (tiger): 2D6 M.D.; cost: 150,000 per paw.
Biting Jaws and Teeth: Small 1D6 M.D.,
Medium 2D4 M.D.,
3D6 M.D.
Note: Add 30,000 for Retractable Claws. A restrained claw strike inflicts 4D6 S.D.C. damage plus P.S. bonus.
Prehensile Tail: Same as tentacle.
Flame Thrower:
A small unit with a retractable nozzle and hose, usually housed in the hip or back of humanoids (occasionally mouth or hand of giant bots), mouth of insect and animal frames, and the front or rear of vehicles.
Range: 140 feet (42.6 m)
Damage: 4D6 S.D.C. per blast, plus a 60% chance of setting combustibles on fire.
or Northern gun
1d4x10X10 M.D.C
Rate of Fire:
Equal to hand to hand attacks per melee.
Payload: 40 blasts per standard humanoid size container; recharging the concealed fuel tank takes two minutes. Double capacity for giant size and vehicles.
Cost: 50,000 credits.

Eye Laser: The eye can emit a laser beam activated at will.
Range: 600 ft (182 m)
Damage: 1D6 M.D.C. human or medium or large animal
size, 2D6 M.D.C. giant size.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the hand to hand attacks per melee.
+ 1 to strike. [/b]
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Cost: 400,000 credits for human size, 600,000 for giant.

The following weapon systems are available and are identical to the bionic systems found in the Rifts RPG, pages 239-241. All energy weapons have an effectively unlimited payload. Robot prices are a bit higher. aslo also for man size robot will have one of each one heavy technological and one weapon BUT giant robot can have 1d4 heavy weapon all but a BOOM gun and 1d4 ANY heavy TW weapon( x2 for standard like rifle type or 8 light weapons ) all are range weapons each will have 1D4 TW batteries for each weapon systems

Laser Utility Finger: 6000 credits
Laser Finger Blaster: 25,000 credits
High Explosive Finger Joint: 1000 credits per joint.
Retractable Finger Blades: 1500 credits.
Retractable Knuckle Blades: 3000 credits.
Knuckle Spikes (S.D.C.): 1000 credits
Additional Hand & Arm: 300,000 credits for pair, 150,000 for
Additional Non-Human Appendage (Tentacles): 250,000 for a pair or 125,000 for one. Up to four pair can be added to most human size or larger bots.
Climb Cord: 2000 credits
Garrote Wrist Wire: 400 credits
Chemical Spray: 60,000 credits, double range.
Concealed Leg Laser Rod: 75,000 credits.
Concealed Leg Ion Rod: 50,000 credits.
Concealed Arm Laser Rod: 50,000 credits, double range.
Forearm Laser: 50,000 credits
Forearm Ion: 40,000 credits
Forearm Plasma: 60,000 credits
Forearm Particle Beam: 100,000 credits.
Forearm M.D.C and S.D.C Machinegun: look below 30,000 credits

Forearm Mini-Missiles: 60,000 credits
Note: Forearm weapon range can be increased by 1000 feet at a cost of 100,000 credits.
Retractable Vibro-Blades: 40,000 credits
Wrist Needle & Drug Dispenser:
5000 credits Remember, humanoid bots can also use any of the conventional human weapons and rail guns.
Weapons for Giant Robots: Giant robots and large vehicles, 16 feet (4.9 m) or larger, can support larger and more powerful weapons, which is reflected in the weapon's range. Consequently, use the same weapons as listed previously, but add 1000 to 4000 (roll1d4) feet to the range. In the case of the machineguns and missiles, triple the payload.
Missile Launcher Pods for Giants and Vehicles: Missile launcher pods must be mounted on the shoulders or back of giant robots or a housing on the top or side(s) of a vehicle's
Missile Launcher Types:
Mini-Missiles Cost: 200,000 credits per launcher, payload of 10 missiles.
b]S[hort Range Missiles [/b]
Cost: Small: 300,000 credits, payload three missiles. Medium: 500,000 credits, payload of six missiles.
Large: 800,000 credits, payload of twelve missiles.
Medium Range Missiles Cost: Small: One million credits, payload three missiles. Medium: 1.5 million credits, payload of six miss
Long Range Missiles Cost: Small: Five million credits, payload three missiles. Medium: 8 million credits, payload of six missiles. Large: 12 million credits, payload of eight missiles

Special Features
Additional arms or tentacles: See weapons section: Additional Non-Human Appendages.

Fingerjack: Same as bionic system. Cost: 2500 credits.
Clock Calendar & Gyro-Compass: Same as cybernetic system.
Cost: 1000 credits.

Secret Compartments: Same as bionics, Rifts RPG, page 241. Giant and vehicular bots can have twice as many normal size compartments or the usual number but twice as large. Cost:20% more than bionics.

Cosmetic Enhancements: A variety of techniques and materials can be used to create an accurate simulation of a living creature. Often used for animal bots. All bonuses are accumulative.

Realistic Skin Overlay: Looks and feels like the real thing.

Complete with fake musculature. Fire resistant and tough, 5 M.D.C. main body. Increases P.B. +2. Cost: 75,000 for a six foot humanoid or animal. Add 5,000 credits for every
additional foot (0.3 m).

Human Hair Implants: Cost: 5,000 credits for head only, 20,000 full body; looks completely natural, +2 P.B.
Fur: Cost: 50,000 credits on human or large size of the animal bots, 30,000 for small and medium, +4 P.B.
Realistic Eyes: Conceal the artificial appearance of the robot eyes, +2 P.B. Cost: 10,000 credits.

Sculpted Facial Features: A unique, individual face and teeth designed by skilled artists, complete with simulated muscle movement to complement full facial expressions, frowns,
smiles, angry looks, etc., +3 P.B. Cost: 50,000 credits.
Movie star face: Add 40,000 credits to the initial cost and another +3 P.B.

Minor Body Characteristics: Nails, fangs, beard stubble, moles, pimples, scars, etc. Cost: Approximately 2000 credits each.

Locking Joints: This means that the joints lock into place and cannot be moved or bent until unlocked (equal to a P.S. 40). Cost: 10,000 credits each.

360 Degree Rotating Body Segment: Head, shoulders, hands at wrist, and upper torso at waist, can rotate in a 360 degree circle. Cost: 20,000 credits per small joint, 50,000 credits for waist rotation.

Self-Destruct System: Robot explodes when an internal command is given. Safety features include a triple confirmation sequence followed by a one minute count down during which the command can be canceled. Inflicts !D6xlO damage to a 20 foot area (6 m). Cost: 80,000 credits.

Remote Probe: An optics video probe with hover capabilities is concealed inside the robot or in a small shoulder or back launcher. The probe can be launched and remote controlled,
following radio directions from the robot. The basic unit includes a video camera with telescopic lens (600 ft/91 m range) that transmits everything it sees and hears to its master
bot. Range of transmissions and control is 2000 ft (487 m). M.D.C. 10, size: About the size of a soccer ball (12 inches). Cost: 50,000 credits.

Increasing the Basic Speed Attribute: Costs 10,000 credits per each speed point beyond the basic system attribute. Thus to increase a speed of 22 to a speed of 32 costs 100,000 credits. The maximum for humanoid legs is Spd 220 (150 mph/241 km). The maximum for animal and insect legs is about a Spd of 423 (approx. 300 mph/480 km).

Increasing the Basic P.S Attribute: Costs 10,000 credits per each P.S. point beyond the basic system attribute. Thus, to increase a P.S. of 12 to a P.S. of 22 costs 100,000 credits.
The maximum for small bots is P.S. 30, medium, large and humanoids, P.S. 40.

Increasing the Basic P.P Attribute: Costs 10,000 credits per each P.P. point beyond the basic system attribute. Thus, to increase a P.P. of 12 to a P.P. of 22 costs 100,000 credits.
The maximum for small bots is P.P. 20, medium, large and humanoids, P.P. 26.

Expanded Chart MD Machinegun
Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers

Type : 12.7 mm or .50 Caliber ( AKA Ma deuce gun)
Damage :
100 SDC OR 1MD

1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
1D4X10 fourth round burst ,
1d6x10 for sixty round ,
2d4x10 for eighty round,
1d10x10 for one hundred round,
2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D 1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst
, 2D4 M.D four round burst,
1D10 M.D five round burst,
2D6 MD six round burst,
4D4 M.D eight round burst,
3D6 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4 M.D ten round burst ,
1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D4X10 fourth round burst

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst,
3D4 M.D four round burst,
2D6+3 M.D five round burst,
3D6 MD six round burst,
4D6 M.D eight round burst,
4D6+3M.D nine round burst ,
5D6 M.D ten round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D6X10fourth round burst

5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst,
3d4 M.D three round burst,
4d4 M.D four round burst,
5d4 M.D five round burst,
4d6 MD six round burst,
4d8 M.D eight round burst,
6d6 M.D nine round burst ,
1d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on

5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst,
5D6 M.D three round burst,
1D4X10 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst,
1D6X10 MD six round burst,
2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst,
1D10X10 M.D ten round burst,
1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst,
5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on

1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D
2D6 M.D Two round burst,
3D6 M.D three round burst,
4D6 M.D four round burst,
5D6 M.D five round burst,
6D6 MD six round burst,
8D6 M.D eight round burst,
9D6 M.D nine round burst ,
1D6X10M.D ten round burst ,
2D6X10M.D twenty round burst ,
3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D6X10 fourth round burst

2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D
4D4 M.D Two round burst,
4D6 M.D three round burst,
4D8 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10 M.D five round burst,
1D4X10+8 MD six round burst,
8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst ,
2D4X10 M.D ten round burst ,
4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO

1D10X100 S.D.C OR 1d10=10 M.D
5d4 M.D Two round burst,
5d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst,
1d6x10 MD six round burst,
2d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
1d10x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4x10M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
5d8x10 fourth round burst

2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D
4d6 M.D Two round burst,
6d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst,
1d6x10 M.D five round burst,
1d10x10 M.D eight round burst,
2d6x10 M.D ten round burst ,
4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
6dx10 M.D thirty round burst,
8d6x10 fourth round burst

5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst,
1d6x10 M.D three round burst,
2d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d10x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
3d6x10 M.D nine round burst ,
5d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst , fourth round burst

Expanded Chart MD Machinegun Type .30 caliber or 7.62 mm

Damage :
1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D

1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
1D4X10 fourth round burst ,
1d6x10 for sixty round ,
2d4x10 for eighty round,
1d10x10 for one hundred round,
2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D 1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst,
2D4 M.D four round burst,
1D10 M.D five round burst,
2D6 MD six round burst,
4D4 M.D eight round burst,
3D6 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4 M.D ten round burst ,
1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D4X10 fourth round burst

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst,
3D4 M.D four round burst,
2D6+3 M.D five round burst,
3D6 MD six round burst,
4D6 M.D eight round burst,
4D6+3M.D nine round burst ,
5D6 M.D ten round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D6X10fourth round burst

5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst,
3d4 M.D three round burst,
4d4 M.D four round burst,
5d4 M.D five round burst,
4d6 MD six round burst,
4d8 M.D eight round burst,
6d6 M.D nine round burst ,
1d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on

MDC black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets.
1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

20 MM to 29MM Auto Cannon Chart
in this case 25 MM Conventional M.D.C rounds
1 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
1d4 M.D.C Per round
2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
5d4 M.D.C Per round
Burst 1 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
Five rounds burst short round 5D4 M.D.C
Ten round medium burst round burst 1D4X10 M.D.C
20 rounds long burst 2D4X10 M.D.C
40 round extended long burst 4D4X10 M.D.C
80 full melees burst 4D8X10 M.D.C

Burst 2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
Five rounds burst short round, 1D10X10 M.D.C
Ten round medium round burst 5D4X10 M.D.C
20 rounds long burst 5D8X10 M.D.C
40 rounds extended long burst 6D6X10 M.D.C
80 full melee burst 8D6X10 M.D.C

Rate of Fire: five round burst short round , ten round medium round burst, 20 round long burst , 40 round extended long burst , 80 full melee burst
Effective Range: standard range 4 miles
Payload: 2500 rounds

Type of round
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too, weight for rounds drops by 75% total weight 8 tons !!!!
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

M.D Bullets

for black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets.
1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

End of Part 3 of bone Soliders
Last edited by ZINO on Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:39 pm, edited 6 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Part Four Bone Solider

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Techno-Wizard Bionics

TW Bionics
are extremely rare and few people other than the TW Bone hunter are willing to use them (according to one legend, they were originally developed for a particular clan of heroic TW Bone hunter). Although most experienced Techno-Wizards can make them, few will consider it, and even fewer people will consider buying and using them. The items and effects are actually relatively simple. Most are cast upon or built into "mechanical" weapon attachments that are not directly linked to the partial cyborg's body, such as forearm weapons. As a rule bionics, electronics, metal, artificial parts and body armor have a negative effect on magic, reducing its potency or negating its effect entirely. Consequently, only characters with a comparatively low level of bionics can use TW Bionic devices. The typical TW Bone hunter (30%) will have no more than seven implants and 2-8 bionic features (Main body disguise, lungs, chemical spray in mouth/throat, etc.), and only one or two bionic limb (with 2-8 weapons or features built into it). Other limbs and organs damaged in combat will be replaced with bio-systems Approximately 30% of the TW Bone hunter are partially reconstructed Borgs with 8-12 cybernetic implants or bionic features and two bionic limbs (with 2-8 weapons or features each). However, to use TW Bionics, they must expend an extra 30% in P.P.E. or I.S.P. points, plus the range and duration of said mystical effect is half! Any greater amount of bionics will prevent the use of TW Bionic mechanisms.
Note: Each bionic limb can have a total of 8 to 12 weapons and 8 features and can combine conventional tech-weapons with TW.
TW Magical Silver-Plated Blades
Knuckle spikes, finger blade(s), forearm blade(s), claws and similar hand to hand weapons that are plated in silver and magically enchanted to make them effectively magic weapons! This
simple magic is typically a magical glow or weak magical energy field and other low level effects that are just enough to make it a magic item. To activate the magical aspect of the weapon (and make it useful against the supernatural and creatures of magic), the character must expend four P.P.E. or 8 I.S.P. to enchant the weapon for a 15 minute period. Once the "magic" effect ends, the weapon returns to being an ordinary nonmagical bionic weapon. Additional P.P.E. or I.S.P. is required to reactivate or prolong the magical effect.
Creation Stats:
Initial P.P.E. Cost: 25
Spells Needed:
Varies; typically Lantern Light (1) or Globe of
Daylight (2) and Aura of Power (4).
Physical Requirements:
The standard bionic weapon system slightly modified with a magic power crystal (pink quartz or a diamond). Takes about 8 hours of work to modify and enchant.
Cost: Standard cost of the bionic weapon plus 10,000 for the
TW conversion.
Weapon Stats:
The weapon's normal damage does the equivalent in Mega-Damage when used against supernatural beings and creatures of magic only (vampires suffer the normal H.P./S.D.C. damage). Ineffective against Mega-Damage armor unless the items was an M.D. weapon to begin with, like
Hand to hand melee weapons only.
P.P.E. Cost to Activate the Magic Aura: 4 P.P.E. or 8 I.S.P.
Duration: 15 minutes.

TW Finger Blaster Instead of firing a light laser, it can fire a magical bolt of energy.
Creation Stats:
Initial P.P.E. Cost: 38
Spells Needed:
Energy Bolt (7) and Fire Ball (10) Physical Requirements: Firing mechanism with a diamond worth 2000 credits or more, plus physical enchanted rounds. Takes about 45 hours of work to build.
Cost: Standard cost of the bionic weapon plus 55,000 for the

TW conversion.
Weapon Stats:

Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Range: 200 feet (61 m)
P.P.E. Cost to Fire: 7 P.P.E. or 141.S.P. per blast.
Initial P.P.E. Cost: 38
Spells Needed: Energy Bolt (7) and Fire Ball (10) ,Physical Requirements: Firing mechanism with a diamond worth 2000 credits or more, plus physical enchanted rounds.
Takes about 45 hours of work to build.
Cost: Standard cost of the bionic weapon plus 55,000 for the
TW conversion.
Weapon Stats:

Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Range: 200 feet (61 m)
P.P.E. Cost to Fire: 7 P.P.E. or 141.S.P. per blast.
A TW shotgun version of this is also available for 85,000 credits. The gun version holds two stakes and can be magically reloaded with another two shots by expending 4 P.P.E. or 8 I.S.P.

Weapon Stats:
3D6 H.P./S.D.C. No damage to most M.D. creatures.
Maximum Effective Range: 15 feet (4.6 m; the shotgun has an effective range of 50 feet/15.2 m).
P.P.E. Cost to Load With Two Stakes: 4 P.P.E. or 8 I.S.P.
TW Hydraulic Stake Driver
Fundamentally the same as the ordinary bionic Stake Driver described above, except that by pumping P.P.E. or I.S.P. into the weapon, it magically creates the wooden stakes it fires out of thin air!
Creation Stats:
Initial P.P.E. Cost:
Spells Needed: Energy Bolt (7), Fly (15) and Create Wood (10). Physical Requirements: The standard bionic weapon system slightly modified with topaz or yellow quartz. Takes about
65 hours of work to modify and enchant.
Cost: Standard cost of the bionic weapon plus 90,000

TW conversion.
TW Sunbeam Blaster

This can be a finger laser, forearm weapon, or eye blaster whose laser beam is magically turned into a bolt of sunlight. This beam of light has no ill effect on humans but does laser- like damage to vampires, Shadow Beasts, Russian Demons, and other creatures of darkness who are vulnerable to sunlight.
Creation Stats:
Initial P.P.E. Cost: 30
Spells Needed: Energy Bolt (7) and Globe of Daylight (2)
Physical Requirements: The standard bionic weapon system slightly modified with a rose quartz. Takes about 45 hours of work to modify and enchant, quadruple the time and cost for
bionic eyes.
Cost: Standard cost of the bionic weapon plus 125,000 for the

TW conversion.
A pistol and revolver version of this is also available for only 110,000 credits. The gun version holds six shots but costs 12 P.P.E. or 24 I.S.P. to magically reload with another six shots.
Weapon Stats:
1D6+2 points of damage to supernatural beings injured by sunlight. No damage to most creatures.
Range: 600 feet (183m)
P.P.E. Cost to Fire: 2 P.P.E. or 4 I.S.P. per blast. Flaming, Shooting

Knuckle Spikes or Bullets
A moment after a seemingly conventional knuckle spike (or bullet) has been launched, it magically bursts into flame, like a mini-fire ball.
Creation Stats:
Initial P.P.E. Cost:
Spells Needed: Energy Bolt (7) and Fire Ball (10)
Physical Requirements: Firing mechanism with a diamond worth 2000 credits or more, plus physical enchanted rounds. Takes about 45 hours of work to build.
Cost: Standard cost of the bionic weapon plus 55,000 for the

TW conversion.
Weapon Stats:

Damage: 3D6 M.D. each (3D6 H.P. to vampires).
Range: 200 feet (61 m)
P.P.E. Cost to Fire: 3 P.P.E. or 6 I.S.P. per each flaming spike or
Cost: 18,000 credits for the bionic weapon and 15-30 credits per
round of enchanted ammunition.

TW Gun Note:
This projectile shooting TW item can also be converted into a bionic forearm weapon with a payload of 100 rounds and a range of 400 feet/122 m; costs 35,000 credits). Furthermore, a TW 14-hot pistol or six-shot revolver (200 foot/61 m range, 3D6 M.D., costs 25,000 credits) and TW rifle
(1800 foot/548.6 m range, 3D6 M.D., costs 55,000 credits) are also available. All of these projectile weapons require enchanted ammunition that costs 15-30 credits (depending on availability)
per each individual round/bullet. Most Techno-Wizards and TW Bone hunter and Canadian
southwest consider these projectile weapons primitive and low tech. However, they are in high demand among the TW Bone hunter. See Rifts® New West™ for other more advanced TW firearms that fire energy bolts, as well as other TW items and vehicles. See Vampire Kingdoms™ for TW
Vampire weapons and The Rifter™ #2 for optional Techno-Wizard devices and O.C.C.s.

The TW Bone hunter also frequently use TW powered guns, TW swords and other magic melee weapons, batteries, and other basic items. They avoid TW body armor, helmets, and vehicles.
TW Water gun A forearm weapon that squirts a stream of water, only no physical reserve of water is necessary as the precious H20 is magically generated.
Creation Stats:
Initial P.P.E. Cost: 60
Spells Needed: Energy Bolt (7), Fly (15) and Create Water (15) Physical Requirements: The standard bionic weapon system slightly modified with blue quartz or blue sapphire. Takes
about 65 hours of work to modify and enchant.
Cost: Standard cost of the bionic weapon plus 45,000 for the

TW conversion.
A TW pistol version of this is also available for only 50,000 credits.
Weapon Stats:

Damage: 2D6 H.P./S.D.C. to vampires. No damage to most other creatures.
Maximum Effective Range: 50 feet (15.2 m; the same for the pistol).
P.P.E. Cost: 8 P.P.E. or 16 I.S.P. creates the equivalent of one
gallon of water or 30 shots!
TW Electro-Blaster
This can only be a forearm weapon or bionic hand. The hand cannot have any other bionic features other than being mechanical. When the magic is activated, the hand is enveloped in electrical energy that does 2D6 M.D. plus the 'Borg's normal punch damage. As a forearm weapon, the blaster fires an electrical arc short distances. However, although limited to short range, many supernatural beings are vulnerable to electricity, making it valuable.
Creation Stats:
Initial P.P.E. Cost:
Spells Needed: Energy Bolt (7), Electric Arc (8) and Power
Weapon (35).
Physical Requirements: The standard bionic weapon system or hand slightly modified with copper wire and plating. Takes about 65 hours of work to modify and enchant.
Cost: Standard cost of the bionic weapon or hand plus 100,000 for the TW conversion.

A pistol and revolver version of this is also available for only 50,000 credits. The gun version holds six shots but costs 12 P.P.E. or 24 I.S.P. to magically reload with another six shots.
Weapon Stats:
Damage: Electric Arc
— 2D6
Electro-Fist — 2D6 M.D. plus the 'Borg's normal punch damage.
Even a gentle touch will inflict 1D6 M.D.
Electric Arc — Instant
Electro-Fist — one melee round (15 seconds)
Range: Forearm weapon or handgun: 200 feet (61 m).
Bionic Hand: Melee combat/hand to hand.
P.P.E. Cost to Activate Electro-Fist: 8 P.P.E. or 161.S.P.
P.P.E. Cost to Fire Forearm Gun: 8 P.P.E. or 16 I.S.P. per
ranged, arcing blast.
Note: Cannot have both an electrical forearm weapon and electro- fist; select one or the other.
Flaming Retractable Sword
A seemingly ordinary retractable blade or Vibro-Blade that becomes a magical flaming sword when sufficient P.P.E. or I.S.P. has been pumped in to activate its magic. The activation counts as one melee action and the blade can be no smaller than a short sword.
Creation Stats:
Initial P.P.E. Cost:
Spells Needed: Fire Bolt (7) and Power Weapon (35)
Physical Requirements: The standard bionic weapon and two rubies worth 1000 credits each. Takes about 60 hours of work to build.
Cost: Standard cost of the bionic weapon plus 55,000 for the
TW conversion.
Weapon Stats:

Damage: 4D6 M.D.
Duration: Two minutes (8 melee rounds).
Range: Hand to hand melee combat.
P.P.E. Cost to Activate: 7 P.P.E. or 14 I.S.P.
Cost: Standard cost of the bionic weapon (30,000) plus 70,000 credits for the TW conversion.

Non-Weapon Techno-Wizard Devices

Eyes of Thoth Reading Glasses
(By Jason Richards). A pair of glasses (no lenses necessary) with several small topaz stones lining the earpieces. Worn like normal al glasses, but let the user read any language
(but not magic wards, circles or symbols).
Requirements to Create: Ten small topaz totaling about 300 credits/dollars. An old set of frames isthe only other physical requirement. The spells required arc Eyes of Thoth (8) and an Energy Bolt (5) and an initial 375 P.P.E. P.P.E. Cost to
Activate: 10 points or 20 I.S.P. Duration: 10 minutes per activation.
Cost: 8000 to 20,000 credits. Can also be installed in visors, helmets of body armor, and similar optics for an additional 30%. Poor availability (new); in high demand among scholars, scientists and practitioners of magic.

Language Translator (By Jason Richards). The device is made from a walkie-talkie or small radio transmitter and receiver with one ,large Quartz and three small garnets in the center or each the transmitter and receiver. The translator can be hand-held or attached to a strap around the neck, and the receiver is placed on an earpiece of some sort, usually a large set of headphones. When the transmitter is placed over one' s Adam' s Apple it translates what that character is saying into another
language, via the spell "Tongues: ' Likewise, the receiver translates any unknown, foreign words into the base language of the user, provided it is set to translate that language. Up to five languages can be
installed at the base price, but as many as another 100 languages can be added for the cost of 160 credits each.
Requirements to Create: Two large quartz worth roughly 150 credits each and six garnets worth 50 each. Also needs an old radio or walkie-talkie and requires the spells Tongues (12) and Energy Bolt (5). Total P.P.E. to make: 300. P.P.E. to Activate: to points or 20 I.S.P.
Duration: to minutes. Cost: 15,00()"30,OOO credits. Fair to poor availability.

Magic Respirator & Air Mask (By Jason Richards). A breathing apparatus that helps a severely injured person breathe. It is made of a breath mask or filter with two medium qUaJ1Z at the top where the bridge of the nose fits. An accordion-looking tube is attached at about the chin and moves in and out when the mask is active.
Requirements to Create: 80 P.P.E., a breath mask or filter and two clear quartz worth 50 credits each. Creation Spells: Energy Bolt (5), Breath e Without Air (5), and Wind Rush (20). P.P.E. Cost to Activate: 5 points or 10 I.S.P.
Duration: 15 minutes. Effect: Temporarily breathes for a patient. It offers a +40% to save versus coma or death if the trauma is respiratory related and offers a +2 save against smoke or toxin inhalation. It canalso function as an air mask, making the wearer impervious to inhaled toxins including magic smoke. fumes and clouds. Cost: 13,000-20.000 credits. Easily three times as much on the Black Market. Fair to poor availability. TW Medical devices are generally a rare commodity in high demand.

Night Goggles. Magic goggles that enable a person to see in the dark and sec the invisible. Range of vision is 120 feet (36.5 m). Costs 25 P.P.E. or SO J.S.P. to activate. Duration is 15 minutes. Initial creation cost P.P.E.: 140, modified Eyes of the Wolf spell. Market Value: 50,000 credits.

Psi-Blocker Helmet. This is an impressive Techno-Wizard version of the CS helmet that is considered the ultimate protect ion against psionic attacks and probes. P.P.E. Cost to Make: 100. Spells Needed: Mute (50). See Aura (6), Befuddle (3), Energy Disruption ( 12), and
Frequency Jamming (15). Physical Requirements: Tounnaline crystals and an M.D.C. helmet, modified with electrodes and the occasional quartz crystal. Psionic Abilities: None. Fundamentally the same as a Mind Block, plus the wearer is impervious to See Aura, Sense Evil. And Remote Viewing (the psychic gets no reading) and is +2 to save vs. psionic mind control and magic illusions, and +1 to save vs possession.
Penalties: None, except the character is closed to dangerous and beneficial probes and communications alike. If worn by a Psychic he is completely "closed" to psychic impressions/sensitivity and psionic
communication, and cannot use psi-sensitive powers. Cost to Charge and Recharge the Helmet: 10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P. per every 30 minutes of protection. Cost: 250,000+ credits; rare and cove ted.

" Psi-Blood hound" Psi-Tracker, TW scanner device that resembles a hand-held computer or mini-radar system. It can detect psionic energy within 400 feet (122 m) at 01•89% efficiency, and can pinpoint thesource or sources (can identify up to five specific targets. typically zeroing in on the five most powerfu l). The Bloodhound is not only capable of detecting psionic. But it will indicate the approximate level ofpower: low (Minor), medium (Major), high (Master Psychic) and off the scale (suggesting an experienced Master Psionic or superhuman being). Unfortunately. It cannot discriminate between mortals and supernatural beings or creatures of magic.
Maximum Effective Range: 400 feet (122 m) at maximum efficiency (89010). Reduce effectiveness by 15% for each additional 100 feet (30.5 m) or any increment thereof; so at 401 to 500 feet ( 122 to 152 m) the accuracy of a reading is 740/.. at 600 feet (183 m) it is 59% and so on. Cost: 80,000 to 100,000 credits ; poor availability.

Psychic Camera.
A regular camera modified with a clear quartz crystal lens. It can store up to 100 images on ordinary film and can photograph the invisible, including entities, spirits, Astral Travelers, and the magically invisible (the user can also see the invisible through the magic lens). Any psychic with the telepathy power can also leave mental " images" on the crystal film. like snapshots, merely by touching
the camera and concentrating on the image sent (takes one melee round/ IS seconds). Psychics with the power of Remote Viewing or Machine Ghost can mentally read/sec the pictures without developing the
film, they only need 10 touch the camera and concentrate (sees 25 per melee round). P.P.E. Cost to Make: 55. Spells Needed : See the Invisible (4), See Aura (6), Sense Evil (2) and Globe of Daylight (2). Physical Requirements:
The mechanical camera with modified crystal lens and ordinary film. Rate of Fire: One aimed photo shot counts as one melee action , or three unairncd. wild snaps of the shutter count as one melee action. Effective Range:
Varies with lens; standard 3-300 feet (0.9 to 91.5 m). TW Macro and Telescopic lenses add to the range and cost 5000 credits. Payload: 100 photographs per standard roll or disc of film. Cost to Charge and Recharge the Camera : 8 P.P.E. or 16 l.S.P. (8
I.S.P. for 50 snapshots) . Cost: 50,000+ credits; poor availability.

SCUBA Wet Suit and Diving Gear (TW).
A special. Breathe without air respirator with a small air tank attached. Is worn instead of the normal air tanks and hose. Costs 5 P.P.E. to activate. Duration is 20
minutes, but can be instantly refilled/reactivated by an additional 5 P.P.E. or 10 I.S.P. Also effective against toxic fumes or in an airless environment. Initial creation cost in P.P.E.: 200; plus Breathe Without

Air spoil.
Market Value: 10,000 credits. Shadow Cloak . This pitch-black cloak is sized for humans, and
will not *** those larger. The Cloak gives the wearer some power over shadows, allowing them to hide or distract the enemy. The Cloak is quite fragile and not intended as armor. M.D.C. of the Cloak: 15. Magical Powers: I. Shadow Meld ( 10 P.P.E. to activate), same as the spell at 5th level power ( 10 minutes max). 2. The wearer can create the appearance that their shadow has come to life, moving and distracting opponents; fundamentally the same as the Shadows of Death Necromancy
spell (45 P.P.E. to activate). The wearer gains an Horror Factor of 12, and opponents suffer -2 on all combat bonuses. Bonus: +20% to hide in shadows (when not Shadow Melding). Spells required: The two above plus Cloak of Darkness (6), Invincible Anno r (30) and Energize Spell ( 12). Cost: 200,000-300,000 credits.
These are nifty little devices that use a variation of the Globe of Silence spell to totally negate all sound from the weapon being tired. They can be used on magic firearms or conventional weapons.
TW Silencers look just like ordinary silencers except for a trio of magic symbols, and a black or dark blue crystal. Initial P.P.E. Cost: 45. Spells Needed: Energy blolt (5) and Globe of Silence (20). Physical Requirements: A length of tubing that attaches to the muzzle of the weapon (not applicable to shotguns, machine-guns or rail guns), plus three magic symbols, and a black or dark blue crystal worth 200 credits or more. Takes about 3D4 hours to build.
Effective Range:
Reduces the weapon' s range by 10%, but completely muffles all sounds from the weapon. P.P.E, Cost to Charge & Recharge the Item: 10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P. for 10 silenced blasts. Payload: A fully charged TW Silencer will obliterate the sound of 10 gun shots. To recharge the silencer to muffle another 10 shots, the shooter must concentrate and pump in the appropriate amount of P.P.E. (or I.S.P.) into the magic silencer; counts as one melee action (takes 2-3 seconds). Cost: 15,000 credits; fair availability. A favorite of gamblers, highwaymen, bounty hunters and assassins.

Super Swimmer Diver' s Suit,
This is a simple air mask and skin-diver's wet suit with a crazy looking contraption built into the belt. The gizmo instills the magic powers of Swim As A Fish and Breathe
Without Air. Costs 11 P.P.E. or 22 I.S.P. to activate. Duration: 15 minutes. Initial creation cost in P.P.E.: 600. Market Value: 50,000 credits.

Thieves' Gloves.
The gloves appear to be normal leather with a metal plate on the top, knuckle part with wires running along the scam of the fingers, with crystal studs on the knuckles. They give the wearer
the power of magic concealment (palming) and escape. Requires 16 P.P.E. or 32 I.S.P. to activate. Duration is 15 minutes. Initial creation cost in P,P.E,: 200, plus Concealment and Escape spells, Market Value: 250,000 credits (the gloves' sale is prohibited in many towns).

Thought Projector.
Light years ahead of any comparable holographic projector that can be made using conventional technology, the TW Thought Projector can be used by psychics to transform their thoughts into moving pictures with sound. The projector is a small camera-like device, with a wire frame contraption worn on the head of the psychic, transmitting his thoughts into moving, three dimensional images. The wearer of the thought transmitter must be within 60 feet ( 18.3 m) of the projector. P.P.E. Cost to Make: 120. Spells Needed: Globe of Daylight (2), Apparition (20), Illusion Manipulation (60) and Distant Voice (10). Physical Requirements: The mechanical camera with modified crystal lens and transmitter helmet/cap. Duration: Up to 10 minutes per I.S.P. charge.
Effective Range of the Projection:
Up to 100 feet (30.5 m) away (double at ley lines). Cost to Charge and Recharge the Projector: 20 P.P.E. or 10 I.S.P. {yes, in this case it requires I.S.P. than P.P.E. Cost: 90,000+ credits; poor availability.

Techno-Wizard Cyborg’s Bone hunter ( roll 4d6 how they get also after that 2 per level)

1. Major Psychic
2. Lore: Dinosaurs
3. Lore: Swamps & Everglades
4. Trail Blazing
5. Track Animals
6. Track Dinosaurs
7. Land Navigation:
8. Cross-Country Pacing
9. Cartography
10. Roadwise
11. Spelunking:
12. Stalking:
13. Sign Language
14. . Natural Poison and Disease Resistance
15. Empathy with animals
16. Nero-Armor/weapon
17. Sense a Rift:
18. Sense Magic in Use
19. Dimension Sense
20. Night vision & See the Invisible
21. Abilities against Demons and Deevils
22. Hide Scent/ P.P.E/I.S.P:
23. Can cast spells
24. Melees specialist W.P Melee or modern Range weapon or heavy specialist or Sharpshooting Specialty

O.C.C Skills: all get the following all hunter
Math: Basic (+ 10%)
Language, Native: Standard.
Language, Foreign: Four of choice (+ 15%).
Literacy, Native: Standard.
Literacy, Foreign: Four of choice (+20%).
Law (General, +25%)
Intelligence (+20%)
Computer Operation (+ 15%)
Radio: Basic (+ 15%)
Pilot: Two of choice (+5% each ).
W.P. Knife or Blunt (pick one)
W.P. Pistol or Revolver (pick one)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. of choice (any).one

O.C.C Skill Related Skills:
Select four other skills . Plus select one additional skill at levels three, six, nine, and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: None.
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: Basic only.
Espionage: None, other than possible M.O.S. skills.
Horseman ship: Any.
Mechanical: Automotive and Basic Mechanics only.
Medical: First aid, other than possible M.O.S. skills.
Military: Any (+ I0%),
Physical: Any, .
Pilot: Basic vehicle types only; or M.O.S
Pilot Related: ANY.
Rogue: Any.
Science: any
Technical: Any (+5%).
W.P. : Any, .
Wilderness: any

Secondary Skills:
The character also gets four Secondary Skills at levels one, three, five, ten, and fifteen. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All start at the base skill level and normal restrictions apply.

Communications: Any, except Cryptography, Laser, Surveillance Systems, and TV & Video.
Cowboy: any .
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: Basic Electronics and Computer Repair only.
Espionage: None.
Horsemanship: any
Mechanical: Automotive Mechanics and Basic Mechanics only.
Medical: Animal Husbandry and First Aid only.
Military: Camouflage and Recognize Weapon Quality only.
Physical: Hand to Hand: Basic, Aerobic Athletics, Athletics (General), Body Building & Weightlifting, Climbing, Running, and Swimming only.
Pilot: Automobile, Motorcycles, Hovercycle, Hover Craft, Motor and Sail Boats and recreational vehicles like Bicycles and Kayaks only.
Pilot Related: None.
Rogue: Gambling only.
Science: Astronomy & Navigation, and Basic and Advanced Mathematics only.
Technical: Any (excluding outer space skills available in some Dimension
W.P.s Ancient (Melee Weapons): Any, except W.P. Deadfall,
Wilderness: Any, except , Use Song lines


Body armor
Will have 1d6 permanent armored bone armored ,1d20 of each light medium and heavy 1d10+1 basic exo-suit
1d4 TW armored
1d6 different type for each pistols , rifle , 1d10 MDC melees weapons ,1d20 SDC melee weapons
1d10 other type
Several caches 1d10 in the area ,city 1d6 urban area 1d4 but if have helps add+2
legacy weapon a 30% pick 1d4

Body armored
Homespun Armor (Special):
A piecemeal, non-environmental body armor made from Dinosaur hide and bone, or from M.D.C. scraps from high-tech body armor, vehicles and other M.D.C. materials. M.D.C. of main body - 26+2d6, M.D.C. of Limbs - 1D1O+6. M.D.C. of helmet – 2d6+30. Mobility Penalties: -5% to Prowl, Swim, and other skills that require ample freedom of movement. Sometimes added to body armor

Armor: Wears a full suite of leather made from dragon hide that has 180 M.D.C. and looks similar to gladiator armor

Dragon Armor
A suit of metal scale armor that is impervious to Dragon's breath (any), and heat and fire of all kinds, including Mega-Damage plasma blasts and magical fire. The upper body and the majority of this suit of armor (70%) must be scale armor and bone, but can also include pieces that are full metal plate, like forearm braces or gauntlets, or chain mail or other comparatively light and flexible materials (leather, M.D.C. plastics or ceramics, etc.) to cover parts of the arms, legs, or groin area.
M.D.C. 125 scale armor bone varies 50 MDC and up plus is permeant and heal too
Weight: 20-25 pounds (9 to 11.2 kg).
Fair mobility; a penalty of -5% applies to the skills prowl, climb, swim, acrobatics, and gymnastics.
P.P.E. Cost 210

Bone hunter’s favorite robot for speed Rift Hawk Power Armor
Flex armored 44 MDC plus 3d6 MDC (44 MD to 60 MD) either EVA or not PLAYER CHIOCE !!!! this is recently add and TW add 4 magic features from TW then bone armor rules
Flex environmental armor light (3d6+44 M.D.C.)
ALL armored have the following
A) Helmet
mini-spotlight and camera turret with two small, but high-powered lights (1000 foot/305 m range). The turret can slide forward and back on top of the helm et, tum side to side
180 degrees, and has an up and down arc of 45 degrees; responds to voice command. The camera can record up to 96 hours per mini-disc or transmit live feed to a mobile command base. Can blind enemy aim at the face and targets get a 1d6+1 to strike, roll , and dodge
B) Built-in Geiger counter.
C) Bio-Comp Monitor (of the wearer) .
D) Built-in sensory
system that identifies and measures air temperature, humidity, toxins in the air and can detect active biological agents that are a hazard to humans.
E) Electromagnetic gripping boots
used for walking on and climbing metal structures, the hull of a ship, etc. Electromagnetic hand pads are either kept in a backpack or hooked in a special carrying case on the hip.

F)Robot Floater Camera :
Also known as “Spy Cam,” “the Police Eye,” and just “Floater,” the Robot Floater Camera is a small, hovering robot camera the size of small lunchbox . It is often used to fly ahead to surveillance what might lie ahead, record police operations and interrogations, record evidence or hang back to film any confrontation that may transpire. “Stealth Mode” in the dark enables
the camera to “see” and film using a passive light amplification system. The Spy Cam connects wirelessly to the Heads Up Display in the helmet, enabling one to as many as six Enforcer Guardsmen to see what it sees in real time. It is also connected to the Criminal I.D. Recognition System of one Enforcer Guardsman to identify any known desperados it may encounter. It also has a small light that
can be directed like a flashlight and a laser distancer to identify distance and paint locations. The range for the light is 200 feet (61 m) and 600 feet (183 m) for the laser distancer. The Floater Camera is not designed for speed nor can it fly at great heights. Thus, it is not deployed during high-speed chases, but more measured and slow-moving situations.
Statistical Data:
Speed: 10 mph (16 km) maximum. The drone can hover stationary, move at slow speeds to keep pace with investigating police, move up and down, side to side, forward and backward.
Altitude: 1000 feet maximum.
Height: 9 inches (23 cm).
Width: 6 inches (15 cm).
Length: 18 inches (46 cm).
Weight: 7 lbs (3 kg).
M.D.C. by Location:
* Central Lens – 2
* Hover Jets (2 side, 2 bottom, 2 back) – 4 each
Main Body – 18
* An asterisk means a small and difficult target to hit and requires a Called Shot to strike, and even then the attacker is -12 to Strike if it is hovering stationary and -8 to strike if it is moving.
Physical Strength: None.
Bonus: +9 to dodge attacks and falling debris.
Cargo: None.
Power System: Battery with 960 hours of life.

Navy Body Armor
This was legacy weapon constant dangers of Rifts Earth are such that Navy personnel not safe even inside an armored juggernaut. To protect its people. The New Navy has issued a version of the combat armor commonly used in pre-Rift s days. This bod y armor is lighter and more comfortable than
the Marine ' s combat armor which is issued to all combat personnel , it can mean the difference between life and death for a Bone solider . The armor consists of a fully padded body suit with a helmet; not required on duty except while under threat of attack. The armor has special flotation devices that add +5% 10 swimming rolls and serves as a life jacket. It has all the features common 10 modem body armor (Rifts RPG. page 209 ).
• M.D.C.: 45
• Weight: 11 Ibs
• Excellent Mobility; -5% on the performance of prowl and other physical skills such as gymnastics.
• Maximum Depth: 1000 feet (305 m); ruptures at greater depths.
This is one of the items commonly traded or sold outs ide the New Navy .

This is legacy weapon Marine Combat Armor
This was a legacy heavy bod y armor has some superficial similarities to 20th Century helmets and flak jackets, but it has the addition of a face plate/mask , can be made airtight in an instant and has limited life support
, as well as a built-in radio, insulation and all features common to environmental bod y armor (us listed in the Rift s RPG, page 209 ). Comes in olive green, forest-jungle camouflage pattern. and beige brown desert camouflage pattern . Marine Combat armor is manufactured at bot h bases (as are all energy weapons) .
• M.D.C.: 85
• Weight: 2,1 lbs (9.5 kg)
• Good Mobility: - 10% on the performance of prowl and other physical skills such as gymnastics .

Legacy technology
Must have Chaos book

NEMA armor This is legacy weapon designed before of the fall of man civilization to provide maximum M.D.C. protection while affording good flexibility and mobility. The helmet is reinforced and padded, with a large poly-ceramic glassvisor for clear line of vision and full peripheral vision . The visor is light sensitive, automatically darkening, like transition sunglasses in bright light, and UV coated to protect the eyes . Targeting sights , coded messages, schematics, body armor system , damage reports, and other information is projected on the visor via the Heads Up Display (HUD) system. The built-in audio system with voice actuated radio makes hands-free communications easy and also provides a megaphone projection system to magnify the wearer's voice to address fugitives and criminals at a distance. Air filters and re-breather apparatus purge and clean the air. The overall helmet design is comfortable to wear. The overlapping body plates are made of a new, lightweight, Mega-Damage material to provide lightweight maximum protection. The chest is reinforced and the abdomen is protected by a revolutionary flexi-plate system of armor that bends and slides to provide excellent mobility at the mid-section. The high armored collar protects the neck and the armor clips together like ski-boots, with Velcro strips and fasteners to hold pieces snugly in place. The armor is a clean , simple design of predominantly one color with a second color to denote trim and accents . The different colored armors simply denote different divisions
within NEMA.
The armor offers Mega-Damage protection and complete environmental systems, making it a self-contained unit, like a spacesuit. Air filters, circulation and cooling, and independent oxygen supply (engages as needed) mean the wearer is protected from foul smells, toxic fumes, gas attacks , smoke , ash, pollutants and airborne particles. The suit is also radiation proof. The soldier becomes vulnerable only when the armored suit is breached or severely compromised. (Note: The armor's M.D.C.
must be reduced to 15 points or less for a life threatening breach to appear and the environmental systems to fail. When the M.D.C. is reduced to zero, the amour is so battered and full of
holes that it no longer offers Mega-Damage protection. At that stage it is equal to an A.R. 7, so even most S.D.C. attacks will penetrate and do damage direct to the body of the wearer.)
Class: EBA-130 Environmental Body Armor . Unisex design , same for males and females. Opponents cannot distinguish males from females until close enough to see the face, though females have slighter builds , and tend to be a bit smaller and shorter. Roughly 38% of all NEMA troops are females , some divisions are 50/50 or close to it.
Size: Human equivalent.
Weight: 12 pounds (5.4 kg).
M.D.C. by Location:
Head/ Helmet - 70
Arms - 60 each
Legs - 80 each
Main Body - 120
Mobility: Good ; -5% to climb and -10% to prowl , swim, perform acrobatics and similar physical skills/performance.
Special Weapon Systems or Features:
Complete environmental battle armor (EBA) suitable for use in all hostile environments including underwater, toxic
clouds of gas and outer space .
Computer controlled life support system that monitors and displays bio-data of the wearer as well as the capacity and failure of life support systems and damage to the amour. The wearer will know approximately how much M.D.C. is remaining and whether or not the armor has been breached.
A computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Five hour oxygen supply.
Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration , humidifier.
Internal, voice actuated support computer and database. This secondary computer provides mathematical computations and serves as a database of basic military information, protocol,
rules, laws and procedure. It also includes NEMA and military troop and vehicle recognition and identification based on verbal description or optical link (if it' s not a friendly , it' s probably an
enemy). The computer can also read and do math for the soldier. This is done either by spoken word or with an optic link or multi-optic eye patch or bionic eye linked to the computer.
Optional optic link attached to the armor, usually on the shoulder. This is a small camera about the size of digital camera or cell phone. It sends a constant live feed of everything the trooper sees and hears to a command post or mobile unit. Range of trans miss ion is three miles (4.8 km), half that in or near ley lines due to dimensional and magical energy interference.
Built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
Directional, short-rang e radio built into the helmet. Range
is five miles (8 km).
Internal coo ling and temperature control.
Insulated, high-temperature resistant shielding for up to 300 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, magic fires and Mega-Damage fire and heat do full
Radiation shielded.
Polarized and light- sensitive visor with a tint that automatically adjusts to the level of available light.
The helmet can be completely removed whole or just the top bowl and visor , or just the lower jaw portions with the air filter, re-breather and radio.
Ammo and supply waist belt, shoulder belts , and shoulder
holsters are all standard issue. Pilots and officers have the choice of shoulder or hip holster.
Special optic and nightvision goggles can be s lid into place over the helmet.
Color: The different colored armor indicate different

Class : This is legacy weapon FR-EX 220 Environmental Body Armor. Unisex design, same for males and females . Opponents cannot distinguish males from females, though females have slighter builds, and tend to be a bit smaller and shorter. Approximately 35% are female.
Size: Human equivalent; adds eight inches to the height of the wearer.
Weight: 50 pounds (31.5 kg) , but the robotic exoskeleton disperses the weight and augments the wearer' s strength so it feels lighter than the standard EBA.
Color: Yellow with silvery grey face plate and orange and black accents.
M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet - 100
Upper Arms - 80 each
Forearms - 80 each
Legs - 90 each
Main Body - 150
Mobility: Good (augmented by exoskeleton); -5% to climb and -15% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics and similar demanding physical skills/performance.

NEMA body armor with the following additions.
1. Light Laser Tool:
Used for cutting and welding. The triangulated beams fire from the two small holes in the top of the forearm casing to form one high-intensity beam.
Four settings : 1D6 S.D.C., 4D6 S.D.C. , 2D4x 10 S.D .C. and 1D4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shot, each counting as one melee attack or a sustained beam to cut and weld.
Range: 10 feet (3 m).
Payload: 20 shots per standard E-Clip.
2. Laser Distancer:
Measures and indicates the exact distance of a target or item . Effective range: 1000 feet (305m). Maximum range: 2000 feet (610 m) with a 20% margin
for error. Built into the underside of the wrist in the forearm armor.
3. HUD Multi-Screen:
A Heads Up Display (HUD) that can project data, charts or transmissions on the visor of the helmet for the wearer to see . As many as six different viewing sections/images can be projected without impairing the vision of the wearer.

4. Optical Enhancements:
Hidden behind the face plate, the Roscoe can call upon a battery of optic systems that slide into place as needed. Passive nightvision (2000 feet/61 0 m range), telescopic (20 x magnification , 6000 feet/1830 m range), macro-lens (6x magnification), thermo - imager
(1000 feet/305 m range) and light filters.
5. Exoskeleton Bonuses:
Adds the following bonuses and capabilities to the wearer : + 12 to P.S. (equal to bionic strength) , + 14 to Spd, + 20 feet to the length and height of leaps , and reduce the rate of fatigue by 60%.
6. Insulated,
high-temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade . Normal fires do no damage.
Nuclear, plasma, magic fires and Mega-Damage fire and heat do 10% less damage than usual.

Vibro tech rifts earth
Vibro-Fire Axe: Axe Blade:
2d6+2 M.D. or 3d6 S.D.C. when used as a conventional blade weapon. Studded Handle: 2d4+2 (or 1d10) S.D.C., Spiked Handle (end ): 2d4 S.D.C. for stabbing attacks, and Blunt Handle Strike: 1d6 S.D.C.; add P.S. attribute and/o r Hand to Hand combat skill damage bonuses (if any) to S.D.C . based attacks.
1d6 M.D.
Vibro-Saber (short word): 2d4 M.D.
Vibro-Sword (larger, one-handed sword) :
2d6 M.D.
Giant-Sized Sword :
4d6 M.D. ; sometimes used by oversized power armor suits.
Vibro-Forearm Claws:
2d6 M.D., usually two or three hooked blades sometimes attached to a forearm gauntlet or protective plate. Great for parrying and slashing.
The corresponding ancient Weapon Proficiency skills (W.P. Knife , W.P. Sword, W.P. Axe) and bonuses from those skills apply to both conventional S.D.C. weapons and to Vibro-blades. Claws fall into the W.P. Knife category.

Rifts Earth Modern weapons

M-20 Assault Rifle
This pre-Rift s weapon was Rile of the last. Non-energy weapon s still in service when the Great Cataclysm struck the Earth. II resembles the M- 16A I with a semi-automatic grenade launcher. It is primarily an S.D.C. weapon although bursts of advanced arm or piercing rounds can inflict minor mega-damage and the grenades can inflict mega-damage.
10 lbs (5.4 kg) fully loaded. Each ammo clip weighs one lb.(2.7 kg).
SDC-Damage: 7.62 mm
Single normal round does 4d6 S.D.C. a single armor piercing (A P) round does
1D4x 10 S.D.C.: a short burst of 8 normal rounds doe s one M.D. point of damage:
AP rounds do three M.D.
There are three types of grenades, all are smaller and inflict less damage than the LAWS. Fragmentation: 3D4 M.D. to a 10 foo t (3 m) blast area . plasma/napalm: 4D6 M.D. to a six foot ( 1.8 m) blast area and
sets flammable material on fire. AP: 3D 6 M.D.. or smoke (no damage; creates a cloud of smoke that encompasses a 20 ft/6 m radius. last 2D4 minutes).

MD Damage :
7.62 mm NOTE: ak-47
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D single round light
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D single round heavy
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3 M.D ,
1d6 M.D two round Burst
2d4+1 M.D three rounds Burst
2d6 M.D four round Burst
4d6 M.D eight round Burst
5D6 M.D for a 10 round Burst
1D6X10 M.D for a 20 round Burst

5D8X10 OR 4 M.D single round heavy
2D4 M.D for a 2 round Burst
2D6 M.D for a 3 round Burst
4D4 M.D for a 4 round Burst
5D4 M.D for a 5 round Burst
4D6 M.D for a 6 round Burst
4D8 M.D for a 8 round Burst
6D6 M.D for a 9 round Burst
1D4X10 M.D for a 10 round Burst
1D6X10 M.D for a 15 round Burst
2D4X10 M.D for a 20 round Burst

Add a TW rifle under barrel standard to heavy or Grenade launcher

Rate of Fire:
Bullets: one round at a time or short bursts of eight rounds.
Automatically regulated by the weapon system for controlled bursts. A single shot or controlled burst counts as one melee attack.

Grenades can only be fired one at a time; each grenade fired counts as one melee attack/action. Laser Targeting Bonus: +2 strike at targets within 1200 feet (366 01): no bonus for shooting without targeting enhancement or beyond 1200 feet,'

Maximum Effective Range:
2000 feet (6 10 m) for rifle rounds; 1200 feet (366 m) for the laser guidance system and grenade launcher.

Four round grenade capacity (loaded by hand. takes about five seconds). 64 round cartridge magazine/clip . Replacing a clip counts as one melee attack/action and typically takes about three seconds.

The Savage Pump-Action Rifle
A compromise between accuracy and rate of fire, the pump action rifle is an attempt to shorten the gap between the first shot and the sometimes necessary follow-up shot. The Savage is
still a firmly crafted firearm, but the addition of many more moving parts than the Legacy bolt-action means that some of the accuracy is lost, and the reduction in the size of the cartridge
means that some of the range and power is lost as well. Regardless,
it is still a superb, custom crafted weapon.
Weight: 91bs (4 kg).
Cartridge: .300 Short Magnum.
4D6 S.D.C. Damage
4d6 MD Damage
Rate of Fire: Each single shot counts as one melee attack/action.
Firing the weapon and running the slide to chamber a new round
are done with the same action.
Effective Range: 1700 feet (518 m).
Payload: 5 round detachable box magazine. Cost: 9,500 credits for a quality rifle, but 14,300 credits for a custom-made weapon. Ammunition costs 400 credits per box of 100 rounds.

Special Bonuses:
Because of their precision craftsmanship, anyone firing a Savage pump-action rifle receives a +3to strike on aimed shots. When fired by the specific individual the weapon
was custom made for, it also provides a bonus of +4 to strike on aimed shots. However, this is not a "standard" bonus to strike. For the purposes of dice rolls, this is a Natural Bonus to Strike, meaning that a die roll of 19 (or 20) on a 20-sided die, before other bonuses to strike are applied, is actually read as a Natural 20 and is a critical strike (inflicts double damage). This increases the lethality of the weapon, making it ideal for precision shots for big game hunting and sniping.

MD Damage Grenades Damage

A heavy-duty, all-purpose S.D.C. weapon made of plastic and lightweight materials. The reduced weight and precision balance make skilled shooters more accurate. A standard side arm for officers and police operations in non-Mega-Damage situations.
Weight: 1.6 Ibs (0.72 kg).
5D6 S.D.C. per single shot or ID6x I0 S.D.C. per three
round burst (one round typically misses or grazes the target).
May substitute rubber bullets for riot control which do ID4 damage per round or 2D4 per three round burst; reduce range by 30%.
Rate of Fire :
Single shot or three round burst, either counts as one melee attack though the burst is less accurate.
Maximum Effective Range: 200 feet (6 1 m).
Payload : 18 round clip .
Bonuses: +2 to strike on an aimed/called shot only. No bonus for bursts and wild shooting

NEMA 5.56 mm Assault Rifle
A heavy-du ty, all-purpose S.D .C. weapon made of plastic and lightweight materials. The reduced weight and precision balance make skilled shooters more accurate.
6 Ibs (2.7 kg).
5d6 S.D.C. per single shot or 2d4x10+10 I0 S.D.C. per three round burst. May substitute rubber bullets for riot control which do 1d6 damage per round or 3d4+1 per three round burst, reduce range of rubber bullets by 30%
5.56 MM M.D.C rounds: NATO Round, M4/M16 5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D for a 2 round Burst
1D6 M.D for a 3 round Burst
2D4 or 1d8 M.D for a 4 round Burst
1D10 M.D for a 5 round burst
2D6 M.D for a 6 round Burst
3d6 M.D for a 8 round Burst
5d4X10 M.D for a 10 round Burst
5d6 X10 M.D for a 15 round Burst
1D4X10 M.D for a 20 round Burst
1D6X10 M.D for a 30 round Burst
2D4X10 M.D for a 40 round Burst

Rate of Fire : Single shot or three round burst, either counts as
one melee attack though the burst is less accurate.
Range : 1400 feet (427 m).
Payload: Standard 48 round clip or 144 round drum .
Bonuses: + I to strike on an aimed/called shot only. No bonus for bursts and wild shooting.
Note: Quick learners, NATA ,NATO,NAMES is manufacturing silver coated rounds for both the automat pistol and assault rifle

Fusion Blocks rifts earth
Mainly E.O.D or spy or recon bone solider will have twice as much A fusion block is a little square case about the size of a hand-held computer. On top of the block is a small key pad for programming the time of detonation. An automatic 30 second delay is built into each fusion bomb as a safety feature to avoid
instant detonation.
Mega-Damage: There are three types of fusion block bombs.
Light: ID4x I0 M.D.; cost: 1000 credits.
Medium : 2D6x I0 M.D.; cost: 3000 credits .
Heavy: 4D6x 10 M.D.C .; cost: 8000 credits.
Blast Radius: Each has a contained blast radius of 10 feet (3 m).
The blocks are made for placement, not throwing or shooting, however one can try throwing the explosive , typical range is ID6x I0 feet (3 to 18 m); fusion blocks are not aerodynamic. bone solider will learn to use on Mini missile 1 mile range or short range missile AKA heavy missile look picture below
Bone weapons covered up with bone armored
http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/ ... 7rkc02.jpg
http://keltsacoi.deviantart.com/art/Bon ... -469561538
Bone weapons page 1 of 2by Keltsacoi
Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / Sci-Fi©2014 Keltsacoi
Some ideation bone weapon sketches for my form Language class at CDA.

ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (New Babylon).
This was a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-Clip in one single shot! The shortcomings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes two melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble). Also, they use up E-Clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it.
3D6x 10+20 M.D. per shot
Rate of Fire:
Single shot only. Each shot empties an entire E-Clip!
3,000 feet (914 m)
1 shot per Standard model but improved version has a drum clip and back as well can be combined Drum/ammo belt clip 10 shot back pack 30 shot ,able to hold 40 shot total E-Clip.
Cost: 100,000 credits; poor availability even in South America.
M.D.C ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle 120 , Drum 20 /ammo 15 , back pack45 can add bone armored

Rifts earth: Hand Grenades
Smaller explosive canisters designed for throwing and exploding.
Fragmentation: 2D6 M.D. to a 20 foot (6 m) area.
Light High Explosive: 3D6 M.D. to a 6 foot ( 1.8 m) area.
Heavy High Explosive : 4D6 M.D. to a 6 foot ( 1.8 m) area.
Plasma: 5D6 M.D. to a 12 foot area (3.6 m) area .
Effective Range Throwing a Grenade: About 40 yards/meters ( 120 feet/36 m).

Stun Flash Grenade:
This riot/anti-terrorist weapon is designed to disorient and confuse criminals who are holding hostages
in confined places. The grenade makes a loud exploding boom and emits a bright flash followed by a shower of white-hot spark and some white smoke. The flash, burning sparks, and smoke should blind and startle any character without environmental armor or protective goggles. The victim s of a
stun flash grenade are -12 to strike, parry and dodge, -Ion initiative and lose one melee attack/action for the next 1D4+1melee rounds ( 15 to 60 seconds). Even those in armor should be momentarily
distracted for 1D4 seconds and lose initiative.

Tear Gas Grenade:
The gas will instantly affect all characters without protective masks or environmental body armor. The
eyes bum , sting and water profusely , causing great discomfort and making clear sight impossible. The gas also makes breathing difficult and irritate s exposed skin. The effects last for 3D4 minutes. The 25 foot (7.6 m) cloud dissipates in about five minutes unless blown away by wind (dissipating more quick ly in ID4 minutes). The victim s of tear gas are -10 to strike, parry and dodge, -3 on initiative and lose one melee attack/action for each of the next ID6+ I melee round s. Those in environmental armor are completely safe and not affected. Cost: 100 credits.

Smoke Grenades:
This type of grenade releases a thick cloud of smoke that cover a 20 to 40 foot (6 to 12 m) radius.
The smoke obscures vision in and through the cloud from those on the outside of it. Infrared cannot penetrate a smoke cloud or be used inside a smoke cloud. Those inside the cloud will be
blinded and have trouble breathing while inside it. Those who are not protected by environmental suits or gas masks and goggles will be -5 to strike, parry and dodge and – I on initiative. Attackers
firing into/through the cloud are shooting wild. Note that passive night scopes will work in a smoke cloud. Cost: 40 credits.
bone solider have a cloud of smoke add particles that distorts night vision

Hand-Held Flare: This is the type of item truck drivers and road patrol s use to signal for help or to warn others of an accident or danger. The flare bum s for 20 minutes. Cost: One credit each.

Parachute Flares:
This pyrotechnic device usually comes in a hand-held , throw-away launch tube. Three seconds after
launching, the flare ignite s into a bright sparking light that slowly drifts back down to earth. While in the air, the flare bum s for 60 seconds and illuminates an area of roughly 150 feet(45.7 m) in diameter. Note: This is NOT a weapon, but if shot into a person, the flare does 6D6 S.D.C. each melee round for one minute (four round s). There is also a 50% chance of causing combustibles to catch fire.

End of Part 4 for Bone Solider
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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PART 5 Bone Solider

legacy weapon
Note about legacy weapon are technology form the dark ages that survive and are handed down from father to son Unless loss family tree .which it has happen during the dark ages

This is legacy weapon "Crime Stopper" Maxi-Ion Pistol A heavy, close combat weapon used by NEMA assault and extermination squad s, Military Specialists and special teams who expect heavy enemy resistance. The infestation of supernatural monsters in the Chaos Earth setting makes this weapon
highly coveted, and is standard issue for troops sent into "hot zones" - places known or suspected to be thick with inhuman opponents. Standard issue to the Heavy Weapons/Pig man, point man .
Weight: 3 Ibs (1.3 5 kg).
Two settings: 3d6 M.D. per sing le blast or ID4x I0 M.D. per triple blast burst ; both count as one melee attack/ action, but a single blast gets benefit of maximum bonuses,
a burst does not.
Rate of Fire:
Single shot or three blast burst , either counts as one melee attack.
Range : 800 feet (244 m).
Payload: 21 single shots or 7 bursts per standard E-Clip or 147 single blasts or 49 bursts using a power pack .
Bonus from Laser Targeting: Comes standard and provides a bonus of + I to strike on an aimed shot; does not apply to burst attacks.
A durable and reliable assault rifle with dual function s that has replaced the LSR-250 as the standard weapon of NEMA's fighting forces. It can survive a great amount of combat abuse without mechanical failure. The rifle has a S.D.C. and M.D.C. settings, plus has a built-in, pump action, grenade launcher.
Comes standard with a passive night vision scope, telescopic sight and laser targeting. Its versatilety (suitable for S.D.C. and M.D. situations) has made it a main stay and favorite among
most NEMA troops and militia volunteers.
Weight: 7 Ibs (3.2 kg).
Damage: S.D.C. Damage: 5D6 S.D.C. per light energy blast or 3D6x I0 per five round burst.
Mega-Damage: Laser: 306 M.D. per single shot or 6D6 M.D. per triple blast burst. Explosive grenades do 3d6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 MM), but may also fire smoke or gas grenades.
Rate of Fire: Single shot laser blast, laser burst or s ingle shot
grenade ; each counts as one melee attack/action.
Range: Laser: 2000 feet (6 10 m) - Grenade Launcher : 1200 feet (365 m).Direct ,in Direct 2200 feet
Standard E-Clip, or 147 single blasts or 49 bursts using a power pack. Twenty times as many S.D.C. blasts Grenade Launcher: 8 plus an additional 24 to 48 grenades can be carried in a satchel or backpack, or 12 on a bandoleer style belt.
Bonuses from Laser Targeting & Optics: Comes standard with laser targeting, telescopic and passive nightvision scope , which adds +2 to strike on an aimed shot, but only when the laser targeting system and optics are in use. Bonus is not applicable to burst or wild shooting.Note: 200+ years later, the Coalition States would copy this design as the C- 14, though without the lightweight materials and with less fire power and versatility.

"Incinerator" Plasma Cannon
This is legacy weapon PR-476 is a unique heavy energy weapon that utilizes a new, experimental design. It is a little awkward and front heavy , but packs a wallop. It is a dual weapon system that fires single plasma blasts, plasma pulses (bursts) and a plasma mini-missile (the latter from the lower housing). Actually, it can fire any type of mini-missile , but plasma is the standard issue. Used primarily
by the Military Specialist, Special Forces and the Heavy Weapons .
Weight: 12 Ibs (5.4 kg) .
Mega-Damage: 4d6 M.D. per single blast, ID6xI0 per triple blast burst, and ID6x I0 from the mini-missile.
Rate of Fire: Single shot or burs t, with either one counting as one melee attack.
Effective Range : Plasma bolt: 1800 feet (548 .6 m). Mini-Missile : One mile (1.6 krn).
Payload: 10 single blasts or 3 bursts per standard E-Clip, 2 1 using an E-Canister (can use both an E-Clip and an E-Canister for a combined 31 shots), or 147 single blasts or 49 bursts using a power pack (168 or 56 bursts when combined with an E-Canister)
Bonuses from Laser Targeting & Optics: Comes standard with laser targeting, thermo-imager, telescopic and passive nightvision scope, which adds + 1 to strike on an aimed shot, but only when the laser targeting system is functioning. Bonus is not applicable to burst or wild shooting.

"Thunderer" Grenade Rifle this is legacy weapon Thunderer is a rapid-fire , heavy weapon originally designed as an anti-armor and anti-fortification weapon, but is versatile enough to be used for riot control (firing heavy rubber shells doing 2d6 S.D.C. damage or gas and smoke grenades) . Since the Coming of the Rifts , this weapon has proven ideal against demons, monsters and attacks by drones and animated dead attacking enmasse . Best suited for cyborgs and augmented humans with a P.S. of 20 or higher. Its big drum holds 60 rifle grenades that can be fired one at a time or in bursts of three .
Used primarily by the Military Specialist, Special Forces and the Heavy Weapons.
Weight: 36 Ibs (16.2 kg) fully loaded; 7 Ibs (3 kg) without the grenades and ammo drum.
Mega-Damage: A single explosive grenade does 306 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3 .6 m), but a triple round burst does ID6x I0 damage to a 25 foot (5 m) diameter. Explosive rounds may be substituted with rubber shells or smoke or gas grenades, typically used in riot control.
Rate of Fire: Single shot or burst, with either one counting as one melee attack. Effect ive Range: 1600 feet (488 m).
Payload: 60 grenades. One or two additional loaded drums are usually carried in a satchel or backpack 120 . Individual grenades canbe carried in any number and in any variety loose in a bag, backpack, satchel or carrying case .

"Destroyer" Mini-Missile Rifle
This is legacy weapon ML-557 " Destroyer" is the latest heavy weapon to have been added to NEMA's arsenal just a few months before the Coming of the Rifts. With the recent turn of events, it has proven to be a powerhouse defense against demons, dragons and other monsters , as well as swarming enemy attacks and power armor troops gone rogue. This weapon is physic ally heavy and
best suited for cyborgs and augmented humans with a P.S. of 22
or higher (those with a P.S. of 18-21 are -2 to strike, those weaker than that are -5 to strike unless the weapon is braced).
Mini-missiles (explosive rockets) are loaded in the back of the big gun , with three in the chamber ready to launch and three ready to cycle into launch positions. To use the weapon, it is hefted up onto one shoulder with one hand steadying and aiming using the forward handgrip and the other using the side mounted firing grip. A biped is located in the front so the missile launcher can be braced on top of a vehicle, wall , window ledge, or other type of support (or cover) for better aim. Only characters
with a P.S. of 28 or higher or supernatural strength can aim the weapon without bracing it on the shoulder and/or some other standing structure. May also be mounted on a vehicle . Used primarily by the Specialist, Power Armor Pilots, Special Forces and the Heavy Weapons M.O.S.
Weight: 40 Ibs (18 kg) fully loaded; 27 Ibs ( 12.1 kg) empty. Each missile weighs approx. two pounds (0.9 kg).
Mega-Damage: Any type of mini-missile can be used, but armor piercing (1D4x 10 M.D.) and plasma (1D6x 10 M.D.) are standard issue for maximum firepower against creatures with hides like iron.
Range: 1600 feet (488 m).
Payload: 60 grenades. One or two additional loaded drums are usually carried in a satchel or backpack 120 . Individual grenades can be carried in any number and in any variety loose in a bag,
backpack, satchel or carrying case .
Rate of Fire: Single shot or a burst of three missiles fired simultaneously
(counts as one melee attack).
Range: One mile (1.6 krn).
Payload: Six mini-missiles fully loaded. An extra set of 6, 12 or 24 are available in a padded carrying case (the case has 35 M.D.C.), but the missiles need to be loaded by hand. Takes one melee round just to prepare for the loading process and two melee actions/attacks per each missile for the untrained, but a
a Heavy Weapons specialist, can pop open the weapon in one melee action and load at a rate of one mini-missile per melee action.

NEMAHX-288 "Street Tornado"Hovercycle

NEMA HX-3SS • Hover Platform The Hover Platform is a simple ,

NEMAMX-144 Combat Bike

NEMA MX-422 Armored Personnel Carrier

Combat Hound

legacy weapon
Combat Drone Hound - Robot/Artificial Intelligence
Model Type: NEMA-RX 3030
Class: Fully Automated Self-Sufficient Infantry and Rescue Robot.
Crew: None; artificial intelligence.
M.D.C. by Location:
Legs (4) - 65 each
Back Mounted Weapon (I) - 50
* Head - 65
* Head Lasers (2) - 10 each
** Main Body - 135
* Destroying the head of the robot eliminates all optics, video, communications and sensory systems . In most cases the robot shuts down as a safety feature . However, in some cases,
about one in ten, the robot continues to fight, blasting away blindly until it is completely destroyed. Under these conditions the robot enjoys no combat bonuses to strike , parry, or dodge.
The head is a small and difficult target to hit, especially on a moving target. Thus, it can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot ," and even then the attacker is -3 to strike. The head lasers are even smaller, -4 to strike on a "called shot." update can shut it down or self-destruct by command when this happens
Note: Additional body armor cannot be worn. But bone armored can give only 100 MDC temporary only and later NE shields
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body effectively destroys the robot, shutting it down completely. Note : Additional body armor or power armor cannot be worn by Combat Drones.

Speed & Movement:
Running :
100 mph (160 km) maximum . Note that the act of running does NOT tire the robot and maximum speed can be maintained indefinitely.
The robot legs, although strong , are not designed for leaping. Can leap five feet (1.5 m) high and 12 feet (3.6 m) across ; increase by 50% with a running start.
Fair, roughly equal to that of a real canine , good on inclines of up to 60 degrees and can navigate stairs (full speed) and ledges (half speed) well.
Stealth :
Fair, equal to a Prowl skill of 45%; leaves distinctive tracks.
Flying : Not applicable.
Underwater Capabilities:
The Hound is not designed for underwater operations and sinks like a rock. It can, however, walk along the bottom of a lake or sea at about 25% its normal running
speed .
Maximum Ocean Depth: 600 feet (183 m).

Statistical Data:
: About that of a large German Shepherd or Saint Bernard: Three feet (0.9 m) at the shoulders, 4 feet ( 1.2 m) tall including the back-mounted weapon turret

2 feet (0.6 m). Length : 4 feet (1.2 m). Weight: 225 Ibs (101 kg).
Physical Strength:
Equal to a Robot P.S. of26.
None, other than what is fixed to the robot or dragged.
Can carry up to 200 pounds (90 kg) and pull up to 600 pound s
(270 kg).
Power System: Nuclear, average ene rgy life is two years even
under the most strenuous and constant amoun t of use, three
years under less active conditions. The robot is intentionally
given a much shorter energy " life" as a fail safe.

Weapon Systems:
1. Back-Mounted Weapon Turret (1): The weapon is mounted on a turret-like housing on the back that can rotate 360 degrees and has a 90 degree arc of fire. The exact type of weapon varies slightly. It can be the equivalent of a plasma rifle with greater stopping power but shorter range, or a laser rifle that does less damage but has better range. The operative it is assigned to can usually request the type of weapon mounting he prefers .
Mega-Damage: Laser: 3D6 M.D. per single blast and +2 to strike - or - Plasma: 6D6 M.D. (no strike bonus) .
Rate of Fire: Single shot , each blasts count as one melee attack.
Effective Range : Laser: 2200 feet (670.5 m). Plasma : 1600 feet
(488 m).
Payload: Unlimited ; tied to the robot's power supply.
2. Small Head Lasers (2): A pair of small lasers are located on either side of the Hound' s head . Both can move independent of one another or in unison. Can point up and down 90 degrees
or in and out in a 45 degree angle. The lasers do minimal damage and have a short rang e, but can be effective in close combat and cutting through locks and light barriers.
Mega-Damage: 2D4 M.D. per single blast, 4D4 per simultaneous dual blast at the same target from both lasers.
Rate of Fire: Single shot or dual blast, both count as one melee attack.
Effective Range: Laser: 300 feet (91.5 m).
Payload : Unlimited; tied to the robot's power supply.
3. Combat Capabilities: Rather than use a weapon, the Combat Hound can engage in Mega-Damage hand to hand combat using its body and paws.
Attacks Per Melee:
Six, mainly using its energy weapons.
Hand to Hand Damage: Limited.
Head Butt: 3D6+11 S.D.C.
Restrained Pounce Attack: 5D6+5 S.D.C.
Full Strength Pounce Attack: 1D6 M.D.
Paw Strike: 4D6 +11 S.D.C.
Power Punch claw Strike: 1D4 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks .
Body Block: 1D4 M.
Bonuses: Includes all bonuses from programming, robotics and sensors: +2 to strike with heavy laser (main gun), +4 to strike with head lasers, +2 to strike with pounce or paw attacks , + I to parry with paws, +4 to dodge , +2 to roll with impact or fall. Impervious to poison, gas, and biological agents, as well as psionic and magic mind control , charms , bio-manipulation, and S.D.C. attacks. See sensors for optical capabilities.
4. Sensor Systems of Note: Same as the CDS only the Hound does not have speaking capabilities, and it has a video camera and live transmission feed so its human partner can literally
see what the Hound sees , projected on the helmet HUD display; audio can also be transmitted. A pair of small lights are mounted on the head where ears might be on a real dog.
These are used to illuminate an area for searching or filming and can be turned on and off as necessary or desirable.
5. Skill Programs of Note:
Basic Math 98%, Radio : Basic
98%, TV% Video (internal system), Prowl 45%, Detect Ambush
50%, Tracking 60%, Track Animals 50%, Intelligence
76%, Land Navigation 76%, and Mining 76%.
6. Programming and memory enable the robot to identify all NEMA, USA, Canadian and Mexican military ranks , uniforms, insignia, soldiers, robots , power armor, vehicles,
weapons, equipment, and officers. Memory also includes the identification of 4000 different enemy targets , including new data on specific races , non-human features and powers, insignia, uniforms, enemy robot and vehicle designs, acts of aggression, and notorious enemies. Combat programming directs the actions and reactions to encounters and attacks.

Pup Scout
This is legacy weapon small robot patterned after the canine form , The Pup (so named due to its small size) is used for both rescue and reconnaissance. It is designed to be able to navigate through small
spaces , crawl through tunnels and squeeze through cracks . In fact, its legs are designed so they bend at several points and can go completely prone (flat) , enabling the Pup to craw l on its belly and through small openings (reduce speed by 60%). Padded feet allow for better stealth . Equipped with concealed multiple optics, sensors and video feed. Sometimes used to carry a medical kit, radio, food, water, tool kit, pistol, and other small items to those trapped in a pocket under debris or lost in the wilderness. Light weapons or additional sensors, searchlight or video or communications packages can be mounted on the back , though such extras, even low profile ones, interfere with the Pup 's ability to maneuver in and through narrow passages and openings. Pup Reconnaissance Drone - Robot/Artificial Intelligence
Model Type: NEMA-RX 3036
Class: Fully Automated Self-Sufficient Infantry and Rescue Robot.
Crew: None ; artificial intelligence.
M.D.C. by Location:
Legs (4) - 20 each
Back Mounted Weapon or Sensors (I ; optional) - 20-50
* Front Senso r Discs (2; chest) - 3 each
** Main Body - 50
* Destroying the sensor discs in the chest of the little robot eliminates all optics, video, communications and sensory systems. In most cases the robot shuts down as a safety feature. However, in some cases, about one in ten, the robot continues to fight or tries to blindly find its way back to base camp. No combat bonuses to strike, parry, or dodge without sensors. These sensor discs are small and difficult to hit, especially on a moving target. Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot," and even then the attacker is -3 to strike .
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body effectively destroys the robot, shutting it down completely . Note: Additional body armor cannot be worn. But bone armored can give only 50 MDC temporary only and later NE shields
Speed & Movement:
Running: 45 mph (72 km) maximum . Note that the act of running does NOT tire the robot and maximum speed can be maintained indefinitely.
Leaping: Three feet (0.9 m) high and five feet (1.5 m) across; increase by 50% with a runn ing start .
Climbing: Fair, roughly equal to that of a rea l canine, good on inclines of up to 60 degrees and can navigate stairs (full speed) and ledges (half speed ) well.
Stealth: Fair, equal to a Prowl skill of 80%.
Flying : Not applicable.
Underwater : The Pup is not designed for underwater operations and sinks like a rock . It can, however, walk along the bottom of a lake or sea at about 25% its normal running
Maximum Ocean Depth: 600 feet (183 m).
Statistical Data :
Height: About that of a Terrier or Cocker Spaniel, one and a half feet (0.45 m) at the highest point as a basic unit, as tall as two or two and a half feet (0.6 to 0.76 m) with a weapon , transmitter
or additional camera or sensor mounting on the back.
Width: One foot (0.3 m). Length: Two feet (0.6 m). Weight: 50 Ibs (22.5 kg).
Physical Strength: Equal to a Robot P.S. of 20.
Cargo : Can carry up to 60 pounds (27 kg) and pull up to 160 pounds (72 kg, double if the load is on wheels and the terrain flat like a dirt or concrete road, hallway or short grass).
Power System : Nuclear, average energy life is two years even under the most strenuous and constant amount of use, three years under less active conditions .
Weapon System: None standard, but the equivalent of a pistol or light rifle or light machine-gun can be mounted on the back of the Pup.
Combat Capabilities: Rather than use a weapon, the Combat Drone can engage in Mega-Damage hand to hand combat using its body and paws.
Attacks/Actions Per Melee: Five, mainly using its body or an optional weapon mounting.
Hand to Hand Damage: Limited .
Restrained Pounce Attack: 206+2 S.D.C.
Full Strength Pounce Attack : 406+5 S.D.C.
Paw Strike : 10 6+5 S.D.C.
Power Punch/Paw Strike : 306+2 S.D.C ., but counts as two melee attacks.
Body Block : 206 S.D.C .
Bonuses: Includes all bonuses from programming, robotics and sensors: +2 to strike with weapon mount (any) , +3 to strike with pounce or paw attack s, + I to parry with paws, +6 to automatic
dodge (can dodge without losing an melee attack/action), + I to roll with impact or fall. Impervious to poison , gas, and biological agents , as well as psionic and magic mind control, charms ,
bio-manipulation, and S.D.C. attacks . Also see sensors .
Sensor Systems of Note: Same as the Combat Hound , and like the Hound, does not have speaking capabilities, but does have a video camera and live transmission feed (range 15
miles/24 km) so its human partner can literally see what the Pup sees, projected on the helmet HUD display; audio can also be transmitted. Also has a radiation detector, air thermometer
and molecular analyzer (all basically the same as the bionic equivalents).
Skill Programs of Note:
Basic Math 98%, Radio: Basic 98%,
TV &Video (internal system) ,
Prowl 60%, Detect Ambush
50%, Camouflage 50%,
Tracking 60%,
Track Animals 50%,
Intelligence 76%,
and Land Navigation 86%.
Programming and memory enable the robot to identify all NEMA, USA, Canadian and Mexican military ranks , uniforms, insignia, soldiers, robots, power armor, vehicles, weapons, equipment, and officers. Memory also includes the identification of 4000 different enemy targets , including new
data on specific races, non-human feature s and powers, insignia, uniforms, enemy robot and vehicle designs, acts of aggression, and notorious enemies. Combat programming directs the actions and reactions to encounters and attacks

Flying Probe
This is legacy weapon The latest in spy technology, the Flying Probe is exactly what
it sounds like, a hover, flying version of the walking Spider Probe. That also mean s the Flying Probe is used to track, find, follow and spy on the enemy as well as locate victims of a disaster
, only it quietly flies instead of scurrying across the ground. One of its different feature s is a retractable, folding arm that can end in a ,small mechanical arm and hand cap able of picking up and carrying small, light objects such as a set of keys , pen, paper, knife, hand-held communicator , and similar items . In the alternat ive, it may end with a Pen Laser, min i-buzz saw (does 206 S.D.C.) or an sensor probe of some kind. As a probe and spy unit, it is primarily deployed by Intel-Agents, Military Specialists
and scouts.
Flying Probe for Reconnaissance Robot
Artificial Intelligence
Model Type: NEMA-RPX 201
Class: Fully Automated Self-Sufficient Robot Probe.
Crew: None; artificial intelligence.
M.D.C. by Location:
Legs (6) - 3 each
* Optic and Sensor Bulbs (10) - I each
** Main Body - 12
* Destroying one of the sensor bulbs in the main body destroys one of its many optic systems, came ras , communications and sensory systems. When eight or more are lost, particularly video feed , the probe leaves its post unless commanded to do otherwise, and returns to base camp. These sensor bulbs are
small and difficult to hit , especially on a moving target. Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot," and the attacker is -5 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shatters the robot and destroys its electronic systems completely.
Speed & Movement:
Flying: 20 mph (32 km) maximum, but typically travel s at about 1-5 mph (1.6 to 8 km) when probing/examining/searching an area .
Stealth: Excellent. Equal to a Prow l of 95%; silent flight. Makes just a slight sound that is usually drowned out by even the slightest ambient noise, and makes a swishing sound as it flies by if traveling faster than 15 mph (I6 km).
Running, Leaping & Climbing: Not applicable.
Underwater Capabilities : None.
Statistical Data:
Size : Roughly the size of a softball or grapefruit with a small hover system attach ed ; roughly six inches in diameter.
Weight: 4.5 Ibs (2 kg) .
Physical Strength : Not applicable unless it has a retractable arm and hand (P.S. 6).
Cargo: None.
Power System : Nuclear, average energy life is two years.

Weapon System: None.
Combat Capabilities: None per se.
Actions Per Melee : Five, ma inly observation and tracking.
Hand to Hand Damage: Only if a cutting tool is part of its retractable arm .
Bonuses: Includes all bonuses from programming, robotics and
sensors: + I to strike with retractable arm , +9 to automatic dodge
(can dodge without losing an melee attack/action) , + I to roll with impact or fall. Impervious to poison, gas, and biological agents, as well as psionic and magic mind control, charms,
bio-manipulation, and S.D.C. attacks. Also see sensors. Sensor Systems of Note: Same as the Spi der Probe. May have one additional sensor for its retractable arm (or a tool) .
Skill Programs & Memory: Same as the Spider Probe.

Spider Probe
This is legacy weapon A small , eight -legged, walking camera and optic system . ( The Spider Probe has two primary purposes. One is to locate victims trapped in collapsed structures, tunnels , and caves . The little bundle of optics and basic sensors is ideal for locating trapped, pinned or lost disaster victim s, and transmitting basic data about the environment, the situation and the victims . Two, spy on and keep track of enemy personnel (following them and transmitting their location and activity, live).
The probe is designed to be unobtrusive and able to hide and fit in small , narrow spaces including pipes, tubing, air ducts , cracks in walls, and crevices, under and behind furniture, etc. Its clawed, four-toed feet enable it to scale debris piles , climb steep inclines , hang on in strong winds or water currents, and even attempt to climb walls and ceilings. As a probe and spy unit, it is primarily deployed by Intel Agents, Military Specialists and scouts .
Spider Reconnaissance Probe - Robot/Artificial Intelligence
Model Type: NEMA-RPX 201
Class: Fully Automated Self-Su ffic ient Robot Probe.
Crew: None ; artificial intelligence.
M.D.C. by Location:
Legs (6) - 3 each
Optic and Sensor Bulbs (10) - I each
Main Body - 12
Note: Additional body armor cannot be worn. But bone armored can give only 50 MDC temporary only and later NE shields

Destroying one of the sensor bulbs in the main body destroys one of its many optic systems, cameras, communications and sensory systems . When eight or more are lost, particularly video feed, the probe leaves its post unless commanded to do otherwise, and returns to base camp. These sensor bulbs are small and difficult to hit, especially on a moving target. Thus , they can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot," but the attacker is -5 to strike . Destroying one leg reduces speed by 10% and Prowl by 5%; accumulative penalties for every lost limb. Cannot scale walls or ceiling s with fewer than four legs.

Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shatters the robot and destroys its electronic systems completely.

Speed & Movement:
Running: 6 mph (9.6 km) maximum . The act of running does NOT tire the robot and maximum speed can be maintained indefinitely.
Leaping: Two feet (0.6 m) high and four feet ( 1.2 m) across ; does not increase with a running start .
Climbing: Excellent, roughly equal to that of a real insect; good on inclines of up to 75 degrees and rough textured surfaces straight up and down at half speed . Can navigate stairs and
ledges (full speed), climb trees (half speed) and even climb walls, pillars and ceilings (one quarter speed) provided the material is soft enough for the robot to dig its claws into for support.
Stealth: Excellent. Equal to a Prowl of 90 %; padded feet, small stature , dark color (black or camouflage).
Flying: Not applicable.
Underwater Capabilities: Cannot swim but is airtight and can walk underwater - along the bottom of a stream , water filled pipe or tunnel, etc., at about half its normal speed . Maximum
Ocean Depth: 800 feet (244 m).
Statistical Data:
Size: Roughly the size of a softball or grapefruit with eight legs extending from it; under eight inches in diameter.
Weight: 5 Ibs (2,.25 kg).
Physical Strength : Equal to a robot P.S. of 8.
Cargo: Can carry up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg) and pull up to 20 (9 kg).
Power System: Nuclear, average energy life is two years.
Weapon System: None .
Combat Capabilities: None per se.
Actions Per Melee: Four, mainly observation and tracking. Hand to Hand Damage : Limited.
Crush/P inch with its clawed feet: 1d4 S.D.C.
Leap Attack or Drop from Ceiling: 1d6 S.D.C.; feels like getting struck by a brick.
Bonuses: Includes all bonuses from programming, robotics and
sensors : +1 to strike on a pinch or leap attack, +3 to automatic dodge (can dodge without losing an melee attack/act ion), +3 to roll with impact or fall. Impervious to poison , gas, and biological
agents , as well as psionic and magic mind control, charms, bio-manipulation, and S.D.C. attacks. Also see sensors .
Sensor Systems of Note: All optics and lenses are tied to the video transmission system and can be broadcast to an operator in the field monitoring the probe or base camp (if the latter is close enough). Robot Commanders and anyone working with probes will have a portable hand-held monitor
and a larger monitoring unit (the size of a small laptop computer) , plus the data can be transmitted and displayed on the helmet HUD display of body and robots and power armor.
Each sensor or optic system is numbered to indicate the features of each one of the ten sensor bulbs. If individually targeted by an enemy (a rarity) or if the Spider Probe is damaged in some other way and loses one or more of its reconnaissance features, the G.M. can pick one (or some) or roll a
10d0 for random determination.
I. Multi-Optics system : Sees normal human and infrared and ultra violet spectrums of light, plus passive nightvision.
Range : 2000 feet (610 m).
2. Telescoping zoom lens. Range 2000 feet (610 m).
3. Micro-Magnifying lens with xl, x10, and x50 magnification.
4. Thermo-Optics and heat sensors, vital for finding warm bodies trapped under debris or hiding under camouflage or behind cover. Range: 1000 feet (305 m).
5. Camera/Video Eye with live transmission - live feed, recording capability. Video camera and live transmission feed so its human partner can literally see what the probe
sees . Range: One and a half miles (2.4 km).
6. Electronic Ear and audio transmitter with scrambler capabilities.
Range: One and a half miles (2.4 km).
7. Laser Distancer: A light beam that accurately measures distance. Range : 9000 feet (305 m).
8. Radiation Detector. Range: 100 foot (30.5 m) diameter.
9. Air Thermometer: Measures the ambient air temperature around the walking probe. Range: 20 foot (6 m) diameter.
10. Molecular Analyzer : Detects and identifies impurities in the air. Mainly searches for toxic gases , pollution and chemicals harmful to humans.
Range : 20 foot (6 m) diameter.
Plus Radio Communications: Directional radio for coded messages between the robot and its human commander or base camp. Can also scan and communicate via code on conventional
radio channels/frequencies, same range, and eavesdrop on enemy transmissions and track transmissions (90%success level) to their source. Range: 20 miles (16 km).
Note : Understands English , French , Spanish , German, Russian, Chinese, Arabic , and 15 other languages; can identify all others but cannot understand or communicate in them.
Skill Programs of Note:
Basic Math 98%,
Radio: Basic 98%,
TV & Video (internal system) ,
Prowl 72%, Tracking 60%, and
Land Navigation 86%.
Programming and memory enable the robot to identify all NEMA, USA , Canadian and Mexican military ranks, uniforms, insignia, soldiers , robots, power armor, vehicles, weapons, equipment, and officers. Memory also includes the identification of 4000 different enemy targets, including new
data on specific races, non -human features and powers , insignia, uniform s, enemy robot and vehicle designs , acts of aggression, and notorious enemies. Combat programming

TW add on

mainly for body arm, and vehicles not robot can be add as well
TW Modifiers to the Techno-Wizard's TW Construction skill rolls.
-10% Prototype Schematics. Rough plans and notes for a work in progress. Untested and unproven new version or concept. Once a working device with the bugs worked out is successfully created from the
schematics, this penalty is voided.

-10% Working from Another Techno-Wizard's Schematics. This penalty may be avoided if great care is taken to study and examine the schematics.
-50% Bad Schematics. Something isn't adding up. You've probably made a mistake somewhere in the design, though not necessarily a fatal error.
-30% Sketchy, Unclear Schematics. Handwritten notes without clear step-by-step instructions, or some minor aspects of creation missmg.
-10% Total Recall in Place of Schematics. This applies to schematics the character has created or studied, and can remember using psychic Total Recall. hut is working without the hard copy.
-80% No Schematics. Planning') Who needs planning ... why do I have these gems ) Or a new, uncertain design concept.
-20% Miniaturization. This is cumulative for each 10% reduction from the base size, so a 30'}'" reduction means a -60% penalty.
-20"!.. Adding Techno-Wizardry to Technology Without the Appropriate Skills. This penalty is cumulative for each skill required, but not known
-25% Rush Job. Work is completed in two thirds the normal amount of .
-50% Extremely Rushed. Work is completed in one third of the usual amount of time. At best it will be functional, but it's not pretty. Cannot he taken with any other Construction Time modifying penalty
or bonus
-15% Low Magic Environment. Working on the device in a low magic environment for the majority (two thirds) of the Construction lime Cannot he taken with any other Construction Time modifying penalty or honus.
-40% Working on Alien TW Devices. Repairing, rebuilding or modifying alien technology as a TW device.
-20% Unknown Common Primary Spell. This applies when the Primary Spell is Common (Invocation) Magic and unknown to the Techno- Wizard.
-30% Unknown Specialist Primary Spell. In this case, the Primary
Spell is Specialty Magic (Necromancy, Temporal Magic, etc.)
and unknown to the Techno- Wizard.
-15% Unknown Common Secondary Spell. This applies for every Common Secondary Spell unknown to the Techno-Wizard.
-20% Unknown Specialist Secondary Spell. This applies for every Specialist Secondary Spell unknown to the Techno-Wizard.
-1% Per Point of P.P.E. that the Techno-Wizard device is capable of storing.
+15% Schematic of a Proven, Working Techno-Wizard Device (his own or someone else's). The Techno-Wizard's design is a copy of
a proven. working model.
+10% Disassembling a Working Techno-Wizard Device. The Techno-Wizard disassembles and studies a working device to copy.
+5% Disassembling a Similar Techno-Wizard Device. The character disassembles and examines a similar TW device on which to base his own ideas and new creation.
+5% Working Prototype Model. The Techno-Wizard has already built a working prototype or similar device and this new item is an upgrade and improvement, or based on similar principles.
+20% Working Under an Experienced TW Master, Proven Design.
The character is working under the direct supervision, instruction or tutelage of a master Techno-Wizard (or design team) to build a proven device.
+10% Working Under an Experienced TW Master, Unproven Design. The character is working under the direct supervision, instruction or tutelage of a master Techno-Wizard (or/and design team) who is
helping to create a new type of TW device.
+15% Taking Time. Add an extra one third to the Construction Time. This cannot be taken with any other Construction Time modifying
penalty or bonus.
+30% At Your Leisure. Double the Construction Time for lots of extra care, double checks and craftsmanship. Cannot be taken with any other Construction Time modifying penalty or bonus.
+1% for Every 10% of Assisting Techno-Wizard's TW Construction Skill. Round fractions down.
+5% for Each Device Level Reduced. The Device Level cannot be reduced below level one

TW Magic systems added recently ( can add other types of magical spell if they can carry the PPE cost)
PPE battery (many) each 100 PPE points and recover in 24 Hours
Communications Band
Energy Field Generator
Magic Optic System
Mystic Portable Generator:
Psionic Mind Shield
TW Weapons
Flaming Sword
Ice blast Shotgun
Light blade
Lightning Rod:
Enforcer Gaunt let
Flaming Dagge
Flaming Sword
Ice Blade
Lightning Axe
Lightning Mace TW-1300
Lightning Rod (
Lightning Spear (new),
Mirror shield
Paralysis Staff
Techno-wizard Chainsaw.
Throwing Irons
TW Animal Repellent Whistle
TW Cleansing Bowl
TW Food & Water Pnrifier
TW Lantern Poles
TW Ghillie Suit
very common for bone hunters
( are add a well and go and get this TW to Dino swamp and may have more than one )
Wildly popular among Wilderness Scouts, especially the Dinosaur Hunters, the TW Ghillie suit was one of the first TW devices to be produced for wilderness regions. The suit looks like a traditional handcrafted Ghillie suit, made of mesh with leaves, branches and other natural detritus to break up the human silhouette. However, recent styles also include those made in the form of overcoats, capes, and cloaks, as well as hunting vests and pants with numerous pockets built into it. The Techno-Wizard Ghillie Suit, however, has the specific advantage of being effective as normal camouflage and exceptionally effective when its magical abilities are activated. This is why many Wilderness Scouts choose it over any other type of camouflage clothing, or even personal body armor.
Creation Requirements: An intact piece of clothing interlaced with wire mesh tied into three small to medium-sized emeralds, each worth approximately 2000 credits. The emeralds are usually
used to replace three buttons that may have been on the garment.

Creation Spells: Energy Bolt (5), Chameleon (6) and Globe of Silence (20), plus 100 P.P.E. in addition to that required for the previous spells.
P.P.E. Cost to Activate: 10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P.
Duration: 20 minutes.
M.D.C. of the TW Device: 18 M.D.C. Main Body. Bone solider add MD times P.E divide by half
Magical Effects or Bonuses: As per the Invocation spells Chameleon and Globe of Silence combined; adding a +30% to Camouflage and Blend skills, and +35 to Prowl. The range on the Globe of Silence is reduced to cover only the wearer and the area within approximately one foot (0.3 m) around his body.

TW Med-Shooter
TW Shelter
TW Sustain Belt
TW Watchguard Poles

Magic Energy Cells:
Most Techno-Wizard firearms require either P.P.E. to be pumped directly into them to " load" or have "energy cells" that can be charged with P.P.E. These are essentially powerful

Talismans that store P.P.E. very common
The cells are uniform and oll en look and work ike ordin ary E-Clips (except for a few magic symbols) or are built into the weapon; sometime s crysta ls and gemstones serve as the power cell and conduit. The clips are standard, and will fit all TW weapon s with
clip housings. P.P.E.-Clip .
This cost is half for recognized citizens of a particular community or area where TW items are manufactured. Allies, known heroes and regular patrons (mercenaries and adventurers included) may get a 50%.discount
Recharging P.P.E. Energy Cells:
Since the ammunition for these weapons consists of small enchanted P.P.E.-Clip s that expend magically
stored P.P.E. whenever the weapon is fired (i.e. a pre-programmed spell is dischar ged). it is relatively easy for any mage with the knowledge of making Talismans to recharge. Clips can be " recharged"
in Stone spire for 12.000 credits. But at Freehold, and Colorado Baronies lazo and new lazo, the cost is as low as 3,000 credits for those fighting against the Coalition. At Lazlo. New Lazlo and other magic
communities, the price wil l vary from 6.000- 10,000 credits. In the alternative , Techno-W izards can pump P.P.E. directly from themselves into the weapon (with or without a clip ) to activate or recharge
the weapon. Average energy blasts costs 10 P.P.E. per blast for
most pistols and 20 P.P.E per blast for most rifles. Most weapo ns will
have an activation or recharge " P.P.E. cost.

TK-Machine-Gun (an average example):
An intimidating, but portable telekinetic machine-gun that can be used as a squad support
weapon. The weapon amplifies and directs telekinetic energy to fire bullet hard bolts of force. The basic principle is not unlike a rail gun except instead of firing metal at high speeds, TK-weapons fire high speed bolts of force. Note: The TK bolts leave no telltale casings, bullets, or muzzle flash. Bolts that hit a target puncture or tear through it, but there is no physical round/bullet. Once it hits, the force bolt is gone.
2d4 M.D. per single shot,
4d4 M.D. per short burst (5rounds),
4D6 M.D. per long burst (10 rounds)
1D6x I0+ I0 M.D. per full melee burst of 20 rounds.
Effective Range: 2000 feet (610 rn), double at ley lines. Bonus to Strike: No bonus. Device Level: Five.
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 240.
Duration of Charge: Holds 60 shot . remain ready in the weapon until fired. To Recharge: It takes 2 P.P.E. or 4 I.S.P. to recharge six TK-bolts, or 20 P.PE. or 40 IS.P. to completely recharge the weapon. Maximum TK Capacity: 60 TK-bolts. Construction Time: 5 days. Black Market Cost:
75,000 credits

The revolver is one of the earliest and simplest of TK-weapons, first created sometime during the Dark Ages, but which remains popular in the New West. Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. per bolt. only tires single shots (no bursts or sprays).
Effective Range:150 feet (457 range ), double at Iey lines.
Bonus to Strike: +1 to strike due to Its revolver configuration.
Device Level: Three. P.P.E. Construction Cost 65. Spell Chain Needed Primary Spell: Telekinesis (8),
SD.C. six-shot revolver. Duration of Charge: Holds six shots ,
the bolts remain ready in the weapon until fired. To Recharge: It takes 3 P.P.E. or 6 I.S.P. to recharge a single TK-bolt. Maximum TK Capacity: Six TK-bolts. Construction Time: 19.5 hours. Black

TK-Sniper Rifle:
This TW rifle is designed for long-range sniping, using the force of the Power Bolt spell to enhance its range and a magical enhancement to provide its built-in scope with passive night vision capabilities.
Mega-Damage: 1d6x10+10 M.D. per heavy TK-bolt, only fires single shots (no bursts or sprays). Effective Range: 4000 feet double at ley lines.
Bonus to Strike: +3 to strike, due to its enchanted scope. Device Level: Five. P.P.E. Construction Cost: 650, Spell Chain
Needed: Primary Spell: Telekinesis (8), Secondary Spells: Detect Concealment
(6), Energy Bolt (5) and Power Bolt (20), Physical Requirements:
An opal amber, red zircon and turquoise worth a total of 4340 credits and a conventional S.D.C. hunting rifle with a scope, Duration of Charge: holds five heavy TK-bolts, the TK-bolts remain ready in the
Weapon until fired. To Recharge: It takes 32 P,P,E. or 64 I.S.P. to recharge all 5 heavy •IX-bolts. Maximum TK Capacity: Five TK-bolts,
Construction Time: 13.5 days, Black Market Cost: 50,000 credits

These submachine-gun style weapons are quite bulky and menacing looking, capable of firing bursts of light TK-bolts at very high rates. This allows the TK-SMG to shred its target without leaving any telltale bullet fragments behind, making it a great assassin's weapon.
Mega-Damage: ID4 M.D. per single shot, 2D4 M.D. per short burst (5 rounds; counts as one melee attack),
3D6 M,D.per long burst (10 rounds counts as two melee attacks)
and 6d6 M,D, per full melee burst of 20 rounds (counts as five melee attacks).
Effective Range: 200 feet (61 m),
double at ley lines. Bonus to Strike: No bonus. Device Level: Five. P.P.E. Construction Cost: 350. Spell Chain
Needed: Primary Spell: Telekinesis (8), Secondary Spells: Barrage (15) and Energy Bolt (5). Physical Requirements: Five opals worth a total of 2500 credits, a red zircon worth 2000 credits and a conventional S.D.C. submachine-gun. Duration of Charge: Holds 600 TK-bolts, the TK-bolts
remain ready in the weapon until fired. To Recharge: It takes one P.P.E. or 2 I.S.P. to recharge two TK-bolts, or 20 P.PE or 40 I.S.P. to completely recharge the weapon. Maximum TK Capacity: 40 TK-bolts,
Construction Time: 175 hours' Black Market Cost: 50,000 credits

Techno-Wizard Pistols & Revolvers
TW Fire bolt Pistol
TW Jammer Pistol
T\V (standard ) Laser Pistol

TW Shard Pistol
TW Shock Pistol
TW Star fire Pistol
TW Telekinetic (TK) Pistol,
TW-38 Endless Revolver
TW-4S Revolver ("'Six Shooter" ).
TW Spitfire Revolver.
TW Thunder gun Revolver

Techno-Wizard Rifles & Shotguns
TW Disrupter Gun
TW Eagle Eye Marksman

TW Force Cannon (heavy rifle /bazooka type weapon).
Two-man Heavy weapon or can be used by one those with a PS 20 or higher.
Mega-Damage: 2d4x1O per single bolt of telekinetic force (306 M.D. at a ley line).
Rate of Fire: Single shot only, each shot counts as one melee attack.
Range: 2000 feet (610 m), Payload: Six shots. Note: The
Tolkeen version of this weapon docs not usc a P.P.E. clip and requires 32 P.P.E. or 64 I.S.P. to reload/recharge the weapon with two force blasts.

TW Hellfire Shotgun
TW Nova rifle.

TW Old Lightning rifle
TW Sapper Sawed-off Shotgun
TW Snare Gun
TW Sonic Rifle
TW Storm Rifle
TW Star fire Pulse Cannon
TW Super-Six Carbine
TW Telekinetic"TK"Assault Rifle
TW Wind blaster rifle
Plasma Rifle

Plasma Rifle,
A large, heavy weapon that fires bolts of M.D. fire with devastating effect. A favorite of heavy infantry troops. Brodkil, Gargoyles and strong D-Bees .
Mega-Damage: 1d4x 10 per single fiery bolt
(2D4x10 at ley lines).
Rate of Fire: Single shot; each counts as one melee attack . Range: 1500 feet (457 .2 m). Payload: 10 shots for a standard plasma weapon. but this weapon do use a P.P.E. clip and require 12 P.P.E. (or 24 I.S.P.) to reload/recharge the weapon with 10 blasts. Cost:

Rocket Staff.
The weapon itself resembles a simple pole, except a rocket (or several small rockets) is mounted on the top end. To tire, one simply pulls the a pin, pumps 4 P.P.E. into each rocket to be activated and fired. and a mental command sends them flying to their target
(must have visual contact; optical augmentation can be used to view long-range targets).
Mega Damage : Large rocket: 2D4xl0 to everything in a 30 foot (9.1 m) radius. Mini-Rockets: 4D6 per rocket fired.
Effective Range: Large rocket: up to three miles (4.8 km);
Mini-Rockets: up to 4000 feet ( 1219 m), but can be fired in volleys.
Payload: One large rocket or 2 to 6 small rockets. P.P.E. Cost: 140 to create the start; 4 P.P.E. to activate and launch a single missile. Cost:

TK•80 Heavy Machine-gun.
TW Pyrotechnics & Explosives
Flamethrower: "Dragonfire" (Heavy)
Flamethrower : Firedemon Flamethrower (Heavy ; by Mark Somimoto )
Flamethrow er (Light).
Flare : Animal Repellent
Flare: Globe of Daylight
Flare: Storm.

Goblin Bombs all type , Goblin Bombs, Mega-Damage: Varies, Blinding Flash, Carpe t of Adh esion., Extinguish Fire, Fear Grenade, Fire Bomb, Fuel Flame:, Lightning Bomb, Orb of Cold, Smoke., Duration and Effect: Most are instant,
Effective Range: These "bombs"
can be thrown up 10 to 100 feet by humans. double for those with a P.S. of 20 or greater. trip le for creatures with Supernatural P.S., or dropped by flyers and aircraft. and fired from catapults .
These "bombs" can also be made into warheads for magic arrows in the shape of large capsules. but shooting range with them is reduced by half because they are heavier and less aerodynamic.
Payload: Single-use. Once the device goes off, it is destroyed
note all TW Rifle , TW sub machine gun can hold 1d4 PPE batteries while any TW Heavy weapons can hold up 1d8 PPE all have 100PPE and can regenerate in 24 hours
[br]Grenade[/br]: Firebomb
Grenade: Flash Freeze
Grenade : Paralysis
Grenade: "Vampire Chase r" Steam Grenade
Shockstorm Landmine.

http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/ ... 7nvlnq.jpg

http://benedickbana.deviantart.com/art/ ... -463368806
T.W Vampire bone solider

Vampire-Slaying TW Weapons
Techno-Wizard "Watrr Blasters
TW Plastic Water Pistol
TW Medal Water Pistol
TW Pump Style Water Pistol or Sawed-Orr Shotgun
TW Full Size Water Shotgun
TW Full Size Water Rifle
TW Rifle and Water Grenade Launcher.
TW Water Cannon Bazooka
TW Water Cannon
TW Vampire Water Field
TW Modified Wood Firing Rail Gun.

This is a very rare and expensive ( but common for Bone solider) weapon said to have been developed by a Techno-Wizard at Lazlo with the help of a wizard from another dimension (Palladium).
Any rail gun can be magically convened. But the lighter models arc preferred because they can be used by more people. Like the TW water weapons, no external ammunition drum is required, only the rail gun itself; the rapid fired wood shards magically appear. rail gun rounds cannot be fired from these weapons.
Damage: A burst inflicts 1d4 M.D. or 3D6x10 HP. to vampires. Burst
Range: 4000 feet ( 1219 m).
Payload: 40 bursts per every 20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P.

TW Steam Grenade
TW Storm Flare Vampire-Killer TWW•2000
If you want 10 kill vampires. this weapon it will do the job. It's a must have for any serious vampire
hunter. Model: Arzno TWW-2000. Weight: 30 Ibs ( 13.5 kg). The kit includes the following.
1. Silver-Bladed TW Chain Saw.
2. Cross Spotlight: .
3. Grenade Launcher
4. Basic Gear:

TW Vehicular Features

For those Techno-Wizard characters not content to follow the beaten path and convert the same conventional vehicle everybody else is converting, or to the tinkerer who wants to add something really special to his conversion. the following features should prove useful.
All of these addens are spell based. High level spells cannot be incorporated into Techno-Wizard devices or machines. In all cases, these TW features, although magical in nature. Are a physical, mechanical
part or device built into the vehicle . one must first purchase the vehicle to be modified/converted.
Breathe Without Air
Chameleon Cloaking System
Cleansing System
Energy Disrupter Mechanism
Float System
Flight System
Impervious to Energy
Impervious to Fire
Ley Line Booster
Mystic Alarm
Protective Energy Field
Shadow Cloaking System
Sound Cloaking System
Super-Stealth Mode
TW Weapon System

TW Weapon System.
Basically the equivalent to one of the TW pistols. rifles or cannons built into or mounted on the vehicle. Integrated systems (built into the vehicle) are usually controlled and operated
by the pilot. co-pilot or a gunner. "Manned" weapons are typically mounted weapons (near a hatch'?) that require a gunner to operate and usually need the gunner to stick his head out from the vehicle to fire. Cannons and other heavy weapons count as two TW features and can only be built into large vehicles. A one- or two-man Hovercycle, flyer. body armor or similar small. Light vehicle can NOT be equipped with a cannon or heavy weapon. Note: The size. Aerodynamics. Available space and other design limitations and considerations may limit the number of weapons a vehicle may have. Especially if small. Game Masters have the final say on what is acceptable and should use logic and discretion.
Common Optional Weapon Features for TW Vehicles
The following TW weapons or weapon features can be added to most TW vehicles. Such "customization" is typically done for thosewho engage in a life of adventure and exploration (or who have many
enemies). A maximum of three TW/magic weapons can be added, or four conventional, non-magical ones. Note:
1. Fireball Launcher:
2. Lightning
3. P-B Cannon:
4. TK Mini Gun:
S. Super-Laser Cannon:
6. Combat Tentacles:

Optional TW Defensive Features
A maximum of four additional feature s can be added to the vehicle
1. Circle of Protection (Simple
2. Circle or Protect ion • Super
3. Force Field:
4. Enhanced Speed and Maneuverability:
S. Breathe Without Air:
6. Additional Techno-Wizard Features: All standard TW features which can be added to most vehicles, including Flying Platforms.

Class: Artificial horse.
Made by the Colorado Baronies (New West . p.218).
Crew: One rider, one passenger.
Initial P.P.E. Creation Cost: 285.
Spells Needed: Constrain Being (20). Energy Field ( 10). Armor of
Ithan ( 10). Superhuman Speed (10). Globe of Daylight (2). Blinding
Flash (I ). Tum Dead (6). Levitation (5). and a number of secret incantations.
Main Body M.D.C.: 220 .
Maximum Speed:
Ground: 80 mph ( 128 km). Leaping: 20 feet (6.1 m) high and 50 feet (15.2 m) long at a running start. Double that on a ley line. Flying: Can run into the air (at double usual speed) up to
1.000 feet high(305 m) when running on a ley line.
Maximum Range:
The Glitten mount must be regularly recharged with 120 P.P.E. every four months . Without the P.P.E. recharge. The magical construct slows down; reduce speed, leaping distance, attacks
per melee round, and all bonuses by half. If it goes without a recharge for 10 month s it will slow to a crawl (Spd 6, no bonuses, cannot leap, one attack per melee). Furthermore, it now needs a boost of 240 P.P.E. By 12 months. it shuts down completely and needs 400 P.P.E. to restart. Note that feeding the Glincrmount anything less than 120 P.P.E. at a time is pointless. 11 is calibrated to process at least 120 P.P.E. at a time.
Energy Bolt Eyes: Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Twice per melee round. Range: 500 feet (152 m). Payload: unlimited.

TW Vehicles
Trailblazer ATV
Zone Ranger ATV

End PART 5 and final part of Bone Solider
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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next foot solider OCC
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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The Foot solider O.C.C.
In RIFTS north America and Europe Foot soldier, THE guards men ,THE guards , Guardians or peace keeper

https://www.deviantart.com/marksanwel/a ... -490525502

Our mission makes us different. Unlike the other branches, Guard Soldiers can be deployed by the governors of their resident states to support communities stricken by natural disasters like floods and hurricanes. Guard Soldiers can also be deployed by the president of the United States to defend our country or support our allies overseas. This dual role for the Guard is what makes us unique.

Both Guard Soldiers and Army Reserve Soldiers train one weekend per month and two weeks every summer. Both Guard Soldiers and Army Reserve Soldiers can be called into full-time service to support Army combat missions. The main difference is that Guard Soldiers serve a dual mission. They can be called on by their state governor or the federal government. Reserve Soldiers do not have a state mission and cannot be called to respond to floods and hurricanes, for example.

Foot solider O.C.C.

Abilities & Bonuses:
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... ijwcMUekjk

1. O.C.C. Modifiers:

+1 to initiative.
+1 to pull punch.
+1 to strike. HAND TO HAND
+1 to roll with impact.
+1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12. 2.


N.A.A.T PERSONAL ONLY GET THIS Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation:

N.A.A.T has recover genetic engineering and human augmentation Golden Age of Science tweaked" in specific areas Gene code at any age and able to live up 275 years !!!
Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 90% of the last two generations to join military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children.
Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D4 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D4 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D4 to P.E.
56-75% +1D4 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D4+2 to P.B. and +1D4 to physical attribute of choice.


These sets of skills are areas of specialization. They may be combat oriented or some other area of expertise. These are in addition to O.C.C. Skills, O.C.C. Related Skills and Secondary Skills and reflect U.N paramilitary methods and organizational structure
Select one of the following areas of specialty or roll percentile to make a random determination. If the random method is used and the character does not have the required minimum attribute, select skills that will bump it up to the required amount, adjust a few attributes to meet the minimum, or roll again. All M.O.S. skills are in addition to O.C.C. and other skills. Note: The Communications Expert can use non-combat robot probes and the Point Man can use all types of robots from Combat Drones and Hounds to probes. The exact robots made available to him will depend on the assignment. The EOD Expert will have one or more weapons replaced with explosives, including 1-4 Fusion Blocks.

3.Best MOS AND Special Aptitude Bonuses

instead of rolling 3d6 you can roll the following table NOTE IF YOU ROLL A 11,22,33 AND SO ON YOU CAN GET A SECOND REROLL OR Two (2) Special Aptitude Bonuses INSTEAD OF ONE (1) CAN NOT BE SAME Special Aptitude !!!!
• 01-11% Brainy:
• 13-26% Strong-willed:
• 27-39% Charismatic:
• 40-51% Physically Strong:
• 52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
• 66-78% Great Endurance:
• 79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
• 89-00% Fast as Lightning:

01-11% Brainy :
I.Q . 1D6+18.
M.E.1D6+12. ,
M.A 1D4+ 10
P.S. 1D6+9
P.P 1D4+9
P.E 1D4+8
P.B 1D6+9
Spd 1D6+11
Your best O.C.C is Technical officer add one MOS just add IQ if any

13-26% Strong-willed:
I.Q. 1D6+ 11
M.E. ID6+ 19.
M.A 1D6+9.
P.S. ID6+9.
P.P ID4+13.
P.E. ID6+10.
P.B 1D6+9.
Spd 1D6+8.
Your best O.C.C. is infantry/Military Specialist/or robot Ace

27-39% Charismatic:
I.Q. 1D6+ 10.
M.E 1D6+9.
MA 1D6+18
P.S 1D4+ 10.
P.P 1D4 + 10.
P.E. 1D6+8.
P.B. 1D6+14.
Spd 1D6+9.
Your best O.C.C. is Technical Officer and, Military Specialist

40-51% Physically Strong:
M.E. 1d4+10.
M.A 1D6+10.
P.S 1D6+19
P.P 1D4+12
P.E. 1D5+15
P.B 1D6+12.
Spd 1D6+11.
Infantry /Grunt or Military Specialist

52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
I.Q. 1d4+10.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S . 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+19.
P.E 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d6+10.
Spd 1D6+17
Your best O.C.C. is Giant robot Pilot. ,A.C.E Pilot , or a Technical Officer specializing in Electronics. Mechanical Engineering or Medicine surgery.

66-78% Great Endurance:
I.Q . 1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+14.
M.A. ID6+8.
P.S. 1d6+9.
P.P ID6+9.
P.E. 1D6+19.
P.B. 1d6+19.
Spd 1d6+ 12
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot Ace, Giant robot/power armored Pilot, or Grunt/infantry.

79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
I.Q 1d4+ 10.
M.E. 1d6+8.
M.A 1d6+ 15.
P.S . 1d6+ 11.
P.P 1d6+8.
P.E. 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d4+20.
Spd 1d6+9.

Your best O.C.C. is Technical Officer and Military Specialist

89-00% Fast as Lightning:
I.Q .1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+14.
P.E 1d6+10.
P.B 1d6+ 10.
Spd 2D6+20
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot giant robot, power armored ACE, Military Specialist

3.Special Aptitude Bonuses Table


if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, the most THREE (3) !!! ONLY Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades CAN BE PICK UP THREE TIMES REST MUST BE DIFFERENT Special Aptitude

Sure Shot :
+1d4 to strike with all types of projectile and weapons systems . From pistol s and energy rifles to weapons used by robot. Furthermore the usual penalties for being off balance, moving, etc and half. Does not apply to missiles

Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing
+5% to Pilot skill and +10% to Specialty Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing (one specific robot which the character pilot better than any other). Also +1d4 on initiative. + 1d4 to parry and +1d4 to pull punch when piloting any type of robot or power armored pick one.

21-30 %
Giant robot/or power armor Ace:
+5% to giant robot skill and +10% to one giant robot type (one specific robot which the character pilots better than any other: his or her Favorite) .Also + 1 on Perception Rolls. + 2 to dodge and + 3 to roll with impact when piloting any type of giant robot.

High Perception and Solid gut Instincts:
+1d4 on Perception Rolls. Roll 1d4 once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward and +1d4 initiative

41 to 50%
Quick Reaction Time:
+1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 dodge ,add 1d4 P.P,ADD 1d6 auto-parry once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward

Strongman :
+1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 2 to pull punch. Add Height 1d10 inches, add weight 5d4%

Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses for it. Note if I.Q was is 18 or higher add two MOS !! Also if IQ 18 or higher add one time bonus

Quick Reflexes:
+ 1 attack per melee and + 2 to Auto-dodge ,1d6 +1 initiative, AND add 1d6 P.P once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward,

Fearless :
+ 1D6+2 to save Horror Factor. However as a result, the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.

1d8+2 M.A. this character is especially likable and affable

Random Psionics Table
01-09 Major Psionics
10-25 Minor Psionics
26-00 No Psionics

O.C.C. Skills:

The following skills are in addition to the ONE M.O.S. selected below. Can have second M.O.S but no Bonus only I.Q if any
If a the same skill is obtain add +10% if pick up a third time add 25% also consider an expert in that area.

Athletics (General)
Climbing (+10%)
Forced March
Swimming (+10%),
Language: English or native area (+10%)
Language: One of choice (+15%).
Literacy: Native Language; +20%
pick 4 and get 25% if reapted skill add +10%
1. Lore: Cattle & Animals
2. Lore: Demons & Monsters
3. Lore: D-Bees
4. Lore: Faerie
5. Lore: History of Russia (new)
6. Lore: General Law (new)
7. Lore: Magic (new)
8. Lore: Psychic & Psionics
9. Lore: Religion (new)
10. Lore : Juicers(+ 10 %)
Mathematics: Basic (+5%)
Military Etiquette (+15%)
Pilot: Hovercraft (Ground)
Hovercycles, Sky cycles
Rocket Bikes (+10%),
Radio: Basic (+10%)
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Knife
Hand to Hand: Basic,
which can be changed to other at the cost of one Secondary Skill.

O.C.C. Related Skills:

Instead of the usual range of skills available, the Soldier selects one of the following M.O.S. skill bundles, below, based on the character’s area of interest, work and specialty. Note:
There is such a large range of Soldier M.O.S. skill packages, that rather than list them here, they are described at the end of this O.C.C. description. It is important to note that most M.O.S. programs have attribute requirements and may grant additional bonuses. Combat Animal Handler Combat Engineer Communications Specialist EOD/Demolitions Specialist Field Medic
Hand to Hand
• Hand to Hand: Basic
• Hand to Hand: Expert
• Hand to Hand: martial arts
• Hand to Hand: Assassin
• Hand to Hand: Commando

https://www.deviantart.com/0800/art/sol ... 3776&qo=54

Infantry Soldier M.O.S. descriptions: Pick one.
https://www.deviantart.com/marksanwel/a ... -497836891

• NUMBER 1 Infantryman:
• NUMBER 2 Infantryman: Melee Specialist
• NUMBER 3 Motorized Rifleman
• NUMBER 4 Rifleman
• NUMBER 5 Combat Engineer:
• NUMBER 6 Marksman/sniper
• NUMBER 7 Communications Specialist
• NUMBER 8 Pig Man Specialist
• NUMBER 9 Anti Armor operator
• NUMBER 10 Point Man
• NUMBER 11 Scout
• NUMBER 12 Military Specialist Branch or MS )News Correspondent/ recruiter
• NUMBER 13 Sailor
• NUMBER 14 Naval Infantryman
• NUMBER 15 Rotor/VTOL /STOL wing Air support
• NUMBER 16 fix wing Aviator
• NUMBER 17 Tank pilots
• NUMBER 18 K9 Cyber Combat Handler
• NUMBER 19 Giant size Robot pilots
• NUMBER 20 Power armor pilots
• NUMBER 21 Drone operator
• NUMBER 22 Transportation Specialist
• NUMBER 23 EOD/Demolitions Specialist
• NUMBER 24 Field Combat Medic
• NUMBER 25 Field Engineer
• NUMBER 26 (MS) Research Specialist
• NUMBER 27 Spy or Undercover Agent
• NUMBER 28 Intelligence & Reconnaissance
• NUMBER 29 (MS) Electronic Intelligence
• NUMBER 30 (MS) Man-Hunter (MS)
• NUMBER 31 (MS) Sabotage & Harassment
• NUMBER 32 Robot Specialist Glitter boy
• NUMBER 33 Robot Intelligence Commando O.C .C:
• NUMBER 34 The Police O.C .C
• NUMBER 35 S.W.A.T The Police
• NUMBER 36 Medical Officer
• NUMBER 37 logistical crew
• NUMBER 38 support crew
• NUMBER 39 dedicate engineers
• NUMBER 40 Drop troops

NUMBER 1 Infantryman:
No requirements. M.O.S.

Bonuses :
+1d6x10 to S.D.C.,
+1 on Perception Rolls regarding finding protective cover.
+1d4+1 Horror factor

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
None at first, may receive cybernetic or bionic repairs to serious physical injury.

NUMBER 1 Infantryman/Grunt M.O.S. Skills: :
First Aid (+5%)
Find Contraband (+6%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Salvage (+5%)
Physical: ANY three of choice,
Upgrade First Aid to Paramedic (+ 1 0%).
Law: General (+1 0%)
Pilot: TWO of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
W.P.: three additional
Hand to Hand: Basic OR Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 2 Infantryman: Melee Specialist
No requirements. M.O.S.

+1d4x10 to S.D.C.,
+1 on Perception Rolls regarding finding protective cover.
+3 strike/ parry from the 6 W.P. Ancient picked
NOTE: Martial/ arts Assassin hand to hand only back attack /rear attacks times 2 only a natural 18 or better times 3 three from the back melee combat or any melee weapons only
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
None at first, may receive cybernetic or bionic repairs to serious physical injury.
M.O.S. Skills:
First Aid (+5%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Hound, Pup Scout or Probes)
Find Contraband (+6%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters(+10%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Physical: One of choice,
Pilot: One of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
W.P.: two additional Modern
W.P. Ancient pick 6 of choice (any)
Hand to Hand: Basic OR Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 3 Motorized Rifleman
No requirements. M.O.S.

+1d4x10 to S.D.C.,
+1 on Perception Rolls regarding finding protective cover.

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
None at first, may receive cybernetic or bionic repairs to serious physical injury.

NUMBER 3 Motorized Rifleman M.O.S. Skills:
Weapon systems (+10%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Hound, Pup Scout or Probes)
Find Contraband (+6%)
First Aid (+5%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters(+10%)
Salvage (+5%)
Physical: two of choice,
Pilot: three of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
Pilot Related two
W.P.: 3 additional Modern (any)
Hand to Hand: Basic OR Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 4 Rifleman
No requirements. M.O.S.

Bonuses :
+1d4x10 to S.D.C.,
+1 on Perception Rolls regarding finding protective cover.

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
None at first, may receive cybernetic or bionic repairs to serious physical injury.
M.O.S. Skills:
Salvage (+5%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Hound, Pup Scout or Probes)
Find Contraband (+6%)
First Aid (+5%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters(+10%)
Physical: two of choice,
Pilot: two of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
Recognize Weapon Quality (+25%)
W.P. Rifles
W.P. Handguns
W.P.: 3 additional Modern (any)
Hand to Hand: Basic OR Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 5 Combat Engineer:
Requires I.Q. of 11 or greater.

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+6D6 to S.D.C.
+1 to I.Q. attribute.

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Schematic Sensor Hand, Tool Hand, Tool Mechanic’s Arm and Cyberlink Vehicle Interface.
M.O.S. Skills:
Demolitions (+10%)
Demolitions Disposal (+20%)
Excavation (+10%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters(+10%)
Military Fortification (+10%)
Trap Construction (+20%)
Field Armorer & Munitions (+10%).
Trap and Mine Detection (+10%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Pilot: two of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
Pick (1) 0ne either 3 Mechanical Skills or Science Skills or Technical Skills
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :
Hand to Hand: Basic OR Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 6 Marksman/sniper :
Requires a P.P. of 12 or higher.

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to M.E. attribute,
+2 to strike on Called Shots,
+2 on Perception Rolls regarding judging distance, wind, the difficulty of the shot and finding a target.
+1d4x10 to S.D.C.,

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Multi-Optic Eye and Motion Detector.

M.O.S. Skills:
Camouflage (+10%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Drones, Pup Scout or Probes)
Detect Concealment (+10%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Prowl (+10%)
Recognize Weapon Quality (+25%)
Sharpshooting Weapon Systems (+ 1 0%)
Pilot: two of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
W.P. Automatic Pistol AND Revolver
W.P.: three additional Modern
Hand to Hand: Basic OR Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 7 Communications Specialist:
Requires an I.Q. of 10 or higher.

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+6D6 to S.D.C.
+1 to Perception Rolls
+30% to Radio Skills :
Basic skill; use this bonus instead of the bonus listed under O.C.C. Skills.

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
One additional communication Cybernetic Enhancement
(such as Finger Jack, Video Eye or Radio Transmitter).
M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Communication: One skill of choice (+10%).
Electronic Countermeasures (+15%)
Salvage (+5%) Laser Communications (+20%)
T.V./Video or Surveillance (+15%)
Three Communications
Computer Operation
Computer Programming
Hand to Hand: Basic OR Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 8 Pig Man Specialist:
Requires a P.S. of 14 and P.E. of 12 or higher.

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1d6x10 to S.D.C.,
+1 to P.S.,
+2 to strike with rifles, machine-guns, rail guns and similar modern, long range weapons.

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics
If light cyborg Sound Filtration System and Shoulder Weapon Mount/Clamps.

M.O.S. Skills:
Recognize Weapon Quality (+15%)
Sensory Systems (+5%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
W.P. Heavy
M.D. Weapons
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons
W.P.: 4 Modem of choice (modern ).
Weapon Systems (+20%)
Hand to Hand: Basic OR Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 9 Anti Armor operator:
Requires an M.E. of 12 or higher.
+1d6x10 to S.D.C.,

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to strike with missiles fired from a vehicle,
+1 to strike an incoming missile in flight.
No penalties from a moving vehicle
+3 to strike with any missiles fired. Not riding a vehicle
On top of that if still prone add +2 to strike
+1d6x10 to S.D.C.,
+2 P.S

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface,
Radar Sensor,

M.O.S. Skills:
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Navigation (+10%)
NBC Warfare (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons
Pick four Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
Hand to Hand: Basic OR Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 10 Point Man
Requires an I.Q. of 9 or higher.

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1d6x10 to S.D.C.,
+1 to P.E.,
+1 to M.E.,
+1d4+2 to Perception Rolls regarding terrain condition and terrain that could be used for ambush and traps, and detecting ambushes, camouflage or traps.

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Clock Calendar,
Directional Sound Amplification Finger,
Sound Amplification Ear implant,
and choice of either one Multi-Optic Eye or Wide-Angle Vision.
M.O.S. Skills:
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+15%)
Land Navigation (+14%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Lore: pick one (+10%)
Prowl (+10%)
Tailing (+15%)
Hand to Hand: Basic OR Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 11 Scout:

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1d6x10 to S.D.C.,

M.O.S. Skills:
Horsemanship: any
Outdoorsmanship (+15%)
Track and Trap Animals (+15%)
Veterinary Science (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+15%)
Land Navigation (+14%)
Prowl (+1d4x10 %)
Tailing (+15%)
Wilderness Survival(+1d4x10 %)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Lore: pick 1d4+1 (+10%)
Pilot: One of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
W.P.: three additional Modern
W.P. of choice (any)
Climbing (+1d4x10 %)
Prowl (+1d4x10 %)
W.P. Net
W.P. Rope
Pick 2 Wilderness skills
Pick 4 Weapon Proficiencies (Ancient)
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
Reduce Secondary Skills to 4 :

NUMBER 12 Military News Correspondent/ recruiter :
Requires an I.Q. of 12 or higher and an M.A. of 11 or higher.

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+6D6 to S.D.C.
+10% Charm/Impress
+10% Trust/Intimidate regardless of M.A. attribute.

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
One additional communication cybernetic enhancement (such as Video eye or Radio Transmitter), and two Hidden Storage Compartments.
M.O.S. Skills:
Cryptography (+10%)
History: Pre-Rifts (USA , only) (+5%),
pick one. Law (General) (+10%)
Law - Loopholes (+8%)
Lore: Demons and Monsters (+10%)
Lore: Magic (+10%)
Public Speaking (+15%).
Pick 2 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
Hand to Hand: Basic OR Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 13 Sailor
P.E. of 10 or higher.
+6D6 to S.D.C.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1d4x10 to S.D.C.,
+5% to Swimming skill.

pick 6 all get +20 (plus IQ if any)
Underwater Skills (RIFTS UNDER SEA PAGE 210)
Underwater Skills
Alphabetical list of new skills
1. Advanced Fishing Marine Biology
2. Ocean Geographic Surveying
3. Pilot: Advanced Deep-Sea Diving
4. Pilot: Submersibles
5. Pilot: Warships & Patrol Boats
6. Pilot: Water Scooters
7. Pilot: Water Skiing
8. Pilot: Surfing
9. Pilot Related: Navigation
10. Power Armor Skill Note
11. Sea Holistic Medicine
12. Submersible Vehicle Mechanics
13. Swimming & Fatigue Note
14. Track & Hunt Sea Animals
15. Undersea Farming
16. Undersea Demolitions
17. Underwater Navigation
18. Undersea Salvage
19. Undersea Survival
20. W.P. Harpoon Gun
21. W.P. Torpedo
22. W.P. Trident
Add requirements skills too

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
One lung implant of choice (usually Oxygen Storage Cell) and Depth Gauge.
M.O.S. Skills:
Navigation (+10%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Pilot Boat: Motor, Race and Hydrofoil (+15%)
Pilot Boat: Ships (+5%)
SCUBA (+15%)
W.P.: two of choice
Hand to Hand: Basic OR Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 14 Naval Infantryman:
P.E. of 10 or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1d6x10 to S.D.C.,
+5% to Swimming skill.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
One lung implant of choice (usually Oxygen Storage Cell) and Depth Gauge.
+1d6x10 to S.D.C.,

M.O.S. Skills:
First Aid (+5%)
Find Contraband (+6%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Salvage (+5%)
Physical: One of choice,
Upgrade First Aid (+ 1 0%).
Law: General (+1 0%)
Navigation (+10%)
Pilot: One of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
Pilot Boat: Motor, Race and Hydrofoil (+15%)
Pilot Boat: Ships (+5%)
SCUBA (+15%)
W.P.: Modern three additional Modern
W.P. :one Ancient of choice (any)
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :
Hand to Hand: Basic OR Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 15 Rotor/VTOL /STOL wing Air support :

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to dodge in flight
+15% to perform evasive maneuvers, stunts and emergency landings.
+1d4x10 to S.D.C.,
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Bionic hand or forearm with
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface, Radar Sensor, Gyro-Compass and Speedometer.

M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Mechanics (+5%)
Navigation (+10%)
Pilot: 2 ANY
Pilot Related Pick ALL
Pilot: Jet Pack (+15%)
Pilot: Hover Vehicles (+10%).
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Military: Combat Helicopter (52%+3%)
Military: Jet Fighters (40%+4%)
Helicopter - 52%+3%
Hover Craft - (+15%)
Combat Driving
Hand to Hand:NO change

NUMBER 16 fix wing Aviator Pilot:

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to dodge in flight
+15% to perform evasive maneuvers, stunts and emergency landings.
+1d4x10 to S.D.C.,

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Bionic hand or forearm with
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface, Radar Sensor, Gyro-Compass and Speedometer. M.O.S. Skills:

M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Mechanics (+5%)
Navigation (+10%)
Pilot: Hover Vehicles (+10%).
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Military: Combat Helicopter (52%+3%)
Military: Jet Fighters (40%+4%)
Pilot: Jet Aircraft (+15%)
Pilot: Jet Fighter (+10%)
Pilot: Jet Pack (+15%)
Pilot: 2 ANY
Pilot Related PICL ALL
Hand to Hand: Basic

NUMBER 17 Tank pilots

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to strike with missiles fired from a vehicle,
+1 to strike an incoming missile in flight.
No penalties from a moving vehicle
+3 to strike with any missiles fired. Not riding a vehicle
On top of that if still prone add +2 to strike
+1d4x10 to S.D.C.,

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface,
Radar Sensor,

M.O.S. Skills:
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Navigation (+10%)
NBC Warfare (+10%)
Pilot: Tanks and APCs (+15%; ).
Pilot: Hover Vehicles
Combat Driving Pilot:
Weapon Systems (+10%)
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons
Hand to Hand: Basic

NUMBER 18 K9 Cyber Combat Handler

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2 on Perception Rolls regarding animals, their health and behavior, including whether they are scared, hurt, aggressive, about to attack, willing to be submissive, back off or run off if given the opportunity, and so on.
+1d6x10 to S.D.C.,

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Four additional cybernetic optical or/and radio/jaw enhancement.
The soldier is assigned
one Cybernetically
Enhanced Falcon,
• Dog
• Horse
(G.M.’s discretion OR TYPE animal with reason )
Breed Dogs/Animal (specific) (+15%)
Falconry (New! +10%), pick one.
Horsemanship: any USA /Canada/South America or Europe (+20%; can be upgraded to Horsemanship: Cossack at the cost of one Secondary Related Skill.)
Camouflage (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+10%)
Detect Concealment (+10%)
Disguise (+10%)
Lore: pick two (+10%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+10%)
Prowl (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Pilot Related Skills (+10%)
Outdoorsmanship Track and Trap Animals (+15%)
Veterinary Science (+10%)
W.P. Net
W.P. Rope
Can be even partial or light brog
Hand to Hand: Basic

NUMBER 19 Giant size Robot pilots

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1d4x10 to S.D.C.,
Add +1 to all !!to favorite.
Add + 30 % one time to one time and only 1d4 skills !!!
Make delicate handling /maneuvers for Giant size Robot +20 % in situations and even prowl base 50% +2 per level

M.O.S. Skills:
Excavation & Rescue (+1 0%)
Pilot: Robots Basic (+20%)
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite:
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite
Pilot: 2 ANY
Pilot Related Pick ALL
Land Navigation (10%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+ 1 5%)
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
W.P. Heavy
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (rail guns included)
Hand to Hand: Basic

NUMBER 20 Power armor pilots
+1d4x10 to S.D.C.,

M.O.S. Bonuses:
Add +1 to all !!to favorite.
Any range weapons +1d4+1 or Melee weapons pick one !!!
Add 2 more attack in Power armor with flight capabilities other add +1 attack
Can push speed flight only by 1d4x10% for 2d4 melee

M.O.S. Skills:
Pilot: Power Armor Basic (+9%)
Pilot: Power Armor Combat Elite:
Pilot: Jet Packs (+20%)
Pilot: Helicopter or Jet Aircraft and VOTL (+ 1 6%).
Pilot: 2 ANY
Pilot Related Pick ALL
Parachuting (+ 1 5%)
Navigation (+20%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Read (& Operate)
Sensory Equipment (+ I 0%)
W.P. Heavy
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (rail guns included)
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
Hand to Hand: Basic

NUMBER 21 Drone operator

M.O.S. Bonuses:
Small drones size have prowl 80 + 1% per level + 3 to all
Medium drones size 70 + 2% per level + 2 to all
Large drones size 60 + 3% per level + 1 to all
Can add spd by 1d4x10% to all

M.O.S. Skills:
Pick four skill and replace one time (+1d4x10 %)
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Radio: Scramblers (+10%)
Surveillance Systems (+10%)
T.V./Video (+10%)
Weapon Systems(+10%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
Computer Programming (+10%)
Basic Mechanics - (+10%)
Weapon Systems - (+10%)
Navigation (+10%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment -(+10%)
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Computer Repair (+10%)
Tracking (people) (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+10%)
Pick 2 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
Hand to Hand: Basic
Reduce Secondary Skills to four :

Command Robots Drones: look below for details

Knowledge in the operation, deployment and strategic use of Army reconnaissance and combat drones robots like the Combat Drone (like Skelebot), Dog Drone (an example Chaos earth book main book) , Pup Scout (Chaos earth book main book) , Spider Probe(Chaos earth book main book) , and Flying Drone/Probe (Chaos earth book main book) . 1-10 robots are assigned to Escort/ assist/attack/patrol ,investigate area or protect the individual who commands it/them. Base Skill: Not applicable


CAN A LIGHT CYBORG ID6 cybernetic implants of choice OR Partial or full Borg
Starts with ID6 cybernetic implants of choice. No LD. chip to avoid identification as a NEMA agent by the enemy. If a partial cyborg ( 12% are), the agent will have one or two bionic arms with I D4+2 different built-in capabilities (sensors, finger camera, weapons, etc.) for each, a bionic eye and even a pair of bionic legs

NUMBER 22 Transportation Specialist:
Requires P.E. and P.P. of at least 9.

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to dodge while driving
+5% to perform evasive maneuvers, stunts, rams and emergency crashes.
+6D6 to S.D.C.

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Bionic hand or forearm with
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface,
M.O.S. Skills:
Pick one skill and replace one time (+1d4x10 %)
Combat Driving Pilot: Automobile
Combat Driving Pilot: Motorcycles & Snowmobiles (+15%)
Lore: 1d4
Pilot: Hover Vehicles (+10%; ).
Pilot: Tanks and APCs (+10%; ).
Pilot: Truck (+10%)
Pilot two additional pilot skill ground only (+10%; ).
Pilot two additional pilot skill water (+10%) only
Hand to Hand: Basic

NUMBER 23 EOD/Demolitions Specialist
Requires an I.Q. of 10 and a P.P. of 12 or higher.

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1d6x10 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. and P.P. attribute,
+1 to roll with impact,
+2 to Perception Rolls regarding explosives and traps, their level of complexity, ease or difficulty to deactivate/defuse, level of danger/damage/power, range of collateral damage, whether the maker was an amateur or expert (like himself) and similar.

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Schematic Sensor Hand,
Radiation Sensor and Macro-Eye Laser.

M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Demolitions (+20%)
Demolitions Disposal (+15%)
Demolitions: Underwater (+14%)
Munitions Expert (the Munitions part,
only, from the skill Field Armorer and Munitions Expert, +10%).
Trap and Mine Detection (+10%)
Hand to Hand: Basic

NUMBER 24 Field Combat Medic:
Requires an I.Q. and a P.P. of 10 or higher.
+6D6 to S.D.C.

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to I.Q.
on Perception Rolls regarding the severity of injuries, the best and most immediate repair/ surgery or treatment, stability of the patient, and at levels 4 and 8, treatment from this Field Medic to those in a coma/death situation provides the patient with a cumulative bonus of +5% to save vs coma and death (+10% when the Field Medic is at level 8 experience).

Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Macro-Eye Laser,
Molecular Analyzer,
Finger Laser Scalpel and Wrist/Palm Needle.
M.O.S. Skills:
Brewing: Medicinal (+5%)
Cybernetic Medicine Field Surgery (+14%)
Medical Doctor (+5%)
Pathology (+10%)
Xenology (+5%),
Pick 2 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
Hand to Hand: Basic

NUMBER 25 Field Engineer:

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+6D6 to S.D.C.

M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Electronics (+ 1 5%)
Command Robots (any/all)
Computer Operation (+20%)
Electricity Generation (+ 1 0%)
Excavation & Rescue (+ 1 5%)
Jury-Rig (+20%)
Math: Advanced (+ 1 5%)
Mechanical Engineer (+ 1 5%)
Military Fortification (+ 1 5%)
Salvage (+20%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+20%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+20%)
Hand to Hand: Basic

NUMBER 26 Research Specialist
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+6D6 to S.D.C.
+1 to M.E. attribute,
+1 to roll with impact,

M.O.S. Skills:
Pick four skill and replace one time (+1d4x10 %)
Computer Programming(+20%)
Computer Hacking (+ 1 5%)
Forgery (+1 5%)
Lore: four of choice (+1 5% each).
Photography (+ 1 5%)
TV/Video (+1 0%)
Pick 1d10 skill from (+1d4x10+8%) with requirement skills
• Communications
• Rogue Skills
• Technical Skills
• Science Skills
• Research (+20%)
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :
Hand to Hand: Basic

NUMBER 27 Spy or Undercover Agent
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1d6x10 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. and +2 P.P. attribute,
+2 to roll with impact,

M.O.S. Skills:
Command Robots (probes/Drones and Pups only)
Disguise (+20%) Interrogation (+ 12%)
Imitate Voices and Impersonation (+14%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Prowl (+1 0%) Seduction (+13%)
Streetwise (+ 14%)
Surveillance Systems (and Tailing) (+ 1 5%)
Tracking (+ 1 0%) or Concealment (+ 12%) FOR Undercover Agent PICK ONE
Spy GET BOTH Tracking AND Concealment
pick one
Hand to Hand: Expert
Hand to Hand: martial arts
Hand to Hand: Assassin
Hand to Hand: Commando

NUMBER 28 Intelligence & Reconnaissance
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1d4x10 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. and P.P. attribute,
+2 to roll with impact,

M.O.S. Skills:
Camouflage (+ 1 5%)
Command Robots (probes only)
Detect Ambush (+ 1 0%)
Detect Concealment (+ 1 5%)
Find Contraband (+1 6%) Land Navigation (+1 6%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Prowl (+1 0%)
Tracking (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+20%)
Wilderness Skill: One of choice (+1 5%)
Reconnaissance GET FOUR Wilderness Skill: 4 of choice (+1 5%)
Pilot two any no robots or power armor
pick one
Hand to Hand: Expert
Hand to Hand: martial arts
Hand to Hand: Assassin
Hand to Hand: Commando

NUMBER 29(MS) Electronic Intelligence
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+6d6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. attribute,

M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Electronics (+ 1 5%)
Basic Mechanics (+ 1 0%)
Command Robots (any, though usually probes and one Hound)
Computer Hacking (+20%)
Computer Programming (+ 1 5%)
Electronic Countermeasures (+20%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Read ( & Operate) Sensory Equipment (+ 1 5%)
Surveillance Systems (and Tailing) (+ 1 5%)
TV/Video (+20%)
Cryptography (+ 1 5%)
pick one
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to Hand: Expert
Hand to Hand: martial arts
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :

NUMBER 30 Man-Hunter (MS)
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1d6x10 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. and P.P. P.S and +3 P.E attribute,
+4 to roll with impact,

M.O.S. Skills:
Command Robots (any)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Recognize Weapon Quality
(+ 1 5%) Sharpshooting
Sniper (+1d4x10+8%)
Prowl (+1 5%)
Tracking (+1d4x10+8%)
W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle
W.P. : four of choice (any)
pick one
Hand to Hand: Expert
Hand to Hand: martial arts
Hand to Hand: Assassin
Hand to Hand: Commando

Starts with ID4 cybernetic implants of choice. No LD. chip to avoid identification as a agent by the enemy.
If a partial cyborg ( 12% are), the agent will have one or two bionic arms with I D4+2 different built-in capabilities (sensors, finger camera, weapons, etc.) for each, a bionic eye and even a pair of bionic legs.

NUMBER 31 (MS) Sabotage & Harassment:
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1d4x10 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E.,P.P. ,P.E and P.S attribute,
+2 to roll with impact,

M.O.S. Skills:
Camouflage (+20%)
Command Robots (all)
Computer Programming (+ 1 0%)
Find Contraband (+ 1 0%)
Demolitions (+20%)
Demolitions: Underwater (+20%)
Demolitions Disposal (+1 5%)
Escape Artist (+ 1 5%)
Forgery (+20%)
Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Warfare (+ 1 5%)
pick one
Hand to Hand: Expert
Hand to Hand: martial arts
Hand to Hand: Assassin
Hand to Hand: Commando
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :


Starts with ID4 cybernetic implants of choice. No LD. chip to avoid identification as a agent by the enemy. If a partial cyborg ( 5% are), the agent will have one or two bionic arms with ID4+2 different built-in capabilities (sensors, finger camera, weapons, etc.) for each, a bionic eye and even a pair of bionic legs.

NUMBER 32 Robot Glitter boy Specialist:

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+6d6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to P.P. attribute,
+2 to roll with impact,
Add + 2 dodge/roll/strike range weapons of any kind from that Robot Vehicle.
Add 1d4+ years to age
Add +10 % to all ground robot vehicles.

M.O.S. Skills:
Advanced Math (+ 1 0%)
Basic Electronics (+20%)
Command Robots (all)
Locksmith (+20%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Mechanical Engineer (+ 10%)
Pilot: Glitter boy Robots expert pick 1d4 different models
Pilot: Robot
(choose one specific type and one skill only ; any add +35 can over 99% but add penalties)
Robot Mechanics (+25%)
Weapons Engineer (+ 1 0%)
pick one
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 33 Robot Intelligence Commando O.C .C:

M.O.S. Bonuses:
Attribute Requirements:
I.Q . 9 ,
P.E. 14,
P.S.9, or higher.
A high P.S, P. P . and Spd are encouraged but not a requirement.
+1d6x10 to S.D.C.,
M.O.S. Skills:
Math: Basic (+ 1 0%)
Literacy: English (+ 30%)
Language: ( + 30%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+ 20%)
Radio: Basic (+ 20%)
Computer Operation (+15%)
Intelligence (+20% )
Land Navigation (+14%)
Tracking: Humans/monsters (+ 20%)
Tracking: Animals (+1 0%)
Wilderness Survival (+20%)
Prowl (+ 1 0%)
Pilot skill of choice ( + 20% ) Expert
Pilot Robots & Power Armor ( + 15%)
Robot Combat Elite: Power Armor of choice or
General Athletics
Climbing ( + 1 0%)
Swimming ( + 1 0%)
W. P . Energy Rifle
W.P. Heavy Energy
Hand to Hand: any pick one
pick one
Hand to Hand: Expert
Hand to Hand: martial arts
Hand to Hand: Assassin
Hand to Hand: Commando

NUMBER 34 Police O.C .C .

M.O.S. Bonuses:
Attribute Requirements:
+1d4x10 to S.D.C.,
I.Q . 8
M.E . 10 or higher; a high
I.Q . , M.E . , P. S . and P.P. NOT are recommended but mandatory .

M.O.S. Skills:
Literacy: ( + 30%)
Language: ( + 30%)
Language: Select two additional ( + 1 0%)
Radio: Basic ( + 10%)
Surveillance Systems ( + 10%)
Computer Operation ( + 1 0%)
Streetwise & Streetwise Drugs (both are + 20% )
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Intelligence ( + 10%)
Math: Basic ( + 20%)
Pilot ground vehicles (2) only
Rogue Skills 2
W.P. Automatic Pistol
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
pick one
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 35 S.W.A.T The Police O.C .C .

M.O.S. Bonuses:
Attribute Requirements:
+1d4x10+8 to S.D.C.,
I.Q . 8
M.E . 10 or higher; a high
I.Q . , M.E . , P. S . and P.P. are recommended but mandatory .

M.O.S. Bonuses:
Language: ( + 30%)
Language: Select two additional ( + 1 0%)
Radio: Basic ( + 10%)
Surveillance Systems ( + 10%)
Computer Operation ( + 1 0%)
Streetwise & Streetwise Drugs (both are + 20% )
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Intelligence ( + 1 0%)
Math: Basic ( + 20%)
Prowl ( + 20%)
Pilot Hover Vehicles ( + 10%)
Pilot ground (2)vehicles only
Pilot Robots & Power Armor
Robot Combat Elite:
Robot Combat Elite:
Climbing ( + 5%)
Rogue Skills 1d4+1
W.P. Automatic Pistol
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. ADD 1D4+1
pick one
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 36 Medical Officer O.C.C . :
+1d4x10 to S.D.C.,
Add to I.Q +2
Get one time to Medical skills 1d4+1 skills
get one time to any skill pick (+1d4x10+8%)
M.O.S. Skills:
Medical Doctor ( + 10%)
Biology ( + 30%)
Pathology ( + 30%)
Criminal Science & Forensics ( + 20%)
Computer Operation ( + 20%)
Chemistry ( + 1 0%)
Chemistry: Analytical ( + 1 0%)
Math: Basic ( + 20%)
Math: Advanced ( + 20%)
Literacy: Euro ( + 30%)
Language: Euro ( + 30%)
Language: Select one additional ( + 20%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Pilot Hover Craft ( + 10%)
Science Skills Pick four skills with requirements add
Medical Skills Pick two skills with requirements add
W.P. Knife
W.P. Energy Rifle
pick one
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to Hand: Expert

NUMBER 37 logistical crew O.C.C . :
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+6d6 to S.D.C.,

M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Electronics
Computer Repair
Mechanical S kills
Pilot Skills up to six any
Navigation (40%+5%)
Sensory Equipment (3 0%+5%)
Weapon Systems (40%+5%)
Pick Locks
Science Skills pick 3 with requirement skills add if any
Technical Skills pick 3 with requirement skills add if any
Mechanical skills pick 3 with requirement skills add if any
Hand to Hand: Basic

NUMBER 38 support crew O.C.C . :

M.O.S. Bonuses:
+3d6 to S.D.C.,

M.O.S. Skills:
3d6% for all roll one time
Basic Electronics
Computer Repair
Mechanical S kills
Pilot Skills up to seven any robot only basic general pick ground or flight no Elite
Navigation (40%+5%)
Sensory Equipment (3 0%+5%)
Weapon Systems (40%+5%)
Hand to Hand: Basic

NUMBER 39 dedicate engineers
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2d6 to S.D.C.,
One time 1d4x10+8% for six skill and the rest get +15%

M.O.S. Skills:
Pick four are of engineer.
pick one area and pick 12 skills for that catergry
• Communication
• Espionage
• Military Skills
• Mechanical S kills
• Medical Skills
• Electrical Skills
• Science Skills
• Technical Skills
• Rogue

Reduce Secondary Skills by 12 : but can 6 addtinal pick additional skills from MOS above
Hand to Hand: Basic

NUMBER 40 Drop troops

M.O.S. Bonuses:

ID6x 10 to physical S.D.C
+ 1D4 to P. S . , P.E. and Spd .
+2 on initiative .
+1 to strike in hand to hand combat.
+2 to parry and dodge .
+3 to roll with impact
Add 1d4x10% for 1d6 skills one time bonus

M.O.S. Skills:
Language: Native Tongue
Language : Other (two of choice; + 10%)
Radio: Basic (+ 10%)
Sign Language(+ 10%)
Climbing(+ 10%)
Detect Ambush(+ 10%)
Detect Concealment(+ 10%)
Disguise(+ 10%)
Wilderness Survival (+ 10%)
Camouflage(+ 10%)
Parachuting(+ 10%)
Pilot :Jet Packs
Pilot pick four any (+ 10%)
Trap/Mine Detection(+ 10%)
First Aid(+ 10%)
Lore : Demons & Monsters(+ 10%)
W.P 7 any
pick one
Hand to Hand: Expert
Hand to Hand: martial arts
Hand to Hand: Assassin
Hand to Hand: Commando

Secondary Skills:

Select 14 skill from the Secondary Skill list on page 300 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition at levels 1, 3, 7, 9 and 12. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get any bonuses, other than a possible bonus for having a high I.Q. All Secondary Skills start at base level.

Standard Equipment:

Military I.D. and ration card, standard body armor, one weapon per W.P. and six E-Clips per weapon, one Vibro-Knife or Vibro-Sword, two signal flares, two smoke grenades, two fragmentation grenades, silver-plated survival knife (2D4), flashlight, distancing binoculars, utility belt, gun holster for side arm, additional air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, canteen, water purification tablets, anti-radiation pills, four standard uniforms, one dress uniform, pocket-sized silver cross signal mirror, utility belt, backpack and bedroll.

https://www.deviantart.com/0800/art/sol ... 3776&qo=54

Naval or light Body Armor
[spoiler]The constant dangers of Rifts Earth are such that Navy personnel are not safe even inside an armored juggernaut. To protect its people, the Navy has issued a version of the combat armor commonly used in pre-Rifts days. This body armor is lighter and more comfortable than the Marine 's combat armor which is issued to all combat personnel, but it can mean the difference between life and death for a Navy sailor. The armor consists of a fully padded body suit with a helmet; not required on duty except while under threat of attack. The armor has special flotation devices that add +5% to swimming rolls and serves as a life jacket. It has all the features common to modem body armor (see Rifts RPG, page 209).
• M.D.C.: 60
• Weight: 5 ibs (5 kg)
• Excellent Mobility; no penalties on the performance of prowl and other physical skills such as gymnastics.
• Maximum Depth: 1000 feet (305 m); ruptures at greater depths.
• Market Cost: 40,000 credits outside Salvation and Refuge Bases .
This is one of the items not commonly traded or sold outside Army .

Army Combat Armor
This heavy body armor has some superficial similarities to 20th Century helmets and flack jackets, but it has the addition of a face plate/mask, can be made airtight in an instant and has life support, as well as a built-in radio, insulation and all features common to environmental body armor (as listed in Rifts Ultimate Ed., p. 267). Comes in many colors olive green, forest-jungle camouflage pattern, and beige brown desert camouflage pattern. Combat armor is manufactured at both bases .
• M.D.C.: 120
• Weight: 10 Ibs (9.5 kg)
• Good Mobility: - 3% on the performance of prowl and other physical skills such as gymnastics.
• Maximum Depth: 2000 feet (6 10 m)
• Market Cost: 60,000 credits outside Refuge and Salvation Bases. knock-offs (see Rifts Mercenaries for details about Iron Heart) are double weight Mobility, Depth 1000 FEET

all body armor can add basic Exo Armour
add P.S 8 ,SPD +10 , Mini Battery systems 1 year
can do MDC in Hand to hand
look at first picture look below
https://www.deviantart.com/marksanwel/a ... -497836891

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... hbg5MIlEm0

NOTE can carry perusal Force field

Personal Force Fields

This is the model available and is worn as two crossed belts over the person' s torso (at no charge , those belts can be converted into bandoliers for holding grenades or E-clips; each bandolier strap can hold 6 grenades or 4 E-Clips) .If connected to nuclear power supply unit it double the M.D.C. You can put one in main body just replace clip and M.D.C right back but nuclear power can take time and indefinite duration. Also, you can put main force with clip to main body and back up either two light or one medium and light systems as example. Also you place on any hand held weapon a Force Field any type but only one. the max a person can carry are four Personal Force Fields .They are not use near any coalition states for varies reasons. They can be available to any vehicle or robots
Light Force Field
• M.D.C. 45( 90)
• Weight: 8 lbs (3 . 6 kg)
• No movement penalties .
• 24 hour duration per E-clip .
Recover all M.D.C replace clip one attack or nuclear power two attack

Medium Force Field
An E-Clip will power the force field for 1 0 hours.
• M.D.C. 75(150)
• Weight: 10 lbs (4 . 5 kg)
• No movement penalties .
• 10 hour duration per E-clip .
Recover all M.D.C replace clip one attack or nuclear power three attack

Heavy Force Field
An E-Clip will power the force field for 10 hours.
• M.D.C . 110(220)
• Weight: 15 Ibs (6. 8 kg)
• No movement penalties .
• 8 hour duration per E-clip.
Recover all M.D.C replace clip one attack or nuclear power four attack

Superheavy Force Field
This is the most powerful force field available .
• M.D.C. I60(320)
• Weight: 15 Ibs (6. 8 kg)
• No movement penalties .
• 6 hour duration per E-clip .
Recover all M.D.C replace clip one attack or nuclear power one full melee or 15 seconds

Equipment Available Upon Assignment:

Any vehicle in which the character is trained, additional weapons, energy clips, medical kit, tool kit, portable computer, portable language translator, cameras, surveillance equipment, explosives (including fusion blocks), and has low to mid-level military clearance. Note: Availability of equipment and resources may be dependent upon the local commander, supply stock, location, casualties and combat conditions.


They gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, access to vehicle storage, hangars, maintenance areas, medical care and all other basic needs provided for free as part of his/her pay. The Infantry Soldier starts as a Private with a monthly salary starting at 1,100 credits a month. They get triple hazardous pay

Cybernetics and Bionics:
Cybernetic and Bionic Enhancement:

Though the Infantry themselves usually reserve the designation for partial cyborgs, light, full conversion cyborgs, many Infantry Soldiers can be classified as Light cyborgs Machines or partial conversion cyborgs due to the extensive bionic reconstruction they undergo. Approximately 25% of infantry soldiers receive bionic augmentations for approximately 40-50% of their bodies, making them partial cyborgs. Another 15% of infantry soldiers are full conversion cyborg classified as Light cyborgs. The remaining 50% of the infantry start out as completely human with only 6 cybernetic implants of choice. Of course, injuries in combat may substantially increase the amount of bionic augmentation a soldier ultimately ends up with.
soldiers who receive 55% or more bionic conversion usually stay in the military for life or a long stretch of 30-50 years of service.

01-50% Human Infantry Soldiers: No bionics, but has 1D4 cybernetic implants (clock calendar, etc.).

51-85% Partial Cyborg Infantry Soldier only 6 cybernetic implants

55-80% of the soldier’s body has been Light cybernetically enhanced.
• One Headjack and one Finger Jack.
• Cyberlink Vehicle Interface.
• Two Sensor/Communication System implants of choice.
• Reinforced endo-skeleton and body frame (20 M.D.C. to 80 M.D.C )
• Full leg conversion. Speed: 45 (30 mph/48 km), can leap 10 feet (3 m) high or 12 feet (3.7 m) lengthwise from a standing start or double that with a short run. Each leg has 60 M.D.C. and each foot has 18 M.D.C.
• One bionic arm (40 M.D.C.) and hand (12 M.D.C.) with one forearm and one hand weapon. The P.S. and the P.P. of the bionic arm are 18.
• Lung implants: Gas Filtration System and Oxygen Storage Cell.

86-00% Full Conversion Light Cyborg
The Infantry soldier is a full conversion cyborg. See the Military Grade
Last edited by ZINO on Sun May 01, 2022 7:35 pm, edited 4 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

As far as homogenizations go, it doesn't look bad, but I look like some clarity on hoe the HtH selection works. The gear looks like its on the munchkin side of things, but considering this is Rifts its to be expected. I would like to be pointed towards a good lore post as to who these people are though.
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

I'm trying to standardize soldiers myself, so the skill divisions can prove to me a useful reference. Pegging O.C.C. bonuses at least partially to M.O.S. is a solid choice. I'm pleased to see this, and to find out that you've apparently been posting a lot in the Chaos Earth subforum, which I clearly don't check out often enough.
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

i am humble by your words thank you
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Omegasgundam wrote: I look like some clarity on hoe the HtH selection works. .

i think i fix it HtH
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Curbludgeon wrote:I'm trying to standardize soldiers myself, so the skill divisions can prove to me a useful reference. Pegging O.C.C. bonuses at least partially to M.O.S. is a solid choice. I'm pleased to see this, and to find out that you've apparently been posting a lot in the Chaos Earth subforum, which I clearly don't check out often enough.

cool take a look plz and of possible post and vote
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by Omegasgundam »

I'm hesitant to batch absolutely all of the various OCC branches under one super-base. The more technical non-frontline jobs have a different enough basis from the Infantry that I thinks its something of a mistake.
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

I'd argue that it's fine, provided the core common skills are kept deliberately limited. What ZINO has done could certainly work for the organization they're detailing.

If someone instead wanted to put together a Megaversal Solider that could be used to write up Coalition troops, U.S. Army Infantry, Roman Legionnaires, peasant conscripts, and intergalactic generals, then it needs to start with almost nuthin'.

I'd go with:
Military Etiquette
General Athletics
Hand to Hand:Basic

Even that might be too much. The player could then add their character's setting's Automatic skills, followed by the milieu-specific basic training required by whatever military in which they're involved. The latter is where you'd see specific W.P.s for example. Following that occupational specialities would be selected, with each consisting of 1-5 skill/bonus packages of 5 or so skills each. Some specialities would require a note indicating if additional skills get folded in, such as certain technical specialities granting Literacy for characters whom don't acquire it as an Automatic skill.
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

wow, thanks for your comment !!!!
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »


Location: North America coalition area
Date: classified

This merc army called The Retribution was the focus on attacking coalition vital weak points and well balance in firepower both in alien tech and magic . This merc op was broken into four areas tech , magic ,techno-wizard, and psionic -units . Which gave them the edge to go toe to toe with the coalition sadly these units didn’t care who got in their way in order to damage to the coalition .sadly this merc unit had Naruni Enterprises tech and the best , this put coalition in a world of hurt for the first 3 week losing tank/APC , infantry battalions and air support fell like flies . This made THE guards/ N.A.A.T , tundra rangers. Wellington Industries, Chipwell Armaments, The Immaterial Hand to join forces against this massive merc and this allow the coalition to regroup for the loss of men and equipment Was massive it took a full month to recover .this allowed N.A.A.T to introduce N.A.M.E.S and THE guard's merc outfit during the weeks of infight N.A.A.T/ N.A.M.E.S / THE guards to acquire hundreds of NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol, NE-10 Plasma Cartridge Rifle, NE-50 Particle Beam Rifle
, NE-200 Plasma Cartridge Machinegun, Camouflage Sheets, Personal Force Fields, and 3d6 Carnivore Mark I Light Hover Tank and 1d4 Juggernaut Heavy Hover Tank and hundreds odd and damage coalition equipment. On the salvage part which is been sent to the west coast area away from C.S to be exam and copy as knock-off and modify to max Mauler Power Armor 8d6 ,Tenor Trooper Power Armor 1d6, Old Style "Death's Head SAMAS 2d6, New "Smiling Jack" Light Assault SAMAS 3d6, New Super SAMAS 1d4 , New Style Skelebots 3d6, Coalition IAR-2 Abolisher Robot 1d4, IAR-3 Skull Smasher 1d4 ,CR-004 Scout Spider-Skull Walker 1d4, CR-005 Scorpion-Skull Walker 1d4 ,CTX-50 "Line Backer" Heavy Tank 2d6 ,CS Command Car 1,Flying Patrol Car 3d6,Black Lightning 1d4 ,CA-6C Cyborg Armor 3d6 ,CA-6EX Armor 3d6 ,UAR-1 Enforcer Assault Robot 6d6, Coalition Mark V: Armored Personnel Carrier 8d6, and
Coalition Death's Head Armored Transport 1d4. These were taken away from the Retribution Mercenary army sadly many were more were destroy during the campaign . Sadly there were no POWs all were kill and several CS villages were lost as well.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »


Location: North America coalition area
Date: classified

This merc army called The Retribution was the focus on attacking coalition vital weak points and well balance in firepower both in alien tech and magic . This merc op was broken into four areas tech , magic ,techno-wizard, and psionic -units . Which gave them the edge to go toe to toe with the coalition sadly these units didn’t care who got in their way in order to damage to the coalition .sadly this merc unit had Naruni Enterprises tech and the best , this put coalition in a world of hurt for the first 3 week losing tank/APC , infantry battalions and air support fell like flies . This made THE guards/ N.A.A.T , tundra rangers. Wellington Industries, Chipwell Armaments, The Immaterial Hand to join forces against this massive merc and this allow the coalition to regroup for the loss of men and equipment Was massive it took a full month to recover .this allowed N.A.A.T to introduce N.A.M.E.S and THE guard's merc outfit during the weeks of infight N.A.A.T/ N.A.M.E.S / THE guards to acquire hundreds of NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol, NE-10 Plasma Cartridge Rifle, NE-50 Particle Beam Rifle
, NE-200 Plasma Cartridge Machinegun, Camouflage Sheets, Personal Force Fields, and 3d6 Carnivore Mark I Light Hover Tank and 1d4 Juggernaut Heavy Hover Tank and hundreds odd and damage coalition equipment. On the salvage part which is been sent to the west coast area away from C.S to be exam and copy as knock-off and modify to max Mauler Power Armor 8d6 ,Tenor Trooper Power Armor 1d6, Old Style "Death's Head SAMAS 2d6, New "Smiling Jack" Light Assault SAMAS 3d6, New Super SAMAS 1d4 , New Style Skelebots 3d6, Coalition IAR-2 Abolisher Robot 1d4, IAR-3 Skull Smasher 1d4 ,CR-004 Scout Spider-Skull Walker 1d4, CR-005 Scorpion-Skull Walker 1d4 ,CTX-50 "Line Backer" Heavy Tank 2d6 ,CS Command Car 1,Flying Patrol Car 3d6,Black Lightning 1d4 ,CA-6C Cyborg Armor 3d6 ,CA-6EX Armor 3d6 ,UAR-1 Enforcer Assault Robot 6d6, Coalition Mark V: Armored Personnel Carrier 8d6, and
Coalition Death's Head Armored Transport 1d4. These were taken away from the Retribution Mercenary army sadly many were more were destroy during the campaign . Sadly there were no POWs all were kill and several CS villages were lost as well.

History of The Retribution

History of The Retribution army this was a time during the last two years of the coalition war . King Robert Creed was getting an army made of magic , juicers , conventional armored, and another made of Techno-Wizard army . But a much larger army of magic All the Iron Juggernauts 30 each with small crew to repair and even make a full Iron Juggernauts as well massive amount of low to mid-level mages of many class and other beings of magic and last but not least Psionic OCC as well . this army was made to counter the might of the coalition and would be able to turn the tide in a second way. However, a terrible turn of event happens, The Splugorth’s know something about this and try to sabotage the Rift jump from where they assemble to be rifted into Tolkien's. it fail in a good way ,the good part didn’t end up as a slave or kill by Splugorth's and the bad the shifter to survive and knew the way back home ended in a coma in phaseworld . the part was that of this King Robert Creed decided not to put all it egg in one basket to protect and end with only the Iron Juggernauts program so no one can copy and steal and able to recover that particular section if destroyed. The loss of the secret Merc army was kept a secret and the surprise when the of how Tolkeen's was able to beat the coalition was to bury what happen . Also, another bad news was the fact if this Merc army would not end up in Phaseworld it would be top-of-the-line combat troops. It went for dedicated men of arms, men of magic, and last added psionic a huge advantage not seen in rifts and would be extended the war to Tolkeen's favor . time was not on their side even with the early wins Tolkeen's had. It took a few years to get that only shifter up to it feet which they end up being as elite Merc army in another war and end up as hero’s and can better equipment and train !!
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Re: N.A.AT

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The Retribution army

History of The Retribution
History of The Retribution Phaseworld
Space Pirate Charts
Random Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms and Space Pirate Charts FROM taalismn
Random Alien Weapons:

THANK YOU taalismn YOU ROCK!!!

History of The Retribution

History of The Retribution army this was a time during the last two years of the coalition war . King Robert Creed was getting an army made of magic ,juicers , conventional armored, and another made of Techno-Wizard army . But a much larger army of magic All the Iron Juggernauts 30 each with small crew to repair and even make a full Iron Juggernauts as well massive amount of low to mid-level mages of many class and other being of magic and last but not least Psionic OCC as well . this army was made to counter the might of the coalition and would be able to turn the tide in the second way. However, a terrible turn of event happens, The Splugorth’s know something about this and try to sabotage the Rift jump from where they assemble to be rifted into Tolkeen's. it fail in a good way ,the good part didn’t end up as slave or kill by Splugorth's and the bad the shifter to survive and knew the way back home ended in coma in phaseworld . the part was that of this King Robert Creed decided not to put all it egg in one basket to protect and end with only the Iron Juggernauts program so no one can copy and steal and able to recover that particular section if destroyed. The loss of secret Merc army was kept a secret and the surprise when the of how Tolkeen's was able to beat the coalition were to bury what happen . Also, another bad new was the fact if this Merc army would not end up in Phaseworld it would be top of the line combat troops. It went for dedicated men of arms, men of magic and last added psionic a huge advantage not seen in rifts and would extended the war to Tolkeen's favor . you time was not on their side even with the early wins Tolkeen's had. It too a few years to get that only shifter up to it feet which they end up been as elite Merc army in another war and end up as hero’s and can better equipment and train !!

The Retribution corps call at the time end up in Phaseworld, unable to go back to Rift earth and lost they Rifted into a valley. They were aware they end up somewhere but immediately set up a perimeter and set camp. The Retribution corps used warlock to set hiding pace for the big vehicles and magic as well as conventional tactics to hid and the valley gave perfect cover from air as well. It took them sometime to settle and get a lay of the land. As they travel this planet was well advance in technology and had space travel beginning space flight faster than light . To their surprise spoke English too on this planet they were able to hide from the Plant being under attack and this was where The Retribution corps could help .this planet call Luna I was a democratic system for , the ,by sentient being .it been around 300 plus years Sadly the Trans galactic empire was attacking them and cut off from contacting the CWW and Independent were the two factors that got to get invaded . LUNA I has only 5 systems and were cut off from many of phase world power that could help . They have a fleet for each system and back line to hold off the TGE but if the home world can be capture or destroy they could win the other four systems within months instead of years 1d4+1 . still the fleet are all holding but home world need more then just technology and tis where The Retribution corps came in. Using forge documents and clever tactic to hide in plain site due to the war .they found lots of supernatural creature they could work with on this planet too from hatching dragons to gargoyles. When they were call upon to fight they literally held their own and more .As they wont battle after battle so did their budget to the point they soup up all military vehicles and in matter of months the home world was secured later they were able to break free to the other four systems still win and pushing back the TGE cloud afford the loss , there had to a way to end the war for they know alone couldn’t win with out help.

When The Retribution Army was able to set up camp one base operation of empty s town on rifts and

This is where LUNA I need help during The Retribution corps that all planets held ridicules amount of Killaryte !!!! this was the LUNA I could get rid of a small planet away to NE!!!

When LUNA I and NE made contact and found out this massive amount of Killaryte was on this small planet NE being try to take it by force. This back fire on them first LUNA I was ready for thIs and TGE was going to let NE try and take a small claim of this solar systems they were in or they get a foot hold . The TGE was award of Killaryte too which . At first . But the fact that NE saw the TGE could loss to a small power bloc like LUNA I and NE seen that they cover four area of massive and small combat which were technological, magic ,techno wizard , and psionic warfare .
When NE first armed to the teeth with all ill manner of weapons then when sending troops to help with TGE this was the truing point of the war. NE wasn’t wasting time to get their hand on Killaryte and NE is not aware of the other planets have Killaryte .Still they have a maiisve good supplies for open market.

Finally after years they of oma they were to get the **** back and theory thanks to UWW and The Retribution corps was know as The Retribution Army . Took four and hald years sadly when they ready to rift back to earth thing didn’t go well , The Retribution Army cames a few years later Tolkenn had fallen !!!

On RIFTS Earth they didn’t strike right away and with the massive support they got to return to rifts earth . The Retribution Army didn’t strike right away they set camp and look did lots of recon and intel . The Retribution Army some stay many stay and more join but knew LUNA I will give some support but not full support .You see LUNA I found out that The Retribution corps was from another not just a planet but another dimension . But they would let NE and their equipment but not LUNA I was allow .They told The Retribution Army they could be safe harbor if they fail as a fallback but ready to fight if they try to cross to LUNA I which never happen.

When The Retribution Army came to earth there was split during then campaign some saw the writing in the wall . The Retribution Army had change and Anarchist to full evil .the ones that were fighting in front lines want aberrant to evil ,whiles those supporting them base operation and FOB were Anarchist. Lucky The Retribution Army had two command structure one for the base and other for the army that was if they loss supports could their lessons from many battles they had with TGE

History of The Retribution Phaseworld

When the History of The Retribution land in Phaseworld there was major fight with Splugorth happen . The Retribution were prepared and not going to down without a fight. Splugorth were surprise that they didn’t surrender and during the fight 50% of the Splugorth forces switch sides !!! those that kept fighting were taken down and there was vendetta within the Splugorth forces eliminated. This rather large and well well armed group.

When dust settle The Retribution was in valley and started to set up camp. Using the warlocks earth elemental started to hide their large troop number in the valley was a god send . Once they settle ,hid and set base of operation . The Retribution saw they valley help them stay hid even from the air or satellite ;once they look outside the valley from Highest hill tops and in cover .What they saw was a massive battlefields with massive carters as far as the eye can see.
Where there was small towns they been blowen up as big as a miles and hundreds of feet deep!!!
As they slow open communications, they heard news it was LUNA I main home world been attack by an alien invader from space .
As The Retribution look into the sky and space and see the massive space battle with drop ships coming down to the main planet. As The Retribution was thinking what to do all the shifters but one were dead and in coma .They play smart getting intel in the are and major player of the planet .they found a small company try to survive from been integrated to a larger company due to the war . this was perfect and applied to work a small defense force in the area . The Retribution has all what they need to make, repair and salvage all their vehicles magical vehicles as well!!

Space Pirate Charts
500 points available
1,000 points available
Secret Sponsor
30 pts/% to Technology, +15 pts/% to Intelligence

b2) Background(Optional)


d) Technology Level

e) Weapons and Equipment
Unlimited Equipment

f) Ships

g) Communications
Courier Drones( back up systems)
Private FTL Network

h) Headquarters
Planetary Base
Private Colony
Asteroid Fortress
Concealed Asteroid Station

Sensor Net

j) Internal Security

k) Criminal Activity
Illegal Immigration
Merc Team
Weapons of Mass Destruction

l) Level of Experience
Extraordinarily Skilled

m) Contacts
Private Network

n) Resources
Mega Bucks

o) Pay

p) Reputation

q) (Optional)Special Quirks

r) (Optional)Preferred Targets
Colonial Outposts
Military Transports
Corporate Carriers
Space Yachts
Space Industry(industrial transports and stations)

s)(Optional)Species Composition

When the fighting came to their area it was massive but The Retribution was ready . The Retribution was able to hold and push back alien invaders Haelra-Class Troop Shuttle hundreds are drop . Note Haelra-Class Troop Shuttle are a copy version and used by this empire . But this empire that behind this invasion is T.G.E with several Artisan mobile dry docks they were planning to take over 6 world their were 21 world OR 5 solar systems In total .

The Retribution went from battalion size to army in areas but Magic , the Rest like tech army ,psionic army TW army ,and even the rebel Splugorth forces grew to army .they were seen as heroes. The army to come out was transport and sir/space support came out . While there is planetary force and nav(both sea ansd space )they spread thin so having The Retribution army help hold and turn the tide .

With their last shifter in coma it took years to get out of coma .This was done when they were able to make contact with N.E and U.WW. this was the true turning point where the TGE had to show it face . the fact that all palnets have Killaryte in mass quanties and UWW wanted to see it magical area and add to Luna I .

The T.G.E lost in the when several Comos Knight ,NE and UWW join in a epic battle. When the dust settle The Retribution army would return but many that were Phaseworld stay
Last edited by ZINO on Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: N.A.AT

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forgive there misspell word i fix later
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Re: N.A.AT

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Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

History of The Retribution Return to RIFTS Earth

The turning point

The coalition militia

Interstellar Empires/Star Kingdoms

Small: 5 Star Systems
B. History
C. Level of Technological Sophistication
Mature Space Age
D. General Attitude/Culture
E: Racial Composition
Existing and Known Species
F. Government
G. Administrative Control
External Trade
Raw Materials
Luxury Goods
H. Status Rating
I.(Optional) Commodities(Import/Export):
Consumer Goods
Spacecraft/ Starships
Raw Materials
mineral ores
Drugs pharmaceuticals
High Tech computer systems robotics bionics/cybernetics
Weapons Infantry/personal, vehicles, capital units

History of The Retribution Return to RIFTS Earth

When The Retribution came back to earth they didn’t come in as a massive army to rifts earth they set roots in phase world and RIFTS Earth too. They came small a recon team base with technology, psionic magic and techno wizard. they took weeks to set a base operation as last stand and retreat to phaseworld.
Then base was set called FOB ,then they brought their army. To their shock the war was lost still with been in for so long better equity to battle the coalition they set up for the under belly of the coalition they started to make contact with Black Market to set trade runs and set fall back and intel in the are that were planning to attack . they learn from so many battles what to do instead of stay and building a city they went to war instead.

AT first the black market and those around them didn’t see they villains but as heroes and were easy to operate NAAT,NAMES were on the fence .Known what they know from the pass hoping for the beats and getting ready for the worst.
Before the attack began they learn they had a three star general working with the black market in weapons smuggling and getting kickbacks looking the other way. Those solider that weren’t with the general and follow his rules didn’t have to worry about, those that went the other well something happen to them. This is where The Retribution army need a big bad guy like the coalition and working under the table. The Retribution gather the intel getting ready to show the coalition this general crimes and get proof and those involved .

Final when ready they were ready they attack taking communications and patrol line and supply lines as well; Lucking this general what they didn’t see how all this general with his troops and hide force of Merc army as well would fight back! A corner beast is just as dangerous and fleeing option. This general who fought in the coalition war and his man were will ready to fight and traps he set up .As well as back line to get additional troops before he called for help to the coalition .This general had larger surplus of war time material at hand and personal troops .So a war time private war open up and set thing if the coalition found out to save himself first then his men.

This war was going back and fourth with the coalition losing little by little .

The turning point

This was sad part both side avoided hitting civilians until the coalition militia step in mostly human and supporting the general but they were more into the coalition and second to the general.
Sadly this militia can blend in with the civilians population instead of just getting intel which was the best way to undercover, they went active to engage . The coalition militia hit the supply line of the Retribution and black market doing incredible damage to personal, property and noncombatants as well. The coalition militia didn’t ask the general instead took into their own hand killing and torturing . this act hitting The Retribution and black market and noncombatants was the turning point of this war. The Retribution first gather intel, found set what to do . The Retribution thought it was coward attack from the coalition and went all in not just capture, killing and torture coalition militia but all their family members and friends. they kill the entire blood line man women and child were taken out and even friends without mercy in slow death to them .
Even the base of operation as last stand was shock remember their three parts one the front line the supply line and base of operations .The use Naruni weapons was found out later and this was the final nail in the coffin all ties were lost in the black market and NAAT ,NAMES , with the new Merc outfit they were setting up and chance to put in place went active call the guard .Now the coalition main forces were involved . this wasn’t to let go still The Retribution army could stand up and they didn’t what they didn’t see all allies joining the coalition and now seen as invaders.

The coalition militia

Step One: The Size and Orientation
3. Free Company
Step Two: Mercenary Company Features
NONE. Independent Operative
B. Outfits
7. Open Wardrobe
C. Equipment
7. High-Tech Augmentation
8. Unlimited Equipment
D. Vehicles
4. Combat Cars main coalition surplus vehicles any
E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots mainly NG
5. Extensive Weaponry
F. Communications
3. Secured Service
G. Internal Security
3. Tight
H. Permanent Bases
2. Partial Headquarters
I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives
J. Special Budget
4. Large Loans
K. General alignment of personnel
1. Evil
L. Criminal Activity
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
M. Reputation/Credentials
3. Unknown
N. Salary
4. Good Salary
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Re: N.A.AT

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Thank you for your emails I will post more later on need time
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Re: N.A.AT

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The Guard

The guard is broken is up into layers in order to keep compartmentalized and control troops, transport, and other factors able to even cut out sections if they fall in battle or for similar reasons and level if need be. The reason why it is so big is the wars on Earth in North America, Europe, and South America have opened a vast pool of refugees which N.A.A.T saw coming as well as Phase world due to the minion war that has to happen and is gear up . Sadly the issue's opportunity to set and A Massive merc outfit under the coalition's watchful eye is already base in Europe with NGR now North America. The first was The Coalition Wars was the first step and the loss of manpower, military hardware, and the upcoming Minion wars in Rifts Erath had put the collation in a tough spot as. This allows the playing character to be in the background of playing RPG to the forefront as a footnote in History in Rifts earth.

These are for civil engineering work and Enforcing laws or known as enforcers or A.M.C America mercenaries Company
Law enforcement act as police support
Medical provided medical support to that area
Firefighter northern Gun act EMS supports that area

These are military protection in near or on combat areas
or known as Peacekeeper or guard

The Guard will be the most advanced technological branch as a rapid defense force or RDF

Secret Force (magic and psi) this is a massive army of magic ready from investigations and combat fire with fire

Air force (secret)

Naval use new navy book (secret)

Step One: The Size and Orientation Massive

Free Company N.A.A.T inner circle
145 POINTS are available, plus 10 POINTS for vehicles, 10 POINTS for outfits, and 10 POINTS for weapon

Large Company N.A.M.E.S outer circle
200 POINTS are available, plus 10 POINTS for vehicles and 20 POINTS for a budget.

Mercenary Army. Law enforcement
300 POINTS are available, plus 20 for budget or weapons and 20 for outfits
Enforcing laws or known as enforcers or AMC America mercenaries Company

Large Mercenary Army. Peacekeeper and the guard
500 POINTS are available plus 20 for vehicles and 20 for budget.

Second Mercenary Army. N.A.M.E.S
Large Mercenary Army. Peacekeeper and the guard
500 POINTS are available plus 20 for vehicles and 20 for budget.

Third Mercenary Army N.A.A.T
500 POINTS are available plus 20 for vehicles and 20 for budget.

Fourth army magic Corp unit secret forces
500 POINTS are available plus 20 for vehicles and 20 for budget.

Points system
145 POINTS are available, plus 10 POINTS for vehicles, 10 POINTS for outfits, and 10 POINTS for weapon

200 POINTS are available, plus 10 POINTS for vehicles and 20 POINTS for budget

300 POINTS are available, plus 20 for budget or weapons and 20 for outfits

500 POINTS are available plus 20 for vehicles and 20 for budget.

Step Two:
Mercenary Company Features

Secret. NAAT Inner circle
Add 10 Points in Equipment, 10 Points in Outfits, and 10 Points wherever desir

Criminal. Organized Crime:ties and connection
Add 20 Points to Intelligence Resources, 20 Points to Criminal Activity, and 10 Points wherever desired

Government Aid NGR
Add 20 Points in Outfits, 20 Points in Equipment, and 20 Points wherever desired.

Government front support
Varies support all weapon manufacturers in north America and Columbia's ,NGR and other manufacturers in Europe, New Navy ,Japan and new lazo

20 Points to Outfits, 20 Points to Equipment, 20 Points to Weapons, 10 Points to Budget, and 10 Points wherever

Point system

40 vehicles
20 Outfits
30 Weapon
60 budget

A. Sponsorship

Varies groups

50 Points in Equipment
20 Points to Intelligence Resources,
20 Points to Criminal Activity
40 Points wherever desired
60 Points in Outfits,

40 Points in Equipment,
50 Points to Weapons,
70 Points to Budget
40 vehicles

B. Outfits

10. Unlimited Clothing. High quality uniforms with flashy insignias/ emblems and mega-damage armor of all kinds are available (rare and exotic items are the only exceptions). Standard armor is equivalent to Dead Boy heavy armor (80 M.D.C.). Common types of light power armor and/or magic armor and clothing are available to high ranking officers and elite troops. Specialty outfits and forgeries (used for infiltration) can be requested and provided within 1D4 + 1 days. Excellent availability, replacements suits and repairs for common items, good availability for the

expensive and uncommon items. Company Cost: 50 Points. Cost 0

C. Equipment

3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear.

One cybernetic implant (if desired or needed) and good quality gear is provided. Available equipment includes sensors, communications, computers, translators, recorders, video, camera, surveillance, basic cybernetic implants and miscellaneous equipment; up to 100,000 credits' worth of items per mercenary soldier. This will always include communications gear, a vital element of military operations.

Company Cost: 5 Points.

4. Medical Equipment

First-aid and paramedic-type equipment and pharmaceuticals are available. Includes antibiotics, painkillers, anesthetic, protein healing salve, sodium pentothal (truth serum), dosimeter, E.K.G. and E.E.G. machines, portable lab, bio-scan, oxygen, all commonly available robot medical kits (RKM, IRMSS, Compu-drug dispenser, etc.) and two basic life support units. Plus a budget of 3,750,000 for emergencies requiring hospitalization and cybernetic organs or prosthetics.

Company Cost: 10 Points

5. Medical Clinic.

The company is equipped with full medical facilities equal to a small medical clinic. A full-time doctor (M.D. and Holistic) and several opsychic healer are on staff and

assisted by four nurses and paramedics. In addition, the company has an emergency medical budget of 30 million credits for cybernetics and hospitalization. There is also a small veterinary facility for any combat, riding or work animals. Replacement of lost or damaged equipment is automatic, but the total amount of medical equipment can exceed 10 million credits.
Company Cost: 20 Points.

6. Magic Technologies:
This outside abs away from coalition TERRITORY!
This company's emphasis is on magic, particularly magic weapons, armor, vehicles, healing, augmentation/enhancements (bio-wizardry and magic herbs/potions). 30% of these warriors will have 5 minor techno-wizard/magic weapons/wands/potions/items or bio-

wizardry weapons/parasites/microbes or one major item. All high ranking officers and elite troops will have a rune weapon or bio-wizard device or other very powerful magic items. 5% will be techno-wizards, 5% will be ley line walkers, and 5% will be others (temporal wizards, stone wizards, shamans, dragons, D-bees, etc.).

Company Cost: 40 Points

7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies):
This company's emphasis is on high-tech augmentation. 30% will be either full conversion borgs or juicers, 20% will be headhunters or partial reconstruction borgs and 10% will be crazies, juicers or other high-tech creations (including mutants, D-bees/aliens or foreign technology).
Company Cost: 40 Points

8. Unlimited Equipment.
The company is a high-tech operation equipped with high-quality electronics, computers, communication systems, sensors, optics, cybernetics, bionics and all equipment needed for the operation and logistics of the company. High-ranking officers and special elite troops can have a personal vehicle of choice and up to 8 cybernetic implants (conventional and black market); 10% are partial reconstruction borgs, 10% juicers, 10% crazies and 10% robots. In addition, 15 is a superb mobile mini-hospital that can accommodate each as many as 40 patients, has life support systems, 40 surgery rooms and 40 cybernetic surgery unit (cybernetics can be repaired and replaced safely). 80 medical doctors, 40 one psychic healer, 80 cyberdocs, 200 paramedics and 400 nurses comprise the medical staff. Plus 100 million credits'

worth of common cybernetic items in stock and an emergency medical fund of 100 million credits.

Company Cost: 50 points.
Total cost 165-40=125


D. Vehicles

6. Unlimited Vehicles.
Any existing vehicle is available, including tanks, robots, aircraft, jet packs, and techno-wizard vehicles. This includes heavy robots and tanks, medium and light robots and tanks, and dozens of suits of powered armor with flight capabilities. 50% of all conventional vehicles are outfitted with additional armor ( more than normal armor; robots included), special sensory, electrical, surveillance, security and weapons systems, and

modified techno-wizard systems. Up to 15,000,000 credits may be spent on an important vehicle. Common, insignificant vehicles such as motorcycles, jeeps, land rovers, and small A.T.V. trucks and cars are automatically replaced. All vehicles are outfitted with short-range radios (6 mile range/9.6 km) and with long-range radios. The full-time staff of mechanics is 6 times that of number five.

Company Cost: 50 Points.

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots

6. Maximum Firepower:
The unit is as well-armed, soldier by soldier, as any outfit on the planet.

Weapons of all kinds, including explosives, heavy and special weapons are available. There is even availability of magic and techno-wizard items (GM calls roughly enough for 20% of the troops). 60% of the soldiers are issued a suit of good quality power armor and heavy weapons, plus there is a robot vehicle and two tanks for every 5 line soldiers. Ammunition is plentiful. Weapons and equipment are of the best quality and damaged or lost items are immediately repaired or replaced (100 million credit budget).

Company Cost: 60 Points -50=10

F. Communications

6. Superior Communications.
Not only does the company have everything provided in number five, but it

has a communications command center (triple the number of communication staff) able to coordinate the actions of the whole company at once. All officers have full size and pocket size computers and language translators.

Company Cost: 40 Points.

G. Internal Security

6. Impregnable.
A vast amount of time and resources have gone into this security system; similar to number five, only with the absolute best locks, alarms, equipment, supernatural safeguards and experienced personnel (add one experience level to each NPC member of the security force and double the number of psychics and mages where

they can). The security force has developed a system of secret verbal signals and hand signs and countersigns to warn each other of danger and trouble. A reaction force is always on alert to counter any intrusion. Surveillance cameras, motion detectors, heat sensors and other measures protect the facilities and quarters. The perimeter fence includes a microwave fence and full radar and ground sensor system. There is only a 2% chance of an infiltrator being found anywhere in the company.

Company Cost: 60 Points. -985=925

H. Permanent Bases

6. Company City. Same as #5 except that the company is large enough to support a whole city (often, several associated mercenary companies combine their resources to fund such a city). Mercenary

related businesses are an important part of the city's economy and manufacturing military and medical; roughly 50% of all trade is directly related to the mercenary trade. Security is also typically equal to #6. The city could survive several years of siege, and is designed to be defensible against a much larger force.

Company Cost: 60 Points

I. Intelligence Resources

2. Scout Detachment.
The company has formed a scout group to gather information about enemy positions.

They are typically wilderness scouts, rangers/huntsmen, knights, psi-stalkers, dog boys or headhunters with wilderness and tracking skills (espionage skills can be very helpful, but are not a requirement). Company Cost: 5 Points.

3. Special Military Operatives.
The company has a team of trained spies. Applicable O.C.C.s include the CS and Triax military specialist, elite robot or power armor pilots, borgs, juicers, crazies, bounty hunters, spies and all of the new O.C.C.s presented in this book. These special operatives are not only used to gather information, but to infiltrate, spy on, sabotage, confuse and engage the enemy in covert operations.
Company Cost: 10 Points.

4. Psionic and Magic Operatives. Magicians and psychics are used as

scouts, spies and saboteurs. Likely candidates for this position can include the line walker, mystic, temporal raider or wizard, and other practitioners of magic, druids, dragons, faerie folk, creatures of magic, mind melters, mind bleeders, and major and master psychics.
Company Cost: 20 Points.

5. D-Bee Specialists.
Similar to #4, except these characters are from another dimension. They must have a background in tracking, wilderness scouting and/or espionage or have unique, superhuman or supernatural powers and may have alien weapons and technology. Such beings may include psi-stalkers, mutant animals, simvan monster-riders, tattooed men, mechanoids, vampires, shape-changers, teleporters, and other beings with strange abilities as described in Rifts Conversion Books, World Books

and Sourcebooks (see Atlantis and England in particular).

Company Cost: 20 Point.

6. Infiltration Network. In addition to having 2D4 squads of scouts, 1D4 squads of special military operatives and 1D4 magic and/or psionic operatives, the company has an entire network of secret agents, infiltrators, and moles! There is a 12% chance that the mercs have 1D4 agents in two or more of the Coalition States (excluding Lone Star), Tolkeen, Lazio and 1D4 other major forces/communities on the continent. There is also a 17% chance of having spies among 1D4 + 1 rival mercenary/bandit outfits or enemy organizations. There will be 20 "safe houses" or hideouts in each of the infiltrated communities. Furthermore, the mercs know about (60% chance of having

dealings with) smugglers, weapon dealers, body-chop-shops, the Black Market and underground organizations operating within each of the infiltrated communities. Note: At the G.M.'s option, there is a 5% chance that a specific low ranking employee of a rival or criminal organization is working with/for the player characters.

Company Cost: 50 Points


J. Special Budget

6. Mega Bucks. The company has up to 1.5 billion credits available! Company Cost: 60 Points

60 -70 cost zero

K. General alignment of personnel

Anarchist and Unprincipled. Company Cost: 4 Point zero

L. Criminal Activity

1. Con Man (1).
An expert fast-talker who fools people into financing wild schemes, granting bad loans, or otherwise parting with their hardearned money. May also be used to sell substandard weaponry or equipment (useful for moving bad stock the company has somehow acquired).

Company Cost: 5 Points

3. Cyber-Doc (1).

A cyber-doc and one assistant/nurse illegally practice the science of cybernetic and bionic augmentation.

Company Cost: 10 Points

5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband.

A traveling mercenary company is an ideal front for smuggling. How many customs inspectors will dare to mess with a small army? Traveling with the company are 8 specialists in smuggling with 7 levels of experience. They buy, sell, and transport scarce, illegal, or dangerous goods; most notably poisons, drugs, pre-rifts artifacts, magic, weapons, cybernetics, bionics and fugitives. They will also protect, hide and deliver secret packages, contraband and information for outside clients (including other crooks, the Black Market working with four out of the five black market.

Bandito Arms ,
The Chicago Network
The Immaterial Hand ,
Le Marche Noir and not well terms with El Oculta,
The Verbrecher-Geschaeftsnetz — Black Market Europe ,The Yakuza —
Black Market Japan,,
and government like the Coalition ,NGR ,Colymbia ,Rifts Japan). Most smugglers will have good contacts with the Black Market and can be useful when the company needs to find some illegal or scare commodity. See the new Smuggler O.C.C. elsewhere in this book.

Company Cost: 15 Points.

6. Expert Assassin (1).
An evil, 6 level, warrior who specializes in murder; can be any Men of Arms O.C.C., including borgs, crazies, juicers, psi-stalkers, wilderness scouts, and particularly the new master assassin and bounty hunter O.C.C.s.

Company Cost: 15 Points.

7. Psychic Enforcer (1).

A psychically powered individual whose job is to enforce the wishes of the commander and the needs of the company. Assignments include torture, interrogation, frightening and hurting people, ferreting out spies, detecting supernatural menaces, working as an elite bodyguard, protection and murder. Typically a 6 of each level mind melter, mind bleeder (see Rifts Africa) and burster.

Company Cost: 15 Points

8. Special Forces.

In this instance, a pair of super warriors

used for special missions such as assault/raids, sabotage, and murder. This group is treated as a special unattached unit under the direct control of the company command. Typically a pair of 7-level crazies, juicers, borgs, or a dragon (or other supernatural powerhouse) and a psychic or mage.

Company Cost: 20 Points.

9. Safecracker/Locksmith (1).

A demolitions expert and mechanical engineer who uses his talents to "crack" safes, open security doors, break out of jail, avoid/bypass or disarm security systems and similar feats. See the new safecracker O.C.C.

Company Cost: 25

10.Forger (1).

A brigand with a knack for art and forgery. He will use his skills to create false passports, citizen's papers, identity cards, credit cards, invoices, and other documents. This rogue is also familiar with photography and video/film equipment and recording. See the new forger O.C.C. elsewhere.

Company Cost: 30 Points.

135 total cost ÷735= 5.53
But this is for times the amount 5.5

M. Reputation/Credentials

4. Known.
The company has developed a reputation as a reasonably effective unit that gets the

job done and keeps its side of the bargain, unless justified to do otherwise. Many employers will be reluctant to betray this company, because doing so will damage their own reputations, may evoke the mercenaries' wrath, and other mercenary companies may decide not to work for them. The company will be paid above-average rates for their services (about 20% more than unknown or trouble mercs). Company Cost: 10 Points.

N. Salary

6. Outrageous Salary! All the usual accommodations, supplies, facilities and perks plus spectacular pay! Average Week's Pay: 700 credits for line soldiers, 900 to 1200 for non commissioned officers, 1,200 to 2,000 for medium-grade officers, and 4,000 to 8000 for superior officers and special operatives. Hazardous

duty bonuses of 1000 credits is paid to the troops every month (double for officers and specialists), plus all soldiers receive a 2D6 x 1000 credits bonus on successful completion of a contract (1D4 x 10,000 for officers and special operatives). A pension for soldiers killed or incapacitated on duty is paid to the soldier or his beneficiaries; this is equal to 50% of his standard pay for 10 years, plus a one time, lump sum payment of 1D4 x 10,000 credits (double for officers). Company Cost: 40

let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
Location: new york

Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

I Posted pre rifts MDC Weapons systems that can be used will post here about similar but a bit more detailed info go take a look viewtopic.php?f=36&t=125672
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Posts: 4097
Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:02 pm
Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
Location: new york

Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

the first thing everyone will take is the weapons and vehicles are looking at a documentary show of rifts passing right in front of you. From the coalition on down, they are the first seem as a P.M.C and seen as a standard merc army but something of Rifgt earth pass considers low tech but still use it formation to police area to act as combat troops were the coalition is limited and working with NGR to local weapon companies of North America

It is something to look at and possibly take pictures of and are known only to deescalate and not like coalition troops and has been known to look the other way when needed(even for D-Bees which has help under the table many times).
the massive amount of funds many weapon dealers are happy to take the fund from NR to GAW. EVEN LAZO HAS TO ASK FOR THEIR WORK AS LONG IT DOESN'T BUMP INTO COALITIONS AFFAIRS

Weapons Of the The guard

Note Please

roll a one (1) weapon blow up!! Roll 2 (two)gun jam ,3(three) gun jam,4(four) gun jam,5 ( five) MISS on a D20 OR 1D20 TO strike !!!for all weapons 18 or better double damage
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
This will tell you the type of weapon can fire per attack
There is going S.D.C ROUND AND M.D.C ROUND you can only have one type of rounds not combine both either using S.D.C ROUND OR M.D.C ROUND both damage per round will be posted
The one posted will be high-end M.D.C ROUND if you can go lower Damage yes you can ther is some that will say Phase world mean not found in rifts earth and may be brought to Rifts earth
Effective Range:
This is how far these weapons can go mind you this base and general information
How many rounds are in that weapon systems
NOTE :Recoil play an important part affecting weapon capabilities :

pistol and revolvers

M9 Beretta:
The Beretta M9, officially the Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, is the designation for the Beretta 92FS semi-automatic pistol used by the United States Armed Forces. The M9 was adopted by the United States military as their service pistol in 1985.
The 92FS won a competition in the 1980s to replace the M1911A1 as the primary sidearm of the U.S. military, beating many other contenders, and only narrowly defeating the SIG Sauer P226 for cost reasons. It officially entered service in 1990. Some other pistols have been adopted to a lesser extent, namely the SIG P228 pistol, and other models remain in use in certain niches.
The M9 was scheduled to be replaced under a United States Army program, the Future Handgun System (FHS), which was merged with the SOF Combat Pistol program to create the Joint Combat Pistol (JCP). The JCP was renamed Combat Pistol (CP), and the number of pistols to be bought was drastically cut back. The U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps are replacing the M9 with the SIG Sauer M17 and M18.[11]

Colt Style 9mm Pistol:
The pistol that would eventually be named the Colt Commander was Colt's Manufacturing Company's candidate in a U.S. government post-World War II trial to find a lighter replacement for the M1911 pistol that would be issued to officers. Requirements were issued in 1949 that the pistol had to be chambered for 9 mm Parabellum and could not exceed 7 inches in length or weigh more than 25 ounces.[2]
Candidates included Browning Hi-Power variants by Canada's Inglis and Belgium's Fabrique Nationale, and Smith & Wesson's S&W Model 39. Colt entered a modified version of their M1911 pistol that was chambered for 9 mm Parabellum, had an aluminum alloy frame, a short 4.25-inch barrel, and a 9-round magazine. In 1950, Colt moved their candidate into regular production. It was the first aluminum-framed large frame pistol in major production and the first Colt pistol to be originally chambered in 9 mm Parabellum. The first year's production included 45 ACP and 38 Super chamberings.[2]
In 1970, Colt introduced the all-steel "Colt Combat Commander", with an optional model in satin nickel. To differentiate between the two models, the aluminum-framed model was renamed the "Lightweight Commander".[2]

Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D per single shot.
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D per single shot.
Effective Range: 150 feet (45.7 m).
Payload: 15 shot clip.

45 caliber Pistol:

The .45 ACP (not to be confused with .45 colt) cartridge is a very popular caliber due to its low velocity and relatively high stopping power. This caliber is associated most with the Colt M1911, logically, as ACP literally means 'Automatic Colt Pistol'. However, there are many more guns and variations on the M1911 that are chambered in .45 ACP. This list does not list all of them, just ones that have links to pages on Wikipedia, for further inquiry.

Effective Range: 150 feet (45.7 m).
Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double-tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Damage: 4D6 S.D.C.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D phase world tech
Payload: 7 or 13 shot ammo clip.

10mm Colt Delta Elite:

The Delta Elite is credited as being the first firearm produced by a major manufacturer to chamber the 10mm.[2] The ill-fated[clarification needed] Bren Ten sparked a genuine interest in the 10mm round with outdoorsmen and as a defense round.

The pistol was dropped from production in 1996 due to lackluster sales and the availability of smaller pistols with higher magazine capacities chambered in .40 S&W.[3]

Colt announced the re-introduction of the Delta Elite at the 2008 SHOT Show. This new generation is generally similar to the previous version. The "new" Delta Elites will be manufactured with the traditional barrel/bushing arrangement. Colt Customer Service stated they had a lack of acceptable accuracy problem with the "bull" bushingless barrel setup. That was the cause of the delay in the Delta Elite's production schedule. The new Delta Elite pistol was released March 31, 2009.[

Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

4D6 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range: 150 feet (45.7 m).
Payload: 9 or 15 shot clip.

.357 Magnum Revolver
.357 Magnum Revolver Pistol:

The .357 Smith & Wesson Magnum, .357 S&W Magnum, .357 Magnum, or 9×33mmR as it is known in unofficial metric designation, is a smokeless powder cartridge with a .357-inch (9.07 mm) bullet diameter. It was created by Elmer Keith, Phillip B. Sharpe,[2] and Douglas B. Wesson[2][3] of firearm manufacturers Smith & Wesson and Winchester.[4][5] The .357 Magnum cartridge is notable for its highly effective terminal ballistics.

The .357 Magnum cartridge is based upon Smith & Wesson's earlier .38 Special cartridge. It was introduced in 1935, and its use has since become widespread. This cartridge began the "Magnum era" of handgun ammunition.[6] The "Magnum era" began with the .375 H&H rifle cartridge, spreading to handguns with the .357 Magnum.

Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C

Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Damage: 4D6+2 S.D.C.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.
Effective Range: 150 feet (45.7 m).
Payload: 6 or 13 shot clips

.41 Magnum Revolver:


In 1963, Elmer Keith and Bill Jordan, with some help from Skeeter Skelton, petitioned Smith & Wesson, Remington, and Norma to produce a pistol and ammunition in .41 caliber which would fall between the extant .357 Magnum and .44 Magnum cartridges in ballistic performance, and at the same time address perceived shortcomings with those loads.[1] While as early as 1955 Keith had suggested a new, medium-powered ".41 Special" cartridge, this idea was passed over in favor of the higher-powered "Magnum" option, and the Special survives only as a custom wildcat cartridge, bearing roughly the same relation to the .41 Remington Magnum as the .38 Special does to the .357 Magnum and as the .44 Special does to the .44 Magnum.[2]

The .357 Magnum suffered from restricted terminal ballistic effectiveness in the early 1960s, as jacketed hollow point bullets were not yet commonly available, and the manufacturer's standard loadings consisted of simple lead bullets. The powerful .44 Magnum, primarily a heavy hunting round, was considered overkill for police use, generating too much recoil for control under rapid fire. In addition, the revolvers chambered for the .44 were considered too large, bulky, and heavy for police to carry.[1][3]

Keith's original vision called for dual power levels in the .41, a heavy magnum load pushing a 210-grain (14 g) JHP at a muzzle velocity of 1,300–1,400 feet per second (ft/s), and a milder police loading which was to send a 200-grain (13 g) downrange at around 900 ft/s.[1][3]

These plans went awry due to an ongoing fascination in the firearms community with high-powered cartridges; Remington was swayed by this community's influence and instead of following Keith's blueprint, chose to emphasize the performance of the new cartridge. As a result, the .41 "Magnum" load was released at an advertised 1,500 ft/s, and even the "light" police loading was introduced with a 210 grain lead "warmed up" to about 1,150 ft/s. However, the police load as delivered was regarded as overpowered by most law enforcement agencies, many of whom were still using .38 Special revolvers.[1][3]

Additionally, Smith & Wesson had simply adapted their large N-frame revolvers for the new cartridge, which did not address size and weight concerns.[1][4] The Model 58, targeted for the law enforcement market, was introduced on July 10, 1964. Weighing 41 ounces, the Model 58 compared unfavorably with other revolvers available at the time, such as Smith's own 34 ounce Model 10 in .38 Special.

These combined factors mostly eliminated the .41 Magnum from consideration for its intended market as a law enforcement firearm, although it continued to be touted as such and was adopted by a few law enforcement agencies. Ultimately, the greater round capacities of most semi-automatic, magazine fed handguns has eclipsed the traditional six-shot revolver for law enforcement work, though revolvers in general are still more prevalent in the field.

Smith & Wesson produced a high-end, premium revolver in .41 Magnum, the Model 57, almost identical to the .44 Magnum-chambered Model 29.[1] Magnum Research's Desert Eagle division produced a .41 Remington Magnum in their semi-automatic Mark VII. Sturm Ruger began producing their Blackhawk series single-action revolver in the mid-1960s in .41 Magnum and is still in production today.

A couple of manufacturers have produced lever-action rifles chambered in .41 Magnum. Marlin produced four variants of its Model 1894, including the 1894S (20 in barrel, blued, straight stock), 1894FG (20 in barrel, blued, pistol-grip stock), 1894SS LTD (16 in barrel, stainless steel, straight stock) and 1894 CCL (20 in octagonal barrel, blued, straight stock.) However, they no longer offer any model chambered for it. Henry Repeating Arms introduced a .41 Magnum variant of their Big Boy Steel model in 2016.

Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Damage: 5D6 S.D.C
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

Effective Range:
180 feet (54.8 m).
6 round cylinder.

.44 Magnum Revolver:

The .44 Remington Magnum, also known as .44 Magnum or 10.9x33mmR, is a rimmed, large-bore cartridge originally designed for revolvers and quickly adopted for carbines and rifles. Despite the ".44" designation, guns chambered for the .44 Magnum round, and its parent, the .44 Special, use 0.429 in (10.9 mm) diameter bullets.[2] The .44 Magnum is based on the .44 Special case but lengthened and loaded to higher pressures for greater velocity and energy.

Famously called "the most powerful handgun [cartridge] in the world" by Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry, the .44 Magnum has since been eclipsed in power by the .454 Casull, .460 S&W Magnum, .480 Ruger, .50 Action Express, and .500 S&W Magnum; nevertheless, due in part to more manageable recoil it has remained one of the most popular commercial large-bore magnum cartridges.

6D6 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Effective Range:
180 feet (54.8 m).
6 round cylinder.

.38 Smith & Wesson and Colt Revolver:

The round was first introduced in 1877 for use in the S&W .38 Single Action.[1] As standard for the era, it featured heeled bullet with the same diameter of bullet and case neck equal to .38 inch; later versions discarded the feature and downsized the bullet, but the designation didn't change.

After World War I, the British military sought to replace pre-war revolvers with easier to handle weapons. Webley demonstrated a lighter version of their Mk III revolver with modified .38 S&W ammunition, firing a heavy 200-grain (13 g) bullet. It received favorable reports, and the revolver was accepted in principle.

As Webley had used the .38 S&W cartridge dimensions for their revolver, and the cartridge length was fixed by the size of the cylinder of the revolver (the same as for the wider .455), Kynoch produced a cartridge with the same dimensions as the .38 S&W but with 2.8 grains (0.18 g) of "Neonite" nitrocellulose powder and a 200 grain (13.0 g) bullet. In tests performed on cadavers and live animals, it was found that the lead bullet, being overly long and heavy for its calibre, become unstable after penetrating the target, somewhat increasing target effect. The relatively low velocity allowed all of the energy of the cartridge to be spent inside the human target, rather than the bullet passing through. This was deemed satisfactory and the design for the cartridge was accepted as the ".38/200 Cartridge, Revolver Mk I".

After a period of service, it was realized that the 200 gr (13 g) soft lead bullet could arguably contravene the Hague Conventions, which outlawed the use of bullets designed so as to "expand or flatten easily in the human body". A new cartridge was therefore adopted as "Cartridge, Pistol, .380 Mk II" or ".380 Mk IIz", firing a 180 gr (11.7 g) full metal jacket bullet. The .38/200 Mk I loading was retained in service for marksmanship and training purposes. However, after the outbreak of war, supply exigencies and the need to order readily available and compatible ammunition, such as the .38 S&W Super Police, from U.S. sources forced British authorities to issue both the .38/200 Mk I and MkII/IIz cartridges interchangeably to forces deploying for combat.[2]

The Cartridge S.A. Ball Revolver .380 inch Mark II and Cartridge S.A. Ball Revolver .380 inch Mark IIz cartridge were theoretically phased out of British service in 1963, when the 9×19mm semi-automatic Browning Hi-Power pistol was finally issued to most British and Commonwealth forces.

Colt Revolver:

The .38 Long Colt, also known as .38 LC, is a black powder cartridge introduced by Colt's Manufacturing Company in 1875. In 1892, it was adopted as a standard military pistol cartridge by the United States Army for the Colt M1892 revolver. The metric designation for the .38 Long Colt is 9.1×26mm. It is slightly more powerful than the .38 Short Colt, also known as .38 SC. The original .38 SC and .38 LC differ in case length, bullet diameter, weight, and design and are not interchangeable; however, modern production .38 SC ammunition is now loaded with a smaller, internally-lubricated bullet which can be fired from firearms chambered in .38 LC or .38 Special. The modern .38 LC can be fired from .38 Special firearm, but not from a firearm designed for the .38 SC, since the case length is too long.[2]

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

2D6+2 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

Effective Range:
120 feet (36.5 m).
6 round cylinder.

9mm round

The 9×19mm Parabellum (also known as 9mm Parabellum or 9mm Luger) is a rimless, tapered firearms cartridge.

Originally designed by Austrian firearm designer Georg Luger in 1901,[6] it is widely considered the most popular handgun and submachine gun cartridge due to its low cost and extensive availability.[7][8][9] It is a standard cartridge for NATO forces as well as in many non-NATO countries.

Since the cartridge was designed for the Luger semi-automatic pistol, it has been given the designation of 9mm Luger by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute (SAAMI)[10] and the Commission Internationale Permanente pour l'Epreuve des Armes à Feu Portatives (CIP).[2]

A 2007 US survey concluded that "about 60 percent of the firearms in use by police are 9mm [Parabellum]" and credited 9×19mm Parabellum pistol sales with making semiautomatic pistols more popular than revolvers.[11

9mm Submachine-gun:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three round short burst
Mega-Damage:Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range:
650 feet (198 m).
Payload: 30 round magazine.

9mm Ingram Submachine-gun:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

4D6 S.D.C. per single shot,
1D4x10 per three round short burst.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range:
650 feet (198 m).
30 or 50 round magazine.

9mm Uzi Submachine-gun:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three round short burst.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range:
600 feet (183 m).
30 or 50 round magazine.

9mm Mini-Uzi Submachine-gun:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

2D6 S.D.C. per single shot
4D6 per three round short burst.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range:
500 feet (152 m).
15 or 30 round magazine.

Assault Rifle and Bolt-Action Sniping Rifle

The 5.6×39mm, also known in the U.S. as .220 Russian, is a cartridge developed in the late 1950s for deer hunting in USSR as well as 100 meter running deer competitions. It fires a 5.6mm projectile from necked down 7.62×39mm brass. It was later adopted by Finland, and by around 1965 was being produced by SAKO and Lapua. When it was introduced to the United States, Sako, and later Lapua, brass was stamped ".220 Russian".

Soviet 5.6×39mm cartridges were loaded with smokeless powder VT ( , as well as Soviet 7.62×54mmR and 9×53mmR hunting cartridges.

The 7.62×39mm is the parent case for the .220 Russian, .22 PPC, 6mm PPC, 6mm ARC, and the 6.5mm Grendel cartridges.

5.6mm Bolt-Action Sniping Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks
5D6 S.D.C. per single shot.

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
Effective Range:
2000-2400 feet
Payload: 8-16 round magazine.
Stats vary slightly with , specific weapon models and manufacturers.

7.6mm round
7.6mm Sniping Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double-tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

6D6 S.D.C. per single shot.


5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D
Effective Range:
2200-2800 feet
8-16 round magazine.
Note: Stats vary slightly with specific weapon models and manufacturers.

5.56mm Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three round short burst.
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
5d6x10 S.D.C OR 3 M.D
Effective Range:
1200 feet (366 m). Payload: 20 to 50 round magazine.

5.56mm M16A2 Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three round short burst.
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

Effective Range:
1900 feet (579 m).
20, 30 or 50 round magazine.
NOTE : Extremely well balance add 1 to 3 to strike on Aim shots burst add +1 or +2
Look and feel like a toy gun

7.56mm Assault Rifle:

The 7.62 mm caliber is a nominal caliber used for a number of different cartridges. Historically, this class of cartridge was commonly known as .30 caliber, the imperial unit equivalent, and was most commonly used for indicating a class of full-power military main battle rifle (MBR) cartridges. The measurement equals 0.30 inches or three decimal lines, written .3" and read as three-line.[1]

The 7.62 mm designation refers to the internal diameter of the barrel at the lands (the raised helical ridges in rifled gun barrels). The actual bullet caliber is often 7.82 mm (0.308 in), although Soviet weapons commonly use a 7.91 mm (0.311 in) bullet, as do older British (.303 British) and Japanese cartridges

7.56mm Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

5D6 S.D.C. per single shot
1D6x10 per three round short bursts.
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
Effective Ranse:
1600 feet (488 m).
30 to 50 round magazine.
NOTE : due to recoil
Consider an ultra-light machinegun:
The first bursts shot + 1 or +2 strike Only ,Aim shot just +1 Only

7.56mm AK-47 Assault Rifle:

The AK-47, officially known as the Avtomat Kalashnikov (Russian: ??????? ???????????, lit. 'Kalashnikov's automatic [rifle]'; also known as the Kalashnikov or just AK), is a gas-operated assault rifle that is chambered for the 7.62×39mm cartridge. Developed in the Soviet Union by Russian small-arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov, it is the originating firearm of the Kalashnikov (or "AK") family of rifles. After more than seven decades, the AK-47 model and its variants remain the most popular and widely used rifles in the world.

The number "47" refers to the year the rifle was finished. Design work on the AK-47 began in 1945. It was presented for official military trials in 1947, and, in 1948, the fixed-stock version was introduced into active service for selected units of the Soviet Army. In early 1949, the AK was officially accepted by the Soviet Armed Forces[9] and used by the majority of the member states of the Warsaw Pact.

The model and its variants owe their global popularity to their reliability under harsh conditions, low production cost (compared to contemporary weapons), availability in virtually every geographic region, and ease of use. The AK has been manufactured in many countries, and has seen service with armed forces as well as irregular forces and insurgencies throughout the world. As of 2004, "of the estimated 500 million firearms worldwide, approximately 100 million belong to the Kalashnikov family, three-quarters of which are AK-47s".[4] The model is the basis for the development of many other types of individual, crew-served and specialised firearms

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

5D6 S.D.C. per single shot
1D6x10 S.D.C. per three round short burst.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
Effective Range:
1000 feet (305 m).
30 round magazine or 60 round drum.
NOTE : due to recoil
Consider an ultra-light machinegun:
The first bursts shot + 1 or +2 strike Only ,Aim shot just +1 Only
Also AKM 47 are like M-16 but rare to find outside The Guard


A machine gun is a fully automatic, rifled autoloading firearm designed for sustained direct fire with rifle cartridges. Other automatic firearms such as assault rifles and automatic rifles are typically designed more for firing short bursts rather than continuous firepower, and not considered machine guns.

As a class of military kinetic projectile weapon, machine guns are designed to be mainly used as infantry support weapons and generally used when attached to a bipod or tripod, a fixed mount or a heavy weapons platform for stability against recoils. Many machine guns also use belt feeding and open bolt operation, features not normally found on other infantry firearms.

Machine guns can be further categorized as light machine guns, medium machine guns, heavy machine guns, general purpose machine guns and squad automatic weapons

.30 Caliber Light Machine-Gun:

A light machine gun (LMG) is a light-weight machine gun designed to be operated by a single infantryman, with or without an assistant, as an infantry support weapon. LMGs firing cartridges of the same caliber as the other riflemen of the same combat unit are often referred to as squad automatic weapons.

While early light machine guns fired full-powered rifle cartridges, modern light machine guns often fire smaller-caliber rifle cartridges than medium machine guns – generally the same intermediate cartridge fired by a service's standard assault rifle – and are usually lighter and more compact. Some LMGs, such as the Russian RPK, are modifications of existing designs and designed to share the same ammunition. Adaptations to the original rifle generally include a larger magazine, a heavier barrel to resist overheating, a more robust mechanism to support sustained fire and a bipod.

A light machine gun is also defined by its usage as well as its specifications: some machine guns – notably general-purpose machine guns – may be deployed either as a light machine gun or a medium machine gun. Deployed on a tripod and used for sustained fire, it is a medium machine gun; if deployed with a bipod with the operator in a prone position and firing short bursts, it is a light machine gun.

Light machine guns are also designed to be fired from the hip or on the move as a form of suppressive fire intended to pin down the enemy. Marching fire is a specific tactic that relies on this capability.

Lighter modern LMGs have enabled them to be issued down at the fireteam level, with two or three at the section/squad level.
Ammunition feed
Many light machine guns (such as the Bren gun or the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle) were magazine-fed. Others, such as the Hotchkiss M1922, could be fed either from a belt/strip or from a box magazine. Modern light machine guns are designed to fire smaller caliber rounds and, as such, tend to be belt-fed (from a container attached to the gun) or from a detachable high-capacity drum magazine, but some, such as the FN , will also accept standard rifle magazine feeding as an auxiliary measure when belted ammunition has been exhausted.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

5D6 S.D.C. per single shot
3D6x10 S.D.C. (equal to 1 M.D.) per 10 round burst.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D
Effective Range:
3000 feet (914 m).
200, 300 or 600 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum.
Unless mounted or brace standard rules apply but canbe carry as rifle if robotic PS or supernatural PS ,extraordinary PS too above 12 or better if below 12 get -1 for every two points

7.62mm Medium Machine-Gun:

The 12.7mm 6P50 infantry machine gun on 6T7 infantry tripod or 6U6 universal mount is designed to engage enemy light armored vehicles, fire weapons and manpower at ranges up to 2,000 meters and destroy air targets at slant ranges up to 1,500 meters. The 12.7mm 6P50 machine gun is an automatic belt-fed weapon.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

6D6 S.D.C. per single shot
4D6x10 S.D.C. (equal to 1D4 M.D.) per 10 round burst.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D
Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).
Payload: 200, 300 or 600 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum.
Unless mounted or brace standard rules apply but canbe carry as rifle if robotic PS or supernatural PS ,extraordinary PS too above 12 or better if below 12 get -1 for every two points

50 Caliber Heavy Machine-Gun:
The .50 Browning Machine Gun (.50 BMG, 12.7×99mm NATO and designated as the 50 Browning by the C.I.P.[1]) is a .50 in (12.7 mm) caliber cartridge developed for the M2 Browning heavy machine gun in the late 1910s, entering official service in 1921. Under STANAG 4383, it is a standard service cartridge for NATO forces as well as many non-NATO countries. The cartridge itself has been made in many variants: multiple generations of regular ball, tracer, armor-piercing (AP), incendiary, and saboted sub-caliber rounds. The rounds intended for machine guns are made into a continuous belt using metallic links.

The .50 BMG cartridge is also used in anti-materiel rifles. A wide variety of ammunition is available, and the availability of match grade ammunition has increased the usefulness of .50 caliber rifles by allowing more accurate fire than lower quality rounds.[3]

n response to the need for new anti-aircraft weaponry during World War I, John Browning developed the .50 BMG. He wanted the round to be used in a machine gun, and wanted the machine gun to be based on a scaled-up version of the M1917 Browning.[4]

The development of the .50 BMG round is sometimes confused with the German 13.2 mm TuF, which was developed by Germany for an anti-tank rifle to combat British tanks during WWI and against aircraft. According to the American Rifleman: "Actually, the Browning .50 originated in the Great War. American interest in an armor-piercing cartridge was influenced by the marginal French 11 mm design, prompting U.S. Army Ordnance officers to consult Browning. They wanted a heavy projectile at 2700 feet per second (f.p.s.), but the ammunition did not exist. Browning pondered the situation and, according to his son John, replied, 'Well, the cartridge sounds pretty good to start. You make up some cartridges and we'll do some shooting.'"[5]

The American Rifleman further explains that development was "[r]eputedly influenced by Germany's 13.2x92 mm SR (.53-cal.) anti-tank rifle" and that then "Ordnance contracted with Winchester to design a .50-cal. cartridge. Subsequently, Frankford Arsenal took over from Winchester, producing the historic .50 BMG or 12.7x99 mm cartridge. The Army then returned to John Browning for the actual gun. Teamed with Colt, he produced prototypes ready for testing and, ironically, completed them by Nov. 11, 1918—the Great War's end."[5]

The round was put into use in the M1921 Browning machine gun. This gun was later developed into the M2HB Browning which with its .50 caliber armor-piercing cartridges went on to function as an anti-aircraft and anti-vehicular machine gun, capable of penetrating 0.9 inches (23 mm) of face-hardened armor steel plate at 200 meters (220 yd),[6] 1 inch (25 mm) of rolled homogeneous armor at the same range,[7] and 0.75 inches (19 mm) at 547 yards (500 m).[8]

During World War II the .50 BMG was primarily used in the M2 Browning machine gun, in both its "light barrel" aircraft mount version and the "heavy barrel" (HB) version on ground vehicles, for anti-aircraft purposes. An upgraded variant of the M2 Browning HB machine gun used during World War II is still in use today. Since the mid-1950s, some armored personnel carriers and utility vehicles have been made to withstand 12.7 mm machine gun fire, restricting the destructive capability of the M2. It still has more penetrating power than lighter weapons such as general-purpose machine guns, though it is significantly heavier and more cumbersome to transport. Its range and accuracy, however, are superior to light machine guns when fixed on tripods, and it has not been replaced as the standard caliber for Western vehicle-mounted machine guns (Soviet and CIS armored vehicles mount 12.7×108mm NSVs, which have similar dimensions to .50 BMGs).

Decades later, the .50 BMG was chambered in high-powered rifles as well.[4] The Barrett M82 .50 caliber rifle and later variants were developed during the 1980s and have upgraded the anti-materiel power of the military sniper.[4] A skilled sniper can effectively neutralize an infantry unit by eliminating several targets (soldiers or equipment) without revealing his precise location. The long range (over one mile) between firing position and target allows time for the sniper to avoid enemy retaliation by either changing positions repeatedly, or by safely retreating.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

1D6x10 S.D.C. per single shot
1D6x100 S.D.C. (equal to 1D6 M.D.) per 10 round burst.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech

Effective Range:
6000 feet (1828 m).to 4.7 miles
300, 600 or 1200 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum.
Unless mounted or brace standard rules apply but canbe carry as rifle if robotic PS or supernatural PS ,extraordinary PS too above 12 or better if below 12 get -1 for every two points

50 Caliber Six Barrel Machine-Gun or a Minigun:

The M134 Minigun is an American 7.62×51mm NATO six-barrel rotary machine gun with a high rate of fire (2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute).[2] It features a Gatling-style rotating barrel assembly with an external power source, normally an electric motor. The "Mini" in the name is in comparison to larger-caliber designs that use a rotary barrel design, such as General Electric's earlier 20 mm M61 Vulcan, and "gun" for the use of rifle ammunition as opposed to autocannon shells.

"Minigun" refers to a specific model of weapon that General Electric originally produced, but the term "minigun" has popularly come to refer to any externally powered rotary gun of rifle caliber. The term is sometimes used loosely to refer to guns of similar rates of fire and configuration, regardless of power source and caliber.

The Minigun is used by several branches of the U.S. military. Versions are designated M134 and XM196 by the United States Army, and GAU-2/A and GAU-17/A by the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

2D6x10 S.D.C. per single shot
2D6x100 S.D.C. (equal to 2D6+3 M.D.) per 10 round burst.


5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech

a brust of all 6 barrels is possble 100 fire there a danager of jaming or expolsong due to heat if fire more than once ,never recomended to fire at MAX ROF the most is 80 rounds

Effective Range:
8000 feet (2438 m). Payload: 300, 600 or 1200 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum.
Unless mounted or brace standard rules apply but canbe carry as rifle if robotic PS or supernatural PS ,extraordinary PS too above 12 or better if below 12 get -1 for every two points

40 mm Grenade Launcher (attaches to assault rifle):

The M203 is a single-shot 40 mm under-barrel grenade launcher designed to attach to a rifle. It uses the same rounds as the older stand-alone M79 break-action grenade launcher, which utilizes the high-low propulsion system to keep recoil forces low.

renade launchers require relatively low internal pressure and only a short barrel, a lightweight launcher can be mounted under the barrel of a traditional rifle; this type of device is referred to as an under-barrel grenade launcher (UBGL). This reduces the weight the soldier must carry by eliminating the grenade launcher's buttstock and makes the grenade launcher available for use at a moment's notice. Underbarrel 40mm grenade launchers generally have their own trigger group; to fire, one simply changes grips, disengages the safety, and pulls the trigger. In Western systems, the barrel slides forward or pivots to the side to allow reloading; most fire a 40×46mm grenade cartridge. Soviet/Russian launchers are instead loaded from the muzzle, with the cartridge casing affixed to the projectile in the style of a mortar shell. For aiming, underbarrel grenade launchers typically use a separate ladder, leaf, tangent or quadrant sight attached to the launcher or the rifle, either to one side of the handguard or on top of the handguard in between the iron sights. Modern launchers often have the option of mounting more sophisticated aiming systems, such as ballistic rangefinders and day / night sights.

As with the M79, the concept of mounting a dedicated grenade launcher to a service rifle has its roots in the Special Purpose Individual Weapon program; though the experimental Colt XM148 grenade launcher had been produced earlier, it had proved too problematic to adopt. One AAI submission for SPIW mounted a "simple" single-action, single-shot breech-loading underbarrel grenade launcher in lieu of the required semi-automatic multi-shot device. With refinement, this was adopted as the M203 grenade launcher in 1968.[13] A variety of lengths of M203 are available along with numerous parts kits to fit it to various rifles aside from the AR15 pattern weapons it was designed for.

More modern Western grenade launchers address some of the shortcomings of the M203, such as the sliding breech limiting the weapon's ability to load outsize projectiles and the lack of factory-fitted sight mounts, with designs like FN Herstal's ELGM and Heckler & Koch's AG36 featuring a swing-out breech to provide better access, integral sight mounts, and built-in support for standalone conversion. A variant of the latter weapon, the M320 Grenade Launcher Module, was salvaged from the failed XM8 program and adopted in 2008 as the US military's replacement for the M203.

Soviet development of an underbarrel launcher for the AK rifle series began in 1966 and in 1978 produced the GP-25, a muzzle-loading device for the AK-74 rifle using a mortar-like grenade round which functions by venting its propellant through holes in the base; this is a variation of the high-low system used by Western rounds, with the base of the projectile acting as the high-pressure chamber and the launcher's barrel acting as the low-pressure chamber. Further developments led to the GP series of grenade launchers.

A number of experimental weapon systems have attempted to produce combination weapons which consist of a permanently attached grenade launcher and a carbine assault rifle, often with the rifle mounted underneath the launcher, most notably the XM29 OICW,[15] but so far the only such weapon to reach full production is the S&T Daewoo K11, adopted in limited numbers by the South Korean military.[16]
2D4x10 S.D.C.

single shot
Explosive round 1d10 M D.C
H.E 5D4 M D.C
H.E.A.T 5D6 M.D.C
A.P round 4d6 M.D.C
Tear gas
Knock our gas
Effective Range: 1200 feet (366 m).
Payload: Single shot.

40mm Multiple Grenade Launcher: SINGLE ROUNDS ONLY
A grenade launcher[1][2][3] is a weapon that fires a specially-designed large-caliber projectile, often with an explosive, smoke or gas warhead. Today, the term generally refers to a class of dedicated firearms firing unitary grenade cartridges. The most common type are man-portable, shoulder-fired weapons issued to individuals, although larger crew-served launchers are issued at higher levels of organisation by military forces.[4]

Grenade launchers can either come in the form of standalone weapons (either single-shot or repeating) or attachments mounted to a parent firearm, usually a rifle. Larger crew-served automatic grenade launchers such as the Mk 19 are mounted on tripods or vehicles.

Some armored fighting vehicles also mount fixed arrays of short range, single-shot grenade launchers as a means of defense.

Israeli Border Guard with a Federal M201-Z 37mm riot gun

The earliest examples of standalone grenade launchers in the modern sense were breech-loading riot guns designed to launch tear gas grenades and baton rounds, such as the Federal Riot Gun developed in the 1930s. One of the first examples of a dedicated breech-loading launcher for unitary explosive grenade rounds was the M79 grenade launcher, a result of the American Special Purpose Individual Weapon program (specifically the 40×46mm grenade round developed during Project NIBLICK,[8] applying the German-developed high–low system to produce manageable recoil). The goal for the M79 was the production of a device with greater range than a rifle grenade but more portable than a mortar.[9] Such single-shot devices were largely replaced in military service with underbarrel grenade launchers, removing the need for a dedicated grenadier with a special weapon. Many modern underbarrel grenade launchers can, however, also be used in standalone configurations with suitable accessories fitted; this is of particular preference for groups using submachine guns as their primary armament, since it is rarely practical to mount an underbarrel launcher on such a weapon. Single shot launchers are also still commonly used in riot control operations.

Heavier multi-shot grenade launchers like the ARWEN 37 are used as tear gas and smoke projectors in riot control, while military launchers like the Milkor MGL are used to provide heavy sustained firepower to infantry; most such devices, dating back to the Manville machine-projector, use a revolver-style cylinder, though a handful of pump-action weapons built like oversized shotguns, such as the China Lake grenade launcher and GM-94, also exist. Magazine-fed semi-automatic designs such as the Neopup PAW-20 and XM25 CDTE have also been created for military use, using smaller rounds (respectively 20 and 25mm) for purposes of practicality in terms of the size of the magazine, and reduced collateral damage compared to 40mm rounds.

2D4x10 S.D.C.
Effective Range:
1200 feet (366 m).
Single shot.

The effective range for all shotguns is 150 feet (45.7 m).
Buckshot and similar fragmentation rounds will spray a 3 foot (0.9 meter) area. A sawed-off shotgun has a dramatically reduced barrel size which increases the width of the buckshot "spray" (covers a 1.5 m/5 foot area), but reduces the effective range to 60 feet (18 m).

Semi-automatic/self-loading or full Auto shotguns can fire a three-round burst that acts as a short burst, but it is -1 to strike.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Typical Damage:
4D6 S.D.C. for Buckshot (scatters to cover a 3 ft/0.9 m area at 30 feet/9.1 m and a 10 feet/3 m area at 60 feet/18.3 m);
5D6 S.D.C. for solid slug.
NOTE: For a variety of specific S.D.C.
M.D.C Damage:

Buckshot 3D6 M.D
solid slug 1D4X10

weapons of the 20th and 21st Century, see the Compendium of Contemporary Weapons sourcebook with 700 weapons listed, stated out and illustrated, plus body armor, grenades, EOD, mortars, and select armored vehicles.

The 20 mm caliber
is a common firearm bore diameter, typically used to distinguish smaller-caliber weapons, commonly called "guns", from larger-caliber "cannons" (e.g. machine gun vs. autocannon). All 20 mm cartridges have an outside projectile (bullet) diameter and barrel bore diameter of 0.787 inches (20.0 mm). These projectiles are typically 75 to 127 mm (3–5 in) long, cartridge cases are typically 75 to 152 mm (3–6 in) long, and most are shells, with an explosive payload and detonating fuze.

Weapons using this caliber range from anti-materiel rifles and anti-tank rifles to aircraft autocannons and anti-aircraft guns.
A 20×102 mm round (2nd from left) with .50 BMG rounds, golf ball, and a stick of 168-pin SDRAM computer memory

Twenty-millimeter-caliber weapons are generally not used to target individual soldiers, but against targets such as vehicles, buildings, or aircraft.
Types of ammunition

High explosive (HE)
High explosive incendiary (HEI)
Armour-piercing (AP)
Semi-armor-piercing high explosive incendiary (SAPHEI)
Armor-piercing discarding sabot (APDS)
High-explosive fragmentary tracer (HEF-t)
Penetrator with enhanced lateral effect (PELE)
Target practice - inert projectile (i.e., PGU-27A/B).[1] Used for training. (TP)
Target practice tracer - inert projectile with tracer material in base for visual trajectory tracking (i.e., PGU-30A/B). (TP-T)

20 mm weapons

type: Common cartridges 20 x 102 mm, 20x138mmB
Metric equivalent20 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.787 in
Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these heavy calibers

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 6 M.D 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D4X100 S.D.C OR 8 M.D or 2D4M.D phase world tech
2D6X100 S.D.C OR M.D or 12MD 2D6 M. D phase world tech
4d4x100 S.D.C M.D or 16 M.D phase world tech
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D phase world tech

Metric equivalent 24.13 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.950 in
Common cartridges.950 JDJ
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
.950 JDJ is the only known cartridge beyond .79 caliber to be used in a rifle

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D4X100 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D phase world tech
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 phase world tech
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 4D4 M.D phase world tech
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D phase world tech

30 mm caliber
is a specific size of autocannon ammunition. Such ammunition includes NATO standard 30×113mmB, 30×173mm (STANAG 4624), and 35x228mm NATO rounds, Soviet 30×165mm, 30x210mmB, and 37×250mm, Yugoslav 30x192mm, and Czechoslovak 30x210mmCz rounds which are widely used around the world.

The depleted uranium penetrator of a 30×173 mm round used in the GAU-8

30 mm ammunition
is typically not used against personnel, but rather as an anti-materiel or armor-piercing round. Rounds of this size can be effective against lightly armored vehicles as well as fortified bunkers. 30 mm is also a popular caliber for shipboard close-in weapons systems, such as the Russian AK-630 and Dutch Goalkeeper CIWS.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use their 30 mm weapons in a variety of vehicles, including the Su-25 attack aircraft, Mi-24 helicopter, Mi-28 attack helicopter, Ka-50 attack helicopter, and the BMP-2, BMP-3, and BTR-90 infantry fighting vehicles. The most modern anti-aircraft gun systems in use by Russia are 30 mm. The U.S. military uses 30 mm weapons in their A-10 Thunderbolt II and AH-64 Apache helicopter. It was going to be used in the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle until the project was cancelled.
Types of 30 mm ammunition
30 mm ammunition generally comes in three varieties: armor-piercing (AP), high-explosive (HE), and target practice (TP) rounds. Both AP and HE cartridges commonly possess incendiary or tracer characteristics.

Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
1D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 phase world tech
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 3D6 M.D phase world tech
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D phase world tech
5D6 X100 S.D.C OR 5d6M.D phase world tech
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Military Cyber Combat -Humanoid Called Jellyfish O.C.C.
Light Full Conversion Cyborg

Statistics for Military cyber-Humanoids

Size & Shape:
Completely human size !!! Or whatever natural appearance is suitable for the character' s race. Likewise, skin, hair, etc., are all natural-looking and even cosmetic cybernetics are usually avoided

M.D.C. of Main Body:
300 M.D.C for this 'Borg.

M.D.C. of Limbs:
All start at half of the possible maximum amount of M.D.C. for the Cyborg O.C.C., i.e.,
helmet 65 (1)
Head 50 (1)
bionic hands (5) 60 M.D.C ,
bionic Arms(5) 100 M.D.C ,
Bionic leg (2) 125 M.D.C .
Main body 275
Additional M.D.C. may be purchased at any time (provided a facility is available)
throughout the character' s lifetime.

Force field one body armour(1) 420
Force field one cybor body (1) 420
back up Force field in shoulder upper arms hidden (10)100 each

can use one at a time and the frist to take damage take 24 to reocver Force field of deplted

Arms & Hands(10)
Maximum Attributes: P.S. & P.P. but the maximum is 20. Souped-Up Bionics goes up to 24 ( elite units can go to have 40P.S AND 30 P.P) .
Weapons & Features Possible:
• per Hand: Two (three if small and not weapons) or a multi-system sensor hand.
• per hand Wrist: One.
• per hand Knuckles: One each.
• per hand Fingers: One weapon or other feature (sensor, camera, etc.) per each digit.
• Forearm: TWO , typically concealed that’s 10 total!!!.

STANDRAD :Retractable Forearm Vibro/energy -BIade Shields (10) : that 10 total
An M.D.C. forearm plate with a retractable vibro-blade.
A detachable flashlight
Vibro-Blade : 2D6 M.D.C and energy base 1d6x10 M.D.C for both and detachable

• Shoulder & Upper Arm: Zero.
Legs & Locomotion : Humanoid in configuration.
Maximum Speed Attribute :
the maximum is 132 (90 mph ). Souped-Up Bionics SPD 200 MPH
Can leap 6 feet ( 1 .8 m) high and 12 feet (3 .6 m) across Normal
Souped-Up Bionics Can leap 7 feet high and 14 feet ) across;
increase by 30% with a running start Souped-Up Bionics increase by 60%.
Can leap 10 feet ( 1 .8 m) high and 16 feet (3 .6 m) across

Other Leg Attributes:
P.S. & P.P. maximum is 20. Souped-Up Bionics 24( elite units can go to have 40P.S AND 30 P.P) .

Weapons & Features Possible: Concealed

Available Cyborg Armor Types :
Tends to avoid known "cyborg" armor because it reveals their true nature, instead the Cyber-Humanoid uses conventional body armor. However, the character could wear any light or medium cyborg armor or heavy human armor or combat armor.

Special Body Armor/Deep-Sea Environmental Body Armor
Medium cyborg armor
that is designed to withstand underwater depths . Often a completely contained environmental suit that plugs into existing cybernetic armor and systems.
• 185 M.D.C.

• Good Mobility

• Maximum Depth Tolerance: 2 miles

•The exoskeleton adds the following bonuses to the attributes :
+10 to P.S
+10 to spd, and reduces the rate of fatigue by 95 %

• Underwater:
The micro-thruster system propels the power armor underwater or a surfaced (semi-submerged) at a speed of 60 mph (96.5 kmph; 5 1 . 6 knots) !
Depth Gauge & Alarm :
An internal implant that can calculate depth. A digital counter can indicate the exact depth via internal audio or HUD system and make warning sounds when the character is within 2 miles maximum depth tolerance
Remaining Body Options for Cyber-Humanoid. Bionicand/or Cybernetic Implants & Features:

• Micro-Aerial Jet Thrusters: ( must have fighter pilot skills in order to use )
small power supply usually implanted to boost the main for drops at 85,000 feet can fly speed 400 MPH max height 20,000 feet

These are implants, sensors, optics, audio systems and other features that can be applied to bionic limbs

the human body,
clock calendar,
radio system,
modular connector unit,
cosmetics, and in addition to the following below .
already built in systems
Penalties of conversion:
Simulated sense of touch, while a remarkable 96%, is less than a human. No prowl penalty, even wearing heavy body armor.

Built in systems look below
1. Bionic gills look below
2. Bionic lung with gas filter & oxygen storage cell
3. Built-in language translator
4. Built-in loudspeaker
5. Built-in radio receiver & transmitter
6. Built-in depth gauge
7. Clock calendar
8. Gyro-compass
9. optional Concealed energy-clip hand or arm port ( 1 per each arm)
10. Modulating voice synthesizer
11. Multi-optic eyes
12. Radar (short range)
13. Rear optics in the back of the head
14. Universal headjack with amplified hearing and sound filtration
15. Sonar
16. Echo-location system

the following can be on Armour or cyborg systems
Sound Suppression System:

This is an advanced version of some pre-Rifts measures used to control sound pollution. A sound emitter
is built alongside the skin of the cyborg (will only work if the ' borg is wearing light M.D.C. armor; heavy cyborg armor will muffle the emitter). The emitter then sends out sound waves in exactly the opposite
frequencies as the noises made by the ' borg, neutralizing them. Human ears cannot sense the sounds; additionally, special rubber soles and joints contribute to the reduced sound: the common prowl penalty is eliminated when using these two systems.

Restrictions: none . +20 to prowl

Artificial Gills:
gills can be implants or built into partial and full conversion borgs. Gills are usually placed in the neck or rib cage, or just below the ribs. They enable the recipient of the implant to remove oxygen
from the water like a fish and breathe underwater for indefinite periods
of time.

Basically underwater radar. It can identify and track up to 24 targets simultaneously and has a range of two miles ( 3 . 2 km) .

Sonic Echo-Location :
A bionic system similar to that of the dolphin. This bionic mechanism is not as sensitive as the dolphin ' s and is used to determine distance and depth underwater, and to "see" in total darkness by creating a sound picture. When in total darkness, the cyborg suffers from none of the usual penalties from blindness and canmaneuver and fight as normal . B se level of proficiency: 78% +1% per level in accurately gauging distance, depth and shapes ; Range : 6000 feet .

Conceal Back up Underwater thruster system ( on cyborg only ):
one rear area and one per hip one rear total three
The thruster system propels the power armor underwater or a surfaced (semi-submerged) at a speed of 30mph depth 2 miles !

Conceal Back up micro-Aerial Jet Thrusters: ( must have fighter pilot skills in order to use, on cyborg only )
small power supply usually implanted to boost the main drps at 8,000 feet can fly speed 120 MPH max height 2000 feet

strength/signals of computer and communication implants; increases
the clarity of sound and increase range by 25 %

Radio & Scrambler Implant
An implant
with organic circuitry developed by the military that enables the user
to interface with a specially modified radio through mental control.
For most cyborgs, the shortwave radio will be housed in a compartment
on the armored back. It has a range of 1 00 miles ( 1 60 km) , can
broadcast on 800 frequencies and automatically scrambles and decodes
all transmissions. It can also send scrambled and coded messages

Signal Booster
small power supply usually implanted to boost the strength/signals of computer and communication implants; increases the clarity of sound and increase range by 25 % Usually built into a sensor hand or prosthetic with hair-like sensor wires that are actually tiny motion detector sensors.
However, a motion detection sensor system may be implanted in the arm, leg or head with sensor wires hidden among the human hair. Provided the sensor wires are not covered (the arm or leg with the detector must be bare), the system will work to measure noticeable movement near the character. The reliability of the detector is quite limited, but can be used to accurately assess wind direction and wind speed, and to detect the rapid approach of large moving objects, such as a vehicle, aircraft, power armor etc., whose rap id approach or large size causes a disturbance in the air. A motion detector is especially useful in the dark because the speeding object must usually be within 500 feet (152 m) to create a detectable air current. Likewise, the motion sensor will detect the movement of somebody/thing moving nearby, within 40 fe et (12 m), but only if the sensor user is motionless or barely moving itself.
The sensor can also detect sudden changes in air current and pressure caused by somebody opening a door or window, and can estimate speed of travel when inside an open-air (or open window) vehicle

Additional Hand and Arm(10) hand to hand
A pair of additional hands and arms
can be attached to the reinforced rib cage just below the usual pair. The second set of limbs are a bit smaller and lighter than the normal full body replacements, but are still quite formidable additions

A pair of arms and hands add one attack, strike and parry that 5 pairs or 10 arms
per melee and a bonus of + 5 to attacks ,strike and parry to the character's overall
combat skills. The arm ' s individual attribute bonuses apply only to that arm and not the character' s accumulative combat abilities. A single hand and arm pair adds only a bonus of + 1 to attacks ,strike and parry for every two arms

Amplified Hearing

A system of tiny sound amplifiers, microphones and receivers are built into the ear canal, enabling the character to hear almost inaudible sounds at 100 yards/meters away.
At 75 feet (22.9 m), sounds as quiet as one decibel, softer than
a whisper, can be heard.
At 150 feet (45.8 m), sounds as quiet as 10 decibels, a whisper,
can be heard clearly.
At 360 feet (110 m), sounds in the normal conversation range of
30 decibels can be heard as if the character was standing only a few
feet away. This is the maximum range for eavesdropping on conversations;
only sounds 70 decibels or louder can be accurately heard
and location pinpointed from 500 to 1000 feet away (152.4 m to
304.8 m).
The amplified hearing also enables the character to accurately
estimate the distance and location of the sound source, and recognize
specific sounds and voices at a base skill of 35% plus 5% per level
of experience. Bonuses: +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, +6 on initiative.
Note: Background noise, such as other conversations, traffic,
machine noise, etc., as well as closed doors and wall, will decrease
the range and clarity of what can be heard. GMs use your discretion

The Decibel Scale

20 decibel sound is 10 times louder than a 10 decibel sound, 30
decibels is 100 times louder than 10 decibels and 40 decibels is 1000
times louder. One decibel is the smallest difference between sounds
detectable by the human ear.
10 decibels: a light whisper
20 decibels: a quiet conversation
30 decibels: a normal conversation
40 decibels: light traffic
50 decibels: loud conversation
60 decibels: shouting
70 decibels: heavy traffic
80 decibels: loud noise like subway train, rock conceit
90 decibels: very loud, thunder or explosion
100 decibels: jet take-off; temporarily deafening (2D4 seconds).
140 decibels: Sonic boom; painful, temporarily deafening (2D4 minutes).

Legs for Leaping

bionic legs specifically designed for leaping and
quick movement (dodging). Can leap 15 feet (4.6 m) high and 30 feet (9. 1 m) lengthwise.
Increase by Double if combined with booster jets in the legs.
Bonus: + 2 to Auto dodge and + 1 on initiative when attempting a dodge or leap of any kind. with booster jets in the legs+ 4 to Auto dodge and + 2 on initiative

Motion Detector
Six maximum large. Nothing obvious.

Multi-Optics eyes or eyes with as many as three enhanced optic features each. The often referred to HUD or picture in picture display feature comes standard with all bionic eyes and does not count as one of the three selections. HUD is not standard in cybernetic eyes and not possible in Bio-System eyes.

Ears :




Cosmetics (general body) :
12 , but usually none other than disguises and beauty enhancing features

Ten one per arms

None. Average body weight is 100-200 pounds Additional appendages are not acceptable unless the real life creature the Cyber-Humanoid is impersonating has them.

Military Combat Cyber-Humanoid O.C.C.

O.C.C. skills:
Speaks Native Language (+25%).
One other Language of choice (+20%).
1D4 other spoken Language
Literacy in one (+ 1 5%).
Math: Basic (+ 1 0%)
Radio: Basic (+ 1 0%)
Land Navigation (+ 1 0%)
Disguise (+ 1 5%)
Intelligence (+ 1 0%)
Escape Artist (+ 1 0%)
Prowl (+ 1 5%)
Paramedic (+ 1 0%)
Imitate Voices & Impersonation (+ 1 2%)
Computer Operation(+ 1 5%)
Seduction (+ 1 0%)
Dance (+ 1 0%)
Streetwise (+5%)
Swimming: (+ 1 5%)
S.C.U.B.A(+ 1 5%)
Camouflage (+5%)
Pilot skill of choice pick 5 (+ 1 0%); excluding robot and power armor skills.
W.P. 1D6 Ancient Weapon of choice.
W.P. 1D4 Modem Weapon of choice.
Hand to Hand: Commando

NOTE If pick up W.P. Sharpshooting: Sharp shooting Borgs are limited to only one.

1. The Sharpshooter's "Called" Shot
2. Quick Draw
3. Trick Shooting
• Can shoot over his shoulder
• Accurately shoot while riding
• Shoot accurately
• Dodge,
• Ricochet shot

O.C.C. Related Skills:

Select 18 other skills, plus select one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 1 2 . All new skills start at level one Proficiency.

Communications: Any (+ 10%).
Cowboy: None.
Domestic : Any.
Electrical: Basic Electronics only (+5%).
Espionage: Forgery and Tracking only (+5%).
Horsemanship: General only.
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive only (+5%).
Medical: First Aid only (+5%).
Military: Any.
Physical: Any that are still appropriate.
Pilot: Any (+5%); except robot, power armor.
Pilot Related: Any.
Rogue: Cardsharp, Concealment, Palming, Streetwise (any), and Ventriloquism only.
Science: Any.
Technical: Any (+5%).
W.P. : Any
Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills:

The character also gets to select 10 secondary skills from the list, excluding those marked "None," at level one and one additional skill at levels 4, 8, and 12.
These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level

Standard Equipment:

Light to medium M.D. C. body armor,
set of fashionable clothing, set of traveling clothes, tinted goggles or sunglasses, air fIlter, flashlight, cigarette lighter, pocket mirror, small portable tool kit or first-aid kit, language
translator (unless built-in) or pocket computer, two utility belts, sleeping bag, backpack or duffle bag, two small sacks, ID4 large sacks, a canteen and some personal items.


One for each W.P. skill, and 1D10 additional E-Clips/ammo clips for each.
Armor: Bushman Body Armor
similar body armor with around 60-70 M.D.C. No vehicle to start.

Bionics & Cybernetics:

Full conversion cyborg with all basic features and ALWAYS starts with two Cyber-Disguise features
and Modulating Voice Synthesizer. As for additional items, he or she gets as many as half the total number of possible bionic features listed in the opening under Statistics for Cyborgs.

Update in Rifts Earth added a ….

Add a AI systems to help cyborg
It was realized that THE BORG was to focus fire like "Super Slinger" Cyborg ,
the cyborg cannot split its attacks be-tween two different targets and the firing of each pair of weap-ons counts as one melee attack/action each

this is game changer the AI systems allow
to fire at the same time from one to eight different targets

Response Computer System (RCS):
The most advanced system in the Juicer-Killer is a high-speed computerized sensor that reacts instantly to any movement and responds independently, as if by reflex, by shooting at the designated target. Furthermore, the computer will track a target relentlessly, focusing either two or four guns on it. The RCS only operates when the reflexes of the operator are not fast enough to deal with the situation, or when the pilot sets it on automatic as-sault or defense.
Against Juicers, the RCS neutralizes the Juicer's automatic dodge! The Juicer gets all his bonuses to dodge, but each dodge costs one melee attack/action. This is because the A.I will relentlessly track and fire upon the target with one to two or four of its guns, forcing the Juicer to take evasive actions (thereby losing an attack/action) and allowing the pilot to concentrate on a different target, perform a skill, or to attack the same target!

AI Combat Mode:
The computer can track and attack two targets simultaneously (typically dividing the weapons in pairs). It is programmed to identify 3000 different enemy targets, including all known Juicer body armor and variant styling, Juicer gang insignias/colors, Crazies, vampires and several other dangerous beings and outlaws.
Maxi-mum sensor range is 7000 feet .
Computer Attacks per Melee: ADD Eight! ONE per each of its four guns, per melee round. If a pair of weapons is aimed at the same target simultaneously (a standard tactic) the strike counts as two melee attacks (player can either roll one strike for both guns or one for each. He must announce his inten-tions before he rolls). The computer's independent actions free the power armor pilot to engage in his own attacks/me-lee actions simultaneously.
Computer Combat Bonus:
+6 on initiative and ADD +4 to strike plus cyborg at level 3.
Each weapon can rotate 360 degrees up, down, and sideways.
Auto parry +1d4 plus cyborg at level 3
Auto dodge +1d6 plus cyborg at level 3

If the computer and sensor array, located behind the pilot head of the, loses half or more of its M.D.C. one of the following may happen remember their a helmet and force field systems . Roll again for each additional 20 points of damage.
01-40 It loses one of the weapons and its two attacks per melee round (can't find it to shoot or to turn over control to the pilot).
41-60 Sensor damage, reduce strike bonuses by half.
61-80 Sensor damage, loses initiative entirely.
81-00 It forgets how to turn the weapons over to the pilot.

The real secret
It a Neural Intelligence (N.I.) is the most advanced robot A.I. possible and a hundred years or more beyond the understanding and technology of the Coalition States and the rest of Rifts Earth. Neural intelligences are super-high-tech computer brains, created through nano-technology and sophisticated and complex technology that gives the `Bot an artificial brain that simulates the thought processes of the human brain. In most cases, the Al's "brain" is even constructed in such a way that it actually has millions of tiny nerve cells and information centers like a human brain. The machine-entity, Cyberworks, was created as a neural intelligence, although he has mutated into something much more than a mere machine. Cyberworks has the capabilities of creating other neural intelligences, but seldom does so in the passed . For one thing, neural intelligences take a great deal of time and resources to create. For another, they are somewhat unpredictable, with the robot exhibiting a genuine personality, quirks of character, and even desires, fears and anxieties that can get in the way of machine functionality. N.I. robots are much more resistant to stress and insanity than humans, but may develop quirks and even mental illness as the result of severe emotional or physical trauma. Otherwise, robots and androids with neural intelligence can behave very human and think beyond the capabilities of their basic programing. This means they can learn new skills, extrapolate on existing skills, modify their behavior, adapt to their environment, make judgements, have an alignment, speculate, theorize and think outside the box. Many believe N.I.s can eventually develop a truly distinct personality just like a person, and even develop a soul. However, few ever exhibit the full range of imagination and artistic creativity (art and writing) that humans and other humanoids exhibit. Instead, they tend to be analytical, calculating and a bit reserved.
Cyberworks sometimes creates N.I.s to blend among humans and be his "face" to the outside world, where they observe and spy on humans. However, these creations are always loyal pawns of the cyborg , and may experiment and pursue interests other than those of their creator. A human-like mind means the freedom to make choices, act on their own, be curious and take independent action, even take over cyborg if the brin is dead or self-destruct to avoid capture .

Typical Level of Intelligence:
I.Q. 26

A.I. have an alignment
Aberrant (Evil) Alignment
the Aberrant robot is 100% loyal to its creator/programmer, dedicated to the execution of the mission and driven to get it done at all costs

Neural Intelligence: Automatically gets one of the General Programs (non-military and military) at no cost
Four(4) additional skill programs can be purchased at the list price and added to the initial skill set. This is the maximum number of programs the robot can hold in its artificial brain. Unlike the A.I., these skills can NOT be purged and replaced by new and different skill programs. However, the N.I. can learn new skills the same as a human through observation, study and tutelage. Thus, the N.I. may select 1 per O.C.C. Related Skills at levels 2, 3,4, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Secondary Skills start at the Base Skill level at levels 2, 3,4, 6, 9, 12, and 15 and increase per level of experience. The only bonus applied to these learned skills is the I.Q. bonus, when appropriate (all skills get bonus ).
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Body Armor All-purpose amour
To protect its soldier, the soldier has issued a version of the combat armor commonly used in pre-Rifts days. This body armor is lighter and more comfortable than the combat armor which is issued to all combat personnel, but it can mean the difference between life and death for a soldier.
The armor consists of a fully padded and solid plate bodysuit with a helmet; not required on duty except while under threat of attack. The armor has special flotation devices that add +5% to swimming rolls and serves as a life jacket. It has all the features common to modern body armor (see Rifts RPG, page 209).
but it has the addition of a faceplate/mask, can be made airtight in an instant, and has life support, as well as a built-in radio, insulation, and all features common to environmental body armor (as listed in the Rifts RPG, page 209).
Comes in olive green, forest-jungle camouflage pattern, and beige-brown desert camouflage pattern or any design. Combat armor is manufactured at many bases for RIFTS PMC.

• M.D.C.: 50 can Add on plate 25 or 50 Add on plate 25 to 50
• M.D.C.: helmet, arms, legs, backpack 45
• Internal Combat vest 25 M.D.C
•Awe factor 15 due to pre rifts armor
• Weight: 5 lbs.
• Excellent Mobility; -5% on the performance of prowl and other physical skills such as gymnastics.
• Maximum Depth: 1000 feet (305 m); ruptures at greater depths.
• Market Cost: 60,000 credits outside real cost 3,000 credits .
Last edited by ZINO on Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Body Armor
To protect its soldier, it has issued a version of the combat armor commonly used in pre-Rifts days. This body armor is lighter and more comfortable than the soldier's combat armor which is issued to all combat personnel, but it can mean the difference between life and death for a soldier.it consider a light weight armour
The armor consists of a fully padded bodysuit with a helmet; not required on duty except while under threat of attack. The armor has special flotation devices that add +5% to swimming rolls and serves as a life jacket. It has all the features common to modern body armor (see Rifts RPG, page 209). but it has the addition of a faceplate/mask, can be made airtight in an instant and has life support, as well as a built-in radio, insulation, and all features common to environmental body armor (as listed in the Rifts RPG, page 209).
Comes in olive green, forest-jungle camouflage pattern, and beige-brown desert camouflage pattern. Marine Combat armor is manufactured at all bases .

• M.D.C.: 55 Add on plate 25 to 55
• M.D.C.: helmet, arms, legs, backpack 45 Add on plate 25 or 55
• Weight: 11 lbs
• Excellent Mobility; -5% on the performance of prowl and other physical skills such as gymnastics.
• Maximum Depth: 1000 feet (305 m); ruptures at greater depths.
• Full EVA
• Market Cost: 40,000 credits outside Salvation and Refuge Bases. This is one of the items commonly traded or sold outside the New Navy.
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Rifts guardsmen / Foot solider

Our mission makes us different. Unlike the other branches, Guard Soldiers can be deployed by the governors of their resident states to support communities stricken by natural disasters like floods and hurricanes. Guard Soldiers can also be deployed by the president of the United States to defend our country or support our allies overseas. This dual role for the Guard is what makes us unique.

Both Guard Soldiers and Army Reserve Soldiers train one weekend per month and two weeks every summer. Both Guard Soldiers and Army Reserve Soldiers can be called into full-time service to support Army combat missions. The main difference is that Guard Soldiers serve a dual mission. They can be called on by their state governor or the federal government. Reserve Soldiers do not have a state mission and cannot be called to respond to floods and hurricanes, for example.

from Army recruiter before the fall

Guardsmen/ Foot solider O.C.C.

Abilities & Bonuses:

1. O.C.C. Modifiers:

+3D6+12 to S.D.C.
+1 to initiative.
+1 to pull punch.
+1 to strike. HAND TO HAND
+1 to roll with impact.
+1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12. 2.


Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation:

Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 90% of the last two generations to join military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children.
Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D4 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D4 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D4 to P.E.
56-75% +1D4 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D4+2 to P.B. and +1D4 to physical attribute of choice.


These sets of skills are areas of specialization. They may be combat oriented or some other area of expertise. These are in addition to O.C.C. Skills, O.C.C. Related Skills and Secondary Skills and reflect U.N paramilitary methods and organizational structure
Select one of the following areas of specialty or roll percentile to make a random determination. If the random method is used and the character does not have the required minimum attribute, select skills that will bump it up to the required amount, adjust a few attributes to meet the minimum, or roll again. All M.O.S. skills are in addition to O.C.C. and other skills. Note: The Communications Expert can use non-combat robot probes and the Point Man can use all types of robots from Combat Drones and Hounds to probes. The exact robots made available to him will depend on the assignment. The EOD Expert will have one or more weapons replaced with explosives, including 1-4 Fusion Blocks.

3.Best MOS AND Special Aptitude Bonuses

instead of rolling 3d6 you can roll the following table
• 01-12%
• 13-26% Strong-willed:
• 27-39% Charismatic:
• 40-51% Physically Strong:
• 52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
• 66-78% Great Endurance:
• 79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
• 89-00% Fast as Lightning: [/b]
01-11% [ Brainy :
I.Q . 1D6+18.
M.E.1D6+12. ,
M.A 1D4+ 10
P.S. 1D6+9
P.P 1D4+9
P.E 1D4+8
P.B 1D6+9
Spd 1D6+11
Your best O.C.C is Technical officer

13-26% Strong-willed:
I.Q. 1D6+ 11
M.E. ID6+ 19.
M.A 1D6+9.
P.S. ID6+9.
P.P ID4+13.
P.E. ID6+10.
P.B 1D6+9.
Spd 1D6+8.
Your best O.C.C. is infantry/Military Specialist/or robot Ace

27-39% Charismatic :
I.Q. 1D6+ 10.
M.E 1D6+9.
MA 1D6+18
P.S 1D4+ 10.
P.P 1D4 + 10.
P.E. 1D6+8.
P.B. 1D6+14.
Spd 1D6+9.
Your best O.C.C. is Technical Officer and, Military Specialist

40-51% Physically Strong :
M.E. 1d4+10.
M.A 1D6+10.
P.S 1D6+19
P.P 1D4+12
P.E. 1D5+15
P.B 1D6+12.
Spd 1D6+11.
Infantry /Grunt or Military Specialist

52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
I.Q. 1d4+10.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S . 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+19.
P.E 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d6+10.
Spd 1D6+17
Your best O.C.C. is Giant robot Pilot. ,A.C.E Pilot , or a Technical Officer specializing in Electronics. Mechanical Engineering or Medicine surgery.

66-78% Great Endurance:
I.Q . 1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+14.
M.A. ID6+8.
P.S. 1d6+9.
P.P ID6+9.
P.E. 1D6+19.
P.B. 1d6+19.
Spd 1d6+ 12
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot Ace, Giant robot/power armored Pilot, or Grunt/infantry.

79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
I.Q 1d4+ 10.
M.E. 1d6+8.
M.A 1d6+ 15.
P.S . 1d66+ 11.
P.P 1d6+8.
P.E. 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d4+20.
Spd 1d6+9.

Your best O.C.C. is Technical Officer and Military Specialist

89-00% Fast as Lightning:
I.Q .1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+14.
P.E 1d6+10.
P.B 1d6+ 10.
Spd 2D6+20
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot giant robot, power armored ACE, Military Specialist

3.Special Aptitude Bonuses Table

if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, the most two !!!

Sure Shot :
+1d4 to strike with all types of projectile and weapons systems . From pistol s and energy rifles to weapons used by robot. Furthermore the usual penalties for being off balance, moving, etc and half. Does not apply to missiles

Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing
+5% to Pilot skill and +10% to Specialty Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing (one specific robot which the character pilot better than any other). Also +1d4 on initiative. + 1d4 to parry and +1d4 to pull punch when piloting any type of robot or power armored pick one.

21-30 %
Giant robot/or power armor Ace:
+5% to giant robot skill and +10% to one giant robot type (one specific robot which the character pilots better than any other: his or her Favorite) .Also + 1 on Perception Rolls. + 2 to dodge and + 3 to roll with impact when piloting any type of giant robot.

High Perception and Solid gut Instincts:
+1d4 on Perception Rolls. Roll 1d4 once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward and +1d4 initiative

41 to 50%
Quick Reaction Time:
+1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 dodge ,add 1d4 P.P,ADD 1d6 auto-parry once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward

Strongman :
+1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 2 to pull punch. Add Height 1d10 inches, add weight 5d4%

Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses for it. Note if I.Q was is 18 or higher add two MOS !! Also if IQ 18 or higher add onetime bonus

Quick Reflexes:
+ 1 attack per melee and + 2 to Auto-dodge ,1d6 +1 initiative , AND add 1d6 P.P once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward,

Fearless :
+ 1D6+2 to save Horror Factor. However as a result, the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.

1d6+2 M.A. this character is especially likable and affable

O.C.C. Skills:

The following skills are in addition to the ONE M.O.S. selected below.
Athletics (General)
Climbing (+10%)
Forced March
Swimming (+10%),
Language: English or native area (+10%)
Language: One of choice (+15%).
Literacy: Native Language; +20%
Mathematics: Basic (+5%)
Military Etiquette (+15%)
Pilot: Hovercraft (Ground)
Hovercycles, Sky cycles
Rocket Bikes (+10%),
Radio: Basic (+10%)
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Knife
Hand to Hand: Basic,
which can be changed to Expert at the cost of one Secondary Skill. Martial Arts and Hand to Hand: Commando are not available to the Infantry Soldier.

O.C.C. Related Skills:

Instead of the usual range of skills available, the Soldier selects one of the following M.O.S. skill bundles, below, based on the character’s area of interest, work and specialty. Note:
There is such a large range of Soldier M.O.S. skill packages, that rather than list them here, they are described at the end of this O.C.C. description. It is important to note that most M.O.S. programs have attribute requirements and may grant additional bonuses. Combat Animal Handler Combat Engineer Communications Specialist EOD/Demolitions Specialist Field Medic

Infantry Soldier M.O.S. descriptions:

Pick one.

• NUMBER 1 Infantryman:
• NUMBER 2 Infantryman:Melee Specialist
• NUMBER 3 Motorized Rifleman
• NUMBER 4 Rifleman
• NUMBER 5 Combat Engineer:
• NUMBER 6 Marksman/sniper
• NUMBER 7 Communications Specialist
• NUMBER 8 Pig Man Specialist
• NUMBER 9 Missiles Ballistic operator
• NUMBER 10 Point Man
• NUMBER 11 Scout
• NUMBER 12 Militray Specialist Branch or MS )News Correspondent/ recruiter
• NUMBER 13 Sailor
• NUMBER 14 Naval Infantryman
• NUMBER 15 Rotor/VTOL /STOL wing Air support
• NUMBER 16 fix wing Aviator
• NUMBER 17 Tank pilots
• NUMBER 18 Cyber Combat Handler
• NUMBER 19 Giant size Robot pilots
• NUMBER 20 Power armor pilots
• NUMBER 21 Drone operator
• NUMBER 22 Transportation Specialist
• NUMBER 23 EOD/Demolitions Specialist
• NUMBER 24 Field Combat Medic
• NUMBER 25 Field Engineer
• NUMBER 26 (MS) Research Specialist
• NUMBER 27 Spy or Undercover Agent
• NUMBER 28 Intelligence & Reconnaissance
• NUMBER 29 (MS) Electronic Intelligence
• NUMBER 30 (MS) Man-Hunter (MS)
• NUMBER 31 (MS) Sabotage & Harassment
• NUMBER 32 Robot Specialist Glitter boy

NUMBER 1 Infantryman:
No requirements. M.O.S.
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 on Perception Rolls regarding finding protective cover.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
None at first, may receive cybernetic or bionic repairs to serious physical injury.
M.O.S. Skills:
First Aid (+5%)
Find Contraband (+6%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Salvage (+5%)
Physical: One of choice,
Upgrade First Aid to Paramedic (+ 1 0%).
Law: General (+1 0%)
Pilot: One of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
W.P.: three additional Modern
W.P. of choice (any)

NUMBER 2 Infantryman:Melee Specialist
No requirements. M.O.S.
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 on Perception Rolls regarding finding protective cover.
+4 strike/ parry from the 6 W.P. Ancient picked
NOTE: Martial arts / Assassin hand to hand only back attack /rear attacks times 3 only
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
None at first, may receive cybernetic or bionic repairs to serious physical injury.
M.O.S. Skills:
First Aid (+5%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Hound, Pup Scout or Probes)
Find Contraband (+6%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Physical: One of choice,
Pilot: One of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
W.P.: two additional Modern
W.P. Ancient pick 6 of choice (any)

NUMBER 3 Motorized Rifleman
No requirements. M.O.S.
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 on Perception Rolls regarding finding protective cover.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
None at first, may receive cybernetic or bionic repairs to serious physical injury.
M.O.S. Skills:
Weapon systems (+10%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Hound, Pup Scout or Probes)
Detect Ambush (+25%)
Find Contraband (+6%)
First Aid (+5%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Salvage (+5%)
Physical: two of choice,
Pilot: three of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
Pilot Related two
W.P.: 3 additional Modern (any)

NUMBER 4 Rifleman
No requirements. M.O.S.
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 on Perception Rolls regarding finding protective cover.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
None at first, may receive cybernetic or bionic repairs to serious physical injury.
M.O.S. Skills:
Salvage (+5%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Hound, Pup Scout or Probes)
Detect Ambush (+35% can go over 99% but add penalties GM call )
Detect Concealment (+25%)
Find Contraband (+6%)
First Aid (+5%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Physical: two of choice,
Pilot: two of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
Recognize Weapon Quality (+25%)
W.P. Rifles
W.P. Handguns
W.P.: 3 additional Modern (any)

NUMBER 5 Combat Engineer:
Requires I.Q. of 11 or greater.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1D6 to S.D.C.
+1 to I.Q. attribute.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Schematic Sensor Hand, Tool Hand, Tool Mechanic’s Arm and Cyberlink Vehicle Interface.
M.O.S. Skills:
Demolitions (+10%)
Demolitions Disposal (+20%)
Excavation (+10%)
Military Fortification (+10%)
Trap Construction (+20%)
Field Armorer & Munitions (+10%).
Trap and Mine Detection (+10%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Pilot: two of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
Pick (5 skills ) five skills either Mechanical Skills or Science Skills or Technical Skills
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :

NUMBER 6 Marksman/sniper :
Requires a P.P. of 12 or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to M.E. attribute, +2 to strike on Called Shots,
+2 on Perception Rolls regarding judging distance, wind, the difficulty of the shot and finding a target. Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Multi-Optic Eye and Motion Detector.
M.O.S. Skills:
Camouflage (+10%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Drones, Pup Scout or Probes)
Detect Concealment (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+10%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Prowl (+20%)
Recognize Weapon Quality (+25%)
Weapon Systems (+ 10%)
Pilot: two of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
W.P. Automatic Pistol AND Revolver ( ADD + 10)
W.P.: two additional Modern

NUMBER 7 Communications Specialist:
Requires an I.Q. of 10 or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to Perception Rolls
+30% to Radio Skills :
Basic skill; use this bonus instead of the bonus listed under O.C.C. Skills.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
One additional communication Cybernetic Enhancement
(such as Finger Jack, Video Eye or Radio Transmitter).
M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Communication: One skill of choice (+10%).
Electronic Countermeasures (+15%)
Salvage (+5%)
Laser Communications (+20%)
T.V./Video or Surveillance (+15%)
Three Communications
Computer Operation
Computer Programming

NUMBER 8 Pig Man Specialist:
Requires a P.S. of 14 and P.E. of 12 or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to P.S.,
+1 to strike with rifles, machine-guns, rail guns and similar modern, long range weapons.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
If light cyborg Sound Filtration System and Shoulder Weapon Mount/Clamps.
M.O.S. Skills:
Recognize Weapon Quality (+15%)
Sensory Systems (+5%)
W.P. Heavy
M.D. Weapons
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons
W.P.: 4 Modem of choice (modern ).
Weapon Systems (+20%)

NUMBER 9 Missiles Ballistic operator ?anti Amour :
Requires an M.E/P.S . of 12 or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to strike with missiles fired from a vehicle,
+1 to strike an incoming missile in flight.
No penalties from a moving vehicle
+3 to strike with any missiles fired. Not riding a vehicle
On top of that if still prone add +2 to strike
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface,
Radar Sensor,
M.O.S. Skills:
Navigation (+10%)
NBC Warfare (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)

NUMBER 10 Point Man
Requires an I.Q. of 9 and P.S or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D4 to S.D.C.
+1 to P.E.,
+2 to Perception Rolls regarding terrain condition and terrain that could be used for ambush and traps, and detecting ambushes, camouflage or traps.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Clock Calendar,
Directional Sound Amplification Finger,
Sound Amplification Ear implant,
and choice of either one Multi-Optic Eye or Wide-Angle Vision.
M.O.S. Skills:
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+15%)
Land Navigation (+14%)
Prowl (+10%)
Tailing (+15%)
Pick four Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)

NUMBER 11 Scout:
M.O.S. Skills:
Horsemanship: any
Outdoorsmanship (+15%)
Track and Trap Animals (+15%)
Veterinary Science (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+15%)
Land Navigation (+14%)
Prowl (+10%)
Tailing (+15%)
Wilderness Survival
Land Navigation (+10%)
Pilot: One of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
Climbing +15
W.P. Net
W.P. Rope
Pick 2 Wilderness skills
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiencies (Ancient)
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
add 2 Language, Foreign: One of choice (+10%).
Reduce Secondary Skills to 4 :

NUMBER 12 Militray News Correspondent/ recruiter :
Requires an I.Q. of 12 or higher and an M.A. of 11 or higher.
M.O.S. Skills:
+10% Charm/Impress
+10% Trust/Intimidate regardless of M.A. attribute.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
One additional communication cybernetic enhancement (such as Video eye or Radio Transmitter), and two Hidden Storage Compartments.
M.O.S. Skills:
Cryptography (+10%)
History: Pre-Rifts (USA , only) (+5%),
pick one. Law (General) (+10%)
Law - Loopholes (+8%)
Lore: Demons and Monsters (+10%)
Lore: Magic (+10%)
Public Speaking (+15%).
Pick 2 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)

NUMBER 13 Sailor
P.E. of 10 or higher.
M.O.S. Skills:
+1D6 to S.D.C.
+5% to Swimming skill.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
One lung implant of choice (usually Oxygen Storage Cell) and Depth Gauge.
M.O.S. Skills:
Navigation (+10%)
Pilot Boat: Motor, Race and Hydrofoil (+15%)
Pilot Boat: Ships (+5%)
SCUBA (+15%)
W.P.: two of choice

NUMBER 14 Naval Infantryman:
P.E. of 10 or higher.
M.O.S. Skills:
+1D6 to S.D.C.
+5% to Swimming skill.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
One lung implant of choice (usually Oxygen Storage Cell) and Depth Gauge.
M.O.S. Skills:
First Aid (+5%)
Find Contraband (+6%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Salvage (+5%)
Physical: One of choice,
Upgrade First Aid (+ 1 0%).
Law: General (+1 0%)
Navigation (+10%)
Pilot: One of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
Pilot Boat: Motor, Race and Hydrofoil (+15%)
Pilot Boat: Ships (+5%)
SCUBA (+15%)
W.P.: Modern three additional Modern
W.P. : Ancient of choice (any)
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :

NUMBER 15 Rotor/VTOL /STOL wing Air support :
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to dodge in flight
+15% to perform evasive maneuvers, stunts and emergency landings.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Bionic hand or forearm with
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface, Radar Sensor, Gyro-Compass and Speedometer.
M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Mechanics (+5%)
Navigation (+10%)
Pilot: 2 ANY
Pilot Related Pick ALL
Pilot: Jet Pack (+15%)
Pilot: Hover Vehicles (+10%).
Military: Combat Helicopter (+35%)
Military: Jet Fighters ( +25%)
Helicopter - +25%
Hover Craft - (+15%)
Combat Driving

NUMBER 16 fix wing Aviator Pilot:
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to dodge in flight
+15% to perform evasive maneuvers, stunts and emergency landings.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Bionic hand or forearm with
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface, Radar Sensor, Gyro-Compass and Speedometer. M.O.S. Skills:
M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Mechanics (+5%)
Navigation (+10%)
Pilot: Hover Vehicles (ground +10%).
Military: Jet Fighters (+35%)
Pilot: Jet Aircraft (+15%)
Pilot: Jet Fighter (+20%)
Pilot: Jet Pack (+25%)
Pilot: 2 ANY
Pilot Related PICK ALL

NUMBER 17 Tank pilots
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to strike with main canon ,
+1 to strike an incoming missile in flight with any secondary weapon/culpa systems .
+2 to strike any missiles fired.
can fire 1d4x10+10 beyond ballistic weapons only no rail gun ,missile or energy weapon systems
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface,
Radar Sensor,
M.O.S. Skills:
Navigation (+10%)
NBC Warfare (+10%)
Pilot: Tanks and APCs (+15%; ).
Pilot: Hover Vehicles
Combat Driving Pilot:
Weapon Systems (+10%)
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons

NUMBER 18 Cyber Combat Handler
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2 on Perception Rolls regarding animals, their health and behavior, including whether they are scared, hurt, aggressive, about to attack, willing to be submissive, back off or run off if given the opportunity, and so on.
Additional Cvbernetics/Bionics:
Four additional cybernetic optical or/and radio/jaw enhancement.
The soldier is assigned
one Cybernetically expect dogs can be or up 10 (1d10)
• Falcon
• Dog
• Horse
(G.M.’s discretion OR TYPE animal with reason )
Breed Dogs/Animal (specific) (+15%)
full cyborg dog
https://www.deviantart.com/biagiodaless ... -747975910
in action to standard M.D.C stat
fully armed add 75 M.D.C
main body is 70 M.D.C small size dog add 50 M.D.C
main body is 80 M.D.C medium size dog 100 add M.D.C
main body is 90 M.D.C large size (normal ) dog add 120 M.D.C
main body is 100 M.D.C largest size (normal ) dog add 150 M.D.C
look below
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... CRWKyVJTr4
M.O.S. Skills:
Falconry (New! +10%), pick one.
Horsemanship: any USA /Canada/South America or Europe
(+10%; can be upgraded to Horsemanship: Cossack at the cost of two Secondary Related Skill.)
M.O.S. Skills:
Camouflage +10
Detect Ambush+15
Detect Concealment +10
Trap/Mine Detection +10
Wilderness Survival +15
Pilot Related Skills +10
Outdoorsmanship Track and Trap Animals (+15%)
Veterinary Science (+10%)
W.P. Net
W.P. Rope
Can be even partial or light brog

NUMBER 19 Giant size Robot pilots
M.O.S. Bonuses:
Add +1 to all !!to favorite.
Add + 20 % one time
Make delicate handling /maneuvers for Giant size Robot +20 % in situations and even prowl base 50%
M.O.S. Skills:
Excavation & Rescue (+1 0%)
Pilot: Robots Basic (+20%)
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite:
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite
Pilot: 2 ANY
Pilot Related Pick ALL
Land Navigation (10%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+ 1 5%)
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
W.P. Heavy
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (rail guns included)

NUMBER 20 Power armor pilots
M.O.S. Bonuses:
Add +1 to all !!to favorite.
Can push speed flight only by 1d4x10% for 2d4 melee
M.O.S. Skills:
Pilot: Power Armor Basic (+9%)
Pilot: Power Armor Combat Elite:
Pilot: Jet Packs (+20%)
Pilot: Helicopter or Jet Aircraft and VOTL (+ 1 6%).
Pilot: 2 ANY
Pilot Related Pick ALL
Parachuting (+ 1 5%)
Navigation (+20%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Read (& Operate)
Sensory Equipment (+ I 0%)
W.P. Heavy
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (rail guns included)
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiency (Modern)

NUMBER 21 Drone operator
M.O.S. Bonuses:
Small drones size have prowl 80 + 1% per level + 3 to all
Medium drones size 70 + 2% per level + 2 to all
Large drones size 60 + 3% per level + 1 to all
Can add spd by 1d4x10% to all
M.O.S. Skills:
Radio: Basic (+25%)
Radio: Scramblers (+10%)
Surveillance Systems (+25%)
T.V./Video (+25%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
Computer Operation (+25%)
Computer Programming (+25%)
Basic Mechanics - (+10%)
Weapon Systems - (+25%)
Navigation (+25%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment - (+25%)
Basic Electronics (+25%)
Computer Repair (+25%)
Tracking (people) (+25%) (+25%)
Detect Ambush (+10%)
Pick 2 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
Reduce Secondary Skills to four :
Command Robots Drones: look below for details
Knowledge in the operation, deployment and strategic use of Army reconnaissance and combat drones robots like the Combat Drone (like Skelebot), Dog Drone (an example Chaos earth book main book) , Pup Scout (Chaos earth book main book) , Spider Probe(Chaos earth book main book) , and Flying Drone/Probe (Chaos earth book main book) . 1-10 robots are assigned to Escort/ assist/attack/patrol ,investigate area or protect the individual who commands it/them. Base Skill: Not applicable
CAN BE LIGHT CYBORG ID6 cybernetic implants of choice OR Partial or full Borg
Starts with ID6 cybernetic implants of choice. No LD. chip to avoid identification as a agent by the enemy. If a partial cyborg ( 12% are), the agent will have one or two bionic arms with I D4+2 different built-in capabilities (sensors, finger camera, weapons, etc.) for each, a bionic eye and even a pair of bionic legs

NUMBER 22 Transportation Specialist:
Requires P.E. and P.P. of at least 9.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to dodge while driving
+5% to perform evasive maneuvers, stunts, rams and emergency crashes.
can have connection with Black market GM Call 2d6 one time use 1d6 mid level and 1d4 high level
30% own favor to character for each one
10% big favor to each connection
05% crime group own favor to character for each one
02% crime organization own 1d4 favor to character for each one
01% crime organization own 1d10 favor to character for each one
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Bionic hand or forearm with
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface,
M.O.S. Skills:
Combat Driving Pilot: Automobile
Combat Driving Pilot: Motorcycles & Snowmobiles (+15%)
Pilot: Hover Vehicles (+10%; ).
Pilot: Tanks and APCs (+10%; ).
Pilot: Truck (+10%)
Pilot six additional pilot skill (+20%; ).

NUMBER 23 EOD/Demolitions Specialist
Requires an I.Q. of 10 and a P.P. ,P.S of 12 or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. and P.P. attribute,
+1 to roll with impact,
+2 to Perception Rolls regarding explosives and traps, their level of complexity, ease or difficulty to deactivate/defuse, level of danger/damage/power, range of collateral damage, whether the maker was an amateur or expert (like himself) and similar.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Schematic Sensor Hand,
Radiation Sensor and Macro-Eye Laser.
M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Demolitions (+20%)
Demolitions Disposal (+15%)
Demolitions: Underwater (+14%)
Munitions Expert (the Munitions part,
only, from the skill Field Armorer and Munitions Expert, +10%).
Trap and Mine Detection (+10%)

NUMBER 24 Field Combat Medic:
Requires an I.Q. and a P.P. of 10 or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to I.Q. and +2 on Perception Rolls regarding the severity of injuries, the best and most immediate repair/ surgery or treatment, stability of the patient, and at levels 4 and 8, treatment from this Field Medic to those in a coma/death situation provides the patient with a cumulative bonus of +5% to save vs coma and death (+10% when the Field Medic is at level 8 experience).
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Macro-Eye Laser,
Molecular Analyzer,
Finger Laser Scalpel and Wrist/Palm Needle.
M.O.S. Skills:
Brewing: Medicinal (+5%)
Cybernetic Medicine Field Surgery (+14%)
Medical Doctor (+5%)
Pathology (+10%)
Xenology (+5%),
Pick 2 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)

NUMBER 25 Field Engineer:
M.O.S. Bonuses:
M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Electronics (+ 1 5%)
Command Robots (any/all)
Computer Operation (+20%)
Electricity Generation (+ 1 0%)
Excavation & Rescue (+ 1 5%)
Jury-Rig (+20%)
Math: Advanced (+ 1 5%)
Mechanical Engineer (+ 1 5%)
Military Fortification (+ 1 5%)
Salvage (+20%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+20%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+20%)
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :

NUMBER 26 Research Specialist
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. attribute,
+1 to roll with impact,
M.O.S. Skills:
Computer Programming
(+ 1 5%) Computer Hacking
(+ 1 0%) Cryptography (+20%)
Forgery (+1 5%)
Lore: Three of choice (+1 5% each).
Photography (+ 1 5%)
TV/Video (+1 0%)
TWO Communications
Espionage skill of choice (+ 1 0%).
Research (+20%)
Language, Foreign: 1d4+1of choice (+10%).
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :

NUMBER 27 Spy or Undercover Agent
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. and +2 P.P. attribute,
+2 to roll with impact,
M.O.S. Skills:
Command Robots (probes/Drones and Pups only)
Disguise (+20%) Interrogation (+ 12%)
Imitate Voices and Impersonation (+14%)
Prowl (+1 0%) Seduction (+13%)
Streetwise (+ 14%)
Surveillance Systems (and Tailing) (+ 1 5%)
Tracking (+ 1 0%) or Concealment (+ 12%) FOR Undercover Agent PICK ONE /spy get both
Undercover Agent Language, Foreign: two of choice (+10%)
Spy Agent Language, Foreign: : 1d4+1of choice (+20%)
Spy GET BOTH Tracking AND Concealment

NUMBER 28 Intelligence & Reconnaissance
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. and P.P. attribute,
+2 to roll with impact,
M.O.S. Skills:
Camouflage (+ 1 5%)
Command Robots (probes only)
Detect Ambush (+ 1 0%)
Detect Concealment (+ 1 5%)
Find Contraband (+1 6%) Land Navigation (+1 6%)
Prowl (+1 0%)
Tracking (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+20%)
Wilderness Skill: One of choice (+1 5%) Intelligence
Reconnaissance GET FOUR Wilderness Skill: 4 of choice (+1 5%)
Pilot two any no robots or power armor
Language, Foreign: two of choice (+10%).

NUMBER 29(MS) Electronic Intelligence
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. attribute,
M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Electronics (+ 1 5%)
Basic Mechanics (+ 1 0%)
Command Robots (any, though usually probes and one Hound)
Computer Hacking (+20%)
Computer Programming (+ 1 5%)
Electronic Countermeasures (+20%)
Read ( & Operate) Sensory Equipment (+ 1 5%)
Surveillance Systems (and Tailing) (+ 1 5%)
TV/Video (+20%)
Cryptography (+ 1 5%)
Language, Foreign: 1d6+1 of choice (+10%).
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :

NUMBER 30 Man-Hunter (MS)
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. and P.P. P.S and +3 P.E attribute,
+4 to roll with impact,
M.O.S. Skills:
Command Robots (any)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Recognize Weapon Quality
(+ 1 5%) Sharpshooting
Prowl (+1 5%)
Tracking (+20%)
W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle
W.P. : four of choice (any)
Starts with ID4 cybernetic implants of choice. No LD. chip to avoid identification as a agent by the enemy.
If a partial cyborg ( 12% are), the agent will have one or two bionic arms with I D4+2 different built-in capabilities (sensors, finger camera, weapons, etc.) for each, a bionic eye and even a pair of bionic legs.

NUMBER 31 (MS) Sabotage & Harassment:
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E.,P.P. ,P.E and P.S attribute,
+2 to roll with impact,
M.O.S. Skills:
Camouflage (+20%)
Command Robots (all)
Computer Programming (+ 1 0%)
Find Contraband (+ 1 0%)
Demolitions (+20%)
Demolitions: Underwater (+20%)
Demolitions Disposal (+1 5%)
Escape Artist (+ 1 5%)
Forgery (+20%)
Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Warfare (+ 1 5%)
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :
Starts with I D4 cybernetic implants of choice. No LD. chip to avoid identification as a agent by the enemy. If a partial cyborg ( 5% are), the agent will have one or two bionic arms with ID4+2 different built-in capabilities (sensors, finger camera, weapons, etc.) for each, a bionic eye and even a pair of bionic legs.

NUMBER 32 Robot Specialist Glitter boy :
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to P.P. attribute,
+2 to roll with impact,
Add + 2 dodge/roll/strike range weapons of any kind from that Robot Vehicle.
Add 1d4+ years to age
Add +10 % to all ground robot vehicles.
M.O.S. Skills:
Advanced Math (+ 1 0%)
Basic Electronics (+20%)
Command Robots (all)
Locksmith (+20%)
Mechanical Engineer (+ 10%)
Pilot: Robots Basic
Pilot: Robot
(choose one specific type; any add +35 can over 99% but add penalties )
Robot Mechanics (+25%)
Weapons Engineer (+ 10%)

Secondary Skills:

Select 12 skill from the Secondary Skill list on page 300 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition at levels 1, 3, 7, 9 and 12. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get any bonuses, other than a possible bonus for having a high I.Q. All Secondary Skills start at base level.

Standard Equipment:

Military I.D. and ration card, standard body armor, one weapon per W.P. and six E-Clips per weapon, one Vibro-Knife or Vibro-Sword, two signal flares, two smoke grenades, two fragmentation grenades, silver-plated survival knife (2D4), flashlight, distancing binoculars, utility belt, gun holster for side arm, additional air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, canteen, water purification tablets, anti-radiation pills, four standard uniforms, one dress uniform, pocket-sized silver cross signal mirror, utility belt, backpack and bedroll.

Naval or light Body Armor
Army Combat Armor


[spoiler][color=#FF0000]Naval or light Body Armor

The constant dangers of Rifts Earth are such that Navy personnel are not safe even inside an armored juggernaut. To protect its people, the Navy has issued a version of the combat armor commonly used in pre-Rifts days. This body armor is lighter and more comfortable than the Marine 's combat armor which is issued to all combat personnel, but it can mean the difference between life and death for a Navy sailor. The armor consists of a fully padded body suit with a helmet; not required on duty except while under threat of attack. The armor has special flotation devices that add +5% to swimming rolls and serves as a life jacket. It has all the features common to modem body armor (see Rifts RPG, page 209).
• M.D.C.: 65
• Weight: 2 lbs (5 kg)
• Excellent Mobility; no penalties on the performance of prowl and other physical skills such as gymnastics.
• Maximum Depth: 1000 feet (305 m); ruptures at greater depths.
• Market Cost: 40,000 credits outside Salvation and Refuge Bases .
This is one of the items not commonly traded or sold outside Army .

Army Combat Armor
This heavy body armor has some superficial similarities to 20th Century helmets and flack jackets, but it has the addition of a faceplate/mask, can be made airtight in an instant, and has life support, as well as a built-in radio, insulation, and all features common to environmental body armor (as listed in Rifts Ultimate Ed., p. 267). Comes in many colors olive green, forest-jungle camouflage pattern, and beige brown desert camouflage pattern. Combat armor is manufactured at both bases .
• M.D.C.: 110
• Weight: 10 Ibs (9.5 kg)
• Good Mobility: - 5% on the performance of prowl and other physical skills such as gymnastics.
• Maximum Depth: 2000 feet (6 10 m)
• Market Cost: 60,000 credits outside Refuge and Salvation Bases. knock-offs (see Rifts Mercenaries for details about Iron Heart) are double weight Mobility, Depth 1000

Equipment Available Upon Assignment:

Any vehicle in which the character is trained, additional weapons, energy clips, medical kit, tool kit, portable computer, portable language translator, cameras, surveillance equipment, explosives (including fusion blocks), and has low to mid-level military clearance. Note: Availability of equipment and resources may be dependent upon the local commander, supply stock, location, casualties and combat conditions.

The foot soldiers gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, access to vehicle storage, hangars, maintenance areas, medical care and all other basic needs provided for free as part of his/her pay. The Infantry Soldier starts as a Private with a monthly salary starting at 1,100 credits a month.

Cybernetics and Bionics:
Cybernetic and Bionic Enhancement:

Though the Infantry themselves usually reserve the designation for partial cyborgs, light, full conversion cyborgs, many Infantry Soldiers can be classified as Light cyborgs Machines or partial conversion cyborgs due to the extensive bionic reconstruction they undergo. Approximately 25% of infantry soldiers receive bionic augmentations for approximately 40-50% of their bodies, making them partial cyborgs. Another 15% of infantry soldiers are full conversion cyborg classified as Light cyborgs. The remaining 50% of the infantry start out as completely human with only 6 cybernetic implants of choice. Of course, injuries in combat may substantially increase the amount of bionic augmentation a soldier ultimately ends up with.
Infantry soldiers who receive 55% or more bionic conversion usually stay in the military for life or a long stretch of 30-50 years of service.
01-50% Human Infantry Soldiers: No bionics,light borg but has 1D4 cybernetic implants (clock calendar, etc.).

51-85% Partial Cyborg Infantry Soldier only 6 cybernetic implants

55-80% of the soldier’s body has been Light cybernetically enhanced.
• One Headjack and one Finger Jack.
• Cyberlink Vehicle Interface.
• Two Sensor/Communication System implants of choice.
• Reinforced endo-skeleton and body frame (20 M.D.C. to 80 M.D.C )
• Full leg conversion. Speed: 45 (30 mph/48 km), can leap 10 feet (3 m) high or 12 feet (3.7 m) lengthwise from a standing start or double that with a short run. Each leg has 60 M.D.C. and each foot has 18 M.D.C.
• One bionic arm (40 M.D.C.) and hand (12 M.D.C.) with one forearm and one hand weapon. The P.S. and the P.P. of the bionic arm are 18.
• Lung implants: Gas Filtration System and Oxygen Storage Cell.

86-00% Full Conversion Light Cyborg :
The Infantry soldier is a full conversion cyborg. See the Military Grade
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -913892616

M9 Beretta Twin Barrel pistol:
The Beretta M9, officially the Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, is the designation for the Beretta 92FS semi-automatic pistol used by the United States Armed Forces. The M9 was adopted by the United States military as their service pistol in 1985.
The 92FS won a competition in the 1980s to replace the M1911A1 as the primary sidearm of the U.S. military, beating many other contenders, and only narrowly defeating the SIG Sauer P226 for cost reasons. It officially entered service in 1990. Some other pistols have been adopted to a lesser extent, namely the SIG P228 pistol, and other models remain in use in certain niches.
The M9 was scheduled to be replaced under a United States Army program, the Future Handgun System (FHS), which was merged with the SOF Combat Pistol program to create the Joint Combat Pistol (JCP). The JCP was renamed Combat Pistol (CP), and the number of pistols to be bought was drastically cut back. The U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps are replacing the M9 with the SIG Sauer M17 and M18.[11]

Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C.
6D6 S.D.C. BASE Damage dualshot

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3 M.D per single shot. (COUNTS AS ONE ATTACK )

1d6 dual M.D single shot
Brust a 1d6 round table
Two round burst 2d6 M.D
Four round burst 4d6
Six round burst 6d6
Eight round burst 8d6
Ten round burst 1d6x10

Effective Range: 150 feet (45.7 m).
Payload: 15 shot clip.one clip has two clip
Due to 9 MM round been light low to no roil it been chosen
over . 45 ACP without the need to develop a more powerful round.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -913896848

this is twin-barrel Assault Rifle weapon systems

5.56mm Assault Rifle: or 6.8 mm round
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three-round short burst.
6D6 S.D.C.
1D6X10 per SIX round short burst.

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
Two round burst 1d4 M.D
Four round burst 2d4 M.D
Six round burst 2d6 M.D
Eight round burst 3d6 M.D
Ten round burst 5d4 M.D
20 round burst 1d4x10 M.D
30 round burst 1d6x10 M.D

Effective Range:
1900 feet (579 m).
20, 30 , 50,50,80 round magazine.

twin-barrel 7.62mm Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Damage: S.D.C. round

7.62mm (rifle), 45 credits — damage.4D6 S.D.C.
7.62mm (rifle), 45 credits — damage.8D6 S.D.C.

Mega-Damage: M.D round
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3 M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D

TWIN BARREL Damage M.D.C 1d4 M.D
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3 M.D
Two round burst 1d6 M.D
Four round burst 2d6 M.D
Six round burst 6d6 M.D
Eight round burst 8d6 M.D
Ten round burst 1d6 x10 M.D

1d4 round table
Two round burst 4d4 M.D
Four round burst 4d8 M.D
Six round burst 1d4x10+8 M.D
Eight round burst 1d6x10 M.D
Ten round burst 2d4 x10 M.D

Effective Range:
3000 feet
20, 30 , 50,50,80 round magazine.

twin-barrel 30 caliber Beowulf Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

30 caliber (rifle), 45 credits — damage.5D6 S.D.C.( I think )
30 caliber (rifle), 45 credits — damage.1d6x10 S.D.C. ( I think )

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D

twin-barrel M.D.C
1d6 or 1d4 M.D pick one
1d6 M.D
Two round burst 2d6 M.D
Four round burst 4d6 M.D
Six round burst 6d6 M.D
Eight round burst 8d8 M.D
Ten round burst 1d6x10 M.D

1d4 M.D
Two round burst 2d8 or 1d8 M.D
Four round burst 4d8 M.D
Six round burst 1d4x10+8 M.D
Eight round burst 8d8 M.D
Ten round burst 2d4x10 M.D

Effective Range:
2000 feet
20, 30 , 50,50,80 round magazine.

50 caliber Beowulf Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

50 caliber (rifle), 45 credits — damage. 6D6 S.D.C.( I think )
50 caliber (rifle), 45 credits — damage.2d4x10 S.D.C. .( I think )
1D6x100 S.D.C. (equal to 1D6 M.D.) per 10 round burst.

TWIN BARREL Damage M.D.C 1d6 or 1d4 M.D pick one
1d6 M.D
Two round burst 2d6 M.D
Four round burst 4d6 M.D
Six round burst 6d6 M.D
Eight round burst 8d8 M.D
Ten round burst 1d6x10 M.D

1d8 M.D
Two round burst 2d8 M.D
Four round burst 4d8 M.D
Six round burst 1d4x10+8 M.D
Eight round burst 8d8 M.D
Ten round burst 2d8x10 M.D

Effective Range:
4000 feet

20, 30 , 50,50,80 round magazine.
Last edited by ZINO on Sun Apr 24, 2022 9:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by Borast »

Just found this... That being said, I don't know if anyone caught it, but the use of "affront" in the OP's wall-o-text.
Homonyms... "a front" I'm guessing by context is correct. An "affront" is an insult/offence.

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

.sig count to date: 2

"May your day be as eventful as you wish, and may your life only hurt as much as it has to." - Me...

Normality is Relative, Sanity is Conceptual, and I am neither.
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Military hardware is next
Will be detail and standard model to fully advance the design
Weapons Of N.A.A.T/A.M.C/N.A.M.E.S. The Gurad or T.G

Note Please

roll a one (1) weapon blow up!! Roll 2 (two)gun jam ,3(three) gun jam,4(four) gun jam,5 ( five) MISS on a D20 OR 1D20 TO strike !!!for all weapons 18 or better double damage
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
This will tell you the type of weapon can fire per attack
There is going S.D.C ROUND AND M.D.C ROUND you can only have one type of rounds not combine both either using S.D.C ROUND OR M.D.C ROUND both damage per round will be posted
The one posted will be high-end M.D.C ROUND if you can go lower Damage yes you can ther is some that will say Phase world mean not found in rifts earth and may be brought to Rifts earth
Effective Range:
This is how far these weapons can go mind you this base and general information
How many rounds are in that weapon systems

M9 Beretta:
The Beretta M9, officially the Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, is the designation for the Beretta 92FS semi-automatic pistol used by the United States Armed Forces. The M9 was adopted by the United States military as their service pistol in 1985.
The 92FS won a competition in the 1980s to replace the M1911A1 as the primary sidearm of the U.S. military, beating many other contenders, and only narrowly defeating the SIG Sauer P226 for cost reasons. It officially entered service in 1990. Some other pistols have been adopted to a lesser extent, namely the SIG P228 pistol, and other models remain in use in certain niches.
The M9 was scheduled to be replaced under a United States Army program, the Future Handgun System (FHS), which was merged with the SOF Combat Pistol program to create the Joint Combat Pistol (JCP). The JCP was renamed Combat Pistol (CP), and the number of pistols to be bought was drastically cut back. The U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps are replacing the M9 with the SIG Sauer M17 and M18.[11]

Colt Style 9mm Pistol:
The pistol that would eventually be named the Colt Commander was Colt's Manufacturing Company's candidate in a U.S. government post-World War II trial to find a lighter replacement for the M1911 pistol that would be issued to officers. Requirements were issued in 1949 that the pistol had to be chambered for 9 mm Parabellum and could not exceed 7 inches in length or weigh more than 25 ounces.[2]
Candidates included Browning Hi-Power variants by Canada's Inglis and Belgium's Fabrique Nationale, and Smith & Wesson's S&W Model 39. Colt entered a modified version of their M1911 pistol that was chambered for 9 mm Parabellum, had an aluminum alloy frame, a short 4.25-inch barrel, and a 9-round magazine. In 1950, Colt moved their candidate into regular production. It was the first aluminum-framed large frame pistol in major production and the first Colt pistol to be originally chambered in 9 mm Parabellum. The first year's production included 45 ACP and 38 Super chamberings.[2]
In 1970, Colt introduced the all-steel "Colt Combat Commander", with an optional model in satin nickel. To differentiate between the two models, the aluminum-framed model was renamed the "Lightweight Commander".[2]

Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D per single shot.
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D per single shot.
Effective Range: 150 feet (45.7 m).
Payload: 15 shot clip.

45 caliber Pistol:

The .45 ACP (not to be confused with .45 colt) cartridge is a very popular caliber due to its low velocity and relatively high stopping power. This caliber is associated most with the Colt M1911, logically, as ACP literally means 'Automatic Colt Pistol'. However, there are many more guns and variations on the M1911 that are chambered in .45 ACP. This list does not list all of them, just ones that have links to pages on Wikipedia, for further inquiry.

Effective Range: 150 feet (45.7 m).
Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double-tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Damage: 4D6 S.D.C.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D phase world tech
Payload: 7 or 13 shot ammo clip.

10mm Colt Delta Elite:

The Delta Elite is credited as being the first firearm produced by a major manufacturer to chamber the 10mm.[2] The ill-fated[clarification needed] Bren Ten sparked a genuine interest in the 10mm round with outdoorsmen and as a defense round.

The pistol was dropped from production in 1996 due to lackluster sales and the availability of smaller pistols with higher magazine capacities chambered in .40 S&W.[3]

Colt announced the re-introduction of the Delta Elite at the 2008 SHOT Show. This new generation is generally similar to the previous version. The "new" Delta Elites will be manufactured with the traditional barrel/bushing arrangement. Colt Customer Service stated they had a lack of acceptable accuracy problem with the "bull" bushingless barrel setup. That was the cause of the delay in the Delta Elite's production schedule. The new Delta Elite pistol was released March 31, 2009.[

Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

4D6 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range: 150 feet (45.7 m).
Payload: 9 or 15 shot clip.

.357 Magnum Revolver
.357 Magnum Revolver Pistol:

The .357 Smith & Wesson Magnum, .357 S&W Magnum, .357 Magnum, or 9×33mmR as it is known in unofficial metric designation, is a smokeless powder cartridge with a .357-inch (9.07 mm) bullet diameter. It was created by Elmer Keith, Phillip B. Sharpe,[2] and Douglas B. Wesson[2][3] of firearm manufacturers Smith & Wesson and Winchester.[4][5] The .357 Magnum cartridge is notable for its highly effective terminal ballistics.

The .357 Magnum cartridge is based upon Smith & Wesson's earlier .38 Special cartridge. It was introduced in 1935, and its use has since become widespread. This cartridge began the "Magnum era" of handgun ammunition.[6] The "Magnum era" began with the .375 H&H rifle cartridge, spreading to handguns with the .357 Magnum.

Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C

Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Damage: 4D6+2 S.D.C.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.
Effective Range: 150 feet (45.7 m).
Payload: 6 or 13 shot clips

.41 Magnum Revolver:


In 1963, Elmer Keith and Bill Jordan, with some help from Skeeter Skelton, petitioned Smith & Wesson, Remington, and Norma to produce a pistol and ammunition in .41 caliber which would fall between the extant .357 Magnum and .44 Magnum cartridges in ballistic performance, and at the same time address perceived shortcomings with those loads.[1] While as early as 1955 Keith had suggested a new, medium-powered ".41 Special" cartridge, this idea was passed over in favor of the higher-powered "Magnum" option, and the Special survives only as a custom wildcat cartridge, bearing roughly the same relation to the .41 Remington Magnum as the .38 Special does to the .357 Magnum and as the .44 Special does to the .44 Magnum.[2]

The .357 Magnum suffered from restricted terminal ballistic effectiveness in the early 1960s, as jacketed hollow point bullets were not yet commonly available, and the manufacturer's standard loadings consisted of simple lead bullets. The powerful .44 Magnum, primarily a heavy hunting round, was considered overkill for police use, generating too much recoil for control under rapid fire. In addition, the revolvers chambered for the .44 were considered too large, bulky, and heavy for police to carry.[1][3]

Keith's original vision called for dual power levels in the .41, a heavy magnum load pushing a 210-grain (14 g) JHP at a muzzle velocity of 1,300–1,400 feet per second (ft/s), and a milder police loading which was to send a 200-grain (13 g) downrange at around 900 ft/s.[1][3]

These plans went awry due to an ongoing fascination in the firearms community with high-powered cartridges; Remington was swayed by this community's influence and instead of following Keith's blueprint, chose to emphasize the performance of the new cartridge. As a result, the .41 "Magnum" load was released at an advertised 1,500 ft/s, and even the "light" police loading was introduced with a 210 grain lead "warmed up" to about 1,150 ft/s. However, the police load as delivered was regarded as overpowered by most law enforcement agencies, many of whom were still using .38 Special revolvers.[1][3]

Additionally, Smith & Wesson had simply adapted their large N-frame revolvers for the new cartridge, which did not address size and weight concerns.[1][4] The Model 58, targeted for the law enforcement market, was introduced on July 10, 1964. Weighing 41 ounces, the Model 58 compared unfavorably with other revolvers available at the time, such as Smith's own 34 ounce Model 10 in .38 Special.

These combined factors mostly eliminated the .41 Magnum from consideration for its intended market as a law enforcement firearm, although it continued to be touted as such and was adopted by a few law enforcement agencies. Ultimately, the greater round capacities of most semi-automatic, magazine fed handguns has eclipsed the traditional six-shot revolver for law enforcement work, though revolvers in general are still more prevalent in the field.

Smith & Wesson produced a high-end, premium revolver in .41 Magnum, the Model 57, almost identical to the .44 Magnum-chambered Model 29.[1] Magnum Research's Desert Eagle division produced a .41 Remington Magnum in their semi-automatic Mark VII. Sturm Ruger began producing their Blackhawk series single-action revolver in the mid-1960s in .41 Magnum and is still in production today.

A couple of manufacturers have produced lever-action rifles chambered in .41 Magnum. Marlin produced four variants of its Model 1894, including the 1894S (20 in barrel, blued, straight stock), 1894FG (20 in barrel, blued, pistol-grip stock), 1894SS LTD (16 in barrel, stainless steel, straight stock) and 1894 CCL (20 in octagonal barrel, blued, straight stock.) However, they no longer offer any model chambered for it. Henry Repeating Arms introduced a .41 Magnum variant of their Big Boy Steel model in 2016.

Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Damage: 5D6 S.D.C
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

Effective Range:
180 feet (54.8 m).
6 round cylinder.

.44 Magnum Revolver:

The .44 Remington Magnum, also known as .44 Magnum or 10.9x33mmR, is a rimmed, large-bore cartridge originally designed for revolvers and quickly adopted for carbines and rifles. Despite the ".44" designation, guns chambered for the .44 Magnum round, and its parent, the .44 Special, use 0.429 in (10.9 mm) diameter bullets.[2] The .44 Magnum is based on the .44 Special case but lengthened and loaded to higher pressures for greater velocity and energy.

Famously called "the most powerful handgun [cartridge] in the world" by Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry, the .44 Magnum has since been eclipsed in power by the .454 Casull, .460 S&W Magnum, .480 Ruger, .50 Action Express, and .500 S&W Magnum; nevertheless, due in part to more manageable recoil it has remained one of the most popular commercial large-bore magnum cartridges.

6D6 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Effective Range:
180 feet (54.8 m).
6 round cylinder.

.38 Smith & Wesson and Colt Revolver:

The round was first introduced in 1877 for use in the S&W .38 Single Action.[1] As standard for the era, it featured heeled bullet with the same diameter of bullet and case neck equal to .38 inch; later versions discarded the feature and downsized the bullet, but the designation didn't change.

After World War I, the British military sought to replace pre-war revolvers with easier to handle weapons. Webley demonstrated a lighter version of their Mk III revolver with modified .38 S&W ammunition, firing a heavy 200-grain (13 g) bullet. It received favorable reports, and the revolver was accepted in principle.

As Webley had used the .38 S&W cartridge dimensions for their revolver, and the cartridge length was fixed by the size of the cylinder of the revolver (the same as for the wider .455), Kynoch produced a cartridge with the same dimensions as the .38 S&W but with 2.8 grains (0.18 g) of "Neonite" nitrocellulose powder and a 200 grain (13.0 g) bullet. In tests performed on cadavers and live animals, it was found that the lead bullet, being overly long and heavy for its calibre, become unstable after penetrating the target, somewhat increasing target effect. The relatively low velocity allowed all of the energy of the cartridge to be spent inside the human target, rather than the bullet passing through. This was deemed satisfactory and the design for the cartridge was accepted as the ".38/200 Cartridge, Revolver Mk I".

After a period of service, it was realized that the 200 gr (13 g) soft lead bullet could arguably contravene the Hague Conventions, which outlawed the use of bullets designed so as to "expand or flatten easily in the human body". A new cartridge was therefore adopted as "Cartridge, Pistol, .380 Mk II" or ".380 Mk IIz", firing a 180 gr (11.7 g) full metal jacket bullet. The .38/200 Mk I loading was retained in service for marksmanship and training purposes. However, after the outbreak of war, supply exigencies and the need to order readily available and compatible ammunition, such as the .38 S&W Super Police, from U.S. sources forced British authorities to issue both the .38/200 Mk I and MkII/IIz cartridges interchangeably to forces deploying for combat.[2]

The Cartridge S.A. Ball Revolver .380 inch Mark II and Cartridge S.A. Ball Revolver .380 inch Mark IIz cartridge were theoretically phased out of British service in 1963, when the 9×19mm semi-automatic Browning Hi-Power pistol was finally issued to most British and Commonwealth forces.

Colt Revolver:

The .38 Long Colt, also known as .38 LC, is a black powder cartridge introduced by Colt's Manufacturing Company in 1875. In 1892, it was adopted as a standard military pistol cartridge by the United States Army for the Colt M1892 revolver. The metric designation for the .38 Long Colt is 9.1×26mm. It is slightly more powerful than the .38 Short Colt, also known as .38 SC. The original .38 SC and .38 LC differ in case length, bullet diameter, weight, and design and are not interchangeable; however, modern production .38 SC ammunition is now loaded with a smaller, internally-lubricated bullet which can be fired from firearms chambered in .38 LC or .38 Special. The modern .38 LC can be fired from .38 Special firearm, but not from a firearm designed for the .38 SC, since the case length is too long.[2]

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

2D6+2 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

Effective Range:
120 feet (36.5 m).
6 round cylinder.

9mm round

The 9×19mm Parabellum (also known as 9mm Parabellum or 9mm Luger) is a rimless, tapered firearms cartridge.

Originally designed by Austrian firearm designer Georg Luger in 1901,[6] it is widely considered the most popular handgun and submachine gun cartridge due to its low cost and extensive availability.[7][8][9] It is a standard cartridge for NATO forces as well as in many non-NATO countries.

Since the cartridge was designed for the Luger semi-automatic pistol, it has been given the designation of 9mm Luger by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute (SAAMI)[10] and the Commission Internationale Permanente pour l'Epreuve des Armes à Feu Portatives (CIP).[2]

A 2007 US survey concluded that "about 60 percent of the firearms in use by police are 9mm [Parabellum]" and credited 9×19mm Parabellum pistol sales with making semiautomatic pistols more popular than revolvers.[11

9mm Submachine-gun:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three round short burst
Mega-Damage:Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range:
650 feet (198 m).
Payload: 30 round magazine.

9mm Ingram Submachine-gun:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

4D6 S.D.C. per single shot,
1D4x10 per three round short burst.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range:
650 feet (198 m).
30 or 50 round magazine.

9mm Uzi Submachine-gun:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three round short burst.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range:
600 feet (183 m). Payload: 30 or 50 round magazine.

9mm Mini-Uzi Submachine-gun:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

2D6 S.D.C. per single shot
4D6 per three round short burst.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range:
500 feet (152 m).
15 or 30 round magazine.

5.6mm round
The 5.6×39mm, also known in the U.S. as .220 Russian, is a cartridge developed in the late 1950s for deer hunting in USSR as well as 100 meter running deer competitions. It fires a 5.6mm projectile from necked down 7.62×39mm brass. It was later adopted by Finland, and by around 1965 was being produced by SAKO and Lapua. When it was introduced to the United States, Sako, and later Lapua, brass was stamped ".220 Russian".

Soviet 5.6×39mm cartridges were loaded with smokeless powder VT (винтовочный пироксилиновый порох ВТ), as well as Soviet 7.62×54mmR and 9×53mmR hunting cartridges[4]

The 7.62×39mm is the parent case for the .220 Russian, .22 PPC, 6mm PPC, 6mm ARC, and the 6.5mm Grendel cartridges.

5.6mm Bolt-Action Sniping Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks
5D6 S.D.C. per single shot.

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
Effective Range:
2000-2400 feet
Payload: 8-16 round magazine.
Stats vary slightly with , specific weapon models and manufacturers.

7.6mm round
7.6mm Sniping Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double-tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

6D6 S.D.C. per single shot.


5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D
Effective Range:
2200-2800 feet
8-16 round magazine.
Note: Stats vary slightly with specific weapon models and manufacturers.

5.56mm Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three round short burst.
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
5d6x10 S.D.C OR 3 M.D
Effective Range:
1200 feet (366 m). Payload: 20 to 50 round magazine.

5.56mm M16A2 Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three round short burst.
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

Effective Range:
1900 feet (579 m).
20, 30 or 50 round magazine.

7.56mm Assault Rifle:

The 7.62 mm caliber is a nominal caliber used for a number of different cartridges. Historically, this class of cartridge was commonly known as .30 caliber, the imperial unit equivalent, and was most commonly used for indicating a class of full-power military main battle rifle (MBR) cartridges. The measurement equals 0.30 inches or three decimal lines, written .3″ and read as three-line.[1]

The 7.62 mm designation refers to the internal diameter of the barrel at the lands (the raised helical ridges in rifled gun barrels). The actual bullet caliber is often 7.82 mm (0.308 in), although Soviet weapons commonly use a 7.91 mm (0.311 in) bullet, as do older British (.303 British) and Japanese cartridges

7.56mm Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

5D6 S.D.C. per single shot
1D6x10 per three round short burst.
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
Effective Ranse:
1600 feet (488 m).
30 to 50 round magazine.

7.56mm AK-47 Assault Rifle:

The AK-47, officially known as the Avtomat Kalashnikov (Russian: Автомат Калашникова, lit. 'Kalashnikov's automatic [rifle]'; also known as the Kalashnikov or just AK), is a gas-operated assault rifle that is chambered for the 7.62×39mm cartridge. Developed in the Soviet Union by Russian small-arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov, it is the originating firearm of the Kalashnikov (or "AK") family of rifles. After more than seven decades, the AK-47 model and its variants remain the most popular and widely used rifles in the world.

The number "47" refers to the year the rifle was finished. Design work on the AK-47 began in 1945. It was presented for official military trials in 1947, and, in 1948, the fixed-stock version was introduced into active service for selected units of the Soviet Army. In early 1949, the AK was officially accepted by the Soviet Armed Forces[9] and used by the majority of the member states of the Warsaw Pact.

The model and its variants owe their global popularity to their reliability under harsh conditions, low production cost (compared to contemporary weapons), availability in virtually every geographic region, and ease of use. The AK has been manufactured in many countries, and has seen service with armed forces as well as irregular forces and insurgencies throughout the world. As of 2004, "of the estimated 500 million firearms worldwide, approximately 100 million belong to the Kalashnikov family, three-quarters of which are AK-47s".[4] The model is the basis for the development of many other types of individual, crew-served and specialised firearms

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

5D6 S.D.C. per single shot
1D6x10 S.D.C. per three round short burst.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
Effective Range:
1000 feet (305 m).
30 round magazine or 60 round drum.

A machine gun is a fully automatic, rifled autoloading firearm designed for sustained direct fire with rifle cartridges. Other automatic firearms such as assault rifles and automatic rifles are typically designed more for firing short bursts rather than continuous firepower, and not considered machine guns.

As a class of military kinetic projectile weapon, machine guns are designed to be mainly used as infantry support weapons and generally used when attached to a bipod or tripod, a fixed mount or a heavy weapons platform for stability against recoils. Many machine guns also use belt feeding and open bolt operation, features not normally found on other infantry firearms.

Machine guns can be further categorized as light machine guns, medium machine guns, heavy machine guns, general purpose machine guns and squad automatic weapons

.30 Caliber Light Machine-Gun:

A light machine gun (LMG) is a light-weight machine gun designed to be operated by a single infantryman, with or without an assistant, as an infantry support weapon. LMGs firing cartridges of the same caliber as the other riflemen of the same combat unit are often referred to as squad automatic weapons.

While early light machine guns fired full-powered rifle cartridges, modern light machine guns often fire smaller-caliber rifle cartridges than medium machine guns – generally the same intermediate cartridge fired by a service's standard assault rifle – and are usually lighter and more compact. Some LMGs, such as the Russian RPK, are modifications of existing designs and designed to share the same ammunition. Adaptations to the original rifle generally include a larger magazine, a heavier barrel to resist overheating, a more robust mechanism to support sustained fire and a bipod.

A light machine gun is also defined by its usage as well as its specifications: some machine guns – notably general-purpose machine guns – may be deployed either as a light machine gun or a medium machine gun. Deployed on a tripod and used for sustained fire, it is a medium machine gun; if deployed with a bipod with the operator in a prone position and firing short bursts, it is a light machine gun.

Light machine guns are also designed to be fired from the hip or on the move as a form of suppressive fire intended to pin down the enemy. Marching fire is a specific tactic that relies on this capability.

Lighter modern LMGs have enabled them to be issued down at the fireteam level, with two or three at the section/squad level.
Ammunition feed
Many light machine guns (such as the Bren gun or the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle) were magazine-fed. Others, such as the Hotchkiss M1922, could be fed either from a belt/strip or from a box magazine. Modern light machine guns are designed to fire smaller caliber rounds and, as such, tend to be belt-fed (from a container attached to the gun) or from a detachable high-capacity drum magazine, but some, such as the FN , will also accept standard rifle magazine feeding as an auxiliary measure when belted ammunition has been exhausted.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

5D6 S.D.C. per single shot
3D6x10 S.D.C. (equal to 1 M.D.) per 10 round burst.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D
Effective Range:
3000 feet (914 m).
200, 300 or 600 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum.

7.62mm Medium Machine-Gun:

The 12.7mm 6P50 infantry machine gun on 6T7 infantry tripod or 6U6 universal mount is designed to engage enemy light armored vehicles, fire weapons and manpower at ranges up to 2,000 meters and destroy air targets at slant ranges up to 1,500 meters. The 12.7mm 6P50 machine gun is an automatic belt-fed weapon.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

6D6 S.D.C. per single shot
4D6x10 S.D.C. (equal to 1D4 M.D.) per 10 round burst.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D
Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).
Payload: 200, 300 or 600 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum.

50 Caliber Heavy Machine-Gun:
The .50 Browning Machine Gun (.50 BMG, 12.7×99mm NATO and designated as the 50 Browning by the C.I.P.[1]) is a .50 in (12.7 mm) caliber cartridge developed for the M2 Browning heavy machine gun in the late 1910s, entering official service in 1921. Under STANAG 4383, it is a standard service cartridge for NATO forces as well as many non-NATO countries. The cartridge itself has been made in many variants: multiple generations of regular ball, tracer, armor-piercing (AP), incendiary, and saboted sub-caliber rounds. The rounds intended for machine guns are made into a continuous belt using metallic links.

The .50 BMG cartridge is also used in anti-materiel rifles. A wide variety of ammunition is available, and the availability of match grade ammunition has increased the usefulness of .50 caliber rifles by allowing more accurate fire than lower quality rounds.[3]

n response to the need for new anti-aircraft weaponry during World War I, John Browning developed the .50 BMG. He wanted the round to be used in a machine gun, and wanted the machine gun to be based on a scaled-up version of the M1917 Browning.[4]

The development of the .50 BMG round is sometimes confused with the German 13.2 mm TuF, which was developed by Germany for an anti-tank rifle to combat British tanks during WWI and against aircraft. According to the American Rifleman: "Actually, the Browning .50 originated in the Great War. American interest in an armor-piercing cartridge was influenced by the marginal French 11 mm design, prompting U.S. Army Ordnance officers to consult Browning. They wanted a heavy projectile at 2700 feet per second (f.p.s.), but the ammunition did not exist. Browning pondered the situation and, according to his son John, replied, 'Well, the cartridge sounds pretty good to start. You make up some cartridges and we'll do some shooting.'"[5]

The American Rifleman further explains that development was "[r]eputedly influenced by Germany's 13.2x92 mm SR (.53-cal.) anti-tank rifle" and that then "Ordnance contracted with Winchester to design a .50-cal. cartridge. Subsequently, Frankford Arsenal took over from Winchester, producing the historic .50 BMG or 12.7x99 mm cartridge. The Army then returned to John Browning for the actual gun. Teamed with Colt, he produced prototypes ready for testing and, ironically, completed them by Nov. 11, 1918—the Great War's end."[5]

The round was put into use in the M1921 Browning machine gun. This gun was later developed into the M2HB Browning which with its .50 caliber armor-piercing cartridges went on to function as an anti-aircraft and anti-vehicular machine gun, capable of penetrating 0.9 inches (23 mm) of face-hardened armor steel plate at 200 meters (220 yd),[6] 1 inch (25 mm) of rolled homogeneous armor at the same range,[7] and 0.75 inches (19 mm) at 547 yards (500 m).[8]

During World War II the .50 BMG was primarily used in the M2 Browning machine gun, in both its "light barrel" aircraft mount version and the "heavy barrel" (HB) version on ground vehicles, for anti-aircraft purposes. An upgraded variant of the M2 Browning HB machine gun used during World War II is still in use today. Since the mid-1950s, some armored personnel carriers and utility vehicles have been made to withstand 12.7 mm machine gun fire, restricting the destructive capability of the M2. It still has more penetrating power than lighter weapons such as general-purpose machine guns, though it is significantly heavier and more cumbersome to transport. Its range and accuracy, however, are superior to light machine guns when fixed on tripods, and it has not been replaced as the standard caliber for Western vehicle-mounted machine guns (Soviet and CIS armored vehicles mount 12.7×108mm NSVs, which have similar dimensions to .50 BMGs).

Decades later, the .50 BMG was chambered in high-powered rifles as well.[4] The Barrett M82 .50 caliber rifle and later variants were developed during the 1980s and have upgraded the anti-materiel power of the military sniper.[4] A skilled sniper can effectively neutralize an infantry unit by eliminating several targets (soldiers or equipment) without revealing his precise location. The long range (over one mile) between firing position and target allows time for the sniper to avoid enemy retaliation by either changing positions repeatedly, or by safely retreating.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

1D6x10 S.D.C. per single shot
1D6x100 S.D.C. (equal to 1D6 M.D.) per 10 round burst.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech

Effective Range:
6000 feet (1828 m).to 4.7 miles
300, 600 or 1200 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum.

50 Caliber Six Barrel Machine-Gun or a Minigun:

The M134 Minigun is an American 7.62×51mm NATO six-barrel rotary machine gun with a high rate of fire (2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute).[2] It features a Gatling-style rotating barrel assembly with an external power source, normally an electric motor. The "Mini" in the name is in comparison to larger-caliber designs that use a rotary barrel design, such as General Electric's earlier 20 mm M61 Vulcan, and "gun" for the use of rifle ammunition as opposed to autocannon shells.

"Minigun" refers to a specific model of weapon that General Electric originally produced, but the term "minigun" has popularly come to refer to any externally powered rotary gun of rifle caliber. The term is sometimes used loosely to refer to guns of similar rates of fire and configuration, regardless of power source and caliber.

The Minigun is used by several branches of the U.S. military. Versions are designated M134 and XM196 by the United States Army, and GAU-2/A and GAU-17/A by the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

2D6x10 S.D.C. per single shot
2D6x100 S.D.C. (equal to 2D6+3 M.D.) per 10 round burst.


5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech

a brust of all 6 barrels is possble 100 fire there a danager of jaming or expolsong due to heat if fire more than once ,never recomended to fire at MAX ROF the most is 80 rounds

Effective Range:
8000 feet (2438 m). Payload: 300, 600 or 1200 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum.

40 mm Grenade Launcher (attaches to assault rifle):

The M203 is a single-shot 40 mm under-barrel grenade launcher designed to attach to a rifle. It uses the same rounds as the older stand-alone M79 break-action grenade launcher, which utilizes the high-low propulsion system to keep recoil forces low.

The grenade launchers require relatively low internal pressure and only a short barrel, a lightweight launcher can be mounted under the barrel of a traditional rifle; this type of device is referred to as an under-barrel grenade launcher (UBGL).[10][11] This reduces the weight the soldier must carry by eliminating the grenade launcher's buttstock and makes the grenade launcher available for use at a moment's notice. Underbarrel 40mm grenade launchers generally have their own trigger group; to fire, one simply changes grips, disengages the safety, and pulls the trigger. In Western systems, the barrel slides forward or pivots to the side to allow reloading; most fire a 40×46mm grenade cartridge.[12] Soviet/Russian launchers are instead loaded from the muzzle, with the cartridge casing affixed to the projectile in the style of a mortar shell. For aiming, underbarrel grenade launchers typically use a separate ladder, leaf, tangent or quadrant sight attached to the launcher or the rifle, either to one side of the handguard or on top of the handguard in between the iron sights. Modern launchers often have the option of mounting more sophisticated aiming systems, such as ballistic rangefinders and day / night sights.

As with the M79, the concept of mounting a dedicated grenade launcher to a service rifle has its roots in the Special Purpose Individual Weapon program; though the experimental Colt XM148 grenade launcher had been produced earlier, it had proved too problematic to adopt. One AAI submission for SPIW mounted a "simple" single-action, single-shot breech-loading underbarrel grenade launcher in lieu of the required semi-automatic multi-shot device. With refinement, this was adopted as the M203 grenade launcher in 1968.[13] A variety of lengths of M203 are available along with numerous parts kits to fit it to various rifles aside from the AR15 pattern weapons it was designed for.

More modern Western grenade launchers address some of the shortcomings of the M203, such as the sliding breech limiting the weapon's ability to load outsize projectiles and the lack of factory-fitted sight mounts, with designs like FN Herstal's ELGM and Heckler & Koch's AG36 featuring a swing-out breech to provide better access, integral sight mounts, and built-in support for standalone conversion. A variant of the latter weapon, the M320 Grenade Launcher Module, was salvaged from the failed XM8 program and adopted in 2008 as the US military's replacement for the M203.[14]

Soviet development of an underbarrel launcher for the AK rifle series began in 1966 and in 1978 produced the GP-25, a muzzle-loading device for the AK-74 rifle using a mortar-like grenade round which functions by venting its propellant through holes in the base; this is a variation of the high-low system used by Western rounds, with the base of the projectile acting as the high-pressure chamber and the launcher's barrel acting as the low-pressure chamber. Further developments led to the GP series of grenade launchers.

A number of experimental weapon systems have attempted to produce combination weapons which consist of a permanently attached grenade launcher and a carbine assault rifle, often with the rifle mounted underneath the launcher, most notably the XM29 OICW,[15] but so far the only such weapon to reach full production is the S&T Daewoo K11, adopted in limited numbers by the South Korean military.[16]
2D4x10 S.D.C.

single shot
Explosive round 1d10 M D.C
H.E 5D4 M D.C
H.E.A.T 5D6 M.D.C
A.P round 4d6 M.D.C
Tear gas
Knock our gas
Effective Range: 1200 feet (366 m).
Payload: Single shot.

40mm Multiple Grenade Launcher: SINGLE ROUNDS ONLY
A grenade launcher[1][2][3] is a weapon that fires a specially-designed large-caliber projectile, often with an explosive, smoke or gas warhead. Today, the term generally refers to a class of dedicated firearms firing unitary grenade cartridges. The most common type are man-portable, shoulder-fired weapons issued to individuals, although larger crew-served launchers are issued at higher levels of organisation by military forces.[4]

Grenade launchers can either come in the form of standalone weapons (either single-shot or repeating) or attachments mounted to a parent firearm, usually a rifle. Larger crew-served automatic grenade launchers such as the Mk 19 are mounted on tripods or vehicles.

Some armored fighting vehicles also mount fixed arrays of short range, single-shot grenade launchers as a means of defense.

Israeli Border Guard with a Federal M201-Z 37mm riot gun

The earliest examples of standalone grenade launchers in the modern sense were breech-loading riot guns designed to launch tear gas grenades and baton rounds, such as the Federal Riot Gun developed in the 1930s. One of the first examples of a dedicated breech-loading launcher for unitary explosive grenade rounds was the M79 grenade launcher, a result of the American Special Purpose Individual Weapon program (specifically the 40×46mm grenade round developed during Project NIBLICK,[8] applying the German-developed high–low system to produce manageable recoil). The goal for the M79 was the production of a device with greater range than a rifle grenade but more portable than a mortar.[9] Such single-shot devices were largely replaced in military service with underbarrel grenade launchers, removing the need for a dedicated grenadier with a special weapon. Many modern underbarrel grenade launchers can, however, also be used in standalone configurations with suitable accessories fitted; this is of particular preference for groups using submachine guns as their primary armament, since it is rarely practical to mount an underbarrel launcher on such a weapon. Single shot launchers are also still commonly used in riot control operations.

Heavier multi-shot grenade launchers like the ARWEN 37 are used as tear gas and smoke projectors in riot control, while military launchers like the Milkor MGL are used to provide heavy sustained firepower to infantry; most such devices, dating back to the Manville machine-projector, use a revolver-style cylinder, though a handful of pump-action weapons built like oversized shotguns, such as the China Lake grenade launcher and GM-94, also exist. Magazine-fed semi-automatic designs such as the Neopup PAW-20 and XM25 CDTE have also been created for military use, using smaller rounds (respectively 20 and 25mm) for purposes of practicality in terms of the size of the magazine, and reduced collateral damage compared to 40mm rounds.

2D4x10 S.D.C.
Effective Range:
1200 feet (366 m).
Single shot.

The effective range for all shotguns is 150 feet (45.7 m).
Buckshot and similar fragmentation rounds will spray a 3 foot (0.9 meter) area. A sawed-off shotgun has a dramatically reduced barrel size which increases the width of the buckshot "spray" (covers a 1.5 m/5 foot area), but reduces the effective range to 60 feet (18 m).

Semi-automatic/self-loading or full Auto shotguns can fire a three-round burst that acts as a short burst, but it is -1 to strike.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Typical Damage:
4D6 S.D.C. for Buckshot (scatters to cover a 3 ft/0.9 m area at 30 feet/9.1 m and a 10 feet/3 m area at 60 feet/18.3 m);
5D6 S.D.C. for solid slug.
NOTE: For a variety of specific S.D.C.
M.D.C Damage:

Buckshot 3D6 M.D
solid slug 1D4X10

weapons of the 20th and 21st Century, see the Compendium of Contemporary Weapons sourcebook with 700 weapons listed, stated out and illustrated, plus body armor, grenades, EOD, mortars, and select armored vehicles.

20 mm weapons

type: Common cartridges 20 x 102 mm, 20x138mmB
Metric equivalent20 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.787 in
Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these heavy calibers

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 6 M.D 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D4X100 S.D.C OR 8 M.D or 2D4M.D phase world tech
2D6X100 S.D.C OR M.D or 12MD 2D6 M. D phase world tech
4d4x100 S.D.C M.D or 16 M.D phase world tech
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D phase world tech

Metric equivalent 24.13 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.950 in
Common cartridges.950 JDJ
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
.950 JDJ is the only known cartridge beyond .79 caliber to be used in a rifle

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D4X100 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D phase world tech
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 phase world tech
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 4D4 M.D phase world tech
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D phase world tech

30 mm caliber
is a specific size of autocannon ammunition. Such ammunition includes NATO standard 30×113mmB, 30×173mm (STANAG 4624), and 35x228mm NATO rounds, Soviet 30×165mm, 30x210mmB, and 37×250mm, Yugoslav 30x192mm, and Czechoslovak 30x210mmCz rounds which are widely used around the world.

The depleted uranium penetrator of a 30×173 mm round used in the GAU-8

30 mm ammunition
is typically not used against personnel, but rather as an anti-materiel or armor-piercing round. Rounds of this size can be effective against lightly armored vehicles as well as fortified bunkers. 30 mm is also a popular caliber for shipboard close-in weapons systems, such as the Russian AK-630 and Dutch Goalkeeper CIWS.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use their 30 mm weapons in a variety of vehicles, including the Su-25 attack aircraft, Mi-24 helicopter, Mi-28 attack helicopter, Ka-50 attack helicopter, and the BMP-2, BMP-3, and BTR-90 infantry fighting vehicles. The most modern anti-aircraft gun systems in use by Russia are 30 mm. The U.S. military uses 30 mm weapons in their A-10 Thunderbolt II and AH-64 Apache helicopter. It was going to be used in the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle until the project was cancelled.
Types of 30 mm ammunition
30 mm ammunition generally comes in three varieties: armor-piercing (AP), high-explosive (HE), and target practice (TP) rounds. Both AP and HE cartridges commonly possess incendiary or tracer characteristics.

Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
1D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 phase world tech
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 3D6 M.D phase world tech
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D phase world tech
5D6 X100 S.D.C OR 5d6M.D phase world tech

Golden Age Ammunition Golden Age in RIFTS
operates four munitions plants that produce every conceivable type of ammunition, from S.D.C. types to Mega-Damage rounds and explosives. Two of these recently opened in Huntsville as part of the new marketing strategy. The oldest two are located in Guntersville where for decades the largest factory has been making old S.D.C. pistol, rifle, shotgun and machine-gun cartridges in most standard calibers.

.22 caliber, 15 credits — damage 2D4 S.D.C. .
Mega-Damage: 5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

.32 A.C.P. caliber, 20 credits — damage.2D6 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

.32 Long, 30 credits damage 3D6 S.D.C. .
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

.38 caliber, 30 credits — damage.3D6 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

.38 Power caliber, 40 credits — damage.4D6 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

.45 A.C.P., 42 credits — damage.4D6 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
Handgun .45 calibers, .451 jacketed bullets and .452 cast lead bullets
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D phase world tech

.41 Magnum, 50 credits — damage.5D6 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

.44 Magnum, 60 credits — damage.6D6 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

.357 Magnum, 45 credits — damage.4D6+2 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

9mm & 7.65mm (pistol), 32 credits — damage.3D6 S.D.C.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

10 mm (pistol), 40 credits — damage.4D6 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

5.56mm (rifle), 50 credits — damage.5D6 S.D.C.

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three round short burst.

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

7.52 mm (rifle), 55 credits — damage.5D6 S.D.C.
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

7.62mm (rifle), 45 credits — damage.4D6 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage:Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D

.30 caliber (rifle), 42 credits — damage
5D6 S.D.C. per single shot
3D6x10 S.D.C. (equal to 1 M.D.) per 10 round burst.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D

.50 caliber (rifle), 55 credits
Damage: 1D6x10 S.D.C. per single shot
1D6x100 S.D.C. (equal to 1D6 M.D.) per 10 round burst.
Mega-Damage:Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech

7.62 Medium Machine-gun, 200 credits —
damage 6D6 S.D.C. per single round.
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D

.30 Caliber Machine-gun, 150 credits —
damage 5D6 S.D.C. per single round.

1D6x10 per three round short burst.
Mega-Damage:Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

.50 Caliber Machine-gun, 300 credits —damage
Damage: 1D6x10 S.D.C. per single shot
1D6x100 S.D.C. (equal to 1D6 M.D.) per 10 round burst.
Mega-Damage:Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech

Recoil address

Recoil in the golden age where Armtech had it under control very little to none in side arms or pistols or revolvers, Bolt-Action Sniping Rifle, Assault Rifle: But not so for heavy weapons .Aslo take account that some will have requirements that are lower end weapon systems that are removed for varies reason
10mm Colt Delta Elite:
.41 Magnum Revolver:
.357 Magnum Revolver
.357 Magnum Revolver Pistol:
.41 Magnum Revolver:
.44 Magnum Revolver:
.38 Smith & Wesson and Colt Revolver: Colt Revolver:
9mm Submachine-gun:
9mm Ingram Submachine-gun:
9mm Uzi Submachine-gun:

5.6mm round
5.6mm Bolt-Action Sniping Rifle:

7.56mm Assault Rifle:
7.56mm AK-47 Assault Rifle:

The Shotguns have their own rules please look

Heavy Weapons that are mounted unless used handheld weapon than my be supernatural or Robot PS regular humans can hold and fire due to recoil /
.30 Caliber Light Machine-Gun:for infantry or for cyborgs
7.62mm Medium Machine Gun:for infantry or for cyborgs
50 Caliber Heavy Machine-Gun: for infantry or for cyborgs
50 Caliber Heavy Machine-Gun:for infantry or for cyborgs
50 Caliber Six Barrel Machine-Gun or a Minigun: for infantry or for cyborgs
The 20 mm caliber for cyborgs
24.13 mm caliber for cyborgs
30 mm caliberfor cyborgs

Damage per single round.

Dum Dum
(handmade, black market, any caliber), add 150 credits to the cost of the box and +1D4 to S.D.C. damage per round.

Mega-Damage add 1d6 per round

Full Metal Jacketed,
add 30 credits to cost of the box and +1 to damage per round.
+1 per round flesh, non flesh +3 per round

Hollow Point,

add 40 credits — +1 damage per round/bullet.
+3 per round flesh, non flesh +1 per round

Teflon (armor piercing, not available to the public), add 100 credits to the cost of the box and +2 damage per round/bullet.
+1 per round flesh, non-flesh +2 per round

Exploding S.D.C. Shell
(not available to the public), add 300 credits to the cost of the box and +2D6 to S.D.C. damage per round.
Exploding M.D.C. Shell
1D6 per round

Tracer Cartridge
add +1 to strike, 45 credits — no damage.
Mega-Damage none

40mm Grenade Cartridge, 900 credits (per 100).
single shot only
Explosive round 1d10 M D.C blast radius 10 feet per round
H.E 5D4 M D.C blast radius 5 feet per round
H.E.A.T 5D6 M.D.C blast radius 5 feet per round
A.P round 4d6 M.D.C blast radius none
SMOKE blast radius 10 feet per round
Tear gas blast radius 20 feet per round
Knock our gas blast radius 20 feet per round


Field Gun Cleaning Kit:
A complete cleaning kit contained in its own pouch. 50 credits.

Flash Suppressor:
An attachment that fits over a gun barrel to mask the muzzle flash during firing. Characters within 100 feet (30.5 m) of a suppressed shot have only a 25% chance of seeing it. Outside of that, suppressed shots are not visible. Cost: 400 for pistol or submachine-gun or 900 for a rifle. Note: Combined silencers and flash suppressors cost 1,000 credits for pistol or submachine-gun or 2,000 credits for a rifle, but reduce the weapon's range by 25%.

Gun Repair Kit:
This is a 4 pound (1.8 kg) gun repair kit. Each tool is fitted into a separate loop and there's plenty of room for spare bolts, screws, springs and cleaning rods. Contained in a 12 inch by 8 inch by 2 inch (30x20x5 cm) case. Can be attached to a harness or worn over the shoulder with strap, which is included. 250 credits.

The 20 mm caliber and 30 mm caliber
is a common firearm bore diameter, typically used to distinguish smaller-caliber weapons, commonly called "guns", from larger-caliber "cannons" (e.g. machine gun vs. autocannon). All 20 mm cartridges have an outside projectile (bullet) diameter and barrel bore diameter of 0.787 inches (20.0 mm). These projectiles are typically 75 to 127 mm (3–5 in) long, cartridge cases are typically 75 to 152 mm (3–6 in) long, and most are shells, with an explosive payload and detonating fuze.

Weapons using this caliber range from anti-materiel rifles and anti-tank rifles to aircraft autocannons and anti-aircraft guns.
A 20×102 mm round (2nd from left) with .50 BMG rounds, golf ball, and a stick of 168-pin SDRAM computer memory

Twenty-millimeter-caliber weapons are generally not used to target individual soldiers, but against targets such as vehicles, buildings, or aircraft.
Types of ammunition

High explosive (HE)
High explosive incendiary (HEI)
Armour-piercing (AP)
Semi-armor-piercing high explosive incendiary (SAPHEI)
Armor-piercing discarding sabot (APDS)
High-explosive fragmentary tracer (HEF-t)
Penetrator with enhanced lateral effect (PELE)
Target practice - inert projectile (i.e., PGU-27A/B).[1] Used for training. (TP)
Target practice tracer - inert projectile with tracer material in base for visual trajectory tracking (i.e., PGU-30A/B). (TP-T)


20 MM 1D4 M.D.C
30 MM 1D6 M.D.C
40 MM 2D4 OR 1D8 M.D.C
50 MM 2d6 M.D.C
60 MM 3D6 M.D.C
70 MM 5D4 M.D.C
80 MM 4d6 M.D.C
90 MM 5d6 M.D.C
100 MM 1d4x10 M.D.C
110 MM 5d10 M.D.C
120 MM 1d6x10 M.D.C
130 MM 2D4X10 M.D.C
200 MM 2d6x10 M.D.C

High explosive (HE) as blast radius 1 feet per round
High explosive Anti-tank rounds (HEAT) as blast radius 1 feet per round
High explosive incendiary (HEI) has blast radius and cause flammable to explode or hit ammo inside (note doesn’t effect rail gun ammo 50% disable ammunition)
Armor-piercing (AP) on 15 or better does 25 % damage to reinforce cockpit compartment if none his crew divide damage by number of personal 18 or better damage is 50%
Semi-armor-piercing high explosive incendiary (SAPHEI) on 15 or better does 25 % damage to amour on a 18 better roll damage is 50%
Armor-piercing discarding sabot (APDS) triple damage on 1 natural 20 to armor only
High-explosive fragmentary tracer (HEF-t) can/ has blast radius (or air burst )and cause flammable to explode or hit ammo inside (note doesn’t effect rail gun ammo 50% disable ammunition)
Penetrator with enhanced lateral effect (PELE) on 15 or better does 50 % damage to amour on a 18 better roll double damage

Target practice - inert projectile (i.e., PGU-27A/B).[1] Used for training. (TP)
Target practice tracer - inert projectile with tracer material in base for visual trajectory tracking (i.e., PGU-30A/B). (TP-T) add +1 to strike

Last edited by ZINO on Sun May 08, 2022 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

The Guard some are calling them peacekeepers
G.A.W and other weapons manufacturing will get a major upgrade in weapons manufacturing and armor thanks to the help of various parties. They will be streamlined and serval sets on models. the massive amount of money and resources will allow for booster
Northern gun, New Lazo / Lazo, King dale, Air Superiority, Inc., G.A.W, chipwells armaments
Free Quebec
has agreed to help and enhance for gear up for possible invasion after dealing with N.E and later seeing the Minion War with The Coalition which are vast need of resources. The fact that large size combat-ready troops call The Retribution army as last straw. The Minion war appears to be coming and needs the manpower ( which the coalition is short on)and hardware. This has allowed The Guard to step in and help. Taking six months to set up and the first Military hardware to act as police, peacekeeping, and last as combat forces. However, unlike being aggressive its main purpose is to de-escalate. The following military vehicle that is approved by all sides are .this part is Phase one of operation, and phase two will be mentioned later.
1. MDC REFIT Improved Hummer Combat Utility Vehicle
2. MDC REFIT Improved Bradley
3. MDC REFIT Improved M48A3 Main Battle Tanks
4. MDC REFIT Improved M1A3 Improved Abrams Main Battle Tank
5. MDC REFIT Improved M113 Improved (APC) Armored Personnel Carrier
6. MDC REFIT Improved Fast-Attack Vehicle Special Ops Dune Buggy.
7. MDC REFIT Improved A-10 Improved Thunderbolt II Fighter Aircraft
8. MDC REFIT Improved F16C Improved Falcon
9. MDC REFIT Improved Hercules Airplane C-130 Lockheed Hercules
10. MDC REFIT Improved Kiowa Warrior Helicopter
11. MDC REFIT Improved Cobra Gunship
12. MDC REFIT Improved Apache Gunship

Europe NGR, Kingdom of Tarnow, and south America Columbia
Here is already set up and running and sending surplus parts to the point it can assemble many vehicles to send to other parts of North America and Canada
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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MDC REFIT Improved Hummer Combat Utility Vehicle

Look at Rifts® Merc Ops TM
A Rifts sourcebook (GAWS) Combat Vehicles page 127

One pilot/driver is all that's critical,
can accommodate a four-person crew
(co-pilot, gunner, and 1 communications officer, in addition to the pilot, or pilot and three passengers)
in addition to six seated troops
additional passengers (8 under cramped conditions).
As an ambulance,
it easily accommodates 4 stretchers
and 2-4 seated patients
or 10-12 seated passengers,
the "crew" being the driver, a doctor and two paramedics/field medics.

Model Type: Hummer

GAW Model standard Hummer
M.D.C. by Location:

Weapon Turret (optional) — 40
Ballistic Windows (3; forward) — 12 each
* Headlights (6) — 3 each
* Hardened Tires (4) - 6 each
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment — 25
** Main Body - 122

Model Type: Hummer
NAAT / Peacekeeper law Enforcement improved Hummer
M.D.C. by Location:

Retractable shield Weapon Turret — 140
Ballistic Windows (3; forward) — 55 each
* Headlights (6) — 3 each
* Hardened Tires (4) - 55 each
Reinforced armored front engine 240
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment —225
** Main Body – 190

Model Type: Hummer
NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC Hummer
M.D.C. by Location:

Retractable shield Weapon Turret — 190
Ballistic Windows (3; forward) — 55 each
* Headlights (6) — 3 each
* Hardened Tires (4) - 55 each
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment —325
** Reinforced armored front engine 340
**Main Body – 220
Force Fields look below

Model Type: ambulance Hummer
M.D.C. by Location:

Retractable shield Weapon Turret — 190
Ballistic Windows (3; forward) — 55 each
* Headlights (6) — 3 each
* Hardened Tires (4) - 55 each
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment —325
** Reinforced armored front engine 340
**Main Body – 250
Force Fields look below

* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -3 to strike.
** Depleting the 'M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.

Maximum Speed: 120 mph (193 kph) on a good road., speed cross-country is typically 15-35 mph (24-56 km).
Range: fossil fuel 800 miles (1280 km) before requiring refueling. Or other look below
Statistical Data:
Height: 6 feet (1.83 m).
Width: 9 feet, 1 inch (2.75 m).
Length: 16 feet (4.72 m).
Weight: 5,060 lbs (2277 kg).
Cargo: Can hold 2,500 lbs (1,125 kg) worth of equipment, plus tow a load of 3,400 lbs (1,530 kg).
Power System:
Conventional gas engine. fossil fuel 800 miles (1280 km)Note N.A.A.T/Guard Improved /AMC / N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper would use fossil fuel

Alternative Fuel Systems Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Even the best batteries produced by Northern Gun can only offer roughly 100 hours( for N.A.A.T/Guard Improved /AMC / N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper IS 1000 Hours or 41 days )

Solid Oxide cells are quite simple to use. Insert a fresh fuel cell into the vehicle, armor or robot's cell port, twist the handle to activate, and you're done

The cell will provide robots and large vehicles with energy for approximately four weeks (28 days) be-fore running out, or roughly eight weeks (56 days) for power ar-mor, hovercycles and light vehicles, after which it will need to be returned to an official Northern Gun outlet to be recharged and rebuilt.

Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell ( for NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper )
Weight: 100 lbs
Duration: 7000 hours (approximately four weeks of constant use). Or 291 days
Protective Casing: 100 M.D.C.
Cost: 100,000 credits

The Dangers and Limitations of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells.

The first thing anyone who handles Solid Oxide fuel cells realizes is that they run hot. The average temperature of a Solid OX cell in use is 1,000 degrees C (1,832 F)! The cells tend to stay hot for a long time after being powered down as well, so working with them requires special heavy equipment, welder's gloves, masks and sometimes even heat suits. Touching an exposed hot fuel cell will inflict 1D4 M.D. to Mega-Damage creatures and 2D4x10 S.D.C. to human beings. For humans, these are third-degree burns and will result in permanent scarring.
Solid Oxide fuel cells are also less bountiful in their reserves of power than the nuclear cores that many customers are accustomed to. Using a Solid OX powered vehicle or robot to charge another vehicle's batteries will drain 50% of its energy life. Armor, robots, and military vehicles that have replaced non-energy ballistic weapons like rail guns and missile launchers with energy weapons or added extra energy weapons will also put a strain on the system, cutting the fuel cell's life span by 25%.
In addition to their functional limitations, Solid Oxide fuel cells are also extremely volatile and will react explosively if their outer casing is ruptured. Reduce the M.D.C. of a fuel cell to 5 M.D.C. or less and there is a 50% chance of it exploding every minute (4 melee rounds). Reduce it to zero and it explodes immediately. A Standard Solid OX fuel cell does 4D6 M.D. to everything in a 6 foot (1.8 m) radius. The Heavy-Duty Solid OX cell does 1D6x10 M.D. to a 10 foot (3 m) radius. If a fuel cell is exposed and it is detonated while still inside the vehicle, all damage is done directly to the main body and utterly destroys
the power system, requiring complete replacement and extensive repairs (1D4 million credits and days for repairs).

Converting Vehicles to Use Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

In addition to selling the fuel cells and offering fuel cell systems as an option on new products, Northern Gun also offers conversion packages for older NG equipment and even competitors' models. They are more than happy to convert the vehicles of rival companies to use their Solid Oxide systems, for which they are the only provider of fuel cells. They even offer free installation at most official NG stores. Northern Gun envisions a day when Solid OX has replaced nuclear power packs as the most common and affordable vehicle fuel system in North America.
The conversion kits that they produce have been appearing at third party arms merchants and in the hands of the Black Mar-ket, just as Northern Gun intends. They are relatively simple to install, pre-designed to be partially modular and to fit right into the cavity left behind when a standard nuclear core is extracted. The job can be handled by any skilled Operator (01-94% chance of success) with access to heavy machinery or an assistant with Robotic or Supernatural P.S. to do the heavy lifting. Removing the old nuclear power pack safely is always the hardest part of the job.

NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Electric Batteries

Most vehicle and robot designs now offer electric batteries as a power option with a standard 2000 hour field life, good for roughly 84 days of use in the field depending on the level of exertion. This lifespan doubles for light units like most man-sized power armor, light robot drones, exoskeletons and hover-cycles Armor .

Electric Battery Power System
Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 10 lbs (14 kg). can replace with other battery one attack
Duration: 40 days of continuous use in robots and heavy vehicles. 60 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), 200 days hovercycles, rocket bikes , light vehicles and Armor vehicles

Protective Casing: 100 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 1 hours to charge a battery to full power (3 hours at an NG outlet). Cost: 10,000 to install the electric battery system and 15,000 credits per each NG electric battery used, and for replacement batteries. Otherwise, the life of an electric battery under normal use is five years; 10 years under combat conditions.

Cost: 15,000 credits.

Nuclear energy is the most popular form of energy used in
robots and high-tech machinery. The power supply is surprisingly compact, safe, and has a long lifetime even under constant use. Any high-tech town, including `Burbs and places that cater to mercenaries and adventurers, can make repairs.
One Year,
Two Years ,
Five Years,
Ten Years,
Twenty Years:

Weapon Systems: General

Every Hummer can only have one weapon system mount on the roof of the vehicle. This mount can support numerous weapons, including most machine-guns, rail guns, Wellington Industries auto-cannons, the WI-GL20 grenade launcher, TOW launcher, mini-missile launcher, short range missile launcher, medium range missile launcher or any type of rifle style energy weapon. When the Hummer is armed the weapon is accessed through a hatch from the back seat of the vehicle and must be manned by a gunner.

Weapon Systems: for NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper

Gunports on all doors and one in rear no heavy weapons, pistols rifle, assault rifle and light machine gun , hand held rail runs carried by infantry or cyborgs .Note when traveling at 80 MPH or higher -1 to stike and - for every 1 to MPH above 80 MPH

Porcupine weapon systems pick two

It dual systems weapon mount that will change this vehicle can operate in the field can be manual or remote
it has a Shield 245 M.D.C
weapon system 125 M.D.C
Force Fields is possible look below
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper have this extra feature
pick two only
Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

1. WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launch(1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
2. 111-100 Rail Gun (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
3. ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle(1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
4. 30mm Auto-Cannon (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
5. WI-23 Missile Launcher( Rifts mercenary book)
6. WI-23 Light Missile Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
7. WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
8. WI-40MD Fire & Forget( rifts mercenary book)
9. 120mm 111-B Auto-Cannon Turret (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
10. medium-range missile( Rifts mercenary book)
11. Missile Launcher( Rifts mercenary book)
12. GAW Sledgehammer 81mm Medium Mortar ( Rifts merc spec ops book)
13. Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
14. Light M.D.C 14.5 mm Machinegun: ( Rifts mercenary book)
15. Force Fields: pick one

Standard Human Force Fields (Rifts® Sourcebook One Revised & Expanded )
NE Force Fields systems ( Rifts mercenary book)

WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher
This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon.
Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system.
Weight: 130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).

Armor-Piercing: 1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m).
A burst is 10 rounds!

A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)! A burst of Armor-Piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet
40 round magazine or 200 round belt! Ammo drum 300 rounds
There are 10 more clips in Vehicle
Black Market :not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

111-100 Rail Gun (1):
This gun is a copy of Northern Gun's NG-202,modified for a higher rate of fire. It is located in the Turret over the main turret, and has a 360-degree rotation of fire and can elevate 90 degrees to engage aerial targets. The tank commander, the gunner, or the driver can access and use the rail gun.
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft and anti-vehicle.
Secondary Purpose: Defense: anti-personnel.
Weight: 300 lbs (135 kg)
Mega-Damage: A burst is 60 rounds and inflicts 1D6 x 10 M.D. One round does 1D4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (usually
4-6) of the gunner.
Effective Range: 8000 feet
Payload: internal 12,000 round drum, that's 200 bursts( three reloads ) ! Up to five drums can be carried by the tank. Reloading the drum takes 15 seconds if done by hand, 1 minutes if done manually .

ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America )
This is a pre-Rifts design built to give infantrymen a chance against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. It is a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-clip in one single shot! The short comings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes one melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power
armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble or weapon mount ). Also, they use up E-clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it.
Weight: 30 lbs. (13.5 kg)
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10+20 M.D. per shot
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; each shot empties an entire E-Clip
Effective Range: 9000 feet
Payload: 1 shot per E-Clip has or tie to vehile power systems 3 per mellee
Cost: 100,000 credits;
Black Market: not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

30mm Auto-Cannon:
This is like the Auto- cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry. It has 360 degree angle
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 200 pounds
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Normal
Effective Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 bursts
Black Market :not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

WI-23 Light Missile Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
This weapon is a clear improvement over the CR-1 Rocket Launcher and other similar anti-vehicle weapons. The WI-23 is an auto-loading launcher with a six-shot box magazine mounted on the right side of the tube. This allows the user to fire repeatedly without having to rely on a loader. The multi-optics scope is a copy of the CR-1 system, disguised to avoid accusations of patent violations (which are fairly unimportant anyway, since there are few commercial treaties between the CS and other nations).
A fully loaded launcher weighs 26 lbs (11.7 kg), including its
payload of 6 missiles.
Each box magazine weighs 12 lbs (5.4 kg) fully loaded.
Any type of mini-missile can be used, but the most common are armor piercing and plasma (1D4 x 10 or 1D6 x 10 M.D.).
Rate of Fire:
Equal to the user's number of attacks per melee (maximum 6); reloading the magazine takes three melee actions if using a box magazine, or one full melee round if reloading loose missiles. Effective Range: 1 mile (1.6 km)
Payload: Six missiles per magazine.
Black Market Cost: 30,000 for one launcher and one magazine, 4,000 for each additional magazine, not counting missile cost
Black Market :not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon.
Note: The "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system.
130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

Fragmentary: 4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).

Armor-Piercing: 1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m).
A burst is 10 rounds! A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)! A burst of Armor-Piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Rate of Fire: Standard.
Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).
Payload: 40 round magazine or 200 round belt! Drum 300

WI-40MD Fire & Forget( rifts mercenary book)
Super-Heavy Missile Launcher
The WI-40MD (the D is for modified version)provides the firepower of a tank (for one melee round/attack ) and is advertised as "the heaviest man-portable missile launcher in the world." That's partially true. It is man-portable for anyone who can lug its 120 lbs (54 kg) of missile and crude, disposable launch trigger. This means the operator must be a creature with a P.S. of 24 or greater, otherwise it will require two or three men to transport it.
The WI-40MD is basically a medium-range missile or a short range Missile Launcher (pick one ) with a plastic launching platform that has a handle and big trigger (big enough for the hand of most powered armor suits and giants). Once the missile is fired, the launching platform is ruined and discarded (the plastic has a recycle value of 2D4 x 10 credits). The exhaust of the rocket also inflicts 1D6 x 10 S.D.C. to anything within 15 feet of the shooter; it won't affect characters in M.D.C. armor, but will ignite brush fires or explode any fuels and other volatile flammables nearby. Despite those shortcomings, it is a new favorite of power armor pilots and borgs.
Weight: The missile system weighs 120 lbs (54 kg) and is six feet (1.8 m) long.
Mega-Damage: Any medium-range missile can be used. It is usually Armor-Piercing (2D4 x 10 M.D.), Fragmentation (2D4 x 10 M.D.) or Heavy Plasma/Heat (5D6 x 10 M.D.).
Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon per attack/round
Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km). The missile has less fuel than a vehicle-mounted medium-range missile.
Payload: four medium-range missile or 16 short range missiles .
A missile box containing four missiles and weighing 520 lbs (234 kg) is available. Taking a missile out of its box and aiming it usually counts as two melee actions/attacks.
Reloads is possible
Note : add +3 to strike or +6 to strike
Black Market Cost:
The firing unit costs 25,000 credits. Missiles cost: 5,000 credits for a High Explosive (light), 8,000 for a High Explosive (medium), and 10,000 for a High Explosive (heavy). Fragmentation, Armor Piercing, and Plasma/Heat missiles cost 12,000 credits.

120mm 111-B Auto-Cannon Turret (1): ( rifts mercenary book)
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -914912189
This is a main gun. The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug.
Since the gun is situated in the turret, it cannot rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 90 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner .Also remove 8 passenger down to three for 120MM and only weapon system it just tyake the space to the max limit
Primary Purpose:
Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon. Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft.
Weight: 1 tons

1. High-Explosive round (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

2. High-Explosive Anti-Tank round (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

3. AP round: 1D4 x 10 M.D.

4. APSD round: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

5. Smoke round

Rate of Fire: A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers, If Still can do double tap or Two round burst .
Effective Range:
6000 feet (1828 m) for all rounds.
Indirect fire is 3 miles
carry up to 50 rounds. The standard distribution is 10 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission.
main gun 200 M.D
Front shield 250 M.D

Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)
This heavy, multi-barreled laser is used
for missile defense and anti-aircraft roles. Each is controlled by an independent gunner. One is mounted turret and only type . The wing turrets can rotate 360 degrees and fire on a 180 degree arc, sweeping the air above the aircraft.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 2D4 x 10 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Each turret can shoot up to six times per melee round.
Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited pick one , tie to vechile power systems 3 per mellee
There are a light version 2d4x10 ,medium version 2D6 x 10 M.D. per blast and 4D6 x 10 M.D. per blast heavy version

Light M.D.C 14.5 mm Machinegun: ( rifts mercenary book)
A heavy, dual machinegun loaded with explosive bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield (240 M.D.C). The gun is used mostly to fight off other small watercraft and to defend against aircraft. It can also be used to detonate enemy torpedoes
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only
fires bursts.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Effective Range: 2000 feet (610 m)
Payload: 2000 rounds (that's 50 bursts).with four boxes of 600 rounds 15 bursts

GAW Sledgehammer 81mm Medium Mortar mark D ( rifts merc ops book)
The Sledgehammer is a larger mortar that fires rounds at greater ranges. Before the Rifts these weapons were issued to heavy weapons platoons at the battalion level. When broken down into component parts these mortars can be transported on foot by their crew of five troops. This mortar fires standard HE rounds against infantry and soft-skinned vehicles, but with the development of "smart" HEAT mortar rounds they are also ef-fective against IFVs and tanks!
Weight: 89 lbs (40 kg).
Varies with ammunition type.
Ammunition Types:
Uses the equivalent of grenades to inflict
Plasma: 6D6 M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m).
(Explosive/HE: 4D6 M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8
Fragmentation: 2D6 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m).4'N 1406
Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red). Parachute Flares: Glides down and
burns to illuminate the target area for I D6 minutes.
Rate of Fire: 1-2 shots per melee attack/round (characters with 5 or more attacks/actions per round can fire twice); each shot may include a minor adjustment and counts as three melee attacks.
Effective Range:
About 3 miles (4.8 km), the weapon has a min-imum range of 130 feet (40 m).
Single shot or two round burst , must be reloaded by hand.

Force Fields
Standard Human Force Fields ( Rifts® Sourcebook One Revised & Expanded)
Rechargeable Force Field:
One of the most impressive
"new" developments by the geniuses at Triax is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system. The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial at-tack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the weapons cannot be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 8-24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. Al-though the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 4.2 M.D.C. per hour, even minor damage (25 M.D.C. or less) will require eight hours to be restored (the 4.2 M.D.C. per hour cannot appear sooner than 8 hours, it's the way the system works). Restoring all 100 M.D.C. takes 24 hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the vehicle.
Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punished to the extreme

Other this system cannot be used near any coalition/Quebec area
NE Force Fields systems ( rifts mercenary book)
N-F50A Superheavy Force Field
This is the most powerful force field available. It looks and weighs the same as the N-F40A field, but is much more intense.
• M.D.C. 320
• Weight: 15 lbs
• No movement penalties.
• 6-hour duration per E-clip. Or systems triple ,nuclear unlimited
Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme
Last edited by ZINO on Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

MDC REFIT Improved Bradley from G.A.W called the Bradley’s Linebacker

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ ... 101023.jpg

An Improved variant, these vehicles are modified M2A2 ODSs with the TOW or short-range missile system replaced with a four-tube Medium-Range system or short range. the Bradley’s with the reemergence of hostile aerial threats. The Bradley Linebacker was called the M-SHORAD (Mobile Short-Range Air Defense) equipped with the search radar mounted around the turret, a fire-control radar, a jammer on top of the turret to non-kinetically defeat unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and has unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), the main gun replaced with an M.D.C 20 mm autocannon and a missile launcher that could accommodate various missiles.

Model Type: GAW Improved Bradley APC
Infantry Assault and Transport Vehicle
Crew: Two: pilot and gunner Troop Transport Capabilities: troops
M.D.C. by Location:
*** 180 M.D.C. on the main body (the original main body had 950 S.D.C. or10 M.D.C.).
60 M.D.C. for the turret
**Track Treads (2) 50 each

** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not un-der attack.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the vehicle and kills everyone
Can add additional 100 or 200 M.D.C to main body and for turret 50 or 100 M.D.C
Statistical Data:

Mass19. Tons
Length21.5 ft
Width12 ft
Height10 ft
Crew3 + can carry six infantrymen
41 mph (661cm); maximum fuel range: 300 miles (483 km).
Storage space for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items; 10 rifles of any type, 4 rocket launchers (either CR-1 or WI-23) and 24 mini-missiles stored in locked overhead compartments.
Power System:
Speed: 41 mph (661cm); maximum fuel range: 300 miles (483 km).
Weapon Systems: summary two weapons systems on main turret
Main gun:
20 MM auto cannon standard-issue or any rail gun
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damge per round on later models
1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
any rail gun Max damage 2d4x10 per burst
Rate of Fire: burst
Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
5000 feet
Railguns varies
20 mm auto cannon
1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds
Side-mounted shortage missile systems or TOW or short-range missile systems pick one on turrnt
Primary purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built-in
Mega-Damage: varies with missile
Rate of Fire: 1 or 2,3,set of 4 fire or 8 ,12 , 16 ,20 ,24 that one attack
TOW or short-range missile system 4 only
Effective Range: 5 miles
TOW or short-range missile system 3 miles
Payload: 24
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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