Fan Races!!

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Re: Fan Races!!

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taalismn wrote:
89er wrote:Finally finished my trio of species, comment and review when able.


During the disruptions, the resistance activated deity created “sunlight viral bombs” that were placed hidden on the leyline crossroads. When detonated, the bombs suffused the leylines with sunlight that traveled across the planet, ravaging the vampire centers of power. This was the signal that launched the Grand Sanitization to reclaim Durotin 4. It took four years for global victory, three years to reclaim the planet and an extra year hunting down any survivors that had plans to start anew. Olnd’Ctt was slain during the final year, buried but no threat of escalation or retaliation. .

Owwww....I wonder if the High Sardye would see that weapon and recognize it as similar to something they used back in the day when they were stomping Vampire Intelligences. :twisted:

As an aside, ever thought of a less.... convoluted, rewrite of the Sardye as a race?
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Re: Fan Races!!

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You mean a better organized format for the stats of the various septs of Sardye?
Yah, the chart format didn't transfer well from my original WP set-up.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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taalismn wrote:You mean a better organized format for the stats of the various septs of Sardye?
Yah, the chart format didn't transfer well from my original WP set-up.

I'm kind of uncertain of the necessity of differing stats for the various septs in the first place, i ask myself if a description of culture and variety of favorite OCCs like for the multiple atlantean clans or a smarttering of builds/packages under a singular martial tradition like the multiple Headhunter variants, might not cover some of the same bases but in a more fluid manner, for example.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

SolCannibal wrote:
taalismn wrote:You mean a better organized format for the stats of the various septs of Sardye?
Yah, the chart format didn't transfer well from my original WP set-up.

I'm kind of uncertain of the necessity of differing stats for the various septs in the first place, I ask myself if a description of culture and variety of favorite OCCs like for the multiple atlantean clans or a smarttering of builds/packages under a singular martial tradition like the multiple Headhunter variants, might not cover some of the same bases but in a more fluid manner, for example.

Because I liked the idea of several divergent clans/lines of development that had enough time to show some substantial differences. The Sardye are ANCIENT and, to use the Atlantean analogy, same root hominid stock, only some stayed simple SDC humans while some became the high magic-using and potentially MDC True Atlanteans. Only the Sardye have had even more time to diverge from their humble beginnings.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by SolCannibal »

taalismn wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
taalismn wrote:You mean a better organized format for the stats of the various septs of Sardye?
Yah, the chart format didn't transfer well from my original WP set-up.

I'm kind of uncertain of the necessity of differing stats for the various septs in the first place, I ask myself if a description of culture and variety of favorite OCCs like for the multiple atlantean clans or a smarttering of builds/packages under a singular martial tradition like the multiple Headhunter variants, might not cover some of the same bases but in a more fluid manner, for example.

Because I liked the idea of several divergent clans/lines of development that had enough time to show some substantial differences. The Sardye are ANCIENT and, to use the Atlantean analogy, same root hominid stock, only some stayed simple SDC humans while some became the high magic-using and potentially MDC True Atlanteans. Only the Sardye have had even more time to diverge from their humble beginnings.

That's complicated, to say the least, since the atlantean - baseline human divergence is one of millenia of magical development x not having the slightest clue of what magic even is, due to the millenia of absence of enviromental conditions to reliably perceive such as a field of study in the first place. It's about not only time, but different bases of knowledge to start from - what in hindsight makes me question the matter of humanity in the world of Palladium per se (whre magic is reliably present even if far from the level of old Atlantis or Rifts Earth eras) and how they should or not lightly diverge from those in the multiple iterations of 20th-21st century Earth, but i digress.

Anyway, the Sardye already have a common cultural and spiritual root in the "vampire legacy", be it in slavery to the Intelligences or toppling them and leveling their works and grounding those dead empires to dust.
That in itself makes for a common cultural anchor/grounding, that along with mutual communication, makes such degree of separation improbable.

That said, degrees of development & or enlightnement, like hatchling to adult to ancient for dragons, or the Stages of Promethean mental/spiritual evolution, are things that might make sense for the kind of narrative & time scale we are talking about. But yeah, complicated i guess. It's a subject to tackle with patience and definitely no rush at all.
Last edited by SolCannibal on Sat Feb 19, 2022 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

SolCannibal wrote:
taalismn wrote:[

That said, degrees of development & or enlightnement, like hatchling to adult to ancient for dragons, or the Stages of Promethean mental/spiritual evolution, are things that might make sense for the kind of narrative & time scale we are talking about. But yeah, complicated i guess. It's a subject to tackle with patience and definitely no rush at all.

I'll bring up the topic next time I see one.
They used to be fairly regular visitors, but since the pandemic struck....not so much.... :P :wink:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by SolCannibal »

Maybe redoing each of the Sardye subtypes on separate short write-ups in order would help with clarity, while also adding some sort of pacing, even breathing room within which to better explore than on their own.

Hmmm, let me give it a try....

(Edited from original writings by taalismn)

The Sardye
“You speak of a ‘cycle’ in the lifespan of species. that applies to sentient races as well....that they grow from immaturity, reach some mature glory, decline from their cultural apogee, fade away, and die....
Know this...not all of the ‘ancient’ races decline and die....Just because one does not see them anymore, does not mean that they have passed away, or that their strength is any the lessened or weakened for their long history....For some races, their ‘decline’ is but a transformation into something greater, their absence from the affairs of the younger races a mere catching of the breath before the next chapter of their history is revealed!”
------Cachis R’zee, Rulian Scholar, from MroBaden’s _Historica Multiplisatus_

The Sardye are a rare, ancient, and powerful race that has fallen into seclusion, with a few individuals or small bands adventuring. As a people, the Sardye have nearly been forgotten by the peoples of the Megaverse, and few know the full story of these armored giants.

Sardye resemble enormous reptilean humanoid bipeds, with a long-snouted, dinosaur-like head, massive toothsome jaw, and thick, flinty scales covering most of their bodies. Sardye integument is generally flint-gray, lightening at soft tissues, darkening with density (such as with the armor scales), while their eyes are a piercing yellow, with black slit-pupils. Other details about their bodies and physiology are hard to come by, since few have ever seen a Sardye without what has come to be regarded as their traditional armor; a massive, elaborate suit of armor, typically of rivetted metal plates, that covers them from head to toe, and which must weigh as much, if not more, than the Sardye hidden within. That the creatures are able to move at all, let alone with the speed they do, suggests a superhumanly strong musculature and incredible endurance.
Some xenobiologists believe the Sardye to be an ancient offshot of dragonkind, that favored a more bipedal structure over the more peculiar body plans of traditional dragons, perhaps closer to wingless branches of dragonkind like Serpents of the Wind, Thunder Lizards, Chiang-Ku or Wooly Dragons, while other cryptohistorians favor the theory that the Sardye are related to either the ancient Lizard Mages or the Seljuk, both races of powerful magic users/or magically-influenced.

Ancient tales tell that the early Sardye race was once associated with vampire intelligences in the great heyday of the vampiric entities, long before the Age of the Old Ones, even; the reptilean race being discovered in its sentient infancy by the Intelligences, then raised to full sentience to become the slaves and minions of the vampires, after they discovered the magical and physical potential of the giant creatures. And for unknown long eons, the vampire intelligences wreaked havoc in the darker corners of the Megaverse with their slave juggernauts, terrorizing the proto-sentient lines and early civilizations in forgotten aeons of the cosmos.
Fortunately, the very potentials that made the early Sardye so attractive as slaves, also allowed them to adapt to the vampire mind control and overcome it. The Sardye had desired nothing more and less than total freedom from their overlords, having long memories for the degradation they had suffered as slave-soldiers, and the atrocities they had been forced to commit against their wills; a massive festering grudge that demanded blood from the blood-suckers.
After plotting in secret for centuries against their hated masters, the Sardye turned on the vampires in the so-called War of the White Eclipse (supposedly named because the Sardye waited for a traditional Vampiric High Council that took place during an extended/permanent eclipse on their appointed meeting planet, to trigger their rebellion. The Sardye mined the eclipsing moon with powerful magics and turned the moon into a massive Solar Globe that consumed it, catching the vampire intelligences out in the open and totally by surprise). The Vampire Intelligences suddenly found themselves locked in mortal combat with an unexpectedly powerful foe with an intimate knowledge of their strengths and enemy that they themselves had helped engender! Vampire Intelligences were slain by the hundreds almost immediately as their previously faithful bodyguards suddenly turned and slew their masters in their own sanctuaries. Hundreds more were pursued and wiped out on the run in the massive uprising that followed. According to the legend, the War of the White Eclipse shattered the power of the vampire intelligences, wiping the strongest and most intelligent of them out of existance, and sending the pitiful survivors fleeing into the dark corners of the cosmos to hide and try to rebuild their former greatness.
The once-great Sardye race splintered soon after, various tribes and factions having no desire to hold dominion over the remains of the Vampire Intelligences’ empire, nor any desire to create empires of their own. After doing what mopping up they could, the Sardye turned and dispersed to parts unknown, to seek their own fortunes. The few knowledgeable observers of the time believed that the Sardye had been exhausted by the war, and had decided to return to their humble roots at whatever ancient homeworld the Sardye had been taken from.
Others speak of countless wars of purification, ruthless campaigns to cleanse the bane of vampirism and the blasphemous intelligences behind it from thousands upon thousands of kingdoms, dimensions and worlds, liberating those who chafed under its yoke, ruthlessly exterminating those who willingly debased themselves in the service of the sadistic horrors or exploited the works of the Sardye past slavery to spread their own brand of evils. So it was that the once race of vampiric minions turned their greatest banes would disappear through the ages, lost amidst the glittering sandgrains of stars in the endless dark sea of the cosmos and beyond. And legends.
In time, with few sightings of the mammoth aliens, and none of their works ever found (the Sardye took great pleasure in tearing apart the fortresses they had built as slaves), the Sardye were presumed to have disappeared from the galactic stage.
In reality, the various tribes of the Sardye have been pursuing their own separate paths in various secluded regions of the Megaverse. Some retreated to the distant depths of deep space to study and refine the magics they had learned in the course of the White Eclipse War, while others turned away from the magics that they had been forced to learn to liberate themselves. For some Sardye, the Megaverse held few attractions to eyes tired of seeing alien vistas and nothing they could call home, while for others, wanderlust called out to them. Only occasionally, have these branches of the same race crossed paths; such meetings are typically cool and brief, the differences between them having grown too great for anything more than fleeting contact.
However, even after millenia of seclusion, the Sardye all retain one common trait; an all-consuming hatred of vampires.

Alignments: Tend(90%) towards Good and Selfish
Lifespan: Unknown; estimated to be up to 4,000 years; Vardis and Nemotis may have Draconic immortality as creatures of magic, while the oldest Neododis known has claimed a rather young 1,200 years.
Size: 12-20 ft tall; NeoDodis tend towards the low end of the scale, while Vardis can reach up to 40 ft tall!
Weights vary from 800 lbs to 8,000 lbs, while the massive Vardis may reach 15 tons
Gender: Unknown; almost all Sardye thus far encountered have identified themselves as male, but whether or not female Sardye exist (and in what ratio or relation), or if they are simply using a convenient form of identification for the sake of other races, is unknown.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Tall, muscular, humanoid reptiles covered in thick, flinty, scales, and typically wearing thick artificial ornately-decorated armor (it’s sometimes hard to see the Sardye under all the armor). Skin color tends to earth tones like gray, russet, slate-green. The head is large and horse-like, through with more muscular reptilean accents, and a large, heavy, fearsomely-betoothed jaw. Eyes are almond-shaped and slit-irised. Hands and feet are three-digited, with a fourth toe/thumb. Their armor is thick metal plates and chainmail, heavily adorned with spikes and crenallations.
Nemotis tend towards blue and green-tinged skin, and some have small gill-like whiskers about their nostrils. Their armor tends to appear to be made of shell, bone, and fishscales (or available equivalents).
NeoDodis tend to have more brown and russet skin, and have less pronounced scaling. Their armor tends to be a combination of worked metal(less elaborate than the Vardis’ panoply) and scraps of worked monster hide and salvaged megadamage armor.
Tradis have a more pronounced metallic accent (gold and copper are common hues) to their scales, while their skin is dark, almost black. Tradis wear thick armors of metal and ceramic with megadamage mesh and fabric (similar to armored EVA suits) and crystalline helmets (often adorned with metallic accents/crests).
Temedis can be distinguished by their light colored, almost metallic, scaling and light-hued skin. Temedis frequently wear heavy techno-armor of ceramic and metal alloy with ‘smart’ features, such as built-in sensors, weaponry, communications gear, and propulsion devices.
Vardis and Nemotis tend to be aloof, detached beings more concerned with matters of cosmic importance and scale, and in the practice and pursuit of high magic; the Nemotis even more so in the study of the inner arts and mental disciplines.
NeoDodis tend to be aggressive glory-seekers who live to fight the good fight and reap the profits of victory.
Tradis are the friendliest and most outgoing, thrill-seekers looking to meet new peoples, see new vistas, and trade exotic goods.
Temedis are sophisticated technocrats who enjoy exploration, meeting new challenges with their technology, and waging war against tyrannical societies.
Common Natural Abilities:
*ALL Sardye are IMMUNE to Vampiric Mind Control and Slow Killing Bite
*Natural Megadamage Beings
*Powerful Jaws---All Sardye have powerful jaws capable of inflicting 4d6 MD +PS bonus damage.
*Nightvision---All Sardye have excellent low-light vision, being able to see up to 800 ft, even in total darkness.

The Vardis Sardye (‘Absolute Sardye’, sometimes called ‘Greater Sardye’ along with the Nemotis Sardye) are the "unrepentant" ancient line of Sardye, accepting of the many glories and sins of their past, before and after vampire servitude, in fullness. The Vardis are hardly ever encountered anymore, even by the gods, having slipped away to remote redoubts and scattered enclaves. It is rumored that the Vardis have stashed in ancient vaults and fortress-archives plans and copies of ancient vampire-slaying weapons of immense power (and horrible backlash effects), such as the Great Pattern of Guyazi (said to ignite a star into an enormous cross-shaped supernova), which were used in the last great battles of the War of the White Eclipse. The Vardis are depicted as incredibly powerful fighters and magic users, using a variety of enchanted weapons and lethal magic (one godling who survived a fight with them described the experience as “going up against walking siegeworks”) . They are also quite reserved (they rarely interact even with the Gods of Light) and encountering one of them is considered a miracle of sorts. If and when they do decide to act, they do so decisively with all their experienced might.

IQ: 4d6+3, ME: 4d6+4, MA: 3d6, PS: 5d6+15 (Supernatural), PP: 3d6, PB: 2d6, PE: 5d6, SPD: 4d6
(ISP): As per Psionic Class
MDC: 4d6x100 (Body Armor typically adds 2d6x100 MDC and 1d4x1,000 lbs to weight)
Horror Factor: 15
Natural Abilities:
Sense Magic: 200 ft radius, Immune to Extremes of Hot and Cold, Regenerate 1d6x5 MD per minute, +1 to Spell Strength
Psionics: High Incidence of psionics; 45% possess MINOR psionics, 30% possess MAJOR psionics, and perhaps 8% are MASTER psychics.
Magic: Vardis are masters of magic, mastering at least one school of magic, sometimes two, and occasionally three in the course of their long lives. Vardis are particularly drawn towards Ley Line Walker-style spell-magic, Elemental Warlockry, and Shifter (but they will NOT ever enter into a pact with an Alien Intelligence). Some are even said to have taken up Phase and/or Temporal Magic(the former from associating with the Prometheans, the latter from interrogations of Temporal Raiders).
Available OCCs: Tend towards Dimensional Shifters, Techno-Wizards, High Mages, Elemental Warlocks
RCC Skills: Lore: Demons and Monsters(+20%), Lore: Magic(+25%), Five Ancient W.P.s of choice
Cybernetics/Bionics: Avoid bionics and cybernetics in favor of their magic and natural regenerative powers
Culture: Monastic Paladins

The Nemotis Sardye (‘Water Sardye’) are even more reclusive than the Vardis, having taken to the deep seas and assuming an aquatic, marine existance (far from any possible contact with their ancient enemies), adapting themselves through magic, and supposedly dwelling in deep sea-trench cave cities, submarine grottos and the deepest, most underground lakes, rivers & wells. The Nemotis have concentrated on magic and the disciplines of the mind. Nemotis wear a lighter version of the traditional Sardye panoply, only made of monster scales, toughened shell, and sculpted coral. Nemotis very rarely interact with other peoples, even their own kind, and have assumed a much less active, pacifistic stance towards the Megaverse, entering into armed conflict only when cornered and they have no other options.

IQ: 4d6, ME: 4d6+6, MA: 3d6, PS: 5d6+6 (Supernatural), PP: 3d6, PB: 2d6, PE: 5d6, SPD: 4d6
(ISP): M.E. +1d6x10 (plus 1d6+3 per level of experience)
(PPE): 3d4x10+20
MDC: 2d6x100 MD (Body Armor typically adds 1d6x100 MDC and 2d4x100 lbs to weight)
Horror Factor: 14
Natural Abilities:
Regenerate 1d6x4 MD per minute
Breath Underwater (no depth limit)
Immune to Cold-Based Attacks
+15% to all underwater/ocean-related skills
Psionics: Much higher incidence of psionics than other Sardye clans. ALL Nemotis are considered to be MAJOR psychics. 25% are MASTER-class psychics
Magic: ALL Nemotis know 2d6 spells from Ocean Magic. They are also drawn to Elemental Magic(particularly Air- and Water-), Biomancy, and Mysticism.
Available OCCs: Tend towards Ocean Mages, Water Warlocks, Ocean Duids, Sea Inquistors(equivalent), Whale Singers(equivalent). Mind-Melters, Psi-Warriors
RCC Skills: Swimming(+15%), Lore: Magic(+15%), Lore: Psionics(+20%)
Cybernetics/Bionics: Avoid bionics and cybernetics in favor of their magic and natural regenerative powers
Culture: Reclusive monastic scholars

The NeoDodis Sardye (‘Untamed Sardye’)---The most numerous of the Sardye clans, the NeoDodis have also gone the farthest from the ‘apex’ of the Vardis. The NeoDodis are physically weaker and smaller-statured, and their grip on magic mastery has slipped, but they have retained much of their race’s fighting arts, augmented by technology that they acquire and have created for themselves. The NeoDodis are particularly fond of large, fast, vehicles, large guns, and heavy weapons such as cannon and explosives. The NeoDodis are less secretive than most of the other Sardye tribes, and have more frequently come forward to mingle with other races and join in various conflicts that catch their interest. They seem most interested in pursuing wars against other monstrous races, and will join most any vampire-hunting party for the chance to hit again at the ancient enemy of their people, though their overconfidence means that they take risks that the older, more experienced, of their bretrhen would not. The NeoDodis can be described as the ‘motorcycle punk gangers’ of the greater Sardye civilization.

IQ: 4d6, ME: 4d6, MA: 3d6, PS: 5d6 (Superhuman), PP: 3d6, PB: 2d6, PE: 4d6, SPD: 4d6
(ISP): As per Psionic Class
(PPE): 1d6x10
MDC: 5d6x10 MD (Body Armor typically adds 5d6x10 MDC and 1d6x100 lbs to weight)
Horror Factor: 12
Natural Abilities:
Regenerate 3d6 MD per minute, +1 Attack Per Melee
Psionics: Standard
Magic: NeoDodis gravitate towards ‘traditional’ OCC-based magic, such as LeyLine Walker and Shifter, while Combat Mages are also extremely common among them.
Available OCCs: Tend towards Headhunters, Operators, Techno-Wizards, Roadgangers
RCC Skills: Three Wilderness skills(+15%), Two Physical skills, Three Extra W.P.
Cybernetics/Bionics: Avoid all but the most basic prosthetics
Culture: Nomadic neo-barbarian warrior-clans

The Tradis Sardye (‘Drifter Sardye’)---The Tradis are magic-using Sardye who have taken to a nomadic existance between the stars. The Tradis use magic to travel between the stars in massive solar-sailor-style craft that look like crosses between ancient sailing craft, and insane expressionist metal sculpture, ranging in size from small schooners to massive three-mile long caravals. Propelled by a combination of microwave sail and wizardry, armed with magic bolt throwers and projectile cannon firing massive enchanted cannon-balls that pass through technological shields like they weren’t there, these giant craft ply the less-well known fringe worlds and galactic abysses, trading with what worlds and ships they happen upon, not in any real hurry to do anything or go anywhere. The Tradis seem to have an odd combination of high magery and steampunk technology, which suits them just fine, and which has proven surprisingly effective against unwary opportunistic enemies. Despite the slow plodding speed of their ships, it is rumored that the Tradis have access to knowledge of an extensive network of galactic leylines, wormholes, and subspace corridors.

IQ: 4d6, ME: 4d6, MA: 3d6, PS: 5d6 (Supernatural), PP: 3d6, PB: 2d6, PE: 5d6, SPD: 4d6
(ISP): As per Psionic Class
(PPE): 2d4x10+20
MDC: 2d6x100 MD (Body Armor typically adds 1d6x100+50 MDC and 2d4x100 lbs to weight)
Horror Factor: 14
Natural Abilities:
Regenerate 1d6x4 MD per minute
Immune to Cold- and Radiation-Based Attacks
Can survive in open vacuum without ill effect for their P.E. in minutes
Psionics: Standard
Magic: Techno-Wizards and Spacial Mages(See Rifters#) They are also drawn to air-, fire-, and water-based Elemental magic
Available OCCs: Tend towards Spacial Mages (See Rifters#), Techno-Wizards, Operators, Spacers,
RCC Skills: Oxygen Conservation, Astronomy/Celestial Navigation(+15%); Pilot: Boat, Sail(+15%); Lore: Magic(+20%)
Cybernetics/Bionics: Avoid all but the most basic prosthetics
Culture: Nomadic deep-space traders and explorers

The Temedis Sardye (‘Techno Sardye’) are a more recent offshoot of the ancient race (likely from the Tradis branch) who have given up magic altogether in favor of technology. Sadly, this means that the Temedis have only a fraction of the mystic abilities and strength of the Vardis, but they compensate with advanced technology and a higher birth rate. The Temedis wander through space in massive free-roaming high-tech spacecraft, only occasionally establishing equally massive and well-protected planetary outposts and space stations. The Temedis have started to make their way out of the void and into the commerce of the Three Galaxies where their high technology, equal to the best the TGE and CCW have, has stirred up considerable interest in the major powers. Temedis starships are built tough and heavily armed; a Temedis destroyer-classification starship mounts the equivalent of heavy cruiser-grade armament and battleship-weight armor and shields. The Temedis augment their already impressive physical abilities with superheavy suits of armor that are more akin to wearable spaceships in themselves, mounting armor, weaponry, and shields that would look more appropriate on the assault shuttles of other species. However far they have fallen from the tree, however, the Temedis retain their records of the ancient vampire scrouge, and maintain such up to date weapons as silver-projectile rail cannon and hydrosonic cannon in their arsenals against the day they might encounter their ancient enemies.

IQ: 4d6, ME: 4d6, MA: 3d6, PS: 5d6 (Superhuman), PP: 3d6, PB: 2d6, PE: 4d6, SPD: 4d6
(ISP): As per Psionic Class
(PPE): 4d6
MDC: 2d4x100 MD (Body Armor typically adds 2d4x100 possible integral forcefields, and 2d6x100 lbs to weight)
Horror Factor: 10
Natural Abilities:
Regenerate 4d6 MD per minute
Can survive in open vacuum without ill effect for their P.E. in minutes
Psionics: Standard
Magic: The best the Temedis are able to learn is Techno-Wizardry, and even then, it costs them 50% MORE PPE as usual to achieve the same results.
Available OCCs: Tend towards Spacers, Engineers, Cyborgs, and other High Tech professions. The ONLY magic OCC they may take is Techno-Wizard, and even that is exceptionally rare (one in 50,000) among their number.
RCC Skills: Oxygen Conservation, Computer Operation(+15%), Pilot: Spacecraft: Small and General (+10%), ALL Energy W.P.s
Cybernetics/Bionics: Have no reservations about cybernetics and bionics, and most will have 1d6 implants(mostly headjacks and interface implants)
Culture: Nomadic deep-space engineers and explorers

Notes: Many older Vampire Intelligences would pay thousands (if not millions) of credits for the skin of one of their old enemies, while the Splugorth, who hate their rival alien intelligences, would love to discover and plunder any existing Vardis enclaves, for the ancient vampire-slaying secrets doubtlessly held within.

Other Sardye Races?
Legends persist of even rarer and more shadowy Sardye-like beings at large in the megaverse----Whether these are misinterpreted reports of the existing tribes, previously unknown tribes/factions, or misindentified wholly new species, remains unknown. But such stories tell of Sardye of pure magical energy, or of negative matter, the result of backfired weapons of transformation magic used during the White Eclipse War.

Guswhan Weapons
The Sardye are said to possess a limited form of Rune Magic, the Vardis and Nemotis Sardye said to recycle the bones, scales, and embedded life force of deceased colleagues into powerful artifacts (weapons in the case of the Vardis, prayer stones in the case of the Nemotis) known as ‘Guswhan’. This apparently ONLY works with the Sardye, and even that remains, like so much about the Sardye species, unconfirmed.

The Legend of Orwan
The Legend of Orwan is as ancient and obscure as the Sardye themselves, and is known by and through those peoples closest to the Sardye; and those same peoples tend to be nearly as ancient and obscure as the Sardye themselves. The Legend of Orwan simply states that at some future time, regardless of what time and space and history has been placed between the various Sardye tribes, some great crisis or evil, or series of them, will bring the Sardye together again as a whole, alloying their divergent strengths into a single force to deal with the situation. Most scholars knowledgeable in the Sardye believe that this great crisis can only mean a second White Eclipse War to exterminate the Vampire Intelligences once and for all, while a few contend that the crisis will be something far greater and infinitely worse. The nature of the crisis, and how the Sardye will know that it requires their ingathering, and the nature of the re-unification, are not spelled out in any clear terms(just authenticating the Legend is a feat in itself), and no Sardye has even touched on the Legend, even when questioned directly about it.

(Just a repost in slightly different format for, at least i hope, greater clarity of reading. Did some slight tweaks here and there, mostly highlighted, but nothing too relevant)
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Re: Fan Races!!

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SolCannibal wrote:Maybe redoing each of the Sardye subtypes on separate short write-ups in order would help with clarity, while also adding some sort of pacing, even breathing room within which to better explore than on their own.

Hmmm, let me give it a try....

(Just a repost in slightly different format for, at least i hope, greater clarity of reading. Did some slight tweaks here and there, mostly highlighted, but nothing too relevant)

Why Thank You! :D
I'm even going to hardcopy this so I can finally make sense of my own stuff! :-D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by SolCannibal »

taalismn wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:Maybe redoing each of the Sardye subtypes on separate short write-ups in order would help with clarity, while also adding some sort of pacing, even breathing room within which to better explore than on their own.

Hmmm, let me give it a try....

(Just a repost in slightly different format for, at least i hope, greater clarity of reading. Did some slight tweaks here and there, mostly highlighted, but nothing too relevant)

Why Thank You! :D
I'm even going to hardcopy this so I can finally make sense of my own stuff! :-D

Glad it may prove useful.

One thing that has crossed my mind - and i slightly scratched with a few lines of my own - is the idea that the White Eclipse Uprising was the end of the Sardye servitude, but also the beginning of a whole cycle of wars, revolutions, marches of purification and more across countless worlds in an unknown multitude of different universes can be leveraged in a lot of history, a sense of scale and more than enough explanation for the virtual disappearance of the Sardye from the eyes of most civilizations and powers. The trials rage on, neverending, ever farther and the camps, factions and septs changed in many ways along with it and the evolving sentiments of each group, generation or individuals towards it through the ages, leading into the divergences and changes we see, among many others.

- How many surviving Intelligences - or rival powers both evil or benign - would use the situation to cash in on holdings and domains with now vacant thrones for their own empires?
- How would many of these vampire kingdoms scattered across the stars react to the sudden extinction or sleep of the greater part or whole of their vampiric elites? Which ones crumble under waves of revolt and attempts to preserve order or power and which ones find a semblance of unity under leaders coming from ex-slaves or favorite retainers? Do they change their ways or lead into engines of brutality and misery of their own?
- And how dealing with these twists, complications and setbacks, experiencing vitories both glorious and bittersweet or dealing with countless atrocities, unintended or premeditated, from their adversaries or sometimes their own ranks, affect the many warbands of the Sardye, feeding on and leading into the many divides that would shape the multiple branches of their people?

Much that might have come out of the matter of the many evil empires felled or risen in this era along with many other succeding ones & "inheritors" from later on, for good and for ill, imho.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by SolCannibal »

As an aside and out of curiosity, are there any more "designer slaves for vampires turned undead slayer" races beside the Sardye and the Juzyam in the thread?
Or just "designer vampire slaves gone rogue/emancipated" in general - question is kind of itching in my mind at the moment.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

SolCannibal wrote:As an aside and out of curiosity, are there any more "designer slaves for vampires turned undead slayer" races beside the Sardye and the Juzyam in the thread?
Or just "designer vampire slaves gone rogue/emancipated" in general - question is kind of itching in my mind at the moment.

Not that I'm aware of...but if you got ideas, feel free to develop you've noted, the War of Sardye Liberation my have been just part of a massive upheaval in the power structures of the Vampire Intelligences. Others may have seized the opportunity to get their shots in as well, while the lifesuckers were distracted.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by SolCannibal »

taalismn wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:As an aside and out of curiosity, are there any more "designer slaves for vampires turned undead slayer" races beside the Sardye and the Juzyam in the thread?
Or just "designer vampire slaves gone rogue/emancipated" in general - question is kind of itching in my mind at the moment.

Not that I'm aware of...

Just checking because for some reason i was thinking there might be others. Truth be told, if i were to delve into that particular niche i might end up messing with ones that did not escape servitude instead.

taalismn wrote:but if you got ideas, feel free to develop you've noted, the War of Sardye Liberation my have been just part of a massive upheaval in the power structures of the Vampire Intelligences. Others may have seized the opportunity to get their shots in as well, while the lifesuckers were distracted.

I have one or two in fact. Some relating to that necromancy spell that can turn one into a master vampire-like being and groups that might have come with it for a number of reason - one of them a Sardye faction even! - and a sort of multi-function magical tool/weapon of sorts inspired by a most peculiar confluence of elements.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Vulsug----Alien Intelligence
“Those Ancient Snails aren’t to be trusted, not at all. ”

“Humans collect shells and harvest pearls from shellfish. The Vulsug in their turn collect humans and turn them into pearls of power for their own enrichment. Proof that the megaverse has a twisted sense of humor.”

Stripped of covering and of dignity the slaves are herded into the pit. There is some curiousity as each is released from the coffle chains before being pushed on in to the circular high-walled enclosure, but that curiosity is quashed by mounting anxiety as they spread out along the smooth walls, growing ever more anxious about what comes next. It is not long in coming.
The captives became aware of the massive conical presence rising from the central pit of the arena. They shrank back against the walls of the auction floor, less mindful of their nudity before a crowd, and more concerned with the giant entity, now regarding them with multiple lidless purple eyes, that was towering over them.
**<<I accept these offerings>>** came the alien thought in all their heads, an invading thought that threatened to suffocate their owb thoughts with its imprssion of thick cold ooze and underlying greed.
Thick translucent tentacles erupt from beneath the shell, reaching for the suddenly screaming captives. Now the slime is very real, as one by one, each human is caught and drawn into a hardening ball of clear resinous goo, rolled and polished by the tentacles into pearlescent prisons, trapping a silently screaming mind within.

The Vulsug are a species of minor Alien Intelligences. They are not as active as some in preying on other beings in the megaverse, like the Splugorth, but they are still a considerable danger to those in their way, or those that catch their attention.
Vulsug tend to be slow-moving, except when using magical means to travel. Their heavy natural body armor/shell and stony flesh protect them from most damage, and their powerful magicks do the rest. It has been hinted that the Vulsug evolved on the solid core of a gas giant in some far distant ancient primordial age, but have since spread out into the megaverse and acclimated to other environments.
The Vulsug are traditional enemies of the Metzla, who have preyed on them in the past, using superior numbers and powers to overwhelm Vulsug. Despite this ancient enmity, the Vulsug are known to visit Splugorth worlds to trade, relying on the Splugorth-imposed peace of the marketplace to avoid confrontations. They are also not terribly fond of the Goqua and could care less about Sowki and Demon Spiders. They respect Elemental Intelligences and the Splugorth.
The Vulsug CANNOT be considered friends of humanity on the basis of their conflicts with the Metzla and Goqua; the Vulsug are equal opportunity predators who do not regard humans and most humanoid species to be equals to them. The Vulsug like human slaves and human psychic energy, though the more benign of the alien intelligences may regard humans as merely entertaining and useful pets.

Alignments: Any, but most(80%) are Anarchist.
Lifespan: Unknown, but almost certainly in the hundreds of thousands of years.
Size: 10-15 ft tall, 10 ft wide at base, weight between 25-30 tons
Tentacles can reach out 100 ft.
Gender: Hermaphrodites. They are rumored to use the solid/liquid cores of gas giants to reproduce in a process that involves hundreds of thousands of larval spawn that are culled by the environment and each other before a few mature to adulthood.
Physical Description/Appearance:
An upright giant spiral cone shell studded with garnet-like crystals and spikes. The lowermost tier of the shell has a ring of a dozen large purple eyes around the base. A large flexible ‘belly-foot’ and fringe of 6d6 extendable tentacles adorn the bottom. The tentacles themselves may be ectoplasmic extrusions; each has 50+3d6 MDC. Typically pale green, green-gray, or tan in color.
Solitary, rarely communing or cooperating with others of their own kind, Vulsug are generally contemplative and introspective, pondering great thoughts, usually of how they’re going to put one over on their enemies and gain more power over their rivals. Lesser beings are seen as either tools or toys, playthings of power. Vulsug have little empathy for lesser intelligences. They hate and fear Metzla.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 2d6+20
ME: 2d6+20
PS: 2d6+40(Considered Supernatural)
PP: 1d6+16
PB: 2d4
PE: 2d6+40(Considered Supernatural)
SPD: 4d6
(ISP): 1d6x100+500
(PPE): 2d6x100+200
Hit Points:----
MDC: 3d6x1,000
Horror Factor: 17
Natural Abilities:
*Regenerates 1d6x10 per melee
*Impervious to Possession and Mind Control of all types
*Impervious to normal poisons/drugs and gases.
*Impervious to pressure/crushing attacks
*Breath Without Air(can live underwater or buried underground well-nigh indefinitely)
*Natural Nightvision---500 ft range
*Supernatural Vision: See Aura. See the Invisible,
*Possess Animals

*Possess Intelligent Lifeforms---A telltale sign of Vulsug possession is that the eyes turn purple.

*Teleport Self and Others (1d6x100 mile range)

*Turn Dead---1d6x100 for 24 hours

*Healing Touch---Restores 4d6 Hit Points/SDC/MDC

*Restoration ----Same as spell

*Stone to Flesh ----Same as spell

* Energy Bolt---Can fire energy bolts from their eyes; 1d6x10 MD per bolt, with a range of 6,000 ft.

* Encase in Ectoplasmic Nacre----Vulsug can extrude a solid form of ectoplasm that hardens into a glassy transparent material( 2d6x10 MDC for a 3 ft diameter sphere able to enclose a human being). Beings trapped in this material must make a save vs magic at -1; those that fail fall unconscious into a form of unaging biostasis. Those who make the save at less than 6 pts stll are inducted into biostasis but remain horribly semiconscious and aware. For every year they remain trapped in the ecto-nacre, they must make a save versus insanity. Those who make a save vs magic by more than 6 points remain not only conscious, but if they have the ability, can attempt to fight their way out of the ecto-nacre, using physical, psionic, or magical means.
Besides using their nacre to hold captives, Vulsug also use the substance to hold personal possessions(as such).

*Resin---Vulsug can also produce a quick-setting resinous glue that they typically use to attach ‘garlands’ of ‘pearls’ to their shells. The resin is clear and rubbery, and holds with a PS of 40(but cuts fairly easily; a typical starnd of the stuff has only 3d6 MDC). The Vulsug cannot use this resin offensively, but they can use the ‘glue’ to hold together mats of material to form nets or adhoc structures.

*Drain PPE/ISP---Vulsug can tap those beings trapped in their ecto-nacre for their PPE and ISP, and can completely drain their victims. Typically, though, the Vulsug will leave its living batteries with 1d4 points of either from which to regenerate. Being repeatedly drained down to 1 PPE/ISP has the drawback that the victim must roll for a random insanity for every 8 times this is done. Long-term Vulsug ‘bio-batteries’ that are freed from their enslavment can thus be quite insane.
Evil Vulsug who need the extra PPE aren’t above draining their ‘batteries’ to death(at which point the PPE output doubles at the time of death), the victims and their resinous prisons disintegrating in the process.

*Pact---Vulsug can make Witch-like Pacts with lesser beings. Such beings receive one of the crystals studding the shell of the alien intelligence, said crystal fuzing with a part of the recipient’s body(usually the wrist or forearm if minor, the chest or forehead if major).

* Bonuses: +3 save vs magic, +3 save vs psychic attack,+6 save vs illusions, +15 save vs Horror Factor, +5 Entangle

Vulsug take DOUBLE damage from the venom of the Volute Metzla.

Possess ALL Sensitive category psionics+ Meditation, Empathic Transmission, Hydrokinesis, Mind Block Auto-Defense, Mind Bolt, Psychic Body Shield, and Telekinetic Forcefield all equal to an 11th level Mind Melter.
ALL Ritual and spell invocations levels 8-15. Knows 5d6 spells from levels 1-7.
Cybernetics/Bionics: None; such petty little crutches are below the awesome natural powers of the Vulsug
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 8 physical or psionic attacks, or 4 magical.
Restrained Tentacle Strike 1d6x10 SDC
Full Strength Tentacle Strike 6d6 MD
Tentacle Constrict/Crush 1d4x10 MD
Available OCCs: None
RCC Skills:
Magically speaks and understands ALL languages
Skills of Note:
Generally doesn’t bother with mundane skills when it can rely on its powers, but curiousity and lust for advantage allow them to learn a few skills, mainly to gain some edge over their rivals.
Lore: Magic & Psionics 98%
Lore: Demons & Monsters 98%
Can select 2d4 skills from Science or Technical at +20%
Solitary power hoarders. They will work with others if it means acquiring more power and accessories to power for themselves. They hate the Metzla(predators).

(with a nod to omegasgundam for the Pyha Tilaus posts)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Fan Races!!

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An alien intelligence RACE, that's something i haven't seen in quite some time. AIs as sample of eldritch races like Splynn for the Splugorth, or Zazshan for the Zlyphan have always taken something of a backseat to one-of-a-kind Old One expy sort of Alien Intelligence. Inix, the Soul Worm ruler of Cibola is pretty much the last one i remember.

The natural enmity with the Metzlain make for a good bit of backstory and along with the reference to something of a slight dislike of the Goqua and Sowki or Demon Spiders does paint something of a dynamic of possible unstated rivalry (Sowki being notorious personality cult builders and demon spiders for establishing networks of follower-pupils among those with a desire for their magical knowledge) between them and those lesser beings.

I also get the feeling from the text the Vulsugs, high MA-notwithstanding, are not the most social or personable of beings, seeing lesser beings as possessions to acquire or direct more than followers, minions or servants with beliefs, desires and motivations to exploit or manipulate in getting the most out of them. It would definitely go a long way to explain their inability to make a concerted effort to eliminate their Metzlain nemeses or apparent lack of "special minion races" like those possessed by the Splugorth, Soul Worms and others.

Maybe their distaste for Sowki & Demon Spiders comes from them being past minions gone rogue, having learned their lessons and to seek better opportunities striking on their own? If so, nobody is telling, for now at least.

The encasement in ectoplasmic nacre and the stasis it causes on those victim to "battery state" makes me think a little of a similar state suffered by those used to empower Rune Weapons and if a more dedicated and knowledgeable member of the race could not experiment with creating something similar, what could send ripples through many magical societies & markets across the Megaverse.

Though that requires an individual Vulsug familiar with at least a few of the particulars of rune weapons, their making and how they work - and based on their abilities i don't really see the mollusks as very interested in weapon-making or their use at all, so that potential discovery might remain untapped for a few more aeons still, i guess.

Interesting physical details on the workings of their brand of witch pacts & marks.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Yah. Alien Intelligences are pretty hard to make because of the temptation, encouraged by the few available canon creation tables, to overload them with POWER. Trowel on the munchkin.
The challenge is to make them INTERESTING, with hints at a higher-level ecology of which they're a part(and teh rest of us are as ants to).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

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taalismn wrote:Yah. Alien Intelligences are pretty hard to make because of the temptation, encouraged by the few available canon creation tables, to overload them with POWER. Trowel on the munchkin.
The challenge is to make them INTERESTING, with hints at a higher-level ecology of which they're a part(and teh rest of us are as ants to).

True, it's easy to get distracted with all powers or supernatural abilities - and forget that a bunch of randomly rolled ones will also have many of those, making them not so unique or special at all for beings in their tier of the totem pole. It's when you look into the absences/limitations, together with whatever vulnerabilities one might roll, is that a richer and more peculiar image of the being may actually start to take form.

Or skills - they can be incredibly useful in jumpstarting ideas about an Intelligences interests or associations exactly because they need so few of them due to their powers. Once cooked a whole plotline out of noticing that the False Mephisto in CB1 is literate in American, Spanish, Euro & Chinese and adroit in computer skills (operate computer 98%, computer programming 85%, computer hacking 65%)....

While having no power to assume a humanoid form, except through possession. :lol:
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Re: Fan Races!!

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SolCannibal wrote: Once cooked a whole plotline out of noticing that the False Mephisto in CB1 is literate in American, Spanish, Euro & Chinese and adroit in computer skills (operate computer 98%, computer programming 85%, computer hacking 65%)....

While having no power to assume a humanoid form, except through possession. :lol:

I can now picture one of these critters infiltrating someplace like MIT and going on hacking marathons, basically keeping their hosts going until they drop dead at the keyboard, then finding another body to ride to continue the hack.
People finding the dead bodies assume it's geeks overworking themselves, not a single sequential deliberate hack-attack by an eldritch monstrosity....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by SolCannibal »

taalismn wrote:
SolCannibal wrote: Once cooked a whole plotline out of noticing that the False Mephisto in CB1 is literate in American, Spanish, Euro & Chinese and adroit in computer skills (operate computer 98%, computer programming 85%, computer hacking 65%)....

While having no power to assume a humanoid form, except through possession. :lol:

I can now picture one of these critters infiltrating someplace like MIT and going on hacking marathons, basically keeping their hosts going until they drop dead at the keyboard, then finding another body to ride to continue the hack.
People finding the dead bodies assume it's geeks overworking themselves, not a single sequential deliberate hack-attack by an eldritch monstrosity....

Nox (what i called "False Mephisto" in my own games) had a propensity for both that or taking its hosts in programing benders, writing fiction or setting up crazy elaborate art heists - or substitutions for well-done forgeries. Lots of people in north american & european black markets had quite the love-hate relationship with it, with little to no idea of its supernatural origins or actual power.

Ironically, it was through these peculiar shenanigans that it would meet another being with similar interests and newfound ally, the supernatural intelligence Mundus (false Modeus) and through him his associate/rival Mictla(ntecuhtli), that while not a demon lord of Hades as many believe IS the demonic "lord of the Underworld" that once warred with some of the Aztec deities and got conflated into their mythic cycle by mortal from what are now the Vampire Kingdoms in Rifts Earth.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Ah, matchmaker services for evil.
"I'm looking for a partner who won't immediately betray me for trifles."
" much is the reward for you?"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

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taalismn wrote:Ah, matchmaker services for evil.
"I'm looking for a partner who won't immediately betray me for trifles."
" much is the reward for you?"

"Looking for Supernatural Beings or Creatures of Magic with a flair and experience in impersonating one or more of the lords of Hades - or Dyval, even if the target realms are opposites, possibilities are many due to the escalating Minion war. Possessing a personal posse of the infernal races consistent with the false role desirable, but not required. Contact through Tendrils of Obscenity Channel of the Black Vault."
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Anga(Psiun Angarchy)

“It is only the respect with which I hold Lord T’crysan, and the confidence I have that he has other plans for you and your miserable kin that prevent me from crushing your skull right now and slaying everyone I encounter in this place for the slavers they are! But do not push my forebearance by obstructing my mission! I have both the instructions and the authority to remove this individual from this facility; I will not have either questioned by the likes of you!”
-Sargeant-Marshall G’dek Allae, Head of the Anga-Shunal Guard of Altess Lord Azura T’crysan, heading up the protective custody extraction of a inmate at a ‘Status Reorientation and Realignment’ facility on the rim world of Kyhota III.

Anga are a race of muscle-bound simians who inhabit a small stellar polity in the Anvil Galaxy. They are sometimes mistaken for Kittani, but aside from a few similarities in appearance and warrior mentallity, the Anga are unrelated to the Kittani.
One thing ALL Anga hold in common is a abhorrence of slavery; even the most evil Anga is more likely to be a serial killer than a slaver. The Anga ascribe this hatred to their distant past and The Ship of Pain, that supposedly brought the Angas’ ancestors from parts unknown to the Three Galaxies as slaves. After seeding several planets in the Psuni Sector with slave colonies of Anga, the Ship of Pain proceeded on a regular circuit, harvesting the results of the forced labor of the Anga communities, and moving slaves from one population to another(both as punishment, by breaking up families, and as a way of maintaining minimal population numbers, as the harsh conditions on the slave planets tended to kill off Anga). Somehow, though(and the Angas’ own legends are unclear on the specifics), over the course of long centuries(accounts vary from anywhere between 1,000 and 3,000 years)the Anga were able to form a resistance, overcame their overseers(the legends only describe them as ‘demons’), and apparently were able to set a trap for the Ship of Pain, destroying it, and freeing their people.
Using crude spacecraft and salvaged equipment, the Anga were able to make contact with a few of their scattered brethren in the surviving slave colonies, and were looking for more, when Wulfen prospectors stumbled across an Anga world while exploring the Psuni Sector. Since making contact with the rest of the Three Galaxies, the Anga have made a living selling minerals from their worlds, and hiring out as mercenaries and enforcers for causes both legitimate and illegal. They have made a minor reputation for themselves as fierce, proud, fearless soldiers who get the job done.
Much of Anga history and society is a secret, or at least not discussed with outsiders. It’s been hinted that the Anga were not the only species enslaved aboard the Ship of Pain, and that others were put down on the same slave worlds, but these others died/disappeared...possibly because they were collaborators, or because the Anga exterminated them(ate them!) in the struggle to survive in the harsh conditions there.
Some in the Three Galaxies have pointed the finger at the Splugorth as the most likely party behind the ‘Ship of Pain’, but the Anga seem to have no more resentment towards the Splugorth than any other race of slavers(though that’s a LOT). Others see the Demonstars as the most likely culprits.
Whatever their origins, Anga will not have ANY dealings with slavers. They even find imprisonment and forced labor to be intolerable. This makes law enforcement a prickly matter when dealing with Anga; they do not do well in captivity. Ironically, if an Anga peace officer assigns the punishment, such as supervised work-restitution for a crime, the culprit(s) will go ahead with it uncomplainingly, but under any other circumstances, an Anga will be violent and well-nigh uncontrollable, or will committ suicide.
The downside of this is that in combat, the Anga will NOT take slaves...they either take prisoners of war(who can expect varying degrees of hospitality on the part of their captors) or they kill defeated enemies outright. Only the most twisted and corrupt of Anga will take prisoners for the purpose of slavery, and these individuals will rank among the most cruel of slavers.
Perhaps the most publicly known Anga are the Anganese Huardians, an elite troop of warriors who work for the Altess Armoria. Though nominally mercenaries, they respect som Altess enough to swear loyalty to the long-lived/immortal individuals, and fight with a zea;l some have compared to the Ghurkas of Earth.

Alignments: Any, but the most common are Scrupulous(20%), Anarchist(30%), and Aberrant(20%)
Lifespan: 75 years, though thanks to Galactic medicine, some live to 120 years of age.
Size:7-8 ft tall, 500-800 lbs
Gender: Hetereosexual
Physical Description/Appearance:
Hulking muscle-bound humanoids with gray-green skin, little body hair, and heavy bony growths on the head, shoulders, elbows, and knees. The shoulders are broad and towering, the head sitting low on the neck and shoulders. The head sports an oversized jaw with large, sharp incisors and heavy bone-cracking molars. The eyes are small, gold, and set deep under heavy brows. They like wearing armor, from patchwork animal skin and bone, to modern high-tech types.
Anga are fierce, proud, aggressive, and very demanding. They subscribe to a dog-eat-dog social doctrine where self-assertiveness carries the day. They respect and honor perserverance, as well as courage and determination. They regard sloath and idleness with barely disguised contempt(for example, Altess Lord Azura T’crysan is one of the few Altess the Anga unreservedly respect, since the Reserve-Armoria officer has shown no problems with joining his troops in the field).
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6
ME: 3d6
MA: 3d6
PS: 4d6 (considered to be supernatural)
PP: 3d6
PB: 1d4+2
PE: 4d6(considered to be supernatural)
SPD: 4d6
(ISP): By Psychic Class
(PPE): 1d6
Hit Points:----
MDC: 3d6x10 MD+5d6 +2d6 per level of experience
Horror Factor: 12
Natural Abilities:
*Natural Megadamage Beings
*Powerul Jaws with Sharp Teeth: 2d6 SDC/MD on a bite
*Reinforced Knuckles, Elbows, and Knees: Thick bony growths adds +2 to damage from punches, elbow strikes, and knee-kicks
*Resistance to Poisons and Inhaled Toxins---Anga are +6 to save versus poisons and poisonous gases.

Psionics: Standard
Magic: None; no potential. Furthermore, Anga tend to be suspicious of magic-users. Many regard the practice of magic as ‘unholy’.
Cybernetics/Bionics: Anga distrust bionics and regard those who rely on them as weak. If an Anga needs a prosthesis, it will be a basic, crude, one....and those Anga who continue to succeed in spite of a missing limb or organ are highly regarded indeed.
Available OCCs: Most Anga off their homeworlds gravitate towards Warrior or Adventurer professions, and there are large numbers counted among the ranks of Space Pirates, Planetary Scouts, Freedom Fighters, and other rogues.

RCC Skills:
Wilderness Survival(+15%)
Hand to Hand: Expert(can be upgraded through ‘other’ skills)
W.P. One ancient and one modern W.P. of choice
Skills of Note:---
Anga technological level can be considered equal to a Mature Space Age, though the Anga still rely heavily on imported stardrive technology to meet all their needs. Their few native-built ships are government-owned and are general purpose; the largest of them is roughly equivalent to a large transport with the armament of a star frigate. However, of late, they have been withdrawing these cantankerous and generally unreliable vessels in favor of imported designs.
The Anga inhabit eight worlds in the Psuni Sector. Five of these are the original slave colonies, and are barely habitable under even liberal definition; Cokac is a scorching, near-waterless world, Jemac and Henna are frozen hells, Holmek has a barely breathable atmosphere and still very tectonically active, and Laar is lashed by violent storms and home to a particularly aggressive form of fast-growing vegetation. As soon as they were able, the Anga laid claim to two rather more hospitable worlds in the sector, Clemka and Adusrul(Picro IV), in the latter case invading and driving off a small colony of the Catyr that had already been established there. The majority of the Anga populace have moved to the latter two worlds, but the former slave colonies still have sizeable populations left behind to work the mines and farms on those worlds, generating much needed income for the Anga.
Anga are known to have an elaborate culture of ancestor worship, with the current generation striving to be worthy of the accomplishments (or to overcome the shame) of previous generations. Some of these distant ancestors appear to have been canonized in the Anga religion, raised to the level of minor gods. There is also evidence to suggest that the various colonies evolved their own religious sects, and once contact was re-established between the various Anga communities, there were minor wars of orthodoxy, some of which may be unresolved to this day. One of the emerging religious trends among the ultra-faithful is to make a ‘Great Circle’, where Anga will spend a year on each of the original five slave colonies, learning and enduring what their ancestors did. Though this practice claims many in its course, those who survive living in turn on Cokac, Jemac, Henna, Holmek, and Laar, are highly regarded and respected by their peers.
Anga are led by a strongman-style tribal leadership, with the strongest leading the planetary governments, and a Council of Commanders ruling over the eight worlds and coordinating their economies and mutual defense. Each world maintains its own defense forces, consisting of a standing army of professionals( roughly equivalent in training to the TGE’s Legionnaires), reinforced by seasoned mercenaries(the Council authorizes and licenses return for letters of commendation and job searches, the sell-shields are required to spend some time with the Anga planetary militia and respond to emergencies) and a general populace levy.
The Anga are currently considered Neutral with regards to the other powers of the Three Galaxies. They trade some with the CCW, but their treatment of the Catyr colonists on Adusrul has tainted relations with the mainstream CCW, because of threats of legal attempts to claim compensation. The TGE would like to recruit the tough Angas, but the latter have heard enough about the TGE’s treatment of many of its client species to not trust them, and have shunned attempts to woo them. The Angans are perhaps closest to the Altess, because the Altess pay them top dollar for mercenary services, but aside from a few individual Altess, the Anga generally regard their employers with contempt. Hearing of the Angas’ efforts to modernize their military and spacefleet, Naruni has made several efforts to tempt them into become clients, with discounted military hardware, but the suspicious Anga have failed to take the bait, and mainly buy NE hardware in small batches. Similarly, the Anga have carefully bought from Hartigal, and seem to be moving towards closer relations with the softer sales tactics of the Naruni-split rogues.

Psiun Angarchy
A. Size
Modest: Eight worlds
B. History
Ex-slave colonies established by imported slave labor.
C. Level of Technological Sophistication
Mature Space Age
D. General Attitude/Culture
Warrior culture, with a strong theme of religious ancestor-worship.
E. Racial Composition
99% Angan. The Angans are not intolerant per say; it’s just that they regard their worlds as rather sacred, and the generally harsh conditions on most of them as a test of their character. They thus don’t extend much assistance, if any, to immigrants(if the Angans’ ancestors didn’t have any assistance, why should these newcomers? It’s evolution in action).
F. Government
Patriarchal --Not that the Anga don’t respect women, indeed they hold their females in very high esteem. It’s just that males are both fiercer and more expendable in the challenges and contests that determine who is in charge. But the truly wise Anga men listen to their mothers, and it’s no secret that competition amongst Anga women to win strong mates, build strong families, and position their bloodlines well in society is as fierce, albeit using more subtle tactics and strategies, as any male challenge to power.
G. Administrative Control
Restrictive---As much as the Angans hate slavery, their own government keeps a tight leash on its citizens. Given the Angans’ aggressive strongman governance, both citizens and government employees are kept in check by harsh penalties and aggressive manangment.
H. External Trade
Military; the Angans train and hire out mercenaries and, to a lesser extent, laborers(though the latter are never called such, always something more elegant and face-saving, such as ‘contract task managers’).
H1. Commodities
Exports: Mercenaries, Minerals
Imports: Spacecraft, Advanced Weaponry
I. Status
Struggling; the Angarchy is just about breaking even financially, and stabilizing their hold on their new worlds. They’re making just enough to start modernizing their space fleet with imported technology, though that tends to be lower end(the cheaper commercial designs and second/third-hand military vessels). They are continuing to look for other Angan-settled worlds, with an eye towards uniting all such worlds under the Angarchy, but admitt to themselves that if they found more such worlds and they were crisis-zones, aiding them might break the Angarchy’s economy.
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Fan Races!!

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taalismn wrote: Anga are a race of muscle-bound simians who inhabit a small stellar polity in the Anvil Galaxy. They are sometimes mistaken for Kittani, but aside from a few similarities in appearance and warrior mentallity, the Anga are unrelated to the Kittani.

Yes, but what about the Nigelians or Grimbor? In fact the "neoprimitive warrior mindset" does make me think a little of them as furless, hornless Grimbor, while the skin color and bony growths remind me of Doomsday from Death of Superman back in the '90s.

taalismn wrote: One thing ALL Anga hold in common is a abhorrence of slavery; even the most evil Anga is more likely to be a serial killer than a slaver. The Anga ascribe this hatred to their distant past and The Ship of Pain, that supposedly brought the Angas’ ancestors from parts unknown to the Three Galaxies as slaves. After seeding several planets in the Psuni Sector with slave colonies of Anga, the Ship of Pain proceeded on a regular circuit, harvesting the results of the forced labor of the Anga communities, and moving slaves from one population to another(both as punishment, by breaking up families, and as a way of maintaining minimal population numbers, as the harsh conditions on the slave planets tended to kill off Anga).
Much of Anga history and society is a secret, or at least not discussed with outsiders. It’s been hinted that the Anga were not the only species enslaved aboard the Ship of Pain, and that others were put down on the same slave worlds, but these others died/disappeared...possibly because they were collaborators, or because the Anga exterminated them(ate them!) in the struggle to survive in the harsh conditions there.
Some in the Three Galaxies have pointed the finger at the Splugorth as the most likely party behind the ‘Ship of Pain’, but the Anga seem to have no more resentment towards the Splugorth than any other race of slavers(though that’s a LOT). Others see the Demonstars as the most likely culprits.

No denying, it's all too easy to draw parallels between the Ship of Pain and splugorth barges or demon ships both. That said, the details we have are to sparse to say the least and colored by a mythologic lens, so far from reliable as reference to anything and easy to led into conclusion-jumping without extra info coming to light.

taalismn wrote:Culture:
Anga technological level can be considered equal to a Mature Space Age, though the Anga still rely heavily on imported stardrive technology to meet all their needs. Their few native-built ships are government-owned and are general purpose; the largest of them is roughly equivalent to a large transport with the armament of a star frigate. However, of late, they have been withdrawing these cantankerous and generally unreliable vessels in favor of imported designs.
The Anga inhabit eight worlds in the Psuni Sector. Five of these are the original slave colonies, and are barely habitable under even liberal definition; Cokac is a scorching, near-waterless world, Jemac and Henna are frozen hells, Holmek has a barely breathable atmosphere and still very tectonically active, and Laar is lashed by violent storms and home to a particularly aggressive form of fast-growing vegetation.

Hmmm, Jemac and Henna frosty enviroments could be useful as sources of water or other cooling substances to aleviate the harshness of Cokac, what some of Laar's flora might also potentially help with. The government-owned obsolete native-built ships might even make an easily available option to lower transport costs. All it would take is for some quick-witted individual between the "Great Circle pilgrims" to hit upon the idea and maybe try to spread it through that particular community...

[As an aside, using antigrav tech to make floating citadels in Holmek might be a viable workaround to deal with at least the tectonic activity issue. If some of Laar's flora could be of help with rearranging the atmospheric chemistry, now that's a question i have no idea about but might be worth researching into]

taalismn wrote: Anga are known to have an elaborate culture of ancestor worship, with the current generation striving to be worthy of the accomplishments (or to overcome the shame) of previous generations. Some of these distant ancestors appear to have been canonized in the Anga religion, raised to the level of minor gods. There is also evidence to suggest that the various colonies evolved their own religious sects, and once contact was re-established between the various Anga communities, there were minor wars of orthodoxy, some of which may be unresolved to this day.

Oh boy, if any of their worlds went through a Haunting Entity epidemic things could get very interesting indeed, to say the least.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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SolCannibal wrote:[

Oh boy, if any of their worlds went through a Haunting Entity epidemic things could get very interesting indeed, to say the least.

Especially given their dislike/contempt for magic; they would likely not be up on the means of detecting haunting entities for what they really or, nor would they be up on means to combat HEs and keep them from infesting locations.

That having been said, that's where the Altess who are in good with the Anga might be of considerable help, just as the British officers who associated with the Ghurkas helped them out at home. The 'Anga-Altess' might help out with those environmental projects as well.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Fan Races!!

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taalismn wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:Oh boy, if any of their worlds went through a Haunting Entity epidemic things could get very interesting indeed, to say the least.

Especially given their dislike/contempt for magic; they would likely not be up on the means of detecting haunting entities for what they really or, nor would they be up on means to combat HEs and keep them from infesting locations.

That distaste/rejection in itself is somewhat peculiar in a 3 Galaxies context and considering their culture's existence for millenia might imply their little neck of the Anvil Galaxy is less prone to rift activity than most other parts of the 3Gs, due to celestial body arrangement or something similar, i'd guess. And i agree that recognizing the HEs for what they are might be the most serious issue and one where they might have a serious blindspot.

taalismn wrote:That having been said, that's where the Altess who are in good with the Anga might be of considerable help, just as the British officers who associated with the Ghurkas helped them out at home. The 'Anga-Altess' might help out with those environmental projects as well.

True, those few Altess who have gained their unreserved respect might be of major importance in helping dealing with either issue - and accepting they could do with some outsider help in the first place, might be said.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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“A sure sign that things are about to hit the fan is if the resident Gayjic emissary suddenly takes off for parts unknown. I’ve learned to appreciate their sense of self-preservation over the years I’ve been traveling in the Thundercloud and following their lead has saved my hide and my ship on several occasions. Remember the Teldow Flare War? I was almost in the middle of that but for my keeping an eye on what the local Gayjic weathervane was doing. When he suddenly pulled up stakes and powered out of the system, I dropped what I was doing, dragged my crew back aboard, cut the lines, and scrammed as well. If I’d waited any longer I would have gotten caught in the middle of that flaming **** of a conflict.”
-Captain Elgag Moro, Golgan Free Merchant

The Gayjic are an Elder Species from the Thundercloud Galaxy. Not particularly aggressive, the Gayjic are scholars and observers, who like to contemplate the bigger picture. Their species came onto the cosmic scene just as the Dominator War reached its climax, and it was the death screams of the many other civilizations that perished in its aftermath that the curious Gayjic heard as they took their first tentative steps into space. That convinced them to suspend further explodation and hunker down. When they did resume their exploration of the galaxy, it was with painstaking caution and timidity.
The Gayjic have since been very cautious in their dealings and explorations of the Thundercloud, and seem to have made a cultural art out of foreseeing conflicts and disaster. The Gayjic have yet to reveal how much of the Thundercloud they have actually explored, and, given their caution(some would call it cowardice), many outsiders regard Gayjic claims of their travels as sheer bluster, but every now and then, the Gayjic have dropped hints and verifiable data that suggest that they do have at least a general knowledge of much of the Thundercloud.
Gayjic generally come across as pretentious and all-knowing, at least with regards to the history of conflict raging throughout the Thundercloud. The recent stream of immigrants from the other two galaxies is just another new set of hazards to study, categorize, and avoid(or manage if they can). They generally appear to the younger species and star-polities and offer to establish envoy embassies to facilitate some small trade and provide knowledge, but they tend to remain hands-off when it comes to becoming directly involved in galactic affairs. Despite their apparent great power, the Gayjic are actually rather cowardly, and self-serving; they have no desire to become entangled in the problems and conflicts of others. They are also painfully aware from what they’ve seen of other conflicts, that great personal power doesn’t make them invincible, and may only encourage others to take runs at them.
What makes the Gayjic truly attractive to some younger star nations is that the aliens possess some powerful technology; that which they’ve developed themselves, but a good quantity that they’ve looted off the remains of past civilizations,. It’s rumored that the Gayjic have been playing vulture for millenia, returning to the sites of cultures they’ve observed in the past and seen(from a safe distance) collapse, and sifted through the ruins. The Gayjic may not use all of their scavenged riches, but it’s rumored that they have entire hoard worlds where they’ve stashed the goods. These rumors have gotten back to the Gayjic who have subsequently bailed out of entire sectors before the locals got ideas.

Alignments: Any
Lifespan: 8,000 years
Size: 4-5 ft tall. 90-100 lbs
Gender: Hetereosexual, males and females producing offspring. However, sex is a subject the Gayjic are reluctant to talk about with outsiders, especially the ‘lesser cultures’.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Short humanoids with stark chalky-white skin that is heavily wrinkled. They possess four small bright blue eyes in a line across their foreheads, a small pug nose, and a small mouth flanked by two small tusks. Their arms are long and thin, ending in wide six-digited hands. Their legs are proportionately shorter and stubbier. Their spines have a pronounced ridge adorned with a bristly mane along its upper half(shoulders and neck). They tend to dress in metallic-scale clothing, especially silvery overalls(see Signature Technologies: Zingsuit, below)
Gayjic tend to be nonparticipatory and nonconfrontational when it comes to galactic affairs; they may give advice to friends, but it’s usually of the ‘do not get involved’ or ‘don’t touch that’ sort. If danger threatens, they’re usually the first to flee the area. They defend this attitude by pointing out that it’s what’s allowed them to live long enough to become an ELDER species.
When asked why, if they’re so negative about the younger species and their supposed perchances for getting into trouble, the Gayjic have bothered even showing themselves, the Gayjic have admitted, to their credit, to a certain loneliness as a people and a more pragmatic desire to trade. The more idealistic Gayjic wish to lend their wisdom to the younger cultures and help them avoid disaster, while the more cynical express a desire to not have the space around them ruined by others’ petty conflicts and ignorant blundering. Others more bluntly state that they want souvenirs of the newcomers before they inevitably self-destruct or are destroyed by some other species.
Gayjic also exhibit a great fondness for acquiring things that interest them. If they see something they like, they will offer to buy it, or trade an object of equivalent value for it(though sentimrental value doesn’t factor into their calculations of ‘equivalent worth’ at all), though Gayjic of Seffish or Evil alignment have no qualms about misrepresenting the value of their trade items. If they cannot buy an item direct and outright, they will often send a succession of third party agents to try to acquire the item(and of course Evil Gayjic will hire thieves to just steal the item of their interest).

Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6+10
ME: 2d6+10
MA: 2d6+6
PS: 3d6+6
PP: 2d6+9
PB: 1d4+2
PE: 3d6+12
SPD: 5d6+30
(ISP): 2d4x100+M.E.
(PPE): 3d6
Hit Points:----
MDC: 2d4x10 +PE+1d6 per level of experience.
Horror Factor: 13
Natural Abilities:
- Nightvision----500 ft
- Good Peripheral Vision---- +1 to Initiative ad Dodge
-Linguistics---It is unknown if this is an inherent organic ability of the Gayjic or the result of really advanced artificial translators, but Gayjic seem to have a gift for verbal languages. If they don’t already know a language, they can intuit most languages with 1d8 minutes of exposure(cannot do anything else other than just listen)
All SENSITIVE psionics, plus:
-Psychic Body Field
-Psychic Omni-Sight
-Telemechanic Mental Operation
Gayjic exhibit no inherent magic abilities of their own, though they are quite knowledgable about it from observation. They also tend to be able to produce some artifact or apparatus that allows them to defend themselve against magic attack, though it is suspected that they have traded for or looted these items rather than create tem for themselves.
None evident, but it’s been suggested that the Gayjic use very advanced nanotech implants to bolster their normally frail physiques and achieve some of their physical feats.
It’s also been suggested that Gayjic have advanced headjack systems that give them full-time access to data-feeds from their ships, given how on several occasions they have been able to remotely activate and summon their vessels.
Available OCCs: Any Scholarly profession
RCC Skills:
Appraise Goods (+20%)
Lore: Galactic (+20%)
Skills of Note:
Technical skills get a bonus of +15%
Passive Observers. They’ve volunteered little about their home culture to outsiders, but observers have managed to tease out that the Gayjic regard themselves as collectors of art; it’s been suggested that a Gayjic’s collection can improve their station in their society, or their mating prospects.

Signatue Technologies:
-Personal Forcefields---No Gayjic goes out without one. Generally has a shield strength of 600 MDC

-Kubinator---A flying cube, roughly 12 inches on a side. It acts as a flying bodyguard for the Gayjic. Kubinators have 400 MDC, 8 attacks per melee, and shoot particle beams from their corners( 6d6 MD per blast, 3,000 ft range). They are +6 to dodge. Roughly 40% of observed Gayjic. have one attending them, and of those, 10% will have two or more as personal bodyguards.

- ZingSuit---This is a silvery jumpsuit that acts like skintight power armor. It gives the Gayjic an extra 400 MDC of personal protection, lasers do HALF damage, +20 to P.S. and is considered supernatural, dodges at +5, and can run at 120 MPH.

-Gravity Neutralizer----A fat handgun-like device that causes whatever it is fired at to acquire anti-gravity properties. Objects up to 50 tons can be picked up and carried in this fashion, or sent flying as weapons. Observed range of 7,000 ft

-Advanced Sensors---Gayjic ships seem to have more powerful sensors than other polities’/species’. It is estimated that Gayjic FTL sensors can track and identify vessels moving supra-light at ranges three times greater that equivalentl-sized CAF and TGE systems.
Last edited by taalismn on Wed May 24, 2023 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Thulgens(Elder Race)

“Too Long You Have Held This System In Thrall To Your Temporal Machinations. In Your Pursuit Of One Optimal Outcome, You Fail To See The Greater Damage You Are Inflicting On The Fundamental Nature Of Your Universe. You Draw Your Worlds Farther From The Beneficence Of Random Order; When Finally Your Stagnant Stasis Collapses, Built-Up Chaos Will Backlash Destructvely And Result In Your Total Extinction And That Of Your Galaxy, Possibly Even Your Entire Universe, As Well.
Your Manipulations End Now. Your Insanity Ends Now. If You Resist Our Efforts To Restore The Proper Flow You Will Feel Acute Discomfort, Perhaps Even Temporary Cessation Of Life Functions.
We Apologize in Advance For Any Such Inconvenience. We Will Do What We Can To Insure Your Discorporation Is As Short And As Comfortable As Possible While We Work To Reverse Your Damage And Cure Your Insanity.“

“You are a mere infant in your manipulations of time, for all your thousands of your cycles, but your actions have consequences far beyond your ken. Consequences we might ascribe to malicious adult machinations, did we not know better. I am loathe to bring the full weight of our laws against you, as you are ignorant of what it is you truly do, but your arrogance in your wanton destruction of the greater tapestry of events demands that action must be taken. Fortunately, we can rule you insane, and your actions the result of unknowing negligence, and not malicious intent. Still, you will be stripped of your power, committed to the rehabilitative talents of those most knowledgeable in treating your particular insanity, and prohibited from accessing the dimensional yelm for no less than eighty arem.”

The Thulgens are a Great Old Race that apparently once controlled the interdimensional agency known as Interdim in the past, though even they admit that they weren’t the first, having assumed responsibility in their time from even earlier progenitors. They continue to play a role in the interdimensional communications/monitoring organization as supervisors and advisors.
Thulgens are virtually unknown outside of Interdim and certain other exclusive interdimensional societies(they have been encountered on Phaseworld, in the company of Second-Stage Prometheans). They speak little of their culture and history, but what can be determined from hints is that the Thulgens have had an epic past of interdimensional travel, exploration, and conflict, before settling back into retirement and slow decline. They apparently mastered many aspects of temporal/dimensional magic---enough to have acquired great powers of mystic foresight, and to have acquired/built up near absolute resistance to all aspects of Temporal Magic(though they, themselves, have never been observed to practice Temporal Magic). Their active participation in Megaversal matters seems to have ended, or at least they have taken their activities to a level beyond the ken of most mundane beings. Those who remain ‘behind’ are typically engaged in mentoring younger species and advising those who work with the metaphysical/extradimensional realms.
Thulgens resemble tall, upright spires of living stone, the lower portions shrouded in thick robes or fabric wrappings, and the upper portion sporting a dozen or more sculpted human-like eyes embedded in the stone-like flesh, looking out in all directions, and a crown of upright spikes. Little can be discerned of what additional bodily features they have, such as what sort of arms and legs they may possess, if any, as they habitually shroud their lower bodies in cloaks or encasements of fabric and armor plate. They have been seen occasionally to manifest articulated tendrils, though how many they possess is unknown, and Thulgens prefer to use telekinesis to manipulate objects. Thulgens often sport 1-6 rings of levitating metallic particles or other small objects that rotate about them like planetary discs. These rings serve as both defense and as accessory limbs to the Thulgens, and a good idea of the emotional state of an individual Thulgen can be discerned by observing the width and speed of rotation of the rings. The rings also seem to act as status symbols among Thulgens, and are regarded as of great value to them, though it is unclear if this is for the actual physical composition of the rings, or the skill and power used to maintain them.
Thulgens tend to be soft-spoken and polite, even when they are upset and angry. They rarely resort to force, except in the most dire of circumstances, where they will reveal their great powers to deal with the most powerful threat on the field.
Outside the offices of Interdim, Thulgens are rarely ever seen. They are most commonly seen on Phaseworld, in the Promethean sections of Center.

Alignments: Any, but most (75%) are Good-aligned.
Lifespan: 7,000+ years by most accounts
Size: 6-8 ft tall, weigh 400-600 lbs
Gender: Unknown; Thulgens answer to conventional gender pronouns in interspecies communication, but tend to refer to themselves in such terms, shaded by a qualifier (like ‘Third Male Subservient’, or ‘Female Imminent’) that suggests a multi-gender/caste society or perhaps even transitory gender states.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Tall, upright spires of living stone(typically a reddish or brown in color, with darker and lighter striations visible), the lower portions shrouded in thick robes, and the upper portion sporting a dozen or more sculpted human-like eyes embedded in the stone-like flesh, looking out in all directions, and a crown of upright spikes. Occasionally, Thulgens will manifest 1-3 long tentacled limbs from under their robes. It is unknown how many legs, if any, they may possess. Thulgens often sport 1-6 rings of levitating metallic particles or other small objects that rotate about them like planetary discs. These rings serve as both defense and as accessory limbs to the Thulgens, and a good idea of the emotional state of an individual Thulgen can be discerned by observing the width and speed of rotation of the rings.
Thulgen are surprisingly agile for rigid columns of stony flesh, and friends and foes have been astionished by Thulgen ‘simply not being there’ to be hit by an opponent. Many have suggested that Thulgens use micro-teleportation to get around under such circumstances, but others have countered that the Elder Beings are simply that fast.
Soft-spoken, polite, courteous, and standoffish. They are very tolearnt of other species; xenophobia or xeno-bias is not a trait of the Thulgen.(the exception being an apparent hatred of Cerebellus Demons) They are not offended by the company of others, but will simply refuse to reply/interact if their present company becomes too obnoxious or intrusive. They tend to avoid conflicts, choosing to unleash their power in conflicts that matter to them, or if they are left no other choice. Upon those they deem worthy, they will lavish their attention and wisdom, even to the point of appearing stuffy, and they come across as the epitome of the ‘wise elder race’.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 4d6+10
ME: 3d6+14
MA: 4d6
PS: 6d6(and considered to be supernatural)
PP: 6d6
PB: 2d6
PE: 5d6(Considered Supernatural)
SPD: 4d6
(ISP): 2d6x100 +M.E. . +25 ISP per level of experience
Hit Points:---
MDC: 4d6x100 + their robes and armor typically have 2d4x100 MDC. Thulgens also favor extra protection such as personal forcefield generators, phase-fields. and psionic barriers.
Horror /Awe Factor: 14
Natural Abilities:
*Immunity to Temporal Magic---Thulgens are immune/invisible to all forms of Temporal Magic.

*Sense Temporal/Dimensional Anomalies----Thulgen can sense the presence of temporal and dimensional anomalies, rifts, and magic within a 500 mile radius, and can pinpoint its exact location within 50 miles.

*Advanced Vision---Thulgens see the full spectrum, including infrared, ultraviolet, thermal, and PPE.

*360-degee Vision---Thulgens see in a full circle around themselves, making it virtually impossible to sneak up on them.

*Sense Magic----Thulgens can sense magic, being able to sense active magic in a 1 mile radius of themselves, and be able to see passive magic and PPE within 2,000 ft.

*Temporal Vision----Thulgen have a very limited ability to see into the immediate future, seeing perhaps 15-30 seconds ahead as a cloud of possibilities, with the most likely being highlighted. At the cost of 2 APMs of time spent focusing, this gives them a +1 on iniitiative, a +2 to dodge, and a +2 to strike a called (and moving)target with their foreknpwledge of where it is most likely to move next.

*ALL Sensitive and Physical Psionics
*Five Healing Psionics
*Telekinetic Forcefield + Five Super Psionics
*Telekinesis(Super)---This does not cost the Thulgen ANY ISP.
The most impressive display of this power is their Ring Defense; the Thulgen can spin their hoverng ring of metallic particles up to supersonic speeds, and use them to buzzsaw-strike opponents with incredibe speed, doing 1d4x10 MD per strike.

Magic: At one time the Thulgens COULD practice magic, but only a limited segment of their population, and that percentage declined over the eons. The ability no longer exists, but the knowledge remains
Available OCCs: Scholarly professions only
RCC Skills:
Lore: Dimensional(+20%)
Lore: Magic(+20%)
Skills of Note:
Communications: +10%
Science: +10%
Technical: +10%
Cybernetics/Bionics: None; Thulgens have never been known to accept cybernetic or bionic implants
Little is known of the Thulgen culture, but it seems to place great store in titles; Thulgens of the Interdim organization have been known to use long involved patronomics when introducing themselves formally; such as “Laya’Schern, Obodai of Temporal Economic Theorization, Shob’tar of Instructional Metaphysic I.” Thulgen society may be meritocratic and caste-oriented, with multiple ritualized levels of social advancement and achievement.
The Thulgens have been recorded as consorting with the Prometheans, the Sardye, and the Denga’Hee. The Temporal Raiders have vague stories of wars fought with the Thulgens in the past. The Cerebellus Demons have a fear/hatred of the Thulgens(who coolly reciprocate the hatred), and it is rumored that the Thulgens have/still are pursuing a war of extermination against the beasts.

Little is known/seen of Thulgen technology: it either seems to blend into the background of the Thulgens’ favored environments, or else falls under the ‘indistinguishable from magic ‘ category. However, the more obvious and observed examples have included personal sidearms that can freeze temporal magic(users) in place, artificial dimensional gateways, modular self-assembling mobile structures that form from floating plates(like a larger version of the Thulgens’ rings), and temporal shield generators. Thulgen ‘d-ships’ have also been observed, and resemble monolith-like wedges of dark stone inscribed with glowing rune-like markings.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Species Cultural Classifications:

“The assignment of arbitrary classifications of species by such designations as ‘Warrior’ or ‘Abductor’ or ‘Servitor’ should be cautioned against. It is to engage in a prejudicial and dangerous stereotyping of a culture, and risks creating in others the idea that a species is from, to borrow a term from one of my human colleagues, ‘a planet of hats’. In order to survive, a species must show a degree of flexibility and versatility, and no one behavioral model can predominate for long, despite what one may think.”
----Trola Neffetiz, Professor-Emeritus, Galactic Studies, Venhest College.

Nevertheless, many xenoanthropologists find it convenient to group species cultural behavior into a few broad categories.

*Abductors----Abductors seem to engage in the stalking and capture of other intelligent species out of scientific interest, or sport. Sometimes confused with, or merging into, Slaver behavior.

*Builders---Often confused with Tinkers, Builders are distinguished by the drive to build, and build BIG. Megastructures straining or outright violating conventional physics are the trademark of Builder species. Wormhole Gates, planetary engneering, artificial planets, time portals, and pocket universes are examples fo Builder projects. The Duvwight are an ancient example of a Builder species.

*Evaders---Evaders are species/cultures with well/over-developed flee responses to danger. Evaders seek to remain below the conscious radar of other peoples and go unnoticed. The more introverted or shy Evader species try to avoid contact with other peoples altogether, while others tend towards voyeuristic or Scholarly observer activity. Many Evader species fall also into the Scavenger category, as they do not build their own material cultures tat might draw attention to themselves. In many cases, Evader cultures may constitute a parallel ‘shadow’ economy to the more visible species of a region. Silhouettes, Phantoms, and Changelings arguably fall in the low end of this category. The more successful Evader species remain undocumented; a testament to their success at going unnoticed. The most dangerous Evader cultures may assume a ‘hunter in the dark’ attitude, and may aggressively seek to destroy, from anonymity, any other cultures they regard as threats to them.

*Hunters---Arguably, Hunters have never outgrown earlier phases of predatory behavior and continue to find either physiological or psychological satisfaction in hunting and killing other species, even when there are more humane alternatives. Hunters tend to be very survival-oriented, and many are carnivorous, to the point of eating their sophont kills. The Lanotaur, Greot, and Simvan are all good examples of Hunter species-societies.

*Scavengers---Scavenger species invest little time and effort into developing their own technology or even culture, prefering to feed off the castoffs and copy the ways of more successful cultures. Often, Scavenger cultures are the result of primitive societies being exposed to much more technologically advanced cultures at an early time in the formers; development, resulting in long-enduring culture shock and a general deep-seated species self-image crisis. Scavenger species are also often nomadic, given to seeking new opportunies from others’ leavings. Well-known Scavenger species incliude the Larmac, Fingertooth, and Exiles.

*Scholars----This category is misleading and confusing, as many species enter into this description after a time as one of the other category-types. Scholar species pursue knowledge for its own sake, whether by collecting it in archive, or actively seeking it in exploration. The Dramin arguably fall into this category, as do the D’norr, Ryllians, A’rac, and Dewtani.

*Servitors----Servitors are typified by generally pacifistic behavior, and a desire to be useful to others, often with a nurturing bent. Many Servitor species are the result of deliberate engineering, such as the Klia, Casserines, Calians, and Vinobe. The Poluznik, the Squib, and the Vintex are at the lower end of this spectrum, as they have self-sustaining cultures of their own.

*Slavers---Slavers engage in the capture and trade of other intelligent species as commodities, mainly as labor or food. The Horune and the Splugorth are typfied as Slavers, as are the Mindolar and Khybyree. The True Naruni arguably fall into this category as well, as they tend to enslave others as a regular part of their power games.

*Tinkers---Tinkers refer to a broad spectrum of creative endeavor exhibited by some species. Egons and Etanimians are the more malicious Tinker species known, while the Trimadore, Men-Rall, and Faerie-Bots tend towards the more benign cultures.

*Traders---- Traders cultivate worldly knowledge with the goal of acquiring power through material acquisition. Traders are typified by having broad interests in other cultures, advanced skills in communication, and proficiency at travel. Dweelie are a good example of a Trader sculture.

*Tricksters---A rarely seen category, Trickster species almost all suffer from a species-wide sense of supreme (over)confidence. Trickster cultures possess some edge, such as heightened inetlligence, psionics, or shapeshifting, that allow them to interact with other species at an advantage. Trickster species delight in opportunistically taking advantage of others’ presumptions and tweaking their supposed strengths, with ultimate intent ranging from simply stealing from their victims(making them arguably an aggressive Scavenger culture) to ‘teaching them a lesson’(putting them in the more engaged Scholar cultures). Trickster species and cultures tend to be rare because their antics make them attractive targets for more stoic and easily-annoyed societies; many Trickster cultures quickly lapse into the Evader category or become extinct. Trickster species include the True Kitsune, Shapers, and Floopers.

*Warriors---Warrior species are physically or culturally inclined towards warfare as a necesssary component of their culture. The Kittani, Staphra, Kreeghor, Grackle-Tooth, and Shemarrians are considered to fall into this category.

These classifications are by no means all-comprehensive or all-embracing, and there are any number fo species who defy being so pigeonholed by one classification or other. In fact, the vast majoriy of species cannot be so classed, making the above categorizations of dubious value to the hardcore traveller or intelligence assessor(and even dangerous to rely on for the novice xenology student).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

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“I spoke with New Liberty citizens about of daily life before the Cataclysm, and a number tended to be suffering from withdrawal of something called social media. Apparently, there was an electronic ecosystem of data all over the globe called the internet and within that ocean of signals was social media, the power to create and share with others. Artwork, recordings of music and video, ideas, and content galore. People became so connected to their media that they would integrate their own self with means to live both real and in the internet at once. That sounds like a Witch’s pact or a bargain with an Alien Intelligence so thank goodness this internet and its tendril followers are gone, should it ever return, great wars of flames and fandoms would roll across all the land, or so I was told.”
--Anonymous Lazlo Historian visiting New Liberty

“No I will not Like, I will not subscribe. I will not recommend to others. What I will do is brick all that you know and love then brick your stupid, feather face with your own hard drive!”
---Ghost Rider Eshemar hack battling with an Ixgean.

In the aftermath of the Kotus Point disaster, the start systems closest were the first to become the meal to the demon planet progenitor along with any lifeforms. The Ixgean home system and birth world were 5.4 light years from the black hole turned white hole. That was safe enough distance from Kotus Point to act as an unwilling final rest stop for Cosmic Forge believers, zealots, conmen, and other stipes of worshipper to rest and prepare before boarding larger communal starships for their holy site. The native Ixgean resisted as much as they could against the flood of pilgrims but after several settlements were ransacked and looted clean, the planetary population retreated into strongholds underground until the masses left for Kotus Point.
The Ixgean were a people of an independent world who was commonly used as a telecommunications and customer service hub for the Anvil galaxy. The avian quadrupedal were good with electronics and software but rather than travel the galaxy, the Ixgean preferred to communicate over holograms and screen, seeing the ability to bring the cosmos to themselves better and safer than going off world. Little mind was paid to the Forge Wars until the flip of black hole to white hole brought people and ships and bias, trampling the home world into a pitstop before the greatest show in the galaxy. When Kotus Point spoke with the message in seven days, simulations ran by the Ixgeans all led to something massive that would render life unlivable for 20 light years, so while the people of Anvil held their breath and waited, the Ixgean got to work packing up and leaving.
Collecting every scrap of data into condensed slabs as bargaining chips for survival and readying any FTL capable ship left over, the Ixgean planned for a new life. Negotiating with the New Nigellian Confederation for a place in the nation as citizens in exchange for holds of data from across the Anvil galaxy along with the work force of capable Ixgeans, the capable were gathering in the better ships while others were put into less comfortable but flight worthy ships.
Unfortunately, a faction had emerged that were caught up in the religious fervor for the Cosmic Forge and wanted to stay to face what came next.
As the first reports of Cormel’s emergence hit Ixgean systems, the ships were away leaving behind a portion of the population that could have been capable citizens to face annihilation. As the flotilla made the trek to NNC space, a deep resentment of the Cosmic Forge emerged, against the masses who trampled their home, converted their population, and brought destruction via Cormel. An unwritten vow emerged across species that if the Cosmic Forge was real, no one who believed in it would be allowed to prosper. The Ixgean are settling in with the NNC, service as experts in social media, programming, telecommunications, and consumers of holo shows.

Alien Race/RCC: Ixgean
Alignments: Any but 70% fall into Unprincipled and 10% are Abberant
Lifespan: 60 to 70 years
Size: Average size is 8ft to just under 10ft.
Gender: Male and female originally. With the exodus from their home system, younger generation have experimented with new genders and concepts for reproduction. Usually, two males and two females are required to make a healthy clutch of 3-5 eggs.
Physical Description/Appearance: A avian torso with no head, with a big owl-like face on the chest area. Two arms with hand analogs and nine fingers each hand. Four powerful legs with thick toes and sharp nails underneath the face/Torso, often used in kicking and stomping. The feathers are often dark blues and browns with under coatings of cream and orange. Due to living on a lighter gravity world, exoskeletons are needed when working in heavier G environments. These exoskeletons are often painted in patterns of red, yellow, and green. Holograms are also a common fashion for Ixgean, with clothing seeming restrictive.
Disposition/Attitudes: The common mindset is one must take care of yourself so you can better help take care of others, in hunting, dealing with upset customers at the top of the galaxy to hacking a Cosmic Forge clergy out of their savings. They seem to follow their own hierarchy of needs with interpersonal contact and relationships going to the successful and generous. With the integration into the Confed, most Ixgean are using their services to update the nation into a real contender in the digital space.

Physical Attributes:
IQ: 5D6+7
ME: 3D6+3
MA: 2D6
PS: 3D6
PP: 5D6
PB: 1D6+4
PE: 4D6
SPD: 4D6
(PPE): 2D4
Hit Points: 14
Horror Factor: 3 at first sight

Natural Abilities:
Supervision: Advanced Sight
Supervision: Acute Sight
Psionics: None to speak of their minds are just not wired for Psionics.
Magic: Post Cormel, want nothing to do with the mystic arts.
Cybernetics/Bionics: Limbs and organs can be replaced. However, due to the size of their brain and placement in the body, head ware usually costs triple the regular price. No onboard weapons, Ixgean prefer to attack with their own mighty legs.

Available OCCs:
RCC Skills:
Basic Mathematics
Computer Operations
Computer Programming
Skills of Note:
Computer Hacking 20%
Mechanical Skills 20%
Electrical Skills 20%

Culture: The Ixgean would fit in well with 21st century Earth, carving a cozy little dominion with social media and data control. When not working their eyeballs out at their mobile holo desk, they can hunt live prey for sport or binge entire holo shows before getting back to work, With the heavy use of automation in Ixgean life, the Ixgean mind has deep respect for artificial life, be it robotic or bade of code and projected light. Working with the Cybormen has allowed the cyborgs to project themselves for teleconferences and have a more social presence.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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"...and they brought their server farms!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Hope they manage to let go of their hang ups about the Forge Wars, because trying to involve themselves in that crapstorm of crackpots, zealots, madmen, scammers and more has already been more than a number of civilizations, theirs already included, could chew on. You don't deal with a tsunami by diving headfirst into it.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Tell me there is a fan book with all if this.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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(aka ‘Faoxfolk’, ‘kitsunane’)
“Damn it, that vulpine-blooded bastard skimmed me again!”

“I’d have caught you sooner back in Canyontown, but I was having so much fun watching you try to hide your trail.“
-Anonymous Kitsik bounty-hunter

“True, there’s something to be said for being and looking sly and agile, but people often forget that such is just as likely to arouse a negative response in others. You may look dashing, sexy, sleek, roguish and debonair in your mirror, but others may see a chicken thief and reach for the shotgun or unleash the hounds.”

“So you’re more flexible and durable than a normal homun, yo? Doesn’t seem to have done you much good seeing how’s I knocked you cold out and pinned you to my wall, you little thief! It just means I’m going to -enjoy- the extra effort of breaking you!”
-Molokai slaver to his Kitsik captive.

While there are a number of variant kitsune sophont species, many of them naturally evolved, there are a number of artificially-created, but true-breeding, sub-septs with kitsune-like traits, who identify themselves as ‘kitsune’. Some of these were engendered though the use of magic, by mages skilled in the manipulation of germ-plasm, and wanting to combine human(or other baseline species) traits with fox qualities(and this path has similarly led to other ‘animal-humans’). These psuedo-kitsune often have the benefit of having magic traits, or at least greater magic inclinations.
Other pseudo- or neo-kitsune are the result of technological manipulation of genetic material. While many cultures, upon attaining the ability to augment or manipulate their phenotype often engage in ‘vanity modifications’ emulating animal or mythical species, the neo-kitsunes’ creators go farther, inflicting changes on generations to come by making the modifications inheritable.
Kitsik are a classic example of a gene mod gone generational. It is unknown what culture originally created the Kitsik genotype, but it was obviously a human one, or one with access to human gene-plasm. In any case, the kitsik have expanded far beyond their original geopolitical origins.
Kitsik are not as extreme as some animal-human hybridizations, but still display obvious vulpine characteristics, though these seem designed to amplify and emphasize the human features as much as alloy in fox characteristics. Kitsik are light of build, sleek of features, possess fast reflexes, and enhanced senses. They have large fluffy tails, and a random number of them; though the number of tails has little effect on their abilities, the number is taken as a sign of status within Kitsik society and often goes to encouraging a Kitsik’s ego.
While kitsik are generally able to fit in well in most tolerant cosmopolitan societies, there are those cultures that actively disparage and discriminate against them, based on either past experience or sheer bias. Many slavers find kitsik attractive slave-stock because of others’ obsession with kitsune and animal trait humans, not because they want to have them themselves, but because they want to OWN those who do.
True(and the more powerful) Kitsune species generally ignore kitsik, seeing them as pale imitations of their own munificence. The more aggressive or evil-inclined True Kitsune may decide to use or test faux-kitsune in intellectual games or cat and mouse engagements, often with injurious, if not outright fatal, outcomes to those who fail to pass the ‘test’ or accomplish the task. Only the most charitable True Kitsune will give kitsik a fair shake and try to steer them away from the more dire consequences of imitating the True Kitsune.
Despite such negativity cast in their direction, KItsik tend to remain resilient, self-confident and upbeat, taking no small amount of pride in bucking the odds.

Alignments: Any, but the majority (60%) fall in the Selfish categories
Life Span: 110 years
Size: 5-6 ft tall, generally mass on the lighter side; 90-120 lbs(there are few obese KItsik)
Gender: Males and Females. Placental mammals.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Generally slender, wiry builds. Triangular ears set high on the sides of the head and light whiskers along the cheeks. About 60% have a long slender or fluffy tail. About 15% have 1d10 tails(at least 2). Haor/fur colors tend twoards earth tones, but 7% display white, gray, or ‘silver’ tones. Eyes trend towards gold, green, and amber tints. Most beings find Kitsik to be ‘roguishy’ beautiful or handsome.
Run the gamut from sly confidence to nearly mindless passion. Kitsik can be calm, cool, and collect at one end of their emotional spectrum, and emotionally frenzied at the other end. Generally eschew heavy physical labor in favor of more intellectual pursuits, though ‘intellectual’ may broadly include picking pockets, picking locks, and running confidence games. They tend to avoid more regimented and disciplined lifestyles/professions, wanting to do their own thing in their own good time.
There is, unfortunately, a strong streak of overconfidence, recklessness, and superiority complex in many Kitsik. This can get them into trouble and often, when they underestimate others. Kitsik who are so done in by their own hubris(and fail the requisite saves versus insanty) tend to hit depression hard(substance abuse is a real problem among these fallen).
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 2d6+6
ME: 2d6+6
MA: 4d6
PS: 3d6
PP: 1d6+23
PB: 2d6+14
PE: 3d6
SPD: 6d6+49
(ISP): M.E. +2d6 +2d6 per level of experience
(PPE): 4d6
Hit Points: PE +2d4+1d6 per level of experience
SDC: 1d4x10
Horror Factor:----
Natural Abilities:
*Acute Sense of Smell & Taste----Recognizes specific odors 70%+4% per level of experience, recognize toxin/poisons 50%+4% per level of experience, recognize individuals by smell 50%+4% per level of experience,track by scent 40%+3% per level of experience, +1 dodge/initiative, recognize common substances by taste 70%+4% per level of experience, recognize toxin/poisons 30%+5% per level of experience, +10% to cooking skills(and is professional quality).

*Acute Hearing---Gets +1 on initiative from hearing. Their ability to hear a wider range of sound also helps them pick up languages better(see Skills of Note).

*Motion Detection---Can sense movement around themselves with greater sensitivity; 60 ft range, +1 on initiative , and bonuses from blindness/fighting in the dark are HALF.

Psionics: Minor; get 2 psionic powers from either the Sensitive or Physical categories.
Magic: None, though they have the potential. They would tend to avoid the more heavily-disciplined schools of magic, though(Mystics are fairly common, kitsik golemancers are unknown).
Cybernetics/Bionics: Kitsik generally eschew anything more extensive than sensory augments or headjacks. If they must get replacement limbs/organs for medical reasons, they’ll hold out for biosystems.
Available OCCs:
Gravitate towards Performance- and Rogue-oriented professions; thieves, bounty-hunters, assassins, performers, black marketeers. The more intellectual types may become artifact-hunters and seekers of knowledge, both mundane and mystical.
RCC Skills:
Skills of Note:
Language skills get a bonus of +5%
Most Kitsik are fairly clannish, but tend to be solitary status- and thrill-seekers once they reach adulthood, seeking to establish themselves before settling down and starting their own families, when they’ll seek to link up with the larger clans.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Swayhzan Human Variant(Androbar)
(aka ‘Mirage People ’. ‘Androbar Highlanders’, ‘Red Mountain Folk’)
“Adversity breeds hard people, but not necessarily BAD people. The Panmanduans, the Swayhzan, and the Vinobe are good examples of how adversity can bring out the best in a people.”

“I’ve watched a Swayz walk stark naked through a sandstorm that would have flayed the skin off anybody else who didn’t have an M-factor hide. And this during a blow-blast that downed my skimmer and popped the seals on my ‘suit. All I said was that I wished I could get some of my kit from my flier and away my companion went into the teeth of that storm like she was nipping out for groceries!”

“I considered my time among the Swayhzan people of the Adrobar highlands to a welcome stay in a physical sanctuary and a mental oasis.”

The Swayhzan are a human sept that first appeared on Androbar, though their baseline ancestors originated elsewhere, possibly of Atlantean-affiliated origin.
The Swayhzan are adapted to arid conditions, but unlike the Panmanduans to which they are frequently compared, the Swayhzan did not evolve thick leathery moisture-retaining skins or extreme water retenion. Instead, Swayhzan are are dusky-skinned, dark-haired, golden-eyed human people that baseline humans would find exotically handsome and beautiful. Their harsh environment has grown in them a certain resilience, when it comes to enduring hardship mentally and phsyically. They are athletic survivors, able to push themselves for hours on end in physical activity.
Rather than evolve wholly biologically to adapt to their environment, the Swayhzan channel psychic and magical energies to survive. This metaphysical body control requires concentration, and thus the Swayhzan have developed more spiritually, with an emphasis on cultivating inner peace and mental resilience. Some have extended their psychic abilities into manipulating their immediate environments. Both magic and psychic abilities have become inherent in Swayhzan physiology and culture. Their most powerful psionic ability arguably is their ability to generate a skin-conformal field of resistance that protects them from abrasive sandstorms, dust, and airborne debris; they can create this at a lower cost than other physical psychics. Magic-wise, Swayhzan practically glow with potential magic energy, and most learn a half-dozen or so spells (learned from the village elders) by the time they reach adulthood.
The Swayhzan developed on the fringes of the lawless Androbar culture and managed to survive by dint of their isolation from their neighbors. Their traditional homelands are a series of ancient ruins in Androbar’s rocky highlands where few of the lowlanders have bothered venturing, until fairly recently. However, their ‘discovery’ by the aggressive pirate societies of the larger Androbaran communities has led to the largely pacificistic Swayhzan becoming imperiled. Despite (or perhaps BECAUSE of ) their special abilities, the Swayhzan have become targeted by slavers seeking to reap a profit selling the hill-tribespeople to the flesh markets. This has led to increasing raids into the highlands and slave-bounties placed on capturing the peaceful and hospitable Swayhzan.
The Swayhzan came into contact with the United Systems Alliance when scouts from the USAJC landed to investigate Androbar’s role as a pirate/slaver outpost, and came across the highland villages. Though leery of the newcomers at first, the Swayhzan came to accept that the strangers from the sky were not interested in enslaving them, but in ending the slave trade of the lowlanders. This has gone over very well with the Swayhzan who were happy to again extend their hospitality to travelers from afar and provide the USAns with information about Androbar. A number of curious Swayzhan have even gone offworld with the USA and have exhibited interest in such worlds as Darad and the desert moon of Tatifka, suggesting an interest in establishing offshoot colonies.

Alignments: Any, but most (77%) are Good in alignment
Life Span: 190 years
Size:5-6 ft tall, 100-280 lbs on average
Gender: Hetereosexual and reproduce similar to baseline Humans; in fact, the Swayhzan are interfertile with baseline humans.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Human beings in the prime of health, with dusky smooth skins, dark hair, and gold eyes. When venturing fortth from their enclaves, they generally favor light gowns and hooded robes or cloaks, together with hiking webbing to carry supplies and survival gear, though around their own communities most make do with nothing more than a loincloth and sandals, even around strangers. Tattoos are a common personal decoration.
Peaceful, meditative, and friendly. They will help those and need and share what they have with strangers in distress for the most part, but increasing pressure from the bandits and slavers of Androbar has strained the Swayhzans’ charity and good nature.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6
ME: 2d6+6
MA: 2d6+10
PS: 3d6
PP: 2d6+9
PB: 4d6
PE: 3d6+20
SPD: 2d6+8
(ISP):ME+4d6+(1d6+1 per level of experience)
(PPE): PEx2+25
Hit Points: PE+1d6 per level of experience
SDC: 15, +any bonuses from OCCs and skills.
Horror Factor:-----
Natural Abilities:
*Reduced Need for Water---Swayhzan can go twice as long as a normal human being without drinking(and that’s before one factors in their psionic and magical abilities).

*Resistance to Radiation ---A Swayhzan’s dusky skin shields them from sunburn and skin cancer. Even low levels of nuclear radiation do not bother Swayhzan, and they would be able to handle close proximity to the radioactive Catyr with no ill effect.

*Resistance to Glare--- Swayhzans’ golden eyes make them immune to the glare of the hot desert sun, and they do not suffer from flash-blindness effects. Blinding lasers and strobes are only HALF as effective against them.

*+2 save vs Possession(the desert breeds a tough mentality)

-Impervious to Cold
-Resist Thirst
-Psychic Body Field(Half normal ISP cost)

-2 Physical psionics of choice

Swayhzan have high magic potential, and most of them learn a handful of spells by the time they reach their teens. They rarely select combat -oriented or offensive/harmful magic, instead focusing on more utiltarian spells.
-Choking Blast and Dust Cloud(Invocation)(15)
-Erase Trail(Invocation)(16)
-1d6 spells from general spell levels 1-4

Cybernetics/Bionics: None; such intrusions interfere with their bodies’ natural abilities. The Swayhzan accept others’ use of such things, but avoid them themselves.

Available OCCs:
Swayhzan have professions similar to the Barbarian tribes of Rifts Earth’s Dinsoraur Swamp, only with the modification of the environment being arid, and not swamp. Magic and Psychic OCCs are also available to Swayhzan, the most common(90%) being Mystics, given the spiritual bent of their society. And despite their high psionic threshold, only about 2% becme Master psyhics. Swayhzan also lean away from combat-oriented professions, and those who do follow the way of violence tend to do do to protect their communities or are renegades/outcasts. Mercenary soldier Swayhzan are virtually unknown.
Swayhzan have developed in isolation, with little access to high technology, so high-tech professions are beyond their normal scope(they can use the occasional bit of high tech, but they don’t necessarily UNDERSTAND how it all works). They aren’t stupid; just that their culture has proceeded along different lines of development. Their craftsmen can work metal (though not high-tech or MDC alloys) with great proficiency and their glassware can be considered exceptional artistically. They are intrigued by magic, technowizardry, and magic potions(but cautious as well), seeing them as ‘more natural’ applications of the cosmic energy flows. They would be intrigued, but cautious, about Tattoo Magic.
RCC Skills:
Wilderness Survival(desert)(+10%)
Forced March
Skills of Note:
Wilderness(everything except Fishing and Boat-Building)(+5%)
Tribal and mainly matriarchal. Tribes are led by a Priestess and a Diviner. They pray to the nature and elemental spirits. rather than more anthropoid gods or goddesses. Swayhzan try to live in harmony with their environment and with their neighbors, though they’ve survived mainly by having only limited contact with the lowland communities of Androbar. They practice a code of hospitality with strangers, and those they come across in need in the high desert are extended assistance. This has been strained of late by fortune-seeking lowlanders who abuse the Swayhzans’ hospitality and trust, and the Swayhzan feared they would have to abandon their ‘code of the sands’ and adapt a more fearful and untrusting policy towards outsiders.
The Swayhzan of the high mountain ruins consider themselves keepers of a legacy of the ancient societies that once dominated Androbar(or at least SOME of the societies and PARTS of Androbar), and have knowledge of the locations of lost communities and structures hidden in the highlands and buried in valley sands.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by SolCannibal »

So they have a thing for potions and tattoos too? I can definitely see a Chiang Ku dragon of the more self-serving sort trying to think ways to get some leverage out of this.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

SolCannibal wrote:So they have a thing for potions and tattoos too? I can definitely see a Chiang Ku dragon of the more self-serving sort trying to think ways to get some leverage out of this.

Het, in the desert if you can get your water to do double-duty, all the better..
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Fan Races!!

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@X---Cosmic Beings

“The very Embodiment of the Sun has come to help us! Truly we are the blessed of the gods!!!”

“-glowing bastard had us all standing there listening to it harangue for HOURS about how we’d failed in chasing down the rebels. Three scouts in the front ranks keeled over from dehydration. The rest of us walked away with bad sunburns. ”

@X are energy-based alien intelligences from another dimension, believed to be one dominated by intense light. @X are nonhumanoid in form, and possess powers to manipulate light, and even shape the energy into solid form. Little is known of their culture, and the few @X encountered have offered little information on their origins.
@X are actually fairly weak physically, and prefer to fight with magic or psionics, or their own naturally generated weapons.
The @X have been exploring other dimensions for millennia, and seem fascinated by other species. So much so that they often interact with them, often as the 'senior species' or god-like beings, often advising younger species.
Some Rifts Earth scholars have speculated that the @X may have visited Earth in the distant past, based on reports that in other parts of the megaverse, @X have been mistaken for, or have posed as, Spirits of Light or solar deities. In particular, they may have appeared to the ancient Egyptians, who recorded their image in stone as a solar deity.
Most @X stand on the side of the Light, but there are Selfish and Evil @X who use their abilities to intimidate or torment others for their own profit or entertainment.

Alignments: Any, but 75% are Good-aligned.
Lifespan: Unknown; some have speculated that the @X may have lifespans measurable in thousands of years. At least one @X claims to have remembered visiting Earth during the peak of Eygpt’s Middle Kingdom.
Size: Central body is roughly 2.5 ft in diameter; limbs can stretch up to 20 ft.
Gender: No form of gender has been identified in conjunction with the @X, and it is speculated that they may be asexual, reproducing by some means of parthenogenic fission.
Physical Description/Appearance:
A large yellow-gold glowing sphere with at least ten long tendrils ending in three fingered hands(two fingers and an opposable thumb). The number of limbs seems to be an indicator of age and status, much like a mystic kitsune’s tails; the greater the number of limbs, the older(and presumably wiser) the individual.
Tend to be solitary loners, wandering the megaverse, seeking knowledge and power. When dealing with others, they can come across as wise and patronizing, or arrogant and demanding, depending on their orientation and agendas.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6+6
ME: 2d6+10
MA: 2d6+10(+5% save vs insanity, +2 save vs Horror Factor, +2 save vs Possession)
PS: 2d6+6(and considered to be Supernatural)
PP: 2d4+18
PB: 3d6+5
PE: 4d6+20
SPD:(Flying) Hover to 100 MPH (+2 dodge) in atmosphere
(Space) 671,000,000 MPH
(Crawling) Can crawl, rather awkwardly, at about Spd. 4.
(ISP): ME+3d6 +1d6 per level of experience
(PPE): 4d6x100 +P.S.+4d6 per level of experience
Hit Points:-----
MDC: 3d6x10
Each limb(10 +1 per every 3 levels of experience) has 1d4x10 MD
Horror Factor:
Beings of Darkness react to @X as if they had a Horror Factor of 15
Natural Abilities:
*Space Native---Can live in vaccum without air indefinitely. Live off ambient energy/radiation, but feed best off solar radiation while in this dimension.

*Immune to Energy Attacks---In fact, plasma and laser weapon attacks HEAL damage already done to the @X equivalent to HALF the damage the weapons would normally do. Phase weaponry and MAGIC energy attacks do FULL damage.

*Resistant to Physical Attacks---Physical attacks do HALF damage to the energy being.

*Regeneration----@X regenerate at 2d4x10 MD per hour in sunlight, 1d4x10 MD per hour in bright artifical light, 2d6 MD per hour in darkness, and can regrow lost limbs .

*Magic Supernatural Damage----Though fairly weak phsyically, their hand to hand attacks do the Megadamage equivalent of SDC, so an @X’s punch does 2d4 MD, a power strike 4d4 MD, and a body flip/throw 1d6 MD(DOUBLE to creatures of Darkness). Lacking legs, @X CANNOT perform kick attacks, and their tentacle arms cannot perform elbow strikes.

*Flying/Superliminal (space) Flight---The natural state of @X is flying. They can hover in place or hit speeds of 100 MPH in atmosphere(no altitude limit), 671 million MPH in space(light speed), accelerating/decelerating at 5% of light speed per melee.

*Solar Glow---@X radiate the equivalent of natural sunlight in a radius equal to their P.E. in yards. They can ramp up the intensity of their self-generated light such that it is difficult to look directly at them without heavily-tinted sunglasses, welder’s goggles, or other eye protecion;

*Solar Body Weapons----The limbs of the @X can polymorph to form various melee weapons(maximum damage of 4d6)

*Create Objects of Light---The @X can create small simple objects(no moving parts) and weapons(melee weapons, maximum damage of 4d6) of solid light, and give them to others. The items are gold in color, glow with solar light, are 30% lighter than their material equivalents, and do damage to light-vulnerable targets if used as weapons. The constructs, once they leave the grasp of the @X, last six hours in broad daylight, one hour at night/in total darkness. The @X can create as many such objects within a 24-hour period as it has P.E. points.

*Radioactive---@X emit low levels of radiation; besides over-exposure to their UV-rich glow, lingering too close(within 30 ft or closer) to a @X (prolonged contact of weeks or months) carries the risk of contracting radiation illness (general rule: every 1d4 weeks of close contact, roll versus lethal poison; on a failure, -1d6 to P.E., -1d4 Hit Points. Roll again in another 2 weeks if contact continues, only save at -1; damage is cumulative unless treated) .

*Darkness---@X take DOUBLE damage from darkness-based attacks. @X are also at HALF MDC, APMs, and -1 on initiative at night/in total darkness.

-Saves as a Minor/Major Psychic(+1), so saves on an 11 or higher.
- Can select THREE Minor Psionics from the categories of either Sensitive or Healing.

Magic: (Natural Magic User)
*Globe of Daylight(1 PPE)
*Light Healing(3 PPE)
*Starburst(Rifts Mercenary Adventures)(6 PPE)
*Shooting Star(Space Magic, Fleets of the Three Galaxies)(9 PPE)
4 spells of choice from general spellcasting(levels 1-4) and Space Magic(levels 1-5)(Optional: can also include the Laser Mage spells from Rifter#38).
*Can intuit a new spell equal to their level of experience with each advancement in level, and can learn new spells in the normal fashion.
*Magically Understands All Languages

None. @X do not like the idea of implanting unliving materials in their own bodies.

RCC Skills:
Basic and Advanced Math(+15%)
Navigation: Space(+15%)
Related Skills: Select 6 skills from the following categories, plus an additional 2 at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12.
Communications: Any(+10% to Laser systems)
Domestic: None
Electrical: Basic Electronics only
Espionage: None
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only
Medical: None
Military: None
Physical: None
Pilot: None
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: None
Science: Any(+10%)
Technical: Any(+10%)
Wilderness: None
Weapons Proficiencies(W.P.): Any

Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select 4 secondaryskills from those listed, plus 2 at levels 4, 8, and 12. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonuses listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level.

Experience Tables: Use the Demigod exp. table

Actions/Attacks per Melee: 7 + 1 per every three levels fo experience(and extra limb)
( in addition to bonuses from physical attributes)
Initiative: +1
Strike: +2 with energy blasts/weapons
Automatic Dodge(+2 in space)
Roll: +1
Pull Punch:+2
+2 Vs Coma/Death
+2 Vs Magic
+1 Vs Psionics
+6 Vs Possession
+6 Vs Horror Factor
Little is known of @X native culture; those that have been encountered have been lone individuals who have volunteered little information of their society. It is possible that they are a nomadic people, with few contacts between individuals, and no fixed enclaves or homeworlds. Another rumor is that they live and spawn in stars. Yet another rumor is that they evolved in another universe, in a period of condensed time almost immediately after that universe had its Big Bang/Grand Inflation event.
The @X are known to have a hatred of the Shadow Realm and its inhabitants. They have warred with the Vampire Intelligences for aeons, and they are also known to have fought with the Aurcles(comet-like demonic beings).
Sharing many traits with the Blhaze aliens(see Skraypers), the @X are passingly familiar with them, though no prolonged contact has been made between the two energy being cultures, and no @X is known to have visited Seeron.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Kuron Dream-Bots
(aka ‘Dream-Cutters’)

The young stowaway had been discovered well after the Kuron trader had left the last humanoid world in the Cluster and turning around was not an option. The female humanoid had been quickly subdued without damage by the Maintenance Duat that had encountered the organic, and the Command-Quartet alerted.
The presence of the organic aboard had spurred some heated discussion amongst the Kuron; both on how to punish the Servitor-designate responsible for overseeing the vessel’s loading, and what to do with the stowaway.
The punishment of the errant unit was straightforward; the complete protocols for portside security would be reloaded, and the unit cycled through mandatory simulation testing, with the crew randomization activity-time privileges revoked until the security matter had been thoroughly resolved.
The matter of the stowaway was rather more complicated, and required crew gestalt consensus. The suggestions of the more conservative crewmembers that the organic be immediately spaced for fear that she had learned of the Kurons’ true nature were dismissed once it became evident that the stowaway had only recently left her place of hiding amongst the temperature-stabilized and pressurized cargo, and had not ventured into the crew spaces. Still, the organic posed a security risk.
It was the Cost/Profit Analysis Engine that came up with the satisfactory solution that also made the possible liability into a potential asset. The organic was quickly inducted into biological stasis and fitted with the mental engram reader. Under continous monitoring, biologically dormant, her primary sensory apparatus covered by the engram-helm, the stowaway could not learn anything more of the Kuron, and her unconscious mental activity proved particularly rich as the Kuron measured such things. Rich enough that even the conservative elements originally in favor of spacing the biological had positively speculated about the trade value of the engram data, and even the possibility of adding their generator to their asset pool on a more permanent basis. This started another debate with those that favored dropping the stowaway off at the next suitable port of call, which was fortunately far away enough that they would have abundant time to decide on a suitable course of action.
The stowaway would pay her way across the stars with her dreams.

The Kuron are a species of chrome-skinned humanoid artificial intelligences that inhabit portions of the Thundercloud Galaxy. They are known as nomadic travellers and traders who frequent the fringe zones of the galactic colonization rush.
The Kuron are the evolved descendents of self-repairing nueral intelligence AI companions left behind when their creators, the Padaquili, went extinct during the Great Extinction following the Dominator War. Left to their own devices, the robots eventually acquired true sapience and began to create their own culture and society.
Soon after making contact with other(organic) sentients, however, the Kuron realized that many, if not most, organic sentient species had a mistrust of truly autonomous thinking machines. The Kuron have subsequently gone to great lengths to conceal their AI nature, throwing up a fascade of fabricated cultural taboos about close interaction with other species being forbidden, and other dodges to keep outsiders from prying too closely into the nature of the Kuron.
In an ironic twist, the Kuron had already been experimenting with incorporating organic components into themselves, especially artificially- cultured nueral tissue, as backups or supplements for various systems. The artificial brain tissue, in particular, is used as a form of backup memory, and as a ‘randomizer’ for certain thought processes. The Kuron have recognized that their evolution and reproduction/replication strategies have not given them the same fast flexibility of thought as organics, hamstringing the AIs’ progress, so they sought to incorporate the strengths of biochemical systems into their own electromechanical physiologies.
The existence of these organic systems in Kuron design makes it easier to pass themselves off as a species of cyborgs. Those with psychic abilities or the ability to sense life-spoor tend to mistake the low level life energies of the biological components for the ‘true’ cyborg organism of the Kuron.
The incorporated brain tissue also allows the Kuron to engage in a peculiar hobby of theirs; dream-collecting. In their studies of biologicals, the Kuron were particularly intrigued by the apparently random phenomenon of dreams that many organics experience. The Kuron have since acquired a habit of using their organic brain matter components as both storage medium and converter for recordings of the brain patterns, especially the dream activity, of organics, delighting in experiencing and trying to interpret the apparent random and unpredictable patterns of thought they produce. For some Kuron, this ‘second-hand’ dreaming experience is an addictive buzz, and they actively seek to collect fresh brain patterns to input and refresh their dream-pools, often surreptitiously recording the brains of sleeping organics paying passage on Kuron ships, or sometimes paying them outright to dream for Kuron ‘studies’. However, the most twisted Kuron may simply steal people’s brains, incorporating them into themselves as slave-brains.
Kuron tend to avoid contact with the larger and more extensive galactic powers, prefering to make their living as nomadic traders along the fringe and rim of established territories. They often provide much needed trade to struggling rim colonies and even allow others to book passage aboard their vessels(one common stipulation, though, is that passengers must travel in hibernation, reducing upkeep and incidentally allowing the Kuron to sample fresh dream-states). They try to avoid long-term entanglements or associations that might result in their being ‘outed’ as AIs; with this in mind they avoid both the CCW and the TGE. They are sympathetic to the Machine People, and have helped smuggle refugees out of the TGE, but they haven’t revealed even to the Machine People that the Kuron are kindred AIs. The recent arrival of the Shemarrians and their N’Re’Mar allies in the Thundercloud also poses a quandry for the Kuron; they have their suspicions that the EShemar may be akin to them as well, but are reluctant to reveal themselves to the others. Other cyborg species, such as the Vadishah of the Federation of Sapients, would see in the Kuron kindred spirits(especially given the Imperial Vegans’ infatuation with swordsmanship and their already having produced an AI species of their own in the Adorian Constructs), were the Kuron to become more open in their association with others. However, for now, the Kuron remain reclusive and aloof from other species.

Alignments: Any, but most(70%) can be regarded as Unprincipled or Scrupulous
Lifespan: 500 years before their neural matrix deteriorates too far to be successfully rebooted.
Size: Tend between 6-8 ft and 250-500 lbs, depending on specific function.
Gender: None
Physical Description/Appearance:
Kuron tend to be fairly uniform in design, though there is some variation; heavy-set , heavily-armored humanoid robots plated in laser-reflective chrome armor(sometimes tinted quite brightly), with a squat bunker-like head set low in the shoulders, with a wide vision slit in the front. Their broad forearms can sport a variety of modular hands/manipulators. A retractable long blade or two are always part of their modular repertoire. Legs are thick and srumpy, and not designed for leaping or leap-kicking.
Some individual Kuron may add artistic flourishes, engravings, or inlays to their body-shells, distinguishing them from other Kuron.
Additional limbs and extraordinary appendages are possible, but rare. If needed for special functions, the Kuron will more often than not construct a specialized tool or machine for the task.

Kuron are quiet and contemplative, and generally level-headed, although program-variation and their individual experiences, filtered through their bio-nueral components, lends them varying degrees of personality, from hair-trigger tempers to cold hard pragmatists.
Though they find violence distasteful and prefer not to harm other sentient species, they will fight to defend themselves, and have killed to protect the secret of their AI nature. They are accomplished blade-fighters as a result of keeping up on the martial training and traditions of their Padaquili creators. Kuron prefer to avoid trouble, however, and will try to end fights that they cannot avoid as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Physical Attributes:
IQ: 24+1d4
ME: 5d6(Yes, the unique AI systems of the Kuron give them an M.E. rating, though in all other respects they are robots, and are thus immune to psionics and mind control magic)
MA: 4d6
PS: (Robotic) 38
PP: 18+1d4
PB: Not applicable
PE: Not applicable
SPD: Can run at speeds up to 30 MPH.
(ISP): None
(PPE): 1d6 from their organic components
Head: 80+2d6
Main Body 180+1d6x10
Arms(2) 100+4d6 each
Hands(2) 25+1d8 each
Legs(2) 100+1d4x10 each
Note: Lasers do HALF damage due to the Kurons’ laser-reflective chroming.
Horror Factor: None, unless one has a fear of cyborgs or robots.
Natural Abilities:
*Dream-Read---Using applied bio-sensors, Kuron can record and read dream-states from sleeping organic lifeforms. Reading the imagery of a particular brain can take 2d4x10 minutes of translation; this can be shortened to 4d6 minutes after repeated samplings of the same brain at rest.

*Skill-Read----Kuron can temporarily copy skills from organic brains. This process requires a live brain invitro, or an MRI-style device used on a living subject. The process of reading a skill takes about 2d6x10 minutes to accomplish. The copied skill will be at one level less than the donor’s level, and can be retained by the Kuron for a duration equal to their ME in days. If the Kuron uses a biological(cloned neural tissue) memory system to store the recorded skill, they can retain the skill for 6 months before deterioration renders the recording unusable.

Psionics: None; their dream- and skill-reading powers are technological in nature, not psychic.
Magic: None
PPE: Their organic components give them a scant 1d4 PPE that cane sensed by others.
*Multi-Optics----Thermo-Imaging, IR/UV, Passive Nighvision, Image Enhancement, Telescopic
*Amplified hearing, Ultra-Ear and sound filtration systems
*Tool Arms-----Kuron forearms each have a buckler-like device(25 MDC) permanently mounted on them; this is a carousel-style pannier for extendable tools such as various screwdrivers, snippers, chisels, lockpicks, and small cutting torches*10 ft range, 1d4 SDC -1d6 MD)
* Modulated voice synthesizer
*Built-in radio receiver & transmitter-----100 mile range
*Locking Joints
*360-degree torso/limb swivel--Kuron can spin their heads/torsos completely around to face anything approaching from behind.

In general, a line-fresh Kuron starts out with 1d6 additional features, depending on their function/orientation. More can be added or swapped out as time progresses/situations allow.
* Kuron can equip their hands with small cybernetic-equivalents such as laser fingers, nueral stingers, and various tools, but nothing too large or obvious
*Similarly, Kuron can add hidden compartments and other concealed/retractable features to their bodies. Same for additional sensors and expanded capabilities.
*Legs may feature bionic-equivalent hidden tools. weapons, and propulsion systems, but again, nothing too radicial or obvious(when at rest).

RCC Skills/Programming:
Kuron count as Neural Intelligences.
Skills of Note:
ALL Kuron possess the following common programming:
-Padaquili(home tongue, and effectively dead outside the Kuron. Virtually nobody else, aside from a few Ancient races, know it, or of it) 98%/98%
-Trade One 98%/98%
-Two of choice starting at 50%/50%
Computer Operation 98%
Computer Programming 90%
General Repair & Maintenance 98%(this also acts as the equivaent of robot first aide; though anything inflicting more than 30% overall body damage and/or remove limbs, will require Robot Mechanics/Electronics or Engineer skills to fix)
Mathematics Basic & Advanced at 98%
RadioL Basic 98%
Pilot one of choice from: Hovercraft, Shuttlecraft 90%
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Sword(start with a +1 to parry)

Kuron have 4 additional skill program slots and 2 elective skill selections every 3 levels of experience(Use the Full Conversion Cyborg Exp. Tables)

Other programming can be represented by using the Robot Construction Rules in Rifts Sourcebook One and Heroes Unlimited, Robot Category.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Kuron’s modified attributes and elective training
Initiative +1
Dodge +2
Strike +2 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2
Disarm +1
Pull Punch +4
Restrained Punch 1d4 SDC/1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 2d6 MD
Power Punch(2 APMs) 4d6 MD
Kick 2d8 MD
Leap Kick(not possible)
Body Block/Tackle/Ram1d6 MD

Nomadic Traders with individual ‘lineages’ running a ship or small flotilla of craft. They travel the edges of the larger star nations, trading in whatever comes their way(or strikes their fancy). They rarely offer travel-bookings to non-Kuron.
Kuron frequently form multi-individual work groups, such as duats(two), trinars(three), and quartets(four) up to deciars(ten members) that act as communal organisms, although each individual can choose to leave a group if they so wish. Such groups may focus on one task/field, such as an engineering group all having mechancial, electrical, and technical skills, or may represent a ‘combined arms’ approach(a starship bridge penta may consist of a pilot. navigator, communications, science, and engineering specialist). Decisions are reached by consensus, though for situations that require faster and more decisive action, a command unit, similar to a classic dictator, may be selected for the duration of the crisis. A dream-pool tech team may include states tank operators, biological medicine specialists, and psycho-analysis units.

Signature Technologies:
The Kurons’ extinct progenitors, the Padaquili, apparently had a code duello integral to their society, and raised the technology of bladed weapons to a fine art. The Kuron still carry edged weapons and trade advanced vibroblade and molecular blade technology to outsiders.
Kuron Blades are notable for exceptional balance(+1 to strike and parry with them).
Kuron spacecraft are of a basic, generic type; the Kuron, in fact, have deliberately modified their vessels so as to appear similar to a hundred other generic spacecraft types already used by other (organic) species, so as not to draw undue attention to themselves.
The location and status of the Padaquili homeworld(s) remains unknown; it is possible that the same extinction event that ended the Padaquili also destroyed their planetary habitats, forcing the Kuron into a nomadic existence.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by SolCannibal »

Interesting civilization - i ask myself how would the Kuron react to some other group finding per chance an independent "lost" colony, space habitat or other such instalation of the Padaquili and started reverse-engineering and/or replicating that cache of as foundation for expanding their own tech base. Ancient self-repairing neural intelligence AI companions possibly included.

Doubly complicated if "the new kids" fascination with Padaquili works comes from being some sort of telemechanics and how the "techno-pets" add to their natural talents.
Last edited by SolCannibal on Thu Jul 20, 2023 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

SolCannibal wrote:Interesting civilization - i ask myself how would the Kuon react to some other group finding per chance an independent "lost" colony, space habitat or other such instalation of the Padaquili and started reverse-engineering and/or replicating that cache of as foundation for expanding their own tech base. Ancient self-repairing neural intelligence AI companions possibly included.

Doubly complicated if "the new kids" fascination with Padaquili works comes from being some sort of telemechanics and how the "techno-pets" add to their natural talents.

And when some Kuron trade in enslaved 'dreamers'...especially after they figure out that sensory deprivation in stasis only makes for more vivid dream imagery. 200-year-old 'dreamsicle' who may be biologically only in their 20's or 30's, but who has been creating a dreamscape for over a hundred years and can be considered thoroughly insane by this point....

I believe there' a line in the short story "They're Made of Meat", where the narrators(two advanced non-biological intelligences) rather derisively marvel at 'dreaming meat'(us biologicals). They ultimately decide that, gross-out entertaining as the idea may be, we biologicals are just not worth talking to.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by SolCannibal »

taalismn wrote:And when some Kuron trade in enslaved 'dreamers'...especially after they figure out that sensory deprivation in stasis only makes for more vivid dream imagery. 200-year-old 'dreamsicle' who may be biologically only in their 20's or 30's, but who has been creating a dreamscape for over a hundred years and can be considered thoroughly insane by this point....

Oh, i thought they restricted their "dream-harvesting" to sleeping passengers on ice or the occasional captured stowaway.

Now actively capturing people and keeping them for decades in sensory deprivation for use as "dream farms" - well, i can see a number of organic civilizations (and even a few inorganic ones) taking issue with this sort of practice if the Kuron are not very careful with how they present this if the cat ever comes out of the bag.

And that without going into potential problems related to astral parasites & predators or other bizarre supernatural beings potentially attracted to the sheer number of cryo-sleepers involved in the upkeep of this domestic but very popular trade of theirs.

On an aside, i can definitely see a potential venue for this sort of business in Splugorth kingdoms or other polities with similar attitudes and mindset.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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SolCannibal wrote:
taalismn wrote:And when some Kuron trade in enslaved 'dreamers'...especially after they figure out that sensory deprivation in stasis only makes for more vivid dream imagery. 200-year-old 'dreamsicle' who may be biologically only in their 20's or 30's, but who has been creating a dreamscape for over a hundred years and can be considered thoroughly insane by this point....

Oh, i thought they restricted their "dream-harvesting" to sleeping passengers on ice or the occasional captured stowaway.

Now actively capturing people and keeping them for decades in sensory deprivation for use as "dream farms" - well, i can see a number of organic civilizations (and even a few inorganic ones) taking issue with this sort of practice if the Kuron are not very careful with how they present this if the cat ever comes out of the bag.

And that without going into potential problems related to astral parasites & predators or other bizarre supernatural beings potentially attracted to the sheer number of cryo-sleepers involved in the upkeep of this domestic but very popular trade of theirs.

On an aside, i can definitely see a potential venue for this sort of business in Splugorth kingdoms or other polities with similar attitudes and mindset.

The Kuron are individuals, and like similar organic societies, you have a majority wo abide by the rules and follow ethics.....and those who don't. The 'dream-slavers' are a very small minority. but who's to say their 'product' hasn't been 'sold' on the regular dream-markets? And how could the ethical Kuron tell the difference between a 'legally harvested' dream and an illegally harvested one?

Ah, and now we start going deeper.... :D
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Re: Fan Races!!

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taalismn wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
taalismn wrote:And when some Kuron trade in enslaved 'dreamers'...especially after they figure out that sensory deprivation in stasis only makes for more vivid dream imagery. 200-year-old 'dreamsicle' who may be biologically only in their 20's or 30's, but who has been creating a dreamscape for over a hundred years and can be considered thoroughly insane by this point....

Oh, i thought they restricted their "dream-harvesting" to sleeping passengers on ice or the occasional captured stowaway.

Now actively capturing people and keeping them for decades in sensory deprivation for use as "dream farms" - well, i can see a number of organic civilizations (and even a few inorganic ones) taking issue with this sort of practice if the Kuron are not very careful with how they present this if the cat ever comes out of the bag.

And that without going into potential problems related to astral parasites & predators or other bizarre supernatural beings potentially attracted to the sheer number of cryo-sleepers involved in the upkeep of this domestic but very popular trade of theirs.

On an aside, i can definitely see a potential venue for this sort of business in Splugorth kingdoms or other polities with similar attitudes and mindset.

The Kuron are individuals, and like similar organic societies, you have a majority wo abide by the rules and follow ethics.....and those who don't. The 'dream-slavers' are a very small minority. but who's to say their 'product' hasn't been 'sold' on the regular dream-markets? And how could the ethical Kuron tell the difference between a 'legally harvested' dream and an illegally harvested one?

Ah, and now we start going deeper.... :D

Yes, yes, nations have large numbers of citizens, that can develop all sorts of enterprises, from the philantropic to the predatory to outright criminal ones thinly disguised as legal. What opens room for all sorts of interactions and complications.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Another angle would be to plug in the Dreamstream from Palladium's Nightspawn; what if the dream-travellers encounter a dream-realm that's been created by one of the Kurons' dream-pool captives? It could be a phantasmagorical fantasy realm created by. an insane mind, or it could a totally mundane setting created in exacting detail by the trapped mind that has convinced themselves they're back home in reality.

Or the dream trippers enter one of the 'canned' dreamscapes being played on a Kuron's organic they find a puzzling repetitive dream. or can they introduce new elements into it? And how does the Kuron react? And will the traveller ever realize they're running around in a. robot's dream?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by SolCannibal »

taalismn wrote:Another angle would be to plug in the Dreamstream from Palladium's Nightspawn; what if the dream-travellers encounter a dream-realm that's been created by one of the Kurons' dream-pool captives? It could be a phantasmagorical fantasy realm created by. an insane mind, or it could a totally mundane setting created in exacting detail by the trapped mind that has convinced themselves they're back home in reality.

Or the dream trippers enter one of the 'canned' dreamscapes being played on a Kuron's organic they find a puzzling repetitive dream. or can they introduce new elements into it? And how does the Kuron react? And will the traveller ever realize they're running around in a. robot's dream?

It beggars the question of how might the Kurons themselves react to the discovery of the Dreamstream, either by happenstance and/or research or through being educated by entities already familiar with the subject such as the creatures in Nightbane WB1: Between the Shadows, some of the groups shown in WB12: Psyscape, cabals in some of the Splugorth star-kingdoms and more.

Another thing crossing my mind is the kind of cache of information on space-faring civilizations the Kurons inherited from their creators and how much they might have acquired in the post-Dominator War mass extinction or exchanged with other hardscrabble barely surviving or just arising societies. They have been around perhaps almost as long as the Astralfein and Splugorth. Though considering they seem to be natives of Thundercloud, where the Dominators' lingering shadow and presence is somewhat more noticeable, that might have been easier said than done (and possibly a major influence behind their culture of nomadism and secrecy too).
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Re: Fan Races!!

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SolCannibal wrote:[

On an aside, I can definitely see a potential venue for this sort of business in Splugorth kingdoms or other polities with similar attitudes and mindset.

I'm now picturing the sort of operation a Splugorth would run if they discovered enough profitability to selling 'dream-slaves' to a niche market....How would they screen candidates? And they went into breeding slave stock for the purpose, how? Who has the best and most vivid dreams? People suffering privation? Artists? Artificially-induced sleep disorders? The dark side might be that those who fail to meet the grade of being good dreamers suffer long term neurological disorders from the induction process...or get sold off to a different market like the brain-eaters' buffets.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Fan Races!!

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taalismn wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:[

On an aside, I can definitely see a potential venue for this sort of business in Splugorth kingdoms or other polities with similar attitudes and mindset.

I'm now picturing the sort of operation a Splugorth would run if they discovered enough profitability to selling 'dream-slaves' to a niche market....How would they screen candidates? And they went into breeding slave stock for the purpose, how? Who has the best and most vivid dreams? People suffering privation? Artists? Artificially-induced sleep disorders? The dark side might be that those who fail to meet the grade of being good dreamers suffer long term neurological disorders from the induction process...or get sold off to a different market like the brain-eaters' buffets.

Considering some of the peculiar niche business we get to see as samples in Atlantis and Spplynn's Market, that might definitely be within the realm of possibility, not to mention that different groups might have differing demands when it comes to what defines dream quality and preferences. Multiple grades & palettes for different clienteles and expanses of a same market.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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SolCannibal wrote:[
Considering some of the peculiar niche business we get to see as samples in Atlantis and Spplynn's Market, that might definitely be within the realm of possibility, not to mention that different groups might have differing demands when it comes to what defines dream quality and preferences. Multiple grades & palettes for different clienteles and expanses of a same market.

"The description said 'nightmares', but all I got was a grubby little primate showing up nude in its educational indoctrination center! How is this a nightmare?! I demand my money back!!!"
"Hmmmm...I don't give refunds, but can I interest you in a swap for a 'lost on the way home'? It has swamps and giant arachnids."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by SolCannibal »

Unrelated, but i keep thinking of the Kuron in their ancient pre-independence forms as something akin to Opa-Opa, Sega's mascot in their old games, what probably speaks more of my age than the Kuron proper.... :oops: :-P
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Yeah, the Three Galaxies seem much the opposite of Gregory Benford's Galactic Center series, where the trend is that virtually all organic life is self-destructive, leaving as their legacy self-replicating machines that eventually develop intelligence and join a hierarchy of machine intelligences roaming and running the galaxy. Thing is, the machines have decided that rather than wait for organic-evolved cultures to snuff themselves out, they'll knock down any that threaten to become interstellar, or even radio-using, because they tend to mess up the neighborhood...even to the point of using transplanted organic life as weapons against other organic life.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by SolCannibal »

taalismn wrote:Yeah, the Three Galaxies seem much the opposite of Gregory Benford's Galactic Center series, where the trend is that virtually all organic life is self-destructive, leaving as their legacy self-replicating machines that eventually develop intelligence and join a hierarchy of machine intelligences roaming and running the galaxy. Thing is, the machines have decided that rather than wait for organic-evolved cultures to snuff themselves out, they'll knock down any that threaten to become interstellar, or even radio-using, because they tend to mess up the neighborhood...even to the point of using transplanted organic life as weapons against other organic life.

Ah yeah, the classic "X is inevitable, the natural tendency of life is to do Y, so might as well nudge them toward their inescapable end" rationale, spouted straight while being utterly oblivious to how a necessity of nudging things towards an outcome runs counter to the proclaimed inevitability and exposes observer bias for what it is.

That's kind of like "planet of hats schtick, for machines" in sci-fi, mostly alongside abducting people to be their new users/masters or some conundrum that leads into a sort of god-like ur machine merging with organics or acquiring qualities from them, find some way to "transcend beyond parameters" V'ger style.
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