Sectors of the Three Galaxies

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Sectors of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by taalismn »

(Okay, just consolidating a lot of previous post info, especially the Network Omni News posts. This is by no means a comprehensive collection of ALL the sectors, especially those that other people might have created, nor does it come anywhere near identifying all the planets, canon and noncanon, that have appeared in the Three Galaxies....THAT is a separate and much more grueling project I’m undertaking....only planets that have been identified as definitely being in a named sector appear here)

’Sectors’ are arbitrary geopolitical designations of regions of space, established for the convenience of galactic demographics. Sectors may be as small as ten light years across and as large as two thousand light years, depending on stellar density and cosmological features. Sectors are generally centered around a star cluster, which usually gives the sector its reporting name, especially if said cluster is inhabited.
Especially densely-settled and active sectors may be further divided up into sub-sectors. This is especially true for coreworld sectors or militarized zones, where such dividing allows for easier assignment of command and patrol responsibilities.
Sector designation is not always universal between galactic power blocs, especially if sector mapping appears to give the illusion of territorial possession to one party over another(the TGE and GR are notorious for redrawing their sector charts to claim sovereignty over systems). The drawing of lines in void is considered a dangerous fallacy by many, given the futility of fortifying vast stretches of deep space, but politically, it’s attractive, and so has entered the public dialogue infospheres.

Note that some sectors have multiple names, owing to multiple civilizations laying claim to them, or designating them in their stellar coordinate systems. The sector holding Phaseworld, for instance, is identified by at last five different names, all considered legitimate and used in common communications.
Other matters confusing sector designation include errors of communication, parallel naming conventions, and ‘sound-alike’ names. With this in mind, travellers are advised to double- and triple-check navigational data when planning a travel itinerary.

Identified Sectors(In these threads)

-0san0 Sector, Three Galaxy Commonality Zone, TriGalactic Liberation Point

Corkscrew Galaxy Sectors

-Abar Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)CCW
Amazad Metrostar, New Heglioland ----HQ Eduexco Corp., a major toy manufacturer

-Abolan Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Scandos Tertiary----HQ DeBok Medical Conference, Vermicycstic Foundation

-Adelta Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)CCW
Comorog ------Regional legislative center. CCW politicos et here to draft legislation on viral meme commercial advertising.

-Adras Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy) CCW
Novo Vienna, Blue Earth------Site of CCW Extra-Territorial Economic Development Summitt

-Aggaman Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)Kingdom of Kreeloyth
DResnald's Star----Site of a battle between Splugorth forces and an alien object

-Albexa Territories(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Albexa III------Potential colony world. The Wolfen-staffed Grinwol Expedition came to grief on it.

-Aleph Sector/Promethean Sector/Alphod Sector/Ona Sector/ Auun Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Charizolon(Vuulok, Focschell, Razuul, Avulor, Dilm, Talavera, Seeron, Trath)(See -Skraypers-)

-Algar Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)FWC
Schimman Atazi, Peshdu IX, SoraSumme System---- After freeing itself from the TGE garrison, this planet spiraled down into ethnic violence.

-Alphad Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)CCW
Motherhome, Romuli System---Wulfen Republic capital

-Alsoa Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Schagla Demets----HQ DynaTot Corporation

-Amatersu Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Tadahashi III------What appeared to be a simple case of murder brought investigatory scrutiny from several major governments and organizations to bear on the base and ultimate exoneration for the initial suspect in the case.

-Ammard Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)CCW
Sucasi Port, Denaro IV, Albesh System, ----Site of the Samrose Museum of Galactic Antiquities

-Amurso Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Stoffold's World, Herabi System,---Stopover port.

-Arcoi Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)UWW
Hints sector has a flourishing fashion industry.

-Ardus Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Nogre Station, Zenobia System----Neutral diplomatic station. Has hosted at least one out-dimension peace negotiation effort(the Xilien-Remulak conflict, at last report still ongoing).

-AstraEuro Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)CCW
New Antwerp, Schneke System,------ A bioweapon causing excessive body hair growth was unleashed in this major trade hub.

-Bolshak Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Caodad Malri, Gendemos XI, Aganeem System, ----Heavily settled ‘just right’ world, and seat of power of the feared Soulkiller Cabal organized crime network

-Branana Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)United Newstar Tribes
Eaglosia------,temperate paradise world
Maraglosis,------ Hospitable colony world

-Chandra Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Ragado Station, Aiteeyen Wormhole Nexus,

-Deleph Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)UWW

-D'Hamas Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy). CCW
A mass migration of Ratlings from the worlds of this sector has CCW officials mystified and concerned.
Elenso Prima, Drera XIII, La'Shoi System
Werenrate II,
Alveni D-21,
Tremphis Prophi,
Dagii FCXI

-Erewhon Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Tandoser Station, Gemis System----HQ Paradox Motors

-Gabalash Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)TGE
Enestamazzi, Rhode Ceti IV---Agroworld, site of a rampage of out of control automated agricultural combines that killed thousands of civlians.

-Gernac Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)CCW
Asced Station, Gemerac System----CCW diplomatic station. An ambassador from Primorder(see Rifter #2)was accidentally fatally dessicated by super-absorbant bathroom tissue.

-Goreri Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Abagard's World, Azilem System,----HQ ArKay Robotics
A group of Dark Mass cultists(Get Down in Hell CLub) also got the stuffing beaten out of them here.

-Haiden Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Estahan Libris,---Site of Three Galaxies' largest free access public databank and multi-media library established over 18,000 Standard years ago by the Collamid race

-Helior Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)CCW
Amundis Cycor----HQ TransGalactric Electronica

-Luyter Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)CCW
Nubbhis VII, Ninniadt System----Wulfen-colony world destroyed by wandering black hole. Evacuated by massive spacelift effort by WZT and the Tricagalians

-LvCroft Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Sagadol IV, Greem System--HQ, Medcrythh Corporation, Splugorth-owned biomedical concern selling biowizardry.

-Medus Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)UWW
Gentus Gendii, Aystar System------Site of the Thaumaturgica Entoxicotas Bar and Grill, where biowizard Doctor Mila Manipula, a rival of Doctor Articulus, is offering to cure his ‘improvements’.

-Mende Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Shadelesse Belt, Ortovo System----Uninhabited solar sstem and resource system, home to CosmoPong Tournament

-Mesec Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy) TGE
Alegra Gate------Major garrison planet
Zacanon's Moon
Amedias Gulf Hyperpass

-Mindoa Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Bagold IX, Shoderate System, GiGalord Cluster------Hostworld of a dictatorship propagating itself through cloning.

-Moris Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Medakii Fordosa, Faghri System---Reformed People’s Association of Medakii has announced that it is going ahead with plans to sell off over a third of its population to offworld concerns as part of its sweeping reform of its society

-NuevoBritt Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Soutopor----- HQ Yorktown Starship Rental Agency

-Oberan Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Camerac XI, Denazi System, Alludi Alliance----port city of Renex, site of a failed TGE assassination attempt on a notorious FWC Justicer-Executioner.

-Odoah Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Hedrexx---Home of DoughSlabb Bakeries

-Redisaw Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy) CCW
Delvin VIII, Agamon System,------The resident democracu on this planet elected to the Senate a flesh-golem composed of seeveral reanimated bodies, on the basis she respresented a true cross-section of the populace.

-Rhom Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy) CCW
Escadosa, Myrmara System------Agroworld
Esteez II------Agroworld

-Rombra Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)TransGalactic Empire
Ezonda IV, Capillec System---Quarantined world afflicted by a vegetable infestation that is reportedly devouring metal.

-Thys Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Lyzian, Corarin Abalon System---site of Olympic Pantheon's Spirit of Love Temple

-Troan Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy) CCW
Anken Arcology, Doma II, Espes Anarii------HQ, Nupet Corporation.

-Trome Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)TransGalactic Empire
Tessaron Aggar------Site of the TESSARON AGGAR SPACE WEAPONS RESEARCH LABORATORY #23, totally not a WMD development facility.

-Zemat Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)
Benusport, Propellec,------Free border world on the edges of TGE space

-Zenetii Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)CCW
Waldrov---Site of Zordstrom's Ultimate Store

-Zera Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy) TGE
Amoragos, Heflan System--Site of civil unrest blamed on Infernal agitation

Anvil Galaxy Sectors

-Abado Sector(Anvil Galaxy)UWW
Breneshaven IV, Neloc System,----Reclar Institute of Antiquities

-Actal Sector(Anvil Galaxy)UWW
Tetsa IV, Gammude System,---Site of the Black Sword War Memorial

-Agarin Sector (Anvil Galaxy)
New Pruzoc Belt, Metales IV,--Site of Croatech Minerals Corporation Spases 7 mining rig tragedy

-Aspar Sector(Anvil Galaxy)
Mendalo City, Gadorka VI---Naruni Enterprises-affiliated world

-Denaralli Sector(Anvil Galaxy)
Epaxus VII ---Home of The-God-Formerly-Known-As-Xoxis Clang, DRead Fearlord of Ganglog, Eater of the Unworthy, He of the Unslackable Bloodlust, and Death God of the Ezos Pantheon.

-Denevebi Sector(Anvil Galaxy)UWW
Malphasio,----Cragmore University of Malphasio
Sikokokas---Neighboring world

-Encsid Sector(Anvil Galaxy)Central Alliance
IronFang----Wolfen-settled world. Wealthy(or desperate) enough to terraform a neighboring planet
Arkadan III, ----Wolfen-settled world, contested by Pasadu

-Eyarn Sector(Anvil Galaxy)Central Alliance/USA
Ambercirn System---Two inhabited ice worlds(Amberjin and Deneros), the former playing host to a major USA commercial shipyard
Susoda---Desert system w/ a dimensional anomaly
Theresa V---Human/Wulfen world, and nominal sector governance sector.
Brudheinn---Human-settled world with an aristocratic government and substantial trade contacts.
Eyarn Hyperway---Cross-Arm trade route.

-Fahirn Sector(Anvil Galaxy)
Rhilith---Home of the Gear

-Ferric Sector(Anvil Galaxy)Central Alliance
Tenrodden II, Maltha System---Human-colonized world where the Cyberhawks intervened to save the survivors of nuclear genocide from a fanatical radical group.

-Genassi Sector(Anvil Galaxy)Central Alliance
Discasi-Tanqua, Motoron System------Member state of Central Alliance

-Greater Zoust Sector(Anvil Galaxy)
Tasian Hyper-Way---Promising trade route providing access to the territories antispinward of the Golgan Republik’s borders.

-Haern Sector(Anvil Galaxy)
Malven's World---An independent settled world just across the frontier border from Mois Sector in the United Worlds of Warlock.

-Hanlis Sector(Anvil Galaxy)
New Rockland, Muskatu System---Hartigal Combine testing range

-LaRoan Sector(Anvil Galaxy)
Ehdoa Industrial Housing Complex---Lurgess enclave and first of a pattern of WMD bombings targeting Lurgess communities across several sectors.

-Marse Sector(Anvil Galaxy)
Dynobi, Seklar System, Dweii Republic------A suspicious malfunction of an orbital weapons platform wiped out an industrial park housing several corporateHQs/facilities.

-Mois Sector(Anvil Galaxy)
Zalon Corbic ----Desert system, location of the asteroid that is the only known source of Gaderite, a magic-disrupting metal.

-Nembos Sector (Anvil Galaxy)
Gowtron Station---CCW outpost bordering Kretig space

- Remoca Sector,(Anvil Galaxy)
Temshuen, Tslesan,----Shatterworld, site of Temshuen Civil War. Also border system between Central Alliance and the Golgan Republik

-Renis Sector (Anvil Galaxy)
Mospo Station, Velegia IV---Major trade station and site where the Dweelie Darwylie-Kominsk Kombyne and Earndroth Earthclaws Greay-Clan signed a merger treaty.

-Rodan Sector (Anvil Galaxy)
Sendeshal VIII, Seradec System, Semeten Dominia------The military hovernment of this world has succsfully held off, by diplomacy, Splugorth, Golgan, and Zyganian encroachment.

-Salor Sector(Anvil Galaxy)
Aldo Nekkis, Breman System----Lucocytcracy of Nekkis, apparently intent on destroying their planetary ecosystem in the name of efficiency.

-Shirec Sector(Anvil Galaxy)
Altur Station---Neutral territory
Gorgec IV----HQ Galootan-owned and operated JuggerMotoronCorp

-Soma Sector(Anvil Galaxy)UWW
Delazis VIII, Delamon System----This sector is being irradiated by the Barzah Supernova(58 years old)

-Tenzo Sector (Anvil Galaxy)UWW
Jespa Gate, United Worlds of Warlock------Jespa Dimensional Gate facility. The Warlock Marines fought an incursion of Class V demonic entities and also contended with the interference of amateur demon-hunters.

-Trans-Shabado Sector (Anvil Galaxy)USA
Galrents---Human-settled corporate colony
Liyvar---Human-settled social colony

-Tuzos Sector (Anvil Galaxy)
Neezu VII, Akala System---Agroworld and site of famed annual Neezu Agricultural Fair. The Bakalaponans were banned from it for growing a thirty-mile gourd on the planet.

-Tyladan Sector(Anvil Galaxy)
PremLar, Csydol System------Site of the Det'ta Premla asteroid complex, a Lurgess colony that was obliterated by WMDs, following a simialr pattern in adjacent Yarang Sector.

-Udchuc Sector(Anvil Galaxy)
XabessaboboNIne ----Home of Obo's Discount Thermoflux and Baseline Nourishment One-Stop, and supposed Cosmic Forge manifestation

-Yarang Sector(Anvil Galaxy)
Memfisto Colony--Former Lurgess enclave, destroyed by WMD.

Thundercloud Galaxy Sectors

-Abadale Sector(Thundercloud)
Chenosa----Known for its export of kava-grain and its rarely-changing temperate weather. Site of a massive catastrophe centered on a high enegry physics lab.

-Akayesk Sector(Thundercloud)
Rebesec II, Rhinom System---A Star Wasp invasion of this world was thwarted by Bakalaponan intervention.

-Algonian Sector(Thundercloud)
Moredia---Homeworld of the Vurgash-Tuber. Capital of the rump-state Moredian Imperium
Alquis VII---Former capital of the Alquis Dominion
Debran---Co-member of the Alquis Dominion
Cyvelt---Colonial world and former member of the Alquis Dominion
Quin’esh---Homeworld of the Naibead
Sakasis---Colonial world, now a protectorate of the United Systems Alliance
Silkra---Colonial world, now a member of the United Systems Alliance
Crosyar---Colonial world, now a member of the United Systems Alliance

-Amatersu Sector*(Thundercloud)
*NON post on Bushi Federation mis-identified the sector’s location as being the one in the Corkscrew Galaxy; the mistake was discovered to be deliberate sabotage by a Sunaj agent, who was subsequently grilled live on air, and confessed to working for a rival Splugorth before the Sunaj mindwiped himself.

-Amoran Sector(Thundercloud) CCW
Anione XXIV, Bazcas System---Planetary Quarantine on account of plastic-eating bacteria.
Anione XX, Bazcas System---Gas giant used as an assembly area for the quarantine response taskforces.

-Archises Gulf(Thundercloud)
Sanctua IV, Deneeva System------Site of Quiethome, one of several coastal commuities dotting the largely peaceful planet, gaining favor as a vacation and retirement world. The GNE apparently visited it prior to the formation of the USA, and thus the USA may have relations with the Deneeva System.

-Boragmol Sector(Thundercloud)
Schadesi,----Sendeswha Republic, a member of the CCW

-Chamtug Sector(Thundercloud)
Espeas NewsNode, New Delza System-----Network Omni News extradimensional relay station, via TDM Home Wormholes Inc. and hypercom servicer SolLink.

-Cheliss Sector(Thundercloud)CCW
Genees Abulda, Hammeroon System ---Site of a small colony and the discovery of an apparently derelict Dominator warship that subsequently vanished.

-Chibesi Sector(Thundercloud)
ThoraLan System------site of ancient Stinexx site between the Tomolor Sovereignty and the Arjas Majesty

-Chimchang Sector(Thundercloud)TGE
Gamboldoc III, Eswartz System ----Attempted TGE invasion stopped by Annual Gamboldoc Festival of Senazang

-Chopor Sector(Thundercloud)
Elyndryth, Gammeran System---Ex-Splugorth world that descended into civil war after liberation.

-Choyn Sector(Thundercloud)
Recnis---wreck-world, site of Annual MechaTriAthelon

-Comorozi Sector(Thundercloud) CCW
Cuiez d’ Solenouri, Pwaymaca, Spanesia IV, Columbiad System, ---Site of the Cathedral dan Marvia Aradus and terminus point of ‘time wells’ used by the ancient aboriginal peoples of Spanesia to sacrifice to their gods.

-Dershaun Sector(Thundercloud)Badlands Confederation
Novo BownKrak, Axehead System---Site of Larhold-owned Blue Flame Distilleries facility

-Dlphaas Sector(Thundercloud)
Omeditron Phasa---AI-run world on the borders of EShemar space. Region of starship disappearances and ‘missing time’ incidents. Later revealed to be part of AI efforts to breed back the Humans of their war-wrecked world.

-Droas Sector(Thundercloud)
Cylonica---site of SissNac Spacial Engineering

-Egroid Sector(Thundercloud)
Mensaplex---Site of the defunct Galactic Organizational Device

-Ellisun Sector(Thundercloud)
Delsen Station, Kkard System----Galactic Health Organization research station
Orson IV----Human-inhabited world struck by the Chronos K prion

-Emissis Sector(Thundercloud) CCW
Orcardis II, Wintrop System------An outbreak of lycanthropy was traced back to the Wastknott Organ & Tissue Transplant Clinic of Abaroo City

-Ensori Sector(Thundercloud)
Palletos Karma III---Monster-run world and HQ of the Allied Monstrous Races Medical Association(AMRMA)

-Forphex Sector(Thundercloud) Kingdom of Fffssbbyth
Wretchiss End, Nagland Nebula, ---Biomedical reseatch facility of Fffssbbyth Pharmecopia

-Gena Sector(Thundercloud)CCW
Ralstard's World, Lomenac IX---Transhipping port. HQ of 'MOllan's MegaWarehouse of Savings' chain.

-Gisi Sector(Thundercloud)
Anu-Braxis XXIII, Tentaph System---Planet with an active living and dead population, Currently engaged ina civil war between warm-living/mummified necropolitans and vampire-zombie ‘fast’ dead.

-Gora Sector(Thundercloud)Wulfen Independent Packworlds Confederation
Habelane----Sector Capital, Wulfen Independent Packworlds Confederation
Tromalar--Resort world, devastated by an uprising of the local seafood.

-Greyon Sector(Thundercloud)Luminousity of Millei
Achea IV, Theddis System------Star system was effectively quarantined because of an Ancient reality-manipulation weapon affected the local space, trapping the inhabitants in a synthetic reality.

-Harallam Sector(Thundercloud)CCW
Hecatar X--Colony world, site of MORO Corporation facility
Merro II--Colony world, site of MORO Corporation facility

-Jasbec Sector(Thundercloud)
Dalenwald----CCW colony and major agriworld under quarantine for an Infernal plague

-Keescho Sector(Thundercloud)
Tenova III, Serlin System, Keescho Sector ---The Sqaada arrempted to bomb this planet with a planet-burner/quantum-implosion device, but an Iborian junior diplomat intercepted the bomb and FTL’ed it away in time. Tenova subsequently joined the CCW.

-Lazex Sector(Thundercloud)
New California(formerly Yemor Y'Biss), Momdunne System---Gormer satrapy of the Yemor Consolidated Kingdoms until a rifted group of NEMA soldiers liberated the natives and booted the Yemor off.

-Maggaesh Sector(Thundercloud) CCW
Canderex City, Swetland II-----HQ F&F (Force & Fitness) Healthshoppes

-Manatlese Sector(Thundercloud)
Oresidi II,------Site of the Cenriddi National Bank of Oresidi and the Oresidi Gracious Beneficence Multi-Species Hospital. The planet seems familiar with Temporal Raiders.

-Masapo Sector(Thundercloud)
Syathen Parasol---Freespace habitat and fashion center

-MetroAn Pocket(Thundercloud)Gravitational ‘knot’ pocket-universe accessible through the Aldara System.
SullaVIII, Sulla System---Cross-dimensional warzone between the native Aldarans and the monogendered Lydists of Gaya

-Molvery Sector(Thundercloud)
Amayes II, Sega-Minnos System----Site of JoyHause Orbital Amusement Park

-Mondroe Sector(Thundercloud)Kingdom of Suggyyrth
Assy'thelac ------Throneworld of the cash-strapped economically imperiled Kingdom of Suggyyrth

-Omoli Sector(Thundercloud)
Emyodas Cataract, ----Rotaing blackhole with wormhole properties and site of ancient Ceklestran 'space lighthouse'

-Panzia Sector(Thundercloud)
Rockhard---Mining world that unexpectedly became the finish line of the 1st TransGalactic Race, following the closing of the original finish line site(Megadan City), and disqualification of the secondary(Noncomytal XII) and tertiary(Testoszzaron) sites in the TransZedonian Sector. Notable for high quality gallium and denzite crystal deposits.

-Schmona Sector(Thundercloud)
Blesleth Commondale---HQ, Slegmon SuperMedia

-Sellis Sector(Thundercloud)
Giggertona---Regional court center

-Semec Sector(Thundercloud)
Tohec XXII, Maberec System---World of the Edowa Commonwealth attacked by biomechanoid ‘Ravagers’ and saved by a mysterious giant robot.

-Semens Sector(Thundercloud)
Aliceport, New Calgetti---Human colony world

-Shamaora Sector(Thundercloud) CCW
Seandus Isla ----Site of Pilgrim Colonial Development Corporation‘s StarKey Shipyards

-Soriset Sector(Thundercloud)
Khaunaugh Cluster---17 star cluster and home to the Megan of Karaultaugh IX, an Ancient race with the ability to remotely occult the stars in their cluster.

-Tor Sector(Thundercloud) CCW
Talsire, Ballabin System, ---Human-settled world with a unique take on law and order.

-Tqriqu Sector(Thundercloud)
Morgo---HQ,Toy Manufacturer PhysiFun

-TransZedonian Sector(Thundercloud)
Megadan City------HQ, Three Galaxies Race
Noncomytal XII---Paradise planet
Testoszzaron---Spa world

-Trecus Sector(Thundercloud)
Emzaha XII, Solanon System---- Formerly verdant paradise world engulfed by a sudden and inexplicable ice age

-Trelsin Sector(Thundercloud)CCW
Kittyan, New Hawsite, Amadon System---HQ, Phoenix Wings aerospace company

-TriMinsc Sector(Thundercloud) Amor-Estemer Commonality
Denova XXII, Amor-Denov,--One of several planets being affected by temporal-spacial anomalies caused by a rare trijunction of a dark matter nebula, a cosmic string fold, and an Alphoz-class Ley Line Nexus.

-Trowhan Sector(Thundercloud)
Disiden Aurus, Bemeda System ---Faerie intervention w/ colonists

-Ulmer Sector(Thundercloud)
Gatadan VII ------HQ, FangoFoods

-Umsha Sector(Thundercloud)
Cenophan, Galada Union------The un/dead of this world unionized.

-Urgac Sector(Thundercloud) CCW
Bira II--Colony world, site of MORO Corporation facility
Tenzee XXIV, Mamadon System--Colony world, site of MORO Corporation facility

-Yhem Sector,(Thundercloud)
Takamar VI, ViCo System--Home of the long-lived ViConi Imperium

-Yno Sector(Thundercloud)CCW
Albosec IX, Almoreoid System ------The 2-inch tall imhabitants of this rocky ort-body objected strenously to their world being classed as, at best, a ‘dwarf planet’.

-Zelas Sector(Thundercloud)
Espees Station, Amaro System---Known as the 'Gateway to the Tsunami Nebula',

-Zogh Marches(Thundercloud)
'Detritus', Zym2413 System----Uplift site by the Ti'Ck
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Sectors of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by taalismn »

-Updated with the addition of the Eyarn Sector to the Anvil Galaxy.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Sectors of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Warshield73 »

Are these all canon or are some from other sources?
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Re: Sectors of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by taalismn »

Warshield73 wrote:Are these all canon or are some from other sources?

No, there's no canon 'sectors' mentioned in any of the published books, even for the canon worlds like Afflheim noted above, but mainly showed up in the Network Omni News thread.

This mainly grew out of my desire to have a ready reference when writing up new material to make use of older, initially one-shot throwaway names that, upon reflection, had potential greater future use. Instead of inventing a whole new planet/system/region every time I wanted to describe something, having it take place in an already established region/previously mentioned planet would save 'space' and spice up the story-telling and adventure possibilities, as having 'z' event happen on a world where 'x' had already happened, might open the door to a 'a-b-d' event taking place. :)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Sectors of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by Warshield73 »

Thanks, I Assumed this was the case, but I have missed things in the books before so wanted to check. These all seem to be random names I always thought there would be a naming system or convention of some type. Still good list.
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Re: Sectors of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by taalismn »

Warshield73 wrote:Thanks, I Assumed this was the case, but I have missed things in the books before so wanted to check. These all seem to be random names I always thought there would be a naming system or convention of some type. Still good list.

Grist for adventures, I hope.
And an exercise in fending off cabin fever.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Sectors of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by SolCannibal »

Something to riff from to expand and tinker with in one's own games.

(As an aside, have always been mighty tempted to replace the Tarlok in Skraypers with Kreegor and making Charizolon into an occupied subsector in the disputed border between TGE and FWC)
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Re: Sectors of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by SolCannibal »

taalismn wrote: -Aleph Sector/Promethean Sector/Alphod Sector/Ona Sector/ Auun Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)

Why are all of those pilled together?
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Re: Sectors of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by taalismn »

SolCannibal wrote:
taalismn wrote: -Aleph Sector/Promethean Sector/Alphod Sector/Ona Sector/ Auun Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)

Why are all of those pilled together?

These were the various names given to the 'starter sector' in the Corkscrew; I believe somewhere I had written(and maybe even posted) that there was a great deal of controversy and confusion over what sector Phaseworld belonged in, as many cultures wanted to regard Phaseworld as the 'First Sector' , as opposed to the many species-centrist cultures who wanted to center the demographic galaxy on their respective homeworlds(shdes of Star Trek, where the Sol-based Federation is in the Alpha Quadrant, and that has become so prevalent in common usage that even other cultures started using the Alpha-Beta-Delta-Gamma quadrant scheme to describe the galaxy)...It winds up with several names to describe the same region of space.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Sectors of the Three Galaxies

Unread post by SolCannibal »

taalismn wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
taalismn wrote: -Aleph Sector/Promethean Sector/Alphod Sector/Ona Sector/ Auun Sector(Corkscrew Galaxy)

Why are all of those pilled together?

These were the various names given to the 'starter sector' in the Corkscrew; I believe somewhere I had written(and maybe even posted) that there was a great deal of controversy and confusion over what sector Phaseworld belonged in, as many cultures wanted to regard Phaseworld as the 'First Sector' , as opposed to the many species-centrist cultures who wanted to center the demographic galaxy on their respective homeworlds(shdes of Star Trek, where the Sol-based Federation is in the Alpha Quadrant, and that has become so prevalent in common usage that even other cultures started using the Alpha-Beta-Delta-Gamma quadrant scheme to describe the galaxy)...It winds up with several names to describe the same region of space.

Now that makes for some interesting bit of fan-retcon on a confusing presentation from the earlier books. Now i'm half-tempted to sketch out some of these "species-centrist cultures" that dispute over the labeling of Phaseworld's "home sector".
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