HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by riftsnewbie »

Hello people! New to the boards and to palladium games. Looking for help with character creation. I’m part of a long-standing group. Up to now, we’ve always played D&D (it’s the only system I’ve played.) We just finished our current campaign, and our dm (who has a soft-spot for palladium games) has finally convinced us to play this rifts campaign he’s been planning for awhile. He lent me the corebook, so I can learn the system.

We’re having a character creation session next week. He emailed us the following guidelines:

Creation Guidelines:
-You’ll make all ability score, hit point, ect, rolls in front of me.
-1st level characters only.
-RAW (I decide if it’s ambiguous.)
-You can use any published Palladium material in my personal library.
-Baseline humans only.
-Your character is assumed to have been on RIFTS Earth for at least a few months. So, if they come from another world, they will get the bonus skills listed in RIFTS Conversion Book.
-No psychic powers, magic, super-powers, chi-powers or other supernatural abilities (check with me if unsure.)
-No bionics, cybernetics (including crazies and juicers) genetic modification or bio-wizardry.
-Nothing with supernatural strength or MDC.
-You’ll start the game in prison, with nothing but your prison uniform. Early on you’ll get the chance to pick up gear reasonably appropriate to your skills and abilities. But no promises, so if your character build depends on a specific piece of equipment, you may be disappointed.
-Inside those limitations, I welcome your efforts at min-maxing. I’ll be interested to see what you come up with. Have at it!

He says he has every palladium book. Not sure if that’s true, but his library is huge. Like, it’s an entire floor to ceiling bookshelf filled with palladium books. The other players have all played rifts before, and they’re already chatting about their builds. I’m feeling a little daunted. They’re good people and will definitely help me out, but I want to have a good idea of where to look before next week.

Here’s my concept: I want a street-smart martial artist in John Woo’s Heroic Bloodshed vein: best at melee, and unarmed, but can use guns too. From the chatter, the other players are definitely thinking of min-maxing, and I don’t want to find myself as the dead weight in the group. Suggestions? His books are pretty well organized, so if you can tell me where to find stuff, I can probably figure out if he has it or not pretty quickly.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by hup7 »

-Baseline humans only.
-No psychic powers, magic, super-powers, chi-powers or other supernatural abilities (check with me if unsure.)
-No bionics, cybernetics (including crazies and juicers) genetic modification or bio-wizardry.

Wow, for Rifts this is a pretty limiting list, it cuts out a lot of classes (over half) even just using the RUE.

I would speak to the GM and ask whether it is their intention to have everyone "start" as base human but level into something else... ie only going juicer at 3rd or something. If so then plan ahead for what you want to play as you advance. If they intend to run a human only / low power rifts game the whole way then build to that.

Usually I find myself with so many rifts character concepts I want to play that choosing ONE is difficult. My advice is think of the "character" you want to play - not a long extensive background or anything just "who" are they? And go from there.

A few basics for Rifts character generation - if you are planning to be melee: Physical Prowess is your key ability, followed by Physical Endurance. Physical Strength is less important for melee (if not supernatural) than in other systems. Others might offer their own thoughts - this is just my opinion for melee builds.

Have fun, most important play something that you will want to spend time developing and playing.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by EliBenedict »

hup7 wrote:-Baseline humans only.
-No psychic powers, magic, super-powers, chi-powers or other supernatural abilities (check with me if unsure.)
-No bionics, cybernetics (including crazies and juicers) genetic modification or bio-wizardry.

Wow, for Rifts this is a pretty limiting list, it cuts out a lot of classes (over half) even just using the RUE. .

Yeah. As hup7 noted those are seriously limiting guidelines. But it's also presents an interesting challenge.

After some thought, here’s a little bit outside the box solution you could try, if he’s collected the Rifter (Palladium’s magazine) and he has Heroes Unlimited Second Edition (HU2). It's definitely munchkiny, but he has invited min-maxing so…

Rfiter #16 includes a character class called “Special Training: Sidekick” (page 32). They’re basically teenage super-heroes in-training who slowly learn their skills from a mentor. If the GM is making you do all rolls in front of him, your character could end up being anywhere between 14 and 17 years old (the age table is on page 30 under “Education Level and Age Table”), so you’d have to be okay playing a kind of martial arts prodigy.

So, let’s say your character’s mentor was an Ancient Master (HU2, p. 211). They’re basically super martial artists. Unfortunately, they get super-powers and mystic abilities, so they’d be excluded under your GM’s guidelines.

BUT, your Sidekick character doesn't get those abilities, so they're okay..

Per Rifter #16, your character would get “The same Hand to Hand style as the mentor, at first level,” so you’d get Hand to Hand: Martial Arts Master (HU2 pg. 212-213) from the Ancient Master (be sure to take all the abilities and bonuses, down to the "+2 to save vs. mind control of any kind." There's a +10 damage bonus that's easy to miss, it appears on the end of the line that starts "+5 to roll with punch..")

Hand to Hand: Martial Arts Master is, by far, the best Hand to Hand skill in any Palladium book (at first level you'll have almost twice as many attacks per round as any other character, and bonuses up the wazoo), so you’ll be good on that front.

For other skills, you get Athletics, Body Building (both on HU2, p. 55, make sure to add in the bonuses to your attributes and SDC that you get from these skills,) Basic Mechanics (HU2, p.53) and Basic Electronics (HU2, p.51), and two scholastics skills from your mentor. Since you’re going for a Martial Artist I’d suggest Boxing (HU2, p.55) and Gymnastics (HU2, p.56, the Rifter's RAW says this skill should be at -5%, you might want to try and convince your GM that's a typo and should actually be +5%). Again, make sure to add in all attribute and SDC bonuses from those skills. The extra attack from boxing is already included in your Hand to Hand training, but at least you won't have to subtract it out.

You also get two Weapon Proficiencies from your mentor. For your street-smart fighter concept, I’d suggest WP Knife, and either WP Targeting (to throw those knives) or WP Blunt (to pick up wrenches, bits of pipe or whatever and use them in a fight). They’re all on HU2 p.61.

Finally you get 6 secondary skills. Again, based on your street-smart concept, I might recommend Concealment, Palming, Streetwise (HU2, p.58), Climbing, Running (again, make sure to add in the stat bonuses you get), and Prowl (HU2, p. 56). Note that Gymnastics gives you a +5% skill bonus to Climbing and Prowl.

Per HU2 p.45 you also get Pilot Automobile (HU2 p.56), Mathematics: Basic (HU2 p.59), Speak Native Language (+25%) and Read/Write Native Language (+20%) (HU2 p.60)

With the "Land of Origin" optional rules (HU2 p.25) you could designate Hong Kong as your home (thinking of your comment about John Woo). That would get you Chinese (which rifts treats as a single dialect, but which is still used on rifts earth) as your native language, and English (the principle language of rifts north America) as a bonus language at 75%. Assuming English is the principle language of the campaign you might want flip this. Maybe you're U.S. born Hong Kongese, but your family moved back when you were a teenager.

Your story could be that you were a Triad-in-training (or something like that) who got “adopted” by a martial arts master (perhaps in the employ of your cartel) as a mentee, before falling through a dimensional portal to rifts earth (that kind of thing happens in Heroes Unlimited).

When you get to rifts earth, you’ll pick up some additional skills, per the Rifts Conversion Book (p. 39). As a 21st century character, you’ll get Radio: Basic (+15%) (Rifts Ultimate Edition [RUE], p. 305), a third language (+10%) (choose this depending on where your campaign is set. If it’s North America, your best best is probably Spanish), 3 new piloting skills (+5%) (for your Heroic Bloodshed concept, I’d recommend Combat Driving, Hovercycles/Skycycles/Rocket Bikes, and Motorcycle/Snowmobile [RUE p. 318-319]), 2 pilot related skills (probably Navigation and Weapons Systems) (RUE p.320), 2 modern WPs (For your concept, I’d recommend WP Handgun [RUE p.328], and WP Energy Pistol [RUE p.329]) and 2 from Technical, Science or Wilderness (+10%) (Appraise [RUE p. 323], Jury-Rig [RUE p. 324]) or Salvage [p. 326] from Technical probably work best for the street-smart angle, but you might want to swap one of those for Wilderness Survival [RUE p.330]. It isn’t in-concept for you, but it is a good skill to have in rifts). Per the conversion book, you'd have a -20% penalty to use Pilot Automobile with a high-tech RIFTS car, but none of your other pre-rifts skills involve technology, so otherwise you're fine.

All told you have 30 solid skills selections plus Hand to Hand, which puts you slightly ahead of most RUE man-at-arms classes, and just a little behind most scholar/adventurer classes, in terms of skills.

Et voila, you're an expert motorcycle/skycycle riding, gun and knife wielding, kung-fu master with skills to run the streets. I think John Woo would be proud.

Your principal asset will be Hand to Hand: Martial Arts Master. With that, plus Boxing, WP Knife and WP Energy Pistol, you’ll be a combat beast.

When you get around to picking up equipment you’ll want to get some armor (for MDC protection), and, ideally, a couple of Vibro-Knives (these are fairly common) and an energy pistol of some sort. Paired Vibro-Knives will let you do Mega-Damage (MD) with your martial arts skills (as you’ll quickly learn, MD and MDC is a big thing in rifts), and since you get Auto-Dodge with a hefty bonus, losing out on your parry defense by dual wielding isn’t a big deal.

A couple points you can try to finagle with the GM:

-Special Training: Sidekick includes a "Learning Bonus" ability: they get an extra skill from their mentor every other level, and a special ability from their mentor at 4th and 7th level. Since you were (presumably) separated from your mentor when you came to RIFTS Earth, you’d normally miss out on that. But, the class entry also mentions that, in the event of losing a mentor "The character can then attempt to find a new mentor to continue his training, or he can attempt to find a Mentor from another Power Category" (Rifter #16, p. 33).

"Power Category" is the HU2 term for character classes, so if he's a RAW stickler, your GM might say this only applies to HU2 classes, but if he agrees, and if one of the other players is willing, you could designate one of the other characters in the group as your mentor.

You’ve said they’re all trying to min-max so they’ll probably have some choice skills and special abilities to pick from. You’ll probably want to look for abilities that synergize with, and expand on, on your Hand to Hand bonuses.

That will all depend on what character types they build, but, just spitballing, if one of them goes with a gunfighter or gunslinger from rifts New West (which would both be good options under your GM's restrictions) you could pick up WP Sharpshooter as your bonus skill at 2nd level and WP Paired Weapons: Handguns as your bonus special ability st 4th. With those, plus WP Energy Pistol, and your attacks, initiative and auto-dodge bonuses from Hand to Hand Martial Arts Master, you'd be a terror with two guns (or energy pistols anyway.)

-There’s no base SDC listed for Special Training: Sidekick. In Palladium SDC is basically bonus hit points that all characters get. The GM will probably assign you 2D6+12 (RUE p.287), which is not great. But you could try to convince him that you should get the same SDC base as an Ancient Master (3d6x10+6d6+PE [HU2 p.212]) since you trained under one. Not sure if that will fly though.

-The Ancient Master gets a special additional Weapon Strike Bonus of 1d4+1 to each WP (HU2 p.213, it’s tucked under “Step Four: Equipment”) you could try and convince the GM that, since you learned ancient WPs from the master, you should get that bonus too.

-The Ancient Master’s WPs (Blunt, Chain, Sword, Staff and one of choice) are listed under the heading of Hand to Hand: Martial Arts Master, so you could argue that these are included in the Hand to Hand skill, which would get you another five ancient WPs.

-Under Hand to Hand: Martial Arts Master, it lists that the Ancient Master’s strength is equivalent to the Extraordinary Physical Strength power. Again, you could argue that this means it’s included in the Hand to Hand style, and that, since it’s says “equivalent to” and the Extraordinary Physical Strength power is described as being in the realm of what’s humanly possible, that this doesn’t count as a super-power, and that, therefore, your PS should be increased to 20+2d6. But that could be opening a can of worms. Plus, there’s a line in the class entry for Ancient Master that mentions that their PS should be increased to a minimum of 19 if it isn’t already that high, which suggests that the this Extraordinary Physical Strength equivalence doesn’t actually boost the character’s PS score, even for a Ancient Master.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by riftsnewbie »

hup7 wrote:-Baseline humans only.
-No psychic powers, magic, super-powers, chi-powers or other supernatural abilities (check with me if unsure.)
-No bionics, cybernetics (including crazies and juicers) genetic modification or bio-wizardry.

Wow, for Rifts this is a pretty limiting list, it cuts out a lot of classes (over half) even just using the RUE.

I would speak to the GM and ask whether it is their intention to have everyone "start" as base human but level into something else... ie only going juicer at 3rd or something. If so then plan ahead for what you want to play as you advance. If they intend to run a human only / low power rifts game the whole way then build to that.

Usually I find myself with so many rifts character concepts I want to play that choosing ONE is difficult. My advice is think of the "character" you want to play - not a long extensive background or anything just "who" are they? And go from there.

A few basics for Rifts character generation - if you are planning to be melee: Physical Prowess is your key ability, followed by Physical Endurance. Physical Strength is less important for melee (if not supernatural) than in other systems. Others might offer their own thoughts - this is just my opinion for melee builds.

Have fun, most important play something that you will want to spend time developing and playing.

Thanks hup7! That's helpful. And good advice.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by riftsnewbie »

EliBenedict wrote: Yeah. As hup7 noted those are seriously limiting guidelines. But it's also presents an interesting challenge.

After some thought, here’s a little bit outside the box solution you could try, if he’s collected the Rifter (Palladium’s magazine) and he has Heroes Unlimited Second Edition (HU2). It's definitely munchkiny, but he has invited min-maxing so…

Dude... EliBenedict, you wrote a book.

And it is kind hand-holdy, but since I really don't know what I'm doing here, I appreciate it. This seems like a good fit for my concept. I was thinking of a young hotshot with something to prove (kinda like a young Anakin Skywalker, but less broody.) So, the teenage protege aspect works pretty well.

I texted my dm and he says he has every issue of the Rifter and Heroes Unlimited. He also said: "That's an oddly specific question though..." So, we'll see what happens when we get to the character creation session.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by Prysus »

riftsnewbie wrote:Hello people! New to the boards and to palladium games. Looking for help with character creation. I’m part of a long-standing group. Up to now, we’ve always played D&D (it’s the only system I’ve played.) We just finished our current campaign, and our dm (who has a soft-spot for palladium games) has finally convinced us to play this rifts campaign he’s been planning for awhile. He lent me the corebook, so I can learn the system.

Greetings and Salutations. Welcome to Palladium, we hope you enjoy your time in the variety of settings.

riftsnewbie wrote:We’re having a character creation session next week. He emailed us the following guidelines:

Those are some seriously limiting guidelines. That's almost like playing D&D without any class that has access to magic, and you're not allowed to select any Feats either. But ... from the list, I'd almost think the G.M. wants to the Coalition States (CS) to at least be accepting of your characters. With starting in prison, my mind goes to the G.M. thinking more of a CS version of Dirty Dozen or the like, but I'm just guessing. If so, I'll note now that the CS would also view anyone from another dimension (human or not) as an alien invader. With that said, let's look at your situation ...

riftsnewbie wrote:Here’s my concept: I want a street-smart martial artist in John Woo’s Heroic Bloodshed vein: best at melee, and unarmed, but can use guns too. From the chatter, the other players are definitely thinking of min-maxing, and I don’t want to find myself as the dead weight in the group. Suggestions? His books are pretty well organized, so if you can tell me where to find stuff, I can probably figure out if he has it or not pretty quickly.

Well, hup7 did provide very specific advice and I'm not saying it can't work, but it could be rather rule lawyer-y (which is NOT necessarily the same as min-maxing), and involves Unofficial material (the Rifter article), and will be subject to a lot of the G.M.'s approval. I'm not saying don't try, I'm just saying be mindful. If it works, great! If not, I'll try to provide a few other alternatives so you have some ideas to fall back on.

1: A character from Ninjas & Superspies. This is not Rifts, but compatible (which means your character will be "from another world, they will get the bonus skills listed in RIFTS Conversion Book"). You can look through the martial arts and see if there's one that you like and the G.M. would allow. My first instinct is Moo Gi Gong, which is good at improvised weapons (pencils and credit cards are weapons in your character's hands). Additionally, this martial art gives access to Body Hardening Exercises. There are a few, but when you look in Rifts Conversion Book One, Revised (page 51-52) converts some of these Exercises to giving you M.D.C. (which can be very useful for defense) and/or allowing you to inflict M.D. on power punches (for offense). Body Hardening Exercises are NOT Chi powers, so should be allowed. This can be simple, but effective. However, the G.M. may still consider having M.D. has a super power or chi related (though it is neither).

2: Something from Rifts World Book 8: Japan. Something like a Police Officer O.C.C. comes to mind, as they have access to Aikido, Jujitsu, and Karate. These three are from the Rifts setting, so no need for conversions or being from another world (which could be problematic if you do have to deal with the CS). If you are using one of those martial arts, be sure to use the version from the Rifts Game Master Guide (RGMG). The RGMG versions have the increased Attacks Per Melee (APM) included in, and you want to be sure you get as many APM as you can get.

3: Something from Rifts World Book 14: New West. Gunfighter and Gunslinger O.C.C. (and maybe some others) have access to Hand to Hand: Commando. The classes have a lot of special gun techniques, and Hand to Hand Commando grants Automatic Dodge (this means you can dodge without using an attack/action, something often reserved for augmented humans such as Juicers and Crazies). The Auto-Dodge and other aspects of Hand to Hand can help in close combat while the Gunfighter or Gunslinger abilities can make you deadly at range, serving as a good combination of the guns and close combat. Now, keep in mind that this is Palladium, and in Palladium (with rare exception) you can always use melee or ranged. There's no restriction for which types of weapons you can use, and you don't (typically) suffer penalties for not being trained in the weapon (you just don't get additional bonuses). However, for someone familiar with Palladium, this build feels a bit obvious. It's quite possible one or two of the other players already have such a concept in mind, and having everyone with similar builds isn't always the most interesting.

Hope some of that helps. Farewell and safe journeys.
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

riftsnewbie wrote:Here’s my concept: I want a street-smart martial artist in John Woo’s Heroic Bloodshed vein: best at melee, and unarmed, but can use guns too. From the chatter, the other players are definitely thinking of min-maxing, and I don’t want to find myself as the dead weight in the group. Suggestions? His books are pretty well organized, so if you can tell me where to find stuff, I can probably figure out if he has it or not pretty quickly.

Given the restrictive limitations from your GM it is hard to say if this is campaign specific or something they are doing because this is your introduction to the Palladium System so as to not be overwhelmed with options, in which case I can see how some of those restrictions make sense.

That said I have to agree with Prysus that with the restrictions and your desired concept, the best place might be to use the N&SS line. I don't have the book personally and am not overly familiar with it so I cannot comment on the build process per say (I know it uses the Skill Program system, which is different than the OCC system).

As you want to be martial artist you will want access to an OCC that allows you to upgrade to or comes standard with an advanced form of Hand to Hand combat training, at minimum the generic "Martial Arts" or "Assassin". Exotic forms like Commando or the Japanese Martial Arts would be even better, though Commando is probably easier to select. The "exotic" skills IIRC also gives better options compared to the more common skills in the long run (and Commando is not the only one that grants Auto Dodge, though IINM Commando also gives bonus where Kendo doesn't). I will note that you might be able to work with the lower HTH: Expert, but I would defiantly look at upgrading HTH: Basic (or even worse HTH: None) if that is your starting HTH Skill.

You will also want an OCC with (close to if not full) unrestricted access to the skills categories of Physical (to enhance your combat bonuses), Weapon Proficiency skills (to use weapons with the best bonuses), and Rogue Skills (select the Streetwise Skill if you don't start with it). You will also need to make sure the OCC gives you some of these skills at starting OR it gives you a lot of skill slots that you get to select. You will not be able to select every skill in these categories easily, so you will want to prioritize. With the Weapon Proficiencies (WP) you will want to focus on what you think will be the most common to encounter (check with the GM), but also remember that as Prysus said in Palladium you can (generally) use any weapon without penalties, though there are aspects you won't know (ex. w/o the appropriate Modern WP you can't reload a gun that falls under that heading or how to do maintenance).

You may also want to consider if the OCC gives any exclusive bonuses for one or more aspects of the combat style you are looking for or even just the plain Initiative Bonus (bonus attacks are going to be rare, all of the ones I can think of are the result of augmentations or powers) and/or Perception Bonus (to spot things). Useful Attribute Bonuses would be PS (hit harder in SDC combat after a score of 16, also one of the easiest attributes to upgrade with skills), PE, PP (provide bonuses after score of 16), and Spd (close faster)

Regarding Cybernetics, you might want to check with the GM to see if you can take an OCC with them (small number and not critical to the class) but either have them disabled/removed since you are starting in prison OR forgo them entirely. This is obviously something that works better for some OCCs than others as a City Rat could start with None and it would work, but a 'Borg type it won't.

With this said. I would suggest City Rat (RUE) who has not selected Cybernetics (they are flat out said to be Optional here). You have to upgrade the starting hand to hand skill, but you have the open skill slots to spare 10 Related and 6 secondary (total of 16, which is pretty high compared to most other OCCs). You have to speed 3 Related on Physical or Rogue skills of choice, but you'd likely do that anyway, and upgrading the starting HTH skill to Expert is the cost of 1 Related Slot or Martial Arts/Assassin for 2 (assassin is alignment restricted) leaving you with 5-6 Related Skills and 6 Secondary Skills (this has to pull from a specific list) which is still pretty good (for Rifts). You could spend all 11 of those skill slots on WP or mix in other useful skills. Note that some Skills might be mechanically the same between the two Skill slot types as they offer no mechanical benefit to taking them one way or the other.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by riftsnewbie »

Prysus wrote: Well, hup7 did provide very specific advice and I'm not saying it can't work, but it could be rather rule lawyer-y (which is NOT necessarily the same as min-maxing), and involves Unofficial material (the Rifter article), and will be subject to a lot of the G.M.'s approval. I'm not saying don't try, I'm just saying be mindful. If it works, great! If not, I'll try to provide a few other alternatives so you have some ideas to fall back on.

Thank Prysus. I took notes on these suggestions (and the ones from hup7 and EliBenedict.) I'm not looking to put all my eggs in one basket, only to get vetoed by the GM.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by riftsnewbie »

ShadowLogan wrote: As you want to be martial artist you will want access to an OCC that allows you to upgrade to or comes standard with an advanced form of Hand to Hand combat training, at minimum the generic "Martial Arts" or "Assassin". Exotic forms like Commando or the Japanese Martial Arts would be even better, though Commando is probably easier to select. The "exotic" skills IIRC also gives better options compared to the more common skills in the long run (and Commando is not the only one that grants Auto Dodge, though IINM Commando also gives bonus where Kendo doesn't). I will note that you might be able to work with the lower HTH: Expert, but I would defiantly look at upgrading HTH: Basic (or even worse HTH: None) if that is your starting HTH Skill.

Appreciate it ShadowLogan, took down notes on your suggestions.

Many thanks to you, hup7, EliBenedict and Prysus for quick reply and suggestions. The community on these boards are nice people. I think I'm pretty well prepared for Thursday. I'll let you all know what happens.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by hup7 »

I provided more generic info - EliBenedict provided a specific build.

but you are welcome :D

I would go in with some backup ideas - I find character builds are a bit negotiable.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by Prysus »

hup7 wrote:I provided more generic info - EliBenedict provided a specific build.

Greetings and Salutations. My apologies. I mixed up the two of your posts in my reply. I'm not sure if this mattered much to you or if this was even referencing my error, but I try to admit when I make a mistake. Farewell and safe journeys.
Living the Fantasy (fan website)

Rifter #45; Of Bows & Arrows (Archery; expanding rules and abilities)
Rifter #52; From Ruins to Runes (Living Rune Weapons; playable characters and NPC)
Rifter #55; Home Away From Home (Quorian Culture; expanded from PF Book 9: Baalgor Wastelands)

Official PDF versions of Rifter #45, #52, and #55 can be found at DriveThruRPG.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by EliBenedict »

Prysus wrote:
hup7 wrote:I provided more generic info - EliBenedict provided a specific build.

Greetings and Salutations. My apologies. I mixed up the two of your posts in my reply. I'm not sure if this mattered much to you or if this was even referencing my error, but I try to admit when I make a mistake. Farewell and safe journeys.

@prysus: No offense taken. Sounds like hup7 wasn't bothered either. I do respect your conscientiousness though.

@riftsnewbie. Yeah, I can get a little over-verbose sometimes. Sorry.

FWIW Prysus is correct. Some Rifter content is tagged "official," other content "optional." I've never understood how or why they make that determination, but the Sidekick class appears in an article designated "optional." And the build I described does depend on a specific, somewhat sticklerly reading of the rules.

I figure you have a pretty good shot given your GM's guidelines:
"-RAW (I decide if it’s ambiguous.)"
"-You can use any published Palladium material in my personal library."

But, ultimately, it'll be his decision: You should go in with multiple options ready and Prysus' and ShadowLogan's suggestions are very solid choices for your concept.

One last caveat. The build I suggested depends on the version of the Ancient Master in the most recent edition of Heroes Unlimited. There are three editions out there, not sure which one your GM has. The one you'd want looks like this: ... ition.html
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by psiandco »

riftsnewbie wrote:Hello people! New to the boards and to palladium games. Looking for help with character creation.
Creation Guidelines:
-You’ll make all ability score, hit point, ect, rolls in front of me.
-1st level characters only.
-RAW (I decide if it’s ambiguous.)
-You can use any published Palladium material in my personal library.
-Baseline humans only.
-Your character is assumed to have been on RIFTS Earth for at least a few months. So, if they come from another world, they will get the bonus skills listed in RIFTS Conversion Book.
-No psychic powers, magic, super-powers, chi-powers or other supernatural abilities (check with me if unsure.)
-No bionics, cybernetics (including crazies and juicers) genetic modification or bio-wizardry.
-Nothing with supernatural strength or MDC.
-You’ll start the game in prison, with nothing but your prison uniform. Early on you’ll get the chance to pick up gear reasonably appropriate to your skills and abilities. But no promises, so if your character build depends on a specific piece of equipment, you may be disappointed.
-Inside those limitations, I welcome your efforts at min-maxing.

First things first, You don't "Win Playing Rifts" any more than you can "Win D&D" So, let's get min/maxing out of this equation Right away. Besides, you don't even know what your ability scores will be! For all intents and purposes you could roll a character with all 10s... or even 3s! let us hope against that!
I think your GM wants you to play "Normal people who feel lost in a world gone mad!" a game where your character stands in awe as a 48 foot tall Mecha does a fist-to-claw battle against a 70-foot-long dragon over your head. He wants you to "know what it feels like" to be a mere mortal in an absurd/impossible situation. He wants you to flee a skyscraper being knocked apart by a KAIJU wrestling league deathmatch. He wants you to know what it means to be mortal, so that when you do get to play as a VERITABLE TITAN that it will have meaning to you; that the NPC lives will have meaning too. He wants you to "feel" and "experience" that game like you should "experience" a really good book; let's say "Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas. Let's keep this in mind.

Each of you players should abandon the idea of "POWERS-FOR-FREE" and start thinking, "I've got nothing. how do I become the best ME I can be?" because your GM likely wants you to EARN access to the more exotic stuff through your role playing!
You need to think about your characters "AS A TEAM" and work together to fill roles that you will likely need:
Survivalist. Thief-electrical engineer. Medical science. Technology expert Pilot
Here is a crazy Idea: All of you are from EARTH here and now. how did you get to RIFTS earth?
you guys won a sweepstakes vacation, tickets for a flight to Bermuda... and vanished.

Now... as a role player you are taking part in TELLING your story... this makes you something of an actor and creative writer.
To be a really great actor, and a really great writer you need to do some fun stuff called ...RESEARCH.
Repeat after me, "Youtube is my friend."
You can do a heap of research and cram videos (at 2x speed) so that when you play your character you can "Say what you do"
(*instead of clam up and stare at the floor all bashful like and blushing.)
KNOWLEDGE is power. you need to get it so that your character knows what is possible and what can be done.
How in the Heck can you role play an electrical engineer if you don't know how to spell soldiering? (yes, that extra i belongs there)
Yes, having some knowledge about what your character supposedly knows is a good thing and learning about your character is a must.
Survivalist/navigator/tracker/Bow hunter/bushcrafting/ (at least one of you should want to be a young Army ranger who was raised by a Prepper like Ted Nugent)
Medical doctor/ herbalist/ biochemist/ analytical chemistry/ pharmaceuticals (Atleast one of you should want to be a Doctor, with the ability to learn cybernetics)
Locksmith, mechanic, electrician, computer programing, and rogue skills (at least one of you want to be a "Security systems testing contractor" aka Thief)
Robotics, Electrical engineer, advanced mathematics, computer programing (you are an internet star like the "Hacksmith" on youtube and future power armor operator)
Pilot, navigation, radio, mechanics, survival, land navigation, fishing, hunting, (you were a driven "Boyscout" who earned a pilot's license as a teen and fly for the Civil Air Patrol)

Last note. All of you can have "Hand-to-hand: martial arts", be good with guns.
Thing is you need to *BE MORE* than just combat. you need to wear the knowledge your character has like a second skin, you need to cram starting last year.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by psiandco »

really, your GM's premise is;
1. you are fairly new to rifts earth.
2. You are mortal.
3. You have nothing.
4. You start as a prisoner.
You need to be more than combat.
You are going to need to "live/cope" in RIFTS.
You are going to be a squishy,
while everything you face will be like a cosmic child playing with a large magnifying glass in summer, and oh look... you are the ant.

The survivalist ranger Concept, can go "Jape" or euro-juicer and take "juicer scout" after adapting to rifts.
The "hacksmith" youtube star, can become an "Operator, who learns power armor piloting" after adapting to rifts.
The Medical science character can become a "body fixer" or "Cyberdoc" after adapting to rifts earth.
The Techno-thief character could one day become an "operator" with their own power armor.
The Pilot character should be able to quickly adapt to learn new vehicles, and might get their hands on a flying power armor.

Anyone who gets wrecked/ripped up/maimed/fragged... could become a headhunter (partial cyborg) or due to injuries in a MDC world, a full conversion borg.
Just because you are a squishy, it don't mean you are helpless. Skills earn resources, resources earn means, means provide for your survival...

in a world where in part of the population has been pushed all the way back to 1800's subsistence, (hangin' wit de AMISH BRO!) you need BRAINS more than you need brawn.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by EliBenedict »

psiandco wrote: First things first, You don't "Win Playing Rifts" any more than you can "Win D&D" So, let's get min/maxing out of this equation Right away.

Respectfully, while the kind of campaign you're describing sounds awesome, and the general role-playing advice you're laying down is solid, it seems you're offering, essentially, unsolicited advice that might not apply. And you could be making some assumptions that don't apply in this situation.

Riftsnewbie asked for a specific piece of advice: They're s a newcomer who wants to build a "street-smart martial artist in John Woo’s Heroic Bloodshed vein: best at melee, and unarmed, but can use guns too," that won't be "dead weight" among a group of characters designed by experienced rifts players who are already trying to figure out how to min-max their builds.

It doesn't sound like Riftsnewbie is trying to "win" rifts. They've played rpgs with this group before. So they know how rpgs work. They know how to role-play. They just don't want to be left behind. I'm guessing we've all been in games where we were new to the system, and found ourselves playing a character that was of a distinctly lower tier than the rest of the group. It's no fun. You end up feeling you're a liability.

I'm also not entirely convinced that the GM is trying to run the kind of campaign you're describing (which, again, does sound like an awesome campaign.) If that's what he were going for, I would imagine the guidelines would be more like: "-Normal humans only, RUE adventure/scholar OCCs only, no cybernetics or psionics."

Instead, the GM did this odd thing of saying: You're all non-magical, non-psychic, non-super, non-bionic humans, but other than that, you can pull anything from my extensive collection of palladium books, and "I welcome your efforts at min-maxing." And we all know how subject unrestricted palladium character design is to min-maxing.

I wonder if the GM isn't thinking something more along the lines of Prysus' suggestion: A Dirty Dozen meets Batman vs. Superman campaign: with a team of extraordinary, if still natural, expendable inmates recruited for a mission against a vastly superhuman adversary force. Or something like that. Obviously there's a fair amount of speculation on my part there.

Regardless, the guidelines the GM set out do read like he's daring the players: "Here's a tightly restrictive set of guidelines. Go ahead and create the most bad-*** character you can within those limitations." That's how it sounds to me, anyway. As Riftsnewbie reports, that seems to be how the other players took it too

For your advice (which again, is good role-playing advice) to work, Riftsnewbie would have to convince not only the other players, but possibly the GM too, to change their character/campaign concept. And given that Riftsnewbie is new to the setting, whereas the others are all veterans, I don't see them winning that argument.

Riftsnewbie has a concept in mind, with a clear archetype, and ideas about how to roleplay it: "a young hotshot with something to prove (kinda like a young Anakin Skywalker, but less broody." Yes, it's combat focused, but there are roleplaying hooks there too. And they came here asking for help to make it happen.

Your response was to say they needed a different character type. Speaking personally, for myself, there's nothing less fun in rpgs than being told "your character concept is no good. You need a character like this..." That's just deflating and frustrating. I don't know. Maybe Riftsnewbie didn't read it that way.

The character design advice I've appreciated has always been in the vein of: "given your character concept, here are some options that fit the power scale and context of the campaign."

Admittedly, the character build I posted was definitely munchkinish. I said as much in my original reply. And it's possible I'm feeling a little defensive here. I do recognize that you weren't attacking me personally, or even, necessarily, critiquing the build I posted. To be fair, that build does have a range of non-combat skills. It's definitely powerful, but, if they've got limited equipment and they're facing off against MDC supernatural horrors and giant robots, it's probably not OP.

I enjoy rules challenges outside of games, though I don't usually play rpgs that way, unless that's part of the play dynamic of the group. From what's described, I think it might be part of the dynamic of this group. And if the other players are experienced with the rules, and committed to min-maxing, all the builds presented thus far on the thread would probably fit in with the power tier of the campaign. Ultimately, if Riftsnewbie presents any of the suggestions on this thread, the GM will decide if they make sense for the campaign, or not.

FWIW, you're a very good writer.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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While I get your original concept, I humbly suggest that you instead pick up the Rifts Ultimate Edition book and thumb through the options for Adventurers & Scholar classes, pick one of those that jump out at you, and build from there.

Nearly all of those classes are pretty much in line with what your GM is aiming for, and you don't have to bend over backwards trying to get a concept to work that doesn't really fit in with any of your available options.

In Rifts, anyone with a mega-damage weapon is going to be deadly, and it sounds like everyone in the game is going to have access to the same armor options once the campaign gets going. So that's combat sorted. Sure, some of the crazier O.C.C.s (most of which you don't have access to) gain numerous benefits in that department, but in the end, damage comes from your W.P. skill and the weapon you choose, and everything else is just icing on the cake.

What you really should be wanting to do is find a niche that the other player characters aren't filling, and focus on that.

Personally, given the description of the campaign, I'd consider a Rogue Scholar O.C.C. who used to be a college professor or something similar. Maybe he grew up on a farm or just enjoys skeet shooting, rationalizing the inclusion of some modern W.P. skills. Coming into Rifts Earth, he's going to be invaluable with his sheer breadth of knowledge, especially if his rift brought him through time from pre-Rifts Earth. His familiarity with old tech, his knowledge of potentially undiscovered military bases full of the hottest gear, and ability to trade his know-how for credits is going to be worth a ton more than a couple extra pluses to strike and whatnot.

Alternatively, maybe he was a world-class surgeon leading the way in early bionics. A Cyber-Doc O.C.C. character would be equally invaluable to the team, able to build/repair/implant all the cool cybernetics. He could even turn interested players into partial- or full-conversion Borgs, Headhunters, Juicers, Crazies, and so on, all on the cheap. He'd also make a killing in various frontier towns, and he'd even be able to upgrade himself into a bit of a combat monster. Think someone like Doc Reid in the Vampire Kingdoms world book, for example.

But that's just the way I think. Your mileage may vary.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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You've gotten good answers already, but here's my 2 cents:

I'd recommend a HU2 Hunter/Vigilante with a N&S Martial Art of some kind.
Even without Chi Powers (and presumably Martial Art powers or Atemi abilities that are kinda supernatural), you can go for something that'll give you Arts of Invisibility.
You can usually trade free Chi Abilities, Martial Arts Powers, etc. for extra skills if you like, and that can help get a lot of WPs or attribute-boosting skills.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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Welcome RB,

Hup7 said my 1st basic thought about the set of limitations has imposed.

As for char suggestions....I would suggesting you look at the "Veteran Grunt" in the Ninja & Superspies book. They get a good selection of skill programs and are able to have a Marital Arts Form. And the player can choose skills that fit the cover identity they may pick. ("i'm just a banker" said mister green to the secret policeman.)

Then as said above, the char will get crossover skills from the RCB1r (here I presume it will be the 20th/21st century character bonus skills set). And there is a N&S specific, Vet. Grunt crossover skills on page 51 of the RCB1r.
(don't disparage if your GM rules that your char would only one of the two sets.)

There is also the Human traits table in the Rifts Lonestar gamebook that you could use to fill out some traits.

As to why you char is now on rifts earth.... Maybe he was on a crew hunting a dragon/wizard/demigod on his homeworld and it opened up a portal and your char got sucked through. And on the RE side of the portal was much stronger and could just walk away to you companions got squashed while you were OK'ed. After that a squad of the locals arrived there and since you were alive & non-responsive they put you in jail till they could talk to you.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by EliBenedict »

Noting the general consensus regarding the importance of other skills, another option you could go with, more solidly RAW allowed, would be the Hardware power category from HU2.

You could take Weapons as your first speciality, with either Mechanical or Electrical as an additional category (this option appears under the Attack Per Melee heading.)

If the GM lets you choose your education level, you could combine this with the Military Specialist level of training. Drop the weapons skill program (you'll have plenty of WPs from your hardware speciality, even after taking a second specialty), take a second Espionage program, and use your additional program for Physical skills (take Boxing, Wrestling, Gymnastic and Acrobatics) and use your secondary skills for Body Building, Athletics, Prowl, Streetwise and three other rogue skill.

You'll still be a first tier martial artist, and you'll get the Sharpshooter and Paired Guns skills for Gun-Fu.

Your espionage and rogue skills, set you up well for criminal endeavors/street smarts; and your second hardware speciality puts you in a good place to repair and manage technology. You can earn credits on rifts as a de-facto operator. Per the conversion book, you won't have any penalties for your tech skills, and you get additional bonus skills on rifts earth (over and above what other 21st century characters get.)

This character is more versatile than the other build I suggested outside of combat. In combat, they aren't as powerful hand to hand or melee, but with paired guns and sharpshooter, they're actually a bit more dangerous with firearms in their hands.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by psiandco »

EliBenedict wrote: Respectfully, while the kind of campaign you're describing sounds awesome, and the general role-playing advice you're laying down is solid, it seems you're offering, essentially, unsolicited advice that might not apply. And you could be making some assumptions that don't apply in this situation.

Thank you for the kind and respectful response. I am a 50 year old who believes that "respect has to be earned before it is given", so I am especially grateful to you.
My gut response and knee jerk replies were based on some terrible role playing experiences I have had in the past.
Yes, my posts came from both the Original post and my negative experiences.
You are very correct in saying that I can be wrong.

One experience: a new rifts group is brought together by the forces of fate, automatically the two "squishy humans" from the real world now, and a Mind Melter who invested heavily in sensitive powers, just didn't freak out. they didn't flee for their lives, in bloody terror...
When the undead necromancer uber lich, fire dragon hatchling, and MASSIVE 12ft tall super armored brute full conversion combat cyborg all took seats around the pitiful campfire.
it was, "oh. hey. I'm bob. nice to meet you."

In a different game, the group came upon an unconscious and wounded Altera warrior woman. As the GM, when she awoke I was going to make her an amnesiac and be perfectly fine with joining the rag-tag band of adventurers (a way of introducing a new to the game female player to the group). Instead of seeing this event as the adventure hook,line,sinker that it was...
The boys gang raped the NPC and made sure she'd never wake up. (the real life female player never joined the group and never got play even once.)

Second experience: A group of super characters made with HU1 way back when, went a little overboard with their blasting (beams of radiation, plasma, lightning and so on) they destroyed a city block: one elementary school, one hospital, a strip mall, some residential towers. They expected to be greeted as heroes.
when one survivor threw a loose brick at one of them...
The entire party started to grumble threateningly at the elderly civilian, and then said, "F*** it!" and with a snap of fingers reduced the old man to a protoplasmic smear.
They forgot they were "GODS" by comparison and had little to no concern for the lives and well being of others. NONE.

I saw in the Original poster's comment a G.M. who is tired of the same schizoid "disconnect from reality", and Game-meta abuse.
I prejudicial believed that the G.M. might be trying to teach the players at his table to "Remember what it is like to be small, helpless, and vulnerable" and to not be Soley warped around game meta. My apologies.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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What the eff did I just read? o.O
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by psiandco »

Crimson Dynamo wrote:What the eff did I just read? o.O

a G.M. who is tired of the same schizoid "disconnect from reality", and Game-meta abuse.

I know. I am making a great many assumptions. Yet, why else would the GM throw so many restrictions at a player group?
my answer?

*he wants them to go cut down a tree with an axe, chop the wood, stack it under an overhang, wait for it to season, before using it to keep their house warm.

*The GM may want those players to Connect game play, not with rules "Meta", but with their ordinary human lives. uging them to connect their characters and role playing more to
the Reality of the story, than the text of the rules books.

let me ask you a question, "have you ever rode a horse?"
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by EliBenedict »

psiandco wrote:"have you ever rode a horse?"

"Like for me to take you to Pluto I said 'Of course'?"

Sorry, I couldn't resist that. But, I take your point, and I do get where you're coming from. Also, you may be right in terms of the kind of campaign is Riftsnewbie's GM is building. If it is that kind of campaign, there are ways to bud a character that both honors Riftsnewbie's concept, and fits into an ensemble-low-power-survivalist type game. And, to be fair, your intial response addressed that possibiity at the end.

I think the main thing is, as a newcomer to Rifts, to have the most fun, Riftsnewbie will need a character that fits their concept, the power tier of their companion characters, and the campaign style.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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I was referring more to the GM allowing the players to "gang rape" a player character just because her player--a woman--didn't show up for the session. That's beyond messed up.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by psiandco »

EliBenedict wrote:to have the most fun, Riftsnewbie will need a character that fits their concept, the power tier of their companion characters, and the campaign style.

Concept: Streetwise Martial artist...
Power level: Unknown, but given the restrictions? what would you build?
Campaign style: also, unknown. I could be very "off base" and Very wrong in my prejudice. Sorry.

I wish to restate my original recommendations:
1. Be MORE than combat.
2. Be MORE than a gimmick.
3. Be a "CHARACTER".
That's all I got.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

I'd consider going with the Paratrooper OCC from Rifts Mercenary Adventures, holding one or two of the Conversion Book pilot skill selections back in order to see what comes available in-game, and spread O.C.C. Related/Secondary choices among Physical, survival oriented, and streetwise skills. The reason for this is the ability to make aimed or called shots with a weapon while moving without penalty is quite rare, and the Paratrooper is the only class without further enhancements available to a human which can do so with something other than a bow. Woo-style GunFu has a fair amount of the character moving while attacking, and so such an ability seems paramount. For those without access to magic/psionics/super powers/chi/etc., power armor is perhaps the most straightforward way to gain combat ability, and having access to a few Elite skills helps.

Failing that, I'd consider some sort of martial artist whom trades all their potential powers for skill programs. Going with the Dreamer Gizmoteer from the N&SS book grants access to both a martial arts form and the general gizmo construction skill, which is a rather open ended ability.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by psiandco »

To RiftsNewbie, please let us know how it went.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by riftsnewbie »

Thanks everyone! The character creation session went really well. And this thread ended up being both extremely helpful, and weirdly prescient.

Prysus called the campaign concept. It's a Dirty Dozen/Suicide-Squad type deal, starting in an isolated Coalition prison for dimensional travelers and dissidents. The warden drafted our characters for a mission to infiltrate a remote compound of powerful wizards, steal a specific hard drive from their vault, blow the place, and bring the hard drive back. We were chosen because we're each highly skilled and dangerous, but expendable (being dimensional travelers.) Because of his prejudices, the warden couldn't bring himself to work with anyone truly non-human or supernatural.

For whatever reason, he doesn't want his higher ups to know about the mission. Which is why he's recruited us. We've each been implanted with a bomb in the base of our skull (because of course we were), and released into the wilderness under cover of darkness with nothing but a set of civilian clothes (so at least we're not readily visible as inmates,) because he doesn't want to risk giving us any equipment that could getting traced back to him. He's put out notice that we're escaped, dangerous, wanted criminals with a reward on our heads, as an incentive to keep away from Coalition settlements, and to fly low under the radar.

So we're on our own for survival and equipment. The enclave is about eight hundred miles away. If we get the hard drive back to his drop-off site within two months, he's promised to de-activate the bombs, provide us new identities and release us. If not, the bombs will blow automatically.

At the character creation session, I presented EliBenedict's Sidekick build. The dm said he'd allow it, but pointed out that I'd be a little short on non-combat skills, which could be a a problem since we'll have to make our own way in the world.

After some discussion, I went with the other build EliBenedict suggested: the Hardware Weapons/Mechanical Expert; pulling in some of the skill selection pointers other folk have made on this thread. I'm the group's pilot and mechanical wiz. I kept my original concept (he's still a street-smart, martial-arts and gun-fu master) but now, back on his Earth, he was responsible for building, outfitting and maintaining his Triad's fleet of high-tech vehicles. He got pulled into rifts earth while trying to reverse engineer an alien stardrive the syndicate had stolen.

The other characters are a super-spy/martial-artist from Ninjas and Superspies (Prysus DrewKitty, Curbludgeon and Killer Cyborg, you called that one) with advanced medical skills; and a doomsday-prepper/conspiracy-nut "Natural Genius" (from one of the other super-hero books) with expertise in electronics and wilderness survival.

The conspiracy-nut is already convinced the warden is secretly a wizard himself, trying to cover up the tracks of his involvement with the wizards' compound. She thinks he chose normal humans because he was worried anyone supernatural might recognize him for what he is.

Psiandco, I brought up your notes about balancing party skills as the three of us negotiated our designs together. It helped shape the final party make-up.

The other two have got a metric ton of skills. But I'm not too far behind. We're all strong on the espionage/martial arts/gun-fighting front, though I'm definitely the best in a fire fight (which I like.)

The dm let us roll eight times for attributes, then arrange as desired, so hup7, your suggestion about priorities for attributes definitely came in handy.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for the advice. You guys know your stuff.

(Also, I loved seeing how Psiandco, EliBenedict and Crimson Dynamo actually had a respectful disagreement on the interwebs. I didn't think that was possible. It's nice here.)
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by psiandco »

I would love to hear about you and your crew's adventures! is it recorded, like an "Actual Play" podcast or something? I,- (me and assuming, again)
I am certain everyone else here would love to hear too!

(It is rare that a game is run with such overwhelming restrictions, but regardless of those restrictions I foresee you all Kick'n bottoms n' taken names!)
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by riftsnewbie »

psiandco wrote:I would love to hear about you and your crew's adventures! is it recorded, like an "Actual Play" podcast or something? I,- (me and assuming, again)
I am certain everyone else here would love to hear too!

(It is rare that a game is run with such overwhelming restrictions, but regardless of those restrictions I foresee you all Kick'n bottoms n' taken names!)

We don't record it, but I can try journaling it. Our team is:

-Luis Riviera, a former intelligence operative with training in some martial art starting with a Z (seems like a fictionalized version of Kendo to me). He'd been trained as a Marine Corps Medical Officer, before getting recruited by the CIA on account of his varied skill-set and psychological profile. The sent him on a deep-cover operation to scout out a suspected Russian asset. Turns out the asset was a wizard who shunted him through a dimensional portal to preserve his cover. Luis found himself dropped right in the middle of a CS police station and was immediately arrested. He's determined to find a way home so he can warn his higher-ups that they have no idea what they're dealing with. He's still acclimating to the fact that magic and aliens are real. But he's committed to his mission, and he's a quick study.

-Susan Jenkins, a self-trained survivalist/conspiracy-nut/genius. She'd master a lot of electrical and wilderness skills in her effort to live off the grid and under the radar. She became convinced most of the residents in her town had been replaced by aliens as part of an advanced invasion force, and started poking around for evidence. Unfortunately, it turned out she was right. The captured her, and sent her on a transport back to their homeworld. She was able to jury-rig their teleporter to escape, but it didn't work quite as planned, and she ended up in rifts Chicago. The fascist CS prickled all her conspiracy-nut tendencies, and after asking a few too many questions, and poking into some place she shouldn't have, she found herself shipped off to a CS prison. But she needs to get free first. As near as we can tell, she and I are from the same Earth. Aliens, ultra-tech and the supernatural are part of the world we come from, but they're not super common. Here it's everywhere. She's weirdly giddy about it. Rifts earth plays into all her paranoias. In a perverse way, she loves it. She's planning to stay.

-And me, Chen Lixin. I grew up in Hong Kong, in a world of super-heroes and aliens, born into one of the Triads. My crime family specialized in acquiring contraband alien tech and re-selling it on the black market. I showed early aptitude, both as a street operative and as a mechanical engineer. While trying to work out an alien star drive, I accidentally sent myself to rifts Earth. I tried to keep a low-profile, while building underworld contacts to acquire the tech I needed to try and rebuild another gateway home. Unfortunately, when I asked a contact for leads on alien tech, they ratted me out and I was arrested. I'm mostly accepting the changes in stride: there are always folks fighting for the top position. Back home it's crime syndicates vs. each other and the government. Here it's an evil fascist empire vs. demons. Different players, same game. But I see opportunity. The tech here is beyond anything even my Triad has encountered or stolen. My plan is get back home, carrying as much ultra-tech with me as I can and reverse engineer it at home, thus securing my clans position over its rivals.

We've all met in passing in the prison mess hall, but we don't really know, or trust each other at all. Still, we're stuck in this together.

The rest of the background I shared above. After the character creation session, the warden told us the low-down, showed Susan an unmarked topographical map, on which he pointed out the prison, a nearish independent town where we can try to get/steal supplies, the wizard compound and the drop-off site. She's got a photographic memory. That, plus her wilderness orientation skills is all we'll have to find out way. The warden didn't want to leave any evidence behind. He led us to trap-door crawl-space that would deposit us outside the walls, told us we'd have about eight hours before morning light, when the guards would notice we were gone, another hour for them to search the facility and confirm we weren't there, at which point the warden himself would order a manhunt to bring us back. He's planted papers in our bunks suggesting that we're part of a fanatical dissident movement, and declaring out intent to make one last attempt at escape before sacrificing ourselves for the cause. If we're captured, he'll blow the bombs so we can't run our mouths, trusting that everyone will believe we killed ourselves.

The session ended with the three of us in the pitch-black of the crawl space as he closed the trap door behind us and said "Oh, and be sure to watch out for the vampires."
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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riftsnewbie wrote: be sure to watch out for the vampires."

Your GM is BRUTAL!
You have no power, nothing to rely on but yourselves,
and right now, your enemy The Warden is thinking he's got all the angles covered.
If you don't follow his plan- you die.
If you do follow his plan but aren't on time... you die.
if you manage to follow his plan to the letter...

what happens to escaped prisoners who come back to the prison they've supposedly already escaped from...
I do not know, but it isn't pretty.

He thinks he's got you all trapped, "rock an a hard place", "Catch 22"... totally pooched.
Don't let it be so. Just don't. FIGHT TO SURVIVE! you can't let that worm live after what he's done to each of you.
Now, on to your TRUE ENEMY... RIFTS EARTH.

Your journey begins now. what happens next, depends on you
(and your GM's capacity to think/act like a MONSTER. "Pst!" so far, he is really good, ... at being BAD)
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by psiandco »

Some thoughts. a typical "Scammer" trick is to give you their number and then a second number to verify the scammers credentials.
the best bet is to NOT use what the scammer gives you at all. Don't use the internet, use the phonebook. look up the proper authority.
what do I mean for you guys; You might want to flat-out avoid the warden's "Safe spot".
Yes, you are going there. No. you ought not to spotted (nor talk to anyone, if you are).
Yes, You might *scrounge some items. (aka *STEAL, as in FIVE FINGER DISCOUNT)
No, you are not going to have a nice enjoyable afternoon "Shopping" at the mall.
Undoubtedly, this place has one or more spies who are working for the warden. Avoid them at all costs.
I don't really have a clue what is going on in your game; I am not a player there (GOD, I WISH I WAS!)
My thoughts are that you want to treat this like the first half hour or so of the CLASSIC Arnold Schwarzenegger movie "Predator"
the scenes of them taking on the militia camp... to quote the Sexual Tyranasuarus Jesse Ventura, "I anin't got time to bleed"...

I am thinking you need to go "Commando" on the Warden's "spies r us" spot.
1a. Have the conspiracy nut set a fire off one side of the "camp"
1b. while the two of you sneak in and raid the other side as the camp responds to the chaos.
2a. The conspiracy nut uses counter-tracking, powl, and land navigation to cover her tracks
as she circles back to your meet up spot 4 miles North (recommended off hand).
2b. you guys leave the "Camp" and "haul posterior" with either duffels or "large mountaineer rucks with frames" between you. go light, and with PURPOSE
*Do not grab more than you can carry. ONLY GRAB what you really need! (Minimum 3 gallons water = 25 lbs) 1 gallon container for each of you, three "Vibro-knives", 1 flashlight or 3 multi-optics, A roll of Duct tape, A hatchet, an entrenching tool (aka, camping shovel), a Paramedic bag = 25 lbs. 1 blanket per person, three tarps and a rope = 25lbs. Do *NOT* carry more than 40lbs per person at most.
NOTES:*As Vibro-knives deal MDC, it will make short work of "Bush-crafting" things you may want/need later (three or four leg fire poles to support a "Cooking spit", 1 cooking pot, three bowls, crude utensils, Stakes, a fishing pole (the paramedic bag can provide thread for fishing string and a curved Suture you can use as a hook).
*Do not try to steal a vehicle; 1. people will notice it's missing FAST. 2. Such a high value item is worth using "divination" (magic or psionics) to hunt down and take it back.
You want to be un-noticed.
***If you want to move fast cross country, you can't stop to fish or bow hunt... steal food that won't spoil. it will be bland, but a bag of spaghetti noodles or a bag of rice *will* keep the 3 of you alive and fed for several days. bonus if you can also grab a bag of dried beans for the variety and protein. Fruits will not last once the skin is peeled, the aminos and sugars are a vital part of the human diet, but You can't afford to be "Hungry now, and Hungry Latter" which fruit does to you naturally.
***as to "Potable" drinking water, distilled is best. the water is boiled to evaporation, and the steam is collected and condensed back into PURE water. This can remove alkali, Ph disruptors, and other things that will make your guts feel like they are being ripped apart. Make no mistake about it, you are in a HIGH-RISK SURVIVAL SITUATION
Things that will kill all of you *FAST*;
1. being stupid. trying to do something that you have never been trained to do and have never done for yourself. just because you were hotstuff on the gramar school jungle-gym it doesn't mean you can climb a steep 30ft hillside. do you remember Christopher Reeves, the 1970's Superman? yes, a fall of 6ft can KILL you dead. likewise, if you don't know how to hold/use a knife... you should NEVER put one in your hands, you will cut yourself or someone else.
2. failure to acknowledge. if you are not aware of your situation, your environment, your needs, your tools, your skills, and fail to avoid risk taking... you will become a statistic (*I.E. DEAD)
3. body heat. yes, you can be taken out by "heat injuries" and "Cold injuries". Be Aware of the signs and symptoms, know what to do if you or a buddy begins to have problems! do not ignore things like foot blisters, insect bites, and wet clothes/wet shoes. if you do, chances are you won't make it 3 days outdoors, people have "walked themselves lame" and needed rescue even in Safe/tame environs... which RIFTS EARTH is *NOT*.
4. water. I S*** you not. this will kill you fast. if you do not know how to get "Clean+ SAFE+ DRINKING water" you will be dead before three days are up in the wild. (*if you are crossing a desert, most humans "in real life" are dead after walking less than 10 miles)
5. You are FOOD. in your house, chicken is served on a plate... the woods? that is their house. You go out into the wild, and *YOU* are on the menu. I S*** you not. a puma, cougar, or wild cat, can leap 15ft up and 20ft horizontal, weighing about 200-300 lbs, and will have adapted to RIFTS EARTH. These animals attack so SWIFTLY you are usually DEAD before you see them. Same goes for deep water, that's their house (water critters), you go in there. You don't belong. you don't know the rules. its yo' AAAA*****!!!!!! translation; moma-nature is not loving and caring. She is more psycho than I, and is ALWAYS looking for the opportunity to *KILL*-WITHOUT-MERCY*.
6. Shelter. A) go to Youtube. B) type in the search bar "Bushcraft" c) watch those videos. D) type in "Kulska". E) watch those videos F) type in "emergency shelter" and watch those videos. g) type in "one day cabin build". watch those videos. A Strong, solid, impromtu-temporary shelter will make the long 80 mile trek survivable.
Last edited by psiandco on Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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in rifts earth, sleeping outdoors in just a sleeping bag... makes you look like a tasty Fruit roll up to any predator that finds you. DO NOT MAKE CAMP just willy-nilly one bare ground.
Please spend the four hours, the three of you, building a *SAFE* SOLID* SECURE* CONCEALLED* SHELTER. use that safety to prep/eat food, treat injuries, and a tiny fireplace with mud/rock chimney, boil enough water for tomorrow.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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psiandco wrote:
riftsnewbie wrote: be sure to watch out for the vampires."

Your GM is BRUTAL!
You have no power, nothing to rely on but yourselves,
and right now, your enemy The Warden is thinking he's got all the angles covered.
If you don't follow his plan- you die.
If you do follow his plan but aren't on time... you die.
if you manage to follow his plan to the letter...

what happens to escaped prisoners who come back to the prison they've supposedly already escaped from...
I do not know, but it isn't pretty.

He thinks he's got you all trapped, "rock an a hard place", "Catch 22"... totally pooched.
Don't let it be so. Just don't. FIGHT TO SURVIVE! you can't let that worm live after what he's done to each of you.
Now, on to your TRUE ENEMY... RIFTS EARTH.

Your journey begins now. what happens next, depends on you
(and your GM's capacity to think/act like a MONSTER. "Pst!" so far, he is really good, ... at being BAD)

Sounds pretty fun to me.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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wait... 800 miles. there AND back?
A human can travel 3 mph cross country SAFELY, (more than 5 mph and you are risking injury)
If you travel from sun-up 0700 hours, until 1500 hours= 8 hours a day... =24 miles per day.
after 1500 until 2000 is build shelter and buddy care... 2100 to 0600 is Rack Time.

at a rate of 24 MPH a day, 800 to go there, and 800 to come back. 1600 total...
4 days is 100 miles. 40 days is 1,000 miles. ... 67 days is the full 1,600 miles assuming you can travel EVERY SINGLE DAY, 24 miles.
With the north American continent being a ruin and dangerous wilderness, you'll be lucky to make 12.5 miles each day, even if you had HORSES!

Ever play the classic "Apple II" 1986 game "OREGON TRAIL"?

the kind of old west hardship you might end up facing kills people with ease and breaks the backs or minds of many more.
If this was "FOR REAL", I'd start praying if I was you.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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Did I miss something in the setup?

Did the GM say they couldn't buy/steal/otherwise acquire vehicles or other equipment? Or even do something like hire on as sellswords for a merchant caravan or two, or find work as escorts for other types of travelers where they could hitch a ride in exchange.

I guess I just don't understand why you're assuming they're going solely on foot. And if they had the option for going with horseback, why wouldn't they be able to go with anything else?
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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psiandco wrote:Ever play the classic "Apple II" 1986 game "OREGON TRAIL"?

Yeah, I always thought that Rifts: New West would have been much better off going for an Oregon Trail feel, rather than a No Name Trilogy feel.
Fun game!
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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two months and 1600 miles. I was wrong.
YOU WILL NEED A VEHICLE or other means of transportation.
it will be risky.
it will be dangerous.
but there isn't many options, that I as an outsider can see.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by psiandco »

Crimson Dynamo wrote:Did I miss something in the setup?
Did the GM say they couldn't buy/steal/otherwise acquire vehicles or other equipment? Or even do something like hire on as sellswords for a merchant caravan or two, or find work as escorts for other types of travelers where they could hitch a ride in exchange.
I guess I just don't understand why you're assuming they're going solely on foot. And if they had the option for going with horseback, why wouldn't they be able to go with anything else?

its just me and assumptions... again. please try to follow my insane logic;
1. They steal an up armored ATV+RV. this represents thousands of credits. A shelter. Burden free semi-safe travel.
2. The Orginal owners who might be a "group of wizards & psychics" Might want their VERY expensive ride back...
3. Bingo-bango! the player's will have made enemies of MDC blasting threats, who can use powers to FIND their precious ride.

while I don't see a psychic power for "dowse/locate my car" I am certain that clairvoyance and a locate spell, hell, even astral travel can reveal where the NOT-MDC players have gone.
I don't know what is going to happen, but I really doubt a group of overland camping desperados (el desperai?) are just going to *GIVE* the players a free car an stuff.
"here ya go! good luck!" "da wuv bro-at!" "we are all happy and just love to get along".... "da wuv bro-at!" "the ships gofer is a loser, and the bartender is level 59"... "de wuv bro"

seriously. I don't see "easy ways out". I encourage the players to take every advantage they can get tho!
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by psiandco »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
psiandco wrote:
riftsnewbie wrote: be sure to watch out for the vampires."

Sounds pretty fun to me.

that's why I recommend building a shelter. if a vamp doesn't have permission...
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

Unread post by psiandco »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
psiandco wrote:Ever play the classic "Apple II" 1986 game "OREGON TRAIL"?

Yeah, I always thought that Rifts: New West would have been much better off going for an Oregon Trail feel, rather than a No Name Trilogy feel.
Fun game!

I was reading new west and spirit west to learn about the west coast states.
one line that resonates with me is the claim that most who do "go west" usually do not survive one year!
that's in the books!
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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give the apocalypse... are there any "public roads" left?... lemme say that again "APOCALYPSE"... and plus, "after 300+ years".
Earth shattering, mountain moving, island drowning, tectonic terror, earth quakes...
Super volcanoes, volcanos, Twenty foot deep blankets of ash covering much of the world...
A mini ICE AGE.

(*Lions and tigers, and bears, oh my! see movie Wizard of OZ to get the 90 years old pop culture reference)

the point being. NO ROADS!
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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psiandco wrote:its just me and assumptions... again. please try to follow my insane logic;
1. They steal an up armored ATV+RV. this represents thousands of credits. A shelter. Burden free semi-safe travel.
2. The Orginal owners who might be a "group of wizards & psychics" Might want their VERY expensive ride back...
3. Bingo-bango! the player's will have made enemies of MDC blasting threats, who can use powers to FIND their precious ride.

I get what you're saying, but that would be an example of the GM setting up a side adventure. The vast, vast, vast majority of vehicles in the game do not belong to a cabal of magicians and psychics. And if it is a side adventure, and unless the GM was being a douche for the sake of being a douche, he'd also offer up some means to either protect or defend themselves against them should they catch up with them.

I don't know what is going to happen, but I really doubt a group of overland camping desperados (el desperai?) are just going to *GIVE* the players a free car an stuff.

I didn't mean to infer that at any point. But there shouldn't be any trouble (especially if anyone in the group has any appropriate locksmithing/mechanical skills) for them to boost one or more vehicles. And they don't have to be massive, expensive houses-on-wheels either. A set of hovercycles or a hovercar or two would do the trick just fine. They should also have ample opportunity to get their hands on setting-appropriate weapons and body armor, too, and once they encounter vampires--if they do at all--they should also be able to figure out ways to defend themselves against them, too.

It's not an "oh well, you're either on foot or riding around in a multi-million credit mobile home owned by a coven of magicians" scenario by any means.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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Correct. I don't know what is going to happen. The future is not an "All or Nothing" kind of scenario.
so.... Hey!
You are right about Rifts Newbie's thread and game.
Aside from that I do not know what is going to happen.
I have no idea. So...
my assumptions are doing the typical
"Making an Ass of Me, and Umption."
I'll take a chill pill and wait for Rifts Newbies' next post.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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With those limitations, it seems like he just ripped the guts out of what makes Rifts - "Rifts."

TL;DR every post to see how things went.

Does the GM run the game or do the players have a voice in where they go and what they do?
So what if I don’t know what apocalypse means? It’s not the end of the world!
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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Blackwater Sniper wrote: With those limitations, it seems like he just ripped the guts out of what makes Rifts - "Rifts."
TL;DR every post to see how things went. Does the GM run the game or do the players have a voice in where they go and what they do?

on point 1. I agree, in part. "Special characters" are not "common", in my opinion though. Borgs come with a very hefty price tag. Getting Juiced isn't guaranteed. Power armor is expensive, and *Not* the end-all-be-all of character. People from Pre-rifts earth can become psychic but Mind melters/bursters/zappers/soakers, etc are the exceptional kind of psychic, not the norm.
The way I run Rifts is that such "Elite" characters are Rare, and most raiders and would-be-warlords just aren't prepared to deal with them. A lone cyber-knight can "right-wrongs" all day long...
Point 1-caveat. when the majority of heroes are "squishy" M.A.R.S. (mercenary, adventurer, rogue, scholar) type of classes, and you throw them into an Xiticix hive...
They are all DEAD. period. DEAD. every last one of them... The RIFTS game makes heroic feats into EXTREME FEATS that very few can achieve. There are countless enemies who can eat glitterboys the way I go through "Andes thin mints" on cheat day.

Point 2. TL;DR... On this I am adamantly opposed. ignorance is a choice that I wished more people didn't choose. I want to recommend these steps to all living beings in the MEGAVERSE: A. Read, B. Understand C. Respond with insight. the opposite option: Refusing to read/choosing ignorance/ Talking out one's posterior when you know NOTHING... That well and truly offends me. I hope that it offends you to...

it is like a tiny bodied twiggy college boy wearing a MASS MURDERER shirt (Che, Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Marx, etc) as if he or she was a CIVIL RIGHTS hero, having an "informed" opinion on Military service, and what true patriotism "is"...
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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it is the very reason why so many TYRANTS love to delete posts and ban posters...
because they aren't intelligent
they aren't informed
they choose to remain ignorant
they respond based on their public edu- indoctrination
they react "emotionally" according to big brothers' rectal hand puttetry tells them to

critical thinking skills, debate, an argument? who needs that? why that could "HURT FEELINGS" and "MAKE THEM FEEL UNSAFE"...
this is why the WOKE idiocy must end, this why operation MOCKING BIRD and the C.hinese I.ntelligence A.gency must be WIPED OUT.
A mind controlled weak willed populace that has to be told what to THINK, a populace that eats its own...
is worse off than any "Turd-wurld-country"!

Warning: Warning for violations of rule 2. Flaming/ Harrassment
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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tha hell? I DID delete this!
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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Riftsnewbie, I'm so sorry for whatever the heck that is. At least some people whom post here aren't like that.
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Re: HELP! New to rifts need character creation suggestions.

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Blackwater Sniper wrote:With those limitations, it seems like he just ripped the guts out of what makes Rifts - "Rifts."

TL;DR every post to see how things went.

Does the GM run the game or do the players have a voice in where they go and what they do?

Pretty much made it Recon.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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