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Re: N.A.AT

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MDC REFIT Improved Bradley from called the Bradley’s Heavy

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -915503136

Another Improved variant, these vehicles are modified the Bradley’s Heavy
Linebacker with the TOW or short-range missile system replaced with a four-tube Medium-Range system or short range the Bradley’s Heavy Linebacker with the reemergence of hostile aerial threats. The Bradley Linebacker was called the M-SHORAD (Mobile Short-Range Air Defense AKA Short range missiles systems in Rifts Erath ) equipped with the search ASEIA radar mounted around the turret, a fire-control radar, a jammer on top of the turret to non-kinetically defeat unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and has unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), the main gun replaced with an M.D.C 20 mm autocannon (20 MM AC) or Chain Gun (CG) and a missile launcher that could accommodate various missiles. Its main feature is multiple purpose combat turret design to carry varies weapon system

Model Type: For N.A.M.E.S ,N.A.A.T, A.M.C and Peacekeeper and Guard Improved Bradley APC
Infantry Assault and Transport Vehicle
Crew: Two: pilot and gunner Troop Transport Capabilities: troops
M.D.C. by Location:
*** 380 M.D.C. on the main body
(the original main body was 950 S.D.C. or10 M.D.C.).
100 M.D.C. for the turret
240 Reinforce cockpit compartment
240 Reinforce crew compartment
*** Bradley Urban Survival Kit (BUSK)Amour main body 240 M.D.C. Bradley Urban Survival Kit (BUSK)
Extra Amour can be add for the turret 50 or 100 M.D.C. The Bradley Urban Survival Kit (BUSK)Amour is the first to take damage before hit target location by enemy fire .
**Track Treads (2) 75 each

** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not un-der attack.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the vehicle and then Reinforce cockpit compartment
Reinforce crew compartment takes damage
Can add additional 100 or 200 M.D.C to main body and for turret 50 or 100 M.D.C turret
*** Bradley Urban Survival Kit (BUSK)Amour
BUSK Amour
The weapon systems for this vehicle have special components that blow away from crew call blow away armored if ammunition is hit saving the crew inside the vehicle

Statistical Data:

Mass22 Tons
Length21.5 ft
Width12 ft
Height10 ft
Crew3 + can carry six infantrymen or cyborgs
41 mph (661cm);
range: varies
1. Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
2. Electric Batteries
3. Nuclear

Alternative Fuel Systems :Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Even the best batteries produced by Northern Gun can only offer roughly 100 hours( for NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper IS 1000 Hours or 41 days )

Solid Oxide cells are quite simple to use. Insert a fresh fuel cell into the vehicle, armor or robot's cell port, twist the handle to activate, and you're done

The cell will provide robots and large vehicles with energy for approximately four weeks (28 days) be-fore running out, or roughly eight weeks (56 days) for power ar-mor, hovercycles and light vehicles, after which it will need to be returned to an official Northern Gun outlet to be recharged and rebuilt.

Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell ( for NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper )
Weight: 100 lbs
Duration: 7000 hours (approximately four weeks of constant use). Or 291 days
Protective Casing: 300 M.D.C.
Cost: 100,000 credits

The Dangers and Limitations of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells.
The first thing anyone who handles Solid Oxide fuel cells realizes is that they run hot. The average temperature of a Solid OX cell in use is 1,000 degrees C (1,832 F)! The cells tend to stay hot for a long time after being powered down as well, so working with them requires special heavy equipment, welder's gloves, masks and sometimes even heat suits. Touching an exposed hot fuel cell will inflict 1D4 M.D. to Mega-Damage creatures and 2D4x10 S.D.C. to human beings. For humans, these are third-degree burns and will result in permanent scarring.
Solid Oxide fuel cells are also less bountiful in their reserves of power than the nuclear cores that many customers are accustomed to. Using a Solid OX powered vehicle or robot to charge another vehicle's batteries will drain 50% of its energy life. Armor, robots and military vehicles that have replaced non-energy ballistic weapons like rail guns and missile launchers with energy weapons or added extra energy weapons will also put a strain on the system, cutting the fuel cell's life span by 25%.
In addition to their functional limitations, Solid Oxide fuel cells are also extremely volatile and will react explosively if their outer casing is ruptured. Reduce the M.D.C. of a fuel cell to 5 M.D.C. or less and there is a 50% chance of it exploding every minute (4 melee rounds). Reduce it to zero and it explodes immediately. A Standard Solid OX fuel cell does 4D6 M.D. to everything in a 6 foot (1.8 m) radius. The Heavy-Duty Solid OX cell does 1D6x10 M.D. to a 10 foot (3 m) radius. If a fuel cell is exposed and it is detonated while still inside the vehicle, all damage is done directly to the main body and utterly destroys
the power system, requiring complete replacement and extensive repairs (1D4 million credits and days for repairs).
Converting Vehicles to Use Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
In addition to selling the fuel cells and offering fuel cell systems as an option on new products, Northern Gun also offers con-version packages for older NG equipment and even competitors' models. They are more than happy to convert the vehicles of rival companies to use their Solid Oxide systems, for which they are the only provider of fuel cells. They even offer free installation at most official NG stores. Northern Gun envisions a day when Solid OX has replaced nuclear power packs as the most common and affordable vehicle fuel system in North America.
The conversion kits that they produce have been appearing at third party arms merchants and in the hands of the Black Mar-ket, just as Northern Gun intends. They are relatively simple to install, pre-designed to be partially modular and to fit right into the cavity left behind when a standard nuclear core is extracted. The job can be handled by any skilled Operator (01-94% chance of success) with access to heavy machinery or an assistant with Robotic or Supernatural P.S. to do the heavy lifting. Removing the old nuclear power pack safely is always the hardest part of the job.

N.A.A.T/Guard /A.M.C /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper/
Improved Electric Batteries

Most vehicle and robot designs now offer electric batteries as a power option with a standard 2000 hour field life, good for roughly 84 days of use in the field depending on the level of exertion. This lifespan doubles for light units like most man-sized power armor, light robot drones, exoskeletons and hover-cycles Armor .

Electric Battery Power System
Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 10 lbs (14 kg).
Duration: 40 days of continuous use in robots and heavy vehicles. 60 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), 200 days hovercycles, rocket bikes , light vehicles and Armor vehicles
Protective Casing: 100 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 1 hours to charge a battery to full power (3 hours at an NG outlet). Cost: 10,000 to install the electric battery system and 15,000 credits per each NG electric battery used, and for replacement batteries. Otherwise, the life of an electric battery under normal use is five years; 10 years under combat conditions.

Nuclear energy is the most popular form of energy used in
robots and high-tech machinery. The power supply is surprisingly compact, safe, and has a long lifetime even under constant use. Any high-tech town, including `Burbs and places that cater to mercenaries and adventurers, can make repairs.
One Year: One million credits. Two Years , Five Years, Ten Years, Twenty Years:

Main gunpick two weapon systems : adds 11 more weapons systems
of chose

weapon systems :
20 MM auto cannon standard-issue
20 MM Chain gun or any rail gun
are standrd issues bur are replace with
this misslie systems are standrad issues and fix weapon systems
Side-mounted short-range misslie sytems AKA SRM systems or TOW systems or Medium Range Missile AKA MRM systems pick one on turrnt all short-range misslie sytems AKA SRM systems get +3 to strike or TOW systems get +4 to strike or Medium Range Missile AKA MRM systems get +6 to strike. these weapon systems short-range missiles Sytems AKA SRM systems or Medium Range Missile AKA MRM systems are fire and forget once they are fired pass 100 feet

Primary purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built-in
Mega-Damage: varies with missile
Rate of Fire: 1 or 2,3,set of 4 fire or 8 ,12 , 16 ,20 ,24 that one attack
TOW or short-range missile system 4 only
Effective Range: 5 miles
TOW 3 miles
short-range missile system 5 miles
Medium Range Missile AKA MRM systems vaires
Payload: 24 short-range missile system
24 TOW systems
Medium Range Missile AKA MRM systems 12

weapons summary

1. 20 MM auto cannon standard-issue or any rail gun
2. 20 MM Chain gun
3. any rail gun max MDC Damage 2d4x10
4. WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launch(1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
5. 111-100 Rail Gun (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
6. ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle(1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
7. 30mm Auto-Cannon (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
8. WI-23 Missile Launcher( Rifts mercenary book)
9. WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
10. WI-40MD Fire & Forget( rifts mercenary book)
11. Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)
12. Light M.D.C 14.5 mm or 50,cailber Machinegun: ( rifts mercenary book)
13. GAW Sledgehammer 81mm Medium Mortar ( Rifts merc spec ops book)
• Force Fields: pick one Standard Human Force Fields (Rifts® Sourcebook One Revised & Expanded ) NE Force Fields systems ( Rifts mercenary book)

1)20 MM auto cannon standard-issue


2) 20 MM Chain gun or any rail gun

Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage per round on later models
1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,

20 MM Chain gun for
Short burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst,counts as two attack
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

any rail gun Max damage 2d4x10 per burst
Rate of Fire: burst

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
5000 feet
Railguns varies
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds
Side-mounted shortage missile systems or TOW or short-range missile systems pick one on turret
Primary purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built-in
Mega-Damage: varies with missile
Rate of Fire: 1 or of set 2, 4 fire or 8 ,12 , 16 ,20 ,24 that one attack
TOW or short-range missile system 4 only
Effective Range: 5 miles
TOW or short-range missile system 3 miles
Payload: 24

Statistical Data:

Mass19. Tons
Length21.5 ft
Width12 ft
Height10 ft
Crew3 + can carry six infantrymen
41 mph (661cm); maximum fuel range: 300 miles (483 km).
Storage space for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items; 10 rifles of any type, 4 rocket launchers (either CR-1 or WI-23) and 24 mini-missiles stored in locked overhead compartments.
Power System:
Speed: 41 mph (661cm); maximum fuel range: 300 miles (483 km).
Weapon Systems: summary two weapons systems on main turret

Standard issued 20 MM auto cannon standard-issue or any rail gun

Main gun:
20 MM auto cannon standard-issue or any rail gun
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damge per round on later models
1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
any rail gun Max damage 2d4x10 per burst
Rate of Fire: burst
Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
5000 feet
Railguns varies
20 mm auto cannon
1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds
Standard issued Side-mounted shortage missile systems or TOW or short-range missile systems pick one on turrnt
Primary purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built-in
Mega-Damage: varies with missile
Rate of Fire: 1 or 2,3,set of 4 fire or 8 ,12 , 16 ,20 ,24 that one attack
TOW or short-range missile system 4 only
Effective Range: 5 miles
TOW or short-range missile system 3 miles
Payload: 24

Porcupine weapon systems pick two

It dual systems weapon mount that will change this vehicle can operate in the field can be manual or remote .It replaces the 20MM weapon systems and carries two weapon systems .from number 1 to number 10 to use .

it has a Shielded Bradley Urban Survival Kit (BUSK)Amour 245 M.D.C
all weapon system 125 M.D.C
Force Fields is possible look below
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper have this extra feature
pick two only
Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

1. WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launch(1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
2. 111-100 Rail Gun (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
3. ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle(1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
4. 30mm Auto-Cannon (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
5. WI-23 Missile Launcher( Rifts mercenary book)
6. WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
7. WI-40MD Fire & Forget( rifts mercenary book)
8. Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)
9. Light M.D.C 14.5 mm or 50,cailber Machinegun: ( rifts mercenary book)
10. GAW Sledgehammer 81mm Medium Mortar ( Rifts merc spec ops book)
11. Force Fields: pick one Standard Human Force Fields (Rifts® Sourcebook One Revised & Expanded ) NE Force Fields systems ( Rifts mercenary book) are NOT part of turret systems and are in main body

[b]1)WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher

This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon.
Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system.
Weight: 130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).

Armor-Piercing: 1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m).
A burst is 10 rounds!

A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)! A burst of Armor-Piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet
40 round magazine or 200 round belt! Ammo drum 300 rounds
There are 10 more clips in Vehicle
Black Market :not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

2) 111-100 Rail Gun (1):
This gun is a copy of Northern Gun's NG-202,modified for a higher rate of fire. It is located in the Turret over the main turret, and has a 360-degree rotation of fire and can elevate 90 degrees to engage aerial targets. The tank commander, the gunner, or the driver can access and use the rail gun.
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft and anti-vehicle.
Secondary Purpose: Defense: anti-personnel.
Weight: 300 lbs (135 kg)
Mega-Damage: A burst is 60 rounds and inflicts 1D6 x 10 M.D. One round does 1D4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (usually
4-6) of the gunner.
Effective Range: 8000 feet
Payload: internal 12,000 round drum, that's 200 bursts( three reloads ) ! Up to five drums can be carried by the tank. Reloading the drum takes 15 seconds if done by hand, 1 minutes if done manually .

3) ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America )
This is a pre-Rifts design built to give infantrymen a chance against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. It is a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-clip in one single shot! The short comings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes one melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power
armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble or weapon mount ). Also, they use up E-clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it.
Weight: 30 lbs. (13.5 kg)
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10+20 M.D. per shot
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; each shot empties an entire E-Clip
Effective Range: 9000 feet
Payload: 1 shot per E-Clip has or tie to vehicle other power systems 3 per melee Nuclear goes to 5 !!

Black Market: not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

4)30mm Auto-Cannon:
This is like the Auto- cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry. It has 360 degree angle
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 200 pounds
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D. standard

but only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper
• Short burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D
• Medium burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 3D6 x 10 M.D
• burst is 80 rounds and inflicts 4D6 x 10 M.D
• long burst is 160 rounds and inflicts 5D6 x 10 M.D
• full melee burst is 320 rounds and inflicts 6D6 x 10 M.D takes all your attacks

Rate of Fire: burst
Effective Range: standard 3 miles
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper 5 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 Short burst
Black Market :not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

5)WI-23 Light Missile Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
This weapon is a clear improvement over the CR-1 Rocket Launcher and other similar anti-vehicle weapons. The WI-23 is an auto-loading launcher with a six-shot box magazine mounted on the right side of the tube. This allows the user to fire repeatedly without having to rely on a loader. The multi-optics scope is a copy of the CR-1 system, disguised to avoid accusations of patent violations (which are fairly unimportant anyway, since there are few commercial treaties between the CS and other nations).
A fully loaded launcher weighs 26 lbs (11.7 kg), including its
payload of 6 missiles.
Each box magazine weighs 12 lbs (5.4 kg) fully loaded.
Any type of mini-missile can be used, but the most common are armor piercing and plasma (1D4 x 10 or 1D6 x 10 M.D.).
Rate of Fire:
Equal to the user's number of attacks per melee (maximum 6); reloading the magazine takes three melee actions if using a box magazine, or one full melee round if reloading loose missiles. Effective Range: 1 mile (1.6 km)
Payload: Six missiles per magazine.
Black Market Cost: 30,000 for one launcher and one magazine, 4,000 for each additional magazine, not counting missile cost
Black Market :not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

6)WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon.
Note: The "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system. Can be dismounted in one attack if need be
130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).

1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m).
A burst is 10 rounds! A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)! A burst of Armor-Piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Rate of Fire: Standard.
Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).
40 round magazine or 200 round belt! Drum 300 plus can be auto reloaded systems one drum on and two additional drums that 300 each ammo belt add 200 more rounds feed into drum
Drum M.D.C 100 ,Ammo Belt M.D.C 125 MDC get a -3 to hit while vehicle is still -6 at low speed -9 at high speed or any maneuvers

WI-40MD Fire & Forget( rifts mercenary book)

Super-Heavy Missile Launcher
The WI-40MD (the D is for modified version) provides the firepower of a tank (for one melee round/attack ) and is advertised as "the heaviest man-portable missile launcher in the world." That's partially true. It is man-portable for anyone who can lug its 120 lbs (54 kg) of missile and crude, disposable launch trigger. This means the operator must be a creature with a P.S. of 24 or greater, otherwise it will require two or three men to transport it.Can be dismounted from weapon systems in one attack if need be .
The WI-40MD is basically a medium-range missile or a short range Missile Launcher (pick one ) with a plastic launching platform that has a handle and big trigger (big enough for the hand of most powered armor suits and giants). Once the missile is fired, the launching platform is ruined and discarded (the plastic has a recycle value of 2D4 x 10 credits). The exhaust of the rocket also inflicts 1D6 x 10 S.D.C. to anything within 15 feet of the shooter; it won't affect characters in M.D.C. armor, but will ignite brush fires or explode any fuels and other volatile flammables nearby. Despite those shortcomings, it is a new favorite of power armor pilots and borgs.
Weight: The missile system weighs 120 lbs (54 kg) and is six feet (1.8 m) long.
Any medium-range missile can be used. It is usually
• Armor-Piercing (2D4 x 10 M.D.),
• Fragmentation (2D4 x 10 M.D.)
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper
• H.E. (3D6X10 M.D.)
• Heavy Plasma/Heat (5D6 x 10 M.D.) only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper commonly used .
Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon per attack/round
Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km). The missile has less fuel than a vehicle-mounted medium-range missile.
four medium-range missile
16 short range missiles.
A missile box containing four missiles and weighing 520 lbs (234 kg) is available.
Taking a missile out of its box and aiming it usually counts as two melee actions/attacks.
Auto Reloader is possible
Note :
add +3 to strike short range missiles or +6 to strike Medium range missiles
Black Market Cost:

Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)

This heavy, multi-barreled laser is used
for missile defense and anti-aircraft roles. Each is controlled by an independent gunner. One is mounted turret and only type . The wing turrets can rotate 360 degrees and fire on a 180 degree arc, sweeping the air above the aircraft.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 2D4 x 10 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Each turret can shoot up to six times per melee round.
Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited pick one , tie to vechile power systems 3 per mellee
There are a light version 2d4x10 ,medium version 2D6 x 10 M.D. per blast and 4D6 x 10 M.D. per blast heavy version

Light M.D.C 14.5 mm or 50,cailber Machinegun: ( rifts mercenary book)

A heavy, dual machinegun loaded with explosive bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield (240 M.D.C). The gun is used mostly to fight off other small watercraft and to defend against aircraft. It can also be used to detonate enemy torpedoes
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
A standard burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper

• Standard burst 20 round burst 5d4 M.D
• Short burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 x 10 M.D
• Medium burst is 80 rounds and inflicts 2D4 x 10 M.D
• burst is 100 rounds and inflicts 3D4x 10 M.D
• long burst is 120 rounds and inflicts 4D4 x 10 M.D
• full melee burst is 140 rounds and inflicts 5D4 x 10 M.D takes all your attacks

Rate of Fire: Standard burst 20 round burst
For only N.A.A.T/Guard Improved /A.M.C /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper
• Short burst
• Medium burst
• burst
• long burst
• full melee burst

Effective Range:
standard 2000 feet (610 m)
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper 4.7 Miles
2000 rounds (that's 50 bursts).with four boxes of 600 rounds 15 bursts

GAW Sledgehammer 81mm Medium Mortar mark D ( rifts merc ops book)

The Sledgehammer is a larger mortar that fires rounds at greater ranges. Before the Rifts these weapons were issued to heavy weapons platoons at the battalion level. When broken down into component parts these mortars can be transported on foot by their crew of five troops. This mortar fires standard HE rounds against infantry and soft-skinned vehicles, but with the development of "smart" HEAT mortar rounds they are also ef-fective against IFVs and tanks!
Weight: 89 lbs (40 kg).
Varies with ammunition type.
Ammunition Types:
Uses the equivalent of grenades to inflict
• Plasma: 6D6 M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m).
• (Explosive/HE: 4D6 M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m).
• Fragmentation: 2D6 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m).4'N 1406
• Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red).
• Parachute Flares: Glides down And burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Rate of Fire:
1-2 shots per melee attack/round (characters with 5 or more attacks/actions per round can fire twice); each shot may include a minor adjustment and counts as three melee attacks.
Auto Reloader 2 shots per melee attack/round

Effective Range:
About 3 miles (4.8 km), the weapon has a minimum range of 100 feet .

Single shot or two round burst, must be reloaded by hand.
Or Auto Reloader

Force Fields

Standard Human Force Fields ( Rifts® Sourcebook One Revised & Expanded)
Rechargeable Force Field:
One of the most impressive
"new" developments by the geniuses at Triax is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system. The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial at-tack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the weapons cannot be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 8-24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. Al-though the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 4.2 M.D.C. per hour, even minor damage (25 M.D.C. or less) will require eight hours to be restored (the 4.2 M.D.C. per hour cannot appear sooner than 8 hours, it's the way the system works). Restoring all 100 M.D.C. takes 24 hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the vehicle.
Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punished to the extreme

Other this system cannot be used near any coalition/Quebec area
NE Force Fields systems ( rifts mercenary book)
N-F50A Superheavy Force Field
This is the most powerful force field available. It looks and weighs the same as the N-F40A field, but is much more intense.
• M.D.C. 320
• Weight: 15 lbs
• No movement penalties.
• 6-hour duration per E-clip. Or systems triple ,nuclear unlimited
Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser (4):
Located in the very tail end of the aircraft is a chaff dispenser. When tailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse or detonate the enemy's attack. This defensive feature is usually controlled by the co-pilot or pilot.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile

None, but roll percentile dice to determine the result.

01-50 Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in the chaff cloud — the threat is over.

51-75 Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in the wrong direction (may lock onto another nearby aircraft).

76-00 No effect! Missiles still on target!! Also note that the chaff cloud will temporarily blind gargoyles and other flying monsters who pass through it.
The victims suffer the following penalties: Reduce melee attacks/actions, combat bonuses and speed by half.

1D4 melee rounds (15 to 60 seconds).
However, after that period the creature recovers and can renew his attack.

Payload: 24 each

Specai feature s
1) Special Alloy Armor Shielding: Specialized shielding protects the armor from EMP attacks and electrical blasts do half damage.

2) Flying Mini drone
The latest in spy drone technology, the Flying Mini drone is exactly what it sounds like, a hover, flying version of a Probe. That also means the Flying Mini drone is used to track, find, follow and spy on the enemy as well as locate victims of a disaster, only it quietly flies instead of scurrying across the ground. One of its different features is a retractable, folding arm that can end in a small mechanical arm and hand capable of picking up and carrying small, light objects such as a set of keys, pen, paper, knife, hand-held communicator, and similar items. In the alternative, it may end with a Pen Laser, mini buzz saw (does 2D6 S.D.C.) or an 11th sensor probe of some kind. As a probe and spy unit, it is primarily deployed by Intel-Agents, Military Specialists , scouts and Drone Specialist .It can hold 10 in turret and 20 in main body for wide cover area
Flying Probe for Reconnaissance —Robot/Artificial Intelligence
Model Type: Flying Mini drone
Class: Fully Automated Self-Sufficient Robot Probe.
Crew: None; artificial intelligence.
M.D.C. by Location:
Legs (6) — 3 each
* Optic and Sensor Bulbs (10) — 1 each
** Main Body — 25
N.E Force field or Human Force field 150

* Destroying one of the sensor bulbs in the main body destroys one of its many optic systems, cameras, communications and sensory systems. When eight or more are lost, particularly video feed, the probe leaves its post unless commanded to do otherwise, and returns to base camp. These sensor bulbs are small and difficult to hit, especially on a moving target. Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot," and the attacker is -5 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shatters the robot and destroys its electronic systems completely.
Speed & Movement:
Altitude up to 5 miles and link up with drone and vehicles
400 mph (32 km) maximum, but typically travels at about 10-50 mph when probing/examining/searching an area.

Excellent. Equal to a Prowl of
silent flight.
Makes just a slight purr that is usually drowned out by even the slightest ambient noise, and makes a swishing sound as it flies by if traveling faster than
50 mph .

Running, Leaping & Climbing: Not applicable.
Underwater Capabilities:
2000 feet .

Statistical Data:
Size: the size of a softball with a small hover system attached; roughly six inches in diameter.
4.5 lbs (2 kg).

Physical Strength:
Not applicable unless it has a retractable arm and hand (P.S. 6).

Cargo: None.
Power System:
Nuclear, average energy life is two years.

Cost & Availability: Exclusive to
N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E. S/A.M.C/The Guard only was found or stolen and sells for upwards of 800,000 credits or equivalent in trade. Rare.

Weapon System:

Combat Capabilities:
None per say.

Actions Per Melee:
Five, mainly observation and tracking.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Only if a cutting tool is part of its re-tractable arm.


Includes all bonuses from programming, robotics and sensors:
+1 to strike with retractable arm,
+4 to automatic dodge (can dodge without losing an melee attack/action),plus operator add as well
+3 to roll with impact or fall.
Impervious to poison, gas, and biological agents, as well as psionic and magic mind control, charms, bio-manipulation, and S.D.C. attacks. Also see sensors.

Sensor Systems of Note:
All optics and lenses are tied to the video transmission system and can be broadcast to a N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E. S/A.M.C/The Guard only operator in the field monitoring the probe or base camp (if the latter is close enough). Robot Commanders and anyone working with probes will have a portable hand-held monitor and a larger monitoring unit (the size of a small laptop computer) or patch in to N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E. S/A.M.C/The Guard only vehicles , plus the data can be transmitted and displayed on the helmet HUD display of N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E. S/A.M.C/The Guard only body and power/robot armor.
All have
Each sensor or optic system is numbered to indicate the features of each one of the ten sensor bulbs. If individually targeted by an enemy (a rarity) or if the Spider Probe is dam-aged in some other way and loses one or more of its recon-naissance features, the G.M. can pick one (or some) or roll a 1D10 for random determination.

Standard issue
Communications systems :
Wideband and directional radio communication system with built-in scrambler that transmits both voice and cockpit video. Range 5 miles

Self Destruct:
A last ditch effort to prevent capture of the fighter or shuttle. The blast is largely contained, and destroys the ship and all of its systems, but only 3D6x10 M.D. is inflicted to everything within a 25 foot (7.62 m) radius

Motion Detector and Collision Warning System:
Detects objects within 5,000 feet (1024 m) and alerts of an impending collision with an alarm and flashing red light; triple the range when fast moving objects are on a collision trajectory (providing 2D6+6 seconds to respond/take evasive action).

Laser Communications systems:
up to 10 miles

1. Multi-Optics system:
Sees normal human and infrared and ultraviolet spectrums of light, plus passive night vision. Range: 2 miles

2. Telescoping zoom lens.
Range 2 miles

3. Micro-Magnifying lens
with x2, x10, and x50 magnification. 5 miles

4. Thermo-Optics and heat sensors,
vital for from warm bodies trapped under debris or hiding under camouflage or behind cover. Range: 2 miles

5. Camera/Video Eye with live transmission
— live feed, no recording capability. Video camera and live transmission feed so its human partner can literally see what the probe sees. Range: 2 miles

6. Electronic Ear and audio transmitter
with scrambler capabilities. Range: 2 miles

7. Laser Distancer:
A light beam that accurately measures distance. Range: 5 miles

8. Radiation Detector.
Range: 2 miles diameter.

9. Air Thermometer:
Measures the ambient air temperature around the walking probe. Range: 2 miles

10. Molecular Analyzer:
Detects and identifies impurities in the air. Mainly searches for toxic gases, pollution and chemicals harmful to humans. Range: 2 miles diameter.

11)Plus Radio Communications:
Directional radio for coded messages between the robot and its human commander or base camp. Can also scan and communicate via code on conventional radio channels/frequencies, same range, and eaves-drop on enemy transmissions and track transmissions (60% success level) to their source. Range: 10 miles (16 km). ,

Understands English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and add 15 other languages; can identify all others but cannot understand or communicate in them.
Skill Programs of Note: Basic Math 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, TV/video (internal system), Prowl 72%, Tracking 60%, and Land Navigation 86%. Lore: Demons & Monsters:, Lore: Faerie, Lore: Indians, Lore: Psychics & Psionics, Lore: Psychics & Psionics, Lore: Religion at 90%
Programming and memory enable the robot to identify all NEMA, USA, Canadian, coalition, Quebec , Japan ,South America and Russian ,Merc outfits at 90% known and not well know and Mexican military ranks, uniforms, insignia, soldiers, robots, power armor, vehicles, weapons, equipment, and officers. This also cover bounties at a 90% ,if fail will metion inconclusive and retry every 15 seconds. Memory also includes the identification of 4000 different enemy targets, including new data on specific races, non-human features and powers, insignia, uniforms, enemy robot and vehicle designs, acts of aggression, and notorious enemies. Combat programming directs the actions and reactions to encounters and attacks.

12)Electronic Countermeasures (ECM):
A combination of sensor jammers, radio-pulse flares and energy chaff dispensers. This system serves to protect fighters and shuttles against being detected by targeting systems as well as from in-coming missiles. When active, these systems impose a -10 % penalty to anyone trying to target a fighter or shuttle using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus. Other fighters and missiles are -3 to strike a shuttle or fighter with active ECM.

13) sonar range 2000 feet

140 Special Alloy Armor Shielding:
Specialized shielding protects the armor from EMP attacks and electrical blasts do half damage.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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MDC REFIT phase world Bradley called the retribution APC

Is another Improved variant, these vehicles are modified the Bradley’s retribution APC with the TOW or Smart short-range missile system replaced with a four-tube Medium-Range system or short range the Bradley’s retribution APC with the reemergence of hostile aerial threats. The Bradley retribution APC was called the M-SHORAD (Mobile Short-Range Air Defense AKA Short range missiles systems in Rifts Erath ) equipped with the search ASEIA radar mounted around the turret, a fire-control radar, a jammer on top of the turret to non-kinetically defeat unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and has unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), the main gun replaced with an M.D.C 20 mm autocannon (20 MM AC) or Chain Gun (CG) or other systems and two missile launcher that could accommodate various missiles. Its main feature is multiple purpose combat turret design to carry varies weapon system

Model Type: retribution APC Bradley APC
Infantry Assault and Transport Vehicle
Crew: Two: pilot and gunner Troop Transport Capabilities: troops
M.D.C. by Location:
*** 425 M.D.C. on the main
200 M.D.C. for the turret
240 Shielded turret
240 cockpit compartment
240 crew compartment
*** Force Fields look below.
** 125 each Track Treads (2)

** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not un-der attack.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the vehicle and kills everyone when compartments reach beyond zero or the crew takes damage

Statistical Data: :

Mass22 Tons
Length21.5 ft
Width12 ft
Height10 ft
Crew3 + can carry six infantrymen or cyborgs
41 mph
range: Unlimited


Nuclear energy is the most popular form of energy used in
robots and high-tech machinery. The power supply is surprisingly compact, safe, and has a long lifetime even under constant use. Any high-tech town, including `Burbs and places that cater to mercenaries and adventurers, can make repairs.
One Year: One million credits. Two Years , Five Years, Ten Years, Twenty Years:

Standard issued in all models

Main gun :

Gravitonic Technology:
The science of gravitonics is very important in the Three Galaxies. By controlling and manipulating the energies of gravity, scientists were able to defeat the light barrier, create artificial gravity on demand, and develop a few weapons and vehicles that were unheard of before.
Gravity Rail cannon (GR-cannon ) :
These weapons are like normal rail guns, but they use gravitonic energy instead of electromagnetic power to propel their ammunition. A GR gun/cannon fires metal pellets at greater speeds than equivalent rail guns and do greater damage. GR guns can also be smaller, allowing for light rifle-sized weapons that can be carried by normal humanoids. On the other hand, gravity guns have a slightly shorter range; the slugs lose speed quicker than their electromagnetic counterparts. In space, however, double the effective range; in a zero-gravity environment, the slugs never lose their velocity, but long-distance accuracy still must be accounted for.
Many independent world’s supply their armies with gravity guns. Selected units in the Transgalactic Empire's armies are also issued these weapons, especially to deal with cosmos knights who are effectively invulnerable to energy weapons

Gravity Cannon: :
rifle-shaped weapon is a GR autocannon. The rifle can be attached to back clamps when not in use.
Primary Purpose: Anti-armor and anti-ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and does 4D6x10 M.D. Can only fire bursts.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks.
Effective Range: five miles (8 km) in an atmosphere.
Payload: 10,000 rounds; that's 500 bursts

2. Under barrel HI-Laser Cannon: :
A cannon mounted. Can rotate 190 degrees up and 180 degrees to the left.
Primary Purpose: Anti-armor & anti-ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10 M.D
Rate of Fire:
Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks. 2 miles in an atmosphere.
Payload: Effectively unlimited

Beam CIWS Gatling (2): :
This is a small modern Beam CIWS Gatling version of the pre-Rifts Phalanx Close-In Weapon System (CIWS). It is a last-ditch weapon system intended to destroy missiles and aircraft that sneak past the carrier group's other defenses. The C9OR is a six-barreled beam cannon that fires special depleted beam that shreds even mega-damage aircraft in a matter of seconds! Like its Phalanx predecessor, the C9OR CIWS is an unmanned, automated weapon system that can be controlled by a pair of radar system - one radar to track the targets and another to guide the beam shots to intercept the target.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft/Defense
Mega-Damage: A burst is 60 rounds and inflicts 4d6x 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: 6 attacks per melee round.
Effective Range: 2 miles
Radar Targeting Bonus:
+6 to strike down missiles (any ) ,
+3 to shot down rail gun fire or projectile.
Payload: unlimited

Side-mounted shortage missile systems or TOW or short-range missile systems pick one on turret
short range missiles systems one left or TOW missile

Mini missiles systems one right or TOW missile

Primary purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built-in
Mega-Damage: varies with missile
Rate of Fire: 1 or of set 2, 4 fire or 8 ,12 , 16 ,20 ,24 that one attack
TOW or short-range missile system 4 only
Effective Range:
5 miles short-range missile system
TOW 3 miles
Mini missiles 1 mile
Payload: 24

side gun pick one side weapon systems : adds 11 more weapons systems
of chose
weapons summary

20 MM auto cannon standard-issue or any rail gun
20 MM Chain gun
any rail gun max MDC Damage 2d4x10
WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launch(1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
111-100 Rail Gun (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle(1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
30mm Auto-Cannon (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
WI-23 Missile Launcher( Rifts mercenary book)
WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
WI-40MD Fire & Forget( rifts mercenary book)
Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)
Light M.D.C 14.5 mm or 50,cailber Machinegun: ( rifts mercenary book)
GAW Sledgehammer 81mm Medium Mortar ( Rifts merc spec ops book)
NE Force Fields systems ( Rifts mercenary book)

Statistical Data: :

Mass22 Tons
Length21.5 ft
Width12 ft
Height10 ft
Crew3 + can carry six infantrymen
41 mph (661cm); maximum fuel range: 300 miles (483 km).
Storage space for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items; 10 rifles of any type, 4 rocket launchers (either CR-1 or WI-23) and 24 mini-missiles stored in locked overhead compartments.
Power System:
Speed: 41 mph
maximum fuel range: unlimited
Weapon Systems: summary two weapons systems on main turret

weapon systems pick one

It dual systems weapon mount that will change this vehicle can operate in the field can be manual or remote .It replaces the 20MM weapon systems and carries two weapon systems .from number 1 to number 10 to use .

it has a Shielded turret Bradley Urban Survival Kit (BUSK)Amour 245 M.D.C
all weapon system 125 M.D.C

Any capture Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
by Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launch(1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
111-100 Rail Gun (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle(1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
30mm Auto-Cannon (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
WI-23 Missile Launcher( Rifts mercenary book)
WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
WI-40MD Fire & Forget( rifts mercenary book)
Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)
Light M.D.C 14.5 mm or 50,cailber Machinegun: ( rifts mercenary book)
GAW Sledgehammer 81mm Medium Mortar ( Rifts merc spec ops book)
20 MM auto cannon standard-issue or any rail gun

NE Force Fields systems ( Rifts mercenary book) are NOT part of turret systems and are in main body

[b]1)WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher

This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon.
Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system.
Weight: 130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).

Armor-Piercing: 1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m).
A burst is 10 rounds!

A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)! A burst of Armor-Piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet
40 round magazine or 200 round belt! Ammo drum 300 rounds
There are 10 more clips in Vehicle
Black Market :not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

2) 111-100 Rail Gun (1):
This gun is a copy of Northern Gun's NG-202,modified for a higher rate of fire. It is located in the Turret over the main turret, and has a 360-degree rotation of fire and can elevate 90 degrees to engage aerial targets. The tank commander, the gunner, or the driver can access and use the rail gun.
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft and anti-vehicle.
Secondary Purpose: Defense: anti-personnel.
Weight: 300 lbs (135 kg)
Mega-Damage: A burst is 60 rounds and inflicts 1D6 x 10 M.D. One round does 1D4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (usually
4-6) of the gunner.
Effective Range: 8000 feet
Payload: internal 12,000 round drum, that's 200 bursts( three reloads ) ! Up to five drums can be carried by the tank. Reloading the drum takes 15 seconds if done by hand, 1 minutes if done manually .

3) ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America )
This is a pre-Rifts design built to give infantrymen a chance against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. It is a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-clip in one single shot! The short comings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes one melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power
armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble or weapon mount ). Also, they use up E-clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it.
Weight: 30 lbs. (13.5 kg)
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10+20 M.D. per shot
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; each shot empties an entire E-Clip
Effective Range: 9000 feet
Payload: 1 shot per E-Clip has or tie to vehicle other power systems 3 per melee Nuclear goes to 5 !!

Black Market: not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

4)30mm Auto-Cannon:
This is like the Auto- cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry. It has 360 degree angle
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 200 pounds
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D. standard

but only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper
Short burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D
Medium burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 3D6 x 10 M.D
burst is 80 rounds and inflicts 4D6 x 10 M.D
long burst is 160 rounds and inflicts 5D6 x 10 M.D
full melee burst is 320 rounds and inflicts 6D6 x 10 M.D takes all your attacks

Rate of Fire: burst
Effective Range: standard 3 miles
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper 5 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 Short burst
Black Market :not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

5)WI-23 Light Missile Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
This weapon is a clear improvement over the CR-1 Rocket Launcher and other similar anti-vehicle weapons. The WI-23 is an auto-loading launcher with a six-shot box magazine mounted on the right side of the tube. This allows the user to fire repeatedly without having to rely on a loader. The multi-optics scope is a copy of the CR-1 system, disguised to avoid accusations of patent violations (which are fairly unimportant anyway, since there are few commercial treaties between the CS and other nations).
A fully loaded launcher weighs 26 lbs (11.7 kg), including its
payload of 6 missiles.
Each box magazine weighs 12 lbs (5.4 kg) fully loaded.
Any type of mini-missile can be used, but the most common are armor piercing and plasma (1D4 x 10 or 1D6 x 10 M.D.).
Rate of Fire:
Equal to the user's number of attacks per melee (maximum 6); reloading the magazine takes three melee actions if using a box magazine, or one full melee round if reloading loose missiles. Effective Range: 1 mile (1.6 km)
Payload: Six missiles per magazine.
Black Market Cost: 30,000 for one launcher and one magazine, 4,000 for each additional magazine, not counting missile cost
Black Market :not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

6)WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon.
Note: The "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system. Can be dismounted in one attack if need be
130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).

1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m).
A burst is 10 rounds! A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)! A burst of Armor-Piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Rate of Fire: Standard.
Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).
40 round magazine or 200 round belt! Drum 300 plus can be auto reloaded systems one drum on and two additional drums that 300 each ammo belt add 200 more rounds feed into drum
Drum M.D.C 100 ,Ammo Belt M.D.C 125 MDC get a -3 to hit while vehicle is still -6 at low speed -9 at high speed or any maneuvers

WI-40MD Fire & Forget( rifts mercenary book)

Super-Heavy Missile Launcher
The WI-40MD (the D is for modified version) provides the firepower of a tank (for one melee round/attack ) and is advertised as "the heaviest man-portable missile launcher in the world." That's partially true. It is man-portable for anyone who can lug its 120 lbs (54 kg) of missile and crude, disposable launch trigger. This means the operator must be a creature with a P.S. of 24 or greater, otherwise it will require two or three men to transport it.Can be dismounted from weapon systems in one attack if need be .
The WI-40MD is basically a medium-range missile or a short range Missile Launcher (pick one ) with a plastic launching platform that has a handle and big trigger (big enough for the hand of most powered armor suits and giants). Once the missile is fired, the launching platform is ruined and discarded (the plastic has a recycle value of 2D4 x 10 credits). The exhaust of the rocket also inflicts 1D6 x 10 S.D.C. to anything within 15 feet of the shooter; it won't affect characters in M.D.C. armor, but will ignite brush fires or explode any fuels and other volatile flammables nearby. Despite those shortcomings, it is a new favorite of power armor pilots and borgs.
Weight: The missile system weighs 120 lbs (54 kg) and is six feet (1.8 m) long.
Any medium-range missile can be used. It is usually
Armor-Piercing (2D4 x 10 M.D.),
Fragmentation (2D4 x 10 M.D.)
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper
H.E. (3D6X10 M.D.)
Heavy Plasma/Heat (5D6 x 10 M.D.) only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper commonly used .
Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon per attack/round
Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km). The missile has less fuel than a vehicle-mounted medium-range missile.
four medium-range missile
16 short range missiles.
A missile box containing four missiles and weighing 520 lbs (234 kg) is available.
Taking a missile out of its box and aiming it usually counts as two melee actions/attacks.
Auto Reloader is possible
Note :
add +3 to strike short range missiles or +6 to strike Medium range missiles

Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)

This heavy, multi-barreled laser is used
for missile defense and anti-aircraft roles. Each is controlled by an independent gunner. One is mounted turret and only type . The wing turrets can rotate 360 degrees and fire on a 180 degree arc, sweeping the air above the aircraft.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 2D4 x 10 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Each turret can shoot up to six times per melee round.
Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited pick one , tie to vechile power systems 3 per mellee
There are a light version 2d4x10 ,medium version 2D6 x 10 M.D. per blast and 4D6 x 10 M.D. per blast heavy version

Light M.D.C 14.5 mm or 50,cailber Machinegun: ( rifts mercenary book)

A heavy, dual machinegun loaded with explosive bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield (240 M.D.C). The gun is used mostly to fight off other small watercraft and to defend against aircraft. It can also be used to detonate enemy torpedoes
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
A standard burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper

Standard burst 20 round burst 5d4 M.D
Short burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 x 10 M.D
Medium burst is 80 rounds and inflicts 2D4 x 10 M.D
burst is 100 rounds and inflicts 3D4x 10 M.D
long burst is 120 rounds and inflicts 4D4 x 10 M.D
full melee burst is 140 rounds and inflicts 5D4 x 10 M.D takes all your attacks

Rate of Fire: Standard burst 20 round burst
For only N.A.A.T/Guard Improved /A.M.C /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper
Short burst
Medium burst
long burst
full melee burst

Effective Range:
standard 2000 feet (610 m)
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper 4.7 Miles
2000 rounds (that's 50 bursts).with four boxes of 600 rounds 15 bursts

Sledgehammer 81mm Medium Mortar mark D ( rifts merc ops book)

The Sledgehammer is a larger mortar that fires rounds at greater ranges. Before the Rifts these weapons were issued to heavy weapons platoons at the battalion level. When broken down into component parts these mortars can be transported on foot by their crew of five troops. This mortar fires standard HE rounds against infantry and soft-skinned vehicles, but with the development of "smart" HEAT mortar rounds they are also ef-fective against IFVs and tanks!
Weight: 89 lbs (40 kg).
Varies with ammunition type.
Ammunition Types:
Uses the equivalent of grenades to inflict
Plasma: 6D6 M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m).
(Explosive/HE: 4D6 M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m).
Fragmentation: 2D6 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m).4'N 1406
Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red).
Parachute Flares: Glides down And burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Rate of Fire:
1-2 shots per melee attack/round (characters with 5 or more attacks/actions per round can fire twice); each shot may include a minor adjustment and counts as three melee attacks.
Auto Reloader 2 shots per melee attack/round

Effective Range:
About 3 miles (4.8 km), the weapon has a minimum range of 100 feet .

Single shot or two round burst, must be reloaded by hand.
Or Auto Reloader

11) 20 MM auto cannon standard-issue or any rail gun
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damge per round on later models
1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
any rail gun Max damage 2d4x10 per burst
Rate of Fire: burst
Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
5000 feet
Railguns varies
20 mm auto cannon
1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds

20 MM Chain gun for
hort burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst,
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

any rail gun Max damage 2d4x10 per burst
Rate of Fire: burst

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
5000 feet
Railguns varies
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds

Force Fields

NE Force Fields systems ( rifts mercenary book)
N-F50A Superheavy Force Field
This is the most powerful force field available. It looks and weighs the same as the N-F40A field, but is much more intense.
• M.D.C. 320
• Weight: 15 lbs
• No movement penalties.
• 6-hour duration per E-clip. Or systems triple ,nuclear unlimited
Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

Energy Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser (4):
Located in the very tail end of the aircraft is a chaff dispenser. When tailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse or detonate the enemy's attack. This defensive feature is usually controlled by the co-pilot or pilot.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile

None, but roll percentile dice to determine the result.

01-50 Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in the chaff cloud — the threat is over.

51-75 Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in the wrong direction (may lock onto another nearby aircraft).

76-00 No effect! Missiles still on target!! Also note that the chaff cloud will temporarily blind gargoyles and other flying monsters who pass through it.
The victims suffer the following penalties: Reduce melee attacks/actions, combat bonuses and speed by half.

1D4 melee rounds (15 to 60 seconds).
However, after that period the creature recovers and can renew his attack.

Payload: unlimited

Special features

1. Multi-Optics system: Sees normal human and infrared and ultraviolet spectrums of light, plus passive night vision. Range: 2 miles
2. Telescoping zoom lens. Range 2 miles
3. Micro-Magnifying lens with x2, x10, and x50 magnification. 5 miles
4. Thermo-Optics and heat sensors, vital for from warm bodies trapped under debris or hiding under camouflage or behind cover. Range: 2 miles
5. Camera/Video Eye with live transmission — live feed, no recording capability. Video camera and live transmission feed so its human partner can literally see what the probe sees. Range: 2 miles
6. Electronic Ear and audio transmitter with scrambler capabilities. Range: 2 miles
7. Laser Distancer: A light beam that accurately measures distance. Range: 5 miles
8. Radiation Detector. Range: 2 miles diameter.
9. Air Thermometer: Measures the ambient air temperature around the walking probe. Range: 2 miles
10. Molecular Analyzer: Detects and identifies impurities in the air. Mainly searches for toxic gases, pollution and chemicals harmful to humans. Range: 2 miles diameter.

11)Plus Radio Communications:
Directional radio for coded messages between the robot and its human commander or base camp. Can also scan and communicate via code on conventional radio channels/frequencies, same range, and eaves-drop on enemy transmissions and track transmissions (60% success level) to their source. Range: 10 miles (16 km). ,
Translator Understands English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and add 15 other languages; can identify all others but cannot understand or communicate in them.
Skill Programs of Note: Basic Math 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, TV/video (internal system), Prowl 72%, Tracking 60%, and Land Navigation 86%. Lore: Demons & Monsters:, Lore: Faerie, Lore: Indians, Lore: Psychics & Psionics, Lore: Psychics & Psionics, Lore: Religion at 90%
Programming and memory enable the robot to identify all NEMA, USA, Canadian, coalition, Quebec , Japan ,South America and Russian ,Merc outfits at 90% known and not well know and Mexican military ranks, uniforms, insignia, soldiers, robots, power armor, vehicles, weapons, equipment, and officers. This also cover bounties at a 90% ,if fail will metion inconclusive and retry every 15 seconds. Memory also includes the identification of 4000 different enemy targets, including new data on specific races, non-human features and powers, insignia, uniforms, enemy robot and vehicle designs, acts of aggression, and notorious enemies. Combat programming directs the actions and reactions to encounters and attacks.

12)Electronic Countermeasures (ECM):
A combination of sensor jammers, radio-pulse flares and energy chaff dispensers. This system serves to protect fighters and shuttles against being detected by targeting systems as well as from in-coming missiles. When active, these systems impose a -10 % penalty to anyone trying to target a fighter or shuttle using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus. Other fighters and missiles are -3 to strike a shuttle or fighter with active ECM.

13) Laser Communications systems: up to 10 miles

14) Motion Detector and Collision Warning System:
Detects objects within 5,000 feet (1024 m) and alerts of an impending collision with an alarm and flashing red light; triple the range when fast moving objects are on a collision trajectory (providing 2D6+6 seconds to respond/take evasive action).

[b] 15) Self Destruct:

A last ditch effort to prevent capture of the fighter or shuttle. The blast is largely contained, and destroys the ship and all of its systems, but only 3D6x10 M.D. is inflicted to everything within a 25 foot (7.62 m) radius

16) Communications systems :
Wideband and directional radio communication system with built-in scrambler that transmits both voice and cockpit video. Range 5 miles

17) Special Alloy Armor Shielding:
Specialized shielding protects the armor from EMP attacks and electrical blasts do half damage.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by Borast »

ZINO wrote: 13) Laser Communications systems: up to 10 miles

14) Motion Detector and Collision Warning System:
Detects objects within 5,000 feet (1024 m) and alerts of an impending collision with an alarm and flashing red light; triple the range when fast moving objects are on a collision trajectory (providing 2D6+6 seconds to respond/take evasive action).

[b] 16) Communications systems :

Wideband and directional radio communication system with built-in scrambler that transmits both voice and cockpit video. Range 5 miles

I'm gonna have to check my books again...16 kilometres for a laser com seems...kinda short. Point blank short.
8 kilometres for a *military* grade comms system seems even worse, when you consider that the average civilian CB radio has an average range of 16 kilometres! (Terrain/weather dependant.)

The motion detector I have an issue with - if my math is correct - anything travelling faster than 833.3fps can not be 'seen'? Something travelling at 60mph - highway speeds in some places - covers 88fps. So, something (say a missile), travelling more than 600mph is invisible?
Seriously though...this kind of system would be going nuts on the average 2022 highway system...especially in areas where Traffic Laws are generally considered to be unenforcable suggestions (like Greece, the Philipines, or Montreal...)!!! :eek: :wink:

Other than that, based on the skim...pretty good!

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

.sig count to date: 2

"May your day be as eventful as you wish, and may your life only hurt as much as it has to." - Me...

Normality is Relative, Sanity is Conceptual, and I am neither.
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Borast wrote:
ZINO wrote: 13) Laser Communications systems: up to 10 miles

14) Motion Detector and Collision Warning System:
Detects objects within 5,000 feet (1024 m) and alerts of an impending collision with an alarm and flashing red light; triple the range when fast moving objects are on a collision trajectory (providing 2D6+6 seconds to respond/take evasive action).

[b] 16) Communications systems :

Wideband and directional radio communication system with built-in scrambler that transmits both voice and cockpit video. Range 5 miles

I'm gonna have to check my books again...16 kilometres for a laser com seems...kinda short. Point blank short.
8 kilometres for a *military* grade comms system seems even worse, when you consider that the average civilian CB radio has an average range of 16 kilometres! (Terrain/weather dependant.)

The motion detector I have an issue with - if my math is correct - anything travelling faster than 833.3fps can not be 'seen'? Something travelling at 60mph - highway speeds in some places - covers 88fps. So, something (say a missile), travelling more than 600mph is invisible?
Seriously though...this kind of system would be going nuts on the average 2022 highway system...especially in areas where Traffic Laws are generally considered to be unenforcable suggestions (like Greece, the Philipines, or Montreal...)!!! :eek: :wink:

Other than that, based on the skim...pretty good!

I agree with you
I know that I miss a few items I look too thank you for your help and commitment posted up too
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

OMFV Bradley
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -917579764

MDC REFIT Improved Bradley from called the OMFV Bradley’s on the rifts earth

Another Improved variant, these vehicles are modified the Bradley’s called OMFV Bradley’s
OMFV Bradley’s with the TOW or short-range missile system replaced with a four-tube Medium-Range system or short range the Bradley’s Heavy Linebacker with the reemergence of hostile aerial threats. The Bradley Linebacker was called the M-SHORAD (Mobile Short-Range Air Defense AKA Short range missiles systems in Rifts Erath ) equipped with the search ASEIA radar mounted around the turret, a fire-control radar, a jammer on top of the turret to non-kinetically defeat unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and has unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), the main gun replaced with an M.D.C 20 mm autocannon (20 MM AC) or Chain Gun (CG) and a missile launcher that could accommodate various missiles. Its main feature is multiple purpose combat turret design to carry varies weapon system
This model is for rifts earth this design is a copy of a Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle design .what different it can go autonomous but this under special situations and all weapons are conceal for enemy fire only pop similar to stealth tech. Which are used in Europe ,south America ,pacific , parts of Africa , Japan ,west coast and on the phase world . On phase world many see it a second line TANK APC!!!

Model Type: For N.A.M.E.S ,N.A.A.T, A.M.C and Peacekeeper and Guard Improved Bradley APC
Infantry Assault and Transport Vehicle
Crew: Two: pilot and gunner Troop Transport Capabilities: troops
M.D.C. by Location:
*** 560 M.D.C. on the main body
(The original main body was 950 S.D.C. or10 M.D.C.).
300 M.D.C. for the turret
240 Reinforce cockpit compartment
240 Reinforce crew compartment
*** Bradley Urban Survival Kit (BUSK)Amour main body 240 M.D.C. Bradley Urban Survival Kit (BUSK)
Extra Amour can be add for the turret 50 or 100 M.D.C. The Bradley Urban Survival Kit (BUSK)Amour is the first to take damage before hit target location by enemy fire .
**Track Treads (2) 125 each

** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not un-der attack.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the vehicle and then Reinforce cockpit compartment Reinforce crew compartment takes damage
Can add additional 100 or 200 M.D.C to the main body and for turret 50 or 100 M.D.C turret
*** Bradley Urban Survival Kit (BUSK)Amour
BUSK Amour
The weapon systems for this vehicle have special components that blow away from crew call blow away armored if ammunition is hit saving the crew inside the vehicle

Statistical Data:

Mass 25 Tons
Length25 ft
Width11 ft
Height12 ft
Crew3 + 6 can carry six infantrymen or cyborgs
50 mph (661cm);
range: varies
1. Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
2. Electric Batteries
3. Nuclear

Alternative Fuel Systems :Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Even the best batteries produced by Northern Gun can only offer roughly 100 hours( for NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper IS 1000 Hours or 41 days )

Solid Oxide cells are quite simple to use. Insert a fresh fuel cell into the vehicle, armor or robot's cell port, twist the handle to activate, and you're done

The cell will provide robots and large vehicles with energy for approximately four weeks (28 days) be-fore running out, or roughly eight weeks (56 days) for power ar-mor, hovercycles and light vehicles, after which it will need to be returned to an official Northern Gun outlet to be recharged and rebuilt.

Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell ( for NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper )
Weight: 100 lbs
Duration: 7000 hours (approximately four weeks of constant use). Or 291 days
Protective Casing: 300 M.D.C.
Cost: 100,000 credits

The Dangers and Limitations of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells.
The first thing anyone who handles Solid Oxide fuel cells realizes is that they run hot. The average temperature of a Solid OX cell in use is 1,000 degrees C (1,832 F)! The cells tend to stay hot for a long time after being powered down as well, so working with them requires special heavy equipment, welder's gloves, masks and sometimes even heat suits. Touching an exposed hot fuel cell will inflict 1D4 M.D. to Mega-Damage creatures and 2D4x10 S.D.C. to human beings. For humans, these are third-degree burns and will result in permanent scarring.
Solid Oxide fuel cells are also less bountiful in their reserves of power than the nuclear cores that many customers are accustomed to. Using a Solid OX powered vehicle or robot to charge another vehicle's batteries will drain 50% of its energy life. Armor, robots and military vehicles that have replaced non-energy ballistic weapons like rail guns and missile launchers with energy weapons or added extra energy weapons will also put a strain on the system, cutting the fuel cell's life span by 25%.
In addition to their functional limitations, Solid Oxide fuel cells are also extremely volatile and will react explosively if their outer casing is ruptured. Reduce the M.D.C. of a fuel cell to 5 M.D.C. or less and there is a 50% chance of it exploding every minute (4 melee rounds). Reduce it to zero and it explodes immediately. A Standard Solid OX fuel cell does 4D6 M.D. to everything in a 6 foot (1.8 m) radius. The Heavy-Duty Solid OX cell does 1D6x10 M.D. to a 10 foot (3 m) radius. If a fuel cell is exposed and it is detonated while still inside the vehicle, all damage is done directly to the main body and utterly destroys
the power system, requiring complete replacement and extensive repairs (1D4 million credits and days for repairs).
Converting Vehicles to Use Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
In addition to selling the fuel cells and offering fuel cell systems as an option on new products, Northern Gun also offers con-version packages for older NG equipment and even competitors' models. They are more than happy to convert the vehicles of rival companies to use their Solid Oxide systems, for which they are the only provider of fuel cells. They even offer free installation at most official NG stores. Northern Gun envisions a day when Solid OX has replaced nuclear power packs as the most common and affordable vehicle fuel system in North America.
The conversion kits that they produce have been appearing at third party arms merchants and in the hands of the Black Mar-ket, just as Northern Gun intends. They are relatively simple to install, pre-designed to be partially modular and to fit right into the cavity left behind when a standard nuclear core is extracted. The job can be handled by any skilled Operator (01-94% chance of success) with access to heavy machinery or an assistant with Robotic or Supernatural P.S. to do the heavy lifting. Removing the old nuclear power pack safely is always the hardest part of the job.

N.A.A.T/Guard /A.M.C /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper/
Improved Electric Batteries

Most vehicle and robot designs now offer electric batteries as a power option with a standard 2000 hour field life, good for roughly 84 days of use in the field depending on the level of exertion. This lifespan doubles for light units like most man-sized power armor, light robot drones, exoskeletons and hover-cycles Armor .

Electric Battery Power System
Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 10 lbs (14 kg).
Duration: 40 days of continuous use in robots and heavy vehicles. 60 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), 200 days hovercycles, rocket bikes , light vehicles and Armor vehicles
Protective Casing: 100 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 1 hours to charge a battery to full power (3 hours at an NG outlet). Cost: 10,000 to install the electric battery system and 15,000 credits per each NG electric battery used, and for replacement batteries. Otherwise, the life of an electric battery under normal use is five years; 10 years under combat conditions.

Nuclear energy is the most popular form of energy used in
robots and high-tech machinery. The power supply is surprisingly compact, safe, and has a long lifetime even under constant use. Any high-tech town, including `Burbs and places that cater to mercenaries and adventurers, can make repairs.
One Year: One million credits. Two Years , Five Years, Ten Years, Twenty Years:

Additional weapons systems that are been incorporated for capture ,or share weapons tech

Gravity Cannon: :
rifle-shaped weapon is a GR autocannon. The rifle can be attached to back clamps when not in use.
Primary Purpose: Anti-armor and anti-ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and does 4D6x10 M.D. Can only fire bursts.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks.
Effective Range: five miles (8 km) in an atmosphere.
Payload: 10,000 rounds; that's 500 bursts

2. Under barrel HI-Laser Cannon: :
A cannon mounted. Can rotate 190 degrees up and 180 degrees to the left.
Primary Purpose: Anti-armor & anti-ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10 M.D
Rate of Fire:
Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks. 2 miles in an atmosphere.
Payload: Effectively unlimited

Beam CIWS Gatling (2): :
This is a small modern Beam CIWS Gatling version of the pre-Rifts Phalanx Close-In Weapon System (CIWS). It is a last-ditch weapon system intended to destroy missiles and aircraft that sneak past the carrier group's other defenses. The C9OR is a six-barreled beam cannon that fires special depleted beam that shreds even mega-damage aircraft in a matter of seconds! Like its Phalanx predecessor, the C9OR CIWS is an unmanned, automated weapon system that can be controlled by a pair of radar system - one radar to track the targets and another to guide the beam shots to intercept the target.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft/Defense
Mega-Damage: A burst is 60 rounds and inflicts 4d6x 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: 6 attacks per melee round.
Effective Range: 2 miles
Radar Targeting Bonus:
+6 to strike down missiles (any ) ,
+3 to shot down rail gun fire or projectile.
Payload: unlimited

hidden Side-mounted shortage missile systems or TOW or short-range missile systems pick one on turret
short range missiles systems one left or TOW missile

Mini missiles systems one right or TOW missile

Primary purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built-in
Mega-Damage: varies with missile
Rate of Fire: 1 or of set 2, 4 fire or 8 ,12 , 16 ,20 ,24 that one attack
TOW or short-range missile system 4 only
Effective Range:
5 miles short-range missile system
TOW 3 miles
Mini missiles 1 mile
Payload: 24

side gun pick one side weapon systems : adds 11 more weapons systems
of chose

Main gun pick two weapon systems these systems are hidden all but the main : adds 11 more weapons systems
of chose

weapon systems :
20 MM auto cannon standard-issue
20 MM Chain gun or any rail gun
are standard issues bur are replace with
this missile systems are standard issues and fix weapon systems
Side-mounted short-range misslie sytems AKA SRM systems or TOW systems or Medium Range Missile AKA MRM systems pick one on turrnt all short-range misslie sytems AKA SRM systems get +3 to strike or TOW systems get +4 to strike or Medium Range Missile AKA MRM systems get +6 to strike. these weapon systems short-range missiles Sytems AKA SRM systems or Medium Range Missile AKA MRM systems are fire and forget once they are fired pass 100 feet

Primary purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built-in
Mega-Damage: varies with missile
Rate of Fire: 1 or 2,3,set of 4 fire or 8 ,12 , 16 ,20 ,24 that one attack
TOW or short-range missile system 4 only
Effective Range: 5 miles
TOW 3 miles
short-range missile system 5 miles
Medium Range Missile AKA MRM systems vaires
Payload: 24 short-range missile system
24 TOW systems
Medium Range Missile AKA MRM systems 12

weapons summary

1. 20 MM auto cannon standard-issue or any rail gun
2. 20 MM Chain gun
3. any rail gun max MDC Damage 2d4x10
4. WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launch(1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
5. 111-100 Rail Gun (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
6. ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle(1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
7. 30mm Auto-Cannon (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
8. WI-23 Missile Launcher( Rifts mercenary book)
9. WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
10. WI-40MD Fire & Forget( rifts mercenary book)
11. Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)
12. Light M.D.C 14.5 mm or 50,cailber Machinegun: ( rifts mercenary book)
13. GAW Sledgehammer 81mm Medium Mortar ( Rifts merc spec ops book)
• Force Fields: pick one Standard Human Force Fields (Rifts® Sourcebook One Revised & Expanded ) NE Force Fields systems ( Rifts mercenary book)

1)20 MM auto cannon standard-issue


2) 20 MM Chain gun or any rail gun

Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage per round on later models
1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,

20 MM Chain gun for
Short burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst,counts as two attack
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

any rail gun Max damage 2d4x10 per burst
Rate of Fire: burst

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
5000 feet
Railguns varies
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds
Side-mounted shortage missile systems or TOW or short-range missile systems pick one on turret
Primary purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built-in
Mega-Damage: varies with missile
Rate of Fire: 1 or of set 2, 4 fire or 8 ,12 , 16 ,20 ,24 that one attack
TOW or short-range missile system 4 only
Effective Range: 5 miles
TOW or short-range missile system 3 miles
Payload: 24

Statistical Data:

Mass19. Tons
Length21.5 ft
Width12 ft
Height10 ft
Crew3 + can carry six infantrymen
41 mph (661cm); maximum fuel range: 300 miles (483 km).
Storage space for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items; 10 rifles of any type, 4 rocket launchers (either CR-1 or WI-23) and 24 mini-missiles stored in locked overhead compartments.
Power System:
Speed: 41 mph (661cm); maximum fuel range: 300 miles (483 km).
Weapon Systems: summary two weapons systems on main turret

Standard issued 20 MM auto cannon standard-issue or any rail gun

Main gun:
20 MM auto cannon standard-issue or any rail gun
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damge per round on later models
1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
any rail gun Max damage 2d4x10 per burst
Rate of Fire: burst
Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
5000 feet
Railguns varies
20 mm auto cannon
1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds
Standard issued Side-mounted shortage missile systems or TOW or short-range missile systems pick one on turrnt
Primary purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built-in
Mega-Damage: varies with missile
Rate of Fire: 1 or 2,3,set of 4 fire or 8 ,12 , 16 ,20 ,24 that one attack
TOW or short-range missile system 4 only
Effective Range: 5 miles
TOW or short-range missile system 3 miles
Payload: 24

Porcupine weapon systems pick two

It dual systems weapon mount that will change this vehicle can operate in the field can be manual or remote .It replaces the 20MM weapon systems and carries two weapon systems .from number 1 to number 10 to use .

it has a Shielded Bradley Urban Survival Kit (BUSK)Amour 245 M.D.C
all weapon system 125 M.D.C
Force Fields is possible look below
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper have this extra feature
pick two only
Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

1. WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launch(1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
2. 111-100 Rail Gun (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
3. ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle(1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
4. 30mm Auto-Cannon (1): ( Rifts mercenary book)
5. WI-23 Missile Launcher( Rifts mercenary book)
6. WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
7. WI-40MD Fire & Forget( rifts mercenary book)
8. Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)
9. Light M.D.C 14.5 mm or 50,cailber Machinegun: ( rifts mercenary book)
10. GAW Sledgehammer 81mm Medium Mortar ( Rifts merc spec ops book)
11. Force Fields: pick one Standard Human Force Fields (Rifts® Sourcebook One Revised & Expanded ) NE Force Fields systems ( Rifts mercenary book) are NOT part of turret systems and are in main body

[b]1)WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher

This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon.
Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system.
Weight: 130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).

Armor-Piercing: 1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m).
A burst is 10 rounds!

A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)! A burst of Armor-Piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet
40 round magazine or 200 round belt! Ammo drum 300 rounds
There are 10 more clips in Vehicle
Black Market :not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

2) 111-100 Rail Gun (1):
This gun is a copy of Northern Gun's NG-202,modified for a higher rate of fire. It is located in the Turret over the main turret, and has a 360-degree rotation of fire and can elevate 90 degrees to engage aerial targets. The tank commander, the gunner, or the driver can access and use the rail gun.
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft and anti-vehicle.
Secondary Purpose: Defense: anti-personnel.
Weight: 300 lbs (135 kg)
Mega-Damage: A burst is 60 rounds and inflicts 1D6 x 10 M.D. One round does 1D4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (usually
4-6) of the gunner.
Effective Range: 8000 feet
Payload: internal 12,000 round drum, that's 200 bursts( three reloads ) ! Up to five drums can be carried by the tank. Reloading the drum takes 15 seconds if done by hand, 1 minutes if done manually .

3) ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America )
This is a pre-Rifts design built to give infantrymen a chance against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. It is a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-clip in one single shot! The short comings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes one melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power
armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble or weapon mount ). Also, they use up E-clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it.
Weight: 30 lbs. (13.5 kg)
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10+20 M.D. per shot
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; each shot empties an entire E-Clip
Effective Range: 9000 feet
Payload: 1 shot per E-Clip has or tie to vehicle other power systems 3 per melee Nuclear goes to 5 !!

Black Market: not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

4)30mm Auto-Cannon:
This is like the Auto- cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry. It has 360 degree angle
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 200 pounds
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D. standard

but only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper
• Short burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D
• Medium burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 3D6 x 10 M.D
• burst is 80 rounds and inflicts 4D6 x 10 M.D
• long burst is 160 rounds and inflicts 5D6 x 10 M.D
• full melee burst is 320 rounds and inflicts 6D6 x 10 M.D takes all your attacks

Rate of Fire: burst
Effective Range: standard 3 miles
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper 5 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 Short burst
Black Market :not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

5)WI-23 Light Missile Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
This weapon is a clear improvement over the CR-1 Rocket Launcher and other similar anti-vehicle weapons. The WI-23 is an auto-loading launcher with a six-shot box magazine mounted on the right side of the tube. This allows the user to fire repeatedly without having to rely on a loader. The multi-optics scope is a copy of the CR-1 system, disguised to avoid accusations of patent violations (which are fairly unimportant anyway, since there are few commercial treaties between the CS and other nations).
A fully loaded launcher weighs 26 lbs (11.7 kg), including its
payload of 6 missiles.
Each box magazine weighs 12 lbs (5.4 kg) fully loaded.
Any type of mini-missile can be used, but the most common are armor piercing and plasma (1D4 x 10 or 1D6 x 10 M.D.).
Rate of Fire:
Equal to the user's number of attacks per melee (maximum 6); reloading the magazine takes three melee actions if using a box magazine, or one full melee round if reloading loose missiles. Effective Range: 1 mile (1.6 km)
Payload: Six missiles per magazine.
Black Market Cost: 30,000 for one launcher and one magazine, 4,000 for each additional magazine, not counting missile cost
Black Market :not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

6)WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher ( rifts mercenary book)
This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon.
Note: The "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system. Can be dismounted in one attack if need be
130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).

1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m).
A burst is 10 rounds! A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)! A burst of Armor-Piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Rate of Fire: Standard.
Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).
40 round magazine or 200 round belt! Drum 300 plus can be auto reloaded systems one drum on and two additional drums that 300 each ammo belt add 200 more rounds feed into drum
Drum M.D.C 100 ,Ammo Belt M.D.C 125 MDC get a -3 to hit while vehicle is still -6 at low speed -9 at high speed or any maneuvers

WI-40MD Fire & Forget( rifts mercenary book)

Super-Heavy Missile Launcher
The WI-40MD (the D is for modified version) provides the firepower of a tank (for one melee round/attack ) and is advertised as "the heaviest man-portable missile launcher in the world." That's partially true. It is man-portable for anyone who can lug its 120 lbs (54 kg) of missile and crude, disposable launch trigger. This means the operator must be a creature with a P.S. of 24 or greater, otherwise it will require two or three men to transport it.Can be dismounted from weapon systems in one attack if need be .
The WI-40MD is basically a medium-range missile or a short range Missile Launcher (pick one ) with a plastic launching platform that has a handle and big trigger (big enough for the hand of most powered armor suits and giants). Once the missile is fired, the launching platform is ruined and discarded (the plastic has a recycle value of 2D4 x 10 credits). The exhaust of the rocket also inflicts 1D6 x 10 S.D.C. to anything within 15 feet of the shooter; it won't affect characters in M.D.C. armor, but will ignite brush fires or explode any fuels and other volatile flammables nearby. Despite those shortcomings, it is a new favorite of power armor pilots and borgs.
Weight: The missile system weighs 120 lbs (54 kg) and is six feet (1.8 m) long.
Any medium-range missile can be used. It is usually
• Armor-Piercing (2D4 x 10 M.D.),
• Fragmentation (2D4 x 10 M.D.)
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper
• H.E. (3D6X10 M.D.)
• Heavy Plasma/Heat (5D6 x 10 M.D.) only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper commonly used .
Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon per attack/round
Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km). The missile has less fuel than a vehicle-mounted medium-range missile.
four medium-range missile
16 short range missiles.
A missile box containing four missiles and weighing 520 lbs (234 kg) is available.
Taking a missile out of its box and aiming it usually counts as two melee actions/attacks.
Auto Reloader is possible
Note :
add +3 to strike short range missiles or +6 to strike Medium range missiles
Black Market Cost:

Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)

This heavy, multi-barreled laser is used
for missile defense and anti-aircraft roles. Each is controlled by an independent gunner. One is mounted turret and only type . The wing turrets can rotate 360 degrees and fire on a 180 degree arc, sweeping the air above the aircraft.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 2D4 x 10 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Each turret can shoot up to six times per melee round.
Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited pick one , tie to vechile power systems 3 per mellee
There are a light version 2d4x10 ,medium version 2D6 x 10 M.D. per blast and 4D6 x 10 M.D. per blast heavy version

Light M.D.C 14.5 mm or 50,cailber Machinegun: ( rifts mercenary book)

A heavy, dual machinegun loaded with explosive bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield (240 M.D.C). The gun is used mostly to fight off other small watercraft and to defend against aircraft. It can also be used to detonate enemy torpedoes
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
A standard burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper

• Standard burst 20 round burst 5d4 M.D
• Short burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 x 10 M.D
• Medium burst is 80 rounds and inflicts 2D4 x 10 M.D
• burst is 100 rounds and inflicts 3D4x 10 M.D
• long burst is 120 rounds and inflicts 4D4 x 10 M.D
• full melee burst is 140 rounds and inflicts 5D4 x 10 M.D takes all your attacks

Rate of Fire: Standard burst 20 round burst
For only N.A.A.T/Guard Improved /A.M.C /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper
• Short burst
• Medium burst
• burst
• long burst
• full melee burst

Effective Range:
standard 2000 feet (610 m)
only NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC /N.A.M.E.S / Peacekeeper 4.7 Miles
2000 rounds (that's 50 bursts).with four boxes of 600 rounds 15 bursts

GAW Sledgehammer 81mm Medium Mortar mark D ( rifts merc ops book)

The Sledgehammer is a larger mortar that fires rounds at greater ranges. Before the Rifts these weapons were issued to heavy weapons platoons at the battalion level. When broken down into component parts these mortars can be transported on foot by their crew of five troops. This mortar fires standard HE rounds against infantry and soft-skinned vehicles, but with the development of "smart" HEAT mortar rounds they are also ef-fective against IFVs and tanks!
Weight: 89 lbs (40 kg).
Varies with ammunition type.
Ammunition Types:
Uses the equivalent of grenades to inflict
• Plasma: 6D6 M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m).
• (Explosive/HE: 4D6 M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m).
• Fragmentation: 2D6 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m).4'N 1406
• Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red).
• Parachute Flares: Glides down And burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Rate of Fire:
1-2 shots per melee attack/round (characters with 5 or more attacks/actions per round can fire twice); each shot may include a minor adjustment and counts as three melee attacks.
Auto Reloader 2 shots per melee attack/round

Effective Range:
About 3 miles (4.8 km), the weapon has a minimum range of 100 feet .

Single shot or two round burst, must be reloaded by hand.
Or Auto Reloader

Force Fields

Standard Human Force Fields ( Rifts® Sourcebook One Revised & Expanded)
Rechargeable Force Field:
One of the most impressive
"new" developments by the geniuses at Triax is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system. The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial at-tack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the weapons cannot be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 8-24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. Al-though the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 4.2 M.D.C. per hour, even minor damage (25 M.D.C. or less) will require eight hours to be restored (the 4.2 M.D.C. per hour cannot appear sooner than 8 hours, it's the way the system works). Restoring all 100 M.D.C. takes 24 hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the vehicle.
Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punished to the extreme

Other this system cannot be used near any coalition/Quebec area
NE Force Fields systems ( rifts mercenary book)
N-F50A Superheavy Force Field
This is the most powerful force field available. It looks and weighs the same as the N-F40A field, but is much more intense.
• M.D.C. 320
• Weight: 15 lbs
• No movement penalties.
• 6-hour duration per E-clip. Or systems triple ,nuclear unlimited
Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser (4):
Located in the very tail end of the aircraft is a chaff dispenser. When tailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse or detonate the enemy's attack. This defensive feature is usually controlled by the co-pilot or pilot.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile

None, but roll percentile dice to determine the result.

01-50 Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in the chaff cloud — the threat is over.

51-75 Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in the wrong direction (may lock onto another nearby aircraft).

76-00 No effect! Missiles still on target!! Also note that the chaff cloud will temporarily blind gargoyles and other flying monsters who pass through it.
The victims suffer the following penalties: Reduce melee attacks/actions, combat bonuses and speed by half.

1D4 melee rounds (15 to 60 seconds).
However, after that period the creature recovers and can renew his attack.

Payload: 24 each

Special feature s
1) Special Alloy Armor Shielding: Specialized shielding protects the armor from EMP attacks and electrical blasts do half damage.

2) Flying Mini drone
The latest in spy drone technology, the Flying Mini drone is exactly what it sounds like, a hover, flying version of a Probe. That also means the Flying Mini drone is used to track, find, follow and spy on the enemy as well as locate victims of a disaster, only it quietly flies instead of scurrying across the ground. One of its different features is a retractable, folding arm that can end in a small mechanical arm and hand capable of picking up and carrying small, light objects such as a set of keys, pen, paper, knife, hand-held communicator, and similar items. In the alternative, it may end with a Pen Laser, mini buzz saw (does 2D6 S.D.C.) or an 11th sensor probe of some kind. As a probe and spy unit, it is primarily deployed by Intel-Agents, Military Specialists , scouts and Drone Specialist .It can hold 10 in turret and 20 in main body for wide cover area
Flying Probe for Reconnaissance —Robot/Artificial Intelligence
Model Type: Flying Mini drone
Class: Fully Automated Self-Sufficient Robot Probe.
Crew: None; artificial intelligence.
M.D.C. by Location:
Legs (6) — 3 each
* Optic and Sensor Bulbs (10) — 1 each
** Main Body — 25
N.E Force field or Human Force field 150

* Destroying one of the sensor bulbs in the main body destroys one of its many optic systems, cameras, communications and sensory systems. When eight or more are lost, particularly video feed, the probe leaves its post unless commanded to do otherwise, and returns to base camp. These sensor bulbs are small and difficult to hit, especially on a moving target. Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot," and the attacker is -5 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body shatters the robot and destroys its electronic systems completely.
Speed & Movement:
Altitude up to 5 miles and link up with drone and vehicles
400 mph (32 km) maximum, but typically travels at about 10-50 mph when probing/examining/searching an area.

Excellent. Equal to a Prowl of
silent flight.
Makes just a slight purr that is usually drowned out by even the slightest ambient noise, and makes a swishing sound as it flies by if traveling faster than
50 mph .

Running, Leaping & Climbing: Not applicable.
Underwater Capabilities:
2000 feet .

Statistical Data:
Size: the size of a softball with a small hover system attached; roughly six inches in diameter.
4.5 lbs (2 kg).

Physical Strength:
Not applicable unless it has a retractable arm and hand (P.S. 6).

Cargo: None.
Power System:
Nuclear, average energy life is two years.

Cost & Availability: Exclusive to
N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E. S/A.M.C/The Guard only was found or stolen and sells for upwards of 800,000 credits or equivalent in trade. Rare.

Weapon System:

Combat Capabilities:
None per say.

Actions Per Melee:
Five, mainly observation and tracking.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Only if a cutting tool is part of its re-tractable arm.


Includes all bonuses from programming, robotics and sensors:
+1 to strike with retractable arm,
+4 to automatic dodge (can dodge without losing an melee attack/action),plus operator add as well
+3 to roll with impact or fall.
Impervious to poison, gas, and biological agents, as well as psionic and magic mind control, charms, bio-manipulation, and S.D.C. attacks. Also see sensors.

Sensor Systems of Note:
All optics and lenses are tied to the video transmission system and can be broadcast to a N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E. S/A.M.C/The Guard only operator in the field monitoring the probe or base camp (if the latter is close enough). Robot Commanders and anyone working with probes will have a portable hand-held monitor and a larger monitoring unit (the size of a small laptop computer) or patch in to N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E. S/A.M.C/The Guard only vehicles , plus the data can be transmitted and displayed on the helmet HUD display of N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E. S/A.M.C/The Guard only body and power/robot armor.
All have
Each sensor or optic system is numbered to indicate the features of each one of the ten sensor bulbs. If individually targeted by an enemy (a rarity) or if the Spider Probe is dam-aged in some other way and loses one or more of its recon-naissance features, the G.M. can pick one (or some) or roll a 1D10 for random determination.

Standard issue
Communications systems :
Wideband and directional radio communication system with built-in scrambler that transmits both voice and cockpit video. Range 5 miles

Self Destruct:
A last ditch effort to prevent capture of the fighter or shuttle. The blast is largely contained, and destroys the ship and all of its systems, but only 3D6x10 M.D. is inflicted to everything within a 25 foot (7.62 m) radius

Motion Detector and Collision Warning System:
Detects objects within 5,000 feet (1024 m) and alerts of an impending collision with an alarm and flashing red light; triple the range when fast moving objects are on a collision trajectory (providing 2D6+6 seconds to respond/take evasive action).

Laser Communications systems:
up to 10 miles

1. Multi-Optics system:
Sees normal human and infrared and ultraviolet spectrums of light, plus passive night vision. Range: 2 miles

2. Telescoping zoom lens.
Range 2 miles

3. Micro-Magnifying lens
with x2, x10, and x50 magnification. 5 miles

4. Thermo-Optics and heat sensors,
vital for from warm bodies trapped under debris or hiding under camouflage or behind cover. Range: 2 miles

5. Camera/Video Eye with live transmission
— live feed, no recording capability. Video camera and live transmission feed so its human partner can literally see what the probe sees. Range: 2 miles

6. Electronic Ear and audio transmitter
with scrambler capabilities. Range: 2 miles

7. Laser Distancer:
A light beam that accurately measures distance. Range: 5 miles

8. Radiation Detector.
Range: 2 miles diameter.

9. Air Thermometer:
Measures the ambient air temperature around the walking probe. Range: 2 miles

10. Molecular Analyzer:
Detects and identifies impurities in the air. Mainly searches for toxic gases, pollution and chemicals harmful to humans. Range: 2 miles diameter.

11)Plus Radio Communications:
Directional radio for coded messages between the robot and its human commander or base camp. Can also scan and communicate via code on conventional radio channels/frequencies, same range, and eaves-drop on enemy transmissions and track transmissions (60% success level) to their source. Range: 10 miles (16 km). ,

Understands English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and add 15 other languages; can identify all others but cannot understand or communicate in them.
Skill Programs of Note: Basic Math 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, TV/video (internal system), Prowl 72%, Tracking 60%, and Land Navigation 86%. Lore: Demons & Monsters:, Lore: Faerie, Lore: Indians, Lore: Psychics & Psionics, Lore: Psychics & Psionics, Lore: Religion at 90%
Programming and memory enable the robot to identify all NEMA, USA, Canadian, coalition, Quebec , Japan ,South America and Russian ,Merc outfits at 90% known and not well know and Mexican military ranks, uniforms, insignia, soldiers, robots, power armor, vehicles, weapons, equipment, and officers. This also cover bounties at a 90% ,if fail will metion inconclusive and retry every 15 seconds. Memory also includes the identification of 4000 different enemy targets, including new data on specific races, non-human features and powers, insignia, uniforms, enemy robot and vehicle designs, acts of aggression, and notorious enemies. Combat programming directs the actions and reactions to encounters and attacks.

12)Electronic Countermeasures (ECM):
A combination of sensor jammers, radio-pulse flares and energy chaff dispensers. This system serves to protect fighters and shuttles against being detected by targeting systems as well as from in-coming missiles. When active, these systems impose a -10 % penalty to anyone trying to target a fighter or shuttle using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus. Other fighters and missiles are -3 to strike a shuttle or fighter with active ECM.

13) sonar range 2000 feet

140 Special Alloy Armor Shielding:
Specialized shielding protects the armor from EMP attacks and electrical blasts do half damage.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Bradley Published: Jan 27, 2011
anti-gravity IFV

hover Bradley or super Bradley

the final design used and loved in phase world anti-gravity IFV
using OMFV Bradley’s on the rifts earth stat is except
the following

Variable Force Field 420 per sided (x6)
Naruni Force Field 420

Gravitonic Technology

The science of gravitonics is very important in the Three Galaxies. By controlling and manipulating the energies of gravity, scientists were able to defeat the light barrier, create artificial gravity on-demand, and develop a number of weapons and vehicles that were unheard of before.

Driving on the ground:
500 mph maximum speed. Can travel over ground and water and the contragravity system can lift the vehicle over any obstacle.

flight capabilities. Has no maximum altitude (can reach orbit, or even land from orbit!) and a speed of 500 mph. Also, the belly plates of the vehicle are vulnerable.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Chipwell Armaments, Inc.

Desperate to keep new low cost and cheap to cheaper MDC vehicles. Trying to come out with new ideas was falling behind to new models to make. Desperate they call out for engineers to aid them even working with G.A.W!!
Some engineers apparently approached them with a Europe solution and were sold .it also seem they had their own contacts to help in six months set up camp and sell tanks, gunship and one military jet aircraft from .
These vehicles designed by NAMES to get a cut from Chipwell Armaments, Inc. Without they knowing it .

They is an old CIA tactic without the enemy's been aware and there no chance of being discovered.

The vehicles are T72, T 80 T 90 and T 14 main battle tanks. One gunship transport call gator or the hind Transport gunship and one Soviet era both single seat fighters and dual seat fighter bomber. These design been updated enough to be used at a terrible low cost. Even coalition is looking for a low cost second line jetfighter for certain areas. As for mercenary there are a few mercenary that are interested in gunship, tanks and jet fighter as well.

Major flaw in all T 72 T80 T90
The way that the unused rounds are stored in the autoloader system has been exposed as a flaw, as observers have noted that penetrating hits can easily set off a chain reaction that detonates all of the ammunition. The result is the turret is blown off resulting in a so called "jack-in-the-box" explosion. This vulnerability was first observed during testing. By adding extra armor only help doesn't remove the flaw.

Mercenary Groups

Air Superiority, Inc.
Is limited to the aircraft having iron eagle but need for other type are need a new fighter and helicopter to transport troop or injury personnel is vital

The Tennessee Headhunters
Tanks tanks tanks is what this mercenary Groups need add massive infantry support this help the Tanks survivability helps big time

Larsen's Brigade

Having a second line and third line of defensive and offensive capability on top of this adding a low cost helps temporarily Larsen's Brigade

DemonBusters, In and Braddock's Bad Boys
The gunship is an. Interested Avenue with can help
And added fire power helps at a very low cost

Hope City
Is turning a new place to manerfactor these new vehicles add it history. On top this acting as a law enforcement merc outfit comes to test and keep a low profile

After the coalition step in these can act as extra fire power to hold use maintain and sell via Chipwell Armaments, Inc.

Lazo and New lazo
are interested in getting these unit as part of militia easy to use and maintain and converting or adding TW abilities !!!

Chipwell Armaments, Inc.
At first testing the new model coming out and acting as a defensive perimeter. And showing off the models coming out soon for market

GAW, Wellington Industries, Golden Age Weaponsmiths (GAW ) and even to certain extent Northern Gun Weapons to everyone surprise are all working on these and exchange of engineers and production.

This has become more of a collection personal use as an unofficial with certain rankings officers nothing more mainly the gunship

Sales to Sovietski are a hit add all Models as a second line of defensive and add other weapons system

The Kingdom of Tarnow. Poland

Are getting special order at rock bottom cost getting S.D.C. and turning them to M.D.C
a nasty surprise for anyone engage

Step One: The Size and Orientation
4. Large Company merc outfit
3. Free Company PEACKEEPRES training personal
2. Minor Company GAW security forces

Step Two: Mercenary Company Features

A. Sponsorship
6. Front
5. Government NGR ,Japan , Lazo ,new lazo NAAT
4. Criminal. Organized Crime smuggling
2. Secret NAMES and AMC

B. Outfits
10. Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment
2. Cheap Gear 2. Cheap Gear
4. Medical Equipment

D. Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles
but no techno-wizard vehicles in their territory but are kept outside

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
5. Extensive Weaponry

F. Communications
5. Deluxe Communications Network

G. Internal Security
5. Paranoid
H. Permanent Bases
4. Fortified Headquarters

I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
4. Psionic and Magic Operatives
5. D-Bee Specialists

J. Special Budget
5. Big Bucks

K. General alignment of personnel
4. Anarchist and Unprincipled

L. Criminal Activity
Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
7. Psychic Enforcer
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known Chip well and peacekeepers
unKnown NAAT

N. Salary
4. Good Salary
5. Excellent Salary

Step One: The Size and Orientation

2. Minor Company.
A slightly larger band with 20-40 members, including support personnel who can also double as front line troops. Sometimes, these companies work for one or two employers on a regular basis or have a sponsor who provides the funds necessary for the maintenance of the company. On the other hand, this could be a small-time outfit that acquired resources through a stroke of luck, a big job, and/or combat situations. These groups can be formidable if properly equipped, but are still no match for any major government.
95 POINTS are available, plus add an additional 10 POINTS for equipment and 10 POINTS for vehicles.

3. Free Company.
This is a good-sized group, equivalent to an army company or small brigade. About 100-400 members total; 60% of these are likely to be support personnel, not expected to fight except in an emergency. Usually well-armed and equipped, this group is able to destroy a town or threaten a small city. The leaders of the group are often experienced men-at-arms, but can also include supernatural crea-tures, powerful magicians, cyborgs and/or psychics.
145 POINTS are available, plus 10 POINTS for vehicles, 10 POINTS for outfits, and 10 POINTS for weapons.

A. Sponsorship


Front ( major government/world power are NGR , japan, and NAAT, AMC, NAMEs, as well as the guard ). Sponsored, controlled, and secretly owned by a powerful evil government! 75% of management will be agents of the government (military officers or major minions), 20% of the support personnel are government agents, and 50 to 75% of the line soldiers are members of the government. This company will try to appear autonomous and try to hire itself out to enemies of the sponsoring government. Their sole intention is to spy, sabotage, conquer or destroy the enemy who has unwittingly hired them.
Small companies and squads will most likely engage in spying and sabotage. Larger troops will be sent far away from their area of origin to engage in covert actions or even open war against any enemy forces.
Coalition-controlled merc groups will try to undermine or destroy all non-human nations, Tolkeen, The Federation of Magic and even Atlantis, as well as try to neutralize any perceived threats to the Coalition they may encounter. The organization should be primarily composed of fanatical human supremacists and evil characters.
Splugorth-sponsored companies will be used mostly as spy cells, providing information to their master and thieves (stealing rare and valuable articles; especially magic items); they will also be involved in the slave trade, sending prisoners to Atlantis through magic. The organi-zation should be predominantly evil.

B. Outfits 10. Unlimited Clothing

10. Unlimited Clothing. High quality uniforms with flashy insignias/ emblems and mega-damage armor of all kinds are available (rare and exotic items are the only exceptions). Standard armor is equivalent to Dead Boy heavy armor (80 M.D.C.). Common types of light power armor and/or magic armor and clothing are available to high ranking officers and elite troops. Specialty outfits and forgeries (used for infilt-ration) can be requested and provided within 1D4 + 1 days. Excellent availability, replacements suits and repairs for common items, good availability for the expensive and uncommon items. Company Cost: 50 Points.

C. Equipment

2. Cheap Gear 2. Cheap Gear
2. Cheap Gear. Each character has a commonly available energy rifle, sidearm (energy or not), three clips for each weapon, a survival knife and up to 5,000 credits' worth of equipment available at the start of an operation. Damaged or lost items may not be easily replaced, especially expensive things like cybernetic implants or heavy weapons. Company Cost: 2 Points

4. Medical Equipment
4. Medical Equipment. First-aid and paramedic type equipment and pharmaceuticals are available. Includes antibiotics, painkillers, anesthe-tic, protein healing salve, sodium pentothal (truth serum), dosimeter, E.K.G. and E.E.G. machines, portable lab, bio-scan, oxygen, all com-monly available robot medical kits (RKM, IRMSS, Compu-drug dis-penser, etc.) and two basic life support units. Plus a budget of 750,000 for emergencies requiring hospitalization and cybernetic organs or prosthetics. Company Cost: 10 Points

D. Vehicles

5. Specialty Vehicles
5. Specialty Vehicles. This fleet contains a number of specially designed vehicles, and most vehicles are military or paramilitary. This includes 2D4 heavy robots or tanks, 3D6 medium or light robots or tanks, and two dozen suits of powered armor with flight capabilities. 20% of all other more conventional vehicles are outfitted with additional armor ( + 30% of the normal armor), special sensory (radar), electrical (computer), surveillance (camera and bugs), and security systems (locks and alarms) worth about 100,000 credits each. 70% are outfitted with short-range radios (6 mile range/9.6 km). Also, a variety of conventional vehicles and luxury vehicles (for officers) are available. Air support exists in the form of 4D4 air vehicles (typically Sky King or similar; half that number if combat jets are available). All vehicles are of top quality, heavy-duty construction and constantly maintained (ten million credits budget). A team of mechanics is employed full-time and includes: one techno-wizard (if the company has no bias against magic), 2D4 operators (with robotics and weapon system skills), 12 mechanics, and 12 assistant mechanics. Company Cost: 30 Points.

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
5. Specialty Vehicles. This fleet contains a number of specially designed vehicles, and most vehicles are military or paramilitary. This includes 2D4 heavy robots or tanks, 3D6 medium or light robots or tanks, and two dozen suits of powered armor with flight capabilities. 20% of all other more conventional vehicles are outfitted with additional armor ( + 30% of the normal armor), special sensory (radar), electrical (computer), surveillance (camera and bugs), and security systems (locks and alarms) worth about 100,000 credits each. 70% are outfitted with short-range radios (6 mile range/9.6 km). Also, a variety of conventional vehicles and luxury vehicles (for officers) are available. Air support exists in the form of 4D4 air vehicles (typically Sky King or similar; half that number if combat jets are available). All vehicles are of top quality, heavy-duty construction and constantly maintained (ten million credits budget). A team of mechanics is employed full-time and includes: one techno-wizard (if the company has no bias against magic), 2D4 operators (with robotics and weapon system skills), 12 mechanics, and 12 assistant mechanics. Company Cost: 30 Points.

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots

5. Extensive Weaponry

5. Extensive Weaponry: High-quality energy weapons are issued to all personnel, including 1D4 grenades, energy rifle, and energy sidearm (pistol or other). 40% have heavy weapons including missile launchers, rail guns, particle beam and plasma weapons, etc. 30% of the group will be issued powered armor suits (50% if very cheap suits are used). At least a company of 3D6 + 6 assault robot vehicles or tanks will be on service with full crews, or one fighting vehicle for every 5 line soldiers, whichever is greater. Techno-wizard and alien/D-bee equipment may also be available. All weapons are of the highest quality and damaged or lost items are immediately replaced or repaired. E-clips are recharged as quickly as possible and ammunition is readily available (35 million credit budget). Company Cost: 40 Points

F. Communications
5. Deluxe Communications Network
5. Deluxe Communications Network. Identical to number four, except that all the equipment is of the highest quality, the communication staff is twice as big, and equipment is more plentiful and readily avail-able. Company Cost: 25 Points

G. Internal Security
5. Paranoid
5. Paranoid. Top security and then some; all the measures taken in number four plus. Suspicious characters may be strip-searched or denied entrance, and no one can so much as enter a bathroom without surveil-lance. Multiple layers of defense are set up to detect enemy forces at least 10 miles (16 km) away from the main camp site. Several psychics and sensitives are employed as part of the security force. The average level of the security force is 1D4 + 3. At least 25% of the company forces will be under arms all the time, including robot and combat vehicles.
Supernatural safeguards include a dozen protection circles, amulets and scrolls (including negate magic, dispel magic barrier, turn dead, exorcism, constrain being, remove curse, globe of silence, globe of daylight, locate, negate poison, purification, and apparition; 1D4 of each). The commanding officers' rooms are protected by a sanctum spell and several mystic alarms. Superior protection circles, wards and similar safeguards are scattered throughout the compound. Company Cost: 40 Points.

H. Permanent Bases
4. Fortified Headquarters
4. Fortified Headquarters. A permanent headquarters with several permanent buildings, including barracks (enough for half the troops), shooting range, garage (for vehicle and bot repair), meeting hall also with smaller conference room(s), several storage buildings, commissary and arsenal (at least half are light to medium M.D.C. structures). The place is surrounded by a wall or fence, and has a security equivalent to Internal Security #4, above (this applies only to the headquarters, and not to the company when it is on the road). The location can house 80% to 100% of its troops and has enough supplies to last a twelve-month siege. Company Cost: 20 Points

I. Intelligence Resources

2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
4. Psionic and Magic Operatives
5. D-Bee Specialists
6. Infiltration Network.

2. Scout Detachment
2. Scout Detachment. The company has formed a scout group to gather information about enemy positions. They are typically wilderness scouts, rangers/huntsmen, knights, psi-stalkers, dog boys or headhunters with wilderness and tracking skills (espionage skills can be very helpful, but are not a requirement). Company Cost: 5 Points

3. Special Military Operatives.
spies. Applicable O.C.C.s include the CS and Triax military specialist, elite robot or power armor pilots, borgs, juicers, crazies, bounty hunters, spies and all of the new O.C.C.s presented in this book. These special operatives are not only used to gather information, but to infiltrate, spy on, sabotage, confuse and engage the enemy in covert operations. Company Cost: 10 Points

4. Psionic and Magic Operatives
4. Psionic and Magic Operatives. Magicians and psychics are used as scouts, spies and saboteurs. Likely candidates for this position can include the line walker, mystic, temporal raider or wizard, and other practitioners of magic, druids, dragons, faerie folk, creatures of magic, mind melters, mind bleeders, and major and master psychics. Company Cost: 20 Points.

5. D-Bee Specialists
5. D-Bee Specialists. Similar to #4, except these characters are from another dimension. They must have a background in tracking, wilder-ness scouting and/or espionage or have unique, superhuman or super-natural powers and may have alien weapons and technology. Such beings may include psi-stalkers, mutant animals, simvan monster-riders, tattooed men, mechanoids, vampires, shape-changers, teleporters, and other beings with strange abilities as described in Rifts Conversion Books, World Books and Sourcebooks (see Atlantis and England in particular). Company Cost: 20 Point

6. Infiltration Network.

6. Infiltration Network. In addition to having 2D4 squads of scouts, 1D4 squads of special military operatives and 1D4 magic and/or psionic operatives, the company has an entire network of secret agents, infil-trators, and moles! There is a 12% chance that the mercs have 1D4 agents in two or more of the Coalition States (excluding Lone Star), Tolkeen, Lazio and 1D4 other major forces/communities on the conti-nent. There is also a 17% chance of having spies among 1D4 + 1 rival mercenary/bandit outfits or enemy organizations. There will be 1D4 "safe houses" or hideouts in each of the infiltrated communities. Further-more, the mercs know about (20% chance of having dealings with) smugglers, weapon dealers, body-chop-shops, the Black Market and underground organizations operating within each of the infiltrated com-munities. Note: At the G.M.'s option, there is a 5% chance that a specific low ranking employee of a rival or criminal organization is working with/for the player characters. Company Cost: 50 Points.

J. Special Budget
5. Big Bucks

K. General alignment of personnel
4. Anarchist and Unprincipled

L. Criminal Activity

5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband. A travelling mercenary company is an ideal front for smuggling. How many customs inspectors will dare to mess with a small army? Travelling with the company are 1D6 + 2 specialists in smuggling with 1D4 + 3 levels of experience. They buy, sell, and transport scarce, illegal, or dangerous goods; most notably poisons, drugs, pre-rifts artifacts, magic, weapons, cybernetics, bionics and fugitives. They will also protect, hide and deliver secret packages, contraband and information for outside clients (including other crooks, the Black Market, or a government like the Coalition). Most smugglers will have good contacts with the Black Market and can be useful when the company needs to find some illegal or scare commodity. See the new Smuggler O.C.C. elsewhere in this book. Company Cost: 15 Points

7. Psychic Enforcer

7. Psychic Enforcer (1). A psychically powered individual whose job is to enforce the wishes of the commander and the needs of the company. Assignments include torture, interrogation, frightening and hurting people, ferreting out spies, detecting supernatural menaces, working as an elite bodyguard, protection and murder. Typically a 1D4 + 2 level mind melter, mind bleeder (see Rifts Africa) or burster. Company Cost: 15 Points

8. Special Forces
8. Special Forces. In this instance, a pair of super warriors used for special missions such as assault/raids, sabotage, and murder. This group
is treated as a special unattached unit under the direct control of the company command. Typically a pair of 1D4 + 3 level crazies, juicers, borgs, or a dragon (or other supernatural powerhouse) and a psychic or mage. Company Cost: 20 Points.

9. Safecracker/Locksmith
9. Safecracker/Locksmith (1). A demolitions expert and mechanical engineer who uses his talents to "crack" safes, open security doors, break out of jail, avoid/bypass or disarm security systems and similar feats. See the new safecracker O.C.C. Company Cost: 25 Points

10. Forger
10. Forger (1). A brigand with a knack for art and forgery. He will use his skills to create false passports, citizen's papers, identity cards, credit cards, invoices, and other documents. This rogue is also familiar with photography and video/film equipment and recording. See the new forger O.C.C. elsewhere. Company Cost: 30 Points.

M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known
Known. The company has developed a reputation as a reasonably effective unit that gets the job done and keeps its side of the bargain, unless justified to do otherwise. Many employers will be reluctant to betray this company, because doing so will damage their own reputa-tions, may evoke the mercenaries' wrath, and other mercenary com-panies may decide not to work for them. The company will be paid above-average rates for their services (about 20% more than unknown or trouble mercs). Company Cost: 10 Points

N. Salary
4. Good Salary

4. Good Salary. In addition to the basic items listed under "pittance salary," the quality of the food, supplies, services and facilities are better, plus the warriors receive a good salary. All personnel sign a two to four year contract. In case of death or dismemberment, the family or beneficiaries are paid a compensation equal to three months' (13 weeks) salary. Average Week's Pay: 400 credits for line soldiers, 500 to 550 for noncommissioned officers, 600 to 700 for medium-grade officers (Lieutenant, Captain), and 800 to 1500 credits for higher-grade officers and special operatives. Bonuses of 1D4 x 1000 credits are paid to officers every quarter during which the company is under contract. Combat troops can receive a hazardous duty bonus of 1D4 x 100 a month depending on the circumstances and bonuses or special equip-ment/weapons/armor may be given when the company has windfall profits. Company Cost: 10 Points.

5. Excellent Salary
5. Excellent Salary. In addition to all the standard supplies and needs of a mobile army and access to the company' Other Information of Notes good facilities, the mercenaries receive an excellent salary. Soldiers sign on for a three
600 to 700 for noncommissioned officers, 700 to 900 for medium-grade officers, and 2000 to 5000 for high ranking officers and special opera-tives. Hazardous duty bonuses of 1D6 x 100 is paid to the troops every month (double for officers and specialists), plus all soldiers receive a 1D4 x 1000 credits bonus on successful completion of a contract (2D6 x 1000 for officers and specialists). A pension for soldiers killed or incapacitated on duty may also be available to the soldier or his beneficiaries; this is equal to 30% of his standard pay for 3D4 years. Company Cost: 20 Points

These are what Chipwell will always use Mercs/Special Operatives
Bounty Hunter
Freelance Spy
Special Forces Soldier
Thief, Professional

Grunt O.C.C.

The grunt is the everyday infantry soldier. Generally, the soldier has no significant education or skills other than combat. In regard to combat, they are rough and ready warriors who greet the jaws of death with a smile. These are been trained as part of local defense unit around Chipwell and even GAW doing the same put a semi law and order thanks to the peacekeepers

Attribute Requirements:
A high P.S. and P.E. are suggested but not required.
Anybody with the spirit to fight can be a Grunt.

O.C.C. Skills:
Radio: Basic ( + 10%)
Pilot Hovercraft ( + 10%)
Pilot Tank & APC ( + 14%)
Robot Combat: Basic
Read Sensory Equipment ( + 10%)
Weapon Systems ( + 10%)
Body Building
Climbing ( + 5%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. of choice
Hand to Hand: Expert

Hand to Hand:
Expert can be changed to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts at the cost of no cost "other" skill, or no assassin, if an evil alignment, for the cost of two "other" skills.

O.C.C. Related Skills:
Select 12 other skills. Plus select four additional skills in W.P. at level one (one time) and three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any ( + 5%)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic electronics only
Espionage: None
Mechanical: Automotive only
Medical: First Aid only
Military: Any ( + 15%)
Physical: Any,
Pilot: Any
Pilot Related: Any ( + 5%)
Rogue: Any
Science: Math only
Technical: Any
W.P.: Any
wilderness survial , Carpentry, hunting, land navigation only.

Secondary Skills:
The character also gets to select 9 secondary skills from the previous list.
These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parenthesis 0. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.

Standard Equipment:
body armor, energy rifle and energy sidearm of choice, four extra E-clips for each, two grenades, three signal flares, survival knife, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, combat boots, canteen, and additional non-energy weapon of choice.

Equipment available upon assignment:
Any weapon types, extra ammunition, or other robot vehicles, hovercraft (especially hovercycle), tank, jet pack, camera, disc recorder, optical enhancement, and food rations for weeks.
Vehicle and equipment repair.
Note: All weapons and equipment are given out on an as needed basis, with the commanding officer deciding whether or not the item(s) is really necessary or not. If the officer doesn't like the character(s), the availability of items may be extremely limited.

The grunt gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as military facilities. Plus, a monthly salary of 2000 credits. Starts off with one month's pay. There triple hazrads pay for anyone who looking for more than simple work
The soldier's quarters is a nice dormitory arrangement shared by four individuals. Each gets a private bedroom/study complete with CD stereo system, television and VCD, mini-refrigerator, desk, dresser, and comfortable bed.

None to start and usually restricted to medical implants and prosthetics, not augmentation
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Light Battle Tank or T72 LBT

https://www.deviantart.com/dead-robot/a ... -907603438


The T-72 is a family of Soviet/Russian main battle tanks that entered production in 1969.The T-72 was a development of the T-64, which was troubled by high costs and its reliance on

immature developmental technology. About 25,000 T-72 tanks have been built, and refurbishment has enabled many to remain in service for decades.It has been widely exported and has seen service in 40 countries and in numerous conflicts. The T-90 introduced in 1992 is a development of the T-72B;production and development of the T-72 continues today

Model Type:
Improved T 72 Light Battle Tank
gasoline engine, 200,000 mark II Defense model
electric motor, 300,000 mark III escort model
nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) rare add 2,000,000 all-purpose model rare

Class: Light Battle Tank.
Crew 3 (commander, gunner, driver Pre rifts set up )
Three crewmen,Rifts earth
Tank Commander/
pilot/driver, gunner,

M.D.C. by Location:
Cupola on Turret — 50
Extra armored protection Cupola 120 per side
Main Turret — 90
*****Extra armored protection Main Turret —120 per side
Improved 120 mm Autocannon — 50
Improved 120 mm Cannon — 50
* Modified .50 cal Coaxial Machine-Gun — 8
* Modified .50 cal Cupola Machine-Gun — 5
* ** Track Treads (2) 40 each
****Rear engine 150
Rear Engine cover 100
*** Main Body - 190
Extra armored protection Main Body 120 per side (×6)
Reinforced Crew Compartment none

Extra armored protection
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -917663263

Statistical Data
Length 31 ft gun forward
Length 22 ft hull
Width 11 ft
Height 7 ft
Weight: 18 tons fully loaded Cargo:

60 mph) (road)
30 mph) (cross country)
Minimal storage space;
about three feet for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items. Three engery rifles and two WI-23 missile launchers with five loads each are stored in a compartment behind the driver's seat.

Power System:

The engine was designed for 40 tons but due the advance in rifts earth tank weight is lighter it can tow 22 tons!

Gasoline, Maximum Effective Range:
460 km (290 mi), 700 km (430 mi) with fuel

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell electric
Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell —
Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours
approximately four weeks of constant use).
Can hold up to five cell! ( 3500 hours ) !

Electric Battery Power System

Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).
Can hold up to 20 cells ( 1920 hours o )!!
Duration: 96 hours or 4 days of continuous user 80 days in robots and heavy vehicles.

There a high end version that similar to 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and vehicles ( that 2880 hours that 120 days !!) . Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power

Total Cost:
• gasoline engine, 100,000
• electric motor, 200,000
• nuclear engine (life-time of 5 years) rare add 1,000,000

Weapon Systems summary

Main cannon pick one
• Improved 120 mm Auto Cannon
• Improved 120 mm Cannon
• Three light machinegun

Three M.D.C machinegun
One driver
One for loader next to main gun
Top cupola

Weapon Systems

1). 14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber machine-gun:
A M.D.C machinegun loaded with Heacy Solid Slug bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield. The gun is used mostly to fight off other light targets and to defend against aircraft.

There are three MDC Machinegun use on this model
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing MD

Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: one round does 1M.D.C

A burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
Rate of Fire:
Standard Effective Range:
3 mile for ground to ground combat
2000 rounds

The main gun
Pick one Auto Cannon or Cannon
The main gun for T Serie there are two type of main gun one is an auto cannons for dual shot fire or burst fire .But the T series cannot move to fire double tap or burst fire. (-5 to strike)Can fire single fire while moving or stationary. This is for more damage and sadly T series are too small to be able to shot and move at the same time

The second type of 120 mm is Cannon is more accurate fire (+1 to strike) and can shot /fire while moving or stationary.


120mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):
The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment.
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 tons

This is single shot below
High-Explosive (HE):
1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft per

round (6.1 m). blast radius 5d6 M.D.C per round

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT):
2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: if 18 or better full damage to cockpit compartment or crew compartment
If none damage goes to crew M.D.C damage
1D4 x 10 M.D.

2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire two round burst
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails.
Is moving getting -5 to strike
Effective Range: 3 miles

The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

120mm -Cannon Turret (1):
. The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 60 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft under 200 MPH . The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment.

Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 ton

High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).
High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).
AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D.

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

Rate of Fire:
Single fire only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat

numbers if auto loader fails.

Effective Range: 3 miles
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).
Add +1 strike moving or stationary

This is optional Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser, can add three at extra cost 5,000 each:
Located in the end of the vehicle is a chaff dispenser. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse enemies that are hit by Chaff or detonate thc projectics.

Primary Purpose:

but roll dice for catch pursuing missile to determine the result:
Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud. The threat is over.
Enemy missile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction
No effect . Missiles on target and blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds).
The creature recover with no continued effect~. Payload: . 24


All tanks have the following features:
Powered systems:
• gasoline engine, 100,000
• electric motor, 200,000
• nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) rare add 1,000,000

Combat Computer:

Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.

Targeting Computer:

Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range (16 km).

Laser Targeting System:
Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + I to strike when using long-range weapons.


Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 6000 feet

IR Spotlights:infrared spotlight same as above

Radio Communications:

directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 10 miles (16 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.

Complete Environmental systems
Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater ( 100 feet maximum depth unless stated otherwise).

Includes the following features:
• Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and tem perature control

. • Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.

• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. 48 hour oxygen supply.

• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.

• Radiation shielded
IR system infrared systems range 5 miles

Winch & Cable:

Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle is an electric winch; basically, a motor connected to a cable and a hook. The cable is 1000 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 25 tons.

Computer and digital Monitor built into the dashboard:

Heads-Up Display System:
Infrared Search Light

Computer Atlas

Displays city maps, roadways and trails. The general atlas program shows the entire North American continent (USA and Canada), general geographic features (mountains, forests, rivers, etc.), the location of major nations, major cities, and major trouble spots such as the Calgary Rifts, The Devil's Gate, the Magic Zone, and so on. Specific discs are available for the roads and streets of major cities, including each Coalition State and city, Lazio, Ishpeming, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and other major communities. Of course, the environment and communities are constantly changing so the information is only 75% accurate and updates are issued regularly. An

atlas more than a year old will only be 50% accurate and places like the Burbs, shanty towns and mercenary operations change constantly so they are NOT included at all. Basic program costs 300 credits, specific places cost 100 credits each

IFF Systems
identify friend or foe system

Computer handy component connected with the optics and communication systems. It is used for Enemy Profiling. The tiny computer can identify up to 200 different cyborg designs. armors. and insignias of known Russian. European and Asian cyborgs. plus 6000 monsters and demons ( lore 89% )-each rendered in full color with schematics indicating known weaknesses. armor. weapons. powers. etc.; capable of rotation and zoom to key features. This program is designed to be a passive. silent Friend or Foe Identification System. First. words. or symbols for the majority

who cannot read. are displayed on the internal optics of the cyborg similarr to a HUD display. to indicme the friend or foe based on the ~object's mechanical design. identifying markings. physical appearance and supernatural nature (i.e. Gargoyles. demons. Necromancers. Witches and warriors from rival factions are all designated as enemies). The enemy designation is also reserved for known "human" bandits. D-Bees. and creatures of magic. If the threat is minimal. or the being is only a potential enemy (as is the case with unidentified humans and many D-Bees). the warning symbol is smail and yellow. If the subject is known to be hostile toward humans or known to be a powerful and evil supernatural being. the warning symbol is large and red. The complete profile on the being can be called up at will in words or sound bites. Visual icons also indicatc key classifications including Cyborg. Robot. Demon. God-being. Dragon. Human. D-Bee. Animal. Entity/Ghost. Elemental. Evil Sorcerer (Witch. Necromancer. etc.) and Unspecified Supernatural Being (i.e. they exhibit supernatural powers or magical abilities but arc unidentified). In addition. the FFl System indicates the being's relative power level on a scale of 1-10: a flashing 10 means its estimated power level is off the scale! Range: Line of sight. Drawback.or 5000 feet

Special maneuvers all T series tank
+1 to strike and dodge when piloting vehicle, +2 and can dodge even if piloting a vehicle that does not normally have a dodge, such as a T series tank! However, the vehicle must have a minimum speed of 30 mph
character is at +15% to pilot any vehicle he is trained with and +25% on his favorite vehicle allT series LBT types .

Fast Processing and Reaction Time:
Implant reaches faster than expected. +1 on initiative. +1 to dodge. +1 to roll with impact.
Last edited by ZINO on Sat Jun 25, 2022 11:49 am, edited 4 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Posts: 4096
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

T-80 LBT


https://www.deviantart.com/aircraftfan3 ... -900116480
no extra armored protection on this model

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... mwfqrU8c14

The T-80 is a main battle tank (LBT) that was designed in the former Soviet Union and is now manufactured in Russia. The T-80 is based on the T-64, while incorporating features from the later T-72. When it entered service in 1976, it was the second LBT in the world to be equipped with a gas turbine engine after the Swedish Strv 103 and the first to use it as a primary propulsion engine. The T-80U was last produced in a factory in Omsk, Russia, while the T-80UD and further-developed T-84 continue to be produced in Ukraine. The T-80 and its variants are in service in Belarus, Cyprus, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Russia, South Korea, and Ukraine. The chief designer of the T-80 was the Soviet engineer Nikolay Popov.
The T 80 can use many different weapons system from main gun a 120 mm Autocannon or Cannon
It secondary weapons system can be a heavy machine gun or 20 mm or 30 mmm Autocannon !!!Plus better armored and same tank features, sadly it doesn't have reinforced cockpit compartment but able too do better even with lack luster armor.

An auxiliary weapons can be add third weapon Systems are mounted on main turret .Unlike the T 72 the T 80 uses remote operating weapons mounts on main turret.

Model Type:
Improved T 80 Light Battle Tank
gasoline engine, 200,000 mark II Defense model

electric motor, 250,000 mark III escort model
nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) rare add 2,000,000 all purpose model rare

Class: Light Battle Tank.
Three crewmen,
• Tank Commander/
• pilot/driver, gunner,
• loader/Operator/mechanic
M.D.C. by Location:
Cupola on Turret — 50
Extra armored protection Cupola 120 per side
Main Turret — 100
***** Extra armored protection Main Turret —140 per side
Improved 120 mm Autocannon — 50
Improved 120 mm Cannon — 50
* Modified .50 cal Coaxial Machine-Gun — 8
* Modified .50 Cupola Machine-G*un — 5
** Track Treads (2) 50 each
****Rear engine 160
*** Main Body - 200
Rear Engine cover 120
****** Frontal armored protection Main Body 240 (1)
***** Extra armored protection Main Body 130 per side (×5)
Reinforced Crew Compartment none

* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and get -9 to hit

difficult to hit (or shielded) and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -2 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not under attack. *** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the ve
***** Extra armoured protection is designed to be the first to take damage then the particular location then take damage
****** Extra armoured protection this is designed for frontal protection in main Body if damage is taken side rear button
Note any damage take from the top it by pass to particular location and if full damage !!!

Statistical Data

Length 31 ft gun forward
Length 22 ft hull
Width 11 ft
Height 7 ft
Weight: 20 tons fully loaded Cargo: can tow 20 tons
80 mph (road)
50 mph (cross country)
Crew 3 (commander, gunner, driver)

Minimal storage space;

about three feet for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items. Three engery rifles and two WI-23 missile launchers with five loads each are stored in a compartment behind the driver's seat.

Power System:
Gasoline, Maximum Effective Range:
460 km (290 mi), 700 km (430 mi) with fuel

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell electric Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours
approximately four weeks of constant use).
Can hold up to five cell! ( 3500 hours ) !

Electric Battery Power System
Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).
Can hold up to 20 cells ( 1920 hours o )!!
Duration: 96 hours or 4 days of continuous user 80 days in robots and heavy vehicles.

There a high end version that similar to 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and vehicles (

that 2880 hours that 120 days !!) . Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full powe

Total Cost:
gasoline engine, 250,000
electric motor, 350,000
nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) rare add 2000,000

Weapon Systems summary tank

Main cannon pick one 120 mm or 125 mm AutoCannon or Cannon
• Improved 120mm AutoCannon
• Improved 120 mm Cannon

Pick one of the following
heavy machine gun
• or 20 mm rapid fire AutoCannon
• or 30 mm rapid fire AutoCannon
One for driver
One side mounted gun to the main gun
One on top cupola tank commander
Pick one from below
• Three heavy machine gun
• Three 20 mm rapid fire AutoCannon


Three M.D.C machinegun
• One driver
• One for loader next to main gun
• Top cupola

https://www.deviantart.com/onikage108/a ... -336674174

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... x-AoGIgGac

Any examples look above
Optional weapons system pod pick one

It turret mounted heavy Autocannon
one or two on top of main turret, but removing Heavy machine this turret pods are able to be remote controlled by any of the crew and have a 360 angle to fire.
Ÿ One standard 2 grenade Launcher
Pick one
20 mm rapid fire AutoCannon
chain gun either a 20 mm
Heavy machine gun
One heavy grenade Launcher

Look below for weapon stats
M.D.C per location
Pod (1.Or 2) 240
Weapons system 175
Turret 150
Cost 15,000

mounted heavy weapons
system this carries a 20 mm or 30 mm only
Standard on the right but there been case to have two .this system is fully remote controlled by crew .it been called Mickey mouse guns. These are mounted weapons on main turret !!

Weapon Systems number one pick ot two for each side
• 20 mm rapid fire Autocannon
• 20 mm rapid fire chain gun
• Heavy machine gun
• 30mm Auto-Cannon

MDC for weapon Systems is 150 M.D.C for all four
20 MM AutoCannon
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage
per round on later
This is solid slug rounds models
1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst

Standard rounds
1d6x10 M.D twenty (20)round burst

20 MM Chain gun for

Short burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst,counts as two attack
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
3 miles

20 mm auto cannon /30 MM Chain gun
NO Railguns 2500 rounds

30mm Auto-Cannon: mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 2 tons
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Normal Effective
Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 bursts

Weapon Systems
14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber:
A M.D.C machinegun loaded with Heacy Solid Slug bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield. The gun is used mostly to fight off other light targets and to defend against aircraft.
There are three M.D.C Heavy Machinegun use on this model
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing MD
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: one round does 1M.D.C

A burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
Rate of Fire:
Standard burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D.C
3 mile for ground to ground combat
2000 rounds

There are three M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon AutoCannon or heavy machine gun use on this model
They are in sets of three this is due to the size it can't carry various type of ammo like 50 caliber, and 30 mm, and 20 mm.Nit using in set it allows to enough ammo for combat.
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon or 30mm AutoCannon. Please look below

20 MM AutoCannon
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage per round on later models
Solid slug rounds

1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,

Standard rounds is 1d6x10 M.D.C for twenty round burst
Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds

30 mm cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense Weight: 2 tons
A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.;
a single round does 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Normal Effective Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200

30mm China gun:
This mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 1 tons
M.D.C Solid slug
1 MDC PER round
10 rounds burst 1d10
20 rounds burst 5d4
30 rounds burst 5d6
40 rounds burst 1d4x10
50 rounds burst 5d10
60 rounds burst 1d6x10

80 rounds burst 2d4x10
100 rounds burst 1d10x10
120 rounds burst 2d6x10
240 rounds burst 4d6x10

Standard rounds
Only a 20 rounds burst and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.;
a single round does 3D6 M.D.

Rate of Fire: Normal Effective Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200

The main gun
Pick one 1
• 120 mm AutoCannon
• 120 mm Cannon

The main gun for T series there are two type of main gun one is an auto cannons for dual shot fire or burst fire .But the T series cannot move to fire double tap or burst fire. (-1D6 to strike)Can fire single fire while moving or stationary. This is for more damage and sadly T series are too small to be able to shot and move at the same time

The second type of 120 mm is Cannon is more accurate fire (+1 to strike) and can shot /fire while moving or stationary.

120mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):
The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 tons

This is single shot below
Solid slug rounds

High-Explosive (HE):
1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft per round (6.1 m).

blast radius 5d6 M.D.C per round

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT):
2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: if 18 or better full damage to cockpit compartment or crew compartment
If none damage goes to crew M.D.C damage
1D4 x 10 M.D.

2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range: 3 miles
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

120mm -Cannon Main Turret (1):
The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 60 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment.

Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 ton


High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Rate of Fire:
Single fire only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails.gets a -1D6 if moving

Effective Range: 3 miles
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).
Add +1 strike moving or stationary

This is optional
Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser,can add three at extra cost 5,000 each:
Located in the end of the vehicle is a chaff dispener. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse enemies that are hit by Chaff or detonate thc projectics.

Primary Purpose:
but roll dice for catch pursuing missile to determine the result:
: Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud. The threat is over.
Enemy missile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction (may lock onto ncarh) aircraft).
No effect .
blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds).
The creature recover with no continued effect
Payload: Four. 24

This is optional
Smoke Launcher look above
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that

releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega·Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius per grenade . Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.
Payload: 24 total

Side heavy weapons system of the main 120mm cannon this carries a 20 mm or 30mm only
Standard on the right but there been case to have two. this system is fully remote controlled by crew .it been called Mickey mouse guns. These are mounted weapons on main turret !!

Weapon Systems number one pick one
• 20 mm rapid fire Autocannon
• 20 mm rapid fire chain gun
• 30 mm rapid fire Autocannon
• 30 mm rapid fire chain gun

Heavy machine gun

MDC for weapon Systems is 150 M.D.C for all four

Number one
20 MM AutoCannon
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage
per round on later
This is solid slug rounds models
1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst
Standard rounds
1d6x10 M.D twenty (20)round burst

20 MM Chain gun for
hort burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst,counts as two attack

Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
no Railguns 2500 rounds

30 mm cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 2 tons
A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Normal Effective Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200

30mm China gun:
This mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose:
Defense Weight: 2 tons
M.D.C Solid slug
1 MDC PER round
10 rounds burst 1d10
20 rounds burst 5d4
30 rounds burst 5d6
40 rounds burst 1d4x10
50 rounds burst 5d10
60 rounds burst 1d6x10

80 rounds burst 2d4x10
100 rounds burst 1d10x10
120 rounds burst 2d6x10
240 rounds burst 4d6x10

Standard rounds
Only a 20 rounds burst and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.;
a single round does 3D6 M.D.

Rate of Fire: Normal Effective Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200


All tanks have the following features:
Powered systems: look above

Combat Computer:
Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the tar geting computer.

Targeting Computer:
Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range (16 km).

Laser Targeting System:
Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + I to strike when using long-range weapons.

Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 6000 feet

IR Spotlights: infrared spotlight same as above

Thermo ISpotlights: spotlight same as above

Radio Communications:
Long-range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 10 miles (16 km)

Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.

Complete Environmental systems
Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater ( 100 feet maximum depth unless stated otherwise).

Includes the following features:

• Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and temperature control

. • Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.

• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. 48 hour oxygen supply.

• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.

• Radiation shielded

IR system infrared systems
range 5 miles

Winch & Cable:
Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle is an electric winch; basically a motor connected to a cable and a hook.

The cable is 1000 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 25 tons.

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard:

Heads-Up Display System:
Infrared Search Light

Computer Atlas Program:

Displays city maps, roadways and trails. The general atlas program shows the entire North American continent (USA and Canada), general geographic features (mountains, forests, rivers, etc.), the location of major nations, major cities, and major trouble spots such as the Calgary Rifts, The Devil's Gate, the Magic Zone, and so on. Specific discs are available for the roads and streets of major cities, including each Coalition State and city, Lazio, Ishpeming, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and other major communities. Of course, the environment and communities are constantly changing so the information is only 75% accurate and updates are issued regularly. An atlas more than a year old will only be 50% accurate and places like the Burbs, shanty towns and mercenary operations change constantly so they are NOT included at all. Basic program costs 300 credits, specific places cost 1000 credits each

IFF Systems identify friend or foe system
A Computer handy component connected with the optics and communication systems. It is used for Enemy Profiling. The tiny computer can identify up to 200 different cyborg designs. armors. and insignias of known Russian. European and Asian cyborgs. plus 6000 monsters and demons ( lore 89% )-each rendered in full color with schematics indicating known weaknesses. armor. weapons. powers. etc.; capable of rotation and zoom to key features. This program is designed to be a passive. silent Friend or Foe Identification System. First. words. or symbols for the majority who cannot read. are displayed on the internal optics of the cyborg similarr to a HUD display. to indicme the friend or foe based on the ~object's mechanical design. identifying markings. physical appearance and supernatural nature (i.e. Gargoyles. demons. Necromancers. Witches and warriors from rival factions are all designated as enemies). The enemy designation is also reserved for known "human" bandits. D-Bees. and creatures of magic. If the threat is minimal. or the being is only a potential enemy (as is the case with unidentified humans and many D-Bees). the warning symbol is smail and yellow. If the subject is known to be hostile toward humans or known to be a powerful and evil supernatural being. the warning symbol is large and red. The complete profile on the being can be called up at will in words or sound bites. Visual icons also indicatc key classifications including Cyborg. Robot. Demon. God-being. Dragon. Human. D-Bce. Animal. Entity/Ghost. Elemental. Evil Sorcerer (Witch. Necromancer. etc.) and Unspecified Supernatural Being (i.e. they exhibit supernatural powers or magical abilities but arc unidentiticd). In addition. the FFl System indicates the being's relative power level on a scale of 1-10: a flashing 10 means its estimated power level is off the scale! Range: Line of sight. Drawback. 5000 feet

Special maneuvers all T series tank
+2 to strike and dodge when piloting vehicle, +3 and can dodge even if piloting a vehicle that does not normally have a dodge, such as a T series tank! However, the vehicle must have a minimum speed of 30 mph
character is at +15% to pilot any vehicle he is trained with and +25% on his favorite vehicle all T series LBT types .

Fast Processing and Reaction Time:
Implant reach faster than expected. +2 on initiative. +2 to dodge. +3 to roll with impact.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Posts: 4096
Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:02 pm
Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
Location: new york

Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »


Bit of pre rifts history

https://www.deviantart.com/kypmbangi/ar ... k-38359302

The T-90 is a third-generation Russian main battle tank. It uses a 125 mm 2A46 smoothbore main gun, the 1A45T fire-control system, an upgraded engine, and gunner's thermal sight. Standard protective measures include a blend of steel

and composite armour, smoke grenade dischargers, Kontakt-5 explosive-reactive armour and the Shtora infrared ATGM jamming system

In rifts earth this light tank has options for many weapons systems but as usual, they are all the same set of three.

Model Type:
Improved Main Battle Tank
Class: Light Battle Tank.
Three crewmen,
Tank Commander/
pilot/driver, gunner,

M.D.C. by Location:
Cupola on Turret — 50
Extra armoured protection Cupola 130 per side
Main Turret — 120
*****Extra armoured protection Main Turret —150 per side
Pick one
Improved 120 mm AutoCannon — 50
Improved 120 mm Cannon — 50
Improved 125 mm AutoCannon — 50
Improved 125 mm Cannon — 50

* Modified .50 cal Coaxial Machine-Gun — 8
* Modified. .50 cal Cupola Machine-Gun — 5
* ** Track Treads (2) 70 each
****Rear engine 180

Rear Engine cover 140
*** Main Body - 220
frontal protection main Body 240
Extra armored protection Main Body 130 per side (×6)

Reinforced Crew Compartment none

* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit (or shielded) and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -2 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not under attack. *** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the ve
***** Extra armoured protection is designed to be the first to take damage then the particular location then take damage
****** Extra armoured protection this is designed for frontal protection in main Body if damage is taken side rear button
Note any damage take fron the top it by pass to particular location

Statistical Data
Length 31 ft gun forward
Length 22 ft hull
Width 11 ft
Height 7 ft
Weight: 20 tons fully loaded
Cargo: can tow 20 tons
80 mph (road)
60 mph (cross country)
Crew 3 (commander, gunner, driver)

Minimal storage space;

about three feet for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items. Three engery rifles and two WI-23 missile launchers with five loads each are stored in a compartment behind the driver's seat.

Power System:
Gasoline,Maximum Effective Range:
460 km (290 mi), 700 km (430 mi) with fuel

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell electric
Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell —
Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours
approximately four weeks of constant use).
Can hold up to five cell! ( 3500 hours ) !

Electric Battery Power System
Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).
Can hold up to 20 cells ( 1920 hours o )!!
Duration: 96 hours or 4 days of continuous user 80 days in robots and heavy vehicles.

There a high end version that similar to 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and vehicles ( that 2880 hours that 120 days !!) . Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power

Total Cost:
gasoline engine, 300,000
electric motor, 400,000
nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) rare add 2,000,000

Weapon Systems summary

Main cannon pick one

Improved 120 mm AutoCannon
Improved 120 mm Cannon
Improved 125mm Cannon
Improved 125 mm AutoCannon

Pick one machine gun or 20 mm AutoCannon or
30 mm AutoCannon for set of three only
That will be
Three heavy machine gun 14mm Machinegun or 50 calibers:
Three 20 mm AutoCannon or chaingun
Three 30 mm AutoCannon or chaingun

Weapon Systems
14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber:
A M.D.C machinegun loaded with Heacy Solid Slug bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield. The gun is used mostly to fight off other light targets and to defend against aircraft.
There are three M.D.C Heavy Machinegun use on this model

One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing MD
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: one round does 1M.D.C
A burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
Rate of Fire:
Standard burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D.C
3 mile for ground to ground combat
2000 rounds


There are three M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon or heavy machine gun use on this model

They are in sets of three this is due to the size it can't carry various type of ammo like 50 caliber, and 30 mm, and 20 mm.Nit using in set it allows to enough ammo for combat.
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is not exposed when firing M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon or 30mm AutoCannon or machinegun. Please look below

20 MM AutoCannon
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage per round on later models
Solid slug rounds

1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,

5d6 M.D thirty round burst,

Standard rounds is 1d6x10 M.D.C for twenty round burst

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
NO Railguns 2500 rounds


20 MM Chain gun
Short burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst, counts as two attack
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
no Railguns 2500 rounds


30mm Auto-Cannon: mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 2 tons
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Normal Effective
Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 bursts!

Smoke Launcher (4):
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega·Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius. Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with

cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.
Payload: 24 total.

The main gun
Pick one 1
120 mm AutoCannon
120 mm Cannon
125 mm AutoCannon
125 mm Cannon

The main gun for T series there are two type of main gun one is an auto cannons for dual shot fire or burst fire .But the T series cannot move to fire double tap or burst fire. (-1D6 to strike)Can fire single fire while moving or stationary. This is for more damage and sadly T series are too small to be able to shot and move at the same time

The second type of 120 mm is Cannon is more accurate fire (+1 to strike) and can shot /fire while moving or stationary.

120mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):
The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids

(APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft.
1 tons
This is single shot below
Solid slug rounds

High-Explosive (HE):
1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft per round (6.1 m). blast radius 5d6 M.D.C per round

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT):
2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: if 18 or better full damage to cockpit compartment or crew compartment
If none damage goes to crew M.D.C damage
1D4 x 10 M.D.

2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range: 3 miles
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

120mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 tons

This is single shot below
Solid slug rounds

High-Explosive (HE):
1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft per round (6.1 m). blast radius 5d6 M.D.C per round

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT):
2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: if 18 or better full damage to cockpit compartment or

crew compartment
If none damage goes to crew M.D.C damage
1D4 x 10 M.D.

2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range: 3 miles
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

125 mm -Cannon Main Turret (1):
The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at

enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 60 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has higher damage.

Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft.
Weight: 1 ton

the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has higher damage. They all use fin stabilizers and kinetic velocity for range

Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage

High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D6 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Rate of Fire:
Single fire only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of

the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails.gets a -1D6 if moving

Effective Range:
For low damage 3 miles
Standard rounds 6000 feet
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).
Add +1 strike moving or stationary


125 mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):
The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.

Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 tons

The following single shot below
Pick one

Solid slug rounds
Low damage
Standard damage

Solid slug rounds .1d4x10 MD.C per round

Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage

High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D6 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range:
3 miles low damage rounds
6000 feet for standard rounds

The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

This is optional Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser,can add three at extra cost 5,000 each:
Located in the end of the vehicle is a chaff dispener. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse enemies that are hit by Chaff or detonate thc projectics.
Primary Purpose:
but roll percelllile dice for cach pursuing missile to determine the result:
: Enemy missile or missile \olley detonates in chaff cloud.

The threat is over.
Enemy missile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction (may lock onto ncarh) aircraft).
No efrcci. Missiles slill on largel. AI~o note the chaff cloud will tcmporaril) blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds).
The creaturc recover with no continued effect~. Payload:
Four. 24

Smoke Launcher look above
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega·Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius. Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.
Payload: 24 total.

Side heavy weapons
system .this carries a 20 mm or 3mm only
Standard on the right but there been case to have two .this system is fully remote controlled by crew .it been called Mickey mouse guns. These are mounted weapons on main turret !!

Weapon Systems number one pick ot two for each side
20 or 30 mm rapid fire AutoCannon
20 or 30 mm rapid fire chaingun
Heavy machine gun

MDC for weapon Systems is 150 M.D.C for all four


All tanks have the following features:

Powered systems: look above

Combat Computer:
Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.

Targeting Computer:
Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range (16 km).

Laser Targeting System:
Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + I to strike when using long-range weapons.


Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 6000 feet

https://www.deviantart.com/cleinen692/a ... -917239057

IR Spotlights:i
nfrared spotlight same as above

Thermo Spotlights:
spotlight same as above

Radio Communications:
Long-range, directional communica tion system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 10 miles (16 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.

Complete Environmental systems
: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater ( 100 feet maximum depth unless stated otherwise).
Includes the following features:
• Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and tem perature control
. • Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air envi ronments. 48 hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic f ires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded

IR system infrared systems range
5 miles

Winch & Cable:
Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle is an electric winch; basically a motor connected to a cable and a hook. The cable is 1000 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 25 tons.

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard:
Heads-Up Display System:
Infrared Search Light

Computer Atlas Program:
Displays city maps, roadways and trails. The general atlas program shows the entire North American continent (USA and Canada), general geographic features (mountains, forests, rivers, etc.), the location of major nations, major cities, and major trouble spots such as the Calgary Rifts, The Devil's Gate, the Magic Zone, and so on. Specific discs are available for the roads and streets of major cities, including each Coalition State and city, Lazio, Ishpeming, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and other major communities. Of course, the environment and communities are constantly changing so the information is only 75% accurate and updates are issued regularly. An atlas more than a year old will only be 50% accurate and places like the Burbs, shanty towns and mercenary operations change constantly so they are NOT included at all. Basic program

costs 300 credits, specific places cost 100 credits each

IFF Systems identify friend or foe system
Computer handy component connected with the optics and communication systems. It is used for Enemy Profiling. The tiny computer can identify up to 200 different cyborg designs. armors. and insignias of known Russian. European and Asian cyborgs. plus 6000 monsters and demons ( lore 89% )-each rendered in full color with schematics indicating known weaknesses. armor. weapons. powers. etc.; capable of rotation and zoom to key features. This program is designed to be a passive. silent Friend or Foe Identification System. First. words. or symbols for the majority who cannot read. are displayed on the internal optics of the cyborg similarr to a HUD display. to indicme the friend or foe based on the ~object's mechanical design. identifying markings. physical appearance and supernatural nature (i.e. Gargoyles. demons. Necromancers. Witches and warriors from rival factions are all designated as enemies). The enemy designation is also reserved for known "human" bandits. D-Bees. and creatures of magic. If the threat is minimal. or the being is only a potential enemy (as is the case with unidentified humans and many D-Bees). the warning symbol is smail and yellow. If the subject is known to be hostile toward humans or known to be a powerful and evil supernatural being. the warning symbol is large and red. The complete profile on the being can be called up at will in words or sound bites. Visual icons also indicatc key classifications including Cyborg. Robot. Demon. God-being.

Dragon. Human. D-Bce. Animal. Entity/Ghost. Elemental. Evil Sorcerer (Witch. Necromancer. etc.) and Unspecified Supernatural Being (i.e. they exhibit supernatural powers or magical abilities but arc unidentiticd). In addition. the FFl System indicates the being's relative power level on a scale of 1-10: a flashing 10 means its estimated power level is off the scale! Range: Line of sight. 5000 feet .

Special maneuvers all T series tank
+2 to strike moving
+3 to strike still
+2 dodge when piloting vehicle,
+3 and can dodge even if piloting a vehicle that does not normally have a dodge, such as a T series tank! However, the vehicle must have a minimum speed of 30 mph
character is at +15% to pilot any vehicle he is trained with and +25% on his favorite vehicle all T series LBT types .

Fast Processing and Reaction Time:
Implant reach faster than expected. +3 on initiative. Add +2 to dodge. +3 to roll with impact
Last edited by ZINO on Wed Jun 22, 2022 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Orginal design
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artist comment Handbrake!by NOMANSNODEAD
Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / Sci-Fi©2013 NOMANSNODEAD
Basic concept is a tank that can walks. Before going with some scribbles a friend request popping in and i thought it is pretty good to use his cool idea, so then i decide it's going to be the Russian T series.
It's not so bad to make a little drama in it so i put some dirt, sky, and a little Antonov Mriya up there just for dropping this so called "tank”. cheers!

Description Russian T series a Pre rifts history

The first true merger conventional combat tank T –series class to a partial combat robot vehicle all done in rifts chaos earth before the fall of man civilization. It was real a rush design, when a major war happen in a three way war for rare earth metals, this war china, India and Russia were fought in isolated area of earth but show the power of M.D.C and a major wakeup call for these nation, India had thousands of conventional and hundreds of upgraded M.D.C combat vehicles, India was able absorbed the loss in conventional warfare, the Abram tank showed it age but still as a work horse for western power. While the china forces had their first robot vehicle were able to just like the Indian task force .but china was still not as advance the American, Germany and Japan. But can hold their ground at the cost of low MDC armored but larger amount of combat troops!!!But the king was the Russian were they merger of old and new prototype design, test, made and train in six months!!!! Air drop like tanks and supported by covered by S.D.C units and lots ammo, for the Chinese task force thought as standard T 99tanks. Which the Russian made sure these robot vehicles IFF systems show .true some parts were from T-99 tanks but the Indian task force were able to go toe to toe with these robot vehicles. The Abrams battle tank in Indian had removed the 100 MM tank rifle and replace to A 125 MM tanks rifle that fire MDC rounds. For if not for American training of tank verses robot vehicles mostly conventional M.D.C retro fits to 80% military vehicles lost would have been as high as the Chinese task force. America, Germany, Japan stay clear but look at battle analyses with a fine tooth pick. Still able to fight from open battle field to, jungle combat to urban warfare the worst for all side but even humanoid robot vehicles had trouble, the T-99 class was seen as the best of all three parties ,still venerable gas tanks , ammo explosion for a single hit after reactive armored was blown away. Repairs were very easy to the point that tank crew were able to repair, maintain in the middle of combat!!! Russian T series stood like a giant in battlefield even when losing battles, it was a true Russian pride. It mass production as a stop gap and using Old Russian tanks as combat drones work well. Russian T series while not as heavy armored of robot vehicle it could hold It own in many fields of combat.

The rebirth of old

The return this old war machine return for old days.tgus happened by sending Chipwell overseas to Europe or NGR. the fact they found not only the blueprints but actual units about 21 in various state of conditions .was really luck but was the case this was made to look at old discovered by N.A.AT trying to send information how to design and recover old technology
This way it look like a perfect cover without getting implicated in Any way but adding old tech to balance to perform even for a few seconds of combat I. There mind. However Chipwell was more up to the challenge for both in Europe and north America proved to be an old warhorse. And so the legend lives on just like the Abrams main battle tank of Pre rifts.


Main body 250
Special reactive amour: 100
Head/Main turret 225
Upper Legs (2) 100
Lower Legs (2)225
Feet (2)100
Reinforce cockpit compartment: none !!!!
External tanks (4) 25 each LATER 125
Main gun 125
20 MM rapid fire auto cannon turret 75
Side mounted grenade 55
Long range 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun lower body area 45
Heavy M.D.C 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun for pilot in main body 45
Claw arm 100 (1)
Rear engine 200
Anti missiles target acquisition systems 35
*Depleting the M.D.C.
of the main body will shut the robot down completely, rendering it useless. Going into the negative -1d4x10 M.D.C.,

then blow up if the robot or powered armored/suit giant size 2d6x10 man size 2d4x10. If Head/Main turret goes to zero the following weapons are blow away Main gun 125 ,20 MM rapid fire auto cannon ,Side mounted grenade , crew will be expose now ,and venerable form enemy fire. Special reactive amour rules apply first Special reactive amour: able to deflect any physical attack range weapons (no damage) 100 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to ANY PART OF THE VEHICLE . On the second hit is 95 M.D.C and third hit 90 M.D.C and the firth hit 85 and so on!!! Any weapon M.D.C that does 20 MM OR LESS DO NO DAMAGE ,BUT RAIL GUN OF ANY KIND DO NORMAL DAMAGE , Depleting Rear engine shut down robot , Depleting External tanks automatic blow doing 1d4x10 MDC ( there are four ) to engine and then half damage if Special reactive amour if not reach zero, if there no Special reactive amour left fully damage to man body.

Height 22 feet
Length 25 feet
Depth/width 13 feet
Weight 20 tons empty /Fuel 48 hours each tank give 12 hours
Cost 2.5 million
Black market 3 million always fully loaded

Range: 48 hours

Flying jumps thrusters 100 MPH , max height 1000 feet
Running 45 MPH max
Walk 2 to 15 MPH
under water depth not possible but floats speed 10 MPH the max
Hand to hand: robotic P.S 50 legs only, Claw arm 30

Weapon summery
Mark I sold to mercenary troops
• 125 MM tank rifle
• 20 MM rapid fire auto cannon
• Side mounted grenade
• Long range 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun lower body area
• Heavy M.D.C 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun for pilot in main body
• Had to hand combat claw PS 30 , legs 50
Mark II sold to allies nations
• Main gun 125 MM tank rifle side mount Heavy M.D.C 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun
• 20 MM rapid fire auto cannon
• Side mounted grenade
• Long range 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun lower body area
• Heavy M.D.C 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun for pilot in main body
• Had to hand combat claw PS 30 , legs 50

Mark III defense unit army
• Main gun 125 MM tank rifle one on each side Heavy M.D.C 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun
• 20 MM rapid fire auto cannon
• Side mounted grenade
• Long range 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun lower body area
• Heavy M.D.C 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun for pilot in main body
• Had to hand combat claw PS 30 , legs 50
MARK IV main battle robot tank paratrooper support unit
• Main gun 125 MM tank rifle , one on each side Heavy M.D.C 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun
• 20 MM rapid fire auto cannon
• Side mounted grenade
• Long range 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun lower body area
• Heavy M.D.C 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun for pilot in main body
• Optional single barrel or dual barrel Heavy M.D.C 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun or grenade launcher system on main turret can be man or remote control
• Had to hand combat claw PS 30 , legs 50

Old pre rifts Weapon systems

type: pick one 100 tank rifle MM or 125 MM tank rifle

Weight: 1 TON not including ammo , each round 45 pounds each
Single rounds
100 MM tank rifle H.E.A.T 6D6 AP 5D6
Single rounds
125 MM tank rifle H.E.A.T 1d4x10, AP rounds 6d6
Rate of Fire:
Single shot only
Effective Range:
100 tank rifle MM 6000 feet
125 MM tank rifle 2.5 miles
Note: any armor that has a main body of 100 MDC or less crew and pilots take 6d6 S.D.C
ASLO mark two T-90 side mounted, the mark II will have two Heavy M.D Machinegun of the main gun all guns are hidden

Old pre rifts Weapon systems

Heavy M.D Machinegun: below

.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20

Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800
later add two mark III has two
Damage: 4d8 short burst, 1d4x10+4 medium burst, 2d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time

Old pre rifts Weapon systems
20 MM rapid fire auto cannon acts as a Anti missiles target acquisition systems to shot missiles , when defense like a dodge or a roll this 20 MM auto cannon rain hell of any type of missiles, it first AI system to shot only missiles when dodging ,rolling or given cover to other work well .but 1 generation auto-cannon standard rounds work OK at cost ammo ,however when the Russian got their hands on 2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds from ARMTech to finance the company . The reason the was America, Germany, japan were going for rail gun and beam tech ,leaving only the M.D.C conventional rounds as old tech ,outdated, and were allowed to share with Indian and Russian forces ,the china was blind-sided .this was kept a secret to china even after the war. The AI systems work very well from pilots full control to defensive one second to offensive the next. it was love by Russians robot vehicles to support personal as well.
Weight: gun system 125 pounds only ,ammo for every 100 rounds weight 25 pounds so 2500 standard rounds total 31.5 tons !!!(dame!!)

20 MM Conventional M.D.C rounds
1 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
1d4 M.D.C Per round
2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
5d4 M.D.C Per round

Burst 1 generation auto-cannon standard rounds

Five rounds burst short round 5D4 M.D.C
Ten round medium burst round burst 1D4X10 M.D.C
20 rounds long burst 2D4X10 M.D.C
40 round extended long burst 4D4X10 M.D.C
80 full melees burst 4D8X10 M.D.C

Burst 2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
Five rounds burst short round, 1D10X10 M.D.C
Ten round medium round burst 5D4X10 M.D.C
20 rounds long burst 5D8X10 M.D.C
40 rounds extended long burst 6D6X10 M.D.C
80 full melee burst 8D6X10 M.D.C

Rate of Fire: five round burst short round , ten round medium round burst, 20 round long burst , 40 round extended long burst , 80 full melee burst
Effective Range: standard range 4 miles

Payload: 2500 rounds
Note: it was learn that damage drops due to gravity of round and speed is lowered of rounds
Type of round
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too, weight for rounds drops by 75% total weight 8 tons !!!!
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
A.I systems look for any type of missiles mini missiles to long range missiles, to shot missiles + 4 to strike while pilots dodge ,roll or try to take a hit the systems kick in but can change to attack mode due pits control, but pilots use weapon systems , can switch from tank commander to gunner if need be.

Old pre rifts Weapon systems
Type Side-mounted grenade

Weight: 300 pounds empty ammo , grenade 10 add 1 pound

Per grenade
Pick one from below
Fra grenade light 1d4 blast radius 5 fert per grenade
Fra grenade heavy 2d4 ,10 feet per grenade

Old pre rifts Weapon systems
Pick one from below

Explosive grenade 1d6
Heavy Explosive grenade 2d6 ,10 feet per grenade
Flash bang grenade ,20 feet per grenade
Smoke grenade
Chaff grenade
Rate of Fire: 2 round burst only per tube ,can fire one tube or any combination or all four
Effective Range: direct fire 6000 feet ,indirect fire 18,000 feet
Payload: 1000 rounds each !!! or 4000 rounds!!!!

Old pre rifts Weapon systems
Long range 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun lower body area
12.5 MM calibers
3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
range : 3miles
Payload: 800
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic
(rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

Old pre rifts Weapon systems
Heavy M.D.C 12.5 MM Heavy M.D.C machine gun for pilot in main body
Mega-Damage: look above
Rate of Fire: look above
Effective Range: 6000 feet
Note: located in main body
Payload: look above

weapon systems are up to date with RIFTS Earth and not include and must be replace

14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber:
A M.D.C machinegun loaded with Heacy Solid Slug bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield. The gun is used mostly to fight off other light targets and to defend against aircraft.
There are three M.D.C Heavy Machinegun use on this model

One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing MD Machinegun.
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel Secondary Purpose: Defense

one round does 1M.D.C
A burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
Special feature not include in all models
80 rounds medium burst 2D4 x 10 M.D.
120 rounds long burst 3D4 x 10 M.D.
240 rounds full burst 4D6 x 10 M.D. that take up all attacks

Rate of Fire:
Standard burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D.C
Can increase R.O.F BY the following
80 rounds medium burst
120 rounds medium burst
240 rounds medium burst
3 mile for ground to ground combat
2000 rounds

There are three M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon or heavy machine gun use on this model

They are in sets of three this is due to the size it can't carry various type of ammo like 50 caliber, and 30 mm, and 20 mm. Not using in set it allows to enough ammo for combat.
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is not exposed when firing M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon or 30mm AutoCannon or machinegun. Please look below

20 MM AutoCannon
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage per round on later models
Solid slug rounds

1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,

5d6 M.D thirty round burst,

Standard rounds is 1d6x10 M.D.C for twenty round burst
Special feature does not include in all models
40 rounds medium burst that 2d6x10 M.D.C
80 rounds long burst 3d6x10 M.D.C
160 rounds full burst take up all attacks 4d6x10 M.D.C
in all models

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
NO Railguns 2500 rounds

20 MM Chain gun
Short burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst, counts as two attack
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
5 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
3000 rounds
no Railguns 2500 rounds

30mm Auto-Cannon:

mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose:
Weight: 2 tons
A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D.
Special feature not include in all models
40rounds medium burst 4D6 x 10 M.D
80 rounds long burst 6 D6 x 10 M.D
160 rounds full burst take up all attacks 8D6 x 10 M.D

Rate of Fire: Normal Effective
Range: 5 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 bursts!

The main gun

Pick one 1
120 mm AutoCannon
120 mm Cannon
125 mm AutoCannon
125 mm Cannon

The main gun for T series there are two type of main gun one is an auto cannons for dual shot fire or burst fire .But the T series cannot move to fire double tap or burst fire. (-1D6 to strike)Can fire single fire while moving or stationary. This is for more damage and sadly T series are too small to be able to shot and move at the same time

The second type of 120 mm is Cannon is more accurate fire (+1 to strike) and can shot /fire while moving or stationary.


120mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):
The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose:
Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose:
Defense; anti-aircraft.
1 tons

This is single shot below
Solid slug rounds

High-Explosive (HE):
1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft per round (6.1 m). blast radius 5d6 M.D.C per round

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT):
2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: if 18 or better full damage to cockpit compartment or crew compartment
If none damage goes to crew M.D.C damage
1D4 x 10 M.D.

2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range: 3 miles
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).


120mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose:
Defense; anti-aircraft.
1 tons
This is single shot below
Solid slug rounds

High-Explosive (HE):
1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft per round (6.1 m). blast radius 5d6 M.D.C per round

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT):
2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: if 18 or better full damage to cockpit compartment or

crew compartment
If none damage goes to crew M.D.C damage
1D4 x 10 M.D.

2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range: 3 miles
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).


125 mm -Cannon Main Turret (1):
The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 60 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has higher damage.

Primary Purpose:
Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose:
Defense; anti-aircraft.
1 ton


the low damage is for a greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has higher damage. They all use fin stabilizers and kinetic velocity for range

Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage

High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D6 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Rate of Fire:
Single fire only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of

the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails.gets a -1D6 if moving

Effective Range:
For low damage 3 miles
Standard rounds 6000 feet
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).
Add +1 strike moving or stationary

125 mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):
The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.

Secondary Purpose:
Defense; anti-aircraft.
1 tons


The following single shot below
Pick one

Solid slug rounds
Low damage
Standard damage

Solid slug rounds .1d4x10 MD.C per round

Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage

High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D6 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range:
3 miles low damage rounds
6000 feet for standard rounds

The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

PRE RIFTS Features


5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

Combat computer:

add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge weight 1ton

Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

Radio standard

5 miles, or heavy Radio uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

External audio pick up: same as robots

Spotlight range

1 mile optional

Ejection systems:

1 ton add giant size robot .

Self-Destruct systems

note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 tons

Voice actuated locking systems

Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment

Weight add: 2 tons giant size robot . man size 200 pounds


Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons giant size robot. man size 100 pounds

Nuclear powered for Special Forces

1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 3 tons giant size robot . man size 200 pounds

Can add Five TW

Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons giant size robot . man size 100 pounds[/

Special reactive amour:

able to deflect any physical attack AND range weapons (no damage) 100 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to ANY PART OF THE VEHICLE . Also that particular are of M.D.C Must have over 100 M.D.C as well On the second hit is 95 M.D.C and third hit 90 M.D.C and the firth hit 85 and so on!!! Any weapon M.D.C that does 20 MM OR LESS DO NO DAMAGE ,BUT RAIL GUN OF ANY KIND DO NORMAL DAMAGE ,

cyber link pilot or partial Borg

get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

U.S Military ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems

similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)

-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.

Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons

Basic EVA systems (back up)

Additional features in rifts earth 300 years later

All tanks have the following features:

Powered systems:

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell electric
Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell —
Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours
approximately four weeks of constant use).
Can hold up to five cell! ( 3500 hours ) !

Electric Battery Power System
Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).
Can hold up to 20 cells ( 1920 hours o )!!
Duration: 96 hours or 4 days of continuous user 80 days in robots and heavy vehicles.

There a high end version that similar to 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and vehicles ( that 2880 hours that 120 days !!) . Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power

Total Cost:
gasoline engine, 300,000
electric motor, 400,000
nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) rare add 2,000,000

Combat Computer:
Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.

Targeting Computer:
Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range (16 km).

Laser Targeting System:
Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + I to strike when using long-range weapons.


Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 6000 feet

https://www.deviantart.com/cleinen692/a ... -917239057

IR Spotlights:i
nfrared spotlight same as above

Thermo Spotlights:
spotlight same as above

Radio Communications:
Long-range, directional communica tion system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 10 miles (16 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.

Complete Environmental systems
: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater ( 100 feet maximum depth unless stated otherwise).
Includes the following features:
• Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and tem perature control
. • Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air envi ronments. 48 hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic f ires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded

IR system infrared systems range
5 miles

Winch & Cable:
Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle is an electric winch; basically a motor connected to a cable and a hook. The cable is 1000 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 25 tons.

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard:
Heads-Up Display System:
Infrared Search Light

Computer Atlas Program:
Displays city maps, roadways and trails. The general atlas program shows the entire North American continent (USA and Canada), general geographic features (mountains, forests, rivers, etc.), the location of major nations, major cities, and major trouble spots such as the Calgary Rifts, The Devil's Gate, the Magic Zone, and so on. Specific discs are available for the roads and streets of major cities, including each Coalition State and city, Lazio, Ishpeming, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and other major communities. Of course, the environment and communities are constantly changing so the information is only 75% accurate and updates are issued regularly. An atlas more than a year old will only be 50% accurate and places like the Burbs, shanty towns and mercenary operations change constantly so they are NOT included at all. Basic program

costs 300 credits, specific places cost 100 credits each

IFF Systems identify friend or foe system

Computer handy component connected with the optics and communication systems. It is used for Enemy Profiling. The tiny computer can identify up to 200 different cyborg designs. armors. and insignias of known Russian. European and Asian cyborgs. plus 6000 monsters and demons ( lore 89% )-each rendered in full color with schematics indicating known weaknesses. armor. weapons. powers. etc.; capable of rotation and zoom to key features. This program is designed to be a passive. silent Friend or Foe Identification System. First. words. or symbols for the majority who cannot read. are displayed on the internal optics of the cyborg similarr to a HUD display. to indicme the friend or foe based on the ~object's mechanical design. identifying markings. physical appearance and supernatural nature (i.e. Gargoyles. demons. Necromancers. Witches and warriors from rival factions are all designated as enemies). The enemy designation is also reserved for known "human" bandits. D-Bees. and creatures of magic. If the threat is minimal. or the being is only a potential enemy (as is the case with unidentified humans and many D-Bees). the warning symbol is smail and yellow. If the subject is known to be hostile toward humans or known to be a powerful and evil supernatural being. the warning symbol is large and red. The complete profile on the being can be called up at will in words or sound bites. Visual icons also indicatc key classifications including Cyborg. Robot. Demon. God-being.

Dragon. Human. D-Bce. Animal. Entity/Ghost. Elemental. Evil Sorcerer (Witch. Necromancer. etc.) and Unspecified Supernatural Being (i.e. they exhibit supernatural powers or magical abilities but arc unidentiticd). In addition. the FFl System indicates the being's relative power level on a scale of 1-10: a flashing 10 means its estimated power level is off the scale! Range: Line of sight. 5000 feet .

Special maneuvers all T series tank
+2 to strike moving
+3 to strike still
+2 dodge when piloting vehicle,
+3 and can dodge even if piloting a vehicle that does not normally have a dodge, such as a T series tank! However, the vehicle must have a minimum speed of 30 mph
character is at +15% to pilot any vehicle he is trained with and +25% on his favorite vehicle all T series LBT types .

Fast Processing and Reaction Time:
Implant reach faster than expected. +3 on initiative. Add +2 to dodge. +3 to roll with impact
Last edited by ZINO on Wed Jun 22, 2022 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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working on T 14 and terminator series
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by Borast »

Reactive armour - RA does not make a vehicle "immune" to incoming fire. It is a series of single use explosive pads that detonate when the incoming shell / rocket / missile hits the pad. Combined with the armour (slope / thickness / etc.), causes the incoming ordinance to be deflected / cause minimal damage.
However, it has miminal to no effect on certain types of ordinance. For example, a sabot round (APFSDS) can easily defeat early RA. Some shells / missiles / rockets can ignore it due to having a probe attached to the nose, which causes the RA to detonate before the incoming round is at optimal range (for the RA). Also, theoretically, a single round could cause 4 blocks to detonate. (Maybe on a nat 20[?], with 2 going off on a nat 17+[?].)
Hypersonic rounds (i.e.: boom gun rounds) could in theory ignore RA, even though they would trigger the block(s) struck, because they would pierce the armour before they blew. Standard Railguns, or anything firing a burst should only have their damage reduced, since the blast would only divert the first few rounds...maybe a 15-20%% damage reduction?
Energy weapons of any kind would ignore it, and could cause large areas of it to detonate and blow off (especially electrically based or ion weapons, due to the sudden flow of current across the explosive).

Due to the self destructive nature, I'd suggest either a decreasing AR or deflection roll mechanic (in addition to M.D.C., as it can be destroyed).

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Re: N.A.AT

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Borast wrote:Reactive armour - RA does not make a vehicle "immune" to incoming fire. It is a series of single use explosive pads that detonate when the incoming shell / rocket / missile hits the pad. Combined with the armour (slope / thickness / etc.), causes the incoming ordinance to be deflected / cause minimal damage.
However, it has miminal to no effect on certain types of ordinance. For example, a sabot round (APFSDS) can easily defeat early RA. Some shells / missiles / rockets can ignore it due to having a probe attached to the nose, which causes the RA to detonate before the incoming round is at optimal range (for the RA). Also, theoretically, a single round could cause 4 blocks to detonate. (Maybe on a nat 20[?], with 2 going off on a nat 17+[?].)
Hypersonic rounds (i.e.: boom gun rounds) could in theory ignore RA, even though they would trigger the block(s) struck, because they would pierce the armour before they blew. Standard Railguns, or anything firing a burst should only have their damage reduced, since the blast would only divert the first few rounds...maybe a 15-20%% damage reduction?
Energy weapons of any kind would ignore it, and could cause large areas of it to detonate and blow off (especially electrically based or ion weapons, due to the sudden flow of current across the explosive).

Due to the self destructive nature, I'd suggest either a decreasing AR or deflection roll mechanic (in addition to M.D.C., as it can be destroyed).

Frist thank you so much for your comments and you are right

in rifts earth this is a new special armor protection system and related to A.R systems of old just the nextgen armoured add on protection system .and in rifts earth not knowing the actual name it called Special reactive amour
It Carries special rules

Special reactive amour rules apply first Special reactive amour: able to deflect any physical attack range weapons (no damage) 100 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to ANY PART OF THE VEHICLE . On the second hit is 95 M.D.C and third hit 90 M.D.C and the firth hit 85 and so on!!! Any weapon M.D.C that does 20 MM OR LESS DO NO DAMAGE ,BUT RAIL GUN OF ANY KIND DO NORMAL DAMAGE , Depleting Rear engine shut down robot , Depleting External tanks automatic blow doing 1d4x10 MDC ( there are four ) to engine and then half damage if Special reactive amour if not reach zero, if there no Special reactive amour left fully damage to man body

Again thanks so much for your comments will adjust this better
And I just a newbie for playing house rules here

To Borast does this make sense to you Borast?
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by Borast »

Yup, though your write-up does sound more like an overloadable energy shield (that has to be replaced or physically repaired after use) as opposed to the "traditional" explosive pads. :)

If you're going to stick with the depletable MDC mechanic, don't let Rules Lawyers screw you over. Think about it. A single GB round contains 200 flechettes. That means one shot takes out 100% of the reactive armour, and leaves 180 potential successful impacts.
They nerfed the Stoneskin spell in AD&D 3rd(?) edition. Originally, it protected against X (successful) attacks. After they nerfed it, it could be wiped out with a handful of thrown pebbles, since it reacts to *potential* impacts, successful or not.

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Re: N.A.AT

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Borast wrote:Yup, though your write-up does sound more like an overloadable energy shield (that has to be replaced or physically repaired after use) as opposed to the "traditional" explosive pads. :)

If you're going to stick with the depletable MDC mechanic, don't let Rules Lawyers screw you over. Think about it. A single GB round contains 200 flechettes. That means one shot takes out 100% of the reactive armour, and leaves 180 potential successful impacts.
They nerfed the Stoneskin spell in AD&D 3rd(?) edition. Originally, it protected against X (successful) attacks. After they nerfed it, it could be wiped out with a handful of thrown pebbles, since it reacts to *potential* impacts, successful or not.

thank you Borast I need to think to address this
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Chipwell Armaments, Inc.

Desperate to keep new low cost and cheap to cheaper MDC vehicles. Trying to come out with new ideas was falling behind to new models to make. Desperate they call out for engineers to aid them even working with G.A.W!!
Some engineers apparently approached them with a Europe solution and were sold .it also seem they had their own contacts to help in six months set up camp and sell The BMPT "Terminator" ( Tank Support Fighting Vehicle), tanks, gunship and one military jet aircraft from .
These vehicles designed by NAMES to get a cut from Chipwell Armaments, Inc. Without they knowing it .

They is an old CIA tactic without the enemy's been aware and there no chance of being discovered.

The vehicles are Called Terminator T72 , Terminator T 80 ,Terminator T 90 and Terminator T 14 and support main battle tanks. One gunship transport called gator or the hind Transport gunship and one Soviet era both single seat fighters and dual seat fighter bomber. These design been updated enough to be used at a terrible low cost. Even coalition is looking for a low cost second line jetfighter for certain areas. As for mercenary there are a few mercenaries that are interested in gunship, tanks and jet fighter as well.

Major flaw in The BMPT "Terminator" ( Tank Support Fighting Vehicle)
The way that the unused rounds are stored in the autoloader system has been exposed as a flaw, as observers have noted that penetrating hits can easily set off a chain reaction that detonates all of the ammunition. The result is the turret is blown off resulting in a so-called "jack-in-the-box" explosion. This vulnerability was first observed during testing. By adding extra armor only help and doesn't remove the flaw.

Mercenary Groups

Air Superiority, Inc.
Is limited to the aircraft having iron eagle but need for other type are need a new fighter and helicopter to transport troop or injury personnel is vital

The Tennessee Headhunters
Tanks tanks tanks is what this mercenary Groups need add massive infantry support this help the Tanks survivability helps big time

Larsen's Brigade

Having a second line and third line of defensive and offensive capability on top of this adding a low cost helps temporarily Larsen's Brigade

DemonBusters, In and Braddock's Bad Boys
The gunship is an. Interested Avenue with can help
And added fire power helps at a very low cost

Hope City
Is turning a new place to manerfactor these new vehicles add it history. On top this acting as a law enforcement merc outfit comes to test and keep a low profile

After the coalition step in these can act as extra fire power to hold use maintain and sell via Chipwell Armaments, Inc.

Lazo and New lazo
are interested in getting these unit as part of militia easy to use and maintain and converting or adding TW abilities !!!

Chipwell Armaments, Inc.
At first testing the new model coming out and acting as a defensive perimeter. And showing off the models coming out soon for market

GAW, Wellington Industries, Golden Age Weaponsmiths (GAW ) and even to certain extent Northern Gun Weapons to everyone surprise are all working on these and exchange of engineers and production.

This has become more of a collection personal use as an unofficial with certain rankings officers nothing more mainly the gunship

Sales to Sovietski are a hit add all Models as a second line of defensive and add other weapons system

The Kingdom of Tarnow. Poland

Are getting special order at rock bottom cost getting S.D.C. and turning them to M.D.C
a nasty surprise for anyone engage

Step One: The Size and Orientation
4. Large Company merc outfit
3. Free Company PEACKEEPRES training personal
2. Minor Company GAW security forces

Step Two: Mercenary Company Features

A. Sponsorship
6. Front
5. Government NGR ,Japan , Lazo ,new lazo NAAT
4. Criminal. Organized Crime smuggling
2. Secret NAMES and AMC

B. Outfits
10. Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment
2. Cheap Gear 2. Cheap Gear
4. Medical Equipment

D. Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles
but no techno-wizard vehicles in their territory but are kept outside

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
5. Extensive Weaponry

F. Communications
5. Deluxe Communications Network

G. Internal Security
5. Paranoid
H. Permanent Bases
4. Fortified Headquarters

I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
4. Psionic and Magic Operatives
5. D-Bee Specialists

J. Special Budget
5. Big Bucks

K. General alignment of personnel
4. Anarchist and Unprincipled

L. Criminal Activity
Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
7. Psychic Enforcer
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known Chip well and peacekeepers , N.A.M.E.S , A.M.C
unKnown NAAT

N. Salary
4. Good Salary
5. Excellent Salary

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ ... A_2009.jpg

BMPT-72 Terminator 2 or Terminator T72 in rifts earth

https://www.deviantart.com/tankhistoria ... -918520114
In September 2013, Uralvagonzavod unveiled the latest armored fighting vehicle at the Russian Arms Expo 2013 exhibition in Nizhny Tagil, Russia. This vehicle was identified as the BMPT-72 "Terminator 2" and was built as a successor to the BMPT. The "Terminator 2" vehicle is substantially similar when compared to its predecessor. Like its predecessor, it is built on a base T-72 hull – including drivetrain, running gear and so on – and has been designed to operate alongside MBTs or independently. The Terminator 2 can be effectively used to destroy enemy tanks, armored personnel carriers and other armored assets, and to suppress enemy firing emplacements and infantry using grenade launchers and antitank weapons systems. Unlike the Terminator 1 however, the Terminator 2 is a retrofit only package, with only old T-72s and similar being upgraded to BMPT-72 standard (no new build vehicles). The Terminator 2 is aimed at the export market (in particular as part of offset deals).
A Uralvagonzavod spokesperson told a select audience at the exhibition that "the key advantage that the BMPT-72 gives to all the countries that operate T-72 tanks is that they can promptly and at minimal cost upgrade their armies to an ultra-modern level, and enhance capacity, mobility, protection and armament without purchasing new high-cost machines." In addition, the conversion process of the obsolete vehicles can be undertaken at the customer facilities. The overseer of the Russian defense and space industries – Dmitry Rogozin – said future versions of the BMPT will likely be based on the Armata Universal Combat Platform.[21]
Original Armament and FCS
The two automatic grenade launchers are removed along with its operators, reducing the crew to three; the number of munitions for the Ataka missiles, 2A42 autocannons, and PKTM machine gun remains unchanged. A new and improved FCS is installed in the BMPT-72. During daytime, the maximum distance for identifying a tank sized target is 5,000 m with the sighting channel and 3,500 m with the thermal channel. The ballistic computer is electronic and fully digital with a set of weather and topographical sending units.
Air burst munitions are under development for BMPT and other Russian military vehicles.

Model Type: Tank support combat vehicle Missile tank

gasoline engine, 100,000 mark II Defense model
electric motor, 200,000 mark III escort model
nuclear engine (life-time of 5 years) rare added 1,000,000 all-purpose model rare

Class : Tank support combat vehicle
Five crewmen,
• Tank Commander/
• pilot/driver, gunner,
• loader/Operator/mechanic
• Weapon officers two

M.D.C. by Location:
Main Turret — 95
* Modified .50 cal Machine-Gun or 14.5 mm (4 or 8 ) — 8
* Grenade Launcher (2)
** Track Treads (2) 40 each
****Rear engine 150
Rear Engine cover 100
*** Main Body - 190
***** Extra armored protection Main Body 120 per side (×6)
Reinforced Crew Compartment none

* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit (or shielded) and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -2 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not under attack. *** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the ve
***** Extra armored protection is designed to be the first to take damage than the particular location then take damage, it is not a force field but a specialized plate to with damage from any physical attack or energy base and missile attack, they are located per side easily to mount and remove .Also note Track Treads are not
protected by Extra armored protection plates
****** Extra armored protection this is designed for frontal protection in the main Body if the damage is taken side rear button
Note any damage taken from the top it bypasses a particular location
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main Turret completely destroys the Turret and any extra damage goes to the main body and then to the crew.

Statistical Data

Length 22 ft hull
Width 11 ft
Height 7 ft
Weight: 18 tons fully loaded Cargo:

60 mph (road)
30 mph (cross country)

Minimal storage space;
about three feet for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items. Three engery rifles and two WI-23 missile launchers with five loads each are stored in a compartment behind the driver's seat.

Power System:

The engine was designed for 40 tons but due the advance in rifts earth tank weight is lighter it can tow 22 tons!

Gasoline,Maximum Effective Range:
460 km (290 mi), 700 km (430 mi) with fuel

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell electric
Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell —
Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours
approximately four weeks of constant use).
Can hold up to five cell! ( 3500 hours ) !

Electric Battery Power System

Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).
Can hold up to 20 cells ( 1920 hours o )!!
Duration: 96 hours or 4 days of continuous user 80 days in robots and heavy vehicles.

There a high end version that similar to 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and vehicles ( that 2880 hours that 120 days !!) . Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power

nuclear engine

Total Cost:
gasoline engine, 200,000
electric motor, 300,000
nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) rare add 2,000,000

Weapon Systems summary

Four to eight M.D.C machinegun
• One driver
• One for loader next to main gun
• Top main turret
• weapon officers two

Weapon Systems
on main turret
four or eight 14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber machine-gun
Four WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher

on main body
WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher
Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser
two 14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber machine-gun
Smoke Launcher (4)

14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber machine-gun:
A M.D.C machinegun loaded with Heavy Solid Slug bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield. The gun is used mostly to fight off other light targets and to defend against aircraft.

There are three MDC Machinegun use on this model
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing MD

Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel

Secondary Purpose: Defense
one round does 1M.D.C
A burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.

So four 4d4x10 M.D but that a 160 rounds burst
So eight 8d4x10 M.D that 320 rounds burst
Rate of Fire:
Standard Effective Range:
3 miles for ground-to-ground combat
3000 rounds each that for four machinegun that rounds 12,000 rounds but eight machinegun thst

Two WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher
This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon.
Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system.

Weight : 130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).



4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m). Armor-Piercing:

1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m). A burst is 10 rounds!
A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)! A burst of ArmorPiercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.
Rate of Fire: Standard. Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).

Payload: 40 round magazine or 200 round belt!
Ammo drum 2000 each

Four WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher

The WI-40M provides the firepower of a tank (for one melee round) and is advertised as "the heaviest man-portable missile launcher in the world." That's partially true. It is man-portable for anyone who can lug its 120 lbs (54 kg) of missile and crude, disposable launch trigger. This means the operator must be a creature with a P.S. of 24 or greater, otherwise it will require two or three men to transport it. The WI-40M is basically a medium-range missile with a plastic launching platform that has a handle and big trigger (big enough for the hand of most powered armor suits and giants). Once the missile is fired, the launching platform is ruined and discarded (the plastic has a recycle value of 2D4 x 10 credits). The exhaust of the rocket also inflicts 1D6 x 10 S.D.C. to anything within 15 feet of the shooter; it won't affect characters in M.D.C. armor, but will ignite brush fires or explode any fuels and other volatile flammables nearby. Despite those shortcomings, it is a new favorite of power armor pilots and borgs.
The missile system weighs 120 lbs (54 kg)
and is six feet (1.8 m) long.
Any medium-range missile can be used. It is usually
Armor-Piercing (2D4 x 10 M.D.),
Fragmentation (2D4 x 10 M.D.)
Plasma/Heat (2D6 x 10 M.D ,but N.A.A.T, N.A.M.E.S And A.M.C are 5d6x10 each missiles.).

Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon
Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km).
The missile has less fuel than a vehicle-mounted medium-range missile.

Payload: One. Per rack total four
A missile box containing four missiles and weighing 520 lbs (234 kg) is available. Taking a missile out of its box and aiming it usually counts as two melee actions/attacks.
Black Market Cost:
The firing unit costs 25,000 credits.

Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser,can add three at extra cost 5,000 each:
Located in the end of the vehicle is a chaff dispener. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse enemies that are hit by Chaff or detonate thc projectics.

Primary Purpose:
but roll percelllile dice for cach pursuing missile to determine the result:
: Enemy missile or missile \olley detonates in chaff cloud. The threat is over.
Enemy missile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction (may lock onto ncarh) aircraft).
No effect . blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds or 1d4 melee).
The creature recover with no continued effect Payload:
Four. 24

Smoke Launcher (4):
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega·Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius. Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.
Payload: 24 total.

features :All tanks have the following features:

Powered systems: look above

Combat Computer:
Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.

Targeting Computer:
Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range (16 km).

Laser Targeting System:
Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + I to strike when using long-range weapons.


Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 6000 feet

IR Spotlights:i
nfrared spotlight same as above

Thermo Spotlights:
spotlight same as above

Radio Communications:
Long-range, directional communica tion system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 10 miles (16 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.

Complete Environmental systems
: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater ( 100 feet maximum depth unless stated otherwise).
Includes the following features:
• Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and tem perature control
. • Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air envi ronments. 48 hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic f ires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded

IR system infrared systems range
5 miles

Winch & Cable:

Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle is an electric winch; basically a motor connected to a cable and a hook. The cable is 1000 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 25 tons.

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard:
Heads-Up Display System:
Infrared Search Light

Computer Atlas Program:

Displays city maps, roadways and trails. The general atlas program shows the entire North American continent (USA and Canada), general geographic features (mountains, forests, rivers, etc.), the location of major nations, major cities, and major trouble spots such as the Calgary Rifts, The Devil's Gate, the Magic Zone, and so on. Specific discs are available for the roads and streets of major cities, including each Coalition State and city, Lazio, Ishpeming, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and other major communities. Of course, the environment and communities are constantly changing so the information is only 75% accurate and updates are issued regularly. An atlas more than a year old will only be 50% accurate and places like the Burbs, shanty towns and mercenary operations change constantly so they are NOT included at all. Basic program

costs 300 credits, specific places cost 100 credits each

IFF Systems identify friend or foe system
Computer handy component connected with the optics and communication systems. It is used for Enemy Profiling. The tiny computer can identify up to 200 different cyborg designs. armors. and insignias of known Russian. European and Asian cyborgs. plus 6000 monsters and demons ( lore 89% )-each rendered in full color with schematics indicating known weaknesses. armor. weapons. powers. etc.; capable of rotation and zoom to key features. This program is designed to be a passive. silent Friend or Foe Identification System. First. words. or symbols for the majority who cannot read. are displayed on the internal optics of the cyborg similarr to a HUD display. to indicme the friend or foe based on the ~object's mechanical design. identifying markings. physical appearance and supernatural nature (i.e. Gargoyles. demons. Necromancers. Witches and warriors from rival factions are all designated as enemies). The enemy designation is also reserved for known "human" bandits. D-Bees. and creatures of magic. If the threat is minimal. or the being is only a potential enemy (as is the case with unidentified humans and many D-Bees). the warning symbol is smail and yellow. If the subject is known to be hostile toward humans or known to be a powerful and evil supernatural being. the warning symbol is large and red. The complete profile on the being can be called up at will in words or sound bites. Visual icons also indicatc key classifications including Cyborg. Robot. Demon. God-being.

Dragon. Human. D-Bce. Animal. Entity/Ghost. Elemental. Evil Sorcerer (Witch. Necromancer. etc.) and Unspecified Supernatural Being (i.e. they exhibit supernatural powers or magical abilities but arc unidentiticd). In addition. the FFl System indicates the being's relative power level on a scale of 1-10: a flashing 10 means its estimated power level is off the scale! Range: Line of sight. 5000 feet .

Special maneuvers all T series tank
+2 to strike moving
+3 to strike still
+2 dodge when piloting vehicle,
+3 and can dodge even if piloting a vehicle that does not normally have a dodge, such as a T series tank! However, the vehicle must have a minimum speed of 30 mph
character is at +15% to pilot any vehicle he is trained with and +25% on his favorite vehicle all T series LBT types .

Fast Processing and Reaction Time:
Implant reach faster than expected. +3 on initiative. Add +2 to dodge. +3 to roll with impact
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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TERMINATOR BMPT 80 in rifts earth

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -700670322
Model Type:
Tank support combat vehicle

power systems
gasoline engine, 200,000 mark II Defense model
electric motor, 300,000 mark III escort model
nuclear engine (life-time of 5 years) rare add 1,000,000 all purpose model rare
nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) rare add 2,000,000 all purpose model rare

Class: Light Battle Tank.
Five crewmen,
• Tank Commander/
• pilot/driver, gunner,
• loader/Operator/mechanic
• Two weapons officers

M.D.C. by Location:
Main Turret — 100
Main Turret — 125
20 mm AutoCannon dual system
** Track Treads (2) 50 each
****Rear engine 160
fuel tank 25 (1)
*** Main Body - 200
Rear Engine cover 120
****** Frontal armored protection Main Body 240 (1)
Frontal mine sweeper 100
***** Extra armored protection Main Body 130 per side (×5)
Reinforced Crew Compartment none

The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit (or shielded) and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -2 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not under attack. *** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the ve
***** Extra armored protection is designed to be the first to take damage than the particular location then take damage, it is not a force field but a specialized plate to with damage from any physical attack or energy base and missile attack, they are located per side easily to mount and remove .Also note Track Treads are not
protected by Extra armored protection plates
****** Extra armored protection this is designed for frontal protection in the main Body if the damage is taken side rear button
Note any damage taken from the top it bypasses a particular location
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main Turret completely destroys the Turret and any extra damage goes to the main body and then to the crew.
Statistical Data

Length 31 ft gun forward
Length 22 ft hull
Width 11 ft
Height 7 ft
Weight: 20 tons fully loaded Cargo: can tow 20 tons
80 mph (road)
50 mph (cross country)

Minimal storage space;

about three feet for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items. Three engery rifles and two WI-23 missile launchers with five loads each are stored in a compartment behind the driver's seat.

Power System:

Gasoline,Maximum Effective Range:
460 km (290 mi), 700 km (430 mi) with fuel tank

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

electric Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell —
Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours
approximately four weeks of constant use).
Can hold up to five cell! ( 3500 hours ) !

Electric Battery Power System

Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).
Can hold up to 20 cells ( 1920 hours )!!
Duration: 96 hours or 4 days of continuous user 80 days in robots and heavy vehicles.

There a high end version that similar to 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and vehicles ( that 2880 hours that 120 days !!) . Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power

Weapon Systems summary tank

main turret
Pick one of the following,and has two of the following
20 MM Chain gun
20 MM Autocannon
14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber machinegun

Main body
14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber(1)
Smoke Launcher look
Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser

mounted heavy weapons
this carries a 20 mm only
Standard on the right but there been case to have two .this system is fully remote controlled by crew .it been called Mickey mouse guns. These are mounted weapons on main turret !!

Weapon Systems number one pick ot two for each side
• 20 mm rapid fire AutoCannon or chaingun pick one

MDC for weapon Systems is 150 M.D.C for all four

20 MM AutoCannon
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose:
Weight : built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage
per round on later
This is solid slug rounds models
1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst
Standard rounds
1d6x10 M.D twenty (20)round burst

20 MM Chain gun for
Short burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst,counts as two attack
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
4 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
NO Railguns 2500 rounds

Two WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher
This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon.
Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system.

Weight: 130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).



4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m). Armor-Piercing:

1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m). A burst is 10 rounds!
A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)! A burst of ArmorPiercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.
Rate of Fire: Standard. Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).

Payload: 40 round magazine or 200 round belt!
Ammo drum 2000

14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber machinegun:
A M.D.C machinegun loaded with Heavy Solid Slug bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield. The gun is used mostly to fight off other light targets and to defend against aircraft.
There are three M.D.C Heavy Machinegun use on this model
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing MD
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: one round does 1M.D.C
A burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
Rate of Fire:
Standard burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D.C
3 mile for ground to ground combat

This is optional Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser,
can add three at extra cost 5,000 each:
Located in the end of the vehicle is a chaff dispener. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse enemies that are hit by Chaff or detonate thc projectics.

Primary Purpose:
but roll percelllile dice for cach pursuing missile to determine the result:
: Enemy missile or missile \olley detonates in chaff cloud. The threat is over.
Enemy missile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction (may lock onto ncarh) aircraft).
No effect . Missiles still on target. the chaff cloud will temporarily blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds or 1d4 mellee).
The creature recover with no continued effect
Payload: Four. 24

Smoke Launcher l
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius. Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.
Payload: 24 total.

features :All tanks have the following features:

Powered systems: look above

Combat Computer:
Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.

Targeting Computer:
Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range (16 km).

Laser Targeting System:
Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + I to strike when using long-range weapons.


Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 6000 feet

IR Spotlights:i
nfrared spotlight same as above

Thermo Spotlights:
spotlight same as above

Radio Communications:
Long-range, directional communica tion system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 10 miles (16 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.

Complete Environmental systems
: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater ( 100 feet maximum depth unless stated otherwise).
Includes the following features:
• Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and tem perature control
. • Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air envi ronments. 48 hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic f ires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded

IR system infrared systems range
5 miles

Winch & Cable:

Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle is an electric winch; basically a motor connected to a cable and a hook. The cable is 1000 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 25 tons.

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard:
Heads-Up Display System:
Infrared Search Light

Computer Atlas Program:

Displays city maps, roadways and trails. The general atlas program shows the entire North American continent (USA and Canada), general geographic features (mountains, forests, rivers, etc.), the location of major nations, major cities, and major trouble spots such as the Calgary Rifts, The Devil's Gate, the Magic Zone, and so on. Specific discs are available for the roads and streets of major cities, including each Coalition State and city, Lazio, Ishpeming, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and other major communities. Of course, the environment and communities are constantly changing so the information is only 75% accurate and updates are issued regularly. An atlas more than a year old will only be 50% accurate and places like the Burbs, shanty towns and mercenary operations change constantly so they are NOT included at all. Basic program

costs 300 credits, specific places cost 100 credits each

IFF Systems identify friend or foe system
Computer handy component connected with the optics and communication systems. It is used for Enemy Profiling. The tiny computer can identify up to 200 different cyborg designs. armors. and insignias of known Russian. European and Asian cyborgs. plus 6000 monsters and demons ( lore 89% )-each rendered in full color with schematics indicating known weaknesses. armor. weapons. powers. etc.; capable of rotation and zoom to key features. This program is designed to be a passive. silent Friend or Foe Identification System. First. words. or symbols for the majority who cannot read. are displayed on the internal optics of the cyborg similarr to a HUD display. to indicme the friend or foe based on the ~object's mechanical design. identifying markings. physical appearance and supernatural nature (i.e. Gargoyles. demons. Necromancers. Witches and warriors from rival factions are all designated as enemies). The enemy designation is also reserved for known "human" bandits. D-Bees. and creatures of magic. If the threat is minimal. or the being is only a potential enemy (as is the case with unidentified humans and many D-Bees). the warning symbol is smail and yellow. If the subject is known to be hostile toward humans or known to be a powerful and evil supernatural being. the warning symbol is large and red. The complete profile on the being can be called up at will in words or sound bites. Visual icons also indicatc key classifications including Cyborg. Robot. Demon. God-being.

Dragon. Human. D-Bce. Animal. Entity/Ghost. Elemental. Evil Sorcerer (Witch. Necromancer. etc.) and Unspecified Supernatural Being (i.e. they exhibit supernatural powers or magical abilities but arc unidentiticd). In addition. the FFl System indicates the being's relative power level on a scale of 1-10: a flashing 10 means its estimated power level is off the scale! Range: Line of sight. 5000 feet .

Special maneuvers all T series tank
+2 to strike moving
+3 to strike still
+2 dodge when piloting vehicle,
+3 and can dodge even if piloting a vehicle that does not normally have a dodge, such as a T series tank! However, the vehicle must have a minimum speed of 30 mph
character is at +15% to pilot any vehicle he is trained with and +25% on his favorite vehicle all T series LBT types .

Fast Processing and Reaction Time:
Implant reach faster than expected. +3 on initiative. Add +2 to dodge. +3 to roll with impact
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

TERMINATOR BMPT 90 in rifts earth

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -920761822

Model Type: Class: Light support Tank.

Five crewmen,
• Tank Commander/
• pilot/driver, gunner,
• loader/Operator/mechanic

M.D.C. by Location:

Main Turret — 140
* Modified .50 caliber Coaxial Machine-Gun(2) — 8
30 mm cannon 55 each
* ** Track Treads (2) 70 each
****Rear engine 180
Rear Engine cover 140
*** Main Body - 220
frontal protection main Body 240
Extra armored protection Main Body 130 per side (×6)
Reinforced Crew Compartment none

* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit (or shielded) and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -2 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not under attack. *** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the ve
***** Extra armoured protection is designed to be the first to take damage then the particular location then take damage
****** Extra armoured protection this is designed for frontal protection in main Body if damage is taken side rear button
Note any damage take fron the top it by pass to particular location

Statistical Data
Length 31 ft gun forward
Length 22 ft hull
Width 11 ft
Height 7 ft
Weight: 20 tons fully loaded
Cargo:can tow 20 tons
80 mph (road)
60 mph (cross country)
Crew 5 (commander, gunner, driver and two weapons officer)

Minimal storage space;

about three feet for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items. Three engery rifles and two WI-23 missile launchers with five loads each are stored in a compartment behind the driver's seat.

Power System:
Gasoline,Maximum Effective Range:
460 km (290 mi), 700 km (430 mi) with fuel

Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours
approximately four weeks of constant use).
Can hold up to five cell! ( 3500 hours )

Electric Battery Power System

Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).
Can hold up to 20 cells ( 1920 hours o )!!
Duration: 96 hours or 4 days of continuous user 80 days in robots and heavy vehicles.

There a high end version that similar to 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and vehicles ( that 2880 hours that 120 days !!) . Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power

Total Cost:
gasoline engine, 300,000
electric motor, 400,000
nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) rare add 2,000,000
nuclear engine (life-time of 5 years) rare add 2,000,000

Weapon Systems summary
Main Turret pick one from below
• 14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber: two, OR four or eight
• 20 MM AutoCannon two, OR four
• 20 MM Chain gun for two OR four
• 30mm Auto-Cannon two, OR four
• 30mm China gun two, OR four
Come in all models
Two WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher
Four WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher

Main body Come in all models
14mm Machinegun or 50 calibers:two
Smoke Launcher :two
Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser:two

Weapon Systems

14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber:
A M.D.C machinegun loaded with Heacy Solid Slug bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield. The gun is used mostly to fight off other light targets and to defend against aircraft.
There are three M.D.C Heavy Machinegun use on this model
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing MD
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: one round does 1M.D.C
A burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
Rate of Fire:
Standard burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D.C
3 mile for ground to ground combat
2000 rounds each

20 MM AutoCannon
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose:
Weight : built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage
per round on later
This is solid slug rounds models
1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst
Standard rounds
1d6x10 M.D twenty (20)round burst

20 MM Chain gun for
Short burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst,counts as two attack
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
4 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
NO Railguns 2500 rounds

Two or four
30mm Auto-Cannon:
mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 2 tons
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10
For two 4d6x10M.D
All four 8d6x20 M.D.;
a single round does 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Normal Effective
Range: 5 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 bursts! Each
Heavy Explosive rounds each rounds has a blast radius of one foot per round
And damage is half

Two WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher
This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon.
Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system.

Weight: 130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).



4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m). Armor-Piercing:

1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m). A burst is 10 rounds!
A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)! A burst of ArmorPiercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.
Rate of Fire: Standard. Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).

Payload: 40 round magazine or 200 round belt!
Ammo drum 2000

30mm China gun:
This mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 1 tons
M.D.C Solid slug
1 MDC PER round
10 rounds burst 1d10
20 rounds burst 5d4
30 rounds burst 5d6
40 rounds burst 1d4x10
50 rounds burst 5d10
60 rounds burst 1d6x10

80 rounds burst 2d4x10
100 rounds burst 1d10x10
120 rounds burst 2d6x10
240 rounds burst 4d6x10

Standard rounds
Only a 20 rounds burst and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.;
a single round does 3D6 M.D.

Rate of Fire: Normal Effective Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200

Four WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher
The WI-40M provides the firepower of a tank (for one melee round) and is advertised as "the heaviest man-portable missile launcher in the world." That's partially true. It is man-portable for anyone who can lug its 120 lbs (54 kg) of missile and crude, disposable launch trigger. This means the operator must be a creature with a P.S. of 24 or greater, otherwise it will require two or three men to transport it. The WI-40M is basically a medium-range missile with a plastic launching platform that has a handle and big trigger (big enough for the hand of most powered armor suits and giants). Once the missile is fired, the launching platform is ruined and discarded (the plastic has a recycle value of 2D4 x 10 credits). The exhaust of the rocket also inflicts 1D6 x 10 S.D.C. to anything within 15 feet of the shooter; it won't affect characters in M.D.C. armor, but will ignite brush fires or explode any fuels and other volatile flammables nearby. Despite those shortcomings, it is a new favorite of power armor pilots and borgs.
The missile system weighs 120 lbs (54 kg)
and is six feet (1.8 m) long.
Any medium-range missile can be used. It is usually
Armor-Piercing (2D4 x 10 M.D.),each
Fragmentation (2D4 x 10 M.D.) each
Plasma/Heat (2D6 x 10 M.D.or 5d6x10 for N.A.A.T, N.A.M.E.S OR A.M.C). Each

Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon
Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km).
The missile has less fuel than a vehicle-mounted medium-range missile.

Payload: One. Per rack total four
A missile box containing four missiles and weighing 520 lbs (234 kg) is available. Taking a missile out of its box and aiming it usually counts as two melee actions/attacks.

Smoke Launcher (4):
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega·Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius. Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.
Payload: 24 total.

This is an optional Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser,
can add three at extra cost 5,000 each:
Located in the end of the vehicle is a chaff dispener. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse enemies that are hit by Chaff or detonate thc projectics.

Primary Purpose:
but roll percelllile dice for cach pursuing missile to determine the result:
: Enemy missile or missile \olley detonates in chaff cloud. The threat is over.
Enemy missile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction (may lock onto ncarh) aircraft).
No efrcci. Missiles slill on largel. AI~o note the chaff cloud will tcmporaril) blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds).
The creaturc recover with no continued effect~. Payload:
Four. 24

features :All tanks have the following features:

Powered systems: look above

Combat Computer:
Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.

Targeting Computer:
Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range (16 km).

Laser Targeting System:
Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + I to strike when using long-range weapons.


Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 6000 feet

IR Spotlights:i
nfrared spotlight same as above

Thermo Spotlights:
spotlight same as above

Radio Communications:
Long-range, directional communica tion system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 10 miles (16 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.

Complete Environmental systems
: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater ( 100 feet maximum depth unless stated otherwise).
Includes the following features:
• Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and tem perature control
. • Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air envi ronments. 48 hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic f ires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded

IR system infrared systems range
5 miles

Winch & Cable:

Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle is an electric winch; basically a motor connected to a cable and a hook. The cable is 1000 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 25 tons.

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard:
Heads-Up Display System:
Infrared Search Light

Computer Atlas Program:

Displays city maps, roadways and trails. The general atlas program shows the entire North American continent (USA and Canada), general geographic features (mountains, forests, rivers, etc.), the location of major nations, major cities, and major trouble spots such as the Calgary Rifts, The Devil's Gate, the Magic Zone, and so on. Specific discs are available for the roads and streets of major cities, including each Coalition State and city, Lazio, Ishpeming, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and other major communities. Of course, the environment and communities are constantly changing so the information is only 75% accurate and updates are issued regularly. An atlas more than a year old will only be 50% accurate and places like the Burbs, shanty towns and mercenary operations change constantly so they are NOT included at all. Basic program

costs 300 credits, specific places cost 100 credits each

IFF Systems identify friend or foe system
Computer handy component connected with the optics and communication systems. It is used for Enemy Profiling. The tiny computer can identify up to 200 different cyborg designs. armors. and insignias of known Russian. European and Asian cyborgs. plus 6000 monsters and demons ( lore 89% )-each rendered in full color with schematics indicating known weaknesses. armor. weapons. powers. etc.; capable of rotation and zoom to key features. This program is designed to be a passive. silent Friend or Foe Identification System. First. words. or symbols for the majority who cannot read. are displayed on the internal optics of the cyborg similarr to a HUD display. to indicme the friend or foe based on the ~object's mechanical design. identifying markings. physical appearance and supernatural nature (i.e. Gargoyles. demons. Necromancers. Witches and warriors from rival factions are all designated as enemies). The enemy designation is also reserved for known "human" bandits. D-Bees. and creatures of magic. If the threat is minimal. or the being is only a potential enemy (as is the case with unidentified humans and many D-Bees). the warning symbol is smail and yellow. If the subject is known to be hostile toward humans or known to be a powerful and evil supernatural being. the warning symbol is large and red. The complete profile on the being can be called up at will in words or sound bites. Visual icons also indicatc key classifications including Cyborg. Robot. Demon. God-being.

Dragon. Human. D-Bce. Animal. Entity/Ghost. Elemental. Evil Sorcerer (Witch. Necromancer. etc.) and Unspecified Supernatural Being (i.e. they exhibit supernatural powers or magical abilities but arc unidentiticd). In addition. the FFl System indicates the being's relative power level on a scale of 1-10: a flashing 10 means its estimated power level is off the scale! Range: Line of sight. 5000 feet .

Special maneuvers all T series tank
+2 to strike moving
+3 to strike still
+2 dodge when piloting vehicle,
+3 and can dodge even if piloting a vehicle that does not normally have a dodge, such as a T series tank! However, the vehicle must have a minimum speed of 30 mph
character is at +15% to pilot any vehicle he is trained with and +25% on his favorite vehicle all T series LBT types .

Fast Processing and Reaction Time:
Implant reach faster than expected. +3 on initiative. Add +2 to dodge. +3 to roll with impact
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
Location: new york

Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

T-14/15 or Armata series combat vehicle

https://www.deviantart.com/magnum117/ar ... -758879290

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -921491840

A bit of Pre Rifts history

T-14 Armata (Russian: Т-14 «Армата»; industrial designation "Ob'yekt 148", Russian: Объект 148) is a next-generation Russian main battle tank based on the Armata Universal Combat Platform—the first series-produced next-generation tank. The Russian Army initially planned to acquire 2,300 T-14s between 2015 and 2020.Production and fiscal shortfalls delayed this to 2025,and then to the apparent cancellation of the main production run.However, as of 2021, the Armata was expected to begin serial production in 2022. A test batch of 100 is to be delivered and deployed to the 2nd Guards Tamanskaya Motor Rifle Division, with delivery expected to begin in 2022;tanks will be transferred only after the completion of all state tests


While studying design of main hull or main body. There was major surprise the hull was design for use to different type of main turrets one for battle tank and two for tank support. Again the T series was made for surface combat and has limited surface to air combat which were not design. Still The T series have been accepted in many merc outfits. Was a laughing or don’t see me dead in that to we need to get their hands on!!

Model Type:
Battle Tank Or tank support unit

Class: Battle Tank Or tank support unit
Three crew men, for all models
Tank Commander/
pilot/driver, gunner,

M.D.C. by Location:

remote control Cupola on Turret (tank only )— 50
Extra armoured protection Cupola 140 per side
Main Turret — 160
*****Extra armored protection 120
Main Turret —180 per side
Improved 120 mm Autocannon — 50
Improved 120 mm Cannon — 50
* Modified .50 cal Coaxial Machine-Gun — 8
* Modified Cupola 50 cal Machine-Gun— 5
* 20MM / 30 MM weapon systems 50 each
* ** Track Treads (2) 80 each
****Rear engine 190
Rear Engine cover 160
*** Main Body - 250
Frontal armored protection Main Body 240
Extra armored protection Main Body 150 per side (×5)
Reinforced Crew Compartment 40 light or standard-issue 240

* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit (or shielded) and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -2 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not under attack.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the Vehicle

Depleting the M.D.C. of a turret all weapons are destroyed
***** Extra armoured protection is designed to be the first to take damage then the particular location then take damage
****** Extra armoured protection this is designed for frontal protection in main Body if damage is taken side rear button

Note any damage take from the top it by pass to particular location

Statistical Data
Length 31 ft gun forward
Length 22 ft hull
Width 11 ft
Height 7 ft battle tank ,tank support unit 11 feet or 16 feet
Weight: 22 tons fully loaded Cargo !!

80 mph (road)
50 mph (cross country)

Minimal storage space;

about three feet for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items. Three engery rifles and two WI-23 missile launchers with five loads each are stored in a compartment behind the driver's seat.

Power System:
Pick 1
Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Electric Battery Power System

Gasoline, Maximum Effective Range:
460 km (290 mi), 700 km (430 mi) with fuel

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours
approximately four weeks of constant use).
Can hold up to five cell! ( 3500 hours ) !

Electric Battery Power System
Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).

Can hold up to 20 cells ( 1920 hours o )!!
Duration: 96 hours or 4 days of continuous user 80 days in robots and heavy vehicles.

There a high end version that similar to 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and vehicles ( that 2880 hours that 120 days !!) . Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power

Total Cost:
gasoline engine,350,000 rarely used
electric motor, 450,000 most commonly used
nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) add 2,000,000
Or 1,000,000 for 5 years

Weapon Systems summary

All are for T-14 Armata BT Main turret for Battle tank

Main cannon pick one 120 or 125 mm or 152 mm
• Improved 120 mm AutoCannon
• Improved 120 mm Cannon
• Or
• Improved 125mm Cannon
• Improved 125 mm AutoCannon
• Special 152 mm Cannon or 152 mm Cannon

Pick one for remote control top cupola
• 20 mm AutoCannon
• 30 mm AutoCannon
• heavy machine gun

For coaxial pick from
• 20 mm AutoCannon
• 30 mm AutoCannon
• heavy machine gun

T 15 terminator Main turret

pick one weapon system from below
• 20 mm AutoCannon from 2 barrel , quad barrel
• 30 mm AutoCannon from 2 barrel , quad barrel
• 20 MM Chain gun from 2 barrel, quad barrel
• 30 MM Chain gun from 2 barrel, quad barrel
• heavy machine gun from 2 barrel, quad barrel, or 10 barrel
• all models T-15 have Four WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher

for all models in the main body
Smoke Launcher (4):
Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser,

Main body One for driver
pick from pick one
• 20 mm Autocannon
• 30 mm Autocannon
• heavy machine gun

pick for one crew
• 20 mm AutoCannon
• 30 mm AutoCannon heavy machine gun
• Two WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher
• heavy machine gun

The original armament
consists of pre rifts MDC a 12.7×108mm Kord (GRAU index 6P49) machine gun with 300 rounds (not observed during the 2015 parade) and a 7.62×54mmR Pecheneg PKP (GRAU Index: 6P41) or a PKTM (6P7К) machine gun with 1,000 rounds. All guns are remotely controlled. In addition, another 1,000 rounds can be stored separately. A 12.7 mm machine gun is installed above the turret roof-mounted commander's sight, which avoids visual obstructions, while the turret front has a peculiar slit that is speculated to be intended for the coaxial 7.62 mm machinegun. The tank's turret might be fitted with a Shipunov 2A42 30 mm cannon to deal with various targets, including low-flying aerial targets, such as attack planes and helicopters.

Weapon Systems

Two WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher
This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon. It can disconnect from main turret in 2 attacks.
Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system. Weight: 130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

Fragmentary: 4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).

Armor-Piercing: 1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m). A burst is 10 rounds!

A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)!

A burst of Armor piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Rate of Fire: Standard.
Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).

Payload: 40 round magazine (back up has four in tank )
200 round belt And ammo drum in turret 300 .
540 rounds
Rounds are divided by 2 for Armor piercing
And Fragmentary.

14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber:

A M.
D.C machinegun loaded with Heavy Solid Slug bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield. The gun is used mostly to fight off other light targets and to defend against aircraft.
There are three M.D.C Heavy Machinegun use on this model
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where

the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing MD
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: one round does 1M.D.C
A burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
Rate of Fire:
Standard burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D.C
A burst is 60 rounds and does 1D6 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
3 mile for ground to ground combat
2000 rounds

20 MM AutoCannon
There are M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon

Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage per round on later models

Solid slug rounds

1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,

Standard rounds is 1d6x10 M.D.C for twenty round burst

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
NO Railguns

20 MM Chain gun
Damage :
Short burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst,counts as two attack
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds

30mm Auto-Cannon:
mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 2 tons
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Normal Effective
Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 burs

30mm China gun:
This mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense Weight: 2 tons Mega-Damage:
M.D.C Solid slug
1 MDC PER round
10 rounds burst 1d10
20 rounds burst 5d4
30 rounds burst 5d6
40 rounds burst 1d4x10
50 rounds burst 5d10
60 rounds burst 1d6x10
80 rounds burst 2d4x10
100 rounds burst 1d10x10
120 rounds burst 2d6x10

240 rounds burst 4d6x10


A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Normal Effective Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200

Four WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher for tank support unit Models only

The WI-40M provides the firepower of a tank (for one melee round) and is advertised as "the heaviest man-portable missile launcher in the world." That's partially true. It is man-portable for anyone who can lug its 120 lbs (54 kg) of missile and crude, disposable launch trigger. This means the operator must be a creature with a P.S. of 24 or greater, otherwise it will require two or three men to transport it. The WI-40M is basically a medium-range missile with a plastic launching platform that has a handle and big trigger (big enough for the hand of most powered armor suits and giants). Once the missile is fired, the launching platform is ruined and discarded (the plastic has a recycle value of 2D4 x 10 credits). The exhaust of the rocket also inflicts 1D6 x 10 S.D.C. to anything within 15 feet of the shooter; it won't affect characters in M.D.C. armor, but will ignite brush fires or explode any fuels and other volatile flammables nearby. Despite those shortcomings, it is a new favorite of power armor pilots and borgs.
The missile system weighs 120 lbs (54 kg)
and is six feet (1.8 m) long.
Any medium-range missile can be used. It is usually
Armor-Piercing (2D4 x 10 M.D.),each
Fragmentation (2D4 x 10 M.D.) each
Plasma/Heat (2D6 x 10 M.D.or 5d6x10 for N.A.A.T, N.A.M.E.S OR A.M.C). Each

Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon
Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km).
The missile has less fuel than a vehicle-mounted medium-range missile.

Payload: One. Per rack total four
A missile box containing four missiles and weighing 520 lbs (234 kg) is available. Taking a missile out of its box and aiming it usually counts as two melee actions/attacks.

Smoke Launcher (4):
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega·Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius.
Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.
Rate of Fire:
One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.

Payload: 24 total.

Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser,
Located in the end of the vehicle is a chaff dispenser. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse enemies that are hit by Chaff or detonate thc projectics.

Primary Purpose:
but roll percelllile dice for cach pursuing missile to determine the result:
: Enemy missile or missile \olley detonates in chaff cloud. The threat is over.
Enemy missile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction (may lock onto ncarh) aircraft).
No efrcci. Missiles slill on largel. AI~o note the chaff cloud will tcmporaril) blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds).

The creaturc recover with no continued effect~. Payload:
Four. 24

The main gun for battle tank ONLY Pick one (1)

• 120 mm AutoCannon
• 120 mm Cannon
• 152 mm AutoCannon
• 152 mm Cannon

The main gun for T series there are two type of main gun one is an auto cannons for dual shot fire or burst fire .But the T series cannot move to fire double tap or burst fire. (-1D6 to strike)Can fire single fire while moving or stationary. This is for more damage and sadly T series are too small to be able to shot and move at the same time

The second type of 120 mm is Cannon is more accurate fire (+1 to strike) and can shot /fire while moving or stationary.


120mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):
The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids

(APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 tons

This is single shot below
Solid slug rounds

High-Explosive (HE):
1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft per round (6.1 m). blast radius 5d6 M.D.C per round

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT):
2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: if 18 or better full damage to cockpit compartment or crew compartment
If none damage goes to crew M.D.C damage
1D4 x 10 M.D.

2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range: 3 miles
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

120mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 tons

This is single shot below
Solid slug rounds

High-Explosive (HE):
1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft per round (6.1 m). blast radius 5d6 M.D.C per round

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT):
2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: if 18 or better full damage to cockpit compartment or

crew compartment
If none damage goes to crew M.D.C damage
1D4 x 10 M.D.

2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range: 3 miles
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).


125 mm -Cannon Main Turret (1):

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at

enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 60 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has higher damage.

Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 ton

the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has higher damage.

Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage

High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D6 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Rate of Fire:
Single fire only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails.gets a -1D6 if moving

Effective Range:
For low damage 3 miles
Standard rounds 6000 feet
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).
Add +1 strike moving or stationary

125 mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:

1 tons

The following single shot below
Pick one

Solid slug rounds
Low damage
Standard damage

Solid slug rounds .1d4x10 MD.C per round

Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage

High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D6 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range:
3 miles low damage rounds
6000 feet for standard rounds

The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

152 k mm -Cannon Main Turret (1):

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 60 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has higher damage.

Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 ton

the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has

higher damage.

Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage

High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D6 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Rate of Fire:
Single fire only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails.gets a -1D6 if moving

Effective Range:
For low damage 3 miles
Standard rounds 6000 feet
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

Add +1 strike moving or stationary


152 mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 tons

The following single shot below
Pick one

Solid slug rounds
Low damage
Standard damage
Heavy rounds

Solid slug rounds .1d4x10 MD.C per round

Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2d4 x 10 M.D. with a blast

radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage

High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Heavy rounds
Plasma: 3D4x10 M.D. to 30 foot (9.1 m) blast radius.
High Explosive: 2D4x10 M.D. to 15 foot (4.6 m) blast radius.
AP Fragmentary: 1D6x10 M.D. to 30 foot (9.1 m) blast radius. (f AP Fragmentary: 1D4x10 M.D. to 50 foot (15.2 m) blast radius.
Smoke: Covers 40 foot (12.2 m) blast radiu

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range:
5 miles heavy rounds
3 miles low damage rounds
6000 feet for standard rounds
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

features :All tanks have the following features:

Powered systems: look above

Combat Computer:
Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.

Targeting Computer:
Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range (16 km).

Laser Targeting System:
Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + I to strike when using long-range weapons.


Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 6000 feet

IR Spotlights:i
nfrared spotlight same as above

Thermo Spotlights:
spotlight same as above

Radio Communications:
Long-range, directional communica tion system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 10 miles (16 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.

Complete Environmental systems
: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater ( 100 feet maximum depth unless stated otherwise).
Includes the following features:
• Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and tem perature control
. • Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air envi ronments. 48 hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic f ires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded

IR system infrared systems range
5 miles

Winch & Cable:

Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle is an electric winch; basically a motor connected to a cable and a hook. The cable is 1000 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 25 tons.

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard:
Heads-Up Display System:
Infrared Search Light

Computer Atlas Program:

Displays city maps, roadways and trails. The general atlas program shows the entire North American continent (USA and Canada), general geographic features (mountains, forests, rivers, etc.), the location of major nations, major cities, and major trouble spots such as the Calgary Rifts, The Devil's Gate, the Magic Zone, and so on. Specific discs are available for the roads and streets of major cities, including each Coalition State and city, Lazio, Ishpeming, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and other major communities. Of course, the environment and communities are constantly changing so the information is only 75% accurate and updates are issued regularly. An atlas more than a year old will only be 50% accurate and places like the Burbs, shanty towns and mercenary operations change constantly so they are NOT included at all. Basic program

costs 300 credits, specific places cost 100 credits each

IFF Systems identify friend or foe system
Computer handy component connected with the optics and communication systems. It is used for Enemy Profiling. The tiny computer can identify up to 200 different cyborg designs. armors. and insignias of known Russian. European and Asian cyborgs. plus 6000 monsters and demons ( lore 89% )-each rendered in full color with schematics indicating known weaknesses. armor. weapons. powers. etc.; capable of rotation and zoom to key features. This program is designed to be a passive. silent Friend or Foe Identification System. First. words. or symbols for the majority who cannot read. are displayed on the internal optics of the cyborg similarr to a HUD display. to indicme the friend or foe based on the ~object's mechanical design. identifying markings. physical appearance and supernatural nature (i.e. Gargoyles. demons. Necromancers. Witches and warriors from rival factions are all designated as enemies). The enemy designation is also reserved for known "human" bandits. D-Bees. and creatures of magic. If the threat is minimal. or the being is only a potential enemy (as is the case with unidentified humans and many D-Bees). the warning symbol is smail and yellow. If the subject is known to be hostile toward humans or known to be a powerful and evil supernatural being. the warning symbol is large and red. The complete profile on the being can be called up at will in words or sound bites. Visual icons also indicatc key classifications including Cyborg. Robot. Demon. God-being.

Dragon. Human. D-Bce. Animal. Entity/Ghost. Elemental. Evil Sorcerer (Witch. Necromancer. etc.) and Unspecified Supernatural Being (i.e. they exhibit supernatural powers or magical abilities but arc unidentiticd). In addition. the FFl System indicates the being's relative power level on a scale of 1-10: a flashing 10 means its estimated power level is off the scale! Range: Line of sight. 5000 feet .

Special maneuvers all T series tank
+2 to strike moving
+3 to strike still
+2 dodge when piloting vehicle,
+3 and can dodge even if piloting a vehicle that does not normally have a dodge, such as a T series tank! However, the vehicle must have a minimum speed of 30 mph
character is at +15% to pilot any vehicle he is trained with and +25% on his favorite vehicle all T series LBT types .

Fast Processing and Reaction Time:
Implant reach faster than expected. +3 on initiative. Add +2 to dodge. +3 to roll with impact
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT

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T-14B Berserker BT

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -921127205

A bit of Pre Rifts history


While studying the design of the main hull or main body. There was a major surprise the hull was designed for use to different type of main turrets one for battle tank and two for tank support. Again the T series was made for surface combat and has limited surface to air combat which were not design. Still The T series have been accepted in many merc outfits. Was a laughing or don’t see me dead in that to we need to get their hands on!!
The Main Turret and Secondary turret/weapon mount are design to fire and rotate independently with limted 60 degree angle.

T-14B Berserker BT
Model Type:
Battle Tank and tank support unit

Class: Battle Tank Or tank support unit
Three crew men, for all models
Tank Commander/
pilot/driver, gunner,

M.D.C. by Location:

remote control Cupola on Turret (tank only )— 50
Extra armored protection Cupola 140 per side
Main Turret — 190
Secondary turret/weapon mount 150
***** Main Turret Extra armored protection 190
Improved 120 mm Autocannon — 50
Improved 120 mm Cannon — 50
* Modified .50 cal Coaxial Machine-Gun — 8
* Modified Cupola 50 cal Machine-Gun— 5
* 20MM / 30 MM weapon systems 50 each
* ** Track Treads (2) 90 each
****Rear engine 200
Rear Engine cover 190
*** Main Body - 288
Frontal armored protection Main Body 240
Extra armored protection Main Body 150 per side (×5)
Reinforced Crew Compartment standard-issue 240

* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit (or shielded) and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -2 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not under attack.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the Vehicle

Depleting the M.D.C. of a turret all weapons are destroyed
***** Extra armoured protection is designed to be the first to take damage then the particular location then take damage
****** Extra armoured protection this is designed for frontal protection in main Body if damage is taken side rear button

Note any damage take from the top it by pass to particular location

Statistical Data
Length 31 ft gun forward
Length 22 ft hull
Width 11 ft
Height 18 feet with add secondary turret or weapon mount
Weight:45 tons fully loaded Cargo !!

60 mph (road)
40 mph (cross country)

Minimal storage space;

about three feet for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items. Three engery rifles and two WI-23 missile launchers with five loads each are stored in a compartment behind the driver's seat.

Power System:
Pick 1
Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Electric Battery Power System

Gasoline, Maximum Effective Range:
460 km (290 mi), 700 km (430 mi) with fuel

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours
approximately four weeks of constant use).
Can hold up to five cell! ( 3500 hours ) !

Electric Battery Power System
Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).

Can hold up to 20 cells ( 1920 hours o )!!
Duration: 96 hours or 4 days of continuous user 80 days in robots and heavy vehicles.

There a high end version that similar to 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and vehicles ( that 2880 hours that 120 days !!) . Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power

Total Cost:
gasoline engine,350,000 rarely used
electric motor, 450,000 most commonly used
nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) add 2,000,000 Or 1,000,000 for 5 years

Weapon Systems summary

Main turret
• Main cannon pick one weapon systems
• coaxial gun pick one weapon systems
• remote control top cupola
secondary turret
20 mm AutoCannon from 2 barrel , quad barrel
30 mm AutoCannon from 2 barrel , quad barrel
20 MM Chain gun from 2 barrel, quad barrel
30 MM Chain gun from 2 barrel, quad barrel
heavy machine gun from 2 barrel, quad barrel, or 10 barrel
all models T-series have Four WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher

Weapon systems

Main cannon pick one 120 or 125 mm or 152 mm
• Improved 120 mm AutoCannon
• Improved 120 mm Cannon

• Or
• Improved 125mm Cannon
• Improved 125 mm AutoCannon
• Special 152 mm Cannon or 152 mm Cannon

Pick one for remote control top cupola
• 20 mm AutoCannon
• 30 mm AutoCannon
• heavy machine gun

For coaxial gun pick from
• 20 mm AutoCannon
• 30 mm AutoCannon
• heavy machine gun

secondary turret

pick one weapon system from below
20 mm AutoCannon from 2 barrel , quad barrel
30 mm AutoCannon from 2 barrel , quad barrel
20 MM Chain gun from 2 barrel, quad barrel
30 MM Chain gun from 2 barrel, quad barrel
heavy machine gun from 2 barrel, quad barrel, or 10 barrel
all models T-15 have Four WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher

for all models in the main body
Smoke Launcher (4)
Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser,
Grenade launcher systems

Main body One for driver
pick from pick one
• 20 mm Autocannon
• 30 mm Autocannon
• heavy machine gun

pick for one crew
• 20 mm AutoCannon
• 30 mm AutoCannon heavy machine gun
• Two WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher
• heavy machine gun

The original armament
consists of pre rifts MDC a 12.7×108mm Kord (GRAU index 6P49) machine gun with 300 rounds (not observed during the 2015 parade) and a 7.62×54mmR Pecheneg PKP (GRAU Index: 6P41) or a PKTM (6P7?) machine gun with 1,000 rounds. All guns are remotely controlled. In addition, another 1,000 rounds can be stored separately. A 12.7 mm machine gun is installed above the turret roof-mounted commander's sight, which avoids visual obstructions, while the turret front has a peculiar slit that is speculated to be intended for the coaxial 7.62 mm machinegun. The tank's turret might be fitted with a Shipunov 2A42 30 mm cannon to deal with various targets, including low-flying aerial targets, such as attack planes and helicopters.

Weapon Systems

Two WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher
This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon. It can disconnect from main turret in 2 attacks.
Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system. Weight: 130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

Fragmentary: 4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).

Armor-Piercing: 1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m). A burst is 10 rounds!

A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)!

A burst of Armor piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Rate of Fire: Standard.
Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).

Payload: 40 round magazine (back up has four in tank )
200 round belt And ammo drum in turret 300 .
540 rounds
Rounds are divided by 2 for Armor piercing
And Fragmentary.

14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber:

A M.
D.C machinegun loaded with Heavy Solid Slug bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield. The gun is used mostly to fight off other light targets and to defend against aircraft.
There are three M.D.C Heavy Machinegun use on this model
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where

the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing MD
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: one round does 1M.D.C
A burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
Rate of Fire:
Standard burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D.C
A burst is 60 rounds and does 1D6 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
3 mile for ground to ground combat
2000 rounds

20 MM AutoCannon
There are M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon

Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage per round on later models

Solid slug rounds

1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,

Standard rounds is 1d6x10 M.D.C for twenty round burst

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
NO Railguns

20 MM Chain gun
Damage :
Short burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst,counts as two attack
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds

30mm Auto-Cannon:
mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 2 tons
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Normal Effective
Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 burs

30mm China gun:
This mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense Weight: 2 tons Mega-Damage:
M.D.C Solid slug
1 MDC PER round
10 rounds burst 1d10
20 rounds burst 5d4
30 rounds burst 5d6
40 rounds burst 1d4x10
50 rounds burst 5d10
60 rounds burst 1d6x10
80 rounds burst 2d4x10
100 rounds burst 1d10x10
120 rounds burst 2d6x10

240 rounds burst 4d6x10


A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Normal Effective Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200

Four WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher for tank support unit Models only

The WI-40M provides the firepower of a tank (for one melee round) and is advertised as "the heaviest man-portable missile launcher in the world." That's partially true. It is man-portable for anyone who can lug its 120 lbs (54 kg) of missile and crude, disposable launch trigger. This means the operator must be a creature with a P.S. of 24 or greater, otherwise it will require two or three men to transport it. The WI-40M is basically a medium-range missile with a plastic launching platform that has a handle and big trigger (big enough for the hand of most powered armor suits and giants). Once the missile is fired, the launching platform is ruined and discarded (the plastic has a recycle value of 2D4 x 10 credits). The exhaust of the rocket also inflicts 1D6 x 10 S.D.C. to anything within 15 feet of the shooter; it won't affect characters in M.D.C. armor, but will ignite brush fires or explode any fuels and other volatile flammables nearby. Despite those shortcomings, it is a new favorite of power armor pilots and borgs.
The missile system weighs 120 lbs (54 kg)
and is six feet (1.8 m) long.
Any medium-range missile can be used. It is usually
Armor-Piercing (2D4 x 10 M.D.),each
Fragmentation (2D4 x 10 M.D.) each
Plasma/Heat (2D6 x 10 M.D.or 5d6x10 for N.A.A.T, N.A.M.E.S OR A.M.C). Each

Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon
Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km).
The missile has less fuel than a vehicle-mounted medium-range missile.

Payload: One. Per rack total four
A missile box containing four missiles and weighing 520 lbs (234 kg) is available. Taking a missile out of its box and aiming it usually counts as two melee actions/attacks.

Smoke Launcher (4):
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega·Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius.
Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.
Rate of Fire:
One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.

Payload: 24 total.

Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser,
Located in the end of the vehicle is a chaff dispenser. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse enemies that are hit by Chaff or detonate thc projectics.

Primary Purpose:
but roll percelllile dice for cach pursuing missile to determine the result:
: Enemy missile or missile \olley detonates in chaff cloud. The threat is over.
Enemy missile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction (may lock onto ncarh) aircraft).
No efrcci. Missiles slill on largel. AI~o note the chaff cloud will tcmporaril) blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds).

The creaturc recover with no continued effect~. Payload:
Four. 24

The main gun for battle tank ONLY Pick one (1)

• 120 mm AutoCannon
• 120 mm Cannon
• 152 mm AutoCannon
• 152 mm Cannon

The main gun for T series there are two type of main gun one is an auto cannons for dual shot fire or burst fire .But the T series cannot move to fire double tap or burst fire. (-1D6 to strike)Can fire single fire while moving or stationary. This is for more damage and sadly T series are too small to be able to shot and move at the same time

The second type of 120 mm is Cannon is more accurate fire (+1 to strike) and can shot /fire while moving or stationary.


120mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):
The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids

(APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 tons

This is single shot below
Solid slug rounds

High-Explosive (HE):
1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft per round (6.1 m). blast radius 5d6 M.D.C per round

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT):
2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: if 18 or better full damage to cockpit compartment or crew compartment
If none damage goes to crew M.D.C damage
1D4 x 10 M.D.

2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range: 3 miles
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

120mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 tons

This is single shot below
Solid slug rounds

High-Explosive (HE):
1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft per round (6.1 m). blast radius 5d6 M.D.C per round

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT):
2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: if 18 or better full damage to cockpit compartment or

crew compartment
If none damage goes to crew M.D.C damage
1D4 x 10 M.D.

2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range: 3 miles
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).


125 mm -Cannon Main Turret (1):

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at

enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 60 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has higher damage.

Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 ton

the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has higher damage.

Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage

High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D6 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Rate of Fire:
Single fire only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails.gets a -1D6 if moving

Effective Range:
For low damage 3 miles
Standard rounds 6000 feet
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).
Add +1 strike moving or stationary

125 mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:

1 tons

The following single shot below
Pick one

Solid slug rounds
Low damage
Standard damage

Solid slug rounds .1d4x10 MD.C per round

Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage

High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D6 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range:
3 miles low damage rounds
6000 feet for standard rounds

The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

152 k mm -Cannon Main Turret (1):

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 60 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has higher damage.

Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 ton

the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has

higher damage.

Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage

High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D6 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Rate of Fire:
Single fire only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails.gets a -1D6 if moving

Effective Range:
For low damage 3 miles
Standard rounds 6000 feet
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

Add +1 strike moving or stationary


152 mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 tons

The following single shot below
Pick one

Solid slug rounds
Low damage
Standard damage
Heavy rounds

Solid slug rounds .1d4x10 MD.C per round

Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2d4 x 10 M.D. with a blast

radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage

High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Heavy rounds
Plasma: 3D4x10 M.D. to 30 foot (9.1 m) blast radius.
High Explosive: 2D4x10 M.D. to 15 foot (4.6 m) blast radius.
AP Fragmentary: 1D6x10 M.D. to 30 foot (9.1 m) blast radius. (f AP Fragmentary: 1D4x10 M.D. to 50 foot (15.2 m) blast radius.
Smoke: Covers 40 foot (12.2 m) blast radiu

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range:
5 miles heavy rounds
3 miles low damage rounds
6000 feet for standard rounds
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

features :All tanks have the following features:

Powered systems: look above

Combat Computer:
Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.

Targeting Computer:
Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range (16 km).

Laser Targeting System:
Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + I to strike when using long-range weapons.


Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 6000 feet

IR Spotlights:i
nfrared spotlight same as above

Thermo Spotlights:
spotlight same as above

Radio Communications:
Long-range, directional communica tion system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 10 miles (16 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.

Complete Environmental systems
: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater ( 100 feet maximum depth unless stated otherwise).
Includes the following features:
• Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and tem perature control
. • Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air envi ronments. 48 hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic f ires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded

IR system infrared systems range
5 miles

Winch & Cable:

Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle is an electric winch; basically a motor connected to a cable and a hook. The cable is 1000 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 25 tons.

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard:
Heads-Up Display System:
Infrared Search Light

Computer Atlas Program:

Displays city maps, roadways and trails. The general atlas program shows the entire North American continent (USA and Canada), general geographic features (mountains, forests, rivers, etc.), the location of major nations, major cities, and major trouble spots such as the Calgary Rifts, The Devil's Gate, the Magic Zone, and so on. Specific discs are available for the roads and streets of major cities, including each Coalition State and city, Lazio, Ishpeming, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and other major communities. Of course, the environment and communities are constantly changing so the information is only 75% accurate and updates are issued regularly. An atlas more than a year old will only be 50% accurate and places like the Burbs, shanty towns and mercenary operations change constantly so they are NOT included at all. Basic program

costs 300 credits, specific places cost 100 credits each

IFF Systems identify friend or foe system
Computer handy component connected with the optics and communication systems. It is used for Enemy Profiling. The tiny computer can identify up to 200 different cyborg designs. armors. and insignias of known Russian. European and Asian cyborgs. plus 6000 monsters and demons ( lore 89% )-each rendered in full color with schematics indicating known weaknesses. armor. weapons. powers. etc.; capable of rotation and zoom to key features. This program is designed to be a passive. silent Friend or Foe Identification System. First. words. or symbols for the majority who cannot read. are displayed on the internal optics of the cyborg similarr to a HUD display. to indicme the friend or foe based on the ~object's mechanical design. identifying markings. physical appearance and supernatural nature (i.e. Gargoyles. demons. Necromancers. Witches and warriors from rival factions are all designated as enemies). The enemy designation is also reserved for known "human" bandits. D-Bees. and creatures of magic. If the threat is minimal. or the being is only a potential enemy (as is the case with unidentified humans and many D-Bees). the warning symbol is smail and yellow. If the subject is known to be hostile toward humans or known to be a powerful and evil supernatural being. the warning symbol is large and red. The complete profile on the being can be called up at will in words or sound bites. Visual icons also indicatc key classifications including Cyborg. Robot. Demon. God-being.

Dragon. Human. D-Bce. Animal. Entity/Ghost. Elemental. Evil Sorcerer (Witch. Necromancer. etc.) and Unspecified Supernatural Being (i.e. they exhibit supernatural powers or magical abilities but arc unidentiticd). In addition. the FFl System indicates the being's relative power level on a scale of 1-10: a flashing 10 means its estimated power level is off the scale! Range: Line of sight. 5000 feet .

Special maneuvers all T series tank
+2 to strike moving
+3 to strike still
+2 dodge when piloting vehicle,
+3 and can dodge even if piloting a vehicle that does not normally have a dodge, such as a T series tank! However, the vehicle must have a minimum speed of 30 mph
character is at +15% to pilot any vehicle he is trained with and +25% on his favorite vehicle all T series LBT types .

Fast Processing and Reaction Time:
Implant reach faster than expected. +3 on initiative. Add +2 to dodge. +3 to roll with impact
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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T 72 T 80 T 90 Weapon package MARK II

Due to massive positive results with the T-72 Light Battle tank and the T-80 and T -90 Light battle tank and massive favorite T 14, T15 and tank support vehicles. Demand for these vehicles has been thru the roof and just not all. keep new low cost and cheap to cheaper MDC vehicles for Chipwell Armaments, Inc. and they added a final carrot to many mercenary units an added weapon system cheap low cost and massive amount of damage to even has been called the cheap glitter boy killer!!! The cost is low combat vehicles and massive damage. It pretty simple design weapon weapons system firing in tame shot or all at the same time and same target. The best is 14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber Machinegun long range, good amount of ammo and final getting by a 120 MM tank rifle !!!! they have a limited angle of attack of 40 degrees angle both the main cannon and weapons package. The original had no shield protection systems which was added later on and easy to convert for the T-72,T-80,and T-90 ONLY for light battle tank they are the following 14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber: , 20 MM Auto Cannon , and 30mm Auto-Cannon .The disadvantage all weapon systems are expose but add shield to protect weapon systems , ammo and additional features
They are all to fire at the same time and are fix forward .
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -923480903

14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber:
10 each
20 MM Autocannon
15 each
30mm Auto-Cannon:
20 each
shield protection systems 240 ,This is the first to take damage then weapon systems which are easy to destroy LOOK AT PICTURE ABOVE
add to turret 100 M.D.C For reinforced hull

14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber:

A MD.C machinegun loaded with Heavy Solid Slug bullets
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: one round does 1M.D.C
A burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
Rate of Fire:
The standard burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D.C
A Medium burst is 60 rounds and does 1D6 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.

All ten 14mm Machinegun or 50 calibers fired
The standard burst is 400 rounds and does 1D4 x 100 M.D.C
A Medium burst is 600 rounds and does 1D6 x 100 M.D. Only fires bursts.

5 mile for ground-to-ground combat
2000 rounds

20 MM Autocannon
There are M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon

Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage per round on later models

Solid slug rounds

1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Solid slug rounds
All ten 1d4x10 M.D FOR TEN FIRE TAMED four round burst that forty rounds
1D6 MD six round burst,1D6X10 M.D FOR TEN FIRE TAMED 60 ROUNDS TOTAL
2d4 M.D eight round burst 2D4X10 M.D FOR TEN FIRE TAMED 80 ROUNDS TOTAL
5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5D4X10 M.D FOR TEN FIRE TAMED 200 ROUNDS TOTAL
5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 5D6X10 M.D FOR TEN FIRE TAMED 300 ROUNDS TOTAL

Standard rounds is 1d6x10 M.D.C for twenty round burst
1d6x100 M.D.C for two hundred round burst!!!

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
4 miles
20 mm auto cannon
1000 rounds
NO Railguns

30mm Auto-Cannon:
mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 100 lds each
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D.
A burst is 200 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 100 M.D for all ten gun fired
Rate of Fire: Normal Effective

Range: 3 miles
Payload: 1000-round drum magazine; that's 100 burst EACH


14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber: , Cost: 15,000 credits
20 MM Auto Cannon 20,000 credits
30mm Auto-Cannon 30,000 credits
Special features that can be added up to six :
All have
1. Basic Robot Optic System:
A color sight system with an analysis computer of 3-D images; 20/20 vision. Cost: 5,000 credits. Note: Other optical features like infrared, macro sight, etc., can be added. They are listed elsewhere in this category

2. Laser Targeting System:
A thin beam of light is emitted from the eyes or forehead or the weapon itself. When the light beam hits its target, a computer locks in and registers the fire command. Bonus: +1 to strike when using a distance weapon. Not applicable to hand to hand combat. Likewise, P.P. bonuses do not apply to long-range weapons. Range: 5 miles feet (1219 m). Cost: 5,000

3. Optical Scanner:
Anything the robot "sees" can be digitally scanned and saved in its memory as digital images (e.g., a pho-tograph, a page of text from a book, a drawing, map, and simi-lar) as well as snapshot-like images (photographs) of people, scenery, etc., similar to a cell phone camera with limited zoom (x10 up to 500 feet/152 m away). Does not have a "flash" Capability, but other optics like infrared, passive night sight, tele-scopic vision, etc. may be tied to the scanner. Cost: 15,000 credits.

4. Infrared.
This type of optical enhancement relies on a source of infrared light, a pencil thin beam of light projected from the eye to the target. The narrowness of the beam limits the viewing area to a small area of about seven feet (2.1 m). Range: 1,200 feet (366 m). Cost: 6,000 credits; .

5. Light Filters.
Reduces glare like invisible sunglasses. Filters slip into place as needed. Cost: 1000 credits.

6. Passive Nightvision
Light amplification system that uses ambient light (the moon, starlight, etc.) to see clearly in the dark. 2 miles range, but can be increased if combined with a telescopic lens feature. Cost: 3,000 credits

7. Passive Nightvision.
Light amplification system that uses ambient light (the moon, starlight, etc.) to see clearly in the dark. 2 miles range, but can be increased if combined with a telescopic lens feature. Cost: 3,000 credits

8. Telescopic.
In addition to normal 20/20 vision, the eye has a telescopic lens for long distance viewing (4-10x50 magnification). Range: 6,000

9. Thermal-Imager.
The lens converts the infrared radiation of warm objects into a visible image, enabling the robot able to see heat as represented by bands of color. Ideal for targeting and tracking at night; can see in darkness, shadows, and through smoke, but can only see the heat radiation clearly, not all the details of the surrounding area. Range: 3000 feet (914 m). Bonus: +1 to strike in darkness. Cost: 32,000 credits for a pair. Illegal in the CS Built into the eyes, or as a separate light feature built into the head, shoulder(s), chest or eye stalk. A 90 degree arc up and down and 180 degree rotation is standard. High-powered light beam used to illuminate an area like a flashlight or used as a beacon. Range: 3 miles Cost: 1000 credits

10. Motion Detector:
The reliability of the detector is quite limited, but it can be used to accurately assess wind direction and wind speed, and to detect the rapid approach of large moving objects, such as a vehicle, aircraft, power armor, etc., whose rapid approach or large size causes a disturbance in the air. A motion detector is especially useful in the dark because the speeding object must usually be within 5000 feet to create a detectable air current. Likewise, the motion sensor will detect the movement of somebody/thing moving nearby, within 40 feet (12 m), but only if the sensor user is motionless or barely moving itself. The sensor can also detect sudden changes in air current and pressure caused by somebody opening a door or window, and can estimate speed of travel when inside an open-air (or open window) vehicle. Cost: 5,000 credits

11. Case armored
This safety system design to blow away ammo rounds away from vehicle id weapon systems is destroyed or ammo bin as well armored plate for protection systems Cost: 15,000 credits
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Re: N.A.AT

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https://www.deviantart.com/brunofournie ... m-85130684

The MiG-29 Interceptor Jetfighter

The MiG-29 Interceptor This was Soviet's most advanced and lethal jet fighter and should not be taken lightly. Its strengthened airframe permits supersonic flight at low altitudes, with a maximum speed of 2140.8mph (Mach 3.2). Its improved radar (air to ground radar systems)/targeting system is able to detect a cruise missile-type target flying below 200ft (60m), while the MiG itself is flying at 19,685ft (6000m) at a range of 30 miles (48.2km). This dynamic jet fighter is the backbone of the old' Soviet force.
https://www.deviantart.com/claveworks/a ... -730363164
The Mikoyan MiG-29 (Russian: Микоян МиГ-29; NATO reporting name: Fulcrum) is a twin-engine supermaneuverable fighter aircraft designed in the Soviet Union. Developed by the Mikoyan design bureau as an air superiority fighter during the 1970s, the MiG-29, along with the larger Sukhoi Su-27, was developed to counter new U.S. fighters such as the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle and the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. The MiG-29 entered service with the Soviet Air Forces in 1982.

In rifts earth Air Superiority, Inc. Inc has gotten the most second Larsen’s Brigade
And The Kingdom of Tarnow Poland mostly fighter bomber version. Due to that, they don’t have stealth countermeasures the coalition has made it clear as long as they are allowed but will be shot down if show even the slightest sign of aggression. But Air Superiority, Inc. conduct unofficial drill with pilots and are kept a secret from coalition high command. which can leave to trouble down the road.
https://www.deviantart.com/kacperj/art/ ... -514908357
Vehicle Type: Jet Interceptor

Crew: One
fighter bomber has two for weapon officer https://www.deviantart.com/ruyk/art/Mig ... -480131672
M.D.C. by Location:

*Main Body — 150
Reinforced Pilot Compartment — 120
Wings (2) — 120 each
Engine 2) — 200 each
Tail Section — 75

*Depleting the main body M.D.C. means the jet is destroyed. The pilot's only hope for survival is to eject and parachute to safety. Destroying a wing will cripple the aircraft.

Mach 3.2 at full speed; Mach 2 as low as altitude (300ft/90m), with a service ceiling of 90,000 ft

Height: 19ft
Width: 45.9ft
wingspan Length: 73ft
Weight: 81,1051bs (36,796.9kg) fully loaded

R-49 Marls three STOL afterburning turbojets

fossil fuel systems
1610 miles (2600km) fossil fuel systems

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell electric Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell —
Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours
approximately ten weeks of constant use).
Can hold up to five cell! ( 7000 hours that 291 days) !

Electric Battery Power System

Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).
Can hold up to 30 cells ( 2880 hours that)!!
Duration: 96 hours or 4 ( 120 )days of

continuous user 120 days in robots and heavy vehicles.

There a higher end version that similar to 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and vehicles ( that that 180 days !!) . Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power

Total Cost:
a gasoline engine,200,000 defensive model
electric motor,/ Solid Oxide Fuel Cell electric 350,000 Interceptor
nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) add 1,000,000 all-purpose model

Weapon Systems summary
Pick one
20 mm AutoCannon
30 mm AutoCannon

Hard point weapons system

20 MM AutoCannon
There are M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon

Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage per round on later models

Solid slug rounds

1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,

Standard rounds is 1d6x10 M.D.C for twenty round burst

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
NO Railguns

30mm Auto-Cannon:
mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 2 tons
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Normal Effective
Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 burs

Hard point weapons system

1)Three pylons are provided under each wing (four in some variants), for a total of six ( or eight fighter bomber MARK III)

Modified AIM-54 Phoenix Air-to-Air Missiles :
This was for F-14s was a stock of ancient AIM-54 missiles which the technicians at Golden Age Weaponsmiths repaired for use by the Super-Tomcat. Each missile is fitted with a modern plasma warhead for medium-range air-to-air intercept missions.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of up to six.
Effective Range: 125 miles (200 km)
Payload: 6 missiles per hard point

each hard point can three long range missiles per hard point
Six medium range missiles per hard point
12 short range missiles per hard point

12 air to air missiles per hard point
Mini missiles pod 24 or two mini missiles pod or three mini missiles pod per hard point
A 23 mm or 30 mm AutoCannon
Optional wing tip Hardpoints one
Modified AIM-54 Phoenix Air-to-Air Missiles total four add 2.000

Dumd dumd bombs +1 only as per missiles but double the Payload
Smart bombs +3 only
Laser guided bombs +2 only

Hull/main body
5 more
Only models with nuclear engine and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell electric

Only nuclear power system or Electric Battery Power System Solid Oxide Fuel Cell electric Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell —
can hold and use energy weapons
These are two additional weapon pod locations on the side of the main hull/body one left and one right for a dog fight or antimissile systems pick one

Special Equipment

1. Radar :
200 miles range; can identify and track up to 30 targets simultaneously.
Air to ground radar 90,000 feet
2. Targeting Computer.

3. Emergency Oxygen Unit.

4. Pilot Ejector System

5. Long Range Radio communication
— 200 miles (321.80km)

6.this is optional system Fast Processing and Reaction Time: Implant reach faster than expected. +3 on initiative. Add +3 to dodge. +6 to roll with impact cost 50,000

7. four standard issue Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser,can add three at extra cost 5,000 each or hard point too :
Located in the rear end of the vehicle is a chaff dispenser. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particle~ can be released to confuse or detonate the projects.
Primary Purpose:

but roll percelllile dice for cach pursuing missile to determine the result:
: Enemy missile or missile \olley detonates in chaff cloud. The threat is over.
Enemy missile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction (may lock onto ncarh) aircraft).
No efrcci. Missiles slill on largel. AI~o note the chaff cloud will tcmporaril) blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds).
The creaturc recover with no continued effect~. Payload:

8. all versions have short take and landing or S.T.O.L systems
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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https://www.deviantart.com/contrail09/a ... -299215278

HEAVY Hind Gunship

If you want a gunship buy an NG-H500 Sky Wolf Combat Helicopter But if want a flying APC get aHEAVY Hind Gunship !

said a merc flying pilot

HEAVY Hind Gunship
is the close in rift earth as FLYING APC and has good armored speed and extreme firepower for a pre rift begin on top of that able to carry 8 troop on board and cargo all in one.It been updated to rifts standard weapon and armored.

Mercenary Groups

Air Superiority, Inc.
Is limited to the aircraft having iron eagle but need for other type are need a new fighter and helicopter to transport troop or injury personnel is vital

Larsen's Brigade and Combat Medical Services

Having a second line and third line of defensive and offensive capability on top of this adding a low cost helps temporarily Larsen's Brigade

Model Type: HEAVY hind gunship

Class: All Weather Attack transport Helicopter.

Crew 3 ,pilot, weapons system officer and technician

M.D.C. by Location:

* Engines ( 4) -50 each
Wings (2) 75 each
** Rotor Hub 65
*** Rotor Blades (5) -75 each
Mast Mounted Sensor Pod-35
Side door (2)30 or 125 each
Rear Ramp –(1)140
Nose Mounted Target Acquisition Designation System (TADS) Pod-35
Wing Ordnance Hardpoints (total 6) -30 each
Main Body Hardpoints (4) -30 each
20 mm Rotary Cannon/Starboard Weapon Sponson -100

30 mm Cannon/Port
Weapon Sponson -100
Reinforced Pilot's Compartments (1) 30 or 100 each
Reinforced crew Compartments (1) 30 or 100 each
**** Main Body-200
Reinforced under armed plates 240

* Destroying two or more engines cuts the gunship' s speed and combat bonuses by half. Destroying all engines will cause the helicopter to crash.

** Destroying the rotor hub will send the gunship crashing immediately to the ground.

*** Destroying one or two blades will reduce speed by half, eliminates all combat bonuses and the pilot is -25% to keep control of the aircraft. Destroying three or more blades will cause the helicopter to crash.
* * * * Destroying the main body will cause the helicopter to crash. Speed: Flying: Sea Level: 182 mph (291 km). 20,000 feet (6,096 m): 227 mph (363km)
VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) capable, can hover in place, and is highly maneuverable at low altitudes and all environments from forest to urban settings.

Statistical Data:

Height: 18 feet
Length: 62 feet
Main rotor diameter: 56 feet
Weight: 10 tons
Service ceiling: 20,900 feet
Max takeoff weight: 13-ton standard max 26 tons!!

There is a small space big enough for survival packs, assault rifles, and sidearms for each crew member.
Cargo hull rear 12 feet height 16 width length 10 feet ( good place to buy glitter boys )

Power System:
Fossils fuel
Combat Radius:
Fossils fuel
750 miles
Ferry Range: 2000 miles (2,760 lm1) with external fuel tanks

Speed :200 MPH

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

Electric Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell —
Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours
approximately ten weeks of constant use).
Can hold up to five cell! ( 7000 hours that 291 days) !

Electric Battery Power System

Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).
Can hold up to 30 cells ( 2880 hours that)!!
Duration: 96 hours or 4 ( 120 )days of continuous user 120 days in robots and heavy vehicles.

There a higher end version that similar to 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and vehicles ( that that 180 days !!) . Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most

NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power

Total Cost:
gasoline engine,200,000 defensive model only !!
electric motor, 350,000 Interceptor
nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) add 2,000,000 all-purpose model

Combat Bonuses:
+2 on initiative,
+4 to strike,
+4 to dodge
+2 to roll with impact.


Weapon Systems:
Number 1.

30mm Auto-Cannon:
This highly accurate, triple-baffled, recoil operated auto-cannon is mounted in the Comanchero/Privateer' s port weapon sponson. Descended from a long line of Russian built aircraft mounted auto-cannons.. Built mainly for air-to-ground operations, the Gsh-30 gives the helicopter a vicious punch against conventional armored vehicles, and allows it to perform well against mecha and giant, power armor to foot soldiers.

Primmy Purpose:

Secondary Purpose:
Anti-Ship and AntiInstallation.

Weight: 100 pounds with feed mechanism
Range: 6,000 feet
Mega-Damage: 2d6x10

M.D. for a 10 round burst.

Rate of Fire:
The firing of a single round or a burst counts as

one of the pilot's melee attacks.
Payload: 1000 rounds of 30mm or 100 burst

Number 2. 20mm Rotary Cannon:
Is a gas operated, four barreled rotary cannon that fires 20 mm rounds at 6,000 rounds per minute. Mounted in the starboard weapon sponson along with its ammunition, this simple and rugged rotary cannon gives the exceptional anti-personnel and anti-light armor capabilities.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Purpose: Anti-Mecha and Light Anti-Armor Weight:

100 pounds with feed mechanism.

Range: 6000 feet
1d6x10 M.D.
M.D. for a 10 round burst.

M.D. to everything in a 6 foot radius for every 20 round burst. They are Heavy Explosive rounds
Rotary cannons can only fire bursts.

Dual barrel fire
2d6x10 M.D.
M.D. for a 20 round burst.

M.D. to everything in a 12 foot radius for every 20 round burst. They are Heavy Explosive rounds
Rotary cannons can only fire bursts.

Rate of Fire:
Each burst uses one of the pilot's melee attacks. Payload: 1000 rounds 100 burst each

Payload: 1000 rounds of 20mm or 100 burst for both or 2000 rounds

Number 3 ATL-9 Anti-Tank or Anti Tank Laser
Only nuclear power systems carry this at nose with 30 MM auto cannon
ATL-9 Anti-Tank or Anti Tank Laser

This was pre-Rifts design built to give infantrymen a chance against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. It was one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-clip in one single shot! The shortcomings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes two melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's was so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power
armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble). Also, they used up E-clips so fast that only large organizations or was for wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it.
Weight: 30 lbs. (13.5 kg)
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10+20 M.D. per shot!
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; hand to hand
Effective Range: 6000 feet
Payload: 240 recharges 10 per hour!!

Ordnance Hardpoints (6 total ):
Six ordnance hardpoints, three under each wing, allow the helicopter to mount a variety of air-to-ground and air-to-air ordnance and four in main Body .
Each hardpoint can cany 3,000 pounds (1,350 kg) and allows to punch well above its weight against mecha, armored vehicles and fortified
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Armor/AntiMecha. Secondary Purpose:
Weight: Not applicable.
By missile type (see payload). Mega-Damage: By missile type (see payload).
Rate of Fire:
In volleys by loadout.
Each hardpoint can carry
two short-range missiles (12 total)
one medium-(6 total),
long-range missile (6 total),
or a
mini missiles Multiple Launch Ordnance Pod ( or M&M ) with each pod containing fifteen (15 mini missiles)70mm mini-missiles (90 total mini misslies if all hardpoints are M&M).

can carry Modified AIM-54 Phoenix Air-to-Air Missiles Modified AIM-54 Phoenix Air-to-Air Missiles (6):
With the F-14s was a stock of ancient AIM-54 missiles which the technicians at Golden Age Weaponsmiths repaired for use by the Super-Tomcat. Each missile is fitted with a modern plasma warhead for medium-range air-to-air intercept missions. Three are wing tip hard points ( total 6) and three in hull total (6)
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of up to six.
Effective Range: 125 miles (200 km) Payload: 6 missiles total.
Payload 3 per Hardpoints total 12

Sensors of Note:

Special optics and heat sensors allow the infrared radiation of warm objects to be

converted into a visible image. Sees in darkness, shadows and through smoke. Used by ALL crew members. Range: 2 miles

Ground Following Radar:
The uses a different RADAR system than its fixed wing counterparts. The gunship is equipped with an X-band pulse-doppler radar with a 360-degree field of view optimized for ground attack and support missions. This radar can look down without being confused by ground clutter and can pick out specific targets such as buildings and installations. This radar also allows nap of the earth navigation (NotENA V), giving the gunship the ability to fly and fight at extremely low altitudes and to even maneuver through city streets and hide behind trees and buildings. While being optimized for ground attack, this radar is also well suited for air-to-air combat and has a range of 125 miles (200 km); can track up to 50 targets.

Target Acquisition Designation System (TADS)/Pilot Night Vision System (PNVS):
The barrel shaped sensor pod slung beneath the nose of the helicopter houses the Target Acquisition Designation System and the Pilot Night Vision System. The TADS pod contains a laser range finder and target designator along with the thermal imaging system and tactical camera. It can rotate 240 degrees horizontally and 90 degrees vertically and is slaved to the pilot or gunner's head movement. The PNVS system is part of the TADS pod but can move independently and contains an infrared and passive nightvision camera slaved to the pilot's head movement. TADS is used by the helicopter itself and for spotting and painting targets for other assault craft and incoming missile attacks. Helmet Mounted Display (HMD): The HMD consists of a reticle that drops over the pilot or gunner's eye and displays information from the T ADS/PNVS and combat computers. This system also allows the TADS and weapons to be slaved to the crew's head movement.

Fast Processing and Reaction Time:

Implant reach faster than expected. +3 on initiative. Add +3 to dodge. +6 to roll with impact

Radar Detector:
This system detected when the aircraft has been scanned by radar waves, and analyzes them to determine .! their intent and direction. Furthermore. this system is programmed 10 mcmoriLe specific radar frequency and length to indicate what type of radar is being used to call the aircraft. able to determine The difference between radar system.

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard:

Heads-Up Display System:
Infrared Search Light


Computer Atlas

Program: Displays city maps, roadways and trails. The general atlas program shows the entire North American continent (USA and Canada), general geographic features (mountains, forests, rivers, etc.), the location of major nations, major cities, and major trouble spots such as the Calgary Rifts, The Devil's Gate, the Magic Zone, and so on. Specific discs are available for the roads and streets of major cities, including each Coalition State and city, Lazio, Ishpeming, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and other major communities. Of course, the environment and communities are constantly changing so the information is only 75% accurate and updates are issued regularly. An atlas more than a year old will only be 50% accurate and places like the Burbs, shanty towns and mercenary operations change constantly so they are NOT included at all. Basic program costs 300 credits, specific places cost 100 credits each

IFF Systems identify friend or foe system
Computer handy component connected with the optics and communication systems. It is used for Enemy Profiling. The tiny computer can identify up to 200 different cyborg designs. armors. and insignias of known Russian. European and Asian cyborgs. plus 6000 monsters and demons ( lore 89% )-each rendered in full color with schematics indicating known weaknesses. armor. weapons. powers. etc.; capable of rotation and zoom to key features. This program is designed to be a passive. silent Friend or Foe Identification System. First. words. or symbols for the majority who cannot read. are displayed on the internal optics of the cyborg similarr to a HUD display. to indicme the friend or foe based on the ~object's mechanical design. identifying markings. physical appearance and supernatural nature (i.e. Gargoyles. demons. Necromancers. Witches and warriors from rival factions are all designated as enemies). The enemy designation is also reserved for known "human" bandits. D-Bees. and creatures of magic. If the threat is minimal. or the being is only a potential enemy (as is the case with unidentified humans and many D-Bees). the warning symbol is smail and yellow. If the subject is known to be hostile toward humans or known to be a powerful and evil supernatural being. the warning symbol is large and red. The complete profile on the being can be called up at will in words or sound bites. Visual icons also indicatc key classifications including Cyborg. Robot. Demon. God-being. Dragon. Human. D-Bce. Animal. Entity/Ghost. Elemental. Evil Sorcerer (Witch. Necromancer. etc.) and Unspecified Supernatural Being (i.e. they exhibit supernatural powers or magical abilities but arc unidentiticd). In addition. the FFl System indicates the being's relative power level on a scale of 1-10: a flashing 10 means its estimated power level is off the scale! Range: Line of sight.5000 feet Drawback.

Smoke Launcher (4):

Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega·Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius. Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.
Payload: 24 total.

Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser:
Located in the side end of the vchicle is a chaff dispener. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particle~ can be released to confuse or detonate thc projectics.

Primary Purpose:
but roll percelllile dice for cach pursuing missile to determine the result:
: Enemy missile or missile \olley detonates in chaff cloud. The threat is over.
Enemy llmissile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction (may lock onto ncarh) aircraft).
No efrcci. Missiles slill on largel. AI~o note the chaff cloud will tcmporaril) blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds).
The creaturc recover with no continued effect~. Payload:

Laser Targeting System:
Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + 2 to strike when using long-range weapons.

Complete Environmental systems
Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater ( 100 feet maximum depth unless stated otherwise).
Includes the following features:
• Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and tem perature control
. • Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air envi ronments. 48 hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic f ires do full damage.

• Radiation shielded

IR system infrared systems
range 5 miles

or additional cost 10,000 and get all.the the following features

All have the following features:

Powered systems: look above

Combat Computer:
Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the tar getting computer.

Targeting Computer:

Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Limited to Ten mile range (16 km).

Laser Targeting System:

Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + I to strike when using long-range weapons.


Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 6000 feet

IR Spotlights:

infrared spotlight same as above

Thermos Spotlights:
spotlight same as above

Radio Communications:
Long-range, directional communica tion system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 10 miles (16 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.

Complete Environmental systems

: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater ( 100 feet maximum depth unless stated otherwise).
Includes the following features:
• Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and tem perature control
. • Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air envi ronments. 48 hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic f ires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded
IR system infrared systems range 5 miles

Winch & Cable:
Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle is an electric winch; basically, a motor connected to a cable and a hook. The cable is 1000 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 13 tons.

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard:

Heads-Up Display System:
Infrared Search Light

Computer Atlas

Program: Displays city maps, roadways and trails. The general atlas program shows the entire North American continent (USA and Canada), general geographic features (mountains, forests, rivers, etc.), the location of major nations, major cities, and major trouble spots such as the Calgary Rifts, The Devil's Gate, the Magic Zone, and so on. Specific discs are available for the roads and streets of major cities, including each Coalition State and city, Lazio, Ishpeming, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and other major communities. Of course, the environment and communities are constantly changing so the information is only 75% accurate and updates are issued regularly. An atlas more than a year old will only be 50% accurate and places like the Burbs, shanty towns and mercenary operations change constantly so they are NOT included at all. Basic program costs 300 credits, specific places cost 100 credits each

IFF Systems identify friend or foe system

Special maneuvers all
+2 to strike moving
+3 to strike still
+2 dodge when piloting vehicle,
+3 and can dodge even if piloting a vehicle that does not normally have a dodge,! However, the vehicle must have a minimum speed of 100 mph or more
character is at +15% to pilot any vehicle he is trained with and +25% on his favorite vehicle .

Fast Processing and Reaction Time:
Implant reach faster than expected. +3 on initiative. Add +2 to dodge. +3 to roll with impact
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Mil Mi-27 Raptor
Published: Oct 28, 2018

The Mil Mi-27 Raptor(Russian: Ми-27; NATO designation: killer whale) is a large helicopter gunship and attack helicopter with limited capacity for transporting troops produced by the Moscow Mil Helicopter Factory since the beginning from 2027.

It has been used since 2030 by the Russian Federation Air Force. Pilots nicknamed this helicopter as the Butcher for its devastating attack on both air and ground targets, and NATO as killer whale for its bulky size.

At the beginning of 2025 the Mi-27 went from the drawing board to flight tests, it also presents some common components with the main Russian medium helicopter the Mil Mi-24, but it integrates advanced weapons, armor and motor systems which allows to raise its enormous weight.

Although not as fast and agile as its American, European, or Chinese counterparts, the Mi-27 resists most ground-to-air missiles, armor-piercing weapons, and large-caliber hits, but rail weapons can do considerable damage. After 2032 the vast majority of the Mi-27s integrated optical camouflage as well as anti-rail weapon systems.

The original project is not mine, it belongs to Brian Burrell. I found it on the internet and I wanted to translate it with countryballs with slight modifications and some added ones.

Model Type: Super hind gunship SHG

Class: All Weather Attack transport Helicopter called nick name Orca ,killer whale ,the Moby dick ,Great while whale ,the whale

Crew 3 ,pilot, weapons system officer and technician 10 troops in full armor ,or basic exo-suits or partial cyborgs or full cyborgs !!!or AI Systems !!

M.D.C. by Location:

* Engines ( 2) -240 each
* Armored Engines plated cover (2) 240
Wings (2) 185 each
** Rotor Hub /Hidden Rotor Laser CIWS Turrets 85
*** Rotor Blades (5) -95 each
Tail Section – 270
Built-in Mast Mounted Sensor Pod-(3) 125
Conceal Side door - with gun port-(2) 125 each
Nose Mounted Target Acquisition Designation System (TADS) Pod-55
Wing Ordnance Hardpoints (total 6 or wing extended 8 ) -60 each
Main Body Hardpoints (4) -60 each
30 mm Rotary Cannon Port bow /Starboard Weapon Sponson(2) -100
30 mm Rotary Cannon and ATL 9 Systems nose chin mount Weapon Sponson -100
Conceal forward 30 mm Rotary Cannon (8)
***Glass canopy (2) 20
Retractable Armored plated canopy 200
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment (1) 240 each
Reinforced Crew Compartment (1) 240 each
Reinforced AI SYSTEMS Compartment (1) 300 each(NAAT only)
Hidden Port Starboard turret mount systems rail gun and ATL9 systems
Hidden Port bow side turret mount systems rail gun and ATL9 systems
Hidden aft turret mount systems rail gun and ATL9 systems
Hidden Laser CIWS Turrets Tail Section
**** Main Body-420
Reinforced under armed plates 240
Rechargeable Force Field (2) 240 total (or for one 120) look below for rules

* Destroying two or more engines cuts the gunship' s speed and combat bonuses by half. Destroying all engines will cause the helicopter to crash. Emergency systems will kick hidden vector thruster to land but can be a soft landing no damage or hard land taking 2d4x10 MD either to main body and to all Reinforced Compartment

** Destroying the rotor hub will send the gunship crashing immediately to the ground.

*** Destroying one or two blades will reduce speed by half, eliminates all combat bonuses and the pilot is -25% to keep control of the aircraft. Destroying three or more blades will cause the helicopter to crash.

* * * * Destroying the main body will cause the helicopter to crash. Speed: Flying: Sea Level: 182 mph (291 km). 20,000 feet (6,096 m): 227 mph (363km)
VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) capable, can hover in place, and is highly maneuverable at low altitudes and all environments from forest to urban settings.

***Glass canopy is the greatest weakest part of this gunship there been mission report that Destroying Glass canopy can kill both pilots this why AI Systems are added to NAAT models only

Statistical Data:

Height: 18 feet
Length: 65 feet
Main rotor diameter: 56 feet
Weight: 10 tons
Service ceiling: 30,000 feet
Max takeoff weight: 13 ton standard max 40 tons!!
Speed :300 MPH
There is a small space big enough for a survival pack, assault rifles and a side arms for each crew member.

Power System:

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell these are for defense or base units
Electric Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell —
Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours
approximately ten weeks of constant use).
Can hold up to five cell! ( 7000 hours that 291 days) !

Electric Battery Power System these are for defense or base units

Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).
Can hold up to 30 cells ( 2880 hours that)!!
Duration: 96 hours or 4 ( 120 )days of continuous user 120 days in robots and heavy vehicles.

There a higher end version that similar to 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and vehicles ( that that 180 days !!) . Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 100 credits per battery at most

NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power

Total Cost:

electric motor, 350,000 Interceptor base units
nuclear engine (life-time of 5 years) add 1,000,000 all-purpose model (NAAT )
ONLY FOR N.A.A.T ,N.A.M.E.S, A.M.C The guard and peacekeepers

Combat Bonuses:
+2 on initiative,
+4 to strike,
+4 to dodge
+2 to roll with impact.

Weapon Systems Summary

1. nose mounted 30mm Auto-Cannon and ATL-9 Anti-Tank or called Anti-Tank Laser cannon
2. four forward fix 30mm Auto-Cannon
3. one per wing 30mm Auto-Cannon pod
4. Hidden Port Starboard turret mount systems rail gun and ATL9 systems
5. Hidden Port bow side turret mount systems rail gun and ATL9 systems
6. Hidden aft turret mount systems rail gun and ATL9 systems
7. Hidden Laser CIWS Turrets Tail Section
8. Wing Ordnance Hardpoints look below
9. Not shown conceal hidden or conceal Modified AIM-54 Phoenix Air-to-Air Missiles

Weapon Systems:
Number 1.

30mm Auto-Cannon:
This highly accurate, triple-baffled, recoil operated auto-cannon is mounted in the port weapon sponson. Descended from a long line of Russian built aircraft mounted auto-cannons.. Built mainly for air-to-ground operations, the Gsh-30 gives the helicopter a vicious punch against conventional armored vehicles, and allows it to perform well against mecha and giant, power armor to foot soldiers.

Primary Purpose:
Anti-Armor/Anti Mecha.

Secondary Purpose:
Anti-Ship and Anti Installation.

Weight: 100 pounds with feed mechanism
Range: 6,000 feet
Mega-Damage: 2d6x10

M.D. for a 10 round burst.

Rate of Fire:
The firing of a single round or a burst counts as

one of the pilot's melee attacks.
Payload: 1000 rounds of 30mm or 100 burst

Number 2
Only nuclear power systems carry this at nose with 30 MM auto cannon
ATL-9 Anti-Tank or Anti Tank Laser

This was pre-Rifts design built to give infantrymen a chance against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. It was one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-clip in one single shot! The shortcomings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes two melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's was so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power
armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble). Also, they used up E-clips so fast that only large organizations or was for wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it.
Weight: 30 lbs. (13.5 kg)
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10+20 M.D. per shot!
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; hand to hand
Effective Range: 6000 feet
Payload: 240 recharges 10 per hour!!

Number 3

conceal Modified AIM-54 Phoenix Air-to-Air Missiles on hull /main body (6)

With the F-14s was a stock of ancient AIM-54 missiles which the technicians at Golden Age Weaponsmiths repaired for use by the Super-Tomcat. Each missile is fitted with a modern plasma warhead for medium-range air-to-air intercept missions. Three are wing tip hard points ( total 6) and three in hull total (6)
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of up to six.
Effective Range: 125 miles (200 km) Payload: 6 missiles total.
Payload 4 (or 8 total )

Number 4
Hidden Port Starboard turret mount systems rail gun and ATL9 systems
Hidden Port bow side turret mount systems rail gun and ATL9 systems

ATL-9 Anti-Tank or Anti-Tank Laser
This was pre-Rifts design built to give infantrymen a chance against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. It was one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-clip in one single shot! The shortcomings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes two melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's was so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power
armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble). Also, they used up E-clips so fast that only large organizations or was for wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it.
Weight: 30 lbs. (13.5 kg)
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10+20 M.D. per shot!
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; hand to hand
Effective Range: 6000 feet
Payload: 240 recharges 10 per hour

Concealed Rail Gun(2)
this carry hidden rail gun they try putting 20 or 30 MM rotary or auto cannon but fail due to size instead opening to place a rail gun for size and fire power
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Armor/Anti Mecha. Secondary Purpose
Weight: 30 lbs
Mega-Damage: 1d6x10
Rate of Fire burst fire only
Effective Range 6000 feet
Payload 300 burst

Ordnance Hardpoints (2 total or WING EXTENDED 4 ):
Six ordnance hardpoints, three under each wing, allow the helicopter to mount a variety of air-to-ground and air-to-air ordnance and four in main Body .
Each hardpoint can cany 3,000 pounds (1,350 kg) and allows to punch well above its weight against mecha, armored vehicles and fortified positions.
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Armor/Anti Mecha. Secondary Purpose:
Weight: Not applicable.
By missile type (see payload). Mega-Damage: By missile type (see payload).
Rate of Fire:
In volleys by loadout.
Each hardpoint can carry
two short-range missiles (12 total)
one medium-(6 total),
long-range missile (6 total),
or a
mini missiles Multiple Launch Ordnance Pod ( or M&M ) with each pod containing fifteen (15 mini missiles)70mm mini-missiles (90 total mini missiles if all hardpoints are M&M).

30mm Auto-Cannon weapon pod look aboe for stats

Sensors of Note:

Special optics and heat sensors allow the infrared radiation of warm objects to be
converted into a visible image. Sees in darkness, shadows and through smoke. Used by ALL crew members. Range: 2 miles

Ground Following Radar:
The uses a different RADAR system than its fixed wing counterparts. The gunship is equipped with an X-band pulse-doppler radar with a 360-degree field of view optimized for ground attack and support missions. This radar can look down without being confused by ground clutter and can pick out specific targets such as buildings and installations. This radar also allows nap of the earth navigation (NotENA V), giving the gunship the ability to fly and fight at extremely low altitudes and to even maneuver through city streets and hide behind trees and buildings. While being optimized for ground attack, this radar is also well suited for air-to-air combat and has a range of 125 miles (200 km); can track up to 50 targets.

Target Acquisition Designation System (TADS)/Pilot Night Vision System (PNVS):

The barrel shaped sensor pod slung beneath the nose of the helicopter houses the Target Acquisition Designation System and the Pilot Night Vision System. The TADS pod contains a laser range finder and target designator along with the thermal imaging system and tactical camera. It can rotate 240 degrees horizontally and 90 degrees vertically and is slaved to the pilot or gunner's head movement. The PNVS system is part of the TADS pod but can move independently and contains an infrared and passive nightvision camera slaved to the pilot's head movement. TADS is used by the helicopter itself and for spotting and painting targets for other assault craft and incoming missile attacks. Helmet Mounted Display (HMD): The HMD consists of a reticle that drops over the pilot or gunner's eye and displays information from the T ADS/PNVS and combat computers. This system also allows the TADS and weapons to be slaved to the crew's head movement.

Fast Processing and Reaction Time:

Implant reach faster than expected. +3 on initiative. Add +3 to dodge. +6 to roll with impact

Radar Detector:
This system detected when the aircraft has been scanned by radar waves, and analyzes them to determine .! their intent and direction. Furthermore. this system is programmed 10 mcmoriLe specific radar frequency and length to indicate what type of radar is being used to call the aircraft. able to determine The difference between radar system.

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard:

Heads-Up Display System:
Infrared Search Light


Computer Atlas Program:

Displays city maps, roadways and trails. The general atlas program shows the entire North American continent (USA and Canada), general geographic features (mountains, forests, rivers, etc.), the location of major nations, major cities, and major trouble spots such as the Calgary Rifts, The Devil's Gate, the Magic Zone, and so on. Specific discs are available for the roads and streets of major cities, including each Coalition State and city, Lazio, Ishpeming, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and other major communities. Of course, the environment and communities are constantly changing so the information is only 75% accurate and updates are issued regularly. An atlas more than a year old will only be 50% accurate and places like the Burbs, shanty towns and mercenary operations change constantly so they are NOT included at all. Basic program costs 300 credits, specific places cost 100 credits each

IFF Systems identify friend or foe system
Computer handy component connected with the optics and communication systems. It is used for Enemy Profiling. The tiny computer can identify up to 200 different cyborg designs. armors. and insignias of known Russian. European and Asian cyborgs. plus 6000 monsters and demons ( lore 89% )-each rendered in full color with schematics indicating known weaknesses. armor. weapons. powers. etc.; capable of rotation and zoom to key features. This program is designed to be a passive. silent Friend or Foe Identification System. First. words. or symbols for the majority who cannot read. are displayed on the internal optics of the cyborg similarr to a HUD display. to indicme the friend or foe based on the ~object's mechanical design. identifying markings. physical appearance and supernatural nature (i.e. Gargoyles. demons. Necromancers. Witches and warriors from rival factions are all designated as enemies). The enemy designation is also reserved for known "human" bandits. D-Bees. and creatures of magic. If the threat is minimal. or the being is only a potential enemy (as is the case with unidentified humans and many D-Bees). the warning symbol is smail and yellow. If the subject is known to be hostile toward humans or known to be a powerful and evil supernatural being. the warning symbol is large and red. The complete profile on the being can be called up at will in words or sound bites. Visual icons also indicatc key classifications including Cyborg. Robot. Demon. God-being. Dragon. Human. D-Bce. Animal. Entity/Ghost. Elemental. Evil Sorcerer (Witch. Necromancer. etc.) and Unspecified Supernatural Being (i.e. they exhibit supernatural powers or magical abilities but arc unidentified). In addition. the FFl System indicates the being's relative power level on a scale of 1-10: a flashing 10 means its estimated power level is off the scale! Range: Line of sight. 5000 feet Drawback.

Smoke Launcher (4):
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega·Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius. Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.
Payload: 24 total.

Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser:
Located in the side end of the vchicle is a chaff dispener. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particle~ can be released to confuse or detonate thc projectics.

Primary Purpose:
but roll percelllile dice for cach pursuing missile to determine the result:
: Enemy missile or missile \olley detonates in chaff cloud. The threat is over.
Enemy llmissile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction (may lock onto ncarh) aircraft).
No efrcci. Missiles slill on largel. AI~o note the chaff cloud will tcmporaril) blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds).
The creaturc recover with no continued effect~. Payload:
48 .

Laser Targeting System:

Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + 2 to strike when using long-range weapons.

Complete Environmental systems

: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater ( 100 feet maximum depth unless stated otherwise).
Includes the following features:
• Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and tem perature control
. • Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air envi ronments. 48 hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic f ires do full damage.

• Radiation shielded

IR system infrared
systems range 5 miles

or additional cost 10,000 and get all.the the following features

All have the following features:

Powered systems: look above

Combat Computer:
Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the tar getting computer.

Targeting Computer:

Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Limited to Ten mile range (16 km).

Laser Targeting System:
Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + I to strike when using long-range weapons.


Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 6000 feet

IR Spotlights:
infrared spotlight same as above

Thermos Spotlights:
spotlight same as above

Radio Communications:
Long-range, directional communica tion system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 10 miles (16 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.

Winch & Cable:

Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle is an electric winch; basically, a motor connected to a cable and a hook. The cable is 1000 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 27 tons.

Computer and Digital Monitor built into the dashboard:

Heads-Up Display System:

Infrared Search Light

Computer Atlas

Program: Displays city maps, roadways and trails. The general atlas program shows the entire North American continent (USA and Canada), general geographic features (mountains, forests, rivers, etc.), the location of major nations, major cities, and major trouble spots such as the Calgary Rifts, The Devil's Gate, the Magic Zone, and so on. Specific discs are available for the roads and streets of major cities, including each Coalition State and city, Lazio, Ishpeming, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and other major communities. Of course, the environment and communities are constantly changing so the information is only 75% accurate and updates are issued regularly. An atlas more than a year old will only be 50% accurate and places like the Burbs, shanty towns and mercenary operations change constantly so they are NOT included at all. Basic program costs 300 credits, specific places cost 100 credits each

Special maneuvers all
+2 to strike moving
+3 to strike still /not moving /hovering
+2 dodge when piloting vehicle,
+3 and can dodge even if piloting a vehicle that does not normally have a dodge,! However, the vehicle must have a minimum speed of 100 mph or more
character is at +15% to pilot any vehicle he is trained with and +25% on his favorite vehicle.

Fast Processing and Reaction Time: Implant reach faster than expected. +3 on the initiative. Add +2 to dodge. +3 to roll with impact

Rechargeable Force Field(2):
One of the most impressive "new" developments is the mega-damage capacity force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system. The forcefield can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial attack. The two drawbacks with the force field are that the Energy WEAPONS CAN NOT be fired when the field is engaged and the recharge period for an M.D.C. depleted field is 12 hours.
Depleting the 240 M.D.C. (or 120 for one of the force field ) of the force field will automatically shut the field generating system down and all subsequent damage is subtracted from the body or other area. A depleted force field requires a full 12 hours to regenerate to full capacity. Even minor damage (25 M.D.C. or less) will require eight (4) hours to be restored.

Top secret N.A.AT ONLY!!!!

optical camouflage
This is a light and durable suit of combat armor with a fiber-optic material that can change colors to match the general environment. The color change takes 1 4 melees (15 seconds), in which the suit becomes the exact same color as the predominant one in the area. In the woods, the suit will also create stripes and blotches of lighter and
darker colors like a camouflage pattern. In all cases, the wearer is difficult to spot: — 20% for others to detect the ambush and detect concealment, + 5% to the wearer's prowl skill, and even characters without prowl have a 40% chance of not being seen if they stay undercover and don't move). also masks infrared and thermal emissions, Radar, making the wearer's heat invisible to infrared and thermal optics! There's only a 10 % chance of showing up on thermal systems and even then the reading/image will seem unusual. This feature has made the armor extremely popular

Sound Suppression System:
This is an advanced version of some pre-Rifts measures used to control sound pollution. A sound emitter is built alongside the skin of the gunship
The emitter then sends out sound waves in exactly the opposite frequencies as the noises made by the gunship, neutralizing them. Human ears cannot sense sounds: additionally. special rubber and contribute to the reduced sound: (the common prowl penalty for gunship eliminated when using these systems! Restrictions: The gunship must be moving slowly (a speed of 250 MPH maximum); sudden movements will bring back the full -40% penalty.
prowl 60%+5% per level


Will using AI systems as a back pilots are not told at first to test skills and meant to address this advanced system as living being this has significant improvement in mission to them. For AI systems this work for them to learn how to work and learn risk for pilots, missions, and combat operations which has been a success.

Artificial Intelligence from the Golden Age of Science shortly before the Great Cataclysm.
Typical Level of Intelligence: I.Q. 30
Artificial & Neural Intelligences Scrupulous (Good) Alignment
General Military Program
Two additional skill programs
Pilot, Air: Select three; excluding robot and military vehicle skills. All at 99%.
Pilot Related

Support Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence from the Golden Age of Science shortly before the Great Cataclysm.
Typical Level of Intelligence: I.Q. 30
Artificial & Neural Intelligences Scrupulous (Good) Alignment

Military, Communications:
Basic: Computer Operation 90%,
Literacy: Native Language 94%,
Optic Systems 90%, Radio: Basic 98%,
Sensory Equipment 90%, and Sign Language 98% .

Military, Communications:
Specialized: Cryptography 80%,
Electronic Countermeasures 94%,
Laser Communications 94%,
Literacy: Language of choice 94%,
Photography 94%,
Surveillance 90%, and TV/Video 94%

Military, Communications Language Program:
Other: Understands and speaks read write all nine major languages at 94% proficiency.

AI Bonuses Using Weapons:

8 Attacks +4 to strike with ranged weapons, +6 to strike on an Aimed Shot, +3 to strike with a burst.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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working on this
I know some have ask me for more detail and I do have just trying to keep small to the point avoiding wall of text from back 2008 !!!
N.A.A.Ts International Intelligence Syndicate.

Pre-Rifts Earth
Chaos Earth when all went South way south!!!

Rifts earths

N.A.A.T North American Armored Transport

North American Armored Transport Mercenary Companies Size and Orientation in the beginning
N.A.A.T,s became North American Agency Transport Syndicate
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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N.A.A.T International Intelligence International Syndicate.

Pre Rifts Earth

N.A.A.T was North American Armored Transport origins. It stared in the fall of mankind’s civilization Chaos Earth . When it hit North America, there was base that contain a vast underground hidden from the rest of the world a massive storage base able to survive even a direct nuclear strike. This base contain a massive amount of old U.S.A military vehicles been retrofit or been use for recycling. This was via the help of ArmTech , USA and CANADA and NATO government refitting or making a stopping gap for S.D.C to become M.D.C for various reasons . Here there were Marine, Army, Navy, Air Force and N.E.M.A personal and equipment . As well as test bed for other military vehicles been tested to replace many of the old M.D.C stopping gap tech and sell to allies as well .Many of the vehicles of old Pre-rifts were an example Abrams Battle Tank, Hummer, Special Ops Dune Buggy, A-10 Improved Thunderbolt II Fighter, Hercules Airplane, Apache Helicopter, Chinook, M48A3 Main Battle Tank, and Bradley’s are a few examples that we transformed to M.DC combat vehicles .They contain from M.D.C convectional weapons to rail guns and energy weapons too. The replacement form using fossil fuels to other forms was critical during Chaos earth as well. Many will be later found in depots across north America and other allied countries and G.A.W will find these (Sierra Army Depot or SIAD or renames of war machines as US Military Depots USMD) for the old USA 300 plus years into the future. On top other combat vehicles power armored and giant robots too were instrumental at the time.
This base is located and you call on this on location , but massive underground contain a ridicules amount of engineers and other personal as mention above. Other military vehicles in the pipeline that are been added to the US military and later recovered in rifts earth 300 years later are Iron Hammer Main Battle Tank, Iron Fist Medium Tank, Iron Bolt Missile Vehicle, Iron Maiden APC-10, Grey Falcon Attack Jet,, AC-29 Air Castle Bomber, lion Eagle Attack Helicopter, Iron Heart Torpedoes, Black Eel Torpedo Boat, Triton Patrol Boat and Sea King Missile Cruiser just mentioning a few.

Chaos Earth when all went South way south!!!

The base was ready for this at all times the base was well established and grounded what to do. The Doomsday scenario became real. The only thing it had to hunker down first and get base line f what was going on to North America first from a Nuclear war, Yellow stone national park to alien invasion for other world was the final conclusion and then got ready to prep. This cause a massive delay as to hunker down they could in theory hold for 300 plus years but if they to action that change everything and be able to hold for 300 years. But hearing the calls for help and massive armed forces it was the base commander asking the base on a vote either go out an do help and rescue operations or hold till the Chaos stop on earth. So the result came 63 percent to go and help or die trying and 43 percent to stay and hold. The base commander broke in two parts one that would go and set a base in the west or mid-west away from the coasts and leave behind the rest 43 percent behind in case they were lost in the Chaos. This would stay behind and will be found by N.A.AT 300 PLUS YEARS !!!!it was sad reunion but lived.


This time the combine force of the US Armies Marine, Army, Navy , Air Force ,N.E.MA personal and Armtech were set a carve a space to save and hold at all cost we are talking over 44,000 combat troops and over 88,000 support personal and equipment for at least 5 years’ worth of supplies .They had also set vast medium size depots across the US and Canada . As they left their handy work cut from Canada/us border down the middle of the USA and Getting thousands of civilians under their. Everybody did their part and the Song WE ARE SOLDIERS became their second anthem in combat. But just as they were to hold the line in a major battle disaster struck an unknown been this is just a guess at best were all rifted to future earth or RIFTS EARTH. This army that travel would have enough to rival any forces in the second dark ages of man. This one-star general didn’t just rely on it army but any one that could help even if magic users from N.E.M.A Para-Arcane, N.E.M.A Volunteer Militia Fighter, and Magic & Psychic and limited as support personal Chaos Wizard O.C.C and any civilian O.C.C all are vetted. Later in Rifts earth this lost army will become a major Myth and legend even the coalition but not realizing this legendary army was here on rifts earth in the shadows.

Rifts earths

N.A.A.T was North American Armored Transport

At first ten of thousand rifted about 85 % of transported into the future. At first hold ground ,look find or make base operations they found a small town that was once a medium size military base and hidden military depot that no one knew as well. Stats for town look below

Orientation & Disposition
2. Tight Bonds and/or Strong Family Ties

Type & Size of Community
2. Small Shanty Town

A. Weapons and Armor
3. Good
B. Medicine
2. The Basics
c. Agriculture and Natural Resources
2. Fair
D. Real Estate/Land
3. Fine
E. Vehicles & Fuel
3. Very Basic
F. Administration & Social Structure
2. Slight.
H. Magic
4. Vast Knowledge
I. Racial Tolerance
4. Tolerant
J. Trade
3. Limited.
K. Threats
4. Relatively Safe
L. Skill Levels & Professionalism
Defense : Guns slinger and Bounty Hunter
Defense : Grunt/Soldier
Defense : Head hunter
Defense : Robot Pilot & Robot
Healer: Sham
Healer: Psych
Law & Defense: Cyber-Knight
Law & Defense: Sheriff
Law & Defense: Sheriff & Deputy
Ley Line Walker
Merchant/Vagabond O.c.c.
Mystic Psychic : Mind MeIter
Rogue Scholar and Scientist Smuggler and Forger
Trader/Merchant/Vagabond O.C.C.
Teacher/Rogue Scholar Vampire (and demon) Hunter Warlock
Wilderness Scout/Ranger/Psi-Stalker
M. The Community Overall
4. Educated
N. Shelter
6. Fortified
O. Security & Fighting Force
3.Sheriff & Militia
P. Power/Energy
3. Good, Solar & Fuel Burning Power
Q. Special Features
Unknown to town
6. Science Lab
7. Communications Suite
24. Pre-Rifts large cache
23. Pre-Rifts large weapon cache
large Pre-Rifts underground complex.
21. Old M.D.C. ruins
20. four large pre-Rifts M.D.C. depots bunkers with 4000 M.D.C.

Known to town
15. Robotics Workshop
11. Processing Plant and Manufacturing Plant
8. Country Maps up to date
2. A large, advanced garage
3. A large aircraft hangar
25. Alliance with local D-Bees, creatures of magic, supernatural beings,

After weeks of negotiation with the town it became apparent the benefits for both sides. they made up transport company to make extra money. this base away from the coalition, and black market was a benefit as well .A major agreement was keep the town hidden as well .

North American Armored Transport

When N.A.A.T ( later A.M.C and N.A.M.E.S and others ) can in they stared with tank ,APC ,hummer and trucks .they looked like a documentary and were know as well trained ,established merc outfit for many years .They appeared 10 ten years before the formation of the coalition .Well educated ,formal and professional merc outfits they always were looking to hired scouts ,wilderness scouts and robot pilot man size and giant size Robots always looking and well paid. They main took large hull to transport and when in the wilderness they had special operation units Magic teams ready to join them when need and were known to cover extremely large area of land. They were around for the foundation of the coalition, Black-Market operations and weapon manufacturers like GAW as example. This allowed to plant seeds for the future they knew they could not challenge the beginning of the coalition in North America that were forming to were sadly a necessary evil better to deal with a human then with a demon. But there was hop for NGR but will take time many ,many years till the right moment to make the right play as A A.M.C , N.A.M.E.S. peacekeeper , the guard, old guard and the Vanguard.

In the beginning N.A.A.T IN RIFTS EARTH Mercenary Companies Size and Orientation

6. Large Mercenary Army US Armies Marine, Army, Navy infantry, Air Force
5. Mercenary Army. N.E.M.A personal
4. Large Company. Armtech personal
3. Free Company town protection
2. Minor Company magic /techno-wizard and psi company

2. Secret
4. Organized Crime.
5. Government. smaller kingdoms

A. Outfits
4. Specialty Clothing

B. Equipment
2. Cheap Gear.
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear
4. Medical Equipment
6. Magic Technologies
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies).

c. Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles
5. Specialty Vehicles
4. Combat Cars

D. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
6. Maxim um Firepower.

E. Communications
5. Deluxe Communications Network

F. Internal Security
4 . Iron-Clad

G Permanent Bases
5. Company Town
4. Fortified Headquarters

H. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives
4. Psionic and Magic Operatives
5. D-Bee Specialists

Special Budget
5. Big Bucks
J. General Alignment of Personnel
5. Unprincipled and Scrupulous.

K. Criminal Activity
1.Con Man
3. Cyber-Doc
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
7. Psychic Enforcer
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker and Locksmith
10. Forger

L. Reputation/Credentials
3. Unknown

M. Salary
4. Good Salary

N.A.A.T,s became North American Agency Transport Syndicate

N.A.A.T became North American Agency Transport which later N.A.M.E. S take over when this happen it already had N.A.M.E.S ,A.M.C, The guard ,Peacekeepers ,The old guard ,frontier militia and recently added the Chrome Guard .However N.A.A.T or North American Armored Transport still was a mercenary outfit but now added a second hidden later called N.A.A.T was North American Agency Transport add intelligence , logistics and transportation of many items all but no slavery .This allowed to become a at first it seems as an international syndicate however after the coalition was no one will know it became interdimensional syndicate connected to Phase world !!! The working with all four black market dealing and later all weapon manufacturer in North America and others black market as well as deep undercover of coalition from two years before it became the coalition has many undercover operatives in the coalition free Quebec and Texas Triax industries ,NGR , Japan and help from the new navy . the total of 8 mercenary armies which are keep a secret and considered mid end using old America empire equipment from pre-rifts earth but up to level ,the following N.A.M.E.S ,A.M.C, The guard ,Peacekeepers ,The old guard , and The guard will be seen in the coalition ( as well as NGR /Japanese government ) PMC after coalition this will allowed to set camp for Minion wars that is coming to earth .This interdimensional syndicate realized on technology ,techno wizard , magic and psionics cover all these areas allows it to be extremely strong for any faction on rifts earth but interdimensional syndicate know it can’t hold for long any control instead work with lesser evil is the best option .They will help from an individual to a whole town especially if there are gain called manpower but quietly secretly never to be seen .
The Permanent Communities are base on three level Cities, Towns & Settlements and later even more the core ring, inner ring ,outer ring and rural ring .These are layers located in Canada and north America west area and the base of power for N.A.A.T base and Main training for the other Mercenary Companies add able to train and manufacture all weapons from RIFTS Earth and many from phase world

Any recognized international group (numbering 4000 people or more) that has its tentacles, networks and clans on two or more continents. This is a power to behold. Their laws and doctrines cross boundaries. If they have a demand, it will be met, or kingdoms could fall. Note: No such organization is known on Rifts Earth. The Black Market active on each continent is a separate Regional/National organization. This includes support from (NGR , New Navy ,Columbia , Triax industries ,Italo Industries, Nuevo Peru (New Peru), The Shining Path, The Southern Federation, New Babylon, The Silver River Republics, The Megaverse Legion ) foreign support

Type & Size of Syndicate

6. International /Dimensional Syndicate core ring
5. Regional to National Syndicate inner ring
4. Large Guild outer ring
3. Syndicate
2. House or Brotherhood

6. Government various in rifts earth and phase world
5. Merchants
4. Underground

A. Dress
5. Opulent
6. Unlimited

3. Good. The syndicate provides decent clothes that may range from hooded robes or cloaks, to military style fatigues or uniforms, to good quality business attire, all with a snappy logo, insignia or emblem . Travel clothes and disguises may be available upon request. Enforcers and combat troops are provided with light to medium M.D.C. armor (half are environmental, half are not). Their most experienced, powerful and best agents
get light to medium environmental M.D.C . armor. The syndicate also has a repair and maintenance service at the owner's expense.

4. Excellent.
Garments appropriate for that organization, similar to #3, above, but of high quality. Travel clothes and disguises may be available upon request. Enforcers and combat troops are provided with medium to heavy M.D.C. armor (95%are environmental, 5% are not) . Any operative can get light M.D.C. armor (probably environmental) on an as needed basis or as a reward for outstanding service. The most experienced,
powerful and best agents get whatever they need short of military power armor. The syndicate also has a repair and maintenance service for a minimal charge to the owner. Has a snappy logo, insignia or emblem that is evident on all outerwear and armor.

5. Opulent. Garments appropriate for that organization, similar to #3 & #4, above, but of highest quality and expense . Travel clothes and disguises are be available upon request, as are cyber-disguises. Enforcers and combat troops are provided with heavy, environmental M.D.C. armor (medium or light if they request it). All operatives get a suit of light, environmental M.D.C. armor, medium or heavy for outstanding service or reward. The most experienced, powerful and best agents get whatever they need, possibly even a common suit of power armor or magic clothes or protection. The syndicate also has a repair and maintenance service free to all its agents, and will replace damaged and lost armor for its best agents without thinking twice. Has a snappy logo, insignia or emblem that is evident on all outerwear and armor. Cost: 30 points.

6. Unlimited.
Same as #5, above, except this syndicate provides the best of the best. 1 0% of the top agents have Naruni
force fields or armor, 90% have top Triax/Phase world /Columbia /new navy or Japanese armor, and the rest have the best of Northern Gun and Black Market armor. Elite enforcers, combat troops and agents may have enhanced, enchanted or powered armor. Meanwhile, uniforms and business attire are outrageously expensive, beautifully designed, and very impressive. And in addition to a classy logo, emblem or insignia,
all members have an expensive gold ring with gemstones onit. Forgeries and special demands of almost any type are supplied.

B. Equipment

2. Basic Gear
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear.
4. Medical Equipment
5. Medical Clinic
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics are most common , Juicers second and put in stasis to extend life span , Crazies
8. Unlimited High-Tech Augmentation

2. Basic Gear. Each character has commonly available gear,a survival knife, language translator, backpack, duffle bag, utility belt and up to 5 ,000 credits worth of basic equipment (flashlight, cigarette lighter, silver cross, carrying case, special clothes for undercover, etc.) like those from an D.C.C. is available at the start of an operation. Damaged or lost items may not be easily replaced, especially expensive things like cybernetic implants or heavy weapons.

3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear. One cybernetic implant (if desired) and good quality gear is provided. Available equipment includes a language translator, basic sensors, surveillance and communications gear, and as needed computers, software, recorders, video, cameras, basic cybernetic implants and miscellaneous equipment; up to 1,500,000 credits worth of items per agent. This will always include communications gear.

4. Medical Equipment.
First-aid and paramedic type equipment and pharmaceuticals are available. Includes antibiotics, painkillers, anesthetic, protein healing salve, sodium pentothal (truth serum), dosimeter, E.K.G. and E.E.G. machines, portable lab, bio-scan, oxygen, all commonly available robot medical kits (RKM, IRMSS, Compu-drug dispenser, etc.) and other basic medical gear.

5. Medical Clinic.
The syndicate is equipped with full medical facilities equal to a small medical clinic. A full-time doctor
(M.D. or Holistic) and one psychic healer are on staff and assisted by four nurses and two paramedics . In addition, the syndicate has an emergency medical budget of 100 million credits for cybernetics and hospitalization. There is also a small veterinary facility for any combat, riding or work animals. Replacement of lost or damaged equipment is automatic, but the total amount of medical equipment can never exceed 100 million credits.

6. Magic Technologies.
Most common to Brotherhoods, Houses, Guilds and organizations involving practitioners of magic, but may also be deployed by organizations whose focus is not magic, but who like to have magic items in their arsenal . This syndicate typically offers Techno-Wizard equivalents of weapons, armor and common devices. May include other types of magic weapons, charms and enchanted items, healing
magic/herbs, and possibly even Bio-Wizard items and symbiotes for augmentation. All high ranking officers and elite troops will have a rune weapon or other powerful magic items .

7. High-Tech Augmentation
(Bionics, Juicers, Crazies). This syndicate' S emphasis is on high-tech augmentation and its
members are expected to comply. 15% will be full conversion 'Borgs or Headhunters, 25% partial reconstruction cyborgs , 1 2% City Rats with 4-6 implants (conventional and/or Black Market), 10% power armor troops, 12% Juicers, 10% Crazies , 6% Wired Gunslingers, and 1 0% other high-tech creations, including
genetic mutants, superhumans and alien or foreign technology.

8. Unlimited High-Tech Augmentation.
The syndicate is a high-tech operation equipped with high quality advanced electronics, computers, communication systems, sensors, optics, cybernetics, and bionics. 30% will be full conversion 'Borgs or
Headhunters, 10% partial reconstruction cyborgs, 5% City Rats with 5 - 1 0 implants (conventional and/or Black Market), 20% power armor troops, 15% Juicers, 1 0% Crazies, 5% Wired Gunslingers, and 5% other high-tech creations, including genetic mutants, superhumans and alien or foreign technology.

C. Vehicles

7. Unlimited Vehicles
6. Specialty Fleet
5. Com bat Cars
4. Air Fleet.
3. Ground Vehicle Fleet.
3. Ground Vehicle Fleet. The syndicate maintains a fleet of conventional M.D.C. ground vehicles including cars, trucks , trailers, motorcycles, and a dozen limousines, as well as a fleet of hover cars, hover trucks, and hovercycles (boats too if theyneed ' em). A quarter are equipped for light combat, otherwise they are non-combat vehicles. They are fairly new and well-maintained. If this is a magic-based syndicate, one third will be Techno-Wizard vehicles. In addition, individual leaders and elite agents will be assigned their own personal hover car or hovercycle (the top leaders, limo) .

4. Air Fleet. The organization maintains a fleet of M .D.C. aircraft. 20% are commercial twin engine airplanes, 20% are commercial prop jets, 20% are commercial helicopters, 10% combat vehicles such as the Sky King and combat helicopters ,15% are rocket bikes and 15% jet packs. It also has magic based syndicate, one third to half will be Techno-Wizard or other magic vehicles .

D. Weapons

6. Superior Tech & Magic Weapons. Same as #5, plus Triax, Japanese ,new navy ,Columbia , and north American weapon manufacturers (Naruni enterprise custom design in phase world ) weapons, and magic weapons and devices (Techno-Wizard and other types) are readily available to elite members, those sent on special assignment, and as rewards for outstanding service. The group also has a smattering of Naruni enterprise weapons (5%) and other alien and foreign weapons (Kittani, Splugorth, Russian, etc.).

E. Power Armor & Bots

5. Extensive Robots, but no Power Armor. Any type of commercially sold, regional giant robots and robot vehicles including the Behemoth Explorer, Bandito Arms' Tarantula ATV, and giant robots and A.I.s produced by Northern Gun, Manistique, Bandito Arms, Titan Industries, and the Black Market, plus Triax, Naruni, and from some other foreign manufacturer. As many Techno-Wizard creations (33-50% if this is a magic based syndicate if need be ). No 'bots from the CS, Free Quebec or other nations ' military but all glitter boy designs .

6. Maxim um Firepower. #3 and #5 combined!

F. Communications

6. Superior Communications core ring
5. Deluxe Communications Network inner ring
3. Secured Service outer ring

3. Secured Service.
Two long-range radios, all personnel
have a walkie-talkie or other short-range type radio/communicator,
all long-range radios have scramblers . Plus, the organization
has many language translators, two mini-radar systems, 2D6
computers, I D6 PC-3000 pocket computers, and a portable
video camera and player. Cost: 10 points.

4. Full Range System.
Short-range radios, communicators and language translators are abundant, plus the syndicate "network"
is reasonably well "connected" with long-range radios and radio and microwave transmitters and receivers for radio and computer transmissions. All personnel have short-range walkie-talkie/communicators available to them as well as those in vehicles and environmental armor. All long-range and main radios have scrambler capabilities and one of the long-range radios has a laser booster system that doubles its range ( 1 ,000
miles/ l ,600 km). All senior officials have a full size computer as well as the PC-3 000 and a language translator, other officials have only the PC-3000. Members have reasonable access to a
variety of commercial audio and video disk recorders and players, surveillance systems, basic scanners and radar equipment. A public announcement system is wired throughout the headquarters/
camp/compound, and a full sound and video recording studio trailer monitors and controls the music and announcements piped through the PA system. Two full-time communications specialists, two electrical engineers and 100 assistants are on
staff. All equipment is good to excellent quality and well maintained.

5. Deluxe Communications Network.
Identical to number four, except that all the equipment is of the highest quality, the
communication staff is twice as big, and available equipment is doubled.

6. Superior Communications.
Not only does the syndicate have everything provided in #5, but it has a communications command center (quadruple the number of communication staff), film studio, private (pirate) television and independent radio
station both capable of breaking into local networks and transmitting coded and uncoded messages and video or radio up to four thousand miles . All principals have full-size and pocket-size computers and language translators.

G Security

7. Impregnable core ring
6. Paranoid ! inner ring
5. Iron Clad outer ring
4. Secure

4. Secure. Security guards are posted at every main entrance and guards patrol the corridors every four hours . Video cameras also monitor the main halls, main doors, side doors and exterior perimeter. A Diabolist or other man of magic provides full-time magical protection with alarms, traps, protection against supernatural
spying, and the scanning of visitors, customers and suspect syndicate members.

5. Iron Clad.
The syndicate grounds, main building and surrounding areas are patrolled regularly ; corridors every two
hours. Video cameras, infrared and ultraviolet sensors, motion detectors, and heat sensors are in place at strategic locations and set off silent alarms when disturbed. Throughout the syndicate, hidden compartments, secret doors, magic alarms, and protection circles are at work to keep the syndicate' S secrets safe. Every
entrance is guarded constantly. Secondary doors are locked and monitored via security cameras and sensors. All doors are M.D.C. and constantly locked. Many require retinal scans and a password to open. Visitors are scanned by men of magic or psychics and scrutinized constantly, possibly escorted. A few magic
items have been provided to aid the security forces against mundane foes and the supernatural. The syndicate operations are all like this, and key operatives have an J.D. implant under their skin. A Security Force Response Team that includes a Mind Meltesr, Nega-Psychics, Psi-Ghosts, mage (typically a Line Walker or Mystic), Gunslinger , Commando, Headhunters and Psi-Stalkers, full conversion 'Borg and power armor,
one Military Specialist, and five burly grunts respond to trouble. There are 10 such teams on duty around the clock.

6. Paranoid !
All of #5 and then some . Snipers on the roof, a 'Borg and a pair of Juicers, or Crazies, or Psi-Slayers added to
the Security Force Response Team, and monitors, cameras and sensors everywhere. May also use Elementals, entities and invisible guardians/watchdogs. Codes and passwords are changed every 48 hours, and everybody has to pass a retinal or DNA scan. No one is trusted compo If magic based, key areas and leaders of the syndicate are protected by powerful and permanent magicks and supernatural guardians.

7. Impregnable!
Impregnable protection has all the elements of Paranoid security (#5 & #6), with the added advantage of concealed identities even within the syndicate (i.e. nobody knows who the top leaders are), J.D. codes and passwords that change every 24 hours, state of the art detection and identification systems, reinforced outer doors that are more like air locks than a door, and a special squad of assassins/enforcers and another special squad of elite spies (Professional Spy O.C . C . , Psi-Ghosts and other top agents skilled i n espionage).

H. Headquarters

2. Designated Meeting Place.
3. Hovel or Ruin
6. Fortified House
8. Bunker
9. Stronghold inner ring
10. Fortress inner ring
11 . Sprawling Estatecore ring

2. Designated Meeting Place. While it doesn 't own the land, there is a particular location or place that is known as a favorite "hangout" and meeting place where the syndicate regularly congregates; a favorite bar, restaurant, nightclub, pool hall, church, even a street comer or a particular spot in the forest.

3. Hovel or Ruin.
The syndicate has an old hunting lodge, hut or dilapidated house from which they conduct business, or a
spot in an old, pre-Rifts ruin. It is a secluded place that the average person avoids for obvious reasons. Cost: 5 points.

4. Vehicle.
The syndicate has no permanent housing or special meeting place or hangout, but gather in one or more vehicles and meet on the street or the outskirts of town.

5. House.
The syndicate has a town house. Within this house there are a couple of small offices, and additional space for storage, work rooms, or accommodations.

6. Fortified House.
The syndicate has fortified its town house, thickening doors, adding shutters to windows and barring
all possible entrances. Arrow slits and murder holes are available on request.

7. Fortified Mansion or Manor House. A large estate house with a large dinning hall, sitting room, library, game room, ballroom,a half dozen meeting rooms, and a dozen guest rooms with private bathroom, as well as the usual fare for a manor house. It has been strongly fortified and sits on 16 acres of
land that is fenced in and patrolled by dogs; the gatehouse by 8 armed guards. Cost: 20 points.

8. Bunker.
The syndicate has its own military-style HQ. This can be an extremely heavily fortified house, or a surface or underground military fortification. Walls, doors, and roof are all thick M.D.C. structures ( 2000 M.D.C. per 15 feet/4.6 m)

9. Stronghold.
The syndicate' s keep or tower has been fortified further, adding a wet or dry moat, drawbridge and a
gatehouse over the main entrance. Cost: 3 5 points.

10. Fortress.
The syndicate has acquired a fully armed and stocked fortress from which to do business. The castle-like
dwelling can either be "open," allowing the surrounding people the advantages of the fortification, or closed and inhospitable, a reminder of the syndicate' S power; sits on 40 acres of land.

11 .
Sprawling Estate.
A Manor House, Stronghold or Fortress surrounded by a sprawling estate, complete with a tall
stone or iron fence around the house if not the entire estate, a gatehouse that is more like a bunker ( 10000 M.D.C. and a hundreds guards), stables, garage, a servants' house, 4 guest houses, gardens, tennis or basketball court (or both), swimming pool, and expansive grounds (120 acres of land; part of
which is probably unkept woods). also have a secret, underground military bunkers under the house or at a hidden location on the grounds

I. Intelligence

3. Stoolies & Informants
4. Military Scouts
5. Wilderness Scouts
6. Underworld Contact
7. Spies.
8. Psychics and Sorcerers
9. Supernatural.
1 0. Intelligence Network
11 . Spy Network

3. Stoolies & Informants.
Busybodies, Saloon Bums, Vagabonds, two-bit hoods, street punks, City Rats, junkies, angry spouses, j ilted lovers and others who decide to " share" information out of spite or for their own advantage, to sympathizers and supporters always glad to help the syndicate, to those who routinely keep their eyes and ears open and "sell" information to support themselves or their habit (gambling, drugs, booze, women, etc.). Cost: 6 points .

4. Military Scouts.
The syndicate has a number of scouts able to enter an area and return with information valuable for
military planning, such as troop movements, natural resources and ambush points. They can produce maps and report documents if given sufficient time. Cost: 5 points.

5. Wilderness Scouts.
include Trapper-Woodsmen, Native Americans, Psi-Stalkers, Simvan, professional Wilderness
Scouts, adventurers and others who live, work or wander the wilderness. These agents provide information about people, places and events transpiring around the organization 's operations and possibly rivals and enemies operating nearby .

6. Underworld Contact.
The syndicate has several contacts within criminal organizations that are able to in and d out "the word
on the street," and will approach the syndicate to sell information of interest.

7. Spies.
The syndicate has several masters of espionage , infiltration and disguise, able to enter the communities, homes, businesses and organizations of those the syndicate wishes to watch. The speed of their reporting depends on the syndicate' s Communications network and the security around those they
spy upon. Spies can be syndicate members or hired agents

8. Psychics and Sorcerers.
The syndicate employs a number of practitioners of magic and psychics that specialize in gathering
information. This may be done through scrying spells and abilities such as Astral Projection, Invisibility, Clairvoyance , Telepathy, consulting spirits, and a host of others or the use of enchanted items and natural talents.

9. Supernatural.
The syndicate has either a deal with, or the friendship or control over, supernatural beings that are able to
gather information, and possibly divine the future.

10. Intelligence Network.
The syndicate has established an information gathering network. The network will not provide specific information but will constantly report on the state of the world around them. The information is normally collated by a specialist, and a report given to the syndicate leaders . For example, the report may list troop movements, the state of harvests, syndicate conflicts, changes of government and noted births and deaths.

11 . Spy Network.
A spy network has the resources of an information network, but is also able to send professional specialists
into an area to find specific information. Normally, the spies are controlled and the information is collated by a central spy master, who has a position of complete trust within the syndicate. Only the spy master knows all the details of the spies, their movements and missions .

J. Monthly Budget
4. Deep Pockets. 15,000 credits per month. Contracts
5. Big Spenders. 40,000 credits per month . Contracts
6. Rolling in Dough. 100,000 credits per month . outer ring
7. King' s Ransom. inner ring
250,000 credits per month.
The syndicate has massive reserves of money to fall back on. If throwing money at it can solve a problem, the problem will be solved.
8. Unlimited. core ring
The syndicate can get its hands on whatever monetary resources they require. Money will probably be virtually irrelevant to them - they are in business for power, not profit.

L. Criminal Activity

2. Adventurer Group
3. Assassin
4. Computer Hacker.
5. Con Men
6. Cyborg Enforcer
7. Drug Master
8. Explosives Specialist or Safecracker
9. Expert Forger
10. Hired Gun
11. Poisoner
12. Professional Thief
13. Prostitutes. The syndicate has a number of attractive prostitutes who not only generate money, but are used to gather information, and corrupt, control and frame clients.
14. Psychic or Wizard Enforcer
1 5. Psychic Spy.
1 6. Shapechangers
1 7. Smuggler Team
1 8. Soldiers of Fortune
1 9. Surveillance Expert
20. Techno-Wizard
21 . Thug Enforcers

M. Reputation
4. Unknown. The syndicate is just "one of the crowd" and has yet to

N. Monthly Salary

5. Good. outer ring
The syndicate pays a guaranteed 2D4x 1 00 credits a
week, plus bonuses and rewards for exceptional work or other
services to the syndicate. Cost: 20 points.

6. Excellent. inner ring
The syndicate pays 2D4x 1 00+650 credits per
week, plus bonuses, hazardous duty pay, and even a pension, in
addition to other perks and rewards. Cost: 30 points.

7. Outrageous. core ring
The syndicate pays 4D4x l 00+ 1 200 credits per week. Cost: 40 points

O. Special

1. Sub-Syndicates. Fall back Syndicates
The syndicate may spend points to create a secondary organization under itself. For every two points spent, the new syndicate will receive three. Rather than following the "Syndicate Size" table to determine points based on membership, use the table to determine the membership from
the syndicate points spent. For example, a shadowy merchant syndicate spends 80 points setting up a smuggling sub-syndicate. This gives the new syndicate 1 0 points – this makes the new syndicate a House-sized syndicate, with 300 members.

3. Rumored Existence. The syndicate is a famous name, but only in rumor or legend. They do not operate openly, and go to great lengths to protect their identity.

4. Friendship: Merchants. The syndicate has a friendship and several contracts with a large merchant syndicate, giving it a guaranteed market for its products or services .

5. Friends hip: Men of Magic and Psychics. The syndicate has friendly relations with a group of magic practitioners and psychics.

6. Friendship: Government Th e syndicate has friendly relations with the power and law of the land. They share information and do each other little favors, as well as associate regularly.

7. Friendship:
Local People. The organization has won the hearts and minds of ( 90% of) the people, who sympathize
and support them in little ways, like warning members and operatives of trouble, the authorities and rivals, looking the other way, forgetting what they have seen, hiding or helping operatives, and providing the latest gossip, rumors and word on the street as quick as they can.

8. Government Backing.
The syndicate has friends in truly high places who often arrange to have the law look the other way, lose evidence, let criminal operatives out on a low bail, give light sentences at trials, and share information for certain favors.

9. Monopoly.
The syndicate has a monopoly on its particular trade or area of expertise within a specific area or region. For
example, a normal Syndicate will monopolize a town, a Large Syndicate a city, and a National Syndicate a nation or several city-states or kingdoms in a given region

P. Disadvantages for Building Points

6. Vengeful enemy.
mainly El Oculta
Not a rival syndicate but a family, business, adventurer group, mercs, D-Bee group, or any individual
or group who might have some reason to hate the syndicate and want to hurt or destroy them. Likely to target key operations and important agents and leaders.
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Re: N.A.AT

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Lazarus Project coming soon
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Re: N.A.AT

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Lazarus program

With N.A.A.T’s having to have massive armies the best way was to have conventional army BUT not all are combat merc outfits some are logistical support and providing Medical ,security , Transport lanes , access to health care human and other as well as education in areas like policing , EMS and local needs like electrical ,plumbing for heating or cooling and water (depending on area) and last working with local navies to have agreements ,trade and exchange idea that would benefit everyone all around . N.A.A.T’s in Mid-west of North America( as well in Europe and South America where possible ) has set up in area where they support local support and other races call D-Bee. N.A.A.T’s is known to pick as many refugees to move from area to another safe zones weather they are human and other races call D-Bee when possible. A big ticket item are robot pilots ,cyborgs , exchange of technology/engineers and magical individuals they are paid extremely well and support projects but must share everything where possible. But sometime thing does not go well and this where enforcement varies from a simple reminder to full blown military action (which are very low).
N.A.A.T’s work in these areas of field technology, Techno-wizards, magic, psionic and other fields .there one thing N.A.A.T’s will not work is slavery and are not allowed to transport slaves.

In order to work in rifts earth and having connections with black market and weapon manufacturers ( major factions in rifts earth)it was best to used relic old pre-rifts and upgrade them to rifts level using soviet era as commercial use and using old USA empire that to GAW as well as other.

Abrams Battle Tank MARK VI DONE !!
M113 APC
Hummer MKIII
A 10 Thunderbolt III Fighter
Hercules Airplane II
Apache Helicopter II AND Long bow III
Chinook II
A-10 Improved Thunderbolt II Fighter
F 16 VI

This is call Lazarus program
Last edited by ZINO on Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Abrams Battle Tank MARK M ( M for modular systems )

let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Abrams Main Battle Tank

The Abrams M.B.T was once a mainstay of the old U.S. Empire's mechanized armored force; quick, tough and well armed, improving upon the tank was a relatively straightforward project for the engineers of Golden Age Weapon smiths. The new Abrams is a fair match for Iron Heart's medium tank, and weaker than their Iron Hammer MBT, but still, for the cost, the GAW's Improved Abrams cannot be beat.

In rifts earth NAATs knew that the Abrams Main Battle Tank in Pre rfts times was testing all sorts of weapon systems , armor ,power systems and in order to cover it up for a long time was simple. Use existence model in the US arsenal .The Abrams Main Battle Tank Mark M was modular system all but the main Hull can replace and test .While GAW use and made the original design the M model would be make in place in Europe and later in north American deal with the coalition.So project Lazarus program was born .

https://www.deviantart.com/peterprime/a ... -340462478

Model Type:

Abrams Main Battle Tank
Class: Main Battle Tank.
Four crewmen,
a Tank Commander/pilot/driver, gunner, loader/Operator/mechanic and communications officer.

M.D.C. by Location:

Pre-Rifts Amour design
Cupola on Turret

Main Turret

Improved 120 mm Auto-Cannon

* M.D.C .50 Caliber Coaxial Machine-Gun

* M.D.C 7.62 mm Cupola Machine-Gun

* Box Style Missile Launchers (2)
15 each

** Track Treads (2
20 each

*** Main Body

Reinforced Crew Compartment

* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and diffi-cult to hit (or shielded) and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -2 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the tank until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not un-der attack.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely de-stroys the vehicle.
Maximum Speed: 60 mph (96 km) maximum, speed cross-country is typically 40 mph (64 km).
Range: 500 miles (800 km) before requiring refueling.
Statistical Data:
Height: 18 feet (5.5 m).
Width: 12 feet (3.6 m).
Length: 36 feet (10.9 m).
Weight: Base Weight: 40 tons fully loaded unless metionother wised look at MDC BELOW !!!
Cargo: Minimal storage space, just enough room for extra cloth-ing, weapons and some personal items.

Power System:
Look below
Weapon Systems:
1. Main cannon
120 mm Auto-Cannon:
The Abrams main gun fires explosive shells at visible targets (line up in the targeting sights and forget systems is only +1 to strike if the target is "painted" with a laser designator). The tank may also operate like an artillery unit, firing at a set of coordinates without actually seeing the target (-2 to strike). The cannon or autocannon is built into the turret, and the turret can rotate 360 degrees and can aim up and down in a 60 degree angle, allowing the tank to engage low-flying aircraft and other types of slow flyers (however, it is -3 to hit flying targets moving faster than 80 mph/128 km). The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Tank/Anti-Robot/ Anti -dragon.

Secondary Purpose: Self-Defense.

M.D. per High-Explosive (HE) round to a 10 foot (3 m) radius
per Armor Piercing round to a 3 foot (0.9 m) radius, both rounds are designed to take down other tanks, armored vehicles, giant robots and fortifications.
H.E.A.T round (first generations rounds)

Rate of Fire:
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers.
Effective Range:
6000 feet (1828 m) for all rounds.
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds; typically a mix of half and half, plus six smoke shells (covers a 40 foot/12.2 m radius), but may be all of one kind (plus smoke) or the other.

First generation M.D.C .50 Caliber Coaxial M.D.C Machine-gun:

This machine-gun is mounted under the main cannon, forcing the entire main turret to turn in order to engage new targets. The weapon may fire conventional ammunition or Wellington Industries M.D. ramjet rounds (much more expensive).
Primary Purpose:
Assault and Defense.
Secondary Purpose:
Anti-Infantry/Soft Targets.
Conventional .50 Caliber Rounds:
1D6x 100 S.D.C. or 1D6 M.D.
per burst of 10 rounds.

Light Ramjet Rounds:
One M.D. per round, doing
1D8+2 M.D.
per ten round burst. (Cost is 4 credits per Light Ramjet round from GAW when purchased in batches of 100 or more. Smaller quantities cost 5-6 credits each from GAW; fair to good

Heavy Ramjet Rounds:
1D4 M.D. per round, doing 1D4x10 M.D.
per ten round burst. (Cost is 8 credits per Heavy Ramjet round from GAW when purchased in batches of 100 or more. Smaller quantities cost 10-12 credits each from GAW; fair to good availability.)

Rate of Fire:
Each burst counts as one of the tank gunner's hand to hand attacks per melee.
Effective Range:
6000 feet (1828 m).
3000 rounds, equal to 300 bursts!

Box Style Mini-Missile Launchers (2):

These two box mounted launchers have been added to the sides of the GAW
Abrams for use against lightly armored targets and infantry. They will bw replace with better weapon systems need to survive in Rifts earth 300 years later.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Fortifications.
Secondary Purpose: : Anti-Aircraft/Missiles and Anti-Personnel. Mega-Damage:
Varies with type of missile.
Missile Type: Can fire any standard mini-missile type, but GAW sells the tank with six High Explosive (5D6 M.D. to a 5 foot/1.5 m blast radius) and six Fragmentation (5D6 M.D. to a 20 foot/6.1 m blast radius) mini-missiles.
Rate of Fire:
Volleys of 1, 2, 4, or 6. Fired by the gunner. Effective Range: One mile (1.6 km).
12 total. Each missile launcher holds six mini-missiles.

M.D.C 7.62 mm Cupola Machine-gun:

A 7.62 mm machine-gun
manned by a gunner protected by the cupola (shielding). May be loaded with Wellington Industries' WI-2E explosive rounds, that allow the weapon to inflict greater Mega-Dam-age. The machine-gun is mounted in the cupola and can be pointed in any direction by the gunner for a 360 degree rotation and a 120 degree arc of fire up and down.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry/Soft Targets.
Secondary Purpose: Self-Defense.
4D6x10 S.D.C. or 1D4 M.D.
per 10 round burst,
2D4 M.D.
for a 20 round burst.

Using WI-2E explosive rounds doubles the damage noted above
M.D. per 10 round burst
M.D. per 20 round burst).
Rate of Fire:
Each 10 round burst counts as one of the gunner's attacks per melee. A 20 round burst counts as two.
Effective Range:
3000 feet (914 m).
1600 rounds, equal to 160 ten round bursts.

5. Systems of Note:
Vehicular radio with 50-mile (80 km) range passive nightvision with 2000-foot (610 m) range.

Special features Expanded

M.D.C. by Location:
Power System:
Weapon Systems:
Special features

Base Weight:[/u][/b] [/b][/u] 40 tons fully loaded unless mention other wised look at MDC BELOW !!!

M.D.C. by Location:

Roll a 1d4 one time from Number 1 to 4
https://www.deviantart.com/roen911/art/ ... -491238642
1. Pre rifts Amour design
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932386769
2. AbramsX I.R.A.H Amour design
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932386746
3. AbramsX R.A.H Amour design
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932386690
4. AbramsX R.A.H 2.0 Amour design

Can only have one extra from number 5 to 7 but number8 can be added too hull of tank and for number 5 to 7 for weight look at each description
5. armored hull plating
6. armored kit
7. Retractable armored
8. Case Amour
https://www.deviantart.com/sergey-ryzhk ... -571439192

Roll a 1d10 and it follows this way each systems weight 5 tons fro number 9 to 15
1 Standard Rechargeable Force Field
2 Rechargeable Force Field,3 Phase world Force Field,4 Magnetic Deflection Shield,5 Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field,
6 Magnetic Field,7 Omni-directional Force Field,8 can have any combination or the same as a primary and secondary Force Field systems,9 reroll or pick GM call,0 player reroll or pick

9. Standard Rechargeable Force Field
10. Rechargeable Force Field
11. Phase world Force Field
12. Magnetic Deflection Shield
13. Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field
14. Magnetic Field
15. Omni directional Force Field

If desired can b standard hull or pick one and only one add 4 tons for number 16 to 18
16. Laser Resistant Armor
17. Stealth Coating
18. Variable Camouflage Coating/Armor

Number 1

second generation M.D.C armored units for MBT in Pre-rifts earths it been used by G.A.W.
Cupola on Turret

Main Turret

Improved 120 mm Auto-Cannon

* M.D.C .50 Caliber Coaxial Machine-Gun

* M.D.C 7.62 mm Cupola Machine-Gun

* Box Style Missile Launchers (2)
15 each

** Track Treads (2
20 each

*** Main Body

Reinforced Crew Compartment
25 [/spoiler

Number 2
M.D.C. by Location:
[spoiler] The following is called improved second generation reinforced amour hull or I.R.A.H but has been developed for next gen tank design (Iron Hammer Main Battle Tank, Iron Fist Medium Tank, Iron Maiden APC-10 but still planning phase )and has been tested weight the stays the same 40 ton max weight 70 tons

M.D.C. by Location
Main Turret –

Standard Cupola on Turret —

Shield Cupola on Turret -

Remote Cupola on Turret-

120 mm Auto-Cannon —

Coaxial weapon systems -Gun -

Fix grenade Launchers -

Side launcher turrets-

Track Treads (2)—
100 each

Main Body –

Reinforced Crew Compartment add

Note: These two box mounted launchers have been added to the sides of the GAW Abrams for use against lightly armored targets and infantry. These have been replace for turret mount heavy weapon systems with 360 capabilities and 85 degrees angle work with crew or an A.I Systems .

Number 3 R.A.H
This third generation Refined armored hull
is slight stronger armored hull for main battle tanks R.A.H weight base 40 tons to max weight added up to 70 tons

Main Turret –

Standard Cupola on Turret
100 each

Shield Cupola on Turret -
200 each

Remote Cupola on Turret-

120 mm Auto-Cannon

Coaxial weapon systems Gun

Fix grenade Launchers
150 each

Side launcher turrets
90 each

Track Treads (2)
100 each

Main Body

Reinforced Crew Compartment add

Number 4 R.A.H 2.0
Fourth generation reinforced heavy armored hull called systems mainly a better or R.A.H 2.0 this add weight at cost of getting ridiculous amount of protection at cost of getting additional 15 tons added to the 40 tons total 55 tons but able to go additional weight restrictions to max of 85 tons. This advanced armored hull equal to phase world technology and not of rifts earths designs . Track vehicles in rifts earth bet -10 to pilot it ,however A.I systems or better negates this.
But only two systems it can run is track or Gravitonic Technology, no hover systems possible yet.

These two box mounted launchers have been added to the sides of the GAW Abrams for use against lightly armored targets and infantry. These have been replace for turret mount heavy weapon systems with 360 capabilities and 85 degrees angle work with crew or an A.I Systems .

Gravitonic Technology speed can go as high as 100 to 300 MPH with no altitude restriction!!

Main Turret – [spoiler] 450

Standard Cupola on Turret
150 each

Shield Cupola on Turret -
250 each

Remote Cupola on Turret-

120 mm Auto-Cannon -

Coaxial weapon systems - Gun

Fix grenade Launchers -
150 each

Side launcher turrets -
90 each

Track Treads -
(2) 200 each

Main Body -

Reinforced Crew Compartment add

Number 5 armored hull plating
systems it just gives additional 200 M.D.C to main body and 100 extra M.D.C to base M.D.C within the hull add just 1 per ton section or a specific area just add 100 M.D.C extra still 1 ton .This design is from Rifts earth however phase World tech double the M.D.C but weight is 1 ton per area lighter material are been used.
Additional M.D.C. armor to mega-damage vehicles and robots: 10,000 credits per every 10 M.D.C. points; usually limited to 100 to 200 M.D.C. maximum.you can say before force fields were made and can be add add to any of the hulls [spoiler] Number 6 armored kit

Number 6 armored kit
[spoiler] The next are added armored kit only heavy weight this adds 1 ton per they are added to the following sides front armored, left armored side, right armored side, under armored belly ,rear armored this applies to main body only can place on main turret as well front armored, left armored side, right armored side , top armored , and rear armored. Considered this poor man’s shields but easily replace in matter of minutes, but if reaches zero that side can take damage directly to hull ,it is possible for some being to parry or an dedicated A.I systems but N.I systems can do easily.
Each cost weight is one ton and M.D.C MAX 240 EACH !!
Requirement track systems or Gravitonic Technology systems only

Number 7 Retractable armored

This another phase world tech before forces Rechargeable Force Field came like armored kit ,but are add only heavy weight this adds 1 ton per they are added to the following sides sides front armored, left armored side, right armored side, under armored belly ,rear armored this applies to main body only can place on main turret as well front armored, left armored side, right armored side , top armored , and rear armored. Considered this poor man’s shields but easily replace in matter of minutes, but if reaches zero that side can take damage directly to hull ,it is possible for some being to parry or an dedicated A.I systems but N.I systems can do easily.
Each cost weight is one ton and M.D.C MAX 240 EACH And add 15 AWE /Horror factor roll as well . Only phase world tech can add armored kit .

Number 8 Case Amour
Case Amour is special feature that can be added to any of the following Number 1 to 7. IF ammo get hot or cook and start blowing .the armored is design to funnel or blow away from Military vehicles if the crew or vehicle is heavily damage and maybe able to salvage as well .Even if there are Force Field it won’t effect or blow is design this hard outside but soft the inside like an egg . Can be combined with and of the armored hulls

Number 9 Rechargeable Force Field:

Standard Rechargeable Force Field:
One of the most impressive
"new" developments by the geniuses at Triax is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system. The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial at-tack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser can-not be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 8-24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. Al-though the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 4.2 M.D.C. per hour, even minor damage (25 M.D.C. or less) will require eight hours to be restored (the 4.2 M.D.C. per hour cannot appear sooner than 8 hours, it's the way the sys-tem works). Restoring all 100 M.D.C. takes 24 hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subse-quent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the X-1000.

Improved Rechargeable Force Field:
One of the most impressive "new advance " developments by the geniuses at Triax/Japan is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system. The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial attack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser can-not be fired when the force field is engaged, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. Al-though the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 20 M.D.C. per hour
From 480 M.D.C or 1d4x100 +80

Number 10 Phase world Force Field:

One of the most impressive "old" developments by the geniuses at PW is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system(this before Magnetic Deflection Shield ,Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field ) . The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial at-tack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser cannot be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 1d6 hour , even minor damage . Restoring all M.D.C. takes hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 to 600 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the of MBT.
From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field

Number 11 Magnetic Deflection Shield
This is not a variable force field, its entire M.D.C. must be depleted before any attacks can impact the armor. Once depleted to zero, the shield is gone and requires eight hours to come back online. Otherwise, it regenerates damage at a rate of one point per melee round
Magnetic Deflection Shield — 600

Number 12 Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field

Many spaceships do not rely on their armor alone. Military and large spacecrafts have force field generators to supplement their armor. They are useful not only against enemy attacks, but against radiation, atmospheric re-entry heating, meteor storms and other dangers. Small commercial ships have a simple, full force field that protects the entire vessel with the same M.D.C. value. Military and large ships can manipulate the "density" of the variable force field over specific parts of the ships. This results in six different shield values, one each for the front, back, left and right side, top an bottom. All six sides have the same basic M.D.C. value, but they can shift M.D.C. points from one lo-cation to the next, or put the total M.D.C. points on one location! Damage on the force fields is subtracted on each side separately.
From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field
From 120 to 820 roll 1d8( or 2d4)x100+20 to know base heavy force field
Requirement no track or wheelbase system any hover systems allowed

Example of Variable Force Fields:
A ship with a force field of 1,000 M.D.C. per section (6000 total) can vary shield density from one location to another. It could shift 500 M.D.C. from the back to raise the M.D.C. of the front to 1,500, or even put all shield power on the front for 6,000 M.D.C. of protection, and zero on the rest of the ship. Or, if the left side has been depleted by 300 points due to an attack, the ship could replace the 300 by taking it from the other side, and so on. Remember, for space and air vehicles there are six sides, front, back, right side, left side, top and bottom.

Number 13 Variable Camouflage Coating/Armor:

By cannibalizing a number of Naruni Variable Camouflage armors, or cutting up a camouflage tarp, you can create cloaking technology for a vehicle. Cost: An Operator who happens to have a dozen or so suits of armor and can carve it up and place it on a vehicle would charge about 160,000 to 220,000 credits for motorcycles/hovercycles (using about 2 suits), 470,000 to 830,000 credits for cars/trucks (using 6 to 8 suits), and 1.6 to 3.5 million credits for haulers, buses and transports (using 20 or more suits) for the armors, and roughly 20,000 credits per square foot of vehicle to cover it with the camouflage tarp (includes labor). The only way to get original or true armor is to find a Naruni dealer and ask them to make it for your vehicle, which would be a very expensive option. The sales representative will most definitely milk you for all he can! If a player is still willing to do this, use the vehicle armor prices above, but increase the prices by a factor of 20!

Number 14 Magnetic Field:

Much like a "low-tech" force field, this unit generates a powerful magnetic field. On the positive side, it deflects and reduces the impact of several high-tech weapons. On the down side, it hinders radio communication, plays havoc with radar, and can immobilize a vehicle if it's trapped in a city or iron ore deposit. Some consider this type of defense as much of a hindrance as it is a help, and others prefer not to use it, but a few crazy Operators do offer such devices as defensive countermeasures. All rail gun rounds (typically iron flechettes or slugs), ion blasts and plasma blasts are influenced by magnetic fields (most of these weapon systems use a magnetic field to launch and direct their devastating effects). Iron/steel projectiles (either magical or mundane) and electrical attacks (magical or mundane) are slowed down/dissipated or deflected enough to reduce the damage inflicted by the attack. Cost: A Light Magnetic Field Generator reduces the damage from incoming attacks by 25%, costs 10,000 credits, and will consume a standard E-Clip in 8 hours of use. A Medium Magnetic Field Generator reduces damage from in-coming attacks by 50%, costs 25,000 credits, and will consume a standard E-Clip in 4 hours of use. A Heavy Magnetic Field Generator reduces damage from incoming attacks by 75%, costs 60,000 credits, and will consume a standard E-Clip in 2 hours of use. Also note that any cyborg or character with any metal/iron/ steel in or on his body will be kept at bay (minimum of 10 feet/3 m), as if an invisible creature with a Supernatural Strength of 15, 30 or 45, respectively, were pushing the character away. The cost also includes magnetic shielding that protects the vehicle's cargo
and passengers, however the moment someone steps outside the vehicle while the system is activated, any metal he is carrying or wearing will be instantly flung 20 feet (6 m) away from the vehicle due to the repulsion of the magnetic field (and likely the character with it)!
Hardened Electronics: Most civilian vehicles are hardened against EMP (Electromagnetic Pulses), ion discharges and lightning strikes (all of which can disable the electronics and therefore, the vehicle itself). Most wheeled vehicles with rubber tires are naturally protected from electricity (due to the insulating rubber tires), but the use of directed ionic/electrical attacks, and especially EM pulses, can wreak havoc with a wheeled or hover vehicle's electrical systems. As an optional rule to make use of this phenomenon (or to add some more spice into your campaign), any vehicle struck with an electrical attack may be required to make a save vs electricity (16+) to prevent critical systems from being fried in the attack, shorting out the vehicle and forcing it to roll (or crash) to a stop. To protect the vehicle insulation, circuit breakers and special electrical conduits can be used to deflect the flow of electricity away from sensitive areas. Electronic systems can also be outfitted with Hardened Electronics, which can survive EM pulses, ion blasts and even lightning strikes (most military vehicles have this). To purchase this feature for your customized vehicle, add a 50% increase in the price of all electronics, sensors, computer systems and other related features to cover the protection of those systems. Any electrical attacks will simply leave burn marks on the armor (doing normal damage) without damaging the delicate electronics inside.

Number 15 Phase world Omni-directional Force Field :

One of the most impressive "old" developments by the geniuses at Phase world is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system(this before Magnetic Deflection Shield ,Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field ) . The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial attack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser cannot be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 1d6 hour , even minor damage . Restoring all M.D.C. takes hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 to 600 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the of MBT. Sadly the main draw back of this shild it has 180 degrees cover which means mines or similar devices can bypass Omni directional Force Field .

From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field

Number 16 Phase world Advance Omni directional Force Field :

One of the most impressive "old" developments by the geniuses at Phase world is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system(this before Magnetic Deflection Shield ,Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field ) . The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial attack. There are one drawbacks, however: one, can be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 1d6 hour , even minor damage . Restoring all M.D.C. takes hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 to 600 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the of MBT. Sadly the main draw back of this shild it has 180 degrees cover which means mines or similar devices can bypass Omni directional Force Field .

From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field

Number 17 Laser Resistant Armor:

Not many people know how to make the laser resistant armor of the Glitter Boy (save Free Quebec, Triax and the KLS Corporation), though most of these places usually won't waste their valuable armor technology and resources on simple vehicles. The size, mobility and effectiveness of a single
Glitter Boy makes the effort and cost in designing and building a laser resistant APC with a Boom Gun and pylons pointless. Mind you, an Operator looking for an interesting challenge could salvage several Glitter Boy suits (good luck with that), remove the plating and cover the APC with enough pieces/parts to armor a vehicle. Of course, it would still be cheaper (and much less of an effort) to repair all the collected Glitter Boys. Most Operators with a nanobot tool kit will typically charge 10,000 credits per 10 M.D.C. to make repairs to Chromium armor (whether customized or on the original Glitter Boy)
one of their force fields (depending on the time line and location of your campaign, this could be easy or very difficult). However, you are still going to need an inventive Operator to make the modifications necessary to turn a personal force field into a vehicular force field. Another option is to cannibalize the Triax force field from their Ulti-Max robotic vehicle. Cost: Hovercycles and motorcycles are limited to a modified personal force field, and an operator would probably charge about 5,000 credits for the modi-fication on top of the price of the force field (which range from 40,000 credits for a light force field generator/harness to 200,000 credits for a heavy force field generator/harness). Large hover vehicles, cars, trucks and the like can only be outfitted with robot sized force fields (double M.D.C. but 20 times the cost), and an Operator will typically charge 10,000 to 25,000 credits, depend-ing upon the size of the vehicle, for the installation. See Rifts® Mercenaries, pages 125 and 126, for more details and prices of the units. If the unit overloads or is damaged, an Operator famil-iar with the technology can attempt to fix it, but finding such an Operator may prove to be quite difficult (unless you get lucky and stumble upon a Naruni dealer and his sales team). Such repairs are likely to cost half the original cost of the unit

Number 18 Stealth Coating:

Stealth or radar invisible coatings do exist out there, but are usually used for aircraft. Aerial hovercraft could conceivably use the technology, but finding it is half the challenge! (A possible adventure to find the blueprints and manufa-turing process on its own, and could be a very interesting ride!) But typical radar defensive technology is not usually employed with ground-to-ground activities due to the fact that radar is rare-ly used as the main sensory/navigation tool. An Operator using a nanobot tool kit could make repairs to a damaged paint job (with at least 25% of the paint still intact) for around 25,000 to 100,000 credits depending upon the amount remaining

Speed/ Engines and Propulsion Systems:

Fuel Efficiency Modification (adds 20% to 50 % range):

500 credits Souped-Up Engine (adds 30% to 90% maximum speed of vehicles):
1,000 credits; .

Oversized (truck or tractor size): 2000 credits per pair.
Large (tank size): 20,000 credits per pair. Weight limit : 100 tons

Hover Jets systems :

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932341402

Small wheels
20,000 per pair.

Hover Jets:
Directional (vehicular): 10,000 per pair.

Hover Jets: Main Thrusters (vehicular):
40,000 per pair. Weight limit : varies

Note: All wheels and treads are of superior strength and quality.
Wheels have 20 M.D.C. each, Weight limit : varies
Treads: 100 M.D.C. per each unit, Weight limit : varies
Pontoons: 100 M.D.C., Weight limit : varies
Hover Jets: 15 (small or directional) Weight limit : varies
45 M.D.C. for each main thruster jet. Weight limit : varies

Hover Jets

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932342358

A super sophisticated twin engine system, with bottom and rear jet thrusters and V/STOL capabilities. This unique propulsion system offers ground and air capabilities. The Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) means the robot can hover sta-tionary above the ground, make vertical take-offs and landings (fly straight up and down), as well as low altitude flight. The ro-bot will obviously have some sort of visible hover propulsion system. Estimated Milage on a liquid fuel is 50 miles (80 km) per one gallon. Electrical power systems buy the amount of time powered by and nuclear power systems unlimited Basic System Cost: 500,000 credits;
requires at least four jets, and/or can be linked to a nuclear or TW power source (cost an extra 100,000 credits for the link plus cost of other power supply).

Maximum Speed:
400 mph
Maximum Altitude: 20,000 feet (6,096 m).
Weight limit : 80 tons

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932341947

Concealed Micro-Hover System

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932341697

A concealed hover jet system of tiny jet boosters built into humanoid or animal or vehicles . The hover jets are strategically located in the feet, hips, back, chest and/or underbelly or others . When not engaged, the jets are completely unnoticeable. Basic System Cost: 500,000 credits; can be linked to the nuclear power system for an additional 100,000 credits. Maximum Speed: 200 mph (320 km).

Maximum Altitude:
500 feet (152 m).

Weight limit :
80 tons

Nitro Booster:

Essentially spare tanks that hold N20 (Nitrous Oxide, a.k.a. laughing gas) used to temporarily enhance an engine's performance. The basic principle behind this is that air is made up of 20% oxygen and 80% nitrogen; Internal Combustion Engines use air in the combustion of fuel to produce power. Nitro Boosters provide "special" air for the combustion process in the form of N20 gas (which is 40% oxygen and 60% nitrogen), pro-viding more oxygen for the combustion process and thus a more efficient burn. You could also use pure oxygen and supplement it with normal air, but that requires a mixer and special sensors to regulate the air intake (as too much oxygen will quickly corrode engine parts or create excessive explosive forces that could destroy the engine). The downside to Nitro Boosters is that S.D.C. vehicles quickly burn out their engines due to the excessive heat created in the process (it also gets expensive repairing and re-placing the burned out components). With the advent of M.D.C. materials, engine parts can withstand the heat and function better using the Nitro Boosters, but then you are still limited by your supply of the gas. Each tank (about half the size of a S.C.U.B.A. tank (roughly 6 inches/15 cm diameter by 18 inches/46 cm long) weighs about 20 lbs (9 kg) and holds enough gas for two melee rounds of use (30 seconds) with N20 or one minute with 02 (Oxygen). The effect in game terms raises the maximum speed of the vehicle by 4 Speed Classes for the duration of the tank. Multiple tanks can be installed (though be wary of cargo space). If it's a retrofitted S.D.C. vehicle roll a 1D6 every time the Nitro Booster is used; rolling a "1" means the engine has been damaged and will need repairs soon (also reduce Speed Class by 2 levels). For every "1" rolled, roll 1D6 again; a second rolled "1" means that something has blown in the engine (gasket, valve, piston, etc.) and the engine is quickly dying. The longer the vehicle continues to operate, the more damage is done to the engine. The engine will last 1D4 melee rounds until it completely seizes up and the car rolls to a stop. M.D.C. engine components can be installed, but such a task is expensive to accomplish. Note: This option is only available on Internal Combustion Engines. Cost: Tank 100 credits each (50 credits to refill with gas), installation into an In-ternal Combustion Engine costs 300 credits (includes mounts for tanks), and an additional 5,000 credits for M.D.C. components/ engine parts (pistons, gaskets, engine block, etc.)

"Feather Fall" System:

This is a booster jet system that is used to assist hovercraft and small maneuverable, wheeled vehicles to fall from dangerous heights. For hovercraft these are additional auxiliary thrusters that automatically engage when the vehicle exceeds its maximum travel height (such as ridding over a cliff) and gently slows the fall of the craft until it returns to its operating range. Wheeled vehicles use the booster jet system to slow their descent then rely on a special impact absorbing suspension system. Juicers, Crazies and other daring pilots have popularized a secondary use of the system. By manually activating the booster jet system at high speeds, they can "jump" with the vehicle. This allows the vehicle to jump ravines, obstacles on the road or make a quick escape from weapon fire or mini-missile volleys. Weight: The "Feather Fall" system is relatively light, but does take up about 5% of the vehicle's maximum load capacity Cost: Hovercraft booster jets cost 125 credits per 10 feet (3 m) of falling height above the vehicle's maximum travel height. Wheeled vehicle booster jets and suspension systems cost 200 credits per 10 feet (3 m) of falling height above ground. When traveling with some speed, you can activate the booster jets to jump 10% of the failing height (1 foot/0.3 m per 10 feet/3 m) above the maximum travel height normal for the hovercraft or above ground for wheeled vehicles. The distance traveled is proportional to the speed traveling at the time of the jump

"Whisper" System:

The original system was supposedly developed for military helicopters in the later part of the 20th Century, but whether or not the technology was actually used or merely made popular by several television shows and movies at the time is unknown. Either way, the concept was transferred over and modified for use in hover vehicles. In the hover vehicle system, specially designed engine modifications smoothly carry the flow of air, reducing the ambient roar normally associated with hovercraft. Also, special sound emitters instantly record and emit reverse sound waves based on the engine's noises, which then cancel out most of the remaining noise of the hover system. The net game effect is that a skilled pilot can actually use the Prowl skill to prowl with the hovercraft! The only real limitations on the system are that it reduces the vehicle's Speed Class by 2 levels (due to the reduced air flow and engine modifications) and the prowling ability only works as long as the vehicle is traveling less than 35 mph (56 km)but in phase world speed is 75 MPH ; anything faster than that and the typical hover craft roar returns and the sound suppression system can't compensate fast enough for the extra noise and turns itself off. Small vehicles (like hovercycles) have no further penalties, but large hovercraft are a little harder to hide and are —20% to —35% to Prowl with depending upon their size. If a pilot does not have a Prowl skill he can automatically prowl at 20%. Cost: 164,000 credits. Note: Electric or nuclear powered wheeled vehicles are also capable of prowling as the system makes very little noise. It is only the crinkling and crunching of leaves, earth, twigs or other obstacles under the wheels that will make any noticeable sound. Prowling with electric/nuclear wheeled vehicles can be done with the pilot's Prowl skill, but at a —10% penalty. It is impossible to prowl in a wheeled internal combustion vehicle, as they make way too much noise.

Vector Thrusting and Enhanced Control Fins:

The ideal control system for any hovercraft enthusiast! The vector thrusting offers maximum control over the vehicle' positioning. Sleek and contoured control fins also add maximum efficiency and ease of control during high-speed flights. Bonuses: +5% to 20% roll 1d4x5 % piloting skill, +1d4 to dodge while traveling over 10 mph (16 km). Cost: 10,000 credits.

Basic Contragravity drive systems

Limited flying abilities. Unlike conventional hover vehicles, the MBT uses a contragravity system and can fly at speeds of 120 mph (192 km) to a maximum altitude of 1000 feet (305 m) in the air. The disadvantage of flying is that the tank is designed to fight close to the ground. In the air its under belly is vulnerable and its weapon systems are at -4 to strike any object beneath it (no penalties at shooting those in front or above it). Note: The MBT is not a hover tank. It does not have vulnerable fans or thrusters underneath so it can add hover systems .

Weight limit :
80 tons

Improved Contragravity drive systems (mainly Maneuverability )

Speed: 200 mph (320 km) maximum speed over land. Can hover up to 5 feet (1.5 m) above ground and travel without pen-alty over swamps and mud, but it is too heavy to hover above or on water
Weight limit : 180 tons

low-power contra-gravity drive

[spoiler] Limited flight capabilities. Has no maximum altitude (can reach orbit, or even land from orbit!) but at altitudes higher than 100 feet (30.5 m), speed decreases to a crawling 80 mph (128 km). Also, the belly plates of the vehicle are vulnerable, so attacks from the ground below inflict double damage[spoiler]

Power System:

All tanks have the following features:
Powered systems:
• gasoline engine, 100,000 add weight 2 tons
• electric motor, 200,000 add weight 1 tons
• nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) add 1,000,000 add weight 4 tons
• Gravitonic Drive add 1,000,000 phase world add weight 3 tons
• Super-Solar Engine add weight 1 tons
• Alternative Fuel Systems add weight 2 tons

Nuclear power

[spoiler] Nuclear energy is the most popular form of energy used in
robots and high-tech machinery. The power supply is surprisingly compact, safe, and has a long lifetime even under constant use. Any high-tech town, including `Burbs and places that cater to mercenaries and adventurers, can make repairs.

One Year: One million credits.
Two Years: 2 million credits.
Five Years: 4.5 million credits.
Ten Years: 8 million credits.
Twenty Years: 15 million credits

Super-Solar Engine

This system utilizes a power source that collects sunlight into a super high-efficiency conversion engine and generator. This is an excellent, clean power source with an indefinite life span. Of course, it is limited in that it must rely on a source of solar en-ergy. Requires some form of locomotion, preferably wheels or hover system.
The system functions superbly while exposed to sunlight. An energy storage unit stores up to 8 hours worth of power, during which time the robot operates at full capacity. After the eighthour reserve is used up, the robot must recharge via solar light energy or manually recharge from another source of electrical energy. Without a recharge, an emergency reserve engages, but it has a mere four hour capacity. While the emergency reserve is engaged, all unnecessary functions will be shut down. Speed is reduced by 20%, attacks per melee are reduced by half, and no energy weapons can fire. At the end of the emergency reserve (4 hours), the robot shuts down completely and will remain inert (like a person in a coma or deep sleep) until recharged by sun-light or electricity.
As a superior fail safe, many robots utilizing a super-solar system often combine it with a one or two year nuclear power system. The combination can extend the life of the nuclear bat-tery to approximate five years, by switching back and forth from nuclear power to solar. The nuclear and solar combination means that the nuclear power serves as the reserve and enables the robot to operate at full capability and full firepower at all times. Solar can be a good, reliable system if proper caution is used.

Basic System Cost: Two million credits, complete with a special generator, recharge unit and reserve battery

Techno-Wizard System

This is an energy system that utilizes magic with technology. The initial creation and powering of the unit is often time consuming and expensive. Repairs can also be expensive or a repair person impossible to find, as it requires a Techno-Wizard who has the expertise and sufficient P.P.E. to do the job. That having been said, TW power supplies are as reliable as nuclear power and completely clean and safe.
Speed increases by 20% when riding along a ley line, and piloting skills enjoy a +5% bonus.
One Year: 2 million credits.
Two Years: 4.1 million credits.
Five Years: 6.4 million credits.
Ten Years: 12.3 million credits..

Power System:
Magical by Major Elemental.

Suspected to be a Major Air and/or Water Elemental that appears to supply an endless, renewable source of energy and power Each seems to be a magical, M.D.C. suit of armor that contains an Elemental and to destroyed, a whirlwind of Elemental fire, icy wind, grit filled funnel or cloud of steam is released in a torrent of energy, leaving behind the body an unknown husk inside an empty shell of wires and cold steel.

As long a main engine is not destroy armored M.D.C 240
Years: 24 million

Alternative Fuel Systems Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

One problem with many of Northern Gun's most sophisticated creations is the high-cost of their power systems. Nuclear power cores are difficult to manufacture under any circumstances and add significantly to the base price of already expensive vehicles, robots, power armor systems and aircraft. For years, an alternative has been sought.
Sophisticated electric batteries are an option, but they require access to reliable power generation to recharge. For military units in the field and especially mercenaries and independents, this can often be a problem. (Vehicles with nuclear power plants can be rigged to do the job, but the charging process takes 1D4+1 hours, limits the vehicle doing the charging to only 10% of its normal speed and renders it totally unable to fire energy weapons.) Even the best batteries produced by Northern Gun can only offer roughly 100 hours of service life and are only fit for certain vehicles and light armor. This may not be a problem for city guards and local militia units, but for high-value customers like mercenaries and state armies, something superior is necessary.
Luckily, a solution was found amongst the pre-Rifts techno-logical remains that Northern Gun is both literally and metaphori-cally built upon. Certain pieces of mining equipment and civilian vehicles left behind from the Golden Age were powered not by nuclear cores, but by sophisticated Solid Oxide fuel cells. This technology is a remnant, a holdover from the end of the age of fossil fuels, and had much appeal to the Research & Development branch of NG.
The fuel cells are relatively cheap and very versatile, and can be manufactured using almost any fossil fuel, ranging from diesel to gasoline to natural gas, coal gas and even alcohol. Unlike conventional gasoline and diesel engines, Golden Age Solid Oxide cells have the capability to power even energy hogs like combat robots and high-speed hovercraft. They provide enough energy to utilize a vehicle or robot's built-in energy weapons without worrying about draining the battery. For the last few years, Northern Gun has been extensively marketing 'Solid OX' as a cheaper alternative to nuclear power systems and making Solid Oxide fuel cells available wherever NG products are carried.
Solid Oxide cells are quite simple to use. Insert a fresh fuel cell into the vehicle, armor or robot's cell port, twist the handle to activate, and you're done! The cell will provide robots and large vehicles with energy for approximately four weeks (28 days) be-fore running out, or roughly eight weeks (56 days) for power armor, hovercycles and light vehicles, after which it will need to be returned to an official Northern Gun outlet to be recharged and rebuilt. NG buys back used but undamaged fuel cells for 15% of their list price, a nice incentive for customers to return their cells which also saves Northern Gun when it comes to overall manufacturing costs (and is good for the environment).
Solid Oxide fuel cells come in two types, Standard and Heavy-Duty. Standard fuel cells are for hovercycles, personal vehicles, light power armor and devices like jet packs. Heavy-Duty fuel cells are for tanks, combat robots, power armor

Standard Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Weight: 42 lbs (19 kg).
Duration: 1,400 hours (approximately eight weeks of constant use).
Protective Casing: 15 M.D.C.
Cost: 40,000 credits.

Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours (approximately four weeks of constant use). Protective Casing: 30 M.D.C.
Cost: 120,000 credits.

The Dangers and Limitations of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

The first thing anyone who handles Solid Oxide fuel cells realizes is that they run hot. The average temperature of a Solid OX cell in use is 1,000 degrees C (1,832 F)! The cells tend to stay hot for a long time after being powered down as well, so work-ing with them requires special heavy equipment, welder's gloves, masks and sometimes even heat suits. Touching an exposed hot fuel cell will inflict 1D4 M.D. to Mega-Damage creatures and 2D4x10 S.D.C. to human beings. For humans, these are third-degree burns and will result in permanent scarring.
Solid Oxide fuel cells are also less bountiful in their reserves of power than the nuclear cores that many customers are accus-tomed to. Using a Solid OX powered vehicle or robot to charge another vehicle's batteries will drain 50% of its energy life. Ar-mor, robots and military vehicles that have replaced non-energy ballistic weapons like rail guns and missile launchers with energy weapons or added extra energy weapons will also put a strain on the system, cutting the fuel cell's life span by 25%.
In addition to their functional limitations, Solid Oxide fuel cells are also extremely volatile and will react explosively if their outer casing is ruptured. Reduce the M.D.C. of a fuel cell to 5 M.D.C. or less and there is a 50% chance of it exploding every minute (4 melee rounds). Reduce it to zero and it explodes immediately. A Standard Solid OX fuel cell does 4D6 M.D. to everything in a 6 foot (1.8 m) radius. The Heavy-Duty Solid OX cell does 1D6x10 M.D. to a 10 foot (3 m) radius. If a fuel cell is exposed and it is detonated while still inside the vehicle, all damage is done directly to the main body and utterly destroys
the power system, requiring complete replacement and extensive repairs (1D4 million credits and days for repairs

Converting Vehicles to Use Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

In addition to selling the fuel cells and offering fuel cell sys-tems as an option on new products, Northern Gun also offers con-version packages for older NG equipment and even competitors' models. They are more than happy to convert the vehicles of rival companies to use their Solid Oxide systems, for which they are the only provider of fuel cells. They even offer free installation at most official NG stores. Northern Gun envisions a day when Solid OX has replaced nuclear power packs as the most common and affordable vehicle fuel system in North America.
The conversion kits that they produce have been appearing at third party arms merchants and in the hands of the Black Market, just as Northern Gun intends. They are relatively simple to install, predesignated to be partially modular and to fit right into the cavity left behind when a standard nuclear core is extracted. The job can be handled by any skilled Operator (01-94% chance of success) with access to heavy machinery or an assistant with Robotic or Supernatural P.S. to do the heavy lifting. Removing the old nuclear

Solid Oxide Conversion Kits

Jetpack or Small Power Unit: 25,000 credits.
Motorcycle or Hovercycle: 30,000 credits.
Personal Vehicle. Hovercar or ATV: 45,000 credits.
Power Armor: 75,000 credits. Includes built-in storage for one spare, Standard Solid OX fuel cell.
Combat Robots & Patrol Boats: 125,000 credits. Includes built-in
storage for one spare, Heavy-Duty Solid OX fuel cell. Aircraft. Military Large Construction Vehicles & Large Boats, Barges and Small Ships: 200,000 credits.

Electric Batteries

Northern Gun has always offered certain hovercycles and small vehicles with rechargeable electric batteries as a power source, but since the premiere of the Gladius exoskeleton sev-eral years ago, Northern Gun's engineers have become proficient with designing large batteries and charging systems. Most North-ern Gun vehicle and robot designs now offer electric batteries as a power option with a standard 96 hour field life, good for roughly 4-12 days of use in the field depending on the level of exertion. This lifespan doubles to 144 hours for light units like most man-sized power armor, light robot drones, exoskeletons and hover-cycles. These smaller units require a single battery, power armor and medium-sized vehicles need two batteries, and combat robots and larger vehicles require four batteries connected in series. NG offers recharging services for a pittance (takes three hours us-ing specially designed NG recharging stations, 5 hours via other means, to fully charge a system's batteries, no matter how many batteries the system uses), and often recharging is thrown in free for customers purchasing other products.
Electric batteries are very versatile and can be recharged from almost any medium to heavy generator, power grid or vehicle/robot/power armor with a nuclear power supply. Batteries can also be used as portable power generators while their charge lasts, capable of running a building's lights or powering up a few limited mechanical systems. Connecting a battery to a power grid or trying to use it as a replacement for a real generator requires an Operator or someone with the Electrical Engineer or Electricity Generation skill, otherwise it will quickly cause an overload and render the battery useless, totally dead and unable to be re-charged.

NG Electric Battery Power System

Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).
Duration: 96 hours or 4 days of continuous use in robots and heavy vehicles. 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and light vehicles.
Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 200 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Sa-maritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power (3 hours at an NG outlet). Cost: 90,000 to install the electric battery system and 25,000 credits per each NG electric battery used, and for replacement batteries. Otherwise, the life of an electric battery under normal use is five years; 1D4 years under combat conditions
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Re: N.A.AT

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Part two

Weapon Systems:

The main gun for battle tank OR MBT and similar vehicles BUT Pick one ONLY (1)

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932342898

Number 1)120mm Cannon Turret (1):
Number 2) 120mm Auto- Cannon Turret (1):
Number 3) 125mm or 130 mm Cannon Main Turret (
Number 4) 125 mm or 130 mm Auto-Cannon Turret
Number 5) 152 mm Cannon Main Turret (1):
Number 6) 152 mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):
Number 7) RG-14 Rapid Acceleration Electromagnetic Rail Gun
Number 8 ) ATL-10 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle
Number 9) dual barrel systems

120 mm weight 1 ton, 125 mm add weight 2 tons, 152 mm add weight 3 tons, RG-14 Rapid Acceleration Electromagnetic Rail Gun weight 1 ton, ATL add weight 2 tons

The main gun for MBT there are two type of main gun one is an auto cannons for dual shot fire or burst fire .But the MBT cannot move to fire double tap or burst fire. (-1D6 to strike)Can fire single fire while moving or stationary. This is for more damage and sadly MBT are too small to be able to shot and move at the same time

The second type of 120 mm is Cannon is more accurate fire (+1 to strike) and can shot /fire while moving or stationary.

Later adding rifts earth and phase world technology
The first systems that can out cannon and Autocannon
Were two different design systems that’s allowed to have one have a high strike capability like that of a sniper and a second was more damage originated systems. Hence cannon and later the Autocannon
Get different options .

M.D.C Cannon:
vehicle stop and shot it get added +1d6 to strike at all times while in motion get 1d4 minus weapons systems, sensors and target can help so a 100 MM tank rifle can only and do 5d6 M.D.C
And fire a single round

M.D.C Autocannon
the opposite it with the Autocannon fire and shot while in motion add M.D.C so a 100 MM tank rifle can do a burst fire or double tap able to fire this require a auto loader systems able to fire two rounds in one second doing a 1d6x10 M.D.C from two rounds
one last item and under barrel can be added only fossil fuel systems cannot have ATL or better known as an Anti-Tank Laser system look on weapon systems .This can work on a M.D.C Cannon or M.D.C Autocannon systems

Abrams MBT Pre rifts abilities
The Abrams main gun fires explosive shells at visible targets (line up in the targeting sights and fire and forget systems is only +1 to strike if the target is "painted" with a laser designator). The tank may also operate like an artillery unit, firing at a set of coordinates without actually seeing the target (-2 to strike). The autocannon is built into the turret, and the turret can rotate 360 degrees and can aim up and down in a 60 degree angle, allowing the tank to engage low-flying aircraft and other types of slow flyers (however, it is -3 to hit flying targets moving faster than 80 mph/128 km). The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment.

Abrams MBT rifts updated abilities
The Abrams main gun fires explosive shells at visible targets (line up in the targeting sights and fire and forget systems is only +1d4+1 to strike if the target is "painted" with a laser designator). The tank may also operate like an artillery unit, firing at a set of coordinates without actually seeing the target (-2 to strike). The autocannon is built into the turret, and the turret can rotate 360 degrees and can aim up and down in a 85 degree angle, allowing the tank to engage low-flying aircraft and other types of slow flyers (however, it is -3 to hit flying targets moving faster than 500 mph). The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment or A.I Systems can take over. There additional feature to this adding a fly probe and are invaluable even in rifts earth ( Additional Modifying M.D.C. Vehicles)

Number 1) 120mm Cannon Turret (1):
The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids

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(APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 tons

This is single shot below
Solid slug rounds
High-Explosive (HE):
1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft per round (6.1 m). blast radius 5d6 M.D.C per round
High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT):
2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).
AP: if 18 or better full damage to cockpit compartment or crew compartment
If none damage goes to crew M.D.C damage
1D4 x 10 M.D.
2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .

Effective Range: 3 miles

The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

Number 2) 120mm Auto- Cannon Turret (1):

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932342898

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 tons
This is single shot below
Solid slug rounds
High-Explosive (HE):
1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft per round (6.1 m). blast radius 5d6 M.D.C per round
High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT):
2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).
AP: if 18 or better full damage to cockpit compartment or crew compartment
If none damage goes to crew M.D.C damage
1D4 x 10 M.D.
2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .

Effective Range: 3 miles

The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

Number 3) 125mm or 130 mm Cannon Main Turret (1):

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932342898

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 60 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has higher damage.

Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 ton

the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has higher damage.

Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).
High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).
AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better
APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage
High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).
High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).
AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better
APSD: 2D6 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Rate of Fire:
Single fire only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails.gets a -1D6 if moving

Effective Range:
For low damage 3 miles
Standard rounds 6000 feet

The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).
Add +1 strike moving or stationary

Number 4) 125 mm or 130 mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932342898

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:

1 tons
The following single shot below
Pick one
Solid slug rounds
Low damage
Standard damage
Solid slug rounds .1d4x10 MD.C per round
Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage

High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).

High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).

AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

APSD: 2D6 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range:
3 miles low damage rounds
6000 feet for standard rounds

The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

Number 5) 152 mm Cannon Main Turret :

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932342898

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 60 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has higher damage.

Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 ton

the low damage is for greater range at the cost of lower
Damage ,while standard round has a lower range but has
higher damage.
Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).
High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).
AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better
APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage
High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).
High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).
AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better
APSD: 2D6 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Rate of Fire:
Single fire only

Effective Range:
For low damage 3 miles
Standard rounds 6000 feet
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

Add +1 strike moving or stationary

Number 6) 152 mm Auto-Cannon Turret (1):

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932342898

The cannon has a variety of loads, including high-explosive (HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor-piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding solids (APSD). The APSD round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it with the greater mass of the slug. Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 40 degrees — allowing it to engage low-flying aircraft/creatures. The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment. It can fire a burst fire or a double tap in any mode .
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 tons
The following single shot below
Pick one

Solid slug rounds
Low damage
Standard damage
Heavy rounds

Solid slug rounds .1d4x10 MD.C per round

Low damage
High-Explosive (HE): 1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).
High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 2d4 x 10 M.D. with a blast
radius of 10 ft (3 m).
AP: 1D4 x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better
APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Standard damage
High-Explosive (HE): 2D4 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft (6.1 m).
High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT): 1D10 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).
AP: 1D6x 10 M.D. full damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better
APSD: 2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).
Half damage to crew/pilots compartment if any on 18 or better

Heavy rounds
Plasma: 3D4x10 M.D. to 30 foot (9.1 m) blast radius.
High Explosive: 2D4x10 M.D. to 15 foot (4.6 m) blast radius.
AP Fragmentary: 1D6x10 M.D. to 30 foot (9.1 m) blast radius. (f AP Fragmentary: 1D4x10 M.D. to 50 foot (15.2 m) blast radius.
Smoke: Covers 40 foot (12.2 m) blast radiu

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .
Effective Range:
5 miles heavy rounds
3 miles low damage rounds
6000 feet for standard rounds
The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

Number 7 ) RG-14 Rapid Acceleration Electromagnetic Rail Gun :

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932343108

The famous "Boom Gun" is a unique rail gun that can accelerate its flechettes style rounds to a speed of Mach 5 and actually creates a sonic boom when fired. The gun is the most powerful personal or vehicular weapon to survive the Great Cataclysm.
The blast is so powerful that without built in automatic stabilization system and heavy weight suspension systems ,it would be rip the main turret off and knocked back 30 feet (9 m). The Built-in stabilization system is a synchronous system of jet thrusters and reinforcement armor . No pylons are need for additional action the moment the Boom Gun is fired. This due to mass weight must have 60 tons or more to use this weapon systems.

Primary Purpose:
Assault, anti-armor and anti-aircraft.

One Boom Gun flechettes round holds 200 slugs that inflict 3D6x10
M.D. C

Effects of the Sonic Boom:
The MBT is specially insulated from the shock waves of its own Boom Gun, however, everyone within 200 feet (61 m) will be temporarily deafened (triple that range underwater). Characters without any type of sound/ear protection will be temporarily deafened for 2D4 minutes and are -8 on initiative and -3 to parry and dodge. Characters who are in protective body armor or power armor will have some protection, but are still temporarily deafened for 1D4 minutes; same penalties apply but for a shorter duration. Each sonic boom adds to the duration of the deafness.
The sonic boom also affects the physical surroundings by shaking buildings and shattering S.D.C. windows within a 300 foot radius (91 m) of the boom.

Rate of Fire:
Each booming blast counts as one melee attack/action. Bursts and sprays are not possible!

Maximum Effective Range:
11,000 feet (about 2 miles/3.2 km).

300 rounds/shots and the Boom Gun can be reloaded by hand, one round at a time, by the pilot. Unfortunately, it takes about 15 minutes to reload 40 rounds.

Number 8 ) ATL-10 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle

This is a pre-Rifts design built against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. Also, only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it.it can be ise by gaint robot and tie power source if tank disable in 15 seconds .[spoiler]
Weight: [spoiler]1 ton lbs.

5D6x10+20 M.D.

Rate of Fire:
Single shot only; hand to hand

Effective Range:
7000 feet

only energy base systems and as long as there power it unlimited

Note : Beam cannon
is variable laser systems [spoiler]

Number 9) dual barrel systems
It any pick one only projectile from 120 MM to 155 mm with the Number 9) dual barrel systems under barrel system

Coaxial gun A coaxial gun is a secondary weapon systems fitted to a mount beside a vehicle's main weapon. pick one
It can either one or two Coaxial guns

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932501172

pick one weapon system or two from below
20 mm AutoCannon WEIGHT 500 pounds
30 mm AutoCannon WEIGHT 500 pounds
20 MM Chain gun WEIGHT 500 pounds
30 MM Chain gun WEIGHT 500 pounds
Second generation M.D.C Heavy Machine Gun H.M.GWEIGHT 200 POUNDS
*WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher WEIGHT look up
Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book) WEIGHT 150 POUNDS
ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America ) WEIGHT LOOK UP
pick one weapon system from below for both top hatches
They can a single mounted weapon systems or dual mounted weapon systems and are remote control or can be operated manual.

* not possible for Coaxial gun

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932355542
20 mm AutoCannon
30 mm AutoCannon
20 MM Chain gun
30 MM Chain gun
Second generation M.D.C Heavy Machine Gun H.M.G WEIGHT150
WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher WEIGHT
Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book) WEIGHT
ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America )

Two WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher

[spoiler]This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon. It can disconnect from main turret in 2 attacks. It replaces the mini missiles that are used in G.AW Model.
Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system. Weight: 130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

Fragmentary: 4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).
Armor-Piercing: 1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m). A burst is 10 rounds!
A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)!
A burst of Armor piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Rate of Fire: Standard.
Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).

Payload: 40 round magazine (back up has four in tank )
200 round belt And ammo drum in turret 300 .
540 rounds
Rounds are divided by 2 for Armor piercing
And Fragmentary.

14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber:
A M.D.C machine gun loaded with Heavy Solid Slug bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield. The gun is used mostly to fight off other light targets and to defend against aircraft.
There are three M.D.C Heavy Machinegun use on this model
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where

the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing MD
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: one round does 1M.D.C
A burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
Rate of Fire:
Standard burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D.C
A burst is 60 rounds and does 1D6 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
3 mile for ground to ground combat
2000 rounds

20 MM AutoCannon
There are M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon

Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage per round on later models

Solid slug rounds

1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,

Standard rounds is 1d6x10 M.D.C for twenty round burst

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
any Railguns possible but the GB Boom gun

20 MM Chain gun
Damage :
Short burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst,counts as two attack
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds

30mm Auto-Cannon:

mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 2 tons
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Normal Effective
Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 burs

30mm China gun:

This mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense Weight: 2 tons Mega-Damage:
M.D.C Solid slug
1 MDC PER round
10 rounds burst 1d10
20 rounds burst 5d4
30 rounds burst 5d6
40 rounds burst 1d4x10
50 rounds burst 5d10
60 rounds burst 1d6x10
80 rounds burst 2d4x10
100 rounds burst 1d10x10
120 rounds burst 2d6x10

240 rounds burst 4d6x10


A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Normal Effective Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200

Four WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher

The WI-40M provides the firepower of a tank (for one melee round) and is advertised as "the heaviest man-portable missile launcher in the world." That's partially true. It is man-portable for anyone who can lug its 120 lbs (54 kg) of missile and crude, disposable launch trigger. This means the operator must be a creature with a P.S. of 24 or greater, otherwise it will require two or three men to transport it. The WI-40M is basically a medium-range missile with a plastic launching platform that has a handle and big trigger (big enough for the hand of most powered armor suits and giants). Once the missile is fired, the launching platform is ruined and discarded (the plastic has a recycle value of 2D4 x 10 credits). The exhaust of the rocket also inflicts 1D6 x 10 S.D.C. to anything within 15 feet of the shooter; it won't affect characters in M.D.C. armor, but will ignite brush fires or explode any fuels and other volatile flammables nearby. Despite those shortcomings, it is a new favorite of power armor pilots and borgs.
The missile system weighs 120 lbs (54 kg)
and is six feet (1.8 m) long.

Any medium-range missile can be used. It is usually
Armor-Piercing (2D4 x 10 M.D.),each
Fragmentation (2D4 x 10 M.D.) each
Plasma/Heat (2D6 x 10 M.D.or 5d6x10 for N.A.A.T, N.A.M.E.S OR A.M.C). Each

Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon
Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km).
The missile has less fuel than a vehicle-mounted medium-range missile. this system rarely used .

Payload: One. Per rack total four
A missile box containing four missiles and weighing 520 lbs (234 kg) is available. Taking a missile out of its box and aiming it usually counts as two melee actions/attacks.

Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)
This heavy, multi-barreled laser is used
for missile defense and anti-aircraft roles. Each is controlled by an independent gunner. One is mounted turret and only type . The wing turrets can rotate 360 degrees and fire on a 180 degree arc, sweeping the air above the aircraft.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 2D4 x 10 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Each turret can shoot up to six times per melee round.
Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited pick one , tie to vechile power systems 3 per mellee
There are a light version 2d4x10 ,medium version 2D6 x 10 M.D. per blast and 4D6 x 10 M.D. per blast heavy version

ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America )
This is a pre-Rifts design built to give infantrymen a chance against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. It is a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-clip in one single shot! The short comings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes one melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power
armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble or weapon mount ). Also, they use up E-clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it.
Weight: 30 lbs. (13.5 kg)
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10+20 M.D. per shot
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; each shot empties an entire E-Clip
Effective Range: 9000 feet
Payload: 1 shot per E-Clip has or tie to vehicle other power systems 3 per melee Nuclear goes to 5 !!

Black Market: not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932485394

Smoke Launcher (4):
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega·Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius.
Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.
Rate of Fire:
One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.

Payload: 24 total.

Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser,
Located in the end of the vehicle is a chaff dispenser. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse enemies that are hit by Chaff or detonate on contact .

Primary Purpose:
but roll percentage dice for catch pursuing missile to determine the result:
: Enemy missile or missile \olley detonates in chaff cloud. The threat is over.
Enemy missile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction (may lock onto ncarh) aircraft).
No efrcci. Missiles slill on largel. AI~o note the chaff cloud will tcmporaril) blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds).

The creature recover with no continued effect~. Payload:
Four. 24

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932485881
Last edited by ZINO on Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Part three final part

Coaxial gun A coaxial gun is a secondary weapon systems fitted to a mount beside a vehicle's main weapon. pick one
It can either one or two Coaxial guns

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932501172

pick one weapon system or two from below
20 mm AutoCannon WEIGHT 500 pounds
30 mm AutoCannon WEIGHT 500 pounds
20 MM Chain gun WEIGHT 500 pounds
30 MM Chain gun WEIGHT 500 pounds
Second generation M.D.C Heavy Machine Gun H.M.GWEIGHT 200 POUNDS
WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher WEIGHT look up
Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book) WEIGHT 150 POUNDS
ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America ) WEIGHT LOOK UP

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932355542

pick one weapon system from below for both top hatches
They can a single mounted weapon systems or dual mounted weapon systems and are remote control or can be operated manual.

20 mm AutoCannon
30 mm AutoCannon
20 MM Chain gun
30 MM Chain gun
Second generation M.D.C Heavy Machine Gun H.M.G WEIGHT150
WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher WEIGHT
Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book) WEIGHT
ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America )

WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher

This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon. It can disconnect from main turret in 2 attacks. It replaces the mini missiles that are used in G.AW Model.
Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system. Weight: 130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

Fragmentary: 4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).
Armor-Piercing: 1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m). A burst is 10 rounds!
A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)!
A burst of Armor piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Rate of Fire: Standard.
Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).

Payload: 40 round magazine (back up has four in tank )
200 round belt And ammo drum in turret 300 .
540 rounds
Rounds are divided by 2 for Armor piercing
And Fragmentary.

14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber:
A M.D.C machine gun loaded with Heavy Solid Slug bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield. The gun is used mostly to fight off other light targets and to defend against aircraft.
There are three M.D.C Heavy Machinegun use on this model
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where

the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing MD
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: one round does 1M.D.C
A burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
Rate of Fire:
Standard burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D.C
A burst is 60 rounds and does 1D6 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
3 mile for ground to ground combat
2000 rounds

20 MM AutoCannon
There are M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon

Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher damage per round on later models

Solid slug rounds

1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,

Standard rounds is 1d6x10 M.D.C for twenty round burst

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
Railguns possible

20 MM Chain gun
Damage :
Short burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst,counts as two attack
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds

30mm Auto-Cannon:
mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 2 tons
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Normal Effective
Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 burs

30mm China gun:
This mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense Weight: 2 tons Mega-Damage:
M.D.C Solid slug
1 MDC PER round
10 rounds burst 1d10
20 rounds burst 5d4
30 rounds burst 5d6
40 rounds burst 1d4x10
50 rounds burst 5d10
60 rounds burst 1d6x10
80 rounds burst 2d4x10
100 rounds burst 1d10x10
120 rounds burst 2d6x10

240 rounds burst 4d6x10


A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Normal Effective Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200

Four WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher

This rarely added to turret but possible ( still one one).The WI-40M provides the firepower of a tank (for one melee round) and is advertised as "the heaviest man-portable missile launcher in the world." That's partially true. It is man-portable for anyone who can lug its 120 lbs (54 kg) of missile and crude, disposable launch trigger. This means the operator must be a creature with a P.S. of 24 or greater, otherwise it will require two or three men to transport it. The WI-40M is basically a medium-range missile with a plastic launching platform that has a handle and big trigger (big enough for the hand of most powered armor suits and giants). Once the missile is fired, the launching platform is ruined and discarded (the plastic has a recycle value of 2D4 x 10 credits). The exhaust of the rocket also inflicts 1D6 x 10 S.D.C. to anything within 15 feet of the shooter; it won't affect characters in M.D.C. armor, but will ignite brush fires or explode any fuels and other volatile flammables nearby. Despite those shortcomings, it is a new favorite of power armor pilots and borgs.
The missile system weighs 120 lbs (54 kg)
and is six feet (1.8 m) long.
Any medium-range missile can be used. It is usually
Armor-Piercing (2D4 x 10 M.D.),each
Fragmentation (2D4 x 10 M.D.) each
Plasma/Heat (2D6 x 10 M.D.or 5d6x10 for N.A.A.T, N.A.M.E.S OR A.M.C). Each

Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon
Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km).
The missile has less fuel than a vehicle-mounted medium-range missile. this system rarely used .

Payload: One. Per rack total four
A missile box containing four missiles and weighing 520 lbs (234 kg) is available. Taking a missile out of its box and aiming it usually counts as two melee actions/attacks.

Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)
This heavy, multi-barreled laser is used
for missile defense and anti-aircraft roles. Each is controlled by an independent gunner. One is mounted turret and only type . The wing turrets can rotate 360 degrees and fire on a 180 degree arc, sweeping the air above the aircraft.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 2D6 x 10 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Each turret can shoot up to six times per melee round.
Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited pick one , tie to vechile power systems 3 per mellee
There are a light version 2d4x10 ,medium version 2D6 x 10 M.D. per blast and 4D6 x 10 M.D. per blast heavy version

ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America )
This is a pre-Rifts design built to give infantrymen a chance against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. It is a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-clip in one single shot! The short comings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes one melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power
armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble or weapon mount ). Also, they use up E-clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it.
Weight: 30 lbs. (13.5 kg)
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10+20 M.D. per shot
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; each shot empties an entire E-Clip
Effective Range: 9000 feet
Payload: 1 shot per E-Clip has or tie to vehicle other power systems 3 per melee Nuclear goes to 5 !!

Black Market: not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932485394

Smoke Launcher (4):
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega·Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius.
Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.
Rate of Fire:
One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.

Payload: 24 total.

Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser,
Located in the end of the vehicle is a chaff dispenser. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse enemies that are hit by Chaff or detonate on contact .

Primary Purpose:
but roll percentage dice for catch pursuing missile to determine the result:
: Enemy missile or missile \olley detonates in chaff cloud. The threat is over.
Enemy missile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction (may lock onto ncarh) aircraft).
No efrcci. Missiles slill on largel. AI~o note the chaff cloud will tcmporaril) blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds).

The creature recover with no continued effect~. Payload:
Four. 24

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932485881

Close Combat:
The MBT may drive into and smash through light to heavy S.D.C. walls and structures as well as ram into and knock over giants and S.D.C. vehicles. It can also drive into and disperse enemy troops. The impact from a half speed ram is 1D4x10 M.D. or 1D6x10 MD. from a full speed ram. A ram attack against humans, even in body armor or man-sized power armor, inflicts 1D6x10 M.D. and hurls the character 4D6 yards/meters (victim loses initiative and three melee attacks). Human-sized characters who get run over suffer 2D6x10+20 M.D.

Standard Systems of Note:

Combat Computer: WEIGHT 100 POUNDS
Targeting Computer: WEIGHT 100 POUNDS
Laser Targeting System: WEIGHT 100 POUNDS
Spotlights: WEIGHT 5 POUNDS
IR Spotlights WEIGHT 100 POUNDS
Radio Communications: WEIGHT 100 POUNDS
Complete Environmental systems 500 WEIGHT POUNDS
Winch & Cable: WEIGHT100 POUNDS
Computer and digital Monitor built into the dashboard: WEIGHT 100 POUNDS
Heads-Up Display System: WEIGHT 1 POUNDS
Infrared Search Light WEIGHT 5 POUNDS
Loudspeaker: WEIGHT 50 POUNDS
Computer Atlas 100 WEIGHT POUNDS
IFF Systems: identify friend or foe system 100WEIGHT POUNDS
Special maneuvers 200 WEIGHT POUNDS
Fast Processing and Reaction Time: WEIGHT 100 POUNDS
Hardened EMP component are for EMP Attacks and any that added as well
• NOTE IF you see any left weight for base of the armor

Combat Computer:

Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.

Targeting Computer:

Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range (16 km).

Laser Targeting System:
Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + 2 to strike when using long-range weapons main gun other get +1. Ten mile range (16 km)


Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 6000 feet

IR Spotlights: infrared spotlight same as above

Radio Communications:

directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short-range radio. Range is 10 miles (16 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.

Complete Environmental systems :
Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater ( 100 feet maximum depth unless stated otherwise).

Includes the following features:
• Computer controlled life support system. Internal cooling and temperature control
• Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. 48 hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded
IR system infrared systems range 5 miles

Winch & Cable:

Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle is an electric winch; basically, a motor connected to a cable and a hook. The cable is 1000 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 25 tons.

Computer and digital Monitor built into the dashboard:

Heads-Up Display System:
Infrared Search Light

Computer Atlas

Displays city maps, roadways and trails. The general atlas program shows the entire North American continent (USA and Canada), general geographic features (mountains, forests, rivers, etc.), the location of major nations, major cities, and major trouble spots such as the Calgary Rifts, The Devil's Gate, the Magic Zone, and so on. Specific discs are available for the roads and streets of major cities, including each Coalition State and city, Lazio, Ishpeming, Tolkeen, Whykin, Kingsdale, and other major communities. Of course, the environment and communities are constantly changing so the information is only 75% accurate and updates are issued regularly. An

atlas more than a year old will only be 50% accurate and places like the Burbs, shanty towns and mercenary operations change constantly so they are NOT included at all. Basic program costs 300 credits, specific places cost 100 credits each

IFF Systems
identify friend or foe system

Computer handy component connected with the optics and communication systems. It is used for Enemy Profiling. The tiny computer can identify up to 200 different cyborg designs. armors. and insignias of known Russian. European and Asian cyborgs. plus 6000 monsters and demons ( lore 89% )-each rendered in full color with schematics indicating known weaknesses. armor. weapons. powers. etc.; capable of rotation and zoom to key features. This program is designed to be a passive. silent Friend or Foe Identification System. First. words. or symbols for the majority

who cannot read. are displayed on the internal optics of the cyborg similarr to a HUD display. to indicme the friend or foe based on the ~object's mechanical design. identifying markings. physical appearance and supernatural nature (i.e. Gargoyles. demons. Necromancers. Witches and warriors from rival factions are all designated as enemies). The enemy designation is also reserved for known "human" bandits. D-Bees. and creatures of magic. If the threat is minimal. or the being is only a potential enemy (as is the case with unidentified humans and many D-Bees). the warning symbol is smail and yellow. If the subject is known to be hostile toward humans or known to be a powerful and evil supernatural being. the warning symbol is large and red. The complete profile on the being can be called up at will in words or sound bites. Visual icons also indicatc key classifications including Cyborg. Robot. Demon. God-being. Dragon. Human. D-Bee. Animal. Entity/Ghost. Elemental. Evil Sorcerer (Witch. Necromancer. etc.) and Unspecified Supernatural Being (i.e. they exhibit supernatural powers or magical abilities but arc unidentified). In addition. the IFF System indicates the being's relative power level on a scale of 1-10: a flashing 10 means its estimated power level is off the scale! Range: Line of sight. Drawback.or 5000 feet

Special maneuvers
+1 to strike and dodge when piloting vehicle, +2 and can dodge even if piloting a vehicle that does not normally have a dodge, such as a tank! However, the vehicle must have a minimum speed of 30 mph
character is at +15% to pilot any vehicle he is trained with and +25% on his favorite vehicle all MBT .

Fast Processing and Reaction Time:
Implant reaches faster than expected. +1 on initiative. +1 to dodge. +1 to roll with impact

Enhance Radiation Shielding:
This lines the walls of the vehicle with radiation shielding (lead lining and lead based windows). This not only protects from most kinds of radiation but will also disrupt several psionic, magical or supernatural abilities that cannot penetrate lead (such as X-Ray Vision). Cost: 50,000 credits for a car, truck or hauler/transport cab, 120,000 credits to cover a bus, trailer or an entire transport.

Vehicle Cybernetic Interface:
This is the vehicle component of the Cybernetic Vehicle Interface found on page 100 of Rifts® World Book 17: Warlords of Russia .Not all vehicles are outfitted with this system, but many cybernetically enhanced Headhunters, City Rats and cyborgs insist on such systems in their vehicles. Though popular in Russia/Europe, similar systems do exist throughout the world (a common technology before the Cataclysm, but it was a toy of the rich and wealthy so not every vehicle encountered will have this system installed, but many do, especially if they predate the Cataclysm). Cost: 80,000 credits to outfit a vehicle. There is an additional 25,000 credits per station or sub-system that can be plugged into (like a turret, auxiliary weapon system, etc.) which is controlled by another person who also has the Vehicle Cybernetic Interface

On-Board Computer/Control Systems Basic:
The vehicle makes heavy use of computers to modulate and control fuel in-take, air intakes, emission controls, optimum engine performance, etc. It also has most, if not all, of its features controlled or assisted by computer to anticipate and aid in driver control of the vehi-cle. The vehicle needs to have a Heads-Up Display (H.U.D.), a headjack/fingerjack to plug into or a Vehicle Cybernetic Interface system for the pilot to make effective use of the system. When used, this grants a +5% to the piloting of the vehicle. This system also networks other sub-systems on larger vehicles, allowing easy communication between pilots and gunners, and helps them coordinate attacks and maneuvers. Cost: 45,000 credits, and typi-
cally comes with one set of interfaces (headjack and fingerjack) as part of the package. Each additional station on the vehicle will cost an additional 12,000 credits (includes networking this sys-tem with the main one).

On-Board Computer/Control Systems — Advanced:
This is identical to the basic system but offers a number of addition-al features. First, the computer system used to assist in vehicle performance and control is far superior and provides a +10% to piloting of the vehicle (instead of the +5% of the basic model). It also provides a +1 to strike on all vehicle controlled weapon systems, a +1 on initiative and a +1 to dodge with the vehicle. Secondly, the system also has an auto-pilot feature that functions at a 60% skill rating of the corresponding piloting skill (can com-municate with the driver for further instructions such as destina-tion or purpose; flee, follow the river, etc.). Cost: The advanced system costs 500,000 credits. The system can be networked with other sections of a vehicle like the basic model and can even al-low someone plugged into a remote station (like a gunnery turret) to pilot the vehicle through a Vehicle Cybernetic Interface. Each sub-station costs 25,000 credits[/spoiler

Additional Modifying M.D.C. Vehicles

Fuel Efficiency Modification (adds 20% to 60% range):
1000 credits Souped-Up Engine (adds 30% to maximum speed of vehicles): 10,000 credits; not available for humanoid robots.

Launcher systems:
This system is added optional by crew but not recommended by staff, unless need as interceptor missiles systems. No long missiles are possible for this design of the MBT tank. This can be jury rig later in the field as both offensive and defensive system . [spoiler]

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -932485881

Mini-Missile Launcher: 200,000 credits standard WEIGHT 15 POUNDS
Short-Range Missile Launcher: standard WEIGHT 30 POUNDS
300,000 credits for a three missile payload,
500,000 for a six-missile payload,
800,000 for a 12-missile payload.

Medium-Range Missile Launcher: standard WEIGHT 50 POUNDS
One million credits with a three missile payload
1.5 million for a six missile payload.

Long-Range Missile Launcher: standard WEIGHT 1000 POUNDS to 1 ton
Five million credits with a three missile payload or 8 million for a six missile payload.

Weapon Mounts:
1000 credits to mount a light weapon, WEIGHT none built in systems
2500 credits to mount a heavy or large weapon, none built in systems
5000 credits for a weapon turret (rotates 360 degrees). none built in systems
The cost of the weapon is extra.

Winch & Cable:
Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle is an electric winch; basically a motor connected to a cable and a hook.
The cable is 100 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 5d6 tons. 2000 credits

Secret compartment: none built in systems
2000 credits small,
4000 credits medium
8000 credits large

Independent Environmental Pilot's Compartment:
The cab/driver area has 40 ( adding a M.D.C 240 for upgraded design ) M.D.C. and is airtight, with an independent oxygen supply, air-conditioning, and heating system, air purification and circulatory system (good for up to 96 hours). 50,000 credits or 100 credits for a 100 S.D.C . or 1 M.D.C compartment low end design .

The following are all 200 POUNDS
in less told otherwise in description

Voice Activated Locks & Ignition: 12,000 credits

Mini- Digital Radar system built into the dashboard: 3000 credits.

Laser Targeting System ( + 1 to strike): 50,000 credits

Targeting & Combat Computer:
+ 1 to strike, can identify 32,000
targets, and can be linked to radar and sensors. 500,000 credits

Heads-Up Display System: 10,000 credits

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard: 5000 credits

Water dispenser: A refrigerated container that holds and cools drinking water. 400 credits.

Mini-microwave oven (for larger vehicles): 300 credits.

Searchlight: 200 credits

Infrared Search Light: 500 credits

Loudspeaker: 200 credits

Short-Range Communicator (4 miles/6.4 km range): 200 credits
backup systems

Long-Range Directional Radio (100 mile/160 km range):
Back up systems 1000 credits.

Video Camera
(mounted inside or outside):
1200 credits (10 S.D.C.)
8000 credits (5 M.D.C.)

Radar Detector: 200 credits

Radiation Detector/Dosimeter: 200 credits

Calendar and Clock: 100 credits

Flying Probe

The latest in spy technology, the Flying Probe is exactly what it sounds like, a hover, flying version of the walking Spider Probe. That also means the Flying Probe is used to track, find, follow and spy on the enemy as well as locate victims of a disaster, only it quietly flies instead of scurrying across the ground. One of its different features is a retractable, folding arm that can end in a small mechanical arm and hand capable of picking up and carrying small, light objects such as a set of keys, pen, paper, knife, hand-held communicator, and similar items. In the alternative, it may end with a Pen Laser, mini-buzz saw (does 2D6 S.D.C.) or an 11th sensor probe of some kind. As a probe and spy unit, it is primarily deployed by Drone operator, Intel-Agents, Military Specialists, scouts ,infantry and A.I Systems .can hold 10 in main turret and 15 in main body of MBT .
Flying Probe for Reconnaissance Robot/Artificial Intelligence Model Type: probe
Class: Fully Automated Self-Sufficient Robot Probe.
Crew: None; artificial intelligence.
M.D.C. by Location:
* Optic and Sensor Bulbs (10) — 1 each
** Main Body — 12
* Destroying one of the sensor bulbs in the main body de-stroys one of its many optic systems, cameras, communications and sensory systems. When eight or more are lost, particularly video feed, the probe leaves its post unless commanded to do otherwise and returns to base camp. These sensor bulbs are small and difficult to hit, especially on a moving target. Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot," and the attacker is -5 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C.
of the main body shatters the robot and destroys its electronic systems completely.

Speed & Movement:
20 mph (32 km) maximum, but typically travels at about 1-5 mph (1.6 to 8 km) when probing/examining/searching an area.

Excellent. Equal to a Prowl of 75%; silent flight. Makes just a slight purr that is usually drowned out by even the slightest ambient noise, and makes a swishing sound as it flies by if traveling faster than 10 mph (16 km).

Running, Leaping & Climbing:
Not applicable.

Underwater Capabilities:
1000 feet .

Statistical Data:
Roughly the size of a softball or grapefruit with a small hover system attached; roughly six inches in diameter.

4.5 lbs (2 kg).

Physical Strength:
Not applicable unless it has a retractable arm and hand (P.S. 6).


Power System:
Nuclear, average energy life is two years.

Weapon System:

Combat Capabilities:
None per se.

Actions Per Melee:
Five, mainly observation and tracking.

Hand to Hand Damage: Only if a cutting tool is part of its re-tractable arm.
Includes all bonuses from programming, robotics and sensors: +1 to strike with retractable arm, +9 to automatic dodge (can dodge without losing an melee attack/action), +6 to roll with impact or fall. Impervious to poison, gas, and biological agents, as well as psionic and magic mind control, charms, bio-manipulation, and S.D.C. attacks. May have additional sensor for its retractable arm (or a tool).
Skill Programs & Memory: Same as the Spider Probe

Sensor Systems of Note for probe
All optics and lenses are tied to the video transmission system and can be broadcast to a NEMA operator in the field monitoring the probe or base camp (if the latter is close enough). Robot Commanders and anyone working with probes will have a portable hand-held monitor and a larger monitoring unit (the size of a small laptop computer), plus the data can be transmitted and displayed on the helmet HUD display of body and power armor.

Standard issues System
Laser communication systems
Are must to have contact to contact communication between vehicles and infantry but are mix in order to have some form of communication the fog of war from a few feet to miles .

Data combat net systems:
Combines systems if one fail AI and crew can, but systems are kept separated to stop other enemies to fail equipment to replace eased in the fog of war .

Infrared variable lighting systems:
This work in the Infrared allows to communicate with different color spectrum when needed

Additional sensor or optic system

Each sensor or optic system is numbered to indicate the features of each one of the ten sensor bulbs. If individually targeted by an enemy (a rarity) or if the Spider Probe is dam-aged in some other way and loses one or more of its reconnaissance features, the G.M. can pick one (or some) or 10 for random determination.
1. Multi-Optics system:
Sees normal human and infrared and ultraviolet spectrum of light, plus passive nightvision. Range: 5 mile .

2. Telescoping zoom lens
. Range: 5 mile .

3. Micro-Magnifying lens
with x2, x10, and x50 magnification.

4. Thermo-Optics and heat sensors,
vital for finding warm bodies trapped under debris or hiding under camouflage or behind cover. Range: 5 mile .

5. Camera/video Eye with live transmission
— live feed, recording capability( 96 hours). Video camera and live transmission feed so its human partner can literally see what the probe sees. Range: 5 mile .

6. Electronic Ear and audio transmitter with scrambler capabilities
. Range: Range: 5 mile .

7. Laser Distancer:
A light beam that accurately measures distance. Range: Range: 5 mile .

8. Radiation Detector.
Range: 5 mile .

9. Air Thermometer:
Measures the ambient air tempera-ture around the walking probe. Range: 5 mile .

10. Molecular Analyzer:
Detects and identifies impurities in the air. Mainly searches for toxic gases, pollution and chemicals harmful to humans. Range : 5 mile .

11. Plus, Radio Communications:
Directional radio for coded messages between the robot and its human commander and even base camp. Can also scan and communicate via code on conventional radio channels/frequencies, same range, and eaves-drop on enemy transmissions and track transmissions (60% success level Flying Probe for each add 10 miles max 40 miles plus percentage +10 per Flying Probe max 100% A.I SYSTEMS ECCM ) to their source. Range: 10 (10 TO 40)miles (16 km). But MBT IS HALF add 5 miles max 20 miles plus percentage +5 per Flying Probe max 100% A.I SYSTEMS ECCM ADD +10 TO ALL communications .
Note: Understands English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and 15 other languages; can identify all others but can understand or communicate in them

12. data link systems
Able to make contact with other probes and even make daisy link Range: 10 mile for each probe if need be

13. can add from Sensors below
roll range 1d4+1 miles systems tend to vary and can be improved or well made systems


Explosives Detector:
Sniffs out and detects explosives within 12 feet (3.6 m). Is also used to scan an individual, vehicle or container to detect even small amounts of explosive materials and residue from explosives (less than one ounce), but such a scan must be done at close range, within three feet (0.9 m), to pinpoint the location of the explosive. The type is not known, al-though the signal will be larger/louder if there is a large quantity of explosives or it is an extremely powerful device. Cost: 50,000 credits.

Biometric Scanner:
A sensor unit that measures the barometric pressure, humidity and air temperature around the robot. Besides the obvious, the scanner indicates changes in these areas which may indicate the coming or end of a storm or an un-natural environmental event. Cost: 11,000 credits

Motion Detector and Warning System:
Registers vibrations in the air indicating movement. A collision warning system will sound an internal alarm to warn of an impending collision/impact. Range: 600 feet (180m). Bonus: Adds +1d4 to initiative and +1d4 to parry and /or dodge. Add 1d4 for hover systems or garv systems Cost: 75,000 credits.

Motion Detector:
The reliability of the detector is quite limited, but it can be used to accurately assess wind direction and wind speed, and to detect the rapid approach of large moving objects, such as a vehicle, aircraft, power armor, etc., whose rapid approach or large size causes a disturbance in the air. A motion detector is especially useful in the dark because the speeding object must usually be within 5000 feet to create a detectable air current. Likewise, the motion sensor will detect the movement of somebody/thing moving nearby, within 40- feet (, but only if the sensor user is motionless or barely moving itself. The sensor can also detect sudden changes in air current and pressure caused by somebody opening a door or window, and can estimate speed of travel when inside an open-air (or open window) vehicle. Cost: 15,000 credits.

Radar Detector:
A tiny radar receiver that alerts the robot when he is being scanned by radar; 80% accuracy. Unfortunately, determining the direction or source of the radar probe is only 60%. Cost: 10,000 credits.
Range 10,000 feet

Detects Radiation Detector:
Detects and measures the amounts of harmful types of radiation and warns its owner. Includes nu-clear, atomic, and microwave radiation. Cost: 1,200 credits.

A small, but sophisticated radar system usually used in human and animal-size robots 10 feet (3 m) and smaller. Can identify up to 30 targets and simultaneously track 12 bogies as low as 700 feet (213 m). Rate of travel, direction, and location are all indicated. Range: 10 miles . Cost: 200,000 credits

Radar System:
A sophisticated radar system, suitable for ground to air monitoring. Can identify up to 96 targets and simultaneously track 42. Requires a special unit with an extendible dish attached to the Bot's back. Range: 50 miles (80 km) and is able to detect a cruise missile-type target, rocket bike or power armor flying as low as 5000 feet (152 m)/10000 feet (61 m) in an open area/plains without other ground clutter. Lower than that and the target is lost. Can also identify the speed of ground vehicles when a radar beam is directed at one specific target; works like a police officer's radar gun. Cost: 600,000 credits. Ideal for giant and vehicular robot types

Sensory Antenna:

Registers vibrations in the air indicating movement, as well as having touch and heat sensors. The antenna enables the `Bot to maneuver even in total darkness by feeling its way around. Range: Touch, usually 3-10 feet (0.9 to 3 m) depending on the size of the robot (never larger than one third the robot's height). Bonus: Penalty for blindness is half and adds a bonus of +5 to dodge. 1D4+4 M.D.C. per antenna. Cost: 120,000 credits per pair. Whether the `Bot has two or 10 antennas, the bonuses and abilities remain the same. [/b]


all Optics WEIGHT is 100 pounds

Advanced Optic System

[spoiler]Includes color vision, 3-D analysis and depth perception, passive nightsight, infrared and ultraviolet vision. Range: 5 mile . (610 m). Cost: 160,000 credits.
Note: Infrared vision emits a pencil-thin beam of infrared light, invisible to the human eye, but visible to an-other infrared system, to illuminate its target in darkness. The narrowness of the beam limits the scope of vision to about a 10 foot width (3 m).

is a passive image intensifier that electronically amplifies existing ambient light to provide a visible picture without emitting any trace light of its own.
Other optical features can be added for an additional cost. They are listed elsewhere in this category. Note that a Robot's eyes may be small and relatively human, but more often than not, they look like a large camera lens or a cluster of camera lenses from tiny to the size of a softball. The eye lens may even be telescoping and make a humming, buzzing or clicking sound as the lens adjusts. As many as 15 of the following Optic Features may be added to one robot eye. [/b]

External Video and Audio Surveillance System:
[spoiler]A high resolution video camera, built into the eyes or as a separate optic system (concealed or not), relays images directly to the robot's optic scanners and can be recorded as a record of events. A digital video receiver and transmitter system enables the robot to receive video transmissions for viewing or and re-cording. The images are recorded on a six hour, three inch, video disc that is slipped into a slot in the skull or chest. The disc can be ejected at will. Range: 5 mile .. Cost: 500,000 credits,

Laser Targeting System:
A thin beam of light is emitted from the eyes or forehead or the weapon itself. When the light beam hits its target, a computer locks in and registers the fire command. Bonus: +1 to strike when using a distance weapon. Not applicable to hand to hand combat. Likewise, P.P. bonuses do not apply to long-range weapons. Range: 5 mile . Cost: 50,000

Optical Reader:
Designed specifically to "read" words and text, including numbers, letters, diagrams, drawings, maps and other flat images. Cost: 10,000 credits. -50% to read/Literacy without it.

Optical Scanner:
Anything the robot "sees" can be digitally scanned and saved in its memory as digital images (e.g., a photograph, a page of text from a book, a drawing, map, and similar) as well as snapshot-like images (photographs) of people, scenery, etc., similar to a cell phone camera with limited zoom (x10 up to 500 feet/152 m away). Does not have a "flash" Capability, but other optics like infrared, passive night sight, telescopic vision, etc. may be tied to the scanner. Range: 5 mile .Cost: 150,000 credits.

[b]Live Video Transmission (and Receiver):

[spoiler]Transmission range is 20 miles (32 km) in the city, 60 miles (96 km) in the wilderness, unless hampered by some sort of interference. Live feed is most common, but up to two hours of digital video can be recorded and stored on a memory chip. Cost: 50,000 credits for a single basic color and sound system, 150,000 credits for a pair of camera eyes. Add 20,000 credits for synchronized digital audio recording and transmission. Add 40,000 credits for broad-band capabilities (and double the transmission range). Range: 5 mile .

This type of optical enhancement relies on a source of infrared light, a pencil thin beam of light projected from the eye to the target. The narrowness of the beam limits the viewing area to a small area of about seven feet (2.1 m). Range: 5 mile . (366 m). Cost: 16,000 credits; 19,000 credits for a pair.

Light Filters.
Reduces glare like invisible sunglasses. Filters slip into place as needed

Passive Nightvision.
Light amplification system that uses ambient light (the moon, starlight, etc.) to see clearly in the dark. Range: 5 mile ., but can be increased if combined with a telescopic lens feature. Cost: 30,000 credits.

In addition to normal 20/20 vision, the eye has a telescopic lens for long distance viewing (4-10x50 magnification). Range: 5 mile . Cost: 10,000 credits; 16,000 for a pair

Targeting Display.
Imposes crosshairs on a target, add-ing a bonus of +1 to strike with any ranged weapon (both eyes). Note: Two targeting eyes still provide only a +1 bonus to strike, not +2. Cost: 4,000 credits

The lens converts the infrared radiation of warm objects into a visible image, enabling the robot able to see heat as represented by bands of color. Ideal for tar-geting and tracking at night; can see in darkness, shadows, and through smoke, but can only see the heat radiation clearly, not all the details of the surrounding area. Range: 5 mile .Bonus: +1 to strike in darkness. Cost: 32,000 credits for a pair. Illegal in the CS.

Visual Recognition:
Combat Computer: A special system tied to the optic systems. The computer recognizes 30,000 enemy targets including vehicles, robots, insignias, uniforms, known monsters, D-Bees and enemies. An additional 2000 ta-gets can be added to the memory. Bonus: +5% to Intelligence skill. Range: 5 mile .Cost: 200,000 credits.

Tank Camera: Peekaboo (2):
Two “peekaboo cameras” are built
into the back of the Prophet behind the right and left shoulders.
(You can see the left one looking straight up in the illustration.)
When needed to see what’s going on behind you without turning
around yourself, the camera unfolds from its concealed housing
to look around. This can be very helpful when hiding amongst
vegetation or rubble, and for peeking around corners. Being so
small and quiet, the peekaboo camera can peer under leaves and
through a weave of vegetation or debris to see and transmit live
images to the HUD in the pilot’s helmet. Each is built into a thin,
mechanical arm that can bend to look up, down and sideways 180
degrees behind the power armor. Note: For a complete description
of how this mini-spy camera can cover one’s back, see the
description in the opening text of the Forester power armor, page
94. Each peekaboo camera has 5 M.D.C.

Peekaboo Camera:
A “peekaboo camera” can unfold from
The vehicle to look over it to see what is happening behind
, without him having to move and physically turn. This can be very helpful when hiding amongst vegetation and hunting. Being so small and quiet, the peekaboo camera can peer under leaves and through a weave of vegetation to see and transmit live images to the HUD in the pilot’s helmet. Note: For a complete description of how this mini-spy
camera can cover one’s back, see the description in the opening
text, above.
One is a “peekaboo camera” in the vehicle that
can slowly unfold and extend outward on a small thin arm to look
backward, behind the Forester. Every scout, hunter and explorer has
experienced that moment when they are crouched and out of sight,
hidden among the foliage, when they hear a twig snap or something
move behind them. The motion of even slowly and quietly moving
their head or body to look behind them is likely to startle and scare
away wildlife. By the same token, if the sound comes from a predator
or an enemy, turning to see what it is, and any noise or additional
movement associated with that action, will alert the enemy(s) to his
position and give them the drop on him. Likewise, an animal predator
or monster may attack or charge. However, the “peekaboo camera”
is so small and quiet as it unfolds, the creature or person will
never hear or see it. Being small means it can peek under leaves and
through a weave of vegetation to see. The tiny camera feeds live images
to the HUD in the helmet, giving the pilot inside the vehicle a
clear view of what’s behind him without the need to move a muscle.
Again, scouts and woodsmen know that if one remains perfectly still,
an animal or enemy may walk within inches without ever noticing
him and continue to move away without incident. Getting a live feed
of their activity, movement and direction should indicate whether
they are moving away or if they have spotted him and are moving
to attack

Warning System and Multi-Cameras:
Tied into the cameras and sensor array is a motion detection warning system similar to the one in the White Knight power armor. When anything comes within 100 feet (30.5 m), the computer issues an audio warning (“Warning: Suspected hostile approaching at 100 feet. 95 feet, 80 feet, etc.” Or “Warning: Deteriorating hostile environment.
Defensive [or evasive] action is recommended.” And similar.) In
each instance, the pilot can request “visual” and the computer will
display a visual live feed, up on the HUD, of what the camera
sees approaching or what the deteriorating environment may be.
If the approaching person or people are not a threat, the pilot can
stop the warning by stating, “non-hostile” or “friendly.” Tied into
the Recognition system, the warning is likely to identify exactly
what the danger is. (“Known hit man for the Altobelli Gang,” or
“Coalition Dead Boy,” “Baal Rog demon,” and possibly even the
name of a specific known fugitive: “Benjamin Mason,” “Michael
Strom,” “Big Bubba,” “King Zarchron,” etc., “approaching from
behind at two o’clock.”)


Advanced Audio System:
Amplified stereo hearing in the full decibel range, the same as the cybernetic Amplified Hearing (see page 49 of Rifts0 Ultimate Edition). The `Bot can hear frequencies inaudible to the human ear, like a dog whistle (as well as wide-band radio), enabling the character to hear almost inaudible sounds at up to 360 feet (110 m) away. At 75 feet (22.9 m), sounds as quiet as one decibel, softer than a whisper, can be heard. At 150 feet (45.7 m), sounds as quiet as 10 decibels, a whisper, can be heard clearly. At 360 feet (110 m), sounds in the normal conversation range of 30 decibels can be heard as if the character was standing only a few feet (one meter) away. This is the maximum range for eavesdropping on conversations. Only sounds of 70 decibels (e.g., the sound of heavy traffic) or louder can be accurately heard and the location pinpointed from 500 to 1,000 feet away (152.4 m to 305 m).
The Amplified Hearing also enables the character to accurately estimate the distance and location of the sound source, and recognize specific, known sounds and voices at a base skill of 35% plus 5% per level of experience. Background noise, such as other conversations, traffic, machine noise, etc., as well as barriers like closed doors and walls, will decrease the range and clarity of what can be heard. G.M.s should use their discretion and common sense.
Radio capabilities enables the robot to listen to commercial radio stations, citizen band (C.B.), police bands, shortwave and other radio transmission frequencies. Also comes standard with a Universal Head jack for tapping into computers, radios and audio equipment directly. Radio Range (transmissions and receiver): 50 miles (80 km) in the city, 100 miles (160 km) in the wilderness, both require a retractable antenna; half range without one. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to parry, and +2 to dodge.
Cost: 150,000 credits for the entire advanced system. See Basic Hearing System for something must less expensive.

Audio Recorder:
An audio recording system with external access capable of recording most sounds that the robot can hear. Two hundred hours of digital sound recordings can be stored. Editing capabilities allow the robot to keep sound bites and conversations it wants to preserve and erase or record over unwanted audio recordings. Can also transmit recordings by radio or download onto an audio disc, computer, or audio equipment via headjack or fingerjack. Cost: 75,000. Illegal in the Coalition States.

Bug Detector:
A small device that picks up radio signals from surveillance listening devices (bugs). Range: 6000 feet (18.3 m). Cost: 30,000 credits.

Built-In Language Translator:
Starts with 13 different languages, including the nine major regional ones, plus Russian, Kittani, Naruni, and Splugorth/Demongogian; 200 others can be added. Level of accuracy is 88.8% when listening to only one or two speakers and languages at a time. Drops to 68% with a six second delay when trying to translate 3-6 speakers simulta-neously, 20% if more than that. Cost: 32,000 credits. Illegal in the Coalition States

Built-In Loudspeaker:
The Bot can amplify the loudness of his voice, like a bullhorn, to about 80 decibels. Cost: 6,000 credits.
Built-In Radio Receiver & Transmitter Headjack: A fully operational radio is built inside the head or a shoulder, back or hip unit. Range: 20 miles (32 km). Cost: 22,000; add 10,000 for scrambling radio messages and decoding

Human Voice Synthesizer:
Provides the robot with a com-pletely human sounding voice, male or female. This is a pleas-ant, single voice. The system is not capable of changing the voice/sound or imitating others. Without this feature, the robot's voice sounds mechanical. Cost: 5,000 credits. Also see Modulating Voice Synthesizer.

Inaudible Frequency Transmission:
The robot can speak/ transmit sound frequencies inaudible to the human ear, but audible to other robots, cyborgs with ultra ear and beings with sup-rior hearing, such as mutant dogs. Cost: 50,000 credits

Juke Box: The
has 20000 music titles (songs to instrumentals) stored inside an internal music player. The music can be played so only it hears it, played aloud through concealed speakers or a loudspeaker, or broadcast via radio transmission,
provided those

Sound Analysis Computer:
Designed exclusively to listen, identify, remember, and analyze sounds. 380,000 different sounds are programmed into its memory, including gunshots by caliber, energy blasts, engine sounds, animal calls, noises made by monsters, and other sounds. 40,000 new sounds can be added. It is also capable of analyzing, comparing, and matching voices and sounds in its files, identifing a sound or voice via computer comparison with 80% accuracy, and imitating another person's voice with 78% accuracy (+10% when imitated over any form of audio transmission). Bonus: +10% to impersonate voices or imitate sounds. Cost: 500,000 credits; illegal in the Coalition States.

Modulating Voice Synthesizer:
Enables the robot to change, disguise and humanize its voice by altering tone, bass, pitch, etc. Can also speak in a sound frequency inaudible to nor-mal humans, but audible to normal canines, bats and mutant dogs, as well as other Tots, cyborgs, and characters with a cybernetic Ultra-Ear. Base skill at imitating voices is 10% +5% per each additional level of experience. Cost: 30,000 credits. Add 12,000 credits to get a voice disguise program with over 200 different human and D-Bee accents and inflections. Illegal in the Coalition States. Universal Headjack (or Fingerjack): Same as the bionic version, see page 51 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition.
Radio Signal Scrambler System is linked to the radio sys-tem to send and receive coded messages. Cost: 10,000 credits.

Wide Band Radio Receiver and Transmitter with directional capabilities.
Range: 600 miles with a retractable antenna (300 miles without the antenna). Cost: 38,000 credits. [/b]

AI systems

Artificial Intelligence (advanced): [spoiler] Neural Intelligence (N.I.)

Typical Level of Intelligence:
I.Q. 2D6+11+2

I.Q 25

Note :
Neural Intelligence:
Automatically gets one of the General Programs (non-military or military) at no cost. Three additional skill programs may be purchased at half the price listed. This is considered to be the `Bot's original purpose and orientation.
Two additional skill programs can be purchased at the list price and added to the initial skill set. This is the maximum number of programs the robot can hold in its artificial brain. Un-like the A.I., these skills can NOT be purged and replaced by new and different skill programs. However, the N.I. can learn new skills the same as a human through observation, study and tutelage. Thus, the N.I. may select two Secondary Skills at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Secondary Skills start at the Base Skill level and increase per level of experience. The only bonus applied to these learned skills is the I.Q. bonus, when appropriate (applicable to an I.Q. of 16 or higher).

Intelligence and Origin Table:
Neural Intelligence I.Q. Bonus: +2.
New German Republic


This alignment program is usually reserved for robots who are to blend in with humanoid society and for Black Ops such as undercover work, espionage, robbery and rescue and prison break missions. Being Unprincipled, the robot may engage in acts of deception and bend the rules, work outside the law, lie, threaten and hurt people, interrogate suspects, and engage in other unsavory and illegal acts, but always remains true to its creators/programmers and its mission. Although humanoid life is valued, the robot's mission or purpose takes precedence, and the 'Bot is able to decide whether it should act to help someone in trouble and jeopardize the mission or stick to it. However, if there is a better than 60% likelihood that its intervention will save or protect a life, the Unprincipled 'Bot usually takes action to do so. Note: Otherwise follows all the usual standards and guidelines for the Unprincipled alignment

Standard Robot Military Combat Skill Program

General Repair & Maintenance

( all get 99 % skills IQ bonus help to negate ant penalties that 11% )

Land Navigation
Language: Basic (speaks/understands; can read): Typically American, Gobblely, Spanish and Techno-Can ( 98% each).
Mathematics: Basic
Military Etiquette
Parachuting Yes it been know to do air drop form transport vehicle
Pilot: Boat, Motor Type
Pilot: Hover Craft (ground) aid to control drone
Radio: Basic
Weapon Systems
W.P. Paired Weapons range only
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Sword
W.P. Knife
W.P. Rifles
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons
All the W.P.s listed are equivalent to 6th level experience

Hand to Hand Combat:
Programs the Robot for fighting roughly equal to Hand to Hand: Expert, 6th level.
Attacks per Melee Round:
6 attacks per melee

Bonuses Using Weapons:
+3 to strike with ranged weapons, +4 to strike on an Aimed Shot, +1 to strike with a burst.


is very close to an irresistible force. When ramming any land vehicle or building the tank will inflict
1D4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph (32 km of speed For track for fly 1D4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 5 mph at max;
if the other vehicle is traveling from the opposite direction toward the Machine, add the two speeds together). Robots, power armor and infantrymen who get in the path of the tank will be run down unless they dodge
(12 or higher). Being run down by the vehicle inflicts 2D4x10 M.D.!

Main Gun:
to hit or batter up
1D4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph (32 km of speed;
if the other vehicle is traveling from the opposite direction toward the Machine, add the two speeds together) .Note if armored up main gun add
1d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph that( will be 2d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph instead of 1d4x10 )
. If force field add a
1d4x10 that a 3d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph!!!
if spikes ,blades are added to main that another up
1D4x10 M.D goes up to 4d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 10 mph

Military Combat programming includes
a recognition pro-gram of 28,000 different enemy targets including specific races, monsters, aliens, non-human features and political powers in North America, such as the insignia, uniforms, body armor, military robots and vehicles, power armor, weapons of the Coalition States, Free Quebec, the Federation of Magic, bandits of the Pecos Empire, notable mercenary companies, the Minions of Splugorth, D-Bees, demons, monsters and dangerous animals in general, as well as 2000 enemies the purchaser can add.
Combat programming directs the actions and reactions to en-counters and attacks. Most programs offered in North America (excluding the ones used by Archie for his personal robot legion) are much more basic and reactionary than those from Triax and the NGR. A Northern Gun basic combat program makes the robot suitable for sentry duty, armed escort, border patrol, infantry combat and seek and destroy missions. Basically, the drone identifies an enemy target or intruder and at-tacks. Triax/Dyna-Bot programs are not listed in this section as they come only with Triax imported Dyna-Bots

Additional two programs only

Military Pilot, Ground:
Truck and Tracked & Construction Vehicles 90%, plus select three military vehicle piloting skills Robot Combat skills. All at 92%. Cost: 325,000 credits. An ILLEGAL program in the CS.

Military, Communications: Specialized:
Cryptography 80%, Electronic Countermeasures 94%, Laser Communications 94%, Literacy: Language of choice 94%, Photography 94%, Surveillance 90%, and TV/Video 94%.
Cost: 250,000 credits. An ILLEGAL program in the CS

Rifts® Vehicle Construction Rules
Part Two
Optional Source Material for Rifts®
By Greg Diaczyk
For more information, please refer to Part One of this article in The Rifter® #50.

Smoke Screen:
Many motorists like to have the ability to cloud their pursuer's vision, lay down cover so other adversaries cannot see an area, or simply leave a trail for others to follow. The smoke screen is created by burning a selection of materials to produce a variety of annoying (yet not toxic) fumes. Colors: Black, grey, white, red, blue, yellow, green and brown. Weight of System: 5 lbs (2.3 kg), each canister weights about 0.5 lbs (0.22 kg) Cost: The smoke generator costs 250 credits. Each smoke canister costs 50 credits.

Self-Destruct System:
This is a last resort destruction system for the vehicle. The system can be armed by remote (50 miles/80 km range), set as an automatic feature (need to flip a hidden switch to disarm before trying to start/hotwire the car), or set as a timer. Cost: Remote (watch or small cigarette lighter sized box) 250 credits, Timer 100 credits, Disarming Switch/Auto-Trigger 500 credits, S.D.C. Explosive (destroys an S.D.C. vehicle plus does 1D4x100 S.D.C. to a 20 foot/6 m area) 1,000 credits, M.D.C. Explosive (destroys vehicle plus 2D6x10 M.D. to a 20 foot/6 m area) 40,000 credits.

Active Suspension:
This suspension system is linked to special sensors around the wheeled vehicle that allow it to detect the road up ahead. It can then appropriately adjust the height of the tires/tracked and increase or decrease spring resistance to better handle the bumps and awkward terrain. Bonus: +15% to piloting skills for maneuvers with this vehicle. Cost: 12,000 credits
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Re: N.A.AT

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Updated Abrams MBT

Weapon Systems
Forgot to add
Beam CIWS Gatling (2): :
This is a small modern Beam CIWS Gatling version of the pre-Rifts Phalanx Close-In Weapon System (CIWS). It is a last-ditch weapon system intended to destroy missiles and aircraft that sneak past the carrier group's other defenses. The C9OR is a six-barreled beam cannon that fires a beam that shreds even mega-damage aircraft in a matter of seconds! Like its Phalanx predecessor, the C9OR CIWS is an unmanned, automated weapon system that can be controlled by a pair of radar system - one radar to track the targets and another to guide the beam shots to intercept the target.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft/Defense
Mega-Damage: A burst is 60 rounds and inflicts 4d6x 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: 6 attacks per melee round.
Effective Range: 2 miles
Radar Targeting Bonus:
+6 to strike down missiles (any ) ,
+3 to shot down rail gun fire or projectile.
Payload: unlimited
Weight : 500 Pounds
Last edited by ZINO on Fri Oct 28, 2022 11:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: N.A.AT

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ZINO wrote:...that fires special depleted beam...

How is the laser beam depleted?

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

.sig count to date: 2

"May your day be as eventful as you wish, and may your life only hurt as much as it has to." - Me...

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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Borast wrote:
ZINO wrote:...that fires special depleted beam...

How is the laser beam depleted?

Ok where at I must mess up some where
thank you for your comments
It a beam energy base
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Re: N.A.AT

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M113 APC Series

Part one
armored Personnel Carrier The M113 is a simple all-purpose APC with superior speed and
better armor and weapons. The vehicle can deliver combat infantry and supplies to the battlefield in relative safety. Although the refitted M113 are no match for modern APCs, one cannot beat the rock bottom price offered by GAW — they're practically giving the M113s away.

The cost of 80,000 credits base cost and able to customize the M113 from Track, to hovercraft or in phase world anti gravity drive systems .In Rifts earth track are used as police force, militia to defensive units to carry to and from;The 113 then fall back. While hovercraft systems and anti gravity drive are rapid deployment troops or Extraction operations.

In phase world it a major drive low cost and customize power system ,armour ,weapons system and crew/pilots compartment protection system are extremely successful and valuable for PMC in phase world and military armies. The is as rock bottom to rival major APC .

Both rifts earth and phase world call the battle cab combat taxi or combat taxi.

The AI Systems have gone above and beyond in it duties. There been time the crew been killed with special weapons but in been able to dismount and Extraction operations and injuries troops. This mainly happened been for hovercraft and anti gravity drive Systems there more stories that have been reported and documented time and time again.

One of the famous operation
The lost of drop shuttles,standard shuttles and frigates was to the of losing orbital drops. Then one admiral in command of of drop ships operations order drop only the anti gravity drive M113 . They all deck out with the best armored ,muti shields system ,expandable Amour and crew/pilots protection system .They all carry four weapons mounts and AI Systems to help crew. When drop they weren't seen to planetary sensors, till it was to late. All four thousand landed 16,000 combat troops with battle cab staying till other combat Vehicle joined. The same drop and go ,not staying any longer then needed.On top of that there were techno wizard M113 units as well adding to it reputation.
They acted as a gunship to support troop on ground till better units and enforcement arrived. That was 16
,000 combat troops and 4000 AG M113 with four turret systems were a terror to planetary defense. This was later added for many planetary Defense and offensive
Focus on large combat Vehicle ir ship. And not the nimble M113 model.

There model even running on techno wizard have crazy items in phase
World as well.

The rear area is modular system simple easy to switch from infantry to ambulance unit able to carry 9 laying down and one doctor ,and two nurses . In Phase world it 9 pods each act as hospitals level one doctor , two nurses
And one technical officer.

There are several type track mainly one weapon mount system mainly from GAW and Manuel control, the second model has three combat turret and can be remotely controlled inside the vehicle and last has four combat turret and can be remotely controlled inside the vehicle . But N.A.A.Ts run combat turret and can be remotely controlled inside the vehicle for any model.

The ambulance version are mainly hovercraft and Anti gravity drive Systems .all are deck with equipment. All ambulance will carry weapons system ,their been case that doctor object's .So many armies make sure they should focus on injury while crew address taking them from point a to b.

It will be the third most popular vehicle in rifts earth and the most popular Vehicle in phase world ! It demands for making and customize will be so great that a small moon will only manufacturing this model. Even employees can buy and customize for 80 %off !!

NAAT M113 (APC) Armored Personnel Carrier

Model Type:

Mark I :SDC version varies concept design
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853328

Mark II :
GAW-M113s Improved Armored Personnel Carrier. One turret basic
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853328

Mark III:
three remote turret Armored varies can have one or two different weapon system in each turret
No Mini missiles

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853432

Mark IV :
four remote turret Armored varies N.A.A.T ‘s will have three different weapon systems each turret
No Mini missiles

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853468

Mark V :
Auto fire 81mm Medium Mortar will have only have frontal turret weapon systems either one ,two or three different weapon systems each turret
No Mini missiles
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853575
this model is hovercraft or anti gravity systems

Mark VI:
can have either one ,two , three or no turret weapons systems fully armed version on model but max protection this ambulance model carries 9 laying down
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853328

rifts earth one doctor and one nurse
Phase-world Model 9 medical pod equal 99 % doctor and cyber doctor skill one doctor and cyber doctor and nurse and technician
Mini missiles (optional add on)
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853575
this model is hovercraft or anti gravity systems

Mark VII :
only frontal weapon systems either one ,two or three different weapon systems each turret This command unit range add times 10 ,E.C.C.M Systems max armored systems with command crew
Hidden Mini missiles place added
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853575

Class: Armored Personnel Carrier.
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853506
varies models link above

Three crewmen:
a driver/
APC commander,
cupola gunner,
communications officer
Troop Transport:
Comfortably seats either 24 heavy infantry soldiers or 14 power armor suits.

M.D.C. by Location:
Turret - 80
* Cupola Rail Gun - 50
* Box Style Mini-Missile Launcher - 10
** Track Treads (2) - 14 each
*** Main Body - 168 M.D.C. (the main body is reinforced with modern M.D.C. materials

* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit (or shielded) and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -2 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread requires a Called Shot (and -2 to strike), but destroying one set of treads immobilizes the vehicle until it can be replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10+10 minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by an inexperienced crew. Changing the tread is only possible when the vehicle is not un- der attack.

*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.

Maximum Speed:
80 mph (128 km)
speed cross-country is typically 45 mph (72 km).
miles (800 km) before requiring refueling.

Statistical Data:

Height: 9 feet, 9 inches (2.97 m).
Width: 8 feet, 4 inches (2.54 m).
Length: 21 feet, 2 inches (6.45 m).
Weight: 14 tons. Cargo: Can hold 5,000 lbs (2,250 kg) worth of equipment.
Power System:
Conventional diesel engine.
Cost: 80,000 credits.
other system varies loo below

Weapon Systems:

1. Cupola Rail Gun:

This gun is a copy of Northern Gun's NG-202, located in the cupola (mini-turret). The turret must be manned by a gunner, can rotate 360 degrees and has a 90 degree arc of fire up and down. Primary Purpose:
Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Vehicle.
Secondary Purpose:
Defense and Anti-Personnel.
1D4x10 per 40 rounds burst; one round does 1D4 M.D.

Rate of Fire:
Each burst counts as one of the gunner's attacks per melee round.

Effective Range:
4000 feet (1219 m).

3,200 round drum, for 80 bursts.
Reloading the drum takes 15 minutes if done by hand,
5 minutes if done with robots and special equipment.
One extra drum can be carried inside the APC.

2. Box Style Mini-Missile Launcher:

A single box style mini-missile launcher has been added to the top of the APC to provide aerial protection for the vehicle and its mechanized infantry, the launcher is fired by the driver.

Primary Purpose:

Secondary Purpose:


Varies with mini-missile type.

Missile Type:

Can fire any standard mini-missile type,
but GAW sells the tank with six High Explosive (5D6 M.D. to a 5 foot/1.5 m blast radius)
and six Fragmentation (5D6 M.D. to a 20 foot/6.1 m blast radius) mini-missiles.

Rate of Fire:
One at a time or volleys of 2, 4, or 6.
Effective Range:
About 1 mile (1.6 km).
Six mini-missiles.

3. Systems of Note: expanded version look below
Vehicular radio with 50 mile (80 km) range
passive nightvision with 2000 foot (610 m) range.

Expanded for Rifts Earth ( R.E) and phaseworld (WP)
M.D.C. by Location:
Power System:
Weapon Systems:
Special features

Base Weight:
40 tons max weight capacity loaded unless mention other wised look at MDC BELOW !!!

M.D.C. by Location:

Roll a 1d4 one time from Number 1 to 4
1. Pre rifts Amour design GAW Design
2. I.R.A.H Amour design
3. R.A.H Amour design
4. R.A.H 2.0 Amour design

Can only have one extra from number 5 to 7 but number8 can be added too hull of tank and for number 5 to 7 for weight look at each description

5. armored hull plating
6. armored kit
7. Retractable armored
8. Case Amour

Roll a 1d10 and it follows this way each systems weight 5 tons for number 9 to 15
1 Standard Rechargeable Force Field
2 Rechargeable Force Field,3 Phase world Force Field,4 Magnetic Deflection Shield,5 Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field,
6 Magnetic Field,7 Omani-directional Force Field,8 can have any combination or the same as a primary and secondary Force Field systems,9 re-roll or pick GM call,0 player re-roll or pick

9. Standard Rechargeable Force Field
10. Rechargeable Force Field
11. Phase world Force Field
12. Magnetic Deflection Shield can be add Force Field tack vehicles #9,#10#14 hover any anti-gravity systems any
13. Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field
14. Magnetic Field
15. Omani-directional Force Field

If desired can b standard hull or pick one and only one add 4 tons for number 16 to 18
16.Laser Resistant Armor
17. Stealth Coating
18. Variable Camouflage Coating/Armor

M.D.C. by Location:

Number 1
Frist generation M.D.C armored units for Pre-rifts earths it been used by G.A.W.

M.D.C. by Location:
Turret -

* Cupola Rail Gun -

* Box Style Mini-Missile Launcher -

** Track Treads (2) - 14 each
*** Main Body -
M.D.C. (the main body is reinforced with modern M.D.C. materials)

second generation M.D.C armored units for Pre-rifts earths it been used by G.A.W.
M.D.C. by Location:
Turret -

* Cupola mounted Gun -

* Box Style Missile Launcher -

** Track Treads (2) -
Rear ramp (1)

*** Main Body - [spoiler ] 200 [/spoiler]M.D.C.
(the main body is reinforced with modern M.D.C. materials
Fully loaded 14 tons max weight limit 30 tons track

Number 2
M.D.C. by Location:
The following is called improved second generation reinforced amour hull or I.R.A.H but has been developed for next gen tank design (Iron Hammer Main Battle Tank, Iron Fist Medium Tank, Iron Maiden APC-10 but still planning phase )and has been tested weight the stays the same 7 ton max weight 25 tons

lower Fully loaded to 7 tons.

M.D.C. by Location
three Turret mount –

Shield Remote Cupola on Turret-3 -
Hidden Fix grenade Launchers -2-

Hidden Side launcher turrets-2

Rear Ramp

Track Treads (2)—
100 each

Main Body –

Reinforced Crew Compartment add

Note: These two box mounted launchers have been added to the sides of the GAW for use against lightly armored targets and infantry. These have been replacing for turret mount heavy weapon systems with 360 capabilities and 85 degrees angle work with crew or an A.I Systems. But Hover craft and Anti gravity drive systems . the Track Treads uses drone systems instead to keep coast down.

Number 3 R.A.H
This third generation Refined armored hull
is slight stronger armored hull for main battle tanks R.A.H weight base 14 tons to max weight added up to 45 tons

three Turret mount –

Shield Remote Cupola on Turret-3
Fix grenade Launchers -

Track Treads (2)—
100 each

Armored Rear Ramp

Main Body –

Reinforced Crew Compartment add

Note: These two box mounted launchers have been added to the sides of the GAW for use against lightly armored targets and infantry. These have been replacing for turret mount heavy weapon systems with 360 capabilities and 85 degrees angle work with crew or an A.I Systems. But Hover craft and Anti gravity drive systems . the Track Treads uses drone systems instead to keep coast down.

Number 4 R.A.H 2.0
Fourth generation reinforced heavy armored hull called systems mainly a better or R.A.H 2.0 this add weight at cost of getting ridiculous amount of protection at cost of getting additional 5 tons added but able to go additional weight restrictions to max of 45 tons. This advanced armored hull equal to phase world technology and not of rifts earths designs. Track vehicles in rifts earth get -10 to pilot it, however drone systems or better negates this.
But only two systems it can run is track or
three Turret mount – [spoiler]200

Shield Remote Cupola on Turret-3
Fix grenade Launchers -

Side launcher turrets-

Track Treads (2)—
100 each

Main Body –

Armored Rear Ramp

Reinforced Crew Compartment add

Note: These two box mounted launchers have been added to the sides of the GAW for use against lightly armored targets and infantry. These have been replacing for turret mount heavy weapon systems with 360 capabilities and 85 degrees angle work with crew or an A.I Systems. But Hover craft and Anti gravity drive systems . the Track Treads uses drone systems instead to keep coast down.


These two box mounted launchers have been added to the sides for use against lightly armored targets and infantry. These have been replace for turret mount heavy weapon systems with 360 capabilities and 85 degrees angle work with crew or an A.I Systems .

Gravitonic Technology speed can go as high as 100 to 500 MPH with no altitude restriction!!

three Turret mount –

Shield Remote Cupola on Turret-3
Fix grenade Launchers -

Side launcher turrets-

Track Treads (2)—
100 each

Main Body –

Reinforced Crew Compartment add

Note: These two box mounted launchers have been added to the sides of the GAW for use against lightly armored targets and infantry. These have been replacing for turret mount heavy weapon systems with 360 capabilities and 85 degrees angle work with crew or an A.I Systems. But Hover craft and Anti gravity drive systems . the Track Treads uses drone systems instead to keep coast down.

Number 5 armored hull plating
systems it just gives additional to main body

200 M.D.C to main body and 100 extra M.D.C to base M.D.C within the hull add just 1 per ton section or a specific area just add 100 M.D.C extra still 1 ton .This design is from Rifts earth however phase World tech double the M.D.C but weight is 1 ton per area lighter material are been used.
Additional M.D.C. armor to mega-damage vehicles and robots: 10,000 credits per every 10 M.D.C. points; usually limited to 100 to 200 M.D.C. maximum. you can say before force fields were made and can be add to any of the hulls [spoiler] Number 6 armored kit

Number 6 armored kit
[spoiler] The next are added armored kit only heavy weight this adds 1 ton per they

are added to the following sides front armored, left armored side, right armored side, under armored belly ,rear armored this applies to main body only can place on main turret as well front armored, left armored side, right armored side , top armored , and rear armored. Considered this poor man’s shields but easily replace in matter of minutes, but if reaches zero that side can take damage directly to hull ,it is possible for some being to parry or an dedicated A.I systems but N.I systems can do easily.
Each cost weight is one ton and M.D.C MAX 240 EACH !!
Requirement track systems or Gravitonic Technology systems only

Number armored kit MARK 2 it the version only adding Improved Rechargeable Force Field:
Number 10 Phase world Force Field:
To each side this mainly in rifts earth weight the same 1 ton per side due to light materials found in phased world . Requirement no track systems

Number 7 Retractable armored

This another phase world tech before forces Rechargeable Force Field came like armored kit ,but are add only heavy weight this adds 1 ton per they are added to the following sides sides front armored, left armored side, right armored side, under armored belly ,rear armored this applies to main body only can place on main turret as well front armored, left armored side, right armored side , top armored , and rear armored. Considered this poor man’s shields but easily replace in matter of minutes, but if reaches zero that side can take damage directly to hull ,it is possible for some being to parry or an dedicated A.I systems but N.I systems can do easily.
Each cost weight is one ton and M.D.C MAX 240 EACH And add 15 AWE /Horror factor roll as well . Only phase world tech can add armored kit .

Number 8 Case Amour
Case Amour is special feature that can be added to any of the following Number 1 to 7. IF ammo get hot or cook and start blowing .the armored is design to funnel or blow away from Military vehicles if the crew or vehicle is heavily damage and maybe able to salvage as well .Even if there are Force Field it won’t effect or blow is design this hard outside but soft the inside like an egg . Can be combined with and of the armored hulls

Number 9 Rechargeable Force Field:

Standard Rechargeable Force Field:

One of the most impressive
"new" developments by the geniuses at Triax is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system. The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial at-tack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser can-not be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 8-24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. Al-though the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 4.2 M.D.C. per hour, even minor damage (25 M.D.C. or less) will require eight hours to be restored (the 4.2 M.D.C. per hour cannot appear sooner than 8 hours, it's the way the system works). Restoring all 100 M.D.C. takes 24 hours. Depleting the force

field of its 100 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subse-quent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the X-1000.

Improved Rechargeable Force Field:
One of the most impressive "new advance " developments by the geniuses at Triax/Japan is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system. The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial attack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser cannot be fired when the force field is engaged, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the

force field. Although the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 20 M.D.C. per hour
From 480 M.D.C or 1d4x100 +80

Number 10 Phase world Force Field:

One of the most impressive "old" developments by the geniuses at PW is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system(this before Magnetic Deflection Shield ,Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field ) . The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial at-tack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser cannot be fired when the force field is engaged,

and two, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 1d6 hour , even minor damage . Restoring all M.D.C. takes hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 to 600 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the of MBT.
From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field

Number 11 Magnetic Deflection Shield
This is not a variable force field, its entire M.D.C. must be depleted before any attacks can impact the armor. Once depleted to zero, the shield is gone and requires eight hours to come back online.

Otherwise, it regenerates damage at a rate of one point per melee round
Magnetic Deflection Shield — 600

Number 12 Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field

Many spaceships do not rely on their armor alone. Military and large spacecrafts have force field generators to supplement their armor. They are useful not only against enemy attacks, but against radiation, atmospheric re-entry heating, meteor storms and other dangers. Small commercial ships have a simple, full force field that protects the entire vessel with the same M.D.C. value. Military and large ships can manipulate the "density" of the variable force field over specific parts of the ships. This results in six different

shield values, one each for the front, back, left and right side, top an bottom. All six sides have the same basic M.D.C. value, but they can shift M.D.C. points from one lo-cation to the next, or put the total M.D.C. points on one location! Damage on the force fields is subtracted on each side separately.
From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field
From 120 to 820 roll 1d8( or 2d4)x100+20 to know base heavy force field
Requirement no track or wheelbase system any hover systems allowed

Example of Variable Force Fields:
A ship with a force field of 1,000 M.D.C. per section (6000 total) can vary

shield density from one location to another. It could shift 500 M.D.C. from the back to raise the M.D.C. of the front to 1,500, or even put all shield power on the front for 6,000 M.D.C. of protection, and zero on the rest of the ship. Or, if the left side has been depleted by 300 points due to an attack, the ship could replace the 300 by taking it from the other side, and so on. Remember, for space and air vehicles there are six sides, front, back, right side, left side, top and bottom.

Number 13 Variable Camouflage Coating/Armor:

By cannibalizing a number of Naruni Variable Camouflage armors, or cutting up a camouflage tarp, you can create cloaking technology for a vehicle.

Cost: An Operator who happens to have a dozen or so suits of armor and can carve it up and place it on a vehicle would charge about 160,000 to 220,000 credits for motorcycles/hovercycles (using about 2 suits), 470,000 to 830,000 credits for cars/trucks (using 6 to 8 suits), and 1.6 to 3.5 million credits for haulers, buses and transports (using 20 or more suits) for the armors, and roughly 20,000 credits per square foot of vehicle to cover it with the camouflage tarp (includes labor). The only way to get original or true armor is to find a Naruni dealer and ask them to make it for your vehicle, which would be a very expensive option. The sales representative will most definitely milk you for all he can! If a player is still willing to do this, use the vehicle armor prices above, but increase the prices by a factor of 20!

Number 14 Magnetic Field:

Much like a "low-tech" force field, this unit generates a powerful magnetic field. On the positive side, it deflects and reduces the impact of several high-tech weapons. On the down side, it hinders radio communication, plays havoc with radar, and can immobilize a vehicle if it's trapped in a city or iron ore deposit. Some consider this type of defense as much of a hindrance as it is a help, and others prefer not to use it, but a few crazy Operators do offer such devices as defensive countermeasures. All rail gun rounds (typically iron flechettes or slugs), ion blasts and plasma blasts are influenced by magnetic fields (most of these weapon systems use a magnetic field to launch and direct their devastating effects). Iron/steel projectiles (either magical or mundane) and electrical attacks (magical or mundane) are slowed down/dissipated or deflected enough to reduce the damage inflicted by the attack. Cost: A Light Magnetic Field Generator reduces the damage from incoming attacks by 25%, costs 10,000 credits, and will consume a standard E-Clip in 8 hours of use. A Medium Magnetic Field Generator reduces damage from in-coming attacks by 50%, costs 25,000 credits, and will consume a standard E-Clip in 4 hours of use. A Heavy Magnetic Field Generator reduces damage from incoming attacks by 75%, costs 60,000 credits, and will consume a standard E-Clip in 2 hours of use. Also note that any cyborg or character with any metal/iron/ steel in or on his body will be kept at bay (minimum of 10 feet/3 m), as if

an invisible creature with a Supernatural Strength of 15, 30 or 45, respectively, were pushing the character away. The cost also includes magnetic shielding that protects the vehicle's cargo
and passengers, however the moment someone steps outside the vehicle while the system is activated, any metal he is carrying or wearing will be instantly flung 20 feet (6 m) away from the vehicle due to the repulsion of the magnetic field (and likely the character with it)!
Hardened Electronics: Most civilian vehicles are hardened against EMP (Electromagnetic Pulses), ion discharges and lightning strikes (all of which can disable the electronics and therefore, the vehicle itself). Most wheeled vehicles with rubber tires are naturally protected from electricity (due to the insulating rubber tires), but the use of directed ionic/

electrical attacks, and especially EM pulses, can wreak havoc with a wheeled or hover vehicle's electrical systems. As an optional rule to make use of this phenomenon (or to add some more spice into your campaign), any vehicle struck with an electrical attack may be required to make a save vs electricity (16+) to prevent critical systems from being fried in the attack, shorting out the vehicle and forcing it to roll (or crash) to a stop. To protect the vehicle insulation, circuit breakers and special electrical conduits can be used to deflect the flow of electricity away from sensitive areas. Electronic systems can also be outfitted with Hardened Electronics, which can survive EM pulses, ion blasts and even lightning strikes (most military vehicles have this). To purchase this feature for your customized vehicle, add a 50% increase in the price of all

electronics, sensors, computer systems and other related features to cover the protection of those systems. Any electrical attacks will simply leave burn marks on the armor (doing normal damage) without damaging the delicate electronics inside.

Number 15 Phase world Omni-directional Force Field :

One of the most impressive "old" developments by the geniuses at Phase world is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system(this before Magnetic Deflection Shield ,Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field ) . The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the

beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial attack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser cannot be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 1d6 hour , even minor damage . Restoring all M.D.C. takes hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 to 600 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the of MBT. Sadly the main draw back of this shild it has 180 degrees cover which means mines or similar devices can bypass Omni directional Force Field .

From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to

know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field

Number 16 Phase world Advance Omni directional Force Field :

One of the most impressive "old" developments by the geniuses at Phase world is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system(this before Magnetic Deflection Shield ,Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field ) . The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial attack. There are one drawbacks,

however: one, can be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 1d6 hour , even minor damage . Restoring all M.D.C. takes hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 to 600 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the of MBT. Sadly the main draw back of this shield it has 180 degrees cover which means mines or similar devices can bypass Omni directional Force Field .

From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field

Number 17 Laser Resistant Armor:

Not many people know how to make the laser resistant armor of the Glitter Boy (save Free Quebec, Triax and the KLS Corporation), though most of these places usually won't waste their valuable armor technology and resources on simple vehicles. The size, mobility and effectiveness of a single
Glitter Boy makes the effort and cost in designing and building a laser resistant APC with a Boom Gun and pylons pointless. Mind you, an Operator looking for an interesting challenge could salvage several Glitter Boy suits (good luck with that), remove the plating and cover the APC with enough pieces/parts to armor a vehicle. Of course, it would still be cheaper

(and much less of an effort) to repair all the collected Glitter Boys. Most Operators with a nanobot tool kit will typically charge 10,000 credits per 10 M.D.C. to make repairs to Chromium armor (whether customized or on the original Glitter Boy)
one of their force fields (depending on the time line and location of your campaign, this could be easy or very difficult). However, you are still going to need an inventive Operator to make the modifications necessary to turn a personal force field into a vehicular force field. Another option is to cannibalize the Triax force field from their Ulti-Max robotic vehicle. Cost: Hovercycles and motorcycles are limited to a modified personal force field, and an operator would probably charge about 5,000 credits for the modi-fication on top of the price of the force field (which range from 40,000

credits for a light force field generator/harness to 200,000 credits for a heavy force field generator/harness). Large hover vehicles, cars, trucks and the like can only be outfitted with robot sized force fields (double M.D.C. but 20 times the cost), and an Operator will typically charge 10,000 to 25,000 credits, depend-ing upon the size of the vehicle, for the installation. See Rifts® Mercenaries, pages 125 and 126, for more details and prices of the units. If the unit overloads or is damaged, an Operator famil-iar with the technology can attempt to fix it, but finding such an Operator may prove to be quite difficult (unless you get lucky and stumble upon a Naruni dealer and his sales team). Such repairs are likely to cost half the original cost of the unit

Number 18 Stealth Coating:

Stealth or radar invisible coatings do exist out there, but are usually used for aircraft. Aerial hovercraft could conceivably use the technology, but finding it is half the challenge! (A possible adventure to find the blueprints and manufacturing process on its own, and could be a very interesting ride!) But typical radar defensive technology is not usually employed with ground-to-ground activities due to the fact that radar is rare-ly used as the main sensory/navigation tool. An Operator using a nanobot tool kit could make repairs to a damaged paint job (with at least 25% of the paint still intact)

for around 25,000 to 100,000 credits depending upon the amount remaining

Speed/ Engines and Propulsion Systems:

Fuel Efficiency Modification (adds 20% to 80 % range):

500 credits Souped-Up Engine (adds 30% to 90% maximum speed of vehicles):
1,000 credits; .

Oversized (truck or tractor size):

2000 credits per pair.
Large (tank size): 20,000 credits per pair. Weight limit : 100 tons

Hover Jets systems :

Small wheels
20,000 per pair.

Hover Jets:
Directional (vehicular): 10,000 per pair.

Hover Jets: Main Thrusters (vehicular):
40,000 per pair. Weight limit : varies

Note: All wheels and treads are of superior strength and quality.
Wheels have 20 M.D.C. each, Weight limit : varies
Treads: 100 M.D.C. per each unit, Weight limit : varies
Pontoons: 100 M.D.C., Weight limit : varies
Hover Jets: 15 (small or directional) Weight limit : varies
45 M.D.C. for each main thruster jet. Weight limit : varies

Hover Jets
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853600

A super sophisticated twin engine system, with bottom and rear jet thrusters

and V/STOL capabilities. This unique propulsion system offers ground and air capabilities. The Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) means the robot can hover sta-tionary above the ground, make vertical take-offs and landings (fly straight up and down), as well as low altitude flight. The ro-bot will obviously have some sort of visible hover propulsion system. Estimated Milage on a liquid fuel is 50 miles (80 km) per one gallon. Electrical power systems buy the amount of time powered by and nuclear power systems unlimited Basic System Cost: 500,000 credits;
requires at least four jets, and/or can be linked to a nuclear or TW power source (cost an extra 100,000 credits for the link plus cost of other power supply).

Maximum Speed:
400 mph
Maximum Altitude: 20,000 feet

(6,096 m).
Weight limit : look at armor above

Concealed Micro-Hover System

A concealed hover jet system of tiny jet boosters built into humanoid or animal or vehicles . The hover jets are strategically located in the feet, hips, back, chest and/or underbelly or others . When not engaged, the jets are completely unnoticeable. Basic System Cost: 500,000 credits; can be linked to the nuclear power

system for an additional 100,000 credits. Maximum Speed: 200 mph (320 km).

Maximum Altitude:
500 feet (152 m).

Weight limit: look at armor above

Nitro Booster:

Essentially spare tanks that hold N20 (Nitrous Oxide, a.k.a. laughing gas) used to temporarily enhance an engine's performance. The basic principle behind this is that air is made up of 20% oxygen and 80% nitrogen; Internal Combustion Engines use air in the combustion of fuel to produce power. Nitro Boosters provide "special" air for the combustion process in the form of N20 gas (which is 40% oxygen

and 60% nitrogen), providing more oxygen for the combustion process and thus a more efficient burn. You could also use pure oxygen and supplement it with normal air, but that requires a mixer and special sensors to regulate the air intake (as too much oxygen will quickly corrode engine parts or create excessive explosive forces that could destroy the engine). The downside to Nitro Boosters is that S.D.C. vehicles quickly burn out their engines due to the excessive heat created in the process (it also gets expensive repairing and re-placing the burned out components). With the advent of M.D.C. materials, engine parts can withstand the heat and function better using the Nitro Boosters, but then you are still limited by your supply of the gas. Each tank (about half the size of a S.C.U.B.A. tank (roughly 6 inches/15 cm diameter by 18 inches/46

cm long) weighs about 20 lbs (9 kg) and holds enough gas for two melee rounds of use (30 seconds) with N20 or one minute with 02 (Oxygen). The effect in game terms raises the maximum speed of the vehicle by 4 Speed Classes for the duration of the tank. Multiple tanks can be installed (though be wary of cargo space). If it's a retrofitted S.D.C. vehicle roll a 1D6 every time the Nitro Booster is used; rolling a "1" means the engine has been damaged and will need repairs soon (also reduce Speed Class by 2 levels). For every "1" rolled, roll 1D6 again; a second rolled "1" means that something has blown in the engine (gasket, valve, piston, etc.) and the engine is quickly dying. The longer the vehicle continues to operate, the more damage is done to the engine. The engine will last 1D4 melee rounds until it completely seizes up and the car rolls to a

stop. M.D.C. engine components can be installed, but such a task is expensive to accomplish. Note: This option is only available on Internal Combustion Engines. Cost: Tank 100 credits each (50 credits to refill with gas), installation into an Internal Combustion Engine costs 300 credits (includes mounts for tanks), and an additional 5,000 credits for M.D.C. components/ engine parts (pistons, gaskets, engine block, etc.)

Weight limit : look at armor above

"Feather Fall" System:
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853600
This is a booster jet system that is used to assist hovercraft and small maneuverable, wheeled vehicles to fall from dangerous heights. For hovercraft these are additional auxiliary thrusters that

automatically engage when the vehicle exceeds its maximum travel height (such as ridding over a cliff) and gently slows the fall of the craft until it returns to its operating range. Wheeled vehicles use the booster jet system to slow their descent then rely on a special impact absorbing suspension system. Juicers, Crazies and other daring pilots have popularized a secondary use of the system. By manually activating the booster jet system at high speeds, they can "jump" with the vehicle. This allows the vehicle to jump ravines, obstacles on the road or make a quick escape from weapon fire or mini-missile volleys. Weight: The "Feather Fall" system is relatively light, but does take up about 5% of the vehicle's maximum load capacity Cost: Hovercraft booster jets cost 125 credits per 10 feet (3 m) of falling height above the vehicle's maximum travel height.

Wheeled vehicle booster jets and suspension systems cost 200 credits per 10 feet (3 m) of falling height above ground. When traveling with some speed, you can activate the booster jets to jump 10% of the failing height (1 foot/0.3 m per 10 feet/3 m) above the maximum travel height normal for the hovercraft or above ground for wheeled vehicles. The distance traveled is proportional to the speed traveling at the time of the jump Weight limit : look at armor above

"Whisper" System:

The original system was supposedly developed for military helicopters in the later part of the 20th Century, but whether or not the technology was actually used or merely made popular

by several television shows and movies at the time is unknown. Either way, the concept was transferred over and modified for use in hover vehicles. In the hover vehicle system, specially designed engine modifications smoothly carry the flow of air, reducing the ambient roar normally associated with hovercraft. Also, special sound emitters instantly record and emit reverse sound waves based on the engine's noises, which then cancel out most of the remaining noise of the hover system. The net game effect is that a skilled pilot can actually use the Prowl skill to prowl with the hovercraft! The only real limitations on the system are that it reduces the vehicle's Speed Class by 2 levels (due to the reduced air flow and engine modifications) and the prowling ability only works as long as the vehicle is traveling less than 35 mph (56 km)but in

phase world speed is 75 MPH ; anything faster than that and the typical hover craft roar returns and the sound suppression system can't compensate fast enough for the extra noise and turns itself off. Small vehicles (like hovercycles) have no further penalties, but large hovercraft are a little harder to hide and are —20% to —35% to Prowl with depending upon their size. If a pilot does not have a Prowl skill he can automatically prowl at 20%. Cost: 164,000 credits. Note: Electric or nuclear powered wheeled vehicles are also capable of prowling as the system makes very little noise. It is only the crinkling and crunching of leaves, earth, twigs or other obstacles under the wheels that will make any noticeable sound. Prowling with electric/nuclear wheeled vehicles can be done with the pilot's Prowl skill, but at a —10% penalty. It is impossible to prowl in a

wheeled internal combustion vehicle, as they make way too much noise. Weight limit : look at armor above

Vector Thrusting and Enhanced Control Fins:
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853600
The ideal control system for any hovercraft enthusiast! The vector thrusting offers maximum control over the vehicle' positioning. Sleek and contoured control fins also add maximum efficiency and ease of control during high-speed flights. Bonuses: +5% to 20% roll 1d4x5 % piloting skill, +1d4 to dodge while traveling over 10 mph (16 km). Weight limit : look at armor above
Cost: 10,000 credits.

Basic Contragravity drive systems
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853600
Limited flying abilities. Unlike conventional hover vehicles, the A.P.C uses a contragravity system and can fly at speeds of 120 mph (192 km) to a maximum altitude of 1000 feet (305 m) in the air. The disadvantage of flying is that the tank is designed to fight close to the ground. In the air its under belly is vulnerable and its weapon systems are at -4 to strike any object beneath it (no penalties at shooting those in front or above it). Note: The MBT is not a hover tank. It does not have vulnerable fans or thrusters underneath so it can add hover systems .

Weight limit : look at armor above

Improved Contragravity drive systems (mainly Maneuverability )
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853600
Speed: 200 mph (320 km)

maximum speed over land. Can hover up to 5 feet (1.5 m) above ground and travel without pen-alty over swamps and mud, but it is too heavy to hover above or on water
Weight limit : look at armor above

low-power contra-gravity drive
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853600
[spoiler] Limited flight capabilities. Has no maximum altitude (can reach orbit, or even land from orbit!) but at altitudes higher than 100 feet (30.5 m), speed decreases to a crawling 80 mph (128 km). Also, the belly plates of the vehicle are vulnerable, so attacks from the ground below inflict double damage[spoiler]

Power System:

All Armored Personnel Carrier The M113 A.P.C have the following features:
Powered systems:
•gasoline engine, ZERO
• electric motor, 20,000 add weight 1 tons
• nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) add 500,000 add weight 4 tons
• Gravitonic Drive add 1,000,000 phase world add weight 3 tons
• Super-Solar Engine 60,000 add weight 1 tons
• Alternative Fuel Systems 40,000 add weight 2 tons

Nuclear power

[spoiler] Nuclear energy is the most popular form of energy used in

robots and high-tech machinery. The power supply is surprisingly compact, safe, and has a long lifetime even under constant use. Any high-tech town, including `Burbs and places that cater to mercenaries and adventurers, can make repairs.

One Year: One million credits.
Two Years: 1 million credits.
Five Years: 2 million credits.
Ten Years: 3 million credits.
Twenty Years: 4 million credits

Super-Solar Engine

This system utilizes a power source that collects sunlight into a super high-efficiency conversion engine and generator. This is an excellent, clean power

source with an indefinite life span. Of course, it is limited in that it must rely on a source of solar energy. Requires some form of locomotion, preferably wheels or hover system.
The system functions superbly while exposed to sunlight. An energy storage unit stores up to 8 hours worth of power, during which time the robot operates at full capacity. After the eighthour reserve is used up, the robot must recharge via solar light energy or manually recharge from another source of electrical energy. Without a recharge, an emergency reserve engages, but it has a mere four hour capacity. While the emergency reserve is engaged, all unnecessary functions will be shut down. Speed is reduced by 20%, attacks per melee are reduced by half, and no energy weapons can fire. At the end of the emergency reserve (4 hours), the robot /Vehicle shuts down completely and will remain inert (like a person in a coma or deep sleep) until recharged by sun-light or electricity.
As a superior fail safe, many robots utilizing a super-solar system often combine it with a one or two year nuclear power system. The combination can extend the life of the nuclear bat-tery to approximate five years, by switching back and forth from nuclear power to solar. The nuclear and solar combination means that the nuclear power serves as the reserve and enables the robot to operate at full capability and full firepower at all times. Solar can be a good, reliable system if proper caution is used.

Basic System Cost: Two million credits, complete with a special generator, recharge unit and reserve battery

Techno-Wizard System

This is an energy system that utilizes magic with technology. The initial creation and powering of the unit is often time consuming and expensive. Repairs can also be expensive or a repair person impossible to find, as it requires a Techno-Wizard who has the expertise and sufficient P.P.E. to do the job. That having been said, TW power supplies are as reliable as nuclear power and completely clean and safe.
Speed increases by 20% when riding along a ley line, and piloting skills enjoy a +5% bonus.
One Year: 1 million credits.
Two Years: 2 million credits.
Five Years: 3 million credits.

Ten Years: 6 million credits..

Power System:
Magical by Major Elemental.

Suspected to be a Major Air and/or Water Elemental that appears to supply an endless, renewable source of energy and power Each seems to be a magical, M.D.C. suit of armor that contains an Elemental and to destroyed, a whirlwind of Elemental fire, icy wind, grit filled funnel or cloud of steam is released in a torrent of energy, leaving behind the body an unknown husk inside an empty shell of wires and cold steel.

As long a main engine is not destroy armored M.D.C 240
Years: 12 million

Alternative Fuel Systems Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

One problem with many of Northern Gun's most sophisticated creations is the high-cost of their power systems. Nuclear power cores are difficult to manufacture under any circumstances and add significantly to the base price of already expensive vehicles, robots, power armor systems and aircraft. For years, an alternative has been sought.
Sophisticated electric batteries are an option, but they require access to reliable power generation to recharge. For military units in the field and especially mercenaries and independents, this can often be a problem. (Vehicles with nuclear power plants can be rigged to do the job, but the charging process takes 1D4+1 hours, limits the vehicle doing the charging to only 10% of its normal speed and renders it totally unable to fire energy

weapons.) Even the best batteries produced by Northern Gun can only offer roughly 100 hours of service life and are only fit for certain vehicles and light armor. This may not be a problem for city guards and local militia units, but for high-value customers like mercenaries and state armies, something superior is necessary.
Luckily, a solution was found amongst the pre-Rifts techno-logical remains that Northern Gun is both literally and metaphorically built upon. Certain pieces of mining equipment and civilian vehicles left behind from the Golden Age were powered not by nuclear cores, but by sophisticated Solid Oxide fuel cells. This technology is a remnant, a holdover from the end of the age of fossil fuels, and had much appeal to the Research & Development branch of NG.
The fuel cells are relatively cheap and very versatile, and can be manufactured using almost any fossil fuel, ranging from diesel to gasoline to natural gas, coal gas and even alcohol. Unlike conventional gasoline and diesel engines, Golden Age Solid Oxide cells have the capability to power even energy hogs like combat robots and high-speed hovercraft. They provide enough energy to utilize a vehicle or robot's built-in energy weapons without worrying about draining the battery. For the last few years, Northern Gun has been extensively marketing 'Solid OX' as a cheaper alternative to nuclear power systems and making Solid Oxide fuel cells available wherever NG products are carried.
Solid Oxide cells are quite simple to use. Insert a fresh fuel cell into the vehicle, armor or robot's cell port, twist the handle to activate, and you're done! The cell will provide robots and large vehicles with

energy for approximately four weeks (28 days) be-fore running out, or roughly eight weeks (56 days) for power armor, hovercycles and light vehicles, after which it will need to be returned to an official Northern Gun outlet to be recharged and rebuilt. NG buys back used but undamaged fuel cells for 15% of their list price, a nice incentive for customers to return their cells which also saves Northern Gun when it comes to overall manufacturing costs (and is good for the environment).
Solid Oxide fuel cells come in two types, Standard and Heavy-Duty. Standard fuel cells are for hovercycles, personal vehicles, light power armor and devices like jet packs. Heavy-Duty fuel cells are for tanks, combat robots, power armor

Standard Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Weight: 42 lbs (19 kg).
Duration: 1,400 hours (approximately eight weeks of constant use).
Protective Casing: 15 M.D.C.
Cost: 40,000 credits.

Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours (approximately four weeks of constant use). Protective Casing: 30 M.D.C.
Cost: 120,000 credits.

The Dangers and Limitations of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

The first thing anyone who

handles Solid Oxide fuel cells realizes is that they run hot. The average temperature of a Solid OX cell in use is 1,000 degrees C (1,832 F)! The cells tend to stay hot for a long time after being powered down as well, so work-ing with them requires special heavy equipment, welder's gloves, masks and sometimes even heat suits. Touching an exposed hot fuel cell will inflict 1D4 M.D. to Mega-Damage creatures and 2D4x10 S.D.C. to human beings. For humans, these are third-degree burns and will result in permanent scarring.
Solid Oxide fuel cells are also less bountiful in their reserves of power than the nuclear cores that many customers are accus-tomed to. Using a Solid OX powered vehicle or robot to charge another vehicle's batteries will drain 50% of its energy life. Ar-mor, robots and military vehicles that have replaced non-energy ballistic

weapons like rail guns and missile launchers with energy weapons or added extra energy weapons will also put a strain on the system, cutting the fuel cell's life span by 25%.
In addition to their functional limitations, Solid Oxide fuel cells are also extremely volatile and will react explosively if their outer casing is ruptured. Reduce the M.D.C. of a fuel cell to 5 M.D.C. or less and there is a 50% chance of it exploding every minute (4 melee rounds). Reduce it to zero and it explodes immediately. A Standard Solid OX fuel cell does 4D6 M.D. to everything in a 6 foot (1.8 m) radius. The Heavy-Duty Solid OX cell does 1D6x10 M.D. to a 10 foot (3 m) radius. If a fuel cell is exposed and it is detonated while still inside the vehicle, all damage is done directly to the main body and utterly destroys

the power system, requiring complete replacement and extensive repairs (1D4 million credits and days for repairs

Converting Vehicles to Use Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

In addition to selling the fuel cells and offering fuel cell sys-tems as an option on new products, Northern Gun also offers con-version packages for older NG equipment and even competitors' models. They are more than happy to convert the vehicles of rival companies to use their Solid Oxide systems, for which they are the only provider of fuel cells. They even offer free installation at most official NG stores. Northern Gun envisions a day when Solid OX has replaced nuclear power packs as the most common and affordable vehicle

fuel system in North America.
The conversion kits that they produce have been appearing at third party arms merchants and in the hands of the Black Market, just as Northern Gun intends. They are relatively simple to install, predesignated to be partially modular and to fit right into the cavity left behind when a standard nuclear core is extracted. The job can be handled by any skilled Operator (01-94% chance of success) with access to heavy machinery or an assistant with Robotic or Supernatural P.S. to do the heavy lifting. Removing the old nuclear

Solid Oxide Conversion Kits

Jetpack or Small Power Unit: 25,000 credits.

Motorcycle or Hovercycle: 30,000 credits.
Personal Vehicle. Hovercar or ATV: 45,000 credits.
Power Armor: 75,000 credits. Includes built-in storage for one spare, Standard Solid OX fuel cell.
Combat Robots & Patrol Boats: 125,000 credits. Includes built-in
storage for one spare, Heavy-Duty Solid OX fuel cell. Aircraft. Military Large Construction Vehicles & Large Boats, Barges and Small Ships: 200,000 credits.

Electric Batteries

Northern Gun has always offered certain hovercycles and small vehicles with rechargeable electric batteries as a power source, but since the premiere of

the Gladius exoskeleton sev-eral years ago, Northern Gun's engineers have become proficient with designing large batteries and charging systems. Most North-ern Gun vehicle and robot designs now offer electric batteries as a power option with a standard 96 hour field life, good for roughly 4-12 days of use in the field depending on the level of exertion. This lifespan doubles to 144 hours for light units like most man-sized power armor, light robot drones, exoskeletons and hover-cycles. These smaller units require a single battery, power armor and medium-sized vehicles need two batteries, and combat robots and larger vehicles require four batteries connected in series. NG offers recharging services for a pittance (takes three hours us-ing specially designed NG recharging stations, 5 hours via other means, to fully charge a system's batteries,

no matter how many batteries the system uses), and often recharging is thrown in free for customers purchasing other products.
Electric batteries are very versatile and can be recharged from almost any medium to heavy generator, power grid or vehicle/robot/power armor with a nuclear power supply. Batteries can also be used as portable power generators while their charge lasts, capable of running a building's lights or powering up a few limited mechanical systems. Connecting a battery to a power grid or trying to use it as a replacement for a real generator requires an Operator or someone with the Electrical Engineer or Electricity Generation skill, otherwise it will quickly cause an overload and render the battery useless, totally dead and unable to be re-charged.

NG Electric Battery Power System

Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).
Duration: 96 hours or 4 days of continuous use in robots and heavy vehicles. 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and light vehicles.
Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 200 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power (3 hours at an NG outlet). Cost: 90,000 to install the electric battery system and 25,000 credits per each NG electric battery used, and for

replacement batteries. Otherwise, the life of an electric battery under normal use is five years; 1D4 years under combat conditions

This comes from Abrams MBT Pre rifts abilities
This Originally built into the turret Abrams main gun fires explosive shells at visible targets (line up in the targeting sights and fire and forget systems is only +1 to strike if the target is "painted" with a laser designator). The tank may also operate like an artillery unit, firing at a set of coordinates without actually seeing the target (-2 to strike). The autocannon is built into the turret, and the turret can rotate 360 degrees and can aim up and down in a 60 degree angle, allowing the tank to engage low-flying aircraft and other types of slow flyers (however, it is -3 to hit flying targets moving faster than 80 mph/128 km). The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment.

APC rifts updated abilities NAAT,S ONLY
Originally from Abrams main gun fires explosive shells at visible targets (line up in the targeting sights and fire and forget systems is only +1d4+1 to strike if the target is "painted" with a laser designator). The tank may also operate like an artillery unit, firing at a set of coordinates without actually seeing the target (-2 to strike). This built into the turret, and the turret can rotate 360 degrees and can aim up and down in a 85 degree angle, allowing the tank to engage low-flying aircraft and other types of slow flyers (however, it is -3

to hit flying targets moving faster than 500 mph). The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment or A.I Systems can take over. There additional feature to this adding a fly probe and are invaluable even in rifts earth ( Additional Modifying M.D.C. Vehicles)

for standard models pick one weapon system from below for both top hatches
They can a single mounted weapon systems or dual mounted weapon systems and are remote control or can be operated manual.

For N.A.A.T’s models it uses the most advanced systems turrets available .It can pick three of the same or three different weapons systems from below 20 mm Autocannon, 30 mm Autocannon, 20 MM Chain gun, 30 MM Chain gun, Second generation M.D.C Heavy, Machine Gun H.M.G, WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher, Light Vulcan Laser Turrets, ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America ), rail gun or Gravitonic weapon systems !!!!

20 mm Autocannon
30 mm Autocannon
20 MM Chain gun
30 MM Chain gun
Second generation M.D.C Heavy
Machine Gun H.M.G WEIGHT150
WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher WEIGHT
Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book) WEIGHT
ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America )
WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher

WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher

This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon. It can disconnect from main turret in 2 attacks. It replaces the mini missiles that are used in G.AW Model.

Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system. Weight: 130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

Fragmentary: 4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).
Armor-Piercing: 1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m). A burst is 10 rounds!
A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)!
A burst of Armor piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Rate of Fire: Standard.
Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).

Payload: 40 round magazine (back up has four in tank )
200 round belt And ammo drum in turret 300 .
540 rounds
Rounds are divided by 2 for Armor piercing
And Fragmentary.

14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber:
A M.D.C machine gun loaded with Heavy Solid Slug bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield. The gun is used mostly to fight off other light targets and to defend against aircraft.

There are three M.D.C Heavy Machinegun use on this model
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where

the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing MD
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: one round does 1M.D.C
A burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
Rate of Fire:

Standard burst is 40 rounds and does 1D4 x 10 M.D.C
A burst is 60 rounds and does 1D6 x 10 M.D. Only fires bursts.
3 mile for ground to ground combat
2000 rounds

20 MM AutoCannon
There are M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon

Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher

damage per round on later models

Solid slug rounds

1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,

Standard rounds is 1d6x10 M.D.C for twenty round burst

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
3 miles

20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
Railguns possible

20 MM Chain gun
Damage :
Short burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst,counts as two attack
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun

1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds

30mm Auto-Cannon:
mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 2 tons
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Normal Effective
Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 burs

30mm China gun:
This mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense Weight: 2 tons Mega-Damage:
M.D.C Solid slug
1 MDC PER round
10 rounds burst 1d10
20 rounds burst 5d4
30 rounds burst 5d6
40 rounds burst 1d4x10
50 rounds burst 5d10
60 rounds burst 1d6x10
80 rounds burst 2d4x10
100 rounds burst 1d10x10

120 rounds burst 2d6x10

240 rounds burst 4d6x10


A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Normal Effective Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200

WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher

This rarely added to turret but possible ( still one one).The WI-40M provides the firepower of a tank (for one melee round) and is advertised as "the heaviest man-portable missile launcher in

the world." That's partially true. It is man-portable for anyone who can lug its 120 lbs (54 kg) of missile and crude, disposable launch trigger. This means the operator must be a creature with a P.S. of 24 or greater, otherwise it will require two or three men to transport it. The WI-40M is basically a medium-range missile with a plastic launching platform that has a handle and big trigger (big enough for the hand of most powered armor suits and giants). Once the missile is fired, the launching platform is ruined and discarded (the plastic has a recycle value of 2D4 x 10 credits). The exhaust of the rocket also inflicts 1D6 x 10 S.D.C. to anything within 15 feet of the shooter; it won't affect characters in M.D.C. armor, but will ignite brush fires or explode any fuels and other volatile flammables nearby. Despite those shortcomings, it is a new favorite of power armor pilots and borgs.
The missile system weighs 120 lbs (54 kg)
and is six feet (1.8 m) long.
Any medium-range missile can be used. It is usually
Armor-Piercing (2D4 x 10 M.D.),each
Fragmentation (2D4 x 10 M.D.) each
Plasma/Heat (2D6 x 10 M.D.or 5d6x10 for N.A.A.T, N.A.M.E.S OR A.M.C). Each

Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon
Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km).
The missile has less fuel than a vehicle-mounted medium-range missile. this system rarely used .

Payload: One. Per rack total four
A missile box containing four missiles and weighing 520 lbs (234 kg) is available.

Taking a missile out of its box and aiming it usually counts as two melee actions/attacks.

Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)
This heavy, multi-barreled laser is used
for missile defense and anti-aircraft roles. Each is controlled by an independent gunner. One is mounted turret and only type . The wing turrets can rotate 360 degrees and fire on a 180 degree arc, sweeping the air above the aircraft.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 2D6 x 10 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Each turret can shoot up to six times per melee round.

Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited pick one , tie to vechile power systems 3 per mellee
There are a light version 2d4x10 ,medium version 2D6 x 10 M.D. per blast and 4D6 x 10 M.D. per blast heavy version

ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America )
This is a pre-Rifts design built to give infantrymen a chance against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. It is a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-clip in one single shot! The short comings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes one melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it

(cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble or weapon mount ). Also, they use up E-clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it.
Weight: 30 lbs. (13.5 kg)
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10+20 M.D. per shot
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; each shot empties an entire E-Clip
Effective Range: 9000 feet
Payload: 1 shot per E-Clip has or tie to vehicle other power systems 3 per melee Nuclear goes to 5 !!

Black Market: not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

Auto fire 81mm Medium Mortar
NOTE take up all the space in the rear no troops or other weapon systems only front weapon systems in front of battle taxi for defend only
The Sledgehammer is a larger mortar that fires rounds at greater ranges. Before the Rifts these weapons were issued to heavy weapons platoons at the battalion level. When broken down into component parts these mortars can be transported on foot by their crew of five troops. This mortar fires standard HE rounds against infantry and soft-skinned vehicles, but with the development of "smart" HEAT mortar rounds they are also effective against IFVs and tanks!
Weight: 89 lbs (40 kg).
Mega-Damage: Varies with ammunition type.
Ammunition Types: Uses the equivalent of grenades to inflict Mega-Damage.
Single shot

6D6 M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m).

High Explosive/HE:
4D6 M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m).

2D6 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m).

Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red).

Parachute Flares: Glides down and burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Brust fire two rounds

1d6x10 M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m) for each round

High Explosive/HE:
1d4x10+8M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m) for each round

4d6 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m) for each round

Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red).

Parachute Flares: Glides down and burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Brust fire four rounds

2d4x10M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m) for each round

High Explosive/HE:
1d6x10 M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m) for each round

1d4x10+8 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m) for each round
Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red).
Parachute Flares: Glides down and burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Brust fire ten rounds

6D6x10 M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m) for each round

High Explosive/HE:
4D6x10 M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m) for each round

2D6x10 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m) for each round

Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red). for each round

Parachute Flares: Glides down and burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Rate of Fire: 1-2 shots per melee round
(characters with 5 or more attacks/actions per round can fire twice); each shot may include a minor adjustment and counts as three melee attacks.

Effective Range:
About 3 miles (4.8 km), the weapon has a min-imum range of 130 feet (40 m).

Payload: Single shot ,Brust fire two rounds ,Brust fire four rounds ,Brust fire four rounds
, Brust fire ten rounds
200 for each that 1000 round total

Cost: 4,500 credits for the mortar, bombs cost the same as CS hand grenades:
250 credits for fragmentation,
275 for High Explosive,
350 for plasma,
180 credits for smoke and flares

built in to mark III and up Smoke Launcher (4):
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius.
Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.

Rate of Fire:
One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.

Payload: 24 total.

Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser, built in to mark III and up
Located in the end of the vehicle is a chaff dispenser. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse enemies that are hit by Chaff or detonate on contact .

Primary Purpose:
but roll percentage dice for catch pursuing missile to determine the result:

: Enemy missile or missile \olley detonates in chaff cloud. The threat is over.
Enemy missile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction (may lock onto ncarh) aircraft).
No efrcci. Missiles slill on largel. AI~o note the chaff cloud will tcmporaril) blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds).

The creature recover with no continued effect~. Payload:
Four. 24

Close Combat:
The A.P.C may drive into and smash through light to heavy S.D.C. walls and structures as well as ram into and knock over giants and S.D.C. vehicles. It can also drive into and disperse enemy troops. The impact from a half speed ram is 1D4x10 M.D. from a full speed ram. A ram attack against humans, even in body armor or man-sized power armor, inflicts 1D6x10 M.D. and hurls the character 4D6 yards/meters (victim loses initiative and three melee attacks). Human-sized characters who get run over suffer 2D6x10+20 M.D.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Additional Modifying M.D.C. Vehicles

Part 2

Fuel Efficiency Modification
(adds 20% to 60% range):
1000 credits Souped-Up Engine (adds 30% to maximum speed of vehicles): 10,000 credits; not available for humanoid robots.

Launcher systems:

This system is added optional by crew but not recommended by staff,
unless need as interceptor missiles systems. No long missiles are possible for this design of the APC. This can be jury rig later in the field as both offensive and defensive system .

Mini-Missile Launcher:
200,000 credits standard WEIGHT 15 POUNDS

Short-Range Missile Launcher:
standard WEIGHT 30 POUNDS
300,000 credits for a three missile payload,

for a six-missile payload,
for a 12-missile payload.

Medium-Range Missile Launcher:
standard WEIGHT 50 POUNDS

One million credits with a three missile payload
1.5 million for a six missile payload.

Disposal Side mounted Long-Range Missile Launcher:
standard WEIGHT 1000 POUNDS to 1 ton
Five million credits with a three-missile payload per or 8 million for a six missile payload.
Only for gravitonic drive systems or Anti-Gravity systems side and button total 9
Hover craft sides only total 6

Weapon Mounts:
1000 credits to mount a light weapon, WEIGHT none built in systems
2500 credits to mount a heavy or large weapon, none built in systems
5000 credits for a weapon turret (rotates 360 degrees). none built in systems
The cost of the weapon is extra.

Winch & Cable:
Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle

is an electric winch; basically a motor connected to a cable and a hook.
The cable is 100 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 5d6 tons. 2000 credits

Secret compartment: none built in systems
2000 credits small,
4000 credits medium
8000 credits large

Independent Environmental Pilot's Compartment:
The cab/driver area has 40 ( adding a M.D.C 240 for upgraded design ) M.D.C. and is airtight, with an independent oxygen supply, air-conditioning, and heating system, air purification and circulatory system (good for up to 96 hours). 50,000 credits or 100 credits for a 100 S.D.C . or 1 M.D.C compartment low end design .

The following are all 200 POUNDS
in less told otherwise in description

Voice Activated Locks & Ignition: 12,000 credits

Mini- Digital Radar system built into the dashboard: 3000 credits.

Laser Targeting System ( + 1 to strike): 50,000 credits

Targeting & Combat Computer:
+ 1 to strike, can identify 32,000
targets, and can be linked to radar and sensors. 500,000 credits

Heads-Up Display System: 10,000 credits

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard: 5000 credits

Water dispenser: A refrigerated container that holds and cools drinking water. 400 credits.

Mini-microwave oven (for larger vehicles): 300 credits.

Searchlight: 200 credits

Infrared Search Light: 500 credits

Loudspeaker: 200 credits

Short-Range Communicator (4 miles/6.4 km range): 200 credits

backup systems

Long-Range Directional Radio (100 mile/160 km range):
Back up systems 1000 credits.

Video Camera(mounted inside or outside):
1200 credits (10 S.D.C.)
8000 credits (5 M.D.C.)

Radar Detector: 200 credits

Radiation Detector/Dosimeter: 200 credits

Calendar and Clock: 100 credits

Flying Probe

The latest in spy technology, the Flying Probe is exactly what it sounds like, a
hover, flying version of the walking Spider Probe. That also means the Flying Probe is used to track, find, follow and spy on the enemy as well as locate victims of a disaster, only it quietly flies instead of scurrying across the ground. One of its different features is a retractable, folding arm that can end in a small mechanical arm and hand capable of picking up and carrying small, light objects such as a set of keys, pen, paper, knife, hand-held communicator, and similar items. In the alternative, it may end with a Pen Laser, mini-buzz saw (does 2D6 S.D.C.) or an 11th sensor probe of some kind. As a probe and spy unit, it is primarily deployed by Drone operator, Intel-Agents, Military Specialists, scouts ,infantry and A.I Systems .can hold 10 in main turret and 15 in main body of APC .

Flying Probe for Reconnaissance
Robot/Artificial Intelligence Model Type: probe
Class: Fully Automated Self-Sufficient Robot Probe.
Crew: None; artificial intelligence.

M.D.C. by Location:
* Optic and Sensor Bulbs (10) — 1 each
** Main Body — 12
* Destroying one of the sensor bulbs in the main body de-stroys one of its many optic systems, cameras, communications and sensory systems. When eight or more are lost, particularly video feed, the probe leaves its post unless commanded to do otherwise and returns to base camp. These sensor bulbs are small and difficult to hit, especially on a moving target. Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot," and the attacker is -5 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C.
of the main body shatters the robot and destroys its electronic systems completely.

Speed & Movement:
20 mph (32 km) maximum, but typically travels at about 1-5 mph (1.6 to 8 km) when probing/examining/searching an area.

Excellent. Equal to a Prowl of 75%; silent flight. Makes just a slight purr that is usually drowned out by even the slightest ambient noise, and makes a swishing sound as it flies by if traveling faster than 10 mph (16 km).

Running, Leaping & Climbing:

Not applicable.

Underwater Capabilities:
1000 feet .

Statistical Data:
Roughly the size of a softball or grapefruit with a small hover system attached; roughly six inches in diameter.

4.5 lbs (2 kg).

Physical Strength:
Not applicable unless it has a retractable arm and hand (P.S. 6).


Power System:
Nuclear, average energy life is two years.

Weapon System:


Combat Capabilities:
None per se.

Actions Per Melee:
Five, mainly observation and tracking.

Hand to Hand Damage: Only if a cutting tool is part of its re-tractable arm.


Includes all bonuses from programming, robotics and sensors: +1 to strike with retractable arm, +9 to automatic dodge (can dodge without losing an melee attack/action), +6 to roll with impact or fall. Impervious to poison, gas, and biological agents, as well as psionic and magic mind control, charms, bio-manipulation, and S.D.C. attacks. May have additional sensor for its retractable arm (or a tool).
Skill Programs & Memory: Same as the

Spider Probe

Sensor Systems of Note for probe

All optics and lenses are tied to the video transmission system and can be broadcast to a operator in the field monitoring the probe or base camp (if the latter is close enough). Robot Commanders and anyone working with probes will have a portable hand-held monitor and a larger monitoring unit (the size of a small laptop computer), plus the data can be transmitted and displayed on the helmet HUD display of body and power armor.

Standard issues System
Laser communication systems
Are must to have contact to contact communication between vehicles and infantry but are mix in order to have some form of communication the fog of war from a few feet to miles .

Data combat net systems:
Combines systems if one fail AI and crew can, but systems are kept separated to stop other enemies to fail equipment to replace eased in the fog of war .

Infrared variable lighting systems:
This work in the Infrared allows to communicate with different color spectrum when needed

Additional sensor or optic system

Each sensor or optic system is numbered to indicate the features of each one of the ten sensor bulbs. If individually targeted by an enemy (a rarity) or if the Spider Probe is dam-aged in some other way and loses one or more of its reconnaissance features, the G.M. can pick one (or some) or 10 for random determination.
1. Multi-Optics system:
Sees normal human and infrared and ultraviolet spectrum of light, plus passive nightvision. Range: 5 mile .

2. Telescoping zoom lens
. Range: 5 mile .

3. Micro-Magnifying lens
with x2, x10, and x50 magnification.

4. Thermo-Optics and heat sensors,
vital for finding warm bodies trapped under debris or hiding under camouflage or behind cover. Range: 5 mile .

5. Camera/video Eye with live transmission
— live feed, recording capability( 96 hours). Video camera and live transmission feed so its human partner can literally see what the probe sees. Range: 5 mile .

6. Electronic Ear and audio transmitter with scrambler capabilities
. Range: Range: 5 mile .

7. Laser Distancer:
A light beam that accurately measures distance. Range: Range: 5 mile .

8. Radiation Detector.
Range: 5 mile .

9. Air Thermometer:
Measures the ambient air tempera-ture around the walking probe. Range: 5 mile .

10. Molecular Analyzer:
Detects and identifies impurities in the air. Mainly searches for toxic gases, pollution and chemicals harmful to humans. Range : 5 mile .

11. Plus, Radio Communications:
Directional radio for coded messages between the robot and its human commander and even base camp. Can also scan and communicate via code on conventional radio channels/

frequencies, same range, and eaves-drop on enemy transmissions and track transmissions (60% success level Flying Probe for each add 10 miles max 40 miles plus percentage +10 per Flying Probe max 100% A.I SYSTEMS ECCM ) to their source. Range: 10 (10 TO 40)miles (16 km). But MBT IS HALF add 5 miles max 20 miles plus percentage +5 per Flying Probe max 100% A.I SYSTEMS ECCM ADD +10 TO ALL communications .
Note: Understands English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and 15 other languages; can identify all others but can understand or communicate in them

12. data link systems
Able to make contact with other probes and even make daisy link Range: 10 mile for each probe if need be

13. can add from Sensors below
roll range 1d4+1 miles systems tend to vary and can be improved or well made systems


Explosives Detector:
Sniffs out and detects explosives within 12 feet (3.6 m). Is also used to scan an individual, vehicle or container to detect even small amounts of explosive materials and residue from explosives (less than one ounce), but such a scan must be done at close range, within three feet (0.9 m), to pinpoint the location of the explosive. The type is not known, al-though the signal will be larger/louder if there is a large quantity of explosives or it is an extremely powerful device. Cost: 50,000 credits.

Biometric Scanner:
A sensor unit that measures the barometric pressure, humidity and air temperature around the robot. Besides the obvious, the scanner indicates changes in these areas which may indicate the coming or end of a storm or an un-natural environmental event. Cost: 11,000 credits

Motion Detector and Warning System:
Registers vibrations in the air indicating movement. A collision warning system will sound an internal alarm to warn of an impending collision/impact. Range: 600 feet (180m). Bonus: Adds

+1d4 to initiative and +1d4 to parry and /or dodge. Add 1d4 for hover systems or garv systems Cost: 75,000 credits.

Motion Detector:
The reliability of the detector is quite limited, but it can be used to accurately assess wind direction and wind speed, and to detect the rapid approach of large moving objects, such as a vehicle, aircraft, power armor, etc., whose rapid approach or large size causes a disturbance in the air. A motion detector is especially useful in the dark because the speeding object must usually be within 5000 feet to create a detectable air current. Likewise, the motion sensor will detect the movement of somebody/thing moving nearby, within 40- feet (, but only if the sensor user is motionless or barely moving itself. The sensor can also detect

sudden changes in air current and pressure caused by somebody opening a door or window, and can estimate speed of travel when inside an open-air (or open window) vehicle. Cost: 15,000 credits.

Radar Detector:
A tiny radar receiver that alerts the robot when he is being scanned by radar; 80% accuracy. Unfortunately, determining the direction or source of the radar probe is only 60%. Cost: 10,000 credits.
Range 10,000 feet

Detects Radiation Detector:
Detects and measures the amounts of harmful types of radiation and warns its owner. Includes nu-clear, atomic, and microwave radiation. Cost: 1,200


A small, but sophisticated radar system usually used in human and animal-size robots 10 feet (3 m) and smaller. Can identify up to 30 targets and simultaneously track 12 bogies as low as 700 feet (213 m). Rate of travel, direction, and location are all indicated. Range: 10 miles . Cost: 200,000 credits

Radar System:
A sophisticated radar system, suitable for ground to air monitoring. Can identify up to 96 targets and simultaneously track 42. Requires a special unit with an extendible dish attached to the Bot's back. Range: 50 miles (80 km) and is able to detect a

cruise missile-type target, rocket bike or power armor flying as low as 5000 feet (152 m)/10000 feet (61 m) in an open area/plains without other ground clutter. Lower than that and the target is lost. Can also identify the speed of ground vehicles when a radar beam is directed at one specific target; works like a police officer's radar gun. Cost: 600,000 credits. Ideal for giant and vehicular robot types

Sensory Antenna:

Registers vibrations in the air indicating movement, as well as having touch and heat sensors. The antenna enables the `Bot to maneuver even in total darkness by feeling its way around. Range: Touch, usually 3-10 feet (0.9 to 3 m) depending on the size of the robot (never

larger than one third the robot's height). Bonus: Penalty for blindness is half and adds a bonus of +5 to dodge. 1D4+4 M.D.C. per antenna. Cost: 120,000 credits per pair. Whether the `Bot has two or 10 antennas, the bonuses and abilities remain the same. [/b]


all Optics WEIGHT is 100 pounds

Advanced Optic System

[spoiler]Includes color vision, 3-D analysis and depth perception, passive nightsight, infrared and ultraviolet vision. Range: 5 mile . (610 m). Cost: 160,000 credits.
Note: Infrared vision emits a pencil-thin beam of infrared light, invisible to the

human eye, but visible to an-other infrared system, to illuminate its target in darkness. The narrowness of the beam limits the scope of vision to about a 10 foot width (3 m).

is a passive image intensifier that electronically amplifies existing ambient light to provide a visible picture without emitting any trace light of its own.
Other optical features can be added for an additional cost. They are listed elsewhere in this category. Note that a Robot's eyes may be small and relatively human, but more often than not, they look like a large camera lens or a cluster of camera lenses from tiny to the size of a softball. The eye lens may even be telescoping and make a humming, buzzing or clicking sound as the lens adjusts. As many as 15 of the

following Optic Features may be added to one robot eye. [/b]

External Video and Audio Surveillance System:
[spoiler]A high resolution video camera, built into the eyes or as a separate optic system (concealed or not), relays images directly to the robot's optic scanners and can be recorded as a record of events. A digital video receiver and transmitter system enables the robot to receive video transmissions for viewing or and re-cording. The images are recorded on a six hour, three inch, video disc that is slipped into a slot in the skull or chest. The disc can be ejected at will. Range: 5 mile .. Cost: 500,000 credits,

Laser Targeting System:
A thin beam of light is emitted from the eyes or forehead or the weapon itself. When the light beam hits its target, a computer locks in and registers the fire command. Bonus: +1 to strike when using a distance weapon. Not applicable to hand to hand combat. Likewise, P.P. bonuses do not apply to long-range weapons. Range: 5 mile . Cost: 50,000

Optical Reader:
Designed specifically to "read" words and text, including numbers, letters, diagrams, drawings, maps and other flat images. Cost: 10,000 credits. -50% to read/Literacy without it.

Optical Scanner:

Anything the robot "sees" can be digitally scanned and saved in its memory as digital images (e.g., a photograph, a page of text from a book, a drawing, map, and similar) as well as snapshot-like images (photographs) of people, scenery, etc., similar to a cell phone camera with limited zoom (x10 up to 500 feet/152 m away). Does not have a "flash" Capability, but other optics like infrared, passive night sight, telescopic vision, etc. may be tied to the scanner. Range: 5 mile .Cost: 150,000 credits.

[b]Live Video Transmission (and Receiver):

[spoiler]Transmission range is 20 miles (32 km) in the city, 60 miles (96 km) in the wilderness, unless hampered by some sort of interference. Live feed is most common, but up to two hours of digital video can be

recorded and stored on a memory chip. Cost: 50,000 credits for a single basic color and sound system, 150,000 credits for a pair of camera eyes. Add 20,000 credits for synchronized digital audio recording and transmission. Add 40,000 credits for broad-band capabilities (and double the transmission range). Range: 5 mile .

This type of optical enhancement relies on a source of infrared light, a pencil thin beam of light projected from the eye to the target. The narrowness of the beam limits the viewing area to a small area of about seven feet (2.1 m). Range: 5 mile . (366 m). Cost: 16,000 credits; 19,000 credits for a pair.

Light Filters.
Reduces glare like invisible sunglasses. Filters slip into place as needed

Passive Nightvision.
Light amplification system that uses ambient light (the moon, starlight, etc.) to see clearly in the dark. Range: 5 mile ., but can be increased if combined with a telescopic lens feature. Cost: 30,000 credits.

In addition to normal 20/20 vision, the eye has a telescopic lens for long distance viewing (4-10x50 magnification). Range: 5 mile . Cost: 10,000 credits;

16,000 for a pair

Targeting Display.
Imposes crosshairs on a target, add-ing a bonus of +1 to strike with any ranged weapon (both eyes). Note: Two targeting eyes still provide only a +1 bonus to strike, not +2. Cost: 4,000 credits

The lens converts the infrared radiation of warm objects into a visible image, enabling the robot able to see heat as represented by bands of color. Ideal for tar-geting and tracking at night; can see in darkness, shadows, and through smoke, but can only see the heat radiation clearly, not all the details of the surrounding area. Range: 5 mile .Bonus: +1 to strike in darkness. Cost: 32,000 credits for a pair.

Illegal in the CS.

Visual Recognition:
Combat Computer: A special system tied to the optic systems. The computer recognizes 30,000 enemy targets including vehicles, robots, insignias, uniforms, known monsters, D-Bees and enemies. An additional 2000 ta-gets can be added to the memory. Bonus: +5% to Intelligence skill. Range: 5 mile .Cost: 200,000 credits.

Camera: Peekaboo (2):
Two “peekaboo cameras” are built
into the back of the Prophet behind the right and left shoulders.

(You can see the left one looking straight up in the illustration.)When needed to see what’s going on behind you without turning around yourself, the camera unfolds from its concealed housing to look around. This can be very helpful when hiding amongstvegetation or rubble, and for peeking around corners. Being so
small and quiet, the peekaboo camera can peer under leaves and through a weave of vegetation or debris to see and transmit live images to the HUD in the pilot’s helmet. Each is built into a thin, mechanical arm that can bend to look up, down and sideways 180 degrees behind the power armor. Note: For a complete descriptionof how this mini-spy camera can cover one’s back, see the description in the opening text of the Forester power armor, page 94. Each peekaboo camera has 5 M.D.C.

Peekaboo Camera:
A “peekaboo camera” can unfold from The vehicle to look over it to see what is happening behind , without him having to move and physically turn. This can be very helpful when hiding amongst vegetation and hunting. Being so small and quiet, the peekaboo camera can peer under leaves and through a weave of vegetation to see and transmit live images to the HUD in the pilot’s helmet. Note: For a complete description of how this mini-spy camera can cover one’s back, see the description in the opening text, above. One is a “peekaboo camera” in the vehicle that can slowly unfold and extend outward on a small thin arm to look backward, behind the Forester. Every scout, hunter and explorer has experienced that moment when they are crouched and out of sight, hidden among the foliage, when they hear a twig snap or something
move behind them. The motion of even slowly and quietly moving their head or body to look behind them is likely to startle and scare away wildlife. By the same token, if the sound comes from a predator or an enemy, turning to see what it is, and any noise or additional movement associated with that action, will
alert the enemy(s) to his position and give them the drop on him. Likewise, an animal predator
or monster may attack or charge. However, the “peekaboo camera” is so small and quiet as it unfolds, the creature or person will never hear or see it. Being small means, it can peek under leaves and through a weave of vegetation or urban combat to see. The tiny camera feeds live images to the HUD in the helmet, giving the pilot inside the vehicle a clear view of what’s behind him without the need to move a muscle. Again, scouts and woodsmen know that if one remains perfectly still, an animal or enemy may walk within inches without ever noticing him and continue to move away without incident. Getting a live feed of their activity, movement and direction should indicate whether they are moving away or if they have spotted him and are moving
to attack

Warning System and Multi-Cameras:
Tied into the cameras and sensor array is a motion detection warning system similar to the one in the White Knight power armor. When anything comes within 1000 feet , the computer issues an audio warning (“Warning: Suspected hostile approaching at 100 feet. 95 feet, 80 feet, etc.” Or “Warning: Deteriorating hostile environment. Defensive [or evasive] action is recommended.” And similar.) In each instance, the pilot can request “visual” and the computer will display a visual live feed, up on the HUD, of what the camera
sees approaching or what the deteriorating environment may be. If the approaching person or people are not a threat, the pilot can stop the warning by stating, “non-hostile” or “friendly.” Tied into the Recognition system, the warning is likely to identify exactly what the danger is. (“Known hit man for the Altobelli Gang,” or “Coalition Dead Boy,” “Baal Rog demon,” and possibly even the name of a specific known fugitive: “Benjamin Mason,” “Michael Strom,” “Big Bubba,” “King Zarchron,” etc., “approaching from behind at two o’clock.”)


Advanced Audio System:
Amplified stereo hearing in the full decibel range, the same as the cybernetic Amplified Hearing (see page 49 of Rifts0 Ultimate Edition). The `Bot can hear frequencies inaudible to the human ear, like a dog whistle (as well as wide-band radio), enabling the character to hear almost inaudible sounds at up to 360 feet (110 m) away. At 75 feet (22.9 m), sounds as quiet as one decibel, softer than a whisper, can be heard. At 150 feet (45.7 m), sounds as quiet as 10 decibels, a whisper, can be heard clearly. At 360 feet (110 m), sounds in the normal conversation range of 30 decibels can be heard as if the character was standing only a few feet (one meter) away. This is the

maximum range for eavesdropping on conversations. Only sounds of 70 decibels (e.g., the sound of heavy traffic) or louder can be accurately heard and the location pinpointed from 500 to 1,000 feet away (152.4 m to 305 m).
The Amplified Hearing also enables the character to accurately estimate the distance and location of the sound source, and recognize specific, known sounds and voices at a base skill of 35% plus 5% per level of experience. Background noise, such as other conversations, traffic, machine noise, etc., as well as barriers like closed doors and walls, will decrease the range and clarity of what can be heard. G.M.s should use their discretion and common sense.
Radio capabilities enables the robot to listen to commercial radio stations, citizen band (C.B.), police bands, shortwave and

other radio transmission frequencies. Also comes standard with a Universal Head jack for tapping into computers, radios and audio equipment directly. Radio Range (transmissions and receiver): 50 miles (80 km) in the city, 100 miles (160 km) in the wilderness, both require a retractable antenna; half range without one. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to parry, and +2 to dodge.
Cost: 150,000 credits for the entire advanced system. See Basic Hearing System for something must less expensive.

Audio Recorder:
An audio recording system with external access capable of recording most sounds that the robot can hear. Two hundred hours of digital sound recordings can be stored. Editing capabilities allow

the robot to keep sound bites and conversations it wants to preserve and erase or record over unwanted audio recordings. Can also transmit recordings by radio or download onto an audio disc, computer, or audio equipment via headjack or fingerjack. Cost: 75,000. Illegal in the Coalition States.

Bug Detector:
A small device that picks up radio signals from surveillance listening devices (bugs). Range: 6000 feet (18.3 m). Cost: 30,000 credits.

Built-In Language Translator:
Starts with 13 different languages, including the nine major regional ones, plus Russian, Kittani, Naruni, and Splugorth/Demongogian; 200 others can be added. Level of accuracy is 88.8% when

listening to only one or two speakers and languages at a time. Drops to 68% with a six second delay when trying to translate 3-6 speakers simulta-neously, 20% if more than that. Cost: 32,000 credits. Illegal in the Coalition States

Built-In Loudspeaker:
The Bot can amplify the loudness of his voice, like a bullhorn, to about 80 decibels. Cost: 6,000 credits.
Built-In Radio Receiver & Transmitter Headjack: A fully operational radio is built inside the head or a shoulder, back or hip unit. Range: 20 miles (32 km). Cost: 22,000; add 10,000 for scrambling radio messages and decoding

Human Voice Synthesizer:
Provides the robot with a com-

pletely human sounding voice, male or female. This is a pleas-ant, single voice. The system is not capable of changing the voice/sound or imitating others. Without this feature, the robot's voice sounds mechanical. Cost: 5,000 credits. Also see Modulating Voice Synthesizer.

Inaudible Frequency Transmission:
The robot can speak/ transmit sound frequencies inaudible to the human ear, but audible to other robots, cyborgs with ultra ear and beings with sup-rior hearing, such as mutant dogs. Cost: 50,000 credits

Juke Box: The
has 20000 music titles (songs to instrumentals) stored inside an internal music player. The music can be played so only it hears it, played aloud through concealed speakers

or a loudspeaker, or broadcast via radio transmission,
provided those

Sound Analysis Computer:
Designed exclusively to listen, identify, remember, and analyze sounds. 380,000 different sounds are programmed into its memory, including gunshots by caliber, energy blasts, engine sounds, animal calls, noises made by monsters, and other sounds. 40,000 new sounds can be added. It is also capable of analyzing, comparing, and matching voices and sounds in its files, identifing a sound or voice via computer comparison with 80% accuracy, and imitating another person's voice with 78% accuracy (+10% when imitated over any form of audio

transmission). Bonus: +10% to impersonate voices or imitate sounds. Cost: 500,000 credits; illegal in the Coalition States.

Modulating Voice Synthesizer:
Enables the robot to change, disguise and humanize its voice by altering tone, bass, pitch, etc. Can also speak in a sound frequency inaudible to nor-mal humans, but audible to normal canines, bats and mutant dogs, as well as other Tots, cyborgs, and characters with a cybernetic Ultra-Ear. Base skill at imitating voices is 10% +5% per each additional level of experience. Cost: 30,000 credits. Add 12,000 credits to get a voice disguise program with over 200 different human and D-Bee accents and inflections. Illegal in the Coalition States. Universal Headjack (or Fingerjack): Same as the bionic

version, see page 51 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition.
Radio Signal Scrambler System is linked to the radio sys-tem to send and receive coded messages. Cost: 10,000 credits.

Wide Band Radio Receiver and Transmitter with directional capabilities.
Range: 600 miles with a retractable antenna (300 miles without the antenna). Cost: 38,000 credits. [/b]

AI systems

Artificial Intelligence (advanced): [spoiler] Neural Intelligence (N.I.)

Typical Level of Intelligence:
I.Q. 2D6+11+2

I.Q 25

Note :
Neural Intelligence:
Automatically gets one of the General Programs (non-military or military) at no cost. Three additional skill programs may be purchased at half the price listed. This is considered to be the `Bot's original purpose and orientation.
Two additional skill programs can be purchased at the list price and added to the initial skill set. This is the maximum number of programs the robot can hold in its artificial brain. Un-like the A.I., these skills can NOT be purged and replaced by new and different skill programs. However, the N.I. can learn new skills the same as a human through observation, study and tutelage. Thus, the N.I. may select two

Secondary Skills at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Secondary Skills start at the Base Skill level and increase per level of experience. The only bonus applied to these learned skills is the I.Q. bonus, when appropriate (applicable to an I.Q. of 16 or higher).

Intelligence and Origin Table:
Neural Intelligence I.Q. Bonus: +2.
New German Republic


This alignment program is usually reserved for robots who are to blend in with humanoid society and for Black Ops such as undercover work, espionage, robbery and rescue and prison break missions. Being Unprincipled, the robot may engage in acts of deception and bend the rules, work outside the law, lie, threaten and hurt people, interrogate suspects, and engage in other unsavory and illegal acts,

but always remains true to its creators/programmers and its mission. Although humanoid life is valued, the robot's mission or purpose takes precedence, and the 'Bot is able to decide whether it should act to help someone in trouble and jeopardize the mission or stick to it. However, if there is a better than 60% likelihood that its intervention will save or protect a life, the Unprincipled 'Bot usually takes action to do so. Note: Otherwise follows all the usual standards and guidelines for the Unprincipled alignment

Standard Robot Military Combat Skill Program

General Repair & Maintenance

( all get 99 % skills IQ bonus help

to negate ant penalties that 11% )

Land Navigation
Language: Basic (speaks/understands; can read): Typically American, Gobblely, Spanish and Techno-Can ( 98% each).
Mathematics: Basic
Military Etiquette
Parachuting Yes it been known to do air drop form transport vehicle
Pilot: Boat, Motor Type
Pilot: Hover Craft (ground) aid to control drone
Radio: Basic
Weapon Systems
W.P. Paired Weapons range only
W.P. Rifles on turret
W.P. Energy on Rifle turret
W.P. Heavy M.D. on Weapons turret
All the W.P.s listed are equivalent to 6th level experience

Hand to Hand Combat:
Programs the Robot for fighting roughly equal to Hand to Hand: Expert, 6th level.
Attacks per Melee Round:
6 attacks per melee

Bonuses Using Weapons:
+3 to strike with ranged weapons, +4 to strike on an Aimed Shot, +1 to strike with a burst.


is very close to an irresistible force. When ramming any land vehicle or building the
tank will inflict
1D4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph (32 km of speed For track for fly 1D4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 5 mph at max;
if the other vehicle is traveling from the opposite direction toward the Machine, add the two speeds together). Robots, power armor and infantrymen who get in the path of the tank will be run down unless they dodge
(12 or higher). Being run down by the vehicle inflicts 2D4x10 M.D.!

to hit or batter up
1D4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph (32 km of speed;
if the other vehicle is traveling from the opposite direction toward the Machine, add the two speeds together) .Note if armored up main gun add
1d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20

mph that( will be 2d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph instead of 1d4x10 )
. If force field add a
1d4x10 that a 3d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph!!!
if spikes ,blades are added to main that another up
1D4x10 M.D goes up to 4d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 10 mph

Military Combat programming includes
a recognition pro-gram of 28,000 different enemy targets including specific races, monsters, aliens, non-human features and political powers in North America, such as the insignia, uniforms, body armor, military robots and vehicles, power armor, weapons of the Coalition States, Free Quebec, the Federation of Magic, bandits of the Pecos

Empire, notable mercenary companies, the Minions of Splugorth, D-Bees, demons, monsters and dangerous animals in general, as well as 2000 enemies the purchaser can add.
Combat programming directs the actions and reactions to en-counters and attacks. Most programs offered in North America (excluding the ones used by Archie for his personal robot legion) are much more basic and reactionary than those from Triax and the NGR. A Northern Gun basic combat program makes the robot suitable for sentry duty, armed escort, border patrol, infantry combat and seek and destroy missions. Basically, the drone identifies an enemy target or intruder and at-tacks. Triax/Dyna-Bot programs are not listed in this section as they come only with Triax imported Dyna-Bots

Additional two programs only

Military Pilot, Ground:
Truck and Tracked & Construction Vehicles 90%, plus select three military vehicle piloting skills Robot Combat skills. All at 92%. Cost: 325,000 credits. An ILLEGAL program in the CS.

Military, Communications: Specialized:
Cryptography 80%, Electronic Countermeasures 94%, Laser Communications 94%, Literacy: Language of choice 94%, Photography 94%, Surveillance 90%, and TV/Video 94%.
Cost: 250,000 credits. An ILLEGAL program in the CS

Rifts® Vehicle Construction Rules
Part Two
Optional Source Material for Rifts®
By Greg Diaczyk
For more information, please refer to Part One of this article in The Rifter® #50.

Smoke Screen: built in to mark III and up
Many motorists like to have the ability to cloud their pursuer's vision, lay down cover so other adversaries cannot see an area, or simply leave a trail for others to follow. The smoke screen is created by burning a selection of materials

to produce a variety of annoying (yet not toxic) fumes. Colors: Black, grey, white, red, blue, yellow, green and brown. Weight of System: 5 lbs (2.3 kg), each canister weights about 0.5 lbs (0.22 kg) Cost: The smoke generator costs 250 credits. Each smoke canister costs 50 credits.

Self-Destruct System: built in to mark III and up
This is a last resort destruction system for the vehicle. The system can be armed by remote (50 miles/80 km range), set as an automatic feature (need to flip a hidden switch to disarm before trying to start/hotwire the car), or set as a timer. Cost: Remote (watch or small cigarette lighter sized box) 250 credits, Timer 100 credits, Disarming Switch/Auto-Trigger 500 credits, S.D.C. Explosive (destroys an S.D.C. vehicle plus does 1D4x100 S.D.C. to
a 20 foot/6 m area) 1,000 credits, M.D.C. Explosive (destroys vehicle plus 2D6x10 M.D. to a 20 foot/6 m area) 40,000 credits.

Active Suspension:
This suspension system is linked to special sensors around the wheeled vehicle that allow it to detect the road up ahead. It can then appropriately adjust the height of the tires/tracked and increase or decrease spring resistance to better handle the bumps and awkward terrain. Bonus: +15% to piloting skills for maneuvers with this vehicle. Cost: 12,000 credits
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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thank you for your emails I Been very busy tried from work
working on Humvee expansion table will post once i get the chance to edit info
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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part one

Hummer MARK I ( S.D.C Version to M.D Model )

https://www.deviantart.com/outcastone/a ... -196153129

Hummer The High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), better known as the "hummvee," or simply the "hummer," was designed to replace the aging U.S. Army Jeep. Basically this looks like a civilian sports utility vehicle on steroids, a rugged four-wheel drive vehicle capable of handling challenging terrain and taking considerable punishment. It is a versatile and valuable light combat vehicle. Hummers have a single weapons mount which can accommodate anything from a light machine-gun to a TOW missile launcher. At least one Parliament Hummer has a flamethrower mounted on top (which is risky, since it's oversized ammo tank would cause a nasty explosion if hit by weapons fire).
The reason why there an S.D.C TO M.D.C conversion kits, is because is always the first to respond to any event and you don’t want to have the wrong model for the jod .look at picture below when and S.D.C Model encounter a cyborg and cut in half with an M.D attack .
https://www.deviantart.com/danluvisiart ... -202415923
or this

https://www.deviantart.com/herschel-hof ... -803138023

Model Type:
Hummer Mark I S.D.C version to M.D.C version
Hummer Mark II G.A.W M.D.C MODEL Base model
Hummer Mark III M.D.C commercial model
Hummer Mark IV N.A.A.Ts
interchangeable model

Model MARK I civilian’s model
Weapon Turret (optional)
400 S.D.C ( 50 M.D.C version )

Ballistic Windows
(5; forward) . 120 S.D.C each

* Headlights (6) .
30 S.D.C each

* Hardened Tires (4)
- 160 S.D.C each . (50 MD commercial model)

Reinforced Pilot's Compartment

** Main Body -
350 or 3 M.D.C(turn into M.D , 100 M.D ONLY )A.R.: 7

(M.D commercial Model has No A.R)

120 mph (193 kph) on a good road.

350 miles (560 km)

One driver,
up to ten passengers,
depending on configuration.

Max. Payload: 4,400 lbs. (1,997.6 kg), including crew.
Cost: 15,000.
Weapon Systems:

has the option of a weapon mount on the roof of the vehicle. This mount can support numerous weapons, including either S.D.C OR M.D.C weapons : machine-guns, rail guns, Wellington Industries auto-cannons, the WI-GL20 grenade launcher, TOW launcher, mini-missile launcher or any type of rifle style energy weapon. When the Hummer is armed the weapon is accessed through a hatch from the back seat of the vehicle and must be manned by a gunner. No mini-missile box launchers can also be attached to the exterior (back or sides) of the vehicle

This vehicle made a big splash on the civilian market as well as enjoying widespread military use, so finding these as well as spare parts should not be overly difficult.

G.A.W Hummer Mark II

The GAW Hummer is an extremely popular light com-bat and utility vehicle. As with most vehicles manufactured by Golden Age Weaponsmiths, the GAW Hummer is a MegaDamage retrofit of a pre-Rifts American military vehicle. In the age before the Coming of the Rifts, the M-998 series HMMWV, or High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle, was one of the most widely used vehicles in the modern American military. Its design stands out for two main reasons, utility and mobility. The retrofitted GAW-998 can be used for dozens of different applications, including troop transport, resupply, staff car, reconnaissance, field ambulance, towing artillery pieces, and when armed with a TOW launcher, as a mobile weapons platform for anti-tank combat. Without much exaggeration, it can be said that the Hummer can go anywhere. It can go wherever tanks can, ford rivers (up to 2.5 feet/0.76 m deep), climb virtually any hill, scale logs, steps and other obstacles up to two feet (0.6 m) tall, and drive across sand, snow and ice with equal • ease. Hummers are incredibly rugged and continue driving at normal speeds even when all four tires are flat (they all come with the run-flat tire system). The vehicle can carry a payload of up to 2500 lbs (1125 kg) of cargo or up to 10 seated troops in full gear and tow a maximum payload of 3,400 lbs (1530 kg); as much as a 105mm howitzer. Even the vehicle itself is easy to move; the Hummer can be carried by a GAW-60 Blackhawk helicopter, and two Hummers can be carried by the GAW-47 Chi- nook. Another winning feature of the vehicle's design is that with little effort, all Hummers can be outfitted for combat use. Every Hummer, even ambulance models, come equipped with a weapon mount on the roof on which numerous weapons can be attached when needed. All GAW Hummers also have a basic radio with a 5 mile (8 km) range.

https://www.deviantart.com/shanglucas/a ... -881162724

M.D.C. by Location:

Weapon Turret (optional) —
40 (Shielded 200 ) [spoiler]
Ballistic Windows (5; forward) — [spoiler]12 each

* Headlights (6) —
3 each

* Hardened Tires (4) -
6 each
(can be replace with
25 or 50
M.D each )
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment —
** Main Body -
* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -3 to strike.
** Depleting the 'M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.

Speed: Maximum Speed:
90 mph (144 km) maximum, speed cross country is typically 15-35 mph (24-56 km).

800 miles (1280 km) before requiring refueling.

Statistical Data:
6 feet (1.83 m).
Width: 9 feet, 1 inch (2.75 m).
Length: 16 feet (4.72 m).
Weight: 5,060 lbs (2277 kg). to 20,000 lds or 10 tons max weight plus cargo
Can hold 2,500 lbs to 5,000 lds worth of equipment,
plus tow a load of 5,400 lbs .
Power System:
Conventional gas engine. Base model

Weapon Systems:

Every GAW Hummer has ONE weapon mount on the roof of the vehicle. This mount can support numerous weapons, including machine-guns, rail guns, Wellington Industries auto-cannons, the WI-GL20 grenade launcher, TOW launcher, mini-missile launcher or any type of rifle style energy weapon. When the Hummer is armed the weapon is accessed through a hatch from the back seat of the vehicle and must be manned by a gunner. Two mini-missile box launchers can also be attached to the exterior (back or sides) of the vehicle (six mini-missiles per launcher N.A.A.T.s will replace with turret grenade Launcher system

Rifts earth N.A.A.Ts model /
Hummer Mark III to IV

NAATs model in phase world (and in rifts earth) has been a major hit start low and the sky the limit.
The Hummer has been turn into Henry Ford interchangeable parts. There are several model The Mark I are S.D.C conventional conversion kit to MDC too, Mark II are G.A.W model, Mark III commercial model sold in rift's earth or phase world, Mark III final model fully deck out version or high end design. Its design stands out for two main reasons, utility and mobility. The retrofitted to rifts earth standard can be used for dozens of different applications, including troop transport, resupply, staff car, Heavy reconnaissance, field ambulance, towing artillery pieces, and when armed with a single shot or muti- launcher system, as a mobile weapons platform for anti-tank combat. Without much exaggeration, it can be said that the Hummer can go anywhere .Adding track vehicle ( not to mention hovercraft or ant-gravity system) ,wheel /track version is base model, hovercraft and anti gravity drive Systems are the best for fast mobility .It the frist to all scene engaged even when not supposed to.it the love fro from law enforcement, para military, Militia, military armies to PMC private military contractors love the MARK III and MARK IV models from rifts earth to phase world.It be low cost starter kits are love ,but many with good budget buy what they need. As well adding it loved by civilians models for SDC model (can be trun to light M.D.C )or Mark II.It the number one Vehicle they look and second is M113 model called battle taxi, the third is Bradley APC and last Abrams MBT .

This is mainly for ground base units but able to charge for more .It a rage in many ,many worlds the cost lower in mass production for all model !!
The best way to identify at times Hummer Mark I SDC version can be trun to MDC but 100 Max and Hummer Mark II GAW
Have manual turret single weapon Systems but mark III can have two different weapons system, and finally last but model IV has three different types of weapons system and can be manually controlled or remote controlled from inside the Humvee(last one is mainly for N.A.ATs personal units.
The mark III was originally for N.A.A.T but N.A.A.Ts was able to manufacture mass number and improved version to customize the Humvee for many features it became the commercial available in phase world and later Rifts earth. A good example is the New navy Japan, and NGR for Mark III.

Model Type:
Hummer Mark I S.D.C version
Hummer Mark II G.A.W M.D.C MODEL
Hummer Mark III M.D.C commercial model
Hummer Mark IV N.A.A.Ts interchangeable parts

High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle.

One pilot/driver is all that's critical,
it can accommodate a four person crew (co-pilot, gunner, and 1 communications officer, in addition to the pilot, or pilot and three passengers) in addition to six seated troops or additional passengers
(8 under cramped conditions).

As an ambulance, it easily accommodates 4 stretchers and 2-4 seated patients or 10-12 seated passengers, the "crew" being the driver, a doctor and two paramedics/field medics.

M.D.C. by Location:
Weapon Turret (optional) —

Ballistic Windows (3; forward) —
12 each

* Headlights (6) —
3 each

* Hardened Tires (4) –
25 or 50 each pick one

Reinforced Pilot's Compartment —
25 ( can add [spoiler]240
frontal armored engine cover

front engine

** Main Body -

* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and difficult to hit and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -3 to strike.
** Depleting the 'M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.

Maximum Speed: 90 mph (144 km) maximum, speed crosscountry is typically 15-35 mph (24-56 km). Range: 800 miles (1280 km) before requiring refueling. 6 ipq Statistical Data:
6 feet (1.83 m).
9 feet, 1 inch (2.75 m).
16 feet (4.72 m).
5,060 lbs (2277 kg). UP TO 10 TONS
Can hold 2,500 lbs (1,125 kg) worth of equipment, plus tow a load of 5,400 lbs (1,530 kg).

Power System:
Varies systems
Conventional gas engine.

Weapon Systems:

Every Hummer has a two different weapon system for MARK III and three weapon weapon system mount on the roof of the vehicle. This mount can support numerous weapons, including machine-guns, rail guns, Wellington Industries auto-cannons, the WI-GL20 grenade launcher, TOW launcher, mini-missile launcher or any type of rifle style energy weapon. When the Hummer is armed the weapon is accessed through a hatch from the back seat of the vehicle and must be manned by a gunner. Two mini-missile box launchers can also be attached to the exterior (back or sides) of the vehicle (six mini-missiles per launcher NAAT will replace with turret grenade Launcher system or short range missiles or medium range missile system .

M.D.C. by Location:
Power System:
Weapon Systems:
Special features

Base Weight: 10 tons max weight capacity loaded unless mention other wised look at M.D.C BELOW !!!

M.D.C. by Location:

Roll a 1d4 one time from Number 1 to 4

1.Pre rifts Amour design GAW design

2. I.R.A.H Amour design

3.R.A.H Amour design

4. R.A.H 2.0 Amour design

Can only have one extra from number 5 to 7 but number8 can be added too hull of tank and for number 5 to 7 for weight look at each description
5.armored hull plating
6.armored kit
7.Retractable armored
8.Case Amour

Roll a 1d10 and it follows this way each systems weight half a tons ( or 1000 pounds ) for number 1 to 15

• Standard Rechargeable Force Field
• Rechargeable Force Field
• Phase world Force Field,
• Magnetic Deflection Shield,
• Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field,
• Magnetic Field,
• Omni-directional Force Field,

can have any combination or the same as a primary and secondary Force Field systems,9 reroll or pick GM call,0 player reroll or pick

9. Standard Rechargeable Force Field
10.Rechargeable Force Field
11.Phase world Force Field
12.Magnetic Deflection Shield
13.Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field
14.Magnetic Field
15.Omni directional Force Field

If desired can b standard hull or pick one and only one add 4 tons for number 16 to 18
16.Laser Resistant Armor
17.Stealth Coating
18.Variable Camouflage Coating/Armor

Number 1
second generation M.D.C armored units for Pre-rifts earths it been used by G.A.W.
Cupola on Turret


Improved 120 mm Auto-Cannon

* M.D.C .50 Caliber Coaxial Machine-Gun

* M.D.C 7.62 mm Cupola Machine-Gun

* Box Style Missile Launchers (2)
15 each

** Track Treads (2
20 each

Wheel (4) 5
*** Main Body

Reinforced Crew Compartment
25 [/spoiler

Number 2
M.D.C. by Location:
[spoiler] The following is called improved second generation reinforced amour hull or I.R.A.H but has been developed for next gen tank design (Iron Hammer Main Battle Tank, Iron Fist Medium Tank, Iron Maiden APC-10 but still planning phase )and has been tested weight the stays the same max weight 10 tons

M.D.C. by Location
Turret –

Standard Cupola on Turret —

Shield Cupola on Turret -

Remote Cupola on Turret-

120 mm Auto-Cannon —

Coaxial weapon systems -Gun -

Fix grenade Launchers -

Side launcher turrets-

Track Treads (2)—
100 each
or wheel (4)50 each
Main Body –

Reinforced Crew Compartment add

Note: These two box mounted launchers have been added to the sides of the GAW Abrams for use against lightly armored targets and infantry. These have been replace for turret mount heavy weapon systems with 360 capabilities and 85 degrees angle work with crew or an A.I Systems .

Number 3 R.A.H
This third generation Refined armored hull
is slight stronger armored hull for main battle tanks R.A.H weight base 40 tons to max weight added up to 70 tons

Standard Cupola on Turret
100 each

Shield Cupola on Turret -
200 each

Remote Cupola on Turret-

120 mm Auto-Cannon

Coaxial weapon systems Gun (passenger side optional )

Fix grenade Launchers
150 each

Side launcher turrets
90 each

Track Treads (2)
100 each

Wheel (4)
Doors (4)
Rear hatch (1)

Main Body

Reinforced Crew Compartment add

Number 4 R.A.H 2.0
https://www.deviantart.com/frufruhm/art ... -755099821

Fourth generation reinforced heavy armored hull called systems mainly a better or R.A.H 2.0
this add weight at cost of getting ridiculous amount of protection at cost of getting additional tons added to the 3 tons total 13tons . This advanced armored hull equal to phase world technology and not of rifts earths designs . Track vehicles in rifts earth bet -10 to pilot it ,however A.I systems or better negates this.
But only two systems it can run is track or Gravitonic Technology, no hover systems possible yet.

These two box mounted launchers have been added to the sides of the GAW Abrams for use against lightly armored targets and infantry. These have been replace by turret mount heavy weapon systems with 360 capabilities and 85 degrees angle work with crew or an A.I Systems .

Armored ADD ON:

Number 5 armored hull plating
systems it just gives additional 200 M.D.C to main body and 100 extra M.D.C to base M.D.C within the hull add just 1000 lds(pounds)per section or a specific area just add 100 M.D.C extra still 1000 ld. This design is from Rifts earth however phase World tech double the M.D.C but weight is 500 lds per area lighter material are been used.
Additional M.D.C. armor to mega-damage vehicles and robots: 10,000 credits per every 10 M.D.C. points; usually limited to 100 to 200 M.D.C. maximum. You can say before force fields were made and can be add add to any of the hulls [spoiler] Number 6 armored kit

Number 6 armored kit
[spoiler] The next are added armored kit only heavy weight this adds 1000 lds per section they are added to the following sides front armored, left armored side, right armored side, under armored belly ,rear armored this applies to main body only can place on main turret as well front armored, left armored side, right armored side , top armored , and rear armored. Considered this poor man’s shields but easily replace in matter of minutes, but if reaches zero that side can take damage directly to hull ,it is possible for some being to parry or an dedicated A.I systems but N.I systems can do easily.
Each cost weight is 1000 lds and M.D.C MAX 240 EACH !!
Requirement track systems or Gravitonic Technology systems only

Number 7 Retractable armored

This another phase world tech before forces Rechargeable Force Field came like armored kit ,but are add only heavy weight this adds 1000 lds per( 250 lds in phaseworld ) they are added to the following sides front armored, left armored side, right armored side, under armored belly ,rear armored this applies to main body only can place on main turret as well front armored, left armored side, right armored side , top armored , and rear armored. Considered this poor man’s shields but easily replace in matter of minutes, but if reaches zero that side can take damage directly to hull ,it is possible for some being to parry or an dedicated A.I systems but N.I systems can do easily.
Each cost weight is one ton and M.D.C MAX 240 EACH And add 15 AWE /Horror factor roll as well . Only phase world tech can add armored kit .

Number 8 Case Amour
Case Amour is special feature that can be added to any of the following Number 1 to 7. IF ammo get hot or cook and start blowing .the armored is design to funnel or blow away from Military vehicles if the crew or vehicle is heavily damage and maybe able to salvage as well .Even if there are Force Field it won’t effect or blow is design this hard outside but soft the inside like an egg . Can be combined with and of the armored hulls

Number 9 Rechargeable Force Field:

Standard Rechargeable Force Field:
One of the most impressive
"new" developments by the geniuses at Triax is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system. The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial at-tack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser can-not be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 8-24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. Al-though the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 4.2 M.D.C. per hour, even minor damage (25 M.D.C. or less) will require eight hours to be restored (the 4.2 M.D.C. per hour cannot appear sooner than 8 hours, it's the way the sys-tem works). Restoring all 100 M.D.C. takes 24 hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subse-quent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the X-1000. It weight 1000 lds

Improved Rechargeable Force Field:
One of the most impressive "new advance " developments by the geniuses at Triax/Japan is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system. The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial attack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser can-not be fired when the force field is engaged, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. Al-though the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 20 M.D.C. per hour
From 480 M.D.C or 1d4x100 +80 . It weight 500 lds

Number 10 Phase world Force Field:

One of the most impressive "old" developments by the geniuses at PW is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system(this before Magnetic Deflection Shield ,Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field ) . The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial at-tack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser cannot be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 1d6 hour , even minor damage . Restoring all M.D.C. takes hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 to 600 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the of MBT. It weight 500 lds

From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field

Number 11 Magnetic Deflection Shield
This is not a variable force field, its entire M.D.C. must be depleted before any attacks can impact the armor. Once depleted to zero, the shield is gone and requires eight hours to come back online. Otherwise, it regenerates damage at a rate of one point per melee round. It weight 500 lds

Magnetic Deflection Shield — 600

Number 12 Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field

Many spaceships do not rely on their armor alone. Military and large spacecrafts have force field generators to supplement their armor. They are useful not only against enemy attacks, but against radiation, atmospheric re-entry heating, meteor storms and other dangers. Small commercial ships have a simple, full force field that protects the entire vessel with the same M.D.C. value. Military and large ships can manipulate the "density" of the variable force field over specific parts of the ships. This results in six different shield values, one each for the front, back, left and right side, top an bottom. All six sides have the same basic M.D.C. value, but they can shift M.D.C. points from one lo-cation to the next, or put the total M.D.C. points on one location! Damage on the force fields is subtracted on each side separately.
From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field
From 120 to 820 roll 1d8( or 2d4)x100+20 to know base heavy force field
Requirement no track or wheelbase system any hover systems allowed

Example of Variable Force Fields:
A ship with a force field of 1,000 M.D.C. per section (6000 total) can vary shield density from one location to another. It could shift 500 M.D.C. from the back to raise the M.D.C. of the front to 1,500, or even put all shield power on the front for 6,000 M.D.C. of protection, and zero on the rest of the ship. Or, if the left side has been depleted by 300 points due to an attack, the ship could replace the 300 by taking it from the other side, and so on. Remember, for space and air vehicles there are six sides, front, back, right side, left side, top and bottom. It weight 500 lds

Number 13 Variable Camouflage Coating/Armor:

By cannibalizing a number of Naruni Variable Camouflage armors, or cutting up a camouflage tarp, you can create cloaking technology for a vehicle. Cost: An Operator who happens to have a dozen or so suits of armor and can carve it up and place it on a vehicle would charge about 160,000 to 220,000 credits for motorcycles/hovercycles (using about 2 suits), 470,000 to 830,000 credits for cars/trucks (using 6 to 8 suits), and 1.6 to 3.5 million credits for haulers, buses and transports (using 20 or more suits) for the armors, and roughly 20,000 credits per square foot of vehicle to cover it with the camouflage tarp (includes labor). The only way to get original or true armor is to find a Naruni dealer and ask them to make it for your vehicle, which would be a very expensive option. The sales representative will most definitely milk you for all he can! If a player is still willing to do this, use the vehicle armor prices above, but increase the prices by a factor of 20! It weight 500 lds

Number 14 Magnetic Field:

Much like a "low-tech" force field, this unit generates a powerful magnetic field. On the positive side, it deflects and reduces the impact of several high-tech weapons. On the down side, it hinders radio communication, plays havoc with radar, and can immobilize a vehicle if it's trapped in a city or iron ore deposit. Some consider this type of defense as much of a hindrance as it is a help, and others prefer not to use it, but a few crazy Operators do offer such devices as defensive countermeasures. All rail gun rounds (typically iron flechettes or slugs), ion blasts and plasma blasts are influenced by magnetic fields (most of these weapon systems use a magnetic field to launch and direct their devastating effects). Iron/steel projectiles (either magical or mundane) and electrical attacks (magical or mundane) are slowed down/dissipated or deflected enough to reduce the damage inflicted by the attack. Cost: A Light Magnetic Field Generator reduces the damage from incoming attacks by 25%, costs 10,000 credits, and will consume a standard E-Clip in 8 hours of use. A Medium Magnetic Field Generator reduces damage from in-coming attacks by 50%, costs 25,000 credits, and will consume a standard E-Clip in 4 hours of use. A Heavy Magnetic Field Generator reduces damage from incoming attacks by 75%, costs 60,000 credits, and will consume a standard E-Clip in 2 hours of use. Also note that any cyborg or character with any metal/iron/ steel in or on his body will be kept at bay (minimum of 10 feet/3 m), as if an invisible creature with a Supernatural Strength of 15, 30 or 45, respectively, were pushing the character away. The cost also includes magnetic shielding that protects the vehicle's cargo
and passengers, however the moment someone steps outside the vehicle while the system is activated, any metal he is carrying or wearing will be instantly flung 20 feet (6 m) away from the vehicle due to the repulsion of the magnetic field (and likely the character with it)!
Hardened Electronics: Most civilian vehicles are hardened against EMP (Electromagnetic Pulses), ion discharges and lightning strikes (all of which can disable the electronics and therefore, the vehicle itself). Most wheeled vehicles with rubber tires are naturally protected from electricity (due to the insulating rubber tires), but the use of directed ionic/electrical attacks, and especially EM pulses, can wreak havoc with a wheeled or hover vehicle's electrical systems. As an optional rule to make use of this phenomenon (or to add some more spice into your campaign), any vehicle struck with an electrical attack may be required to make a save vs electricity (16+) to prevent critical systems from being fried in the attack, shorting out the vehicle and forcing it to roll (or crash) to a stop. To protect the vehicle insulation, circuit breakers and special electrical conduits can be used to deflect the flow of electricity away from sensitive areas. Electronic systems can also be outfitted with Hardened Electronics, which can survive EM pulses, ion blasts and even lightning strikes (most military vehicles have this). To purchase this feature for your customized vehicle, add a 50% increase in the price of all electronics, sensors, computer systems and other related features to cover the protection of those systems. Any electrical attacks will simply leave burn marks on the armor (doing normal damage) without damaging the delicate electronics inside. It weight 500 lds

Number 15 Phase world Omni-directional Force Field :

One of the most impressive "old" developments by the geniuses at Phase world is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system(this before Magnetic Deflection Shield ,Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field ) . The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial attack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser cannot be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 1d6 hour , even minor damage . Restoring all M.D.C. takes hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 to 600 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the of MBT. Sadly the main draw back of this shield it has 180 degrees cover which means mines or similar devices can bypass Omni directional Force Field . It weight 500 lds

From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field

Number 16 Phase world Advance Omni directional Force Field :

One of the most impressive "old" developments by the geniuses at Phase world is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system(this before Magnetic Deflection Shield ,Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field ) . The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial attack. There are one drawbacks, however: one, can be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 1d6 hour , even minor damage . Restoring all M.D.C. takes hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 to 600 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the of MBT. Sadly the main draw back of this shild it has 180 degrees cover which means mines or similar devices can bypass Omni directional Force Field . It weight 500 lds

From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field

Number 17 Laser Resistant Armor:

Not many people know how to make the laser resistant armor of the Glitter Boy (save Free Quebec, Triax and the KLS Corporation), though most of these places usually won't waste their valuable armor technology and resources on simple vehicles. The size, mobility and effectiveness of a single
Glitter Boy makes the effort and cost in designing and building a laser resistant APC with a Boom Gun and pylons pointless. Mind you, an Operator looking for an interesting challenge could salvage several Glitter Boy suits (good luck with that), remove the plating and cover the APC with enough pieces/parts to armor a vehicle. Of course, it would still be cheaper (and much less of an effort) to repair all the collected Glitter Boys. Most Operators with a nanobot tool kit will typically charge 10,000 credits per 10 M.D.C. to make repairs to Chromium armor (whether customized or on the original Glitter Boy)
one of their force fields (depending on the time line and location of your campaign, this could be easy or very difficult). However, you are still going to need an inventive Operator to make the modifications necessary to turn a personal force field into a vehicular force field. Another option is to cannibalize the Triax force field from their Ulti-Max robotic vehicle. Cost: Hovercycles and motorcycles are limited to a modified personal force field, and an operator would probably charge about 5,000 credits for the modification on top of the price of the force field (which range from 40,000 credits for a light force field generator/harness to 200,000 credits for a heavy force field generator/harness). Large hover vehicles, cars, trucks and the like can only be outfitted with robot sized force fields (double M.D.C. but 10 times the cost), and an Operator will typically charge 10,000 to 25,000 credits, depending upon the size of the vehicle, for the installation. See Rifts® Mercenaries, pages 125 and 126, for more details and prices of the units. If the unit overloads or is damaged, an Operator familiar with the technology can attempt to fix it, but finding such an Operator may prove to be quite difficult (unless you get lucky and stumble upon a Naruni dealer and his sales team). Such repairs are likely to cost half the original cost of the unit

Number 18 Stealth Coating:

Stealth or radar invisible coatings do exist out there, but are usually used for aircraft. Aerial hovercraft could conceivably use the technology, but finding it is half the challenge! (A possible adventure to find the blueprints and manufacturing process on its own, and could be a very interesting ride!) But typical radar defensive technology is not usually employed with ground-to-ground activities due to the fact that radar is rarely used as the main sensory/navigation tool. An Operator using a nanobot tool kit could make repairs to a damaged paint job (with at least 25% of the paint still intact) for around 25,000 to 100,000 credits depending upon the amount remaining

Speed/ Engines and Propulsion Systems:

Fuel Efficiency Modification (adds 20% to 50 % range):

500 credits Souped-Up Engine (adds 30% to 90% maximum speed of vehicles):
1,000 credits; .

Oversized (truck or tractor size): 2000 credits per pair.
Large (tank size): 20,000 credits per pair. Weight limit : 100 tons

https://www.deviantart.com/beantrix/art ... nk-3311817

Hover Jets systems :

Small wheels
20,000 per pair.

Hover Jets:

Directional (vehicular): 10,000 per pair.

Hover Jets: Main Thrusters (vehicular):
40,000 per pair. Weight limit : varies

Note: All wheels and treads are of superior strength and quality.
Wheels have 20 M.D.C. each, Weight limit : varies
Treads: 100 M.D.C. per each unit, Weight limit : varies
Pontoons: 100 M.D.C., Weight limit : varies
Hover Jets: 15 (small or directional) Weight limit : varies
45 M.D.C. for each main thruster jet. Weight limit : varies

Hover Jets

A super sophisticated twin engine system, with bottom and rear jet thrusters and V/STOL capabilities. This unique propulsion system offers ground and air capabilities. The Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) means the robot can hover sta-tionary above the ground, make vertical take-offs and landings (fly straight up and down), as well as low altitude flight. The ro-bot will obviously have some sort of visible hover propulsion system. Estimated Milage on a liquid fuel is 50 miles (80 km) per one gallon. Electrical power systems buy the amount of time powered by and nuclear power systems unlimited Basic System Cost: 500,000 credits;
requires at least four jets, and/or can be linked to a nuclear or TW power source (cost an extra 100,000 credits for the link plus cost of other power supply).

Maximum Speed:
400 mph
Maximum Altitude: 20,000 feet (6,096 m).
Weight limit : 80 tons

Concealed Micro-Hover System

A concealed hover jet system of tiny jet boosters built into humanoid or animal or vehicles . The hover jets are strategically located in the feet, hips, back, chest and/or underbelly or others . When not engaged, the jets are completely unnoticeable. Basic System Cost: 500,000 credits; can be linked to the nuclear power system for an additional 100,000 credits. Maximum Speed: 200 mph (320 km).

Maximum Altitude:
500 feet (152 m).

Weight limit :
20 tons

Nitro Booster:

Essentially spare tanks that hold N20 (Nitrous Oxide, a.k.a. laughing gas) used to temporarily enhance an engine's performance. The basic principle behind this is that air is made up of 20% oxygen and 80% nitrogen; Internal Combustion Engines use air in the combustion of fuel to produce power. Nitro Boosters provide "special" air for the combustion process in the form of N20 gas (which is 40% oxygen and 60% nitrogen), pro-viding more oxygen for the combustion process and thus a more efficient burn. You could also use pure oxygen and supplement it with normal air, but that requires a mixer and special sensors to regulate the air intake (as too much oxygen will quickly corrode engine parts or create excessive explosive forces that could destroy the engine). The downside to Nitro Boosters is that S.D.C. vehicles quickly burn out their engines due to the excessive heat created in the process (it also gets expensive repairing and re-placing the burned out components). With the advent of M.D.C. materials, engine parts can withstand the heat and function better using the Nitro Boosters, but then you are still limited by your supply of the gas. Each tank (about half the size of a S.C.U.B.A. tank (roughly 6 inches/15 cm diameter by 18 inches/46 cm long) weighs about 20 lbs (9 kg) and holds enough gas for two melee rounds of use (30 seconds) with N20 or one minute with 02 (Oxygen). The effect in game terms raises the maximum speed of the vehicle by 4 Speed Classes for the duration of the tank. Multiple tanks can be installed (though be wary of cargo space). If it's a retrofitted S.D.C. vehicle roll a 1D6 every time the Nitro Booster is used; rolling a "1" means the engine has been damaged and will need repairs soon (also reduce Speed Class by 2 levels). For every "1" rolled, roll 1D6 again; a second rolled "1" means that something has blown in the engine (gasket, valve, piston, etc.) and the engine is quickly dying. The longer the vehicle continues to operate, the more damage is done to the engine. The engine will last 1D4 melee rounds until it completely seizes up and the car rolls to a stop. M.D.C. engine components can be installed, but such a task is expensive to accomplish. Note: This option is only available on Internal Combustion Engines. Cost: Tank 100 credits each (50 credits to refill with gas), installation into an In-ternal Combustion Engine costs 300 credits (includes mounts for tanks), and an additional 5,000 credits for M.D.C. components/ engine parts (pistons, gaskets, engine block, etc.)

"Feather Fall" System:

This is a booster jet system that is used to assist hovercraft and small maneuverable, wheeled vehicles to fall from dangerous heights. For hovercraft these are additional auxiliary thrusters that automatically engage when the vehicle exceeds its maximum travel height (such as ridding over a cliff) and gently slows the fall of the craft until it returns to its operating range. Wheeled vehicles use the booster jet system to slow their descent then rely on a special impact absorbing suspension system. Juicers, Crazies and other daring pilots have popularized a secondary use of the system. By manually activating the booster jet system at high speeds, they can "jump" with the vehicle. This allows the vehicle to jump ravines, obstacles on the road or make a quick escape from weapon fire or mini-missile

Vector Thrusting and Enhanced Control Fins:
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853600
The ideal control system for any hovercraft enthusiast! The vector thrusting offers maximum control over the vehicle' positioning. Sleek and contoured control fins also add maximum efficiency and ease of control during high-speed flights. Bonuses: +5% to 20% roll 1d4x5 % piloting skill, +1d4 to dodge while traveling over 10 mph (16 km). Weight limit : look at armor above
Cost: 10,000 credits.

Basic Contragravity drive systems
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853600
Limited flying abilities. Unlike conventional hover vehicles, the A.P.C uses a contragravity system and can fly at speeds of 120 mph (192 km) to a maximum altitude of 1000 feet (305 m) in the air. The disadvantage of flying is that the tank is designed to fight close to the ground. In the air its under belly is vulnerable and its weapon systems are at -4 to strike any object beneath it (no penalties at shooting those in front or above it). Note: The MBT is not a hover tank. It does not have vulnerable fans or thrusters underneath so it can add hover systems .

Weight limit : look at armor above

Improved Contragravity drive systems (mainly Maneuverability )
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853600
Speed: 200 mph (320 km)

maximum speed over land. Can hover up to 5 feet (1.5 m) above ground and travel without pen-alty over swamps and mud, but it is too heavy to hover above or on water
Weight limit : look at armor above

low-power contra-gravity drive
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853600
[spoiler] Limited flight capabilities. Has no maximum altitude (can reach orbit, or even land from orbit!) but at altitudes higher than 100 feet (30.5 m), speed decreases to a crawling 80 mph (128 km). Also, the belly plates of the vehicle are vulnerable, so attacks from the ground below inflict double damage[spoiler]

Power System:

All have the following features: Powered systems:
•gasoline engine, ZERO OR
• electric motor, 20,000 add weight 500 LDS
• nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) add 500,000 add weight 1000 tons
• Gravitonic Drive add 1,000,000 phase world add weight 1 tons
• Super-Solar Engine 60,000 add weight 500 LDS
• Alternative Fuel Systems 40,000 add weight 500 LDS

Nuclear power

[spoiler] Nuclear energy is the most popular form of energy used in

robots and high-tech machinery. The power supply is surprisingly compact, safe, and has a long lifetime even under constant use. Any high-tech town, including `Burbs and places that cater to mercenaries and adventurers, can make repairs.

One Year: One million credits.
Two Years: 1 million credits.
Five Years: 2 million credits.
Ten Years: 3 million credits.
Twenty Years: 4 million credits

Super-Solar Engine

This system utilizes a power source that collects sunlight into a super high-efficiency conversion engine and generator. This is an excellent, clean power

source with an indefinite life span. Of course, it is limited in that it must rely on a source of solar energy. Requires some form of locomotion, preferably wheels or hover system.
The system functions superbly while exposed to sunlight. An energy storage unit stores up to 8 hours worth of power, during which time the robot operates at full capacity. After the eighthour reserve is used up, the robot must recharge via solar light energy or manually recharge from another source of electrical energy. Without a recharge, an emergency reserve engages, but it has a mere four hour capacity. While the emergency reserve is engaged, all unnecessary functions will be shut down. Speed is reduced by 20%, attacks per melee are reduced by half, and no energy weapons can fire. At the end of the emergency reserve (4 hours), the robot /Vehicle shuts down completely and will remain inert (like a person in a coma or deep sleep) until recharged by sun-light or electricity.
As a superior fail safe, many robots utilizing a super-solar system often combine it with a one or two year nuclear power system. The combination can extend the life of the nuclear bat-tery to approximate five years, by switching back and forth from nuclear power to solar. The nuclear and solar combination means that the nuclear power serves as the reserve and enables the robot to operate at full capability and full firepower at all times. Solar can be a good, reliable system if proper caution is used.

Basic System Cost: Two million credits, complete with a special generator, recharge unit and reserve battery

Techno-Wizard System

This is an energy system that utilizes magic with technology. The initial creation and powering of the unit is often time consuming and expensive. Repairs can also be expensive or a repair person impossible to find, as it requires a Techno-Wizard who has the expertise and sufficient P.P.E. to do the job. That having been said, TW power supplies are as reliable as nuclear power and completely clean and safe.
Speed increases by 20% when riding along a ley line, and piloting skills enjoy a +5% bonus.
One Year: 1 million credits.
Two Years: 2 million credits.
Five Years: 3 million credits.

Ten Years: 6 million credits..

Power System:
Magical by Major Elemental.

Suspected to be a Major Air and/or Water Elemental that appears to supply an endless, renewable source of energy and power Each seems to be a magical, M.D.C. suit of armor that contains an Elemental and to destroyed, a whirlwind of Elemental fire, icy wind, grit filled funnel or cloud of steam is released in a torrent of energy, leaving behind the body an unknown husk inside an empty shell of wires and cold steel.

As long a main engine is not destroy armored M.D.C 240
Years: 12 million

Alternative Fuel Systems Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

One problem with many of Northern Gun's most sophisticated creations is the high-cost of their power systems. Nuclear power cores are difficult to manufacture under any circumstances and add significantly to the base price of already expensive vehicles, robots, power armor systems and aircraft. For years, an alternative has been sought.
Sophisticated electric batteries are an option, but they require access to reliable power generation to recharge. For military units in the field and especially mercenaries and independents, this can often be a problem. (Vehicles with nuclear power plants can be rigged to do the job, but the charging process takes 1D4+1 hours, limits the vehicle doing the charging to only 10% of its normal speed and renders it totally unable to fire energy

weapons.) Even the best batteries produced by Northern Gun can only offer roughly 100 hours of service life and are only fit for certain vehicles and light armor. This may not be a problem for city guards and local militia units, but for high-value customers like mercenaries and state armies, something superior is necessary.
Luckily, a solution was found amongst the pre-Rifts techno-logical remains that Northern Gun is both literally and metaphorically built upon. Certain pieces of mining equipment and civilian vehicles left behind from the Golden Age were powered not by nuclear cores, but by sophisticated Solid Oxide fuel cells. This technology is a remnant, a holdover from the end of the age of fossil fuels, and had much appeal to the Research & Development branch of NG.
The fuel cells are relatively cheap and very versatile, and can be manufactured using almost any fossil fuel, ranging from diesel to gasoline to natural gas, coal gas and even alcohol. Unlike conventional gasoline and diesel engines, Golden Age Solid Oxide cells have the capability to power even energy hogs like combat robots and high-speed hovercraft. They provide enough energy to utilize a vehicle or robot's built-in energy weapons without worrying about draining the battery. For the last few years, Northern Gun has been extensively marketing 'Solid OX' as a cheaper alternative to nuclear power systems and making Solid Oxide fuel cells available wherever NG products are carried.
Solid Oxide cells are quite simple to use. Insert a fresh fuel cell into the vehicle, armor or robot's cell port, twist the handle to activate, and you're done! The cell will provide robots and large vehicles with

energy for approximately four weeks (28 days) be-fore running out, or roughly eight weeks (56 days) for power armor, hovercycles and light vehicles, after which it will need to be returned to an official Northern Gun outlet to be recharged and rebuilt. NG buys back used but undamaged fuel cells for 15% of their list price, a nice incentive for customers to return their cells which also saves Northern Gun when it comes to overall manufacturing costs (and is good for the environment).
Solid Oxide fuel cells come in two types, Standard and Heavy-Duty. Standard fuel cells are for hovercycles, personal vehicles, light power armor and devices like jet packs. Heavy-Duty fuel cells are for tanks, combat robots, power armor

Standard Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Weight: 42 lbs (19 kg).
Duration: 1,400 hours (approximately eight weeks of constant use).
Protective Casing: 15 M.D.C.
Cost: 40,000 credits.

Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours (approximately four weeks of constant use). Protective Casing: 30 M.D.C.
Cost: 120,000 credits.

The Dangers and Limitations of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

The first thing anyone who

handles Solid Oxide fuel cells realizes is that they run hot. The average temperature of a Solid OX cell in use is 1,000 degrees C (1,832 F)! The cells tend to stay hot for a long time after being powered down as well, so work-ing with them requires special heavy equipment, welder's gloves, masks and sometimes even heat suits. Touching an exposed hot fuel cell will inflict 1D4 M.D. to Mega-Damage creatures and 2D4x10 S.D.C. to human beings. For humans, these are third-degree burns and will result in permanent scarring.
Solid Oxide fuel cells are also less bountiful in their reserves of power than the nuclear cores that many customers are accus-tomed to. Using a Solid OX powered vehicle or robot to charge another vehicle's batteries will drain 50% of its energy life. Ar-mor, robots and military vehicles that have replaced non-energy ballistic

weapons like rail guns and missile launchers with energy weapons or added extra energy weapons will also put a strain on the system, cutting the fuel cell's life span by 25%.
In addition to their functional limitations, Solid Oxide fuel cells are also extremely volatile and will react explosively if their outer casing is ruptured. Reduce the M.D.C. of a fuel cell to 5 M.D.C. or less and there is a 50% chance of it exploding every minute (4 melee rounds). Reduce it to zero and it explodes immediately. A Standard Solid OX fuel cell does 4D6 M.D. to everything in a 6 foot (1.8 m) radius. The Heavy-Duty Solid OX cell does 1D6x10 M.D. to a 10 foot (3 m) radius. If a fuel cell is exposed and it is detonated while still inside the vehicle, all damage is done directly to the main body and utterly destroys

the power system, requiring complete replacement and extensive repairs (1D4 million credits and days for repairs

Converting Vehicles to Use Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

In addition to selling the fuel cells and offering fuel cell sys-tems as an option on new products, Northern Gun also offers con-version packages for older NG equipment and even competitors' models. They are more than happy to convert the vehicles of rival companies to use their Solid Oxide systems, for which they are the only provider of fuel cells. They even offer free installation at most official NG stores. Northern Gun envisions a day when Solid OX has replaced nuclear power packs as the most common and affordable vehicle

fuel system in North America.
The conversion kits that they produce have been appearing at third party arms merchants and in the hands of the Black Market, just as Northern Gun intends. They are relatively simple to install, predesignated to be partially modular and to fit right into the cavity left behind when a standard nuclear core is extracted. The job can be handled by any skilled Operator (01-94% chance of success) with access to heavy machinery or an assistant with Robotic or Supernatural P.S. to do the heavy lifting. Removing the old nuclear

Solid Oxide Conversion Kits

Jetpack or Small Power Unit: 25,000 credits.

Motorcycle or Hovercycle: 30,000 credits.
Personal Vehicle. Hovercar or ATV: 45,000 credits.
Power Armor: 75,000 credits. Includes built-in storage for one spare, Standard Solid OX fuel cell.
Combat Robots & Patrol Boats: 125,000 credits. Includes built-in
storage for one spare, Heavy-Duty Solid OX fuel cell. Aircraft. Military Large Construction Vehicles & Large Boats, Barges and Small Ships: 200,000 credits.

Electric Batteries

Northern Gun has always offered certain hovercycles and small vehicles with rechargeable electric batteries as a power source, but since the premiere of

the Gladius exoskeleton sev-eral years ago, Northern Gun's engineers have become proficient with designing large batteries and charging systems. Most North-ern Gun vehicle and robot designs now offer electric batteries as a power option with a standard 96 hour field life, good for roughly 4-12 days of use in the field depending on the level of exertion. This lifespan doubles to 144 hours for light units like most man-sized power armor, light robot drones, exoskeletons and hover-cycles. These smaller units require a single battery, power armor and medium-sized vehicles need two batteries, and combat robots and larger vehicles require four batteries connected in series. NG offers recharging services for a pittance (takes three hours us-ing specially designed NG recharging stations, 5 hours via other means, to fully charge a system's batteries,

no matter how many batteries the system uses), and often recharging is thrown in free for customers purchasing other products.
Electric batteries are very versatile and can be recharged from almost any medium to heavy generator, power grid or vehicle/robot/power armor with a nuclear power supply. Batteries can also be used as portable power generators while their charge lasts, capable of running a building's lights or powering up a few limited mechanical systems. Connecting a battery to a power grid or trying to use it as a replacement for a real generator requires an Operator or someone with the Electrical Engineer or Electricity Generation skill, otherwise it will quickly cause an overload and render the battery useless, totally dead and unable to be re-charged.

NG Electric Battery Power System

Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).
Duration: 96 hours or 4 days of continuous use in robots and heavy vehicles. 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and light vehicles.
Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 200 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power (3 hours at an NG outlet). Cost: 90,000 to install the electric battery system and 25,000 credits per each NG electric battery used, and for

replacement batteries. Otherwise, the life of an electric battery under normal use is five years; 1D4 years under combat conditions
Last edited by ZINO on Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Part 2 Hummer

Weapon system

This comes from Abrams MBT Pre rifts abilities
This Originally built into the turret Abrams main gun fires explosive shells at visible targets (line up in the targeting sights and fire and forget systems is only +1 to strike if the target is "painted" with a laser designator). The tank may also operate like an artillery unit, firing at a set of coordinates without actually seeing the target (-2 to strike). The autocannon is built into the turret, and the turret can rotate 360 degrees and can aim up and down in a 60 degree angle, allowing the tank to engage low-flying aircraft and other types of slow flyers (however, it is -3 to hit flying targets moving faster than 80 mph/128 km). The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment.

APC rifts updated abilities NAAT,S ONLY
Originally from Abrams main gun fires explosive shells at visible targets (line up in the targeting sights and fire and forget systems is only +1d4+1 to strike if the target is "painted" with a laser designator). The tank may also operate like an artillery unit, firing at a set of coordinates without actually seeing the target (-2 to strike). This built into the turret, and the turret can rotate 360 degrees and can aim up and down in a 85 degree angle, allowing the tank to engage low-flying aircraft and other types of slow flyers (however, it is -3

to hit flying targets moving faster than 500 mph). The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment or A.I Systems can take over. There additional feature to this adding a fly probe and are invaluable even in rifts earth ( Additional Modifying M.D.C. Vehicles)

for standard models pick one weapon system from below for both top hatches
They can a single mounted weapon systems or dual mounted weapon systems and are remote control or can be operated manual.

For N.A.A.T’s models it uses the most advanced systems turrets available .It can pick three of the same or three different weapons systems from below 20 mm Autocannon, 30 mm Autocannon, 20 MM Chain gun, 30 MM Chain gun, Second generation M.D.C Heavy, Machine Gun H.M.G, WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher, Light Vulcan Laser Turrets, ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America ), rail gun or Gravitonic weapon systems !!!!

20 mm Autocannon
30 mm Autocannon
20 MM Chain gun
30 MM Chain gun
Second generation M.D.C Heavy
Machine Gun H.M.G WEIGHT150
WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher WEIGHT
Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book) WEIGHT
ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America )
WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher
120 MM muti fix turret system

WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher

This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon. It can disconnect from main turret in 2 attacks. It replaces the mini missiles that are used in G.AW Model.

Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system. Weight: 130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

Fragmentary: 4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).
Armor-Piercing: 1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m). A burst is 10 rounds!
A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)!
A burst of Armor piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Rate of Fire: Standard.
Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).

Payload: 40 round magazine (back up has four in tank )
200 round belt And ammo drum in turret 300 .
540 rounds
Rounds are divided by 2 for Armor piercing
And Fragmentary.

14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber:
A M.D.C machine gun loaded with Heavy Solid Slug bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield. The gun is used mostly to fight off other light targets and to defend against aircraft.

There are three M.D.C Heavy Machinegun use on this model
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where

the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing MD
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel Secondary Purpose: Defense
1D4 for 30 Caliber per round
1d6 for 50 Caliber per round
1d8 for 12.7 or 114.5 or 15 mm rounds per round
30 Caliber per round 1000 rounds
1d6 for 50 Caliber per round 800 rounds
1d8 for 12.7 or 114.5 or 15 mm rounds per round 600 rounds

20 MM AutoCannon
There are M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon

Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher

damage per round on later models

Solid slug rounds

1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,

Standard rounds is 1d6x10 M.D.C for twenty round burst

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
3 miles

20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
Railguns possible

20 MM Chain gun
Damage :
Short burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst,counts as two attack
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
3 miles
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun

1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds

30mm Auto-Cannon:
mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 2 tons
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Normal Effective
Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 burs

30mm China gun:
This mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense Weight: 2 tons Mega-Damage:
M.D.C Solid slug
1 MDC PER round
10 rounds burst 1d10
20 rounds burst 5d4
30 rounds burst 5d6
40 rounds burst 1d4x10
50 rounds burst 5d10
60 rounds burst 1d6x10
80 rounds burst 2d4x10
100 rounds burst 1d10x10

120 rounds burst 2d6x10

240 rounds burst 4d6x10


A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Normal Effective Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200

WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher

This rarely added to turret but possible ( still one one).The WI-40M provides the firepower of a tank (for one melee round) and is advertised as "the heaviest man-portable missile launcher in

the world." That's partially true. It is man-portable for anyone who can lug its 120 lbs (54 kg) of missile and crude, disposable launch trigger. This means the operator must be a creature with a P.S. of 24 or greater, otherwise it will require two or three men to transport it. The WI-40M is basically a medium-range missile with a plastic launching platform that has a handle and big trigger (big enough for the hand of most powered armor suits and giants). Once the missile is fired, the launching platform is ruined and discarded (the plastic has a recycle value of 2D4 x 10 credits). The exhaust of the rocket also inflicts 1D6 x 10 S.D.C. to anything within 15 feet of the shooter; it won't affect characters in M.D.C. armor, but will ignite brush fires or explode any fuels and other volatile flammables nearby. Despite those shortcomings, it is a new favorite of power armor pilots and borgs.
The missile system weighs 120 lbs (54 kg)
and is six feet (1.8 m) long.
Any medium-range missile can be used. It is usually
Armor-Piercing (2D4 x 10 M.D.),each
Fragmentation (2D4 x 10 M.D.) each
Plasma/Heat (2D6 x 10 M.D. or 5d6x10 for N.A.A.T, N.A.M.E.S OR A.M.C). Each

N.A.A.Ts Missiles add get +8 to strike fire if target can go higher then mach one if it does +5 strike
Armor-Piercing (3D4 x 10 M.D.), each if 17 or better by pass amour and it crew compartment
Fragmentation (4D4 x 10 M.D.) each blast radius 30 feet
Plasma/H.E.A.T (5D6 x 10 M.D. or 5d6x10 for N.A.A.T, N.A.M.E.S OR A.M.C). Each

Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon
Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km).
The missile has less fuel than a vehicle-mounted medium-range missile. this system rarely used .

Payload: One. Per rack total four
A missile box containing four missiles and weighing 520 lbs (234 kg) is available.

Taking a missile out of its box and aiming it usually counts as two melee actions/attacks.

Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)
This heavy, multi-barreled laser is used
for missile defense and anti-aircraft roles. Each is controlled by an independent gunner. One is mounted turret and only type . The wing turrets can rotate 360 degrees and fire on a 180 degree arc, sweeping the air above the aircraft.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 3d4 x 10 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Each turret can shoot up to six times per melee round.

Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited pick one , tie to vechile power systems 3 per mellee
There are a light version 2d4x10 ,medium version 2D6 x 10 M.D. per blast and 4D6 x 10 M.D. per blast heavy version

ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America )
This is a pre-Rifts design built to give infantrymen a chance against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. It is a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-clip in one single shot! The short comings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes one melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it

(cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble or weapon mount ). Also, they use up E-clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it.
Weight: 30 lbs. (13.5 kg)
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10+20 M.D. per shot
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; each shot empties an entire E-Clip
Effective Range: 9000 feet
Payload: 1 shot per E-Clip has or tie to vehicle other power systems 3 per melee Nuclear goes to 5 !!

Black Market: not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

Auto fire 81mm Medium Mortar
NOTE take up all the space in the rear no troops or other weapon systems only front weapon systems in front of battle taxi for defend only
The Sledgehammer is a larger mortar that fires rounds at greater ranges. Before the Rifts these weapons were issued to heavy weapons platoons at the battalion level. When broken down into component parts these mortars can be transported on foot by their crew of five troops. This mortar fires standard HE rounds against infantry and soft-skinned vehicles, but with the development of "smart" HEAT mortar rounds they are also effective against IFVs and tanks!
Weight: 89 lbs (40 kg).
Mega-Damage: Varies with ammunition type.
Ammunition Types: Uses the equivalent of grenades to inflict Mega-Damage.
Single shot

6D6 M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m).

High Explosive/HE:
4D6 M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m).

2D6 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m).

Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red).

Parachute Flares: Glides down and burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Brust fire two rounds

1d6x10 M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m) for each round

High Explosive/HE:
1d4x10+8M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m) for each round

4d6 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m) for each round

Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red).

Parachute Flares: Glides down and burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Brust fire four rounds

2d4x10M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m) for each round

High Explosive/HE:
1d6x10 M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m) for each round

1d4x10+8 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m) for each round
Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red).
Parachute Flares: Glides down and burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Brust fire ten rounds

6D6x10 M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m) for each round

High Explosive/HE:
4D6x10 M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m) for each round

2D6x10 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m) for each round

Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red). for each round

Parachute Flares: Glides down and burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Rate of Fire: 1-2 shots per melee round
(characters with 5 or more attacks/actions per round can fire twice); each shot may include a minor adjustment and counts as three melee attacks.

Effective Range:
About 3 miles (4.8 km), the weapon has a min-imum range of 130 feet (40 m).

Payload: Single shot ,Brust fire two rounds ,Brust fire four rounds ,Brust fire four rounds
, Brust fire ten rounds
200 for each that 1000 round total

Cost: 4,500 credits for the mortar, bombs cost the same as CS hand grenades:
250 credits for fragmentation,
275 for High Explosive,
350 for plasma,
180 credits for smoke and flares

built in to mark III and up Smoke Launcher (4):
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius.
Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.

Rate of Fire:
One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.

Payload: 24 total.

Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser, built in to mark III and up
Located in the end of the vehicle is a chaff dispenser. When trailed by missiles, a cloud of chaff and other obtrusive particles can be released to confuse enemies that are hit by Chaff or detonate on contact .

Primary Purpose:
but roll percentage dice for catch pursuing missile to determine the result:

: Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud. The threat is over.
Enemy missile volley loses track of real target and veer away in the wrong direction (may lock onto ncarh) aircraft).
No efrcci. Missiles slill on largel. AI~o note the chaff cloud will tcmporaril) blind Gargoyles and other creatures flying through the cloud. Duration of blindness
1. melee rounds (15-60 seconds).

The creature recover with no continued effect~. Payload:
Four. 24

Smoke Launcher look above
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega·Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius. Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.
Payload: 24 total.

Close Combat:
The A.P.C may drive into and smash through light to heavy S.D.C. walls and structures as well as ram into and knock over giants and S.D.C. vehicles. It can also drive into and disperse enemy troops. The impact from a half speed ram is 1D4x10 M.D. from a full speed ram. A ram attack against humans, even in body armor or man-sized power armor, inflicts 1D6x10 M.D. and hurls the character 4D6 yards/meters (victim loses initiative and three melee attacks). Human-sized characters who get run over suffer 2D6x10+20 M.D.

CIWS Gatling Rail Guns (2):
This is a modern electromagnetic version of the pre-Rifts Phalanx Close-In Weapon System (CIWS). It is a last-ditch weapon system in-tended to destroy missiles and aircraft that sneak past the carrier group's other defenses. The C9OR is a six-barreled 20mm electromagnetic cannon that fires special depleted uranium-tipped armor piercing ammunition that shreds even mega-damage aircraft in a matter of seconds! Like its Phalanx predecessor the C9OR CIWS is an unmanned, automated weapon system that is controlled by a pair of radars - one radar to track the targets and another to guide the bullets to intercept the target.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft/Defense
Mega-Damage: A burst is 60 rounds and inflicts 3D4x 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: 6 attacks per melee round.
Effective Range: 6,000 feet (1828 m)
Radar Targeting Bonus: +4 to strike.
Payload: 6,000 rounds per gun, that's 100 bursts each

CIWS Beam Gatling Guns (2):
This is a modern electromagnetic version of the pre-Rifts Phalanx Close-In Weapon System (CIWS). It is a last-ditch weapon system intended to destroy missiles and aircraft that sneak past the carrier group's other defenses. The Beam Gatling is a six-barreled 20mm laser cannon that fires Beam shreds even mega-damage aircraft in a matter of seconds! Like its Phalanx predecessor the C9OR CIWS is an unmanned, automated weapon system that is controlled by a pair of radars - one radar to track the targets and another to guide the bullets to intercept the target.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft/Defense
Mega-Damage: A burst is 60 rounds and inflicts 3D4x 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: 6 attacks per melee round.
Effective Range: 6,000 feet (1828 m) or 3 miles
Radar Targeting Bonus: +4 to strike.
Payload: 1000 bursts each if not connect to power supply ,if connect unlimited
Weight 250 lds

CIWS Beam /Gatling Rail Guns (2):
This is a modern electromagnetic Rail Guns version with Beam fire capabilities of the pre-Rifts Phalanx Close-In Weapon System (CIWS). It is a last-ditch weapon system in-tended to destroy missiles and aircraft that sneak past the carrier group's other defenses. The Gatling Rail Guns/ Rail Guns is a 12 -barreled 20mm electromagnetic cannon that fires special depleted uranium-tipped armor piercing ammunition that shreds even mega-damage aircraft in a matter of seconds! Like its Phalanx predecessor the C9OR CIWS is an unmanned, automated weapon system that is controlled by a pair of radars - one radar to track the targets and another to guide the bullets to intercept the target.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft/Defense
Mega-Damage: A burst is 60 rounds and inflicts 3D4x 10 M.D. for each both can fire at the same that 4d6x10 M.D
Rate of Fire: 6 attacks per melee round.
Effective Range: 6,000 feet (1828 m)
Radar Targeting Bonus: +6 to strike.
Beam Gatling 1000 bursts each if not connect to power supply ,if connect unlimited

Gatling Rail Guns 12,000 rounds per gun, that's 200 bursts each

Weight 250 lds !!!

The main gun there are two type of main gun one is an auto cannons for dual shot fire or burst fire .But cannot move to fire double tap or burst fire. (-1D6 to strike)Can fire single fire while moving or stationary. This is for more damage and sadly MBT are too small to be able to shot and move at the same time

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -937940914

NOTE take up all the space in the rear no troops or other weapon systems only front weapon systems in front of battle taxi for defend only

The second type of 120 mm is Cannon is more accurate fire (+1 to strike) and can shot /fire while moving or stationary.

Later adding rifts earth and phase world technology
The first systems that can out cannon and Autocannon
Were two different design systems that’s allowed to have one have a high strike capability like that of a sniper and a second was more damage originated systems. Hence cannon and later the Autocannon
Get different options .

M.D.C Cannon:
vehicle stop and shot it get added +1d6 to strike at all times while in motion get 1d4 minus weapons systems, sensors and target can help so a 100 MM tank rifle can only and do 5d6 M.D.C
And fire a single round

M.D.C Autocannon
the opposite it with the Autocannon fire and shot while in motion add M.D.C so a 100 MM tank rifle can do a burst fire or double tap able to fire this require a auto loader systems able to fire two rounds in one second doing a 1d6x10 M.D.C from two rounds
one last item and under barrel can be added only fossil fuel systems cannot have ATL or better known as an Anti-Tank Laser system look on weapon systems .This can work on a M.D.C Cannon or M.D.C Autocannon systems

Abrams MBT Pre rifts abilities
The Abrams main gun fires explosive shells at visible targets (line up in the targeting sights and fire and forget systems is only +1 to strike if the target is "painted" with a laser designator). The tank may also operate like an artillery unit, firing at a set of coordinates without actually seeing the target (-2 to strike). The autocannon is built into the turret, and the turret can rotate 360 degrees and can aim up and down in a 60 degree angle, allowing the tank to engage low-flying aircraft and other types of slow flyers (however, it is -3 to hit flying targets moving faster than 80 mph/128 km). The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment.

Abrams MBT rifts updated abilities

https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -937940914

The main gun fires explosive shells at visible targets (line up in the targeting sights and fire and forget systems is only +1d4+1 to strike if the target is "painted" with a laser designator). The tank may also operate like an artillery unit, firing at a set of coordinates without actually seeing the target (-2 to strike). The autocannon is built into the turret, and the turret can rotate 360 degrees and can aim up and down in a 85 degree angle, allowing the tank to engage low-flying aircraft and other types of slow flyers (however, it is -3 to hit flying targets moving faster than 500 mph). The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment or A.I Systems can take over. There additional feature to this adding a fly probe and are invaluable even in rifts earth ( Additional Modifying M.D.C. Vehicles)

Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense; anti-aircraft. Weight:
1 tons
This is single shot below
Solid slug rounds
High-Explosive (HE):
1D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 ft per round (6.1 m). blast radius 5d6 M.D.C per round
High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT):
2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 ft (3 m).
AP: if 18 or better full damage to cockpit compartment or crew compartment
If none damage goes to crew M.D.C damage
1D4 x 10 M.D.
2D4 x 10 M.D.; both have no blast radius (they punch through the armor).

Rate of Fire:
This is single shot and double tap or burst fire
Can do double tap or fire that two round burst only
A maximum of three attacks per melee round regardless of the gunner's hand to hand combat numbers if auto loader fails. This is if the auto reloader fails.it gets a penalty If moving getting -5 to strike .

Effective Range: 3 miles

The tank can carry up to 80 rounds. The standard distribution is 20 rounds of each type, but that can be altered to suit the mission. For example if the tank is going to be fighting infantry, the usual load would be 50 HE, 20 HEAT, and 10 APSD rounds).

Additional Modifying M.D.C. Vehicles

Part 2

Fuel Efficiency Modification
(adds 20% to 60% range):
1000 credits Souped-Up Engine (adds 30% to maximum speed of vehicles): 10,000 credits; not available for humanoid robots.

Launcher systems:

This system is added optional by crew but not recommended by staff,
unless need as interceptor missiles systems. No long missiles are possible for this design . This can be jury rig later in the field as both offensive and defensive system .

Mini-Missile Launcher:
200,000 credits standard WEIGHT 15 POUNDS

Short-Range Missile Launcher:
standard WEIGHT 30 POUNDS
300,000 credits for a three missile payload,

for a six-missile payload,
for a 12-missile payload.

Medium-Range Missile Launcher:
standard WEIGHT 50 POUNDS

One million credits with a three-missile payload
1.5 million for a six missile payload.

Payload per launcher(2) for MARK III AND MARK IV
Mini-Missile Launcher 12 ONLY FOR G.A.W MARKII
Short-Range Missile Launcher: 6
Medium-Range Missile Launcher: 3

Weapon Mounts:
1000 credits to mount a light weapon, WEIGHT none built in systems
2500 credits to mount a heavy or large weapon, none built in systems
5000 credits for a weapon turret (rotates 360 degrees). none built in systems
The cost of the weapon is extra.

Winch & Cable:
Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle

is an electric winch; basically a motor connected to a cable and a hook.
The cable is 100 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 5d6 tons. 2000 credits

Secret compartment: none built in systems
2000 credits small,
4000 credits medium
8000 credits large

Independent Environmental Pilot's Compartment:
The cab/driver area has 40 ( adding a M.D.C 240 for upgraded design ) M.D.C. and is airtight, with an independent oxygen supply, air-conditioning, and heating system, air purification and circulatory system (good for up to 96 hours). 50,000 credits or 100 credits for a 100 S.D.C . or 1 M.D.C compartment low end design .

The following are all 200 POUNDS
in less told otherwise in description

Voice Activated Locks & Ignition: 12,000 credits

Mini- Digital Radar system built into the dashboard: 3000 credits.

Laser Targeting System ( + 1 to strike): 50,000 credits

Targeting & Combat Computer:
+ 1 to strike, can identify 32,000
targets, and can be linked to radar and sensors. 500,000 credits

Heads-Up Display System: 10,000 credits

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard: 5000 credits

Water dispenser: A refrigerated container that holds and cools drinking water. 400 credits.

Mini-microwave oven (for larger vehicles): 300 credits.

Searchlight: 200 credits

Infrared Search Light: 500 credits

Loudspeaker: 200 credits

Short-Range Communicator (4 miles/6.4 km range): 200 credits

backup systems

Long-Range Directional Radio (100 mile/160 km range):
Back up systems 1000 credits.

Video Camera(mounted inside or outside):
1200 credits (10 S.D.C.)
8000 credits (5 M.D.C.)

Radar Detector: 200 credits

Radiation Detector/Dosimeter: 200 credits

Calendar and Clock: 100 credits

Flying Probe

The latest in spy technology, the Flying Probe is exactly what it sounds like, a
hover, flying version of the walking Spider Probe. That also means the Flying Probe is used to track, find, follow and spy on the enemy as well as locate victims of a disaster, only it quietly flies instead of scurrying across the ground. One of its different features is a retractable, folding arm that can end in a small mechanical arm and hand capable of picking up and carrying small, light objects such as a set of keys, pen, paper, knife, hand-held communicator, and similar items. In the alternative, it may end with a Pen Laser, mini-buzz saw (does 2D6 S.D.C.) or an 11th sensor probe of some kind. As a probe and spy unit, it is primarily deployed by Drone operator, Intel-Agents, Military Specialists, scouts ,infantry and A.I Systems .can hold 10 in main turret and 15 in main body of APC .

Flying Probe for Reconnaissance
Robot/Artificial Intelligence Model Type: probe
Class: Fully Automated Self-Sufficient Robot Probe.
Crew: None; artificial intelligence.

M.D.C. by Location:
* Optic and Sensor Bulbs (10) — 1 each
** Main Body — 12
* Destroying one of the sensor bulbs in the main body de-stroys one of its many optic systems, cameras, communications and sensory systems. When eight or more are lost, particularly video feed, the probe leaves its post unless commanded to do otherwise and returns to base camp. These sensor bulbs are small and difficult to hit, especially on a moving target. Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot," and the attacker is -5 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C.
of the main body shatters the robot and destroys its electronic systems completely.

Speed & Movement:
20 mph (32 km) maximum, but typically travels at about 1-5 mph (1.6 to 8 km) when probing/examining/searching an area.

Excellent. Equal to a Prowl of 75%; silent flight. Makes just a slight purr that is usually drowned out by even the slightest ambient noise, and makes a swishing sound as it flies by if traveling faster than 10 mph (16 km).

Running, Leaping & Climbing:

Not applicable.

Underwater Capabilities:
1000 feet .

Statistical Data:
Roughly the size of a softball or grapefruit with a small hover system attached; roughly six inches in diameter.

4.5 lbs (2 kg).

Physical Strength:
Not applicable unless it has a retractable arm and hand (P.S. 6).


Power System:
Nuclear, average energy life is two years.

Weapon System:


Combat Capabilities:
None per se.

Actions Per Melee:
Five, mainly observation and tracking.

Hand to Hand Damage: Only if a cutting tool is part of its re-tractable arm.


Includes all bonuses from programming, robotics and sensors: +1 to strike with retractable arm, +9 to automatic dodge (can dodge without losing an melee attack/action), +6 to roll with impact or fall. Impervious to poison, gas, and biological agents, as well as psionic and magic mind control, charms, bio-manipulation, and S.D.C. attacks. May have additional sensor for its retractable arm (or a tool).
Skill Programs & Memory: Same as the

Spider Probe

Sensor Systems of Note for probe

All optics and lenses are tied to the video transmission system and can be broadcast to a operator in the field monitoring the probe or base camp (if the latter is close enough). Robot Commanders and anyone working with probes will have a portable hand-held monitor and a larger monitoring unit (the size of a small laptop computer), plus the data can be transmitted and displayed on the helmet HUD display of body and power armor.

Standard issues System
Laser communication systems
Are must to have contact to contact communication between vehicles and infantry but are mix in order to have some form of communication the fog of war from a few feet to miles .

Data combat net systems:
Combines systems if one fail AI and crew can, but systems are kept separated to stop other enemies to fail equipment to replace eased in the fog of war .

Infrared variable lighting systems:
This work in the Infrared allows to communicate with different color spectrum when needed

Additional sensor or optic system

Each sensor or optic system is numbered to indicate the features of each one of the ten sensor bulbs. If individually targeted by an enemy (a rarity) or if the Spider Probe is dam-aged in some other way and loses one or more of its reconnaissance features, the G.M. can pick one (or some) or 10 for random determination.
1. Multi-Optics system:
Sees normal human and infrared and ultraviolet spectrum of light, plus passive nightvision. Range: 5 mile .

2. Telescoping zoom lens
. Range: 5 mile .

3. Micro-Magnifying lens
with x2, x10, and x50 magnification.

4. Thermo-Optics and heat sensors,
vital for finding warm bodies trapped under debris or hiding under camouflage or behind cover. Range: 5 mile .

5. Camera/video Eye with live transmission
— live feed, recording capability( 96 hours). Video camera and live transmission feed so its human partner can literally see what the probe sees. Range: 5 mile .

6. Electronic Ear and audio transmitter with scrambler capabilities
. Range: Range: 5 mile .

7. Laser Distancer:
A light beam that accurately measures distance. Range: Range: 5 mile .

8. Radiation Detector.
Range: 5 mile .

9. Air Thermometer:
Measures the ambient air tempera-ture around the walking probe. Range: 5 mile .

10. Molecular Analyzer:
Detects and identifies impurities in the air. Mainly searches for toxic gases, pollution and chemicals harmful to humans. Range : 5 mile .

11. Plus, Radio Communications:
Directional radio for coded messages between the robot and its human commander and even base camp. Can also scan and communicate via code on conventional radio channels/

frequencies, same range, and eaves-drop on enemy transmissions and track transmissions (60% success level Flying Probe for each add 10 miles max 40 miles plus percentage +10 per Flying Probe max 100% A.I SYSTEMS ECCM ) to their source. Range: 10 (10 TO 40)miles (16 km). But MBT IS HALF add 5 miles max 20 miles plus percentage +5 per Flying Probe max 100% A.I SYSTEMS ECCM ADD +10 TO ALL communications .
Note: Understands English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and 15 other languages; can identify all others but can understand or communicate in them

12. data link systems
Able to make contact with other probes and even make daisy link Range: 10 mile for each probe if need be

13. can add from Sensors below
roll range 1d4+1 miles systems tend to vary and can be improved or well made systems


Explosives Detector:
Sniffs out and detects explosives within 12 feet (3.6 m). Is also used to scan an individual, vehicle or container to detect even small amounts of explosive materials and residue from explosives (less than one ounce), but such a scan must be done at close range, within three feet (0.9 m), to pinpoint the location of the explosive. The type is not known, al-though the signal will be larger/louder if there is a large quantity of explosives or it is an extremely powerful device. Cost: 50,000 credits.

Biometric Scanner:
A sensor unit that measures the barometric pressure, humidity and air temperature around the robot. Besides the obvious, the scanner indicates changes in these areas which may indicate the coming or end of a storm or an un-natural environmental event. Cost: 11,000 credits

Motion Detector and Warning System:
Registers vibrations in the air indicating movement. A collision warning system will sound an internal alarm to warn of an impending collision/impact. Range: 600 feet (180m). Bonus: Adds

+1d4 to initiative and +1d4 to parry and /or dodge. Add 1d4 for hover systems or garv systems Cost: 75,000 credits.

Motion Detector:
The reliability of the detector is quite limited, but it can be used to accurately assess wind direction and wind speed, and to detect the rapid approach of large moving objects, such as a vehicle, aircraft, power armor, etc., whose rapid approach or large size causes a disturbance in the air. A motion detector is especially useful in the dark because the speeding object must usually be within 5000 feet to create a detectable air current. Likewise, the motion sensor will detect the movement of somebody/thing moving nearby, within 40- feet (, but only if the sensor user is motionless or barely moving itself. The sensor can also detect

sudden changes in air current and pressure caused by somebody opening a door or window, and can estimate speed of travel when inside an open-air (or open window) vehicle. Cost: 15,000 credits.

Radar Detector:
A tiny radar receiver that alerts the robot when he is being scanned by radar; 80% accuracy. Unfortunately, determining the direction or source of the radar probe is only 60%. Cost: 10,000 credits.
Range 10,000 feet

Detects Radiation Detector:
Detects and measures the amounts of harmful types of radiation and warns its owner. Includes nu-clear, atomic, and microwave radiation. Cost: 1,200


A small, but sophisticated radar system usually used in human and animal-size robots 10 feet (3 m) and smaller. Can identify up to 30 targets and simultaneously track 12 bogies as low as 700 feet (213 m). Rate of travel, direction, and location are all indicated. Range: 10 miles . Cost: 200,000 credits

Radar System:
A sophisticated radar system, suitable for ground to air monitoring. Can identify up to 96 targets and simultaneously track 42. Requires a special unit with an extendible dish attached to the Bot's back. Range: 50 miles (80 km) and is able to detect a

cruise missile-type target, rocket bike or power armor flying as low as 5000 feet (152 m)/10000 feet (61 m) in an open area/plains without other ground clutter. Lower than that and the target is lost. Can also identify the speed of ground vehicles when a radar beam is directed at one specific target; works like a police officer's radar gun. Cost: 600,000 credits. Ideal for giant and vehicular robot types

Sensory Antenna:

Registers vibrations in the air indicating movement, as well as having touch and heat sensors. The antenna enables the `Bot to maneuver even in total darkness by feeling its way around. Range: Touch, usually 3-10 feet (0.9 to 3 m) depending on the size of the robot (never

larger than one third the robot's height). Bonus: Penalty for blindness is half and adds a bonus of +5 to dodge. 1D4+4 M.D.C. per antenna. Cost: 120,000 credits per pair. Whether the `Bot has two or 10 antennas, the bonuses and abilities remain the same. [/b]


all Optics WEIGHT is 100 pounds

Advanced Optic System

[spoiler]Includes color vision, 3-D analysis and depth perception, passive nightsight, infrared and ultraviolet vision. Range: 5 mile . (610 m). Cost: 160,000 credits.
Note: Infrared vision emits a pencil-thin beam of infrared light, invisible to the

human eye, but visible to an-other infrared system, to illuminate its target in darkness. The narrowness of the beam limits the scope of vision to about a 10 foot width (3 m).

is a passive image intensifier that electronically amplifies existing ambient light to provide a visible picture without emitting any trace light of its own.
Other optical features can be added for an additional cost. They are listed elsewhere in this category. Note that a Robot's eyes may be small and relatively human, but more often than not, they look like a large camera lens or a cluster of camera lenses from tiny to the size of a softball. The eye lens may even be telescoping and make a humming, buzzing or clicking sound as the lens adjusts. As many as 15 of the

following Optic Features may be added to one robot eye. [/b]

External Video and Audio Surveillance System:
[spoiler]A high resolution video camera, built into the eyes or as a separate optic system (concealed or not), relays images directly to the robot's optic scanners and can be recorded as a record of events. A digital video receiver and transmitter system enables the robot to receive video transmissions for viewing or and re-cording. The images are recorded on a six hour, three inch, video disc that is slipped into a slot in the skull or chest. The disc can be ejected at will. Range: 5 mile .. Cost: 500,000 credits,

Laser Targeting System:
A thin beam of light is emitted from the eyes or forehead or the weapon itself. When the light beam hits its target, a computer locks in and registers the fire command. Bonus: +1 to strike when using a distance weapon. Not applicable to hand to hand combat. Likewise, P.P. bonuses do not apply to long-range weapons. Range: 5 mile . Cost: 50,000

Optical Reader:
Designed specifically to "read" words and text, including numbers, letters, diagrams, drawings, maps and other flat images. Cost: 10,000 credits. -50% to read/Literacy without it.

Optical Scanner:

Anything the robot "sees" can be digitally scanned and saved in its memory as digital images (e.g., a photograph, a page of text from a book, a drawing, map, and similar) as well as snapshot-like images (photographs) of people, scenery, etc., similar to a cell phone camera with limited zoom (x10 up to 500 feet/152 m away). Does not have a "flash" Capability, but other optics like infrared, passive night sight, telescopic vision, etc. may be tied to the scanner. Range: 5 mile .Cost: 150,000 credits.

[b]Live Video Transmission (and Receiver):

[spoiler]Transmission range is 20 miles (32 km) in the city, 60 miles (96 km) in the wilderness, unless hampered by some sort of interference. Live feed is most common, but up to two hours of digital video can be
recorded and stored on a memory chip. Cost: 50,000 credits for a single basic color and sound system, 150,000 credits for a pair of camera eyes. Add 20,000 credits for synchronized digital audio recording and transmission. Add 40,000 credits for broad-band capabilities (and double the transmission range). Range: 5 mile .

This type of optical enhancement relies on a source of infrared light, a pencil thin beam of light projected from the eye to the target. The narrowness of the beam limits the viewing area to a small area of about seven feet (2.1 m). Range: 5 mile . (366 m). Cost: 16,000 credits; 19,000 credits for a pair.

Light Filters.
Reduces glare like invisible sunglasses. Filters slip into place as needed

Passive Nightvision.
Light amplification system that uses ambient light (the moon, starlight, etc.) to see clearly in the dark. Range: 5 mile ., but can be increased if combined with a telescopic lens feature. Cost: 30,000 credits.

In addition to normal 20/20 vision, the eye has a telescopic lens for long distance viewing (4-10x50 magnification). Range: 5 mile . Cost: 10,000 credits; 16,000 for a pair

Targeting Display.
Imposes crosshairs on a target, add-ing a bonus of +1 to strike with any ranged weapon (both eyes). Note: Two targeting eyes still provide only a +1 bonus to strike, not +2. Cost: 4,000 credits

The lens converts the infrared radiation of warm objects into a visible image, enabling the robot able to see heat as represented by bands of color. Ideal for tar-geting and tracking at night; can see in darkness, shadows, and through smoke, but can only see the heat radiation clearly, not all the details of the surrounding area. Range: 5 mile .Bonus: +1 to strike in darkness. Cost: 32,000 credits for a pair.
Illegal in the CS.

Visual Recognition:
Combat Computer: A special system tied to the optic systems. The computer recognizes 30,000 enemy targets including vehicles, robots, insignias, uniforms, known monsters, D-Bees and enemies. An additional 2000 ta-gets can be added to the memory. Bonus: +5% to Intelligence skill. Range: 5 mile .Cost: 200,000 credits.

Camera: Peekaboo (2):
Two “peekaboo cameras” are built
into the back of the Prophet behind the right and left shoulders.

(You can see the left one looking straight up in the illustration.)When needed to see what’s going on behind you without turning around yourself, the camera unfolds from its concealed housing to look around. This can be very helpful when hiding amongstvegetation or rubble, and for peeking around corners. Being so
small and quiet, the peekaboo camera can peer under leaves and through a weave of vegetation or debris to see and transmit live images to the HUD in the pilot’s helmet. Each is built into a thin, mechanical arm that can bend to look up, down and sideways 180 degrees behind the power armor. Note: For a complete descriptionof how this mini-spy camera can cover one’s back, see the description in the opening text of the Forester power armor, page 94. Each peekaboo camera has 5 M.D.C.

Peekaboo Camera:
A “peekaboo camera” can unfold from The vehicle to look over it to see what is happening behind , without him having to move and physically turn. This can be very helpful when hiding amongst vegetation and hunting. Being so small and quiet, the peekaboo camera can peer under leaves and through a weave of vegetation to see and transmit live images to the HUD in the pilot’s helmet. Note: For a complete description of how this mini-spy camera can cover one’s back, see the description in the opening text, above. One is a “peekaboo camera” in the vehicle that can slowly unfold and extend outward on a small thin arm to look backward, behind the Forester. Every scout, hunter and explorer has experienced that moment when they are crouched and out of sight, hidden among the foliage, when they hear a twig snap or something
move behind them. The motion of even slowly and quietly moving their head or body to look behind them is likely to startle and scare away wildlife. By the same token, if the sound comes from a predator or an enemy, turning to see what it is, and any noise or additional movement associated with that action, will
alert the enemy(s) to his position and give them the drop on him. Likewise, an animal predator
or monster may attack or charge. However, the “peekaboo camera” is so small and quiet as it unfolds, the creature or person will never hear or see it. Being small means, it can peek under leaves and through a weave of vegetation or urban combat to see. The tiny camera feeds live images to the HUD in the helmet, giving the pilot inside the vehicle a clear view of what’s behind him without the need to move a muscle. Again, scouts and woodsmen know that if one remains perfectly still, an animal or enemy may walk within inches without ever noticing him and continue to move away without incident. Getting a live feed of their activity, movement and direction should indicate whether they are moving away or if they have spotted him and are moving
to attack

Warning System and Multi-Cameras:
Tied into the cameras and sensor array is a motion detection warning system similar to the one in the White Knight power armor. When anything comes within 1000 feet , the computer issues an audio warning (“Warning: Suspected hostile approaching at 100 feet. 95 feet, 80 feet, etc.” Or “Warning: Deteriorating hostile environment. Defensive [or evasive] action is recommended.” And similar.) In each instance, the pilot can request “visual” and the computer will display a visual live feed, up on the HUD, of what the camera
sees approaching or what the deteriorating environment may be. If the approaching person or people are not a threat, the pilot can stop the warning by stating, “non-hostile” or “friendly.” Tied into the Recognition system, the warning is likely to identify exactly what the danger is. (“Known hit man for the Altobelli Gang,” or “Coalition Dead Boy,” “Baal Rog demon,” and possibly even the name of a specific known fugitive: “Benjamin Mason,” “Michael Strom,” “Big Bubba,” “King Zarchron,” etc., “approaching from behind at two o’clock.”)


Advanced Audio System:
Amplified stereo hearing in the full decibel range, the same as the cybernetic Amplified Hearing (see page 49 of Rifts0 Ultimate Edition). The `Bot can hear frequencies inaudible to the human ear, like a dog whistle (as well as wide-band radio), enabling the character to hear almost inaudible sounds at up to 360 feet (110 m) away. At 75 feet (22.9 m), sounds as quiet as one decibel, softer than a whisper, can be heard. At 150 feet (45.7 m), sounds as quiet as 10 decibels, a whisper, can be heard clearly. At 360 feet (110 m), sounds in the normal conversation range of 30 decibels can be heard as if the character was standing only a few feet (one meter) away. This is the

maximum range for eavesdropping on conversations. Only sounds of 70 decibels (e.g., the sound of heavy traffic) or louder can be accurately heard and the location pinpointed from 500 to 1,000 feet away (152.4 m to 305 m).
The Amplified Hearing also enables the character to accurately estimate the distance and location of the sound source, and recognize specific, known sounds and voices at a base skill of 35% plus 5% per level of experience. Background noise, such as other conversations, traffic, machine noise, etc., as well as barriers like closed doors and walls, will decrease the range and clarity of what can be heard. G.M.s should use their discretion and common sense.
Radio capabilities enables the robot to listen to commercial radio stations, citizen band (C.B.), police bands, shortwave and

other radio transmission frequencies. Also comes standard with a Universal Head jack for tapping into computers, radios and audio equipment directly. Radio Range (transmissions and receiver): 50 miles (80 km) in the city, 100 miles (160 km) in the wilderness, both require a retractable antenna; half range without one. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to parry, and +2 to dodge.
Cost: 150,000 credits for the entire advanced system. See Basic Hearing System for something must less expensive.

Audio Recorder:
An audio recording system with external access capable of recording most sounds that the robot can hear. Two hundred hours of digital sound recordings can be stored. Editing capabilities allow

the robot to keep sound bites and conversations it wants to preserve and erase or record over unwanted audio recordings. Can also transmit recordings by radio or download onto an audio disc, computer, or audio equipment via headjack or fingerjack. Cost: 75,000. Illegal in the Coalition States.

Bug Detector:
A small device that picks up radio signals from surveillance listening devices (bugs). Range: 6000 feet (18.3 m). Cost: 30,000 credits.

Built-In Language Translator:
Starts with 13 different languages, including the nine major regional ones, plus Russian, Kittani, Naruni, and Splugorth/Demongogian; 200 others can be added. Level of accuracy is 88.8% when

listening to only one or two speakers and languages at a time. Drops to 68% with a six second delay when trying to translate 3-6 speakers simulta-neously, 20% if more than that. Cost: 32,000 credits. Illegal in the Coalition States

Built-In Loudspeaker:
The Bot can amplify the loudness of his voice, like a bullhorn, to about 80 decibels. Cost: 6,000 credits.
Built-In Radio Receiver & Transmitter Headjack: A fully operational radio is built inside the head or a shoulder, back or hip unit. Range: 20 miles (32 km). Cost: 22,000; add 10,000 for scrambling radio messages and decoding

Human Voice Synthesizer:
Provides the robot with a com-

pletely human sounding voice, male or female. This is a pleas-ant, single voice. The system is not capable of changing the voice/sound or imitating others. Without this feature, the robot's voice sounds mechanical. Cost: 5,000 credits. Also see Modulating Voice Synthesizer.

Inaudible Frequency Transmission:
The robot can speak/ transmit sound frequencies inaudible to the human ear, but audible to other robots, cyborgs with ultra ear and beings with sup-rior hearing, such as mutant dogs. Cost: 50,000 credits

Juke Box: The
has 20000 music titles (songs to instrumentals) stored inside an internal music player. The music can be played so only it hears it, played aloud through concealed speakers

or a loudspeaker, or broadcast via radio transmission,
provided those

Sound Analysis Computer:
Designed exclusively to listen, identify, remember, and analyze sounds. 380,000 different sounds are programmed into its memory, including gunshots by caliber, energy blasts, engine sounds, animal calls, noises made by monsters, and other sounds. 40,000 new sounds can be added. It is also capable of analyzing, comparing, and matching voices and sounds in its files, identifing a sound or voice via computer comparison with 80% accuracy, and imitating another person's voice with 78% accuracy (+10% when imitated over any form of audio

transmission). Bonus: +10% to impersonate voices or imitate sounds. Cost: 500,000 credits; illegal in the Coalition States.

Modulating Voice Synthesizer:
Enables the robot to change, disguise and humanize its voice by altering tone, bass, pitch, etc. Can also speak in a sound frequency inaudible to nor-mal humans, but audible to normal canines, bats and mutant dogs, as well as other Tots, cyborgs, and characters with a cybernetic Ultra-Ear. Base skill at imitating voices is 10% +5% per each additional level of experience. Cost: 30,000 credits. Add 12,000 credits to get a voice disguise program with over 200 different human and D-Bee accents and inflections. Illegal in the Coalition States. Universal Headjack (or Fingerjack): Same as the bionic

version, see page 51 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition.
Radio Signal Scrambler System is linked to the radio sys-tem to send and receive coded messages. Cost: 10,000 credits.

Wide Band Radio Receiver and Transmitter with directional capabilities.
Range: 600 miles with a retractable antenna (300 miles without the antenna). Cost: 38,000 credits. [/b]

AI systems

Artificial Intelligence (advanced): [spoiler] Neural Intelligence (N.I.)

Typical Level of Intelligence:
I.Q. 2D6+11+2

I.Q 25

Note :
Neural Intelligence:
Automatically gets one of the General Programs (non-military or military) at no cost. Three additional skill programs may be purchased at half the price listed. This is considered to be the `Bot's original purpose and orientation.
Two additional skill programs can be purchased at the list price and added to the initial skill set. This is the maximum number of programs the robot can hold in its artificial brain. Un-like the A.I., these skills can NOT be purged and replaced by new and different skill programs. However, the N.I. can learn new skills the same as a human through observation, study and tutelage. Thus, the N.I. may select two

Secondary Skills at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Secondary Skills start at the Base Skill level and increase per level of experience. The only bonus applied to these learned skills is the I.Q. bonus, when appropriate (applicable to an I.Q. of 16 or higher).

Intelligence and Origin Table:
Neural Intelligence I.Q. Bonus: +2.
New German Republic


This alignment program is usually reserved for robots who are to blend in with humanoid society and for Black Ops such as undercover work, espionage, robbery and rescue and prison break missions. Being Unprincipled, the robot may engage in acts of deception and bend the rules, work outside the law, lie, threaten and hurt people, interrogate suspects, and engage in other unsavory and illegal acts,

but always remains true to its creators/programmers and its mission. Although humanoid life is valued, the robot's mission or purpose takes precedence, and the 'Bot is able to decide whether it should act to help someone in trouble and jeopardize the mission or stick to it. However, if there is a better than 60% likelihood that its intervention will save or protect a life, the Unprincipled 'Bot usually takes action to do so. Note: Otherwise follows all the usual standards and guidelines for the Unprincipled alignment

Standard Robot Military Combat Skill Program

General Repair & Maintenance

( all get 99 % skills IQ bonus help

to negate ant penalties that 11% )

Land Navigation
Language: Basic (speaks/understands; can read): Typically American, Gobblely, Spanish and Techno-Can ( 98% each).
Mathematics: Basic
Military Etiquette
Parachuting Yes it been known to do air drop form transport vehicle
Pilot: Boat, Motor Type
Pilot: Hover Craft (ground) aid to control drone
Radio: Basic
Weapon Systems
W.P. Paired Weapons range only
W.P. Rifles on turret
W.P. Energy on Rifle turret
W.P. Heavy M.D. on Weapons turret
All the W.P.s listed are equivalent to 6th level experience

Hand to Hand Combat:
Programs the Robot for fighting roughly equal to Hand to Hand: Expert, 6th level.
Attacks per Melee Round:
6 attacks per melee

Bonuses Using Weapons:
+3 to strike with ranged weapons, +4 to strike on an Aimed Shot, +1 to strike with a burst.


is very close to an irresistible force. When ramming any land vehicle or building the
tank will inflict
1D4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph (32 km of speed For track for fly 1D4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 5 mph at max;
if the other vehicle is traveling from the opposite direction toward the Machine, add the two speeds together). Robots, power armor and infantrymen who get in the path of the tank will be run down unless they dodge
(12 or higher). Being run down by the vehicle inflicts 2D4x10 M.D.!

to hit or batter up
1D4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph (32 km of speed;
if the other vehicle is traveling from the opposite direction toward the Machine, add the two speeds together) .Note if armored up main gun add
1d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20

mph that( will be 2d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph instead of 1d4x10 )
. If force field add a
1d4x10 that a 3d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph!!!
if spikes ,blades are added to main that another up
1D4x10 M.D goes up to 4d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 10 mph

Military Combat programming includes
a recognition pro-gram of 28,000 different enemy targets including specific races, monsters, aliens, non-human features and political powers in North America, such as the insignia, uniforms, body armor, military robots and vehicles, power armor, weapons of the Coalition States, Free Quebec, the Federation of Magic, bandits of the Pecos

Empire, notable mercenary companies, the Minions of Splugorth, D-Bees, demons, monsters and dangerous animals in general, as well as 2000 enemies the purchaser can add.
Combat programming directs the actions and reactions to en-counters and attacks. Most programs offered in North America (excluding the ones used by Archie for his personal robot legion) are much more basic and reactionary than those from Triax and the NGR. A Northern Gun basic combat program makes the robot suitable for sentry duty, armed escort, border patrol, infantry combat and seek and destroy missions. Basically, the drone identifies an enemy target or intruder and at-tacks. Triax/Dyna-Bot programs are not listed in this section as they come only with Triax imported Dyna-Bots

Additional two programs only

Military Pilot, Ground:
Truck and Tracked & Construction Vehicles 90%, plus select three military vehicle piloting skills Robot Combat skills. All at 92%. Cost: 325,000 credits. An ILLEGAL program in the CS.

Military, Communications: Specialized:
Cryptography 80%, Electronic Countermeasures 94%, Laser Communications 94%, Literacy: Language of choice 94%, Photography 94%, Surveillance 90%, and TV/Video 94%.
Cost: 250,000 credits. An ILLEGAL program in the CS

Rifts® Vehicle Construction Rules
Part Two
Optional Source Material for Rifts®
By Greg Diaczyk
For more information, please refer to Part One of this article in The Rifter® #50.

Smoke Screen: built in to mark III and up
Many motorists like to have the ability to cloud their pursuer's vision, lay down cover so other adversaries cannot see an area, or simply leave a trail for others to follow. The smoke screen is created by burning a selection of materials

to produce a variety of annoying (yet not toxic) fumes. Colors: Black, grey, white, red, blue, yellow, green and brown. Weight of System: 5 lbs (2.3 kg), each canister weights about 0.5 lbs (0.22 kg) Cost: The smoke generator costs 250 credits. Each smoke canister costs 50 credits.

Self-Destruct System: built in to mark III and up
This is a last resort destruction system for the vehicle. The system can be armed by remote (50 miles/80 km range), set as an automatic feature (need to flip a hidden switch to disarm before trying to start/hotwire the car), or set as a timer. Cost: Remote (watch or small cigarette lighter sized box) 250 credits, Timer 100 credits, Disarming Switch/Auto-Trigger 500 credits, S.D.C. Explosive (destroys an S.D.C. vehicle plus does 1D4x100 S.D.C. to
a 20 foot/6 m area) 1,000 credits, M.D.C. Explosive (destroys vehicle plus 2D6x10 M.D. to a 20 foot/6 m area) 40,000 credits.

Active Suspension:
This suspension system is linked to special sensors around the wheeled vehicle that allow it to detect the road up ahead. It can then appropriately adjust the height of the tires/tracked and increase or decrease spring resistance to better handle the bumps and awkward terrain. Bonus: +15% to piloting skills for maneuvers with this vehicle. Cost: 12,000 credits

Other model s

There also gun truck Humvee model but are III or IV
Dedicated missile systems
https://www.deviantart.com/try1001me/ar ... -734139904
can be any model M.D.C
ALL Are fire and forget systems
Missiles only quick artillery units

gun truck
https://www.deviantart.com/jmig3/art/Gr ... -315630100
fast reaction units or rapid deploy force or R.D.F UNITS
model MARK II or up
side mount weapon mount passenger side
dual mount weapon system front turret
dual mount weapon system rear top turret

Rampage model
escort duties or urban combat
https://www.deviantart.com/rustyhauser/ ... -721640450

https://www.deviantart.com/rustyhauser/ ... -851886298

this a heavier version fast reaction units or rapid deploy force or R.D.F UNITS
model MARK II or up
side mount weapon mount passenger side
dual mount weapon system front turret
dual mount weapon system rear turret
Grande launcher systems 7 or 14 single shot or dual shot systems
Four laser fix Vulcan guns
One rear mounted passenger weapon mount with 360 angle

For militia units
But a model MARK II or up

https://www.deviantart.com/andrelammers ... -480009011
militia model varies with weapons
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by Borast »

ZINO wrote:The following are all 200 POUNDS unless told otherwise in description

Voice Activated Locks & Ignition: / Mini-Digital Radar system / Laser Targeting System / Targeting & Combat Computer / Heads-Up Display System / Computer and Monitor / Water dispenser / Mini-microwave oven / Searchlight / Infrared Search Light / Loudspeaker / Short-Range Communicator / Long-Range Directional Radio / Video Camera / Radar Detector / Radiation Detector/Dosimeter / Calendar and Clock

Wow... Current tech has these ranging from mere grams, to a handful of kilos. (Well, other than the microwave, water dispenser - after all, 1l water masses 1kg - and the searchlights*.)
Have we gone backwards technologically? ;)

Like what I see, though! :)

*Unless you're talking about the kind of lights you see on police cruisers...kilo at most for them.

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

.sig count to date: 2

"May your day be as eventful as you wish, and may your life only hurt as much as it has to." - Me...

Normality is Relative, Sanity is Conceptual, and I am neither.
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

The following are all 200 POUNDS unless told otherwise in description

Voice Activated Locks & Ignition: / Mini-Digital Radar system / Laser Targeting System / Targeting & Combat Computer / Heads-Up Display System / Computer and Monitor / Water dispenser / Mini-microwave oven / Searchlight / Infrared Search Light / Loudspeaker / Short-Range Communicator / Long-Range Directional Radio / Video Camera / Radar Detector / Radiation Detector/Dosimeter / Calendar and Clock

Wow... Current tech has these ranging from mere grams, to a handful of kilos. (Well, other than the microwave, water dispenser - after all, 1l water masses 1kg - and the searchlights*.)
Have we gone backwards technologically? ;)

Like what I see, though! :)

*Unless you're talking about the kind of lights you see on police cruisers...kilo at most for them.

Oh god thank you so much I mess up here in this parts once i get going I know miss stuff [/quote]

thank you so much for you post i glad you like what i been posting thank you again and show me my error and L.O.L i miss this big time :)
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Lazarus program

part 1

With N.A.A.T’s having to have massive armies the best way was to have conventional army BUT not all are combat merc outfits some are logistical support and providing Medical ,security , Transport lanes , access to health care human and other as well as education in areas like policing , EMS and local needs like electrical ,plumbing for heating or cooling and water (depending on area) and last working with local navies to have agreements ,trade and exchange idea that would benefit everyone all around . N.A.A.T’s in Mid-west of North America( as well in Europe and South America where possible ) has set up in area where they support local support and other races call D-Bee. N.A.A.T’s is

known to pick as many refugees to move from area to another safe zones weather they are human and other races call D-Bee when possible. A big ticket item are robot pilots ,cyborgs , exchange of technology/engineers and magical individuals they are paid extremely well and support projects but must share everything where possible. But sometime thing does not go well and this where enforcement varies from a simple reminder to full blown military action (which are very low).
N.A.A.T’s work in these areas of field technology, Techno-wizards, magic, psionic and other fields .there one thing N.A.A.T’s will not work is slavery and are not allowed to transport slaves.

In order to work in rifts earth and having connections with black market and weapon manufacturers ( major factions in rifts earth)it was best to used relic old pre-rifts and upgrade them to rifts level using soviet era as commercial use and using old USA empire that to GAW as well as other.

Abrams Battle Tank MARK VI DONE!!
The GAW Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV)
A 10 Thunderbolt III Fighter
Hercules Airplane II
Apache Helicopter II AND Long bow III
Chinook II
F 16 VI

This is call Lazarus program

The Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV)

The GAW Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV) is a high speed, heavily armed, rugged off-road dune buggy-like vehicle designed for special operations applications. Its basic function is to augment the firepower and mobility of elite troops without sacrificing their ability to hide and maneuver covertly. And in so doing, the FAV has expanded the capabilities of Special Ops

personnel. FAVs are three-man, all-terrain vehicles that have a top road speed of 90 mph (144 km). The FAV Dune Buggy is rugged and can negotiate virtually any ground terrain. It drives over steep inclines, through roadblocks, over tank traps, sand, mud, ditches and trenches as well as other rough terrain and obstacles (up to 4 feet/1.2 m tall) that are impassable for most other military vehicles. A fully-loaded FAV travels cross-country at speeds varying from 25-60 mph (40 to 96 km), which on average is 50% greater than the off-road speed of the GAW-H998 Hummer.

Armament for the FAV, aside from the driver's personal weapons, consists of a roof-mounted WI-GL80 "Predator" (or Super-Grenade Launcher), and a pair of mini-missile launchers. This impressive array of weaponry gives the three-man FAV crew the firepower of a heavy power armor suit or light combat robot, and enough firepower to engage much larger infantry

units, enemy installations, soft-skinned vehicles and even light armored vehicles (such as an Iron Maiden APC-10, Bradley IFV or Coalition APC). The FAV is also easy to transport; one can be carried by a GAW-60 Blackhawk, or two by the GAW-47 Chinook, and the FAV can even be rigged to parachute from transport aircraft. Since it was first offered by Golden Age Weaponsmiths, the FAV has been purchased for special operations units in many armies, including the Manistique Imperium, Ishpeming, Lazio and Tolkeen, as well as by numerous mercenary and bandit groups. These forces use the FAV in many roles, including reconnaissance, patrolling, security, light strike, infantry support, covert surveillance, covert infiltration, forward air control (using laser designators) and for standby combat search and rescue.

Model Type: Mark II
Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV)
Here an example
https://www.deviantart.com/gilgemesh/ar ... -124422821

Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV) Special Ops Dune

Buggy.Mark II
Here an example

https://www.deviantart.com/kronomatik/a ... -505650212

Two, driver and gunner, or 2 to 5 base on model passengers.

M.D.C. by Location:
GAW Model

* Headlights (4)
— 3 each

* Hardened Tires (4)
- 4 each

* Roof Gun (typically a WI-GL80 Predator)
- 50

* Box Style Missile Launcher (1)
- 10 each

* Exposed Rear Mounted Engine
- 12

** Main Body -

Mark II to VI look below/ ahead

* The items marked by a single asterisk are small and diffi-cult to hit and require a Called Shot to strike with the shooter suffering a penalty of -3 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle. Note: This is not an environmental enclosure, the crew sits exposed to the elements, but does have the benefits of partial cover and concealment. Shots directed at the crew suffer a penalty of -2 to strike.

Speed: Maximum Speed:
120 mph (192 mph) max speed 250 MPH, off-road speed is reduced. A fully-loaded FAV travels

cross country at speeds vary ing from 25-60 mph (40 to 96 km) depending on the difficulty of the terrain.

Range: 1500 miles , due to its electric engine. ( N.A.A.Ts that
two year
powered batteries )

Mark III and IV six model

Statistical Data:

Height: 6 feet, 3 inches (1.9 m).
Width: 6 feet, 11 inches (2.11 m).
Length: 13 feet, 11 inches (4.25 m).
Weight: 2,750 lbs (1,237.5 kg).
Cargo: varies with weapon systems

Power System: Electrical engine.

Cost: 10,000 credits.

Weapon Systems:

1. Roof Gun:

May be theWI-GL80 "Predator" Super
Grenade Launcher
a M.D.C 50 Caliber Heavy Machine-Gun. or other

This weapon is mounted on a reinforced roll-bar and requires a gunner (typically one of the passengers standing up on his seat and strapped into the gunner's harness). The weapon can rotate 360 degree and has a 90 degree arc of fire up and down.

Primary Purpose:
Assault and Defense.

Secondary Purpose:

Standard systems
Predator Grenade launcher:
HEAT/Armor Piercing Grenade:
1D4x10 to a radius of 3 feet (0.9 m) around the target.

Fragmentation Grenade:
4D6 M.D. to everything in a 12 foot (3.6 m) radius.
Smoke, tear gas or other types of grenades may be substituted.

Standard.50 Caliber Machine-gun:
1D6 M.D. per 10 round burst.

Or improved version from N.A.A.Ts

Heavy M.D 30 Caliber Machine-gun:
H.E rounds 1d4 M.D per round

Explosive 1 foot radius per round

H.E.AT rounds 1d4 M.D per round
16 or better on roll double damage

A.P rounds 1d4 M.D per round
By pass the armor to crew compartment
Or crew/pilots

Does 1d4 M.D per round
As AP Rounds

D.U Rounds 1d6 per round


Heavy M.D 50 Caliber Machine-gun:
H.E rounds 1d6 M.D per round
Explosive 1 foot radius per round

H.E.AT rounds 1d6 M.D per round

16 or better on roll double damage

A.P rounds 1d6 M.D per round
By pass the armor to crew compartment Or crew/pilots half damage

Does 1d6 M.D per round
As AP Rounds

D.U Rounds 2d6 per round

Rate of Fire:
Each grenade or machine-gun burst fired counts as one of the gunner's attacks per melee or other weapons system

Effective Range:
Grenade Launcher: 2100 feet (640 m).

6000 feet (1828 m) for 30 caliber Machine-Gun

10,000 feet ( max range 15,000 feet) for 50 caliber Machine-Gun

Grenades: 60 grenade
belt feed 800 machine-gun rounds

This weapon may be replaced with a mounted laser or other rifle style energy weapons, but requires E-Clips or a separate power pack or generator for power.

2. Box Style Mini-Missile Launchers (2):
These two box-mounted launchers on the sides of the FAV are used against lightly armored targets and infantry, both of these launchers are fired by the gunner.

Mark III or IV
Replace three short range missiles per Launcher

The Marl IV
Can have mini missiles or short range missiles or medium range missiles
mini missiles look above
short range missiles look above
medium range missiles three per missiles Launchers

Primary Purpose:
Secondary Purpose:
Varies with mini-missile type.
Missile Type:
Can fire any standard mini-missile type,
but GAW sells the FAV with six (6) mini missiles

High Explosive (5D6 M.D. to a 5 foot/1.5 m blast radius)

six Fragmentation (5D6 M.D. to a 20 foot/6.1 m

blast radius) mini-missiles.

Rate of Fire:
One at a time or volleys of 2, 4, or 6.
Effective Range: About 1 mile (1.6 km).
Mark II
12, six mini-missiles per launcher. Each
Mark III

Short range missiles any max range 5 miles
12 Short range missiles per Launcher
Fire and forget system
Add+3 to strike

3. Systems of Note:

Basic radio with 5 mile (8 km) range,
passive nightvision with 2000 foot (610 m) range, and souped up for fast turns and evasive maneuvers (half the usual piloting penalties for trick and evasive moves)
+20 % piloting skills
Add+4 dodge
Roll add+2 roll
Prowl +25
Stealth model covert infiltration Mark V
Mark IV (top wheel and only )and Mark IVB(button muti
-propulsion system hover or anti-gravity for phase world )
Three per Launcher
Medium range missiles any
Max range 10 miles
Standard range up to 40 miles
Fire and forget missiles system
Add+1d6 to strike (roll)

Main Body 200 rest M.D.C. Location same
Max speed 300 MPH (wheel) but hover systems for flying up to 550MPH
Surface water 45MPH
Underwater 30
Max depth 2000 feet
rest of stat from Mark IV
-25 detention

M.D.C. by Location:
Power System:
Weapon Systems:
Special features

Base Weight: 10 tons max weight capacity loaded unless mention other wised look at M.D.C BELOW !!!

M.D.C. by Location:

Roll a 1d4 one time from Number 1 to 4

1.Pre rifts Amour design GAW design

2. I.R.A.H Amour design

3.R.A.H Amour design

4. R.A.H 2.0 Amour design

Can only have one extra from number 5 to 7 but number8 can be added too hull of tank and for number 5 to 7 for weight look at each description
5.armored hull plating
6.armored kit
7.Retractable armored
8.Case Amour

Roll a 1d10 and it follows this way each systems weight half a tons ( or 1000 pounds ) for number 1 to 15

• Standard Rechargeable Force Field
• Rechargeable Force Field
• Phase world Force Field,
• Magnetic Deflection Shield,
• Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field,
• Magnetic Field,
• Omni-directional Force Field,

can have any combination or the same as a primary and secondary Force Field systems,9 reroll or pick GM call,0 player reroll or pick

9. Standard Rechargeable Force Field
10.Rechargeable Force Field
11.Phase world Force Field
12.Magnetic Deflection Shield
13.Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field
14.Magnetic Field
15.Omni directional Force Field

If desired can b standard hull or pick one and only one add 4 tons for number 16 to 18
16.Laser Resistant Armor
17.Stealth Coating
18.Variable Camouflage Coating/Armor

Number 1
second generation M.D.C armored units for Pre-rifts earths it been used by G.A.W.
look above

Number 2
M.D.C. by Location:
The following is called improved second generation reinforced amour hull or I.R.A.H but has been developed for next gen tank design (Iron Hammer Main Battle Tank, Iron Fist Medium Tank, Iron Maiden APC-10 but still planning phase )and has been tested weight the stays the same max weight
Double M.D.C
( an example )
https://www.deviantart.com/zhuyukun/art ... -706802578

* Headlights (4) — 3 each
* Hardened Tires (4) – 50 each
* Roof Gun - 100
Shield Gun Roof 125
* Missile Launcher (2) - 100 each
* Exposed Rear Mounted Engine - 175
** Main Body – 164 ( open rooster pit )
Crew compartment (2) 40( optional max add up to 240)

Number 3 R.A.H
This third generation Refined armored hull[spoiler]is slight stronger armored hull for main battle tanks R.A.H weight base
Round of M.D.C
( an example )

https://www.deviantart.com/scoobylt/art ... -482700315

* Headlights (4) — 3 each
* Hardened Tires (4) - 50 each
* Roof Gun - 150
Shield Gun Roof 200
* Box Style Missile Launcher (2) - 120 each
* Exposed Rear Mounted Engine – 200
** Main Body – 200
Cockpit compartment (2) 100( can add up to 240 )

Number 4 R.A.H 2.0

Fourth generation reinforced heavy armored hull called systems mainly a better or R.A.H 2.0
this add weight at cost of getting ridiculous amount of protection at cost of getting additional tons added to 50% . This advanced armored hull equal to phase world technology and not of rifts earths designs . Track vehicles in rifts earth bet -10 to pilot it ,however A.I systems or better negates this.
But only two systems it can run is track or Gravitonic Technology, no hover systems possible yet.
Triple M.D.C

M.D.C. by Location:
* Headlights (4) — 3 each
* Hardened Tires (4) - 50 each
* Roof Gun - 250
* Box Style Missile Launcher (1) - 200 each
* Exposed Rear Mounted Engine - 250
Rear armored Engine Mount 240
** Main Body - 250 ( open rooster pit )
Cockpit compartment (2) 100 ( can add up to 240 )


Armored ADD ON:

Number 5 armored hull plating
[spoiler]systems it just gives additional 200 M.D.C to main body and 100 extra M.D.C to base M.D.C within the hull add just 1000 lds(pounds)per section or a specific area just add 100 M.D.C extra still 500 ld. This design is from Rifts earth however phase World tech 100 TO 300 the M.D.C but weight is 200 lds per area lighter material are been used.
Additional M.D.C. armor to mega-damage vehicles and robots: 10,000 credits per every 10 M.D.C. points; usually limited to 100 to 200 M.D.C. maximum RIFTS EARTH . You can say before force fields were made and can be add to any of the hulls [spoiler] Number 6 armored kit

Number 6 armored kit
[spoiler] The next are added armored kit only heavy weight this adds 500 lds per section they are added to the following sides front armored, left armored side, right armored side, under armored belly ,rear armored this applies to main body only can place on main turret as well front armored, left armored side, right armored side , top armored , and rear armored. Considered this poor man’s shields but easily replace in matter of minutes, but if reaches zero that side can take damage directly to hull ,it is possible for some being to parry or an dedicated A.I systems but N.I systems can do easily.
Each cost weight is 500 lds and M.D.C MAX 240 EACH !!
Requirement track systems or Gravitonic Technology systems only

Number 7 Retractable armored

This another phase world tech before forces Retractable armored came like armored kit ,but are add only heavy weight this adds 600 lds per( 250 lds in phaseworld ) they are added to the following sides front armored, left armored side, right armored side, under armored belly ,rear armored this applies to main body only can place on main turret as well front armored, left armored side, right armored side , top armored , and rear armored. Considered this poor man’s shields but easily replace in matter of minutes, but if reaches zero that side can take damage directly to hull ,it is possible for some being to parry or an dedicated A.I systems but N.I systems can do easily.
Each cost weight is one ton and M.D.C MAX 240 EACH And add 15 AWE /Horror factor roll as well . Only phase world tech can add armored kit .

Number 8 Case Amour
Case Amour is special feature that can be added to any of the following Number 1 to 7. IF ammo get hot or cook and start blowing .the armored is design to funnel or blow away from Military vehicles if the crew or vehicle is heavily damage and maybe able to salvage as well .Even if there are Force Field it won’t affect or blow is design this hard outside but soft the inside like an egg . Can be combined with and of the armored hulls

Number 9 Rechargeable Force Field:

Standard Rechargeable Force Field:
One of the most impressive
"new" developments by the geniuses at Triax is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system. The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial at-tack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser can-not be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 8-24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. Al-though the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 4.2 M.D.C. per hour, even minor damage (25 M.D.C. or less) will require eight hours to be restored (the 4.2 M.D.C. per hour cannot appear sooner than 8 hours, it's the way the sys-tem works). Restoring all 100 M.D.C. takes 24 hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the X-1000. It weight 1000 lds

Improved Rechargeable Force Field:
One of the most impressive "new advance " developments by the geniuses at Triax/Japan is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system. The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial attack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser can-not be fired when the force field is engaged, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. Al-though the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 20 M.D.C. per hour
From 480 M.D.C or 1d4x100 +80 . It weight 500 lds

Number 10 Phase world Force Field:

One of the most impressive "old" developments by the geniuses at PW is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system(this before Magnetic Deflection Shield ,Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field ) . The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial at-tack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser cannot be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 1d6 hour , even minor damage . Restoring all M.D.C. takes hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 to 600 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the of MBT. It weight 500 lds

From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field

Number 11 Magnetic Deflection Shield
This is not a variable force field, its entire M.D.C. must be depleted before any attacks can impact the armor. Once depleted to zero, the shield is gone and requires eight hours to come back online. Otherwise, it regenerates damage at a rate of one point per melee round. It weight 500 lds

Magnetic Deflection Shield — 600

Number 12 Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field

Many spaceships do not rely on their armor alone. Military and large spacecrafts have force field generators to supplement their armor. They are useful not only against enemy attacks, but against radiation, atmospheric re-entry heating, meteor storms and other dangers. Small commercial ships have a simple, full force field that protects the entire vessel with the same M.D.C. value. Military and large ships can manipulate the "density" of the variable force field over specific parts of the ships. This results in six different shield values, one each for the front, back, left and right side, top an bottom. All six sides have the same basic M.D.C. value, but they can shift M.D.C. points from one lo-cation to the next, or put the total M.D.C. points on one location! Damage on the force fields is subtracted on each side separately.
From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field
From 120 to 820 roll 1d8( or 2d4)x100+20 to know base heavy force field
Requirement no track or wheelbase system any hover systems allowed

Example of Variable Force Fields:
A ship with a force field of 1,000 M.D.C. per section (6000 total) can vary shield density from one location to another. It could shift 500 M.D.C. from the back to raise the M.D.C. of the front to 1,500, or even put all shield power on the front for 6,000 M.D.C. of protection, and zero on the rest of the ship. Or, if the left side has been depleted by 300 points due to an attack, the ship could replace the 300 by taking it from the other side, and so on. Remember, for space and air vehicles there are six sides, front, back, right side, left side, top and bottom. It weight 500 lds

Number 13 Variable Camouflage Coating/Armor:

By cannibalizing a number of Naruni Variable Camouflage armors, or cutting up a camouflage tarp, you can create cloaking technology for a vehicle. Cost: An Operator who happens to have a dozen or so suits of armor and can carve it up and place it on a vehicle would charge about 160,000 to 220,000 credits for motorcycles/hovercycles (using about 2 suits), 470,000 to 830,000 credits for cars/trucks (using 6 to 8 suits), and 1.6 to 3.5 million credits for haulers, buses and transports (using 20 or more suits) for the armors, and roughly 20,000 credits per square foot of vehicle to cover it with the camouflage tarp (includes labor). The only way to get original or true armor is to find a Naruni dealer and ask them to make it for your vehicle, which would be a very expensive option. The sales representative will most definitely milk you for all he can! If a player is still willing to do this, use the vehicle armor prices above, but increase the prices by a factor of 20! It weight 500 lds

Number 14 Magnetic Field:

Much like a "low-tech" force field, this unit generates a powerful magnetic field. On the positive side, it deflects and reduces the impact of several high-tech weapons. On the down side, it hinders radio communication, plays havoc with radar, and can immobilize a vehicle if it's trapped in a city or iron ore deposit. Some consider this type of defense as much of a hindrance as it is a help, and others prefer not to use it, but a few crazy Operators do offer such devices as defensive countermeasures. All rail gun rounds (typically iron flechettes or slugs), ion blasts and plasma blasts are influenced by magnetic fields (most of these weapon systems use a magnetic field to launch and direct their devastating effects). Iron/steel projectiles (either magical or mundane) and electrical attacks (magical or mundane) are slowed down/dissipated or deflected enough to reduce the damage inflicted by the attack. Cost: A Light Magnetic Field Generator reduces the damage from incoming attacks by 25%, costs 10,000 credits, and will consume a standard E-Clip in 8 hours of use. A Medium Magnetic Field Generator reduces damage from in-coming attacks by 50%, costs 25,000 credits, and will consume a standard E-Clip in 4 hours of use. A Heavy Magnetic Field Generator reduces damage from incoming attacks by 75%, costs 60,000 credits, and will consume a standard E-Clip in 2 hours of use. Also note that any cyborg or character with any metal/iron/ steel in or on his body will be kept at bay (minimum of 10 feet/3 m), as if an invisible creature with a Supernatural Strength of 15, 30 or 45, respectively, were pushing the character away. The cost also includes magnetic shielding that protects the vehicle's cargo
and passengers, however the moment someone steps outside the vehicle while the system is activated, any metal he is carrying or wearing will be instantly flung 20 feet (6 m) away from the vehicle due to the repulsion of the magnetic field (and likely the character with it)!
Hardened Electronics: Most civilian vehicles are hardened against EMP (Electromagnetic Pulses), ion discharges and lightning strikes (all of which can disable the electronics and therefore, the vehicle itself). Most wheeled vehicles with rubber tires are naturally protected from electricity (due to the insulating rubber tires), but the use of directed ionic/electrical attacks, and especially EM pulses, can wreak havoc with a wheeled or hover vehicle's electrical systems. As an optional rule to make use of this phenomenon (or to add some more spice into your campaign), any vehicle struck with an electrical attack may be required to make a save vs electricity (16+) to prevent critical systems from being fried in the attack, shorting out the vehicle and forcing it to roll (or crash) to a stop. To protect the vehicle insulation, circuit breakers and special electrical conduits can be used to deflect the flow of electricity away from sensitive areas. Electronic systems can also be outfitted with Hardened Electronics, which can survive EM pulses, ion blasts and even lightning strikes (most military vehicles have this). To purchase this feature for your customized vehicle, add a 50% increase in the price of all electronics, sensors, computer systems and other related features to cover the protection of those systems. Any electrical attacks will simply leave burn marks on the armor (doing normal damage) without damaging the delicate electronics inside. It weight 500 lds

Number 15 Phase world Omni-directional Force Field :

One of the most impressive "old" developments by the geniuses at Phase world is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system(this before Magnetic Deflection Shield ,Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field ) . The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial attack. There are two drawbacks, however: one, the laser cannot be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 1d6 hour , even minor damage . Restoring all M.D.C. takes hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 to 600 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the of MBT. Sadly the main draw back of this shield it has 180 degrees cover which means mines or similar devices can bypass Omni directional Force Field . It weight 500 lds

From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field

Number 16 Phase world Advance Omni directional Force Field :

One of the most impressive "old" developments by the geniuses at Phase world is an M.D.C. force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system(this before Magnetic Deflection Shield ,Gravitonic Technology variable Force Field ) . The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, or an incoming barrage, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial attack. There are one drawbacks, however: one, can be fired when the force field is engaged, and two, 24 hours is needed to recharge the M.D.C. of the force field. the force field recharges at a rate of roughly 1d6 hour , even minor damage . Restoring all M.D.C. takes hours. Depleting the force field of its 100 to 600 M.D.C. results in an automatic shutdown of the generating system, and all subsequent attack damage is subtracted from the body of the of MBT. Sadly the main draw back of this shild it has 180 degrees cover which means mines or similar devices can bypass Omni directional Force Field . It weight 500 lds

From 120 to 420 roll 1d4x100 +20 to know base light force field
From 120 to 620 roll 1d6x100+20 to know base Medium force field

Number 17 Laser Resistant Armor:

Not many people know how to make the laser resistant armor of the Glitter Boy (save Free Quebec, Triax and the KLS Corporation), though most of these places usually won't waste their valuable armor technology and resources on simple vehicles. The size, mobility and effectiveness of a single
Glitter Boy makes the effort and cost in designing and building a laser resistant APC with a Boom Gun and pylons pointless. Mind you, an Operator looking for an interesting challenge could salvage several Glitter Boy suits (good luck with that), remove the plating and cover the APC with enough pieces/parts to armor a vehicle. Of course, it would still be cheaper (and much less of an effort) to repair all the collected Glitter Boys. Most Operators with a nanobot tool kit will typically charge 10,000 credits per 10 M.D.C. to make repairs to Chromium armor (whether customized or on the original Glitter Boy)
one of their force fields (depending on the time line and location of your campaign, this could be easy or very difficult). However, you are still going to need an inventive Operator to make the modifications necessary to turn a personal force field into a vehicular force field. Another option is to cannibalize the Triax force field from their Ulti-Max robotic vehicle. Cost: Hovercycles and motorcycles are limited to a modified personal force field, and an operator would probably charge about 5,000 credits for the modification on top of the price of the force field (which range from 40,000 credits for a light force field generator/harness to 200,000 credits for a heavy force field generator/harness). Large hover vehicles, cars, trucks and the like can only be outfitted with robot sized force fields (double M.D.C. but 10 times the cost), and an Operator will typically charge 10,000 to 25,000 credits, depending upon the size of the vehicle, for the installation. See Rifts® Mercenaries, pages 125 and 126, for more details and prices of the units. If the unit overloads or is damaged, an Operator familiar with the technology can attempt to fix it, but finding such an Operator may prove to be quite difficult (unless you get lucky and stumble upon a Naruni dealer and his sales team). Such repairs are likely to cost half the original cost of the unit

Number 18 Stealth Coating:

Stealth or radar invisible coatings do exist out there, but are usually used for aircraft. Aerial hovercraft could conceivably use the technology, but finding it is half the challenge! (A possible adventure to find the blueprints and manufacturing process on its own, and could be a very interesting ride!) But typical radar defensive technology is not usually employed with ground-to-ground activities due to the fact that radar is rarely used as the main sensory/navigation tool. An Operator using a nanobot tool kit could make repairs to a damaged paint job (with at least 25% of the paint still intact) for around 25,000 to 100,000 credits depending upon the amount remaining

Speed/ Engines and Propulsion Systems:

Fuel Efficiency Modification (adds 20% to 50 % range):

500 credits Souped-Up Engine (adds 30% to 90% maximum speed of vehicles):
1,000 credits; .

Oversized (truck or tractor size): 2000 credits per pair.
Large (tank size): 20,000 credits per pair. Weight limit : 100 tons

Hover Jets systems :

Small wheels
20,000 per pair.

Hover Jets:

Directional (vehicular): 10,000 per pair.

Hover Jets: Main Thrusters (vehicular):
40,000 per pair. Weight limit : varies

Note: All wheels and treads are of superior strength and quality.
Wheels have 20 M.D.C. each, Weight limit : varies
Treads: 100 M.D.C. per each unit, Weight limit : varies
Pontoons: 100 M.D.C., Weight limit : varies
Hover Jets: 15 (small or directional) Weight limit : varies
45 M.D.C. for each main thruster jet. Weight limit : varies

Hover Jets

A super sophisticated twin engine system, with bottom and rear jet thrusters and V/STOL capabilities. This unique propulsion system offers ground and air capabilities. The Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) means the robot can hover stationary above the ground, make vertical take-offs and landings (fly straight up and down), as well as low altitude flight. The robot / vehicle will obviously have some sort of visible hover propulsion system. Estimated Mileage on a liquid fuel is 50 miles (80 km) per one gallon. Electrical power systems buy the amount of time powered by and nuclear power systems unlimited Basic System Cost: 500,000 credits;
requires at least four jets, and/or can be linked to a nuclear or TW power source (cost an extra 100,000 credits for the link plus cost of other power supply).

Maximum Speed:
400 mph
Maximum Altitude: 20,000 feet (6,096 m).
Weight limit : 5 tons

Concealed Micro-Hover System

A concealed hover jet system of tiny jet boosters built into humanoid or animal or vehicles . The hover jets are strategically located in the feet, hips, back, chest and/or underbelly or others . When not engaged, the jets are completely unnoticeable. Basic System Cost: 500,000 credits; can be linked to the nuclear power system for an additional 100,000 credits. Maximum Speed: 200 mph (320 km).

Maximum Altitude:
500 feet (152 m).

Weight limit :
5 tons

Nitro Booster:

Essentially spare tanks that hold N20 (Nitrous Oxide, a.k.a. laughing gas) used to temporarily enhance an engine's performance. The basic principle behind this is that air is made up of 20% oxygen and 80% nitrogen; Internal Combustion Engines use air in the combustion of fuel to produce power. Nitro Boosters provide "special" air for the combustion process in the form of N20 gas (which is 40% oxygen and 60% nitrogen), pro-viding more oxygen for the combustion process and thus a more efficient burn. You could also use pure oxygen and supplement it with normal air, but that requires a mixer and special sensors to regulate the air intake (as too much oxygen will quickly corrode engine parts or create excessive explosive forces that could destroy the engine). The downside to Nitro Boosters is that S.D.C. vehicles quickly burn out their engines due to the excessive heat created in the process (it also gets expensive repairing and re-placing the burned out components). With the advent of M.D.C. materials, engine parts can withstand the heat and function better using the Nitro Boosters, but then you are still limited by your supply of the gas. Each tank (about half the size of a S.C.U.B.A. tank (roughly 6 inches/15 cm diameter by 18 inches/46 cm long) weighs about 20 lbs (9 kg) and holds enough gas for two melee rounds of use (30 seconds) with N20 or one minute with 02 (Oxygen). The effect in game terms raises the maximum speed of the vehicle by 4 Speed Classes for the duration of the tank. Multiple tanks can be installed (though be wary of cargo space). If it's a retrofitted S.D.C. vehicle roll a 1D6 every time the Nitro Booster is used; rolling a "1" means the engine has been damaged and will need repairs soon (also reduce Speed Class by 2 levels). For every "1" rolled, roll 1D6 again; a second rolled "1" means that something has blown in the engine (gasket, valve, piston, etc.) and the engine is quickly dying. The longer the vehicle continues to operate, the more damage is done to the engine. The engine will last 1D4 melee rounds until it completely seizes up and the car rolls to a stop. M.D.C. engine components can be installed, but such a task is expensive to accomplish. Note: This option is only available on Internal Combustion Engines. Cost: Tank 100 credits each (50 credits to refill with gas), installation into an In-ternal Combustion Engine costs 300 credits (includes mounts for tanks), and an additional 5,000 credits for M.D.C. components/ engine parts (pistons, gaskets, engine block, etc.)

Weight limit :IDK

"Feather Fall" System:

This is a booster jet system that is used to assist hovercraft and small maneuverable, wheeled vehicles to fall from dangerous heights. For hovercraft these are additional auxiliary thrusters that automatically engage when the vehicle exceeds its maximum travel height (such as ridding over a cliff) and gently slows the fall of the craft until it returns to its operating range. Wheeled vehicles use the booster jet system to slow their descent then rely on a special impact absorbing suspension system. Juicers, Crazies and other daring pilots have popularized a secondary use of the system. By manually activating the booster jet system at high speeds, they can "jump" with the vehicle. This allows the vehicle to jump ravines, obstacles on the road or make a quick escape from weapon fire or mini-missile

Weight limit :IDK

Vector Thrusting and Enhanced Control Fins:

The ideal control system for any hovercraft enthusiast! The vector thrusting offers maximum control over the vehicle' positioning. Sleek and contoured control fins also add maximum efficiency and ease of control during high-speed flights. Bonuses: +5% to 20% roll 1d4x5 % piloting skill, +1d4 to dodge while traveling over 10 mph (16 km). Weight limit : look at armor above
Cost: 10,000 credits.

Basic Contragravity drive systems
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -934853600
Limited flying abilities. Unlike conventional hover vehicles, the A.P.C uses a contragravity system and can fly at speeds of 120 mph (192 km) to a maximum altitude of 1000 feet (305 m) in the air. The disadvantage of flying is that the tank is designed to fight close to the ground. In the air its under belly is vulnerable and its weapon systems are at -4 to strike any object beneath it (no penalties at shooting those in front or above it). Note: The MBT is not a hover tank. It does not have vulnerable fans or thrusters underneath so it can add hover systems .

Weight limit : look at armor above

Improved Contragravity drive systems (mainly Maneuverability )

Speed: 200 mph (320 km)

maximum speed over land. Can hover up to 5 feet (1.5 m) above ground and travel without pe-alty over swamps and mud, but it is too heavy to hover above or on water
Weight limit : look at armor above

low-power contra-gravity drive

[spoiler] Limited flight capabilities. Has no maximum altitude (can reach orbit, or even land from orbit!) but at altitudes higher than 100 feet (30.5 m), speed decreases to a crawling 80 mph (128 km). Also, the belly plates of the vehicle are vulnerable, so attacks from the ground below inflict double damage

Weight limit :IDK


Power System:

All have the following features: Powered systems:
•gasoline engine, ZERO OR
• electric motor, weight 500 LDS
• nuclear engine (life-time of 10 years) add 500 Lds
• Gravitonic Drive add 1,000 phase world add weight 1 tons
• Super-Solar Engine 500 LDS
• Alternative Fuel Systems weight 500 LDS

Nuclear power

[spoiler] Nuclear energy is the most popular form of energy used in

robots and high-tech machinery. The power supply is surprisingly compact, safe, and has a long lifetime even under constant use. Any high-tech town, including `Burbs and places that cater to mercenaries and adventurers, can make repairs.
Weight 500 lds

One Year: One million credits.
Two Years: 1 million credits.
Five Years: 2 million credits.
Ten Years: 3 million credits.
Twenty Years: 4 million credits

Super-Solar Engine

This system utilizes a power source that collects sunlight into a super high-efficiency conversion engine and generator. This is an excellent, clean power

source with an indefinite life span. Of course, it is limited in that it must rely on a source of solar energy. Requires some form of locomotion, preferably wheels or hover system.
The system functions superbly while exposed to sunlight. An energy storage unit stores up to 8 hours worth of power, during which time the robot operates at full capacity. After the eighthour reserve is used up, the robot must recharge via solar light energy or manually recharge from another source of electrical energy. Without a recharge, an emergency reserve engages, but it has a mere four hour capacity. While the emergency reserve is engaged, all unnecessary functions will be shut down. Speed is reduced by 20%, attacks per melee are reduced by half, and no energy weapons can fire. At the end of the emergency reserve (4 hours), the robot /Vehicle shuts down completely and will remain inert (like a person in a coma or deep sleep) until recharged by sun-light or electricity.
As a superior fail safe, many robots utilizing a super-solar system often combine it with a one or two year nuclear power system. The combination can extend the life of the nuclear bat-tery to approximate five years, by switching back and forth from nuclear power to solar. The nuclear and solar combination means that the nuclear power serves as the reserve and enables the robot to operate at full capability and full firepower at all times. Solar can be a good, reliable system if proper caution is used.

Basic System Cost: Two million credits, complete with a special generator, recharge unit and reserve battery

Techno-Wizard System

This is an energy system that utilizes magic with technology. The initial creation and powering of the unit is often time consuming and expensive. Repairs can also be expensive or a repair person impossible to find, as it requires a Techno-Wizard who has the expertise and sufficient P.P.E. to do the job. That having been said, TW power supplies are as reliable as nuclear power and completely clean and safe.
Speed increases by 20% when riding along a ley line, and piloting skills enjoy a +5% bonus.
One Year: 1 million credits.
Two Years: 2 million credits.
Five Years: 3 million credits.

Ten Years: 6 million credits..

Power System:
Magical by Major Elemental.

Suspected to be a Major Air and/or Water Elemental that appears to supply an endless, renewable source of energy and power Each seems to be a magical, M.D.C. suit of armor that contains an Elemental and to destroyed, a whirlwind of Elemental fire, icy wind, grit filled funnel or cloud of steam is released in a torrent of energy, leaving behind the body an unknown husk inside an empty shell of wires and cold steel.

As long a main engine is not destroy armored M.D.C 240
Years: 12 million

Alternative Fuel Systems Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

One problem with many of Northern Gun's most sophisticated creations is the high-cost of their power systems. Nuclear power cores are difficult to manufacture under any circumstances and add significantly to the base price of already expensive vehicles, robots, power armor systems and aircraft. For years, an alternative has been sought.
Sophisticated electric batteries are an option, but they require access to reliable power generation to recharge. For military units in the field and especially mercenaries and independents, this can often be a problem. (Vehicles with nuclear power plants can be rigged to do the job, but the charging process takes 1D4+1 hours, limits the vehicle doing the charging to only 10% of its normal speed and renders it totally unable to fire energy weapons.) Even the best batteries produced by Northern Gun can only offer roughly 100 hours of service life and are only fit for certain vehicles and light armor. This may not be a problem for city guards and local militia units, but for high-value customers like mercenaries and state armies, something superior is necessary.
Luckily, a solution was found amongst the pre-Rifts techno-logical remains that Northern Gun is both literally and metaphorically built upon. Certain pieces of mining equipment and civilian vehicles left behind from the Golden Age were powered not by nuclear cores, but by sophisticated Solid Oxide fuel cells. This technology is a remnant, a holdover from the end of the age of fossil fuels, and had much appeal to the Research & Development branch of NG.
The fuel cells are relatively cheap and very versatile, and can be manufactured using almost any fossil fuel, ranging from diesel to gasoline to natural gas, coal gas and even alcohol. Unlike conventional gasoline and diesel engines, Golden Age Solid Oxide cells have the capability to power even energy hogs like combat robots and high-speed hovercraft. They provide enough energy to utilize a vehicle or robot's built-in energy weapons without worrying about draining the battery. For the last few years, Northern Gun has been extensively marketing 'Solid OX' as a cheaper alternative to nuclear power systems and making Solid Oxide fuel cells available wherever NG products are carried.
Solid Oxide cells are quite simple to use. Insert a fresh fuel cell into the vehicle, armor or robot's cell port, twist the handle to activate, and you're done! The cell will provide robots and large vehicles with energy for approximately four weeks (28 days) be-fore running out, or roughly eight weeks (56 days) for power armor, hovercycles and light vehicles, after which it will need to be returned to an official Northern Gun outlet to be recharged and rebuilt. NG buys back used but undamaged fuel cells for 15% of their list price, a nice incentive for customers to return their cells which also saves Northern Gun when it comes to overall manufacturing costs (and is good for the environment).
Solid Oxide fuel cells come in two types, Standard and Heavy-Duty. Standard fuel cells are for hovercycles, personal vehicles, light power armor and devices like jet packs. Heavy-Duty fuel cells are for tanks, combat robots, power armor

Standard Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Weight: 42 lbs (19 kg).
Duration: 1,400 hours (approximately eight weeks of constant use).
Protective Casing: 15 M.D.C.
Cost: 40,000 credits.

Heavy-Duty Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Weight: 221 lbs (99.5 kg).
Duration: 700 hours (approximately four weeks of constant use). Protective Casing: 30 M.D.C.
Cost: 120,000 credits.

The Dangers and Limitations of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

The first thing anyone who

handles Solid Oxide fuel cells realizes is that they run hot. The average temperature of a Solid OX cell in use is 1,000 degrees C (1,832 F)! The cells tend to stay hot for a long time after being powered down as well, so work-ing with them requires special heavy equipment, welder's gloves, masks and sometimes even heat suits. Touching an exposed hot fuel cell will inflict 1D4 M.D. to Mega-Damage creatures and 2D4x10 S.D.C. to human beings. For humans, these are third-degree burns and will result in permanent scarring.
Solid Oxide fuel cells are also less bountiful in their reserves of power than the nuclear cores that many customers are accus-tomed to. Using a Solid OX powered vehicle or robot to charge another vehicle's batteries will drain 50% of its energy life. Ar-mor, robots and military vehicles that have replaced non-energy ballistic

weapons like rail guns and missile launchers with energy weapons or added extra energy weapons will also put a strain on the system, cutting the fuel cell's life span by 25%.
In addition to their functional limitations, Solid Oxide fuel cells are also extremely volatile and will react explosively if their outer casing is ruptured. Reduce the M.D.C. of a fuel cell to 5 M.D.C. or less and there is a 50% chance of it exploding every minute (4 melee rounds). Reduce it to zero and it explodes immediately. A Standard Solid OX fuel cell does 4D6 M.D. to everything in a 6 foot (1.8 m) radius. The Heavy-Duty Solid OX cell does 1D6x10 M.D. to a 10 foot (3 m) radius. If a fuel cell is exposed and it is detonated while still inside the vehicle, all damage is done directly to the main body and utterly destroys

the power system, requiring complete replacement and extensive repairs (1D4 million credits and days for repairs

Converting Vehicles to Use Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

In addition to selling the fuel cells and offering fuel cell sys-tems as an option on new products, Northern Gun also offers con-version packages for older NG equipment and even competitors' models. They are more than happy to convert the vehicles of rival companies to use their Solid Oxide systems, for which they are the only provider of fuel cells. They even offer free installation at most official NG stores. Northern Gun envisions a day when Solid OX has replaced nuclear power packs as the most common and affordable vehicle fuel system in North America.
The conversion kits that they produce have been appearing at third party arms merchants and in the hands of the Black Market, just as Northern Gun intends. They are relatively simple to install, predesignated to be partially modular and to fit right into the cavity left behind when a standard nuclear core is extracted. The job can be handled by any skilled Operator (01-94% chance of success) with access to heavy machinery or an assistant with Robotic or Supernatural P.S. to do the heavy lifting. Removing the old nuclear

Solid Oxide Conversion Kits

Jetpack or Small Power Unit: 25,000 credits.

Motorcycle or Hovercycle: 30,000 credits.
Personal Vehicle. Hovercar or ATV: 45,000 credits.
Power Armor: 75,000 credits. Includes built-in storage for one spare, Standard Solid OX fuel cell.
Combat Robots & Patrol Boats: 125,000 credits. Includes built-in
storage for one spare, Heavy-Duty Solid OX fuel cell. Aircraft. Military Large Construction Vehicles & Large Boats, Barges and Small Ships: 200,000 credits.

Electric Batteries

Northern Gun has always offered certain hovercycles and small vehicles with rechargeable electric batteries as a power source, but since the premiere of the Gladius exoskeleton sev-eral years ago, Northern Gun's engineers have become proficient with designing large batteries and charging systems. Most North-ern Gun vehicle and robot designs now offer electric batteries as a power option with a standard 96 hour field life, good for roughly 4-12 days of use in the field depending on the level of exertion. This lifespan doubles to 144 hours for light units like most man-sized power armor, light robot drones, exoskeletons and hover-cycles. These smaller units require a single battery, power armor and medium-sized vehicles need two batteries, and combat robots and larger vehicles require four batteries connected in series. NG offers recharging services for a pittance (takes three hours us-ing specially designed NG recharging stations, 5 hours via other means, to fully charge a system's batteries, no matter how many batteries the system uses), and often recharging is thrown in free for customers purchasing other products.
Electric batteries are very versatile and can be recharged from almost any medium to heavy generator, power grid or vehicle/robot/power armor with a nuclear power supply. Batteries can also be used as portable power generators while their charge lasts, capable of running a building's lights or powering up a few limited mechanical systems. Connecting a battery to a power grid or trying to use it as a replacement for a real generator requires an Operator or someone with the Electrical Engineer or Electricity Generation skill, otherwise it will quickly cause an overload and render the battery useless, totally dead and unable to be re-charged.

NG Electric Battery Power System

Weight: Each battery weighs roughly 31 lbs (14 kg).
Duration: 96 hours or 4 days of continuous use in robots and heavy vehicles. 144 hours or 6 days of continuous use in most man-sized power armor (9 feet/2.7 m and smaller), hovercycles, rocket bikes and light vehicles.
Protective Casing: 10 M.D.C.
Recharge Cost: 200 credits per battery at most NG stores and other weapon dealers and stores. However, a friend or good Samaritan may recharge a battery at no charge whatsoever. Takes 5 hours to charge a battery to full power (3 hours at an NG outlet). Cost: 90,000 to install the electric battery system and 25,000 credits per each NG electric battery used, and for replacement batteries. Otherwise, the life of an electric battery under normal use is five years; 1D4 years under combat conditions
Last edited by ZINO on Fri Nov 25, 2022 2:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Part 2 The Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV)

On turret
G.A.W mark II Models will have one weapon systems and can be converted to remote control
MARK III and up Models will have one weapon systems and can be converted to remote control
N.A.A.Ts Models will always have two or three different weapon systems
Plus whatever other weapons

Weapon system remote control turrets

This comes from Abrams MBT Pre rifts abilities
This Originally built into the turret Abrams main gun fires explosive shells at visible targets (line up in the targeting sights and fire and forget systems is only +1 to strike if the target is "painted" with a laser designator). The tank may also operate like an artillery unit, firing at a set of coordinates without actually seeing the target (-2 to strike). The autocannon is built into the turret, and the turret can rotate 360 degrees and can aim up and down in a 60 degree angle, allowing the tank to engage low-flying aircraft and other types of slow flyers (however, it is -3 to hit flying targets moving faster than 80 mph/128 km). The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment.

APC rifts updated abilities NAAT,S ONLY
Originally from Abrams main gun fires explosive shells at visible targets (line up in the targeting sights and fire and forget systems is only +1d4+1 to strike if the target is "painted" with a laser designator). The tank may also operate like an artillery unit, firing at a set of coordinates without actually seeing the target (-2 to strike). This built into the turret, and the turret can rotate 360 degrees and can aim up and down in a 85 degree angle, allowing the tank to engage low-flying aircraft and other types of slow flyers (however, it is -3

to hit flying targets moving faster than 500 mph). The gun is controlled by a gunner inside the turret compartment or A.I Systems can take over. There additional feature to this adding a fly probe and are invaluable even in rifts earth ( Additional Modifying M.D.C. Vehicles)

for standard models pick one weapon system from below for both top hatches
They can a single mounted weapon systems or dual mounted weapon systems and are remote control or can be operated manual.

For N.A.A.T’s models it uses the most advanced systems turrets available .It can pick three of the same or three different weapons systems from below 20 mm Autocannon, 30 mm Autocannon, 20 MM Chain gun, 30 MM Chain gun, Second generation M.D.C Heavy, Machine Gun H.M.G, WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher, Light Vulcan Laser Turrets, ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America ), rail gun or Gravitonic weapon systems !!!!

20 mm Autocannon
30 mm Autocannon
20 MM Chain gun
30 MM Chain gun
Second generation M.D.C Heavy14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber:
Machine Gun H.M.G WEIGHT150 lds
WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher WEIGHT
Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book) WEIGHT
ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America )
WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher

WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher

This weapon resembles a bulky machinegun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon. It can disconnect from main turret in 2 attacks. It replaces the mini missiles that are used in G.AW Model.

Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is —1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt fed system. Weight: 130 lbs/58 kg(150 lbs/68 kg with an ammo belt).

Fragmentary: 4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).
Armor-Piercing: 1D4 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m). A burst is 10 rounds!
A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)!
A burst of Armor piercing grenades does 3D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

N.A.A.T’s Depleted uranium rounds
Fragmentary: 1d4x10+8 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).
Armor-Piercing: 1D6 x 10 M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m). A burst is 10 rounds!
If roll a 16 or better natural roll 50% damage to crew compartment or to crew directly if none
A burst of Depleted uranium fragmentary grenades inflicts 3D6 x 10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)!
A burst of Depleted uranium Armor piercing grenades does 4D6 x 10 M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.

Rate of Fire: Standard.
Maximum Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).

Payload: 40 round magazine (back up has four in tank )
200 round belt And ammo drum in turret 300 .
540 rounds
Rounds are divided by 2 for Armor piercing
And Fragmentary.

14mm Machinegun or 50 caliber:
A M.D.C machine gun loaded with Heavy Solid Slug bullets. The main section of the gun is protected by a metal shield. The gun is used mostly to fight off other light targets and to defend against aircraft.

There are three M.D.C Heavy Machinegun use on this model
One for driver
One on side mounted to main gun where if faces that where

the machinegun faces to and very helpful for light target or getting a lock with main gun (add +2) to strike when used
And last on the cupola for tank commander
Note commander is exposed when firing MD
Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel Secondary Purpose: Defense
1D4 for 30 Caliber per round
1d6 for 50 Caliber per round
1d8 for 12.7 or 114.5 or 15 mm rounds per round
30 Caliber per round 1000 rounds
1d6 for 50 Caliber per round 800 rounds
1d8 for 12.7 or 114.5 or 15 mm rounds per round 600 rounds

20 MM AutoCannon
There are M.D.C. 20 MM AutoCannon

Primary Purpose:
Anti-Vehicle, Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: built in
20 mm auto cannon can have higher

damage per round on later models

Solid slug rounds

1D10X10 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,

Standard rounds is 1d6x10 M.D.C for twenty round burst
No Depleted uranium rounds
Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon
3 miles

20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
1000 rounds
Railguns possible

20 MM Chain gun
Damage :
Short burst 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
Medium burst 1d6 x10 M.D that a 60-round burst,
Long burst 2d6 x10 M.D that a 120-round burst,counts as two attack
Full melee burst 4d6 x10 M.D that a 240-round burst,
N.A.A.T’s 20 MM Chain gun
1d6x10 M.D.C for TEN round burst
2d6x10 M.D.C for 20 round burst
3d6x10 M.D.C for 30 round burst
No Depleted uranium rounds

Effective Range:
20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun
3 miles

20 mm auto cannon /20 MM Chain gun

1000 rounds
Railguns 2500 rounds

30mm Auto-Cannon:
mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 2 tons
Mega-Damage: A burst is 10 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Normal Effective
Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200 burs

30mm China gun:
This mounted cannon is controlled by the co-pilot/gunner. It is used to "hose" enemy areas and to engage vehicles and infantry.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense Weight: 2 tons Mega-Damage:
No Depleted uranium rounds

M.D.C Solid slug
1 MDC PER round
10 rounds burst 1d10
20 rounds burst 5d4
30 rounds burst 5d6
40 rounds burst 1d4x10
50 rounds burst 5d10
60 rounds burst 1d6x10
80 rounds burst 2d4x10
100 rounds burst 1d10x10

120 rounds burst 2d6x10

240 rounds burst 4d6x10


A burst is 20 rounds and inflicts 2D6 x 10 M.D.; a single round does 3D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Normal Effective Range: 3 miles
Payload: 4000-round drum magazine; that's 200

N.A.A.T’s 20 MM Chain gun
3D6X10 DOE TEN ROUND Burst !!only

WI-40M Fire & Forget Super-Heavy Missile Launcher

This rarely added to turret but possible ( still one one).The WI-40M provides the firepower of a tank (for one melee round) and is advertised as "the heaviest man-portable missile launcher in the world." That's partially true. It is man-portable for anyone who can lug its 120 lbs (54 kg) of missile and crude, disposable launch trigger. This means the operator must be a creature with a P.S. of 24 or greater, otherwise it will require two or three men to transport it. The WI-40M is basically a medium-range missile with a plastic launching platform that has a handle and big trigger (big enough for the hand of most powered armor suits and giants). Once the missile is fired, the launching platform is ruined and discarded (the plastic has a recycle value of 2D4 x 10 credits). The exhaust of the rocket also inflicts 1D6 x 10 S.D.C. to anything within 15 feet of the shooter; it won't affect characters in M.D.C. armor, but will ignite brush fires or explode any fuels and other volatile flammables nearby. Despite those shortcomings, it is a new favorite of power armor pilots and borgs.
The missile system weighs 120 lbs (54 kg)
and is six feet (1.8 m) long.
Any medium-range missile can be used. It is usually
Armor-Piercing (2D4 x 10 M.D.),each
Fragmentation (2D4 x 10 M.D.) each
Plasma/Heat (2D6 x 10 M.D. or 5d6x10 for N.A.A.T, N.A.M.E.S OR A.M.C). Each

N.A.A.Ts Missiles add get +8 to strike fire if target can go higher then mach one if it does +5 strike
Armor-Piercing (3D4 x 10 M.D.), each if 17 or better by pass amour and it crew compartment
Fragmentation (4D6 x 10 M.D.) each blast radius 30 feet
Plasma/H.E.A.T (5D6 x 10 M.D. or 5d6x10 for N.A.A.T, N.A.M.E.S OR A.M.C). Each
Roll for strike 1d6

Rate of Fire: One-shot weapon
Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km).
The missile has less fuel than a vehicle-mounted medium-range missile. this system rarely used .

Payload: One. Per rack total four
A missile box containing four missiles and weighing 520 lbs (234 kg) is available.

Taking a missile out of its box and aiming it usually counts as two melee actions/attacks.

Light Vulcan Laser Turrets (1): ( rifts mercenary book)
This heavy, multi-barreled laser is used
for missile defense and anti-aircraft roles. Each is controlled by an independent gunner. One is mounted turret and only type . The wing turrets can rotate 360 degrees and fire on a 180 degree arc, sweeping the air above the aircraft.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
3d4 x 10 M.D. per blast.
4d4 x 10 M.D. per blast. Heavy version
Rate of Fire: Each turret can shoot up to six times per melee round.

Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828 m)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited pick one , tie to vechile power systems 3 per mellee
There are a light version 2d4x10 ,medium version 2D6 x 10 M.D. per blast and 4D6 x 10 M.D. per blast heavy version

ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle (Rifts South America )
This is a pre-Rifts design built to give infantrymen a chance against the armored behemoths that were dominating the battlefield. It is a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-clip in one single shot! The short comings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes one melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it

(cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble or weapon mount ). Also, they use up E-clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it.
Weight: 30 lbs. (13.5 kg)
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10+20 M.D. per shot
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; each shot empties an entire E-Clip
Effective Range: 9000 feet
Payload: 1 shot per E-Clip has or tie to vehicle other power systems 3 per melee Nuclear goes to 5 Payload unlimited !!

Black Market: not available , Black Market will return to NAAT/Guard Improved /AMC NAAT / Peacekeeper
Any Black Market that breaks this rule with punish to the extreme

Auto fire 81mm Medium Mortar
NOTE take up all the space in the rear no troops or other weapon systems only front weapon systems in front of battle taxi for defend only
The Sledgehammer is a larger mortar that fires rounds at greater ranges. Before the Rifts these weapons were issued to heavy weapons platoons at the battalion level. When broken down into component parts these mortars can be transported on foot by their crew of five troops. This mortar fires standard HE rounds against infantry and soft-skinned vehicles, but with the development of "smart" HEAT mortar rounds they are also effective against IFVs and tanks!
Weight: 89 lbs (40 kg).
Mega-Damage: Varies with ammunition type.
Ammunition Types: Uses the equivalent of grenades to inflict Mega-Damage.
Single shot

6D6 M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m).

High Explosive/HE:
4D6 M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m).

2D6 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m).

Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red).

Parachute Flares: Glides down and burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Brust fire two rounds

1d6x10 M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m) for each round

High Explosive/HE:
1d4x10+8M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m) for each round

4d6 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m) for each round

Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red).

Parachute Flares: Glides down and burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Brust fire four rounds

2d4x10M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m) for each round

High Explosive/HE:
1d6x10 M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m) for each round

1d4x10+8 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m) for each round
Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red).
Parachute Flares: Glides down and burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Brust fire ten rounds

6D6x10 M.D. to a blast radius of 12 feet (3.6 m) for each round

High Explosive/HE:
4D6x10 M.D. to a blast radius of 6 feet (1.8m) for each round

2D6x10 M.D. to a blast area of 20 feet (6.1 m) for each round

Smoke: Covers an area of 20 feet (6 m) in colored smoke (black, white, and red). for each round

Parachute Flares: Glides down and burns to illuminate the target area for ID6 minutes.

Rate of Fire: 1-2 shots per melee round
(characters with 5 or more attacks/actions per round can fire twice); each shot may include a minor adjustment and counts as three melee attacks.

Effective Range:
About 3 miles (4.8 km), the weapon has a min-imum range of 130 feet (40 m).

Payload: Single shot ,Brust fire two rounds ,Brust fire four rounds ,Brust fire four rounds
, Brust fire ten rounds
200 for each that 1000 round total

Cost: 4,500 credits for the mortar, bombs cost the same as CS hand grenades:
250 credits for fragmentation,
275 for High Explosive,
350 for plasma,
180 credits for smoke and flares

built in to mark III and up Smoke Launcher (4):
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius.
Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.

Rate of Fire:
One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.

Payload: 24 total.

Anti-Missile Chaff Dispenser, built in to mark III and up
Chaff: In the rear area of the aircraft is an eight-shot chaff launcher that fires cylinders holding thousands of small, reflec-tive aluminum streamers. When released, these streamers mask the Dagger's radar signature and also confuse incoming missiles (50% chance of deflecting normal missiles per Chaff Dispenser).
Payload: 24

Smoke Launcher look above
Located on one side or the other is a simple launcher that releases a smoke canister to create cover for himself or other troops. Under the cover of smoke the rider of the Snow Leopard can try to make a few quick maneuvers to lose any ground pursuers. Especially if he kicks in the boost· ejects. or to give other troops time to reposition. escape or prepare for the enemy. Range: Drops behind the as it speeds away.
Mega·Damage: None.
Creates a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius. Duration: 1d6+4 minutes: half in a strong wind.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4, with cumulative result .... to create a larger. wider or longer smoke cloud.
Payload: 24 total.

Close Combat:
The A.P.C may drive into and smash through light to heavy S.D.C. walls and structures as well as ram into and knock over giants and S.D.C. vehicles. It can also drive into and disperse enemy troops. The impact from a half speed ram is 1D4x10 M.D. from a full speed ram. A ram attack against humans, even in body armor or man-sized power armor, inflicts 1D6x10 M.D. and hurls the character 4D6 yards/meters (victim loses initiative and three melee attacks). Human-sized characters who get run over suffer 2D6x10+20 M.D.

CIWS Gatling Rail Guns (2):
This is a modern electromagnetic version of the pre-Rifts Phalanx Close-In Weapon System (CIWS). It is a last-ditch weapon system in-tended to destroy missiles and aircraft that sneak past the carrier group's other defenses. The C9OR is a six-barreled 20mm electromagnetic cannon that fires special depleted uranium-tipped armor piercing ammunition that shreds even mega-damage aircraft in a matter of seconds! Like its Phalanx predecessor the C9OR CIWS is an unmanned, automated weapon system that is controlled by a pair of radars - one radar to track the targets and another to guide the bullets to intercept the target.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft/Defense
Mega-Damage: A burst is 60 rounds and inflicts 3D4x 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: 6 attacks per melee round.
Effective Range: 6,000 feet (1828 m)
Radar Targeting Bonus: +4 to strike.
Payload: 6,000 rounds per gun, that's 100 bursts each

CIWS Beam Gatling Guns (2):
This is a modern electromagnetic version of the pre-Rifts Phalanx Close-In Weapon System (CIWS). It is a last-ditch weapon system intended to destroy missiles and aircraft that sneak past the carrier group's other defenses. The Beam Gatling is a six-barreled 20mm laser cannon that fires Beam shreds even mega-damage aircraft in a matter of seconds! Like its Phalanx predecessor the C9OR CIWS is an unmanned, automated weapon system that is controlled by a pair of radars - one radar to track the targets and another to guide the bullets to intercept the target.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft/Defense
Mega-Damage: A burst is 60 rounds and inflicts 3D4x 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: 6 attacks per melee round.
Effective Range: 6,000 feet (1828 m) or 3 miles
Radar Targeting Bonus: +4 to strike.
Payload: 1000 bursts each if not connect to power supply ,if connect unlimited
Weight 250 lds

CIWS Beam /Gatling Rail Guns (2):
This is a modern electromagnetic Rail Guns version with Beam fire capabilities of the pre-Rifts Phalanx Close-In Weapon System (CIWS). It is a last-ditch weapon system in-tended to destroy missiles and aircraft that sneak past the carrier group's other defenses. The Gatling Rail Guns/ Rail Guns is a 12 -barreled 20mm electromagnetic cannon that fires special depleted uranium-tipped armor piercing ammunition that shreds even mega-damage aircraft in a matter of seconds! Like its Phalanx predecessor the C9OR CIWS is an unmanned, automated weapon system that is controlled by a pair of radars - one radar to track the targets and another to guide the bullets to intercept the target.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft/Defense
Mega-Damage: A burst is 60 rounds and inflicts 3D4x 10 M.D. for each both can fire at the same that 4d6x10 M.D
Rate of Fire: 6 attacks per melee round.
Effective Range: 6,000 feet (1828 m)
Radar Targeting Bonus: +6 to strike.
Beam Gatling 1000 bursts each if not connect to power supply ,if connect unlimited

Gatling Rail Guns 12,000 rounds per gun, that's 200 bursts each

Weight 250 lds !!!

Additional Modifying M.D.C. Vehicles

Fuel Efficiency Modification
(adds 20% to 60% range):
1000 credits Souped-Up Engine (adds 30% to maximum speed of vehicles): 10,000 credits; not available for humanoid robots.

Launcher systems:

This system is added optional by crew but not recommended by staff,
unless need as interceptor missiles systems. No long missiles are possible for this design . This can be jury rig later in the field as both offensive and defensive system .

Mini-Missile Launcher:
200,000 credits standard WEIGHT 15 POUNDS

Short-Range Missile Launcher:
standard WEIGHT 30 POUNDS
300,000 credits for a three missile payload,

for a
-missile payload,
for a
-missile payload.

Medium-Range Missile Launcher:
standard WEIGHT 50 POUNDS

One million credits with a three-missile payload
1.5 million for a six missile payload.

Payload per launcher(2) for MARK III AND MARK IV
Mini-Missile Launcher 12 ONLY FOR G.A.W MARKII
Short-Range Missile Launcher: 6
Medium-Range Missile Launcher: 3

an additional Weapon Mounts:
1000 credits to mount a light weapon, WEIGHT none built in systems
2500 credits to mount a heavy or large weapon, none built in systems
5000 credits for a weapon turret (rotates 360 degrees). none built in systems
The cost of the weapon is extra.

Winch & Cable:
Mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle

is an electric winch; basically a motor connected to a cable and a hook.
The cable is 100 feet (30.5 m) long and can pull up to 5d6 tons. 2000 credits

Secret compartment: none built in systems
2000 credits small,
4000 credits medium
8000 credits large

Independent Environmental Pilot's Compartment:
The cab/driver area has 40 ( adding a M.D.C 240 for upgraded design ) M.D.C. and is airtight, with an independent oxygen supply, air-conditioning, and heating system, air purification and circulatory system (good for up to 96 hours). 50,000 credits or 100 credits for a 100 S.D.C . or 1 M.D.C compartment low end design .

The following are all 200 POUNDS or less G.M Call here
in less told otherwise in description

Voice Activated Locks & Ignition: 12,000 credits

Mini- Digital Radar system built into the dashboard: 3000 credits.

Laser Targeting System ( + 1 to strike): 50,000 credits

Targeting & Combat Computer:
+ 1 to strike, can identify 32,000
targets, and can be linked to radar and sensors. 500,000 credits

Heads-Up Display System: 10,000 credits

Computer and Monitor built into the dashboard: 5000 credits

Water dispenser: A refrigerated container that holds and cools drinking water. 400 credits.

Mini-microwave oven (for larger vehicles): 300 credits.

Searchlight: 200 credits

Infrared Search Light: 500 credits

Loudspeaker: 200 credits

Short-Range Communicator (4 miles/6.4 km range): 200 credits

backup systems

Long-Range Directional Radio (100 mile/160 km range):
Back up systems 1000 credits.

Video Camera(mounted inside or outside):
1200 credits (10 S.D.C.)
8000 credits (5 M.D.C.)

Radar Detector: 200 credits

Radiation Detector/Dosimeter: 200 credits

Calendar and Clock: 100 credits

Flying Probe

The latest in spy technology, the Flying Probe is exactly what it sounds like, a
hover, flying version of the walking Spider Probe. That also means the Flying Probe is used to track, find, follow and spy on the enemy as well as locate victims of a disaster, only it quietly flies instead of scurrying across the ground. One of its different features is a retractable, folding arm that can end in a small mechanical arm and hand capable of picking up and carrying small, light objects such as a set of keys, pen, paper, knife, hand-held communicator, and similar items. In the alternative, it may end with a Pen Laser, mini-buzz saw (does 2D6 S.D.C.) or an 11th sensor probe of some kind. As a probe and spy unit, it is primarily deployed by Drone operator, Intel-Agents, Military Specialists, scouts ,infantry and A.I Systems .can hold 10 in main turret and 15 in main body of APC .

Flying Probe for Reconnaissance
Robot/Artificial Intelligence Model Type: probe
Class: Fully Automated Self-Sufficient Robot Probe.
Crew: None; artificial intelligence.

M.D.C. by Location:
* Optic and Sensor Bulbs (10) — 1 each
** Main Body — 12
* Destroying one of the sensor bulbs in the main body de-stroys one of its many optic systems, cameras, communications and sensory systems. When eight or more are lost, particularly video feed, the probe leaves its post unless commanded to do otherwise and returns to base camp. These sensor bulbs are small and difficult to hit, especially on a moving target. Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot," and the attacker is -5 to strike.

** Depleting the M.D.C.
of the main body shatters the robot and destroys its electronic systems completely.

Speed & Movement:
20 mph (32 km) maximum, but typically travels at about 1-5 mph (1.6 to 8 km) when probing/examining/searching an area.

Excellent. Equal to a Prowl of 75%; silent flight. Makes just a slight purr that is usually drowned out by even the slightest ambient noise, and makes a swishing sound as it flies by if traveling faster than 10 mph (16 km).

Running, Leaping & Climbing:

Not applicable.

Underwater Capabilities:
1000 feet .

Statistical Data:
Roughly the size of a softball or grapefruit with a small hover system attached; roughly six inches in diameter.

4.5 lbs (2 kg).

Physical Strength:
Not applicable unless it has a retractable arm and hand (P.S. 6).


Power System:
Nuclear, average energy life is two years.

Weapon System:


Combat Capabilities:
None per se.

Actions Per Melee:
Five, mainly observation and tracking.

Hand to Hand Damage: Only if a cutting tool is part of its re-tractable arm.


Includes all bonuses from programming, robotics and sensors: +1 to strike with retractable arm, +9 to automatic dodge (can dodge without losing an melee attack/action), +6 to roll with impact or fall. Impervious to poison, gas, and biological agents, as well as psionic and magic mind control, charms, bio-manipulation, and S.D.C. attacks. May have additional sensor for its retractable arm (or a tool).
Skill Programs & Memory: Same as the

Spider Probe

Sensor Systems of Note for probe

All optics and lenses are tied to the video transmission system and can be broadcast to a operator in the field monitoring the probe or base camp (if the latter is close enough). Robot Commanders and anyone working with probes will have a portable hand-held monitor and a larger monitoring unit (the size of a small laptop computer), plus the data can be transmitted and displayed on the helmet HUD display of body and power armor.

Standard issues System
Laser communication systems
Are must to have contact to contact communication between vehicles and infantry but are mix in order to have some form of communication the fog of war from a few feet to miles .

Data combat net systems:
Combines systems if one fail AI and crew can, but systems are kept separated to stop other enemies to fail equipment to replace eased in the fog of war .

Infrared variable lighting systems:
This work in the Infrared allows to communicate with different color spectrum when needed

Additional sensor or optic system

Each sensor or optic system is numbered to indicate the features of each one of the ten sensor bulbs. If individually targeted by an enemy (a rarity) or if the Spider Probe is dam-aged in some other way and loses one or more of its reconnaissance features, the G.M. can pick one (or some) or 10 for random determination.
1. Multi-Optics system:
Sees normal human and infrared and ultraviolet spectrum of light, plus passive nightvision. Range: 5 mile .

2. Telescoping zoom lens
. Range: 5 mile .

3. Micro-Magnifying lens
with x2, x10, and x50 magnification.

4. Thermo-Optics and heat sensors,
vital for finding warm bodies trapped under debris or hiding under camouflage or behind cover. Range: 5 mile .

5. Camera/video Eye with live transmission
— live feed, recording capability( 96 hours). Video camera and live transmission feed so its human partner can literally see what the probe sees. Range: 5 mile .

6. Electronic Ear and audio transmitter with scrambler capabilities
. Range: Range: 5 mile .

7. Laser Distancer:
A light beam that accurately measures distance. Range: Range: 5 mile .

8. Radiation Detector.
Range: 5 mile .

9. Air Thermometer:
Measures the ambient air tempera-ture around the walking probe. Range: 5 mile .

10. Molecular Analyzer:
Detects and identifies impurities in the air. Mainly searches for toxic gases, pollution and chemicals harmful to humans. Range : 5 mile .

11. Plus, Radio Communications:
Directional radio for coded messages between the robot and its human commander and even base camp. Can also scan and communicate via code on conventional radio channels/

frequencies, same range, and eaves-drop on enemy transmissions and track transmissions (60% success level Flying Probe for each add 10 miles max 40 miles plus percentage +10 per Flying Probe max 100% A.I SYSTEMS ECCM ) to their source. Range: 10 (10 TO 40)miles (16 km). But MBT IS HALF add 5 miles max 20 miles plus percentage +5 per Flying Probe max 100% A.I SYSTEMS ECCM ADD +10 TO ALL communications .
Note: Understands English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and 15 other languages; can identify all others but can understand or communicate in them

12. data link systems
Able to make contact with other probes and even make daisy link Range: 10 mile for each probe if need be

13. can add from Sensors below
roll range 1d4+1 miles systems tend to vary and can be improved or well made systems


Explosives Detector:
Sniffs out and detects explosives within 12 feet (3.6 m). Is also used to scan an individual, vehicle or container to detect even small amounts of explosive materials and residue from explosives (less than one ounce), but such a scan must be done at close range, within three feet (0.9 m), to pinpoint the location of the explosive. The type is not known, al-though the signal will be larger/louder if there is a large quantity of explosives or it is an extremely powerful device. Cost: 50,000 credits.

Biometric Scanner:
A sensor unit that measures the barometric pressure, humidity and air temperature around the robot. Besides the obvious, the scanner indicates changes in these areas which may indicate the coming or end of a storm or an un-natural environmental event. Cost: 11,000 credits

Motion Detector and Warning System:
Registers vibrations in the air indicating movement. A collision warning system will sound an internal alarm to warn of an impending collision/impact. Range: 600 feet (180m). Bonus: Adds

+1d4 to initiative and +1d4 to parry and /or dodge. Add 1d4 for hover systems or garv systems Cost: 75,000 credits.

Motion Detector:
The reliability of the detector is quite limited, but it can be used to accurately assess wind direction and wind speed, and to detect the rapid approach of large moving objects, such as a vehicle, aircraft, power armor, etc., whose rapid approach or large size causes a disturbance in the air. A motion detector is especially useful in the dark because the speeding object must usually be within 5000 feet to create a detectable air current. Likewise, the motion sensor will detect the movement of somebody/thing moving nearby, within 40- feet (, but only if the sensor user is motionless or barely moving itself. The sensor can also detect

sudden changes in air current and pressure caused by somebody opening a door or window, and can estimate speed of travel when inside an open-air (or open window) vehicle. Cost: 15,000 credits.

Radar Detector:
A tiny radar receiver that alerts the robot when he is being scanned by radar; 80% accuracy. Unfortunately, determining the direction or source of the radar probe is only 60%. Cost: 10,000 credits.
Range 10,000 feet

Detects Radiation Detector:
Detects and measures the amounts of harmful types of radiation and warns its owner. Includes nu-clear, atomic, and microwave radiation. Cost: 1,200


A small, but sophisticated radar system usually used in human and animal-size robots 10 feet (3 m) and smaller. Can identify up to 30 targets and simultaneously track 12 bogies as low as 700 feet (213 m). Rate of travel, direction, and location are all indicated. Range: 10 miles . Cost: 200,000 credits

Radar System:
A sophisticated radar system, suitable for ground to air monitoring. Can identify up to 96 targets and simultaneously track 42. Requires a special unit with an extendible dish attached to the Bot's back. Range: 50 miles (80 km) and is able to detect a

cruise missile-type target, rocket bike or power armor flying as low as 5000 feet (152 m)/10000 feet (61 m) in an open area/plains without other ground clutter. Lower than that and the target is lost. Can also identify the speed of ground vehicles when a radar beam is directed at one specific target; works like a police officer's radar gun. Cost: 600,000 credits. Ideal for giant and vehicular robot types

Sensory Antenna:

Registers vibrations in the air indicating movement, as well as having touch and heat sensors. The antenna enables the `Bot to maneuver even in total darkness by feeling its way around. Range: Touch, usually 3-10 feet (0.9 to 3 m) depending on the size of the robot (never

larger than one third the robot's height). Bonus: Penalty for blindness is half and adds a bonus of +5 to dodge. 1D4+4 M.D.C. per antenna. Cost: 120,000 credits per pair. Whether the `Bot has two or 10 antennas, the bonuses and abilities remain the same. [/b]


all Optics WEIGHT is 100 pounds

Advanced Optic System

[spoiler]Includes color vision, 3-D analysis and depth perception, passive nightsight, infrared and ultraviolet vision. Range: 5 mile . (610 m). Cost: 160,000 credits.
Note: Infrared vision emits a pencil-thin beam of infrared light, invisible to the

human eye, but visible to an-other infrared system, to illuminate its target in darkness. The narrowness of the beam limits the scope of vision to about a 10 foot width (3 m).

is a passive image intensifier that electronically amplifies existing ambient light to provide a visible picture without emitting any trace light of its own.
Other optical features can be added for an additional cost. They are listed elsewhere in this category. Note that a Robot's eyes may be small and relatively human, but more often than not, they look like a large camera lens or a cluster of camera lenses from tiny to the size of a softball. The eye lens may even be telescoping and make a humming, buzzing or clicking sound as the lens adjusts. As many as 15 of the

following Optic Features may be added to one robot eye. [/b]

External Video and Audio Surveillance System:
[spoiler]A high resolution video camera, built into the eyes or as a separate optic system (concealed or not), relays images directly to the robot's optic scanners and can be recorded as a record of events. A digital video receiver and transmitter system enables the robot to receive video transmissions for viewing or and re-cording. The images are recorded on a six hour, three inch, video disc that is slipped into a slot in the skull or chest. The disc can be ejected at will. Range: 5 mile .. Cost: 500,000 credits,

Laser Targeting System:
A thin beam of light is emitted from the eyes or forehead or the weapon itself. When the light beam hits its target, a computer locks in and registers the fire command. Bonus: +1 to strike when using a distance weapon. Not applicable to hand to hand combat. Likewise, P.P. bonuses do not apply to long-range weapons. Range: 5 mile . Cost: 50,000

Optical Reader:
Designed specifically to "read" words and text, including numbers, letters, diagrams, drawings, maps and other flat images. Cost: 10,000 credits. -50% to read/Literacy without it.

Optical Scanner:

Anything the robot "sees" can be digitally scanned and saved in its memory as digital images (e.g., a photograph, a page of text from a book, a drawing, map, and similar) as well as snapshot-like images (photographs) of people, scenery, etc., similar to a cell phone camera with limited zoom (x10 up to 500 feet/152 m away). Does not have a "flash" Capability, but other optics like infrared, passive night sight, telescopic vision, etc. may be tied to the scanner. Range: 5 mile .Cost: 150,000 credits.

[b]Live Video Transmission (and Receiver):

[spoiler]Transmission range is 20 miles (32 km) in the city, 60 miles (96 km) in the wilderness, unless hampered by some sort of interference. Live feed is most common, but up to two hours of digital video can be
recorded and stored on a memory chip. Cost: 50,000 credits for a single basic color and sound system, 150,000 credits for a pair of camera eyes. Add 20,000 credits for synchronized digital audio recording and transmission. Add 40,000 credits for broad-band capabilities (and double the transmission range). Range: 5 mile .

This type of optical enhancement relies on a source of infrared light, a pencil thin beam of light projected from the eye to the target. The narrowness of the beam limits the viewing area to a small area of about seven feet (2.1 m). Range: 5 mile . (366 m). Cost: 16,000 credits; 19,000 credits for a pair.

Light Filters.
Reduces glare like invisible sunglasses. Filters slip into place as needed

Passive Nightvision.
Light amplification system that uses ambient light (the moon, starlight, etc.) to see clearly in the dark. Range: 5 mile ., but can be increased if combined with a telescopic lens feature. Cost: 30,000 credits.

In addition to normal 20/20 vision, the eye has a telescopic lens for long distance viewing (4-10x50 magnification). Range: 5 mile . Cost: 10,000 credits; 16,000 for a pair

Targeting Display.
Imposes crosshairs on a target, add-ing a bonus of +1 to strike with any ranged weapon (both eyes). Note: Two targeting eyes still provide only a +1 bonus to strike, not +2. Cost: 4,000 credits

The lens converts the infrared radiation of warm objects into a visible image, enabling the robot able to see heat as represented by bands of color. Ideal for tar-geting and tracking at night; can see in darkness, shadows, and through smoke, but can only see the heat radiation clearly, not all the details of the surrounding area. Range: 5 mile .Bonus: +1 to strike in darkness. Cost: 32,000 credits for a pair.
Illegal in the CS.

Visual Recognition:
Combat Computer: A special system tied to the optic systems. The computer recognizes 30,000 enemy targets including vehicles, robots, insignias, uniforms, known monsters, D-Bees and enemies. An additional 2000 ta-gets can be added to the memory. Bonus: +5% to Intelligence skill. Range: 5 mile .Cost: 200,000 credits.

Camera: Peekaboo (2):
Two “peekaboo cameras” are built
into the back of the Prophet behind the right and left shoulders.

(You can see the left one looking straight up in the illustration.)When needed to see what’s going on behind you without turning around yourself, the camera unfolds from its concealed housing to look around. This can be very helpful when hiding amongstvegetation or rubble, and for peeking around corners. Being so
small and quiet, the peekaboo camera can peer under leaves and through a weave of vegetation or debris to see and transmit live images to the HUD in the pilot’s helmet. Each is built into a thin, mechanical arm that can bend to look up, down and sideways 180 degrees behind the power armor. Note: For a complete descriptionof how this mini-spy camera can cover one’s back, see the description in the opening text of the Forester power armor, page 94. Each peekaboo camera has 5 M.D.C.

Peekaboo Camera:
A “peekaboo camera” can unfold from The vehicle to look over it to see what is happening behind , without him having to move and physically turn. This can be very helpful when hiding amongst vegetation and hunting. Being so small and quiet, the peekaboo camera can peer under leaves and through a weave of vegetation to see and transmit live images to the HUD in the pilot’s helmet. Note: For a complete description of how this mini-spy camera can cover one’s back, see the description in the opening text, above. One is a “peekaboo camera” in the vehicle that can slowly unfold and extend outward on a small thin arm to look backward, behind the Forester. Every scout, hunter and explorer has experienced that moment when they are crouched and out of sight, hidden among the foliage, when they hear a twig snap or something
move behind them. The motion of even slowly and quietly moving their head or body to look behind them is likely to startle and scare away wildlife. By the same token, if the sound comes from a predator or an enemy, turning to see what it is, and any noise or additional movement associated with that action, will
alert the enemy(s) to his position and give them the drop on him. Likewise, an animal predator
or monster may attack or charge. However, the “peekaboo camera” is so small and quiet as it unfolds, the creature or person will never hear or see it. Being small means, it can peek under leaves and through a weave of vegetation or urban combat to see. The tiny camera feeds live images to the HUD in the helmet, giving the pilot inside the vehicle a clear view of what’s behind him without the need to move a muscle. Again, scouts and woodsmen know that if one remains perfectly still, an animal or enemy may walk within inches without ever noticing him and continue to move away without incident. Getting a live feed of their activity, movement and direction should indicate whether they are moving away or if they have spotted him and are moving
to attack

Warning System and Multi-Cameras:
Tied into the cameras and sensor array is a motion detection warning system similar to the one in the White Knight power armor. When anything comes within 1000 feet , the computer issues an audio warning (“Warning: Suspected hostile approaching at 100 feet. 95 feet, 80 feet, etc.” Or “Warning: Deteriorating hostile environment. Defensive [or evasive] action is recommended.” And similar.) In each instance, the pilot can request “visual” and the computer will display a visual live feed, up on the HUD, of what the camera
sees approaching or what the deteriorating environment may be. If the approaching person or people are not a threat, the pilot can stop the warning by stating, “non-hostile” or “friendly.” Tied into the Recognition system, the warning is likely to identify exactly what the danger is. (“Known hit man for the Altobelli Gang,” or “Coalition Dead Boy,” “Baal Rog demon,” and possibly even the name of a specific known fugitive: “Benjamin Mason,” “Michael Strom,” “Big Bubba,” “King Zarchron,” etc., “approaching from behind at two o’clock.”)


Weight varies or less G.M Call here

Advanced Audio System:
Amplified stereo hearing in the full decibel range, the same as the cybernetic Amplified Hearing (see page 49 of Rifts0 Ultimate Edition). The `Bot can hear frequencies inaudible to the human ear, like a dog whistle (as well as wide-band radio), enabling the character to hear almost inaudible sounds at up to 360 feet (110 m) away. At 75 feet (22.9 m), sounds as quiet as one decibel, softer than a whisper, can be heard. At 150 feet (45.7 m), sounds as quiet as 10 decibels, a whisper, can be heard clearly. At 360 feet (110 m), sounds in the normal conversation range of 30 decibels can be heard as if the character was standing only a few feet (one meter) away. This is the

maximum range for eavesdropping on conversations. Only sounds of 70 decibels (e.g., the sound of heavy traffic) or louder can be accurately heard and the location pinpointed from 500 to 1,000 feet away (152.4 m to 305 m).
The Amplified Hearing also enables the character to accurately estimate the distance and location of the sound source, and recognize specific, known sounds and voices at a base skill of 35% plus 5% per level of experience. Background noise, such as other conversations, traffic, machine noise, etc., as well as barriers like closed doors and walls, will decrease the range and clarity of what can be heard. G.M.s should use their discretion and common sense.
Radio capabilities enables the robot to listen to commercial radio stations, citizen band (C.B.), police bands, shortwave and

other radio transmission frequencies. Also comes standard with a Universal Head jack for tapping into computers, radios and audio equipment directly. Radio Range (transmissions and receiver): 50 miles (80 km) in the city, 100 miles (160 km) in the wilderness, both require a retractable antenna; half range without one. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to parry, and +2 to dodge.
Cost: 150,000 credits for the entire advanced system. See Basic Hearing System for something must less expensive.

Audio Recorder:
An audio recording system with external access capable of recording most sounds that the robot can hear. Two hundred hours of digital sound recordings can be stored. Editing capabilities allow

the robot to keep sound bites and conversations it wants to preserve and erase or record over unwanted audio recordings. Can also transmit recordings by radio or download onto an audio disc, computer, or audio equipment via headjack or fingerjack. Cost: 75,000. Illegal in the Coalition States.

Bug Detector:
A small device that picks up radio signals from surveillance listening devices (bugs). Range: 6000 feet (18.3 m). Cost: 30,000 credits.

Built-In Language Translator:
Starts with 13 different languages, including the nine major regional ones, plus Russian, Kittani, Naruni, and Splugorth/Demongogian; 200 others can be added. Level of accuracy is 88.8% when

listening to only one or two speakers and languages at a time. Drops to 68% with a six second delay when trying to translate 3-6 speakers simulta-neously, 20% if more than that. Cost: 32,000 credits. Illegal in the Coalition States

Built-In Loudspeaker:
The Bot can amplify the loudness of his voice, like a bullhorn, to about 80 decibels. Cost: 6,000 credits.
Built-In Radio Receiver & Transmitter Headjack: A fully operational radio is built inside the head or a shoulder, back or hip unit. Range: 20 miles (32 km). Cost: 22,000; add 10,000 for scrambling radio messages and decoding

Human Voice Synthesizer:
Provides the robot with a com-

pletely human sounding voice, male or female. This is a pleas-ant, single voice. The system is not capable of changing the voice/sound or imitating others. Without this feature, the robot's voice sounds mechanical. Cost: 5,000 credits. Also see Modulating Voice Synthesizer.

Inaudible Frequency Transmission:
The robot can speak/ transmit sound frequencies inaudible to the human ear, but audible to other robots, cyborgs with ultra ear and beings with sup-rior hearing, such as mutant dogs. Cost: 50,000 credits

Juke Box: The
has 20000 music titles (songs to instrumentals) stored inside an internal music player. The music can be played so only it hears it, played aloud through concealed speakers

or a loudspeaker, or broadcast via radio transmission,
provided those

Sound Analysis Computer:
Designed exclusively to listen, identify, remember, and analyze sounds. 380,000 different sounds are programmed into its memory, including gunshots by caliber, energy blasts, engine sounds, animal calls, noises made by monsters, and other sounds. 40,000 new sounds can be added. It is also capable of analyzing, comparing, and matching voices and sounds in its files, identifing a sound or voice via computer comparison with 80% accuracy, and imitating another person's voice with 78% accuracy (+10% when imitated over any form of audio

transmission). Bonus: +10% to impersonate voices or imitate sounds. Cost: 500,000 credits; illegal in the Coalition States.

Modulating Voice Synthesizer:
Enables the robot to change, disguise and humanize its voice by altering tone, bass, pitch, etc. Can also speak in a sound frequency inaudible to nor-mal humans, but audible to normal canines, bats and mutant dogs, as well as other Tots, cyborgs, and characters with a cybernetic Ultra-Ear. Base skill at imitating voices is 10% +5% per each additional level of experience. Cost: 30,000 credits. Add 12,000 credits to get a voice disguise program with over 200 different human and D-Bee accents and inflections. Illegal in the Coalition States. Universal Headjack (or Fingerjack): Same as the bionic

version, see page 51 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition.
Radio Signal Scrambler System is linked to the radio sys-tem to send and receive coded messages. Cost: 10,000 credits.

Wide Band Radio Receiver and Transmitter with directional capabilities.
Range: 600 miles with a retractable antenna (300 miles without the antenna). Cost: 38,000 credits. [/b]

AI systems

Artificial Intelligence (advanced): [spoiler] Neural Intelligence (N.I.)

Typical Level of Intelligence:
I.Q. 2D6+11+2

I.Q 25

Note :
Neural Intelligence:
Automatically gets one of the General Programs (non-military or military) at no cost. Three additional skill programs may be purchased at half the price listed. This is considered to be the `Bot's original purpose and orientation.
Two additional skill programs can be purchased at the list price and added to the initial skill set. This is the maximum number of programs the robot can hold in its artificial brain. Un-like the A.I., these skills can NOT be purged and replaced by new and different skill programs. However, the N.I. can learn new skills the same as a human through observation, study and tutelage. Thus, the N.I. may select two

Secondary Skills at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Secondary Skills start at the Base Skill level and increase per level of experience. The only bonus applied to these learned skills is the I.Q. bonus, when appropriate (applicable to an I.Q. of 16 or higher).

Intelligence and Origin Table:
Neural Intelligence I.Q. Bonus: +2.
New German Republic


This alignment program is usually reserved for robots who are to blend in with humanoid society and for Black Ops such as undercover work, espionage, robbery and rescue and prison break missions. Being Unprincipled, the robot may engage in acts of deception and bend the rules, work outside the law, lie, threaten and hurt people, interrogate suspects, and engage in other unsavory and illegal acts,

but always remains true to its creators/programmers and its mission. Although humanoid life is valued, the robot's mission or purpose takes precedence, and the 'Bot is able to decide whether it should act to help someone in trouble and jeopardize the mission or stick to it. However, if there is a better than 60% likelihood that its intervention will save or protect a life, the Unprincipled 'Bot usually takes action to do so. Note: Otherwise follows all the usual standards and guidelines for the Unprincipled alignment

Standard Robot Military Combat Skill Program

General Repair & Maintenance

( all get 99 % skills IQ bonus help

to negate ant penalties that 11% )

Land Navigation
Language: Basic (speaks/understands; can read): Typically American, Gobblely, Spanish and Techno-Can ( 98% each).
Mathematics: Basic
Military Etiquette
Parachuting Yes it been known to do air drop form transport vehicle
Pilot: Boat, Motor Type
Pilot: Hover Craft (ground) aid to control drone
Radio: Basic
Weapon Systems
W.P. Paired Weapons range only
W.P. Rifles on turret
W.P. Energy on Rifle turret
W.P. Heavy M.D. on Weapons turret
All the W.P.s listed are equivalent to 6th level experience

Hand to Hand Combat:
Programs the Robot for fighting roughly equal to Hand to Hand: Expert, 6th level.
Attacks per Melee Round:
6 attacks per melee

Bonuses Using Weapons:
+3 to strike with ranged weapons, +4 to strike on an Aimed Shot, +1 to strike with a burst.


is very close to an irresistible force. When ramming any land vehicle or building the
tank will inflict
1D4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph (32 km of speed For track for fly 1D4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 5 mph at max;
if the other vehicle is traveling from the opposite direction toward the Machine, add the two speeds together). Robots, power armor and infantrymen who get in the path of the tank will be run down unless they dodge
(12 or higher). Being run down by the vehicle inflicts 2D4x10 M.D.!

to hit or batter up
1D4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph (32 km of speed;
if the other vehicle is traveling from the opposite direction toward the Machine, add the two speeds together) .Note if armored up main gun add
1d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20

mph that( will be 2d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph instead of 1d4x10 )
. If force field add a
1d4x10 that a 3d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 20 mph!!!
if spikes ,blades are added to main that another up
1D4x10 M.D goes up to 4d4x10 M.D.+10 M.D. for every 10 mph

Military Combat programming includes
a recognition pro-gram of 28,000 different enemy targets including specific races, monsters, aliens, non-human features and political powers in North America, such as the insignia, uniforms, body armor, military robots and vehicles, power armor, weapons of the Coalition States, Free Quebec, the Federation of Magic, bandits of the Pecos

Empire, notable mercenary companies, the Minions of Splugorth, D-Bees, demons, monsters and dangerous animals in general, as well as 2000 enemies the purchaser can add.
Combat programming directs the actions and reactions to en-counters and attacks. Most programs offered in North America (excluding the ones used by Archie for his personal robot legion) are much more basic and reactionary than those from Triax and the NGR. A Northern Gun basic combat program makes the robot suitable for sentry duty, armed escort, border patrol, infantry combat and seek and destroy missions. Basically, the drone identifies an enemy target or intruder and at-tacks. Triax/Dyna-Bot programs are not listed in this section as they come only with Triax imported Dyna-Bots

Additional two programs only

Military Pilot, Ground:
Truck and Tracked & Construction Vehicles 90%, plus select three military vehicle piloting skills Robot Combat skills. All at 92%. Cost: 325,000 credits. An ILLEGAL program in the CS.

Military, Communications: Specialized:
Cryptography 80%, Electronic Countermeasures 94%, Laser Communications 94%, Literacy: Language of choice 94%, Photography 94%, Surveillance 90%, and TV/Video 94%.
Cost: 250,000 credits. An ILLEGAL program in the CS

Rifts® Vehicle Construction Rules
Part Two
Optional Source Material for Rifts®
By Greg Diaczyk
For more information, please refer to Part One of this article in The Rifter® #50.

Smoke Screen: built in to mark III and up
Many motorists like to have the ability to cloud their pursuer's vision, lay down cover so other adversaries cannot see an area, or simply leave a trail for others to follow. The smoke screen is created by burning a selection of materials

to produce a variety of annoying (yet not toxic) fumes. Colors: Black, grey, white, red, blue, yellow, green and brown. Weight of System: 5 lbs (2.3 kg), each canister weights about 0.5 lbs (0.22 kg) Cost: The smoke generator costs 250 credits. Each smoke canister costs 50 credits.

Self-Destruct System: built in to mark III and up
This is a last resort destruction system for the vehicle. The system can be armed by remote (50 miles/80 km range), set as an automatic feature (need to flip a hidden switch to disarm before trying to start/hotwire the car), or set as a timer. Cost: Remote (watch or small cigarette lighter sized box) 250 credits, Timer 100 credits, Disarming Switch/Auto-Trigger 500 credits, S.D.C. Explosive (destroys an S.D.C. vehicle plus does 1D4x100 S.D.C. to
a 20 foot/6 m area) 1,000 credits, M.D.C. Explosive (destroys vehicle plus 2D6x10 M.D. to a 20 foot/6 m area) 40,000 credits.

Active Suspension:
This suspension system is linked to special sensors around the wheeled vehicle that allow it to detect the road up ahead. It can then appropriately adjust the height of the tires/tracked and increase or decrease spring resistance to better handle the bumps and awkward terrain. Bonus: +15% to piloting skills for maneuvers with this vehicle. Cost: 12,000 credits

here are various models as example

https://www.deviantart.com/distortiondu ... -289994322

https://www.deviantart.com/kronomatik/a ... -505650212

https://www.deviantart.com/radmrockston ... -865111425

https://www.deviantart.com/scoobylt/art ... -482700315

https://www.deviantart.com/scoobylt/art ... -575741843

https://www.deviantart.com/conklingc/ar ... -880502814

https://www.deviantart.com/zhuyukun/art ... -706802578

https://www.deviantart.com/gilgemesh/ar ... -124422821

https://www.deviantart.com/ryanlovelock ... -428310017

https://www.deviantart.com/sskylinee/ar ... -272452099

https://www.deviantart.com/sskylinee/ar ... -260158229

https://www.deviantart.com/jflaxman/art ... -852644359

https://www.deviantart.com/gilgemesh/ar ... -124422821

https://www.deviantart.com/ryanlovelock ... -428310017

https://www.deviantart.com/horsescryche ... -285259445

Stealth v infiltration buggie MarkVI with a 120 mm
https://www.deviantart.com/unspacy/art/ ... -938492878
Last edited by ZINO on Fri Nov 25, 2022 2:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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this is vehicle IS A FUN for a four or five man team FAV !!!plus AI Added too
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Lazarus program

With N.A.A.T’s having to have massive armies the best way was to have conventional army BUT not all are combat merc outfits some are logistical support and providing Medical ,security , Transport lanes , access to health care human and other as well as education in areas like policing , EMS and local needs like electrical ,plumbing for heating or cooling and water (depending on area) and last working with local navies to have agreements ,trade and exchange idea that would benefit everyone all around . N.A.A.T’s in Mid-west of North America( as well in Europe and South America where possible ) has set up in area where they support local support and other races call D-Bee. N.A.A.T’s is known to pick as many refugees to move from area to another safe zones weather they are human and other races call D-Bee when possible. A big ticket item are robot pilots ,cyborgs , exchange of technology/engineers and magical individuals they are paid extremely

well and support projects but must share everything where possible. But sometime thing does not go well and this where enforcement varies from a simple reminder to full blown military action (which are very low).
N.A.A.T’s work in these areas of field technology, Techno-wizards, magic, psionic and other fields .there one thing N.A.A.T’s will not work is slavery and are not allowed to transport slaves.

In order to work in rifts earth and having connections with black market and weapon manufacturers ( major factions in rifts earth)it was best to used relic old pre-rifts and upgrade them to rifts level using soviet era as commercial use and using old USA empire that to GAW as well as other.

Abrams Battle Tank MARK VI DONE !!
M113 APC DONE !!
Hummer MKIII DONE !!
Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV)
A 10 Thunderbolt III Fighter
Hercules Airplane II
Apache Helicopter II AND Long bow III
Chinook II
A-10 Improved Thunderbolt II Fighter
F 16 VI

This is call Lazarus program

M.D.C. Modified Aircraft Expanded table

Pre-Rifts aircraft are more difficult to find in salvageable condition than cars, trucks and even tanks. However, from time to time, Golden Age Weaponsmiths and Golden age tech does offer light aircraft, small jets, and helicopters.

1.Powered systems : Which means they various power systems like fossil fuel ,electric power from a few hours to months or nuclear power the most expensive
2. Radar: Can identify and track up to 48 targets simultaneously at a range of 30 miles (48 km). unless otherwise look at vehicles
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the head up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. 300 mile range .
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of + 1 to strike when using long range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat .
6. Radio communication: Long range, directional communication sys-tem with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short range radio. Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pickup: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights: Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).
9. Ejector seat: In case of an emergency, the pilot and crew can be instantly ejected (about 1000 feet) and parachute to safety.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage is fairly self contained, destroying most of the internal systems with 2D6 x 10 M.D. However, it is very likely, 1-89% chance, that the nuclear power system is spewing forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: The robot's access hatch is sealed by an automatic locking system. A six digit spoken code programmed to a specific voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key pad is provided in case of system failure/override.
12. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment: The compartment can usually seat 2 to 6 people and is reinforced to protect the people from mega-damage. It is air tight, pressurized and suitable for use in all hostile environments, including under water (500 foot max. depth) and space.
The following features are included.
8. Computer controlled life support system.
9. Internal cooling and temperature control.
10 Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
11. Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge sys-tem that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Eight hour oxygen supply.
12. Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
13. Radiation shielded
14.Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor.

• Typical Speed of Airplanes and Commercial Jets:
300 to 500 mph (480 to 800 km);
maximum fuel range: 700 to 1000 miles (1120 to 1600 km).
• Typical Speed of average Combat Jets:
500 to 1340 mph/Mach 2 (800 to 2144 km) Unless otherwise;
maximum fuel range: 700 to 1500 miles (1120 to 2400 km).
• Typical Speed of a Helicopter
(Including most combat types): 150 to 250 mph (240 to 400 km);
maximum fuel range:
400 to 600 miles (640 to 960 km).
New armor plating provides all are Mega Damage location
Blade Top Rotors 10 to 80 each
Rear Rotor 10 to 40 each
Main Body 100 to 300
Reinforced Pilots' Compartment
Propellers Plane
propellers are 15 to 30 M.D.C.
100 to 140 M.D.C. for the main body. (can add 100 to 200 extra in rifts earth but Phase world tech 100 to 300 )
Wings (2) 100 to 200
Tail wing 150 to 15
Cockpit 30 standard( add 240 max )
Hardpoints varies 10 each
Can additional M.D. 100 per location to other location but not to main body

Single engine Combat Jets Mega Damage location
100 to 240 M.D.C. for the main body. (Can add 100 to 200 extra in rifts earth but Phase world tech 100 to 300)
200 to 340 M.D.C. for the main body. (can add 100 to 200 extra in rifts earth but Phase world tech 100 to 300)
Wings (2) 100 to 200
Tail wing 150 to 250
Cockpit 100 standard( add 240 max )
Hardpoints varies 15 each
Can additional M.D. 100 to 200 per location to other location but not to main body
tires can be replaced hard 15 M.D.C. wheels,

Dual engine Combat Jets Mega Damage location
200 to 340 M.D.C. for the main body. (Can add 100 to 200 extra in rifts earth but Phase world tech 100 to 300)
200 to 340 M.D.C. for the main body. (can add 100 to 200 extra in rifts earth but Phase world tech 100 to 300)
Wings (2) 100 to 250
Tail wing 150 to 250
Cockpit 100 standard (add 240 max )
Hardpoints varies 15 each
Can additional M.D. 100 to 200 per location to other location but not to main body
tires can be replaced hard 15 M.D.C. wheels,

weapon systems
• Two or three weapon systems can be added, including light rail guns, laser or other rifle-sized energy weapon, or mini-missile launchers; each costs extra
• Typical price for retrofitted aircraft:
Small and medium airplanes: 60,000 to 90,000 credits,
large airplanes 95,000 to 120,000 credits,
jet aircraft 120,000 to 170,000 credits,
helicopters 90,000 to 120,000 credits,
plus the cost of each weapon (if any).

is quite simply scouting for targets/threats whose location is marked for destruction by other aircraft, artil-lery or regular ground forces.

CAS or Close Air Support
is a fancy term for attacking enemy ground units (tanks, infantry, bunkers, etc.) directly, usually in support of friendly troops.

Interdiction operations
are aimed at preventing the flow of vital supplies to enemy forces. This is accomplished by attacking communications and supply routes as well as key facilities like ammo depots, fuel dumps, warehouses and factories.

Counter-Air or air superiority
missions are flown to prevent enemy aerial operations and, ideally, to destroy the enemy's means to perform such operations (by destroying his aircraft). With the number and variety of aircraft at their disposal the navy air groups can conduct all of these missions. In an amphibious attack the air groups would have to conduct all of these missions simultaneously, a task for which they are trained and prepared.
Last edited by ZINO on Mon Feb 13, 2023 12:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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working on varies A 10 designs
just need time
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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The A 10 incident

Rifter 20 and others base information.

As the mayor of Perry Township sat waiting for Marta Vela and Dennis Hamilton .The Knock at the door
the mayor of Perry Township says

come in

as Dennis Hamilton enter first and then Marta Vela’s . All hug and the mayor of Perry Township said
I am so, so, sorry for what happen ,but the town will support in any way possible if I may ask please seat

So Marta Vela’s said once seated
So what so important that you want to talk to us

the mayor of Perry Township said

Yes we all lost where the A 10 is
it was stolen your project and we thank you what you done for us in the past
…(pause was he was worried to start but said the following )…..now to the point I know what you going Thur Marta but i want you to go and look in some area with Dennis but

Marta look at the mayor with fire in her eye and Dennis as well …

the mayor of Perry Township said.

Listen right now we don’t know where it at
but we will support to find first and return the A 10 back to you first and well there a lot of potential . GAW has to us with an idea but they see they you as the best expertise like you and you leading this program there is also a joint effort with GAW ,Chipwell , air superiority and A.M.C as well

Marta got up and said WITH FIRE IN HER EYES

Wait !!!!wait you want to stop and start from zero we just the one thing I love that I had to sell.
even when I didn’t want to at first !!I spent 3 week going after wild goose chase and then you and ask me to come back with this ?!?!?! after what happen I don’t think we pull this off !!!we don’t data records , manpower , security and we just to small think big.and no money to start with again

the mayor of Perry Township said when his saw his chance.

well we can change all that we learn from our mistakes you see GAW was interested because they were working in upgrading A 10 but stop hoping they could get theirs hand on it by buy what you were ahead of them why they stop I was told sometimes it better to see and wait .But what happen got GAW worried and saw better to work and as a team . They(GAW ) team up with Chipwell company combine resources engineers and getting Dennis as head a security both of you leading and back Perry Township .You are not alone !!! on top of that of GAW has found a massive bunker of A 10s and were working on various S.D.C to M.D.C we can do this and Chipwell company has their first fighter craft half went to A.M.C that are needed in NGR . they (A.M.C ) said they need desperately need a Close Air Support they have a massive pre rifts tanks, APC, vehicles and man power but need to improved varies vehicles and away from the combat area like all of Europe and they are the first Mercenary outfit to have a navy . They also have the support of NGR as well but we cant do this with you and support engineers. Our own will get trained Militia and law enforcement , schools, hospitals , EMS units , fire stations ( mainly from NG)and Dennis headquarters can be the launch area 50 miles away far but close is anything happens . , GAW and Chipwell company and merc like air superiority test pilots and A.M.C outfits UNDER Dennis security forces and Perry Township militia and law enforcement to support you so you see you are not alone WE want your dream too.

You are not starting from zero there is base and with what you know we all can walk but more important stick to those who wanted for us to fail.

Marta look at Dennis in shock, tears coming down here eye no there was fire or anger but shock . Dennis didn’t Say ANYTHING

It to good to be true said Dennis

Yes but GAW, Chipwell, air superiority, A.M.C ,Frontier Militia and they have ton of NGR engineers are next room ,AS well as council man from Perry Township just give me one hour but know this you are two are the glue that will stick everything together and more important to us and Perry Township as well .If something happen to you that can never be replace and lost forever . I don’t want that we need to protect you as Marta.

Marta Vela’s look calm now red eyes … there was quiet that Dennis and the mayor of Perry Township s
Never seen before on Marta

Marta said
OK …..ok .. I bite.

Dennis said I got you back to Marta
and follow her

And the rest was history six months later Perry Township and "Hamilton's Creepers
Grew in way never thought but still look for long lost and beloved A 10 that A 10 was the first and now
Frontier Militia and NAATs are looking for lost prodigal son.

After the lost of the best A 10 warthog NAATs has step looking as well and even Frontier Militia are aware of the incident and are ready to send recovery teams .But it wasn’t the last time of the A10 working Marta Vela’s The A 10 program came to light . Marta Vela was awarded a huge budget to work on The A 10 better in some are and weak in others. But the dream of a Close Air Support is a fancy term for attacking enemy ground units (tanks, infantry, bunkers, etc.) directly, usually in support of friendly troops. This allowed to add other vehicles in each their own department A new Apache gunship, Cobra gunship and even Chinook gunship. finally, a Hercules AC130 was added to the program. Sadly NAATs was not able to set up secured protection was it was displayed in rifts earth, still making sure this didn’t happened again "Hamilton's Creepers” were approach with Marta Vela’s , GAW and Chipwell company and merc ( like air superiority ) outfits and last Anti Magic protection thanks to unknown Many Practitioners of Magic , having several layer of protection made difficult to try that stunt again.

The fortified headquarters was constructed 50 miles (80 km) from Perry Township "Hamilton's Creepers under Dennis Hamilton was Having serval working each having a part of the program. Will get trained militia and laws enforcement, EMS services, Hospitals, Fire engines ( from Northern Gun) , Bunkers for Perry Township for the whole town and connections to "Hamilton's Creepers headquarters yes under ground !! this also have high ways ,tunnels and check points and will act a testing ground for various vehicles. Also here in the "Hamilton's Creepers headquarters there will be, GAW and Chipwell company and merc ( like air superiority and NAATs service unknown too many ) all acting a security firms all working under Dennis Hamilton !!! the , GAW and Chipwell company and merc ( like air superiority ) outfits will see this place as their new home and know their jobs and role. All this step up in six months’ time !!thanks to logistical Army group one .

Now let go down the list the first A 10 are S.D.C or ultra-light M.D alloys as test bed for A.M.C or American Mercenary company located in NGR as security force they Need A10 unit and to land on carrier base about 300 are need as rush orders .Because of the asy of the A 10 K.I.S.S keep simple and stupid it will work . Chipwell engineers want to do it right and fast nowhere as good as GAW and NGR engineers (under NAATs).

Marta Vela’s will have a ton of engineers from GAW, Chipwell company, NGR engineers /NAATs, and A.M.C and will have ready in 1d6 months the Mark one and Mark II will go to A.M.C and air superiority ,then GAW and Chipwell company will sell A 10s but state of the art A-10 will be for air superiority and later to A.M.C .
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

I been ask how am i able to set so many vehicles and don't see logistical support or how rift weapon dealer are working together well here you

Rifter 01
By Eric J. Lind a.k.a. The Tungsten Avenger

One of the hardest parts of game mastering is creating unique locations for campaigns. Too many games start off in bars, with the rest of town left pretty generic until one of the players starts nosing around and asking questions. Speaking as a player and a G.M., I have found this lack of detail when describing locations to be very frustrating. The City Creation Rules are my solution to the problem. By mixing and matching the various categories, an almost unlimited number of communities with very different flavors can be created. Dare to be different - start off a campaign in the library of a magic-friendly, low-tech, anti-psychic town that hates non-humans and subscribes to vigilante justice. Your players will thank you.

Perry Township
Is has become the second location for weapon, amor and other testing area for mercenary Armies and to frontier to the west similar to. Northern Gun and MercTown . This perfect area away from ley lines, away from the coalition, perfect exploration teams, excellent supplies, and to test many weapons dealer companies from north America. They are also for Europe as well for A.M.C and NGR. The open area to test power armor ,robots, tanks ,APC, etc. and large weapons system is perfect place. On top of that lots of other services. It illegal to sale any coalition gear, but own is allowed and registered before entering town and N.E is illegal as well

Perry Township

Step One: City Size
4. Small City
Step Two: City Features
A. Government
6. Democracy
B. Natural Resources
3. Forest
4. Agriculture
6. Mineral
7. Petroleum Products

C. Location
1. Wilderness

D. Pre-Rifts History
1. None

E. Attitude Towards Outsiders
5. Open Arms
F. Racism
4. Coexistence
G. Technology Level
4. Advanced Tech

H. Magic Level
3. Limited Magic (look below )
I. Psychic Level
4. Rifts Average
J. Military
3. Militia and Law enforcement

K. Laws and Law Enforcement

5. Complex Judicial System
L. Notable Businesses
1. Bar/Tavern. All levels

2. Weapons Dealer.
• GAW ,Golden Age Weaponsmiths
• Chipwell Armaments
• Wellington Industries
• Northern Gun
• Wilk's Laser Industries, Inc.
• Bandito Arms look below
• Look at letter O

3. Library.
4. Operators and Techno-Wizards
5. Marketplace.
There are 18 merchants (mostly transient) and on special days, that number may increase by five times or more. Any variety of goods can be found, but no guarantees are made and prices range dramatically.
7. Arena. Tech

8. Vehicle and Robot Dealer.
• GAW ,Golden Age Weaponsmiths
• Chipwell Armaments
• Wellington Industries
• Northern Gun
• Bandito Arms look below
• Look at letter O
9. Alchemist and Magic Shop.
10. Magic Guild.
Here magic user are in look out for other here are told the do abs don't
And sale all magical items
• Techno-Wizard Device
• Armstrong TW Armaments Co
• MageFire Weaponry, Inc
• MageFire Mystic Power Armor
11. Embassies
• The Kingdom of Tarnow
• N.G.R
12. Mercenary service center for Township or outside of town all are registered free of charge; never send to Hamilton fortress
13. underground bunkers for the whole town with triple capacity
14. Airport medium size
15. hospitals
16. Clinics
17. Firefighters stations
18. Schools
19. College
20. Sewage systems
21. Airport bunkers
22. Hotels
23. Restaurants
24. Motels
25. EMS
26. Cellular communication for the town range 250 miles
27.telephone system for whole town
28. TV stations
29. Taxi service whole town
30. Radio stations 300 miles range
31. Public subways station underground
32. Public subways station surface
33. Highway
Perry Township to Hamilton fortress
34. Dinners
35. sheriff and deputies (for town ,city or border
36. weapon manufacturing infantry
37.weapon manufacturing military ground Vehicle
38.weapon manufacturing military power armor
40.weapon manufacturing military giant robots
42.weapon manufacturing military aircraft
43. Public transportation buses
44. supermarkets
45. Grocery stores
46.underground shooting range
46 Airport surface
47. Hidden military bunkers complex
48 . Magical sellers (look below)

M. Power Source
2. Basic Water
3. Coal.
4. Oil/Natural Gas.
5. Nuclear.
Nuclear power is one of the most efficient sources of power for a wilderness community, but it's expensive to acquire and maintain and potentially dangerous if something goes wrong.
6. Alternative Fuel.
This could take the form of solar power, advanced hydro-electric, or some other unique form of power. These forms have their advantages in being relatively cheap, but they usually don't provide much energy for the maintenance costs and are susceptible to destruction by invaders.

N. Wealth
3.Blue Collar.
This represents a lower middle class society. Generally, the people can survive a few lean years on their re-serves, and a little bit of extra money can be made each year. Cost:

4. Middle Class.
The mast majority of communities live at this level or level 3. The people can afford a few luxuries and the town has enough revenue sources to be able to continue to pros-per during a bad year or two.

5. Wealthy.
Few places manage to make it to this level. The people can afford numerous luxuries, drive expensive vehicles, wear fancy clothes, and look down on everyone else.

6. Filthy Rich.
Possibly only the higher levels of Chi-Town and some of the wealthier regions of the N.G.R. attain this level of wealth. The city is dripping with money and even the poor are at level 3.

0. Criminal Activity
2. Petty Crime. The crimes in this town are limited to "mundane" acts, usually theft, the occasional assault, and the very rare murder. Most people still feel very safe and can walk around freely at night and leave their doors unlocked.

5. Mafia four out off five
Nearly all criminal acts are controlled or dictated by one or a few criminal organizations. This
actually provides an element of protection, as long as one is in good standing with the criminal cartel.
Here all black market have agree work together and avoid fighting .There way too much money to be made and were even call in to establish a truce in this this town sadly very minor groups
Have and will be petty crimes but will always work with law enforcement and avoid trouble due to deal with exchange with profit too high.

1)Bandito Arms —
A major manufacturer and smuggler operating out of the New West.

2)Chicago Network —
The mob —
they are who most people think of when they think of the Black Market.

3)The Immaterial Hand —
Black Marketeers who use magic and Rifts to smuggle goods and who specialize in magic contraband.
Is vital to move cargo ASAP to location like Europe and south America and new west. They are been a ton in advance having 15 level shifter at least 5 for each area and 40 at level 10 as back up

4)Le Marche Noir —
The Black Market of Free Quebec and Southern Canada, and the main Supplier of Glitter Boys and Triax products on the Black Market

5)The Verbrecher-Geschaeftsnetz
— Black Market Europe
Use pages 75 to 89 on book Rifts World Book 31: Triax 2.

Product sold in weapons dealer
Bandito Arms Weapons
Bandito Arms Energy Weapons
Bandito Arms Heavy Weapons
Bandito Vehicles pages 150 to 159
All except Thunderhead VTOL Flyer
Black Market Armors & Robots
All except Shadow Boy Power Armor all are sold to following N.A.A.TS and allies all are heavily modify
Exotic Robot Steeds all
All illegal drugs are controlled by medical Clinic/doctors

Any TW /magical items are sold only to guild and other magical items never sold outside the guild
Only the guild sale all magical items.
They kept out of sight only magic user are sold and sale to. This way avoiding persecution like coalition spies

The Verbrecher-Geschaeftsnetz goes directly to N.G.R.P.M.C and are extremely well paid been so far away from Germany

if there ever a attempt to capture this town by the coalition like Iron Heart it won't work all the factions will join as one first de-escalation and diplomacy even by the NGR will get involved. It will fail .there a secret largre contingent armed forces of Glitter boy hidden in town and Hamilton fortress this will surprise any invaders.
All have hidden Anti-Aircraft guns located around town and base ,they CIW rails gun ,M.D.C CIW convention rounds, energy CIW
and short-range missiles, medium range missiles and long range missiles system. There also Chaff Dispenser and flares system as well. The last thing is there are force field in critical areas both in the base and Town as well.

1. G.A.W security firm G.A.W.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)
2. Chipwell security firm C.W.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)
3. air superiority security firm A.S.S.F
4. A.M.C security firm A.M.C.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)
5. Frontier Militia F.M.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)
6. N.G.R Private military company N.G.R.P.M.C ( A.M.C)
7. Perry Township militia security firm P.T.M.S.F
8. Perry Township law enforcement security firm P.T.L.E.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)
9. Independent Perry Township security firm I.P.T.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)
10. Peacekeeper (N.A.A.T.s)

The group are either small or large Company to protect perry Township area and surrounding areas at times
This is 24 hours a day, and 365 days non Stop this amount are needed to rotate and give rest to personnel.

• N.G.R Private military company
• Perry Township militia security firm P.T.M.S.F
• Perry Township law enforcement security firm P.T.L.E.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)
• Independent Perry Township security firm I.P.T.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)
• Frontier Militia F.M.S.F (N.A.A.T.s) are always on The border area if town and fortress .they aslo are in the high way between base and town.
• Independent Perry Township security firm I.P.T.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)

The following are located at base personal
They work 24 hours and 365 days ,they rotate personal, all carry body cameras at all times and gear. The system is designed to see what going on in base.the support unit is Pease keeper and they bring in the support personnel of the base

G.A.W security firm G.A.W.S.F
Chipwell security firm C.W.S.F
air superiority security firm A.S.S.F
A.M.C security firm A.M.C.S.F
Pease keeper (N.A.A.T.s)
Hamilton's Creepers

One G.A.W security firm G.A.W.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)

Step One: The Size and Orientation
4. Large Company( 400 combat only )

Step Two: Mercenary Company Features
A. Sponsorship
2. Secret (N.A.A.T)
3. Criminal Organized Crime(Black Market Allies )
5. Government(N.G.R Allied)

B. Outfits
6. Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear
4. Medical Equipment.
5. Medical Clinic
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies):
8. Unlimited Equipment

D. Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles
D. Vehicles
6. Maximum Firepower:
F. Communications
5. Deluxe Communications Network
G. Internal Security
6. Impregnable.
H. Permanent Bases
5. Company Town
I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
6. Infiltration Network.
J. Special Budget
6. Mega Bucks.
K. General alignment of personnel
4. Anarchist and Unprincipled
L. Criminal Activity
1. Con Man
3. Cyber-Doc
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger
M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known.
N. Salary
6. Outrageous Salary!

All U.S Military Vehicle
Fully deck out ( adding 100 to 200 M.D.C)
M.D.C amour
Heavy weapons
New (GA WS) Combat Vehicles
GAW Abrams Battle Tank
GAW Hummer' Special Ops Dune Buggy
GA W A-IO Thunderbolt II Fighter·
GAW F16C Improved Falcon
GAW-130 /AC 130 Improved Hercules Airplane
GA W Apache Helicopter
GAW Super-Cobra Gunship
GAW Chinook
GAW Kiowa Warrior Helicopter

Two Chipwell security firm C.W.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)

Step One: The Size and Orientation
4. Large Company( 400 combat only )

Step One: The Size and Orientation
2. Secret (N.A.A.T)
3. Criminal Organized Crime(Black Market Allies )
5. Government(N.G.R Allied)

B. Outfits
6. Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear
4. Medical Equipment.
5. Medical Clinic
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies):
8. Unlimited Equipment

D. Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles
E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
6. Maximum Firepower:

F. Communications
5. Deluxe Communications Network

G. Internal Security
6. Impregnable.

H. Permanent Bases
5. Company Town

I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
6. Infiltration Network.

J. Special Budget
6. Mega Bucks.
K. General alignment of personnel
4. Anarchist and Unprincipled
L. Criminal Activity
1. Con Man
3. Cyber-Doc
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known.

N. Salary
6. Outrageous Salary

NOTE:ALL theirs product are sold in Town
The 400 full well armed infantry at base at all times
They working in updating a power armor armor protection system and weapons system.

Three Air Superiority Security Firm A.S.S.F

Step One: The Size and Orientation
4. Large Company( 2000 combat only )
1000 at base the other 1000 an hangers and air fields
Step Two: Mercenary Company Features

2. Secret (N.A.A.T)
3. Criminal Organized Crime(Black Market Allies )
5. Government(N.G.R Allied)

B. Outfits
6. Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear
4. Medical Equipment.
5. Medical Clinic
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies):
8. Unlimited Equipment

D. Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
6. Maximum Firepower:

F. Communications
5. Deluxe Communications Network

G. Internal Security
6. Impregnable.
H. Permanent Bases
5. Company Town

I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
6. Infiltration Network.

J. Special Budget
6. Mega Bucks.

K. General alignment of personnel
4. Anarchist and Unprincipled

L. Criminal Activity
1. Con Man
3. Cyber-Doc
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known.
N. Salary
6. Outrageous Salary!

In charge of base ,protect support personnel and in charge of anti aircraft, railgun,M.D projectile, surface to air missiles system various design and hidden
The pilots are testing a ton of different vehicles and weapons system With under ground hanger and bunkers .as well as surface hanger.
working in fort Hamilton's and close to cloning or replicate the following Vehicle
• lion Eagle Attack Helicopter
• AC-29 Air Castle Bomber
• Grey Falcon Attack Jet
These will be send to NGR
And marking better Vehicle
New (GAWS) Combat Vehicles
• GAW A-IO Thunderbolt II Fighter·
• GAW F16 Falcon
• GAW-130 Hercules Airplane
• GA W-64 Apache Helicopter
• GAW Super-Cobra Gunship
• GAW Chinook
• GAW Kiowa Warrior Helicopter

Four A.M.C security firm A.M.C.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)

Step One: The Size and Orientation
4. Large Company 5,000 members
Step Two: Mercenary Company Features
2. Secret (N.A.A.T)
3. Criminal Organized Crime (Black Market Allies)
5. Government (N.G.R and Allies)

B. Outfits
6. Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear
4. Medical Equipment.
5. Medical Clinic
6. Magic Technologies
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies):
8. Unlimited Equipment

D. Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
6. Maximum Firepower

F. Communications
5. Deluxe Communications Network

G. Internal Security
6. Impregnable.

H. Permanent Bases
5. Company Town

I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
4. Psionic and Magic Operatives.
5. D-Bee Specialists
6. Infiltration Network.

J. Special Budget
6. Mega Bucks.

K. General alignment of personnel
4. Anarchist and Unprincipled

L. Criminal Activity
1. Con Man
3. Cyber-Doc
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
6. Expert Assassin
7. Psychic Enforcer
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known.

N. Salary
6. Outrageous Salary!

Note :
Testing a tons of ground vehicle and weapons system amour .well Equipment for personal and infantry.

working in fort Hamilton's and close to cloning or replicate the following Vehicle
• Iron Maiden APC-10
• Iron Bolt Missile Vehicle
• Iron Fist Medium Tank
• Iron Hammer Main Battle Tank
• lion Eagle Attack Helicopter
• AC-29 Air Castle Bomber
• Grey Falcon Attack Jet
These will be send to NGR And marking better Vehicle

New (GAWS) Combat Vehicles
• GAW Abrams Battle Tank
• GAW M113 APC
• GAW Hummer' Special Ops Dune Buggy
• GAW A-IO Thunderbolt II Fighter·
• GAW F16 Falcon
• GAW-130 Hercules Airplane
• GA W-64 Apache Helicopter
• GAW Super-Cobra Gunship
• GAW Chinook
• GAW Kiowa Warrior Helicopter

Five Frontier Militia F.M.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)

Step One: The Size and Orientation
6. Large Mercenary Army at least
This across the US continent
Main group
1,000,000 + effective,

400,000 + support personnel
Reserve 6000,000
Support reserve 400,000

In base 1000 combat ready
Another 1000 for various ground vehicles
Another 1000 in Perry town

Step Two: Mercenary Company Features
2. Secret (N.A.A.T)
3. Criminal Organized Crime(Black Market Allies )
5. Government(N.G.R and Allies)

B. Outfits
6. Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear
4. Medical Equipment.
5. Medical Clinic
6. Magic Technologies
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies)
8. Unlimited Equipment

D. Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
6. Maximum Firepower:

F. Communications
5. Deluxe Communications Network

G. Internal Security
6. Impregnable.

H. Permanent Bases
5. Company Town(various location)

I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
6. Infiltration Network.

J. Special Budget
6. Mega Bucks.

K. General alignment of personnel
4. Anarchist and Unprincipled

L. Criminal Activity
1. Con Man
3. Cyber-Doc
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known.

N. Salary
6. Outrageous Salary!

Power armor
Tank for outposts in north America mainly GAW

Exotic steeds
Total of 3000 station here with another 1d6x100 coming and going to the test of the Frontier Militia sharing recon report and connecting to vast networks to Frontier Militia.

No giant Robot

As well as looking for the lost A10 in new west and Europe.

Six N.G.R Private military company

Step One: The Size and Orientation
5. Mercenary Army
10,000, with 60% of the troops engaged in support activities.

Step Two: Mercenary Company Features
5. Government(N.G.R Allied)

B. Outfits

6. Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear
4. Medical Equipment.
5. Medical Clinic
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies):
8. Unlimited Equipment

D. Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
6. Maximum Firepower

F. Communications

5. Deluxe Communications Network

G. Internal Security
6. Impregnable.

H. Permanent Bases
5. Company Town

I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
6. Infiltration Network.

J. Special Budget
6. Mega Bucks.

K. General alignment of personnel
4. Anarchist and Unprincipled

L. Criminal Activity
1. Con Man
3. Cyber-Doc
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known.

N. Salary
6. Outrageous Salary!

For N.G.R P.M.C Equipment are
Use Rifts World Book 5
Triax Imports

• TX-30 Triax Ion Pulse Rifle
• Terrain Hopper Power Armor
• Predator Power Armor
• Ulti-Max Power Armor
• Triax DV-12 Dyna-Bot
• Triax Forager Battlebot
• X-622 Bug
• TX-20 "Short" Laser Pistol
• X-821 Landcrab
• TX-22 Precision Laser Pistol
• X-1000 Ulti-Max
• TX-24 Ion Pulse Pistol
• X-2000 Dyna-Max
• TX-26 Particle Beam Pistol
• X-2500 Black Knight
• WR-10 Wilderness Ion Pistol
• X-2700 Dragonwing
• TX-11 Sniper Laser Rifle
• X-5000 Devastato

All Robot Drones


• VX-340 Slasher (Gold)
• VX-370 Stopper (Blue)
• VX-500 Manhunter (Red

Triax Weapons & Equipment .

Combat Vehicles all
All but no DU Rounds
New High-Tech Equipment all

NGR Army /NGR Armored Division /NGR Intelligence Division/
All O.C.C
No gypsy O.C.C

Here working with AMC for improving armor protection system and weapons system into marking military Vehicle testing here in north America and later sending them to area where needed.

Seven Perry Township militia security firm P.T.M.S.F
Step One: The Size and Orientation
4. Large Company( 400 combat only )

Step Two: Mercenary Company Features
2. Secret (N.A.A.T)
3. Criminal Organized Crime(Black Market Allies )
5. Government(N.G.R and allies )

B. Outfits
6. Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear
4. Medical Equipment.
5. Medical Clinic
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies):
8. Unlimited Equipment

D. Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
6. Maximum Firepower:

F. Communications
5. Deluxe Communications Network

G. Internal Security
6. Impregnable.

H. Permanent Bases
5. Company Town

I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
6. Infiltration Network.[/b]

J. Special Budget
6. Mega Bucks.

K. General alignment of personnel
4. Anarchist and Unprincipled

L. Criminal Activity
1. Con Man
3. Cyber-Doc
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known.

N. Salary
6. Outrageous Salary!

Note :
to handle major issues if the police enforcement can't handle.

Eight Perry Township law enforcement security firm P.T.L.E.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)

Step One: The Size and Orientation
4. Large Company( 400 combat only )

Step Two: Mercenary Company Features
2. Secret (N.A.A.T)
3. Criminal Organized Crime(Black Market Allies )
5. Government(N.G.R and allies )

B. Outfits
6. Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear

4. Medical Equipment.
5. Medical Clinic
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies):
8. Unlimited Equipment

D. Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
6. Maximum Firepower:

F. Communications
5. Deluxe Communications Network

G. Internal Security
6. Impregnable.

H. Permanent Bases
5. Company Town

I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
6. Infiltration Network.
J. Special Budget
6. Mega Bucks.

K. General alignment of personnel
4. Anarchist and Unprincipled

L. Criminal Activity
3. Cyber-Doc
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known.

N. Salary
6. Outrageous Salary!
Just like normal police and use a modify X 60 from NGR
No tanks
APC ,Hummer, all forms of law enforcement found in north America

Nine Peacekeeper (N.A.A.T.s)

Step One: The Size and Orientation
6. Large Mercenary Army It consists of a multi-divisional army
(at least 20,000 + effective, 40,000 + support personnel)

Step Two: Mercenary Company Features
2. Secret (N.A.A.T)
3. Criminal Organized Crime(Black Market Allies )
5. Government(N.G.R and other Allies )

B. Outfits
6. Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear
4. Medical Equipment.
5. Medical Clinic
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies)
8. Unlimited Equipment

D. Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
6. Maximum Firepower

F. Communications
5. Deluxe Communications Network

G. Internal Security
6. Impregnable.

H. Permanent Bases
5. Company Town

I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
4. Psionic and Magic Operatives
5. D-Bee Specialists.
6. Infiltration Network.

J. Special Budget
6. Mega Bucks.

K. General alignment of personnel
4. Anarchist and Unprincipled

L. Criminal Activity
3. Cyber-Doc
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known.
N. Salary
6. Outrageous Salary!

here they work as base operations at fort Hamilton's set as support and security at fort.

Ten Independent Perry Township security firm I.P.T.S.F (N.A.A.T.s)

Step One: The Size and Orientation

4. Large Company( 400 combat only )

Step Two: Mercenary Company Features
2. Secret (N.A.A.T)
3. Criminal Organized Crime (Black Market Allies )

B. Outfits
6. Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear
4. Medical Equipment.
5. Medical Clinic
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies):
8. Unlimited Equipment

D. Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
6. Maximum Firepower:

F. Communications
5. Deluxe Communications Network

G. Internal Security
6. Impregnable.

H. Permanent Bases
5. Company Town

I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
6. Infiltration Network.

J. Special Budget
6. Mega Bucks.

K. General alignment of personnel
4. Anarchist and Unprincipled

L. Criminal Activity
3. Cyber-Doc
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known.

N. Salary
6. Outrageous Salary!

Here where any Man of arms or Men of magic are put together to defend Town only well pay must work together or don't get paid,

Eleven Hamilton's Creepers


Step One: The Size and Orientation:
4. Large Company
A. Sponsorship:
None: Independent Operative. 10 Points.
2. Secret
4. Criminal. Organized Crime Front NGR and N.A.A.Ts

B. Outfits:
6. Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment:
2. Cheap Gear
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear
5. Medical Clinic.
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies):
8. Unlimited Equipment.

D. Vehicles:
6. Unlimited Vehicles.

E. Weapons:
6. Maximum Firepower

F. Communications:
6. Superior Communications.
G. Internal Security:
6. Impregnable.

H. Permanent Base:
6. Company City.

I. Intelligence Resources:
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives
4. Psionic and Magic Operatives.
5. D-Bee Specialists.

J. Special Budget:
6. Mega Bucks

K. General Alignment:

L. Criminal Activity:
1. Con Man
2. Prostitutes main for espionage
3. Cyber-Doc
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
6. Expert Assassin
7. Psychic Enforcer
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials:
N. Salary:
Outrageous !

They are working in fort Hamilton's and close to cloning or replicate the following Vehicle

• Iron Maiden APC-10
• Iron Bolt Missile Vehicle
• Iron Fist Medium Tank
• Iron Hammer Main Battle Tank
• lion Eagle Attack Helicopter
• AC-29 Air Castle Bomber
• Grey Falcon Attack Jet
These will be send to NGR
And marking better Vehicle
New (GAWS) Combat Vehicles
• GAW Abrams Battle Tank
• GAW M113 APC
• GAW Hummer' Special Ops Dune Buggy
• GAW A-IO Thunderbolt II Fighter·
• GAW F16 Falcon
• GAW-130 Hercules Airplane
• GA W-64 Apache Helicopter
• GAW Super-Cobra Gunship
• GAW Chinook
• GAW Kiowa Warrior Helicopter

The Kingdom of Tarnow

Step One: The Size and Orientation
4. Large Company( 400 combat only for embassy 600 support personnel)

Step Two: Mercenary Company Features
2. Secret (N.A.A.T)
3. Criminal Organized Crime(Black Market Allies )
5. Government( The Kingdom of Tarnow and Allies)

B. Outfits
6. Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear
4. Medical Equipment.
5. Medical Clinic
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies):
8. Unlimited Equipment

D. Vehicles
6. Unlimited Vehicles

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
6. Maximum Firepower:

F. Communications
5. Deluxe Communications Network

G. Internal Security
6. Impregnable.

H. Permanent Bases
5. Company Town

I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
4. Psionic and Magic Operatives.
6. Infiltration Network.

J. Special Budget
6. Mega Bucks.
K. General alignment of personnel
4. Anarchist and Unprincipled

L. Criminal Activity
1. Con Man
3. Cyber-Doc
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known.
N. Salary
6. Outrageous Salary!

Note main Vehicle are use
• Stinger Turbo Tank
• TC-R5 Gargoyle Stopper
• TC-R3 Missileer
• Sting-Ray Power Armor
• Tarnow Body Armor
• Environmental Body Armor

The Kingdom of Tarnow
Is paying top dollar for any S.D.C military Vehicle they can get a their hands on work with G.A.W and Wellington Industries

Air Superiority Inc. Mercenary Company
this is located at Perry Township
A. Sponsorship:
Independent Operative
4. Criminal. Organized Crime for Smuggling operations look Perry Township above
6. N.G.R /N.A.A.Ts Front

B. Outfits:
Specialty Clothing. 20 points.

C. Equipment:
2. Cheap Gear
4. Medical Equipment.
5. Medical Clinic.
6. Magic Technologies
7. High-Tech Augmentation
8. Unlimited Equipment

D. Vehicles:
5.Specialty Vehicles.
6.Unlimited Vehicles

E. Weapons:
5. Extensive Weaponry

F. Communications:
6. Superior Communications

G. Internal Security:
Iron-Clad. 20 points.

H. Permanent Bases:
I. Intelligence Resources:
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives.
4. Psionic and Magic Operatives.
6. Infiltration Network.

J. Special Budget:
6. Mega Bucks

K. General Alignment of Personnel:
Unprincipled & Scrupulous.

L. Criminal Activity:
M. Reputation/Credentials: Excellent Reputation. 25 points.
N. Salary: Excellent Salary. 10 points. Total
1. Con Man
3. Cyber-Doc
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband.
7. Psychic Enforcer
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials
4. Known

N. Salary
6. Outrageous Salary

Aircraft Vehicles Fighter Squadron Sword:
12 Grey Falcon jets.
Fighter Squadron Lance:
3 Grey Falcons,
7 GA-16C Falcons,
No longer part of inventory NE Boomerang fighters.
Bomber Squadron:
5 Air Castle bombers,
20 Air Castle bombers as transport no missiles
3 NE Crescent Moon Delta-Wings No longer part of inventory (see Rifts® Mercenaries).
Helicopter Squadron:
30 1Iron Heart Eagles,
6 GA-64 Apaches. And Cobra gunship
Cycle Squadron:
2 CS AFC-023 Sky Cycles,
5 WI AHB-2000 assault hover bikes,
3 NG-480 Turbos equipped with heavy lasers and mini-missile launchers,
No longer part of inventory 2 NE HC-160 Bullets ,
and two NE-X4-LH Sun Chariots No longer part of inventory
(Naruni Wave 2 substitute with a trio of rocket bikes)

Power Armor Squadron:
8 Coalition SAMAS No longer part of inventory
(three stolen CS SAMAS and five Bandito Arms equivalents),
5 Flying Titans,
20 Triax Predators,
1 Mecha-Knight, No longer part of inventory
4 Flying Knights (see Rifts® Mercenaries),
24 Icarus Flight Systems

Combat Medical Services

Page 158 MercTown

Step One: The Size and Orientation Step
5. Mercenary Army
Two: Mercenary Company Features
A. Sponsorship
1. Independent Operative
2. Secret ( N.A.A.T)
6. NGR Front

B. Outfits 10.
Unlimited Clothing

C. Equipment
3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear.
4. Medical Equipment
5. Medical Clinic
6. Magic Technologies
7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies
8. Unlimited Equipment

D. Vehicles
5. Specialty Vehicles.
6. Unlimited Vehicles

E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
6. Maximum Firepower

F. Communications
6. Superior Communications

G. Internal Security
4. Iron-Clad

H. Permanent Bases
4. Fortified Headquarters

I. Intelligence Resources
2. Scout Detachment
3. Special Military Operatives
4. Psionic and Magic Operatives
5. D-Bee Specialists

J. Special Budget
6. Mega Bucks

K. General alignment of personnel
6. Scrupulous and Principled

L. Criminal Activity
3. Cyber-Doc many
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband
7. Psychic Enforcer
8. Special Forces
9. Safecracker/Locksmith
10. Forger

M. Reputation/Credentials
5. Excellent Reputation

N. Salary
6. Outrageous Salary!

XM-250 Mark B Medical Hover Station

Model Type:
XM-250 Class:
Military Medical Hover Vehicle Crew: Five:
One pilot, one co-pilot,
one communications officer,
and two gunners.
The 28 medical personnel include eight surgeons,
two cyberdocs,
eight nurses,
four orderlies/assistants,
two chemists/laboratory techs, four field medics.
24 bed ridden patients and

M.D.C. by Location:
* Rear Tail Lights (2) — 5 each
* Forward Headlights (4) — 5 each
* Forward Searchlights (2; large) — 10 each
* Forward Weapon Turret (1; top) — 60 add 100
* Middle Weapon Turrets (2) — 60 each
add 100
* Rear Weapon Turrets (2) — 40 each
add 100
* Rear Hatch (1; bay doors) — 180
Add 60
* Side hatches (2) — 100 each
Add 140
Belly Hatch (1) — 240
Main Thrusters (4; large) — 150 each
* Secondary Thrusters (4; rear) — 80 each Rear Half of the Vessel — 1000 Reinforced can add 240
Pilot's Compartment — 150add 90
** Main Body: Nose Section — 700 add 240
***Force field — 100

* Every item marked by a single asterisk is small and/or difficult to strike. An attacker must make a called shot to hit and even then he is — 3 to strike. Destroying half the hover jets reduces the vessel's speed by half. Destroy them all and the medical station is immobilized.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body completely destroys the vehicle.

***Rechargeable Force Field:
One of the most impressive "new" developments is the mega-damage capacity force field generator that has been integrated into the overall system. The force field can be engaged at any time, usually at the beginning of heavy combat, thus letting the rechargeable field take the brunt of the initial attack. The two drawbacks with the force-field are that the laser cannot be fired when the field is engaged and the recharge period for an M.D.C. depleted field is 24 hours. Depleting the 100 M.D.C. of the force field will automatically shut the field generating system down and all subsequent damage is subtracted from the vehicle . A depleted force field requires a full 24 hours to regenerate to full capacity. Even minor damage (25 M.D.C. or less) will require eight (8) hours to be restored.
there a heavy Rechargeable Force Field 1d4x100+20 M.D
A depleted force field requires a full 24 hours to regenerate to full capacity

Speed Flying:
140 mph (224 km) maximum, but cruising speed is usually around 50 mph (80 km).

Flying Range:
Effectively unlimited. Maximum Altitude: 6000 feet

Statistical Data Height:
25 feet (7.6 m) tall.

26 feet (7.9 m)
130 feet (39.6 m)
Weight: 129 tons fully loaded
Medical supplies and personnel. See description.
Typically white or blue with a large red cross on the sides, top and belly.

Power System:
Nuclear, average energy life is 20 years. ).

Weapon Systems
1. Forward Weapon Turret:
Long-range Pulse variable Laser Cannon (1):
The single barrel turret is located on the top of the cockpit. It can rotate 360 degrees and the weapon barrel can be raised and lowered in a 45 degree arc of fire. The forward turret is typically operated by the co-pilot.
Primary Purpose:
Secondary Purpose:
1d4x10 M.D. per single blast
2d6x10 per triple pulse (the triple pulse counts as one melee action).
Rate of Fire:
Equal to the pilot's attacks/actions per melee.
Maximum Effective Range:
6000 feet
Effectively unlimited.

2. Middle Weapon Turrets:
variable Long-range Pulse Laser Cannons (2):
These two laser turrets are located on the top of the medical station near the midsection. They can rotate 360 degrees and the weapon barrels can be raised and lowered 45 degrees. These turrets are typically operated by the gunner.
Primary Purpose:
Secondary Purpose:
Anti-Missile Mega-Damage:
1d4x10 M.D. per single blast
2d6x10 per triple pulse (the pulse counts as one melee action).
both turrets can fire simultaneously at the same target, inflicting 4D6 x 10 + 6 M.D. (counts as one melee action).
Rate of Fire:
Equal to the gunner's attacks/actions per melee.
Maximum Effective Range:
6000 feet
Effectively unlimited.

3. Single Barrel Laser Turrets (2):
A pair of laser turrets are located on top of the medical station toward the rear. These are smaller and shorter range weapons designed mainly as an anti-missile system. As usual, the laser turrets can rotate 360 degrees and the barrels can be raised and lowered in a 45 degree arc of fire. The rear laser turrets are typically operated by the gunner or communications officer.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Missile Mega-Damage:
1d4x10 M.D. per single blast
2d6x10 per simultaneous blast from both turrets firing at the same target.
Rate of Fire:
Equal to the gunner's attacks/actions per melee round (typically 3 to 6).
Maximum Effective Range:
6000 feet
Effectively unlimited.
4. Sensors of Note:
Long-range communication all robot features
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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