TechnoGhast ---Technological Liches(Monster)

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TechnoGhast ---Technological Liches(Monster)

Unread post by taalismn »

This was originally intended as a Rifter submission, but what the heck, I keep forgetting it, so better post it before I lose it altogether....

TechnoGhast ---Technological Liches
(aka ‘Death-shells’, ‘Deadwalkers’, ‘Walking Coffins’, ‘NecroHulks’)
“Necroborgs, necrobots, and now these walking dead things.....does NEXUS’s capacity for atrocity never end?”

“There’s a spark of humanity in those old walkers...a very faint spark, driven mad by all the death and destruction around them, and by the Machine whispering in what remains of their minds...Be wary of the deadwalkers, but respect them as well.”

The TechnoGhast seems to be a horrid mutation left over from the Great Purge. When first encountered by the Resistance, it was assumed that the TechnoGhast was another new Machine weapon along the lines of the NecroZombie or this case, the creature seemed to be a horridly deformed suit of old-style pre-Purge power armor, mutated by the Nanobot Plague, the skeletal and mummified remains of its human pilot still visible within, bone and sinew fused to metal, cocooned in its mobile tomb of traitorous technology. However, when reports came in of the creatures also assaulting the Machine, the original belief had to be revised.
It is now suspected that the TechnoGhast is in fact an extremely rare mutation...what happened when a Nanobot Plague-infected suit of power armor was worn by a pilot with a borderline immunity to it, similar to that of the Technojackers. Only, rather than turn completely murderous against its pilot, or bend to the pilot’s will, the armor MERGED with its pilot, its programming disrupted. The process still proved fatal to the human within, but the human’s essence seems to have become a part of the Nanobot’s collective intelligence, disrupting its connection to N.E.X.U.S.
Finding themselves trapped in a psuedo-technological frankenstein that sustained their consciousness while their organic bodies rotted away with agonizing pain, the involuntarily cyborgized pilots went stark-raving mad, blind with pain and fury. Mutated nanite regeneration and twisted self-preservation protocols kept the berserkers from killing themselves, as well as conferred effective immortality, so instead they lashed out at friend and foe alike, unable(or unwilling) to distinguish between man and machine.
TechnoGhasts are extremely dangerous because they are insane and unpredictable, combining the worst features of Machine and Human. Perhaps out of lingering hatred against those they feel abandoned them to a horrible fate, frustrated with their inability to end their suffering, TechnoGhasts are just as likely to attack humans as they are to destroy machines. This may be a blind, berserker rage, or the TechnoGhast may watch and stalk targets for days, playing chilling psychological cat-and mouse games with their prey.
However, ever so occasionally, some small shred of long-lost human compassion may emerge from within the depths of the tortured man-machines. A TechnoGhast may emerge from the wastelands to rescue a trapped Resistance unit from Machine besiegers, carry an endangered child to safety(somehow controlling the nanotech reaction to avoid inadvertently slaying any who come into contact with it), fight a rearguard action to allow civilians to escape a Machine purge, then disappear as quickly as they appeared.....Some TechnoGhasts exhibit consistently altruistic behavior, while others exhibit wild swings of attitude...the TechnoGhast that saves your life from the Machine today may reappear to slay your entire party tomorrow. And never, NEVER, do the TechnoGhasts appear to be approachable to negotiation or communication(although some survivors of encounters with them have heard the monsters utter slurred staticy threats or barely articulate mutterings).
The best advice about TechnoGhasts is to see them first, and avoid contact with them if at all possible.

It is unknown how many TechnoGhasts roam the Splicer world; most Splicer intelligence places the number at no more than 1d6x1,000 globally

TechnoGhasts appear able to pick up and use any Machine weapon. They CANNOT use Splicer biotech.

Note: The TechnoGhast is intended as a random monster, and NOT as a PC. However, if one truly wants to play a monster, then it is remotely possible that the TechnoGhast may suffer a lapse of sanity or memory that allows it to control itself and work with a group. Most Splicers, however, avoid TechnoGhasts like the NanoPlague, since the ‘Ghast is a walking embodiment of the evil of the Purge.

The random nature of the stats reflects a variety of different power armors/light robots being used by the pre-NEXUS armed forces and the random mutations of the technoghasts.

Alignment: Can be any, and can even vary from day to day. However, consider most to be Anarchist(and insane).
Horror Factor: 13
Metabolism: Unknown; some TechnoGhasts have been observed to devour both slaughtered organics and destroyed machines through varying forms of assimilation, but whether this serves some real physical or imagined psychological need remains unknown. The TechnoGhasts have to be running off of SOMETHING, however, as their onboard nuclear batteries should have gone cold long long ago.
Size: Range from 7 to 15 ft tall
Weight: 600 lbs to 3 tons
MDC/Armor by Location:(Varies)
Head 100+4d6x10
Main Body/Torso 200+4d6x10
Arms(2) 100+4d4x10 each
Legs(2) 100+4d6x10 each
Physical Strength: Equiv. Robotic P.S. of 4d6+10
Speed: (Running) Varies; 2d4x10 MPH
(Leaping)Varies; standing jump of 1d6x5 ft up/across, increase by 50% with a running start, x10 w/ a thruster boost.
(Flying) About 20% of TechnoGhasts have some remaining flight capability; can hover and fly at 200 MPH, maximum altitude 1,000 ft. +5 dodge while flying.
(Underwater) Limited to walking along the bottom of bodies of water at a 10th of their normal running speed, Depth tolerance is unknown.
Standard Features:
Standard Power Armor Systems:
-IR/Thermo-imaging/Passive Nightvision Optics
-Radio( 500 mile range, but pretty useless as few humans are using radio frequencies anymore, but can still hear Machine transmissions)
-Basic and Enhanced Audio
-Loudspeaker(80 decibels)
-Motion Detector(800 ft range)
Special Abilities:
*Weapon Graft---Similar to a Technojacker, TechnoGhasts seem able to pick up and attach any Machine weapon to their arms and use them as an extension of themselves(this further reinforces speculation that the technoghasts may be related to the TechnoJackers). This includes linking energy weapons to the ‘ghast’s power systems for effectively unlimited shots.

*Regeneration----The TechnoGhast can slowly regenerate damage similar to a Technojacker; heals 1d6 MD every 15 minutes. This applies only to the base main body of the technoghast and not any scavenged systems.

*Reconstitution---Unless taken down to 50% more than its main body MDC, the TechnoGhast will slowly regenerate to rise again.

Special Senses:
*ElectroMagnetic Sensors----Can pick up the EM signature of radar, radio transmissions, and active machinery from as far away as 3,000 ft, active nuclear fusion containment systems from as far away as 8,000 ft.

Weapons Systems:
1) Forearm Blades(2)---Originally meant as utility cutters, these armor-slicing vibroblades can extend out from the forearms. Early models were monoblades, while some later power armors featured two- or three-bladed claws. About 30% of TechnoGhasts also feature foot-blades.
Range: Melee
Damage: +2d4 MD to a punch or kick.

2) Back-Mount Weapon(1, 1-30% chance of having two)---An over-the-shoulder weapons mount. See Random Weapons

3) Handheld Weapon-- The ‘ghast will typically have one handheld weapon. See Random Weapons

Random Roll Weapons Table---GMs may wish to roll on the following table to see what weapons the TechnoGhast may have acquired in its wanderings.
01-10% Ancient Rail Gun(still functional)
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst, can only fire bursts
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Still has 2d6x100 rds left. If shoulder-mounted, double the payload.

11-15% Ancient Energy Weapon: Laser(still functional)
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

16-20% Ancient Energy Cannon: Plasma (still functional)
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10+10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

21-25% Improvised Spear(1d6 carried)---A shard of sharpened megadamage rebar used as a spear; 2d4 MD+punch damage on a jab, 2d4 MD on a throw. Range: P.S. x10 in ft. Has 5d6 MD. +1 parry.

26-45% Improvised Sword---A blade of well-sharpened metal. Has 6d6 MD and does 4d4 MD + punch damage. +3 parry

46-60% Improvised Bludgeon----A massive maul, used for pummeling targets into scrap or pulp. 3d6 MD+ punch damage. Has 2d6x10 MDC in armor. +2 parry

61-70% Improvised Chain Weapon---A long length(or several lengths) of rusty chain, used to batter, flail, and entangle targets. 15-30 ft reach. +1 parry, +2 to entangle. Does 2d6 MD + punch damage. 2d4x10 MDC.

71-80% Improvised Battle Ax---A huge plate of armor, turned into a crude cleaver; 4d6 MD + punch damage. Has 4d4x10 MD in armor. +2 parry.

81-85% Mini-MIssile Launcher---If handheld, has 1d4 shots left(capacity of 4), if shoulder-mounted has 1d8 out of a possible 8 rds. 1d6x10 MDC.

86-00 % Salvaged NEXUS-Bot Weapon;.
Energy weapons enjoy effectively unlimited payloads thanks to the TechnoGhast power-linking to them.
01-10% Machine Grenade Mini-Gun(will need to scavenge NEXUS-bots for ammo)
11-20% Machine Light Robot Rail Gun(will need to scavenge NEXUS-bots for ammo)
21-30% Machine Plasma Cannon
31-40% Machine Ion Pistol
41-50% Machine Laser Pistol
51-75% Machine Pulse-Laser Assault Rifle
76-85% Machine Laser & Grenade Assault Rifle(will need to scavenge NEXUS-bots for ammo)
86-95% Machine Vibro-Scythe---Taken off a Slicer Robot
96-00% Machine Chainblade---Taken off a Slicer Robot

Hand to Hand Combat:
Actions/Attacks per Melee: 2d6
Initiative: +1d4
Strike: +3+1d4, +3 w/ ranged/thrown weapons
Critical Strike on an unmodified 18-20

Skills of Note:
Most of the TechnoGhasts’ original skills are no longer relevant to the post-Purge world, impossible for the techno-lich to perform, or have rotted away. The remaining skills have devolved into those of an animalistic predator:
Camouflage 60+3d6%
Tracking(by sight) 60+3d6%
Detect Ambush 50+3d6%
Surveillance 50+3d6%

Other Features(Optional)
Roll 1d4 times;
01-05% Extra Arm---Each arm adds +1 additional attack per melee
06-15 % Extra Armor---Add +2d6x10 MD
16-25-%Flight Pack---A jet pack that allows the monster to fly at roughly 200 MPH, +1 to Dodge while flying, or DOUBLE the speed of an existing jetpack
26-30% Blast Baffling---Kinetic strikes(projectile hits, melee strikes) do only HALF damage.
31-40% Spikes----Jagged outgrowths of metal and ceramic jut from the body of the TechnoGhast; these add 1d6 MD to a body block/tackle and anybody engaged in melee combat with the ‘ghast has a 25% chance of taking 1d6 MD damage when striking the beast..
41-50% Thermal-Resistant Armor---Plasma and heat-based attacks do only 1/4 normal damage.
51-55% Eater Cloud----The TechnoGhast seems surrounded by a cloud of gnats or carrion flies. These are actually repurposed nanites that the TechnoGhast can use as micro-drones(the ‘mites can fly as far as 500 ft) or attackers. Against organics, the gnats present a thick stinging cloud that obscures vision;-10 to strike, parry, and dodge, -3 on initiative, and lose 1 APM while in the cloud, but take no real damage. Against the Machine, the ‘mites act like metal-eating nanites, doing 2d4 MD per melee to every location they settle on. The cloud is generally 100 ft wide and can dispersed by concussive explosives and destroyed by fuel-air detonations, but can reform from being dispersed within 2d4 melees. The TechnoGhast can regenerate a lost cloud within 48 hours. Both NEXUS and the technojacker community would LOVE to know how the technoghasts do this particular trick.
56-60%Stealth Field---Some sort of electronic cloaking, that conceals the TechnoGhast from electronic sensors; only a 5% chance of being detectable by the Machine, and sensor-guided weapons are -5 to strike the ‘ghast.
61-70% Camouflage---Visual ‘chameleon’ camouflaging that obscures the creature from visual detection and blurs them enough that visual targeting is thrown off. Invisible to thermal-imaging optics, has only an 20% chance of being spotted visually, and is -3 to strike using optical senses, including laser targeting.
71-80% Laser-Reflective Armor---Lasers do only HALF damage.
81-90% Vampiric Self-Repair----The TechnoGhast regenerates by devouring Splicers and NEXUS-bots alike, regaining MDC on a 1 to 1 point basis. TechnoGhasts with this ability have acquired a mouth that does 2d6 MD on a bite.
91-00% Vampiric Power Drain----The TechnoGhast can force a connection with a NEXUS ‘bot and drain its power system. The ThechnoGhast must make physical contact with the target and ideally through a connection port or chink in the armor. In general, the TechnoGhast can drain power directly through as much as 200 MDC of intervening armor, so on the heavier ‘bots like Steel Troopers and Slicers, the ‘ghast will attempt to go for a limb first or soften up the main body armor to make holes. The TechnoGhast can drain one system or limb of power per melee, cumulative, so they can de-energize an arm the first melee, the other arm the next, and so on, culminating in the torso and head. Attacking the head first will result in the de-powering of any senses and radio systems there.
The ‘ghast also takes only HALF damage from ion weapons, and NO damage from electrical attacks.

Behavior Table (Optional)
01-10% Alignment Drift----every 4d6 days, the technoghast’s alignment shifts.
11-20% Screamer----The technoghast announces its presence through high-pitched demented screaming, amplified over loudspeakers.
21-30% Cairn-Builder---The technoghast seemingly at random collects stones and debris and builds small cairns. Investigating these will reveal the stones hold the remains of old military equipment(especially pieces with insignia on them) or civilian items like personal items(dolls, jewelry, ID cards, etc). If caught disturbing a cairn, interlopers stand a good chance (60%) of being attacked by the TechnoGhast.
31-40% Hoarder---The technoghast collects and squirrels away valuable technology, such as weapons, ammunition, plastic maps and books, or plastic credit disks. There’s only a 30% chance of cache-thieves being stalked or attacked by the technoghast.
41-50% Musician--The TechnoGhast seems to play music, hum, or sing(15% chance of the words/lyrics being understandable). This can be surprisingly mellow and smooth, or mere audio cacophony.
51-60% Undertaker---The TechnoGhast will bury the remains of dead humans, even those it has killed itself. There’s an 80% chance the undertaker-ghast will target and stalk necroborgs and necrobots for the purpose of interring their remains.
61-70% Denier----If presented with its own reflection, the TechnoGhast has a 01-25% chance of fleeing in apparent terror, 26-00% lashing out in a rage to destroy its reflection.
71-80% Artist----The TechnoGhast creates sculptures of various materials. Some are just random piles of stuff, others apparently symbolic, while others show obvious planning and imagination. Unfortunately, depending on the demeanor of the Technoghast, the materials may include parts of robots or parts of human beings and their warmounts.
81-90% Hunter---The TechnoGhast is unusually quiet and patient, and gets a default Prowl ability of 60+3d6%, +3d6 % to Tracking and gets a +1 to strike in the first melee of combat. Its victims, machine, human and animal, will often be strung up and dressed like prey carcasses.
91-00% Shepherd---Even in the depths of madness, regardless of its alignment, the TechnoGhast cannot bring itself to harm human children, even though it may have slaughtered any adults moments previously. The TechnoGhast will attempt to protect and guide any human children to safety(or what it perceives as safety) above all else.
Last edited by taalismn on Sat Apr 08, 2023 12:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: TechnoGhast ---Technological Liches(Monster)

Unread post by BookWyrm »

:eek: Duuuuuuuuuuuude. 8-)
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Re: TechnoGhast ---Technological Liches(Monster)

Unread post by ZINO »

TechnoGhast ---Technological Liches

this is beast mode
wow love this !!
this should be a rifter issue the best i seen
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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