Potential idea for psionics when you run out of ISP.

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Potential idea for psionics when you run out of ISP.

Unread post by green.nova343 »

Ok, was recently engaged in this thread (viewtopic.php?f=7&t=185300), & it got me thinking.

Mages can pull PPE from other sources, & even have an emergency method of converting SDC/HP to PPE. But psychics don't have anything: once they run out of ISP, that's it until they get a chance to rest up or meditate.

But...what if they could do something more? What if they could...push themselves a bit? Maybe even in a method that could be accessed even when they do have ISP available, but don't feel like burning it up -- like, for example, when they're not in a combat or dangerous situation?

So I was thinking about adapting something from the description of the Negate Super Powers ability from HU2. The description says that it's actually a very focused & specialized version of Bio-Manipulation, in that it targets the portion of the victim's brain that allows them to access their super-abilities (but doesn't block magic, innate attributes/passive abilities like S.D.C., or psionics). That's not the important part, though. The important part is in the penalties to the hero using the power.

So...somewhat in the vein of the "Animal Psionics" rules, I thought of using this as an optional rule. Unfortunately, I don't have a cool name for it, so for now I'll call it "Pushing the Limits"

Sometimes, as a psychic you simply run out of ISP for your powers, but you're not one of those "gun bunny"/Jack Reacher types that can just wade into combat. And sometimes, even when you're back at home in between your adventures or investigations, you need or want to use your powers but don't feel like using all of your ISP up to do so. So what do you do?

You focus...you concentrate real hard...pushing past the need to tap into your ISP base, & simply push with your "mental muscles" past those limitations. It's hard, it takes a lot of concentration, but it lets you tap into your potential.

Usage: Technically, any psionic power can be performed. However, the use of combat-oriented abilities should be limited, as the amount of concentration required will limit its effectiveness.
Effect: as per normal for the psionic ability. If the psionic ability grants the target a saving throw, it still applies.
Duration: as long as you concentrate, you can keep using the power until you choose to stop using it, or until you lose consciousness (falling asleep, KO/Stun attack, drugs, etc.).
  • Only one psionic power or ability can be used at any given time. You can switch at any time, but as soon as you do so the first power automatically shuts off (so make sure you set Aunt Oney's car down before you stop using Telekinesis to hold it up while she changes the tire).
  • Using the psionic power without tapping into ISP requires a lot of concentration. While doing so, you are limited to a maximum of 2 AT/melee, and all skills are performed with a -25% penalty. Once you drop the concentration (or if you decide to switch over to using ISP to fuel the power), the penalties go away.
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