The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Possible one shot adventure, with pre-made characters.

A D-Bee orphanage in the worst section of the Chi-Town Burbs is raided by either CS police looking to send a message, CS military looking for something specific, or bandits looking for an easy score, knowing the CS will not intervene. Or maybe someone with a grudge against the little old lady. OR, somebody looking for slaves or child-soldiers, in which case their ultimate motive may be secret for a while and excellent catalyst for a long running campaign.

Anyway, the administrators are killed or captured, and so are most of the children. Your gang somehow manages to sneak out and either head for the hills, or find save haven in another part of the Burbs. Maybe someplace abandoned, or someplace sympathetic to homeless D-bee children.


1. IF they find another safer home in the Burbs: they have to integrate into the new community or home. Its possible someone may wish to split them up, especially if one or a few of the kids are members of a species not welcome in that particular neighborhood. The new "mom" can either be benevolent or malevolent. Either way the kids have to decide their next move. Sit down quietly and try to live a normal life in the Burbs, even though they might get raided again? Investigate their attacker and plot revenge? Learn a trade and make a new life? Join an underground resistance and fight for D-Bee rights? Sprint to the wilderness and build a new life from scratch? Or a combination of the above.
If there are any teens they will likely take charge of the situation and the younglings have to decide if they wanna go along, or argue, or sneak away. This could be an opportunity to get rid of old characters and introduce new ones at the GM's discretion. Maybe the players wanna try a variety of characters just for fun. Again could be pre-made or player-generated.
If the PC's don't like their new home they COULD also opt to improve or change it. Maybe by asking nicely, more likely they have to push their agenda, which of course will create conflict with the current owner, and possibly the neighborhood. Or the neighborhood may support them.
Eventually they'll want to find out who attacked them and why, and decide to either plot revenge, or move on with their lives. Good potential for an open-ended campaign either way.

2. If they find an abandoned home in the Burbs: The PC's also have to plan their next move. Maybe build a home and settle in, possibly set up a watch, or defenses, scavenge for good and supplies, maybe see if the local neighborhood has friendly or unfriendly inhabitants, maybe the abandoned home had something of interest (money, gear, information, magic goodies both helpful and harmful, leads for a new adventure or campaign, vehicles, live mounts, dead mounts, perhaps one thing for each character in the party, whatever the GM can invent). Players have to decide if they wanna lay low, stay put, move on, or form a proper team with a chain of command and rules and regulations. Again if there are teenagers in the clan they may take charge, and they might also experience resistance. If the place is large enough this could also be an opportunity to build their dream home. A fortress, palace, business, S&M club, or whatever. And like before, they may wish to investigate their attackers, get revenge, or find new trouble in the Burbs and forget about the kindly old lady who raised them from birth and is probably being slowly tortured to death as we speak.

3. If they run for the hills: You can either run a revenge campaign, or use this as a springboard for an open-ended campaign. The PC's again need to find something safe in the countryside around Chi-Town. Where monsters cant find them, or wont attack them, or marauders, or CS search and destroy teams if the GM decides thats going to be their immediate threat. Again they must choose whether or not to get revenge. If they opt to move on with their lives they have to do all the normal stuff like find or grow food, get supplies and gear, vehicles and weapons (or mounts) and set up a home. Also with basic household goods like beds, ovens, and a quiet room to cry in. Could be the start of a generic open campaign, but with young D-bees who must figure out this strange and mysterious world and their part in it. Also a good opportunity to let go of old characters and bring in new ones. Possibly misfits or other orphans. Could be the start of an orphan rescue campaign. Maybe they grow a small town. Maybe they build an empire to rival the Coalition States. Who the heck knows.....

4. In any case, you may wish to have them pick OCC's after they get settled in wherever they settle. Maybe some have hidden magic or psychic potential they didn't know about, until a kindly old lady shows them the way. Others may have technical or combat aptitude. Or scientific.

5. A different start would be to make the same characters, but in Tolkeen territory. Perhaps their local government is a lot more tolerant of D-bees, and the old orphanage is either invaded by the CS war machine, or a nearby wizard accidentally loses control of his creation, or a Shifter loses control of his beast, and their home is obliterated. Again the players must decide if they wish to focus on revenge, or survival. Again, roughly the same survival scenarios but in a magic-tolerant and D-bee loving neighborhood. Or some of the D-bees are NOT tolerated in their particular neighborhood and must decide if they want to move on, hide, or fight with the locals for their right to exist. They could also flee north and enter Xiticix territory where some friendly locals protect them and teach em how to fight big bugs. Or the creatures do not deem them a threat at all and let them pass through with a minimum of hostility. Actually now that I think about it thats a whole different campaign and needs more detail.

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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Heart Kicker Option: The PCs discover that they may have been responsible for making one or more of the kids orphans, due to some earlier action of theirs("Wait, wasn't Garbie Galdon that bounty-hunter we blas-""Shutup!", or 'So THAT'S what happened to that five hundred pound bomb we were forced to throw out of our aircraft-")
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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OK, I'm gonna get the ball rolling on this one, for real. Cuz I've always wanted to run a mixed D-bee campaign ever since I first read my Rifts book back in the early 90's. Could never get anyone on board.
I want a team of relative youths, and none of them normal.

Going to have:

A couple of Rifts exclusive D-bee types, probably from D-bees of North America.
A mutant dog-boy or something similar. Will come up with a backstory later.
A mutant experiment or something like that, from Skraypers or HU2. Probably with random powers and attributes.
1 Robot. Not sure how or why or what. Was thinking either a nanny bot with limited skills but somehow achieved sentience. Or a utility bot, probably something cute and plucky and legally dissimilar to anything George Lucas ever made. Or, it could be like C-3P0 in that it was made of spare parts by a smart kid, and in theory could have any skill package, and again sentience. Probably created from HU2.
A fairy or fairy kin.
Something weird that normally only appears in Atlantis. Again, child age. Or maybe a teen.
Something really weird from one of the conversion books. Intelligent, and young relative to its species. NOT a dragon.
A dragon.
Well, maybe. Probably not though.
One really exotic species from Phase World, or possibly Wormwood. Again, level 1, and young for its species. Possibly a truly unique being. We shall see.

So, up to 9 sentient creatures. Obviously if the player group is small the extras will be NPC's, and possibly playable characters after the group gets settled in and wanna mix it up a bit. Or they can just be backup at their hideout.

I am going to go with my original plot line. All the characters are at an orphanage for exotic species. They live in one of the quieter sections of the CS Burbs. The CS authorities raid the place, possibly looking for that abandoned Dog-Boy. OR the den mother herself was the target. She knows something important to the CS and they finally tracked her down. She will be captured, not killed, so the players have a potential goal if they choose to follow up. They'd have to get to safety, then work on contacting the underground information network in the Burbs. Then make a plan (possibly a very long term plan) to rescue her. Will likely involve some of them picking OCC's and then finding gear and maybe even getting additional outside help if their mother is being held alongside other unfairly imprisoned creatures, intelligent or not.

I am also going with the abandoned warehouse theme. Its appropriately stark for a new group of young characters, and gives them a chance to do as they like with regards to base-building and exploring. If they just hang out in the empty structure they wont attract any attention. If they setup power, communications, living quarters, and defenses, they will make noise. And they will attract attention. CS patrols, irritable or greedy neighbors, and dangerous vermin (both inside and outside) are all potential opponents. Also kidnappers and slavers and other sick weirdos. Maybe a nasty wizard wants to experiment on the mutant or one of the D-bees. They get taken, the rest of the gang must get em back. Maybe the robot gets curious and decides to explore without backup.

A Line Walker, Shifter, or Techno-wizard will probably want goodies. They may be relatively quick and easy to find, but probably not. If such people are in the group I will most likely want them to work for their toys. Probably a whole set of adventures just for that. An Operator will definitely want toys. The robot may need parts, upgrades, weapons, or utility items. Maybe its a universal utility droid that can make use of a variety of implements. If the D-bees or mutants have special needs those should also be addressed.

Anywho, they clean up their home, make it useful, and set out to rescue mom.

Suggestions thus far?
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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NPC # 1: Mother

Shaydorian Intel, Stilt People, level 10. (WB2 Atlantis, pp 79). Scrupulous.
Real name unknown, or unpronounceable. She wanted to help abandoned children and set up a home deep in the less travelled section of the Burbs. When she fled Atlantis she had a nice little Zembahk with her. Its current fate unknown. Mothers previous life is a relative mystery. At GM's discretion more can be revealed early on, or much later, if at all. But right now only the CS are looking for her. Perhaps she possesses knowledge of mutants, or magic, or Atlantis and the CS decide they need her. They also wanted to capture any stray mutants or magicians, but they are not as important, so if all the characters escape the CS will not look for them immediately.

Moms skills are mostly scholarly and scientific. She tried being a domestic but stinks at it. She's also a fairly non-violent Shaydorian Intel. After fighting her way out of Atlantis and across Rifts North America (she possibly has a long and complicated history) she vowed to avoid violence when possible, preferring negotiation. She has few and meager possessions, knowing things can be lost and replaced, but life is precious. She looks worn for her age, but is still spry, quick-witted, and also somewhat hopeful and optimistic, if only for the benefit of the children.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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NPC # 2: The CS Agent

No idea as to gender, name, appearance, or exact character class. Whoever it is will be fiercely loyal to the CS and not into bribes or negotiating. Also a world class bigot. Not for appearances, but a true believer of Coalition values. Was thinking either a high ranking CS officer, or some kind of Intelligence agent. Dead set on learning everything Mom knows and possibly capturing or killing the wayward orphans. Will be of a reasonably high level, and not at all stupid. Will follow his/her goals but will never take foolish risks, or cause unneeded collateral damage, certainly not while in the vicinity of Chi-Town. Will not harm or abuse real CS citizens. Will not mindlessly sacrifice CS troops. This person isnt a zealot, just very focused and loyal.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Potential PC #1: A Hawrk-duhk from Atlantis (pp 74). Likely a stowaway or ward of Mom.

She rescues him from captivity or slavery or sick experiments, and travels with him from Atlantis to Chi-Town. Depending on how long her trip took, and how many detours, he could be a teenager and above level 1. OR he came from an egg, and has no memory of the life in Atlantis, or knowledge of his people.
Name and appearance to be determined later. Depending on how much violence or abuse he's experienced, he may be the most aggressive of the group, or the quickest to anger. If an adolescent or slightly older than the rest, or he may be the first to take charge when Mom is not available. Might also provide valuable insight into Atlantis if he remembers it. Might also be the Domestic of the household. GM's choice.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Potential PC 2 and 3: D-bees from North America. WB 30.

Unnamed D-B 1: Aardan Tek from WB 30 pp 9

The lost child of a group of explorers who encountered some interdimensional slavers, fought them off, took casualties, and could not save their baby or toddler. The adult aardan teks are still looking for him/her and may eventually find it. If so they will be initially peaceful and cooperative but very determined to get their child back, going so far as to use violence as their last resort. GM's choice as to when or if they ever catch up with the young one. Or the child grows up and sets out to find his home planet or species.

Will probably take one of the favored OCCs on page 10. Is very young, has low physical stats but slightly above average mental stats, and most likely does not know about his/her magical potential.

Unnamed D-B 2: Adna Nomad from page 11.

A tween or teen rescued from slavery. Was kidnapped initially by temporal raiders, eventually ended up on Atlantis. Eventually rescued and transported to mainland North America, imprisoned and enslaved again and later rescued by Mom. Probably in or around CS territory. Has a negative attitude and doesnt like humans, especially human mages and open bigots like CS citizens. Will work with a team so long as the team is mostly D-B or humans that obviously don't endorce racism and slavery. If a teenager will NOT take charge of the group and may be antagonistic to ideas he doesnt like. Might have a few more skills than the children but not as much as a level 1 OCC. Available classes on page 12, will probably pick Wilderness Scout or Vagabond. Does not have knowledge of the 3 Galaxies or dimensional travel. May have some memories of Atlantis if the GM wants that to be a characteristic. Could occassionally provide insight. Also at GM's discretion this child is marked and may be hunted by slave-catchers from any number of organizations. Or may be ignored entirely.

(other D-bees from WB 30 are available as swap ins or NPC allies, at the GM's discretion)
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Potential PC 4: Dog boy from CS.
World Book 13, pp 24.

Either abandoned, lost, or escaped. Maybe even rescued by Mom during her travels. Level 0. Has few skills. Might even be too young to be useful at the beginning. Or might be the oldest of the group, most likely to take charge, and most likely to already have a beef with the CS. GM's choice. I decided to NOT write up stats for this child. He will likely move to a man-at-arms OCC when he grows up and feels its time.
For whatever reason he will be the most angry and hostile towards humans. Also the first to suggest combat as a solution to any problem. Has a good heart but is bitter at how he's been treated and wants revenge more than the others. Also fiercely loyal to Mom and more inclined to get her back as opposed to going solo and finding his own path. Any species but likely a larger breed that is focused on fighting, like a German Shepherd or Rottweiler.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Potential PC # 5: Experimental mutation from HU2.

Unnamed Experimental Mutant
HU 2 page 115

Chemical experimentation. A deliberate experiment to alter or augment the human body. An X-factor produced staggering results. Cannot be duplicated.
One Major super ability and 1D4+1 minor psionic powers.
Odd Skin texture that detracts from her physical beauty. -2 on P.B. Also very angry and bitter towards normal humans and bigots.
Was created by a secret organization with a military background. Agency has no name yet, will allow GM to determine if they track her down or not. Was lost or thrown out or perhaps helped to escape by a sympathetic scientist who was later killed.
Major Ability: From Powers Unlimited 1: Create Force Contructs, page 68.
This character is a human, so his body and fields are SDC but very powerful. Agency wants him back to run more tests and possibly create stronger beings. Was intended to be a super soldier but did not receive training as a child. May pick a man-at-arms OCC or may be repulsed by violence and seeks to only protect herself or her friends. Player may also pick 1D4+1 minor psychic powers from HU2.
Player may be curious about the secret group, or curious about her powers, and may go looking for answers. Or the player may decide she wants help her friends or forge her own unique destiny in life.

Skin is almost crystalline and amber colored, but its got weird patterns and is not attractive by normal standards. May impress scientists or scholars.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Potential PC # 6: Robot from HU2.

HU2 Robot: Page 192

A highly advanced AI not seen anywhere else on Rifts earth. Possibly alien technology but more likely a very successful experiment from Earth. No other known copies exist, unique so far.
Appears to be a robot vehicle almost like large bulky power armor, can hold a medium human inside, but this bot generally acts on his own and would only transport a close friend who had no other options. Might resemble a giant worker bot or household bot on the outside but does not look like any current model on the market. Inside is empty enough for one occupant and no more. AI resides in head. Has a serious but pleasant male voice which it can change at GM's discretion. Has no gender personality type though.
It only knows its domestic program. Mom did not tell it very much about where she found it or how she reprogrammed it. Was actually a very advanced security bot originally and GM has option to unlock such programming if the player works at it, or it is appropriate to the campaign. As advanced as it is, this bot can do some thinking and will soon realize being a domestic is not all the children need. They will need a protector, and possibly a champion to help rescue Mom. But will not take charge of anything. Will follow orders from the most sensible child in the group, whoever that may be. Will sometimes offer unsolicited advice and will always be serious and helpful when asked a direct question. Does not play games even if asked. Was designed to care for children, not entertain or educate them.

As it is a repurposed security bot, it has no weapons and light armor and not much in the way of combat RADAR or advanced systems. Does have a micro fusion power supply, currently good for 20+1D4 years. Can be used to charge small devices and one e-clip at a time. But the gang will not be able to rely on it for a consistent power source. May be the most apt character to fix a vehicle or the household machinery. Currently has the Domestic Program on page 198.

Name is probably something like Smithers or Jenson or Cadbury or whatever a butler may have.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Potential PC # 7: Fairy or fairy kin.

Faerie from Conversion Book 1 Revised, page 120: Silver Bell

Is young for its species but has all the normal skills and powers. Fiercely loyal to Mom and any other children who wish to rescue her. Less inclined to violence but will do anything to protect family. Has little interest in finding her species or exploring the world alone. Will happily act as caretaker, medic, teacher, or counsel to the leadership but will not take charge or volunteer for anything dangerous. Name is players choice. Something cute befitting a small silver creature would be appropriate. Also functions as a morale booster and entertainer if no one else volunteers.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Potential PC # 8: Something wild from one of the three Conversion Books.

Emirin from Conversion Book 1 Revised page 149.

Giant cat resembling a mountain lion with spotted or speckled belly. Has a cool exotic name like Scorpius or Endymion or something sci-fi and fun.

Acts as a level one mind melter. Can communicate psychically. Prefers exotic creatures like the silver bell fairy. Is also quite loyal to Mom and the children. Will be leading the charge in any rescue attempt. Angry at humans and anyone who would capture or harm the children. May on rare occasions act out of frustration but would generally never put the group in deliberate harm.
Was probably picked up as a pet by Mom. After learning to trust her he communicated via brainwaves and became a secret confidant to her and possibly the silver bell fairy. Will defend other children to the death, if needed and is otherwise extremely loyal to the orphanage. May get angry if the group argues too long. Will likely side with the oldest child if there is some sort of discussion or argument. Trusts Mom more than any other person.

Origin is secret and up the GM. Probably came from a magic heavy area like Tolkeen. Perhaps escaped, spent some time solo, and was drawn to Mother out of curiosity and survival instinct. Also relatively young for its species but wise and thoughtful. Would perhaps be willing to act as care-taker and might play games or work as a counselor to any of the children. Will be helpful and constructive when asked. If left alone too long will get bored or antsy. Has only a tiny interest in finding its native home, or finding a mate. Will most likely stay with the group into old age, or if it feels unwelcome or it is better served elsewhere. Can be solo, is not mindlessly loyal or in need of companionship right now.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Potential PC # 9: something genuinely exotic from the Dimension Books.

Space Wolfen RCC from Phase World, pp 65.

Has a cool name like Ricksaw or Moon-Slayer. Picked its own nickname. Original name is unknown. This wolfen child was accidentally deposited onto an Earth ley line nexus after a terrible attack on Phase World. Its parents and clan are lost. The child doesn't really know much or remember a lot about his early life. Is somewhat loyal to the orphanage, and wants to rescue mom, but also has a yearning to discover its heritage and true home. May be the first of the characters to set out on his own. Has a somewhat solo nature, but is friends with some of the children and will stay with the group for survival. Normally quiet and soft spoken, the wolfen cub may be prone to rare fits of rage if he cant cope with all the trauma and hostility found in the Burbs. Has no affinity or kinship with the Dog Boy of the group. In fact secretly he sees him/her as a mutant abomination and will not likely work with them.

Will not take charge of anything but will gladly follow orders and work as a team member. Will volunteer for solo missions. Will not normally act as an entertainer, teacher, morale booster, or confidant. Always provides helpful constructive advice when asked. May get frustrated with lack of direction or unconfident leadership. When picking an OCC he will probably go towards a man-at-arms but without artificial enhancement. May enjoy power armor or fast small vehicles.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Sounds like heh sort of Mutant Underground setup from Heroes Unlimited. Misfit heroes in trouble.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Hmm, I could have gone that way too.
ALL the orphans are from HU2 or Skraypers, and they form a Super Duper League to rescue Mom or exact revenge on the horrible terrible CS regime.
This could be my first super heroes campaign in Rifts.

I hadnt even thought about that for many years. Nobody ever wanted to try it with me so I gave up.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Here's some other ideas...

*Ruffians(government agents or bountyhunters) seem to be after one of the orphans. After a few encounters it turns out that the target isn't the orphan, but a keepsake the orphan is carrying, a locket or favorite toy that was given to them by their (deceased) parents. Concealed within the item is something like a flash drive with secret blueprints or clues to the whereabouts of a wanted fugitive(and possibly a relative or missing parent of the orphan), a magic crystal, nanotech 'seed', or other very compact McGuffin.
The item can be used as a means fo getting the PCs looking for possible family of the orphan if the item has a family connection. Or maybe the orphan is willing to pay the PCs with it if they find those family members.

*One of the orphans is really an adult d-bee of a species able to change their apparent age(or else they just appear childlike). The being is hiding among the kids because the species is mentally very child-like, or because they're hiding from bountyhunters/pursuers.

*The cute(st) d-bee orphan is really the larval stage of a really monstrous-looking species. Ugly possibility: the next life stage is puberty and in this species puberty means a bloodthirsty wild rampage as a monster, ending in staking out territory or mating. Soft possibility: the next stage only LOOKS monstrous, but is accompanied by a hard shot of mental maturity and/or benign powers like super-healing, empathic projection(happiness/bliss/peacefulness) or conjuring up crop fertility or food from PPE.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Adventure One: The Old Orphanage.

In one of the worst Burb neighborhoods (New Craphaven) a relatively small house sits quietly, holding the children. Older ones will have a small private bedroom. The youngers and small folk (fairy) will share a couple of larger rooms. Probably NOT segregated by gender but by who can tolerate each other. Only the Emirin (psychic mountain lion) will want a cat bed. The rest all prefer beds for bipedal humanoids, even the mutant dog. The robot sleeps in the kitchen when it needs down time, which is rare. He can boot up and be online in less than one second if he (it) detects anything unusual. Mom has her own room both for privacy and sanctuary, also as to not be too available to crying children or whining, or complaining. But she eagerly comes out when needed.
The inside is sparse, no electronic games or entertainment, the board games are old and missing most of their pieces. Books are few and mostly tattered. The older children occupy their time learning, or helping around the house. The younger ones make up games to play which usually don't work out as their natural abilities make fair play almost impossible. They get frustrated with each other easily and daily fights aren't even surprising any more. The interior walls are mostly SDC plasteel, except for some reason Moms bedroom has a thin MDC wall which is slightly soundproofed. The outer walls of the building are cheap MDC plasteel, no more than 5 points for a large section. Main door is low MDC. Back door is very heavy SDC and frequently sticks. Usually the Bot or the Wolfen has to force it open. Cant be fixed with simple grease.
Neighborhood itself is very dirty with lots of SDC vermin and the occasional airborne or waterborne disease. People eke out a living stealing power or clean water from the infrastructure beneath the land. CS police don't normally enforce any laws in this 'hood except when something very loud and violent occurs. Usually they kill several residents and arrest several more to make a point about keeping the peace. Arrested residents are never seen again if they are anything besides a non-magical human. For good or for bad, there are no regular police or military patrols in New Craphaven. Which is why most residents prefer it, especially Mom who wants to keep her orphans a complete secret.
But in general its a quiet neighborhood and people usually settle their differences peacefully regardless of race or religion. Mom sets a good example of harmony but she never interferes in outside events unless her children are involved. She is fiercely loyal to them and most will look out for each other, if only to foster the sense of family.

I don't have the software needed to map out a burned down neighborhood in a sci-fi setting. GM's can use whatever city maps they like. The children's area of knowledge is only the immediate 3 or 4 blocks and they don't travel at all, Mom wont allow it. Some of the more unruly kids may on rare occasions sneak out but only find worse, more hostile neighborhoods and nothing of interest. The Bot and the Wolfen may rarely act as retrievers but normally Mom takes care of those matters herself. In general the few outsiders known to the children treat them well, but they dont get much interaction. Mom knows how rumors spread and her kids are all potential targets for creeps, psychos, kidnappers, and slavers. NOBODY goes door to door selling anything, or asking for help. Its a relatively peaceful section of the Burbs, but there is little hope or sense of community. Very harsh pollution from a distant factory sometimes rolls in, making people mildly ill. But most days see clear blue skies and sunshine. Its simply the artificial environment that depresses and imprisons. There are no tall buildings of any type. The run down old tenements and businesses max out at 3 stories, and those are rare. People make homes where they can, but without construction materials or dedicated power, the majority live in danger of the elements and vermin and other desperate souls with no scruples about stealing or killing. The rare time a true threat like a rifted monster comes thru, the locales can band together and fight it off but thats with their natural abilities and hand tools. Usually combat is without real weapons or medical aid, and never CS help unless the creature is amazingly loud and threatens great damage. CS forces never fix or restore anything damaged during battle or rift storms or regular bad weather.
In the distance are tall heavy MDC walls separating major sections of the Burbs, and keeping them out of the "good people" neighborhoods.

During a particularly boring and unpleasantly hot summer night, a heavy duty particle beam makes a loud crack-boom and a substantial portion of a nearby building is vaporized in brilliant blue light. THE COALITION IS ATTACKING! They kill the handful of residents in an old tenement or row-house immediately next to Moms Orphanage!
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Orphanage Part Two:

The CS have been tracking Mom for months, and finally pinned down her location. They want info she has related to her travels. The players don't know and the GM does not have to come up with an explanation at this time. All the kids know is their very humble home is under serious attack from Light and Heavy troops, Dog Pack, and possibly one Psi-Stalker. Of course there's the usual assortment of officers and special agents. They are not resorting to full scale war so no bots, power armor, or heavy vehicles. Only police vans and hover cars. They also have zero interest in surrounding neighbors unless such people interfere. They will not.

The nearby structure was obliterated either by mistake or to make a whole wider than the rubbish filled street so as to allow the maximum number of troops are cars thru at one time. The Robot springs into action in one second or less, and psychic or very alert orphans such as the Wolfen may have a very brief warning before the P-beam hits but there will be no time to warn anyone else and certainly not mount a defense. The CS is nothing if not brutally efficient. During the raid many walls will be melted quickly and completely, most of the children will be captured alive even if they put up a fight. The only ones who escape will be those from the PC group, and possibly a couple NPC's if the GM sees fit or doesn't have many players on that first gaming session. In all the confusion, characters will not have time to grab anything of real value (not that they have much) possibly a small personal memento and whatever clothes they sleep in (if any). Some of the older more aggressive children will fight back or set up impediments to frustrate the CS troops. The super powered human with force fields will be best suited to this action, and not afraid to stand up to Coalition forces, either. Mom never had the resources or time to establish proper defenses or booby traps. The bulk of the children are scared and just run. Some may accidentally go straight to the troopers in a panic. Or be pinned down quickly as they have no escape or evade instincts. Anyone who attempts to hide in the house or surrounding houses will be captured immediately, probably crying or screaming. Out of the 30 plus orphans, only the 9 PC's will actually escape, the robot doing his best to grab as many small ones as he can. In a very unusual move, the psychic cat may grab one in his teeth, but this is an aberration for him and not to be repeated. He will also use his communication powers to help organize the group but the situation is fast, chaotic, and they never ran a drill or came up with an escape plan. Mom thought it would only confuse and frighten the young ones, so she never bothered. The capable ones will fight back only briefly and only to facilitate escape. It is very unlikely any trooper will be injured or even dissuaded from pursuit. The 9 get away on pure luck and take advantage of the night and the chaos to avoid capture. All CS soldiers in this raid are complete professionals and will not taunt, torment, torture, or unnecessarily kill anyone. If there are other dog boys or non-magical humans in the building they will be treated especially well (for prisoners). The Robot will take one small child in his body, if needed. And carry others on his back or in his hands. The Wolfen can grab at most one small child. The fairy of course will do her best but cannot hold anything larger than a screwdriver. She will use whatever powers she has to distract but not harm the troopers.

The PC's slip away thru old passages and eventually underground tunnels. At least one of them (probably the robot) has vague knowledge of a potential safehouse in another, even more decrepit neighborhood. (Crumville Terrace, or whatever).
They move thru sewers or old subway tunnels, possibly encountering SDC or MDC vermin, or criminal elements, or the rare magical anomaly that impedes progress. NONE of them die or get captured. At this point its the PC group and no more stragglers. Eventually they resurface and the psychic, magic, or supernatural characters will somehow cover their tracks so troopers and psi-stalkers cannot find them. Is possible that by capturing Mom and the bulk of the orphans, the CS officers will either not know about the 9, or simply not care. Either way the raid is over relatively fast and the police waste no time packing them up and sending them off to "Processing".
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Adventure Two: The Misfits find a home. Secure a home. Establish a home.

Eventually the PC's arrive in Crumville, and seek out safe shelter. They will most likely end up in an old abandoned warehouse. The kind even locals don't want to mess with because its seriously falling apart, and/or has some sort of threat. Will let GM's decide but it can be something like SDC vermin with a nasty smell, chemicals or dangerous garbage, or possibly ghost and spookies. Maybe a magic or psychic phenomenon that keeps out most intruders, but for some reason the PC's can not only deal with it, but get it to disappear. Perhaps the more spiritual members (silver fairy) can commune with the spirits and strike a deal. In any case, combat will be very minimal if at all. The players are in no condition to fight and even if they were well-rested, don't have much in the way of fighting skills or gear.

After clearing out no, or one, or multiple inhabitants (GM's choice) the players will decide how to establish a proper home. If they are clueless players, or playing in character as clueless children, the nanny bot can guide or advise them. Or if in character, one of the adolescents (if there are any) will attempt to take charge with varying degrees of success. They may wish to address the emotional and biological needs of traumatized kids first. Then figure out how to make a home. The bot can provide a small amount of emergency electricity, the super powered orphans can provide light and heat and maybe sterilize the local water and food sources. Or hunt for food (live or pre-packaged, but its not possible there would be fresh vegetables and such just laying around the abandoned building). Others can work on active or passive defenses. The more domestic types will try to set up beds and a kitchen, and maybe the more aggressive types will want to set up a war room, with access to maps and data. They may wish to avoid tapping into the local Tel-Net services until they know they can remain invisible. They may also want to hide themselves from locals, or negotiate a treaty or deal to keep them quiet. The PC's have no real possessions but some may have powers or abilities or skills they can trade in exchange for silence or even protection or supplies. GM should probably let the players guide the adventure at this point, with helpful advice from the nanny bot when appropriate. At some point they will want to secure the building properly with walls that can not only withstand attack, but also prevent observation. Again either powers or magic or psionics can be the initial setup, and eventually one or more of them will acquire or improvise machines to do most of the work. The nanny bot does NOT have a programming or repair package installed. Either the players find something like that, or do much of the work themselves.

Depending on how long the GM wants to drag this out, settling in can all be done with a few lines of dialog or weeks of small adventures that build character and develop potential side plots. The cat will want a cat bed, the robot will want a dark, quiet closet, the fairy may want something special, or may be happy with a moldy old cupboard, and the rest will want standard beds, such as they are in the worst hood in Chi-town.
Eventually they will be as settled as they can and want to discuss their future.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Adventure Three: The Misfits form a plan.

The players will probably want to pick OCC's if appropriate. Its likely many of them will take the few combat skills they are allowed. At least one of them will want to go magic. The gang likely needs a workshop, an armory, a magic lab, and some way to get information. Maybe a basic computer to start. They will need to safely access the local Chi-town networks, something they can do themselves if they have the skills, or trade services with the local criminal element. Most of them will not be able to use standard weapons and none will use standard body armor. They'll need customization which is unlikely to be found in Crapville Terrace or whatever the GM named this neighborhood. Magic and techno-wizardry might be their best option. GM and players will need to agree on how many and how complicated adventures they need to run for all their essential items. At some point they need to agree on a plan, either by debate, voting, or sheer force, they have to choose a path and follow it.

Do they go on a rampage and hope the CS comes looking for them, bringing answers as well? Not the best option and probably a terrible choice given their limited combat ability. They could also throw their weight around looking for answers in the Burbs. Answers are unlikely to be there, and they have no weight.
Sneaky subversion? Espionage? Probably a better choice given their ability and skills, but other than "the CS invaded a bad neighborhood and kidnapped a bunch of orphans" they don't have many leads to get started.
Quietly ask around, slowly gathering info until they learn why and how? Heck of a lot safer. But could take a while, and Mom may not have much time.
Magical scrying? Find a mystic who can get them the answers they need quickly? Probably a lot faster and also less likely to draw CS attention, but its likely anyone who has the magic items they need, or they powers they need, will not just give it up freely. May need a favor to get started and another favor to complete the request. Such adventures could have their own risks

At some point they need to agree when and if to help Mom. If playing in character, some of the players may wish to put the past behind them and not endanger themselves or start a war with the Coalition States. Role play to your hearts content, then get them to make a firm decision.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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With not real plan or intel, the characters decide to invade the nearest CS outpost or police precinct, assault everyone, and force the information from a computer or live subject. This is the fastest and most direct route but may not get them anything they actually want. And they could easily be killed. Will also earn them the ire of Chi-town and its glorious uniformed forces. Even with the info they probably have no way to actually rescue Mom or the other Orphans. Perhaps the rest have been scattered around Chi-Town and the surrounding settlements, bases, wilderness, secret underground labs, whatever. Another possibility is by slowly rescuing one orphan at a time they get a better picture of what the CS is planning and where they are planning it. This is the combat heavy choice and has the most terrible repercussions. But it could be a lot of fun.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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The PC's decide to be cautious but focused. They learn what they can from underground sources of all types, magic, spies, rumors, perhaps the occasional secret raid, and once in a while a helpful contact will give them some pieces to the puzzle. Not voluntarily. Such contacts will need to be tracked down and persuaded to help. Maybe some other old junkers in the neighborhood know where they can start looking. Perhaps an old crime boss nearby has the first piece and can get them started. Or a mad desperate fool comes to them begging for help cuz his mutant sister got snatched by local police and he knows which direction they went but cant help further. When the group arrives they may or may not rescue the sister, but either way acquire a little more info on recent CS activity. This plan could potentially avoid all violence, or much of it, but will require a lot of skill and time. Good role playing opportunities. Could also lead to things like an underground resistance and slowly growing network of spies and freedom fighters. Could lead to a campaign of epic proportions if that's what the group wants.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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The Misfits agree to move on with their lives.
Mom would not have wanted to sacrifice any of them for her, or the other orphans. The group agrees to just focus on surviving and eventually some will move on to live their own lives, possibly in the Burbs, or head out to the wilderness. Maybe once in a while some rumors might pop up concerned kidnappings and science experiments in secret labs. The PC's can decide to follow up, or not. This branch lends itself to a standard open ended campaign where the players do whatever they feel like. The only novelty is they are a mix of races and classes and weakly connected to each other. Maybe one day they all come back together and seriously work to rescue Mom? She could be dead or worse by that point, and perhaps they'll feel guilty about not getting her in time. Or perhaps by then they won't care as much. Could eventually lead back around to Option 1 or 2, GM's choice.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Misc. Adventure Idea 1: The kids need armor.

As standard body armor will not fit most of them, they need to figure out some sort of solution. If the players have a techno-wizard among them, they might just decide to gather resources and build everyone a TW armor device. In which case most of their runs will probably be stealing magic items, or other loot to fence, for magic items. Then their techno-wizard, or a friendly techno-wizard, will build what they need. Benefit of this is they will not have to custom fit armor for weird body types, or very small or large orphans. And they can also wear almost any clothing they like, so if they want to have cool hero costumes or matching uniforms, it will be easy to make and wear them. Downside is magic activity generally draws CS patrols faster than any other actions. Magic spells can also be used, with the same pros and cons. But spells need to be recast regularly and there may only be one wizard in the group, or none.

Another option is finding or making plate armor in the characters form. Repurposed damaged armor from around the neighborhood is a temporary, incomplete solution, but can work initially. If the players have the space they might want to set up an armor workshop of their own. Plastic Man is the easiest but also provides less protection than just about everything else. Players can either pick skills that work during their OCC selection, or get in touch with somebody around the Burbs who wants to help, or needs a steady paycheck. Outsiders may or may not be trustworthy. GM's choice as to how much role-playing is involved here.

The third and most expensive option is looking for super high tech alien equipment thats designed for each of them or can easily be shapeshifted. Naruni would be a good choice. But such advanced gear is not found in the bad section of the Burbs, so players would need to figure that one out for themselves. Again the upside is they could all have super cool Hero armor or clothes, and they could all match, if they like. Role-play or fight as much as the group wants. Up to the GM.

Another option is looking for already established, produced magic items of protection, be it spell casting or built armor, like from Tolkeen or the Federation of Magic, or England.
The possibilities are endless.
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Re: The Little Rascals! (Rifts style). AKA Misfits

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Misc. Adventure Idea 2:

The kids need weapons and gear......
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