Creature Feature

Let's talk of things that go bump in the night. Stuff that makes your skin crawl. Creatures that are Beyond the Supernatural™. Also checkout the in-character site - Lazlo Society™

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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by mrloucifer »

Soldier of Od wrote:
gaby wrote:Maybe you can give Info on setting BtS,s Adventures in Other times like 19th Century for example?

Take a look at Rifter #79 - Hendrik wrote an article called Gaming Through History with advice on how to put together your own setting for adventuring in another time period. He includes an example - "Flashing Blades of Horror" - a BTS setting for 16th-17th century western Europe (think The Three Musketeers). I believe his original intention was to create a few of these settings - what he called a "BTS Time Capsule". I had a go at it myself. Maybe we'll see some more!

Good recall, my Od Solider! I'd forgotten about that article.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by mrloucifer »

This was just posted in the Palladium weekly news

UPDATE: Creature Feature and other titles: Work that does not involve me is moving along. This fun book will include BTS creatures, adventures, insights, and answers to commonly asked questions. Another big 192-224 page tome.

Note: The page count is higher than I'd planned. :)
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

mrloucifer wrote:In you've pre-ordered it, send a copy of the order or receipt or info showing your pre-order to I'm emailing out something a little extra for pre-purchase players once the book is released. :)
I refuse to pre-order books. Maybe if there was a definite price set I would think about it.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by cesuhr »

I have been looking for Arcanum and Tome Grotesque to be published for years now. Now Creature feature has left the feed for news on Palladium Newsletter. Are any of these books going to see the light of day, even digitally or is this another promise never kept?
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

cesuhr wrote:I have been looking for Arcanum and Tome Grotesque to be published for years now. Now Creature feature has left the feed for news on Palladium Newsletter. Are any of these books going to see the light of day, even digitally or is this another promise never kept?
I was thinking the same thing. Given that Kevin has been hustling the sale of the hardbacks, it seems he has completely forgotten the books in progress, including Creature Feature.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Captain_Nibbz »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
cesuhr wrote:I have been looking for Arcanum and Tome Grotesque to be published for years now. Now Creature feature has left the feed for news on Palladium Newsletter. Are any of these books going to see the light of day, even digitally or is this another promise never kept?
I was thinking the same thing. Given that Kevin has been hustling the sale of the hardbacks, it seems he has completely forgotten the books in progress, including Creature Feature.

Not sure so much that its he's forgotten, so much as the new policy is to not talk about anything until its at the printers, which is a huge departure from what we're used to seeing. The hardbacks are the only thing at the printers, therefore the only thing that we're hearing about.

I'm sure though, that Mr. Loucifer might have more insight into whether there has been any progress on this one or not.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by mrloucifer »

Captain_Nibbz wrote:Not sure so much that its he's forgotten, so much as the new policy is to not talk about anything until its at the printers, which is a huge departure from what we're used to seeing. The hardbacks are the only thing at the printers, therefore the only thing that we're hearing about.

I'm sure though, that Mr. Loucifer might have more insight into whether there has been any progress on this one or not.

I can say that sneak peeks from it have been showing up on Palladium's Facebook page, so its not forgotten as we keep getting snippets from it. :)
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

There is now a page count and price listed, so that indicates they may be close to releasing it. Says it will be a Spring release.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by mrloucifer »

Pulled this from today's newsletter:
This week has been all about writing and Gen Con preparations. Both Creature Feature for BTS and Rifts Titan Robotics are coming along beautifully. Two more fun-filled titles that will carry your imaginations and gaming experiences to new heights.
I think Creature Feature will exceed your expectations when it comes to creatures and opportunities for adventure, as will Titan Robotics. Sean read me a few chunks of the new, tweaked material he’s added to the book and it was excellent. As a Rifts fan and G.M. I found myself smiling as I imagined the new opportunities; great stuff. The same goes for Creature Feature. Steven Dawes’ heart and love for the Beyond the Supernatural setting is evident on every page. He also knows exactly what BTS fans want, and we aim to deliver. Both books continue to move along nicely.

Also from the Newsletter: Creature Feature for Beyond the Supernatural – This book has turned into much more than I had originally anticipated with a wealth of BTS supernatural creatures, adventures, adventure hooks, rules clarifications and spooky fun. A lot of material to build new, suspenseful adventures. I know it’s a great book because editor Alex is loving it and he is not a fan of horror.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Warshield73 »

mrloucifer wrote:Pulled this from today's newsletter:
This week has been all about writing and Gen Con preparations. Both Creature Feature for BTS and Rifts Titan Robotics are coming along beautifully. Two more fun-filled titles that will carry your imaginations and gaming experiences to new heights.
I think Creature Feature will exceed your expectations when it comes to creatures and opportunities for adventure, as will Titan Robotics. Sean read me a few chunks of the new, tweaked material he’s added to the book and it was excellent. As a Rifts fan and G.M. I found myself smiling as I imagined the new opportunities; great stuff. The same goes for Creature Feature. Steven Dawes’ heart and love for the Beyond the Supernatural setting is evident on every page. He also knows exactly what BTS fans want, and we aim to deliver. Both books continue to move along nicely.

Also from the Newsletter: Creature Feature for Beyond the Supernatural – This book has turned into much more than I had originally anticipated with a wealth of BTS supernatural creatures, adventures, adventure hooks, rules clarifications and spooky fun. A lot of material to build new, suspenseful adventures. I know it’s a great book because editor Alex is loving it and he is not a fan of horror.

Congratulations on this. As soon as this book goes to print I will put in my order for it and start bugging you about when you can write Beyond Arcanum :ok:
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by mrloucifer »

Warshield73 wrote:Congratulations on this. As soon as this book goes to print I will put in my order for it and start bugging you about when you can write Beyond Arcanum :ok:

It will have to be a side/joint project with Kevin as that's his baby that's still slowly growing.

In the meantime I've got "Beyond the Paranormal" as my next planned book, followed by the "GM and Player's Guide".
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by mrloucifer »

This was posted in yesterday's newsletter:

UPDATE: Creature Feature. Writing is done! We are entering the typesetting and layout phase. The book is a blend of unique and different creatures, adventure and adventure hooks, clarifications, and player and Game Master tips. It should go to the printer early next week.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I saw that. I'll have to budget so I can afford to get it for myself for Christmas.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Warshield73 »

mrloucifer wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:Congratulations on this. As soon as this book goes to print I will put in my order for it and start bugging you about when you can write Beyond Arcanum :ok:

It will have to be a side/joint project with Kevin as that's his baby that's still slowly growing.

In the meantime I've got "Beyond the Paranormal" as my next planned book, followed by the "GM and Player's Guide".

Beyond Paranormal sounds great but you need to wait for Arcanum to write a GM and Player Guide. The absence of magic in this game is just too big of a hole to work around, it needs to be filled first.

mrloucifer wrote:This was posted in yesterday's newsletter:

UPDATE: Creature Feature. Writing is done! We are entering the typesetting and layout phase. The book is a blend of unique and different creatures, adventure and adventure hooks, clarifications, and player and Game Master tips. It should go to the printer early next week.

Just ordered my copy, along with a few other new and reprinted books and even a t-shirt.

Congratulations on this and can't wait to read it.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Warshield73 wrote:
mrloucifer wrote:"Beyond the Paranormal" as my next planned book, followed by the "GM and Player's Guide".

Beyond Paranormal sounds great but you need to wait for Arcanum to write a GM and Player Guide. The absence of magic in this game is just too big of a hole to work around, it needs to be filled first.
I agree. Magic seems to be neglected in many of the individual games.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Captain_Nibbz »

Looks like this book is off to the printers as of the last weekly update :D

I can't wait to get mine. BtS is my favorite Palladium setting. Glad that I pre-ordered this one because it makes it feel a bit like a present to myself :lol:
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I have already budgeted it as a December purchase.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by mrloucifer »

At the Printer – Creature Feature™, a Beyond the Supernatural™ Sourcebook – ships November 23

Beyond the Supernatural™ is set in our modern world seen through the lens of mystery and the supernatural. A lens that lets us see clearly the “things” – the creatures and powers – that science and our rational minds tell us are not real. It is a world of shadows and the uncanny where a monster may really be hiding under your bed or stalking the alley. Creatures that lurk in dark corners and prey upon the unsuspecting, the innocent, and the wicked.

Creature Feature is a journey into just a few of those dark corners. Places where strange and terrible creatures wait, and bold heroes and psychic investigators face their fears and fight against the gathering darkness.

-15 supernatural creatures described in depth. Some are new. Some were pulled from the pages of The Rifter® but updated and expanded (many completely rewritten). All of them are dynamic, scary, and offer different horror adventure experiences.
-Each creature offers adventure hooks and ideas for more.
-The art of making and running monsters.
--Creature encounter table and tips on making unique creatures.
Player paranormal investigator background table.
-Game Master source material and tips for running modern horror.
-More world setting and monster hunting lore.
-Rules clarifications and errata.
-A full adventure and numerous adventure suggestions.
-Paranormal encounter ideas, tips, advice, NPCs, and more.
-Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
-Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw, and others.
192 pages – $26.99 retail – Cat. No. 704 – ships November 23.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Shipping has been moved up to November 18.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I ordered it and a couple other books, having them delivered by UPS three day air to my girlfriend's place since I am staying there over the holiday weekend. I still can't believe how much Palladium marks up the delivery charge though. Now I remember why I don't order directly from the Palladium Books site very often.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Captain_Nibbz »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I ordered it and a couple other books, having them delivered by UPS three day air to my girlfriend's place since I am staying there over the holiday weekend. I still can't believe how much Palladium marks up the delivery charge though. Now I remember why I don't order directly from the Palladium Books site very often.

How much were they charging for the shipping?
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Warshield73 »

Picked up the Free Preview last night and gave it a quick read through. Really great stuff and just the table of contents makes me eager to get this one in my hands.

Congrats again on this finally getting out and now we can start harassing you for the next one. :-D
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Captain_Nibbz wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I ordered it and a couple other books, having them delivered by UPS three day air to my girlfriend's place since I am staying there over the holiday weekend. I still can't believe how much Palladium marks up the delivery charge though. Now I remember why I don't order directly from the Palladium Books site very often.

How much were they charging for the shipping?
The shipping cost at the Palladium Books site lists the UPS 3 day air as over $36. I know for a fact that UPS's 3 day shipping does not cost anywhere near that. But I paid it because I want the books I ordered.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by mrloucifer »

Warshield73 wrote:Picked up the Free Preview last night and gave it a quick read through. Really great stuff and just the table of contents makes me eager to get this one in my hands.

Congrats again on this finally getting out and now we can start harassing you for the next one. :-D


Sidenote: I just got the physical copy I preordered. Just seeing it in person... I might cry. :)
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I really like this book. My copy arrived today.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by mrloucifer »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I really like this book. My copy arrived today.

Excellent! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I put a lot of work into Creature Feature; it would be a shame if all that work was wasted. :)
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

mrloucifer wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I really like this book. My copy arrived today.

Excellent! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I put a lot of work into Creature Feature; it would be a shame if all that work was wasted. :)
My only complaint would be that you did not put enough monsters in it. But I love the ones you chose to include.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by mrloucifer »

I had more, but I suspect Kevin cut them for space. I suspect they'll show up in the upcoming Tomes Grotesque books.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Captain_Nibbz »

:D Got mine in the mail today. I can't wait to settle in and read through this one!
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Re: Creature Feature

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Not enough monsters? I thought the whole thing was a "monsters" book! Am I wrong?
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Soldier of Od wrote:Not enough monsters? I thought the whole thing was a "monsters" book! Am I wrong?
Each of the monsters is described and statted out at length, so we get more quality of entries than we do quantity. For a book this size, there are fewer monsters than I expected, but the ones that are in it are well designed and developed.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by thorr-kan »

Mine's in the mail.

Any idea on when the PDF will be available?
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Warshield73 »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Soldier of Od wrote:Not enough monsters? I thought the whole thing was a "monsters" book! Am I wrong?
Each of the monsters is decribed and statted out at length, so we get more quality of entries than we do quantity. For a book this size, there are fewer monsters than I expected, but the ones that are in it are well designed and developed.

I like the expanded descriptions. The brief descriptions for monsters work great for a setting like Rifts but in BTS where an entire adventure will often be set around a single monster we need more information.

I think the other problem is that this book is only the second book for BTS second edition so there was a lot of information that needed to be included just to play the game.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Warshield73 wrote:I like the expanded descriptions. The brief descriptions for monsters work great for a setting like Rifts but in BTS where an entire adventure will often be set around a single monster we need more information.

I think the other problem is that this book is only the second book for BTS second edition so there was a lot of information that needed to be included just to play the game.
I'm not knocking the expanded descriptions at all. If they were to add more monsters, then they should have made the book thicker. I would have paid extra for more monsters.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Warshield73 »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:I like the expanded descriptions. The brief descriptions for monsters work great for a setting like Rifts but in BTS where an entire adventure will often be set around a single monster we need more information.

I think the other problem is that this book is only the second book for BTS second edition so there was a lot of information that needed to be included just to play the game.
I'm not knocking the expanded descriptions at all. If they were to add more monsters, then they should have made the book thicker. I would have paid extra for more monsters.

I love Kevin and PB but longer books mean that it takes waaaaaaaaay longer to come out. I will settle for a series of shorter books that actually come out.
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Re: Creature Feature

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I'm also looking forward to what they did with the negs-psychic who become a believer.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Warshield73 wrote:I love Kevin and PB but longer books mean that it takes waaaaaaaaay longer to come out. I will settle for a series of shorter books that actually come out.
Good point. This one took so long I was starting to think they were doing a couple pages a month.
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Re: Creature Feature

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:I love Kevin and PB but longer books mean that it takes waaaaaaaaay longer to come out. I will settle for a series of shorter books that actually come out.
Good point. This one took so long I was starting to think they were doing a couple pages a month.

Creature Feature is nothing. It practically flew through the publishing process. I paid for Bestiary 2 Insider in March 2020 and am still waiting for it. At this point I am hoping to get it by March of 2023. That is on top of the 6 books that PB has released as Raw Previews (7 if you include Titan Robotics) that supposedly are in production.

PB has rarely had a good production schedule but it is as bad as it has ever been right now.
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Re: Creature Feature

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:I like the expanded descriptions. The brief descriptions for monsters work great for a setting like Rifts but in BTS where an entire adventure will often be set around a single monster we need more information.

I think the other problem is that this book is only the second book for BTS second edition so there was a lot of information that needed to be included just to play the game.
I'm not knocking the expanded descriptions at all. If they were to add more monsters, then they should have made the book thicker. I would have paid extra for more monsters.

Keep in mind that an entire series of "Tombs Grotesque" sourcebook are coming, so you will be getting A LOT more monsters. :)
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

mrloucifer wrote:Keep in mind that an entire series of "Tombs Grotesque" sourcebook are coming, so you will be getting A LOT more monsters. :)
That will be a good thing. IF they come out in a reasonable time frame. Books are super slow coming out of Palladium.
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Re: Creature Feature

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
mrloucifer wrote:Keep in mind that an entire series of "Tombs Grotesque" sourcebook are coming, so you will be getting A LOT more monsters. :)
That will be a good thing. IF they come out in a reasonable time frame. Books are super slow coming out of Palladium.

You need to define reasonable because BTS 2e came out in January of 2005 and we just got the first SB for it last month. At this rate reasonable might be Beyond Arcanum in 2039 and Tome Grotesque in 2056 or so... :lol:
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

So far their release schedule for BTS has been nowhere near reasonable. It's amazing these books still even have an audience and people willin to wait for them.
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Re: Creature Feature

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:So far their release schedule for BTS has been nowhere near reasonable. It's amazing these books still even have an audience and people willin to wait for them.

No, there has never been a lot of stuff for BTS but BTS 1e was a complete game with magic and monsters already in it so you never missed as much as you do with 2e were there are no monsters and magic is waiting for another book. A friend of mine ran several games of 1e and we had a lot of fun but with TMNT, Robotech 1e (all 4 settings) and then Rifts there just wasn't enough time. Eventually our group dropped them all in favor of Rifts so I understand why lines like BTS suffer so that PB can serve the larger, more lucrative, Rifts audience.

Also there was a lot of great stuff in the Rifter for 1e and then 2e. Lots of monsters, OCCs, and some really great adventures. While not as good as new SBs it did still keep the line alive and kept interest enough that they tried to do 2e.

What you really have to remember though is that in Palladium no game line stands alone. As soon as one of my players bought BTS (it was the 4th PB game our group had after Robotech 1e, TMNT, and Rifts) we started cannibalizing it for Rifts and then later Heroes Unlimited Revised. At that point all that was out for Rifts was RMB and SB1 so we added skills like research and new lore skills and I even used some of the monsters (this was a few years before Conversion Book 1 came out). Ultimately what BTS, a game I have only ever one once and only played in a dozen times at most, gave me was a different way to run some of my other games. Why I still love it to this day and it is the game I play in at every POH.

All that being said, I am very happy to have CF and really can't wait for BA and TG.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Warshield73 wrote:What you really have to remember though is that in Palladium no game line stands alone. As soon as one of my players bought BTS (it was the 4th PB game our group had after Robotech 1e, TMNT, and Rifts) we started cannibalizing it for Rifts and then later Heroes Unlimited Revised. At that point all that was out for Rifts was RMB and SB1 so we added skills like research and new lore skills and I even used some of the monsters (this was a few years before Conversion Book 1 came out). Ultimately what BTS, a game I have only ever one once and only played in a dozen times at most, gave me was a different way to run some of my other games. Why I still love it to this day and it is the game I play in at every POH.

All that being said, I am very happy to have CF and really can't wait for BA and TG.
Yes, that is how I use it right now, as a sourcebook for my other settings. It would be nice to be able to just play it as written without having to outsource all the rules.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Warshield73 »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:What you really have to remember though is that in Palladium no game line stands alone. As soon as one of my players bought BTS (it was the 4th PB game our group had after Robotech 1e, TMNT, and Rifts) we started cannibalizing it for Rifts and then later Heroes Unlimited Revised. At that point all that was out for Rifts was RMB and SB1 so we added skills like research and new lore skills and I even used some of the monsters (this was a few years before Conversion Book 1 came out). Ultimately what BTS, a game I have only ever one once and only played in a dozen times at most, gave me was a different way to run some of my other games. Why I still love it to this day and it is the game I play in at every POH.

All that being said, I am very happy to have CF and really can't wait for BA and TG.
Yes, that is how I use it right now, as a sourcebook for my other settings. It would be nice to be able to just play it as written without having to outsource all the rules.

I absolutely agree I was simply responding to
Stone Gargoyle wrote:It's amazing these books still even have an audience and people willin to wait for them.

and the reason it still has fans is because despite not having official supplements we have recourses like the Rifter and House of BTS that make this game pretty easy to run. Thanks to what is on H of BTS and what Hendrik did with Operation Minotaur in the Rifter the BTS game I ran before the pandemic was the easiest and required the least preparation of any of my 4 convention games.

But, now that Creature Feature is out I am more hopeful that in the next 2 years we will get BA and we can probably get TG a year later and maybe get a new book for it every year or two after.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Warshield73 wrote:But, now that Creature Feature is out I am more hopeful that in the next 2 years we will get BA and we can probably get TG a year later and maybe get a new book for it every year or two after.
That would be nice. Kevin should focus on getting books out for BTS like he did with Dead Reign and Nightbane. When he wants to he can actually get the books out, so hopefully he will stay focused on these.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by mrloucifer »

So, now that Creature Feature's been out for a few weeks, I'd love to read some feedback on it.

What did you think of it?
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by dexterward »

I received my Creature Feature book along with the Christmas package I ordered just prior to Christmas. I have had time to read it cover to cover and digest the material. I would give the book a 4 out of 5 rating. Here are my thoughts about the book both positive and negative.
New Creatures
New creatures are always a good thing, especially with BTS2/BTS1. With a title like ”Creature Feature” you expect a bunch of new creepy crawlies to help put the fright into the players, and the book delivers in that aspect. As one would expect, the creature section takes up a good majority of the book page wise. A total of 15 weird critters are presented with a lot of detail and advice on how to incorporate them into a BTS2 game. While most are strong contenders, I didn’t really care for a couple of them, mainly the Hafoot and Brawling Joe. But everyone’s mileage will vary.
Rules Clarifications
I did enjoy the rule clarifications. While most of the rule clarifications presented are how I interpreted them, for the most part, but it is good to see them in print so there is less confusion overall. This section would be very helpful at the gaming table and for new players to BTS2.
Game Master Tips
This is another strong section in Creature Feature. It contains a lot of great ideas to use wholesale or as a springboard to create your own.
The book ends with a single adventure. While I am a veteran at game mastering, many people new to the game or wish to GM for the first time have a lack of solid adventures to both use at the table and as a good design guide. “The Squatter” delivers on both aspects. It is a well written tight adventure that could take 1 to 2 sessions to play through. It is engaging and very BTS2ish, but where it really shines is as a guide on how to create such adventures. A lot of excellent advice on how to run and modify the adventure is sprinkled throughout. A fine addition is the section where Steve explains how the adventure played out when he ran a couple of sessions with different player groups. It’s a good way to see how players react and how their actions change the nature of the adventure.

More Creatures Needed
While I think “Creature Feature” is a great book, it could have been so much more. My first con is there are only 15 creatures! I was expecting at least twice that number. I know page count is an issue, but I believe that if the creature descriptions and stats were tightened up a bit, there would have been room for another 5 to 15 creatures.
Say More with Less
Wow, this is a huge con for me. As I mention in More Creatures Need above, the descriptions and stats needed to be shortened….. a lot….. How many times do you need to tell someone that a creature is immune to fire or has supernatural strength and endurance etc. Each creature description said the same thing paragraph after paragraph. Tell us it’s creepy and how, but don’t say the same thing in 5 or 6 different places. It just gets too darn repetitive. Plus, the space saved SHOULD have allow room for more creatures.

Don't let my Cons keep you from buying or using "Creature Feature", it is a solid book one that will see use in my BTS2 games. While we are on the topic, I hope this is a sign that more BTS2 material is on the way. Having said that, I am not holding my breath. Palladium has tons of content that can be used in BTS2. I still use modified P.C.Cs. and rules from BTS1 alongside the updated BTS2 rules (Magic, ley line rules, and the Arcanist P.C.C.). I am fully aware that Rifts and the other product lines here at Palladium are their bread and butter. I just have a special love for BTS1/BTS2. It was my first exposure to Palladium games. We had a blast playing BTS1 along with Ninjas and Superspies, and even a limited amount of material from Heros Unlimited. Horror role playing is my favorite style of role playing, something that BTS1/BTS2 does extremely well. So, I really hope we get the additional books promised.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by darthauthor »

Good Review Dexterward
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by mrloucifer »

I agree that its a fair review, but there's one part that's puzzling me... the lack of love for the Brawling Joe. :)

Based on Feedback over the years with using him, the Brawling Joe gets the most praise and appreciation of all the creatures I've made over the years.

I get how the Hafoot is not for everyone, but I encourage you to try them out before you pass final judgement on them. I've found them to be worthy BTS creatures over the years at my game table. :)

Last thought: I'm glad you enjoyed the Squatter. I think its some of my best work. :)
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