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REGULT TBP IMAGE: ... 195813.jpg



The Zentraedi mecha were developed for that race by the Tyrolian Robotech Masters. The Zentraedi were to be the Masters' conquering army and thus had to be equipped with the necessary mecha. All Zentraedi mecha were made by orbiting Robotech factories in dazzling numbers. Hundreds of billions of Regults must have been made in the centuries of the Tirolian Mercantile Empire, and the less common mecha must have numbered into the billions.

The primary mecha was the Regult Tactical Battle Pod (TBP) and its three derivatives, the Gluuhaug-Regult Light Artillery Pod (LAP) and the Serauhaug-Heavy Artillery Pod (HAP), supported by the Quel-Regult Recon Scout Pod (RSP). Together these mecha, known as the Regult Pods, formed a complete Infantry army, with the Regult TBP being the main mecha, carrying heavy firepower in its two particle beam cannon, very high mobility, but only sufficient armor and the Serauhaug-Regult HAP, which carried a missile launcher in place of the two top mounted anti-aircraft lasers for enhanced and longer-ranged firepower. Because of the mediocrity of the sensor suite, the Quel-Regult RSP had all its weapons replaced with enhanced sensors. These three mecha were slightly less mobile than the Regult TBP, and carried as little armor, but complemented the Regult TBP in areas where it was deficient.

The Regult TBP and its derivatives were issued as standard equipment to every soldier in the Zentraedi army, providing this powerful race with a very mobile and heavily armed infantry corps. The rather thin armor would have been out of the question on any human design, but the Masters saw their soldier clones as a replaceable commodity.

In order to increase the firepower of the Regult battle pods, the top-mounted anti-aircraft lasers can be replaced by the twin medium-range or heavy missile launchers. The pod must sacrifice some speed and maneuverability to handle the added weapons control systems and the weight of the medium- and long-range missiles. To provide an appropriate weapons mix, one out of every 10 battle pods is usually a Gluuhaug-Regult LAP, and one out of every 20 battle pods is usually a Serauhaug-Regult HAP.


The Regult Tactical Battle Pod is the most common of all the Zentraedi war machines. It is highly dependable, non-transformable, Mecha assault system that is issued to every infantry soldier. Although not equipped for hand to hand combat the battle Pod is designed for exceptional balance, speed, and a variety of short and long-range weapon capabilities.

The construction and operation of the Tactical Battle Pod is extremely simple. The pilot sits cradled inside the bulbous body of the pod with immediate access to all controls. The legs are controlled by foot pedals which respond to the pilot's manipulation. Weapon systems are operated by hand. Rear thrusters, mounted on the sides, and mini-thrusters in the legs, provide for mobility in space, while the massive ostrich-like legs give the pilot exceptional stability, balance and speed on land. The legs are so powerful that the entire pod can actually leap, bound, and kick without losing balance. Even after a fall, the pod can get on its feet quickly to rejoin the battle.

This impressive mobility is largely the result of the symbiotic relationship between man and machine via protoculture. Protoculture is the mysterious energy source of the Robotech masters, which instils an almost alive quality to the machine. As a result, the machine responds to physical manipulation as if it were an extension of the pilot. of course, the Zentraedi have no real understanding of how the mecha works, the use of protoculture, or even how to repair damaged Mecha. From a practical viewpoint, the principals are identical to the United Earth Defence Force's own mecha.

In contrast to human Mecha, with roomy and reinforced pilot compartments, the Zentraedi pilot literally fills the pod's body cavity, is cramped, and has no additional protection beyond the light armour of the pod itself. This makes the pilot extremely vulnerable to attacks.

Zentraedi soldiers are often forced to discard extremely damaged Mecha, but the pods are very inexpensive, and mass produced--on a mind boggling scale--at fully automated weapons plants scattered throughout the universe (and under control of the Robotech Masters).

It is important to note that, while there are four, different types or styles of the Battle Pod, they are almost identical in body operation and movement. Only weapon systems change (this does not include the Officer's Pod). Like the human Destroids and Veritech, the pod's energy source has a life span of about 8 years when used constantly (20 years is normal, average).

Type: Regult, Fast Attack Infantry Battlepod
Class: One man, all terrain and aerospace mecha
Crew: 1
Affiliation: Imperial Zentraedi Forces

Statistical Data:
Height: 17.4 m
Width: 8 m
Length: 8.1 m
Weight: 37 tonnes

Weapon Systems:
2x Heavy Particle Cannons
2x 22.3 mm Auto Cannons
2x Light Air Defence Laser Turret

- Development: Robotech Technical Files (Entry Nov. 1997)
- Stats: Robotech The Macross Saga Sourcebook (2nd Ed. Robotech RPG by Palladium)
- 1st Ed. Robotech RPG (Palladium)
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REGULT LAP IMAGE: ... 1_1280.jpg


Gluuhaug Light Artillery Battle Pod is basically the standard Regult Tactical Battlepod, with twin missile launchers mounted on top instead of the anti-aircraft lasers. The additional weight and awkwardness of the missile launchers slows the maximum speed of the Battle Pod by about 50%. Generally, one out of every dozen Regult Tactical Battle Pods is a Gluuhaug-Regult Light Artillery unit. Of course, exact numbers vary with each combat situation.

Statistical Data
Height: 18.7 m
Width: 9.9 m
Length: 8.2 m
Weight: 39.6 tons

Weapon Systems:
2x Heavy Particle Cannons
2x 22.3mm Auto Cannons
2x Medium Range Missile Launchers (12 missiles each launcher for the total 24 Medium range missiles)

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REGULT HAP IMAGE: ... bf9262.jpg


Serauhaug-Regult Heavy Artillery Battle combat pod is identical to the Light Artillery Regult variant, except that it can launch heavy, longer range missiles. Like its Gluuhaug-Regult Light Artillery kin, the missile launchers additional weight and awkwardness the maximum speed of the Battle Pod by about half. Generally, one out of every 24 or 30 Regult Tactical Battle Pods is a Serauhaug-Regult Heavy Artillery unit. Exact numbers vary with specific situations.

Statistical Data
Height: 20.3 m
Width: 8 m
Length: 8.3 m
Weight: 41 tons

Weapon Systems:
2x Heavy Particle Cannons
2x 22.3mm Auto Cannons
2x Tactical Ballistic Missile Launchers (2 tactical anti-mecha missiles each launcher for the total 4 Medium range missiles)

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QUEL-REGULT IMAGE: ... 0c24af.jpg


Quel-Regult Tactical Reconnaissance Scout Pod is a standard Regult Battle Pod with ALL its weapon systems replaced with sensors and communication systems. The Quel-Regult Recon Scout is often deployed to investigate unknown regions, and to relay reliable data to the other units and scout ships. Their duty is to act as the "eyes" and "ears" for the combat troops. They are usually accompanied by two Regult Tactical Battle Pods for support. It packs sophisticated and electronic attack systems in small and fast package, Quel-Regult also operating in both standard and mixed anti armor Regult platoons as well as being assigned in dedicated electronic attack platoons. Overall only 1 Quel-Regult for every 144 Regult Tactical Battle Pods

Statistical Data
Height: 18.2 m
Width: 12.6 m
Length: 7.6 m
Weight: 39.8 tons

Weapon Systems:

Sensor Suite:
1x Advance Reconnaissance Suite
1x Electronic Attack Suite

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Telnesta-Regult Heavy Particle Beam Support Battle Pod is basically the standard Regult Tactical Battlepod, with a pair of long range Charged Particle Beam Cannons mounted on top instead of the anti-aircraft lasers. These Dual Charged Particle Beam Cannons have excellent range and arc of fire with effectively unlimited payload. Telnesta-Regult variant generally rarer than Standard Regult which one out of every 20 Regult Tactical Battle Pods is a Telnesta-Regult Heavy Particle Beam unit, sometimes fewer than that. Occasionally Telnesta-Regult variants are deployed as an elite squadron.

Statistical Data
Height: 18.7 m
Width: 9.9 m
Length: 8.2 m
Weight: 39.6 tons

Weapon Systems:
2x Heavy Particle Cannons
2x 22.3mm Auto Cannons
2x Dual Charged Heavy Particle Beam Cannons

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EX-REGULT IMAGE: ... _Drive.jpg


EX-Regult Strike Assault Battle Pod is basically the standard Regult Tactical Battlepod, with one of long range Charged Particle Beam Cannon mounted on top instead of the anti-aircraft lasers. This single Charged Particle Cannon is identical to the shoulder mounted Particle Cannon of Flemenmik Nousjaedul-Ger Battle Suit. This Particle Beam offer excellent range and arc of fire. EX-Regult Strike variant generally rarer than Standard Regult. EX-Regult variants are often deployed as an special forces squadron to take out strategic enemy targets.

Statistical Data
Height: 18.7 m
Width: 8 m
Length: 8.2 m
Weight: 39.6 tons

Weapon Systems:
2x Heavy Particle Cannons
2x 22.3mm Auto Cannons
1x Charged Heavy Particle Beam Cannon

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REGULD TBP IMAGE: ... ternet.jpg

Reguld Tactical Battlepod series is a predecessor to Regult TBP. First to be deployed in large numbers shortly before the defoliation of Optera, these all weather, space & ground terror mecha platform would turn the armor-clad goliath Zentraedi infantry groundpounders to the ultimate heavily mechanised armed forces.

Produced in the excess of 1 billion pods during Aeon Robotech era, Regulds battalions would served valiantly to expand the Robotech Empire. Unfortunately though, these mecha would be turned on each other during the period of devastating Robotech civil wars in which Zentraedi Inspection Fleet defected to Disciples of Zor due to cultural contamination. Rebel Zentraedi & DoZ launched space guerilla campaigns against both loyal Zentraedi patrols & strategic military locations.

Over the course of the long Divisive War (as it later be known), the Esbeliben Design Bureau tasked to redesign the TBP series as battlefield confusion & enemy infiltration teams using the same mechas were common occurrences. Finally the Regult TBP series beginning supplementing & eventually replacing the entire Reguld units in Imperial Zentraedi Forces.

While Regult TBP series would inherit the Reguld's powerful weapon system, it would also inherit the deathtrap lightly armor hull from the Regulds, although Regult would benefitted from more advanced avionics & also far more mobile & agile than its predecessor.

Reguld would be synonymous with Robotech rebels & soon outclassed in battlefields by Regults battalions fielded by loyal Zentraedi. By end of the Divisive War, Regulds would diminishes in numbers & those within Imperial Zentraedi Forces were deactivated en masse & mothballed for recycling at Robotech Factories as raw materials to be converted for Regult production lines.

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Mistraekor-Reguld Shocktrooper Battlepod is a variant of the older Reguld-series. First to be deployed in large numbers shortly before the defoliation of Optera, these all weather, space & ground terror mecha platform would turn the armor-clad goliath Zentraedi infantry groundpounders to the ultimate heavily mechanised armed forces.

Produced alongside standard Reguld battle pods during Aeon Robotech era, Regulds battalions would served valiantly to expand the Robotech Empire.

Esbeliben Design Bureau design the Mistraekor-Reguld to be deployed as shocktrooper mecha in the battlefield. The weapon system suit consisted of 6x 3-barreled 68mm Grenade Launchers, giving it a 300 rounds per minute foe each barrel. Finally the Regult TBP series beginning supplementing & eventually replacing the entire Reguld units & Mistraekor-Reguld variants in Imperial Zentraedi Forces.

Mistraekor-Reguld's 3-barreled 68mm Grenade Launcher system would be adopted into 2 distinct mechas namely the Flemenmik Nousjaedul Ger as its single chest Impact Cannon & the infamous Quimeliquola Quaedlunn Rau as its dual chest Impact Cannons.

Alongside surviving Regulds, those within Imperial Zentraedi Forces were deactivated en masse & mothballed for recycling at Robotech Factories as raw materials to be converted for Regult production lines.

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ZBP-01-Mk.I & Mk.II-QIP1 Regult Tactical Battle Pod

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ADDENDUM: ZBP-01-Mk.I & Mk.II-QIP1 Regult Tactical Battle Pod (Qualitative Improvement Program, phase 1 & phase 2).

UEDF-REGULT IMAGE: ... fit=bounds

Known simply as UEDF Tactical Battle Pods, this upgraded UEDF Regult is the first attempt to integrate the allied Zentraedi into UEDF proper. After the capture of Robotech Factory Satellite in early 2010s, UEDF inherited thousands of knocked down Regult kits in various stages of production. As allied Zentraedi warriors joined the UEDF Zentraedi Legion (fashioned after defunct French / Spanish Foreign Legion of GCW pre 1999 AD era), Robotech Research Group find it very expedient to upgrade the available Regults with avionics & sensors package from first generation Destroid mecha.

These upgraded UEDF Regults proven to be popular with allied Zentraedi pilots, thus seeing extensive use in both terrestrial campaign against Zentraedi malcontents & space mop up missions against rogue Dolza's loyalists holdouts across Sol System & outlying star systems during 2014-2020.

UEDF Regults would be absorbed into Expeditionary Legion units with all non-micronized Zentraedi regiments in 2022. However attrition rates are quite high as Pioneer Mission encountered hostile Zentraedi & space pirate forces during the search for Masters' homeworld. By the time of Tirol's liberation from Invid Regent, many of the UEDF Regults regiments suffered further casualties on planet hopping missions during the early Sentinels campaign.

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ZBP-01-Mk.IV-QIP3 Regult Tactical Battle Pod

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ADDENDUM: ZBP-01-Mk.IV-QIP3 Regult Tactical Battle Pod (Qualitative Improvement Program, phase 3 & phase 4).

UEEF-REGULT IMAGE: ... 647626.jpg

Known simply as UEEF Tactical Battle Pods, the newly advance UEEF Z-1 Tactical Pod Mk. IV is a complete rebuilt of the Z-1 Battlepod series using the classic Regult hulls but the developers improved upon the design.

As losses for Z-1 UEDF Regult mk I-III mounting due to increase close encounter of UEEF Zentraedi Legions against Invid Regent forces, Robotechnologists stationed on Tirol begun a new variant of UEEF Regult TBP, but this time developed to increase the armor at the expense of slightly lower mobility that is within acceptable compromise.

Total overhaul of propulsion system, weapon systems, avionics & sensor are all using the latest tech taken from UEEF second destroid program. Unlike the previous upgraded UEDF Regults mk I-III, the UEEF Regults manufactured by the revived Esbeliben Design Bureau would be produced within the range of hundreds instead of thousands by 2031, as the number of macronised Allied Zentraedi veteran slowly diminished due to high rate of casualties in a decade long Sentinels planet hopping campaign & those accepting micronization process. UEEF Regults would be tasked in various mop up campaigns within early to mid 2030s and surviving units will be absorbed into New Tyrolian Republic Zentraedi Legionnaire reserve units by end of the decade.

The introduction of Z3 Striker Battloid, Z4 Bioroid Interceptor & VHT-7Z (Veritech Hovertank) & later much smaller UEEF ZBR-Series Destroids designed for micronised Allied Zentraedi Legionnaire in 2040 would eventually replaced the entire line of UEDF/UEEF Regults.

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Unread post by Peacebringer »

Interesting; I once saw a Battle-Pod with a Commander's Pod's arms on it.

For the longest time, I've had this idea of competing Zentraedi Battle-Pods on a massive Pluto-like world that orbits like a comet, were several factions of Zentraedi constantly war with each other with each faction having their own variation of the standard Battle-Pod (like one with OBP-arms); with the sole surviving faction being the Zentraedi used by the Masters.
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