Sambot wrote:Actually, the series does not say how said brother was related to her. Biological sibling, adopted sibling, foster sibling, or just very close friend.
She says she has a younger brother. You have yet to provide a shred of proof of anything to the contrary. She didn't say "adopted younger brother". She didn't say "boy who was like a younger brother". She didn't say "I'm lying cause I wanna get in your trousers, so I'm faking having a younger brother, Zor". She said she has a younger brother.
Furthermore, the series is itself an adaptation, one that has been remastered since, so the statement could very well be an error.
Plus, the series does not end with the animation. That he is never mentioned in additional material leads me to believe that the statement is either an error or he is a foster brother.
Just because the "other materials" were written by idiots that didn't pay attention the freaking show doesn't mean jack squat. The series DOES end with the animation cause everything else to date: novels, RPGs, comics and the like have IGNORED large swaths.
To quote Peter Walker:
"Robotech is unique in that everyone (including HG) treats, and has always treated, the original show as defective, like it's 85 episodes of cinematic leprosy, that need to be "fixed" by the licensees."
What is so wrong with treating the 85 episodes, AS IS, as being correct? Fans of
Star Wars don't act as if
A New Hope was "defective" and in need of "fixing".
If we go strictly be the animation, no it doesn't say he's her guardian.
Well the animation is what came first. That makes it the sole canon.
It also doesn't say he isn't.
Appeal to ignorance is not going to win this argument.
And like I said above, Robotech does continue beyond what was animated.
Utterly and totally beside the point.
The novels clearly have Max and Miriya asking Rolf to be Dana's guardian.
I, quite frankly, don't give a d@mn what the novels say or don't say. They are utterly and totally irrelevant to this discussion.
It also doesn't matter if FTL communication exists or not if the REF and Sentinels are operating under radio silence.
Except we KNOW they're not operating under radio silence. FFS, how can you be THIS ignorant of the series?
Episode #54
Mind GamesNARRATOR: The Earth forces were enhanced by reinforcements from hyper-space, responding to a mayday from the original attack on Space Station Liberty. With the Southern Cross forces in tatters and the fate of the Earth hanging in the balance, an important rendezvous is called at the newly armored Moonbase ALuCE
MOONBASE CONTROL: On behalf of United Earth Defense forces and mission Commander Rolf Emerson, welcome back!
EARTH CONTROLLER: Moonbase, we are tele-monitoring the arrival of Transport Squadron 85. Get ready for a message from the Mission Commander.
ROCHELLE: The entire armada is waiting for your transmission General
EMERSON: Attention: This is General Rolf Emerson transmitting from Earth. You have been brought back here from your mission in deep space because we have a plan which can turn this war around and bring us victory against the alien invaders. After you have loaded your ship, you will orbit Earth, where I will join you to personally take command.
And before you EVEN START, YES Transport Squadron 85 is 100% REF. There are no ifs, ands, or buts in this regard because (again) the Tv series plainly states what is and is not.
Episode #68
EulogySCOTT: He's the greatest ace ever to come out of the Robotech Military Academy.
RAND: Ohhhh..
ROOK: I heard he's supposed to be a real ladies man too.
ANNIE: Really? I'd like to meet him.
SCOTT: Yep, graduated number one in his class and then volunteered for Special Forces duty when Admiral Hunter sent in the first wave against The Robotech Masters.
Carpenter is not the first wave cause they didn't even know who the alien fleet that was blockading Earth belonged to and the orders came from General Reinhardt. Hunter is later placed in command of what is called the Earth Reclamation Forces and sends troops back to fight against (first) The Masters and (later) the Invid. And, btw, if there was a First Wave, there had to be at least a Second Wave.
Not passing on personal messages could also be restricted because if intercepted it would not only inform their enemies of whom was where but that information could be used against them. That kind of thing happen now.
Which is also irrelevant cause they have FTL transportation.
How often did the Master intercept ASC transmissions?
Well, in the opening gambit, The Masters severed the links to all of Earth's orbital resources including Moon Base Luna (they bombed it), Space Station TS 25 (they cut it in half) and jammed transmissions cause Moon Base Luna could not contact Space Station Liberty.
Episode #37
Dana's StoryMOON BASE COMTROLLER: Liberty, this is Moon Base. Space Station Liberty, come in at once. (Thought filter) Why won't they answer? (Radio Filter) Space Station Liberty come in. Emergency!
Episode #40
VolunteersGENERAL: I'll begin by telling you that the prime objective is to regain our communications link with Liberty and its Moon base counterpart.
SPACE STATION LIBERTY COMMS: This is Space Station Liberty calling Earth. This is Space Station Liberty calling Earth. We are receiving your messages, do you copy? Liberty calling Moon Base. Liberty calling Moon Base. Moon Base, we're getting through to GHQ again.
Just think about what would have happened if Carpenter had sent a message ahead informing the ASC of his arrival.
Well, it wouldn't have gotten through since The Masters were jamming the comms of the entire Solar System in a way that the UEF was only able to get through a few times (
Volunteers and
Clone Chamber being the two times shown).
Episode #51
Clone ChamberROCHELLE: That's the end of the message. We received this transmission from the moon 24 hours ago.
SEWARD: That's the first transmission from the moon that's gotten through the enemy's sub-space interference. We, should be happy about that, I suppose. Hmm?
What would have happened if the Masters learned the REF had Tirol?
Well, for one thing, the REF weren't at Tirol. Wherever they were, they hadn't encountered The Masters or their technology AT ALL.
Episode #47
OutsidersNARRATOR: At that very moment, a battlefortress from SDF-3 Pioneer Mission is approaching the Robotech Masters ship after defolding from hyperspace.
TECH: Sir, we've locked onto an unidentified warship. Distance 799 and closing. Its definitely of alien origin.
Sent someone back to see if the REF had the Protoculture Matrix?
How? They could ill-afford spacefolding another time. Heck, they approached Earth under impulse for ~15 years before making one final jump.
Episode #31
Khyron's RevengeSCIENCE MASTER 1: Alright, but one more thing. Why don't we check the Matrix figures on the remaining Protoculture?
ROBOTECH MASTER 2: But why? They've been rechecked. We don't even have enough left to make the hyperspace jump to Earth's solar system.
SCIENCE MASTER 2: If that's correct, then we have no choice but to proceed with your new plan.
ROBOTECH MASTER 1: So then, we begin the trip under impulse power and rely on the cell tissue to complete our mission.
Episode #38
False StartBILL MORRISON: This is a Special Bulletin from Channel 3, your Macross Broadcasting Station. Good evening, I'm Bill Morrison, with this late breaking story. Just in from United Earth Command Headquarters, United Earth Government revealed today that at 11PM last night a huge spacecraft of unknown origin was detected as it entered our quadrant from hyperspace. After tampering with, and possibly destroying one of our communications satellites, it has settled into a stationary orbit 36,000 kilometers above our planet. All troops have been mobilized and put on Red Alert.
So there are very good reasons for them to maintain radio silence.
There are quite literally none. Again, if the REF is supposed to be the tip of the spear, how the hell is Earth supposed to know what's going on with ITS OWN DEFENSE if the expedition just noped off to points unknown and never comm'd at all. And besides which, we KNOW that's untrue:
Episode #38
False StartNARRATOR: Dana accompanies the Military Police to the brig, resigned to spending the next few weeks in solitary confinement while in another section of Command Headquarters, Operation Central monitors and controls the tremendous flow of information vital to the security of the planet from every conceivable outpost on the Earth and beyond.
NARRATOR: Space Station Liberty, Earth's only link to the Robotech Defenders who have gone out into the cosmos searching for answers to the puzzling riddle of Protoculture.
And again, FTL does not mean instantaneous. It would still take time for the message to travel.
The time lag is at least 10 days given what is established in episode #11
First Contact. Which still doesn't mean there was no constant rotation of troops, materiel and the like between Earth and the REF.
Also, the Masters aren't the only enemies the REF had so again, they have very good reasons to maintain communications silence.
Why the hell would they maintain permanent radio silence? They would need to request reinforcements, supplies, MONEY and everything under the sun if they were in a war.
Also being deployed and leaving a child behind doesn't mean that they they don't care about their children.
Well it does if they're gone for nearly half their child's life. Again, there is literally NO PROOF of this massive firewall between the UEF and its forces serving deep space and a crapload of dialogue to indicate otherwise. Also the Earth forces clearly have the technology to keep in touch.
Besides, if we go strictly by the animation, would Max and Miriya and Vince and Jean even be alive?
Dana doesn't say anything about her parents being "in the past tense". Nor does anyone else like Colonel Fredricks when he dresses her down.
Would Vince and Jean even exist?
Well, it would be kinda difficult for him to exist otherwise. But, like I provided in my LAST POST, Bowie's father is mentioned and its NOT Rolf Emerson.