Spell Circle of Travel in Book of Magic

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Spell Circle of Travel in Book of Magic

Unread post by darthauthor »

Question about the Awesome spell "Circle of Travel"

I saw this spell in "Book of Magic." It's 15th level.

It's left out of Rifts Ultimate Edition.

My belief is that it should be one of the Ley Line Rifter's list A or list B spells.
Shifter should have it too from their beginning at level 2 spell list.

So I am "here" for a reality check if the Ley Line Rifter and the Shifter should be able to get it. Alternatively, a player would have to buy or trade for it. My interest is to use it in my games.

Options as I see it are: Player character gets it (Ley Line/Shifter).

NPC has it and needs/wants the players to escort them. That or the players need them to create a Circle of Travel so they can Rift back.

The spell is awesome for a smuggler or to create a backdoor into a place one wants to sneak into.

2. Questions come to mind like:

Does a familair count as a passenger?

Steeds/Horses? Hovercycle/Motorcycle?

Zombie? Vampire? Golem? Elemental? Entity? Skel-bots?

When casting how detectable are the NPC / characters? Dog Boys, Sense Magic, to a Shifter

Coming in from a Rift or out, how detectable are they / the circle, to:

Dog Boys?

Psychics with Sense Dimensional Anamaly?

The psychic who uses "Read Dimensional Portal?"


Is the "Circle of Travel" detectable with sense magic and such when not in use?

Can a "Circle of Travel" be created in the hold of a ship (moving point)?

A large hovercraft?

What about a rolled up carpet (gets left behind after the caster steps through)?

Can the Ley Line Rifter hop along for the ride when the NPC/players use it?

Can a scuffed circle be repaired / restored or does it need a sealed room / underground cave to preserve it? Like if a villan wants to hostage the "circle of travel by opening it an inch. Sending a magic pigeon with their demands agreeing to restore it at the time of the ransom drop? Or if a child / animal hoof over the circle?

What happens if the bad guy sets a trap or bomb over the circle? If the players Rift in is the trap automatic (Save or no save)? Players Sixth Sense?

So many questions because I want to use it.

If I were a powerful spell caster of Tolkeen or belonged to a guild of such wizards we would have Circles for common and critical places such as to and from Lazlo. Same with Atlantis, New Lazlo, and the Federation of Magic. It would have been an incredible escape plan to quickly get people out of the city. I could see them keeping it a secret to avoid have to pick who they help and when. Got to have limits and boundries at the right times.


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Re: Spell Circle of Travel in Book of Magic

Unread post by Prince Artemis »

Ok, to answer some of them.

Yes, circle of travel can be used on a moving object like a ship, hovercraft, etc. Otherwise the spell would never work (earth itself is one big ship that's never in the same point of space after all, everything's relative).

Normally circles are not sensible when not active because they're not actively channeling magic, however, I would say that while these aren't sensible at a distance, there would be a trace amount of magic if they got up close. My argument here is that, unlike regular circles, this one involves a connection to its sister portal, so that constant connection would still be a trace of magic.

No, you can't repair a damaged circle. You need to remake it. Once it is broken, the magic is gone. You could repair the circle's art, but you'd still need to recast the original spell, and not just use the lower 'use' cost.

As for the tolkeen/lazlo, etc. They did. Some even used them to escape the city if I'm recalling correctly (the purple mage). We also know the magic black market uses it, and there's even art of it in Black Market.

I would say shifters and rifters would be able to learn it, and shifters should have access. But Rifters are more about spell casting, not permanent rituals, so it seems like something they shouldn't have.

Nothing about the spell creates awareness about the other side, and it creates a portal above it, so yes, landmines would be absolutely a viable counter to these. For the same reason, the read dimensional anomaly, sense dimensional anomaly, re-open portal spells would all work on it. Though, unless the other side's portal is destroyed, the latter really isn't needed, since the circle of travel's don't actually care about who uses them as long as they have the ppe. They don't have any built in security so placing them anywhere that you don't want joe schmuck wandering around, they are basically a security risk so maybe make them outside your sensitive areas instead of going directly in.
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