Creature Feature

Let's talk of things that go bump in the night. Stuff that makes your skin crawl. Creatures that are Beyond the Supernatural™. Also checkout the in-character site - Lazlo Society™

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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by dexterward »

mrloucifer wrote:I agree that its a fair review, but there's one part that's puzzling me... the lack of love for the Brawling Joe. :)

Based on Feedback over the years with using him, the Brawling Joe gets the most praise and appreciation of all the creatures I've made over the years.

I get how the Hafoot is not for everyone, but I encourage you to try them out before you pass final judgement on them. I've found them to be worthy BTS creatures over the years at my game table. :)

Last thought: I'm glad you enjoyed the Squatter. I think its some of my best work. :)

The Brawling Joe is just not my cup of tea. I do not think it is a bad "monster". Just something I would never use in my games. I tend to run BTS2/BTS1 more along the lines of cosmic horror, with a touch of both 1950's SciFi and ancient/gothic terrors mixed in. Combats are a part of my games, but only after the players have done a lot of research and can figure out how to defeat the evil. I give all my creatures/adversaries an Achilles heel or two. While some can be destroyed by bullets or fire, many are immune to mundane weapons the PCs would use. Buy figuring out the Achilles heel the players gain a powerful weapon to use against the evil. The Brawling Joe seems more like an Al Capone hit man to me.

As for the Hafoot, I use faeries in their place in my games. They can be just as comical and mean spirited as the HaFoot but are more rooted to my style of game. After all faeries were an integral part of the late 1800's gothic style of horror. The HaFoot do have that “faery” feel, I grant you that. Faeries in my world are very intelligent and have a “pranking” side to them, like your HaFoot, but when you cross one it becomes a very deadly and cunning foe. Foes that make my players shiver in fear.

Having said everything above, I will take your advice and see if I can find a place for the Brawling Joe in a future game. Possibly with a few minor tweaks. I don’t want you to think I hate either creature, I don’t, and I can see other groups really enjoying both. They are just not my thing.

You should be proud of “Creature Feature”. I know I will use a lot of material from it in my games.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by mrloucifer »

dexterward wrote: You should be proud of “Creature Feature”. I know I will use a lot of material from it in my games.

Thanks! I am proud of it. :)
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
–H.P. Lovecraft

By night I'm known as Steven Dawes, that "BTS" guy, and the Host of the House of BTS!
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by Warshield73 »

This last weekend was OwlCon and I ran All's Quiet. Great adventure and all the resources in the Rifter but I actually spend a good amount of time before the convention reading CF, particularly the Insights and Clarifications section and the Art of Monsters and Horror section. You and Kevin really knocked it out of the park with those and it gave me a lot of great ideas for how to set the scene. It also made me rethink how I was streamlining the mission and allowed more time for discovery, investigation, and slowly building the horror.

All's Quiet, and Operation Minotaur before it, have been some of my most popular and highly rated games at this convention so I have already decided to repeat Operation Minotaur next year (that will be 4 years since I ran it the first time) and I will probably end up running something from CF as well. I would like to do the Squatter truthfully but I will have to see if that will fit the 4 hour time limit.

Again great work.
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Re: Creature Feature

Unread post by mrloucifer »

Warshield73 wrote: I actually spend a good amount of time before the convention reading CF, particularly the Insights and Clarifications section and the Art of Monsters and Horror section. You and Kevin really knocked it out of the park with those and it gave me a lot of great ideas for how to set the scene. It also made me rethink how I was streamlining the mission and allowed more time for discovery, investigation, and slowly building the horror.

Why, thank you Warshield!
Warshield73 wrote: I would like to do the Squatter truthfully but I will have to see if that will fit the 4 hour time limit.

As mentioned in the book, you can do the Squatter in 4 hours; I've done it myself a few times. The catch is that the investigators more or less will HAVE to show up due to a friend/colleague/competitor/ fellow investigator calling them for help as they're overwhelmed. You can give a quick synopsis of the situation, they can deal with tenants under the influence, suffer psychic attacks themselves, and eventually hunt down and deal with the squatter.
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places."
–H.P. Lovecraft

By night I'm known as Steven Dawes, that "BTS" guy, and the Host of the House of BTS!
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