Suggestions for running games in Ciudad Juarez?

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Suggestions for running games in Ciudad Juarez?

Unread post by Rifter_GM »

Greetings, Rifters! I'm prepping to run an adventure in Ciudad Juarez for a while. I'm going through the Vampire Kingdoms books now to get ready and I thought I would reach out to the community for suggestions.

Have you had any success running adventures in Ciudad Juarez? Even if you haven't do you have any suggestions for taking advantage of the setting in Ciudad Juarez? The adventures that I'm planning to run involves the vampire underground.

Any thoughts or comments are appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Suggestions for running games in Ciudad Juarez?

Unread post by Grazzik »

Juarez... One of my favorite settings. PCs can be heroes, anti-heroes or scoundrels at the drop of a rumor. Here are a few ideas to play around with... Let me know if these are of interest, as I may have a few more.

A dry winter and hot summer. The Rio Grande runs lower than usual and the poor folk have taken to digging up the exposed portions of the river bed in search of salvage or treasure. Some have gotten into trouble in quicksand-like mud. Rumor has it that a couple of scroungers have come across an immense pile of bones (200-300 bodies) buried in the mud and gravel. If quickly assessed, the low oxygen in the river mud could have preserved those bones for a long time, so it unclear how old the bones are or who they belong to. Word on the street is that necromancers have been itching to get their hands on some of the bones, even if it is just to find out who they belong to and unlock what other secrets they may have. One of the scroungers has been spending wildly on tequila and other vices lately. The other has disappeared. With the river so low, squads of El Paso guards have taken up patrolling along the far side of the river to enhance security, but one unit has been noticed on the bank opposite from where the bones were found, watching the scroungers work.

A group of nuns have arrived in Juarez seeking help for a farming community 40 miles to the southwest. They have set up a blood donation clinic in a more well-to-do neighborhood to collect blood from the goodly people of Juarez. It is in order to pay a ransom for a couple children reportedly kidnapped by vampires. The Mother Superior, a FC cyborg, enforces the strict rules of the order which forbids many things, even talking to outsiders while they make donations. Though the Mother Superior has dispensation under order rules to act as the liaison with the outside world. A local precinct chief of the Juarez Police has decided to tax the nuns for each donation they receive, on the premise that it is promoting pro-vampire sentiment. Questions abound about this community, what's preventing the vampires from dispatching the children and/or the farmers, who do these nuns worship, how they will pay the tax, or even how will they transport the blood without being raided by wild vampires or worse.

A gang of about 20 gunmen have ridden into town. However, unlike most banditos, these gunmen are disciplined and keep to themselves. They move around town in groups of 4 or 5, never alone. They speak Spanish fluently to others, but an eagle-eyed observer might notice that they are never seen speaking to each other. They've taken up hanging around a Mexican taberna, but drink nothing but water. They demand only the cleanest water, though they are willing to pay 5 credits a glass. Their manner has rubbed a local gang, affiliated with the Subs, the wrong way - the gunmen are just too strange for their liking. They set out to start some trouble. This leads to showdowns in the street, challenges that the strange gunmen never turn down and always win. The gang leader gets the idea to trap the gunmen in the taberna and burn it down. How will this escalate? What collateral damage might occur? What's the story behind these strange gunmen and their fixation on clean water?

It is announced that a trade delegation from the Coalition will be arriving in the next few weeks. This leads to a flurry of activity to prepare a compound for the delegation, increased police activity to limit the worst offenders, bulk buying of goods and services to offer the delegation. With the increased attention on the delegation, some groups opposed to CS policies will want to make their views known. Some work collaboratively, others competitively. In fact, two groups are already fighting - a group of freeborn canine mutants looking for the CS to make a large, permanent presence in Juarez and a group of feral dogboys who like their freedom. This has led to a three way war within the Psykes - freeborn vs feral vs gang leadership who want everyone to fall back in line. In polite society, many of the wealthy of Juarez are preparing to make deals with the CS and undercut their competitors. This has led to a number of warehouse fires, increased cyberhacking, and kidnappings. One lawyer, Les Seeligson (pg 160), has noticed that a spate of his corporate clients have changed leadership, the individuals that would likely be responsible for dealing with the CS delegation. Some had DBee leaders, so this would be understandable, but what about the others? He's tried to avoid shady clients, but these were the most questionable he had. Finally, the trade delegation arrives to the noise of public celebrations, many financed privately. The delegation will be in town for two weeks and are looking to sign deals for food, silver, copper, oil, etc. CS troops pour onto the streets giving locals a taste of CS justice. In the wealthier neighborhoods, people feel safe, even DBees who the CS troops seem to simply turn a blind eye too, As one CS officer is heard to say, the DBees aren't the CS' crap to clean up. However, in the poorer slums away from the view of officials, the locals experience what life in the Burbs must be like. The two weeks are almost up when the lead CS delegate, a nephew of a ChiTown official, goes missing.

A new green and blue candy has hit the streets of Juarez and people can't get enough of it. One piece has been selling for 100 credits, though it comes in a box of 10 pieces, 100 boxes to the case. It has a sweet strawberry taste that ends with a pleasant cleansing flavor some claim to be watermelon or cactus. A faint happiness is felt for about 5 minutes after each piece. Independent researchers will find that it is shown to be non-poisonous, non-magical, and non-addictive. Though some people in the slums have started to talk as though they need it to get through the day, any therapist or doctor will put it down to the horrid conditions people live in. As soon as a case arrives at a shop, it is sold out. A few brawls have broken out over a box and one person was shot for grabbing a piece and eating it before it could be retrieved by the owner. Deliveries are being made weekly using magic, with 1 case popping out of a mini portal directly into each shop unbidden. Not every shop gets a case every week as the recipients seem to change randomly week to week. This has been going on for seven weeks now with no explanation. None of the shopkeepers have paid for the merchandise, but all receive invoices with each delivery saying that 50oz of pure gold should be left by each shopkeeper at the Juarez National Bank, acct# 9744610A (a vault account), before the next Solstice in three week's time. Otherwise... By then, each shop would have received 5 cases, meaning the mysterious supplier is expecting 250oz from each shopkeeper. The closer to the Solstice it gets, the more panicky shopkeepers get as the supply of gold starts to dwindle in the city and the price per oz goes up. Over 150 shopkeepers are on the hook for a collective 1.2 tons of gold. The Merchant's Guild has disavowed any dealings with regard to the candy and have refused to help.
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Re: Suggestions for running games in Ciudad Juarez?

Unread post by Grazzik »

Here's some more vampire-specific ideas for Juarez.

It's election time in Juarez and this election is being hotly contested. One candidate for Chief of Police, Hernan Lugo, is claiming their opponent, Monika Greco, is unfit for the office, as their wealth is inherited ill gotten gains from a Pre-Rifts ancestor who was captured and incarcerated in Juarez's largest prison. Evidence is likely to be found in the ruins of the prison, a couple miles south of the city. However, it is a suspected hotspot of vampire activity. It's even inferred in the political mud slinging that Monika's ancestor is now a Master vampire running a small syndicate out of the prison. Monika has put out a reward of 150K credits for any evidence proving her lineage is as alleged. A empathic scan of Monika shows she is sincere in her belief that it is all lies, but concerned about what info there might be in the prison's ancient servers. Let alone the impact of any proof that a vampire syndicate is heavily entrenched so close to the city.

A heavily armored Coalition platoon is seen operating near Juarez to the west. They have sent teams into Juarez to collect supplies such as e-clips, weapons, and armor repair kits, which may be normally unusual, except that supply lines from Lone Star have been under pressure lately from shortages due to increased FoM activity in CS El Dorado. The requisition teams arrive with a clear show of force and don't stay in town longer than they need to. Any anti-CS threats are brutally put down. Given they pay their bills in credits and silver, authorities turn a blind eye. All CS troopers wear heavy EBA and never take off their helmets or remove their gloves. Anyone tracking vampires in Juarez or investigating an increase in disappearances may learn of a gathering of representatives from various Mexican kingdoms and local masters. The gathering lasts only a few hours, but if the site (a dilapidated masonry workshop called the Tilted Tombstone, run by R. Snow) is surveilled, the vampires may be seen leaving... and among them two individuals in the armor of CS officers.

Small bags of vampire teeth are being sold to pawnshops across the city. This has raised the eyebrows of many, with some folks claiming that when you kill a vampire, their teeth disintegrate with the rest of the body. Others claim that teeth extracted before death would remain whole. Still others say they are fake teeth being sold to distract people from the real conspiracy in City Hall. Regardless of the nature of the teeth, they are being sold to pawnshops only after dark and so far pawnbrokers can only identify three people involved - they are pale, but good looking. One may be an elf. Rumors circulate that there is a team of crazed dentists or Hero Vampires cleaning up the streets. That said, the trade in vampire teeth has stirred up the magical community, as the teeth are said to be a powerful component for dark, dangerous magic. Tracking them down and destroying the teeth has been a rare edict issued to the public by the Guild of the Gifted. This has led to police raids on pawnshops looking for teeth. Often things other than teeth are found missing after a raid. Independent mages wonder if it is worth the risk getting hold of a tooth just to see what they are like.

A woman has been sighted appearing in public places across Juarez, day and night, claiming to be a Master vampire out to do good for all humanity. She wears a campy vampire costume and sports fake glow-in-the-dark teeth. However, at night she has been seen accompanied by what may be real vampires handing out food, blankets and medical supplies to the poor. She's been arrested several times for disturbing the peace, but every time she's escaped the jail cell with no explanation. She has no PPE or ISP to speak of and, for all intents and purposes, is a normal human being. Stories are being told by the poor of the slums that she does have some sort of influence over vampires or has convinced them to help the sick and needy. Areas that have started to declare themselves vampire friendly zones have seen a drastic reduction in disappearances, crime, and violence over the last couple weeks. Graffiti of vampire teeth or bats now appear everywhere in these zones. Some have gone so far as to openly court vampires to join neighborhood security forces and hold citizen-run trials with convicted being sentenced to blood donations depending on the nature of the crime committed. Juarez authorities are incensed by the turn of events and insist this is an insidious charm offensive by the undead. Those connected with vampires across the city learn that vampires are equally concerned with this "Dark Angel of Mercy", as they call her. It seems that no good deed goes unpunished.
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Re: Suggestions for running games in Ciudad Juarez?

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Ahhh. World book 1. Back when Palladium still released books with maps in them.

What happened to that? was there just One Guy at palladium who drew all the maps, and when he left it just didn't get done anymore?
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Re: Suggestions for running games in Ciudad Juarez?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:Ahhh. World book 1. Back when Palladium still released books with maps in them.

What happened to that? was there just One Guy at palladium who drew all the maps, and when he left it just didn't get done anymore?

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Re: Suggestions for running games in Ciudad Juarez?

Unread post by Rifter_GM »

Grazzik wrote:Here's some more vampire-specific ideas for Juarez.

It's election time in Juarez and this election is being hotly contested. One candidate for Chief of Police, Hernan Lugo, is claiming their opponent, Monika Greco, is unfit for the office, as their wealth is inherited ill gotten gains from a Pre-Rifts ancestor who was captured and incarcerated in Juarez's largest prison. Evidence is likely to be found in the ruins of the prison, a couple miles south of the city. However, it is a suspected hotspot of vampire activity. It's even inferred in the political mud slinging that Monika's ancestor is now a Master vampire running a small syndicate out of the prison. Monika has put out a reward of 150K credits for any evidence proving her lineage is as alleged. A empathic scan of Monika shows she is sincere in her belief that it is all lies, but concerned about what info there might be in the prison's ancient servers. Let alone the impact of any proof that a vampire syndicate is heavily entrenched so close to the city.

A heavily armored Coalition platoon is seen operating near Juarez to the west. They have sent teams into Juarez to collect supplies such as e-clips, weapons, and armor repair kits, which may be normally unusual, except that supply lines from Lone Star have been under pressure lately from shortages due to increased FoM activity in CS El Dorado. The requisition teams arrive with a clear show of force and don't stay in town longer than they need to. Any anti-CS threats are brutally put down. Given they pay their bills in credits and silver, authorities turn a blind eye. All CS troopers wear heavy EBA and never take off their helmets or remove their gloves. Anyone tracking vampires in Juarez or investigating an increase in disappearances may learn of a gathering of representatives from various Mexican kingdoms and local masters. The gathering lasts only a few hours, but if the site (a dilapidated masonry workshop called the Tilted Tombstone, run by R. Snow) is surveilled, the vampires may be seen leaving... and among them two individuals in the armor of CS officers.

Small bags of vampire teeth are being sold to pawnshops across the city. This has raised the eyebrows of many, with some folks claiming that when you kill a vampire, their teeth disintegrate with the rest of the body. Others claim that teeth extracted before death would remain whole. Still others say they are fake teeth being sold to distract people from the real conspiracy in City Hall. Regardless of the nature of the teeth, they are being sold to pawnshops only after dark and so far pawnbrokers can only identify three people involved - they are pale, but good looking. One may be an elf. Rumors circulate that there is a team of crazed dentists or Hero Vampires cleaning up the streets. That said, the trade in vampire teeth has stirred up the magical community, as the teeth are said to be a powerful component for dark, dangerous magic. Tracking them down and destroying the teeth has been a rare edict issued to the public by the Guild of the Gifted. This has led to police raids on pawnshops looking for teeth. Often things other than teeth are found missing after a raid. Independent mages wonder if it is worth the risk getting hold of a tooth just to see what they are like.

A woman has been sighted appearing in public places across Juarez, day and night, claiming to be a Master vampire out to do good for all humanity. She wears a campy vampire costume and sports fake glow-in-the-dark teeth. However, at night she has been seen accompanied by what may be real vampires handing out food, blankets and medical supplies to the poor. She's been arrested several times for disturbing the peace, but every time she's escaped the jail cell with no explanation. She has no PPE or ISP to speak of and, for all intents and purposes, is a normal human being. Stories are being told by the poor of the slums that she does have some sort of influence over vampires or has convinced them to help the sick and needy. Areas that have started to declare themselves vampire friendly zones have seen a drastic reduction in disappearances, crime, and violence over the last couple weeks. Graffiti of vampire teeth or bats now appear everywhere in these zones. Some have gone so far as to openly court vampires to join neighborhood security forces and hold citizen-run trials with convicted being sentenced to blood donations depending on the nature of the crime committed. Juarez authorities are incensed by the turn of events and insist this is an insidious charm offensive by the undead. Those connected with vampires across the city learn that vampires are equally concerned with this "Dark Angel of Mercy", as they call her. It seems that no good deed goes unpunished.

These are brilliant hooks! I'm going to be running some vampire and gang stories so I might use that bit about the large pile of bodies. That makes for good imagery.

Thanks for sharing.
Last edited by Rifter_GM on Thu Mar 02, 2023 1:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Suggestions for running games in Ciudad Juarez?

Unread post by hbrika »

Love the adventure hooks!
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Re: Suggestions for running games in Ciudad Juarez?

Unread post by Grazzik »

@ Rifter_GM and hbrika, thanks :ok:
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