Are Nightbane Creatures of Magic?

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Are Nightbane Creatures of Magic?

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Sorry if this has been asked before. Given that there is a spell that can bind Nightbane, are they considered creatures of magic? Do spells to sense magic and creatures of magic sense Nightbane? Does Dispell Magic have any effect on Nightbane?
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Re: Are Nightbane Creatures of Magic?

Unread post by eliakon »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Sorry if this has been asked before. Given that there is a spell that can bind Nightbane, are they considered creatures of magic? Do spells to sense magic and creatures of magic sense Nightbane? Does Dispell Magic have any effect on Nightbane?

No they are unique in that they count as both mortal beings and supernatural creatures (as per Through the Glass Darkly where grafting parts via Fleshsculpting is discussed).

While in morphous they are pretty clearly undetectable as the rules go to great pains to tell us that they can hide this way from things that can sense supernatural.
when transformed they would trigger things that sense supernatural and likely can be stopped by circles and wards as well.
Dispell Magic has no effect on them or any CoM.
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Re: Are Nightbane Creatures of Magic?

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Do you mean facade, when they look human, they are not detectable? you said in morphus...
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Re: Are Nightbane Creatures of Magic?

Unread post by eliakon »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Do you mean facade, when they look human, they are not detectable? you said in morphus...

yeah that is what I meant
Facade is mortal
Morphous is Supernatural
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Re: Are Nightbane Creatures of Magic?

Unread post by Warshield73 »

eliakon wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Do you mean facade, when they look human, they are not detectable? you said in morphus...

yeah that is what I meant
Facade is mortal
Morphous is Supernatural

Supernatural Being or Creature of Magic? Since they are immortal and not born I think they would more likely fall into the Supernatural Being category not creature of magic. IMO
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Re: Are Nightbane Creatures of Magic?

Unread post by eliakon »

Warshield73 wrote:
eliakon wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Do you mean facade, when they look human, they are not detectable? you said in morphus...

yeah that is what I meant
Facade is mortal
Morphous is Supernatural

Supernatural Being or Creature of Magic? Since they are immortal and not born I think they would more likely fall into the Supernatural Being category not creature of magic. IMO

They may or may not be immortal (there isn't anything official either way)... not that it matters, as there are a *lot* of supernatural beings that have fixed lifespans.
And we have no canon on where they come from either

But yeah, I said Supernatural Being for a reason... that is officially what they are. They are *not* Creatures of Magic.
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Re: Are Nightbane Creatures of Magic?

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Thank you for the clarification.
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Re: Are Nightbane Creatures of Magic?

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Warshield73 wrote:Supernatural Being or Creature of Magic? Since they are immortal and not born I think they would more likely fall into the Supernatural Being category not creature of magic. IMO

The current Text of the NightBane gamebooks, more the newer ones than older, implies, like so closely that it all but says it outright, that they are just humans with an additional side to them. Not..."not born".

Now Talking about NightSpawn....when integrating what the writer said about the ideas around the NS, yes, 'Not Born'. Though a better word for them would be 'foundlings'. Not the orphans that the text used. However, because of the modern setting of the NS game is played in, the society of the setting would label them as orphans because they would have no understanding of a wraith of the formless ones appearing in human (child) form, and the society would presume that the foundling would of had parents/progenitors & thus an orphan.
As to the OP topic question.....NB & NS are not CoM in any way. The text for both say that they are supernatural in their Morphus & read as normal mundane humans in their facade. The only way the text of the game books hints that they can possibly be detected as something other than human is via 'the read/see aura' power/spell. But that is in text some here would dismiss or omit from consideration in which text should define the game because it is what they would call "flavor text'. Which is fine for house rules, not fine when talking about what the canon text says.
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Re: Are Nightbane Creatures of Magic?

Unread post by Marcethus »

Nightbane are Supernatural Creatures. And iirc it says right in the main book that after they undergo The Becoming for the first time they no longer age and are effectively immortal unless killed (as in they will not die of old age, but can be killed via damage)

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Re: Are Nightbane Creatures of Magic?

Unread post by Plane »

Marcethus wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 3:17 am iirc it says right in the main book that after they undergo The Becoming for the first time they no longer age
and are effectively immortal unless killed
(as in they will not die of old age, but can be killed via damage)
That'd be interesting since page 7 mentions some undergo the becoming long before maturity:
For most, it occurs in the years spanning the time when you are no longer a child, yet not fully an adult.
Sometimes, it occurs at a time of need — an accident victim, pinned beneath a carriage (or a car); a terrified child, facing death at the hands of a stranger;
However while a Nightbane might be stuck looking for a child for a long period of time as the result of a Becoming - they won't do so indefinitely going by the "Shapes and Masks" section in the "Wanderer Diaries" on page 9:
Once the Becoming occurs, neither the Facade nor the Morphus ages as mortals do.
At the time of my Becoming, a Pharaoh ruled in Egypt and my own people hunted wild boar with firehardened wood spears.
Today, I appear to be a man in my early sixties.
We age only a year or two for the passage of every hundred, maybe even less.
Of course the Wanderer could have been lying so that's not overt canon, we need to dig further:
pg 7 "claims to be the writings of an ancient immortal being from a race of supernatural entities known as the Nightbane"
pg 9 "we are not immortal. We can die, by violence"
pg 197 "Nightbane are very long-lived, perhaps even immortal"

A distinction can be made between "aging" (breakdown approaching death) and "maturation" (growing into an adult form) though, so I don't know that a slowed aging process would necessarily lock a facade in childhood for longer than normal.

If there's other statements about these in subsequent world books I'd like to check them out!

It would be interesting to ask if changing to Morphus might halt the passage of time for the Facade so the Facade only ages while in human form?

If time passes normally for the Facade while in Morphus then would that mean it also heals damage while in Morphus and vice versa? I can't remember if we ever got a ruling on that, it's something I've wondered about with the separate SDC pools given by APS powers in HU too.
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Re: Are Nightbane Creatures of Magic?

Unread post by Marcethus »

All mentions of The Wanderer are fluff text. Hell there's in game disputes as tn whether he even exists. I was referring to their lifespan where it says something to the effect of 'unknown may be effectively immortal. Immortal in the ageless sense.

Yes, there have been mentions of undergoing The Becoming as a child in extreme traumatic events rendering them forever chind in appearance. Though no statted out NPC's just passing mention in fluff text.

The sdc issue should be addressed on it's own so as not to highjack the thread.

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