Currently added: Modifiers for every main purpose type, tables for mecha creation, templates for mass production.
Currently developing: More armaments for mecha and adding engaging stories for the production of each mecha.
In-Progress: 196 Platform weapon types, 28 per mecha size category.
Listed Below are the currently produced rules, tables, and templates.
Produced from personal document:
Bio Mechs:
Due to the severe lack of any biological mechs or anything resembling large machines in terms of firepower, I have decided that my efforts to make them shall be put into play. Please Note that below are tables and a few categories for producing your own mechs, as well as templates for easy production.
Simplified Mech Template:
M.D.C. of Each Part:
Platform Shoulder Left:
Platform Shoulder Right:
Platform Arm Right:
Platform Arm Left:
Platform Chest:
Platform Leg Right:
Platform Leg Left:
Underwater Depth:
Extra Functions:
Simplified Platform Template:
Compatible Metabolism:
Primary Purpose:
Secondary Purpose:
Compatible Platform Limb:
Max Effective Range:
Table 1: Size Categories
Due to changing nature of Host Armor, and its severe lack of true firepower, a few models of organic machinery were produced to combat the machines more complex defense grids, and to aid front line attacks against other splicer forces as well.
• Size 1: Liger
• Size 2: Gravvi
• Size 3: Terra
• Size 4: Tolpa
• Size 5: Null
• Size 6: Commandants
• Size 7: Primordial
Each size category increases the mechs size by 10ft and increases their weight by 600lb. Each mech can only be sustained through thermal, Photosynthesis, or lithovore metabolism types due to their extreme size. Each mech was produced within this table series by House Gene-Coil and is highly experimental.
Table 2: Purpose:
With the machine actively seeking to destroy most of mankind and various factions warring for control, various weapon systems have been produced to resist the machine and those wishing to destroy the resistance.
• Suppression: Designed to keep targets within a cone of fire from firing back, reduces opposition’s attacks per melee by 1, or by 3 if flanked. If target leaves cover while under suppression, that target gets hit by an attack of opportunity.
• Assault: Designed to attack directly, resistant to small arms fire, and can only be damaged if targeted directly.
• Submersion: Capable of being fired while underwater, has a depth tolerance equal to the attached suit, mech, or mount.
• Psionic: Deals damage via mental attacks, cannot damage equipment directly, however, it can attack pilots directly.
• Defense: When behind cover, add +1 to your attack rolls, each attack increases bonus per round behind cover, if you leave cover, this bonus is lost.
• Anti-Armor: When firing at armored opponents, the target’s resistances are only half effective.
• Self-Defense: When attacked by an opponent, a self-defense weapon can be fired in retaliation once per melee round. Only the corresponding limb’s self defense weapons can be utilized in retaliation.
• Long Range Combat: When combat engagements are over the span of 1000ft or further, increase attack roll DC by +3, and increase radius by 5ft.
• Short Range Combat: When combat is below 1000ft in range, increase damage dealt by 1d6 M.D., if melee specialized, reduce resistances of the target by half.
• Anti-Aircraft: Engaging aircraft increases to hit modifier by +5 for all weapons with this attribute, and increases damage dealt by 2d4 M.D.
• Anti-robot: When a robot is hit with an anti-weapon, roll 1d10, if 7 or greater the machine is temporarily disabled for 1d4 +1(increase by 1 per point of success above 7) melee rounds.
• Strafing Runs: When a target is selected for bombardment, the vehicle continues striking for an additional 60ft forward from the weapons attack per attack made. Several weapons can be fired for a consecutive strafing run.
• Artillery Support: When an ally spends an attack to communicate the desired firing position for an attack, if in range, the weapon will fire at the target with a -5 to hit and increases spread by 10ft, but increases radius of attacks by 15ft, and increases damage dealt by 15.
• Terror/Psychological Warfare: When a weapon with this purpose is fired, it applies a horror factor of 6+(1d4+2), in addition to its damage.
• Anti-Personnel: When an un-armored target is hit by this weapon, it takes an additional 2d8+1 M.D., and if a limb is struck, has a 1d4 chance (3-4 the limb is kept) to destroy the limb.
• Troop Support: When this weapon is fired near allied forces, within 150ft, all troops gain +3 roll with impact advantage on all rolls.
• Tactical Bombardment: When weapons are fired upon a known location, reduce spread of attack by 10ft, increase damage from each attack by 15, and decrease radius by 10ft, to a minimum of 5ft.
• Assassination: When a target is hit without being aware of the attacker, increase damage dealt by 25.
• Anti-Fortification: When attacking a structure, deal 2x damage.
• Repairs: When used on a structure, regenerate the structure by 2d8+4 M.D.C., or S.D.C. per attack. When used on a machine, robot, or mech, regenerate the unit by 4d8+5 M.D.C., or S.D.C. per attack.
• Cargo Hauling: When used to move objects, the object is considered a quarter its weight. Increases total weight capacity by double your current carry capacity.
• Tool: Reduce the time taken to complete a task by 2d4x5+5 minutes, to a minimum of 1 melee round.
• Material Collection: When used to collect materials, all materials collected can be processed to their components within 1d4x10 minutes, or stockpiled.
• Salvage: When salvaging a structure or object, reduce time taken by 2d6x10 minutes, to a minimum of 1 melee round.
• Grappling: When entangling a target, the opposing target gets -5 on all rolls to counter.
• Anti-Splicer: deals an additional 2d8+5 M.D.C. to target splicer.
• Distraction: When used, target rolls 1d100+15, if target gets below 35, target is not distracted, if target is distracted, target will focus on the object for 1d4 melee rounds, or until target breaks free of distraction.
• Search: When used to locate an object, entity, or structure, add +5 to their respecting rolls.
• Excavation: decreases digging time by 25 to a minimum of 1 melee round, and increase digging speed by 25 mph.
• Flushing: Attacking a target in cover forces the target out of cover if target fails their roll, target suffers a -5 skill penalty if they are flushed from cover.
• Capture: designed to deal non-lethal damage, forces target to resist an entanglement, if target fails with a -4 to their roll, target is incapacitated.
• Incapacitation: Knocks out target if they fail a entanglement save, -2 to resist the roll.
• scent mark: Target is marked for easier identification and tracking; target suffers a -2 to all stealth and concealment rolls.
• Disable: Disables the targets weapon systems on the targeted limb for 1d4 melee rounds.
• Weaken: reduces targets attacks by 1, reduces movement speed by 25 mph for 1d4 melee rounds, and target suffers -5 to resist horror factor.
• Feeding: Used to directly eat the target, target must resist an entanglement roll with a -6 penalty.
• Construction: Decreases construction time for an object or structure by 2d8+4 minutes, to a minimum of 1 melee round.
• Communications Disruption & Interference: All communications devices have a 15% chance of failure when used when target is near or hit by a weapon with this attribute.
• Anti-Monster: deals an additional 2d8+2 M.D.C. to monsters.
• Area denial: Areas hit cannot be traversed until 1d4 melee rounds have passed.
• Anti-Missile: targets and destroys target missile at -3 penalty.
• Climbing: Increases climbing skill by 25% and reduces chance of failure to 1%.
• Anti-Material: Deals an additional 2x damage to armored targets.
• Anti-Ground: Deals an additional 1d8+1 M.D.C. to grounded targets.
Table 3: Platforms
Size 1: Liger Model
L-1 Casting Rotary Cannon:
After several years of consistent attacks coming from various sources within old-Russia, House Gene-Coil developed the first large weapons platform designed to spew many pellets of waste matter produced through the lithovore’s digestive system to produce armor-piercing pellets capable of ripping through host Armor and Machine alike. Utilizing a modified system of carbon enrichment, extensive compression within the intestines, and a series of pouches that compound micro elements of various metals and minerals the Casting Rotary Cannon fires gem infused pellets roughly 5 ounces in weight.
Compatible Metabolism: Lithovore
Primary Purpose: Suppression
Secondary Purpose: Assault
Compatible Platform Limbs: Arms, shoulders.
Max Effective Range: 1200ft.
R.O.F.: 1 attack, or 2 attacks per burst.
Payload: 1200 Casting Shells.
Mega-Damage: 6d8+6 M.D., or 3d6x10 M.D. per 3 shell burst.
M.D.C. of Casting Rotary Cannon: 10d8x10+45 M.D.C.
Bonuses: +4 to strike, +2 to aimed shot, +1 to burst attack.
Notes: This weapon has been noted to be capable of stacking several cannons into its platform, however, the costs in doing so doubled for every additional cannon placed. Each platform can support up to 5 cannons, and fire simultaneously as one platform attack.
Size 1: Liger Model
L-2 Bore Hound Launch Tubes:
Several tests after the first successful Liger model led to the development of launch tubes which release a larger Bore grub, these grubs are matured into a form of hound or beetle. These matured grubs will first attempt to destroy the target they are launched at/into, and will begin to asexually reproduce more grubs, these grubs are then launched through 2 small bore cannons on each shoulder of the parent. The parents need to feed on 10 pounds of meat to reproduce 2d8 Bore grubs, each grub functions the same within Splicers Core Rulebook, pages 98-99™.
Compatible metabolism: any
Primary Purpose: Anti-armor, feeding
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Splicer, Flushing
Compatible Platform Limbs: Shoulders
Max Effective range: 3600ft.
R.O.F.: 1 at a time,2,4, as many as purchased. All fired in a volley count as 1 attack.
Payload: Each tube produces 1 mature Bore Hound every 24 hours.
Mega-Damage: 8d12+10 M.D. per Bore Hound, the hound successfully will land and engage as an autonomous Gore-Hound loyal to the Splicers allies and the splicer who fired them takes priority.
M.D.C. of the Bore Hound Launch Tubes: 10d20x10+150 M.D.C.
Bonuses: +4 to strike, +3 to entangle.
Size 1: Liger Model
L-3 Capillary towers:
Thanks to several studies completed around the strange technology of L.E.G.I.O.N. a specialized tube was produces for rapid replenishment of ammunition while out on the battlefield, allowing troops to remain in long term engagements and assisting their fellow splicers by replenishing their weapons nutrient needs. The way this platform functions is by crushing the ground and forcing a large bone rod directly into the ground. This immobilizes the Liger, however, in 2 melee rounds a large pool forms around the bone rod and produces a huge puddle of nutrient solution. This solution replenishes weapons and restores ammunition within 1 melee round. Sadly, once the Liger removes the rod to move again, taking 1 melee action to complete, the fluid is forced into the ground down the now gaping hole, and is no longer usable.
The amount of solution produced is enough to feed 2 host armors and their equipment per melee round maintained.
Compatible Metabolism: Photosynthetic, lithovore.
Primary Purpose: Tool
Secondary Purpose: Troop Support
R.O.F.: 1 per melee round. Each tower used requires an additional round to remove and allow movement again.
Payload: effectively unlimited, as it replenishes the needs of both the pilot and the Liger simultaneously.
M.D.C. of the Capillary Towers: 20d6x10 +200 M.D.C., can be upgraded to increase nutrient yield by 1 full Host armor + equipment for every 150 Bio-E spent on the Liger.
Size 1: Liger Model
L-4 Mega bio-Forcefield Projector:
Due to the massive size of the Liger mecha, modifications were required to improve its defensive capabilities at the cost of a possible slot for further modifications to the torso. Due to the extreme size of the Mega Bio-Forcefield Projector no further torso additions can be inlaid. The Mega alternative was a small project produced by geneticist Grian Poll, who worked tirelessly to improve the already effective bio-forcefield. He found that focusing the energy of the forcefield into a cone shaped barrier was more effective for increasing the general coverage and relative damage capacity than flat improvements would yield. This Mega alternative became a major steppingstone to the mechas current production and is key for large defensive operations hosted by House Gene-Coil. It's noted that the projected field maintains a 10ft gap between the mecha and the projection, and the projection spans 10ft on either side.
Compatible Metabolism: any
Primary Purpose: Tool
Secondary Purpose: Troop Support, distraction
Compatible Platform Limbs: Torso
Payload: Effectively unlimited, however, when the forcefield is disabled, it takes 15 minutes to recharge.
M.D.C. of Mega Bio-Forcefield Projector: 15d8x10+45 M.D.C. to torso
M.D.C. of Forcefield: 600, plus 200 for every 50 Bio-E spent on the mecha.
Size 1: Liger Model
L-5 Rotating Burrowers:
Thanks to the aid of Gaia who assisted House Gene-Coil with a new alien plant specimen, a new platform was able to be produced that quickly digs deep into soil, rock, and even sturdy metals like butter. The platform produces 2 large tendrils that separate and begin swirling directly into the soil, each swirl digging up 70 meters per melee round, and adds 120 mph to the mecha’s burrow speed. This allows incredibly rapid burrowing, and each hole dug this way stretches the size of the mecha comfortably giving 5 meters of additional clearance for the mecha to move and rotate. Each burrow dug this way is perfectly flattened and maintains a comfortable angle for running in the mecha. Each tendril stretches 35 meters from the mecha and are uninhibited while the mecha is moving.
Compatible metabolism: any
Primary Purpose: Excavation, Tool
Secondary Purpose: Assault, Anti-fortification.
Compatible Platform Limbs: Legs, Arms
R.O.F.: 1 Attack per melee action.
Payload: effectively unlimited
Mega-Damage: +10d8x10 M.D. added to punch damage, when attacking a structure, deal 10d20x5 M.D. per attack instead, the damaged area cannot be repaired.
M.D.C. of Rotating Burrowers: 10d6+350 M.D.C.
Bonuses: Dowsing skill +15%, Spelunking +10%, Excavation +15%, Trap Construction +5%.
Notes: When extended the tendrils are very flammable and will remain on fire until quenched in water or destroyed.
Size 1: Liger Model
L-6 Ripper Whips:
Ripper Whips were the first melee model produced, as a major request of several warring sub-sections of geneticists who believed melee was inevitable. Each Cluster contains 16 whips, each with a massive set of razored teeth that strip flesh from bone, and tears metal into ribbons. Each platform carries 1d8+1 clusters, and each cluster can attack simultaneously with every cluster on the platform, allowing rapid destruction of any close-range attackers. Each whip regenerates within 24 hours and cannot produce additional clusters on a platform after creation. Every platform must rest on the arms of the mecha and are tailored for near autonomous performance. If an enemy approaches the mecha, the whips will engage in retaliation, Allowing one retaliating strike per platform. Otherwise, the mecha’s pilot will maintain direct control of the whips for active combat.
Compatible Metabolism: Any
Primary Purpose: Assault, Close-Range
Secondary Purpose: Self Defense, Short Range Combat
Compatible Platform Limbs: Arms
R.O.F.: 1 platform’s whips per attack.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Max effective Range: 15 meters
Mega-Damage: 16d8 M.D. per cluster, 1d8+1 cluster of whips.
M.D.C. of Ripper Whips: 20d8x10+150, each whip has 25 M.D.C. and is hit before the platform itself.
Bonuses: +4 Strike, +2 aimed Shot, only applies to platform while attacking.
Notes: Each platform takes up the entire arm, leave no opportunity to apply additional modifications to the limb. All modifications already applied are stripped once the platform is installed within or on the limb and are refunded to the owner of the mecha.
Size 1: Liger Model
L-7 Acid Nodule Sprayer:
Due to heavy raids from both machine and splicer forces, a new acid was required to face their forces directly. Each Sprayer is applied to the torso, each torso can support 8 nodules at any time. Each nodule will increase the food intake of the mech by 10 additional pounds of food for a lithovore, 15 additional minutes for photosynthetic. Thermosynthetic metabolisms remain unchanged by the enhancements, however, it noted they tend to stray from water sources and often report delusions of moving objects within the water after extended use. Each nodule can deal with a dangerous acid spray that eats through organic matter and breaks it down into a fertile slurry, the slurry being useful for crop growth and restoration. It’s been noted that Gaia collaborated on the alteration previously stated to maintain the pristine environment she proudly conquers after most engagements. It’s noted that machines are expunged of the nanite plague for several hours after exposure as the acid interferes with the nanites detection systems.
Compatible Metabolism: any
Primary Purpose: Close-range combat, Assault
Secondary Purpose: Area Denial, Anti-material
Compatible Platform Limbs: Torso
R.O.F.: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 3, 4 or up to the total number purchased. Whether a single nodule or an entire volley is fired, it still counts as one melee attack/action. Roll once to strike, either all the shots in the volley hit or they all miss.
Payload: 24 Charges per nodule, all charges regenerate after 24 hours.
Max Effective Range: 75 feet
Mega-Damage: 12D8+15 M.D., plus 3d8 M.D. per melee round after the initial attack for 10 melee rounds.
M.D.C. of Acid Nodule Sprayer: 10D8+120 M.D.C., if the nodule is destroyed, it bursts out burning the ground nearby and leaving the terrain uninhabitable in an area of 25ft for 2d4 melee rounds. After 3 days, a new growth of edible fruit and vegetable plants will spurt from the area and will mature within 2d4 weeks.
Bonuses: If the acid nodule is used on plants, the plants are instead reinforced, gaining 2d8 M.D.C. to their patch, and quickly mature within 1D4 days. Each plant becomes seed bearing and if the plant produces food, will quadruple its bounty. If used on fertile ground, the ground will sprout a grove of root crops which grow to maturity within 1d4 weeks.
Notes: its noted that a bizarre chemical slurry of RNA and a mixture of compatible chemicals are used instead of normal acid and if a victim of this weapon survives, often mutate uncontrollably until eventually turning into a small grove of plants.
Size 1: Liger Model
L.8 Cluster Missile Hive:
With long range artillery options being limited to the resistance, and only having true options available through war mounts, The Cluster Missile Hives were produced to allow for long range engagements and consistent bombardments on enemy territory. Each hive reproduces ammunition in volleys, allowing quick rotation of ammo within 4 hours. Each missile is loaded with a powerful Acid node with similar modifications to the Acid Nodule Sprayer, except it's an explosive and effects an area of 20ft. Each missile is loaded with Heavy Bio-Explosive Migs (Splicers Rulebook Pg.137) on 4 racks, each rack containing 10 Migs. Each Mig explodes after the missile detonates causing a chain explosion. Each Mig has the same enhancements as the missiles Acid-Node, however, are unchanged otherwise.
Compatible Metabolism: Any
Primary Purpose: Long-Range Combat, Area Denial
Secondary Purpose: Defense, Artillery Support
compatible Platform Limbs: Shoulders
R.O.F.: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6 or up to the number located on that Host Armor. Whether a single rocket or an entire volley is fired, it counts as one melee attack/action. Roll once to strike, either all the rockets in the volley hit or they all miss.
Payload: 18 Missiles, every 4 hours Ammo fully regenerates.
Max Effective Range: 5 Miles, 20ft radius explosion, with a 5ft dispersion of Migs, effectively making the explosion radius 25ft.
Mega-Damage: 8d8+15 M.D. for the initial missile per missile, each Mig deals an additional 2d8 M.D. acid damage.
M.D.C. of Cluster Missile Hive: Each hive has 30d12x10+250 M.D.C., Each missile has 85 M.D.C.
Bonuses: +5 to Strike, only applies when this platform attacks.
Notes: Hives that are completely unloaded will begin to ooze a green slime, the hive will then slope down the front of the mech as a flap, the flap has the hives full M.D.C. and acts as armor until the missiles regenerate. The flaps cannot be climbed due to the slime coating.
Size 1: Liger Model
L.9 Micro Missile Hive:
With the successful development of the Cluster Missile Hive, the next feasible step was simply to make them smaller and faster to produce. With some alterations and a few adjustments, a new missile type was produced allowing for quick manufacturing. This new Micro-Munition produces a sizable heat blast that fires everything within its radius, The munition also explodes with enough force to stagger and even knock prone opponents within its radius! Unlike the cluster munition however, that possesses acid nodes that produce fertile ground when detonated the micro missiles instead leave completely scorched earth. With the right mixing the soil will be as effective as volcanic soil and improve fertility and soil nutrients. Otherwise, the ground is completely scorched and makes a waist deep trench with pre-compacted ground.
Compatible Metabolism: Any
Primary Purpose: Area Denial, Assault
Secondary Purpose: Tactical Bombardment, Suppression
Compatible Platform Limbs: Torso, Shoulders
R.O.F.: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6 or up to the number located on that Host Armor. Whether a single rocket or an entire volley is fired, it counts as one melee attack/action. Roll once to strike, either all the rockets in the volley hit or they all miss.
Payload: 240 missiles, Missiles regenerate at 20 per minute, or fully regenerates in 12 minutes.
Max Effective Range: 3 Miles
Mega-Damage: 12d10x10 M.D. Force damage, 4d10+15 M.D. Fire damage per round for 1d4 rounds.
M.D.C. of Micro Missile Launcher: 15d20x10+65 M.D.C., can only be hit by an aimed shot to the weapon.
Bonuses: +8 to strike only when firing this weapon.
Notes: This weapon fires such a volley of rockets that some of our men have actively used them to produce wide trenches for our mecha. It led to some serious conflict between its classification as a weapon or a tool due to how often this occurs.
Notes Section!
DM’s Notice: If the DM is willing to allow it, each of the weapon’s platforms listed can be used for any mech, however, please note that the damage calculations for every weapon will need to be dropped by 10% for every Size lower on the chart the mecha getting the platform is. If the weapon is being used on a larger mech, then 1 additional platform can be placed per size increase.
(Note: Bore Hounds will have their own stat-block once I'm down with my other projects)
More In Production!
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