Vampire abilities of Wampyrs in Nightbane

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Vampire abilities of Wampyrs in Nightbane

Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

There are a lot of abilities Vampires in Rifts possess that were left out in Nightbane that are listed as "Common to all vampires". I am wondering if Wampyrs possess these abilities? These include the vampire Aura (makes them invisible in mirrors), Nightvision, and so on.

The original list was:
Supernatural Aura: Invisible in mirrors
Night Vision: 1600’
Smell Blood: Range 1 mile, 50%+5%/L
Prowl: Base Prowl 50%
Echolocation: Allows the vampire to maneuver in the dark and sense the invisible
Does not breathe
Does not Bleed
Does not radiate heat (invisible to thermal vision)
Impervious to Knockout/Stun effects
Impervious to normal fires
Not effected by heat/cold
Not effected by artifical light
Can eat food for taste, but gains no nutrition from it
Recognize other vampires on sight
Eyes glow when angry or when using powers

A few more things were added in the revised Vampire Kingdoms book.
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Re: Vampire abilities of Wampyrs in Nightbane

Unread post by Grazzik »

In my games, they only have what is written. They are aberrations, not true vampires.
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Re: Vampire abilities of Wampyrs in Nightbane

Unread post by AlanGunhouse »

The VAMPIRES in the game are not listed as having those abilities either.
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Re: Vampire abilities of Wampyrs in Nightbane

Unread post by Grazzik »

AlanGunhouse wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 8:02 pm The VAMPIRES in the game are not listed as having those abilities either.
It could be argued that the vampires' lack of abilities could be a factor of a lower magical level in NB as opposed to Rifts Earth.
It could be a quirk of the dimensional fabric of the NB universe.
It could simply be that the megaversality of the PB system is actually a figment of our collective fantasy that has eddies of confundity that pop up from time to time to remind us that it is really an inconsistently executed marketing ploy.

Either way, IMO, Wampyrs are not the same as Vampires and just because there is an inconsistency with one does not mean it flows through to the other. But hey! If you want to beef up your Wampyr with house rules, go for it!
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Re: Vampire abilities of Wampyrs in Nightbane

Unread post by Marcethus »

It says in the main book that the Wampyr doesn't get many of the vampire's natural powers. They get snps and regen plus limited psionics.

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