Choosing morphus: How to balance?

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Choosing morphus: How to balance?

Unread post by Snicker »

I want to run a Nightbane game on a play-by-post forum I frequent. I don't want anyone stuck playing a Nightbane whose morphus is nonsensical or forces them into a playstyle or theme they're not interested in, so I'm going to let players choose their morphus traits. I also want PCs on an even footing in terms of power, so I want to provide a system to weigh morphus traits of different power against each other.

Unfortunately, I happen to be lazy and kind of dumb, so I'm not looking forward to the process of analyzing every morphus trait and assigning a value to each of them. Has anyone ever put together a technique for allowing players to choose their morphus, but still remain balanced with each other? Even if I don't end up using it, it might inspire some innovation.

My current plan is to basically copy the Bio-E system in other Palladium games and assign a point value to each morphus trait, then give players a certain number of points to purchase traits. I might also give players the opportunity to exchange Bio-E for base and per-level PPE, just in case someone has their heart set on a morphus form that doesn't quite match the values I provide. Thoughts?
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Re: Choosing morphus: How to balance?

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Just roll the features of each of the NB in the game.
Or let the players find a picture of the char on the internet and match the individual features to that picture.

If you are going to use Bio-E Then play mutant animals. For you it will be a lot more real Work to assign purchase points to each feature and/or talents.

The thing is that most of the Power Level for NB comes from the NB's talents.
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Re: Choosing morphus: How to balance?

Unread post by Grazzik »

I find a picture online that reflects the desired morphus (sometime takes a while, so I try to keep a collection that I find interesting that can be grabbed by a player), then map the traits in the picture back to the books. Might take a bit of photoshopping to do it right if the desired morphus has radically varied traits.

Balance becomes secondary if the players really get into their character's morphus because they can visualize it.
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Re: Choosing morphus: How to balance?

Unread post by green.nova343 »

Trying to adapt a BIO-E style is going to complicate it further, like drewkitty said.

I would just let the players do 1 of 3 things:
  • Once they've determined how many modifications their Morphus gets, let them pick based on the particular concept they have. If you think their choices are too powerful, either have them drop one or do another method:
  • Have them roll on the charts, but if they don't like a particular modification they can reroll it. If for no other reason than to speed up the character creation process, I would limit the number of rerolls they can make: 1 reroll of a particular category, 2 (3 max) rerolls for the actual modification.
  • Have them just roll randomly, & if the combination just doesn't seem to work, let them reroll at that point...but still have them randomly roll everything.
The main thing with the Nightbane is that the chances of two Banes being identical in their Morphus form is supposed to be extremely low. Having some weird combinations is a good thing, because Nightbane are weird by design.

Now...if you wanted to have some choice involved, I suppose what you could always do is have all of the players pick 1 particular modification that they all share. But if you do that, I would recommend that their backstories reflect that: they're all relatives (not necessary siblings, but I would recommend cousins, aunts/uncles, etc.); they were all born in the same year, month, and/or day; they all came from the same town/neighborhood (maybe even attended the same schools); etc. Basically, there's a common thread in their backstories that drew them together.
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Re: Choosing morphus: How to balance?

Unread post by Snicker »

Thanks for the input, all. I went ahead and tried assigning values to each morphus trait, but swiftly realized that, due to the different bonuses they gave, combining different traits could easily add up to something self-defeating or far more than the sum of their parts, so assigning a single static value to each would be woefully inadequate.

I've decided to let players choose their traits as they wish, then make adjustments to balance them with each other on an ad hoc basis. A much lazier and dumber solution, but hopefully an effective one.
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