For example, a greatest rune sword bonds with a novice adventurer and serves as an extra advisor and pair of eyes, telling them what to do in certain situations and when the bearer was asleep slowly teach its vast skillset to them. The bearer finds themselves increasing becoming knowledgeable in the skill of the sword , say 2 skill programs or 2 skills very level gained while owning it.
ie a 2nd level novice adventurer stumbles upon a rune sword and wields it for years ending his career in death a 12th level Warlord. How did their ambitions grow so high.
At each level the NPC had the sword they gained 2 skills
1st level of owner the rune sword allocates 2 skills to change HTH: Basic to Martial Arts. This ensures they can fight with skill.
2nd level it mentally compels them to exercise/train using summon inner strength to help them get fit adding Bodybuilding and Boxing making them strong and able to brawl.
At 3rd level it adds Wilderness Survival and Forced March for survival.
At 4th level it add Principles of Magic and Math: Advanced so they can begin learning spells.
At 5th level they gain Meditation and Spell crafting to enhance mystic skills greatly.
At 6th level Business/Finance and Mystic Negation.
At 7th level Magic Combat ( 2 skills) to build p.p.e reserves and learn to fight magically.
At 8th level Strategy/Tactics and Leadership in addition to Intelligence and Military Etiquette giving them a soldier and Military Commander education.
At 9th level they gain Lore

At 10th level it teaches Law, History and Imperial Bureaucracy for administration of newly conquered lands.
At 11th it teaches Military Fortification and Theater War: Land to reinforce those lands and plan the conquest of new lands.
The adventurer is killed at level 12 whereupon it's sword is seized as a prize of war, to begin the process all over again.
What do you think using rune weapons as teachers and fonts of knowledge as well as magical items.