Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

Unread post by darthauthor »

I am looking for feedback on some new Ocean Magic Spells I wanted to create.

The Back Story is that these Ocean Magic Spells were around 20,000 years or so ago.
The Lemurians preserved them in a memory tree.

1st Spell.

1st level:

Create Sea Salt
Range: 10 feet (3 m), line of sight, or touch (of a container).
Duration: Permanent.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Six

This spell enables the mage to conjure a quantity of salt out of
thin air and made to appear in any container or location indicated by the spell caster.
The spell caster can create 4.5 ounces (or 127 grams) of salt per level of experience.

The use of salt varies.
At first glance this may appear to be a "Flavor" spell and you would be right.

However, in universe, salt can be valuable.
  • A commodity to trade.
  • Also, good for preserving food.
  • Can be used as a weapon or barrier for certain types of demons from Hades.
  • Good for Cooking
  • Sea Salt has electroyltes.
  • Salting roads
  • Salt is also an ingredient in a lot of other things like detergents
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

Unread post by darthauthor »

Cloud of Chlorine
Range: 90 feet (27.4 m).
Duration: Four melee rounds (one minute) per level
Saving Throw: A successful save inflict NO damage.
P.P.E.: Five

Magically a cloud of Chlorine Gas Forms that covers an area 30 feet (9 m) in diameter. Those who save are considered to have held their breathe.

Note: Chlorine gas is visible and has a yellow-green color at room temperature. Also, chlorine gas has a strong, pungent odor that's similar to bleach or other alkaline-based cleaning products. So unless, you have no sense of smell or sight the cloud of Chlorine is easily detected from without or within.
It is more of a NBC attack so the NBC skill rules against it. Although, there is no clean up afterwards.

Those who fail their saving throw begin to violently cough and experience any or all of the following: nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, headache, chest pain, abdominal discomfort, and corneal burns.
The victim is effectivelly disable except to cry out or run away.

Can't cast spells through the coughing or psionics due to the pain.

Melee combat and defense are at -10

Those who flee the area of effect the 1st round are immune.
Those Individuals who suffer from inhalation injury recover completely, returning to normal healthrecover in 1d6 rounds.

Those in EBA or power armor or APC etc. are immune.

Those who are wearing or put on a gas mask within one round are immune.

The Spell "Breathe without Air" makes one immune.

Those who are immune to gases or gas attacks are immune to this spell.

The Spell Negate Poison/Toxin immediately remedies the problems but if the victim stays in the cloud they must make a saving throw every round until they have immunity, leave the area of effect, or the duration ends.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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Curse Spell

"The Bends"

Range: Touch or 10 feet (3 m).
Duration: 24 hours per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard.
P.P.E.: Thirty-Five

The spell caster can inflict a curse in the form of "the Bends." Decompression sickness, or the bends, refers to injuries caused by a rapid decrease in the pressure that surrounds you, of either air or water. It occurs most commonly in scuba or deep-sea divers.

Symptoms can include fatigue and pain in muscles and joints, slow this poor victim down.

Reduce number of attacks and speed to half.

The victim has no initiative and is -6 to strike, parry and dodge.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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Pearl of the Sea

Range: 10 feet (3 m).
Duration: Permanent.
Saving Throw: Not applicable.

Six for small
40 for large

Creates a Pearl. It forces magical energy to draw together pieces of sand (which must be present) from the surrounding area, bond them together and multiply them on a molecular level to create a beautiful pearl.

The color, shape, and size can be influenced for additional P.P.E.
Natural pearls can come in a wide range of colors, including white, cream, pink, purple, champagne, chocolate, blue, gold, silver, and lavender.

Regardless of the P.P.E. used the pearls are not magically only pretty to look at.
There market value or trade value may vary, still when you are broke and have a little sand in your boot you might be able to pay for dinner and a night at a hotel.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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Sea Glass

Sea Glass is a unique and versatile Ocean magic spell found in the Rifts Earth setting. This spell allows the caster to create and manipulate sea glass, a beautiful, enchanted substance that has both aesthetic and practical applications.

Sea Glass
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent.
Saving Throw: Not applicable.


The caster can conjure a quantity of sea glass out of seawater or sand. The amount created depends on the caster’s level, ranging from a handful to a large piece weighing several pounds.

Appearance: The sea glass created by this spell is a shimmering, translucent material in various hues of blue, green, and aqua, reminiscent of naturally weathered sea glass found on ocean shores.
Normally, Sea glass takes 20–40 years, and sometimes as much as 100–200 years, to acquire its characteristic texture and shape.

This spell take 1d4+1 rounds

Durability: While delicate in appearance, the enchanted sea glass is as strong as tempered steel. The caster of this spell with the skill of art or whittling & Sculpting can make benign stain glass windows.

As carefully crafted jewelery, by the caster, Charms of protection can be made:

Glass of Charm : A general charm against magic that provides a bonus of + 1
to save versus magic and psychic attacks. P.P.E. Cost: 290.

Protection Against Sea Sickness: Bonus of + 6 to save. P.P.E. Cost: 300.

Protection Against the Supernatural: Adds a bonus of +2 to save
vs Horror Factor and +2 to save vs possession.
P.P.E. Cost: 300.

See the Invisible: Enables only the wearer to see the invisible. P.P.E. Cost: 500.

Sense the Presence of Spirits: The Sea Glass changes color whenever an entity(s) is in the area.
Range: 60 feet (18.3 m). P.P.E. Cost: 300.

Turn the Undead: A charm that will prevent any of the undead
from physically touching them while they wear or hold the amulet. The
amulet works much like a cross does against vampires. Effective
against all undead including mummies, zombies and vampires.
P.P.E. Cost: 400.

Alternative Sea Glass Type:

Sea of Illumination: Sea glass can be enchanted to emit a soft, calming glow, functioning as a light source in dark environments. Those who mediate with this type of Sea Glass recover an addition 1d4 I.S.P. or P.P.E. per hour of meditation.

Sea glass has long been associated with good fortune, luck, and protection. It is often seen as a symbol of transformation and renewal, providing clarity and insight into difficult times. Additionally, its calming blue color can promote relaxation and encourage meditation or contemplation.

Sea glass is just glass, like other gemstones are just rocks! The true value of any "gem" is not only its beauty, but the rareness and unique quality each piece holds. The shape of the sea glass plays an important role in determining the value.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

Unread post by Curbludgeon »

I like these ideas a lot. The Ocean Wizard could stand a bit of an item creation niche, and a Sea Glass-themed spell works. I could see the Pearl spell being able to also accelerate the growth of larger pearls, or potentially in Rifts pearled items.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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I like them overall.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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Thanks , Curbludgeon

Thanks , ShadowLogan

I have a few more I am working on.
Debate between knock off versions of incantations or unique to the Ocean / Sea theme.

is the next one I am working on.
Not sure what to make of it?

1. Weather and / or tide prediction
2. communiator
3. Whisper ish ask it questions
4. A listening device to spy on others.

They all involve listening to the seashell.
It is not a weapon or defense.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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darthauthor wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 3:32 pm I am looking for feedback on some new Ocean Magic Spells I wanted to create.

The Back Story is that these Ocean Magic Spells were around 20,000 years or so ago.
The Lemurians preserved them in a memory tree.

1st Spell.

1st level:

Create Sea Salt
Range: 10 feet (3 m), line of sight, or touch (of a container).
Duration: Permanent.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Six

This spell enables the mage to conjure a quantity of salt out of
thin air and made to appear in any container or location indicated by the spell caster.
The spell caster can create 4.5 ounces (or 127 grams) of salt per level of experience.

The use of salt varies.
At first glance this may appear to be a "Flavor" spell and you would be right.

However, in universe, salt can be valuable.
  • A commodity to trade.
  • Also, good for preserving food.
  • Can be used as a weapon or barrier for certain types of demons from Hades.
  • Good for Cooking
  • Sea Salt has electroyltes.
  • Salting roads
  • Salt is also an ingredient in a lot of other things like detergents
I think the salt to PPE ratio is a bit off.

Consider the 1st level Fire Warlock Spell, Create Coal. It creates 20 pounds/level of coal for 5 PPE. Warlock spells tend to have some efficiencies compared to regular spells, but you're looking at Create Coal being nearly eighty times as efficient.

Unrelated, though, why 4.5oz? If it were a divisible-by-10-or-5 number of grams, I could see "Oh, yeah, built around metric, converted for Americans", but it seems an odd number to choose, otherwise.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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Thanks for the feedback.

What would you suggest as a fair amount of sea salt?
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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darthauthor wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:41 pm Thanks for the feedback.

What would you suggest as a fair amount of sea salt?
TBH, 20#/level wouldn't be horrible... though USEFUL, you're not going to destroy the game because you can conjure a bunch of salt.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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20 lbs (Sea Salt) per level of the spell caster.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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Plus if you use another spell to set all that salt in motion....

-High enough concentration of salt, you can (slowly) corrode unprotected/insufficiently protected metal.

-Blast it into unprotected wet membranes like eyes and sinuses, and especially open wounds....You're going to distract somebody at least.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

Unread post by darthauthor »


You guys are creative.

I came up with some more names for spells like:


But I can't decide what it should do.

Driftwood is supposed to look like pretty art or something.
It can't burn or it burns toxic; so I read.

What good would a spell do that turned wood into driftwood or driftwood (or wet wood) into regular dry wood?

When I really get down to it, I just liked the name, "Driftwood."
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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Perhaps it summons a collection of driftwood to appear from the sea(regardless of whether you were on a shore or in open water). This would be handy if you needed wood for a repair, raft/boat-building, or fuel for a fire(though this might require some extra spells or an add-on to dry out and desalinate/demineralize the wood). The amount/cordage produced/summoned would increase with levels of experience.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

Unread post by darthauthor »

What about a sort of "Create Air" spell that is like "Create Water" only instead of filling a canteen with water it fills an air tank with oxygen.

A kind, like, separates water into oxygen and hydrogen or something.

I had been thinking of all things water and characters in it.
A diver needs his airtank refilled.
A submarine needs air.

Plus, oxygen and hydrogen make a nice burn.

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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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Oddly enough, there is NOT an ocean magic spell that allows one to breath underwater...without also turning into a fish.

There's the regular and Elemental 'Breath Without Air' spell, and Air Elemental Create Air(which doesn't work underwater) and Air Bubble..There's also Water Elemental Breath Under Water...

I believe there's a space magic spell s well.

But Ocean Magic is lacking one, probably because everybody assumes you'll also take Breath Without Air.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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The spell


Driftwood symbolizes the Eternal relationship between wood and water, between forest and sea, between life and death.

Range: Self or 10 feet (3 m)
Duration: Varies
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Varies

This spell creates driftwood that can be used in one of three ways.

1. For those with the skill Whittling and scupting the "driftwood" they create will form in a fashion of a box, cross, or weapon.
The weapon is exception at damaging vampires being wood and containing water.

2. For those with boat building it can be made into a raft or surfboard.
Driftwood will begin to show signs of deterioration as early as 2 years.
On dry land can be used for Dog Sleds or snow boards/skies

Note: Eco active Ocean mages use this spell to provide for ocean life.
Driftwood provides shelter and food for birds, fish and other aquatic species as it floats in the ocean.

3. For those with the sewing skill it can be made into armor with special properties.
In the water the armor will stay on the surface and float in an awkward fashion.
For movement purposes it is only effective out of the water.
*Immunity to fire and water based attacks.
*-30% to climb, prowl, and swim.
*Horror Factor of 15 to Vampires (being both wet and wood).
*10 MD of protection per level of caster
*No protection for the pressure of the ocean depths or cold.

NOTE: The spell ROT WOOD or other types of spell (Wither Plants, etc) will destory this; NO SAVING THROW.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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Still lacking a stat block on how MUCH driftwood is summoned/created per level of experience.
And can it be summoned in the form of logs, branches, or shaped planks(as might come off a shipwreck)?
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

Unread post by darthauthor »


I am open to feedback on that.

Ideas so far.

With #1:
The idea is a temporary weapon or item.
A cross.
A box that floats.
A coffin
A shield
A treasure Chest

With #2:
A lot of the intent of it is to make a temporary means of transportaion
Surf board (5 PPE)
Dog Sled (10 PPE)
Raft (30 PPE for a party of 6)
Temporary shelter (20 PPE)

Or just the eco friendly part like the spell that build coral reefs but the Driftwood is for beaches, lakes, and rivers.

With #3
It would be no more than the pieces needed for the armor
I'd make the enchanment temporary for MD protection (until the spell is recasted)
(Maybe between 20 to 30 PPE)
Or one of those send a massive amount of PPE to make it permanent.
The rest of the time the wood armor is S.D.C.

I am open to suggestions as I am making guesses myself.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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Also working on another spell that is like the handful of movement impairment spells:


Invocation: Carpet of Adhesion (10) Magic Fly Paper

Necromancers: Grip of Death (13) the arms of the undead come out of the ground and grab hold of you.

Warlock's: Sheet of Ice (15)

So the title is something like

Tidal Forces or Tidal Lock (Land Lock maybe)

Range: 30 feet (9.1 m) per level of the spell caster.
Duration: 10 melee rounds (two and a half minutes) per level of spell caster.
Saving Throw: Standard
P.P.E.: Ten

Can't move or be moved.

Alternatively I thought about making it a knock down spell like an area of effect (20 foot radius) but it is the equivalent of a Judo flip and tackle take down. No damage from the push.

Kind of like the Air Warlocks spell of "Sonic Blast"

For when they are closing in on you and you want to Force Push them all away even if only for a moment before they get up again or shoot you from where they lie.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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darthauthor wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 5:44 pm Taakusmn,

I am open to feedback on that.
Still need some specifics with that...
But if you wanted to tack a random factor on top of it...say, the spell produces 4d6 board feet per level of experience.
A board foot being a piece of lumber 12" wide by 1' long by 1" thick for estimating purposes.
So, 1st level, you can call up a minimum of 4 square ft of wood and a maximum of 24. Next level, you're talking 8 square ft and 48 ft respectively.
GM's call on what its apparent origins are....a floating crate, a coffin(uh-oh), river snag washout, etc....
Yeah, it's not consistent, but hey, the sea can be a fickle %$#$&$&$.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

Unread post by darthauthor »

Next idea:

Ocean of Blood or Sea of Blood

Turns water into blood.

Seems more like a curse as it would probably kill some sea life or create food for some (like attracting sharks)

I found someone sort of came up with the idea first in the Blood Magic Spell school of magic.

Questions are:

How much water should be converted to blood.


Saving Throw: None

P.P.E.: 80 (40 for a Blood Mage)
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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Create Ocean Golem
Range: Touch
Duration: Exists until destroyed.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 80

The Caster needs two pearls, valued at no less than 1,000 credits each.

A heart of Driftwood, Sea glass or Iron

Permanently drains the caster of 4 Hit Points

In a matter of seconds, a creature made of pure ocean/sea water,
with glowing pearls for eyes and a heart of driftwood buried within its
form begins to rise up.

Spells and psionics designed to work against human physiology are useless against the golem.
This means that charms, sleeps, bio-manipulation, illusions, paralysis, etc. won't work on it.

Turn dead, banishment, negation and remove curse are likewise useless.

Physical attacks (even explosives) do not hurt the creature.

It cannot speak, read or understand complex commands. It has no emotions, no fears, and is like a robot waiting for direction. A golem will obey only the person who created it. When the creator dies, the golem will follow his last command until it is destroyed.

Ocean Golem:

Note: The golem does not have to be humanoid in shape.
Example: Shark Golem, Squid Golem

• Horror Factor 16
• I.Q. 6, P.S. 22 (Supernatural Strength), Speed 14, Height: 6 to 20 feet.
• 5 attacks per melee, 1D4 M.D. by punch.
• No bonus to parry, dodge or initiative.
• Impervious to ordinary Bombs, bullet, clubs, spears and swords weapons

Magic energy attacks do half damage

Magic weapons do half damage.

Impervious to psionic attacks, electricity, heat, disease, gasses, poison, and fear / HF
Cyber-Knight's Psi-Sword and "Mind Bolt" are the exception; it does damage.

• Impervious to normal and magical fire.
• M.D.C. 30 (60 if Sea glass)
• Regenerates completely within 24 hours unless the driftwood or Sea glass heart
is removed from the body.

Note: Special Attack. Can tackle and smoother drowning the victim if without the means of breathing without air (breathing water works, the spell breathe without air, or EBA work)

IF somehow it is made to freeze it is as if turned to stone until the ice is melted.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

darthauthor wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 5:06 pm Next idea:

Ocean of Blood or Sea of Blood
How much water should be converted to blood.

I'd say a pint per level of experience.
Yeah, that's a small amount for the investiture of PPE, but blood is a very complex substance, especially if you're trying to create more than blood -plasma-.

Now the questions I should ask you are; what sort of blood is it? Maybe one material requirement is a drop of the blood to be replicated....
Now, how close is it to the real thing? Can it be used in a transfusion? Can it be used to filter for blood products like red blood cells or antigens? Can it sustain a vampire or other blood-feeder?
If it's actual blood, them the duration would be determined by its clotting factor and storage means...viability as transfusion material would depend nohow quickly and well it is stored.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

Unread post by darthauthor »

The spell is called "Water-Boarding"

Range: 50 feet (15 m) per level of experience.
Duration: One minute (4 melees).
Damage: Special.
Saving Throw: Standard.
P.P.E.: 30

Under the influence of this spell, the victim feels as though they are being waterboarded.
A form of torturer or interigation that is the equivalent of pour water onto the face over the breathing passages, causing an almost immediate gag reflex and creating a drowning sensation for the captive.

Those effected by the spell cannot cast a spell or cry out (they can make a muffled sound for those within 5 feet) or message someone over a radio other than sound garbled.

They can move (dodge, hide, run, etc.) but not speak.
The spell does more than mute its victims.

They can attack with a melee weapon or ranged weapon or perform a skill but it is all as if the person were being waterboarded sensation wise while they are doing it. As such they cannot concentrate and are at a penality.

They also feel as if they cannot breath and are instinctually compelled to take off any face covering helmet or gasmasks or mask they are wearing. It will be their obsession unless there is someone or thing threatening their life they will take off anything obstructing their mouth from air.

There is no physical damage (no S.D.C. or Hit Points are lost), the panic is very real.

It takes another minute for the victim to regain his full composure.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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I'd drop the 'Waterboarding' name, because frankly it has too many Real Life connotations that frankly are repellant.

And frankly the whole concept is too psychological(and nasty) for an Ocean Magic spell. It doesn't manipulate actual water, it attacks the mind/nervous system, and that's more in keeping with psionics like Bio-Manipulation or spells like Mental Shock.

Want to actually drown somebody? I'd consider a variant of the spell Water Envelope, which states that it CANNOT be cast around Humans and other surface dwellers, But I'm sure that some corrupt Ocean Mage could figure out a way around the limitation(it would cost more, though, and I'd built some other limitations into it, along with a notice that Good-aligned characters would NEVER consider using it to murder-drown a person or creature, though they might use it to hamper characters protected by EBA or other means).

And of course Water Elemental Warlocks would have no compunction about trapping somebody in an animated blob of water and drowning them. Or your Water Golem(which is essentially a Water Elemental by another name).
Last edited by taalismn on Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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Honestly I was playing around with words for spells.

Everything I can think of with the word water or ocean or sea and such.

I almost made the spell into a surf-board thing.

I thought I was taming it down with the NO DAMAGE part.

Also, I wanted to write it in such a way that it made it so the CS grunt would take his helmet OFF so a mage could use another spell on them.

Or use it to get a guy to get out of his power armor.

Thanks for the feedback
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

The important thing to remember is that it's OCEAN magic. It works on water, but generally not just any water, OCEAN water and life.

Also a lot of psych spells don't work through EBA, because Palladium apparently wants you to blast through all that ablative armor(it works both ways, however, if more spells worked decisively through EBA, there would be a lot of howls of killer-GMs one-shot-spell-killing PCs through all their expensive body plating).
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

Unread post by darthauthor »

Ah Taalismn,

You FOIL my plans AGAIN!

I FEEL like a bad James Bond (007) villain whose death trap was just escaped from.

There are BAD idea and there are GOOD ideas but one has to RISK being wrong and get the ideas out of our heads while we have them or we FORGET.

IF you don't take a chance you don't have a chance.

Even now I am thinking of a new name for a spell:

"Fly Like a Seagull"

Kind of a play off of the spell "Swim Like a Fish."
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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I've read the Evil Overlord List; I know a bit about death traps, proper construction of.

And yes, there's gambles and payoffs. but in the absence of good advice and constructive criticism, a bad gamble or wrongful assumption can result in dire consequences, especially if one doesn't realize the errors of their gamble and was encouraged to make bigger mistakes as a result.
As a GM I would not have allowed 'Water-Boarding'/'Pseudo-Drowning' because it doesn't fit the theme of Ocean Magic. I also probably would have demonstrated to the player attempting to use it that there were easier canon-ways of achieving much more telling (and damaging) results, using them as the crash-dummy.

Now, back to constructive criticism:

For 'Fly Like a Seagull' to be an Ocean magic spell, I'd expect that one of the requirements would be you have to touch the water below periodically(yes, I know sea gulls can be found hundreds of miles inland, especially around supermarket parking lots and garbage dumps...but still, OCEAN magic...otherwise you're better off using a regular flight spell like Fly as the Eagle).
I'd consider an extended range/duration version of the FatE spell something like 'Way of the Albatross', but the user can only fly over open water(flying more than a mile over dry land will cause the spell to peter out, forcing the user to land).
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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darthauthor wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2024 10:49 pm The spell is called "Water-Boarding"

Range: 50 feet (15 m) per level of experience.
Duration: One minute (4 melees).
Damage: Special.
Saving Throw: Standard.
P.P.E.: 30

Under the influence of this spell, the victim feels as though they are being waterboarded.
A form of torturer or interigation that is the equivalent of pour water onto the face over the breathing passages, causing an almost immediate gag reflex and creating a drowning sensation for the captive.
So, waterboarding is to simulate drowning... this is to simulate a simulation of the feeling of drowning? Why not just simulate the feeling of drowning?

I would provide the target a HF check to avoid the "ripping off face covering" effect. And what happens to people who natively breathe under water, or don't breathe at all?
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

Unread post by darthauthor »

Library Ogre,

ALL good points.

Maybe I should Re-Write the spell and call it "Air-Boarding"
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

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'Mystic Suffocation"

or 'Pseudo-Suffocation'.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

Unread post by Library Ogre »

taalismn wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:34 pm 'Mystic Suffocation"

or 'Pseudo-Suffocation'.
I like Pseudo-Drowning.
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Re: Creating New Ocean Magic Spells

Unread post by taalismn »

But I still contend that it belongs in a different theme of magic, not Ocean Magic.
And it's the sort of thing that a necromancer might use if they're feeling merciful in not outright choking a person.
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