Enchanted Weapon Lightening / Fireball question

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Enchanted Weapon Lightening / Fireball question

Unread post by ricco »

If have an Enchanted Weapon user with Lightening or the Fireball spell attack. When you use that magical projectile do you get any type of bonus added to your roll? If so where does that come from? If not and this is a dumb question please let me know.

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Re: Enchanted Weapon Lightening / Fireball question

Unread post by ricco »

I only ask this question because if the lightning that shoots out of my character's enchanted weapon has no bonus it seems like it will not hit very often. Does it use the swords strike bonus or is there a spell attack bonus or maybe these abilities that enchanted weapons have no bonus? Surely someone here knows the answer to this question!

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Re: Enchanted Weapon Lightening / Fireball question

Unread post by Gimpman »

If it's like fireball the spell then it's a dodge roll of 18 by the target.
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Re: Enchanted Weapon Lightening / Fireball question

Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

I would say you either get the bonus you get from swinging the weapon, so your PP bonus and any WP bonus and any other generic bonus to Strike, such as from the weapon.
OR you do it like Gimpman said. The Target rolls a save, you do not roll anything.
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Re: Enchanted Weapon Lightening / Fireball question

Unread post by Marcethus »

The spells from the enchanted weapon use whatever the spell does, i.e. Fireball is no strike roll; target rolls dodge 18+. Lightning Bolt iirc is similar.

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Re: Enchanted Weapon Lightening / Fireball question

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

The caster level of spells for an enchanted weapon is locked when created and does not go up per character level, so range and damage are also locked and cannot be adjusted. There is no save vs. magic because the energy is not itself magical, merely summoned by magic. Spells automatically hit where they are aimed, so dodging out of the way is the only defense. Hope that helps.
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