Where the Weird Things Are - about places less traveled

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Re: Where the Weird Things Are - about places less traveled

Unread post by SolCannibal »

No new entries yet, but at least i finally managed to take the time to read, give some thought and try to form an image out of the tidbits on "Czechoslovakia". Feeling like i'm rusty and will need some time to get back on gear, but it's a start.

The "euro-Naruni" bits were a baffling but welcome surprise - might take some time to explore them alongside some homebrew things in another thread in the future.

Also, i need to relearn image editing, to work with layers and transparency - editing some maps to go with all of this stuff could really do wonders for any game as a tool for GMs and players to mess with.
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Re: Where the Weird Things Are - about places less traveled

Unread post by SolCannibal »

Little random aside, was looking into the "NGR-adjacent" territory again, bumped into some details about the Vistula and confirmed something i long suspected - that while still a pretty respectable range, "100 miles in both directions" is nowhere near enough to assure control of the river (that is closer to 650 miles in length) up to its mouth in the Baltic.

What means Tarnow's seagoing footprint and most important trade is very much contested and can only lead to interesting things and adventurous times for any such sailors, be they civilians, soldiers or anything in between.
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