Anyone ever read Polyhedron and compete in it's contests back in the day?

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Anyone ever read Polyhedron and compete in it's contests back in the day?

Unread post by thorr-kan »

Palladium, and specifically, AtB content, I swear.

Polyhedron #52 had a contest back in the day. Describe and stat out the two folks on the cover. This image here, quoted for reference:

Polyhedron #58 has the winners. Third place was a pair of AtB characters! "Glutton The Wolfrider. This duo is for Palladium Books’ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Game, After The Bomb setting. They also can be used in other Palladium games. They were created by Jason Exum of Chula Vista, CA."

Glutton (true name: Andros Boggs)
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Re: Anyone ever read Polyhedron and compete in it's contests back in the day?

Unread post by Rali »

Cool! Blast from thepast
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