Dead Reign with NB OCC's

You are on your own. The Army is MIA and our government is gone! There are no communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets. The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world. Help me, Mommy!

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Dead Reign with NB OCC's

Unread post by Marcethus »

Has anyone allowed some of the OCC's from Nightbane into a Dead Reign Campaign? I have only played in one DR campaign and the GM there combined NB and DR in an interesting way. I played an Astral Mage, another player played a Soldier type and I can't recall what the third player played. But it was an interesting and fun game while it lasted.
What OCC's would work well? I think some of the more mundane ones such as the Ex-Government Agent, or the Team Epsilon OCC would fit well. Some the Psychic OCC's could be interesting if you wanted to add psionics to Dead Reign. Magic as I found in the game I played works but can be overpowering.

Darkness is eternal. And so am I.
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