On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Cardiac »

Note: I gave this guy a couple of extra "Sensory" minor powers to help compensate to his two equivalent Mega-weaknesses.



Real Name: Jefferson Skoric
Aliases: Jerry Moon, Samuel Goldwyn, and Eclipse
Group Affiliation: None
Occupation: Professional Cat Burglar and Theif

Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Experiment
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 41 S.D.C.: 58
P.P.E.: 17
Attributes: IQ 21, ME 20, MA 11, PS 11, PP 20, PE 18, PB 9, Spd 19
Age: 28 Sex: Male Height: 5ft. 11in Weight: 190 lbs.

Unusual Physical Characteristics/Side Effects: Pale bluish-white skin.
Major Super Abilities: Darkness Control
Minor Super Abilities: Radar, Heightened Sense of Hearing, Ultra-Hearing, Heightened Sense of Touch, Heightened Sense of Balance.

Natural Abilities: Nightvision - 600ft in normal darkness, 30ft in his own unnatural darkness. Can create areas of darkness and meld with existing shadow/darkness. Enhanced Hearing (can hear a light whisper at 150ft or a normal conversatio at 360ft, Estimate distance of sound 85%, estimate speed and direction of approach 75%, recognize voice pr sound 65%, imitate voice 55%). Ultra-Hearing - 350ft (can hear into the subsonic and ultrasonic ranges of sound, estimating source of sub/ultra sound 85%), Enhanced Touch (recognize slight differences in texture 80%, identify materials my touch alone 70%, notice minute changes in temperature 70%). Natural Radar Sense - 900ft (Interpret Shapes 75%, Estimate Distance 80%, Estimate Direction 80%, Estimate Speed 60%, Estimate Exact Location 70%). Suffers no penalies while blinded. Never gets dizzy or disoriented from movement.

Weaknesses: Near-Sighted, Vulnerable to Light (as per the mega-achilles heels).

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert
Attacks: 6
Combat Bonuses: +13 Initiative, +7 Strike, +9 Automatic Parry, +11 Dodge, +8 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 Pull Punch, +0 Damage, +0 Disarm.

Other Bonuses: +1 to strike on an aimed or called shot with a weapon. Can fire an Aimed shot, Called Shot or Burst while moving, driving a vehicle, standing on his head, etc, with no penalty. +5 on any Maintain Balance rolls.

Saving Throws: +3 vs psionics/insanity/possession/horror factor, +6% vs coma/death, +2 vs magic/toxin/pain/disease.

Other Combat Info: Called knockout/stun - 20. Holds (all). Critical Strike - natural 20. Entangle.

Hand to Hand Damage: Punch - 1D4, Power Punch (2A) - 2D4. Body Block/Tackle - 1D4 + knockdown. Karate Kick - 2D4. Tripping Leg Hook - knockdown. Backward Sweep - knockdown.

Education Level and Skills: Master's Degree
Science Program: Computer Operation, Advanced Math, Chemistry, Chemistry - Analytical, Botany, Biology.
Medical Researcher Program: Pathology, Research, Criminal Science/Forensics, Paramedic.
Physical Program: HtoH Expert, Gymnastics, Acrobatics
Professional Theif Program: Locksmith, Prowl, Climbing, Surveillance Systems.

Secondary Skills: Optic Systems, Basic Electronics, Detect Concealment, Escape Artist, Forgery, Pick Pockets, Body Building, Safecracking, Pilot Helicopter, Computer Programing, Computer Hacking, WP Auto Pistol.

Money: A high-roller who loved to gamble, he spends money as quickly as he gets it, but always seem to have a fair amount of money; usually around #100,000.

Weapons, Vehicles, Other Equipment:

Vehicles: Steals whatever he needs (loves luxury and sports cars).

Equipment: most commonly used equipment:

Contact Lenses (to correct his near-sightedness)
Polarized/Light-Filtering Goggles - with built-in IR/UV (100ft) and Magnifying optics (2ft - to the 300th power).
Grapnell Launcher: fires a grappling hook up to 100ft away. Attached is a bundle of fine high-tensile stregth line (600ft worth) fed from a spool on the launcher. Fired by compressed air and scilenced.
High-Quality Lock-Picking tools
Small High-Quality Electronics Tool Kit.
Concealed Armor: AR 10, SDC 50, Weight 12 lbs.

Weapons: Generally would prefer not to use any, but has been known to use the following;

FW-135 Neural Stun Dart Pistol
Range: 300ft, Payload: 10 darts, RoF: single shot.
Laser Sighted (+1 to strike) and virtually silent.
Can fire either the Neural Disrupting Darts or the Green Mamba Venom Darts.

Glock 18 Auto Pistol
Range: 165ft, Damage: 3D6, RoF: Semi-Auto, Payload: 33 round mag.
Laser Sighted (+1 to strike), Scilencer/Flash Supressor.
Last edited by Cardiac on Wed Mar 31, 2004 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Cardiac »

cubist wrote:Some notes and questions:
Golden Rod- might as well remove Anti-Magic Cloud from her description, since with 180 PPE she's never going to be able to actually use it.

Sure she can use it - the spell only costs 140. However, the only time she would use it is if she was facing other magically-powered heroes. That still leaves her with 40 PPE and full access to her Rod's other abilities while her magical opponents are powerless - she could have a decisive advantage.

Bellicose- A raging psychotic beast, I would give him SUpernatural PS, if not make him an outright Mega.

Nah - I never got the feeling that he was of "mega" status. Besides - he's really powerful as is, but still not powerful enough to easily take out Voltaic (whom he hates and fears to some degree). Also, from his description, he is more af a cold-blooded calculating killer. He might not be the smartest cookie in the jar but he knows his own limitations and is exceedingly good at his job - which requires more patience and guile that a "raging beast" has to offer.

Cremator-Why superhuman PS?

It's a side effect from his "Stocky/Exceptionally Broad" mutation (page 160 HU 2nd ed).

Usurper- I'm real biased, I love his concept but why not a Mega, his armor is way under power armor standards and with his brains and resources, he could easily produce a MUCH more powerful one, so why not bump him to Mega, where he darn well belongs, he took over a frikkin' country for gosh sakes!

Well, I DID bump up his power armor. Plus, he is actually 2 character classes; he is an Experiment (with full powers) AND he has a suit of PA with a Robot category budget. The combination of classes effectively makes him a mega. Considering you have to do over 2500 points of damage to kill him, and you still don't think he's powerful enough?!?! :?

Besides, if he DOES ever meet his match.....well, that's what his army of super-soldiers, armored vehicles, combat robots, hired mercenaries and paid super-assassins are for isn't it? :D

Rhinok- Where is he, you heathen slacker!?

Patience young grasshopper. :P
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Cardiac »

Aegis wrote:First yeah Rhinok cool character there.

Second I always thought of Onslaut as being mega, but looking how you made him he is just about there anyway

Third thanks for taking the time and making these great conversions for us.

Aegis :)

Hmmm......well, I am toying with the idea of goin all out and making Onslaught mega......I guess he would live up to his name of "the Unstoppable" then wouldn't he. I mean, as is, some of the more powerful characters from CS/GI might be able to take him......hmmm......must think about it.

As is - what does eveyone else think? Make Onslaught mega? Yay or Nay?
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Real Name: Peter Bloink
Aliases: Earthmover
Group Affiliation: Partnered with Verdant
Occupation: Professional Criminal, Terrorist

Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 9th
Hit Points: 56 S.D.C.: 102 (Plus 600 SDC and Natural AR: 16 in stone form)
P.P.E.: 22
Attributes: IQ 9, ME 18, MA 9, PS 28/50, PP 9, PE 18, PB 10, Spd 26/13
Age: 23 Sex: Male Height: 6ft 8in. Weight: 295 lbs. (885 lbs in Stone Form)
Horror Factor (Optional): 13 in stone form.

Insanity: Frenzy - Triggered by intense anger.

Unusual Physical Characteristics/Side Effects: Stocky/Unusually Broad
Major Super Abilities: APS - Stone, CEF - Earth.
Minor Super Abilities: None.

Natural Abilities: Superhuman Strength. Fatigues at Half the normal rate. Can recognize most types of natural stone and minerals and their properties - 96%.

Natural Abilities in Stone Form: In addition to the abilities above; Strength Increases, Speed Decreases. Is extremely resistant to many forms of attack (Normal PS/Melee Weapons/Projectile Weapons - no damage. Extraordinary PS/Superhuman PS under AR - 1/4 damage. Supernatural PS/Armor Peircing Projectiles/Explosives/Energy Attacks under AR - half damage. Impervious to Cold). SDC from Stone Form regenerates at a rate of 4D6 per 10 minutes. Can endure underwater pressure of up to 800ft. Immune to the effects of a vacuum. Can hold his breath for twice as long. Radiates no heat (unless actively heated).

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert
Attacks: 7
Combat Bonuses: +2 Initiative, +2 Strike, +6 Automatic Parry, +6 Dodge, +5 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 Pull Punch, +13/+35 Damage, +2 Disarm.

Saving Throws: +2 vs Psionics/Insanity/Possession/Horror Factor, +6% vs coma/death, +2 vs Magic/disease/poison/pain.

Other Combat Info:
Auto knockout/stun - 20. Holds (all). Critical Strike - 18 to 20. Pin/Incapacitate 18 to 20. Entangle. Paired Weapons.

Hand to Hand Damage - Human Form:
Restrained Punch - 1D4+13. Full Strength Punch - 2D4+13. Power Punch (2A) - 3D6+13. Body Block/Tackle - 2D4+13 + knockdown. Karate Kick - 4D4+13, Wheel Kick - 4D6+13, Roundhouse Kick - 6D6+13. Crush/Squeeze - 2D4+13. Body Throw/Flip - 2D6+13 + knockdown.

Hand to Hand Damage - APS Stone:
Restrained Punch - 2D4+35. Full Strength Punch - 3D6+35. Power Punch (2A) - 6D6+35. Body Block/Tackle - 3D6+35 + knockdown. Karate Kick - 6D6+35, Wheel Kick - 6D8+35, Roundhouse Kick - 1D6x10+45. Crush/Squeeze - 3D6+35. Body Throw/Flip - 3D8+35.

Hurl Earth: 190ft, 1D6 to 2D4x10 damage.

Education Level and Skills: High School Grad
Technical Program: Computer Operation, General Repair/Maintenance, Art, Photography.
Physical Program: Boxing, Wrestling, Hand to Hand Expert.

Secondary Skills: Cook, Body Building, Athletics, Prowl, Radio-Basic, Fishing, Wilderness Survival, Climbing, Swimming, Running, Pilot Motorcycle, Pilot Race Car, Streetwise, Land Navigation, ID Plants, WP Blunt.

Money: Little - tends to spend money at an incredible pace - usually has no more than 4D6 x 1,000 at any one time (in between big scores).

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Besides his costume, he generally needs no equipment.

Also, he generally need no weapons, aside from a large hurled boulder or other loose object.

He loves fast cars - steals them on a regular basis.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Cardiac wrote:As is - what does eveyone else think? Make Onslaught mega? Yay or Nay?
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Cardiac »


Real Name: Skyth-Xirkoth
Aliases: Verdant
Race: Korsyth
Group Affiliation: Partnered with Earthmover
Occupation: Professional Criminal and Terrorist on both his homeworld and Earth. Would-be world-conqueror.

Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Alien (Racial Powers)
Species: Humanoid Plant/Vegetable
Experience Level: 10th
Hit Points: 66 S.D.C.: 280 Natural AR: 10 (plus 180 SDC and +2 to AR when spines are extended).
P.P.E.: 31
Attributes: IQ 19, ME 17, MA 8, PS 18, PP 19, PE 21, PB 13, Spd 36
Age: 212 Sex: Androgenous Height: 5ft 4in. Weight: 146 lbs.
Horror Factor (Optional): 13

Insanity: Megalomaniac, Botanical Supremacist

Native Environment: High Gravity
Major Super Abilities: Plant Control
Minor Super Abilities: Supervision - IR & UV, Impervious to Fire/Heat, Quills & Spines (180 - regrow at a rate of 2D6+20 per day).

Natural Abilities: Extraordinary Strength. Resistant to Pain (half as sensitive). Heals twice as fast as normal (regenerate limbs within 3D4x10 days). Sensor invisibility - indistinguishable from normal plants without a thourogh examination, does not generate heat. Impervious to most chemicals designed to hurt or affect animal life. Impervious to Fire/Heat (including magical fire). Feeds on solar energy and water (must have 56 hours of sunlight a week). Soft Armor. Heightened Senses of Plants (Sense Wind Direction 88%, Sense Time of Day/Direction 98%, Sense Ambient Temperature 90%, Sense Underground Water 60%, Feel Vibrations, Ultrasonic Hearing). Can see into the IR and UV range (nightvision 300ft). Recognize and ID Plants: 95%.

Can generate 1D6x10 seeds every 6 months. The seeds will grow a strange (alien) plant. After four years the plant will grow a large pod. One year later, a full grown Korsyth emerges ready to learn and live as an intelligent creature (initial alignment is anarchist but can change depending on its education and experiences).

Weaknesses: -5 to save vs defoliating chemicals (3D6 damage per "average" dose). Intense cold will eventually kill the creature (double effects of exposure, but not damage from cold blasts and the like). A total absence of light will kill the creature within 6D6 days.

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic
Attacks: 6
Combat Bonuses: +4 Initiative, +3 Strike, +4 Automatic Parry, +5 Dodge, +4 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +4 Pull Punch, +5 Damage, +1 Disarm.

Saving Throws: +1 vs Psionics/Insanity/Possession/Horror Factor, +12% vs coma/death, +3 vs Magic/disease/poison, +6 vs pain.

Other Combat Info: Called knockout/stun - 20. Holds (all). Critical Strike - 19 or 20. Entangle.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Punch - 2D4+5. Power Punch (2A) - 4D4+5. Body Block/Tackle - 2D4+5 + knockdown. Snap Kick - 2D6+5. Body Throw/Flip - 2D6+5 + knockdown.

Spine Defense: When spines are extended, anyone grappling the character taked 3D6 damage and physical strikes under the AR inflict 1D6 damage to the attacker (hits a spine instead).

Spine Daggers: +1D6 to punch damage (2D4+1D6+5) melee, 1D6+ PS bonus (1D6+5) thrown

Spine/Claw Slash: 3D6 + PS bonus (3D6+5)

Launch Spines: 130ft, 1D6 single spine, 3D6 for a burst of four, 6D6 for a burst of eight.

Education Level and Skills: Technical Scientist Program (Professional)
Program Skills: Computer Operation, Basic Electronics, Research, Laser Communications, Xeno-Biology, Read Sensory Equipment, Math - Advanced, Navigation, Radio - Sattelite, Xeno-Botany.
Professional Skills: Chemistry, Chemistry-Analytical, Astrophysics, Astronomy, Radio-Basic, Surveillance Systems, General Repair/Maintenance, Computer Programming, Wilderness Survival, Basic Mechanics, Computer Repair, WP Knife, WP Energy Pistol.

Secondary Skills: Language - English (native language is Korsyth), Pilot - Personal Anti-Grav, Radio-Scrambler, Cryptography, Intelligence, Camouflage, Prowl, Hand to Hand - Basic, Climbing, Navigation - Space, Computer Hacking, WP Auto-Pistol.

Money: Generally saves his money to fund his eventual bid for world domination - has several million saved in secure locations.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Has an alien Heavy Laser Pistol (5D6 damage - from AU) and Vibro-Dagger (2D6+3 damage - from AU). Both look semi-organic - more like they are grown rather than manufactured.

Has an anti-grav ring (looks mechanical/manufactured). Flight Speed of 100mph.
Last edited by Cardiac on Sat Apr 03, 2004 1:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Cardiac »

Note: I really changed his powers around primarily because APS-Electricity, IMHO, blows.



Real Name: Jimmy Kaatz
Aliases: Felix Winger, Walter Smith, Electrocutioner
Group Affiliation: None
Occupation: Professional Criminal (usually high-stakes theft as in banks and casinos)

Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 49 S.D.C.: 98
P.P.E.: 36
Attributes: IQ 8, ME 8, MA 4, PS 21, PP 22, PE 18, PB 13, Spd 14
Age: 24 Sex: Male Height: 5ft 9in. Weight: 185 lbs.

Unusual Physical Characteristics/Side Effects: Unstable Powers - Grows in Power.
Major Super Abilities: Super Energy Expulsion - Electricity.
Minor Super Abilities: Healing Factor, Conduct Electricity, Flight-Energy.

Natural Abilities: Can fly at speeds of up to 280 mph (leaving an 8ft trail of crackling electricity behind him). Enhanced Healing - 3 SDC/10 min & 1 HP/15 min. Superhealing - instantly regenerate 4D6 HP twice per day. No scarring when healed. Immune to Fatigue. Poison/Toxins have 1/3 effects. Immune to damage from Electrical Attacks (even magic electricity). Takes 1/4 damage from fire/heat. Takes half damage from all other types of energy. Takes 1/2 damage from cold. Can make eyes or hands glow like a torch - equal to 60 watts of light. Can absorb large amounts of energy and channel it to fire energy blasts (but in doing so harms himself). Can make his electrical blasts ricochet off of solid objects. Can conduct electricity between objects he touches. Can stop nearby electrical devices. Can parry, block and redirect electrical attacks. Can sense electricity and pinpoint it's exact location: 80%. Automatic Basic Electronics Skill (+20%).

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Attacks: 6

Combat Bonuses: +2 Initiative, +6 Strike, +10 Automatic Parry, +10 Dodge, +5 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +3 Pull Punch, +6 Damage, +2 Disarm.

Additional Bonuses while Flying: +1 attack. +1 strike and parry. +2 to dodge flying under 80 mph, +4 flying at or over 80 mph.

Saving Throws: +3 vs Psionics, +26% vs coma/death, +5 vs Magic/disease/poison/pain.

Other Combat Info: Auto knockout/stun - 20. Holds (all). Critical Strike - 18 to 20. Entangle.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Karate Punch - 2D4+6. Power Punch (2A) - 4D4+6. Body Block/Tackle - 1D4+6 + knockdown. Karate Kick - 2D4+6, Wheel Kick - 2D6+6, Crecent Kick - 2D6+8. Snap Kick - 1D6+6. Trip/Leg Hook - knockdown. Jump Kick - 6D6+6. Flying Jump Kick - 4D6+6.

SEE - Electricity Expulsion: 720ft, 9D6 damage (or 1D10x5+5).
SEE - Super Blast: 720ft, 1D6x10+6D6+30 damage (or 2D4x10+40).
SEE - Aura Blast: 10ft radius, 6D6 damage.

CE - Lightning Redirection: 760ft, 11D6 damage (or 2D6x5+5)

Education Level and Skills: High School Grad
Criminal Program: Streetwise, Pick Locks, Prowl, Safecracking, Pick Pockets.
Physical Program: Boxing, Hand to Hand Martial Arts.

Secondary Skills: WP Revolver, WP Auto Pistol, WP Knife, Auto Mechanics, Radio-Basic, Surveillance Systems, Computer Operation, Athletics, Body Building, Climbing, Pilot Motorcycle, Navigation, Detect Concealment, Interrogation,

Money: Has several million dollars hidden away in various major cities straight from the two mob-owned casinos he recently raided (he should have way more but he really enjoys spending his misbegotten gains).

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Besides his costume, he generally needs no equipment.

Also, he generally prefers to use his powers, but is certainly not adverse to using a handgun (likes high-caliber revolvers and auto-pistols with great stopping power).

As for vehicles - buys, rents or steals what he needs.
Last edited by Cardiac on Sat Apr 03, 2004 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Cardiac »


Real Name: Zoi Zymot
Aliases: Evil Eye
Race: Zylik
Group Affiliation: None
Occupation: Ruiner of Wrorlds - Manipulator and Megalomaniac. Fugitive from the Toogarth Empire.

Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Alien (Racial Powers - Natural Psionics)
Species: Humanoid
Experience Level: 10th
Hit Points: 62 S.D.C.: 74
P.P.E.: 6
I.S.P.: 230
Attributes: IQ 17, ME 25, MA 21, PS 13, PP 19, PE 17, PB 6, Spd 12
Age: 74 (av. lifespan 220) Sex: Male Height: 7ft 5in. Weight: 328 lbs.
Horror Factor (Optional): 12

Insanity: Megalomaniac

Native Environment: Low Gravity
Healing Psionics: Bio-Regeneration, Deaden Pain, Induce Sleep, Mask ISP & Psionics, Psychic Diagnosis, Psychic Purifcation, Psychic Surgery, Supress Fear, Attack Disease, Lust for Life.
Physical Psionics: Alter Aura, Deaden Senses, Death Trance, Ectoplasmic Disguise, Nightvision, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, Impervious to Poison/Toxin, Float, Ectoplasm.
Senstive Psionics: Sixth Sense, Mind Block, Empathy, Telepathy, See Aura, Object Read, See the Invisible, Presence Sence, Astral Projection, Precognition.
Super Psionics: Empathic Tranmission, Hypnotic Suggestion, Insert Memory, Mental Illusion, Mentally Possess Others, Mind Wipe, Steal Memory.
Special: All Zylik have 2 extra Super Psi-powers - one in each hand-eye. In this case, the powers are Bio-Manipulation (right hand) and Mind Bolt (left hand).

Natural Abilities: Needs only a 10 or higher to save vs psionics.

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Attacks: 6
Combat Bonuses: +3 Initiative, +4 Strike, +6 Automatic Parry, +6 Dodge, +4 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +3 Pull Punch, +0 Damage, +4 Disarm.

Saving Throws: +5 vs Psionics/Possession/Horror Factor, +8 vs Insanity, 65% Trust/Intimidate, +5% vs coma/death, +1 vs Magic/disease/poison, +6 vs pain.

Other Combat Info: Called knockout/stun - 20. Holds (all). Critical Strike - 18 to 20. Entangle. Paired Weapons.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Karate Punch - 2D4. Power Punch (2A) - 4D4. Body Block/Tackle - 1D4 + knockdown. Karate Kick - 2D4, Snap Kick - 1D6, Crecent Kick - 2D6+2, Wheel Kick 2D6, Roundhouse Kick - 3D6. Body Throw/Flip - 1D6 + knockdown. Jump Kick - 6D6. Flying Jump Kick - 4D6. Leap Attack (x2 damage).

Education Level and Skills: Special Operative Program (Professional)
Program Skills: Intelligence, Prowl, Escape Artist, Disguise, Interrogation, Law, Pilot - Small Military Spacecraft, WP Sword, WP Energy Rifle, Hand To Hand Martial Arts, Zero Gravity Combat - Basic.
Professional Skills: Impersonation, Forgery, Detect Concealment, Electronic Warfare, Military Etiquette, Radio-Basic, Radio-Scrambler, Cryptography, Running, Swimming, Athletics, WP Energy Pistol, WP Shield.

Secondary Skills: Language - English, Toogarth (native language is Zylick), Pilot - Personal Anti-Grav, Radio-Laser, Read Sensory Equipment, Advanced Math, Lore-Alien, Anthropology - Alien, Computer Operation, Pilot Automobile, WP Auto-Pistol.

Money: Generally doesn't need any; either steals what he needs or "convinces" others to buy what he needs for him.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Alien Ion Blaster (5D6 damage). Will use any weapon if necessary, but prefers to use his psionic powers to avoid direct combat.

Body Armor
AR: 17, SDC: 300
Weight: 10lbs.
Laser Resistant Coating (ignore the first 20 points of laser damage per attack - the rest does half damage).
Cold and Heat Insulation (half damage).
Commlink/Radio - with scrambling capabilities (on left arm).
Antigrav Disk attached to back (160 mph, max weight allowance 1000 lbs)
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Cardiac »

And next I present Palladium's crossdressing anti-hero extraordinaire...



Real Name: Jack Nogano
Aliases: Jackie Spalding, Jill Sanlenboch, Mary Rose, Jack Otemo, Mark Silver, Henry Gilbert, Facade.
Group Affiliation: None
Occupation: Professional Theif, Extortionist (but only targets the "haves" of society - the rich, the powerful, the corporate. The "little people" are left untouched). A regular Robin Hood.

Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 50 S.D.C.: 141
P.P.E.: 33
Attributes: IQ 15, ME 18, MA 19, PS 17, PP 14, PE 18, PB 10, Spd 14/528
Age: 27 Sex: Female (actually a male) Height: 5ft 10in. (actually 5ft 7in - special shoes) Weight: 120 lbs.

Unusual Physical Characteristics/Side Effects: None.
Major Super Abilities: None
Minor Super Abilities: Wingless Flight, Extraordinary Speed, Energy Expulsion - Energy, Supervision - Advanced Sight, Impervious to Energy & Electricity.

Natural Abilities: Can run at speeds of up to 360 mph. Can fly at speeds of up to 340 mph. Advanced Sight - can recognize a face up to 7 miles away. Completely Impervious to electricity, energy attacks, radiation, stun, laser and Ion weapons. Magical energy blasts and all other types of energy do half damage.

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Attacks: 6

Combat Bonuses: +7 Initiative, +4 Strike, +7 Automatic Parry, +10 Dodge, +2 Automatic Dodge, +12 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +5 Pull Punch, +2 Damage, +4 Disarm.

Additional Bonuses while Running: +4 damage per 20mph of speed. The best a punch or kick can do from a standing-still position is +8 damage.

Additional Bonuses while Flying: +1 attack. +2 strike and parry. +4 to dodge flying under 80 mph, +6 flying at or over 80 mph. +4 to damage per 20mph of speed.

Saving Throws: +2 vs Psionics/Insanity/Possession/Horror Factor, 55% Trust/Intimidate, +6% vs coma/death, +2 vs Magic/disease/poison/pain.

Other Combat Info: Called knockout/stun - 20. Holds (all). Critical Strike - 18 to 20. Entangle. Paired Weapons.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Karate Punch - 2D4+2. Power Punch (2A) - 4D4+2. Body Block/Tackle - 1D4+2 + knockdown. Karate Kick - 2D4+2, Axe Kick - 2D6+2, Crecent Kick - 2D6+4. Snap Kick - 1D6+2. Trip/Leg Hook - knockdown. Jump Kick - 6D6+2. Flying Jump Kick - 4D6+2.

EE - Energy: 600ft, 9D6 damage (or 1D10x5+5).

Education Level and Skills: Trade School/On the Job Training
Espionage Program: HtoH Martial Arts, Detect Ambush, Intelligence, Wilderness Survival, Disguise, Impersonation.
Professional Theif Program: Locksmith, Prowl, Climbing, Surveillance Systems.

Secondary Skills: Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Athletics, Swimming, Languages - English, Spanish, Chinese (native language is Japanese), Escape Artist, Concealment, Palming, Cook, Pilot Motorboat.

Money: Both as Facade and Jack, he gives his money to the less fortunate. He still has at least half a million dollars in a swiss bank account at all times.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Besides "her" costume, she generally needs no equipment.

Weapons - Prefers to use "her" powers.

Vehicles - Rents or steals what she needs (but nothing that would get too much attention).

Body Armor: Frag Vest
AR: 13, SDC 120.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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The Ghost

Real Name: Orin-Sen
Aliases: Many - currently using Roberto Jones and The Ghost.
Race: Unknown
Group Affiliation: None
Occupation: Freelance Spy specializing in infiltration and information-gathering.

Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Alien (Racial Powers)
Species: Humanoid
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 37 S.D.C.: 35
P.P.E.: 30
Attributes: IQ 14, ME 21, MA 17, PS 16, PP 18, PE 17, PB 15, Spd 16
Age: 36 (looks 25) Sex: Male Height: 5ft 11in. Weight: 165 lbs.

Native Environment: Thermal World - Cold Upper Latitudes
Major Power: Dimensional Room
Minor Powers: Alter Physical Body, Iron Will, Heightened Sense of Hearing, Heightened Sense of Time.

Power Note: Unknown to the Ghost, the Dimensional Room major ability is actually provided by a small implant the size of a grain of sand (a super-invention) in the back of his neck. Every time he uses the power he feels a pinprick-like stinging in the back of his neck and is drained of 3 PPE points (which recover normally).

Natural Abilities: Needs only a 12 or higher to save vs psionics. Skill penalties for being confused, dazed or drugged are halved. Can accurately tell the time (accurate to within 1D4 seconds). Can alter his physical features in small but significant ways in order to disguise himself (includes being able to copy fingerprint patterns). Enhanced Hearing (can hear a light whisper at 150ft or a normal conversation at 360ft, and can even estimate distance, speed and direction of approach, and also recognizes voices or sounds and can imitate voices). Damage from intense heat is reduced by 25%.

Weakness: "Cold" temperatures of 75f (24c) and below cause the Ghost to start suffering from the effects of exposure.

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic
Attacks: 5
Combat Bonuses: +6 Initiative, +2 Strike, +5 Automatic Parry, +7 Dodge, +3 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +3 Pull Punch, +1 Damage, +1 Disarm.

Saving Throws: +3 vs Psionics, +10 vs Possession, , +8 vs Horror Factor, +7 vs Insanity, 45% Trust/Intimidate, +25% vs coma/death, +1 vs Magic/disease/pain/poison. The following bonuses are added to the appropriate psionic/magic saves when applicable; +4 to save vs heat-based attacks, +6 vs Mind Control, +5 vs Illusions.

Other Combat Info: Called knockout/stun - 20. Critical Strike - 20. Entangle.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Punch - 1D4+1. Power Punch (2A) - 2D4+1. Body Block/Tackle - 1D4+1 + knockdown. Karate Kick - 2D4+1.

Education Level and Skills: Spacecraft Mechanic Program (Professional)
Program Skills: Mechanical Engineer, Spacecraft Mechanics (AG Drives, IS Ramjets, Metallic Hydrogen, Nuclear Fusion), Electrical Engineer, Advanced Math, Astrophysics, Chemistry, Computer Operation, Computer Repair, Pilot Civilian Spacecraft (Small & Medium).
Professional Skills: Locksmith, Weapons Engineer, Robot Mechanics, Robot Electronics, Computer Programming, Astronomy, Chemistry-Analytical, Pilot Hover Car, Read Sensory Equipment.

Secondary Skills: Pilot Automobile, WP Auto-Pistol. HtoH Basic, Disguise, Prowl, Surveillance Systems, Optic Systems.

Languages Known: English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian.

Money: Makes a reasonably good living as a freelance spy - has several hundred thousand dollars saved away, with an annual income of 100,000 to 400,000 dollars.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Weapons: Uses an Auto Mag .50 AE auto-pistol, (6D6 damage and scilenced), a 951R Baretta 9mm (3D6 and scilenced), a Stun-Gun/Tazer, and a Blackjack (1D6 damage).

Vehicles: Owns a luxury car and a jeep. Rents or steals any other vehicles appropriate for a job.

Also has a bullet-proof Attache Case (AR 15 SDC 140) which contains the following; Micronized portable computer (top of the line), superior lock-picking set, electronics tool kit, 6 Gas grenades (usually a mix of smoke and knockout or tear gas), and still has room enough to store documents or electronic media. The case can attach to the back of the character's special suit.

Thermal Suits - has 2 spares - generally doesn't need them unless going to a cool climate (AR 9, SDC 60).

Usng his Engieering skills, he has fashioned himself a unique suit that aids him in his work.

Special Suit
Made of a black fabric, with a plastic-like dark grey mesh covering parts of it. Covers the entire body. The suit can be quickly and easily removed (and put back on) for disguise purposes. The headpiece can be removed seperately.
Weight: 12 lbs.
Body Armor - Hard Vest: AR: 13, SDC: 130.
Force Field Generator - 100 SDC (recharges 10 SDC per hour).
Air Filter/Gas Mask and Visor.
Cold Insulation (protects him from cold environments and cold attacks do half damage).
Stealth Coating - Makes him invisible to radar and greatly reduces his IR signature. Also +10% to prowl.
Radio Transceiver - with scrambling capabilities.
Optics Systems - equal to a Multi-Optics Helmet.
Sensory Suite - Equal to a Portable Scan Dihilator.
Light Exoskeleton - halves fatigue rate.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Cardiac »


Real Name: Lethalis
Aliases: None.
Group Affiliation: Rachel's (Ricky's) friend. Used to be part of the Darkhold's Nightmare Squad.
Occupation: Farmer and Caretaker. Ex-super criminal.

Alignment: Anarchist, with strong leanings toward unprincipled.
Power Category: Eugenics
Experience Level: 8th
Hit Points: 68 S.D.C.: 243 Natural AR: 13
P.P.E.: 26
Attributes: IQ 8, ME 13, MA 6, PS 39, PP 22, PE 24, PB 5, Spd 64
Age: Unknown Sex: Male Height: 8ft 4in. Weight: 395 lbs.
Horror Factor (Optional): 14.

Eugenic Modifications:(Cost note: $9,980,000)
Internal Organs: Modified Appendix, Calcifier/Bone Strengthener, Digestive System Enhancement, Fatty Bladder, Gland: Pituitary, Lungs, Quick-clotting blood, Flexible and Impact-Resistant Spinal Cord.
Physical Augmentation: Apish Body, Armor Rating - Medium Armor, Enhanced Musculature - Extraordinary Strength, Impact Resistance, Enhanced Agility & Dexterity - Extraordinary PP, SDC Augmentation (12D6+48 ). These modifications have made his skin tough, lumpy, and completely hairless.
Additional & Special Appendages: Prehensile Tail, Prehensile Tongue, Functional Wings (leathery - 160mph, 60SDC each)
Enhanced Senses: Supervision - Nightvision, Heightened Sense of Smell & Taste.
Genetic Weapons: Large Claws, Electric Discharge, Reinforced Knuckles and Joints, Chemical Spray - Tearing Chemical (mace).

Disfigurment: Tough Lumpy Skin, No Body Hair, Large Prehensile Tail (7ft), Long Prehensile Tongue (1ft), Bat-Like Wings, Large Hands with claws.

Natural Abilities: Extraordinary Strength. Bones are nearly unbreakable. Can fly at a max speed of 160 mph (max altitude 15,000ft). Can manipulate objects with tail and tongue (prehensile). Nightvision - can see perfectly in natural darkness. Exceptional sense of Smell (can recognize/identify specific odors, recognize chemicals by scent, recognize individuals by scent alone, and track by scent. Difficult to completely surprise him, especially if he is downwind). Exceptional Sense of Taste (can precicely ID the components on anything tasted - drugs or toxins will be immediately apparent). The damage and penalties from toxins are halved, and the duration of the poison in the body is only 25%. Fatigue rate is reduced to 25%. Can survive 24 days without food and water due to internal stores. Can hold breath for 10 minutes. Blood clots quickly, closing wounds without need of medical attention. Resistant to injury from kinetic energy; ignore firtst 20 points of damage and rest does only 1/2 damage.

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert
Attacks: 7 (+1 attack from tail)
Combat Bonuses: +3 Initiative, +6 Strike (+5 w/ tail), +10 Automatic Parry (+5 w/ tail), +12 Dodge (+9 tail), +7 Automatic Dodge, +9 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 Pull Punch, +24 Damage, +2 Disarm.

Bonuses while flying: +1 initiative, +1 strike, +2 dodge hovering or flying, +4 to damage per 20mph of speed.

Other combat bonuses: For one hour after eating the character gets +1 to inititative and +1D6+1 to Spd. If the charater successfully Rolls with a Punch/Impact - he takes only 1/3 damage.

Saving Throws:
+18% vs coma/death, +5 vs magic/disease/pain. +6 vs Poison/Toxin. +11 to save vs food poisoning, nausea and stomach illness.

Other Combat Info: Called knockout/stun - 20. Critical Strike - 18 to 20. Entangle. Pin/Incapacitate - 18 to 20. Paired Weapons.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Punch - 2D6+26. Power Punch (2A) - 4D6+28. Claw Slash - 2D10+24. Body Block/Tackle - 2D4+24 + knockdown. Karate Kick - 4D4+24. Axe Kick - 4D6+24, Roundhouse Kick - 6D6+24. Crush/Squeeze - 2D4+24. Body Throw/Flip - 2D6+24. Tail Strike - 2D4+24.

Electrical Discharge: 20ft or touch. 4D6+16 damage.

Chemical Spray: 20ft spray or 10ft diameter mist. Tearing chemical (mace) blinds victims for 3D4 melees (-10 strike/parry/dodge).

Education Level and Skills: Special - Trained as a Hunter/Vigilante
Note: Literacy - Read and Write English 55% (could increase with additional instruction).
Common Skills: Pilot Automobile, Pilot Motor Boat, Pilot Truck, Math-Basic, Languages - French, Spanish (can speak only).
Wilderness Skills: Camouflage, Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Fishing, Land Navigation, Wilderness Survival, Carpentry, ID Plants, Hunting, Preserve Food.
Weapon Profociencies: Knife, Auto Pistol, Rifle, Auto/Semi-Auto Rifle.
Manhunter Program: Hand to Hand Expert, Tracking, Prowl, Find Contraband, Intelligence, Streetwise, Pick Locks, Safecracking, Optic Systems, Surveillance Systems.

Secondary Skills: Radio-Basic, Hollistic Medicine, Body Building, Boxing, Swimming, Running, Athletics, Wrestling, General Repair/Maintenance, Art, WP Blunt, WP Heavy Weapons, Sing (sounds terrible but Ricky encourages him anyway), Cook (professional quality).

Money: Has very little and needs very little. Is quite content in his new life.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:

Weapons: Has no real use for any now, but he is skilled in the use of a number of weapons thanks to his Darkhold training. The only weapons he has access to is "grand-dad's" hunting rifle.

Vehicles: Has access to an old, beat up (but still perfectly functional) pick-up truck.

His old costume consisted of a thick, padded bodysuit, a heavy spiked belt, thick plated boots, armored bracers (for parrying weapons), a neck/face guard and helmet (partially hides his misshapen face but has an opening to stick his long prehensile toungue out of), and polarized goggles.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Cardiac wrote:As is - what does eveyone else think? Make Onslaught mega? Yay or Nay?

Well, I think Onslaught is a special case (in many ways ;) ). He could easily be considered a Mega, as he was about as close as the old Revised edition had to one. However, even in his current 'revision' he's pretty darn formidable and (nigh) unstoppable.

I'd normally not suggest this but it might not be a bad idea here. What if you posted TWO revisions of Onslaught, one Mega and one regular? I personally wouldn't mind seeing how different (or similar) the two versions would be.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Because Uncle Servo Requested...I shall deliver...


Onslaught the Unstoppable (version 2.0 - mega-sized)

Real Name: Gerald Knoff Jr.
Aliases: Onslaught the Unstoppable
Group Affiliation: Partnered with the Aggressor
Occupation: Professional Criminal, Mercenary.

Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mega-Experiment
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 286 S.D.C.: 1694 Natural AR: 10
P.P.E.: 34
Attributes: IQ 5, ME 11, MA 7, PS 116, PP 24, PE 36, PB 8, Spd 44
Age: 20 Sex: Male Height: 12 ft. Weight: 920 lbs.

Unusual Physical Characteristics/Side Effects: Increased Mass and Chemical Resistance.
Mega-Powers: Tremendous SDC, Tremendous PS.
Major Super Abilities: Invulnerability, Supernatural Strength
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary PP, Extraordinary PE, Giant.

Natural Abilities: Supernatural Strength. Immune to most forms of attack (Disease and Radiation have half effect, Poisins/Toxins have 1/4 effect, and cannot kill the character. Supernatural Strength does half damage. Magic and Psionics have full effect). SDC of body regenerates at a rate of 4D6 per 5 minutes. Recovers from physicall debilitating spells, drugs, disease, etc, twice as quickly (half deuration). Can hold his breath and survive without sustenance for 4 times longer than normal. Effectively Immune to Fatigue. All senses 50% more acute than normal. Considered a Supernatural Being.

Weaknesses: Locked in a giant-size body - has very limited access to much of the world (not to mention he has to consume five times the normal amount of food due to his size). Has a child-like mind and, while not necessarily stupid, is very simple and inexperienced with the world.

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic
Attacks: 7
Combat Bonuses: +1 Initiative, +6 Strike, +10 Automatic Parry, +5 Dodge, +4 Automatic Dodge, +5 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +6 Pull Punch, +107 Damage, + Disarm.

Saving Throws: +2 vs horror factor/possession, +56% vs coma/death, +9 vs Magic, +8 vs disease/pain, +13 vs poisons/toxins, +10 vs Magic Potions/Poisons.

Other Combat Info: Auto knockout/stun - 20. Holds (all). Critical Strike - 19 or 20. Entangle. Pin/Incapacitate 18-20. Death Blow 16-20.

Hand to Hand Damage: Restrained Punch - 5D6+107, Full Strength Punch - 2D4x10+107. Power Punch (2A) - 3D6x10+107. Body Block/Tackle - 2D4x10+107. Crush/Squeeze - 2D4x10+107. Snap Kick - 2D6x10+107.

Education Level and Skills: No Formal Education
Basic Skills: Read and Write English, Basic Math, Language - French (cannot read or write), Cook, Sing.

Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand Basic, WP Blunt, Land Navigation, Wilderness Survival, General Athletics, Swimming, Climbing, Running, Body Building, Boxing, Wrestling, Radio-Basic.

Money: Doesn't really need any - he lets the Aggressor handle all of his expenses. He'd probably blow it all on candy, toys and games anyway.

Weapons, Vehicles, Other Equipment:

The Aggressor has a large cargo van he uses to transport Onslaught inconspicuously.

As for weapons - aside from the occasional tree, lamp post, city bus, or hurled car, he really doesn't need any.

The Aggressor did, however, commission Fabricators Inc. to fashion a giant-sized suit armor for him (Red with Black trim). This is to make him "look more imposing", and also to further protect him against the things that can actually harm him.

Onslaught's Body Armor
Weight: 140 lbs.
AR: 16 SDC: 400.
Features: Made of Flexi-Steel - partially deflects energy attacks (half damage). Radio Transceiver in helmet. Radio locator beacon (so the Aggressor can find him should he get lost).
Last edited by Cardiac on Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Rachel "Ricky" Richardson

Real Name: Rachel Richardson
Aliases: Ricky
Group Affiliation: Lethalis' best friend.
Occupation: Just a kid.

Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Natural Psionic - Latent
Experience Level: 2nd
Hit Points: 20 S.D.C.: 16
P.P.E.: 16
I.S.P.: 82
Attributes: IQ 14, ME 24, MA 19, PS 6, PP 14, PE 8, PB 15, Spd 15
Age: 10 Sex: Female Height: 4ft. Weight: 45 lbs.

Healing Psionics: Deaden Pain, Increased Healing, Calm Rage.
Physical Psionics: Resist Cold, Mind Block.
Senstive Psionics: Empathy, See Aura, Sense Evil.
Super Psionics: Empathic Transmission

Natural Abilities: Needs only a 12 or higher to save vs psionics.

Combat Training: None
Attacks: 2 physical or psionic attacks.
Combat Bonuses: +1 Strike, +2 Parry, +4 Dodge, +3 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact. Most of these are due to her small size.

Saving Throws: +5 vs Psionics/Possession/Horror Factor, +7 vs Insanity, 55% Trust/Intimidate.

Other Combat Info: Critical Strike - 20.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Punch - 1D2. Power Punch (2A - big wind-up) - 1D4. Body Block/Tackle - 1D2 + knockdown (tough she's not likely to knock anything bigger than her down). Kick to the shin - 1D6. Stomp on foot - 1D4. Rake face with fingernails - 1D4.

Education Level and Skills: Basic Schooling
Skills of Note: Basic Math, Literacy - English, Cook, Dance, Sing, Fishing, Botany (Farming), First Aid, Land Navigation, Wilderness Survival, Swimming, Athletics.

Money: A very smart kid, she has managed (with Lethalis's help) to keep the farm going and handle te expenses - generally just enough to keep the farm in operation and to look after her Grandfather.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
A pocket knife (1D4 damage).
Last edited by Cardiac on Tue Apr 06, 2004 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Hmmm... Mega-Onslaught...

Can LIFT 58,000 pounds (29 TONS)... :eek:
Can THROW or CARRY 34,800 pounds (17.4 TONS)... :eek::eek:
According to Baron Von Clogg's 'leaping formula', can jump 63 feet...
Can do between 127 and 187 S.D.C. in a single 'normal' punch...
Death blow on a natural 16 - 20...
7 attacks per melee round...

All this, plus an automatic dodge at +4...

Better wear the brown trousers when squaring off against this guy... :ok:
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Real Name: Medusula Gorgana
Aliases: Medusa
Race: Gorgon
Group Affiliation: Partnered with Razor
Occupation: Mercenary, Terrorist, Criminal.

Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Immortal - Monster
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 162 S.D.C.: 128 Natural AR: 14
P.P.E.: 112
Attributes: IQ 12, ME 18, MA 8, PS 28, PP 18, PE 22, PB 4, Spd 26
Age: Unknown Sex: Female Height: 4 to 7ft. Weight: 138 lbs.
Horror Factor (Optional): 14

Mega Powers: Impervious to Pressure, Immortality.
Major Powers: Tentacles (10 - 50 SDC each, PS 14, 11ft long), Gateways (13 locations).
Minor Powers: Venomous Attack - Paralytic, Supervision - Circular Vision, Supervision - Darkvision, Energy Resistance.

Natural Abilities: Supernatural Strength. Impervious to Disease. Resistant to Cold (half damage). First 20 points of energy damage is ignored, rest does half damage (fire does 1/4 damage). Feels no ill effects from extremes of environmental pressure (such as in space or on the ocean floor). Bio-Regenerates at a rate of 3D6 SDC or 2D6 HP every 10 minutes. Immortal - can only be truly killed by being vaporized or incinerated. Immune to any form of undesired teleportation. Can see (through the eyes of the snake-heads) in all directions at once - cannot be surprised by most attacks from behind. Can see perfectly in natural darkness. Considered a Supernatural Being.

Weaknesses: Since she lacks hands and relys on the 10 prehensile snake-headed tentacles that comprise her upper body to manipulate objects, she suffers a -25% on all skills that would require hands with a opposable thumb and may find some actions, like firing a gun, impossible.

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic
Attacks: 6 +5 from the tentacles - one extra attack per each pair.
Combat Bonuses: +3 Initiative, +3 Strike, +5 Automatic Parry, +7 Dodge, +2 Automatic Dodge, +3 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +4 Pull Punch, +13 Damage, +0 Disarm.

Saving Throws: +4 vs Posession, +2 vs Psionics/Insanity, +8 vs Horror Factor, +14% vs coma/death, +4 vs Magic/disease/pain, +8 vs Poison.

Other Combat Info: Called knockout/stun - 20. Holds (all). Critical Strike - 20. Entangle.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Body Block/Tackle - 3D6+13 + knockdown. Restrained Kick - 2D6+13. Karate Kick - 1D4x10+13. Power Kick (2A) - 2D4x10+13.

Snake-Head Tentacle Strike: 1D6 per bite + Venom (save vs non-lethal poison. Failure results in the victim being totally paralyzed for 1D6+2 melees per bite and failed save. Skin takes on a grey pallor.)

Education Level and Skills: General Studies
Program Skills: Languages (Greek, Latin), Dance, Fish, Land Navigation, Wilderness Survival, Intelligence, Hand to Hand - Basic, Tracking, WP Blunt, WP Knife, WP Sword.

Secondary Skills: Athletics, Prowl, Swimming, Languages (Syrian & English), Computer Operation, Pilot Automobile, Pilot Sail Boat, Camouflage.

Money: Generally doesn't need any; lets Razor handle that side of things. But, she likes to collect precious metals and jewels.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Has a collection of ancient weapons, but prefers to user her natural abiliites.

Also likes to drive fast cars, but does not personally own any.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Cardiac »

Uncle Servo wrote:Hmmm... Mega-Onslaught...

Can LIFT 58,000 pounds (29 TONS)... :eek:
Can THROW or CARRY 34,800 pounds (17.4 TONS)... :eek::eek:
According to Baron Von Clogg's 'leaping formula', can jump 63 feet...
Can do between 127 and 187 S.D.C. in a single 'normal' punch...
Death blow on a natural 16 - 20...
7 attacks per melee round...

All this, plus an automatic dodge at +4...

Better wear the brown trousers when squaring off against this guy... :ok:

Heh - not to mention he can soak up more damage than two M-41A3 Walker Bulldog Tanks - but that doesn't really matter because he's immune to just about any knid of damage anyway. Man, he'd probably give the Slaughterhouse Seven streaks in their spandex.

Ahhh...now he truly lives up to his moniker. :D

Onslaught - a brick's brick.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Real Name: Blair Griffith
Aliases: Bonny Hudson, Illia Sanfra, Razor
Group Affiliation: Partnered with Medusa
Occupation: Mercenary, Terrorist, Theif and Assassin.

Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Bionics - Partial Conversion
Experience Level: 8th
Hit Points: 62 S.D.C.: 205 (Armor: AR 16, SDC 500)
P.P.E.: 7
Attributes: IQ 17, ME 18, MA 19, PS 25, PP 26, PE 18, PB 23, Spd 28
Age: 28 Sex: Female Height: 6ft Weight: 198 lbs.

"Natural" Abilites: Cyborg arms provide the equivalent of Extraordinary Strength. Bionic exoskeletons and Skeletal Plating allow her to lift large weights. Bionic Rebreather Lungs and Oxygen Cell allow her to hold her breath for up to 2 hours. See Cyborg Body below.

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Assassin
Attacks: 8
Combat Bonuses: +9 Initiative, +8 Strike, +13 Automatic Parry, +14 Dodge, +13 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +5 Pull Punch, +14 damage, +3 Disarm.

Saving Throws: +2 vs Psionics/Possession/Insanity/Horror Factor, 55% Trust/Intimidate, +6% vs coma/death, +2 vs Toxins/disease/magic/pain, +8 vs toxic gasses, 65% Chrm/Impress.

Other Combat Info: Auto knockout/stun - 20. Critical Strike - 20. Entangle. Death Blow.

Hand to Hand Damage: Punch - 2D6+14. Power Punch (2A) - 4D6+14. Body Block/Tackle - 1D4+14. Kick - 2D6+14. Body Throw/Flip - 1D6+14.

Retractable Claws - 3D6+14 plus toxins from chemical excretion.

Retractable Wrist Vibro-Blades - 6D6+17

Arm/Leg Blade Slash - +1D6 to kick or punch damage.

Education Level and Skills: Military
Basic Military Program: Hand to Hand Assassin (-2 secondary skills), Running, Climbing, Military Etiquette, Radio-Basic, WP Energy Rifle.
Communications Program: Basic Electronics, Radio-Scrambler, TV/Video, Read Sensory Equipment.
Professional Thief Program: Locksmith, Prowl, Safecracking, Surveillance Systems.

Secondary Skills: Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Athletics, Boxing, Running, Swimming, WP Knife, WP Submachinegun, WP Paired Weapons, Language - Syrian.

Money: Has several hundred thousand dollars stashed away all over the world.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
She has a great deal of equipment built into her cybernetics - see below.

DT Laser Rifle (5D6 damage, 4000ft, 20 blasts). Payment for an assignment she completed for the Dark Tribunal.

DT Anti-Grav Flight Harness (hover to 60mph, max altitude is 1000ft). This was also given to her upon completion of an assignment for the Dark Tribunal. She wears it beneath the Bionic Body Armor.

Also loves to drive flashy european sports cars.

Razor's Cyborg Enhancements
Bionic Components: 2 Arms, Exoskeletons (Spine & Shoulders, both arms & shoulders), Bionic Lungs, Bionic Heart, 2 Bionic eyes. Total SDC Bonus: 110.
Bionic Arms and Hands; PS 25, PP 26. Strength is considered Extraordinary. Arm SDC: 88

Armor: 3/4 Body Armor (AR 16, SDC 500)

Power: Bio-Energy Conversion Power System

Amplified Hearing (equal to Heightened Sense of Hearing when active)
Eye Optics (IR, Thermo-Imager, Nightsight, Telescopic, Ultraviolet & Polarized Sight)
Motion Detector (+1 to initiative, +1 parry, +2 dodge when active)
Radiation Detector
Radar Deteector
Bio-Comp Self-Monitoring System

Ear Radio Transceiver w/ Scrambler
Inaudible Frequency Range

Other Systems:
Sound Filtration System
State of the art internal mini-computer (displays via bionic eyes and conrolled via voice command)
Independent Oxygen Supply
Rebreather Lung
Gas Filtration System.
Bionic Climbing System - Chemical.
Skeletal Plating - Almost impossible to break bones.

Weapons Systems:
Electrical Discharge in each hand. 1D6 to 3D6 damage + stun. 20 ft or touch.
Chemical Excretion in each arm - used with retractable claws.
Retractable Claws in both hands.
Slashing Blades mounted on the forearms and lower legs.
Retractable Vibro-Blades in both wrists.
Spike & Towline in each arm.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Uncle Servo wrote:Hmmm... Mega-Onslaught...

Can LIFT 58,000 pounds (29 TONS)... :eek:
Can THROW or CARRY 34,800 pounds (17.4 TONS)... :eek::eek:
According to Baron Von Clogg's 'leaping formula', can jump 63 feet...
Can do between 127 and 187 S.D.C. in a single 'normal' punch...
Death blow on a natural 16 - 20...
7 attacks per melee round...

All this, plus an automatic dodge at +4...

Better wear the brown trousers when squaring off against this guy... :ok:
Actually, it would be an Automatic Dodge of +8.
Why??? +3 from EO PP. Plus his bonus from his PP of 24, which would be +5. For a total of 8.

[edit] And before anyone asks where that rule is at, I will tell you. Page 67, left hand column under the heading "Automatic Dodge". thank you. Say good night gracie.. Good night Gracie.[/edit]
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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The Deific NMI wrote:
Uncle Servo wrote:Hmmm... Mega-Onslaught...

Can LIFT 58,000 pounds (29 TONS)... :eek:
Can THROW or CARRY 34,800 pounds (17.4 TONS)... :eek::eek:
According to Baron Von Clogg's 'leaping formula', can jump 63 feet...
Can do between 127 and 187 S.D.C. in a single 'normal' punch...
Death blow on a natural 16 - 20...
7 attacks per melee round...

All this, plus an automatic dodge at +4...

Better wear the brown trousers when squaring off against this guy... :ok:
Actually, it would be an Automatic Dodge of +8.
Why??? +3 from EO PP. Plus his bonus from his PP of 24, which would be +5. For a total of 8.

[edit] And before anyone asks where that rule is at, I will tell you. Page 67, left hand column under the heading "Automatic Dodge". thank you. Say good night gracie.. Good night Gracie.[/edit]

Actually, it IS +4 .... as per the Giant power penalties (page 29 PU1) - "reduce the character's dodge bonus by half." So the +8 becomes....wait...you guessed it! +4!

Now you can say goodnight Gracie. Goodnight Gracie! :P
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Ok, I didnt know about the "Giant" penalty.
I am humbled.
*prepares assassination plot of Cardiac.* Hey Cardiac, stand over here by this grassy knoll. ;)
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Daemon Ward wrote:
Cardiac wrote:Onslaught the Unstoppable (version 2.0 - mega-sized)

A super agile brick?

May the Old Ones have mercy on us all... 8)

Yeah, but he's a STUPID super agile brick, so we're more or less okay. :ok:
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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well that dumb brick travels with a smart person. (Was gonna say brick layer, but that might have sounded wrong).
Go Aggressor!!!
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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The Deific NMI wrote:well that dumb brick travels with a smart person. (Was gonna say brick layer, but that might have sounded wrong).
Go Aggressor!!!

(yes, that would have sounded VERY wrong... :eek: )

As for the Aggressor, that's when you separate the two of them and then tell Onslaught that Frank told you to tell him to wait for him in that old abandoned building (which you rigged with mucho explosives)...

Though I have to agree, if the two of them are together you've got quite a handful to worry with.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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The Deific NMI wrote:well that dumb brick travels with a smart person. (Was gonna say brick layer, but that might have sounded wrong).
Go Aggressor!!!

:shock: Great - that's one image burned into my brain for all of eternity....thanks.....now where is that shotgun?
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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You really want to have some fun with Mega-Onslaught? Switch out one of his minor powers for Enhanced Leaping! (or heck, just tack it on anyway!)

Horizontal leaping distance... 4,640 feet (1,414.3 m)!
Vertical leaping distance... 2,320 feet (707.2 m)!
Maximum survivable height of fall (landing on feet)... 9,280 feet (2,828.6 m)!

Now, if you want to say that the 50% range increase Megas get applies in this case, the numbers stack up as such:

Horizontal leaping distance... 6,960 feet (2,121.5 m)!
Vertical leaping distance... 3,480 feet (1,060.7 m)!
Maximum survivable height of fall (landing on feet)... 13,920 feet (4,242.9 m)!
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Cardiac wrote:
The Deific NMI wrote:well that dumb brick travels with a smart person. (Was gonna say brick layer, but that might have sounded wrong).
Go Aggressor!!!

:shock: Great - that's one image burned into my brain for all of eternity....thanks.....now where is that shotgun?
Hey buddy, I was only kidding about standing in front of the Grassy Knoll.

Hey check your PM.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Ladies and Gents, Freaks and Geeks, I The Deific NMI, present to you Cardiac's "Recreations", on the web.

Villains Unlimited - Revised
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Brutal. :ok: You da gawd.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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The Deific NMI wrote:Ladies and Gents, Freaks and Geeks, I The Deific NMI, present to you Cardiac's "Recreations", on the web.

Villains Unlimited - Revised

Nicely done, o Deific one. :ok:

I made this offer to Cardiac and I'll make it to you too... I've scanned and colored some of the VU characters (both for use in my own personal campaign as I try to have color photos of everyone, as well as to just keep in practice), and if you want to include them in your website you're more than welcome to them.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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The Mighty Static Man

Real Name: Steven Thornstrong
Aliases: Steven Watts, Elia Bolt, the Hollywood Bandit, and the Mighty Static Man.
Group Affiliation: None.
Occupation: Bank Robber, Petty Criminal, Gigolo, Pimp-Daddy.

Alignment: Anarchist
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 36 S.D.C.: 48
P.P.E.: 21
Attributes: IQ 12, ME 13, MA 28, PS 19, PP 18, PE 13, PB 28, Spd 15
Age: 20 Sex: Male Height: 6ft Weight: 175 lbs.

Unusual Physical Characteristics/Side Effects: Angelic, Beautiful Face.
Major Super Abilities: Control Static Electricity.
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary MA, Energy Resistance, Sidestep.

Natural Abilities: Can generate and manipulate comparitively large amounts of static electricity, using it to manipulate clothing, disrupt electronic devices, and obscuring vision. Ignores the first 20 points of energy damage, and takes half damage from the rest.

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic
Attacks: 5
Combat Bonuses: +0 Initiative, +2 Strike, +5 Automatic Parry, +5 Dodge, +10 Automatic Dodge, +3 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 Pull Punch, +4 Damage, +0 Disarm.

Combat Note: Can only use his Automatic Dodge if he is able to literally Sidstep out of the way of an incoming attack.

Saving Throws: 94% Trust/Intimidate, 85% Charm/Impress.

Other Combat Info: Called knockout/stun - 20. Critical Strike - 20. Entangle.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Punch - 1D4+4. Power Punch (2A) - 2D4+4. Body Block/Tackle - 1D4+4 + knockdown. Karate Kick - 2D4+4.

Education Level and Skills: 1 Year of College
Journalaist Program: Computer Operation, Research, Writing, Photography.
Physical Program: Athletics, Hand to Hand Basic, Body Building, Climbing.

Secondary Skills:
WP Sword, WP Revolver, Pilot Motorcycle, Cooking, Sing, Play Musical Instrument, Escape Artist, First Aid, Seduction, Language - French.

Money: He likes to live in luxury and loves to spend money on himself (and the ladies). Generally has less than $100,000 at any one time (half of which is usually in men's jewlery).

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Besides his costume, he generally uses no equipment (aside from the occasional grappling hook launcher and line - for dramatic entrances and exits).

He loves using swords and fancies himself a swashbuckler. As such he has a collection of swords and especially loves using an antique Rapier he seduced from one of his "lady-friends". (excellent craftsmanship - twice as durable, +2 to damage, strike, parry and disarm). 1D6+6 damage in his hands, but generally only uses it to disable and show off rather than kill (cutting power cords, disarming opponents, dodging behind oponents and giving them a few pokes in the rear with it, etc, all while shouting "ha HA!" or "have at you!").

Also, while he generally dislikes using firearms (he's a lover - not a killer), he does occasionally use a Revolver (mainly for show or to keep people's heads down).

As for vehicles, he either uses a motorcycle or his souped-up black 1970 Corvette (+25% to top speed, +50% to max range, Refreshment Dispenser - sparkling water and various coolers, Fuzzy Dice, Leopard-Skin Upholstery, 6 CD changer stereo system, usually loaded with a mix of Disco, early 80's pop like Duran Duran or Flock of Seagulls, and modern hip-hop/dance/club music).

Body Armor: Costume incorporates concealed armor (AR 10, 50 SDC, 12 lbs - molded to make him look more muscular), but he has been known to wear other styles of light body armor if he thinks he may need it (prefers to have maximum mobility).
Last edited by Cardiac on Tue Apr 13, 2004 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Mr. Plague

Real Name: Matt Boubon
Aliases: Too many to count - whenever anyone asks for his name he makes something new up. Has trouble remembering his true name.
Group Affiliation: None.
Occupation: Nomadic serial killer.

Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Experiment
Experience Level: 9th
Hit Points: 147 S.D.C.: 322
P.P.E.: 15
Attributes: IQ 13, ME 15, MA 12, PS 20, PP 22, PE 30, PB 7, Spd 26
Age: 40 Sex: Male Height: 5ft 7in Weight: 155 lbs.

Insanity: Psychopath. Loves to inflict suffering and death.

Unusual Physical Characteristics/Side Effects: Sharp teeth/fangs and syringe-like claws on fingers. Plus, he gets the Mega-Immortality power, even though he is not a Mega-Being.
Major Super Abilities: Plague/Sickness (Special)
Minor Super Abilities: Supervision - Nightvision, Extrordinary PE, Extraordinary PP, Healing Factor, Impervious to Disease/Illness, Impervious to Cold/Freezing, Impervious to Poison/Toxins, Increased Durability.

Natural Abilities: Can generate 4 different types of poison or sickness and deliver it to the victim through a claw attack. Can see normally in natural darkness. Accelerated Healing; 3D6 SDC/min or 2D6 HP/min. Superhealing; instantly regain 4D6 HP twice per day. Resistant to Fire (half damage). Resistant to Non-Lethal Poison (1/4 effects). Immune to Fatigue, Disease, Cold, and Lethal Poisons (magic cold does 1/2 damage, immune even to psionic Bio-Manipulation). The character is effectively immortal. It is not known if Plague's rate of aging is affected, but there are only 2 ways of destroying him permanently; Incinerating/Vaporizing/Disintigrating him (basically completely destroying his body) and Decapitation (as on P182 HU 2nd ed).

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic
Attacks: 8
Combat Bonuses: +1 Initiative, +5 Strike, +8 Automatic Parry, +8 Dodge, +7 Automatic Dodge, +4 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 Pull Punch, +7 Damage, +1 Disarm.

Saving Throws: +3 vs Psionics, +60% vs Coma/Death, +11 vs Magic and Pain, +13 vs non-lethal poisons.

Other Combat Info: Called knockout/stun - 20. Critical Strike - 19 or 20. Entangle. Holds (All).

Hand to Hand Damage:
Punch - 1D4+7. Power Punch (2A) - 2D4+7. Claw Strike - 2D4+7+ sickness/venom (see below). Body Block/Tackle - 1D4+7 + knockdown. Snap Kick - 1D6+7. Body Throw/Flip - 1D6+7 + knockdown.

Plague Power Secretions: Can be injected from a claw slash or secreted into an open wound. He can use the venom at will and indefinately (can even stop it's release or choose which type to release). The four different types of secretions are; 1) Poison, 2) Fever, 3) Sickness, 4) Plague. See p170/171 in VU for details (are unchanged).

Education Level and Skills: High School
Survival/Wilderness Program: Wilderness Survival, Hunting, Track Animals, Skin & Prepare Hides, Land Navigation.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand Basic, Boxing, Prowl, Climbing.

Secondary Skills: Fishing, Sewing, WP Blunt, WP Knife, Pick Locks, Basic Mechanics, General Repair/Maintenance, Camoulfage, Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Tracking, Swimming, Pilot Motorcycle, Pilot Truck, Carpentry, WP Chain..

Money: Generally, none. This guy is a poor as the dirt he sleeps on.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Besides his tattered and filthy clothing, he generally has no use for any kind of equipment.

He has been known to use various types of knives (1D6+7), a hatchet (which he loves to throw - 2D4+7) and a crowbar or length of lead pipe (2D4+7).

If he needs a vehicle he just steals one.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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You know, I was contemplating yesterday evening whether or not to scan in the Mighty Static Man for coloring. Now I guess I'll have to do it after all. :lol:

Nicely done on both, even though Mr. Plague never was one of my favorite characters from VU.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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The Negator

Real Name: Allen Flobine
Aliases: Adam Simms, Len Binder, the Negator, and others.
Group Affiliation: None, but has worked freelance for the US, Canadian and German SCRET agencies, as well as the Israeli Government, Interpol, the Dark Tribunal, and Fabricators Inc.
Occupation: Professional Bounty Hunter and Mercenary.

Alignment: Anarchist
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 67 S.D.C.: 91
P.P.E.: 12
I.S.P.: 100
Attributes: IQ 12, ME 14, MA 10, PS 20, PP 20, PE 19, PB 10, Spd 22
Age: 27 Sex: Male Height: 6ft, 5in Weight: 234 lbs.

Unusual Physical Characteristics/Side Effects: Continuous Mutation.
Major Super Abilities: Negate Super Abilities
Super Psionic Powers: Bio-Manipulation
Minor Super Abilities: Life Sense, Healing Factor

Natural Abilities: Considered to be a Major Psion - needs only 12 or higher to save. Accelerated Healing; 3 SDC/10 min and 1 HP/15 min. Super-Healing; can instantly regenerate 4D6 HP twice daily. Immune to Fatigue. Immune to Disease. Resistant to Fire and Cold (half damage). Resistant to Drugs/Poison/Toxins (1/3 effects). Can sense the presence of life forms (and differentiate between normal humans and superhumans/aliens) and sense injured/dying life forms - 1,400 ft radius. Track to source of sensations - 85%. Can also sense his own life force and can tell when he is severely injured or poisoned. Can psionically manipulate others' nervous systems to induce blindness, paralysis, etc. Can mentally "turn off" other superbeings' active powers; 190ft if concentrating on an individual, or can affect an area 70ft in radius.

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Assassin
Attacks: 7
Combat Bonuses: +3 Initiative, +5 Strike, +8 Automatic Parry, +8 Dodge, +5 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +5 Pull Punch, +9 Damage, +3 Disarm.

Saving Throws: +3 vs Psionics, +28% vs Coma/Death, +5 vs Magic/Toxins, +2 vs Pain.

Other Combat Info: Auto knockout/stun - 20. Critical Strike - 20. Entangle. Death Blow. Pin/Incapacitate 18 to 20. Holds (All).

Hand to Hand Damage:
Karate Punch - 2D4+9. Power Punch (2A) - 4D4+9. Body Block/Tackle - 1D4+9 + knockdown. Karate Kick - 2D4+9. Body Flip/Throw - 1D6+9 + knockdown. Crush/Squeeze - 1D4+9.

Education Level and Skills: Military
Military Program: Running, Climbing, Military Ettiquette, Radio-Basic, WP Bolt-Action Rifle
Espionage Program: HtoH Assassin, Detect Ambush, Intelligence, Wilderness Survival, Sniper, Tracking.
Modern WP Program: Auto/Semi-Auto Rifle, Heavy Weapons, Energy Rifle.

Secondary Skills: WP Auto-Pistol, WP Sub-Machinegun, WP Blunt, First Aid, Optic Systems, Basic Electronics, Basic Mechanics, Armorer (Field), Recognize Weapon Quality, Boxing, Wrestling, Pilot Motorcycle, Pilot Helicopter.

Money: Makes a good living specializing in Superhuman Bounty-Huniting. Has over half a million in personal savings thus far (tends to spend quite a bit on equipment and business). His business employs a dozen people as support personnel, including a Hardware-Weapons Expert, a Super Sleuth, and a Hunter/Vigilante (all low level).

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
His costume/uniform consists of combat fatigues with ammo belts and battle harness, sometimes covered by a long trenchcoat.

He also often uses various types of conventional light and heavy body armor (whichever is most appropriate for the situation).

His standard equipment includes a Multi-Optics Helmet, Headset Radio Transceiver, Gas Mask & Air Filter, Grapnel Launcher and rope for climbing, First Aid Kit, small tool kit, small canister of Pepper Spray (within easy reach), and several sets of reinforced restraints.

He owns a virtual arsenal of weapons, including several examples of illegal military-grade hardware, but he has several favorite items;

Shock Mace: Reinforced mace - 2D6+9 damage. Can be activated to surround it in an electrical Field - effectively identical to the Super Soldier Bionic Weapon System - Electrical Discharge (including the ranged attack option) but the strike/blast also Stuns the target as a Stun Gun would.

H&K G11 Caseless Assault Rifle - 1300ft Range. 3D6 damage per round, 3D6x2 per short burst. 50 round magazine. The weapon can fire a short (3-round) burst with no recoil (+3 to strike just as an aimed shot). Longer Bursts exhibit the normal penalties. Ammo is caseless - leaving no spent casings - and is normally either armor peircing or hollow point rounds (depending on the nature of the target - but usually carries a few clips of each). The weapon is also silenced and flash-supressed, and is equipped with a telescopic passive nightvision scope with laser rangefinder and targeting system (+1 to strike). He generally only uses this weapon when the contractor wants the target dead rather than alive, or if he expects to be going into heavy combat.

Modified M-16 Assault Rifle & 40mm grenade launcher - this rifle has been modified to fire small but potent tranquilizer darts. The dart-tips are made of teflon-coated titanium and are effectively armor-peircing (-4 to target's AR). The grenade launcher is used to fire non-lethal ammo (tear gas, knockout gas, smoke, or other gasses) to subdue targets. It can also fire a canister that can be filled with a liquid (generally splashes the target only). The weapon is virtually silent and produces no flash, and is equipped with a telescopic passive nightvision scope with laser rangefinder and targeting system (+1 to strike).

The character often uses a black Humvee, Heavy Motorcycle or Helicopter. Each vehicle is lightly armored (AR 12, increase SDC by 50%), Souped up engine (+25% to speed), Fuel Efficient (+25% range), Puncture-Proof Tires, and a long-range radio transceiver. The vehicles also have storage for additional ammo, weapons and/or equipment.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Cardiac what your doing just rocks! Free upgrades without having to
buy a new book. I am curious to see how far are you going to take this?
Are you going to upgrade the typical S.C.R.E.T agents too, after all
they were Revised 1st edition physical training guys. There's a big
different between 1st and 2nd edition physical training guys now.
Are you planning on doing the Masters of Speed (one of the most
lethal super villains of all time) and the Sentinels (one of the lamest
super heroes of all time). I can see it now Hellion 15th level Mega
Super Villain :shock: Here's one for yeah, how about revising The Crime
Masters, Brain storm. and Gold Falcon from 1st edition. 8) If you
are going to continue keep it up, the folder is just gong to keep on
growing. :D
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Cardiac »

Reagren Wright wrote:Cardiac what your doing just rocks! Free upgrades without having to
buy a new book. I am curious to see how far are you going to take this?
Are you going to upgrade the typical S.C.R.E.T agents too, after all
they were Revised 1st edition physical training guys. There's a big
different between 1st and 2nd edition physical training guys now.
Are you planning on doing the Masters of Speed (one of the most
lethal super villains of all time) and the Sentinels (one of the lamest
super heroes of all time). I can see it now Hellion 15th level Mega
Super Villain :shock: Here's one for yeah, how about revising The Crime
Masters, Brain storm. and Gold Falcon from 1st edition. 8) If you
are going to continue keep it up, the folder is just gong to keep on
growing. :D

Yes to all of the above. :D Actually, I'm toying around with the Idea of REALLY fleshing out SCRET as a Rifter Article (with different divisions, more equipment, etc....)
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Reagren Wright wrote:Are you planning on doing the Masters of Speed (one of the most lethal super villains of all time) and the Sentinels (one of the lamest super heroes of all time).

Oh, I don't know that I'd call the Sentinels LAME (now that the super-soldier in PU2 is out I gotta wonder how Minuteman will evolve?)... their costumes, on the other hand... :ugh:

Reagren Wright wrote:Here's one for yeah, how about revising The Crime Masters, Brain storm. and Gold Falcon from 1st edition.

Now I wouldn't mind seeing the Crime Masters either... even though I could swear, Cardiac, you've done them already. It wouldn't be bad to put here though, simply out of convenience. However, if you haven't then I'll cheerfully wait until you've finished with VU. :ok:

Reagren Wright wrote:If you are going to continue keep it up, the folder is just gong to keep on growing. :D

Click on the link to the VU site in NMI's signature. I think he and Cardiac have a great little online sourcebook going. :ok:

Now, all NMI needs are some color pictures to go with these killer entries... *snicker* :lol:
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Cardiac »

Lady Dracula

Real Name: Sara Martin
Aliases: Sandra Dark, Lady Dracula
Group Affiliation: Leader of the Minions of the Dark, Owner/Operator of the "Coffin Banger" Nightclub.
Occupation: Nightclub Owner, Madam, Gang Leader.

Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Mega Experiment
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 178 S.D.C.: 271 (+75 at night).
P.P.E.: 26
Attributes: IQ 15, ME 18, MA 25, PS 20, PP 25, PE 20, PB 28, Spd 25
Horror Factor (optional): 13
Age: 24 Sex: Female Height: 6ft. Weight: 135 lbs.

Insanities: She believes she is a vampire, and as a result must drink blood for nourishment (actually feeds on the PPE energy of victims). She also has phobias of the sun, religious symbols, and garlic. She also fears, and psychosomatically feels pain from "holy water", sunlight, wooden weapons and silver weapons, even though they cause no actual damage to her.

Unusual Physical Characteristic: Cold Blue Eyes (Iris), Large Canine Teeth, Requires Energy for Nourishment - PPE Vampire (see P182 HU 2nd ed).
Mega Super Abilities: All normal Mega-Abilities, plus Impervious to Disease .
Major Super Abilities: APS - Vapor/Fog, Invulnerability.
Minor Super Abilities: Nightstalking, Physical Perfection.

Natural Abilities: Supernatural Strength. Immune to most forms of attack (Radiation has half effect, Poisins/Toxins have 1/4 effect, and cannot kill the character. Supernatural Strength does half damage. Magic and Psionics have full effect). Nightvision 1000ft. Senses are 50% more acute than normal. Can sense the exact moment of the rising and setting of the sun. Can see those cloaked in unnatural or magical darkness, or magically hidden in shadow. Recognizes vampires and sees Shadow Beasts even when they are in shadow. Heals at an accelerated rate - 4D6 SDC per 10 minutes (Invulnerability). Fatigues at 1/10 normal rate. Recovers from physically debilitating spells, psionics, etc., twice as quickly (half duration). Hide in Shadows/Darkness 88%. Cannot be turned into an undead. Considered a Supernatural Being.

Natural Abilities In Vapor/Fog Form: In addition to the above abilities (except for her Invulnerability), the character is Partially Intangible (cannot be harmed by solid objects, electricity/radiation/energy attacks do half damage, cold does normal damage. While steam and moderate levels of heat (up to 150c) do no damage, fire and very high levels of heat do double damage. Explosions or very strong winds may temporarily disperse the being. Impervious to gasses. Most magic and psionics have normal effect). She can move through small cracks, under doors, through keyholes, or wherever air can travel, but she cannot pass through solid non-pourous matter, airtight seals or force fields, nor can she touch or pick anything up in this form. The vapouous body moves silently and is semi-transparent - 66% prowl (is completely invisible if inside fog/mist/steam/smoke). Has limited flight capability; max speed is 8mph (can "ride on a breeze" to go faster). Can summon/generate a fog - 50ft radius. Can manipulate her shape at will (possibly adding up to +2 to her horror factor). Radiates no heat. Cannot speak in a voice above a loud whisper.

Achilles' Heel: Allergy - Vulnerable to Light

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Attacks: 5
Combat Bonuses: +3 Initiative, +7 Strike, +9 Automatic Parry, +9 Dodge, +4 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +3 Pull Punch, +5 damage (with an additional +1D6 at night), +2 Disarm.

Saving Throws: +2 vs Psionics/Insanity, +4 vs Possession/Horror Factor, 84% Charm/Impress, +35% vs Coma/Death, +4 vs Magic, +3 vs Toxins/Pain, 86% charm/impress.

Other Combat Info: Called knockout/stun - 20. Holds (all). Critical Strike - 20. Entangle.

Hand to Hand Damage (does +1D6 at night): Restrained Punch - 1D6+5, Karate Punch - 4D6+5. Power Punch (2A) - 1D4x10+15. Body Block/Tackle - 2D6+5. Karate Kick - 4D6+5, Tripping/Leg Hook - knockdown, Snap Kick - 3D6+5, Crecent Cick 4D6+7, Axe Kick 6D6+5. Jump Kick 4D4x5+35. Flying Jump Kick 2D4x10.

APS-Mist: Expel Vapor - 30ft, 2D4 damage.

Education Level and Skills: 1 year of College
Domestic Program: Sing (Pro), Dance (Pro), Cook (Pro).
Communications Program: Basic Electronics, Radio-Basic, Radio-Scrambler, TV/Video, Read Sensory Equipment.

Secondary Skills: Surveillance Systems, Forgery, Pick Pockets, Athletics, Hand to Hand - Martial Arts (3), Seduction, Business & Finance, WP Sub-Machinegun.

Money: Her nightclub, the Coffin Banger, generates an average of $10,000 a week in profit, with her various criminal operations (extortion, blackmail, prostitution, drugs, murder, etc) generating five times that amount. This amount is slowly increasing as her criminal empire continues to grow. Her personal wealth is rising steadily towards the million mark.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:

The Coffin-Banger Nightclub; A macabre nightclub/strip joint/burlesque house above ground. The basement hides an arsenal of illegal weapons and various types contraband and stores of illicit substances, as well as a vat of acid used to dispose of victim's bodies. The lair is a well-concealed sub-basement just below the normal basement. In addition to being lavishly decorated and boasting a sitting room, library, curio room, torture chamber, dining room, kitchen etc., the three secret passages leading to it, as well as much of the lair itself, have extensive alarm and surveillance systems. Lady Dracula's personal chambers also have multiple alarms and intrusion detectors, as well as a Fabricator's FWI 1000 Internal Laser Defense System. Her coffin is a solid piece of intricately carved marble that can only be accessed by a small 1cm-wide hole near the base (enters in her mist form). She can exit through that same hole, or through a vent system that leads throughout the building (and even outside).

In addition to her nightclub "headquarters", she has several secret lairs scattered around the city where she can hide from the light of day or pursuers.

Crossbow - the quarrels have either silver, explosive (6D6 damage), flare or gas-releasing (tear gas/sleeping gas) tips.

9mm Uzi Sub-Machinegun - 3D6+1 damage. Loaded with wither standard or silver-tipped rounds.

Silver-Plated Scimitar - 2D6 damage + PS.

Silver-Plated throwing knives (one in each garter) - 1D6 damage + PS.


The Minions of the Dark

Lady Dracula commands six other "vampires"/experiment subjects (as well as dozens of other criminals). These six worship her as their lord and would die serving her. Use the following guidelines to create them;


Experiment-Created Vampires

Including Nightwalker and Lady Dracula, there were 48 test subjects gathered by the government. Of these 48, 33 became "vampires" (4 are missing and 11 have yet to show any side effects). Use the following guidelines to create stats for them (and perhaps any others - maybe there were more experiments or maybe someone might try to duplicate the work);

Roll up a Random Supervillain Thug as in the HU Gm's Guide, with the following specifics;

Level of Experience: 1D4+1

Supervillain Category: Mega-Experiment.

Age: 21 to 40.

Sex: 60% of the test subjects were male.

Insanities: They believe they are vampires, and as a result they think they must drink blood for nourishment (may actually feed on something else). They also have phobias of the sun, religious symbols, and garlic. They also fear, and psychosomatically feel pain from "holy water", sunlight, wooden weapons and silver weapons, even though they cause no actual damage to them.

Unusual Physical Characteristic: Select 3 of the following;
Unusual Eyes (glowing or odd color), Large Canine Teeth, Clawed Hands (+1D6 damage to punches), Pointed Ears, Pale Complexion, Unusual Feeding Requirements (select one of the vampiric food sources on page 182 HU 2nd ed).

Mega Super Abilities: All normal Mega-Abilities, plus Impervious to Disease.

Major Super Abilities: Invulnerability, plus select one of the following;
Animal Metamorphosis - Bat or Wolf, APS - Vapor/Fog or Smoke/Mist, Animal Abilities - Canine or Big Cat, Cloaking, Control Others, Generate Fog/Smoke, Super-Regeneration, Regeneration Ultima, Supernatural Bite/Jaws.
Alternately, the character can forego selecting an additional Major Power and instead select 2 additional minor powers (so instead of 2 major and 2 minor, the vampire has 1 major and 4 minor).

Minor Super Abilities: Nightstalking, plus select one additional minor power from the following list (or select 3 powers if the character does not select a second Major power, giving him a total of 1 major and 4 minor);
Abnormal Energy Sense, Adhesion, Claws, any Extraordinary Attribute except Speed, Enhanced Leaping, Feral, Flight-Glide, Healing Factor, any "Heightened Sense of" power, Horror Factor, Life Sense, Lightning Reflexes, Mental Stun, Physical Perfection, any Supervision power.

Basically, the vamps have either;

A) 2 major powers (Invulnerability and 1 selection) AND 2 minor powers (Nightstalking and 1 selection).


B) they have 1 major (Invulnerability) AND 4 minor (Nightstalking and 3 selections).

Achilles' Heel: Allergy - Vulnerable to Light

Occupation: Varies, though most "vampires" have turned to a life of crime.

Hunted by the Creating Organization: The government agency that created them is charged with their capture and/or termination. They are coordinating with the FBI's Paranormal Investigations Division and the Department of Defense in this effort. Agent Dirk Nightwalker is in charge of finding and capturing or eliminating the renegade experiment subjects. The "vampires" are considered armed and dangerous super-criminals; extreme prejudice and deadly force is advised.
Last edited by Cardiac on Fri Apr 16, 2004 12:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Jaegermeister wrote:
Cardiac wrote:Major Super Abilities: Alternately, the character can forego selecting an additional Major Power and instead select 2 additional minor powers.

[i]Minor Super Abilities:
Nightstalking, plus select one of the following (if the character gives up the major power selection he can instead select 3 minor powers);

You need to clean that up; is it 2 or 3?

i think its actually 4.. :?
Tyciol wrote:In fact, many of these powers seem pretty useless except for neat ways of thinking of killing civilians.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Yukon wrote:
Jaegermeister wrote:
Cardiac wrote:Major Super Abilities: Alternately, the character can forego selecting an additional Major Power and instead select 2 additional minor powers.

[i]Minor Super Abilities:
Nightstalking, plus select one of the following (if the character gives up the major power selection he can instead select 3 minor powers);

You need to clean that up; is it 2 or 3?

i think its actually 4.. :?

*bangs gavel* Do I hear 5? Going once, going twice... :lol:
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Cardiac »

Uncle Servo wrote:
Yukon wrote:
Jaegermeister wrote:
Cardiac wrote:Major Super Abilities: Alternately, the character can forego selecting an additional Major Power and instead select 2 additional minor powers.

[i]Minor Super Abilities:
Nightstalking, plus select one of the following (if the character gives up the major power selection he can instead select 3 minor powers);

You need to clean that up; is it 2 or 3?

i think its actually 4.. :?

*bangs gavel* Do I hear 5? Going once, going twice... :lol:

*sigh* Me no good wit da english dis week.

Basically, the vamps have either;

A) 2 major powers (Invulnerability and 1 selection) AND 2 minor powers (Nightstalking and 1 selection).


B) they have 1 major (Invulnerability) AND 4 minor (Nightstalking and 3 selections).
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Real Name: Timothy Pountney
Aliases: Pestilence
Group Affiliation: Thinks he is one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Occupation: Terrorist, self-styled Harbinger of Doom.

Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Experiment
Experience Level: 12th
Hit Points: 118 S.D.C.: 213 (plus AR 12, 1D4x10+30 from insect armor).
P.P.E.: 18
Attributes: IQ 23, ME 28, MA 8, PS 18, PP 10, PE 33, PB 13, Spd 20
Age: 35 Sex: Male Height: 5ft, 11in Weight: 174 lbs.

Insanities: Entomological Supremacist, Megalomania, Paranoia, Delusions – believes he is one of the four horsemen sent to earth to destroy mankind. The only people he would likely trust and work with would be the “other three horsemen.”

Unusual Physical Characteristics/Side Effects: Chemical Resistance.
Major Super Abilities: Control Insects & Arachnids
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary Mental Endurance, Extraordinary Physical Endurance, Healing Factor.

Natural Abilities: Considered to be a Major Psion - needs only 12 or higher to save. Accelerated Healing; 3 SDC/10 min and 1 HP/15 min. Super-Healing; can instantly regenerate 4D6 HP twice daily. Immune to Fatigue. Immune to Disease. Immune to Insect/Arachnid Poisons/Toxins. Resistant to Fire and Cold (half damage). Resistant to Drugs/Poison/Toxins (1/4 effects). Can communicate with and understand insects (520ft), as well as mentally control them. Can summon up to 1200 common insects or arachnids within a 1-mile radius. Can make the insects he controls more resistant to damage, can direct them to cover his body to form a type of armor, and can make one individual insect grow to a giant size (can be ridden as a mount). Can recognize and identify Insect species 98%. Is never bothered or attacked by insects, even by ones not under his control.

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic
Attacks: 6
Combat Bonuses: +1 Initiative, +2 Strike, +4 Automatic Parry, +4 Dodge, +6 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +4 Pull Punch, +5 Damage, +1 Disarm.

Saving Throws: +10 vs Psionics, +13 vs Horror Factor/Possession, +11 vs Insanity, +53% vs Coma/Death, +11 vs Magic, +16 vs Poisons/Toxins, +12 vs Magic Illusions, +13 vs Magic Potions, +8 vs Pain, +17 vs Mind-Altering Drugs.

Other Combat Info: Called knockout/stun - 20. Critical Strike – 19 or 20. Entangle. Pin/Incapacitate 18 to 20. Holds (All).

Hand to Hand Damage:
Punch - 1D4+5. Power Punch (2A) - 2D4+5. Body Block/Tackle - 1D4+5 + knockdown. Karate Kick - 2D4+5. Body Flip/Throw - 1D6+5 + knockdown. Crush/Squeeze - 1D4+5.

Education Level and Skills: Doctorate
Science Program: Advanced Math, Chemistry, Chemistry-Analytical, Biology, Botany.
Medical Assistant Program: Business & Finance, Paramedic, Research, Pathology.
Computer Program: Computer Operation, Computer Programming, Basic Electronics, Read Sensory Equipment.
Physical Program: HtoH Basic, Prowl, Body Building, Wrestling.

Secondary Skills: WP Automatic Pistol, WP Staff, Cook, Sewing, Wilderness Survival, Basic Mechanics, Camouflage, Climbing, Swimming, Athletics, Running, Horsemanship/Riding, Pilot Truck, Navigation, Anthropology, Carpentry.

Money: A bringer of doom needs no money – he just takes what he needs.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Besides his costume, he regularly uses the following pieces of equipment;

Visor – polarized/light sensitive. Used to protect his eyes from bright lights and also from debris while he is flying on a giant insect.

Quarterstaff – 2D6+5 damage. Ornately carved decorated with Insect motifs.

Colt Double-Eagle 10mm Auto-Pistol: 4D6+2 damage

If he needs a particular piece of equipment – he steals it.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Real Name: Jonathan Lewis
Aliases: The Kid, Johnny Target, Pinpoint.
Group Affiliation: Has worked freelance for the US, Canadian and German SCRET agencies, as well as Interpol. He is considered a strong candidate for a second USA government sponsored super team.
Occupation: Professional Mercenary and Bounty Hunter.

Alignment: Unprincipled
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 5th
Hit Points: 42 S.D.C.: 52
P.P.E.: 23
Attributes: IQ 15, ME 14, MA 15, PS 19, PP 26, PE 17, PB 13, Spd 48
Age: 24 Sex: Male Height: 5ft, 10in Weight: 168 lbs.

Unusual Physical Characteristics/Side Effects: Ambidexterity.
Major Super Abilities: None
Minor Super Abilities: Manipulate Kinetic Energy, Supervision-Advanced Sight, Heightened Sense of Balance, Extraordinary PP, Lightning Reflexes.

Natural Abilities: Can generate a protective kinetic energy field (physical attacks do half damage). Can charge an object with kinetic energy to double the damage and/or range when thrown, and can be mentally redirected once en route to the target (using another attack). Can mentally deflect incoming projectiles (+4). Advanced Sight – can recognize a face from 5 miles away. Perfect sense of balance – can throw/fire an aimed shot, called shot or burst without penalty while moving, running, standing on his head, etc.

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Attacks: 8
Combat Bonuses: +5 Initiative, +8 Strike, +11 Automatic Parry, +10 Dodge, +12 Automatic Dodge, +8 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +6 Pull Punch, +4 Damage, +3 Disarm.

Saving Throws: +5% vs Coma/Death, +1 vs Magic/Toxins/Pain/Disease.

Other Combat Info: Called knockout/stun - 20. Critical Strike – 20. Entangle. Holds (All). Paired Weapons.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Karate Punch - 1D4+4. Power Punch (2A) - 2D4+4. Body Block/Tackle - 1D4+4 + knockdown. Karate Kick - 2D4+4. Snap Kick – 1D6+4. Roundhouse Kick – 3D6+4. Axe Kick – 2D6+4. Tripping Leg Hook – knockdown. Jump Kick – 6D6+4. Flying Jump Kick – 4D6+4

Education Level and Skills: Military
Basic Military Program: Running, Climbing, Military Etiquette, Radio-Basic, WP Rifle
WP Ancient Program: Targeting, Archery, Knife
Espionage Program: HtoH Martial Arts, Detect Ambush, Intelligence, Wilderness Survival, Escape Artist, Sniper.

Secondary Skills: WP Automatic Pistol, WP Sword, Optic Systems, Athletics, Body Building, Swimming, Prowl, First Aid, Pilot Motorcycle, Computer Operation.

Money: Makes a good living as a freelance agent and bounty hunter. Yearly income is usually half-a-million dollars.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Custom-Made ¾ Armor – designed for maximum mobility; AR 13, 120 SDC, 14 lbs, no movement or prowl penalties.
Utility Belts and Harness – many places to store throwing weapons/ammunition.
Nightvision Goggles
Climbing Gear
Small First Aid Kit
Radio Transceiver Headset
Radio Locator
Tracer Bugs (6 – transmit for 4 days – adhesive surface)

A pair of small throwing blades concealed in each glove (4 total – 1D4 damage).
A pair of throwing knives concealed in each boot (4 total – 1D6 damage).
16 shuriken/throwing stars (1D4 damage).
8 explosive shuriken (3D6 damage).
8 Tazer Shuriken (1D4 damage plus act like stun gun)
2 Boomerangs
2 Bolas (with reinforced line to entangle super-strong opponents).
Two S&W 9mm Auto Pistols (3D6 damage, 11 rounds, laser sight - +1 to strike)
Composite Longbow with Gimmick Arrows: Standard arrows (2D6 damage), Armor-piercing arrows (3D6 damage, -4 to target’s AR), Tracer-Bug Arrow (1D6 damage, emits signal for 4 days), Gas Arrow (1D6 damage, Smoke, Sleep gas, Tear gas), Explosive Arrow (4D6 damage), Tazer Arrow (1D6 from impact, acts like a stun gun)

Usually rides a black motorcycle, but will use any vehicle appropriate for the job.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Wait a second, did I see something about you redoing SCRET
for the Rifter? Gee, now I don't know what I want you to get done
with first.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Cardiac, I'm impressed by the work that you have done. You are amazing.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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The Poseur

Real Name: Ivan Krinkleworth
Aliases: Too many to list, but his most common are Kenneth Ivanhoe, Randolph Worthington, Claude Ouelette, and the Poseur.
Group Affiliation: None, but has worked freelance for many organizations and governments.
Occupation: Professional industrial/military spy, saboteur, extortionist, and assassin.

Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 11th
Hit Points: 65 S.D.C.: 54
P.P.E.: 19
Attributes: IQ 20, ME 28, MA 25, PS 17, PP 17, PE 11, PB 7, Spd 29
Age: 31 Sex: Male Height: 6ft Weight: 190 lbs.

Unusual Physical Characteristics/Side Effects: Ambidexterity, and reduced facial features.
Major Super Abilities: Alter Facial Features and Physical Stature
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary ME, Supervision – IR/UV, Un-Trackable.

Natural Abilities: Can alter his facial features, body shape/stature and size to a limited degree. Possesses a photographic memory when it comes to remembering physical features of people. Can also alter his voice (impersonating a specific voice; 95%) and fingerprints (duplicate another’s prints; 90%). Automatic Impersonation Skill: 98%. Considered a Major Psion – needs a 12 or higher to save vs psionic attack. Can see into the IR and UV spectrums (nightvision 300ft). The character does not produce body odor or body oils, does not produce a detectable amount of body heat and only minimally disturbs the air as he walks. Any genetically traceable materials are inconclusive and he has type-o blood. Any attempts to physically track the character are done at –70%.

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Assassin
Attacks: 8
Combat Bonuses: +3 Initiative, +3 Strike, +6 Automatic Parry, +5 Dodge, +4 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +5 Pull Punch, +6 Damage, +3 Disarm.

Saving Throws: +7 vs Psionics, +13 vs Horror Factor/Possession, +11 vs Insanity, 84% trust/intimidate, +6 vs Mind-Altering Drugs, +1 vs Magical Illusions.

Other Combat Info: Called knockout/stun – 17-20. Critical Strike – 18-20. Entangle. Holds (All). Death Blow.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Punch - 1D4+6. Power Punch (2A) - 2D4+6. Body Block/Tackle - 1D4+6 + knockdown. Karate Kick - 2D4+6. Axe Kick – 2D6+6. Tripping Leg Hook – knockdown. Body Flip/Throw – 1D6+6 + knockdown.

Education Level and Skills: Military Specialist
Basic Military Program: Running, Climbing, Military Etiquette, Radio-Basic, WP Rifle
WP Modern Program: Auto-Pistol, Sub-Machinegun, Auto/Semi-Auto Rifle.
Espionage Program: HtoH Assassin, Detect Ambush, Intelligence, Wilderness Survival, Escape Artist, Sniper.
Military Demolitions Program: Basic Electronics, Basic Mechanics, Demolitions, Demolitions-Disposal, Underwater Demolitions.
Language Program: French, German, Chinese, Russian

Special Language Skills (from his major power): Spanish, Japanese.

Secondary Skills: Surveillance Systems, Read Sensory Equipment, Interrogation, Detect Concealment, Locksmith, Swimming, Body Building, Athletics, Computer Operation, Forgery, WP Knife.

Money: Makes a good living as a freelance agent and bounty hunter. Has over three-quarters of a million in savings with another million tied up in investments.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Sometimes wears armor when on a mission; any of the light types or heavy riot armor.

Has some of the best lock-picking and forgery tools available.
Usually carries a small electrical/mechanical toolkit and several small concealable surveillance devices (microphones, cameras, radio tracer bugs).

Has a small state-of-the-art micro-computer/PDA (can download files into it from another computer and store building floorplans and other info etc.)

P-88 Wather 9mm Auto-Pistol (3D6+3 damage)
Ingram Model-10 Sub-Machinegun (4D6 damage)
M82A1 .50 Sniper Rifle (1D4x10 damage, telescopic passive nightvision scope)
4 Throwing knives (1D6 damage)
Survival Knife (1D6 damage)
Container of Tetsubishi/Caltrops
2 Smoke Bombs
2 Eggshell Bombs

Has also been known to use many other weapons – from Gas Grenades and Stun Guns all the way up to Rocket Launchers and High Explosives (depending on the job and expected resistance).

Uses a variety of vehicles (whatever is most appropriate for the current job), but his favorite is a slightly modified Bently Luxury Sedan (+50% to max speed, +100 SDC, Smokescreen and oil Slick projectors).
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Cardiac »

Primal Force

Real Name: Thomas Black
Aliases: Tom Black, Tommy Whack, T.B., Prime, and Primal Force
Group Affiliation: Partnered with Magno and Magna
Occupation: Professional Criminal/Mob Enforcer, former street boxer.

Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Experiment
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 85 S.D.C.: 248 (+40 SDC while Battle Raging)
P.P.E.: 13
Attributes: IQ 8, ME 8, MA 6, PS 47, PP 21, PE 24, PB 10, Spd 24
Age: 29 Sex: Male Height: 6ft. 8 in. Weight: 300 lbs.

Unusual Physical Characteristics/Side Effects: Increased Mass.
Major Super Abilities: None
Minor Super Abilities: Superhuman PS, Lightning Reflexes, Extraordinary PE, Battle Rage, Heightened Sense of Hearing.

Natural Abilities: Strength is considered Superhuman. Fatigues at 1/2 the normal rate (see weakness). Advanced Hearing allows him to hear a normal conversation at 360ft, or a whisper at 150ft (Estimate distance 95%, Estimate speed and direction of approach 85%, Recognize voice or sound 75%, Imitate Voice 65%). Possesses lightning-fast reflexes and an accelerated metabolism. Can throw himself into a violent battle rage which lasts 28 melees max, during which he is immune to horror factor or fear of any kind (as well as gaining other benefits; see below). While in the rage, he can fight up until –72 HP below zero, after which he collapses (recovers as if only 20 HP below zero).

Weakness: Chronic Respiratory Condition: Normally, his superhuman PS and enhanced PE would have left him almost immune to fatigue. However, the same experiments that gave him his powers also damaged his respiratory system, and this damage greatly cuts down the amount of time he can exert himself (down to only 1/2 the normal rate). So, while he still has more endurance than a normal human, too much exertion will cause him to collapse gasping for air. Penalties are; loss of initiative, and speed/attacks/combat bonuses are reduced by half. This lasts for 2D6 melees. If he does not rest during this time and continues to push himself, he may lapse into a stroke/coma (45% chance).

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert
Attacks: 7
Combat Bonuses: +11 Initiative, +5 Strike, +10 Automatic Parry, +11 Dodge, +6 Automatic Dodge, +7 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +5 Pull Punch, +38 Damage, +1 Disarm.

Bonuses and Penalties while Battle Raging: Add 40 temporary SDC, Impervious to Fear and Horror Factor, and can fight until he reaches -72 HP. He also gets +2 attacks, +3 Initiative, +2 strike, +3 to roll with punch/impact, +2 on all saving throws, and inflicts +2D6 damage with all physical attacks. However, the character is –3 to dodge and automatic dodge, cannot pull punch, and is likely to ignore parrying and instead strike simultaneously. While he feels no fear, he lacks common sense and will attack a superior foe, and may attack anyone who gets in his way – friends, foes or bystanders (01-60%). Even when his immediate enemies are defeated there is a 20% chance he will turn on allies and bystanders.

Saving Throws: +18% vs Coma/Death, +5 vs Magic/Poison/Disease/Pain.

Other Combat Info: Auto knockout/stun – 20. Critical Strike – 18-20. Entangle. Holds (All). Pin/Incapacitate – 18 to 20. Paired Weapons.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Restrained Punch – 2D4+38. Full-Strength Punch - 3D6+38. Power Punch (2A) - 6D6+38. Body Block/Tackle - 3D6+38 + knockdown. Karate Kick - 6D6+38. Wheel Kick – 9D6+38. Axe Kick – 9D6+38. Crush/Squeeze – 3D6+38. Body Flip/Throw – 4D6+38 + knockdown.

Education Level and Skills: High School
Physical Program: Hand to Hand Expert, Boxing, Wrestling
Criminal Program: Streetwise, Pick Locks, Find Contraband, Card Sharp, Prowl.

Secondary Skills: Body Building, Running, Athletics, Climbing, Swimming, First Aid, Language – Spanish, Radio-Basic, Interrogation, Detect Ambush, WP Auto-Pistol, WP Sub-Machinegun, WP Knife, WP Blunt.

Money: Makes a good living as a mob enforcer – Over $200,000 a year, not including “perks”. After gambling, buying jewelry and expensive Itallian suits, and living the good life, he barely has enough left over to save.

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Costume is padded and armored; AR 12, SDC 100, 12 lbs.

He been known to use sidearms (auto-pistols & SMGs) and knives, but prefers to use his own strength.

Has 3 sports cars and a limo.
Last edited by Cardiac on Tue Apr 27, 2004 5:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Cardiac wrote:Primal Force

Real Name: Thomas Black

Is it just me, or has anyone else found it odd that the the only white member of this trio (Magno, Magna, and Primal Force) is named Black?

It's not an attempt to stir up a racial hornet's nest or anything, just something I always found odd. I put it in the same category as the fact that the only member of ZZ Top who actually shaves is Frank Beard...
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Cardiac »


Real Name: Lewis Jordan
Aliases: Big Lew and Magno
Group Affiliation: Partnered with Magna and Primal Force
Occupation: Professional Criminal/Mob Enforcer, former Boxing Champ in the illegal gambling ring.

Alignment: Miscreant
Power Category: Experiment
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 78 S.D.C.: 180
P.P.E.: 20
Attributes: IQ 7, ME 10, MA 9, PS 29, PP 18, PE 20, PB 10, Spd 22
Age: 26 Sex: Male Height: 6ft. 4 in. Weight: 280 lbs.

Unusual Physical Characteristics/Side Effects: Chronic Pain (the mob gives him something to help with it).
Major Super Abilities: Magnetism
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary PS, Increased Durability.

Natural Abilities: Strength is considered Extraordinary. Has a great tolerance to pain; can fight up until –32 HP below Zero before collapsing. Can manipulate magnetic forces and move metallic objects (up to 3140 lbs). Can also generate a magnetic field around himself for protection (small metallic projectiles like bullets are stopped, damage from speeding vehicles/missiles/characters w/ metal on them are halved and the character is +2 to dodge the attacks, electrical/plasma/particle beam attacks are halved) and will erase magnetic tapes and disrupt electrical frequencies. He can fly using the magnetic field (20mph) and he can use it to cling to magnetic substances. He can accurately sense magnetic north, can sense the presence and location of magnetic fields up to 1000ft away, and can sense Iron and other ferrous metals within 30ft (or up to 7ft below the ground). Is Impervious to Magnetic Forces himself.

Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert
Attacks: 6
Combat Bonuses: +2 Initiative, +4 Strike, +8 Automatic Parry, +8 Dodge, +4 Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 Pull Punch, +14 Damage, +0 Disarm.

Saving Throws: +25% vs Coma/Death, +3 vs Magic/Poison/Disease, +13 vs Pain.

Other Combat Info: Auto knockout/stun – 20. Critical Strike – 18-20. Entangle. Holds (All). Paired Weapons.

Hand to Hand Damage:
Full-Strength Punch – 2D4+14. Power Punch (2A) – 4D4+14. Body Block/Tackle – 2D4+14 + knockdown. Karate Kick – 4D4+14. Wheel Kick – 4D6+14. Roundhouse Kick – 6D6+14.

Magnetic Manipulation: Damage can be anywhere from 1D6 to 1D6x100.
Magnetic Bolt: Can fire a bolt of pure magnetic force. Ferrous metals take 7D6 damage, ignoring any AR.

Education Level and Skills: High School
Physical Program: Hand to Hand Expert, Boxing, Body Building
Criminal Program: Streetwise, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, Safecracking, Prowl.

Secondary Skills: Running, Athletics, Language – Spanish, Radio-Basic, Basic Electronics, Basic Mechanics, General Repair/Maintenance, Cook, Pilot Motorcycle, Concealment, WP Blunt, WP Chain, WP Knife, WP Revolver.

Money: Makes a good living as a mob enforcer – Over $200,000 a year, not including “perks”. Lets his sister, Magna, handle his money. Tends to enjoy the simple things in life, especially sports (all sports) and has season tickets for several leagues (NBA, NHL, NFL, etc).

Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Costume has metallic arm bands – he can use these to parry melee weapons without damage to himself. It also has light concealed armor (padding and strategically placed molded plates); AR 10, SDC 80, Weight 12 lbs.

He been known to use auto-pistols, but prefers to use his powers (especially to manipulate metallic objects like knives, chains, crowbars, or cars).

Has a sports car and a limo.
Last edited by Cardiac on Tue Apr 27, 2004 11:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own" - Thomas Jefferson

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo
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