I really wanted to post this because it is just to rich to pass up. What follows is a summery of a game I played with my group of best friends last night (4/24/04). It started out like any of our other games.
First off.... Our party of adventurers.
1) A human Mystic knight.
2) Dog Boy (Wolf) Cyber Knight (Me)
3) A really hot lady Burster ( In all ways!)
4) A human Leyline Walker ( The Lady's man!)
5) A human Justice Ranger (Gun fighting skills)
6) A Lady Gun Fighter (Sister of the Justice Ranger)
Note* We are all SDC Squishies and loving it.
After picking through some loot from our clash with a band of crazy(not moms) doctors hiding out in an old C.D.C building who where going to release a disease to kill all the people on rifts earth. (Yep, delusions of grandeur I guess.) Well he foiled their plans and saved the day.. yada.. yada.. yada. we move on to towards our next area to visit. But along the way...
....We are camping out after we moved camp sits. Our last camp was attacked by a mated pair of demon wolf somethings.. Interesting scene but we lived. Anyways, while we are at our new camp one of the guys on night watch notices lights in the distance and wakes everyone up. The Burster confirms the presence of a few small fires off in the distance.
So the Cyberknight goes to scout via Astral Projection. Returns and gives a brief report of what he finds. A log fort and people carrying flint lock rifles. So to be sure again the Cyber knight and the Gun Fighter both astral project and scout it out. The Gun fighter notices a bit more then the Cyberknight did. We return and give a better report to the rest.
After a bit of trying to figure out what to do. The Mystic knight decides to just ride up and introduce himself. The rest of us follow. We reach the closed gates to the fort/town and the M-Knight hails the guards.
Before he can get to far into his intro the guards shout out at us..
Very old ( Think Ye and thou) English " Halt ye intruders! Begone we don't want anything to do with demons.
To which the M-Knight replies " What? You want me to stop? " ( We start cracking up here). Not understanding them to well it seems he begins to cast a spell ( Just Tongues) They freak and shoot him with there flint lock rifles. Musket balls pepper the M-knight ( one even striking him between the eyes!) no damage. So the C-Knight tries to halt the madness and steps forward to hail the guards.
C-Knight " Please, let us try to..."
Guards " By the lord! They have werewolves!"
C-Knight shuts up. (How insulting!)
Finally the Leyline walker brings sense back to the scene.
Ley-Walker " Please, We are not Demons. Is there not someone in charge we can talk to?"
The gates open and out comes an old priest. He holds a bible in one hand and a silver cross presented before him. Ley-Walker introduces us but we learn they think we are demons and have somehow brought them here.
"How can we prove to you that we are not demons?" ask the Ley-Walker.
" Return here at dawn and you can recite the Lord's Prayer and be blessed with holy water and oils." Informs the priest, " No demon can speak the Lord's Prayer."
The Ley-walker requests a copy of the prayer and the priest sets his bible down and backs away back towards the gate. The Ley-walker takes the book, sits down right before the gate and starts reading it. The M-Knight lies down right there before the gate and goes to sleep. The rest of us return to our camp.
We all awaken and return to our friends at the gate. We meet the Priest and he goes through the prayer and we repeat it. We get blessed and the Ley-Walker returns the bible. The priest accepts us as not being demons and the party decides to go into the village to try to understand better whats going on. But the Wolf C-Knight is told to stay outside the village walls as not to scare these poor people more. So into town they go.. But first they have to remove their arms and armor before entering.
M-Knight yells to the guards and priest. " You want me to take this off? (Slap his armored chest) " With this on those (Points to rifles) Can't hurt me." (Well Duh!.
![Thwak :thwak:](./images/smilies/thwak.gif)
So after a bit of introductions and the party meeting some guy who is acting all "We can't trust them!" and "You will doom us all!" (Sheesh does every town have one of these jerks?). We find the party inside the small village church talking. While outside the gate the C-Knight sees a group of 4 Devil Kin rushing towards the gate and him. With little time to think he warns the rest of the party to the approaching danger. Using his radio and trying to think of what to say that wouldn't scare the poor pre-rifts people around them to badly, he says the only thing to come to his mind.
C-Knight ..." Gabriel calling Saint Peter, Gabriel calling Saint Peter. We have demons charging the gates." When this was said everyone just lost it. All where laughing to hard to breath nearly. The GM's eyes got huge at this point and he asked if thats exactly what the knight says. Yep!
So the priest freaks out and falls to the ground groveling. He thinks he just heard God or an Angle speaking. But the rest get the hint and run out to the gate. Battle Ensues.
Much hacking and blasting and spell casting later, (This was all RIGHT ON A LEY LINE mind you.)
Of all the happenings one of the most eventful moments was when one of the devil kin missed charging a player and ends up tackling a Burster in all her Flaming Aura Glory! ( The aura does 1d4 MDC at a leyline I was told.) So when its her action the GM asks "what do you want to do? There is a Devil kin pinning you down." The bursters reply? ... "Can I use fuel flame on my aura?" Everyone else's eyes get huge at this moment and much " Your doing what?!?" stated. The GM agrees and looks through the books to compute the effect.. he nearly chokes. Something to the amount of 1d4 X 15 + 50% of that ammount in MDC damage. Ended up being 45 MDC, so poof goes the Devil-kin up in so much ashes and smoke.
Well after all that, we are welcomes as heroes and after some poking around we learn there is a witch and familiar in the town that no one knows about. We battle and manage to kill the familiar but most of us where laid low. The Burster got nailed by a Life Drain spell, and the majority got stuck to carpet of adhesion. Well after this the town starts to fade away as those of us stuck freak out and remove our armored parts that are sticking to the carpet. The Knights ( C and M) lose their boots and the L-Walker loses the lower half of his Mage armor and has to be moved via Super T-K to safty by the C-Knight. so we book it out of town and watch it fade away.
It all, it was one of the most memorable adventures to date for me. Everyone nearly busted a gut quiet a few times and there was many silly comments and jokes made. This is why I love face to face gaming vs. any other type.