New Combat Skills

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New Combat Skills

Unread post by Mantisking »

With the discussion of combat skills in other threads, I thought it would be good to post my list of new combat skills. Kuseru if you want to update these to the netbook, go ahead. Also, if anyone wants to post their own ideas -- feel free.

New Combat Skills
Bear Slap:
This hand strike is a cross between a palm strike and a claw hand. Damage: 1D6

Bite: Attacker bites Defender. Damage: 1D4, and the defender must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain or be at -2 to all combat rolls for the rest of the Melee Round.

Bite and Tear: Attacker bites defender, then tries to tear out the bitten area. Damage: 1D6, and the defender must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain at -2 or be stunned for 1D4 Melee Rounds.

Controlled Disarm: This is an advanced version of the Disarm Combat Skill. When the Controlled Disarm is used the character making the move declares where the weapon goes. They still do not get control of the weapon, but they can state how far and in what direction the weapon goes. The character can even use the Controlled Disarm to make an attack on a second opponent. That opponent, in order to Parry or Dodge the weapon/item, must roll higher than character's Disarm roll. This combat skill costs two (2) Attacks to use.

Double Ear Slap: A double hand strike that targets the defender's ears. Damage: 2D4, and defender must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain at -2 or be stunned for 2+1D6 Melee Rounds.

Double Eye Poke: A two fingered strike that target's the defender's eyes. Damage: 2 points, and defender is automatically blind for 1D2 Melee Rounds. Defender must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain or be blinded for an additional 1D8 Melee Rounds.

Ear Slap: A cupped hand strike that targets the defender's ear. Damage: 1D4, and defender must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain or be stunned for 1D4 Melee Rounds.

Feint at Eyes/Groin: Defender must make a Saving Throw vs. Insanity, if failed then the attacker's next attack is +1 to Strike.

Flying Head Butt: A running, leaping strike that slams the attackers head into the opponent. This must be the first, and only, attack of the Melee Round. Damage: 1D6, Automatic Critical Strike.

Groin Lock (Combination Grab/Hold): Attacker grabs opponent by the testicles. Damage: 1D4. If defender tries to escape he must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain at -2 or take 1D6 damage and be stunned for 3+1D6 Melee Rounds. Note: This attack only works against male opponents.

Hair Lock (Combination Grab/Hold): Attacker grabs opponent by the hair. While in this hold the defender cannot Dodge or Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact. If defender tries to escape they must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain, if successful they take 1D2 Damage (S.D.C. only) and are stunned for 1 Melee Round. Note: This attack cannot be used on a bald opponent.

Hammer Fist: A hand strike made using the bottom (little finger side)of a clenched fist. Damage: 1D6.

Hammer Strike: A large, circular, arm-swinging attack using a hammer fist. Damage: 1D8.

Head Butt: A strike made using the forehead. Damage: 1D6.

Kiai: This is a shout to distract or unnerve an opponent. Once per Melee Round it can be used simultaneously with another attack. The defender must make a Saving Throw vs. a Horror Factor of 7, or be at -1 to all combat rolls for 1 Melee Round. A non-martial artist must make a Saving Throw vs. HF: 14 or be at -2 to all combat rolls for 2 Melee Rounds.

Leg Scissors: An attack where the attacker puts both legs around some portion of the defender's anatomy, links them together at the ankles and squeezes. As a leg scissor can be many different attacks, it always counts as a combination move.
  • Leg Scissors (Arm Hold): The attacker puts his legs around defender's arm. This attack can be used at Grappling or Groundfighting Range, though the penalties for attempting a standing hold still apply.
  • Leg Scissors (Choke): The attacker wraps his legs around defender's throat. The attacker can't Dodge or Roll, but can Parry. This attack can be used at Groundfighting Range only. Damage (to Hit Points): (1D6+bonuses)/2 per melee attack. Defender must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain for every attack or lapse into unconsciousness.
  • Leg Scissors (Crush/Squeeze): The Attacker wraps his legs around the defender's torso. The attacker can't Dodge or Roll, but can Parry. This attack can be used at Groundfighting Range only. Damage: 1D6.
  • Leg Scissors (Elbow Lock): The attacker puts his legs around the defender's arm, one leg on above and below the elbow. The attacker then squeezes, exerting force on the elbow joint. This attack can be used at Grappling or Groundfighting Range, though the penalties for attempting a standing lock still apply. See Rifter #3, page 40 for damage and the rules for attempting a joint break.
  • Leg Scissors (Knee Lock): The attacker puts his legs around the defender's leg, one leg above and below the knee. The attacker then squeezes, exerting force on the knee joint. This attack can only be used at Groundfighting range. See Rifter #3, page 40 for damage and the rules for attempting a joint break.
  • Leg Scissors (Leg Hold): The attacker wraps his legs around the defender's leg. This attack can be used at Grappling or Groundfighting Range, though the penalties for attempting a standing hold still apply.
  • Jumping Leg Scissors (Sacrifice Throw): The attacker jumps up, wrapping both legs around the defender's torso. The attacker then drops to the ground pulling the defender with him. If the Leg Scissor is Parried or Dodged there is no Knockdown. This attack must be the only attack of the Melee Round. It becomes Leg Scissor (Crush/Squeeze) in the next Melee Round if the defender doesn't escape and the hold is maintained. Damage: 2D6.
  • Leg Scissors (Sweeping Throw): The attacker wraps his legs around the defender's. The attacker then twists the leg scissor, pulling the defender to the ground. If the Leg Scissor is Parried or Dodged there is no Knockdown. This attack can be used at Groundfighting Range only. Damage: 1D6.
Monkey Bite: The attacker pinches the defender and then twists the fold of skin. Damage: 1D2 (S.D.C. only), and the defender must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain or be -2 to all combat rolls for the rest of the Melee Round.

Neck Crank: The attacker grabs the opponent's head and rotates it around and down. The defender ends up on the ground. Can only be applied after a successful Grab of the head or Neck Hold.

Rake Fist: A hand strike using the front knuckles of the fist when the hand is held in the Back Hand position. Damage: 1D6.

Ridge Hand: A hand strike made using the thumb side of the hand when the hand is held in the Knife Hand position. Damage: 1D6.

Spear Hand: A hand strike made using the fingertips when hand is held in the Knife Hand position. Damage:.

Spinning Fist: This is a combination move similar to the Reverse Turning Kick. When attacked the character spins away, dodging the opponent's attack and setting up an attack of their own. But instead of striking with a kick, a hand technique is used. Hand attacks that can be used with this move are Back Hand, Elbow, Hammerfist, Knife Hand, Rake Fist, and Ridge Hand.

Shin Scrape Kick: This is a low, stomping kick directed at the defender's shins. Damage: 1D4, target must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain at -1 or be at 1/2 Speed and the target cannot attack with the damaged leg for 1D6 Melee Rounds.

Throat Flick: Attacker flicks defender in the throat. Damage: 0, but the defender must make a Saving Throw vs. Pain or be at -1 to all combat rolls for the rest of the Melee Round.

Uppercut: A short, rising punch generally directed at the opponent's chin. Damage: 1D8.
Last edited by Mantisking on Mon Apr 26, 2004 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Combat Skills

Unread post by Cranus »

Neat. What styles would have access to which skill?

Also, what is up with the Save vs Pain? Technically, any successful attack should require one.
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Re: New Combat Skills

Unread post by Tinker Dragoon »

Cranus wrote:Neat. What styles would have access to which skill?

Also, what is up with the Save vs Pain? Technically, any successful attack should require one.

A saving throw vs. pain is used in Ninjas & Superspies to remain conscious when under extreme pain or to avoid other effects caused by certain debilitating attacks.
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Re: New Combat Skills

Unread post by greese1 »

I am going to hit on the area I am most familar with, the guard or leg scissors.
Leg Scissors (Arm Hold)-
I would specify this a bit better. Just locking your legs around someone arm isn't going to do a thing. There has to be something to lever against.

Leg Scissors (Choke)-
Again, wrapping the legs just around someones neck is not going to work a choke. The neck muscles will protect the carotid artery too well from there. You could specify 1 arm and the neck and have a working triangle.

Leg Scissors (Crush/Squeeze-
I would even go 1d4 on this attack, if any damage at all. You can look at all kinds of video of guys in the guard getting squeezed on and it is just a minor annoyance at best.

Leg Scissors (Elbow Lock)-
Eliminate this. Something that can't happen. The way the arm is set up it will just get turned, no damage or pressure.

Leg Scissors (Knee Lock)-
The pressure here would not be a squeeze. You would need a rotational action.

Jumping Leg Scissors- This would be no damage to the person this is beind done on, but I would rule 1d6 for the person doing the throw. You are jumping up, wrapping your legs around someone and falling back. How is this suppose to hurt the person you are doing it to?

Leg Scissors-
I would go 2d6 on the damage on this one. You can really wreck a knee with this. I know a guy that had his legs shattered in 17 places with this throw. Also, it can only be done from grappling range, not groundfighting range.
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Re: New Combat Skills

Unread post by Mantisking »

Originally posted by Greese1.
I am going to hit on the area I am most familar with, the guard or leg scissors.
Fair enough.

Originally posted by Greese1.
Leg Scissors (Crush/Squeeze-
I would even go 1d4 on this attack, if any damage at all. You can look at all kinds of video of guys in the guard getting squeezed on and it is just a minor annoyance at best.
True enough. The one time I remember using this, it had no effect on the guy I was sparring against.

Originally posted by Greese1.
Leg Scissors (Elbow Lock)-
Eliminate this. Something that can't happen. The way the arm is set up it will just get turned, no damage or pressure.
What if you used a free hand to hold the opponent's arm?

Originally posted by Greese1.
Jumping Leg Scissors- This would be no damage to the person this is beind done on, but I would rule 1d6 for the person doing the throw. You are jumping up, wrapping your legs around someone and falling back. How is this suppose to hurt the person you are doing it to?

Originally posted by Greese1.
Leg Scissors-
I would go 2d6 on the damage on this one. You can really wreck a knee with this. I know a guy that had his legs shattered in 17 places with this throw. Also, it can only be done from grappling range, not groundfighting range.
I'd say groundfighting range since you have to be on the ground to perform this throw.
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Re: New Combat Skills

Unread post by Mantisking »

Here's two more.

Sword Finger: This hand position is made by extending the index and middle fingers. The other fingers are folded into the palm and held in with the thumb. Like the Fingertip attack, it can be used to strike atemi points. Damage: 2 points.

Circular Sweep: This is an attack where the character crouches down with one leg fully extended and quickly spins in a circle in an attempt to knock down all those opponents standing within reach. This attack cannot be parried, only dodged. This combat skill costs two (2) Attacks to use. Damage: Knockdown only.
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Re: New Combat Skills

Unread post by greese1 »

You can make it work if you have a hold of the arms. Don't know if I have ever done it, but that could work. You can do an omoplata with just your legs which I had forgot about.

You don't really need to be on the ground to do the leg scissors.
I have to get to class but I will try and post some video of it being done.
It is a favorite technique of Chung Le, the San Shou fighter.
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Re: New Combat Skills

Unread post by Mantisking »

Hey Greese1, how about this?
Leg Scissors (Arm Trap): The attacker puts his legs around defender's arm, using them to hold it in place. This attack can be used at Grappling or Groundfighting Range, though the penalties for attempting a standing hold still apply.

And this?
Leg Scissors (Leg Trap): The attacker wraps his legs around the defender's leg, using them to hold it in place. This attack can be used at Grappling or Groundfighting Range, though the penalties for attempting a standing hold still apply.
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Re: New Combat Skills

Unread post by greese1 »

I like those...
This is what I was thinking of for the leg scissor takedown in my mind. Couldn't find a clip but this is pretty close.
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Re: New Combat Skills

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Actually, as I've seen, the leg scissor is, or can be a very effective take down move. Cung Le, and students/proteges of his use this to great effect in the San Soo style tournaments. I doubt the damage should be any greater than a standard body flip/throw, or possibly on par with the standard body block/tackle, but the thrower shouldn't be at risk of any damage if he does it right( or isn't parried or suffers some sort of defensive reversal, etc.).
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Re: New Combat Skills

Unread post by Mantisking »

Originally posted by greese1.
I like those...
This is what I was thinking of for the leg scissor takedown in my mind. Couldn't find a clip but this is pretty close.
Heh. I looked at some of the other illustrations. Ura Nage = Suplex!!
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Re: New Combat Skills

Unread post by Ten Tigers »

Nice work.

I'll come up with some if I can. You covered a lot of what I would have contributed.

P.S. I like the Feint mechanics; however, I would ixnay the saving throw. The combat roll is the "saving throw". Instead I would impose a penalty for a failed feint attempt.
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Re: New Combat Skills

Unread post by Mantisking »

Originally posted by Ten Tigers.
Nice work.
Thank you.

Originally posted by Ten Tigers.
I'll come up with some if I can. You covered a lot of what I would have contributed.
Post your versions. It'll be nice to see the way other people think.

Originally posted by Ten Tigers.
P.S. I like the Feint mechanics; however, I would ixnay the saving throw. The combat roll is the "saving throw". Instead I would impose a penalty for a failed feint attempt.
Yeah, I've been thinking about that one. I'm going to change it a bit.
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Re: New Combat Skills

Unread post by Mantisking »

Originally posted by Macksting.
But don't you think 1d4 is a bit much for a bite from standard human jaws? We don't really have much tearing potential, and most of our muscles aren't geared toward our mouth. It seems appropriate as a bite attack for some other species, but I think it seems a bit much to put it on par with a punch. I'd also reduce the strength bonuses to it, from standard downward to at least half... We grind and crush with our teeth, mostly, I think.
Actually, humans have both types of teeth. The front (flat and thin) teeth tear, and the rear (short and wide) teeth crush. I'll think about downgrading the base damage.
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Re: New Combat Skills

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macksting wrote:But don't you think 1d4 is a bit much for a bite from standard human jaws? We don't really have much tearing potential, and most of our muscles aren't geared toward our mouth. It seems appropriate as a bite attack for some other species, but I think it seems a bit much to put it on par with a punch.
I'd also reduce the strength bonuses to it, from standard downward to at least half... We grind and crush with our teeth, mostly, I think.

But I could be wrong.

1D4 is what it's listed at in Heroes Unlimited, I don't see much need to change it.
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Power Punch:
Executed while stepping forward, this punch winds out from the waist in a corkscrewing motion for extra power. Common to many Karate and kung fu styles. This attack cannot be used at Grappling or Groundfighting ranges. Damage: 1D10
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Unread post by Mantisking »

Originally posted by Macksting.
Yes, I've been bitten. It bloody hurts. We don't have to save vs. pain on an axe kick, though, and those frequently target the clavicle.
My reasoning behind the Saving Throw vs. Pain is that a bite is not expected. People train to get punched and kicked, and that's normal. A bite isn't.
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Re: New Combat Skills

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Originally posted by Ten Tigers.
P.S. I like the Feint mechanics; however, I would ixnay the saving throw. The combat roll is the "saving throw". Instead I would impose a penalty for a failed feint attempt.
The saving throw for this
Feint at Eyes/Groin: Defender must make a Saving Throw vs. Insanity, if failed then the attacker's next attack is +1 to Strike.
Is to overcome the built in reflex to flich away from attacks directed at those points. The combat roll is to put the attack in the right place and the saving throw is the "damage".

Feint at Eyes/Groin:
This is an attack exploits the automatic flinch response of the human body. Damage: Defender must make a Saving Throw vs. Insanity, if failed then the attacker's next attack is +1 to Strike.
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Originally posted by macksting.
The Axe Kick came to mind regarding that; the Thigh Kick seems like an extension of this theory to me.
Anyway, I'm mostly saying don't discount this. A serious, skillful blow downward on top of the shoulder can snap a bone, or at least injure it; more pertinently, it bloody hurts. And hurts that part for the duration of the combat.
The Collarbone would be a more likely target for an Axe Kick. It's easy to break, it's painful, and it's hard to deal with.
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Originally posted by macksting.
clav·i·cle (kl²v“¹-k…l) n. 1. Either of two slender bones in human beings that extend from the manubrium of the sternum to the acromion of the scapula. Also called collarbone.

Otherwise, my point exactly. Confused me for a second there.
{*shrug*} When I hear "shoulder" I think the shoulder joint itself. The collarbone, to me, is in the upper portion of the chest.
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Advanced Defense
Leading Block:
This defense deflects an opponent's attack in such a way that it leaves the attacker open for a counter-attack. Bonuses: +2 to Strike on your next attack.

I'm still working on the name.
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Mantisking wrote:Advanced Defense
Leading Block:
This defense deflects an opponent's attack in such a way that it leaves the attacker open for a counter-attack. Bonuses: +2 to Strike on your next attack.

I'm still working on the name.

sounds good. however to keep it balanced I'd recommend just +1 strike.
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A little old school flavor here.

Ric Flair Chop: A slashing chop across the pectorals. Damage: 1D6 and the opponent must make a Saving Throw against Pain.

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Feint: This "attack" is used to open up an opponent's defenses so that a real attack has a better chance at getting through. Damage: 0, Bonuses: +1 to Strike for your next attack in this Melee Round. If your next attack this Melee Round is another Feint and it is successful the bonuses become cumulative. If you miss while using this attack, any Feint bonuses are lost. If you achieve a Critical Strike with this attack, your opponent loses his next Attack.
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