Your favorite Weapons Supplier

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Who Makes Your Favorite Armor?

Coalition States
Free Quebec
Total votes: 64

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Unread post by Jefffar »

Where's ArmaTech? Where's Ichito? Where's Northern Gun? Where's Bandito Arms? Wheres . . .
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Unread post by Larsen »

I understand that there is too many to name but you could have put other as a option. Not critizing just giving being helpful remember that :-D . as for myself i find myself using NG weapons alot
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You want fries with that?
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Unread post by Borast »

Black market... depends where we're playing.

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Unread post by LunarYoma »

i like naruni, but perfer CCW weaponry
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Unread post by Ice Dragon »

Small Arms: Wilks or Kittani

PA: Triax or Naruni

Tanks: Naruni, Iron Hart

Robots: CS, Triax
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Unread post by Pox »

As far as Small Arms: The K-30 and KEP-Special has been a staple in most of my character's equipment since Atlantis came out. :)
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Unread post by Esckey »

NG all the way. If I can I deck out out my man(and if the PC is a warrior class) in NG-EX Gladius PA, 2 NG-45LP pistols and 1 NG-12E rifle
Last edited by Esckey on Thu Jul 01, 2004 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Svartalf »

Pox wrote:As far as Small Arms: The K-30 and KEP-Special has been a staple in most of my character's equipment since Atlantis came out. :)

Give me five Mate, I'd say the same. when Atlantean stuff is unavailable, I love the NG 45 LP pistol, have a fondness for BIG and nasty rifles (heavy plasma projectors and railguns for the most part... that comes with favoring characters with supernatural strength) ... as for armor, I have a fondness for classical Nor Am stuff in Body Armor, from the good ol' gladiator to thos fancy NG cowboy styles. Power armor... I guess I'm partial to the Japanese stuff and I must admit that Triax, the Coalition and le Québec Libre all have things that I'd not mind getting my mitts on... of course, my favorite tech character is currently stuck with a souped up Triax Predator, and he mislikes the deficiencies in armament and manual dexterity.
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Unread post by Mack »

I have no idea how to answer this. The thread title says "Weapon Supplier." The poll question says "Armor." And the orginal post says "Power/Robot Armor." That's three very different questions.

Please, pick one.
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Unread post by Sureshot »

Gideon wrote:I'm a Northern Gun man myself. But I'll take a NE-300 stutterer and a fine suit of Free Quebec body armor if I can lay my hands on 'em

I like Northern Gun too. Next in line would be Naruni.
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Unread post by Display-Name-Alpha »

I like Dweomer/Tolkien weapons

I like Free Quebec Powearmor

I like Triax Giant robots

and I like Naruni body armor.
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Unread post by Dead Boy »

Small Arms: Wilk's and Northern Gun

Power Armor: Coalition States

Bots: NGR (even if they are a bit low on MDC due to inflation)

From the author of The RCSG, Ft. Laredo & the E. St. Louis Rift in Rifter #37, The Coalition Edge in Rifter #42, New Chillicothe & the N.C. Burbs in Rifter #54, New Toys of the Coalition States in Rifter #57, and The Black-Malice Legacy in Rifters #63, 64 & (Pt. 3, TBA)

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Unread post by KromeLizard »

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Unread post by Display-Name-Alpha »

KromeLizard wrote:Chipwell.

Take chipwell (I believe it is them that makes the SDC powerarmor) and modify the spell Ironwood (which turns SDC wood into an megadamage item) so if can turn SDC metal into megadamage metal... and you got a tank.

I was thinking of this a little bit a go. and dammit! Thats a god awesome idea.
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Unread post by Svartalf »

Godly Cheese wrote:
KromeLizard wrote:Chipwell.

Take chipwell (I believe it is them that makes the SDC power armor) and modify the spell Ironwood (which turns SDC wood into an mega damage item) so if can turn SDC metal into mega damage metal... and you got a tank.

I was thinking of this a little bit a go. and dammit! Thats a god awesome idea.

You're not the only one to have thought of it, but let's remember a few facts.

1) Ironwood is already a lvl 12 spell, and the cost, which can already rise quite high, would likely be even higher for a similar transmutation of metals (personally, I'd say 15 PPE for 10 SDC turned to MDC, or maybe even a doubling of the cost, so 2 PPE per SDC point affected, minimum spell cost : 100 PPE)

2) Ironwood cannot affect complex machinery. If a suit of power armor or exoskeleton like Chipwell's (or any other) doesn't qualify for that... I don't know what does. so a spell that could work on *that* stuff would be even higher level (shoots right into spells of legend there) and even more costly.

3) the only thing I know that can produce a similar effect is a greatest artifact : namely the Tarnow Crystal. and even it has the limitation that it doesn't affect alloys and composites, only pure metals. On the other hand, Chipwell stuff is certainly steel and alloys, not pure iron or the like...

so if anybody has an idea about how this Chipwell c**p to tank transformation could be effectively done, short of resorting to a GM engineered plot device (i.e. nothing that PCs can do unless the GM really want's to up the game's ante and gives them the thing because he has something *very* fishy in mind and is ready to let them have an army of powerful PA... at least for a time) I'd be glad to hear your suggestions. Up to recently, I've never seen that stuff in play, except as equipment for goons. (No way any right thinking player will be seen in those death traps)
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

Out of that list: Kittani.

Flying Fox......*drools* :ok:
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Unread post by GundamChief »

Nuruni was and is still my favorite, now if there was only an easier way to steal that Phatty Reaper-bot 8-)
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Unread post by NoJack »

Chipwell Armor with heavy Naruni Weapons... They laugh at you right up untill they see the 3" bores pointed their way... One failed horror factor later.
Dude... It's a tall guy dressed in black, with a weird, glowy weapon thing, and we're a couple of guards in matching shiny armor...
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Unread post by RoadWarriorFWaNK »

i like northern gun and Coalition stuff as the mainstay of my arsenal.
But the Wilk's 457 is my favorite gun. Ever. with the JA-12 as a close second.

as far as power armor, give me the Mikado. I'll take the Mikado over anything by the CS, Triax, Japan, Kittani, Naruni; anybody.

robots, tanks, APCs i dont really mess with. The MI Desert Fox is my favorite light vehicle.

can't stop thinking about that Mikado though......
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Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

Northern Gun! The NG-X9 Samson Power Armor is my ol' reliable stand-by! :ok: :D 8) It's not to expensive, has good MDC, good speed, the jump-assist jet come in very handy(Jumping 55 feet straight up to grab the very suprised, levitating Evil Mage and haul him down for the Juicer is just cool!) It's NG-202 Super Railgun has excellent range, damage and uses ammunition with average efficiency. The mini-missile launchers are a very good specialty-ammo weapon (Fragmentary Warheads in pairs cause 10D6 MDC to a 20-30 foot blast radius! :ok: :thwak: :mrgreen: )
The NG-IP7 is an excellent weapon with single (aimed) fire, and burst fire (1D4 [X 10] MDC) modes. I love the regenerating NG power packs!!!!! :mrgreen: :ok: :angel: :D :ok: I know the other manufacturers are often considered to be better but I am a loyal customer with a very good rapport with my main supplier. :ok:
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(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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