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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

What is the most Munchkin Nightspawn (sorry I still prefer the old name, hmm new topic idea) you've seen?
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Mike Taylor

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

You mean the most potentially unbalancing character? None in my games. I used Nightbane (and Call of Cthulhu) to disabuse my players of munchkin habits.
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Unread post by Specter »

Well, the only Nightspawn I ever played did some major whooping of ass.
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Mike Taylor wrote: I used Nightbane (and Call of Cthulhu) to disabuse my players of munchkin habits.

How so?
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid
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Mike Taylor

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
Mike Taylor wrote: I used Nightbane (and Call of Cthulhu) to disabuse my players of munchkin habits.

How so?

I hit the report button by accident, sorry.

Anyway, since the setting takes place in the modern world, I used that to my advantage. Their actions had consequences-- always. CThe kind of actions that were suitable for a Rifts game turned out to have bad consequences in this one. The powerhouse Nightbane of the group was often unable to use his abilites because it would attract unwanted attention. I also used the optional rules from the Compendium of Contemporary Weapons to make firearms combat a LOT more deadly. Gunplay was signifantly reduced when they discovered that somebody could be dropped with just a couple of shots. The local NSB forces also happened to use irearms that could do more damage per shot than a Nightbane could regenerate in one round.
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Unread post by Specter »

I didn't know about these optional rules... which makes me madder than ever that my book got losted. I'll be rebuying the weapons book I guess.
My dragon juicer died because of magical sock puppets. - ash_wednesday

hell id go on spectors pods- Cherico

keep Specter's ass out of my general area when he fells naked- Rayven

Specter "the poopy pants man"-CyberPaladin85 My Poetry/Short Stories I want you to comment!
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Mike Taylor wrote:Anyway, since the setting takes place in the modern world, I used that to my advantage. Their actions had consequences-- always. CThe kind of actions that were suitable for a Rifts game turned out to have bad consequences in this one. The powerhouse Nightbane of the group was often unable to use his abilites because it would attract unwanted attention. I also used the optional rules from the Compendium of Contemporary Weapons to make firearms combat a LOT more deadly. Gunplay was signifantly reduced when they discovered that somebody could be dropped with just a couple of shots. The local NSB forces also happened to use irearms that could do more damage per shot than a Nightbane could regenerate in one round.

So none of the players tried to do Mage the Ascension on you? Then again I guess Mage really isn't a munchkin game it requires too much thought to hide the powers. All a munchkin would want to do is be a Copperfield.

Hmm I guess my question should have been what is the most powerfull or the best, because one can be powerful without being munchkin. Everyone has a different value for powerfull. More people would be likely to give a description of their own, since no one will admit to being a munchkin or doesn't realize it. Or it may not be powerful at all but eligant.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid
Holy crapy, you're Zer0 Kay?! --TriaxTech
Zer0 Kay is my hero. --Atramentus
The Zer0 of Kay, who started this fray,
Kept us laughing until the end. -The Fifth Business (In loving Memory of the teleport thread)
Mike Taylor

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

The group in my old campaign played fictionalized versions of themselves. The only classes they could not play as themselves were sorcerors, mystics, and other spell-users. As an added measure to keep people from going too far out of character I would often ask them. "Is that something you would really do? Think about it before you try." As I recall, we had two Nightbane (Keith and Jonathan), one psychic (Bob), one Dream Maker (Giancarlo), a Wampyr (Paul), and a conversion of the Special Forces O.C.C. from Rifts (Joe) and one Doppleganger who THOUGHT he was the real guy (James). Keith was the one who had the most trouble adjusting, but that worked itself out after two adventures.

Things that could have made the game spiral out of control, such as easy access to magic items or hordes of firepower were very hard to come by except through certain channels. The people who controlled those channels often had certain expectations that needed to be met, so there wasn't too much abuse of that option.
Mike Taylor

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Now, in terms of the most powerful character in my old group, it would be the Doppleganger James. His real power wasn't manifested in things like raw firepower, Nightbane Talents, or psychic abilities (the latter of which he had to a smalll degree), but from his ability to assess a situation and formulate a plan. Of course, this was because James was actually playing as himself.

The tie for second place would be Jonathan, Bob, and Giancarlo. Again, this is more due to their ability to think sideways to come up with solutions more than anything else. These three used their powers to fight unconventionally in situations where a straight up brawl would be fatal.

Third would be Paul. He knew the strengths and limitations of his kind, but was not a leader type and generally followed whatever the consensus was.

Fourth is a tie between Joe and Keith. These two were the heavy firepower of the group. If you wanted something killenated, these two were the guys to do it. Unfortunately, that was pretty much the extent of their style of play at the time. I should actually put Keith slightly above Joe, as Keith eventually learned how to think strategically. If I were to game with him now, he'd be one of the top guys.
Last edited by Mike Taylor on Tue Aug 03, 2004 3:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

The most munchkinist in NB...that would be The GM of the NB game I left from.

Sence a Munchkin is the player (not the char) the next one would be one of the other players that was famouse for his pick-up games that ran every night. *sniffils* I do wish he would run them agine.
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Therumancer wrote: 'Bane with Bio-Mechanical features also seem to wind up being tougher than just about anything else straight out of the canon.


Pun intended or not?
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Unread post by Marcethus »

hmmm I would have to say that the most Munchkin 'bane I have seen is one that ended up with a whole host of extralimbs ending up with him having something like 16 attacks per round. I don't remember what exactly caused this and why the GM even allowed it. The char was also a NB sorcerer. though it was a rfits game. that was the first and last time the GM allowed a bane into his game for a very long time.
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Therumancer wrote:.....

I've also played in a lot of games where Nightbane were allowed to have OCCs. You've seen this mentioned on these forums here beforee if you've been around. Things like "Nightbane Artifact Bearers" seemed to be a common source of power-related GM headaches. .....

Except for the fact that when the artifact weapons bonds (as in the OCC Sword Bearer) with the wealder it takes all but a few (1d4) PPE, the NB Sword Bearer sounds powerfull on the surface, but a bane looses more then they gain if they choose the SB OCC.

Now if the GM let the Bane start with a Greatest Artifact w/o earning it in the game then it is on his own head that the falt of blame lands on.

hmmm I would have to say that the most Munchkin 'bane I have seen is one that ended up with a whole host of extralimbs ending up with him having something like 16 attacks per round. I don't remember what exactly caused this and why the GM even allowed it. The char was also a NB sorcerer. though it was a rfits game. that was the first and last time the GM allowed a bane into his game for a very long time.

That was a really handy Bane.....with 10 extra sets of arms, for 20 arms in total.

(much the reason most GMs do not like the Jerdue from the PF:LoD 1, they have 6 arms and have the full use of all their arms. Thus they are able to stike @ 6 different targets in the same melee action. Pefect hexied weapons (paired weapons for the use of six arms), for a total of 12 attacks(PF & NB H2H basic) or 24 attacks (R & HU H2H basic) )

And agine....the gm Allowed it, so he brought that trouble into the game on his own.
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Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

Ben Quash wrote:(much the reason most GMs do not like the Jerdue from the PF:LoD 1, they have 6 arms and have the full use of all their arms. Thus they are able to stike @ 6 different targets in the same melee action. Pefect hexied weapons (paired weapons for the use of six arms), for a total of 12 attacks(PF & NB H2H basic) or 24 attacks (R & HU H2H basic)

kI know for a fact that if you aim at more than 1 target at A time that your character is cansidered to be shooting wild at both targets, and may not use any bonuses to strike, they have to use straight unmadified die rolls only!
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Spirit wrote:kI know for a fact that if you aim at more than 1 target at A time that your character is cansidered to be shooting wild at both targets, and may not use any bonuses to strike, they have to use straight unmadified die rolls only!

An I know for a fact that Paired weapons dose not work with modern WPs...but if you had say...6 swords in the PF setting, then a jerdu would be a fomable opponent. And sence jerdu is a PF race it makes perfect sence for them NOT to have any modern WP. (And not to be anywhere near a modern setting ether.)

Go get The PF2 main book and learn how to enjoy something other then rifts.
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Lunarix wrote:
:lol: thats amusing. sad but true. Until recently i did not know the rules for PFRPG or any of the SDC world forthat matter, and I seem to be liking them more due to there a little more... balancing (not exactly the word I'm looking for but hopefully someone will know what I mean :o )

IT might be due to the lack of MDC chars......and the munchkins that rifts draws like flys. would rather play a good SDC game then rifts....
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silverlb wrote:Paired wepons modern, New West, Rifts book 14

Anyway, Nightbanes get pretty powerful with the hundreds of SDC and tanlents. The most powerful charecters used her tanlents to sneak past just about everything. Physicaly, haveing huge strenght seems to be the way to go for munchkins in nightbane. Then again, the game was written by CJ Carella, mister munchkin himself. Although the game is balenced on it's own. In the rifts world Nightbanes kick butt and take anybodies name. :shock:

In my book the only way to get any paired modern WPs is to have the "Triad Assasin" MA form from Mystic China.

That dose not mean you can't do a brust with 2 pistols, but it would still mean you can-absodamblutly-not fire two pistols with Aimed accuracy w/o the TA MA form.
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Unread post by Sanctu »

In a game of super heros, I played a Nightbane character. Morphus of a giant rat, basically, with powers that included being able to talk to rodents, turn into a shadow, animate shadows, and erect a low pwered shadow shield over people that protected against energy weapons (and kept the vunerable to day light from combusting.) He was very good, but not the most powerful in the party by far. The most poweful, by far, was the strong telekinetic. I think I fell behind that somewhere since my animated shadows could tie up multilple people at once.

With the few characters I've made, I've picked my morphus forms. I can't imagine going so over the top as to pick 10 or so things for their huge bonus. Call me bad munchkin, but I'd rather have a form I have a handle on that makes sense and is interesting.
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Unread post by Svartalf »

The Last Darkness wrote:Supposedly theres a Build to where you can make a nightbane character that has 15 ATM by level 5...
It escapes me right now what the exact build was....

as for munchkin
I had a player once try and make a bane thats attacks did 1d6x10 MD, had a HF of 18 and over 800 SDC in Morpheus.

Needless to say I killed him with a single Hunter.
He couldnt take a Dark Spear Surprise attack in facade.

another munchkin was a bane who used the rifter tables to give his NB sorc huge PPE
kinda sad when he discovered that alot of beings could track his large amount of ppe extremly easy (can you tell ive used dog boys in rifts?)

I do notice that both times you used rather devious tactics to overcome the munchies. Using dog boys was nasty... the player must have had no inkling that kind out answer from another game world could be used against him. As for the one who was killed by a hunter... I'd like to know where how and why before I laud or criticize... After all, it may have been perfectly justified in game rather than just a GM's player killing trick. BTW, doesn't playing that kind of one-upmanship games degrade the atmosphere of the gaming group?
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Unread post by Svartalf »

BTW ... could somebody please remind me in what Rifters there are new morphus tables?
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Unread post by Svartalf »

Thanks... I'll have to get 19 and 23, and store 1 3 and 7 conveniently
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Rifter 20!!! has the most mophios tables. And the most interesting ones.
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Unread post by G »

Simply picking a 20' tall, 50' long, 8 ton T-Rex morphus from Rifter 20 gives you the following and more (I'm not typing them all):
+Bite 8d6*10 or trample multiple opponents 4d6*10

The term Munchkin normally describes a playing style, not a powerful morphus.
Last edited by G on Tue Jan 11, 2005 11:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Sentinel »

If it can hold it's own in a fair fight, then good. If the fight is with a Nightlord, then it's munchkin.
I play a super-hero campaign, so powerful characters aren't new to me. But there should still be a challenge to the player in the battle. The definition of Epic Struggle is not "I kick it's a$$".
when you get right down to it, Sentinel's right.~Uncle Servo.

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That's the best place to start. Otherwise, listen to Sentinel~lather

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Unread post by pblackcrow »

I hate to say it, but two +/- years ago when I played NB, the most powerful PC was my BtS human Arcanist. I rolled great for spells and got the max, in front of the GM. I was also, by far, the brains of the outfit. I gamed with hack and slash players. They summoned and attacted an night lady, and died. While I hid and watched...I complimented her on the kills, (Mistaken me for a member of the Ba'al), I offered her some wine, (figuring it's was after a fight he would be thursty) her drunk, told her "you look tense my lady" and got her to take off everything, began massageing him in a hot tub, and casted sleep on the next bottel of wine, she fell asleep and dround, and I took her weapons and armor.

I knew from previous games they couldn't defeat her by head on attacts.
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Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

Angryjack wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:I hate to say it, but two +/- years ago when I played NB, the most powerful PC was my BtS human Arcanist. I rolled great for spells and got the max, in front of the GM. I was also, by far, the brains of the outfit. I gamed with hack and slash players. They summoned and attacted an night lady, and died. While I hid and watched...I complimented her on the kills, (Mistaken me for a member of the Ba'al), I offered her some wine, (figuring it's was after a fight he would be thursty) her drunk, told her "you look tense my lady" and got her to take off everything, began massageing him in a hot tub, and casted sleep on the next bottel of wine, she fell asleep and dround, and I took her weapons and armor.

I knew from previous games they couldn't defeat her by head on attacts.

sounds like a sloppy gm who wanted to sex-roleplay that night.
but an amusing story ....

She wouldn't drown though....

And why do you keep switching between gender pronouns?
Was she a he?
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
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Unread post by pblackcrow »

The_Spirit wrote:She wouldn't drown though....

And why do you keep switching between gender pronouns?
Was she a he?

I spilled something on my key board...s button wants to stick from time to time and I was in a hurry to finish. And as for the him, I don't know how that got in there. I was in a rush, I guess.

And why not? Lungs feel with water resulting is her death! Plus she was waisted.

And in relation to my GM being a Prev...He says "Why thank you!" And that I really deserved all the credit. That I did everything so perfectly...and damn his dice rolls that night for letting me do it.
Ankh, udja, seneb.

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