A request for suggestions.

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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A request for suggestions.

Unread post by SirRotgut »

I'm an avid viewer of these boards, but this is my first post. I recently started a Robotech game that begins in our historical 1999. This mostly involves the cultured Zentreadi that assist zor on his seeding expeditions. Zor is killed and his ship sets out for earth, but this time it's fully crewed. A small contingent of Zentreadi loyal to the masters follow the ship through it's fold operation, and engage zors ship in combat in close proximity of earth. Several major earth cities are destroyed includind Washington D.C. After the short battle Zors ship sets down off the atlantic coast of North America. The U.S. military commanders (now in charge of U.S. due to the fact that most of the central U.S.governing body is destroyed)sends a recon patrol to investigate. The patrol is ready for anything except what they find, An alien ship crewed by humans. Not only do they appear human, but after a few attempts at communication speak english well enough to get by (translated by the ships computer).
The zentreadi inform that other who would seek to do earth harm will arrive, and it's only a matter of time. Most of the Zentreadi on the ship serve as scientist ( Zors assistants) and stay micronized all the time, while the only full size zentreadi on board are pilots 90%which are female. The U.S. Military with the Zentreadis' aid start a massive arms build up. Most of the mecha are complete and mass produced within three years. The military also experiment with macronizing humans.

Thats most of what i've got so far except for the political climate changes, but it's stuff like that that i'm interested in hearing. All suggestions are appreciated from Story to mecha mods or anything else
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Unread post by taalismn »

Expect the Soviet Atlantic fleet to make a major appearance, not to mention just about everyone else with a fleet or a large tugboat to make a visit.....Also, other nations like China will be demanding that the SDF be moved to more 'neutral' waters rather than the West's 'puddle'......this is presuming that everyone hasn't been sufficiently scared to death by the 'Rain of Death Lite' that's pulverized several cities already, into a suitable spirit of global cooperation....In all likelihood, the SDF-1 gets towed to a suitable 'quarantine area, like Bermuda, the Azores, or Nantucket Island(everyone gets booted off, and the island becomes a military-scientific facility like the original Macross Island, protected by an international fleet).
Even WITH the cooperation of the major national governments, expect the freaky fringe elements to cause trouble...with the anti-brainsucker militias arming and advocating immediate action against the aliens already here ( to prevent 'dilution of our precious bodily fluids'), to the opposite extreme 'starchildren'('Zorians'?) migrating to build communes as close to the militarized zone as possible and harassing the UN teams to 'make love, not war machines' and 'beam us up' much to the frustration of the Zentraedi who just want to arm these savages and protect Zor's legacy....
Hollywood becomes a major source of misinformation and turmoil as thousands of alien invasion scripts are burned overnight, and a thousand new ones (hastily) written. Tabloid journalism booms as everyone seeks information on the aliens...By the time Breetai's fleet arrives, they find the Earth protected by a swirling debris belt of lofted National-Inquirer-style newspapers, and hypersonically-boosted tabletop unofficial 'tell all' biographies of the aliens ghost-written by the celeb-press(inluding Kitty Kelly's biography of Zor)....Then they get hit by the rocket-loads of 'alien' toys and hobby-models of the SDF-1.
Convinced that humans are insane, and overwhelmed by our superior consumer culture, thre Zentraedi fleet retreats to contemplate its next move....
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

say goodby to veritechs and destriods.

say hello to earth designed Bioroids. (perhaps "borrow" the stats of the Jeager bot from rifts?)
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Misfit KotLD wrote:"They blew up Congress! Hehehe!"

How come I'm not suprixed that you said that?.....

:-D :lol:

So a few of the Mega-Conglom-Cops team up, fund their own mecha research and a para-military terrorist orginization called the "Disciplies of Mordcai", and start attacking U.N. Sites world wide, including the SDF-1 reconstruction site.

Now where did I hear that name....Mordcai....I do belive it was in One of those side story RT comics.
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Unread post by Borast »

taalismn wrote:In all likelihood, the SDF-1 gets towed to a suitable 'quarantine area, like Bermuda, the Azores, or Nantucket Island(everyone gets booted off, and the island becomes a military-scientific facility like the original Macross Island, protected by an international fleet).

Nah...make it Iceland, and turn the citizens there on into members of the Military Machine. Suitably "Isolated," but within a short flight of China, Russia, America, and a supposedly "Unified" Europe. :D

Or, the Falklands...yeah, that's it, the US, China, Russia, and Argentina take-over the Falklands, and the British object, starting a (minor) war... Britian is mauled, and the American, Russian, and Chinese fleets are thoroughly humiliated and large portions of their fleets join assorted British and Argentinian ships on the bottom from the First Falklands War... Yeah, that's the ticket... :lol:

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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