Batman or Spider-man

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Which superhero do you prefer?

Hate 'em both!!!!!!!!
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Batman or Spider-man

Unread post by Larsen »

Was just wondering which did everyone prefer is all?
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

spider man cause he also has money issues
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by ZEN »

That hit the nail right on the head Cherico.. who can empathise with some mentally twisted super rich playboy?
Spider man is just this average guy who had life deal him a hand full of crazy.. who can't empathise with that?

Cherico, you are a wise man.. and it hurts me a little to have to say that.
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Unread post by Yukon »

no vote. i need a love em both option. they are both so different, it is hard to imagine the world of comics and superheroes without them.

i suppose i could give a marginal vote to spiderman because i am a marvel fan. i like a handfull of DC characters. i like nearly the entire Marvel Universe. also, once upon a time i didnt care for batman, but that was before i understood his character and his drive.
Tyciol wrote:In fact, many of these powers seem pretty useless except for neat ways of thinking of killing civilians.
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ZEN wrote:That hit the nail right on the head Cherico.. who can empathise with some mentally twisted super rich playboy?

for the record, i'm willing to bet more people understand metally twisted than super rich.. i know i do.
Tyciol wrote:In fact, many of these powers seem pretty useless except for neat ways of thinking of killing civilians.
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Unread post by ZEN »

fair enough, but if a biscuit barks at a hollow tree, what does the clam wear the frilly undergarments for?

And on another note..
DC has come out with some of the most unusual super heroes.. I collected the Atom, Blue Beetle and Blue Devil comics, not because they were ever going to be worth much, but because they were all just good to read. I don't think a Marvel comic can ever be as classic as a DC title (though that comment probably won't earn me any friends).
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Unread post by Cardiac »

I like them both - I think they are the best heroes each company has to offer, but I like them for different reasons.

I like Bats cause he's a normal human who kicks butt and I like the whole psychology behind the character - which adds a lot of depth to him.

I like Spidey because he's the everyman turned superhero. Plus I love it when he taunts his opponents to make them screw up.

But, out of the two, I enjoy reading about Spidey more because he's easier to identify with.
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Cardiac wrote:But, out of the two, I enjoy reading about Spidey more because he's easier to identify with.

Also, when was the last time Batman got off a good one-liner in the middle of combat? :lol:
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Unread post by Yukon »

ZEN wrote:I don't think a Marvel comic can ever be as classic as a DC title (though that comment probably won't earn me any friends).
:eek: :shock: :-x :x

I liked Spider-Man 2 better than Batman (2) Returns.
Tyciol wrote:In fact, many of these powers seem pretty useless except for neat ways of thinking of killing civilians.
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Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

I like Batman better by far. that said I love spidy.

the thing is though, while Spidy has some good superpowers going, bats has nothing but the skills he's honed to prefection over a lifetime (ok, and some cool gadgets.)

but still, I find it far, far easyer to relate with batman. he has a much rougher time than spidy does.
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Unread post by Larsen »

Sorry meant to put that like both of 'em option messed up there. And yea I did mean the comics not the movie or the TV shows. Me personally I prefer webhead but not by much. And I prefer the scarlet spider over the amazing spider-man becuase he is just much darker than the other.

I like bats because of his mental instability and tormented soul mixed with all those cool skills and gadgets hes got.

But I like spidey because he is havin to do all this with a small budget and it actually is affecting his personal life unlike bats. That and spidey is really smart which is a nice change for a superhero.

As for the movies the only compaint I have about the spidey movie is that his webbing isn't a container like in the comic it comes out his wrist.
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Unread post by Yukon »

KG Carlson wrote:
Yukon wrote:
ZEN wrote:I don't think a Marvel comic can ever be as classic as a DC title (though that comment probably won't earn me any friends).
:eek: :shock: :-x :x

I liked Spider-Man 2 better than Batman (2) Returns.

I think he meant comic books, not licensed movie spin offs.

oh, i know.
i should have specified, i was just adding to the discussion. and saying that spiderman's movies are better than batman's so far. possibly excepting batman one. i liked batman returns also, but not as much as spiderman 1 and it doesn't hold a candle to spiderman 2.
then when you add all the other batman movies, spiderman still comes out on top (and shumacher's efforts end up almost negating batman returns, so you can really only count batman 1)

but, yeah this discussion is really about the comic books. i just wanted to comment on the movie aspect too.
Tyciol wrote:In fact, many of these powers seem pretty useless except for neat ways of thinking of killing civilians.
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Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

ZEN wrote:That hit the nail right on the head Cherico.. who can empathise with some mentally twisted super rich playboy?

me, easy.
Spider man is just this average guy who had life deal him a hand full of crazy.. who can't empathise with that?

uh, me, it's too. . . FORCED with spider man. one extrodanary event after another.

at least with bats most people, villians AND others, at least have motive, plot, and STORY behind them. lots of it.

spidey. . . well. . . they do get some, but not nearly as much. it's to arbitrary and too forced. to FANTASY.

batman. . . it's more grounded in reality, with more logical happenings, and more human people around. it's easier to empathise with the crazy people than the super people.
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Unread post by Jason Richards »

I voted for Spidey, cuz he's my favorite charcter of the two.

Now, if the question was who has better comics (writing/art/storyling), then it's definitely Batman. I'm not a big comic guys, but I just can't ready Spidey, while I'll tear through Bats like a madman.
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Larsen wrote: As for the movies the only compaint I have about the spidey movie is that his webbing isn't a container like in the comic it comes out his wrist.

Yes, but that was never a good thing. Him having all of those powers and then somehow having to make his own webbing is, in retrospect dumb. I appreciate that people would have had a hard time with it originally, but as long as you're redefining the character for a new generation, you might as well hit that point.
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Unread post by ZEN »

Mmm.. Ok, on the subject of Spiderman movies (and bowing to the points raised by Nekira Sudacne.. forced, yes, I agree).. Here are my predictions for Spiderman3.

1) JJ's son becomes moonwolf guy, spidey kills him and JJ hates him forever.. creates plot line for next movie villain.. scorpion.
2) introduction of Eddie Brock character and some sort of plot angle that avoids the alien world origin of the symbiot costume but brings it into the story anyway.. without the symbiot and eddie, we can't have Venom in the next movie.
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Unread post by Yukon »

where's good ol' HO fit into that, zen?
harold is obviously going to be a bit greener in Spidey 3...

i only hope that he ditches the phallic helmet in favor of a rubber mask..
Tyciol wrote:In fact, many of these powers seem pretty useless except for neat ways of thinking of killing civilians.
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Unread post by BookWyrm »

I gotta go with the Bat. The smarts, the style, the car, the cash...but above all, it's looking good in black that does it. Yeah baby.
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Unread post by Yukon »

who voted hate'm both?
Tyciol wrote:In fact, many of these powers seem pretty useless except for neat ways of thinking of killing civilians.
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Unread post by The Artist Formerly »

Spiderman, spiderman, does whatever a spider can!
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Unread post by ZEN »

Well of course the Green Goblin is going to be in it.. thats obvious.

Oh and by the way, Spidey's symbiot suit is black, therefore he becomes as cool as Batman for a while.
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Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

I like Batman, but I've been a HUGE Spider-man fan for years now, so I while I like them both, Spider-man got my vote.

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Unread post by Cranus »

If a like them both option was available, I would have voted for them both. However, I voted Spiderman for pretty much the same reason as:

like Batman, but I've been a HUGE Spider-man fan for years now, so I while I like them both, Spider-man got my vote.

As for Spiderman being more fantasy than Batman, yes and no. While Batman does have a more realistic foundation, the character and his rogues gallery has become to fantastical over the years.
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Unread post by Uncle Servo »

I've been fans of both, really... Batman because he's a good example of how effective training/gadgets can be even against super-powered opponents, and Spider-Man because of his quintessential 'everyman' quality. Both have areas where you have to allow a certain amount of 'suspension of disbelief,' of course, but they both have their appeal.

Having said that, I like the more lighthearted aspect to Spider-Man's character (hence my earlier 'one-liners' comment) more so than I like the dark, gothic personal hell in which Batman finds himself... so I'd have to cast my vote with the web-slinger in a close one.
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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

..Function of the suit? That's absurd. It's about as lame a rewrite as the whole "Ben Parker is the real Spider-man" fiasco.

..Nek, how can you say being Batman doesn't affect Wayne's personal life? He doesn't have one for being Batman.

..< insert sexist comment here: >

..Of course being a woman you'd have to like the multimillionaire bad-boy over the pauper goody two shoes...

..< end sexism > :D

..Batman was cooler when I was still a kid, because the mystery of his way of dealing with the traumas of losing parents to violence seemed believable.

..Now I'm too old. Getting walked all over by the world as an adult makes Spidey a better hero, as he's in the same boat with me, just with a cool hobby....

..I was disapointed about the web shooters when they anounced it was going that way, but after awhile it made more sense to me the way they did it in the movies. That, and the genetic engineering vs. radiation ray gun is actually plausible....

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Unread post by Cranus »

Also, though, in the older 1970's spidey comics, I seem to recall that the sticking to walls was merely a function of the suit! Yes, another of our science genius's inventions, as with the webbing, which would run out at inopportune times. In short, about all he had was absurd strength and a sixth sense for things. Not sure when that changed, but it was true at one time.

Now that's news to me :shock:

Do you remember any specific title, stories, or issues that mention this? My curiosity is piqued so I am very interested as that wasn't the case in his early stories or now. Then again, some of the 70's stories had a Cap with super-strenghth so this wouldn't be the only short-term change...
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MADMANMIKE wrote: ..Nek, how can you say being Batman doesn't affect Wayne's personal life? He doesn't have one for being Batman.

when did I ever even comment on either of their personal lives?

..< insert sexist comment here: >

..Of course being a woman you'd have to like the multimillionaire bad-boy over the pauper goody two shoes...

..< end sexism > :D

:thwak: :badbad: :thwak: :rolleyes: :thwak: :ugh: :thwak: :nh: :thwak: :frust: :thwak: :nuke: :thwak:

. . .


there, I feel better :) :D :P

and you all frogot one thing. . .

batman is more handsome than spider man, with or without the costumes 8-) :P
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Toby Macguire Ruined Spider Man for me. (Although the movies were pretty good).
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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

..Sorry Nek, that was Larsen....

Larsen wrote: But I like spidey because he is havin to do all this with a small budget and it actually is affecting his personal life unlike bats.

..So the question goes to him then...

..Geez, I was only up for 23 hours yesterday on 5 hours of sleep, can't see how I got that mixed up....

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Unread post by KillWatch »

I like Spideys humor and his angst
I like batman for his gothic angst
however they both suck in that they don't kill villains

Spiderman I can see more so than the angry brooting Batman
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Therumancer wrote:Okay for starters, I thought Spider Man 2 blew chips. Trying to turn Spider-Man into an Angst-driven Generation Xer struck me as being a transparent marketing gimmick and anti-thetical to the whole premise.

No, Spider Man was not rich, but his life in the comics does not totally blow chips the way how the movie portrayed him. Plus he managed to get by financially, he wasn't a pauper watching as Aunt May was losing her house, etc...

Indeed, I could argue that Spidey's life as "Peter Parker" was actually quite good as far as such things go. He had a close circle of friends that helped him out a lot. While "Flash" picked on him quite a bit in the comics, there was also the little point that most of Flash's girls really dug Spider Man.

People tend to forget the fact that Felicia Hardy was also supposed to be fairly interested in him, she was your rich-debutante type, and a lot of comics fans actually felt she was a more worthy 'match' for Spidey than either MJ or Gwen Stacy ever were. Hence the whole recurring 'What If' scenario of Spidey Hooking up with "The Black Cat" (there have been several versions).

Fairly recent "Spidey" stories have shown a lot of tension in his relationship with MJ, but they also had him landing a position as a Science Teacher (with a steady income) rather easily.

As far as Spidey making a fortune as a Gizmoteer, as he's pointed out himself in the comics, he's smart, he's definatly a scientist, but he is not Reed Richards or Tony Stark. His big invention was the "Web Shooters" and at one point it was explained that he was able to make them because his spider-powers gave him a certain innate understanding of the chemicals inherant in webbing, etc. He's not the kind of genius who is going to invent unstable molecules, or build portals to "The Negative Zone". If he went public with his invention he'd probably make some money, but it would blow his whole secret as Spider Man.

All told I really hated all the Angst in the Spider-Man movies. While there was a little, it was nothing like this. Spider-Man was always kind of upbeat IMO.

As far as Batman goes, I tend to like him a bit better than Spider Man. But it's not the fact that he's a super-normal, or some brooding semi-insane Anti-Hero. I just think people have written him into some really kick A$$ stories over the years and have made him cool. I guess I can't really define the appeal Batman holds for me.


Theru usually you know what you're talking about with Comic, but you're WAY off with this one. The entire angst thing was inspired by The Amazing Spider-Man #50 "Spider no More". What happens in the movie is what happens in the books.

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Therumancer wrote:His big invention was the "Web Shooters" and at one point it was explained that he was able to make them because his spider-powers gave him a certain innate understanding of the chemicals inherant in webbing, etc.

I don't care if that was in the comics or not... that's stupid.

The Ultimate Spider Man telling of him inventing the web shooters from his dad's science work gave a good perspective. It gave you a sort of link to his past that you don't get in most of the comics.

Some authors write Spidey as more angsty than others, but to say there is only ONE way to tell the story of Spidey is oversimplifying. He has to evolve, man, or he'll lose touch with the fans. So... ray gun out, genetic engineering in. Happy-go-lucky life out, angst in. Web shooters out, natural power in.

He's still the same Spidey.
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