what's your favorite book?

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what's your favorite book?

Unread post by Salubri »

Having just started playing rifts, my budget is already running low for new books :( I purchased the Rifts main book, coalition war campaign, and China 1. With only money for 1 or 2 more books i was wondering what books everybody loved most, to give me an idea what to buy. I'm not planning on running a game so i think i can skip the game master guides and conversion books. Also i'll be picking up china 2 since china 1 peaked my interest in who in their right mind would fight the yama kings :eek:

so what is your favorite book? or what book has the best combination of useful and interesting backstory with cool "crunchy bits" rules wise.
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The only book with Good rules is the Main Book but Doom's favorite book is Federation of Magic.
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Unread post by Temporalmage »

Actually you would be remiss if you didn't pick up a game masters guide. Every single weapon, armor, power armor, robot, and vehicle from all the other books is presented inside. With out many of the pretty pictures of course. Also it has most of the rules, and all psionic powers from the main book plus Psyscape. If you can't get all the books then its pretty much a must have.

The same is true of the book of magic. It has all magic spells from all the books, plus all magic items presented in all the books.

These two books combined give you just about all the interesting stuff you could want. No matter if your a player, OR a GM.
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Unread post by Prettz »

Juicer Uprising is my favorite book. But when it comes around to that rare moment I play Rifts, the other books I like to include are Coalition War Campaign and Lone Star.
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

Rifts Canada.

An often uderated but all around awesome world book. Lot's of D-Bee's, monsters, demons, O.C.C.s and a wealth of world information.
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Unread post by Jason Richards »

The Russia books. Best self-contained Rifts setting, period.
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Unread post by Preacher »

Of the old books, Mercenaries is one of my favorite books as our group is usually not too Region Specific when it comes to setting, they travel a lot.
I also like Juicer Uprising and CWC and Lone Star. Rounding out the top five for me is New West. I know a lot of current people here dislike it but I like it.

Purly for functionality I like the GM's Guide and the Book of Magic.

Favorite newcomer is probably Dinosaur Swamp. Love the setting as it is a gritty type book that reminds me of the first few books.
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Rifts Mercenarys. it's what we had before our group had even seen any other rifts book.

it was self contained. we knew the basic palladium system (robotech, for rolling up characters) and was able to make some fun adventures just using it alone.

tons of NPCs, equipments, and rules, I love it :)
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Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

World Book 1: Vampire Kingdoms! It details cities with wonderful maps! Cool NPC's, an excellent setting in total are the icing on this cool cake.

The next best is Mercenaries. It has good stuff- O.C.C.'s, weapons,gear and other equipment. The NPC's are a good bonus. The adventure at the end of the book is a nice bit of work.

And of course Rifts GM's Guide rocks!!!!! :ok:

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anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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dukeofshadows wrote:Stand alone other than main book = Australia

Australia is incomplete.
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Unread post by Tinker Dragoon »

My favorite is a tie between Sourcebook 1 and Mercenaries.
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Unread post by The Artist Formerly »

Vampire Kingdoms!

It's a highly detailed, selfcontained setting with four other books (Lone Star, New West, Juicer Uprising, and Spirit West) that plug in to it nicely. Plus almost any character can fit well into setting. It's a great book. The Villians are varied (Vampires, the CS, Black Market thugs, Street gangs or bandit warbands among others) story arcs are very open and can easily gibe from one group of villians to another.
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Unread post by Ice Dragon »

The best book is still the good old Rifts Main Book.

From the setting I say Rifts England (even if it is twisted).

A GM dream is Rifts Atlantis for making the lives of player a living hell.

For hardware and special O.C.C. and NPCs I go with the Merc book.
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Re: what's your favorite book?

Unread post by Dustin Fireblade »

Salubri wrote:Having just started playing rifts, my budget is already running low for new books :( I purchased the Rifts main book, coalition war campaign, and China 1. With only money for 1 or 2 more books i was wondering what books everybody loved most, to give me an idea what to buy. I'm not planning on running a game so i think i can skip the game master guides and conversion books. Also i'll be picking up china 2 since china 1 peaked my interest in who in their right mind would fight the yama kings :eek:

so what is your favorite book? or what book has the best combination of useful and interesting backstory with cool "crunchy bits" rules wise.

Pick a continent. If you want the Asia route, then China2, Japan would be ideal of course. If stay in NA, then there are several books.

Whatever direction you go get Dark Conversions.
Papa Theif

Unread post by Papa Theif »

Find a half priced books, you can usually find several Rifts books there.

Merc has always been a personal favorite of mine

Unread post by Salubri »

wow thanks for all the info, I think i'll keep it simple and probably go with mystic russia, warlords of russia and japan.

luckily you guys were right, there are quite a few places to get these books cheaply :D so eventually i'll pick them all up

Unread post by Demodor »

my fav is atlantis and africa , atlantis for one of my fav ppl to be the undead slayer and africa for the four hoursemen of apoc...
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Temporalmage wrote:Actually you would be remiss if you didn't pick up a game masters guide. Every single weapon, armor, power armor, robot, and vehicle from all the other books is presented inside. With out many of the pretty pictures of course. Also it has most of the rules, and all psionic powers from the main book plus Psyscape. If you can't get all the books then its pretty much a must have.

The same is true of the book of magic. It has all magic spells from all the books, plus all magic items presented in all the books.

These two books combined give you just about all the interesting stuff you could want. No matter if your a player, OR a GM.

Except for those in the no longer in print Manhunter "Dimension/Sourcebook".
Too bad there isn't a book that does the same as the RGMG for the entire Palladium Megaverse. Be handy since I use All the other Palladium games as Dimension Books.

Oh and favorite is probably Antarctica...oh wait we don't know whats there yet. Uh how about India no. Actually my favorite is probably RMB and sourcebook one with a smattering of Phaseworld, seasoned with a dash of New West, Lone Star and Spirit West.
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Unread post by Hystrix »

My favorite book is still probably Coalition War Campaign, but Dinosaur Swamp is becoming a close second...
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Unread post by Rayven »

My favorite is Manhunter. Occasionally you can find one on http://www.abe.com. Other favorites are Triax and Mindwerks. My brodkill is probably one of my favorite characters I have ever played.

But I agree that the GM guide and BoM are essential. Between the two, you have EVERYTHING. All skill, all weapons, all armour, all spells. Get 'em at a used shop...save a buck or 15. Also, the Compendium of Contemporary Weapons. Dunno if this is still in print, but I love the book.
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Vampire Kingdoms and Lone Star are must haves imo.
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