Question for the Masses

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Unread post by Rayven »

Possibly because "stupider" is not a word. Dumber, maybe. Less intelligent, maybe. But not "stupider."

As for an actual answer to your might be because of the conversion stats from PF to Rifts tend to lower attributes as well as HP/SDC to MDC conversions. But, I don't know for sure.
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Maybe the stats in Africa are just wrong?
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Gideon wrote:
Possibly because "stupider" is not a word

What are you talking about? That'sa perfectly cromulent word.

If it wasn't for the fact that I KNOW my GM is not on these boards, I would accuse you of spying on me just for that statement.
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Misfit KotLD wrote:Poor editing?

In a Palladium book? :?:
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Kneel Suckers? That's flippin funny... :lol:
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Unread post by Veknironth »

Well, I believe it's because of poor editing. However, I can offer some alternate possibilities.

1). Palladium FRGP enbiggens, even the smallest god.

2). Rifts is just a less intelligent game.

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Re: Question for the Masses

Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

Bobby wrote:Why is it that when Thoth goes from Palladium to Rifts Africa he gets 8 points stupider?

and he uses his intelegence for what exactaly?
I mean no offence but all your I score gives you is a skill bonus and Thoth is still very intelligent (IQ of 30) so in rifts Africa he is still smarter than any human who ever lived! I mean whats the big difference?
Just curious.
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Re: Question for the Masses

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Bobby wrote:Why is it that when Thoth goes from Palladium to Rifts Africa he gets 8 points stupider?

He doesn't. He gets smarter when his Rifts Africa stats are updated in Dragons & Gods.
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Re: Question for the Masses

Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

Jaden Korr wrote:
Tinker Dragoon wrote:
Bobby wrote:Why is it that when Thoth goes from Palladium to Rifts Africa he gets 8 points stupider?

He doesn't. He gets smarter when his Rifts Africa stats are updated in Dragons & Gods.

:!: :?: :!: What a pile! This is the kind of nonsense that makes me want to forsake Palladium altogether! Can't the PB writers keep with an original standard!?! So-called updated stats are unnecessary, and just a way to gouge the fans for more money..., "damn! I just have to get the new Palladium book, it has the new write up for blah, blah, blah..." Sound familiar? I hate this kinda stuff (speaking diplomatically). Come up with something, and STICK WITH IT!!! Don't change things just because another writer wants to make something uber-potent and it doesn't jive with the already presented material... and don't try to fix poorly derived material after the fact (if it sucks, don't print it in the first place!!!). If PB put something "in print" and later decides that the current presentation "isn't acceptable", then shouldn't they by all rights refund (or otherwise compensate is some fashion) everyone who purchased the original sub-standard copy in the first place (yeah right!!! ...keep dreamin'...). That's not how to run a successful business, now is it... :demon: :twisted: :demon:

Comparing PB to D{amn}20 isn't very nice lol.
To answer the original question though, Rifts: Africa came out before Dragons & Gods. I guess the writer for the latter decided to change things, or didn't read the original stats...?
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Re: Question for the Masses

Unread post by Svartalf »

Tinker Dragoon wrote:
Bobby wrote:Why is it that when Thoth goes from Palladium to Rifts Africa he gets 8 points stupider?

He doesn't. He gets smarter when his Rifts Africa stats are updated in Dragons & Gods.

You know that for a fact?

Given that Rifts D&G is going to be thinner than its PF counterpart, I did not expect it to reprint stats for deities appearing in a still available book.

Svartalf : is happy he owns a copy of Pantheons of the Megaverse, because, something tells him it's not going to go back into print anytime soon, possibly not ever.
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Re: Question for the Masses

Unread post by Tinker Dragoon »

svartalf wrote:
Tinker Dragoon wrote:
Bobby wrote:Why is it that when Thoth goes from Palladium to Rifts Africa he gets 8 points stupider?

He doesn't. He gets smarter when his Rifts Africa stats are updated in Dragons & Gods.

You know that for a fact?

Given that Rifts D&G is going to be thinner than its PF counterpart, I did not expect it to reprint stats for deities appearing in a still available book.

Svartalf : is happy he owns a copy of Pantheons of the Megaverse, because, something tells him it's not going to go back into print anytime soon, possibly not ever.

I was talking about Palladium Fantasy Dragons & Gods, as I assume the original poster was. Rifts Africa was a 1993 book, D&G was 1996, ergo, D&G actually has the most current writeup of the Pantheon of Light & Dark.
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Re: Question for the Masses

Unread post by Svartalf »

Vrykolas2k wrote:To answer the original question though, Rifts: Africa came out before Dragons & Gods. I guess the writer for the latter decided to change things, or didn't read the original stats...?

Interestingly enough, the main author for both books was Kevin himself (or so it's written) and the team that co-wrote/edited them with him had 3 names in common out of a team of 5 or 6 for each... you'd think that such continuity in the production team of both books would have been enough to ensure *some* consistency in the contents... PB never stops amazing me.
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Re: Question for the Masses

Unread post by Dr. Doom III »

svartalf wrote:Interestingly enough, the main author for both books was Kevin himself (or so it's written) and the team that co-wrote/edited them with him had 3 names in common out of a team of 5 or 6 for each... you'd think that such continuity in the production team of both books would have been enough to ensure *some* consistency in the contents... PB never stops amazing me.

It's nothing new.
Compare Victor Lazlo's stats from BTS and Africa.
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