When the shoe's on the other foot

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When the shoe's on the other foot

Unread post by Rali »

Has anyone played an AtB game from the Empires perspective?

I've been contemplating this for a while and think it would make in interesting turn of events for the players to play EoH citizens/soldiers in this setting.
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Unread post by Rali »

macksting wrote:Do you suppose there'll be a full book published describing the plans and methods of the Empire of Humanity? Maybe something about the size of the RDF Manual?

That's never going to happen in the foreseable future. Erick and Kevin would rather you make them what you want them to be than to publish a book laying down guidelines for you. Same goes for the Free Cattle, Cardania, Bird Island, Gator Land, etc...

It's a mixed blessing, but that's the way it is. Since Palladium has so many systems, they really cannot invest the manpower into such books except for the most popular system (i.e. Rifts).

Erick has expressed interest in writing some more world books for AtB - someday, but for the most part I think the primary source of new information in the AtB setting will come from fans who get published in the Rifter.
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Tinker Dragoon
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Unread post by Tinker Dragoon »

Well now that Erick's apparently done with Rifts China 2, maybe he'll get started on new AtB books :)
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

macksting wrote:Do you suppose there'll be a full book published describing the plans and methods of the Empire of Humanity?

One of the things I didn't like about AtB 2 is that the EoH isn't up to par with the European and Asian/South West Asian powers. In fact, EoH is dwarfed in comparison.
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