Actually, Ive done that type of campaign. Ended in the complete obliteration of everything.
One single character fell for the old "they will put us as the rulers of the world... maybe even multiple worlds.. think of the power they will give us as a reward"... and pulled the rest of the group into it.
Of course, that was the same PC who decided "if ONE old one gives us X amount of reward, 4 old ones will give us 4 times as much!" and led the group into waking 4 old ones at once...
We must be same wave length, or some weird thing. For the past two years (give or take) The 13 deadly magics have played a key in my campagin, that and the main PC cannot rember his past. His "twin" brother is after him, to kill him of course. During the course of two years 6 of the first 8 deadly magics have been cast (only three cast upon the group).
There are 2 left, one of which is held by the Palladin another by an NPC who hasn't been around in a while. Plan is NPC will be killed and spell will be cast by MIB (main evil "brother") The good brother main PC will cast the 8th spell in desperation. Evil MIB (man in black) has. with help of Shadow god Arioch, banished Isis from the current relm. Ouch.
The 4 main elemental spells will appear in: Fiery Avatar- Western Empire, Braddock Provence ( the war broke out there, MIB has gained Emporer Itomas's faith, and he re-released the Deamon ships.). Sinkhole-Land of the South Winds, deep in swamps. Nefarious Vacuum-Northern Wilderness, near Dragon's Claw. and Torrential Flood- havent decided.
Well then up to main PC and group if they deffeat the MIB then we shall see.
We may be through with the past, but the past is not through with us. - the Book
Rpgpunk wrote:No wonder none of this sounded familiar, I don't have #13.
WHAT!!!, well you must pick it up, Not only the 13 Deadly magics, but the Deck of Fate, 13th tribe of wolfen, and not to mention Chumras Orka (legend of the 13 orcish lords).
That is a good buy for only $8. Alot of PFRPG stuff. I think one of the better Rifters®.
We may be through with the past, but the past is not through with us. - the Book
Rpgpunk wrote:No wonder none of this sounded familiar, I don't have #13.
WHAT!!!, well you must pick it up, Not only the 13 Deadly magics, but the Deck of Fate, 13th tribe of wolfen, and not to mention Chumras Orka (legend of the 13 orcish lords). That is a good buy for only $8. Alot of PFRPG stuff. I think one of the better Rifters®.