Intergalactic pay-per-view

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Saitou Hajime
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Canadian eh?
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Unread post by Saitou Hajime »

Thoth Vs. Set! my money is on thoth!
Subjugator wrote:I got my first job at age 12 (maybe 11, but I think 12) and worked more or less continuously until today. I had to so I could eat properly. Doing so as a kid detracted from my educational experience, which was bad enough to begin with . . .

Gingrich is wrong.

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Unread post by NMI »

Spammers vs The Delete Button!!!

Naruni vs Mechanoids

CCW vs Robotech Masters

Naruni vs Invid
"Freedom is the recognition that no single person, no single authority or government has a monopoly on the truth, but that every individual life is infinitely precious, that every one of us put on this world has been put there for a reason and has something to offer."
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Crackpot Jones
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Unread post by Crackpot Jones »

On an intergalactic pay-per-view? Hmmm...

The Glitterboy World VS the World of the Ham & Cheese Sammich?
Shadwell hated all Southerners and, by inference, he was standing at the North Pole. - Good Omens, Page 179, Footnote 4.
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grandmaster z0b
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Those who hate the -10 rule Vs those who love -10

those who thought Tolkeen should have won Vs those who love the CS
The word "THAN" is important. Something is "better than" something else, not "better then", it's "rather than" not "rather then".
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Comment: Mrs. TAF

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Styphon the Black vs. the Fenrir
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grandmaster z0b
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Really, I'd love to see Metzilians (I don't know how you spell it but those weird big bug things with ridiculous MDC that Atlantis has in huge numbers) vs the Xiticix.
Battle of the bug things with hard to spell names!
The word "THAN" is important. Something is "better than" something else, not "better then", it's "rather than" not "rather then".
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Zer0 Kay
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Thoth vs. Xy :)
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid
Holy crapy, you're Zer0 Kay?! --TriaxTech
Zer0 Kay is my hero. --Atramentus
The Zer0 of Kay, who started this fray,
Kept us laughing until the end. -The Fifth Business (In loving Memory of the teleport thread)
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Nekira Sudacne
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Robert Creed vs Karl Prosek with a bag of rocks :D 8-) :)
Sometimes, you're like a beacon of light in the darkness, giving me some hope for humankind. ~ Killer Cyborg

You can have something done good, fast and cheap. If you want it done good and fast, it's not going to be cheap. If you want it done fast and cheap it won't be good. If you want something done good and cheap it won't be done fast. ~ Dark Brandon
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Unread post by NoJack »

Nightlords (from Nightbane) Vs. The gods from the Pantheons book
Dude... It's a tall guy dressed in black, with a weird, glowy weapon thing, and we're a couple of guards in matching shiny armor...
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Nekira Sudacne
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Karl Prosek's Ego vs. Alistar Duscon's Ego.
Sometimes, you're like a beacon of light in the darkness, giving me some hope for humankind. ~ Killer Cyborg

You can have something done good, fast and cheap. If you want it done good and fast, it's not going to be cheap. If you want it done fast and cheap it won't be good. If you want something done good and cheap it won't be done fast. ~ Dark Brandon
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Comment: At long last....I am FINALLY free of my wonderful addiction to the online Flash game "Bloons."
Well, mostly.....
Location: In the Hivelands with General Jericho Holmes, taking advantage of suddenly stupid Xiticix...

Unread post by cornholioprime »

Zer0 Kay wrote:Thoth vs. Xy :)

Now THAT fight's kinda silly. If you think about it, Thoth isn't really more than, for all intents and purposes, an Essence Fragment of XY (The Old Ones are said to be able to kick Nxla's arse, and HE's (its?) got about a gazillion MDC......................kinda like Baby vs. Full-Grown Adult (and remember, Thoth HELPED to put the Old Ones to sleep....he couldn't do all by his lonesome).....
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