Code: Select all
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Radio: Scrambler (+10%)
Surveillance Systems (+10%)
Escape Artist (+10%)
Acrobatics (+10%)
Climbing (+15%)
Prowl (+20%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Streetwise (+10%)
two W.P. Ancient
two W.P. Modern
W.P. Energy Rifle
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Ten OCC-related skills and 6 Secondary skills. No Electrical skills; Mechanical is limited to Automotive or Locksmith; Medical is limited to Paramedic or Holistic Medicine; Science is limited to Math or Astronomy. +5% to Communications, Military, Pilot, and Rogue; +10% to Espionage, Medical, and Physical.
Code: Select all
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
Land Navigation (+5%)
two Pilot (+10%)
three Language (+10%)
two W.P.
W.P. Knife
W.P. Energy Rifle
Hand to Hand: Expert
Seven OCC-Related skills and six Secondary skills. No Medical skills; Electrical is limited to Basic; Espionage is limited to Intelligence, Escape Artist, Detect Ambush, or Detect Concealment; Mechanical is limited to Automotive; Science is limited to Math: Basic. +5% to Espionage, military-style Pilot, and Pilot-Related; +10% to Military and Physical; +15% to Prowl.