Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
Here's a power I thought up a few days ago. Well, at least, the general idea. Been trying to flesh it out. Unfortunately, the exact bonuses and such are hard to work out, along with some details that are important to the concept. But I'll give it a shot. Hope it's not too confusing.
Finger On The Pulse(major)
As opposed to all the combat powers out there, this power is based around an uncanny knowledge of whatever city the character lives in. Noone knows if this power is actually some kind of ability to tap into some collective unconscious, some massive mind reading ability, or something equally eerie. No matter the source of the knowledge, it's still there. To put it plainly, this character has an incredible depth of knowledge about the goings on in their city. It's almost as if, every day, they read every newspaper, news website, and various other publications specific to their area. Also, it seems like they have some info on big gossip in the area.
Range: Range actually will vary depending on the city the character lives in. For rural areas, it's generally limited to the main city, along with the surrounding area. About two or three cities outward of the central one, as long as the population density of one of those cities isn't too large. For more urban, yet not major metropolitan areas, generally it's the central city plus one or two outwards. For large metro areas, assume the power covers the central city plus maybe one city outwards. Treat the radius beyond the home city limits as cities directly bordering on those city limits, and then from there the ones bordering on those, etc...
Effects: Actually, there are a lot of effects. First off, without needing a roll, the character has an innate knowledge of all streets, highways(including exits), roads, and such like they look at updated maps all day. Also, they know which areas are currently being worked on for construction, high traffic areas, common police hidings spots, etc... In general, they can get wherever they need to go in a city in about 50-70% of the time by taking quicker back roads and such. Along with this 'mental GPS', they also know many(but all) of the major business/clubs/bars in the main city only. For purposes of fashion, the character is up to date on the latest fashion trends in their area. For purposes of politics, they are familiar with laws soon to be voted on, recently passed, and even topics being hotly debated. As a little added bonus, the character also knows what places to go for the best prices, or where great sales are being promoted.
To recognize a major political figure, social figure, television personality, and other major public figures specific to their area - 70% + 3% per level.
To recognize a lesser politician, or other public figure - 45% + 3% per level.
To recognize by voice, radio personalities - 55% +4% per level.
To 'remember' where larger social events are to be held at(like annual balls, charity auctions for/by rich people, etc...) - 60% +3% per level.
Knowledge of the specific History of the city - 60% + 3% per level.
The character can 'de-harmonize' with a city if they so choose. It requires three weeks of time constantly spent in the new city, generally roaming around, reading a paper here and there, watching the news, etc... After the three weeks are up, the new city becomes the character's 'home turf'.
The character is also aware of any super heros or villains based out of the city, as long as they've made themselves known. Specific, private details are not known, but what is known is their general M.O., codenames, and general abilities.
Any Research rolls based on the city/it's inhabitants is +20%. Also, +15% is made to any Find Contraband rolls when looking for stuff in the city.
Ok, that's it. I know I could clean it up quite a bit, shrink down the description and such. I'm hoping the gist of the power was communicated. If someone wants to take another shot at it, be my guest. I'm also thinking there may be some power combinations that could grant greater insight, like Frequency Absorbtion or Criminal Inuition.
Finger On The Pulse(major)
As opposed to all the combat powers out there, this power is based around an uncanny knowledge of whatever city the character lives in. Noone knows if this power is actually some kind of ability to tap into some collective unconscious, some massive mind reading ability, or something equally eerie. No matter the source of the knowledge, it's still there. To put it plainly, this character has an incredible depth of knowledge about the goings on in their city. It's almost as if, every day, they read every newspaper, news website, and various other publications specific to their area. Also, it seems like they have some info on big gossip in the area.
Range: Range actually will vary depending on the city the character lives in. For rural areas, it's generally limited to the main city, along with the surrounding area. About two or three cities outward of the central one, as long as the population density of one of those cities isn't too large. For more urban, yet not major metropolitan areas, generally it's the central city plus one or two outwards. For large metro areas, assume the power covers the central city plus maybe one city outwards. Treat the radius beyond the home city limits as cities directly bordering on those city limits, and then from there the ones bordering on those, etc...
Effects: Actually, there are a lot of effects. First off, without needing a roll, the character has an innate knowledge of all streets, highways(including exits), roads, and such like they look at updated maps all day. Also, they know which areas are currently being worked on for construction, high traffic areas, common police hidings spots, etc... In general, they can get wherever they need to go in a city in about 50-70% of the time by taking quicker back roads and such. Along with this 'mental GPS', they also know many(but all) of the major business/clubs/bars in the main city only. For purposes of fashion, the character is up to date on the latest fashion trends in their area. For purposes of politics, they are familiar with laws soon to be voted on, recently passed, and even topics being hotly debated. As a little added bonus, the character also knows what places to go for the best prices, or where great sales are being promoted.
To recognize a major political figure, social figure, television personality, and other major public figures specific to their area - 70% + 3% per level.
To recognize a lesser politician, or other public figure - 45% + 3% per level.
To recognize by voice, radio personalities - 55% +4% per level.
To 'remember' where larger social events are to be held at(like annual balls, charity auctions for/by rich people, etc...) - 60% +3% per level.
Knowledge of the specific History of the city - 60% + 3% per level.
The character can 'de-harmonize' with a city if they so choose. It requires three weeks of time constantly spent in the new city, generally roaming around, reading a paper here and there, watching the news, etc... After the three weeks are up, the new city becomes the character's 'home turf'.
The character is also aware of any super heros or villains based out of the city, as long as they've made themselves known. Specific, private details are not known, but what is known is their general M.O., codenames, and general abilities.
Any Research rolls based on the city/it's inhabitants is +20%. Also, +15% is made to any Find Contraband rolls when looking for stuff in the city.
Ok, that's it. I know I could clean it up quite a bit, shrink down the description and such. I'm hoping the gist of the power was communicated. If someone wants to take another shot at it, be my guest. I'm also thinking there may be some power combinations that could grant greater insight, like Frequency Absorbtion or Criminal Inuition.
Whoa, that is such a great idea for a power!
You know it's good when you hear yourself say "Why did nobody think of that one before?".
Oh and Iczer, you put so many cool powers on the board it figures you would have so many on the web page.. Blowthrough Invulnerability is currently my favorite, just for cinematic effects you really can't do better for intimidating your players..
The bad guy gets beaten up, he gets up.. the hero hurls him through a window, then a wall.. the bad guy gets back up.. the hero smacks him across the face with a power pole, pushes parked car right over him and then stands on top of the car yelling at the bad guy to "STAY DOWN DAMN YOU!" and the car slowly inches backwards.. the bad guy gets up.. the hero screams in frustration, grabs a gun out of the store window of a smashed up sporting goods store, loads it and procedes to pepper the bad guy with 12 guage shot.. he can see the bullets doing damage so the bad guy is obviously not invulnerable, and he doesn't appear to have wounds sealing up before his very eyes..
LOL.. love that power!

You know it's good when you hear yourself say "Why did nobody think of that one before?".
Oh and Iczer, you put so many cool powers on the board it figures you would have so many on the web page.. Blowthrough Invulnerability is currently my favorite, just for cinematic effects you really can't do better for intimidating your players..
The bad guy gets beaten up, he gets up.. the hero hurls him through a window, then a wall.. the bad guy gets back up.. the hero smacks him across the face with a power pole, pushes parked car right over him and then stands on top of the car yelling at the bad guy to "STAY DOWN DAMN YOU!" and the car slowly inches backwards.. the bad guy gets up.. the hero screams in frustration, grabs a gun out of the store window of a smashed up sporting goods store, loads it and procedes to pepper the bad guy with 12 guage shot.. he can see the bullets doing damage so the bad guy is obviously not invulnerable, and he doesn't appear to have wounds sealing up before his very eyes..
LOL.. love that power!

Here's a few more ideas.
This strange abilitty allows the super being to put two solid objects together and join them in a way that makes separating them almost impossible. The character needs to be touching both objects/surfaces to be bound and applying a bit of pressure to one of them. What happens is the connecting layers go out of phase for a split second. When they come back into phase, they are now bonded together on a molecular level. Force can be used to separate them, but will cause damage to both structures. Or, as an alternative, some sort of super glue like substance is created between the two surfaces, bonding them.
Ranage: Touch.
Duration: If done quickly, like in combat, the bond will only last 1 melee round per level of experience. If time is taken, like a minute or so of concentration, then the bond will last 1 day per level of experience. After the duration passes, the objects/surfaces reassert their individual natures and become unstuck.
This cannot be done to organic objects.
This cannot be used on inorganic lifeforms such as aliens or robots with tranferred or advanced AI(mainly for balance).
A PS of 10 per 100 points of SDC is required to tear the things apart.
Since it is only a small layer being affected, generally the damage done by removing them with force is only superficial.
Now, I was thinking of some way to make it permanent, with some kind of sacrifice or a limit of permanent bonds per level. Any ideas?
Stun Punch(minor)
The ability is useful for those non-lethal situations. Instead of actually hitting the target, the character only comes a inch from striking. Their firsts and feet glow when this power is used. The force of the blow is instead transferred through the remaining distance in an attempt to make a non-damaging stun attack. Note that use of this power means the strike will ALWAYS stop before it connects. It can be turned on or off with a thought, not requiring an action and can be done even during another's turn.
Range: A few inches away, but must be done as a strike.
Damage: Against targets that cannot be stunned, this attack only does 1D6 damage. Against targets that can be stunned, use the target's PE for purposes of determining this power's effect. Roll the character's damage as normal, then compare to the chart below.
Percentage of Stun Resistance(target's PE) overcome:
1-35% - No effect.
36-70% - Target is slightly addled. They get a -2 to Initiative, and -1 to strike, parry, and dodge for the rest of the melee round. Further punches are culmulative.
71-95% - Target is knocked back 1 ft per 10 points of PS the attacker has. Also, there is a chance of knockdown equal to the Stun Resistance percent overcome by this power. If knocked back, all negatives from the above apply, along with an additional -1 to s,p, and d. If knocked down, they lose initiative and must spend one action getting back up.
96-100% - Target is knocked out for 1 melee round per point that exceeded the Stun Resistance.
Note: Characters with extraordinary PE use PEx1.5 for determining Stun Resistance.
Those with supernatural PE use PEx2 for determining Stun Resistance.
This is a physical attack for dtermining resistances and such.
Ok. I thinking of some way to increase the Stun Resistance, just because it might be too small. But, it's a nice alternative to killing people.
Unnatural Athletic Ability(minor):
The super being can perform feats of athletic prowess unseen in mortal man. They can do tricks that Olympic gymnasts only dream about. Sometimes, it even seems like the normal laws of physics doesn't apply to this character.
1. Tricks - This character can perform strange and even seemingly impossible tricks(balancing on your finger, etc...). Let your imagination be your guide, but leave whether or not it's possible as GM's discretion.
The character automatically has the skills of Acrobatics and Gymnastics, with a +15% to all the subskills within those two skills.
+2d4 to SPD
+1d4 to PP
Can jump 3ft+1ft per level of experience from a standing position, and double if running.
When tricks are being performed for the purposes of entertainment, the character has an Awe Factor os 12.
So, what does everyone think?
This strange abilitty allows the super being to put two solid objects together and join them in a way that makes separating them almost impossible. The character needs to be touching both objects/surfaces to be bound and applying a bit of pressure to one of them. What happens is the connecting layers go out of phase for a split second. When they come back into phase, they are now bonded together on a molecular level. Force can be used to separate them, but will cause damage to both structures. Or, as an alternative, some sort of super glue like substance is created between the two surfaces, bonding them.
Ranage: Touch.
Duration: If done quickly, like in combat, the bond will only last 1 melee round per level of experience. If time is taken, like a minute or so of concentration, then the bond will last 1 day per level of experience. After the duration passes, the objects/surfaces reassert their individual natures and become unstuck.
This cannot be done to organic objects.
This cannot be used on inorganic lifeforms such as aliens or robots with tranferred or advanced AI(mainly for balance).
A PS of 10 per 100 points of SDC is required to tear the things apart.
Since it is only a small layer being affected, generally the damage done by removing them with force is only superficial.
Now, I was thinking of some way to make it permanent, with some kind of sacrifice or a limit of permanent bonds per level. Any ideas?
Stun Punch(minor)
The ability is useful for those non-lethal situations. Instead of actually hitting the target, the character only comes a inch from striking. Their firsts and feet glow when this power is used. The force of the blow is instead transferred through the remaining distance in an attempt to make a non-damaging stun attack. Note that use of this power means the strike will ALWAYS stop before it connects. It can be turned on or off with a thought, not requiring an action and can be done even during another's turn.
Range: A few inches away, but must be done as a strike.
Damage: Against targets that cannot be stunned, this attack only does 1D6 damage. Against targets that can be stunned, use the target's PE for purposes of determining this power's effect. Roll the character's damage as normal, then compare to the chart below.
Percentage of Stun Resistance(target's PE) overcome:
1-35% - No effect.
36-70% - Target is slightly addled. They get a -2 to Initiative, and -1 to strike, parry, and dodge for the rest of the melee round. Further punches are culmulative.
71-95% - Target is knocked back 1 ft per 10 points of PS the attacker has. Also, there is a chance of knockdown equal to the Stun Resistance percent overcome by this power. If knocked back, all negatives from the above apply, along with an additional -1 to s,p, and d. If knocked down, they lose initiative and must spend one action getting back up.
96-100% - Target is knocked out for 1 melee round per point that exceeded the Stun Resistance.
Note: Characters with extraordinary PE use PEx1.5 for determining Stun Resistance.
Those with supernatural PE use PEx2 for determining Stun Resistance.
This is a physical attack for dtermining resistances and such.
Ok. I thinking of some way to increase the Stun Resistance, just because it might be too small. But, it's a nice alternative to killing people.
Unnatural Athletic Ability(minor):
The super being can perform feats of athletic prowess unseen in mortal man. They can do tricks that Olympic gymnasts only dream about. Sometimes, it even seems like the normal laws of physics doesn't apply to this character.
1. Tricks - This character can perform strange and even seemingly impossible tricks(balancing on your finger, etc...). Let your imagination be your guide, but leave whether or not it's possible as GM's discretion.
The character automatically has the skills of Acrobatics and Gymnastics, with a +15% to all the subskills within those two skills.
+2d4 to SPD
+1d4 to PP
Can jump 3ft+1ft per level of experience from a standing position, and double if running.
When tricks are being performed for the purposes of entertainment, the character has an Awe Factor os 12.
So, what does everyone think?
- Prince Cherico
- Hero
- Posts: 1134
- Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2001 2:01 am
- Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
Ayn Rand - Location: california
the charter is able to project a field of energy that makes
every body with in it dance. The type of dancing is entirely
up the music witch emanates from the mutants core. The
mutant can make cops dance in a congo line and little old
ladys get in a mosh pit.
Range- every body with in a 100 foot radius +20 feet per level
of experience is affected friend foe, innocent bystander it doesn't
matter, all who fail the save must dance. All other actions beside
talking are impossible.
Saving throw: Only those who roll over 15 are unaffected by the
fields energys, ME bonuses are added to the roll.
Damage and penitels- No Damage is done but all effected
can not attack they can only dance or talk.
Duration- until the charter stops putting out the energy, or the
charter is knocked uncounous
Limitations using the power- The charter using must spend two
melee attacks to summon the power, and must burn two melee
attacks every round to maintain it. The charter also can not
use any offensive actions while the field is up.
Other abiltys
the charter can create music that emanates from his very being
this music can be any thing the mutant desires. Treat this
ability as a create music skill at 98%
the charter is able to project a field of energy that makes
every body with in it dance. The type of dancing is entirely
up the music witch emanates from the mutants core. The
mutant can make cops dance in a congo line and little old
ladys get in a mosh pit.
Range- every body with in a 100 foot radius +20 feet per level
of experience is affected friend foe, innocent bystander it doesn't
matter, all who fail the save must dance. All other actions beside
talking are impossible.
Saving throw: Only those who roll over 15 are unaffected by the
fields energys, ME bonuses are added to the roll.
Damage and penitels- No Damage is done but all effected
can not attack they can only dance or talk.
Duration- until the charter stops putting out the energy, or the
charter is knocked uncounous
Limitations using the power- The charter using must spend two
melee attacks to summon the power, and must burn two melee
attacks every round to maintain it. The charter also can not
use any offensive actions while the field is up.
Other abiltys
the charter can create music that emanates from his very being
this music can be any thing the mutant desires. Treat this
ability as a create music skill at 98%
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
oh, now you've done it. now i have to make.......... "the rave!"he's getting dance revolution, warp sound, ee: light, and darkness control(with a few creative alterations for a perpetual late night rave sessions!).
i can hear it now....

i can hear it now....
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!
i got a fan installed in my grill, no lie, i'm gonna blow your *** straight off the map, goodbye!
thagema wrote:Not bad. Here are some suggestions:
Bind - Nice ability, but to make it permenant, maybe the character should sacrifice some HP or something. I will have to think more on that.
Stun Punch - Very cool. We need more non-lethal attack powers. I don't quite understand the resistence chart though. If I read it correctly the character's PE is the percentage base, in which case it shouldn't go any higher than 30% for someone with a normal PE. With the average PE being 10, this ability is pretty tough. Why not try a saving throw with PE bonuses applying. Maybe start it at 12 and then add the bonuses. +1 for Extraordinary PE and +2 for Supernatural.
Unnatural Athletic Ability - Not bad, but it needs more. Just leaving it to the GM it's still possible to abuse it. Also, if you are gaining the skills of Acrobatics and Gymnastics automatically, does that include the skill bonuses on top of the skill bonuses for the power? The number of feet the character is able to jump seems kinda low. I think 8 ft + 1 per level is better.
Just some suggestions. Keep the powers coming.
Well, Stun Punch uses the stun damage done vs. the target's PE. So, say you do 31 points of damage. The target's PE is 26. Successful strike pretty much means a knockout, seeing as it is over 100% of their PE. The damage isn't real, but knocks them out. Now that I think of it, it's really easy to knock someone out. Maybe I'll edit the amounts.
I do like increased jump idea for Athletic Abilitiy. And yeah, skill bonuses are cumulative.
I was thinking of Bind being made permanent on either a sacrifice basis, or either a maximum permanent bind per level or something. Oh yeah, forgot to add that Bind can be removed by the character at any time, or by a character with the same power at a higher level.
Zen. Unnatural Athletic Ability has been in the back of my mind for some time, but I figured I'd post it since I posted Stun Punch. Of course, I only posted Stun Punch because I posted Bind. Now if I can just get around to editing these ideas, and actually find some way of rephrasing what Finger On The Pulse does so it's a bit more clear.
thagema wrote:Here is one I put together this morning while I should have been working.
Hope you all like it. Oh, and its a minor ability.
Energy Fists
Range: 15 feet, plus 2 feet per level
Duration: One melee per point of M.E., until destroyed or cancelled by creator
Damage: 3D6 + P.S. bonus
Cost per use: One action to activate and one action to use
This ability allows a character to create a pair of fists comprised entirely of energy. The fists function as normal hands and can be used to punch, open doors, lift objects, and just about anything else the character can do with his own hands. The hands are made of energy, though, and will damage anything the character touches with them causing 1D6 points of damage. When activated, the energy hands can appear anywhere within range.
The main advantage of this ability is the character’s ability to fight using his hand-to-hand bonuses, but at a distance. All hand-to-hand strike and damage bonuses apply when attacking with the energy fists. A successful strike causes 3D6 + P.S. bonus damage. Attacks on beings resistant or immune to energy attacks are treated normally with the resistance reducing the damage or the immunity negating the damage.
For purposes of lifting, the energy hands have the equivalent of Superhuman Strength, but the object being lifted still takes 1D6 points of damage every round in contact with the energy fists.
The fists have 50 S.D.C. + 5 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 each and an AR of 14. The fists can be used to parry any attack, as normal, but will take the damage if the attack penetrates the AR. Attacking the energy fists requires a called shot and the creator can dodge the attack at a +2 if he is aware of the attack.
Nice. A question, though. When using the fists, does the character actually act out what they want the fists to do, or is it mentally controlled? Imagine a villain sipping tea in a restuarant while mentally controlling these fists to strangle someone walking by.
Also, instead of damaging energy, the uses for this power could be expanded by making the fists just solid energy constructs, kind of a specialized, minor, form of Create Energy Constructs. I think solid energy would allow for much more versatility.
- Prince Cherico
- Hero
- Posts: 1134
- Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2001 2:01 am
- Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
Ayn Rand - Location: california
how about Dance revolution?
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
- Mr Scorpio
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 255
- Joined: Thu Jul 25, 2002 1:01 am
- Location: Tulsa, OK
MrTwist wrote:Unnatural Athletic Ability(minor):
The super being can perform feats of athletic prowess unseen in mortal man. They can do tricks that Olympic gymnasts only dream about. Sometimes, it even seems like the normal laws of physics doesn't apply to this character.
1. Tricks - This character can perform strange and even seemingly impossible tricks(balancing on your finger, etc...). Let your imagination be your guide, but leave whether or not it's possible as GM's discretion.
The character automatically has the skills of Acrobatics and Gymnastics, with a +15% to all the subskills within those two skills.
+2d4 to SPD
+1d4 to PP
Can jump 3ft+1ft per level of experience from a standing position, and double if running.
When tricks are being performed for the purposes of entertainment, the character has an Awe Factor os 12.
So, what does everyone think?
ZEN wrote:Mr Twist: Bind is awesome, really nifty idea.. Stun is overly complicated and needs some editing but is otherwise a great idea for a minor.. I'm not sure about Unnatural Athletic Ability, but I see what you are aiming for, perhaps it just seems a little Ex P.P. clone-ish.. but Ex P.P is more generalised and this is specifically aimed at mobility, so perhaps it just needs some editing.
I've been thinking about this one since I saw it and I've decided that it is like Ex. P.P. only better. It's more like Superhuman P.P.! And that's what I came up with today at work. I think it's a pretty good idea too. I mean, on ZEN's site there's a new Ex. Spd. and the old one becomes Superhuman Speed (which makes way more sense to me btw) and I've seen someone's version of Superhuman stats on here before (but I failed to save them and can't remember who it was either) so I think it would be a great idea to come up with Superhuman versions of all the Ex. stat powers. Just an idea for your power MrTwist.
Oh, and I really like the idea for Stun Punch.
- Mr Scorpio
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 255
- Joined: Thu Jul 25, 2002 1:01 am
- Location: Tulsa, OK
ZEN wrote:Heres what we have on the web page so far..
Minor Powers (20)
Major Powers (36)
so many late nights... *drool* editing powers.. fading...
need coffee I.V. drip...*swoon*
Awwwwww, poor ZEN. Just remember that we really appreciate your efforts. 20 Minors and 36 Majors, wow. And there are still a few I don't see on the list that will hopefully make the cut.
When you recover enough to look over another power check this one out. It's actually an evil power inspired by a couple of comic book villains and the Infectious Control Talent from Nightbane.
Corruptive Infection (Major)
This is the amazing ability to control any living being by corrupting their minds and bodies so that they become a loyal follower of the corruptor. The infecting agent is actually part of the character's body. The agent can be transferred by a simple touch or through a bite or sting depending on the physical characteristics of the character. Once the infection is introduced into the victim's body it quickly spreads and in a matter of only a few melees (1D4) the effects become apparent. The victim's mind is altered changing his/her alignment making it the same as that of the corruptor and causing him/her to become a loyal follower much like those of the Divine Aura power. In some cases the power even alters the victim's body while in others there are no outward signs of the Infection.
While the Infected person's alignment is altered their intelligence, personality, memories, combat abilities and any powers they may possess are left unchanged. They still think on their own and do not need to be constantly directed or supervised leaving the corruptor free to act on his own.
Note: This power is best used on the friends and family of any hero the character might run across during his exploits.
1. Mental Corruption: Change the victim's alignment to that of the corruptor. He/she is now a loyal follower of the corruptor. He/she will be devoted to the corruptor and will do whatever they can to help him acheive his goals, even going so far as to sacrifice their lives for him.
2. Physical Corruption: Roll on the following table to determine the level of physical corruption each time the character uses this power.
1-30: None, the target shows no outward signs of being infected.
31-60: Skin color change. Roll once on the Odd Skin Color table (HU2, page 159 or use Kittenstomp's).
61-85: Roll 1D4 times on the Unusual Physical Characteristics table (HU2, page 159 or use Kittenstomp's).
86-100: Targets take on the ususual physical traits of the corruptor (includes possible Alien appearance).
3. Number of Followers: 3 per level of experience.
Range: Touch
Duration: Control will last indefinitely The infection can only be cured by magic, psionic power or one of the healing Super Abilities (or possibly a quick thinking Genius coming up with an antidote) at which time the victim will regain his/her original alignment and appearance.
Saving Throw: 15 or higher without the benefit of bonuses. A successful save means the victim has fought off the Infection and suffers no ill effects.
Attacks per Melee: Each Infection attempt counts as one of the character's melee attack/actions. Only one Infection attempt can be made per melee round (every 15 seconds).
Limitations: Character's who possess one of the healing powers (Healing Factor, Divine Healing, Regeneration Ultima, etc.) are virtually immune to this power as their bodies fight off the Infection before it can take hold.
- Prince Cherico
- Hero
- Posts: 1134
- Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2001 2:01 am
- Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
Ayn Rand - Location: california
Ectoplasmic armor
the charter is able to summon armor made completely out of ectoplasm.
1. the armor can be shaped to look like any clothing the charter can
think of
2. the armor provides a natural armor rating of 14 and
has 200 +10 sdc per lever
3. the armor provides gives the charter super human strengh
4. the armor lasts until the charater wills it away.
5. the charater takes half damage from heat and cold, it also acts as
a heater in cold weather and air conditioning in cold weather. When
the charater is in his armor he always feels like hes experiencing a
tempurater of 60 degrees. The armor doesn't provide complete
envionmetal containment though and gasses will do normal damage.
the charter is able to summon armor made completely out of ectoplasm.
1. the armor can be shaped to look like any clothing the charter can
think of
2. the armor provides a natural armor rating of 14 and
has 200 +10 sdc per lever
3. the armor provides gives the charter super human strengh
4. the armor lasts until the charater wills it away.
5. the charater takes half damage from heat and cold, it also acts as
a heater in cold weather and air conditioning in cold weather. When
the charater is in his armor he always feels like hes experiencing a
tempurater of 60 degrees. The armor doesn't provide complete
envionmetal containment though and gasses will do normal damage.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
- Prince Cherico
- Hero
- Posts: 1134
- Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2001 2:01 am
- Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
Ayn Rand - Location: california
id say it has a jello ripple effect before the bullet bounces off
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
- Prince Cherico
- Hero
- Posts: 1134
- Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2001 2:01 am
- Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
Ayn Rand - Location: california
if you like the idea so much why not create a power like that?
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
Here's a power I might need a little help fleshing out. The idea came out of a recent session with my group. There was an underground facility ready to self-destruct, but a character had ordered the agents who ran the facility to seal it so noone got in or out. We almost didn't make it out. So, I thought of an idea that would make getting into and out of those kinds of situations easier.
Penetrating Attack(major)
This power allows the super being to do tremendous amounts of damage to inorganic objects. Somehow, they can seemingly even punch their way through the hardest of substances. The super being puts one hand on the object to be bashed, and concentrates. To utilize this power, they must spend an entire melee round in concentration. During this round, both of theirs hands begin to glow with light, growing ever brighter until the final blow.
Damage: An incredible 1D6x100 damage, plus 20 points per level.
This power only affects inorganic objects. It doesn't affect living inorganic beings(like mineral aliens, although robots run by artificial or transferred intelligences ARE affected).
If at any point in time during the melee round charge time that the super being's hand is separated from the object to be punched, the power fizzles immediately. It can be tried again next round.
Any damage received during the concentration time also disrupts the power and it must be tried again.
In MDC environments, this power does 1D6x10 MDC +2 MDC per level.
I hope it doesn't seem overpowered with it's limited usage. I also need a new name for it. Any suggestions would be nice.
Penetrating Attack(major)
This power allows the super being to do tremendous amounts of damage to inorganic objects. Somehow, they can seemingly even punch their way through the hardest of substances. The super being puts one hand on the object to be bashed, and concentrates. To utilize this power, they must spend an entire melee round in concentration. During this round, both of theirs hands begin to glow with light, growing ever brighter until the final blow.
Damage: An incredible 1D6x100 damage, plus 20 points per level.
This power only affects inorganic objects. It doesn't affect living inorganic beings(like mineral aliens, although robots run by artificial or transferred intelligences ARE affected).
If at any point in time during the melee round charge time that the super being's hand is separated from the object to be punched, the power fizzles immediately. It can be tried again next round.
Any damage received during the concentration time also disrupts the power and it must be tried again.
In MDC environments, this power does 1D6x10 MDC +2 MDC per level.
I hope it doesn't seem overpowered with it's limited usage. I also need a new name for it. Any suggestions would be nice.
- Prince Cherico
- Hero
- Posts: 1134
- Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2001 2:01 am
- Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
Ayn Rand - Location: california
Love simulator syndrom (majo)
The charater seems to attact the opasit sex like crazy
Awe factor 14
-only works on the opasit sex-
Followers- every level whether he wants it or not the
charater picks up yet another love struck follower to
do his bidding. allways a member of the opasit sex.
Sexy voice- the charaters voice acts like hypnosis on the opasit
Power of pleasure- the charaters touch can act as a pain killer and
so much more.
other bonuses
+2d4 to MA
+5 to PB
has trust intemidate at 70% it goes up +5% per level of experence
has charm impress at 98%
The charater seems to attact the opasit sex like crazy
Awe factor 14
-only works on the opasit sex-
Followers- every level whether he wants it or not the
charater picks up yet another love struck follower to
do his bidding. allways a member of the opasit sex.
Sexy voice- the charaters voice acts like hypnosis on the opasit
Power of pleasure- the charaters touch can act as a pain killer and
so much more.
other bonuses
+2d4 to MA
+5 to PB
has trust intemidate at 70% it goes up +5% per level of experence
has charm impress at 98%
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
Hey Zen, I was looking at the powers list on your site. Extremely nice job on Unnatural Athletic Ability, turning it into Uncanny Acrobatics. I noticed you only have my name up there. You should put yourself up there also, seeing how you rewrote a not-too-well fleshed out power into something coherent and useable.
Here's a little idea someone may want to turn into a power. It's been floating around in my head for about a week, just have been too busy to figure out stats for it.
Name: Combat Teleportation(major)
Basically, it's a short range teleportation power for 'blinking' in and out during combat to confuse foes. I'm thinking 2ft max teleport, plus 1ft every level. I want to keep it balanced, but I don't believe using it should require a melee atack. Or maybe it could cost one or two attacks, but it needs to be committed to for a whole melee round. You declare, at initiative, you are using combat teleport. Then, you lose one or two attacks but you get all the bonuses.
Now, about the bonuses. A decent bonus to strike, parry, and dodge would probably result. Maybe an initiative bonus due to being able to 'port to where you need to be. I'm not so sure about an auto-dodge.
Now, even though it doesn't seem like the kind of thing that would have sub-powers, there could be a few specialized uses for it. Maybe an all-out defensive 'porting where all you do is blip in and out to confuse foes. A guard power where you try to 'port to intercept an attacker and stop them from damaging someone(something). Also some notes on how you can't teleport an object into someone.
It's just an idea, maybe I'll flesh it out later if people think it sounds interesting. Or, anyone can have free reign to try to design it, if they so choose.
Name: Combat Teleportation(major)
Basically, it's a short range teleportation power for 'blinking' in and out during combat to confuse foes. I'm thinking 2ft max teleport, plus 1ft every level. I want to keep it balanced, but I don't believe using it should require a melee atack. Or maybe it could cost one or two attacks, but it needs to be committed to for a whole melee round. You declare, at initiative, you are using combat teleport. Then, you lose one or two attacks but you get all the bonuses.
Now, about the bonuses. A decent bonus to strike, parry, and dodge would probably result. Maybe an initiative bonus due to being able to 'port to where you need to be. I'm not so sure about an auto-dodge.
Now, even though it doesn't seem like the kind of thing that would have sub-powers, there could be a few specialized uses for it. Maybe an all-out defensive 'porting where all you do is blip in and out to confuse foes. A guard power where you try to 'port to intercept an attacker and stop them from damaging someone(something). Also some notes on how you can't teleport an object into someone.
It's just an idea, maybe I'll flesh it out later if people think it sounds interesting. Or, anyone can have free reign to try to design it, if they so choose.
masterkind wrote:Oh, I have more.
Orbit Manipulation
By night one way, by day another, this power lets you manipulate the orbits and spins of celestial bodies, causing night to fall or day to rise, or make time go by quickly. He can also make an orbit for a hot body, like the sun, so when it travels, it burns objects in it's way. This power can be used to manipulate the view of the moon. It can also be used to manipulate satellites in orbit, which may cause power to go out everywhere in the world. The character may also cause planetary alignments if he wishes.
I'm sorry, but this seems a bit beyond the realms of what most people would allow their characters to have. Power of this kind belongs to cosmic villains in comic books, not heroes in a tabletop game. Of course, this is just my opinion.
- taalismn
- Priest
- Posts: 48997
- Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
masterkind wrote:Oh, I have more.
Orbit Manipulation
The first is just TOO powerful....the only way I'd allow anything similar to it in any of my campaigns would be a cosmic power campaign, and even then, using such a power would likely kill the user....
A more useful way of using the same idea might be to phrase it as 'Celestial Illusion'...the ability to create false sky projections over a 5 mile(or more) area, including false stellar patterns(screwing up attempts at stellar navigation), comets, eclipses, and meteor showers(very useful when dealing with primitive peoples), and phony weather patterns...and even, for brief moments, turning night into day...not truly, but enough to send those creatures of the night scurrying for cover for a few precious moments.... And the horror factor of a comet or 'dinosaur killer' coming at you out of the blue! "I hit him with the Moon!'(actual Champions campaign quote.)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- Mr Scorpio
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 255
- Joined: Thu Jul 25, 2002 1:01 am
- Location: Tulsa, OK
- taalismn
- Priest
- Posts: 48997
- Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
masterkind wrote:Okay, so go ahead and sue me, if you wish. How was the others? Don't count the information and neuron projection. and what else is too powerful? (Event creation, reality manipulation, etc.)
Speed of the Gods
This does not mean the character is everywhere and moves like the gods, nor does he move fast like one. Instead, the character moves his arms and legs so fast, that he can move them to hit, lift, catch, or hit a thrown ball many times before it is felt. If the character wants, he can do a number of other things and complete them before he actually hit, lifts, or catches, parries, or throws something. H can also use this power to hit the ground with his foot a number of times before he runs or jumps. This can be used to increase strength. This is based on your PE. The higher the PE, the more the speed. At a minimum of 16, the character can hits five times, seventeen, six times. And so on.
Is this basic speed or accelerated overall reflexes?
THis could almost appear to be a personal Temporal Flow Control(i.e., time flows faster for this character than for other people, allowing him to play tennis with himself---ball is in 'real' time----pickpocket a room full of people, and slap somebody upside the head fifty times while the opponent is still trying to raide his fists).
At these speeds(beyond the Supersonic Flight/Running ) you might want to toss in some major limitations, unless the character builds a package deal bytaking other powers, especially physical endurance/toughening, as at those speeds, he's likely to simply burn up due to friction(might want to impose a duration of melees equal to P.E. divided by ? before the character starts taking damage from his acceleration, or starts losing H.P. due his body eating up its reserves). Another aspect of this power might require a basic SKILL rating in the use of the ability...the character is moving at such ungodly speed that he has to contantly check himeself(like a Pull Punch or Pilot: Self roll) to keep from going overboard/too far and sliding into a wall, smacking into somebody at Speed Plus, or ripping somebody's pants leg off while trying to pick their pockets.
An excellent example of something similar to this idea was a 'neural accelerator' drug used in Keith Laumer's 'Retief and the Warlords'...made for a very hilarious escape from a gladiator pit.....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- taalismn
- Priest
- Posts: 48997
- Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
[quote="masterkind"]By the way, I got this from another web site, here I go
Alter Physical Structure Cartoon
5. Limitations: The character is also -3 to save vs magic and psionics and suffers an additional 25% damage from any such attacks. Possibly giving him the "Crazyman" insanity wouldn't be out of line, either (see page 38 of Heroes Unlimited™ 2nd Edition).
Might want to toss in a random roll chart for Special Vulnerabilities/Weaknesses like:
1) Unluck.....-1(or more) to specific types of rolls(skill, combat, impress/intimidate) as long as they don't interfere/conflict with existing strengths
2) Train Magnet----Base chance of a train plowing through the scene and hitting the character(can substitute train for falling safe, lightning, alligators, etc....)
3) Speed Impediment----THe PC is difficult/impossible to understand
4) Special Enemy....Cartoon nemesis shows up, like the Train Magnet above...THis can be anything from a deranged nimrod to a corny-speeched cartoon supervillian
5) Acetone Allergy....takes damage from the traditional enemies of cartoon celluloid characters...acids, erasers, etc....
6) Censor o' Doom---If the 'tooned PC sez or does ANYTHING out of character(uses lethal force, swears, steals, acts politically incorrect)...a massive fist and stamp comes out of the sky and 'BLEEPS' him under a massive imprint, knocking the PC out cold for a set period of time...
likely to be others....
Alter Physical Structure Cartoon
5. Limitations: The character is also -3 to save vs magic and psionics and suffers an additional 25% damage from any such attacks. Possibly giving him the "Crazyman" insanity wouldn't be out of line, either (see page 38 of Heroes Unlimited™ 2nd Edition).
Might want to toss in a random roll chart for Special Vulnerabilities/Weaknesses like:
1) Unluck.....-1(or more) to specific types of rolls(skill, combat, impress/intimidate) as long as they don't interfere/conflict with existing strengths
2) Train Magnet----Base chance of a train plowing through the scene and hitting the character(can substitute train for falling safe, lightning, alligators, etc....)
3) Speed Impediment----THe PC is difficult/impossible to understand
4) Special Enemy....Cartoon nemesis shows up, like the Train Magnet above...THis can be anything from a deranged nimrod to a corny-speeched cartoon supervillian
5) Acetone Allergy....takes damage from the traditional enemies of cartoon celluloid characters...acids, erasers, etc....
6) Censor o' Doom---If the 'tooned PC sez or does ANYTHING out of character(uses lethal force, swears, steals, acts politically incorrect)...a massive fist and stamp comes out of the sky and 'BLEEPS' him under a massive imprint, knocking the PC out cold for a set period of time...
likely to be others....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
Mr Scorpio wrote:Hey MrTwist,
I've been thinking about Penetrating Attack and it seems a lot like Power Touch from PU1. I'll have to look it up later to make sure though. I'm also working on a version of Combat Teleportation. I think I know what you're looking for and I think it could turn out to be pretty cool
Power Touch has a certain amount of points, based off PE, that can be used to destroy, repair, or heal.
And about Combat Teleportation; go for it.
- Prince Cherico
- Hero
- Posts: 1134
- Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2001 2:01 am
- Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
Ayn Rand - Location: california
Mentat (major ability)
the charter mind takes mathematics to a level that is impossible
for even the greatest super computers to reach! He literally
sees everything in terms of a matmatical equation.
1. radar- not exactly true radar the charters mind simply calculates
were every thing is range is 50 feet per level of experience
2. gage- the charter mathematical abilitys allow him to know every
thing about a charter that can be determined mathematically.
this includes things like weight, height, hitpoints, sdc, how many rounds
of amuniton said person has on him every thing works at 70% +2% per level of experience
3. translator- the charater can deciper any language, read any language and easily break any code all at 70% +2% per level of experience
4. Odds master- the charter can calculate the odds of any given action
happening this gives him a auto doge, +2 to strike, and +3 to over come AR
5. math matical navigation- treat this as the charter having a navigation skill at 70% +2% per level of experience
6. The charter has all math skills at 100%! He gets +30% on any
math related skills
7. weaknesses- the charter loses 1 MA and is color blind the presence of
so much mathematical skill has edged out the charters ability to see colors.
the charter mind takes mathematics to a level that is impossible
for even the greatest super computers to reach! He literally
sees everything in terms of a matmatical equation.
1. radar- not exactly true radar the charters mind simply calculates
were every thing is range is 50 feet per level of experience
2. gage- the charter mathematical abilitys allow him to know every
thing about a charter that can be determined mathematically.
this includes things like weight, height, hitpoints, sdc, how many rounds
of amuniton said person has on him every thing works at 70% +2% per level of experience
3. translator- the charater can deciper any language, read any language and easily break any code all at 70% +2% per level of experience
4. Odds master- the charter can calculate the odds of any given action
happening this gives him a auto doge, +2 to strike, and +3 to over come AR
5. math matical navigation- treat this as the charter having a navigation skill at 70% +2% per level of experience
6. The charter has all math skills at 100%! He gets +30% on any
math related skills
7. weaknesses- the charter loses 1 MA and is color blind the presence of
so much mathematical skill has edged out the charters ability to see colors.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
- taalismn
- Priest
- Posts: 48997
- Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
Manifest Cartoon Effects
Note: This power should not be rolled for randomly! A child hero with this superpower should be allowed to have it at its full ability, no matter his or her age, due to the power's nature.
An ability that allows for several wacky effects that anyone that has ever watched Saturday morning cartoons should be familiar with, it is highly suggested, but not required, that the character also have the APS: Cartoon power. If this is the case, all cartoon effects will be canceled as soon as the character reverts to normal. A player should enjoy this power as much as possible, restricted only by his own imagination and the G.M.'s discretion (which should be pretty lax if he is letting his players become cartoons).
Here's another way you can balance this(or justify adding more to the abilities)
Tie it to a person's M.E. ...only persons with low M.E. are better at it...
The way it works is when performing a really absurd stunt, the 'toon player has to roll OVER their ME score to accomplish rather than the traditional high roll plus bonuses from high attributes, you're essentially rolling against yourself....the higher the better, while the lower your ME, the better...The rationale being that people with higher Mental endurance have a tighter concrete grasp on reality...those with low ME, are more prone to slipping, under duress, into la-la land, or, in this case, floating off on cloud nine.....
Only with 'toon powers, that translates into some major firepower....since they don't know it can't be done, they can do it anyway...
Hmmm...maybe the power should also give bonuses to those with low IQs also? Not sure yet how QUITE to work that particular angle, buuuutttttt..... THat would make for some dangerous folks who spent too much time watching cartoons unsupervised.....
There should be SOME sort of perverse/converse benefit to having low stats...."Well, you might not be strong enough to rip open a packet of oatmeal without the assistance of power tools...but you CAN soak up kinetic force more effectively than a kevlar sack of Jell-O!"
Manifest Cartoon Effects
Note: This power should not be rolled for randomly! A child hero with this superpower should be allowed to have it at its full ability, no matter his or her age, due to the power's nature.
An ability that allows for several wacky effects that anyone that has ever watched Saturday morning cartoons should be familiar with, it is highly suggested, but not required, that the character also have the APS: Cartoon power. If this is the case, all cartoon effects will be canceled as soon as the character reverts to normal. A player should enjoy this power as much as possible, restricted only by his own imagination and the G.M.'s discretion (which should be pretty lax if he is letting his players become cartoons).
Here's another way you can balance this(or justify adding more to the abilities)
Tie it to a person's M.E. ...only persons with low M.E. are better at it...
The way it works is when performing a really absurd stunt, the 'toon player has to roll OVER their ME score to accomplish rather than the traditional high roll plus bonuses from high attributes, you're essentially rolling against yourself....the higher the better, while the lower your ME, the better...The rationale being that people with higher Mental endurance have a tighter concrete grasp on reality...those with low ME, are more prone to slipping, under duress, into la-la land, or, in this case, floating off on cloud nine.....
Only with 'toon powers, that translates into some major firepower....since they don't know it can't be done, they can do it anyway...
Hmmm...maybe the power should also give bonuses to those with low IQs also? Not sure yet how QUITE to work that particular angle, buuuutttttt..... THat would make for some dangerous folks who spent too much time watching cartoons unsupervised.....
There should be SOME sort of perverse/converse benefit to having low stats...."Well, you might not be strong enough to rip open a packet of oatmeal without the assistance of power tools...but you CAN soak up kinetic force more effectively than a kevlar sack of Jell-O!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- Mr Scorpio
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 255
- Joined: Thu Jul 25, 2002 1:01 am
- Location: Tulsa, OK
masterkind wrote:Note that I did not invent this, this was from another website, and I was aware about kids and cartoons as well. Anyways...
It would be nice if you included a link to the site(s) where you got these from or at least included the original authors name. You know, give credit where credit is due.
masterkind wrote:Minor
Lever Manipulation
The character has control over levers, one of the six simple machines. Whether it's third class, second, or first class levers, you can do the following feats of strength.
Resistance to restraint: THe character is so strong, he can't be held down by others.
Hard hit: Character's hand, arm, foot or leg is like a sledgehammer
Crowbar: Character can pry things open with bare hands.
Balance beam: Character can balance two things with just his arm
Nutcracker: The character can squeeze and destroy things in an instant.
Lifter: Character can lift hard to lift objects to make some free space
Jump and runner: Character runs at long strides and jumps high
Did you come up with some of these? It would be nice if you gave us some idea of just how much damage the attcks do and what percentage chances the character has of performing some of these actions. For instance, how much damage do the character's punches and kicks do? 2D6 or as much as 5D6? and does he have a 45% or 75% chance to "balance things with just his arm"? If you're wanting us to help flesh out these powers it would be nice if you would give us a little better idea of the damages you're thinking of.
And while I'm posting...
masterkind wrote:Okay, so go ahead and sue me, if you wish. How was the others? Don't count the information and neuron projection. and what else is too powerful? (Event creation, reality manipulation, etc.)
How 'bout limits? Superheroes can control only three or four celestial orbits(mostly the earth, the moon and the satellites, not the planets and sun). Supervillian, four to five (not the sun), Supernaturals, 5 to 7 (may include the sun) Cosmics, everything in the solar system.
I'm not saying I don't want this power to die, but this is just to make things better.
Controlling the orbit of the earth and moon is WAY more powerful than anything I know of in HU. I mean, check the powers in the book (and in PU1 if you have it) nothing even compares to what you're talking about. I'm not looking to flame you or anything, I'm just trying to help keep things going in the right direction here.
- Mr Scorpio
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 255
- Joined: Thu Jul 25, 2002 1:01 am
- Location: Tulsa, OK
MrTwist wrote:And about Combat Teleportation; go for it.
OK, here goes nothing......
Mr Scorpio wrote:Combat Teleportation (Major)
The character has the ability to instinctively teleport out of harms way. Seemingly using some sort of sixth sense the character is able to rapidly teleport short distances in any direction he needs to (including up and down) to avoid attacks. Once activated the power automatically teleports the character without any effort on his part. The character will automatically be teleported after each melee attack/action he has increasing his chances of dodging attacks. At first this power serves only as a defensive ability allowing the character a greatly increased chance of dodging the attacks of his foes. Later, as the character becomes more experienced (3rd level and beyond) he is able to turn his short distance “jumps” to his advantage giving him an edge in hand-to-hand combat. By putting himself into better position to attack he can increase his chances of hitting his target and still enjoying some additional defensive benefits.
Range: 2 feet + 1 foot per level of experience.
Duration: 1melee round per level of experience. May be canceled at any time.
Additional Weight: The character is able to teleport with additional weight equal to one and a half times his own body weight.
1. Defensive Teleportation. By teleporting in almost random directions the character is able to increase his chances of dodging attacks. While using this power defensively the character gives up all chances of attacking in favor of dodging any attacks aimed at him. The character is able to dodge as many attacks as he has attack/actions, any extra attacks aimed at him must be parried instead. It is possible to move completely out of an attackers range by teleporting behind something or up onto something that is beyond the attacker’s reach.
+ 5 to dodge, + 1 at levels 3, 7 & 12
+ 1 to roll with punch/fall, + 1 at levels 3, 6, 9 & 12
2. Offensive Teleportation (vs. a single opponent). By teleporting into position to attack (and out of position to be attacked) the character is able to give him self a distinct advantage in hand-to-hand combat when he faces a single opponent. The opponent has little time to react to the character and so is less likely to parry or dodge his attacks.
+ 2 to initiative
+ 3 to hit, + 1 at levels 4, 8 & 12
+ 1 to dodge, + 1 at levels 6, 9 & 12
Autododge, with a + 1 at levels 4, 8 & 12
3. Offensive Teleportation (vs. multiple opponents). This power seems to be even more effective when used against multiple opponents. By teleporting rapidly among and behind a group of opponents the character is able to give him self several distinct advantages as his foes try to keep track of him and not accidentally hit each other.
+ 1 to initiative
+ 2 to hit, + 1 at levels 4, 8 & 12
+ 2 to dodge, + 1 at levels 6, 9 & 12
Autododge, with a + 1 at levels 3, 6, 9 & 12
4. Disorienting Attack. By grabbing someone and then rapidly teleporting in random directions the character is able to completely disorient them causing them to loose all sense of direction and often causing them to become physically ill. An opponent who becomes disoriented looses half of their attack/actions and suffers a -4 penalty to attack, dodge and parry rolls for a full melee round until they regain their bearings.
Duration: 1melee round.
Save: 15 or higher including P.E. bonuses.
5. Distraction. By teleporting around a single individual while doing what ever he can to attract attention to him self (like yelling and waving his arms wildly) the character is able to create quite a distraction causing the victim to react with awe or even fear.
Duration: 1melee round.
Awe/Horror: 9
That what you have in mind or am I at least close?

[edit]OK, that should be a little better. Added a couple of initiative bonuses and a line or two in the description to help clear things up.[/edit]
Last edited by Mr Scorpio on Mon Sep 27, 2004 9:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
masterkind wrote:Okay, I'm adding a note, hpoe this helps.
Lever Manipulation
The character has control over levers, one of the six simple machines. Whether it's third class, second, or first class levers, you can do the following feats of strength.
Resistance to restraint: THe character is so strong, he can't be held down by others. Gain +4 to PS and PE
Hard hit: Character's hand, arm, foot or leg is like a sledgehammer Gain +3 to PS and 3D6 plus PS to damage
Crowbar: Character can pry things open with bare hands. Gain +3 to Extraordinary PS, in which he gains
Balance beam: Character can balance two things with just his arm Gain 2+ to PS
Nutcracker: The character can squeeze and destroy things in an instant. +3 to extra PS, in which he gains, and gain 3D6 to damage
Lifter: Character can lift hard to lift objects to make some free space, +3 to extra PS
Jump and runner: Character runs at long strides and jumps high, double speed and jumping
I'm not so sure I get this. You say this power gives you control over levers, then you go on to talk about feats of strength. If you can control simple machines like levers, then what the heck does it have to do with your own strength.
Unless you are posting a power as an idea for others to rework into something coherent, try to post full powers. This means put damages, ranges, effects, bonuses, and all that jazz in the description. Take a look at other posts, and the way powers are presented in the various books, for a guide.
- Mr Scorpio
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masterkind wrote:Okay scorp,et's start from the last thing you said.
I know the Orbit power is too powerful, you told me(or someone). If you read further, I said I did not mind if this power would get thrown in the trash, because it is not my favroite power.
About The Lever Manipulation, that is my own power, and I went through that too fast, and I'm going to have to think about the damage. I'll post when done.
The cartoon power, it's form this website.
Is there anything more?
That's much better. Thank you Masterkind.
masterkind wrote:You don't probably know your science twist. The human body is made up of third class levers. The character can alter those third class levers to do those feats of strengh. Of course, I should of put that in.
I have to admit that the science is a bit beyond me on this one but I can't wait until you get it all worked out. Maybe then it'll make sense to me.
- Mr Scorpio
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- Prince Cherico
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- Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
Ayn Rand - Location: california
hey Zen what do you think of the mentat power?
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
thagema wrote:OK, I'm assuming the others I posted were good since there hasn't been any feedback (No news is good news, right?).
So here is one I thought I had deleted after PU1 came out and I saw that this power had been done, except all of the abilities were minors! Yeah, I was a little upset when PU1 came out because I lost about five or six of my homemade superpowers! But, I'm not bitter, even though some of them I wrote up as majors and they came out as minors in PU1...![]()
Not all powers are created equal. I've disallowed Color Manipulation in my games just because of the sheer amount of scary stuff that could be done with it. My group used to play Marvel, and Coloration was a much abused power. Just because you thought something was major means you also probably thought of a million interesting uses for it. I've seen a few minors I looked at and immediately thought no way could this be a minor.
A few suggestions. Add another tentacle at lvl 14, just to get it to end up at an even number. You may want to break Shadow Animation to two subs. One actually creates a pseudo-shadow beast, where the other allows you to cause the shadow to change shape to match your desire. Like, when someone ticks you off your shadow takes on the appearance of something demonic to scare people away. Instead of a total ability to see in darkness, how about
Can see a limited distance in unnatural darkness, such as magically created or that created by a superpower. Range is 30ft.
Can see in total, natural, darkness to a limited range. Range is 150ft.
Can see perfectly in low-light conditions to a distance equal to natural vision.
And, yeah, no news is good news. I generally assume that if noone comments on my work, then it is rather sound and not needing comments.
Lord Cherico wrote:hey Zen what do you think of the mentat power?
Well, I thought it was quite interesting. It might need a little fleshing out, but worthwhile. The translation sub has me thinking. Is there a superpower that allows for understanding of all languages? I know there's Bookworm and some alien races with this ability, but is there a power? If there is, then the rest of this post is redundant.
Natural Linguistic Ability(minor)
For this character, the part of the brain that controls language comprehension(Wernicke's, I believe) has been enhanced. Learning new languages becomes a snap for this character. Even languages they cannot physically speak are understand. The written word is not covered by this power.
Effects: Within 1 minute of being exposed to a new language, the character gains rudimentary understanding. Treat this as a temporary understandind of how to understand/speak the language at a 50% proficiency. If continually exposed for an hour, or sparsely exposed for four hours, then this proficiency becomes a 78%.
Bonuses: At first level, the character has their native language, and 2 other languages, at 98%. These do not count towards the limit.
Duration: The ability to speak the language lasts only for three days, or it can be made permanent.
Limitations: The character begins the game with one empty language spot for every two full points of IQ. These are blanks that are filled in during the course of the game. To add a language into a blank slot, all the character has to do is desire it. From then on, they will know the language at a 78% plus IQ bonus. The character must be exposed to the language rather often during the course of a day to add it. They can be changed.
Edit: A little after posting this, I read the Linguistic ability that Cardiac wrote. My version is a little different so I'll let it stand.
Last edited by MrTwist on Mon Sep 27, 2004 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Mr Scorpio
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Here's a version of a power that Baron von Clogg talked about once. He said one of his players had come up with it but he didn't name him or her. If I can get in touch with him maybe I'll be able to find out who to credit. Until then....
And here's the Major version...
Not quite sure it's really balanced. If not please feel free to point it out.
Mr Scorpio wrote:Power Switch (Minor)
The character must possess at least one Major Super Ability before he can choose this power. This power grants the character an extra Major Super Ability by allowing him to switch between one that he already possesses and another power that is chosen at the time of character creation. This switch is temporary and the character cannot access any of the powers or bonuses from the first Major Ability while he is using the second. To use this power the character needs only to concentrate for a few seconds (about one melee attack/action).
Range: Self
Duration: 1 melee round per level of experience.
And here's the Major version...
Mr Scorpio wrote:Power Hub (Major)
This power grants the character a number of extra powers with one limitation; he must switch between a power he normally possesses and one of the extra powers. If the character does has another Major Super Ability then this power allows him to switch between that Major Ability and one chosen at character creation plus others chosen later. If the character does not possess any other Majors then this power applies to one of his Minor Super Abilities. It allows him to switch between that Minor power and his choice of two others chosen at character creation plus others chosen later.
Range: Self
Duration: 2 melee rounds plus 1 per level of experience.
Number of Additional Powers:
Majors: One Major Super Ability plus one more at levels 3, 6, 9 &12
Minors: Two Minor Super Abilities plus one more at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 & 15
Not quite sure it's really balanced. If not please feel free to point it out.
- Mr Scorpio
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thagema wrote:EDIT:
Here is the evil power I have been working on. Maybe you all can help me get this thing right. Remember, this is a rough draft.
This diabolic ability allows the character to shape change completely into another person, with all powers and skills, by consuming the major internal organs of the individual copied.
Wow, now that is evil.
I've always assumed that the worst thing a doppleganger type character could do was to copy someone and make others think he/she has gone bad. That's what makes Shapechanger so bad in the hands of a villian. He takes your shape and then lies, steals and cheats and you end up trying to explain that you were at your Mom's house doing your laundry while the bank was robbed. Having the ability to copy the Super Abilities of a given hero would only make the effect that much more believable (and potentially deadly). I can see the need to sample the DNA but maybe it would be better if the Doppleganger only needed to drink some of your blood instead of consuming whole organs?
- Mr Scorpio
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Here's one I thought of at work today. I've seen several comic characters with this one over the years and thought it might fill a niche.
Mr Scorpio wrote:Power Bridge
Note: The character must possess at least one Super Ability (Major or Minor) that allows him to create some sort of energy, force or even matter.
The character is able to generate a bridge like formation of energy, force or matter. As the bridge is created the character is pushed along at the leading edge allowing him to use it as a form of transportation. Others can also cross the Power Bridge as though it were a normal (though temporary) bridge.
The bridge can continue for as long as the character continues to create it. The character can cause the bridge to rise as he forms it creating an arch allowing it to span a distance of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per level of experience enabling him to cross chasms or walls/fences and even move to the top of some buildings. Going beyond the characters maximum distance will cause the bridge to collapse. The character can also create the bridge in the form of a pillar under his feet allowing him to raise himself straight up 10 feet + 5 feet per level.
The bridge can be attacked and destroyed. The bridge has an A.R. of 10 (regardless of what it is made of) and 50 S.D.C. per 10-foot section if it is made of energy or 100 S.D.C. per 10-foot section if it is made of either force or matter. Destroying any part of an arch as the character is creating it causes it to fall dropping the character to the ground. The pillar has the same A.R. and S.D.C. as the bridge.
Range: Touch
Speed: 25 mph + 5 mph per level of experience.
Duration: Once created the bridge will start to dissipate/evaporate/melt within 1 minute unless the character chooses to maintain it.
Attacks per Melee: It uses up two attack/actions per melee to create the bridge. After it is formed the character can maintain it with little effort (uses one melee attack/action) giving others time to cross it.
- dark brandon
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Deep Understanding: (minor)
A person with this power develops a deep understanding and love of specific skill set. After choosing this power the character chooses a specific skill set. (such as communications, Physical, Electrical)
1) The character can select skills from his/her specific category even if it is not initially allowed by their occ/rcc along with a +10% bonus to those skills.
2) These skills are the only ones that can be elevated higher than 98%. A roll of a 99 or 00 still means a miss, but the extra skill % can help against any penalties
3) If WP ancient or Modern is chosen the character may use any weapon on the aforementioned list as if they had the WP. Unfortunately, must use it at level 1 range. Can increase if he/she selects specific weapon skills.
*This power may be selected more than once
Deep Understanding (major)
Like the minor power this character has a deeper understanding of not one, but all skills.
1) All skills are available to the character.
2) All skills can reach beyond 98% level.
3) Can attempt any skill even if he/she doesn't have it as if they had it at 15% (does not increase with level).
Energy expulstion: Defence Flare(major)
This character is surrounded by an aura that constantly protects him. Unlike a force shield this aura protects by inflicting damage rather than stopping it. A character does not need to be aware of an attack to keep the aura from going off. The character looks normal until just before he/she is hit when the aura flares out and lashes at any incoming attacks at which point the character glows. After the attack has been averted, the glow fades. (glow and type of flare is left up to Character)
Range: 3ft +1 ft every level
Damage: 1d4 + 1d4 every level. The damage always strikes at full damage, cannot be reduced.
bonuses: +1 strike every level. (Works like a parry, but only use these bonuses).
1) The flare strikes at the incoming item. So someone attacking with a sword will find their sword damaged by the flare, but not them (course too many hits will destroy a common sword). Most bullets can be considered to have a few SDC (I range about 6 sdc).
2) If a character is aware of something (such as a friend coming in for a hug) the power won't activate. Unfortunately, a friend surprising them from behind will be struck.
3) If Damage done to an incoming fist/foot is greater than the attackers PE, the fist/food is thrown off course and misses completely. (You may choose to have it do damage directly to hand/arm or foot/leg than the attackers main body, if you track that sort of thing)
4) Yes, this does help against sneak attacks, but will not make them aware of it.
5) If the character Parries/dodges an attack, the flare will still go off. In combat situations the character must concentrate to keep this power off. -1 apm -1 strike/parry/dodge.
6) The range of the flare is important vs. things that have area affect. It will hit on the outside of the radius.
7) Unless the character has another energy expulsion power, he/she cannot mentally will flares to happen.
(I always liked the idea of supercharing a power for other powers)
*If this power is selected, and the character has a minor power slot available (Or 2 minor psionic powers), the character may "use" up a Minor Power slot to increase this power. If done, increase range by 2 ft, damage is now 1d6 + 1d6 per level.
*If this power is selected, and the character has a Major power slot available (Or a super psionic), the character may select this power twice. If so, Range is increased to 6ft to start, Damage is upped to 1d8 +1d8 per level and the character can control the damage increments by 1d8.
*If this power is selected, and the character has another major and minor power slot available (or two minor and one super psionic), they may use up those slots to increase this power. Damage is now 1d10 per level, Range is 6ft +1 additional foot per level (For a total of 2ft per level), can control damage increments by 1d10, and bonus to start is +3 to strike with +1 strike per level.
A person with this power develops a deep understanding and love of specific skill set. After choosing this power the character chooses a specific skill set. (such as communications, Physical, Electrical)
1) The character can select skills from his/her specific category even if it is not initially allowed by their occ/rcc along with a +10% bonus to those skills.
2) These skills are the only ones that can be elevated higher than 98%. A roll of a 99 or 00 still means a miss, but the extra skill % can help against any penalties
3) If WP ancient or Modern is chosen the character may use any weapon on the aforementioned list as if they had the WP. Unfortunately, must use it at level 1 range. Can increase if he/she selects specific weapon skills.
*This power may be selected more than once
Deep Understanding (major)
Like the minor power this character has a deeper understanding of not one, but all skills.
1) All skills are available to the character.
2) All skills can reach beyond 98% level.
3) Can attempt any skill even if he/she doesn't have it as if they had it at 15% (does not increase with level).
Energy expulstion: Defence Flare(major)
This character is surrounded by an aura that constantly protects him. Unlike a force shield this aura protects by inflicting damage rather than stopping it. A character does not need to be aware of an attack to keep the aura from going off. The character looks normal until just before he/she is hit when the aura flares out and lashes at any incoming attacks at which point the character glows. After the attack has been averted, the glow fades. (glow and type of flare is left up to Character)
Range: 3ft +1 ft every level
Damage: 1d4 + 1d4 every level. The damage always strikes at full damage, cannot be reduced.
bonuses: +1 strike every level. (Works like a parry, but only use these bonuses).
1) The flare strikes at the incoming item. So someone attacking with a sword will find their sword damaged by the flare, but not them (course too many hits will destroy a common sword). Most bullets can be considered to have a few SDC (I range about 6 sdc).
2) If a character is aware of something (such as a friend coming in for a hug) the power won't activate. Unfortunately, a friend surprising them from behind will be struck.
3) If Damage done to an incoming fist/foot is greater than the attackers PE, the fist/food is thrown off course and misses completely. (You may choose to have it do damage directly to hand/arm or foot/leg than the attackers main body, if you track that sort of thing)
4) Yes, this does help against sneak attacks, but will not make them aware of it.
5) If the character Parries/dodges an attack, the flare will still go off. In combat situations the character must concentrate to keep this power off. -1 apm -1 strike/parry/dodge.
6) The range of the flare is important vs. things that have area affect. It will hit on the outside of the radius.
7) Unless the character has another energy expulsion power, he/she cannot mentally will flares to happen.
(I always liked the idea of supercharing a power for other powers)
*If this power is selected, and the character has a minor power slot available (Or 2 minor psionic powers), the character may "use" up a Minor Power slot to increase this power. If done, increase range by 2 ft, damage is now 1d6 + 1d6 per level.
*If this power is selected, and the character has a Major power slot available (Or a super psionic), the character may select this power twice. If so, Range is increased to 6ft to start, Damage is upped to 1d8 +1d8 per level and the character can control the damage increments by 1d8.
*If this power is selected, and the character has another major and minor power slot available (or two minor and one super psionic), they may use up those slots to increase this power. Damage is now 1d10 per level, Range is 6ft +1 additional foot per level (For a total of 2ft per level), can control damage increments by 1d10, and bonus to start is +3 to strike with +1 strike per level.
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.
- dark brandon
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- Comment: I want you more when you're afraid of me.
- Location: Louisville, KY
Demonic touch (Major)
This is a dark power that allows a character to use life (SDC/HP/) for his purposes. But he doesn't have to use his own life. While he can, it's preferable to use others since damage done this way is not healed any quicker.
Range: Self or others by touch
Duration: Touch is instant, but can hold on to life force for 1 hour per level. Can touch another person to grant them bonuses (but why do that?)
Damage: On self, can selectively use his own HP/SDC as he wishes. To others he will do 1d6 + 1d6 per level, a save of 14 or higher is needed to avert the damage (ME bonuses included). HP is more potent than SDC, but must go through SDC in order to get HP (cannot use on non-living things)
To increase a skill by 1% it takes 5 sdc or 2 hp: Duration, 5 minutes
To increase a bonus by 1, 10 sdc or 5 hp: duration 10 min.
To increase SDC, 1 for 1 on SDC or 1 HP will grant 5 SDC: Duration 1 hour
To increase HP, 5 SDC for 1 HP and 1 HP for 1 HP: Duration 1 hour
To For healing purposes, can do as above, but the duration is permanent (cannot have more HP/SDC than normal)
1) This is considered a physical and Psionic attack. As such Invulnerable characters can be affected, as well as characters who are invulnerable to psionics. (If they have both, invulnerable and invulnerable to psionics, they are safe)
2) Can affect People in armor as long as the character touches the armor. Will not work on robots, those in power armor or those piloting vehicles.
Devil touch (Major)
Works like Demonic touch, but affects attributes.
Range: Self or others by touch
Duration: Instant for inflicting damage. Damage heals at 1 pt per hour or full recovery after a full nights rest. Can hold an attribute point for 1 hour per level.
Damage: Is 1 pt per touch. For every touch, the person must make a save vs. Psionics. A fail means that they lose 1 attribute point temporarily (Person with devil touch's choice). An IQ 3 the victim is considered a veg. until they gain a full nights rest, no combat possible. A PE of 3 or lower the victim becomes physically ill at an instant and has 1 attack per melee and no bonuses. A PS of 3 means the character cannot hold himself up and falls limp to the ground.
For every 4 points of abilities removed from a victim, the character may put 1 point into his/her own pool temporarily. This must be exactly as he has took from his victims, so if he removed 4 pts of strenght from his enemy he may put 1 pt of strenght into his own attribute. If he took 2 from strenght and 2 from PE he cannot raise any attibute.
Duration is 1 hour + 1 hour every level.
1) This is considered a Physical and Psionic attack. As such Invulnerability will not protect against it, nor will invulnerable to psionics.
2) Can affect people in armor, but must touch the armor. Will not work on robots, power armor or people in vehicles. (Must touch them)
3) Cannot drain a person if they have 3 or less in any attribute unless they bring down IQ, ME and PE to 3. If IQ or ME or PS is lower than 1, roll to save vs. coma/death.
4) PB reduction is temporary, and the victim becomes more skeletal looking. at a PB of 3 or less they have a HF of 10 until they sleep it off.
Chaos Touch (Minor)
This character can disrupt a persons inner being with a touch. To normal people this has little consequence, but to a psionic or mage it can be dire
Range: 10 ft +5 ft per level or by touch
Damage: 3d6 removed from a victims PPE or ISP (And Chi if you use that). If Touched, it's doubled
Duration: PPE and ISP returns normally
victims who do not rely on PPE or ISP find the effects negligable. -1 strike/parry and dodge from a slight light-headedness that lasts 1 melee (non-cumulative). Those who have high PPE or isp and are more connected to their inner self will find that every touch is more and more disorienting, a -1 strike/parry/dodge that is accumulative.
(Put these three powers together and you have a very nasty villain.)
This is a dark power that allows a character to use life (SDC/HP/) for his purposes. But he doesn't have to use his own life. While he can, it's preferable to use others since damage done this way is not healed any quicker.
Range: Self or others by touch
Duration: Touch is instant, but can hold on to life force for 1 hour per level. Can touch another person to grant them bonuses (but why do that?)
Damage: On self, can selectively use his own HP/SDC as he wishes. To others he will do 1d6 + 1d6 per level, a save of 14 or higher is needed to avert the damage (ME bonuses included). HP is more potent than SDC, but must go through SDC in order to get HP (cannot use on non-living things)
To increase a skill by 1% it takes 5 sdc or 2 hp: Duration, 5 minutes
To increase a bonus by 1, 10 sdc or 5 hp: duration 10 min.
To increase SDC, 1 for 1 on SDC or 1 HP will grant 5 SDC: Duration 1 hour
To increase HP, 5 SDC for 1 HP and 1 HP for 1 HP: Duration 1 hour
To For healing purposes, can do as above, but the duration is permanent (cannot have more HP/SDC than normal)
1) This is considered a physical and Psionic attack. As such Invulnerable characters can be affected, as well as characters who are invulnerable to psionics. (If they have both, invulnerable and invulnerable to psionics, they are safe)
2) Can affect People in armor as long as the character touches the armor. Will not work on robots, those in power armor or those piloting vehicles.
Devil touch (Major)
Works like Demonic touch, but affects attributes.
Range: Self or others by touch
Duration: Instant for inflicting damage. Damage heals at 1 pt per hour or full recovery after a full nights rest. Can hold an attribute point for 1 hour per level.
Damage: Is 1 pt per touch. For every touch, the person must make a save vs. Psionics. A fail means that they lose 1 attribute point temporarily (Person with devil touch's choice). An IQ 3 the victim is considered a veg. until they gain a full nights rest, no combat possible. A PE of 3 or lower the victim becomes physically ill at an instant and has 1 attack per melee and no bonuses. A PS of 3 means the character cannot hold himself up and falls limp to the ground.
For every 4 points of abilities removed from a victim, the character may put 1 point into his/her own pool temporarily. This must be exactly as he has took from his victims, so if he removed 4 pts of strenght from his enemy he may put 1 pt of strenght into his own attribute. If he took 2 from strenght and 2 from PE he cannot raise any attibute.
Duration is 1 hour + 1 hour every level.
1) This is considered a Physical and Psionic attack. As such Invulnerability will not protect against it, nor will invulnerable to psionics.
2) Can affect people in armor, but must touch the armor. Will not work on robots, power armor or people in vehicles. (Must touch them)
3) Cannot drain a person if they have 3 or less in any attribute unless they bring down IQ, ME and PE to 3. If IQ or ME or PS is lower than 1, roll to save vs. coma/death.
4) PB reduction is temporary, and the victim becomes more skeletal looking. at a PB of 3 or less they have a HF of 10 until they sleep it off.
Chaos Touch (Minor)
This character can disrupt a persons inner being with a touch. To normal people this has little consequence, but to a psionic or mage it can be dire
Range: 10 ft +5 ft per level or by touch
Damage: 3d6 removed from a victims PPE or ISP (And Chi if you use that). If Touched, it's doubled
Duration: PPE and ISP returns normally
victims who do not rely on PPE or ISP find the effects negligable. -1 strike/parry and dodge from a slight light-headedness that lasts 1 melee (non-cumulative). Those who have high PPE or isp and are more connected to their inner self will find that every touch is more and more disorienting, a -1 strike/parry/dodge that is accumulative.
(Put these three powers together and you have a very nasty villain.)
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.
masterkind wrote:Okay, I'm back, here's another...
Artistic Mimic
This power, unlike the real Mimic, doesn't copy the same powers. Instead, the character can copy his opponents powers
Ok. You might need to extrapolate.
masterkind wrote:and when he does, the powers are twice as powerful, fast, or as the opponent's. This power differs from Mimic in plenty of ways.
I'm all ears.
masterkind wrote: First, The character has a choice of copying skills/knowledge/memories, attributes that make the opponent better than the character, and the powers. The character, however, cannot copy cybernetic parts. Also, the character can copy two opponents' powers, skills, or whatever at once. He can olny copy characteristics from two opponents but as the old qoute goes, "anything you can do, I can do better."
So, even though a char can only copy two poers from an opponent, they can copy two opponents?
masterkind wrote:he character has a choice between skills/knowledge/memories, powers and attributes. Character can only choose one of the three.
I will not take the time to quote the rest of the power. I do believe you took the time to post an idea for a power you found useful. Great. I'm going to sound like the thread's total jerk. And this is from someone who's posted unformed powers just waiting for validation and re-definition.
This power is totally unbalanced in terms of HU2. Go ahead enveryone; flame me. But, even if it's just a framework power, post something we can work with. You have an imagination, but please give us something more solid to work with. This, along with a few of your posts, does nothing beyond waste space in a forum. Study the powers you've seen in HU2, and use them as a power basis. This power has nothing to do with the moniker 'Artistic'.
Yup, I'm gonna get flamed.
- Mr Scorpio
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 255
- Joined: Thu Jul 25, 2002 1:01 am
- Location: Tulsa, OK
MrTwist wrote:I will not take the time to quote the rest of the power. I do believe you took the time to post an idea for a power you found useful. Great. I'm going to sound like the thread's total jerk. And this is from someone who's posted unformed powers just waiting for validation and re-definition.
This power is totally unbalanced in terms of HU2. Go ahead enveryone; flame me. But, even if it's just a framework power, post something we can work with. You have an imagination, but please give us something more solid to work with. This, along with a few of your posts, does nothing beyond waste space in a forum. Study the powers you've seen in HU2, and use them as a power basis. This power has nothing to do with the moniker 'Artistic'.
Yup, I'm gonna get flamed.
Not by me at least MrTwist. You said what I've been thinking but in a much nicer way. Not only does he have an imagination but he seems to know something about science so he should be able to compare and contrast his powers to those in the books. I mean........(breathe).........ok, I'll not go on. It is not my intention to flame people, I'd rather help them enjoy the game. It is why we are all here after all.
Masterkind, if you need some help figuring any of this out I'll do my best.
masterkind wrote:Okay, should I limit it to copying one opponent, and take out the attributes and skills part? Anything else?
By the way, I put Artistic in the name because of creativity with the power. The character is supposed to be more creative with the copied power once he copies it, which is why he is twice as powerful. That's why it is called Artistic Mimic. Is that still bad?
If you drop the extra person and the skills/attributes, then you basically have the mimic power. Except whatever you copy is twice as powerful.
It's the 'twice as powerful' part that really ruins it. That's way stronger than a major should be.
Creating a version of mimic where you copy skills and/or attributes can be useful. But, keep it down to the same level of power.
The character has the ability to merge his body with a larger inanimate object, granting and reciveing qualities to both that are somewhat greater than the sum of it's parts.
1) Merging: The character can immerse himself inside any physical object that can accomidate his physical dimensions and outmasses him by at least 100%. The merging process takes 2 full melee rounds to achieve. When complete, the character becomes (literally) one with the item in question. While immersed the character can view general details of the object and can maintain a kind of grainy surveilance. He can also influence a small amount of control. If the Object in question has active surveilance integral to it's nature, then he may use those items as he wills. While immersed, he may apply a force equal to his ME x his level in lbs to any part of 'himself'. (EG: Symbiote (4th level, ME 14) immerses herself into an oak tree. When a couple of young punks come up and start smoking at her base, she 'feels the smoke and becomes dimly aware of their voices. When they start to climb her she feels the presence of two beings. when they start carving their names into her trunk she exerts 56lbs of pressure to an overhead branch, dropping it on their noggins. If she inserts herself into a local Motel, she knows which rooms are inhabited, and the general activity at each one. She could also 'speak' by using the phone lines (intergral to the building) Play with the lights power and water, and even 'see' through any integral closed circuit cameras. She could not operate the cash register (not intergral) nor the microwave oven.)
2) Retreat: After 2 melees of immersion, the character may choose to exit the object. If so she takes 2 more melees to do so, but may emerge from any point in that structure. (Urbanik Merges with the golden gate bridge at the southern end. five minutes later a car crash at the northern end occurs, and so Urbanik emerges at that end to assist.)
3) Symbiosis: While resting inside a large object, the character heals at 3 times normal rate. Further more, the item the character is immersed with also repairs itself at this rate (though a battle ship may take a long time to repair itself). While inside, the item in question has an improved AR (+1) and has an SDC bonus of 5% per level. (Streetsweeper, a 7th level hero, has merged with a garbage truck. it's normal SDC for that time is improved by 70%)
4) Drawbacks: While merged with an item, the character shares the same fate as the item. If Symbiote is merged with a tree, and that tree is damaged, then symbiote is also hurt. Every full 10% of the item's SDC that is lost inflicts 5% SDC damage to the target (so if an item is destroyed, then the target is down by half his normal SDC). In addition size does matter. Attempts to merge with truly gigantic structures (mountains, space going juggernaughts, moons, the Earth itself or an ocean for instances) will cause the character to be spread 'too thin'. The character immerses, but is then rendered unconscious. every day he makes a save (16+) to be ejected sans all SDC somewhere random. (EG: Passage, thinking it might be a cool idea, merges with the bedrock of New York City. After immense pain and confusion, he fails a saving throw. he fails the next three saving throws in fact. on the fourth day he makes it, and is ejected unconscious in the holland tunnel.)
The character has the ability to merge his body with a larger inanimate object, granting and reciveing qualities to both that are somewhat greater than the sum of it's parts.
1) Merging: The character can immerse himself inside any physical object that can accomidate his physical dimensions and outmasses him by at least 100%. The merging process takes 2 full melee rounds to achieve. When complete, the character becomes (literally) one with the item in question. While immersed the character can view general details of the object and can maintain a kind of grainy surveilance. He can also influence a small amount of control. If the Object in question has active surveilance integral to it's nature, then he may use those items as he wills. While immersed, he may apply a force equal to his ME x his level in lbs to any part of 'himself'. (EG: Symbiote (4th level, ME 14) immerses herself into an oak tree. When a couple of young punks come up and start smoking at her base, she 'feels the smoke and becomes dimly aware of their voices. When they start to climb her she feels the presence of two beings. when they start carving their names into her trunk she exerts 56lbs of pressure to an overhead branch, dropping it on their noggins. If she inserts herself into a local Motel, she knows which rooms are inhabited, and the general activity at each one. She could also 'speak' by using the phone lines (intergral to the building) Play with the lights power and water, and even 'see' through any integral closed circuit cameras. She could not operate the cash register (not intergral) nor the microwave oven.)
2) Retreat: After 2 melees of immersion, the character may choose to exit the object. If so she takes 2 more melees to do so, but may emerge from any point in that structure. (Urbanik Merges with the golden gate bridge at the southern end. five minutes later a car crash at the northern end occurs, and so Urbanik emerges at that end to assist.)
3) Symbiosis: While resting inside a large object, the character heals at 3 times normal rate. Further more, the item the character is immersed with also repairs itself at this rate (though a battle ship may take a long time to repair itself). While inside, the item in question has an improved AR (+1) and has an SDC bonus of 5% per level. (Streetsweeper, a 7th level hero, has merged with a garbage truck. it's normal SDC for that time is improved by 70%)
4) Drawbacks: While merged with an item, the character shares the same fate as the item. If Symbiote is merged with a tree, and that tree is damaged, then symbiote is also hurt. Every full 10% of the item's SDC that is lost inflicts 5% SDC damage to the target (so if an item is destroyed, then the target is down by half his normal SDC). In addition size does matter. Attempts to merge with truly gigantic structures (mountains, space going juggernaughts, moons, the Earth itself or an ocean for instances) will cause the character to be spread 'too thin'. The character immerses, but is then rendered unconscious. every day he makes a save (16+) to be ejected sans all SDC somewhere random. (EG: Passage, thinking it might be a cool idea, merges with the bedrock of New York City. After immense pain and confusion, he fails a saving throw. he fails the next three saving throws in fact. on the fourth day he makes it, and is ejected unconscious in the holland tunnel.)
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
- Prince Cherico
- Hero
- Posts: 1134
- Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2001 2:01 am
- Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
Ayn Rand - Location: california
APS Magic girl
This power allows the charter to transform into
a sailor moon type magic girl.
1. Semi nude transformation it takes a full 60 seconds for the
charter to transform into his/or her magic girl form. During
this time the charter is funcionally invunerable. This transformation
is also extremely flashy and has a awe factor of 14
2. Magic costume- the charter has a magic costume that
provides the charter a natural AR of 8 and 50 SDC per level
of experience
3. the charter gains the ability to leap 30 feet in the air and 60 feet
4. the charters strengh becomes Extrondinary
5. Ranged attack the charter can do a ranged attack that
does 3D6 +1d6 damage per level of experience
6. charged ranged attack- the charter can spend his melee rounds
charging up a mega ranged attack. During this charge time the charter
must say some nonsense crap and pose.
7. Transformation confusion- no matter how bad the disguise is people
will not be able to tell what the charters true idenity is in transformed
8. other bonuses the charter gains +10 to PB in both transformed
state and normal state
This power allows the charter to transform into
a sailor moon type magic girl.
1. Semi nude transformation it takes a full 60 seconds for the
charter to transform into his/or her magic girl form. During
this time the charter is funcionally invunerable. This transformation
is also extremely flashy and has a awe factor of 14
2. Magic costume- the charter has a magic costume that
provides the charter a natural AR of 8 and 50 SDC per level
of experience
3. the charter gains the ability to leap 30 feet in the air and 60 feet
4. the charters strengh becomes Extrondinary
5. Ranged attack the charter can do a ranged attack that
does 3D6 +1d6 damage per level of experience
6. charged ranged attack- the charter can spend his melee rounds
charging up a mega ranged attack. During this charge time the charter
must say some nonsense crap and pose.
7. Transformation confusion- no matter how bad the disguise is people
will not be able to tell what the charters true idenity is in transformed
8. other bonuses the charter gains +10 to PB in both transformed
state and normal state
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
- Mr Scorpio
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 255
- Joined: Thu Jul 25, 2002 1:01 am
- Location: Tulsa, OK
masterkind wrote:Okay, I'm back again, and I've made some changes in Artistic Mimic. Also, THat tornado was a bad storm and not a funnel cloud if you're wondering. Anyways.
I live in Oklahoma so I can understand about the tornado. Nice to hear that it was just a bad storm.
Fighting Adaption
This power is like Mimic, only in addition to powers, it allows you to copy your opponent's higher attributes, and knowledge/skills/memories. The character, however, cannot copy cybernetic parts, but character does get knowledge about his opponent's weaknesses.
The character can copy skills/knowledge/memories, powers, strengths and attributes. He also has knowledge about opponent's weaknesses.
Did I forget anything?
Hmmm, Mimic only allows you to copy your opponents powers and attributes and for Fighting Adaption all you seem to have done is add the ability to copy the skills and memories of your opponent. It's just a stronger version of Mimic and without some kind of real drawback it's still a bit too much. I'm not sure how to get it to work the way you want and come out balanced. I'll think about it some more but this is a tuff one.
- Prince Cherico
- Hero
- Posts: 1134
- Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2001 2:01 am
- Comment: Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities
Ayn Rand - Location: california
My idea is that the charater has so much math matical skill compacted
in his brain that it edges out ones ability to see color. Remember
the mentat power is susposed to go way beyond what even a super
computer is capable of.
in his brain that it edges out ones ability to see color. Remember
the mentat power is susposed to go way beyond what even a super
computer is capable of.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[