strange rules thought. . .

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strange rules thought. . .

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

In Rifts Japan, under the True Samuri, it says that only the males are taught Zanji-Shinjiken Ryu. the females are taught kendo.

now, the Cyber Samurai can also get Zanji for 3 other skills. and no gender restrictions so a female can have it.

now, how could a female cyber samurai learn it if no one would teach her.

and if someone would, couldn't you havea true samurai with it too?

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also, why is it the second I hit post I thought that one of my answers would be:

"Palladium Editing strikes again"
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Re: strange rules thought. . .

Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:In Rifts Japan, under the True Samuri, it says that only the males are taught Zanji-Shinjiken Ryu. the females are taught kendo.

now, the Cyber Samurai can also get Zanji for 3 other skills. and no gender restrictions so a female can have it.

now, how could a female cyber samurai learn it if no one would teach her.

and if someone would, couldn't you havea true samurai with it too?


..true Samurai are taught through tradition. Cyber-Samurai are taught by rogue Samurai or others who have learned from them that reject that tradition. So the tradition of women not being taught the same goes out the window with the other traditions of the true Samurai.

-Mike >8]
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gadrin wrote:
A bigger rules lawyer than Dr. Doom III

yes, but I remember a quote from the good doctor years back on another BBS, about *someone* actually trying to fix all the mistakes in PB material.

his reply was to the effect: "Like counting the grains of sand on a beach"

so, he already knows the futility of taking any of this stuff without making one's own determination, and is already ahead of you...

1. I knew that long ago.

don't get me wrong, I've asked peoples opinions on here because I'm curious what others think. . . but I always already know what I think before. actually, I usually make my decsion first THEN ask people here to see waht they think. curiosity.

2. this has absolutly nothing to do with the topic.
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Unread post by Svartalf »

Madmanmike is essentially right.

The True samurai restriction on learning kendô rather than Zanji Shinjinken is due to the traditionalist attitude that, while women may honor the warrior tradition of their family, they are not expected to do any serious warring, so can get away with somewhat inferior fighting skills.

A female samurai that even questioned that would either submit anyway, or go the ronin way. Even then, I'm not sure she could find a zanji sensei.

A cyber sam is taught out of a traditional frame anyway, so sex does not matter.
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Re: strange rules thought. . .

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Nekira Sudacne wrote:In Rifts Japan, under the True Samuri, it says that only the males are taught Zanji-Shinjiken Ryu. the females are taught kendo.

now, the Cyber Samurai can also get Zanji for 3 other skills. and no gender restrictions so a female can have it.

now, how could a female cyber samurai learn it if no one would teach her.

and if someone would, couldn't you havea true samurai with it too?


No one in the traditional part of Japan would teach her. They could learn it from someone in the New Republic that did not have the same sexist attitude.
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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:. . but I always already know what I think before. actually, I usually make my decsion first THEN ask people here to see waht they think. curiosity.

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Nekira Sudacne wrote:. . but I always already know what I think before. actually, I usually make my decsion first THEN ask people here to see waht they think. curiosity.

..Therein lies your greatest weakness...

-Mike >8] <--------- that's a smilie!


I usually have my own opinion. it's not set in stone. I can and have changed my mind based on the arguments presented.
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Unread post by Temporalmage »

With all the self-professed rules lawyers on this board we really need to up the bar!! :lol:
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Temporalmage wrote:With all the self-professed rules lawyers on this board we really need to up the bar!! :lol:

Sorry we lowered the bar for Nekira. :)
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Dr. Doom III wrote:
Temporalmage wrote:With all the self-professed rules lawyers on this board we really need to up the bar!! :lol:

Sorry we lowered the bar for Nekira. :)

Thanks Doom! After the day I've had I really needed the laugh!! :lol:
And TemporalMage went to the last page, Refusing to follow the trend." Ode to the Teleport Thread by The Fifth Business
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Re: strange rules thought. . .

Unread post by Athos »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:In Rifts Japan, under the True Samuri, it says that only the males are taught Zanji-Shinjiken Ryu. the females are taught kendo.

now, the Cyber Samurai can also get Zanji for 3 other skills. and no gender restrictions so a female can have it.

now, how could a female cyber samurai learn it if no one would teach her.

and if someone would, couldn't you havea true samurai with it too?


If you really want to play a female samurai with HTH Samurai, I am sure you could come up with a convincing background to explain it. Perhaps she was the only child of an ancient Samurai family. Her father, out of love for her and concern for her safety, broke tradition and taught her the ways of combat as his father taught him.

Personally, with all RPGs I see the rules as a general guideline, its not like they are the gospels or something. If they do not make sense for a certain situation, simply ignore them or make an exception.
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Unread post by Borast »

Even in it's most conservative times, Japan has had some interesting situations pop-up.

If you could come up with a suitable (and hideously detailed) backstory, I'm sure most GMs might allow you to do it.

However, for her own sake (and we're not talking the drink here! ;)), she would want to prominately carry a bokken, even if she was carying a daisho. She can always tell those who challenge her that the honour requires her to carry her dead father's blades with her, and if he does not cease challenging her, she would have to prove his folly upon his body (reaching for but not drawing her bokken). The fact that she is also setting herself up for a cross-draw of the katana would likely be hidden! ;)

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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All right, all right.

check out my new title. you people happy now?
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Aegis wrote:Or just got the old disney movie route Mulan, where I think she cuts her hair off and acts like a male to learn the ways of the samurai. I know it would be harder with all the magic and psionics around but i dont know many spells or psionics of detect sex.

Its probably a long shot idea but may work.


..Mulan was Chinese, not Japanese; she became a soldier. But your point still holds.

-Mike >8]
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Unread post by Borast »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:All right, all right.

check out my new title. you people happy now?

You changed it? :shock:


Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Re: strange rules thought. . .

Unread post by Svartalf »

Athos wrote:If you really want to play a female samurai with HTH Samurai, I am sure you could come up with a convincing background to explain it. Perhaps she was the only child of an ancient Samurai family. Her father, out of love for her and concern for her safety, broke tradition and taught her the ways of combat as his father taught him.

Personally, with all RPGs I see the rules as a general guideline, its not like they are the gospels or something. If they do not make sense for a certain situation, simply ignore them or make an exception.

Wrongo. a Traditionalist father would just marry her to a real Samurai, adopting him into the family and making him his heir.

Her best (and about only) option is to develop a special (just how special?) relationship with a sensei and get him to break secret and tradition and teach her... fat chance, but about the only one that is not a complete suspension-of-disbelief bender.
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Unread post by Svartalf »

Aegis wrote:Or just got the old disney movie route Mulan, where I think she cuts her hair off and acts like a male to learn the ways of the samurai. I know it would be harder with all the magic and psionics around but i dont know many spells or psionics of detect sex.

Its probably a long shot idea but may work.


Better be REAL young, or blessed with an underdeveloped chest, narrow hips and deepish voice... passing for the other sex is not THAT easy past a certain age.
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Unread post by Svartalf »

Borast wrote:Even in it's most conservative times, Japan has had some interesting situations pop-up.

If you could come up with a suitable (and hideously detailed) backstory, I'm sure most GMs might allow you to do it.

However, for her own sake (and we're not talking the drink here! ;)), she would want to prominately carry a bokken, even if she was carying a daisho. She can always tell those who challenge her that the honour requires her to carry her dead father's blades with her, and if he does not cease challenging her, she would have to prove his folly upon his body (reaching for but not drawing her bokken). The fact that she is also setting herself up for a cross-draw of the katana would likely be hidden! ;)

err... what exactly is a cross-draw? and are you actually advocating a samurai lady resorting to dirty tricks?
Svartalf - Flamboyantly Fresh Franco of Freedom Freakin' Fries : Shadyslug
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Re: strange rules thought. . .

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Svartalf wrote: fat chance, but about the only one that is not a complete suspension-of-disbelief bender.

ummm, you do realize that I don't disbelieve anything so I never have to worry about that getting bent?
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Re: strange rules thought. . .

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Svartalf wrote:Her best (and about only) option is to develop a special (just how special?) relationship with a sensei and get him to break secret and tradition and teach her... fat chance, but about the only one that is not a complete suspension-of-disbelief bender.

Or being taught by someone from the New Republic.
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Another issue. Is the Cyber Samurai able to use Chi powers? They shouldn't be since essentially the powers are PPE derived.
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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

Zer0 Kay wrote:Another issue. Is the Cyber Samurai able to use Chi powers? They shouldn't be since essentially the powers are PPE derived.

Thaey're partial 'borgs, nae full-conversion... so I'd say, yes they could.
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Unread post by Svartalf »

Vrykolas2k wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:Another issue. Is the Cyber Samurai able to use Chi powers? They shouldn't be since essentially the powers are PPE derived.

Thaey're partial 'borgs, nae full-conversion... so I'd say, yes they could.

They might ... if they learned any which I fear is seldom the case unless they can get a kido mi to teach
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Unread post by Dead Boy »

I have to agree with the majority here. The issue with the skill is much more so a Social restriction than one applicable to the OCC per se.
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