Psy-slayer questions.

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Re: Psy-slayer questions.

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Illithid13 wrote:Ok, I have a few questions about the Psy-slayer class that were asked of me by a friend in reguards to them becoming a juicer.

1) would they retain their need to feed off of other’s PPE.

2) would they retain all of their class specific abilities.

3) Finaly, would they be considered a Delphie (sp?) juicer, or a regular juicer?

Any and all imput is welcome and apprecieated.


In all likelihood one of two things would happen.
Delphi Juicer or it would not work/they would die.

I'd go with dying.
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I'd think you could have the Psi-Stalker version of the process work. I don't have Jucier Uprising with me at work but the Psi-Slayer is mostly a Psi-Stalker as it is....

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Daniel Stoker wrote:I'd think you could have the Psi-Stalker version of the process work. I don't have Jucier Uprising with me at work but the Psi-Slayer is mostly a Psi-Stalker as it is....

Daniel Stoker

except that the text clearly states that they're mind melters who recived special training. . . :-?

never got how they trained the need to eat mostly away
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Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Daniel Stoker wrote:I'd think you could have the Psi-Stalker version of the process work. I don't have Jucier Uprising with me at work but the Psi-Slayer is mostly a Psi-Stalker as it is....

Daniel Stoker

except that the text clearly states that they're mind melters who recived special training. . . :-?

never got how they trained the need to eat mostly away

Mind Melters or Master Psychics who are 'pushed' that way in their training?

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I'd Agree with Psi-Slayer becomming simmiler to a Psycho-Stalker....

but how about a Psi-Stalker, who is a Nega-Pshchic... becomming a Psycho-Stalker?
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:I'd Agree with Psi-Slayer becomming simmiler to a Psycho-Stalker....

but how about a Psi-Stalker, who is a Nega-Pshchic... becomming a Psycho-Stalker?

how could a psi stalker be a nega psi? they are 2 different classes and if the char starts as a nega then he can be no other pcc other than nega...unless we are talking about the nasty habit of dual classing which i never agreed with even in the D&D games from which the concept originated....
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Damian Magecraft wrote:how could a psi stalker be a nega psi? they are 2 different classes and if the char starts as a nega then he can be no other pcc other than nega...unless we are talking about the nasty habit of dual classing which i never agreed with even in the D&D games from which the concept originated....

Well, the Nega-psychic PCC lists that Psistalkers can be them... then said Nega-Psi-Stalker get some Juicer implants put in him.... Its not Really Duel Classing... its the Same as a Psi-Stalker getting a Juicer upgade... only with a Variation of the base PCC.
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Well, I'm not Combineing anyhting that is not Combinable by the OCC's/RCC's/PCC's presented in the Book.

A CS Loyal Psi-Stalker who si Ordered to undergo the Juicer Process is Quite Diffrent than one who Fis Born free and has no reason to want it.

if Combining RCC's and the Juicer OCC is "Munchkin" then the guy who Wrote Juicer Uprising needs to be kicked.... wait it Was CJ... but they List Diffren DEEbees getting Juicer conversions... Dwarven Titan Juicers... Elven Hyperion juicers... ect. ect. The Psycho Stalker is even somehting that was continued in CWC (at least the Picture of one is in there).

as with the Psycho-Stalker.. ntohing Stops a Mad Scientist fomr Implantng the Juicer rig on any number of PCC/RCC's... like Psi-nullifier Juicers... Shivan-MonsterRider-Juicer... All great NPC's... btu would i want them as PC's in a game i'm in or run... prolly not... Insanity & Super strong Juicers.... nah... I'll keep with my Vagabonds... they'er Safer... unles theyr out of beer
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Tyciol, the Worst Kinds of Forum Troll is one who decides he needs Correct Grammar and Style of other peoples posts. Thanks for the input though.
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mike parkes wrote:so cannon says that some nega-psychics are also psi-slayers? I guess I just breezed over that part. From what I remember from the nega-psi is that they don't believe in magic or psi and so it "doesn't happen" around them.

..You're thinking of the BTS Nega, not the Psyscape Nega. In Rifts it would be impossible to grow up disbelieving. In BTS, where most people are blissfully unaware of the supernatural, it's much easier.

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so cannon says that some nega-psychics are also psi-slayers?

They can be Psi-Stalkers

The Nega-Psychis in BTS believes so hard that thers no magic that he cancels it.

the Nega-Psychis on Rifts knows Magic and Psionics exist, but Believes he is Stronger then the Other Forces, even when he him self has some, and he can noot be hurt by them.
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