Pyrokinesis vs Bursters fire eruption

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Pyrokinesis vs Bursters fire eruption

Unread post by chaserone »

Pyrokinesis- Create flame can make up to a 6d6 MD flame... No visual restrictions. GMs guide pg 103.

Burster: Fire Eruption: 6d6 MD Limited to line of sight. page 103 main book.

Making a mind melters ability to create a wall of fire nastier than the burster. What gives?
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Unread post by chaserone »

LoL Let me reiterate what is bothering me is basically the visual restrictions of both the bursters ability to fire erupt and the pyrokinetic create flame... A standard mind melter with pyrokinesis could create a flame around a corner where a burster would have to actually look to create it.
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doh! didnt catch that part. Phew! had me worried there.
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Personally, I've always been baffled why they didn't give Bursters the Pyrokinesis power.
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GlitterMan wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Personally, I've always been baffled why they didn't give Bursters the Pyrokinesis power.

Because the Burster's powers are better so why bother?

Bursters can't throw a 6d6 MD fireball.
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Killer Cyborg wrote:Personally, I've always been baffled why they didn't give Bursters the Pyrokinesis power.

ditto, that never made any sense to me.
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

GlitterMan wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Bursters can't throw a 6d6 MD fireball.

Whoopy ding.

Pyrokinesis: 6d6 MD, 30ft + 2ft/lvl range, +2 to strike, 25 ISP

Burster: 2d6 MD, 200ft + 20ft/lvl range, +4 to strike, 4 ISP

Once again, I prove that bursters are superior to pyrokinesis. Better range, better strike, cheaper cost. Only thing pyro has going for it is better damage.

I remain unconvinced. If you don't like that one single aspect, then say the burster can create 6d6 MD bolts for 12 ISP. There is NO reason to give a burster pyrokinesis because they ARE pyrokinesis by virtue of their PCC stats.

There is no real need to, the way things are written.
But it would have simplified things a LOT if they had just said that bursters "Have all the abilities provided by the Pyrokinesis psionic power, only with range, duration, and damages increased by x amount"
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Make things simple? The next thing you tell us is that things should be logical in Rifts. :lol:
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