A little linguistic problem.

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A little linguistic problem.

Unread post by Svartalf »

Here are two questions that have been bothering me for years.

1) What is the official/common language of the Splugorth empire?
a) the Splugorth rule over star spanning empires and any number of races, many of which have no telepathinc ability, and which have any number of native languages.

b) this means they need ONE language that anybody (especially those minions with real authority, like the High Lords/Conservators Kydians, slavers... and maybe even the Kittani) can use to get understood, just anywhere.

So, what is it?

2) Is Atlantean the same as ancient Greek?
When you read Rifts Atlantis, you get a strong impression that the language of True Atlanteans is the same as, or a close forerunner to, Ancient Greek.
Pantheons of the Megaverse does seem to treat the two languages as fully separate, though.

So, what do you think?
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Unread post by sHaka »

Aren't most of their high ranking minions kitted out with bio-wizardry items that have the equivalent of a tongues spell? I spose that the Highlord and slugorth would only bother speaking to Kydians, Kittani etc of status (in whatever language it is they use :-? ) and allow them to filter through the orders.
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Re: A little linguistic problem.

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Svartalf wrote:Here are two questions that have been bothering me for years.

1) What is the official/common language of the Splugorth empire?
a) the Splugorth rule over star spanning empires and any number of races, many of which have no telepathinc ability, and which have any number of native languages.

b) this means they need ONE language that anybody (especially those minions with real authority, like the High Lords/Conservators Kydians, slavers... and maybe even the Kittani) can use to get understood, just anywhere.

So, what is it?

2) Is Atlantean the same as ancient Greek?
When you read Rifts Atlantis, you get a strong impression that the language of True Atlanteans is the same as, or a close forerunner to, Ancient Greek.
Pantheons of the Megaverse does seem to treat the two languages as fully separate, though.

So, what do you think?

1. Dragonese/Elf

2. Very close to Ancient Greek. Like a different dialect.
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MattLing wrote:Why would a High Lord or even one of the Great Splugorth Lords ever need to verbally address anything less than a Powerlord? Or, on a particularly loathsome day, a Slaver? The slaves are not so worthy to even hear the master's voice, let alone have it addressed to them.

If only because the High Lords perform such a number of essential stuff (like coordinating and managing the whole country, tattooing slaves, making Biozard stuff and administering biozard reconstruction, creating rune things... and I'm forgetting things) that they are bound to be constantly in contact with slaves and flunkies who need to be told what to do, or else.
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your forgetting something.

pretty much everyone either has the Tounges and Eyes of thoth spell or something that gives it to them.

no need to know a common language, they can talk with anyone.


failing that, it's mentioned in several NPCs skill list that Slurgothian is it's own language. i'd say that.

I'd also say that Dragonese/elven, as it's the language of magic users megaverse wide.

the above two are likely canidiates for most lesser minions who don't have acess to toungs and eyes of thoth.

but the high lords all would have either the spells themselves or magic equipment that gives it to them.
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Dragonese is the magaversal common and all minions and Splugorth have it as the first language listed in their descriptions/skills.
Except the ones that have none like Slaver and Blind Warrior Women which is most likely because they were copy & pasted from SB1.
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Misfit KotLD wrote:And the masters should waste their power to ensure the lowly slave understands his orders? Not likely. Elven is probably the common tongue among at least Splynncrinth's empire.

the masters might do it just to show their power
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Don't forget the Rulian Translators.
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Nekira Sudacne wrote:your forgetting something.

pretty much everyone either has the Tounges and Eyes of thoth spell or something that gives it to them.

no need to know a common language, they can talk with anyone.


failing that, it's mentioned in several NPCs skill list that Slurgothian is it's own language. i'd say that.

I'd also say that Dragonese/elven, as it's the language of magic users megaverse wide.

the above two are likely canidiates for most lesser minions who don't have acess to toungs and eyes of thoth.

but the high lords all would have either the spells themselves or magic equipment that gives it to them.

Everybody has Tongues? Yeah, right, just go ask a Conservator... and my question was partially motivated because the Conservator lists NO language skill.

Also, While the Overlord armor does provide it, it works only for 15 mn for 12 PPE out of a reserve of 180... and you want to keep some in reserve in case you actually need them powers.

Same thing with the Slavers... 12/100 staff PPE for 25 mns of understanding? and of course the Blind Warrior Women don't have anything... and of course not every Kittani has a translator on hands at all times, and I'm not even addressing all the slave stock.

No, a language is definitely needed... and I doubt it's Splugorthian, whatever that may be, as the native language of a bunch of Alien Intelligences may not be quite suitable for ordinary mortal throats.

Dragonese/Elven does look like the most likely candidate.
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Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:Don't forget the Rulian Translators.

Not numerous enough... those are a minor slave races, not an ever present feature of Splugorthian life.
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I think they just whip dem boys until dey gets the idea of what they's supposin' to do. Don't bother talkin' to de slaves.
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Re: Always fall back on Dragonese and Demongogian

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Tokkabei Necromancer wrote:They mention Splugorthian in the early books, but since Wormwood came out there has been a major push towards making Demongogian the language of choice to big evil things. But since the Splugorth are an interdimensional empire they probably all fall back on Dragonese when dealing with others outside their empire and Splurgorthian is probably a language spoken primarily among the elite minions and leaders.

There is no Splugorthian language.
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GlitterMan wrote:Just because a splugorthian language isn't called out doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

The Kittani aren't listed as having their own native language, but I'm sure they have one. Ditto for the Kydians. Heck, even the Africa book more or less dodges the language issue by listing OCCs as having "native tongue." The Naruni also aren't listed as having a native tongue.

In short, I'm sure there are many languages that simply aren't mentioned, "splugorthian" could well be one of those languages. It's up to the GM running the world to decide if an ancient alien intelligence race bothered to come up with their own language unique to themselves and select loyal minions.

After 45000 years as minions (or more) who says they have a native language anymore?
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Unread post by (SHIFTY) »

Misfit KotLD wrote:And the masters should waste their power to ensure the lowly slave understands his orders? Not likely. Elven is probably the common tongue among at least Splynncrinth's empire.

That would be my best guess, That Elven is the most common language amongst the splugorth empire. If you look at a lot of the NPC characters they all pretty much have Elven\Dragonese as a language.
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Re: Always fall back on Dragonese and Demongogian

Unread post by Svartalf »

Dr. Doom III wrote:
Tokkabei Necromancer wrote:They mention Splugorthian in the early books, but since Wormwood came out there has been a major push towards making Demongogian the language of choice to big evil things. But since the Splugorth are an interdimensional empire they probably all fall back on Dragonese when dealing with others outside their empire and Splurgorthian is probably a language spoken primarily among the elite minions and leaders.

There is no Splugorthian language.

Tokkabei, Doom, please line on your arguments for both sides of the debate.

Either way, and even if there is a Splugorthian tongue, I agree only true Splogorth and High Lords directly in contact with them would know and use it.
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