A sea inquisitor observation and question

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Re: A sea inquisitor observation and question

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Aegis wrote:Man I got a scarry thought (which may have already been touched upon already) With the ability to harm supernatural monsters by taking a weapon and having it inflict two times its damage and making an sdc weapond do two times its damage in mdc. I am sure that if a player looks hard enough they will be able to eventually get thier hands on a 90 mm recoiless rifle and i am sure some weapons places can make the ammo for it as well. Now this thing does 2D4x100 sdc damage, now if a sea inquisitor gets one and uses it on a supernatural being it will then do 4D4x100 mdc or hp, depending on the nature of the being. That is just plain scarry

Now for a question which I am pretty sure would be a no but want some others opinions. What if a sea inquisitor took the weapons station on a vehicle of some sort would those weapons also do double damage to supernatural beings?

I thank you all in advance for the answers to these.


except that that's already an MD weapon.

if not. . .

sinse all MDC is SDC*100, boom gun actually does 3d6*10000 SDC. in an inquisitors hands it would do 6d6*10000 MDC.

or, sinse it could be argued in the PA he's not actually touching it. . .

shmarian rail gun: 2d6*10000 SDC=4d6*10000MDC
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Unread post by RockJock »

The best damage you can hope for would be sdc burst assault rifles, and .5 cals that do right under 100 mdc a turn.
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Unread post by Borast »

I just hope the first time he fires that recoilless rifle that he's not standing behind it! :lol:

As for the weapons station...only if it's on a pintal mount is an SDC weapon, and the sea inq. is firing it by hand.

Sometimes you almost scare me. Fortunately, the text states that it has to be an SDC weapon, not an MDC weapon.

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Unread post by Dr. Doom III »

Once an SDC weapon gets to the X100 damage stage it is a mega-damage weapon.
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