GM's helper- slang terms.

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GM's helper- slang terms.

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

post 'em here.

any slang or termonology you use for rifts, be it your own or "borrowed" from other sources.

from Battletech:

short for "Lost Technology", any high technology from the golden age unreproducable by existing means. glitterboys would fall under this, even with FQ making them. pretty much the entire island of japan would fall under this as well.
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Dustin Fireblade
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Unread post by Dustin Fireblade »

"Lase'em" was always popular for guys using their laser rifles as suppresion fire. Not sure where they got it from though...
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Unread post by Stormseed »

I remember seeing one here that was something like "crack a bolt in them;" like popping caps with energy weapons.
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Josh Sinsapaugh
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

"Painted" - When a character or other target has apparently been marked for destruction by a hi-tech foe.

"Pulling-a-Paul" - Out of character term for doing something incredibly stupid or lame, named after one of the worst players we ever had.

"Why don't you just pull the stake out?" - Out of character saying based on a story someone posted on these boards a while ago. Signifies a really dumb in character move.

"Marty-cized" - Out of charcter term completly interchangeable with Munchkinized. Named after a really foul GM.

I'll post more later.
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Unread post by Dustin Fireblade »

From Aliens
Why don't you put her in charge!

Or whatever he said in the movie, anyway that comes up when the group can't decide to do something. And no there is no "her" in our group.

Thumped was for when the characters just dropped a ton of explosives on somebody/thing.
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Adam of the Old Kingdom
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Unread post by Adam of the Old Kingdom »

in a game I threw a chair leg into a glowing circle, the resulting summoning of some demon spider thing has led us to ask if "there is a chair leg handy" when ever we come accross an obvious trap or dangerous thing.
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Unread post by Traska »

Arty - Artillery
Shiny Arty - Glitterboy standing way in back letting his boom gun act as artillery
Slug - Splugorths (and, by extension, their minions)
Slugtown - Atlantis
Undy (plural: undies) - Supers in Rifts (Guy intights flies overhead - "We spotted an undy!")
Meat - undead
Puppies - Dog Boys
Shin Kenshiro

Unread post by Shin Kenshiro »

Smoke em' if ya got em' - Take a break (military reference for if you have cigarettes, now's the time to smoke them)
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