Do you have Paired Firearms?

Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
Mack wrote:What Deadboy said.
And Paired Weapons is not the same as Paired Firearms.
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Mack wrote:What Deadboy said.
And Paired Weapons is not the same as Paired Firearms.
*vagabond Nekira roosters paried guns to get ready to do battle on this subject again*
yes, they are the same.
Dr. Doom III wrote:Nekira Sudacne wrote:Mack wrote:What Deadboy said.
And Paired Weapons is not the same as Paired Firearms.
*vagabond Nekira roosters paried guns to get ready to do battle on this subject again*
yes, they are the same.
Too bad you can only fire one of them per attack.
No they are not.
Nekira Sudacne wrote:it says quite plainly that it can be used with any one handed weapon. never says they have to be ancient.
Dr. Doom III wrote:Nekira Sudacne wrote:it says quite plainly that it can be used with any one handed weapon. never says they have to be ancient.
Do a search and find the last time I totally destroyed your argument.
Doom does not wish to type it again.
Dr. Doom III wrote:Nekira Sudacne wrote:you never destroyed my argument. I countered your points.
Nekira Sudacne wrote:all that I needed to do sinse your counter points were inneffective.
Dr. Doom III wrote:Nekira Sudacne wrote:all that I needed to do sinse your counter points were inneffective.
Even a Mike Tyson punch would prove ineffective against a brick wall.
You're the wall by the way.
Nekira Sudacne wrote:we're both walls Doom.
For some reason the term is listed in the Hand To Hand Combat section.Paired Weapons: Certain kinds of weapons such as Sais, Nunchaku, knives, clubs and swords...(Where are the guns?)...can parry two different opponents at the same time...(Parry with a gun?)...
[/quote]Dr. Doom III wrote:Nekira Sudacne wrote:we're both walls Doom.
Doom is the irresistible force.
You are the immovable object.
we're gonna switch places one day you know.
[quote]For some reason the term is listed in the Hand To Hand Combat section.Paired Weapons: Certain kinds of weapons such as Sais, Nunchaku, knives, clubs and swords...(Where are the guns?)
simply left out of the discription. can't type in every one handed weapon in the game....can parry two different opponents at the same time...(Parry with a gun?)...
Dr. Doom III wrote:Now that's what I meant by ineffective.
It's still in the Hand To Hand Combat section.
It's three letters. Certainly less then Nunchaku.
Nekira Sudacne wrote:but paired guns arn't quite as famous as paired nunchaku
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Dr. Doom III wrote:Now that's what I meant by ineffective.
It's still in the Hand To Hand Combat section.
It's three letters. Certainly less then Nunchaku.
but paired guns arn't quite as famous as paired nunchaku
Daniel Stoker wrote:Nekira Sudacne wrote:Dr. Doom III wrote:Now that's what I meant by ineffective.
It's still in the Hand To Hand Combat section.
It's three letters. Certainly less then Nunchaku.
but paired guns arn't quite as famous as paired nunchaku
Obviously you haven't been watching all the 'gun-fu' movies that have been out in the past several years. I think it's MORE famous then paired nunchakus these days.
Daniel Stoker
Dr. Doom III wrote:Nekira Sudacne wrote:but paired guns arn't quite as famous as paired nunchaku
How about club then?
Not many fictional characters running around with two hunks of wood are there?
[/quote]Don't forget it's still in the Hand To Hand Combat section.
More ineffective as we go.
Nekira Sudacne wrote:it's for barfights. rip 2 legs off chair and have at it. I've done so in game more than once.
ineffectual point as the location of said rule dose not matter.
Dr. Doom III wrote:Nekira Sudacne wrote:it's for barfights. rip 2 legs off chair and have at it. I've done so in game more than once.
ineffectual point as the location of said rule dose not matter.
Nowhere near.
Perhaps the definition of ineffective would help?
Nekira Sudacne wrote:sure, I'll hear your definition.
entries found for ineffective.
in·ef·fec·tive ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-fktv)
Not producing an intended effect; ineffectual: an ineffective plea.
Inadequate; incompetent: an ineffective teacher.
inef·fective·ly adv.
inef·fective·ness n.
\In`ef*fect"ive\, a. [Pref. in- not + effective: cf. F. ineffectif.] Not effective; ineffectual; futile; inefficient; useless; as, an ineffective appeal.
The word of God, without the spirit, [is] a dead and ineffective letter. --Jer. Taylor.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
adj 1: not producing an intended effect; "an ineffective teacher"; "ineffective legislation" [syn: uneffective, ineffectual] [ant: effective] 2: lacking in power or forcefulness; "an ineffectual ruler"; "like an unable phoenix in hot ashes" [syn: ineffectual, unable] 3: lacking the ability or skill to perform effectively; inadequate; "an ineffective administration"; "inefficient workers" [syn: inefficient]
Nekira Sudacne wrote:From
3entries found for ineffective.
in·ef·fec·tive ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-fktv)
Not producing an intended effect; ineffectual: an ineffective plea.
Inadequate; incompetent: an ineffective teacher.
inef·fective·ly adv.
inef·fective·ness n.
\In`ef*fect"ive\, a. [Pref. in- not + effective: cf. F. ineffectif.] Not effective; ineffectual; futile; inefficient; useless; as, an ineffective appeal.
The word of God, without the spirit, [is] a dead and ineffective letter. --Jer. Taylor.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
adj 1: not producing an intended effect; "an ineffective teacher"; "ineffective legislation" [syn: uneffective, ineffectual] [ant: effective] 2: lacking in power or forcefulness; "an ineffectual ruler"; "like an unable phoenix in hot ashes" [syn: ineffectual, unable] 3: lacking the ability or skill to perform effectively; inadequate; "an ineffective administration"; "inefficient workers" [syn: inefficient]
I yeald to the might of Doom
Dr. Doom III wrote:Nekira Sudacne wrote:From
3entries found for ineffective.
in·ef·fec·tive ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-fktv)
Not producing an intended effect; ineffectual: an ineffective plea.
Inadequate; incompetent: an ineffective teacher.
inef·fective·ly adv.
inef·fective·ness n.
\In`ef*fect"ive\, a. [Pref. in- not + effective: cf. F. ineffectif.] Not effective; ineffectual; futile; inefficient; useless; as, an ineffective appeal.
The word of God, without the spirit, [is] a dead and ineffective letter. --Jer. Taylor.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
adj 1: not producing an intended effect; "an ineffective teacher"; "ineffective legislation" [syn: uneffective, ineffectual] [ant: effective] 2: lacking in power or forcefulness; "an ineffectual ruler"; "like an unable phoenix in hot ashes" [syn: ineffectual, unable] 3: lacking the ability or skill to perform effectively; inadequate; "an ineffective administration"; "inefficient workers" [syn: inefficient]
I yeald to the might of Doom
Man that definition is harsh.
Illithid13 wrote:Honestly, I don't see where this is a problem... Yes rule wise I'm getting 2 attacks for the price of one, but realisticaly, I'm using one of those so far off, that it has minimal effect on what I'm doing, due to the fact that as long as I'm not facing my alies, I'm GOING to hit one of these small critters.
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Mack wrote:What Deadboy said.
And Paired Weapons is not the same as Paired Firearms.
*vagabond Nekira roosters paried guns to get ready to do battle on this subject again*
yes, they are the same.
Nekira Sudacne wrote::?:
strange words coming from you
Dr. Doom III wrote:Nekira Sudacne wrote::?:
strange words coming from you
Although that definition may look like it I did not intend to call you "ineffectual", "inadequate", or "incompetent".
Nekira Sudacne wrote:we're both walls Doom.
Illithid13 wrote:I was worried that I started something that was going to end in a dual or something!
I'm sorry to stir up the hornets nest...
Angryjack wrote:Doom, Quit Spamming people with ineffective, inarticulate Advice.
Nekira Sudacne wrote:you didn't, you only said that about my arguments.
interestingly enough, I'm not my argumetns here.
Angryjack wrote:I see why Doom has 13,000 Posts and counting. He Posts about 30 Spammy Stupid messages A post...
mostly along the uh-uh! uh-huh! if you reduce his posts to their basic level.
and He apparently Loves nesting, and well.. thats' a sign of a spammer.
Angryjack wrote:I see why Doom has 13,000 Posts and counting. He Posts about 30 Spammy Stupid messages A post...
mostly along the uh-uh! uh-huh! if you reduce his posts to their basic level.
and He apparently Loves nesting, and well.. thats' a sign of a spammer.
Dr. Doom III wrote:Post envy.
It's a sad thing to see.![]()
Dr. Doom III wrote:Angryjack wrote:I see why Doom has 13,000 Posts and counting. He Posts about 30 Spammy Stupid messages A post...
mostly along the uh-uh! uh-huh! if you reduce his posts to their basic level.
and He apparently Loves nesting, and well.. thats' a sign of a spammer.
Post envy.
It's a sad thing to see.![]()
Nagisawa Takumi wrote:Um, Doom is right, Nekira. Paired Weapons is NOT the same as Paired Firearms.
The Rifts Canada book CLEARLY states that the Headhunter Techno-Warrior can choose ANY W.P. INCLUDING W.P. Paired FIREARMS, (and sharpshooting, but that's not important for this discussion.) and the Brutal Killer variant CANNOT take it, neither can the Robot Slammer or Technohound if I remember correctly.
ALSO in the New West seires where W.P. Paired Firearms FIRST showed up, only a few classes, namely Justice Ranger, Gunfighter, Gunslinger and a few others were allowed to get it, OR started off with it for free.
That's the Canon. The Doctor is right, this time.