Can borgs do drugs?

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Can borgs do drugs?

Unread post by Athos »

I know this is a strange question, but I was reading about borgs who adjust poorly to being a cyborg and that got me to wondering if there is any drug they can do. There has to be some way to get nutrition to the brain cells, and if that is the case, then other things can be added as well. Has anyone tinkered with this idea yet?
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Dr. Doom III
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Unread post by Dr. Doom III »

Well they can smoke.
If they get anything other then 63% of the taste is something else.
Most likely but that would be a GM's call.
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Unread post by Athos »

I wonder if you have to pay the cyber doc to add a feeder tube to give yourself injections straight to your brain? Seems like there would be one built in for medical treatments that might be needed. Wonder if there are drugs especially designed for borgs? Bad enough to lose your humanity, but then to end up being a mechanical junkie, talk about your bad insanity roll...
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drewkitty ~..~
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Yes, it wouldn't take as much, and would last longer.

Why the last two....because a full convertion borg dose not have their body to matabilize the drugs.

If the toxin filter, that replaces their kidneys, is very good and was able to filter out drugs then the high wouldn't last very long.
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Unread post by Nightbreed »

All you need to do is watch Robocop 2. The Evil cyborg had the brain of a drug addict/dealer and they fed it a canister of the drug.

I think it would be funny to see a 'borg go insane due to drug withdrawl myself.
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Unread post by sHaka »

Full Borgs must use some sort of liquid as a medium for the nutrients the brain needs - as long as the drugs were injected into this 'blood' stream, surely the brain would experience the high?
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